Planning Commission Agenda Packet 02-12-1985AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMM3:SSION February 12, 1985 - 8:00 P.M. Members: Jim Ridgeway, Joyce Dowling, Richard Carlson, Ed Schaffer, Richard Martie. 8:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order. 8:02 P.M. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Monticello Planning Commission Meeting Held January 8, 1985. 8:04 P.M. 3. Election of Officers. 8:10 P.M. 4. Public Hearing - Review of Conditional Use Permit Issued to Allow Major Auto Repair in a B-4 Zone - Applicant, Monti Motors. 8:25 P.M. 5. Public Hearing - Variance Request to Allow an Entry Addition to be Built onto the House Within the 30 -foot Front Setback Requirement - Applicant, William Malone. 8:40 P.M. 6. Public Hearing - Request for a Preliminary Stage Approval of a Proposed New Subdivision Plat - Applicant, Construction 5, Inc. 9:05 P.M. 7. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow an Apartment Building to be Constructed in Exccoo of 12 Units - Applicant, Construction 5, Inc. 9: 15 P.M. 8. Public Hearing - Conditional Uao Roq uoot to Allow an Apartment Building to be Conatruc ted in Excoao of 12 Unito - Applicant, Metcalf 6 Laroon. 9:30 P.M. 9. Public Hearing - Variance Requoot to Allow no Garage to bo Conotructod on a 33 -Unit Apartment Building Site - Applicant, Metcalf 6 Larson. 9:45 P.M. 10. Public hearing - Conditional Uoo Roquost to Allow a Government Sponsored Program to be Conducted out of a Rocidentlal Houoo - Applicant, Marvin Kramer. 10:00 P.M. 11. Public Hearing - Conditional Uno Roq ueot to Allow an Additional Numbor of Vchicloo to be Placed on an Outdoor Saloo Lot - Applicant, Monticello Auto Solan. 10:15 P.M. 12. Public Hearing - Conditional Uoo Roq ueot to Allow au a Homo Occupation an Auto Galoo Office - Applicant, Monticello Auto Salon. 10: 20 P.M. 13. Public Hearing - Conditional Uoo Roq uoot to Allow Outdoor Baloo Service and Outdoor storage in a s-3 Zone - Applicant, Samuel Propo rtico. Agenda Monticello Planning Commission February 12, 1985 - 8:00 P.M. Page 2 Additional Information Items 10:35 P.M. 1. Set the next tentative date of the Monticello Planning Commission for March 12, 1985, 7:30 P.M. 10:40 P.M. 2. Adjournment. Planning Commission Agenda - 2/12/85 3. Election of Officers. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the request of the current Chairman of the Monticello Planning Commission, Jim Ridgeway, we are having an election of officers before the start of the public hearings at tonight's meeting. We will have an election of two officers, one being the Chairman of the Monticello Planning Commission, and el so the Vice -Chairman of the Monticello Planning Commission. As of the writing of this agenda supplement, I have had no one come forth seeking to accept the position as Chairman or Vice -Chairman. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Nominate a Chairman for the Monticello Planning Commission. 2. Nominate a Vice -Chairman for the Montice 1 to Planning Commission. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff has no recommendation at this time as to a Chairman or a Vice -Chairman for the upcoming 1985 year. we do have an existing Chairman of the Monticello Planning Commission, Jim Ridgeway, but we are now at thio time lacking a Vice-Ctaairman duo to the relocation of Mr. Don Cochran, former Planning Commission member. We do, however, suggoot a simple majority voto amongst Planning Commission members at the Tuesday night meeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Nona. Planning Commission Agenda - 2/12/85 4. Public Hearing - Review of Conditional Use Permit Issued to Allow Major Auto Repair in a B-4 Zone - Applicant, Monti Motors. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Monti Motors was granted a conditional use permit to allow major auto repair in a B-4 Zone on July 11, 1983. The conditional use was granted for a period not to exceed one year. On July 11, 1984, it was reviewed by Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, and found that Mr. Townsend had been abiding to his conditions that were attached to his conditional use permit and that there were no complaints submitted from surrounding property owners or any concerned citizens. Therefore, verbal approval was given to Mr. Pat Townsend, owner of Monti Motors, to proceed for another year on his conditional use permit. In recent developments on the property in question where Monti Motors is located, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority has requested that the conditional use permit for which Mr. Pat Townsend was issued to allow major auto repair in a B-4 Zone be up for review and public hearing. Therefore, the matter is before you tonight to simply review Mr. Townsend's request to continue his major auto repair business in a B-4 Zone. Mr. Townsend has abided by the six conditions as attached by Planning Commission and City Council and also the additional condition which woo attached by Monticello City Council at their July 11, 1983, Council meeting. Mr. Townsend will give you a brief update and be able to anowor any queotiono you may have and concerno to the conditional uao permit which was issued to him. City ataff would like to have a couple concerns voiced at the public hearing. The first io that no outdoor or indoor oaloo of any kind occur on that property. The second So that Mr. Townaand io fully aware of the fact that should development of the oxiating building which Mr. Townaand doeo not occupy at thio time occur, that with that buoinaoo use of that part of the building that should hia buoineaa uoa be conflicting to the other typos of uaea in there that hie conditional uao permit be aubjoct to being revoked upon a 60 -day notice from the City of Monticello. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the conditional uco roquoot for n period of one year with the conditiona ao attached from City Council'o next meeting date of February 25, 1985. 2. Deny the conditional uao permit oxtnnoion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommondo approval of continuance of Mr. Towncend'o conditional uoo permit. Mr. Townaand hao kept the property in quootion -2- Planning Commission Agenda - 2/12/85 in a cleaned up and neat type of appearance since the granting of his conditional use permit back on July 11, 1983. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the Planning Commission Minutes of 7/5/83; Monticello City Council Minutes of 7/11/23. Planning Commission Agenda - 2/12/85 5. Public Hearing - Variance Request to Allow an Entry Addition to be Built onto the House Within the 30 -foot Front Setback Requirement - Applicant, William Malone. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you will note in the enclosed drawing, Mr. Malone's house currently sets back 46 feet from the center of the existing Fallon Street or the old Copeland Road. Fallon Street or the old Copeland Road is a 66 -foot platted road or street. If the roadway was laid out in the center, Mr. Malone's house currently would be 13 feet away from the roadway right-of-way. With Mr Malone's proposed 8 -foot by 14 -foot enclosed entry addition, his entry addition would be 5 fest away from our right-of-way. With the current or future development of Fallon Street or the old Copeland Road, we foresee no major upgrading of the road surface except for probably a hard surfacing of the existing surface and we foresee no real need to widen the street or road surface at this time. Therefore, we are not seeing a whole lot of traffic being generated along this road. Even with future development of the former Rand Mansion property, we foresee no major heavy traffic pattern developing on this street. The existing hedge does add as sort of a buffer area to the existing Malone property and also the Rand property; therefore, it is basically hidden from view of the public during approximately 6-8 months out of the year. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the variance request to allow an encl000d entry to be built within the 30 -foot front setback requirement. 2. Deny the variance request to allow an enclosed entry to be built within the front 30 -foot setback requirement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City otaff takes a neutral position in Mr. Malone's roquest. Staff rocognlzoo that there will be p000ibly oomo dovelopmont of the Rand property. Not knowing the full extent of the development of the former Rand Mannion property, aloo without knowing the actual traffic volume to be generated off of the oxieting otroot or road, we could foresee a high volume of traffic or a low volume of traffic. However, we do recognize the romotoneoc of the Malone and the Rand pruportiso that with any future development as prop000d we would think that the otructuroo within the proportion would remain their secluded typo of atmoophera from the existing proportieo around it. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the proposed encloeod entry addition to the William Malone houso; Copy of the location of the prop000d oncl000d entry addition. -4- Planning Commission Agenda - 2/12/85 6. Public Hearing - Request for a Preliminary Stage Approval of a Proposed New Subdivision Plat - Applicant, Construction 5, Inc. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Construction 5 is proposing to replat Blocks 41, 48, 49, And 50 of Lower Monticello Addition. In the replatting of tnese blocks, the newly created replat will consist of R-3 Zoning, which would accommodate a proposed 18 -unit apartment building, with five lots in the I-1 Zoning for proposed office warehouse buildings. The plat has been reviewed by City staff; Consulting Engineer, OSM; Consulting Planning Firm, Howard Dahlgren 6 Associates. Their letters are forthcoming and will be presented to you at the Tuesday night Planning Commission meeting. Their verbal comments have been incorporated into the caplet to be presented before you under the Subdivision Section 11-4-1, Chapter 4, Subsections A, B, C, and D. In going through the preliminary plan stage, we would like to note that the requirements have been met by the developer in all Subsections under A, B, C. and D, with the exception of letter B, Subsection 7. A soil survey is being done at this time and will not be ready for preliminary plan stage. This has been addressed by the Consulting Engineer, John Badalich. He indicates that there is no need to have this ready for preliminary Otago approval and that it would be completed by the final stage approval. I tam 08, A Central Water and Sower System Feasibility Study, is being done by our own Consulting Engineering Firm. The go-ahead was given just this week on that. The Consulting Engineering Firm, OSM, will proceed with the water and oewor feasibility study to be presented to us before final plan stage review and/or approval or donial. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the preliminary plan Otago of tho prop000d now oubdivioion plat. 2. Deny the preliminary plan Otago approval of the prop000d now oubdivinion plat. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City otaff, along with Consulting Planning Firm, Howard Dohlgron 6 AOoociatoo, and Conoulting Engineering Firm, OSM, doao rocommond approval of the Conotruction 5 preliminary Otago plan of their prop000d now oubdivicion plat. With all throe of uO reviewing the prop000d preliminary Otago of the prop000d now oubdivioton and having mat our approval, the corroctiono were made and will be before you in the completed form at the Tuooday night Planning Commission mooting. -5- Planning Commission Agenda - 2/12/85 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the proposed preliminary plan stage of the new proposed subdivision plat to be called Construction 5 Addition; Copy of a report from Consulting Engineering Firm, OSM, and Consulting Planning Firm, Howard Dahlgren 6 Associates, will be presented at the Tuesday night Planning Commission meeting. -6- Planning Commission Agenda - 2/12/85 7. Public Nearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow an Apartment Building to be Constructed in Excess of 12 Unite - Applicant, Construction 5, Inc. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Construction 5 is proposing to build an 18 -unit full market rental apartment building of similar type construction as the recently constructed two 26 -unit apartment buildings. The 25 story apartment building wil 1 have 18 garage unite and also 18 open parking spaces. The apartment building on the site does meet the minimum lot size requirements and also the setback and open space requirements. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the conditional use request to allow an apartment building to be built in excess of 12 unite. 2. Deny the conditional use request to allow an apartment building to be built in excess of 12 unite. 3. Table the conditional use request at this time. The proposed site for this apartment building is being roplatted for a new subdivision. Upon approval of the preliminary and final plan stages of thio proposed now aubdivioion, you could act on this conditional use request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends tabling the conditional use request to allow an apartment building to be built in excoaa of 12 units. The apartment building site is currently port of a prop000d now oubdlvioion plat; upon preliminary plan stage and final plan otage approval of the subdivision plat, Commission momboro could than at that time act on tht m conditional use roquos t. Staff foolo the project is vary worthwhile. They have don o an excellent job with the other throe units that have boon conotructod just vont of this proposed apartment building alto. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the olio of the prop000d conditional use request. -7- Planning Commission Agenda - 2/12/85 B. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow an Apartment Building to be Constructed in Excess of 12 Units - Applicant, Metcalf 6 Larson. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Jim Metcalf and Brad Larson are proposing to construct a 33 -unit subsidized low to moderate income apartment building. The apartment building is to consist of 19 one -bedroom unite, 12 two-bedroom units, and 2 two-bedroom handicapped units, for a total of 33 units. The proposed site plan as submitted does allow enough square foot site area. It does allow enough area for parking and the open space green area is sufficient. The proposed 33 -unit apartment building as submitted per site plan does meet the zoning requirements. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the conditional use request to allow an apartment building to be built in excess of 12 units. 2. Deny the conditional use request to allow an apartment building to be built in excess of 12 unite. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use request to allow an apartment building to be built in excoon of 12 units. Staff fools that this typo of project would be quite conducive to the area that it is proposed to be built in. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the oite plan for the proposed 33 -unit apartment building; Copy of the location of the propocod 33 -unit apartment building. -B- Planning Commission Agenda - 2/12/85 9. Public Hearinc7 - Variance Request to Allow no Garage to be Constructed on a 33 -unit Apartment Building Site - Applicant, Metcalf & Larson. (G.A.I A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Jim Metcalf and Brad Larson are proposing a 33 -unit subsidized low to moderate income apartment building to be constructed on Lauring Lane. They are requesting a variance to allow no garages to be constructed on the apartment building site. The ordinance requires at least S of the apartment units be included as garage units; therefore, in this case we would have to have 17 garage unite. We have had instances in the past where we have approved a variance request to allow no garages to be constructed on a subsidized apartment building site. The garages have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are enclosed garage space for tenants for their vehicle use and other storage which isn't provided within the apartment building itself. The disadvantage of garage apace is that it does up the rent for a low to moderate income person renting in an apartment building like this. The coat may increase from $25-540 per month to rent a garage space. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the variance request to allow no garages to be constructed on an apartment building site. 2. Deny the variance request to allow no garages to be constructed on an apartment building site. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff taken the neutral position in regards to this matter. It does, however, weigh the advantages and disadvantages of this typo of housing and the garages to be constructed with it. It does have the advantage of having garages on the apartment site, and it also has its dioadvantagoo as an additional coot for the proposed typo of rontors which would be renting this apartment building; and it does add additional coot, as the developer in this case has to foot tho whole bill for the garages. They aro not funded by the federal government on theno typos of housing projocto. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of tho proposed location of the apartment building Oita; Copy of the Oita plan for the proposed no garages on this apartment Oita. -9- Planning Commission Agenda - 2/12/85 10. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow a Government Sponsored Program to be Conducted out of a Residential House - Applicant, Marvin Kramer. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Marvin Kramer is proposing to be allowed as a conditional use to operate a girls group home out of their residential house. The property is currently zoned B-3, Highway Business; that type of activity is only allowed as a conditional use in a B-3 Zone. We are interpreting the ordinance as a government sponsored activity or business nature to be operated out of the home, fully acknowledging that it isn't a government owned property or building, strictly that it is a government sponsored program or business activity to be operated out of a residential house. The girls group home does have the full support of the Wright County Board of Commissioners. The conditions which are attached to it have been addressed by Mr. Kramer and reviewed by City staff and fully acknowledges meeting the requirements of those conditions. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the conditional use request to allow a government sponsored program to be conducted out of a residential house. 2. Deny the conditional use request to allow a government sponsored program to be conducted out of a residential house. C. STAFF RF.CnmmrNnATinN: Staff recommends approval of Mr. Kramer's conditional use request, fully realizing that it is not a government building in which this business activity would take place, but it is a government sponsored and approved program to be conducted out of a residential house, fully recognizing the groat need for this type of program in the Monticello area and also recognizing the benefits which accrue from this type of activity being increased employment with this typo of activity. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of tho proposed cito for the govornment oponuorcd program in a residential houoo. -1n- Planning Commission Agenda - 2/12/85 11. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow an Additional Number of Vehicles to be Placed on an Outdoor Sales Lot - Applicant, Monticello Auto Sales. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Dr. McCarty is requesting a conditional use request to allow him to increase the number of vehicles currently parked on his outdoor sales lot on the former Dino's Other World property. Dr. McCarty is requesting to be allowed 10 additional vehicles from the present number of 10 total amount of vehicles allowed to be parked on his sales lot. In reviewing of the conditions attached to Dr. McCarty'e original conditional use permit, Dr. McCarty has adhered to all of the conditions set forth by the Monticello Planning Commission and Monticello City Council. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the condition as a conditional use request to allow ten as the number of additional vehicles to be placed on an outdoor sales lot. 2. Deny the condition as a conditional use request to allow ten additional vehicles to be placed on an outdoor sales lot. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends a poroval of nr. Mrrart-,- 'c condition to his conditional use permit to allow him ten additional vehicles to be placed on hio outdoor sales lot. Dr. McCarty has mot tho conditions placed on his original conditional uoe permit and has placed vehicles which are in good condition and appearance on his outdoor sales lot. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of tho conditiono of Dr. McCarty's original conditional use permit. 2M Planning Commission Agenda - 2/12/85 12. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow as a Home Occupation an Auto Sales Office - Applicant, Monticello Auto Sales. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Since the public hearing notice was published, we received additional information from the State of Minnesota as a Dealers Guide of Laws and Procedures for Minnesota motor vehicle dealers. Within their procedure of the laws for used motor vehicle dealers, they are required for a place of doing business a building to be a permanently enclosed commercial building on a permanent foundation. In checking with Mr. Art Heatherington, an examiner for the State of Minnesota, Used Motor Vehicle Division, he indicated that he was aware of Dr. McCarty's requests, and he indicated to me that the only place that he would allow used auto sales office would be in a commercially zoned, permanent commercial building. Therefore, the request for Dr. McCarty's conditional use to allow it as a home occupation be denied and not acknowledged at this time. A simple motion would be to acknowledge the public hearing on it and to close it in the same time due to conditions that would pertain to his request. There will be no alternative actions, staff recommendations. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the Dealers Guide of Law and Procedure for the Minnoente Motor Vehicle Doalere. -12- Planning Commission Agenda - 2/12/85 13. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow Outdoor Sales Service and Outdoor Storage in a B-3 Zone - Applicant. Samuel Properties. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Sam Peraro is proposing to build a 40' x 601, 2400 sq. ft. retail business building. The retail business building will accommodate a rental equipment business. Within the rental equipment business building, to the rear of the property or adjacent to Sandberg Road, will be attached a 30' x 40' fenced In storage area. The parking lot will be hard surfaced with curb and gutter to accommodate 12 parking spaces, with one space for the handicapped parking. The developer himsolf is requesting no variances other than the conditional use to have this type of activity allowed as a conditional use in a B-3 Zone. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the conditional use request to allow outdoor sales service and outdoor storage in a B-3 Zone. 2. Dony the conditional use request to allow outdoor sales service and outdoor storage in a B-3 Zone. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff rocommanda approval of tho conditional use request to allow outdoor sales service and outdoor storage in a B-3 Zone. Mr. Poraro, owner of Samuel Properties, has constructed previous building to the ordinance without asking for any variances as indicated. This is what he would like to do with this particular proposed building. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of tho location of tho proposod new building; Copy of the proposed alto plan for the now building. -13-