Planning Commission Agenda Packet 03-12-1985AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION March 12, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Members: Jim Ridgeway, Joyce Dowling, Richard Carlson, Richard Martie, Ed Schaffer. 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order. 7:32 P.M. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Monticello Planning Co®fission Meeting Hold February 12, 1985. 7:34 P.M. 3. Public Hearing - A Request for Final Stage Approval of the Proposed Now Subdivision Plat - Applicant, Construction 5, Inc. 7:54 P.M. 4. Public Hearing - (Continued) Conditional Use Request to Allow an Apartment Building to be Constructed in Excess of 12 Unite - Applicant, Construction 5, Inc. 8:04 P.M. 5. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow Construction and Operation of a BMX Track in a B-3 (Highway-Buaineds) Zone - Applicant, Chuck Tddlow. 8:19 P.M. 6. Public Hearing - Variance Requeat to Allow a Swimming Pool to be Constructed Within the 30 -foot Rearyard Satback Requirement - Applicant, Mike and Kathy Keegan. 8:34 P.M. 7. Public Hearing - (Continued) Conditional Una Request to Allow a Government Sponsored Program to be Conducted out of a Rocidence - Applicant, Marvin Kramor. Additional Information Items 8:49 P.M. 1. Sat the next tentative data of the Monticello Planning Commionion meeting for April 9, 1985, 7:30 P.M. 9:04 P.M. 2. Adjournment. Planning Commission Agenda - 3/12/85 3. Public Hearing - A Request for Final Stage Approval of the Proposed New Subdivision Plat - Applicant, Construction 5, Inc. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Construction 5 is before you with a request for final stage approval of their proposed new subdivision plat, Construction 5 Addition. They are proposing to reply t all of Blocks 41, 48, 49, and 50 of Lower Monticello Addition. As of this writing, the final stage plans are before the Consulting Engineering Firm, OSM, and Consulting Planning Firm, Howard Dahlgren 6 Associates. Their lettere are forthcoming and will be presented to you at the Tuesday night Planning Commission meeting. In the verbal comments from Consulting Planner, John Uban, and Consulting Engineer, John Badalich, they foresee no physical problems with the final plat as presented to them. If there are any problems, they will gat back to me today, Friday, March 8, and those corrections will be addressed before the plat is presented to you Tuesday night. Staff is currently reviewing the final plat stage of this proposed new subdivision plat, and we have found everything to be in order per ordinance. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the final plan Otago of the proposed now subdivision plat. 2. Deny the final plan stage of the proposad now subdivision plat. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff, along with Consulting Planning Firm, Howard Dahlgron 6 Associates, and Consulting Engineering Firm, OSM, will be recommending approval of the Construction 5 final plan Otago of the proposed now subdivision plat. With all throo of us having rovlowad the plan and having mot our approval, any minor corrections or additiono will be made and will be procontod to you in a completed form Tuooday night. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the propoeod final plan Otago of the now subdivision plat to be called Construction 5 Addition; Copy of a report from Consulting Engincoring Firm, OSM, and Consulting Planning Firm, Howard Dahlgron G Associates, will be presented at tho mooting Tuosday night. Planning Commission Agenda - 3/12/85 4. Public Hearing - (Continued) Conditional Use Request to Allow an Apartment Building to be Constructed in Excess of 12 Unite - Applicant. Construction 5. Inc. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Construction 5 is proposing to build an 18 -unit full market rental apartment building of similar type construction as the two recently constructed 24 -unit apartment buildings. The 2�-story apartment building will have 18 garages and also 18 open spaces. The apartment building site does meet the minimum lot size requirements and setback and open space requirements. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the conditional use request to allow an apartment building to be built in excess of 12 units. 2. Deny the conditional use request to allow an apartment building to be built in excess of 12 units. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use request to allow an apartment building to be built in excess of 12 unite upon Planning Commission approval of the final plan stage of the oubdivieion plat. Staff fools the project is very worthwhile. They have done an excellent job with the other three units that they have constructed just woot of the proposed building site. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the site of the proposed conditional uoo request. -2- Planning Commission Agenda - 3/12/85 5. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow Construction and Operation of a BMX Track in a B-3 (Highway -Business) Zone - Applicant, Chuck Teslow. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Chuck Teslow, owner/operator of Rolling wheels Fun Center, is proposing to construct and operate a BMX race track. For those of you that are not familiar with a BMX race track, it is a track for bicycles which go around an obstacle -like course. Mr. Teslow is proposing to construct the BMX race track just immediately west of the current go-cart track, with an area between the current go-cart track and the new BMX race track to be seating area for spectators and overflow parking if needed. Mr. Teslow is proposing to operate sanctioned races to be held on weekends, possibly once or twice a month, from April through October. These races are conducted by an individual experienced in running BMX races and will be cove red by the insurance authorized by USBA on riders, spectators, and property. when not in use over the weekend, the track will be open to local riders euring normal daylight business hours. Reat room facilities are available in the existing business building. In the event that additional bathrooms are needed, they will be supplied as portable sanitary facilities. In the event of an emergency or a rider being Injured, an casement has boon obtained from the adjoining neighbor, Mr. and Kra. Tim Genung, through their property to a gate near the race track that would be used only for emergency vehicles. As shown on the enclosed site plan, you will note that the applicant has sufficient parking to accommodate thio typo of activity with additional apace between both tracks for overflow parking. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the conditional use roquo at to allow construction and operation of a BMX track in a B-3 (Highway-Busineao ) Zone. 2. Deny the conditional use request to allow construction and operation of a BKX track in a B-3 (Highway-Buoincoo) Zone. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff rocommondo approval of tho construction and operation of a BKX race track in a D-3 (Highway-BuDlnceo) Zone with conditiono as liatod in the attached operation plan. There will be come additional conditlono in a letter from John Uban of Howard Dahlgren 6 Acoocia tea. Moat of the conditiono have boon addr000ad by Mr. Tealow in hie latter which iD one l000d. An additional condition may be more planting of trace and/or ahrubbory along the fr oeway. -3- Planning Commission Agenda - 3/12/85 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the proposed site plan; Copy of the letter from Mr. Chuck Teslow; Copy of the easement granted to Mr. Chuck Teslow from Mr. and Mrs. Tim Genung; Copy of letter from Mr. John Uban of Howard Dahlgren 6 Associates will be submitted at the Tuesday night Planning Commission meeting. -4- Planning Commission Agenda - 3/12/85 v 6. Public Hearing - Variance Request to Allow a Swimming Pool to be Constructed Within the 30 -foot Rearyard Setback Requirement - Applicant, Nike and Kathy Keegan. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Keegans are proposing to construct a pool in the rear of their property. The pool will be 18' wide x 36' long. The pools have to be a minimum of 10 feet away from the house; and with an 16 -foot wide pool, the rear of the pool will be 20 feet from the rear lot line. Therefore, they need a 10 -foot variance. In the back of their rear lot line is part of the trail system which runs through this development. In back of the trail which runs through this development is undeveloped land at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the variance request to allow a ewi®ing pool to be built within the 30 -foot rearyard setback requirement. 2. Deny the variance request to allow a swimming pool to be built within the 30 -foot rearyard setback requirement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of the varfanco request to allow an 18' x 36' swimming pool to be built within 10 foot of the required 30 -foot rearyard setback. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the location of tho proposed variance request; Copy of the proposed site plan of the swimming pool. -5- Planning Commission Agenda - 3/12/85 v 7. Public Hearing - (Continued) Conditional Use Request to Allow a Government Sponsored Program to be Conducted out of a Residence - Applicant, Marvin Kramer. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you will recall, Mr. and Mrs. Kramer were present at the February 12, 1985, Planning Commission meeting requesting a conditional use to operate a girl's group home out of their residence. Commission members tabled Kramers' conditional use request until sufficient evidence of their proposed use of their residential property. In conversation with the Kramers this afternoon, they are awaiting a letter of approval from the Wright County Board of Commissioners, which will be meeting Monday night, March 11, 1985. The Kramers will be bringing their letter to City staff on Tuesday and will distribute it to the Planning Commission members at the meeting Tuesday night. The only control the City has on this type of activity is if it is an allowable use in the current zoning. The applicants in this case are controlled by the Licensing Department at the State of Minnesota. Planning Commission member, Ed Schaffer, has done some research into this request and will highlight his findings at the meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the conditional use request to allow a government sponsored program to be conducted out of o residence. 2. Deny the conditional use request to allow a government sponsored program to be conducted out of a residence. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of having thin typo of activity within the current zoning of the residence, B-3 (Highway-Bunineon). Any othor conditiono or controls upon the applicants are under the authority of the Stato of Minnesota, Llconoing Division. Staff rocognizeo a groat need for this typo of program in the Monticello area and the bonofito which accrue from thin typo of activity, that being incroaoed employment. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the prop000d oito for tho government oponcorod program and residence. -6-