City Council Agenda Packet 06-28-1999 . . . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 28,1999 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1 . Call to order. 2. A. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held May 24, 1999. B. Approval of minutes of the Board of Review meeti ng continued to May 24, 1999. C. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held June 14, 1999. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. 1t'\,vDuT Cc'<, f" AyJv(: I~"\"'-....,.,+ B. ~k'A"" /4fLseN/ I'tbl- (jXJc/((2( r~~i'l\~ Yr))Af ~rl-'\>-~o.r~,-e_ C. L-'57A>' d of c> h d . "T7V\W;.r,..i2--r.. t - 4""\1'" (' J I v", Ar;"A.tfJ.-~,JIJ2.0'l-<""I'--~(L Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 4. 5. Consent agenda. tfl 1< C-- A. Consideration of approving four year agreement with Wright County to perform assessing duties. B. Review of bids for 1999 Sealcoating Projects for streets and pathways and consideration of awarding of contract. C. Consideration of calling for a public hearing, approving of plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for reconstruction of a portion of Walnut Street between 6th Street and 5th Street (railroad tracks). D. Consideration of approval of plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for Kjellberg West sanitary sewer extension. E. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding contract for climbing wall - Community Center. F. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding contract for furniture, fixtures and equipment - Community Center. G. Consideration of approval of fInal plat and development agreement for River forest Residential Subdivision, Phase II. . . . City Council Agenda June 28, 1999 Page 2 ------J /) / t, (t) IV tj ~ I~ a ~ , (6 G;-- - C '5/1- H 7 j 1< Q~S 0 (~t,~ ,J H. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding contract CSAH 75 Road Improvement Project No. 98-17C. 1. Consideration of approving revisions to City/Hospital District Development Agreement relating to CSAH 75 detour. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of auditlfinancial report for 1998 8. Consideration of reviewing procedures for evaluation of City Administrator 9. Consideration of approving Change Order #9 Pool Construction relating to delay of Community Center. 10. Consideration of a request from the HRA for Council direction relating to TIF assistance for market rate housing. 11. Consideration of a city ordinance amending Title 7, Chapter 1, Section 7-1-3(A) of the Monticello Ordinance by establishing regulations prohibiting vehicles that are considered a public nuisance. ] 2. Approve payment of bills 13. Adjourn . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 24, 1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRTAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE MTNUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD MAY 10, 1999. Motion carried unanimously. A roval of minutes of the Board of Review meetin A MOTrON WAS MADE BY BRUCE THTELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETrNG HELD MA Y 12, 1999. Motion carried unanimously. . 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. See 7A, 15A. 15B, 15C, 15D. 4. Citizens comments/petitions. requests. and complaints. None. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of an amendment to the relocation settlement benefits for Monticello Bulk Petroleum-Bill Aydt. Recommendation: Approve the relocation agreement with Monticello Bulk Petroleum allowing for an additional two years to request reimbursement of expenditures. Eligible for reimbursement only if a facility is established in the city limits, if Mr. Aydt is the owner of the facility and it is completed by June 30, 2001. ...-... B. Consideration of granting annual approval for municipal licenses. Recommendation: Approve liquor licenses effective 7/1/99, contingent upon applicants providing appropriate proof of insurance. - C. Consideration of Change Orders No. 2-8 for the Monticello Training and Community Center project. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 2-8 in the amount of$93,929.00. . . (}) . Council Minutes - 5/24/99 D. Consideration of a resolution approving construction plans and specifications and ordering advertisement fC)f bids for the County State Aid Highway 75 improvement project (SAP 86-675-12), City Project 98-17C and County Project. Recommendation: Approve the plans and specifications and order advertising for bids. E. Consideration of appointment of Parks Commission member. Recommendation: Appoint Nancy McCaffrey to the Parks Commission. F. Consideration of approving purchase agreement between the City and Danner Trucking outlining terms of sale at vacated Marvin Road right-of-way and adjacent remnant parcel. Recommendation: Approve purchase agreement. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE ALL ITEMS ON THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. Public Hearing-Review of trunk storm water proiect funding-TH 25. Bret Weiss explained the background of storm water funding relating to assessment of trunk improvement projects. In the Highway 25 improvement project, the trunk drainage area includes land from 85th Av (south) to Oakwood Dr (north) and Kjellberg's West. Drainage has to be discharged within city limits. About $1 million in trunk fee assessments are proposed for the trunk line to drain from existing ponds in the area. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. John Bondhus commented that he thought the project was too expensive. He felt the City should consider hiring its own engineer, who could provide checks and balances to whether a project was cost effective. Brian Southwell, manager of Kjellberg's, objected to the project because Kjellberg Inc. feels that there is sufficient drainage already. They would like to see more details about the project to determine whether it is necessary. Bret noted that there appears to be an agreement in place allowing Kjellberg Inc. to provide its own drainage system thus avoiding any assessment. Brett explained that Kjellberg was allowed to construct a stormwater drainage pond in conjunction with the sanitary sewer installation at Kjellberg's East. Bret noted that Kjellberg did not construct the pond that was proposed; however, excavation is taking place slowly by allowing developers to remove some of the soil and thus creating a ponding area. Clint Herbst asked about cost of doing project now versus waiting until later. He suggested that it may be wise to have another engineer takc a look at the project also. . . . Council Minutes - 5/24/99 Bret noted that he had no problem with that. He also noted that the state has gone through all phases of the project. Bruce Thielen commented that he feels comfortable with the estimated costs because of the standards required for a state-funded project. Clint questioned the depth of the lines. Bret explained that the Klein Farms drainage area to the south is intended to tie into that system eventually and the lines will be laid deep enough to aceomodate the drainage from that area. Glen Posusta asked if the City has acquired the large pond on the west side of Hwy 25 (south of Marvin Rd). Bret commented that the city is taking over the drainage around that pond. Bret noted that later this year, they will have completed the storm water and pond plan which probably should be reviewed by another engineer. Glen Posusta asked if the cost of the trunk fees could be pinpointed for the landowners and how would it be charged. Bret explained that developed properties would be assessed approximately .03 per square foot. Properties developed in the future will be charged a per acre trunk fee at the time the building permit is issued. The public hearing was closed. Clint commented that he feels there is no choice but to continue with the project. It will be less expensive in the long run. > A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF '1'0 CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AND APPROVE CONTINUATION OF THE PROJECT. Motion carried unanimously. 7 A. Consideration of designating Marvin Road as a minimum maintenance road. John Simola explained the idea of opening Marvin Road as a minimum maintenance road during construction process for Hwy 25 project. Council approval is required for opening road. Although this is intended to be temporary, Council would need to take action after the project to close the road again. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO OPEN MARVIN ROAD AS A MINIMUM MAINTENANCE ROAD. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Public Hearing-Review of trunk storm water proieet funding-CSAH 75. Bret Weiss explained project in relation to CSAH 75. Clint asked about the size of the pipe and access location. Bret noted that $.5 million in expenditures is estimated to extend storm water pipe to from Hart Blvd to south side ofHwy 75. Cost estimated at .02 per square foot to benefitting landowners. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. Council Minutes - 5/24/99 . John Bondhus commented that he thinks thc school does not really want the City to take its land for the project. He feels that the city could just use the land that is necessary and then make it into a pond habitat area. Bondhus was concerned about the design to maximize use of the area and preserve land and pond. Bret offered to include Bondhus and school district in the design process. Public hearing was elosed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO CLOSE TilE PUBLIC HEARING AND CONTINUE THE PROJECT. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Discussion of design options for Oakwood Drive median opening; at McDonalds. Bret pointed out the options available to provide access to McDonald's if median were closed to left turns in the future. It would probably be necessary to construct an extension to Cedar Street to access McDonald's along north side of Super America. Bret felt, at a minimum, it would be necessary to obtain a right-of-way agreement for the land betwccn Supcr America and Hoglund Bus to construct Cedar Street extension at a later time, if necessary. . Greg LePage, McDonald's Corporation, commented on the preference for maintaining easy access to their site. He felt that conditions for allowing an opening in the median were fair. He feels that the company would agree to extension of Cedar Street if thc need was proven necessary in the future. Bret noted that appraisal value of right-of-way was $54,000 with improvements cost approximately $26,000. City could possibly purchase land and convey it back to businesses in some manner with them providing upkeep. Bret suggested that private businesses may come up with an easement agreement between them to acquire right-of- way for Cedar Str extension A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF '1'0 SELECT OPTION C MEDIAN DESIGN, CONTINGENT ON AN AGREEMENT ESTABLISHED BETWEEN MCDONALD'S, SUPER AMERICA AND HOGLUND'S TO ACQUIRE A RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT FOR A FUTURE CEDAR STREET EXTENSION. The agreement must be presented to Council prior to median being built on Oakwood Drive. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of a rezoning and concept site plan approval for an R-4. Mobile Home Park District. Applicant: Kiellbergs. Inc. . Steve Grittman reviewed the concept plan proposed by Kjellberg's, Inc. He explained the history of the previous concept plan which was turned down by the City because it was found to be inconsistent with city's comprehensive plan. The new concept plan proposes a medium density pattern for an R-4, Mobile Home Park district. Grittman explained the pros and cons of the proposal in regard to the city's comprehensive plan and OAA land use planning. The comprehensive plan currently indicates R-2 zoning but . . . Council Minutes - 5/24/99 also encourages higher value housing. Clint and Brian both stated they feel that Council should table this and let Planning Commission recommendation for R-2 zoning go before the MOAA board. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO TABLE THE REZONING REQUEST AND WAIT FOR PLANNING COMMISSION'S REQUEST TO BE PRESENTED TO THE MOAA BOARD. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consideration of a conditional use permit for a planned unit development in an R-2 district. Applicant: Little Mountain Limited Partnership. Steve Grittman explained the development plan for the north 4.8 acres of the Klucas property, which would contain 28 townhouse units. Some of the concerns brought up were the location of the street access onto the curve of Marvin Elwood Rd and the eventual development of an access road to Prairie Rd. Steve explained the layout of townhomes and parking. Access roads within the development will be private drives requiring 24ft width. John Simola asked that the City ensure that streets arc wide enough for services to the property. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE CONCEPT STAGE PLAN SUBJECT TO CONCERNS BEING RESOLVED PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consideration of approval of Request for Proposals relating to redevelopment of former Ferrelhws site. Jeff O'Neill discussed the Ferrellgas site as a prime location for redevelopment. City has been receiving requests from developers about the land. The city is proposing putting out an RFP to see what interest is out there for developing the property to fit in with the central community district. Redevelopment guidelines for the central community district would be included with the RFP. Jeff reviewed the standards planned to be incorporated into the RFP. He noted that the RFP is to include remodeling/redevelopment of the liquor store. John Simola addressed the issue of convenient parking for the community center. He felt that there should be parking allowed near the street on the Ferrellgas site. Jeff explained the reason for the zero setback was due to the wish to utilize the site as prime rctail space. Clint Herbst expressed an interest in being more specific about the size and layout of the liquor store. Bruce Thielen suggested changing the RFP for liquor store renovation to read up to 8500 sq ft. Brian Stumpf asked if it was possible to remove the financing statement and see what developers submit for financing options. . . . Council Minutes - 5/24/99 Glen Posusta suggested that city consider selling the Ferrellgas site to private business and let them pay for developing the property and be responsible for paying taxes. The city could relocate the liquor store rather than stick more money into it at the present site. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL WITH MODIFICATIONS AND DISTRIBUTE IT TO DEVELOPERS. MODIFICATIONS: (1) LIQUOR STORE REMODELING/RECONSTRUCTION UP TO 8500 SQ FT AND MEET DESIGN GUIDELINES AND (2) REMOVE THE SECTION ON FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS. Motion carried unanimously. 13. Consideration of resolution authorizing preparation of plans and specifications for reconstruction of Walnut Street. Jeff O'Neill explained plan for reconstruction of Walnut St ffild some of the changes made to the preliminary plan. It is suggested to put in brick pavers rather than colored stamped concrete. Marquette Bank requests moving forward as they need the additional parking. It is believed that the Edina Realty property would be in favor of the plan as they may need more parking for future building expansion. Bret Weiss pointed out that Walnut St will not meet state aid standards so it is recommended to remove it from state aid designation in the future. The state aid funds could then be applied to some other street segment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE PRELIMINARY PLAN AND AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Review concept plans for community center plaza design. Steve Grittman reviewed the design and landscaping for the Community Center Plaza put together by the Design Advisory Team. Design concept was planned for the front of the building and the courtyard area on the 6th St side. The design for the front incorporates a small cascading pool with a bridge over it, plantings and benches and plantings and seating in the courtyard. Clint Herbst asked how much maintenance would be required. Bruce Thielen pointed out that plantings are generally low maintenance. He also noted that the cost for the landscaping is hoped to be raised through donations. Area could be sodded in lieu of landscaping if funds are not raised. It may also be possible to recruit volunteers to help with the maintenance. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE COMMUNITY CENTER LANDSCAPE DESIGN CONCEPT. Motion carried unanimously. Council Minutes - 5/24/99 . 15. Consideration of review of bids and awarding contract on southeast water booster station, City Proiect #98-24C. John Simola handed out copies of bids received, which he indicated were much higher than anticipated. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO REJECT THE BIDS AND DIRECT STAFF TO REVIEW THE PROPOSAL TO REDUCE COSTS. Motion approved unanimously. 15A Consideration ofland swap between City of Monticello/HRA mId Domino's Pizza. Ollie Koropchak explained that the HRA is looking for direction in pursuing a land swap between Domino Pizza (on the south side of Broadway) and the lot next to the MCP building. l-IRA wanted to know if the City wanted to proceed at this time. Consensus of Council is to hold off until more is known about plans for north anchor. 15B Consideration of repairs to the library building. . Diane Herbst attended the last city council meeting requesting repairs to be completed on the library building. Council directed staff to have an outside consultant determine extent of repairs necessary and report back to the Library Board at its May 24 meeting. John Simola noted that the roof is already scheduled for repair. John Simola offered to contact the building architect to discuss concerns of building repairs. Bruce Thielen askcd if there were routine checks done on the building and that there should be in the future on all city buildings. Mayor Belsaas requested that staff present a plan for repairs to the library building to the Council at the second June meeting. Bruce also suggested that the Library Board should make presentations to Council on a regular basis to keep them apprised of situation at the library. 15C Update on Parks Commission. Roger Carlson noted that Parks Commission is planning on keeping West Bridge Park at its current size and not giving up any part for the north anchor. John Simola mentioned that the lift station in the park needs upgrading and is planned to be relocated to Front Street. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO AUTHORIZE DEVELOPING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE RELOCATION OF THE LIFT STATION. Motion carried unanimously. . I5D Consideration of land swap between City of Monticello and Value Plus Homes. Hret Weiss explained that Value Plus Homes is interested in swapping a parcel ofland for pieces of land they own in the Little Mountain Development area. The proposed land . . Council Minutes - 5/24/99 swap would accomodate layout of pond/drainage and that area and provide the developer with a better piece of property to develop, Bret noted that Tony Emmerich may be interested in purchasing Value Plus' land provided he can get the same deal for the land swap, Consensus was to proceed with working out an agreement for a land swap, Proposed agreement will be brought back at a later time for Council approvaL 16, Consideration of bills for the last half ofMav 1999, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE LAST HALF OF MAY 1999, Motion carried unanimously, A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ADJOURN THE MEETING, Motion carried unanimously.. Catherine M, Shuman Finance Assistant/MIS . Meeting Minutes Monticello City Council - Board of Review May 24, 1999 Members Present: Members Absent: Brian Stump, Bruce Theilen, Roger Carlson, Roger Belsaas Clint Herbst The following changes were made by the City Council to the assessor's original market value as recommended by Jerry Kramber. Motion made by Bruce Theilen to approve the market value adjustments as noted below. Seconded by Brian Stumpf. Motion carried unanimously. Propertv Owner Change in Value PID Brennan From $269,400 to $247,200 155-089-001040 Powell From $114,300 to $105,000 155-037-011020 155-037-011050 . 155-037-002020 155-037-002050 Wright From $143,300 to $121,100 155-105-004130 Stokes From $ 94,400 to $ 74,000 155-016-000010 Dorf From $ 108,000 to 116,900 155-082-002190 Goth From $ 112,000 to $99,300 155-105-001070 91fC)~ Recorded by Jeff O'Neill Deputy City Administrator . . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 14,1999 Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen Absent: Roger Carlson Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order and declared a quorum present. The Mayor requested a moment of silence in memory of Rodney Vollbrecht, a Monticello firefighter who was killed in an accident. The Mayor also requested that the flags bc flown at half staff through Thursday. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held on Mav 24. 1999. The minutes of the May 24, 1999 meeting were tabled until the next meeting. 3. Consideration of addinlf items to the agenda. The following items were added to the agenda: 11.1 Building permit - Danner Trucking; 11.2 Library Update and 11.3 Signal changes for emergency vehicles. A discussion of the performance review of this City Administrator was requested to be placed on the agenda for the next council meeting. 4. Citizen comments/petitions. requests and complaints. Barb Esse from Monticello Community Partners came before the Council to inform them of the resignation of Rita Ullrich as director of the MCP. Advertisements have been placed and it is hoped that the position will be filled by the end of August. In the meantime the office will be open and staffed by two part-time people. Scott Douglas, Fire Chief: indicated that there may be some delay in Fire Department response time because of the traffic conditions in town and the congestion caused by the road construction. He asked if there were steps the Council could take to alleviate the situation. Bruce Thielen stated that it was important for the Fire Department to be informed of the contractor's work schedule for both the T.H. 25 and the CSAH 75 construction projects. There was a brief discussion on utilizing devices to change the pattern of the traffic lights. It was also suggested that the Fire Department place an emergency vehicle on the other side of the freeway. The Council directed the Fire Department to come back with any suggestion they had to improve the situation. 5. Consent agenda. At the request of Jeff O'Neill, Items #5H and #5K were removed from the consent agenda for consideration at the next council meeting. Items #5D and #5G were pulled trom the consent . Council Minutes - 6/14/99 agenda for further discussion. A. Consideration to adopt a resolution indicatinll approval of a modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Proiect No.1 and a modified TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-22. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution indicating approval of a modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project NO.1 and a modified TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-22. SEE RESOLUTION 99-27 I3. Consideration of a resolution approving Tax Increment Pledge Agreement between the City and HRA. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving Tax Increment Pledge Agreement by and between the City of Monticello, Minnesota and the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority. SEE RESOLUTION 99-28. C. Consideration of authorization to proceed with acquisition of walkway easement through Lots 10 & 1 L Block 35 (Broadwav to City Parking Lots). Rccommendation: Authorize city staff to enter into negotiations for acquisition of a strip of land for the purpose of creating a walkway. Parcel description: West 17 ft. of Lot 10 and East 26 ft. of Lot 11, Block 35, Original Plat. . E. Consideration of requiring developers to finance up front street lighting construction costs for developments. Recommendation: Amend current policy and have the developers up front the cost of street lighting effective July 1, 1999. F. Review revised plans for booster station proiect and advertisement for bids Proieet 98-4C. Recommendation: Approve redesign of the building as outlined below and to authorize advertising for bids based upon that design. Building: 1. The exterior steel siding which was originally placed over the concrete block has been deleted and block has been changed from rock face to burnished block. 2. The size of the overhead door has been reduced and changed from an aluminum panel door to a flush steel door. The exterior service doors have also been changed from panel type to flush steel doors. 3. The building has been dropped an additional foot in height and the elevated glass block windows have been deleted as an option. 4. The building indentation in the pump service room has been removed in favor of a straight wall. 5. The amount of lighting in the building has been reduced. 6. The amount of floor drains and interconnecting piping has been reduced. . Pumps and Controls 1. The pump and piping package were originally to be assembled in the field. They will now corne on a factory built skid as a complete unit. The phase II pump and 2 . Council Minutes - 6/14/99 2. controls will be provided at this time so that the 4,000 gallon high pressure tank extruding through the wall can be deleted. An option will be provided to delete the automatic start for the generator in favor of a manual start, similar to back up power for well #3 and the water reservoir. The alarm dialer will be deleted from the project and provided and installed by the City. The electrical service will be redesigned to lower the cost from NSP. 3. 4. Site Improvements: 1. The building will be reduced in size slightly and/or relocated to the south to reduce the impact on the storm sewer system and the pond. (Storm sewer re-work will not be required). 2. The site grading, bituminous work and concrete curb and gutter will be deleted from the project and done under separate contract with local contractors to save dollars. General: 1. The completion date will be extended to allow additional time for completion of the building yet have the system on line and functional by March 1, 2000. . 1. Consideration of approving a one (1 ) dav liquor license for the Lions club for the Monticello Communitv Partners Big Band Bash. Recommendation: Approve issuance of a one day liquor license for this event contingent upon submission of proper liquor liability insurance coverage. J. Consideration of modifying Riverside Cemetery Policy to include seeding of the graves by the Citv or its contractor. Recommendation: Approve modifying the existing Riverside Cemetery Policy to include seeding of the graves by the City. The seeding would be done on an individual basis during the summer months and in the spring prior to Memorial Day for all those burials that took place over winter. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS #5A, 5B, 5C, 5E, 5F, 51, AND 51. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. . 5D. Consideration of approving Change Order #9 for pool construction relating to delay of Community Center. Clint Herbst questioned how the $90,209.00 figure was arrived. Fred Patch explained that since the project was delayed, the contractor stated that to complete the pool portion on schedule it would require a considerable amount of overtime which is covered in the $90,209.00. Also included in that figure are cost increases from the material suppliers. Clint Herbst asked about what kind of 3 . . . Council Minutes - 6/14/99 documentation would be required to verify the overtime hours. The Council suggested that the staff go back to the contractor and determine what the consequences would be if the change order was not approved. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO TABLE ACTION ON ClfANGE ORDER NO.9 RELATING TO THE POOL CONSTRUCTION FOR Tl-IE COMMUNITY CENTER UNTIL THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING PENDING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRUCE THIELEN VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 5G. Consideration of adoption of Citv/Hospital District development agreement relating to Planned Unit Development and CSAH 75 reconstruction. A draft: of an agreement between the City and the Hospital District had been submitted to the Council as part of the agenda. It was the recommendation of Dennis Dalen, City Attorney, not to approve the agreement at this time. The agreement contains the provision that upon execution of the agreement the City would pass a resolution vacating Hart Boulevard. If Hart Boulevard is vacated and CSAH 75 closed because of construction the City would have no alternate route. The issue of using Hart Boulevard as a bywpass was not approved by the Hospital District according to their legal counsel. The agreement is proposed to expire in three years or upon completion of construction. It is anticipated by the City that use of Hart Boulevard as a by-pass would be approximately three days. However, the City could not guarantee that would be the limit of its use. According to the City Engineer, the by-pass is needed in order to open cut CSAH 75 for the utility crossings. The open cut method was selected over trenching of the utility lines because of the cost savings of approximately $50,000 to $60,000. However, open cutting requires that the road be closed while the construction takes place. The City Engineer reviewed the detour signing that was being proposed and it was noted that the speed limit in the detour zone was being set at 20 mph. In addition, flagmen would be present during peak traffic periods. While it is anticipated that the utility crossings would only take three days, the City cannot guarantee that would be the case. It was suggested that there be signage on the freeway as well that would direct traffic towards the second exit. Barb Schwientek from the Hospital District came before the COlmcil and expressed her concern that the Hospital District did not hear about using Hmi Boulevard as a by-pass until late last week even though the Hospital District was part of the CSAH 75 Task Force. She pointed out that because of its narrowness Hart Boulevard would not be conducive to good traffic flow and she also questioned if there would be any liability to the J lospital District as a result of Hart Boulevard being used as by-pass. Lastly she stated that this proposal would set the hospital back at least a month on their construction project. The City Engineer indicated that construction on CSAH 75 would 4 . Council Minutes - 6/14/99 probably begin in July and that one of the first items for construction would be the open cutting of the utility crossings. The hospital timetable for their construction was to have the water main construction done this week and to start on the parking lot next week. Barb Schwientek felt this issue could be resolved but she stated that it was unfortunate that this issue came up so late in the process. She did want to take the information presented at the meeting back to the Hospital Board. Dennis Dalen also noted that some of the attachments referred to in the agreement had not been received. A MOTION WS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHMENTS BEING RECEIVED FROM THE HOSPITAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY AND THE HOSPITAL BOARD RECEIVING INFORMATION REGARDING SIGNAGE FOR THE PROJECT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 7. Public hearing - Consideration of vacating center island portion of River Forest Drive. . It is proposed to vacate a portion of the right-of-way for River Forest Drive to allow for the construction of a center island sign with appropriate landscaping. The vacated portion of right-of-way will be included in the plat of River Forest 2nd Addition. The center island and landscaping will be maintained by the association. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. No one was present to speak for or against the proposed street vacation. Mayor Belsaas closed the public hearing. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE VACATION OF THE CENTER ISLAND PORTION OF THE RIGHT- OF-WA Y OF RIVER FOREST DRIVE SUBJECT TO THE COMPLETION OF THE PLATTING PROCESS FOR PHASE TWO OF THE RIVER FOREST DEVELOPMENT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 8. Consideration to act uPon a recommendation to activelv pursue the acquisition of property for industrial development and to authorize city staff to begin preparation to acquire. Ollie Koropchak explained the request for Council direction on the acquisition of the two parcels of land. Mayor Bclsaas indicated that there is concern whether there is adequate amount of land available for large site industrial users. The interest has been in parcels ranging in size from 20-100 acres. . A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ACTIVELY PURSUE THE ACQUISITION OF THE GOEMAN/CHADWICK PROPERTIES FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND TO AUTHORIZE CITY STAFF TO BEGIN PREP ARA TION TO ACQUIRE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5 . . . Council Minutes - 6/14/99 9. Consideration of contract amendment with HDR for construction engineerinl;! for Proiect #93-14C, Monticello Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion. John Simola summarized the negotiations with HDR on the engineering contract for the wastewater treatment plant. It is proposed to increase HDR's compensation by $303,000.00 and to allow a time extension to July 31, 1999 to complete the engineering work and as-builts. Of the $303,000.00 a discount of $156,072.00 is being given to the City for items the City felt were the engineer's responsibility so the net increase to the contract was $146,928.00. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE ENGINEERING CONTRACT AMENDMENT AS PRESENTED WHICH WOULD PAY HDR AN ADDITIONAL $303,000.00 BUT RETURN $156,072.00 TO THE CITY MAKING A NET INCREASE IN THE CON'fRACT OF $146,928.00. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Discuss concepts for providinQ municipal sewer and water service to the Monte Club associated with proposed expansion. The request for sewer service to the existing Monte Club site and proposed hotel expansion was discussed. The property lies outside the city limits and does not meet the criteria for annexation under the OAA The City has in place a policy that property outside the city limits receiving utility service would be charged three times the rate for connection fees and three times the rate for user fees. The connection fees for the restaurant and hotel under this policy would be $577,500.00 as compared to $192,500.00 if the property was in the city limits. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller indicated that were other items to consider as well such as the location of the connection point and whether the pipe is sized appropriately for the expansion. He also pointed out that the cost figures did not include the cost of running the line to the site. Utilizing the current policy would be prohibitive and would not make expansion feasible nor could the expansion take place with present on-site system. The property owners were asking if the City would consider an exemption from this policy. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO CONSIDER AN EXEMPTION FROM THE POLICY FOR THE MONTE CLUB UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. The normal hookup fees for the expansion project estimated at $245,740.00 be paid up front at time of hookup. An agreement be established requiring a payment in lieu of property taxes annually equal to the City's tax capacity rate times the Monte Club's property valuation until such time as annexation actually occurs. Property owners agree to waive their rights to challenge any fee or charges for improvements that would normally be assessable to parcels within the City. Property owners agree to petition for annexation as soon as the property meet eligibility requirements as established by the MOAA. B. C. D. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6 . 11. . 11.1 . Council Minutes - 6/14/99 Consideration of award of contract to Buffalo Bituminous for T.R 25 Proiect 96-04C, without completion of the cooperative funding agreement with Mn/D(;:n. At the present time BulTalo Bituminous is performing work on T.H. 25 without a contract nor does the City have a cooperative agreement with Mn/DOT regarding this project. City staff met with Mn/DOT representatives in St. Cloud regarding the project. 'fhere are some items to be resolved before a cooperative agreement can be entered into which include ponding area and right-of-way issues. Without a cooperative agreement the City does not receive funding from the state for the project. The cost of the project has escalated from $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 which was also a concern. Ron Bray ofWSB expressed his disappointment that they were not asked to attend the meeting with the Mn/DOT representatives. I-Ie explained that this project was planned to go in last year. Final plans were submitted to Mn/DOT in July of 1998 and MnlDOT indicated that they were in agreement with the plans submitted. Cost sharing issues had been worked out but there were some right-of-way issues that were unresolved. WSB had contacted Mn/DOT about proceeding with bidding of the project and Mn/DOT indicated that the City should proceed. The indication was that a cooperative agreement would be ready for the June 14th meeting. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO BUFFALO BITUMINOUS FOR PROJECT 96-04C BASED UPON THEIR LOW BID OF $5,448,000 WITHOUT THE COOPERATIVE FUNDING AGREEMENT IN PLACE BUT TO GIVE IMMEDIATE DIRECTION TO OUR ENGINEER, RIGHT-OF-WAY PEOPLE AND CITY ATTORNEY TO TAKE CARE OF THE LOOSE ENDS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE SO THAT THE CITY CAN COMPLETE THE FUNDING AGREEMENT AND START RECEIVING PAYMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION COSTS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Danner Trucking - Building: Permit The question of the trunk storm sewer fees included with the building permit came into question as well as the requirements for a landscaping bond. The storm sewer fees were based on the existing site of .68 acres and the addition of approximately 1.33 acres due the vacation of Cedar Street and the reconfiguration of adjacent property. The trunk storm sewer fees came to $6,834.87. These fees can be assessed or collected with the building permit. There was also discussion on what was considered pervious area and how the staff determined that the property was fully developed and should be charged based on total area. There is a development contract dated January 12, 1998 for an interim use permit. It was suggested that the assessment matter be incorporated into this agreement. Ron Bray from WSB indicated that this storm assessment could be done as part of the T.H. 25 project under Minnesota State Statute 429. The possibility of setting up a deferred assessment was also discussed. Typically deferred assessments accrue interest and would be adjusted based on the same factors used on the trunk storm sewer fee. At the time the property was sold the deferred assessment would show up on any title work 7 . . . Council Minutes - 6/14/99 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO REMOVE THE TRUNK STORM SEWER FEES FROM THE BUILDING PERMIT FOR DANNER TRUCKING WITH 50% OF THE FEE TO BE ASSESSED FOR A TERM OF EITHER FIVE OR TEN YEARS AND THE REMAINING 50% OF THE FEES TO BE INCORPORATED WITH TI-IE DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT FOR THE INTERIM USE PERMIT AND l-IELD UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE PROPERTY IS SOLD. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11.2 librarY Update. Bruce Thielen updated the Council on the Library Board meeting hcld on June 14th and reviewed the information submitted on the library repairs. 11.3 Signal Changes. There was discussion on changing the signal light patterns to allow traffic to keep moving. There is a need for this so that emergency vehicles can get through traffic to the scene of the accident. Roger Belsaas suggested the City Administrator meet with the SherifI's Department, Scott Douglas, Fire Chief, and Mn/DOT on this matter. Ron Bray from WSB indicated that there are Emergency Vehicle Preemption units that could be utilized. These can be activated from the emergency vehicle or from the fire hall and by the time the emergency vehicle reached the intersection traffic would be cleared. Ron Bray noted that they are working with Mn/DOT on the signals as part of the T.H. 25 project. There was also suggestion of placing a permanent four-way stop on Walnut and 6th Street. Clint Herbst suggested placing a temporary four~way stop at this location for the duration of construction and after completion of construction evaluate whether to make the four~way stop a permanent one. Ron Bray was directed to write Mn/DOT emphasizing the importance of getting the lights on T.H. 25 timed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF JUNE, 1999 AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Belsaas at 9:05. Dawn Grossinger Recording Secretary 8 . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION IT IS RESOLVED that the City of Monticello enter into Mn/DOT Agreement No. 79100 with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes: To provide for payment by the State to the City of the State's share of the costs of the grading, surfacing, drainage, park and ride facility, and lighting construction and other associated construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 25 from 1,219 meters south of School Blvd. to Trunk Highway No. 94 within the corporate City limits under State Project No. 8605-40 (T.H. 25=025). IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the authorized to execute the Agreement. are (Title) CERTIFICATION State of Minnesota County of Wright I certify that the above Resolution is an accurate copy of the Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Monticello at an authorized meeting held on the day of , 1999, as shown by the minutes of the meeting in my possession. (Signature) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 1999 (Type or Print Name) Notary Public (Title) My Commission Expires ~. ,':'- .s. 0,....' ~ ~, ~~ .~.. ...- . . . BRADLEY V. I...AR.50N STEVEN J. MUTH JAMES G. METCALf, Of COUNSEL (1,!)75-1.995) Metcafj; Larson & Muth} P. A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 31.3 West BrocuCwCl)' P.O. BQ;C 446 Mon.ticdfo, M:imtesOt4 55362-~ m!mUtw@soncom.com ~~~... - '-" ~ ";' ~ May 26, 1999 SAllY B. NELSON P.AlV.L.tGAI, TELEPHONE (61.2.) 295-3232 EAX (61.2) 295-31.32 City of Monticello A TTN: Roger Belsaas P.O. Box 240 NIonticello, MN 55362 Dear Mayor and Council: . ~ ~ - After negotiating over some many long months with Dan Wilson and working with City Attorney Dennis Dalen with regard to a number of condemnation issues Over land owned by Mel Wolters which is included in the Highway 25 South Construction Project. r would like to make a settlement proposal to you. l\I!r. Wolters owns land on the east side of Highway 25 lying between Cedar and the new Highway 25 lying south of the Bob Danner parcel. This is where Dundas Road is slated to be punched through to new Highway 25. I know l\tfr. Danner and his attorney have appeared before you on numerous occasions to obtain a resolution with regard to the buildability of his parcel. The taking initiated by the City on this easterly parcel creates residual parcels in addition to the right-of~way which taking is an excess of the right~of~ way needs. I do not believe it is an appropriate excess taking as the residual lands should repose in l\I!r. Wolters for disposition as he sees fit in the marketplace. Nfr. Wolters owns the majority of the pond on the west side of Highway 25, his total parcel being between 19 12 and 20 acres. The pond obviously is necessary for storm water drainage due to development occurring on south Highway 25. The condemnation action seeks to utilize approximately 12 to 12 12 acres of the low lands and some of the high ground as well as incorporating the trail system on some of the higher ground. As part of this proceeding l\I!r. Wolters' direct access from this parcel to Highway 25 is being tenninated and relocated to the south side of the parcel to hook up to a street being developed presumably by l\I!r. Emerck at a proposed signaled crossing to line up with the existing School Street. This westerly configuration leaves a corner parcel fronting on the newly to be constructed School Street westerly of Highway 25 being south ofNfr. Wolters' parcel and easterly of Nfr. Wolters' new access to - School Street. This residual parcel of approximately 1.9 acres is evidently owned by the City and I believe was part of the original '<Remmele" acquisition. '36 ~1-1999 08:29 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 61d5411'ildld f-' . ld.:::/ ld::> A . .L... I "-) j ..., C.....~ j' '_ .n' ........\._l / I I I / I / I / I / I / I / I / I / I / I / I / I '-' ~, ".... ..,.. (", ...... ~_..) ~1Iio i...... ( '-\... ""\''''. ~ ,~ \ !_), I.. .._,'-.... j .~..'._I ,. . ....,_ '.....,_. ._ _ .....".~..:.../ f...:J . ~ Of ''''_...._... '......_, . ] ...(,~ "". .. ~ .;~ '_\_,i; .~__J..../"', ~_.. .,........1 - -,. _ ;:~;i/:~;.h. __.... " r ,.." ;~-..J ~ .",.,:, ":"" ? .. ~- a 50 lOG -... -', ~,......... ...... ....",''''''''')-..... / ~ I .,... ......i . . : -\ :.t. t....' ~~ "-' ,.ol - r .J ~, '" "J' - . ........,. / ... .~ f ~"'f... / / / / --........__..1 ( ~.A JIO WtIIwaad ~"' Cfl'iot 1441 ~ l!eu'-1'IlI 1A/.!:8 MI,....... MN I6GI ~ "2-5'1", .A~__ '.....54'-t7alI ~UQTURa . &NlIINIiIIW - ~Ma IS Trauk Highway 2S City ofMoaticello, Minnesota W!8 ". No. 1mCQ 0.; MIy 17, 1999 Parcel Layout Parcel No. 52 I:' 10JJ.OO"..,par..... 51.d", . ..11-1999 1218:31 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. r' . <J-,"I,j;.;, b~,.::.-,4.J.l' 110,,-, \\ \\ ", \\ \. \\ \, \\ \\ :1" ',\ ::\,. \~\ r"'i... 0 (l ,\. ,I ."" \\\ t.J "" \ -Jowl.rCJ \ ~- \ (:J (l \ C....a........"\... \ .-:PC 0 ~- $ \5-. I.:) ~-:t.v} \. :"':;r\ 0 " l..,"', !,1 rr'l...._, r;i't, ~:.., 'r, """.~I 'Ii~. AI. \ ') ~-.. 0 ... i ~\..'!.. -,. r ...1 ~ . \..., 1, ' J t ~ "..... \ ...... 1i...~'b l~......... ............ , ~": Jr I ..."" J~ ~:) \ - I. """'. .,; ....0 .., r' ......". I;J~""" _.... ~.... .;./ \ \....... \ IJ~ , o c '(1 .r' CJ . "' i"""',.'~, \ ' .... ... l, I.,\:. \ ..~...... -- -..... .1". ......... c ; ". o .~.... " , '-'.. '- .J. '.. ......-:..~. '- _ __ ... ~# -4; .-.. '. . ......... ..L.. "'''' .) #'fI..~'" ... .- t' -I~~'~, .w. -- \ ~ , ......... , --- --", ......"'-.J., . ~-- '",:>-'" '\f ........., ~ ...-...- ",.&l,. ...- \ \ \ \ '. \ \ c C" I \.w. -l!.. o '. .:'J J.) - ...... t'1 o - Q ......~ ......'" '~ j .J '" .", ,~ \'4.l,J,;. ~ ~ o CJ DC; o '''1 r\l~~~~ .;,,(!J "I.., .. 'Co J.. ... C0 .'''''I(j. , - J O' ~ t .. 1- . '. "- 'Il l- '.. \ \ , \ \ , , \ . \ .. \ ..... \ \ \ \ .OO/10J3b~...~ __yo 20, 1~99 15=51:22 ,,;orE: Cavn;(/ ~$ 12PA S /:;)./ TOTAL P.12I5 . . . Council Agenda - 6/28/99 5A. Consideration of aoproving a four year a2reement with Wright County to oerform assessing duties. (R. W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With Mr. Jerry Kramber's recent resignation as the City's contract assessor, the Council authorized the City Administrator to negotiate with Wright County for performing our assessing duties for next year. The Wright County Board was supportive of this arrangement and referred the matter to the Wright County Personnel Committee to discuss how it could be handled. I met with Wright County Assessor, Jerry Kritzeek and other members of the Personnel Committee to discuss whether the County had sufficient personnel to take over our assessing duties. Currently the County provides assessing services for a number of cities including the City of Buffalo. In order to take on Monticello's contract, the County would have to hire an additional assessor for the upcoming year. The County Board was acceptable to this idea provided the City would be willing to enter into a four year agreement. Currently the City is paying $6.75/per parcel and the County is proposing to increase this fee to $7.75/ per parcel for the year 2000 assessment, and then increase it $.25 per year for the remainder of the contract term. In comparing this proposed fee to the City of Buffalo, Buffalo is proposed to be charged $7.50/per parcel next year and then their rates would be increased to correspond with our proposed fees. Since the City of Monticello is required to have a certified accredited assessor because of our large industrial and commercial tax base it is unlikely we would be able to find an independent contractor who would charge less than the fees proposed by the County. In addition, I believe there will be benefits in having the County do our assessing in that they would be doing the two largest cities in Wright County, Buffalo and Monticello, and they can have some continuity in how the values are determined for various types of industrial and commercial properties. The County will also be able to maintain the assessment books in house making the information more readily available when citizens call for information. In order fc)r the County to begin the hiring process, they are asking for approval of our contract arrangement for the four years as proposed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Council could approve entering into a four year agreement with Wright County for performing our assessing services as outlined. 2. Do not approve a contract arrangement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the four year agreement be approved. A four . . . Council Agenda - 6/28/99 year agreement will allow the County to perform the assessing duties through an entire cycle and I believe the rates negotiated are fair and reasonable in light of the fact the City would have to have a certified accredited assessor if we had our own contractor. 'fhc fees after the first year would be in line with what the City of Buffalo will be charged. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed agreement. ,..'0..,"...., 2 . . . ~~TY Ok (})~ ~~Yl ~ a fIJ 1. 0 '1, -dY 1656 GERALD E. KRITZECK Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N. W, Room 240 Buffalo, MN 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367/(612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 June 9, 1999 Mr. Rick W olfsteller Monticello City Administrator 250 East Broadway, PO Box 1147 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 RE: Assessment Contracts Dear Rick: It was good to meet you at the Wright County Personnel Committee meeting we both attended on April 28, 1999. As you know, the purpose of the meeting was to see if an agreeable contract rate could be reached between Wright County and the City of Monticello for the upcoming 2000 assessment. During the meeting there was a consensus that because Wright County would be hiring an additional property appraiser to perform the assessment duties for Monticello City, it would be necessary to enter a four-year agreement to provide a period of stability. It was decided that the rates per parcel would be $7.75 for the 2000 assessment; $8.00 for the 2001 assessment; $8.25 for the 2002 assessment; and $8.50 for the 2003 assessment. This arrangement was presented to the Wright County Board of Commissioners at their May 4, 1999 meeting. Commissioner Jude moved to offer this proposal to the City of Monticello and authorize the Assessor's Office to hire another property appraiser, contingent upon signing the agreement with the City of Monticello. The motion carried 5-0 on a second by Commissioner Russek. Enclosed please find four contracts, each representing one of the next four assessment years. Together, they will represent a four-year agreement for Wright County to contract with the City of Monticello to perform tax assessment work for the years specified. I would appreciate it if you could request approval of this arrangement by your City Council as soon as it is feasible. When I receive the signed contracts back from you, I can initiate the hiring process for a new property appraiser. Thank you for your participation and help in this process, Rick. If there are any questions that arise, please call me at 682-7365. ;g~dd Gerald E. Kritzeck /?~ Wright County Assessor GEKlrt Ene. ;\\ . . . V~TY Ok <I() ~ ~ Yl~~ e 0 1. I) ." .4"Y 1ss6 TO: Rick W olfsteller Monticello City Administrator 250 E. Broadway, Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: 2003 Assessment Contract GERALD E. KRITZECK Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N W, Room 240 Buffalo, MN 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367/(612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 I, Gerald E. Kritzeck, Wright County Assessor representing Wright County, do hereby contract with the City of Monticello to perform the duties of assessor for said City for the year 2003. Contract price is $8.50 per parcel which will include all expenses. Payment is due after the 2003 City of Monticello Board of Review. ,/idLl-HJ Gerald E. Kritzeck Wright County Assessor Date: June 9, 1999 Rick W olfsteller Monticello City Administrator Monticello City Date: Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer 5~ . Council Agenda - 6/28/99 5B. Review of bids for 1999 Scalcoatin2 llroiects for streets and pathways and consideration of awarding contracts. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Bids for the 1999 Sealcoating Project f()r Streets and Pathways were received Thursday, June 24th at 10:00 a.m. This years project involves seaIcoating 4 1,272 square yards of street surface and 23,877 square yards of pathways. The pathway sections included areas in the Meadow Oaks- Briar Oaks area and also along County Road 75 and School Boulevard within the Klein Farms/Cardinal Hills developments. Street sections proposed for seaIcoating are in the Eastwood Knoll, Briar Oakes, River Mill and the Cardinal Hills development. We have included $27,500.00 in the Street Department budget for sealcoating and the Park Department has budgeted $20,000.00 for pathway contracted maintenance. . The low bidder for both the street and pathway sealcoating work is Pearson Brothers, Inc. out of Loretto. The unit cost for the street portion is $.64/SY and the pathway portion was bid at $.82/SY. Although the street portion is slightly higher than we had budgeted, we have had favorable bids in the past years and have surplus funds available to cover the difference. In regards to the pathway bid, sufficient funds should be available in the park fund under pathway maintenance. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Based upon the above bids, it is recommended that the City award the 1999 Sealcoating Project to Pearson Brothers, Inc. based on the unit price of $.64/SY for the street portion and $.82/SY for the pathway seaIcoating. Both projects include sweeping as part of the base bid. 2. The second alternative would be not to award the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Street Superintendent that the City Council award the contract to Pearson Brothers, Inc. as outlined in Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of bid results. . 3 . BID RESULTS 1999 STREET SEALCOATING PROJECT BIDDER 5% BID BOND UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE Pearson Brothers, Inc. 240 St. Johns St. P.O. Box 334 Loretta, MN 55357-0334 Yes .64/SY $29,886.08 Allied Blacktop Co. 10503 89th Avenue North Maple Grove, MN 55369 Yes .65/SY $30,353.05 ASTECH Corp. P.O. Box 1025 St. Cloud, MN 56302 Yes .68/SY $31,753.96 Caldwell Asphalt Co. Inc. 24060 175th Street NE Hawick, MN 56246 Yes .705/SY $32,912.38 . BID RESULTS 1999 PATHWAY BITUMINOUS SEALCOAT BIDDER 5% BID BOND UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE Pearson Brothers, Inc. 240 St. Johns St. P.O. Box 334 Loretta, MN 55357-0334 Yes .82/SY $19,579.14 Allied Blacktop Co. 10503 89th Avenue North Maple Grove, MN 55369 Yes .90/SY $21,489.30 ASTECH Corp. P.O. Box 1025 St. Cloud, MN 56302 Yes 1.17/SY $27,936.09 Caldwell Asphalt Co. Inc. 24060 175th Street NE Hawick, MN 56246 Yes 1.186/SY $28,318.12 . 5~ . . . Council Agenda - 6/28/99 5C. Consideration of approval of plans and soecifieations for the Walnut Street improvements and call for a public hearing: on the imorovement. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Some time ago, the City Council approved the Walnut Street plan design in concept and authorized preparation of plans and specifications. At the previous meeting ofthc City Council, the Council tabled approval of final design specification for Walnut Street pending additional input from Public works. As a result of Public Works input, the shape of the parking delineators was modified to make snow removal more efficient. There was a suggestion by Public Works to widen the stalls to 10'. The stalls were kept at 9' which is within ordinance minimums and maximizes parking stall availability. Finally, the distance from curb to curb at crosswalks was set at 30' -vs- 32' to encourage channeling of vehicle traffic and to provide more protection for pedestrians. Council is also asked to call for a public hearing on the improvement because at this time we have not obtained waivers of assessment from Marquette Bank or Edina Realty properties. It is expected that Marquette Bank will agree to the assessment without a hearing. the details of the plan have not been outlined to John Komerak (Edina Realty building owner) as of this date. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve plans and specifications, and authorize advertisement for bids for the Walnut Street improvements. 2. Motion do deny plans and specifications and deny authorization for advertisement for bids for the Walnut Street improvements and call for a public hearing on the improvements. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Council select Alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy of the plan set will be available for review at the council meeting if desire. 4 . . . Council Agenda - 6/28/99 S.D Consideration of approval of plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for the Kjellber~ West sanitary sewer extension. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous meeting of the City Council, Council tabled action pending review by the Public Works Department; the plans have now been reviewed and approved. As you recall some months ago the City adopted a development agreement with Kent Kjellberg that outlined the terms associated with the connection of the west park to City services. As part of the agreement, Kjellberg provided tnmk fees to the City which initiated plan development. Under the agreement, once Kjellberg provided funds, the City was obligated to extend sanitary sewer service to the west park. Development of the final plans and specifications for this project have been somewhat delayed by uncertainties with regard to the proper alignment for the sanitary sewer line. As a result of meetings between City staff and Kent Kjellberg, it appears that the proper alignment is now in place. An important factor in determining sanitary sewer alignment is input from Tony Emmerich as he owns property between the Remmele site and the Kjellberg connection point. Based on discussions with Emmerich, it appears that the alignment selected is acceptable to him. It should also be noted that Kent Kjellberg has an option or purchase agreement on the property owned by Emmerich, however, Kjellberg does not have site control therefore it is important that the approval on the alignment come from Emmerich himself. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion to approve plans and specs and authorize advertisement for bids for the Kjellberg West sanitary sewer extension. Motion to include authorization to initiate eminent domain process in the event the Emmerich easement is not forthcoming. Although it appears that the easement is in an acceptable location, the City does not have the necessary casement in hand, therefore it may make sense to initiate condemnation proceedings as a safeguard to fall back on if the casement is not granted. 2. Motion to deny approval of plans and specs and deny authorization to advertise for bids for the Kjellberg West sanitary sewer extension. C. RECOMMENDATION: StafTrecommends that City Council select alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Plans and specifications will be available for review at the council meeting if desired. 5 . Council Agenda - 6/28/99 5E. Consideration of accepting bids and awardin!! contract for c1imbin2 wall Community Center. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A single bid was received from Nicros on Thursday, June 24, 1999 on the climbing wall. The bid came in at $84,205. This amount can be reduced to $76,000 if the City accepts a standard insurance package of $2,000,000 instead of the greater requirement stated in the bid specification. The budget for this item is $75,000. The cost over- run will be funded through the contingency fund which is estimated at $200,000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to accept the bid and award the contract to Nicros under the standard liability insurance coverage of $2,000,000. 2. Motion to deny acceptance of the bid and deny award of the contract to Nicros. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . The City Administrator recommends Alternative # 1. The bid is very near the budget amount. The level of insurance corresponding with the bid amount is acceptable. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of bid documents and correspondence. ~ ....... 6 JUN-24-99 THU 04:51 PM ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS FAX NO. 6516450079 P. 01 ~{f~ ^"c:rt1TI.CTUUi.- INT"'01'I~R Cr"''"i:It=:..:\1 ~'''L.^NNlNC ANI<:ENY 1(E:I,l. f" AnCHITl!.:CT.!i MEMORANDUM PATE: June 24,1999 TO: Jeff O'Neill F^X: 612.295.4404. FROM: Mark Wen~~ell ~ RE: Mt)nticello CommLLnity Cel'\ter Project No. 97093.00 SUBJECTl Clin\bing,Wall Bid . AHached is the Climbing Wi;\U Bid received [rom Nieros. n\e bid amount of $84,000 can be reduced by $8,000 if we allow th~ir standard $2,000,000 liability policy instead of the greater requirement s~clted in the bid speciflcallon. nus seems perfeclly <ldequalc in our review and discussion wilh thcm to protect the city. We recommend accepting this bid and entering into a contract with Nkt'os for $76,000. Upon acce?t~'nce oE the bId we wlU schedule A meetIng wiU\ Nicros Ilnd ciLy staff Lo coordi1\l\tc issues rcgarding U1C constructiOll and OpCrlltion of the dimbtng wall. . ~ (Ill,1 nl\1'MON" ....VI:..U,.; SUlU.400 aT. rI\UL. MN. SSI 14 ...~~ a4lJ.C~OiS -... P'AX .. .'--...~ JUN-24-99 THU 04:51 PH ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS FAX NO, 6516450079 p, 02 ''. ~~ . ~1C:F[fdI&3 June 23, 1999 '~1. Mr. M:lrk Wentzell Ankeny Kcll Architects 821 Rayn1onc.l Ave., Suite 400 St. Paul, MN 55114 Dear Mr. Wentzell: Enclosed is our quote for the climbin~ wall installation in the new Monticello Community Center. "fhe total price is $84,205, which illcludes the allotment for the landing surface. I wanted to point out that this is higher as a result of the addItional insurance requirement. I've included a "Deduct" for the insurance if you can use our standard insurance COVCr.lge. I know tho target was approximatcly S70K, and while the $84K number looks bigger, it is actually . very closo (i.e., $84K~ $6K(for landing surface).. S8K (torincrfbused jnsurance)~S70K). I think thQ ol'lly remaining things that need to be resolved are the insurance issue and the Lead Climbing routes (or any other options that may be desired). Thank YOll for the opportunity to quote on this project. We are excited to build the ''mixture'' design that is proposed. If you have any questions please feel free to give me a call. Also, I will check back with you in a couple of days. Sincerely, Niecos, Inc. ~~ Nate Postma President . L. .' Nicros Inc. 519 Payne Avenue. St. Paul. MN 55101 USA 651-778-1975 . Fax 651-778-8080 . EMAIL soles@nicros.com ....'_.~ --,-"....,~--_._-,.- ._,-~.,'- ~ . . . Council Agenda - 6/28/99 SF. Consideration of acccptim! bids and awardin!! contract for purchase of office furniture. fixtures and eauipment - Community Center. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On Tuesday, June 22, 1999 four bids were submitted for oflice furniture and equipment. The low bid was presented by Parameters in the amount of $80, 132.02. The office furniture represents a portion of the total furniture fixtures and equipment budget of $183,000. According to the architect, the company that provided the lowest bid is known for providing high quality office furniture. The time of the bidding was advantageous to the City because it coincided with a very large contract that was recently won by Parameters on another project. The City thus reaped the associated buying power. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to accept bids and award contract to Parameters in the amount of $80,132.02. 2. Motion to deny acceptance of bids and deny awarding of contract. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of bid tabulation. 7 JUN-25-99 FRI 12:43 PM ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS FAX NO, 6516450079 p, 04 · ~~.J .". Ankeny KellArchitects, P.A. 821 Raymond Avenue, Suite 400 St. Paul, MN 55114 (651) 645-6606 (651) 645-0079 FAX FAX Transmittal TO: Comp.ny: ~hQne: TelefaXI Jeff O'Neill ~'qrty of Montloello 612.271.3215 -612.29"5.4404 ' - From: Date \ Tim,: ProJeClt No: Pl'ojeot: Ber!)' Hol:l 6.25.99 .. 9j093,03 _. ---4 ~ --.... "7": ~-- -~. II - . .-. Pages Sent (including this one): 1 Original to follow by mall: D Remarks: Jeff, FOllowing arQ the four bids. Solse Cascade Office Products $83147.28 . Krueger International, Inc. $96566.45 $80132.02 Parameters General Office Products -$10151.00 -General Office Products bid only seating. . Copy to: mw By: bh Fax : . Council Agenda - 6/28/99 SG. Consideration of approval of final plat and development agreement for River Forest Residential Subdivision Phase II. (.LO.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to consider approval of the development agreement and final plat of the River Forest subdivision Phase II. The second phase consists of 11.58 acres and will involve development of 27 lots. The agreement calls for payment of trunk fees in the amount of $62,000. The project is being constructed and financed privately therefore no city financing is required for the basic improvements. Total cost of the project for roads, sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer if $268,000. City expenses for administration and monitoring construction under the development agreement amount to $28,992. The park dedication for this phase was covered with a payment of $32,000 made with development of the first phase. The center island area vacated at River Forest Drive is platted as an outlot with this plat. . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approval final plat and development agreement for the River Forest subdivision, Phase II. 2. Motion to deny approval. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of development agreement, Project Revenue Summary and final plat. . 8 Council Agenda M 6/28/99 . 5H. Consideration of accepting bids and awardinl! contract CSAH 75 Road Imorovement Proiect No. 98-17C. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Bids were received Thursday morning, June 23rd on the CSAH 75 Improvement Project 98-17C. Five bids were received with the low bidder being R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. of St. Cloud with a total bid of $1 ,856,518.88. The bid is under the estimate of the engineer which was $2,187,000. Based on the low bid, the total construction cost breakdown by City and County would be as follows: County costs = City costs = Total $1,361,931.00 $ 494.588.00 $1,856,519.00 Of the City's $463,085 share, approximately $110,000 is included in this amount relating to the signal cost that will be picked up by the Hospital District. None of these dollar amounts include any indirect costs for engineering, legal or financing costs which is typically calculated at an additional 28% above the construction dollars. Adding 28% for indirect, the City's share after deducting the $110,000 for the signal would be approximately $492,000. Part of this cost will . also be assessable to benefitting property owners for curb, gutter and storm sewer benefits. The bid tabulation has been checked Mike Nielson of WSB & Associates who is recommending awarding the contract to R.L. Larson contingent upon Wright County Board approval. B. ALTERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution awarding the bid to R.L. Larson Excavating in the amount of $1,856,518.88 for the CSAH 75 Improvement Project. This award would be contingent upon approval by the Wright County Board. 2. Do not accept the bid. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and City Administrator that the bid be accepted from R.L. Larson Excavating contingent upon Wright County Board approval. The project costs are approximately 15% lower than the engineer had estimated and awarding the contract seems to be in the best interest of the City if this project is to continue. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Bid tabulation from WSB & Associates. 9 . . . DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT RIVER FOREST 2ND ADDITION THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 28th day of June, 1998, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the state of Minnesota (the "City"), and 1. Edwin Chadwick, LLC, a Minnesota corporation (the "Developer"). RECITALS: WHEREAS, Developer has requested that City grant final approval to a plat to be known as River Forest (the "Subdivision"), said land legally described as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof ("Property") which Subdivision shall consist of 27 single family lots and 1 outlots; and WHEREAS, Developer intends to construct, install, provide for, and maintain streets, storm sewer, water main, signs, grading, and drainage activities in accordance with the plans and specifications as hereinafter described, all at the sole cost and expense of Developer; and WHEREAS, the City has by resolution adopted on the 28th day of June, 1998, granted final approval to the Subdivision provided that the Developer enter into the within Agreement and that Developer faithfully perform the terms and conditions contained herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual promises and conditions hereinafter contained, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. Plat Approval. The City agrees to approve the Subdivision as requested by Developer on the terms and conditions as hereafter set forth. The Developer agrees that the Subdivision shall be developed in accordance with the exhibits attached hereto which are hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. The exhibits are: Exhibit B -- Final Plat Prior to the date of filing the plat and protective covenants, Developer must pay to City any and all outstanding expenses incurred by City for plat and other development purposes including, but not limited to, engineering, legal, and other professional staff fees. The final plat and protective covenants and association articles of incorporation and bylaws must be approved and executed in accordance with City and County ordinances and filed in the office of the Wright County Recorder at Developer's expense no later than December 31, 1999. Page 1 . Failure to file the final plat and protective covenants and association article of incorporation and bylaws by this date shall render this Agreement null and void in its entirety. 2. Representations of Developer. As inducement to the City's approval of the Subdivision and entering into this Agreement, the Developer hereby represents and warrants to the City: A. That the Developer is the fee owner of Outlot A, River Forest. The Developer has authority to enter into this Agreement. B. That the intended use of the property is for single family residential development. C. That the Subdivision complies with all city, county, state, and federal laws and regulations including, but not limited to, City subdivision ordinances and zoning ordinances. D. That to the best of Developer's knowledge, the Subdivision does not require an Environmental Assessment Worksheet or an Environmental Impact Statement, but shall prepare the same if required to do so by City or other governmental entity pursuant to law and shall reimburse City for all expenses incurred by City in connection with the preparation of the review, including staff time and attorneys fees. . 3. Developer Improvements. The Developer agrees it shaIl construct, install, and maintain certain public improvements ("Developer Improvements") on the Property, at Developer's sole cost and expense, in accordance with the following exhibits: Exhibit C -- Building and Site Design Plan Exhibit D -- Construction Plan Developer agrees the Developer Improvements shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications, and preliminary engineering reports approved or to be approved by the City Engineer and the City prior to commencement of construction and thereafter, in accordance with all City rules, regulations, ordinances, and the requirements of this Agreement, which shaIl include, but not be limited to, the foIlowing: 1. Street grading, graveling, surfacing, and stabilizing which shall include curbs, gutter and driveway approaches. 2. Storm sewers, including all necessary catch basins, and appurtenances. 3. Water main, including all appurtenances. Page 2 . . .- 4. Sanitary sewer, including all appurtenances. 5. Setting of lot and block monuments. 6. Surveying and staking. 7. Site grading, berming, and landscaping consistent with landscape and the City Erosion Control Policy Residential Lots regulation. As to all of River Forest, the Developer shall perform site grading, berming, and landscaping consistent with the landscape and the city Erosion Control Policy for Residential Lots regulations. 8. Establishment of post office cluster box stands with groups of six or more in the single family residential area. 9. The City shall install street name signs, stop signs, and other traffic control signs at all locations deemed necessary by City, at Developer's cost and expense. 10. Pathway grading and paving as described on approved plans identified in Section 21 of this agreement. 4. Permits. Upon execution of this Agreement, Developer and other necessary parties shall promptly apply for all permits, approvals, licenses, or other documents from any and all necessary governmental agencies (which may include the City, Wright County, PCA and DNR) so as to enable Developer to construct the Developer Improvements as herein contemplated. Developer shall use its best efforts to obtain the same as soon as reasonably possible. Developer acknowledges and agrees that a per acre trunk water main ($651 per acre), sanitary sewer fee ($1,301 per acre), and storm sewer fee ($4,686 per acre) shall be incorporated into an assessment roll for the subdivision based on today's costs. The total amounts for the second phase for trunk water is $7,534; for sanitary sewer is $15,068; for storm sewer is $34,656 (includes credits), with the exception of trunk storm sewer. Trunk sewer costs were divided equally between phase I & II. The total trunk fees amount to $62,659, which Developer agrees is fair and reasonable. The City acknowledges that all park dedication fees were paid with River Forest Phase 1. No grading or building permit shall be issued by City unless the plans or application are in conformity with the City comprehensive plan, this Agreement, and all local, state and federal regulations. The City shall, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of plans or building per applications, review such submittal to determine whether the foregoing requirements have been met. Page 3 . . If the City discerns said plans or applications are deficient, it shall notify the Developer in writing stating the deficiencies and the steps necessary for correction. Issuance of a grading or building permit by City shall be a conclusive determination that the plans or applications have been approved as to the requested activity by Developer and satisfies the provisions of this section. The City shall issue building permits prior to City acceptance of the Developer Improvements provided that the party applying for the building permit agrees to withhold requests for occupancy until necessary Developer Improvements have been installed, which include operational and tested sewer and water systems, installation of sod in the front yard, and roadway development sufficiently completed to support access by emergency vehicles, snowplows, and garbage trucks, to be determined by the City Engineer in his sole but reasonable discretion. Until such approval is granted, no dwelling may be occupied on either a temporary or permanent basis, except that model homes may be occupied by sales personnel for marketing and related purposes. Notwithstanding this provision, if the Developer is in default of this Agreement, as hereinafter defined, in addition to any other remedy provided by this Agreement, City may refuse to issue a certificate of occupancy for any lot or parcel in the Subdivision until Developer cures the default as provided herein. 5. Pre-Construction Activities. The Developer or his engineer shall schedule a pre- construction meeting with City to review a proposed schedule for construction of the Developer Improvements. 6. Commencement of Construction of Developer Improvements. Upon obtaining all necessary governmental approvals, licenses and permits, subject to Unavoidable Delays, Developer shall commence construction of the Developer Improvements within ten (10) days. 7. Faithful Performance of Construction of Improvements. Developer shall install, construct, and maintain the Subdivision Items and Developer Improvements in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Developer guarantees and warrants the workmanship and materials respecting such Subdivision Items and Developer Improvements for a period of one year following City's acceptance of the same ("Guarantee Period"). The Developer shall repair or replace, as directed by the City and at the Developer's sole cost and expense, any work and/or materials that become defective, in the sole but reasonable opinion of the City or its Engineer, provided that City or its Engineer give notice of such defect to Developer within three months following the end of the Guarantee Period. The Developer, or Developer's contractors, shall post maintenance bonds or other security acceptable to City to secure these warranties. Page 4 . . 8. Inspection of Improvements. Developer authorizes the City Inspector and City Engineer to inspect construction of the Developer Improvements as required by City and grants to them a license to enter the Subdivision to perform all necessary work and/or inspections deemed appropriate during the construction of the improvements until final certification of acceptance is approved by City for all Developer Improvement items and expiration of any applicable warranty period. Inspections by the City are to be logged and reported weekly to Developer. Construction and installation plans shall be provided to City and shall be reviewed by and subject to approval of the City to insure that the construction work meets with approved City standards as a condition of City acceptance. Developer shall cause its contractor to furnish City with a schedule of proposed operations at least five (5) days prior to the commencement of the construction of each type of Subdivision Item and Developer Improvement. The City shall inspect all such work items during and after construction for compliance with approved specifications and ordinance requirements until final certification of acceptance is approved by City and expiration of any applicable warranty period. 9. Acceptance ofImprovement. Upon notification by Developer that any of the Developer Improvements have been completed, within ten (10) days City Engineer shall inspect the Developer Improvement and, at his sole discretion, determine if the Development Improvement(s) has been completed in accordance with the plans, specifications, and exhibits attached hereto. If the City Engineer determines that the Developer Improvements have been completed in accordance with said requirements, the City Engineer shall give the Developer written notice of the City's acceptance of the Developer Improvements within seven (7) days effective as of the date of the inspection. If the City Engineer determines that the Developer Improvement(s) is not completed in accordance with said requirements, the City Engineer shall notify Developer in writing of the deficiency and provide a reasonable date upon which to cure the deficiency. Failure by the Developer to cure within the stated time period shall constitute an Event of Default. 10. Completion of Developer Improvements. Developer agrees to complete the Subdivision Items and Developer Improvements on or before October 31, 2000. The Completion Date as provided herein is subject to Unavoidable Delays as hereinafter defined, in which event the completion date may be extended by the period of such Unavoidable Delays. For the purpose of this section, Unavoidable Delays means delays which are caused by strikes, fire, war, road weight restrictions, material shortages, weather that renders Page 5 . . construction progress impossible, causes beyond the Developer's control or other casualty to the Developer Improvements, or the act of any federal, state, or local government unit, except those acts of the City authorized or contemplated by this Agreement. In the event Developer believes an extension is warranted, Developer shall request such extension in writing to the City Engineer and specify the requested length of extension and the reason therefore. The City Engineer shall determine the length of the extension, if any, in his sole but reasonable discretion. 11. Ownership ofImprovements. Upon the completion of the Developer Improvements required to be constructed by this Agreement, and the acceptance thereof by the City, the Developer Items lying within the public easements and public right-of-ways as shown on the Subdivision plat shall become City property without further notice or action. Within thirty days thereafter, and before any security as herein required is released, Developer shall supply City with a complete set of reproducible "AS BUILT" and "DEVELOPMENT PLAN" plans in a form acceptable to the City Engineer, without charge to City, which documents shall become the property of City. 12. Clean Up. The Developer shall properly clear any soil, earth, or debris on City-owned property or public right-of-way resulting from construction work by the Developer, its agents, or assigns. 13. Maintenance of Roads Before Acceptance. Developer shall, at its expense, prepare any streets located in the Subdivision for snowplowing and other maintenance that Developer wishes City to undertake prior to formal acceptance by City of such streets. This preparation shall include, without limitation, ramping any manholes as necessary to avoid damage to snowplows or other vehicles used in street maintenance. Should damage occur to City snowplows or other vehicles during the course of snowplowing or other maintenance procedures prior to formal acceptance of the street by City, which damage is caused by Developer's failure to properly prepare or maintain the same, Developer shall pay all such damages and shall indemnify and hold City harmless for all such damage, cost, or expense incurred by City with regard thereto. 14. Erosion and Drainage Control. The Developer shall provide and comply with erosion and drainage control provisions in the landscape plan and City policy requirements as described in paragraph 3 (8) and as otherwise required by City. As development progresses, the City may impose additional erosion and drainage control requirements if, in the sole but reasonable opinion of the City Engineer, they would be useful and appropriate in controlling drainage and erosion. Developer shall promptly comply with such erosion and drainage control plans and with such additional instructions it receives from City. -. 15. Hold Harmless Agreement. Developer acknowledges that its failure to implement the - Page 6 . . . 17. plans and exhibits as contained herein may cause flooding and/or damage to adjoining property owners. In such event, Developer agrees to hold City harmless and indemnify City from claims of all third parties or Developer for damages arising out of such flooding and/or damages. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. In the event of an emergency situation requiring immediate action to prevent loss or damage to persons or property, to be determined at the sole discretion of City, the notice and cure provisions of paragraph 21 shall not apply and City is authorized to undertake any corrective action it deems necessary to prevent or minimize any such flooding and/or damage. In such event, Developer agrees to hold City harmless and indemnify City from claims of all third parties for damages arising out of said corrective action by City, and agrees to reimburse City for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred by City arising out of the corrective action including, but not limited to, any costs necessary to re-landscape disrupted soils located within the Subdivision. 16. Insurance. A. The Developer will provide and maintain or cause to be maintained at all times during the process of constructing the Developer Improvements until six (6) months after acceptance of all Developer Improvements and, from time to time at the request of the City, furnish with proof of payment of premiums on: (1) Comprehensive general liability insurance (including operations, contingent liability, operations of subcontractors, completed operations and contractual liability insurance) together with an Owner's Contractor's Policy with limits against bodily injury, including death, and property damage (to include, but not be limited to damages caused by erosion or flooding) which may arise out of the Developer's work or the work of any of its subcontractors. Limits for bodily injury or death shall not be less than $200,000.00 for one person and $2,000,000.00 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall not be less than $200,000.00 for each occurrence. The City, City Engineer, and Developer's Engineer shall be an additional named insured on said policy. Developer shall file a copy of the insurance coverage with the City upon request. (ii) Worker's compensation insurance, with statutory coverage. Security for Cost of Improvements. For the purpose of financing the construction, installation, and maintenance of the Developer Improvements, and to pay all associated costs and expenses of City as described in paragraph 18, Developer shall, upon execution Page 7 . . . of this Agreement, execute and deliver to Builders Development and Finance ("Lender") a Note and Mortgage encumbering the property in an amount not less than $325,000 (includes amount 20% above construction cost plus trees). The proceeds of this loan shall be escrowed by Lender and disbursed only in accordance with the terms and conditions of a certain Disbursement Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit E and incorporated by reference herein. No work shall be commenced under this Agreement until the Note, Mortgage, and Disbursement Agreement have been executed and certified copies filed with City. 18. Responsibility for Costs. A. The Developer shall pay all costs incurred by it or City in connection with the development of the Subdivision, including but not limited to construction of Developer Improvements, legal, planning, engineering, and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the Subdivision plat, the preparation of this Agreement, and all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the Subdivision. B. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted by the City within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt all plat development work until the bills are paid in full. C. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers and employees harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from Subdivision plat approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers and employees for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may payor incur in consequence of such claims, including reasonable attorneys fees, provided that nothing herein shall require Developer to indemnify the City, its officers or employees from any violation of law or from the consequences of their own negligence. D. The Developer shall reimburse the City for its costs incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement, including engineering and reasonable attorneys fees. 19. Required Tree Planting For lots without trees, Developer shall be responsible for installation of boulevard tree plantings as required by the city ordinance. Required subdivision trees must have a trunk diameter of at least two inches (2") at one foot (I') above ground. Required trees must be protected and supported by approved tree guards. Not less than two (2) or more than three (3) species of trees shall be planted in any block, and neither less than twenty percent (20%) nor more than fifty percent (50%) of the total trees planted in a block may be of the same species. Page 8 . On lots with a single frontage or for corner lots with double frontage on two minor streets, two trees to be planted per street trontage. Trees must be planted at a location between 4 feet and 10 feet from the curb. The Developer shall take into account the presence of utility systems when establishing the precise location within the stated acceptable range from the curb. In areas where sidewalk is being installed, trees shall be planted between the curb and the sidewalk 4-5 feet behind the curb. The Developer is free to direct builders to plant trees as required under the ordinance and this development agreement; however, the Developer is ultimately responsible for compliance with the tree planting requirement. This expense shall be incorporated into the disbursement agreement. 20. Park Dedication. Paid with Phase I ($32,500). 21. Trails and Pathwavs. The 10' bituminous rail connecting River Forest Circle to Gillard Avenue and the 10' trail extending from the River Mill Outlot B to River Forest Drive between Lot 1, Block 6 and Lot 7, Block 5, shall be constructed and funded by the developer with Phase II of the development. . 22. Miscellaneous. A. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, Successors or assigns, as the case may be. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against any party under this Agreement. Future residents of the plat shall not be deemed to be third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement. C. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. D. So long as the City uses its best efforts to review plans and inspect improvements, the Developer shall have no cause of action for damages attributable to delays in the construction and completion of said Items. E. No one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until sanitary sewer and water lines have been installed, hooked up, tested, and approved by the City. .ar. ..., F. The action or inaction of the City as to the exercise of any of its rights or remedies upon an event of default shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the Page 9 . provisions of this Agreement as to future events of default. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties, and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release as to any event of default. G. This Agreement shall run with the land and shall be recorded in the office of the Wright County Recorder. After completion of all of Developer's obligations hereunder, at Developer's request City will execute and deliver to Developer a release of this Agreement in recordable form. H. Both parties to this Agreement acknowledge that they have been represented by counsel, or are aware of their right to counsel, and have entered into this Agreement freely and voluntarily. 23. Prohibitions Against Assignment of Agreement. Developer represents and agrees that (except for associating with other individuals or entities), prior to the completion of the Developer Improvements as certified by the City: A. . Except only by way of security for, and only for the purpose of obtaining financing necessary to enable the Developer or any Successor in interest to the Property, or any part thereof, to perform its obligations with respect to the construction of the Developer Improvements under this Agreement, and any other purpose authorized by this Agreement, the Developer (except as so authorized) will not make or create, or suffer to be made or created, any total or partial sale, assignment, conveyance, or transfer in any other mode or form of with respect to this Agreement or any interest therein, or any contract or agreement to do any of the same, without the prior written approval of City. B. In the absence of specific written agreement by the City to the contrary, no such transfer or approval by City shall be deemed to relieve Developer from any of its obligations. In the event that City approves a substitute developer and the Property is transferred to said substitute, the City agrees to relieve the Developer of liability from performance as described in this contract. Said substitute shall assume all responsibilities and rights of the Developer under this contract. 24. Events of Default Defined. The following shall be "Events of Default" under this Agreement and the term "events of default" shall mean, whenever it is used in this Agreement (unless the context otherwise provides), anyone or more of the following events: A. Failure by the Developer to observe and substantially perform any covenant, condition, obligation or agreement on its part to be observed or performed under Page 10 . F. . the terms of this Agreement, or the Disbursement Agreement by and between City, the Developer and Lender. B. If the Developer shall admit in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due, or shall file a petition in bankruptcy, or shall make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or shall consent to the appointment of a receiver of itself or of the whole or any substantial part of the property. c. If the Developer shall file a petition under the federal bankruptcy laws. D. If the Developer is in default under the Mortgage and has not entered into a work- out agreement with the Lender. E. If the Developer shall fail to begin construction of the Developer Improvements in conformance with this Agreement, and such failures are not due to unavoidable delays as defined in this Agreement. The Developer shall, after commencement of the construction of the Developer Improvements, default in or violate its obligations with respect to the construction of the same (including the nature and the date for the completion thereof), or shall abandon or substantially suspend construction work, and such act or actions is not due to unavoidable delays as determined by the City Engineer in his sole but reasonable discretion and any such default, violation, abandonment, or suspension shall not be cured, ended, or remedied within the time provided for in this Agreement. 25. Notice/Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default occurs, the City shall give written notice of the Event of Default to Developer by United States mail at its last known address, J. Edwin Chadwick, 1550 East 79th St Suite #640, Bloomington, MN 55426. If the Developer fails to cure the Event of Default within fifteen (15) days of the date of mailed notice, in addition to any other remedy provided in this Agreement, and without waiver of any such right, City may avail itself of any or all of the following remedies for so long as the Developer is in default: A. Halt all plat development work and construction of Developer Improvements until such time as the Event of Default is cured. B. Refuse to issue building permits or occupancy permits as to any parcel until such time as the Event of Default is cured. c. -- Apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin continuation of the Event of Default. Page 11 . D. Exercise any and all remedies available to City pursuant to the Disbursement Agreement. If the Event of Default is the failure of Developer to complete, construct, install or correct the Developer Improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications and this Agreement, City may perform the construction or work and apply to Lender pursuant to the Disbursement Agreement to reimburse City for its expenses. This provision shall be a license granted by the Developer to the City to act, but shall not require the City to take any such action. Developer consents to such action by City and waives any claim Developer may have against City for damages in the event City exercises its rights in accordance with this provision. E. Terminate this Agreement by written notice to Developer at which time all terms and conditions as contained herein shall be of no further force and effect and all obligations of the parties as imposed hereunder shall be null and void. 26. Miscellaneous. A. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors or assigns, as the case may be. . B. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. C. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties, and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release. D. Future residents of this Subdivision shall not be deemed to be third party beneficiaries of this Agreement. E. This Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Developer, its successors and assigns. The Developer shall, at its expense record this Agreement in the Office of the Wright County Recorder. After the Developer has completed the work required under this Agreement, at the Developer's request the City will execute and deliver to Developer a release in recordable form. F. All parties to this Agreement acknowledge they have been represented by counsel and have entered into this Agreement freely and voluntarily. . Page 12 . . . 27. Notices. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, or mailed to the Developer by United States mail, postage prepaid to the following address: Attention: address, 1. Edwin Chadwick, 1550 East 79th S1. Suite #640, Bloomington, MN 55425. Notices to City shall be in writing and either hand delivered to the City Administrator or mailed to City by United States mail, postage prepaid to the address: 250 East Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Developer have signed this Developer's Agreement the day and year first written above. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Roger Belsaas Its: Mayor By: Rick W olfsteller Its: City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1999, by Roger Belsaas and Rick Wolfsteller, the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public Page 13 . . ..... ...,. DEVELOPER: J. Edwin Chadwick, LLC 1550 East 79th St suite #640 Bloomington, MN 55425 By; Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1999, by its of , a Minnesota Limited Liability Company on behalf of the Minnesota Limited Liability Company. Notary Public This Instrument Drafted By: Olson, Usset, Agan & Weingarden 6600 France A venue South Suite 590 Edina, MN 55435 Page 14 . EXHIBIT A Legal Description Outlot A, River Forest Subdivision . . Page 15 . EXHIBIT B Plat See attached plat . . Page 16 . . . EXHIBITS C AND D Exhibit C BUILDING and Site Plan Exhibit D CONSTRUCTION Plan Exhibits C and D are available and on file at the office of the Monticello City Engineer, WSB & Associates, Inc., 350 Westwood Lake Office, 8441 Wayzata Boulevard, Minneapolis, MN 55426. Page 17 . EXHIBIT E Disbursement Agreement See attached . . Page 18 River Forest II .ummary of Revenues and Disbursement Agreement June 25, 1999 Trunk or Dedication Fees to be Assessed Acreagellots Fee Credits Park Pathway Street lighting 27 $0.00 $32,000 provided with Phase I $200 Uknown $5,400.00 Credit provided for trail const NA Development predates policy change Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer 11.58 11.58 $1,301 $651 $15,068.48 1998 fee plus 4.1 % increase $7,534.24 1998 fee plus 4.1 % increase $34,656.97 1998 fee plus 4.1 % increase na Per lot Assessment 29 $62659.68 $2,160.68 Total amount to Assess Disbursement Agreement Amount Const Cost " Fees for Admin/Engineering/Inspection $268,920.00 $26,892.00 $26,892.00 San Sew, Roads, Storm Sewer Contingency (10%) Grading Fee (5% of $42,000) $2,100.00 $0.00 Trees - Not a Iicable Total $324,804.00 . Council Agenda - 6/28/99 . 5H. Consideration of acceDtinlZ bids and awardine contract CSAH 75 Road Improvement Proiect No. 98.17C. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Bids were received Thursday morning, Jooe 23rd on the CSAH 75 Improvement Project 98-17C. Five bids were received with the low bidder being R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. of St. Cloud with a total bid of $1 ,856,518.88. The bid is under the estimate of the engineer which was $2,187,000. Based on the low bid, the total construction cost breakdown by City and County would be as follows: Coooty costs = City costs = Total $1,361,931.00 $ 494.588.00 $1,856,519.00 Of the City's $463,085 share, approximately $110,000 is included in this amount relating to the signal cost that will be picked up by the Hospital District. None of these dollar amounts include any indirect costs for engineering, legal or financing costs which is typically calculated at an additional 28% above the construction dollars. Adding 28% for indirect, the City's share after deducting the $110,000 for the signal would be approximately $492,000. Part of this cost will also be assessable to benefitting property owners for curb, gutter and storm sewer benefits. . The bid tabulation has been checked Mike Nielson of WSB & Associates who is recommending awarding the contract to R.L. Larson contingent upon Wright County Board approval. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution awarding the bid to R.L. Larson Excavating in the amount of $1,856,518.88 for the CSAH 75 Improvement Project. This award would be contingent upon approval by the Wright County Board. 2. Do not accept the bid. C. STAFF RECOMl'vfENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and City Administrator that the bid be accepted from R.L. Larson Excavating contingent upon Wright County Board approval. The project costs are approximately 15% lower than the engineer had estimated and awarding the contract seems to be in the best interest of the City if this project is to continue. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Bid tabulation from WSB & Associates. 9 Jun-24-99 OS:43A .WSB St Cloud . . . 320-2S2-3~OO P.02 Ii.^- Mittelsteadt, PF.. Bret A. Weiss. PE. r'~tc:r R. Willcmhring. P.E. Donald W. Sl<:rna. r.E. RunalJ B. Bray. f':E. 606 25 th Ave. S. · Suite 101 St. Cloud, MN 56301 320.252.4900 FAX 252-3100 & Associates. Inc. Junc 23, 1999 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362 Ke: County Statc Aid Highway 75 Improvement .Project S.A.1'.86-675-J2 City ofMonth.:ello Project No. 98-17C WSB Projcct No. 1109.10 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above-referenced project at 11 :00 a.m.. June 23, 1999 and Wete opened and read aloud. A total of Live bids were received. The bids were checkc=d tor mathematical accuracy and tabulated. Please find enclosed the bid tabulatiun indicating the low bidder as R. L. Larson Excavating, 'fnc., St. Cloud. MN. in the tollowing amounts: Base Bid Alternate Bid Total Bid $1,835,312.88 $21.206.00 $1,856,518.88 We recommend award of the contract, including the Base Bid and Altematc Did, to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. in the amount of$I,856.518.88 contingent on approval by Wright County. Sincerely, WSB & Al'l'ociatej'. Inc. .~. (z;d~ Michael 1. Nielson, P.E. Office Manager Enclosures c: R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. Wayne Fingalson, Wright County Engineer nm Minneapoli$ · St. Cloud Infrastructure Engineers Planners f.QI.J^r. OPPORTUNITY i:.Ml'LOv!f.R F: IJ I ,,,,./ultKlIfIIIII.I1.._. "'" Jun-24-99 OB:43A *WSB St cloud 320-252-3100 P.03 . BID TABULATION Project Name: LOG.tlon Client ProjeGt No: WSS Project No. County State Aid Highway 75 Improvement Project Monticello, MN SA.P. 86'-75-12; City Project 98.17C 1109.10 Bids Opened: Contractor Bid Security Total Baae Bid Tot., Alternate Bid R L Larson Exc. Inc X 51.835,~12.88 $21,206.00 Bauerly Brcs Inc X 51,881,235.43 $20,442.50 Richard Knutson Inc X $2,018.244.93 $21,810.00 Buffalo Bituminous X 52,020.000.00 $2',896.25 . Ryan Contracting Co X $2,212.210.30 $23,268.50 Engineer's Estimate $2,155,254.63 $31.798.75 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on June 23, 1999. ~~~ Michael J. Nielson. p.e. _ Denotes eonacted n(/UrrI . . Council Agenda ~ 6/28/99 5.1 Consideration of approvinl! revisions to Citv/Hospital District Development Agreement relating to CSAH 75 detour. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous meeting, the Council approved the development agreement between the City and Hospital District pertaining to cost sharing arrangements by the hospital for the proposed CSAH 75 Improvements and the future vacation of Hart Boulevard. As you may recall, the approval was contingent upon the Hospital District Administrator reporting back to the Hospital Board that the City would still require the use of Hart Boulevard as a detour for three or more days as part of the CSAH 75 construction. Mike Nielson of WSB & Associates recently met with Barb Schwientek, Hospital Administrator, and Dean Sand, the construction manager for the hospital expansion project. The Hospital District proposed making a connection from Hart Boulevard to CSAH 75 through their existing parking lot east of the hospital main entrance to eliminate the detour traffic J[om using Hart Boulevard directly in front of the hospital. All costs associated with the construction of the detour is proposed to be the Hospital District's responsibility as we do not feel there is any direct benefit to the City by constructing this temporary by pass. . Since this detour agreement should be added to the development agreement between the City and the Hospital, it is the recommendation of our City Attorney that the Council approve this alternate detour with the conditions noted in the letter from our City Engineer. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the revised detour location connecting Hart Boulevard to CSAH 75 as outlined subject to the conditions noted in the letter provided by the City Engineer. Under this alternative, the detour construction costs would be the responsibility of the Hospital District. 2. Do not approve the alternate detour route. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the alternate route detour be approved as outlined by our City Engineer, including the hospital being responsible for all costs. The appropriate modification will be made to the development agreement that was originally approved by the Council at our last meeting. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy of City Engineer's letter with conditions of approval. 10 . . . 606 25 th Ave. S. · Suite 101 St. Cloud, MN 56301 BA Mittelsteadt, rE. Bret A. Weiss, rE. Peter R. Willenbring, rE. Donald W Sterna, rE. Ronald B. Bray, rE. 320-252.4900 FAX 252-3100 & Associates, Inc. June 23, 1999 Mr. Stephen H. Munstenteiger Anoka Professional Building, Suite 300 403 Jackson Street Anoka, MN 55303 Re: CSAH 75 / Hart Boulevard Detour WSB Project No. 1010.63 Dear Mr. Munstenteiger, Transmitted herewith is a plan with the revised detour location identified as discussed with Barb SChwientek, Hospital Administrator, Dean Sand, CMA Inc. and myself. Mr. Wayne Fingalson, Wright County Engineer has verbally approved the detour change with the following conditions. 1. The detour road is constructed to the horizontal and vertical alignments, and cross sections provided by WSB & Associates, Inc. 2. The detour road is constructed with a minimum of 12" Class 5 gravel, and 2" bituminous surfacing. 3. The Hospital is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the detour road throughout the duration of the detour. 4. The County/City as part of the CSAH 75 reconstruction project will provide the traffic control through out the duration of the detour. 5. The detour will abandoned upon completion of the required underground utility construction associated with the CSAH 75 reconstruction project. Minneapolis · St. Cloud Infrastmcture Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I will continue to pursue the option of detouring traffic near the 101 exit in Rogers with Mn/DOT and will continue to look at other detour alternatives as allowed by the TH 25 construction. The additional signing for the 1-94 ramp requiring trucks to use alternate route will be inplace as requested. . If these conditions are agreeable to the Hospital Board, I believe the construction of the watermain may proceed if: 1. The Hospital accepts the roadway maintenance of that portion of Hart Boulevard disturbed by watermain construction until the City of Monticello officially vacates the roadway. 2. Liability issues can be resolved with the City of Monticello. If you have any questions regarding these issues please contact myself at 320- 252-4900 or Mr. Dennis Dalen. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. f/UdwLl1 ~ Michael J. Nielson, P.E. Office Manager . Cc: Mr. Wayne Fingalson, Wright County Engineer Mr. Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Mr. Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Mr. Dennis Dalen, City Attorney Ms. Barb SChwientek, Hospital Administrator Mr. Dean Sand, CMA Mr. Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, Inc. . . lh-f D~TDuf?- :a? ~~ . )/ '\ '\ r'J /~/'" ....../( ;",/ / ,,' / ,,-"7" / ;,W./ /" { +,- /" '_/"/" '( . . . . Council Agenda - 6/28/99 7. Consideration of acceotine 1998 audit reoort A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Rick Borden and/or Mr. Bob Carlson of Gruys, Borden, Carlson & Associates, will be present at the meeting to present a brief overview of the 1998 audit report that has been recently completed by their firm. A copy of the report has been included with the agenda for Councihnember review. I realize that this lengthy report is hard for the Council to review and analyze in such a short period of time, but the report needs to be accepted by the City Council prior to the end of June, as it has to be submitted to the State Auditor by June 30, 1999. After the brief presentation of the report, if the Council feels they would like additional time to review the report, this item can again be scheduled at a future council meeting for additional discussion. The audit report preparation is in its final stages as this agenda item is being prepared. From our records, the City finances should be in good shape with increasing fund balances in most areas. The auditor will review with the Council the financial condition of the City and highlight lilY specific points during their presentation. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council should accept the 1998 audit report as presented so it may be submitted to the State Auditor by the required June 30, 1999 deadline. C. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy of the 1998 audit report. 11 . Council Agenda - 6/28/99 8. Consideration of reviewin!! procedures for evaluation of City Administrator. (R. W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A few months ago, the Council had requested some backgrolmd information on the procedures that could be used to conduct an evaluation of the City Administrator's position. In February and also again in May, I had distributed to the Council an example of the evaluation forms that are currently used by Department Heads/Administration for the COlmcil to revicw. Along with the evaluation form and instructions, I had enclosed a copy of the administrator's job description for your reVICW. In researching evaluation methods that had been used by other communities, there are two or three processes that have been mentioned with a variety of different evaluation forms available. One method that scems popular is to have each ofthe Councilmembers fill out a performance evaluation form similar to the one enclosed with the agcnda, with any comments, concerns or issues being noted on the evaluation form, and then have one or two members of the Council collect the evaluation forms and summarize, if necessary, and then have the same one or two individuals rcview the results with the administrator. A summary of the meeting would then be provided to the full Council. . The establishment of one or two Council members to a committee to review the evaluations with the administrator would not have to necessarily be considered a personnel committee of the Council but it could be utilized by the Council in the future for that purpose. Thc establishment of a personnel committee for this purpose would eliminate the necessity of having a special council meeting or a closed meeting since there would be less than three Councilmembers involved in the evaluation meeting. Whether the Council completes an evaluation form and then has a sub-committee mcet with the administrator or whether a special closed meeting is held by the entire Council to review the evaluations, there are probably as many different types of evaluation forms as there are jurisdictions that do them. Thc example provided with this agenda would be considered a traditional model rcIated to identifying specific duties within the position of administrator. As I have notcd in past correspondence with the Council, there may be many areas that are normally included in an evaluation document that is diffIcult for the Council to evaluate when you are not involved in the day to day activities of city hall. I bcIieve the evaluation sample provided would be easier for the Council to usc than the City's normal evaluation form we use for other departments, but it still isn't perfect. . Ifusing an evaluation form does not seem appropriate at this time, another alternative may be for the Council to list a set of specific goals or objectives you would like to see the City or the administrator accomplish during the coming year and have a two member committee or the entire Council meet with the administrator to discuss the set of goals. The benefIt to this process would be that next year the Council would have something that could be used to help you in evaluating 12 . . . Council Agenda - 6/28/99 how the administrator has performed. Ifthere are established procedures for evaluating the performance of the administrator and both the Council and the administrator are comfortable with the general goals and objectives set each year, the evaluation process could be easier to accomplish at the end of each year. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could complete an evaluation form on the administrator based on the form provided and appoint two Councilmembers to a committee to gather the data and summarize, if necessary, and meet with the administrator to discuss the results. Results of the evaluation meeting would be provided to the full Council at a later date. 2. Councilmembers could complete an evaluation form similar to the one provided and meet with the administrator in a closed session to review evaluations. 3. The Councilor a two member committee could meet with the administrator to prepare a list of goals and objectives the Council would like to see accomplished during the next year. This could then be used next year as a basis for conducting an evaluation. 4. Conduct an evaluation through some other process. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The one thing I found in trying to research how other communities and councils conduct evaluations is that there is no set pattern and it is not necessarily a routine annual evaluation. The use of some type of an evaluation form is still the most common method used, from what I could find, and J do believe the type of form enclosed with the agenda is better suited for the administrator position than the forms we have used for other department head categories. There are certainly other models of forms available including evaluations that deal in more general terms with standards of performance rather than tying it to specific duties. It would be my recommendation that the evaluation forms be completed by all Councilmembers and then reviewed with the administrator by a committee of two Councilmembers. This would be similar to alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of evaluation form, Vision and Governing Policy, and copy of Priority Listings from 1998. 13 . APPRAISAL OF PERFORMANCE . Position: Date: . Ratiag Symbols Three ratin, symbols are used to make the ----uta u follows: . E ,., Exceeds Expectations (performance has been above reasonable expectations.) M .. Meets Expectations (Performance has attained . level of reasonable expectatious.) B .. lIefow Expec:tations (Performance has beea below IeUODable expectations.) Please place a check mark for the rating you feel most appropriate in each category City Manager Performance Evaluation A. POLICY 1, Understands the difference between policy and administration Assists in policy formulation without exerting undue influence Provides sound advice on policy matters I ; ~ ~ ~ This column for office use only Carries out adopted policy effectively, faithfully and in a timely manner COMMENTS . B. PLANNING o 1. Plans. organizes and supervises implementation of on-going City programs and services 2. Organizes program planning in a manner that anticipates future needs and problems and establishes common goals for adoption by the City Council 3. Achieves goals set by or in conjunction with the City Council COMMENTS . c. AGENDAS 1, Prepares a sound agenda . 2. Balances work flow from meeting to meeting as much as possible Prepares agendas that focus on policy- making issues while keeping unnecessary administrative matters off 4. Provides adequate back~up material o COMMENTS Please place a check mark . for the rating you feel most appropriate in each category City Manager Performance Evaluation This column for office use only f:~~:;~;fi:;~;; 1. Provides reports in a comprehensive and understandable manner , ~' (). '" 2. Provides appropriate information for " ',' ,.. . ,'~ .,~ ow, ....;..,..::'i ~ }t--,. ~~~i~;~.,~;..~~~~;~~'",:::i,':. making sound policy decisions O. REPORTING I II COMMENTS E. FISCAL MANAGEMENT 1. Presents realistic budget 2. Seeks efficiency and economy in all programs Presents budget in an understandable fashion Keeps City Council informed on fiscal matters Administers the budget within adopted limits Instills in department heads and employees a sense of efficiency and economy COMMENTS ;!..~~\.. .0' -:;::- 1. Demonstrates ability to recruit and retain r:,;~r ,- excellent l'ersonnel f' "~... ",~. 0 2. Develops teamwork and cooperation ~"';~~~" :..., ~~. '. '" , among staff -- ........ 0 3. Delegates appropriate responsibilities to . -' " other members of management team :.;~:.~~~~- . 0 ' '", 4. Maintains good relations with employee ...,......:-:, , .-:T'" C ... .",_J orqanizations ., " " .~~t~'. 0 ," 5. Effectively represents city interests in ~:';';;:T ." .,. -,' . ~:- '" . .... .O;h., collective bargaining ... ~b::,; 0 , 6. Delegates appropriate responsibilities to -'~:- other members of management team F. PERSONNEL COMMENTS . Please place a check mark for the rating you feel most appropriate in each category City Manager Performance Evaluation This column for office use only G. COUNCIL RELATIONS Assists Council members in resolving problems administratively to avoid unnecessary action at meetings Deals with Council as a whole on policy issues Demonstrates impartiality and maintains appropriate relationships with individual Council members 4. Is receptive to constructive criticism and advice Responds promptly to Council's inquiries Maintains a balance between frankness and diplomacy I J ~ .to ~ COMMENTS . ." 0 1. Maintains good cooperative relations with: 0 a. Municipalities and School District >. 0 b. State and Federal agencies - 0 c. State Legislators r: 0 d. Agencies contracting with or supported by the City H. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMENTS I. COMMUNITY RELATIONS 1. Viewed by the community as a person of high integrity, ability and devotion to the city Handles citizen's questions and/or complaints promptly and effectively Properly supports the city Council Maintains good relations with the media; provides accurate and timely information Properly avoids politics and partnership Creates a feeling of respect for City government within the community COMMENTS . Please place a check mark for the rating you feel most appropriate in each category City Manager Performance Evaluation This column for office use only ~g~:" ., 0 " 1. Well-respected by fellow managers ....'... ~;";'i.:8:':'''L.~.t 2. Represents City in professional organizations ~:,~~~e;~,<~;~.',~L' 3. Viewed by the community as a person of high integrity, ability and devotion to the city ~*~~;;:'~;;i;':~VfA 4. Knowledgeable of current developments affecting the management field . ;'t',,~""~.: O. .,-.,1.,::..: 5. Strives to continue professional growth J. PROFESSIONAL REPUTATION I .II COMMENTS r~,'-~i;-' 0 :... 1. Controls emotions effectively in difficult :'.. - situations . . 0 ' 2. Is creative in developing practical solutions "....". to problems faced in the course of work ' ..... ; . .. "- 0 3. Is flexible in accepting and adjusting to "':"?""~r ,,- -- change " ; 0 4. Has positive attitude 0 5. Demonstrates personal honesty and ;.. ~ frankness in day-to-day relationships 0 .' 6. Seeks to improve own skillS/knowledge 0 7. Completes work in an acceptable time " .... period 0 8. Performs work accurately K. PERSONAL TRAITS COMMENTS During the coming year, what can the City Manager take the greatest pride in? What do you feel are his strongest points and his finest accomplishments this year? - J\Jhat areas do you feel most need improvement? Why? Do you have any constructive, positive ideas how the -City Manager can improve these areas? . . . City Manager Performance Evaluation Addendum Please feel free to make additional comments or identify concerns you may have in areas not covered by this evaluatIon: ,~ ;. . CITY OF MONTICELLO COMMUNITY VISION & GOVERNING POLICIES t. "J L,: J ~ MONTICELLO SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 DRAFT The Monticello City Council is an elected body representing the citizens, businesses and other taxpayers within the City of Monticello. As such, it is the intent of the Council to provide representative leadership to the community and direct the resources* of the City toward achievement of an intended vision (goals). Boards and Commissions serve in an advisory role to the City Council, assisting the Council to make broad decisions and support the City Council by focusing on the details required to accomplish the intended Vision. The EDAIHRA also act as independent political subdivisions working in partnership with the City Council to achieve the shared vision. * RESOURCES-- Direct resources of the City include but are not limited to its personnel, budgets, boards, commissions, consultants, machinery, buildings, public works, utilities and other capital improvements. . Indirect resources of the City include its citizens, businesses, community groups (i.e. IDC, MCP, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, etc.), affiliated governmental agencies (i.e. Wright County, Monticello School District, ECFE, Head Start, WIC, etc.). The following statement of values and related policies are adopted by the City Council for the purpose of providing a foundation for Council leadership and direction to the City Administration. L VISION: (A definition of ends not means) These community visions will be the basis for the City Council in making policy to achieve intended results. A. Values and Intended Results _ Aesthetic/Environmental 1. The image of our city will be as a friendly, thriving, and proud community that has retained its small town charm and identity. 2. The City will support paced growth and development so as to provide diverse, comfortable urban neighborhoods while preserving natural amenities for public use and enjoyment. GOVERN3.PCY; 918/97 13-t" Page 1 3. The City will support maintenance and reinvestment in existing owner occupied and rental housing and business properties so as to discourage blight. Blighting influences on existing housing and businesses must be controlled. . 4. Our city will have abundant parks and recreational spaces for its citizens. Its streets and neighborhoods should retain a park-like atmosphere that takes advantage of the city's location on the river and our developing pathway system. 5. As "quality begets quality", public facilities and spaces should reflect pride by their construction and maintenance. Monticello should be clean, safe, well forested, and visually inviting. We will support pride in the place we call home. SociaJ/Community 1. The City will create and encourage opportunities for people to become involved and connected to their conununity on all levels (i.e. civic, church, conununity organizations, government, etc.). 2. We will encourage civic and conununity organizations that provide welcoming opportunities for people to become actively and cooperatively involved with their neighbors. 3. The City will seek constant renewal through conununity volunteerism and celebrations that reflect our history, our current accomplishments, and our vision of the future. . 4. The City will promote partnerships with other communities and governing agencies to share a broader view of community. 5. The City will strive to gain regional recognition as a desirable place to live and work ("Our kind of place") Cultural 1. The City will encourage and support frequent and diverse opportunities to celebrate as a community so citizens may experience the unique and historic aspects of our community culture. 2. Our history and the fine arts, including music and dance, will be promoted and facilitated in our city. They define who we are and what keeps us here. Economic ..-.. "'W" 1. The City will adapt and respond to the regional marketplace and direct our resources to stimulate the development of Monticello as a destination conununity that is self- sustaining and self-sufficient. 2. The City will take economic advantage of our attractive regional location that provides ready access to transportation systems linking us with larger economic communities. GOVERN3.PCY: 918197 /3-1 Page 2 3. Our support of economic development will be directed toward the creation of jobs that are not just "liveable" but prosperous. stimulate the local economy. and capable of supporting our families and community. . 4. The City will encourage reinvestment in our community and support with our resources the economic efforts oflocal businesses. 5. The City will save through dedicated reserves. be prudent in its investments and expenditures. and strive to maintain affordability of services to its citizens. Recreational 1. The City will promote. build upon, and take advantage of our public. private. and natural recreational amenities. We will seek to increase cooperative programming of the community recreational facilities (civic. township. county, and school). 2. The City will seek to expand public and private recreational opportunities in the civic core to increase downtown vitality. In providing for accessible recreation, opportunities must be provided for people during nonnalleisure time. We will provide for evening and weekend opportunities for community activities. 3. The City will maintain and promote pride in our existing recreational facilities while continuing to develop new recreational uses and facilities which take greater advantage of the river and our city/country setting. We will strive to link pathways and trails to recreational destinations. . 4. The City will promote "user ownership" of recreational facilities through volunteerism such as "Adopt-A-Park". 5. The City will maximize year -round opportunities for organized and unplanned recreation for families and persons of all ages. Spiritual 1. The City of Monticello must appreciate and celebrate the diversity of our faiths while recognizing the oneness and diversity of our moral and ethical beliefs. 2. The City will respect diversity in faiths and facilitate cooperation to make our community a place that protects the vulnerable and helps those in need. 3.. In governing our city. officials will uphold the highest moral and ethical standards that reflect the values of our caring. compassionate community. GOVERN3.PCY: 9/8/97 1.3 -- 8' Page 3 B. Intended Recipients -The intended recipients of our efforts will be: . Citizens Taxpayers Businesses The Natural Environment Institutions (schools, churches, hospitals, governments, civic groups, etc.) Persons in Need Visitors/Travelers/Transients (freeway traffic, temp. residents, business traffic, etc.) C. Intended Costs The monetary costs of accomplishing these visions/intended results will be reflected in the creation of budgets and capital improvement plans. Action plans developed by the City Administrator and City Council will be tested against this Vision to determine priorities for allocation of resources. IT. CITY COUNCIl, OPERATIONAL POLIClF,S: General Responsibilities __ 1. The City Council will at least annually review the Conununity Vision for the City of Monticello and performance measures toward attaining the Vision. This evolving Vision will be the governing foundation for strategic planning. It will provide for the aesthetic/environmental, social, cultural, spiritual, recreational, and economic character, vitality and growth of the city. . 2. In the exercise of the privileges, rights, and obligations of their elected positions, City Council members will uphold the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, and the City's Comprehensive Plan. Each Council member must act within the law, professionally represent the City and diminish neither public confidence nor personal integrity. 3. The City Council will represent the Community Vision and the interests of the city before those of other governmental agencies. 4. City Council meetings are to be conducted in an orderly manner. The City Council will ensure that each member of the Council is encouraged to freely communicate and express opinions. 5. The City Council will ensure open representative local government, maintaining the public trust by respecting and reflecting the needs and desires of the community at large. 6. City Council members must not permit personal conflicts of interest, nor tolerate any apparent or real conflict of interest, that may interfere with the freedom of the Council to carry out representative government. 7. The City Council will define the roles and responsibilities of its boards and commissions, support those roles and responsibilities, and maintain a communication plan to ensure cooperation and maximum utility. GOVERN3.PCY: 9/8/97 13 -9 Page 4 . Budget/Fiduciary Responsibilities _ 1. The City Council must maintain its fiscal responsibilities and direct resources toward the Community Vision. The Council must prohibit misdirection or waste of municipal resources. Personnel -- 1. The City Council and its City Administrator will be provided opportunities for training and personal development directed to the purposes of the City or as related to job performance. 2. Concurrent to adoption of the annual budget. the City Council will consider and approve or deny an annual pay plan for city personnel as recommended by the City Administrator. 3. The City Council will consider and approve or deny changes to the organizational structure of the City as recommended by the City Administrator. m. ADMlNJSTRATIVE AUTHORITY POLICIES - BOUNDARlES & LIMITATIONS FOR THE CITY ADMINTSTRA TOR: . General Responsibilities -- 1. To achieve the Vision, the City Council authorizes the City Administrator to manage the direct resources of the City. 2. The City Administrator is responsible for the effective and efficient use of direct resources provided by the City Council and to develop and maintain productive channels to available indirect resources. 3. The City Administrator will uphold the ordinances and policies of the City of Monticello. 4. The City Administrator must not tolerate unlawful acts of any kind. by any person. Budget/Fiduciary Responsibilities _ 1. The City Administrator must uphold the fiduciary responsibilities of the City. 2. The City Administrator is authorized sole authority to manage and direct/redirect monetary resources within the annual budget approved by the City Council. The City Administrator must gain approval from City Council to exceed the annual budget approved by City Council. ..... - 3. The City Administrator will make or cause to be made sound investments of municipal funds. 4. The City Administrator shall not permit waste of City assets and resources. GOVERN3.PCY: 9/8/97 1.3 "ID Page 5 Personnel -- . 1. The City Administrator must act in compliance with all federal, state, or local laws as related to the management of persolUlel resources. 2. Prior to making changes to the organizational structure of the City, the City Administrator must obtain the approval of the City Council. 3. The City Administrator shall be permitted to independently make changes to job descriptions, compensation, terms of compensation, and carry out disciplinary actions with the exception of job termination. Effective and efficient use and management of personnel resources shall be at the sole discretion of the City Administrator. 4. Though the City Administrator may advise, the termination of any City employee shall be as provided by Minnesota Law at the sole discretion of the City Council. 5. The City Administrator will attempt to retain qualified staff and strive to maintain good employee morale and open communications. Staff will be treated with respect, understanding, and fairness. 6. The City Administrator will ensure that employees are provided feedback on and are accountable to clearly-defined performance criteria. . 7. Staffwill be provided opportunities for training and personal development directed to the purposes of the City or as related to job performance. 8. The City Administrator will not allow alienation between staffand City Council. An environment of trust and candor shall exist to support open communication between staff and the Council. IV. MANAGEMENT/GOVERNANCE LINKAGE POLICIES: General Responsibilities -- 1. The City Council will lead the City and provide strategic guidance by governing according to its Community Vision, Governing Policies, and Comprehensive Plan. 2. The Council will not manage City business and operations. City administration and operational management are the responsibility of the City Administrator. The City Administrator may request the participation of City Council members in certain administrative matters. 3. All items brought to the Council for update, consideration, recommendation, direction or action must be brought through the City Administrator who will present his recommendation/s to the City Council with appropriate dissenting opinions and views. . 4. The City Council will take action with one voice. Individual Council members are not to direct staff. Council instructions to staff will be directed through the City Administrator. GOVERN3.PCY: 9/8/97 /J -II Page 6 . BudgetlFiduciary Responsibilities- 1. The City Administrator will provide sufficient information and reports to the City Council to permit the Council to evaluate the allocation of its resources toward accomplishing the intended results. 2. As part of annual budget development. the City Council will annually evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of City efforts to accomplish the Community Vision. The City Council will redirect its resources as necessary to attain intended results. Measurement and reporting policies will be determined by the City Administrator in cooperation with the City Council. Personnel - 1. The City Council will at least annually conduct a performance review of the City Administrator and ensure that the City Administrator is provided feedback on and be accountable to clearly-defined performance criteria as established by the Council. . ~ ,... GOVERN3.PCY: 9I8fiJ7 1.3 -/~ Page 7 ~ .... to .~ . . "0 III CO (I> .... p-E o ~ (..) ;a tlCl ~l,-~I~I~',~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ C - N " N . ~ . . . m 0 ;1:1:1:1:1; ~ ~ :1:lsls: :1: ~IO! ~I~ ~ '" IS JI1' "'0 ., C' ., .1 >^ '~ s;;: (') -. 0 ..... :: 0 = ..... -. n 0 CD - , - :!: 0 ~ "'C "0 ~. ::3. 0 :::I. 0 .., -. :; ~ ..... (0 ~ ~ .'.~ " o Vl , ..... -- W ..... (0 CJ) . . 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Continuation of Consideration of Chan e Order Number 9 for the Monticello Training and Community Center Droiect~ A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND A copy of Change Order #9 aod correspoodence relating to the aquatics/pool delay costs is attached. A representative from the office of Ankeny Kell Architects will appear at the City Council meeting to help explain the cost increases for the pool delay. In summary, this change order is resulting from the action of the City Council to delay pool construction for 60 days in order to conduct a community survey to measure support for construction of the Aquatics Center. This Change Order #9 is to be accepted with two conditions as outlined in the memorandum from Mark Wentzell to Jim Rothstein dated July 7, 1999: . I. The detail schedule prepared by Pool Construction Incorporated with completion dates for all portions of their work has been reviewed and attached to this PR [proposal request]. The Owner and Architect will monitor the work according to this schedule. 2. The agreed overtime pay for the pool construction work will be paid as long as the project schedule is maintained. The City retains the right to deduct an appropriate amount of overtime pay that they have agreed to for any delays in the completion of the building beyond the scheduled completion date (as prepared by Donlar) due to delays in the pool construction. One of the questions raised by the Council on July 14 was: What would happen ifno overtime was used by the pool contractor mld the City accepted that the project timeline for the aquatics area was extended for approximately 60 days? Could the City then save the expense of paying overtime? The precise cost mlalysis of that option is rather complex. If the pool contractor does not complete work according to the overall project schedule, Donlar, their subcontractors and material suppliers will be tmable to perform or complete work on schedule. For example, Donlar would have to extend the services of their staff: the tile setters will not be able to tile arotmd the pool, the mechanical contractor will be unable to complete plumbing and pool related mechanical work, the electrical contractor will not be able to complete electrical grOlmding and various electrical connections, etco. In addition, the aquatics is likely to be the single largest revenue producing facility at the Community Center. The lost revenues caused by a delay in opeuing the aquatics area, combined with the additional costs of not being able to close out the work of the general 14 Council Agenda - June 14, 1999 . contractor and subcontractors would likely far exceed the cost of paying overtime to the pool contractor. Additional information in this regard will be available at the meeting from our representative from Ankeny Kell Architects. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve Change Order #9 for $90,209.00, suhject to the two conditions described by the Memorandum dated July 7, 1999 from Mark Wentzell to Jim Rothstein, subject -- Pool Delay Costs Proposal Request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends approval. D. SUPPORTING DATA . . . Change Order #9. Proposal Request No. 12 Memorandum dated July 7, 1999 from Mark Wentzell to Jim Rothstein, subject -- Pool Delay Costs Proposal Request. Copy of detailed cost summaries from Donlar, their attorney, subcontractors and material suppliers explaining costs attributable to the pool delay. . . . 15 JUN-28-99 MON 04:49 PM ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS FAX NO. 6516450079 P, 01 ^r..c:.U' t.C'P"'r.~ I:"':. CPfO~ D:.:.II:#N PL^N,/IIri;'I'l~ - I . ^k:<ii::NV \{i:LL, ,,\r,CIIITt..C' :;; MEMORANDUM TO: J un€! 2.8, 1999 Jeff O'Neill Al'tsistant City Administrator Cily of Monticello J.)ATB~ FROM: Mark Wentzell RE: Monticello Con,munity Center Project No- 97093.00 SUBJECT: rool Delay Costs Al'Ikeny 1<e11 ^",chitects reconmwnds the City of Monticello occept DonIar COTlstruction's ICq\1(,;!St for $90,209.00 in addHlol'\l'l compeI'lSaUon rotating to U\O 60 day hold on the pool conslruction. Altl\O\.lllh lhis is II considerable amount of money, ihll factors are considered, this is tl\El bost option {or the city. The request is dctaileJ i1\ U\C ntt:'lchment received from DOl'\lar and is slunmar11.ed below. Donla.r Construction For legal and administrative cosLs ConLract d<.l\1se for Ovcrhc01d and ProHt (lO'}!,,) $10,736 1,074 Pool C01\Sln1ction Inc, Conlract c1a\.1('>e for Overhead and Profit (5%) 11~.lll 73,815 3,691 Subtotal 89 ,~.I Q. Subtotal 893 nond (1%) $90,~!l2 Total 1111s cost ill reuuced from Lho original February esLimate of $154,916 and less lhan the $116,483 \hat was requested in April tlnd rejeclcu by Allkeny Kelt Some of thelle costs nre fixed increases from tiuppliel's to the pool contractor and some costs are related to the wage increa.~cs under union contracts thi'll urc revised each May. "rhe remaining increase is for overtime pny in order fOl' the conMTUction to be finished by the December 1 cOlnpletion daLe. Payhl~ the pool contraclor overtime eliminates oilier subcontractors from claiming delay charges that could be cauJ;cd by waiting for the pool conlllructioll to be completed. The alLcrn:ltive 10 accepting this amount ill problemalic for several rca.~ons. 021 1:11\'(1"-0;.:0 A\lC"''''''' :;';I,IIT~ aoo >>1'. PAUl.., t>1N. :.~111\ S 1? &II\Si-G':O<S IH 2 64:!l'C0"1~ FAll. \ JUN-28-88 MON 04:48 PM ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS FAX NO. 6516450078 P. 03 , . .iI;." I,~;"" '" 5/10/99 Ankeny Kell Architects Freel J-lallamck 821 Raymond Ave. Suite 400 St. Palll, MN 55114 RE: Monticello Community & Training Center Doniar Job #322 C.O. #02300-35 Dear Fred: We are requesting additional compensation for the following change described below: -J' Revised Proposal Request NCl. 12 Dated, 5/7/99 The following cost breakdown has been shown to anow reviow of the change and any additional information has been attached for reference: Item 'N.o, 1 $ 90.709.00 . We would Clppreciate the incorporation of this item into the ne.xt change order processed by your office. If there are any questions regarding this item, please don't hesitate to contac,t me. Sincerely, DONLAR CONSTRUCTrON CO'MP ANY By / ~1/ ~- Rothstein, Project Man~ger Ene. cc: Mark Koshia1 e.O. Log #02300-35 ~ '/ . -If. DON~ CONTnAC'1 (lRS I BtlILD[!RS I MANAGERS Sl. 'lL\,\l. MinncAoLII 480 Ccd<ll' Street. Suite '00 St. paul. Mil\ncsoUl 5$101 651 .227.01>>31 Pax 651 .221. om Sr. Cloud. MinnesotA 41 Rlv~W, Dr. 7'E SL Cloud. MillnCAOla 5004 320 . 253 . 3354 rWlo 320 I '~3 . 3795 All T:::q",(l1 Op/lorru1'/fr)' Emt'ln)l~r- ~UN-28-99 MON 04:49 PM ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS FAX NO. 8518450079 p, 04 ,e - ~. /1_ ~. PROJ~CT _ L.OCAIION _'_' --- AVO:/I /1 suBJECT ,:~_, ~ --- SUMMARY BV . ,n RECAPITULATION ~ '/- I'~" -1". . -(I C/~3@~g.G PRICES 6V OONLAR CONSTRUCTION E.STIMATE NO. SHEET NO. DATE: CHECKED BY ..--'- .;:r= :~.~~qnS~czh'oY\ ..ll1'~U.~~~a...,-- \1 ..-$..~t ~. OHiZ.cL;d~/~~L-. J1IQcL~~M t1rs.~~:::~l 1 _. ._._-A..l6...'r;d'V-I:~L" ..... !~0C\,^,.eJ1t..__.- I __-.~. ~J. .. 1-"- ~~_ "1--'-' _ .)...---. .._'~~=......_._. --, - -- ..---- .. - -- ~AIlO" ",..n"""~5 TOTAL .. IUO.BIO u""IT T TA' OUAp,lTIT" ,""IT UNIT ~A.<::>A UNIT MI'TIl'lI"LS 1"I110f <::> ~ ,.11101 ,.RICE i ! I : ! ! U! J.{T I Ii- =-.._ ! ) ~t.. --- -~ -.. I Ii; : I..Ji..L JJJlT, : '73'$'1"; ~ - -~ -~ I II' I j'" 1 I I 'z./::,.5 I Ii, I I; I '..t-t--L _ _1.~'6-;-_._. . , l' 1 I 'l I, ! 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I -r--' I 11:'~- .,=-_.~- \ .-.-. - --.-----, ,- .. -.-... i .. - .._n ..-- 1.--' .- ~ I .1-\ JUN-28-99 MON 04:50 PM ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS FAX NO. 6516450079 p, 05 '~roposal Request AlA Document G709 - Electronic Format '. OWNE1l. ARCHITECT CONSULTANT CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER ( ( ( [ ( ( THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES: CONSULTATION Wl'ni AN ATTORNEY [S ENCOURAGED WITH RESf'ECI" TO ITS COMPLImON OR MODlFICA110N. Al1THEN1'ICATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DMf-lED ALA DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USINC; AJA DOCUMENT D-lO 1. PROJECT: (Name' Qlld add,C',u) Mnlllicelf" Communitv and Traini71" Cenru 6th and Wll!nUL...Slmw ~~Qnlil::~lIo. MM. 55362-924,S. PROPOSAL REQUEST NO. : Twi11 ve DATE OF ISSUANCE: ~a.v 7, 1 q q 9 OWNER: (Nflmt: and address) Q()I nr Mnntirc/(a 250 C3!i1 Rrna~ MClnlicello. Mrt. 55362-9245. CONTRACT fOR: Gf'nl'ral Cdnstt'J.I.ctinn CONTRACT DATED: NovernhQr 9. 19 i.fl TO CONTR^crOR: (Name alld addrcs~) Ilcnlir..C onlraCI~ a~iversidC! Drive NE ~Ild Mn,5630:4 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER.: .97093.00 ARCHITECT: (Name QN/ uddrc.rs) AnunY Kf!/l ArchittfClS 8~l Rllvmond Ave, SlIhe400 St. Paul. Mn 55114 Please submit an itemized proposal for changes in the Contract Sum and Contract Time for proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Submit proposal widlin 1.Q. days, or notify the Architect in writing of the elate on which you anticipate slIbmiuing your proposal. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER, CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE OR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DRSC"RffiFn IN THF. PROPOSF.n MODTFTr.ATTONS Dcscrip tj on: (11ISCfI a written description "Ilhr: Wor!,:,) Sixty (60) day work MQPpaE!C as reau~sr~rl hy Owner. AtL1Chmenrs: (LilllJJtachcd dOCUm'-111.l1hat s/J.l'pon descriptio",) Sce lltlache,p corre~pondeJ'l"" REQUESTED BY At'. . (Sit' mre) Ir('~ fuJ~lLA.:.l.A. (P,int,llllarne f1f11l rirlll) . AlA DOCUMENT 0709 · PROPOSAL REQUEST. 1993 EDmaN - AlA . COPYRIGHT 1993 · THE AMERICAN INS'11TUT'E OF ARCHrrGcrs, 173S NEW YORK A VENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON. D.C., 2CJ006.S292. WARNING; Unllc:cnscd photocopyin: violates U.S. copyright Jaws and is subjcct to legAl pto5CeUI;OI1. 11115 document was eleclronically prod~d willi pcnnis3ion o(lhc: AlA lllId can be reproduced WithoUI violalion unlillhc dall: of expiration ~ nolCl.i below, Electronic Fonnat 0709 - 1993 User Document: PR;, sn(1999~ AI"; UCG'1se Number 108976, which expires on 12/31/1999 -- Page #1 JUN-28-99 MON 04:50 PM ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS FAX NO. 6516450079 P. 06 . . Certification of Document's Authenticity AlA Document D401 - Electronic Format THIS DOCUMF.N'T HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSIlQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN A'ITOJl,.NEY IS ENCOUAAQEO WITH RESPECT TO rrs COMPLETION OR MOOlFlCATtON. AUTHEN'11CATlON OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFI'6D AlA DOCUMENT MAY nn MADE BY USING AlA POCUMEm' 0<\01. I, .f.:red J. Hal1amek (name), hereby certify, to the best of InY knowlcdse, infonnation and belief, !hilt the all ached document. da.ted ~ 7.1999 I is derived under license nunlbcr ~6_6 6933 8 -1 0404. 75733 from the Anlerican Institute of Architects' Contract Documents: Electronic Format and that, ex.cept for changes clearly differentiated from the original text published by the AI A, the '~uaChcd document is a troe and authentic representation of the original text of AlA Document. ~. 4'lon-AIA language added to the attached document is indicated by underscoring. and original text deleted from the attached document is shown by striking over, If for any reason changes are not clearly differentiated from the original text of the AIA document, the original AlA text shall govern. E(.ed J. Hal1amp}:" A.T.A. (TIIII!) ~'.292 e~ AlA oOCUMENr D401 _ CERTIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS At.1'l'1'reI"lTICITY . f'IJ.ST EDmaN. A.IA - COPYRJGHT 1992. THE AMERICAN INS1'ITfJI"E OF ARCHITI!CTS. 1135 NEW YORK A vENUS NW, W ASHINOTON, DC 2000G.S292.. W ARNtNO: Unlicensed pho~op)'in8 viol,aICS U.S. copyrighllaws ;md is subjecl 10 \clIa\ proseculion. This dOC\llUcnt was el~tronlc:ally p~L\lWc:d wj,1I pc:nnission of 'he AIA 4ftd eM be reproduced withouI vio\lItion until the date of tllpir:lrlon Q,~ noLed below. ' EJoc:tronic Fonnat 0401.1992 User Document: 0401 .. !/111899. AlA Lic.n~e Numb.r 108976, which expires on 12/31/1999.. Pagfit #1 JUN-28-99 MON 04:50 PM ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS FAX NO, 6516450079 _ ..pril 28, 1909 Monticello Community & Training Center Monticello, Minnesota Pool Construction Proposal Overhead & Profit @ 5% of Sub's Work Subtotal Bond Costs @ 1 % Total AdmiriL~trative "ime due tQ...Stoppagc ~prOject Manager 78 Hrs@$45.00il! cnior Project' Manager 24 ~s @ S55.00 . anagemont 30 Hrs @ S65.00' . Clerical 17 Rrs @ $25.00 Legal Fees. . Administrative Time: Total ~. . ;- "' I; $ 3,510.00 $ 1,320.00 S $ 425.00 $ 3.531.00 $10,736.00 . Original Quote Dated, 2/11/99 $ 49,092 $ 3,264 ~ 9.000 $ 61,)56 $ 6.136 $ 67,492 $ 81,800 $ 4.090 $153,382 $ 1.534 $154,916 p, 08 Revised Quote Dated, 4/28/99 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 10.736 S 10,736 $ 11Q74 $ 11,810 $ 73,815 $ 3.691 $ 89,316 $ 893 S 90,209 DONCAR CONTRACTORS I aUILDERS I MANAGERS St. Paul. MinnelOla 480 Cedar Sr.rcet ' Suite SOO SI. PIIII, Minnesota 55101 651.227,0631 fu. 651 · 227.0132 All E,kl11 Oppt"",mJt:y e""pltly" St. Claud, MiMesolil 41 R.lverside Or. NE St. Cloud, MinneS<llil 56304 320. 253 '3334 Far. 320 . 2$3 . 379$ JUN-II-88 FRI 09:44 AN ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS FAX NO. 6516450079 P. 02/02 .Change Order AlA Document G701 .. Electronic Format OWNER ^R.CHITECT CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER f.& J 1.& 1 f.& J [ J [ 1 TIlTS DOCUMENT liA.s fMPORTAN'J' LlurAL CONS!!QtlI!NCES: CONSULTAnON WITH AN ATrORNF.Y IS HNCOUKACla> 'WITH RIZSP1!CT TO ITS COMM..EnON OR MonrFlCATICJN. AUTHENTICATION or: TIUS ELECTnONICAtI..Y D~^FT'F.O AlA OOCUMlfNr MAY Ill! MAD!! UY USINC NA OOCl./MI!NT 0401. - PROJ!ZC'1': (1J/7n14, tlddn:n) Mt)nliccflo C()rnmlllliJY_Mc.I.Ic.aiui.o~ Center ~Ih :mu Walnut Streets Ml1nli~l'!J() Mn .~~n67 CHANe!! ORDER NUMBER: l:iJn.; DATE: 1\l'~j)...J~ ARCUITECT'S PROJF.CT NO: 97093.0Q CONTRt\CT 01\ TE: Nc'lvcrnl)~r 9, J 99~ TO CON1'RACrOR: (11(1"'1'. lMdnu.r) Dnl1!.lr Cmllr:l~ CON'rKACT t70R.: Of'Mr:l1 C('Jn~tntC:linn 41 Rivcrside Drive NI1 oSl. ('1oud. Ml1.~.2JQ1 The ConLrucL is chanGed tiS follows: Pmnmm! RC'Ill~'S[ No. Tw~ve,-c:;onr"l(1jnc n~!nv of Pool cqnslruction cost ancl dated M.lY.1..l.2.~.9... Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect ilnd Contractor. tk. original ((".on",." Sum) (Gu.......e<l _hnurn !'rico)....'" Not chungc: by previousLy aUlhodzoc;l ChanGo Order, TIle (Conlrucl Sum) (Guat.llnreed Maxlmum Price) prior to lhill Change Ordc:r was "10 (ConlrUcl Sum) (Cutlranrecd Maxlmum Price) will bl$ (increased) (clCCN3SCd) (unchungccl) by U1i$ ChMi" Order In rho amount of Tho new (C;OnLrllct Sum) (Cuaranteed Maximum Pricl3) inc;/ucling this Chunga Ord~ will be The C(.)ntrn('L Timo will be (illcronsed) (decreased) (unchanged) by (12) days. The Date of SubsLanlial COlllpl~tiol1 as of the date of this Change Order lhcrc{orc u unchanlrcd, NOTE: TIlis summary does not reflect chao:es in the Contract Sum. Contract Time or Guara.nteed m:lxhnum Price which have been lIuLhorizcu by Construction Change Directive, $8.204 ROn.Oo $ 40 0,7. 00 $ S.244.~.'i7.00 $ gO.20g.no S_a.J3.~Q6.6..Da A RCI-irmCL' AnkeQ..V..LC~U.~I'ehitect~. P.A Address .821 Rnvmond A VC.. SUilC 400 B~; Pt~~d/~l.l~~_ . DA TS: "'Pi /'14 .......~ CONTRACTOR Dnnlat COl'lIJ'ne1orl OWNER City or'Ma"tit"~IIC'l Address 41 River'lide Drive NE s.t. Cloud.. Mn. 56304 BY: DA 1'~: Addte$s 250 caM lJrQ~q.};'!ilY.. Monticello~l1...~~l~, DY: DATE: A DOCUMp.NT (i701 · CliANC!! ORDER. !9117 RDmON · AlA · COPY1UCltT !987. TfIP. AMP'JUCAN lNSl'lurm or MCIuners. tm NEW ~ ORK A VP.NUf.. N. W.. W ASlUNCTON. D.c.. 20~5292. W ARNlNo; Unli.:cllscd pbotocopying vlalAces u.s, COpyril,lhll:aw. wid i. $UbjCCf to Jct'~'1J proloCC'\ltlon. Thil dOC\llnlOnr W:IJl cll:c:trunlC:/iJ!y produCccl With !,crmllllon at the AL\ ;&nil can bG fOproduccd wl~t vfolA&lOIl unUJ Lhe illite: ot ;llPir';tioo:l' nncr:d below. blc:clnlnil7 (ounllill. 070!.1987 Uller Documclu: CHANGE... 6/1111999, AIA LlconseNumhcr 108976, whIch oxpiJ'eS on 1U3111999 _ ~'c #L JUN-09-99 WED 02:20 PH ANKENY KElt ARCHITECTS FAX NO. 6516450079 P, 04 ttProposalRequest AlA Document G709 . Electronic Format OWNER ARCHITECT CONSULT1\NT CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER ( J ( ) ( 1 ( xl ( 1 [ J TIItS POCUM8N'r Cl^S I!'dPORTANT U!OM, CONSl!QUJ:NC.ES; CONSULTATION wrl1I AN ATrORNRY IS ENCQURAOF.J> WInI R"'w'WOCT TO l'rS COMl'LfiTfON OR MODlfICATIOi"l, AUTUENl'lCATION or- THIS EtECTRONIC\LI.Y DMf.,.l:D AlA DOCBMEN1' MAY BIi M.\OF. IJY USINQ ^I^ J)OCUMI~NT 0401. PROJGcr: (!tam". alllt (ldd~r::I.) M.ao.1.is:.rtf~lI~l1IV !lnd '/jairriM CaJ!I:L .6lluncl Wnllll1t.Sln:Jlli Mr>nl ieclln. Monl j,,~1fu...Mu...1$3ti2.l.)245 PROPOSAl.. R~QUF.sT NO.: ~ DA TB Or ISSUANCE: M.:t.v 7, 199 i CONTRACT FOR: Wt.ml CnnXlrllrJ.iw:L ARCHITECTS PROjECt NUMBER: .22991.00 ARCHlT1ZCT: (M"'l~ tUUI atldl't.fS) 4u8t'nv K I'll Al:Ch/J I'('t.f 821 RnYlJ'l(1n11 Av". ~Uill~ 4()Q SL.P.lw.l. ~ 11 ~1W Please submit .10 iLemizc:d proposlll for changes in Lh~ COntrlU.'L Sum ~nQ Con'rac! Tima tor prOJ'olle mOrJincillionA to the Com Ducumenlli describcd herein. SubmiL prol"os~! Wllhin .l.O. days, or notify lhe Architect in wriLill' ()( ~he d~ll.I Oil which >>...... anticip.ll~ submllting your proposal. OWNGR: (Name ,,"', (1''''1''':1.) CiI:x...d...A:1.C1.llri'fOll n 250 Fast n.(Q~ M!wrj~11...iU!i2.:.92.:U TO CONTRACTOR: (NQm". an" (ldrlrr:J;J) D.<.u11JLC~(~ llJ!!~~rj~ SJ..QawL ,Mu...1O..1Q4 CONTRACT DATED: N0vcmp.flT. 9, J qqA THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER, CONSTRUCTION CIIANGll DTRECfIVF. OR A DIRECTION 1'0 PROCEED WITH THE OC$cription: (l""..rt " ....,.;,,1'1I dt:st'riprirm ull/lt W",k.) ~.~J;ly~~TDrrmiQ..a~ rcqu~,cerl hv Qwnur. ,'PMI Dcl4Y CnlltJ;'. AlCachmcnls: (USI "fIuc'II.." c/tJCIII/lr:III.' lllal :l1I1'l'm., c/Il:lC'riprinll.) ~e..allil"b.rrl C:()rrc~n~~ Mcrnornndum ~red llll\l; 7. 199Q from ~arlc: WenI7mLill..Al)kenv K~I.l..MW.r~ Sch~d.lIlr.: ofs.Cl!:k. hY.p-nol (\~'~!;lll1lli9J'...Iru.wlQced 31 M~ RllQur~S"liD RY (SiRlrtllclf'r:) (PrimtJd JltlI1lll a/7l1 tirt,) Eh~d r. TT:dJiUll1lLAJ.L\a - -AlA UOCUMafr G709 · PROPOSAL REQUGST, 1993 BOmON ,ACA - COl*YltlOliT 1993 . THB AMERICAN' INSTITUTE OP ARCllf1'F.c."l"S, L735 Nr~ YCJ1t!< ^ VIiNUE. N, W., W ASHINCTON. O.C.. 20006.5292, WARNlNCi; Unlio:~ photocopying vlol.luct U.s. cupyricht bWl and. hI *lIbjcct 10 I"'MUI prosex' This d<<ulllcnt was eJee1l'lJIli~lJ)' pNdllCl;d. with pcorrnhr.ioa ot cho AIA and l::iQ be l'CpAIdllecd. withoul violation Wlliltbc <bll~ of CXf'ir.ll.lon lIS nnlcd l,clow. ' "" Electronic FOrulllt 0709 - 1993 User Document: PR.. 619/1999. AlA License Number 108976. which expires on 12/31/1999.. Page #1 . . . JUN-09-99 WED 02:21 PH ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS FAX NO. 6516450079 P, 05 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 7.1999 TO: Jim Rothstein COPY: FROM: Fred Pi1tch Mark Wentte11 lW: Montice1l&;> Conunluuty Center Project No. 97093.00 Pool Delay Costs Proposal Request SlJJ3JUCT: The City has reviewed the requested $90.209 cost increase you rulVe submitted for the delays in pool construction. The City will accept this cost with two conditions oullned in this memo as an attachment to the Proposa11<equest ilnd the conespondlng Change Order. 1. nle dotail schedule prepared by Pool Construction Incorporated with completion dates for aU pOl.lionA 01 thcir work hAS been llVicwld 411ci attach.d. to this PR. The owner and Architect will monitor lhe work per according to this sched.ule. 2. The agreed overtime pay for the pool C01"lstructioll work will be paid as long as the project schedule is lnaintained. The city retains the right to ded.uct an appropiate amount of overtime P<\Y that they have agreed to. for any delays in the completion of the building beyond U1C current scl1.eduled completion date (as prepared by Doular) due to delays in the pool construction. Thall" you {or yout' coopcrl1tion. JUN-OS-SS WED 02:21 PM ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS P, 06 FAX NO. 6516450079 ~ I 1.uJN8 aN" 01 JUUlI ~ 2IW,JG_ 2fA(IGIJI O1S1!J1l'18 cm:x:T1I '\2CX:TSlI 120lUUl 1....,U~ 3WJQ. auew 15IePW ,<<X:;'1"!8 %7JUUlI 2aEPJ1 ~I-- /21.1UU1l1- ,.... o.NCWI I Q5NCWI I , . I , I , , , , .-.......-.. I , , . , , I , I I ~.oIi"".... : I , I I I I , , r.--... , , I , I . , I , , ,.....-I11III'.... I , , , I I I I , I.. : - ,.,.ec:...tII W\allI u. PIcII I I : __ : . aqnulilr a&~&dI u.. Peel : : _ r , . , ,. ..~_._4._4_.~~.___.._~.._~._._~..._....____~.___......~_..__ , . , , I , I I . , I , I . . . I , . I . . I . · , ~ I . . t . ~..-~~.-.~-_l~.-._.r_...~.~._.4._t..~_.'-....4~_.4.__~.-_.4 : : : : : :~ f . I I I, I t . ,. .' ,. . , , . . t, ., : : : : r: : I I I I I , , , I' , . , . . I I I . .. ........~-..-.~-i-._..-~_.... _...~ ....-.. '" .'--... ...-...'. --.... ..J_........4......_ "_ I I . I . , , / I / . . . , I .. : : . APocI EqI.ll1;, : : r . , , I ! 4/fIII1i. -..._~_a....~.~-~."T~..-~.~~_.._~~._._A~_~.._~___.._~~_..~ f I I I . t . . I , . , I I I t , . , , , r I I I t I . I . . t I I . . , I . I -, jlOOl. COIm'Jtten'O~ JNC I, I I .. ... urCUi:/-i:/;:;l WI:.U Ui:::; i::: 1 PM ANKENY KELL ARCHITECTS FAX NO. 6516450079 P. 07 , . . . , . : : : · I . · · I , , . I I I : , . I ' . I . . I I . I , .. . I . I , . , I : . , . . I : : . . : : : : : : I : : : : : I : : : ' :::::::::::::.:: loIulllU.,...,.SII.. . : : : : : : I , . , : : : . , . . "MuftI u_ PaaI GUCllIr. . . . _.._.:..._..~___.....~.._....._:.._...._.._................_......._....~ ____._ ~ ..--....-.......-...-..---..........--..--........................---.ro........-~"".. . . , : : : . , · " ~GftlUtUuIlU_ PealGUIIIlf: . I I . . I . , . . , I I ......", I , I I , , : : : -. ....n. WlIIIU..,., . . . , J : J , : : : ' , · I , · "'MulIIU.~1I'IlInIr( I , : , , I . · , , , .... · I ~ , , ,.. lo4l1l1iu.. ,... Caullcln, . I . , ' : : : : : : , : -,: . , . , , : : : : '- · . : : : : . I . I :. ___..:..._..__....;....___......___..............~ ..._.....--:..;:-~~!"~~-._-.~....---~..........:--.........:-....---~_....-.~-.......~---.....r--......-. --: : : : : =------- ---;.-.:;- Oran,1I1ar It s~ . , , . , , . : : . , , . , ' . ..' : 7Spra $I't... : : : : : : . . : : : : : ,- , ..." I . : . , . I . : : : : ""TleSpllPollls: : : : : , : : : : : : : : : : _ ' TS"": ~PIuW: : : : : , : : : : · , , . "". , -... . T SplI Pl;o,. Cill1l1dn; '. : : , , , , : ~ J --..--.J-~..-i....--...:......_-.......--""'.._~......--_.-:..--...i.--...i..._____, ' ..'-.......-'_....--.J-..-...-J--..._..~___.....r.___...., ---.- .-"1 ':...., ....._~ '~U"_.bP"": , . , ! = : : I , . , : : ,------:-- · . , I "SIIde~, , : : : : I , . , · III . 'I I T'1IlwDI Sllllle' , . . I : : : : r . , , , . : : : : ; , · I I , , I I I I : I , , I , .,....*' , . I . I . , , , , I , I -' ,. .,: - :--....!~-I!!~'!~-~~....!.....--..-!....--..~......---~-........,..........r ......---..-.....-...----.....,.----.,..----..,......--........---,......... ~ - ....~F...,..,::. .. . I , . . . I . I I. : . I · · : : : _ . ~I en4 T~~: , ' I , : : , · . : !rJ~com._ I . : : : . , I : : . " . '. 'I . and T/'IIJn 1M. . MEMORANDUM DATF.: Apri130,l999 TO: Jim Roth~tci.n COPY: Fred Patch Jeff O'Neill Mark Wentzell FROMi RE: Monticello Commlulity Center Project No. 97093.00 Pool Delay Costs SUBJ ECT: The CHy hits reviewed the requested $90,209 cost Increl:\l!Ie you have submitted for the delays in poo! cOllstructIon. The City wIll ~ccept this cost with two conditions. . 1. A d.!ail ,chedule prep.Ted by Pool eonstXLIction Incorporated with completion d.tes lor.1I pornons of their work be submitted. 2. l1ley will <'l.grc.'c to pay overtime pay for the pool construction work, with the stipuL.'ltiofl thclt the project schedulc be maintained. TIle city is willing to pay this overtilne COst of $23,644 to avoid General COl,ditions co:;;t and to maintain the completion date, n,e city retains U,e rjgh~ to deduct an Clppropinte amount of overtime pay that they fuwe agreed to, for any delays in the complt!tion of the building beyond the current scheduled compleHon dCl.te (as pl'epart.'C1 by Don1c'll) d~lc {o delays in the pool construction. n,e ciLy has Ql50 Walved the requirement for additional bonding for aliI> increMe. If this is possible wilh your bonding company please deduct this from YOllr costs, We Qre pr(~pal'lng "- Proposal RE"ques~ to l."t~solve this mattcr. Thank you for your cooperal1on. ..-.. ....... GO 'd 6L009v9199 'ON XV~ Sl031IHOHV 113~ ^N3~NV ~d EO:EO 301 66-GG-NOr ./ .' In Account With BarGGS ^N~ MORGAN rlllonUJONAL ..usocl"TION 2200 "IUT NATIONAL 'ANk IUILOINC .lAIHT PAUL. MINNIaOT" 11'01 TlLrPHONE 1&51' 2~eoo "I.C "'0. I "" .....". _ . ,_ .. . .......... 09296.00052 InvoiQa: 209714 --,..- -'-'-'-.. --, ~~I I -...:.:.... ...............=.. ~..=------_ . _a __ _... J ._______. ---.~.. "'- ,. '''''-..--......- April 28, 1999 Monticello Community & Training Center Monticello, Minnesota REC.EIVED APH .3 0 1999 Dear Mr. Wentzcll Cost SUmmary of Sixty-day Work Stoppage ".'II'~l:Ill)I' 10,1;,>11 A,.crute-OJ:>, ..... , . TIle following is n ,..,dsed detailed Cost summary of additional costs tha, were incurred by DoniaI' Con51ruction as well a, our Pool ConlCactor for 'he above referenced projcct. This proposal i, based on tho ae'ion that the City Council took by executing a work stoppage on the Aquatics Center as well as 'he Wheell'ark. A' this time"", are requiring a sixty-day time extension to the project, based on the unknown impa.. that the stoppage may have on Our fical completion dat.. It is Our intention to ''Y and meet 1 he initi al complet ion da'e of November 15, 1999 but"", .annot guarantee that the origh,.i completion d... will accomplishod. If yOU "ave any qU"'ion. regarding th.se bsues, pl...e do not hC$it~ltc to Contact me, Sincerely, . DONLAR CONSTRUCTION COMP ANY aY~~ "'_".___.~ Jim Rotbslein, Pmject Manager lnc. Fax & Mail Cc: l.O,T)K,BB,MK,SCO PONCAR CONTRAC-J ORS / BUU.fJERS / MAN^C~k~ SL Paul. M;nrliO."lta 480 Co<lW' Street. Suito 500 St. P'lUl, M;nn"~ula :;:110L 6S1 .227. 0631 Pox 1i51 .227.0132 Sl Clol1<1, Minnc;:soln 41 R.iv=<i<lc Dr. NH 5L Cloud. Minn"sota 56304 320.253 .3354 Fa", 320. 25~ . 3795 -""'-- ---. --',,"--,. -. ._1\.., Eq'A.<tl OppnNlUlity Rmpl<>yo!,. _.,,__... _. ___"'_-'-~.. .. __~ ,_ EO 'd 8LOOSv9IS9 'ON X~3 Sl031IHO~~ 113~ AN3~N~ Wd EO:EO 301 88-ZZ-NOr . ./' .j)' ... 7"' /~ In Account WfUl BRIGGS ANIJ HORGAN 'lOPWlONAI. AUOCI^TION 2200 FIRST NATIONAL a"Nl 8UILOlNG MINT PAUl.. MINNlJOTA SSIOI TIl.EP"ONE 16$)1 22J-'GQO "'-l NO, " " 09296.00052 Gregory M. Bistram 3510 Invoice: 209714 . February 2., 1999 DONLAR CORPORATION Suite 500 480 Cedar Street: St. Paul, MN 55101 ..: , ....., .. - -. , - - - ~ ",.. '" .. ..~':- L.....m...... ..., . , P~t Otlll,CjoI -mP' ~0fIt'I'0'" AND 1'4"''' \WY'H PA'l'HEMT. PL!AlE MAla: CHeeK r'A'rAIIL! TO IIIlJGGS ANO ,..OR<I....,... Term~: Payrne"t Duo Upon Jt.c:c:clpt ~or professional services rendered with regard to tha fOllowing matter= Monticello Community Center DATE ATTORNEY HOURS DESCRIPTION' ..------- --w~-___~____w_____. _____ ~~---.-------------~~-~~--~._4_~ 01/12/99 Bistram, Gregory M. 01/13/9' B!stram, Gregory M. 1.SO 6.15 Telephone conference Larry Dotte; telephone conference Mark Wentzell of Ankeny Kell; telephone conference Fred Patch of City of Monticello; tele~hone conferenoe Larry Dotte/ telephone conference Mark Went~ell; telephone conference Fred ~atch; correspondence to City; correspondence to Donlar and Ankeny Kell; review of documents. Telephone conference Fred Patch; telephone conference Larry botte; revisions to correspondence to City of Monticello; tele~hone conference Tom Olson and Dennis Dalen, Monticello city attorneys; correspondence to Oleon and Dahlen; telephone conference Larry Dotte. . 01/14/99 Bistram. Gregory M. 3.50 Telephone conference with city attorney; telephone conference Larry Dotte; f prepa~e for participation in meeting With city staff. B1UGG!!I ~.RGAN (D M 0 lED. 1..0. ,.,..0'''7 - ...., .c 1118..' vO 'd 6L009v9r99 'ON X~j Sl031rHOH~ 113~ AN3~N~ Wd EO:EO 301 66-cc-NOr . . SO 'd POOL DD.STIUallU" 'NCORPORITED 21 March 1999 To: Mr. lira Roth'lcln Donlar Construction CClmpany 41 R.ivcrside Drive. NE St. Cloud, UN 56304 Re: Monticello ConununitylTraiJ1ing Center OOnlar Project #322 SUbjcr;l~ Cost Increase due toOwncc Delay Mr. Rothstein: Po.. our "'.......Iion --k, I1lio<hcd .,. quolldoJJs &am _ of .....IUJ>pUcls..4 IUkon'_lbr CDIIl ..-... Jlnco 1IIe - bids .....1Ilren do. "'Il1o dcJay in .-8 tile pool ponIan ofllto !><qjoct In adcfirfo1l,.l have inducted derailed COst breakdowns of our direct COsts woc1ared with the ckfay. PJI=85e caU me ar 6S1.406.8424ltyOU have 11:11 qu.esriClnt. Sfnccrll1r. POOL CONSTRUcrfON.1NC. C. R. Bflllju Vice President 6017 12th Avenue South .!l Minneapolis. Minnesota 55417 office: (612) 79B~5680 e fox: (6 J 2) 798-3524 6LOOSv9lS9 'ON X~~ Sl03lIHO~~ 113~ AN3~N~ Wd vO:SO 30l 66-GG-NOr . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY a. 'TRAINING CENTER. StJMMARy Costs Auoclatcd whh Delayed Start Dcsc:ription Cost MA TE.R1At Indt1c:o Plasti" ColpOJ'llion (quote) Recrution Supply (quote) Sales Tax 011 tnR'ealled Malerial Costs (&.5%) Subtoral S 4,200.00 S 4,U9.00 S 54.2,9,2 $ 8,881.00 SlJBCONTRACTO!,S Aqua LoAJ;ic (quote) S 12.200.00 Subtotal S 12,200.00 $ 4,316.00 S 11,61&.00 J 23.644.00 Subtotal S 4G,S78.00 O&P on IaclaJed SubeOfttrae1ors (5%) S 610.00 O&P on Materillllld Oth. Lllrect Costs (10%) S 5.St&.OQ Subtotal S 6,156.00 0TImR DIRI!CT Cl)$T La~r Eacalctioza I Wage Iacreases Exrended Direct COltS Overtime Costs . TOTAL $ 73,815.00 . 90 'd 6LOOSv9lS9 'ON XV~ I Sl031IHOBV 113~ AN~NV Wd vO:EO 301 66-GG-NOr · . ~y I - Plastics Corporation f:tDii; ~ . 6530 Cambridge Street-Minneapolis, MN S~~e-4484-(612) 92S-S075-Fu (S1,a) 92!-1758 - March 22. 1999 ~LCO PLASTICS Original Prlc:e S 48,000.00 Net Increase S 4.200.OQ Revised Price. S S2~200.00 Mr. ROD !~cr Pool Cozutr\l.l:tio.a., lAc. 601111dl Aveaqe SOIlr.h M'inneapol~, MN $5411 Dc:l.r RoD, ThiJ: ltftltr ls ill re,g,atcls = the MondecUo Swlr.DmiD, PCl(ll Projuf. It is to toWm. several ptic~ Increucs sllbj~cl to O\1C'~fcrial qUOte/job quote: dacec1 O~er 20. 1998. AS YO,", kDo.... \lie nonnal1y hClld quOte prices fot 30 days. We ba"ealrcady t<<civecl3 7% 1m:re;se O,Q V;!"es, $-9% iac::cuc oa. PVC pipe qd up to 10% manse on fleeing$. .te. . ShO\L14you have UI)' q,ucstfoN please give me. eal1ar 612..~2.$..Sl17S, -;;~K . " Sob .I<auult BJ.:.'ou . LO 'd 8LOOSv9tS9 'ON Xij~ Sl031IHOHij 113~ AN3~Nij Wd vO:EO 301 88-cc-NOr ~~ ~ ( ] o Recreation Supply Company . January 21:1, 1999 POOL CONSTRUCTION INC. Attn: Ron ph: 651-40668232 fax: 651....06..8242 RE: Monticello Community Center SWImming Pool I Spa Pool Pricing Dear Ron, Upon reviewing the pricing for the MontJceJlo project, It I. worth noting thai Somo 0' U1. equlp"',nt h.e gene IJP In prIce slncl the original bid of O~tober 29. 1898. If the project were to move forward baeed on the newacheduJe, we wJJJ not honor the prices originally quoted, as we baae our cost figures 0" inventory level. and commitments to our vendors and manufacturers at the time of the bid. . USing the exact same equIpment package, you should anticipate a total price increase of approximately $4139.00 for the ifems we quoted you. If you requIre addItion.' '"'ormatlon. fe,l free 10 c.U. $Ineerely, ~ Ken Ktytor ;;; CommercIal ProJ8cUl Manager . JP.o. Sox 2757 · Bismarck, NO 58502. (701) 222.4860. Fix (701) 25S.7sgs OP.o. Bo% "850. Indlan;JDol/s. IN '6217 TOTt=lL P.02 80 'd 6LOOSP91S9 'ON XY~ Sl031IHOHY 113~ AN3~NY Wd PO:EO 301 66-cc-NOr . Aqua ~, Logic 9i09 Va,UeyVtew Road · Suite 9900 · 2clca Pratrlo, MN 85344- Phone (512) 91..9054 · Fax (812) 996.0695 . .~ 1/27/1999 Bill Knuit pcr Due to the delay af constnJ~ion for the Monticello Community Center there will be additJonat COSts fnvalve4 due to manutieturers price meases, labor CON, and schedule ~~~, . The increase 1br our part of the contract will be $12200 which .tellects approximately 6%. . Sincerely ChtisDahl President Aqua Logic Inc. , . ...... ...,. flf 'J 09tS 'oll W)H:r ~~~, 'r' "'IlLV 60 'd 6LOOSv8lS8 'ON X~~ Sl03lIHOH~ 113X ^N3~N~ Wd vO:EO 3nl 68-cc-Nnr . MONTICELLO COMMVNnY 4llWNING CEN'mR. WAOIINCREASB Com Associafed with Delayed Stan Based on May 1, 1999 AGe AcrecmCAI$ No Overtime Included Trade Bt5DW~ Labor Burden Total Hourly Eslirna1cd ~e Increasc2 Cost Increase Hows 1.19/hr .34A1r J.S3/hr 1500 2.901hr .SI.Ibr 3.78/1lt 2'-0 1.05/hr .30Jhr 1.35 Jhr 600 1. JSIbr .331hr 1.4SIhr 200 TOTAL Total Ca1'ptmtcrs General foreznan Laborers ()PCrators S 2.295.00 S 945,00 S &10,00 S 296.00 S 4,316.00 Notes: 1 S;hec1ulccl Jncrcasc fi'om AGe AJreementJ, copies auathed. 2 Labot .Burden increase includes WOlkers Comp Insuraac;e. Geae1'II Uability wlU3nee. FICA, FUr A. 8IId SurA as a pettenlagC! ofbase: payroll. . or 'd 6LOOSv9rS9 'ON X~~ Sl03lIHOH~ 113~ ^N3~N~ Wd vO:EO 3nl 66-~~-Nnr 515198 (corrected copy) AGe OF MINNESOTA ScheduJe ofUnfot.1 Wqe&IFrin.1S Building Agreements Trade; International Union of Op~tiJ'lB EnJineer$ Lo~ 49 Contact: Mr. Fred Dc:reschuk Operatina Engineers Local #49 2829 Anthony Lane South Minneapolis, MN 5541 B Phone; 612n88-9441 Fax.; 6121788-1936 Other offices located throughout the state Comrac;t t~nt'l: May I, 1998 through Apri130, 2001 Geographical scope: 'Undcfintd WagesIFriDgcs: . ~roup Wa~e$ H&:W EtTect1ve May 1, 1998 App. Training PeDSiOh Total CAF $.02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 1 $25.54 $3.]$ 2 25.20 3.15 3 23.79 J.l:S 4 23.45 3.15 S 23.28 3.15 6 21.11 3.15 7 20.65 3.15 8 ]9.59 3.15 . ( Future Increases: May 1. 1995r S1.15 May 1,2000 $1.10 Classifications: Please note: The n1zlc (9) JrOupinp in the BuiJd1nB' AJr-=ent :ttom previous )'eMS have been CDmbined inro eipt' (8) groups. ~Jne clusiBcations have been mo\'cd to 11 different group. Please refc::r to the RTDup listing belo~ Helicopter Operator Towez- Crane 250' and over Truck <<. Crawler Cranes with 200' otBoom and over, InelucUnr jib .Fifty centS (J.SO) per hour premium pay for Truck and Crawler Cranes with. 300' ofBoorn and over, including jib Tower Crane 200' and over TNck and Crawler O'a:ncs wSth 150' oiSooln, up to and not including 200' of So om. includSngjib All Ternin Vehicle Crarlcs Denic:k (Guy &. StiffleS) Master Mechanic Piling Driving Operator (when three dnuns are in use) Tower Cranes - Stationary - up to 200' Gro\1p 1 - . . Group 2 - Croup 3 .. ...... ....- OP. ENG. LCL. 49 BLDG. Page 1..3 t r 'd 6L009v9t99 'ON XV~ Sl03lIHO~V 113~ ^N3~NV Wd vO:EO 301 66-GG-NOr $3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 S.lS .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 $32.44 32.10 30.69 30.35 30.18 28.67 27.55 26.49 ;S/! 198 AGe OF MINNESOTA Sc:hedule of Union WaSeslPrin,es Building Agreements . Trade: Laborers District Council Contact: Mr. Al Arens Laborers Di.sbict Council ofMN and ND 2350 Main Street Lino Lakes. MN S503' Phone: 6121653.9776 Fax; 612/653-9745 Loea! union offi~es locared thrOUghout the State Contract Terms: May I, 1998 through April 30, 2001 Oeographic.al Scope: Metropolitan Arta: Moke, Carver, OUtago, Dakota, Hconepin, hanti, Ramsey, Scott, Sherburne; Washington, Wright Counties WagesIFringes: Effectj.,,~ May I, 1998 Clan Rate B&W Plm. *V/D TRI .Clt. To1al CAF 1 S 19.99 $1.66 $2..30 $J.36 S.J7 $.06 $2 .54 $.02 ~ 20.3 j 2.615 2.30 1.36 .., .06 26.86 .02 20.61 2.66 2.30 1.36 .17 .06 27.16 .02 4 16.36 2.66 2.JO 1.21 .17 .06 22.56 .02 5 17.36 2.66 2.10 1.2] .17 .06 23.56 .02 .. VacationIWork:i:ng Dues is a UUtable wage and is to be in;Juded in the bASe rate for overtime ea1cuJation. Future increases: May 1, ]999 May 1, 2000 l.OS 1.05 Classi:fil:'.al:ions: Classification 1 · Oenc:ra] L.aborer~ AsbCSlOS and Hazanious Waste tech, Cazpenter Tender, Conaetc Handler, Confined Space Watch, Damp Proof'cr bclow grade. Drill Runner Helper, Dumpman . dirt. aspbalt, concrete. cc:rnenr, Firewatch. Heater Tender .. all types. Hot Tar Caulker · corker. Hydro Blut or wate:rblaste:r, Joist Hll1dJe:rs. Material Hand.l= - a11 types Power Buggy, Rebar Laborer, S1gnalPcrsol1. Snow Blower Operator. TooJ Crib Cheek~. Lead A'batll:Q1ent, RemoTe Control Tamper. ChaIn Saw Operator, Concrete Sa.w. Drill Operator, Concrete Vibl1ltor. Oe:nJolition and Wreckin,g cllocluding demolition of an entire strucrural system, Mason TendC'i', ~Ortar Mix.er .. cement or any other sUbstiNce material or composition, Pipe HandJer, Pneumatic and EJeetric tools, Jackhammer, t'a\ling Buster, Chippin~ Hammer, Tamper Operator, etc.. Swing Stage Line Scu.flbld (not ncluding "pateJ1t" Seaft'oldin,g), WeJdet. Torcbperson - gas, electric, thermal or sirniJiilTdeviee ~. DrST. COUNCIL METR.O BLDG. Page r...2 ., GI 'd BLOOSP9lS9 'ON Xijj S.L03.LIHOBij 113)1 AN3)1Nij Wd SO:EO 30.1 BB~GG-Nnr . 51S/~8 .de: Aoe OFMTNNESOTA Schedule of UDJOD W.,e.sIFrinses Builc:linz AsrfEmalts , Lakl:J &. Plains JU:gioDaJ Council ofCarpcnttts &: Joinm Conla~l: Mr. Par Brinol Lalccs Ie PI,in:s Rc-eional Council of Carpenters &. Joiners 84.2 Aannc:mcl Avt:r1\lc St, Paul. MN 55114 Pbone; 6 I 2/64&-7201 Fax: 612l6~SA8J18 Fo;e. .A~cA A-.:1. Sltlff ~/. /" 5/t/I.JJD~ +8/.' .2.3 Othct om"e.s loc:atcd throughout the state. w A.GE A1U:A A.l MEI1\O B&W m- NAGE AREA A...I ~~ 11.41 B&W ~ 2.35 ContracT tam: May 1. 1998 WOUih April 30, 200 I Effective May 1, 1998 Counties of AQoka, Carver, Chisa,o, Dakota. Hc:nnepin.1s.mti, XanabeC'. Pine. Sherbvrne (excluding lbc cJty limits of St. Cloud and extending five miles outward). Ramsey, Scott, Washi.ftSfon and Wright COWldes i11 Minnesota and pans otWisconsin bordering along the Mississippi River. P'D. 3.50 PCl:l. F DueslVac. ~ loI2 .14 Tota) - 30.42 CAF :02" Phasc.in tate for western Sherburne and Wright Counties. DB PtIL, 2.$0 - Due,Nac., ~ .75/.60 .14 lad. Fund. .02 - Total - 23.77 CAF :or-- Wal!e.s 22.16 WAGE. AkEA A--1 ONLY. TRAVEL OUTSmE DISnuCT . TrAvel atJowanee inerca.sed to S.281milc and lod.;ing inaeased to S30fday. "{AGE AR!:A A..2 t~2t$ 1.79 ,'AGE ARE.i\B 'I.t'C' ..~.6 lI&W - 2.35 B&:W - 2.35 Meeker and McLeod Cowuie.s'and the Cit)" of Red Wme. at~.adiag S miles OUtward. DB l'eD.. 3.50 DC PID. .45 DueJIV~e ~ Izaet. lUhd ~ 1.00/.60 .]4 .02 25.85 CAP' ]1'" . Goodhue and Waahuha Counties north of'Highway ISO (c;lCcludJng the City ofRtd Wing and cxtClJ.diJ:1g 5 miltS outward.) DB Pea.. 2.50 DuesN.c If! .40 .10 ~ lad. had Total .14 .02 2T.'T7 CAP :02 ~ STA TEWlDE DISl". COUNCIL CARP BLDG. Page 1.:; . EI 'd 6LOOSv9IS9 'ON XV~ Sl031IHO~V 113~ AN3~NV Wd SO:EO 301 66-GG-NOr . . . 17 I 'd MONTICELLO COMMlOOlY 41'R.AlNlNG CP..NlER. OTImR.DIRECr COsts Associared with J)eJay.l Start Ita:m Description Hours Hourly Rate Total Additional Field Wor~ 80 $55.00 S 4.400.00 Add'] hntaJ Equfpmen12 $11,318.00 bviscd Proposal Prep 10 $G5.oo S 5.200.00 Postage/Courier S 200.00 Legal Fees S 500.00 TOTAL S 18,618.00 NOfes: I, lm:ludes addido.nal labor amd cquipmlIlt tor working around obsuuct1oos tI1at ori~y would DOl have beea in place such as core cId.l11.ag u.a111J'ld floor penelradoDS that woLdd otherwise be sleeved in prior to .Placing ~ncret.c. 2. Includes teat and sates We On equirnnent that we wUI be requIred to rent in lieu ofuslng Comp8n)' O"-d equipment that will DO 19q:u be l\lailablc due to COmmitmODtr to other p:roJcw. Equipment iDc1udell a 1ot1cli1t. · slcid SlUt. and a treQehw or m!ni-oxcavlltot. Docs not include equfpmell.t 4oUvl:f)", fUel, mainrcn2UI;e. or operating COsts. 6LOOSf79IS9 'ON Xijj Sl031IHOHij 113~ AN3~Nij Wd SO:EO 301 66-GG-NOr . . . Trade SuperintendcDl Carpc.aters Genen.l Foreman Laborers Operators MONTICELLO COMMUNtrY .t TRAINING CEN'TER OVER.TlM! CoSls Associatocl with DeJarecl Stan Due [0 Da:rca.sed Labor Availability at Late SIart Dale Base Wage Labor Burden Tobit Hourly EltiInatocl Pr~wn Inerease ' CoSE Increase OVertime HoUh lS.OOIbr 4.211hr 19.211hr 14& I J.68Jhr J.34,1\r 15.02lhr 764 11.G51hr J.331hr 14,981ht 148 10.601hr J.03/ht 13.63Jhr 3GG 12.221Jtr 3.49A1r lS.11/hr 12Z TOTAL Total S 3,046.00 511,475.00 S 2,217.00 S 4.98'.00 $ 1.917.00 S 23,&44.00 No(e~ I Labor Surd= f.ncreue1r:u::tuclol Worlmt Comp IoJuranCll, acnlrIJ LfabWty Insurance, PICA. FUT A. and StTr A u a PG'Ceataae otbuc payroll. 91 'd 6LOOSv91S9 'ON XV~ Sl031IHOHV 113~ AN3~NV Wd SO:EO 301 66-cc-NOr U,\/O!'/99 1.1: 21 'Zt612 U3 ;)793 !loNLAR ST Cl.OUD ...... AKA ARCRITl~CTS ~OO2l016 . A.priIS,1999 , MonticeJJo Community & Training Center Montlcello, Minnesota Cost Summary of siXty-day Work Stoppage Dear Mr. WCl1t~ell Tl,e following ;s a dct4i1ed COst summary of'.dditional costs that were Incurred by Donlar COllstruction as well as our Pool Contrnl;tor for the above referenced project. This proposaJ is based on lhe action that the Cily Council took by ex.eeuting a Work stoppage on the Aquatics CenLer as well as the Wheel Park. At this time we are requiring a si)tty-day time extension to the project, based on lhe unknown impact that the stoppage may have on our final e<>mpletion date, It is our intention to try and meet the initial completion date of November IS. 1999 btlt WeCllnnot guarantee that tho original completion clate will aceonlpUshcd, ffyou have any q~estions regardlh8 these issues, pJease do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, DONLAR CONSTRUCTlON COMPANY BY~~ _ im R.othstein, Project Manager . It1~. F.1X & Mail Ce: .L.D.Df<,BB.MI<,SCO - 51, Paul. Mlnnarotll 480 Ctd.v 3IMI . Sufi_ son SI. PD.ul, Mll\nesClt:t 55101 651.221. 0631 PM G" . 227. om All Equ4/ Oppnml/'/tlY Em.p/o,Yl'r 51. Cloud, MinlltSOtll 41 Rlver.ide Dr. N! 51. Cloud, Mlnllesotll 561\04 320 . 253 , 3354 Fu. 320. UJ . 379:1 DONCAR CON'T'ftACiOR! I BUILDERS I MANhOERS ..... .,... -~..~ APR-08-99 THU ]1:30 AM 6]2 253 3795 P. 02 91 'd 6L009P9199 'ON X~j Sl031IHO~~ 113~ AN3~N~ Wd 90:EO 301 88~GG-NOr ""'''0'1:11:1 J.J.;"1 valle "IS;) ;:I79G DONLA~ ST CLOUD ......... AKA ARCHITEcTS ~J003/016 April 8, 1999 . Monticello Community & Training Center MonticeJlo, Minnesota Donlsr Construction General Conditions Donlar Construction WaB~ Increase as of May', 1999 Doular Construction Adminisrrative Time Subtotal Overhead & Profit @ 10% ofDonliir Construction's Work SubtotaJ Pool Construction Proposal Overhead & Profit @ 5% of Sub's Work Bond Costs @ 1 % Subtotal Total dPruJDlItr.~~cJ.uLtQ..St~ . Project Ma,nager 78 Hrs @ $45.00 Senior Project Manager 24 Hrs @ $55.00 Management 30 Hrs @ $65.00 Clerical 17 Hrs @ S25.00 Legal Pees Administrative Time' Total $ 3,S10,00 $ 1,320.00 $ 1.950.00 $ 425.00 1..t.al..O!2 $10,736.00 - . DON CAR CONTRACTORS/BuILDeRs/MANAGERS 51, Pl\IIl, MlnnllMlfl\ 480 0xIar Sr"l . Sullt '0(1 51. Paul. Milln'~lltft $$101 651.22'.0631 P3116SJ.n7,OI~'l ,",,, E"",.I O"pf/l'lImJry EMJll"~rf' Original Quote Dated, 2/1 1/99 $ 49,092 .$ 3,264 $. 9.000 $ 61,356 $ l;I.136 $ 67,492 $ 81.800 $ 4.090 $153,382 S 1. S:l 4; $154,916 Revised QUClte Dated, 4/8/99 S 0.00 $ 0.00 i..._t9.-,:?1~ S 10,736 1..-1.QM $ 1l.8JO S 98,590 L-4.93 0 S 115.330 $ 1. 151 :5 116,483 51. Cloud. Mlnne501A 41 RjYlf'Jide Df. N! St. Cloud: Min_vlD 56304 320 . 2S3 .3'54 Pu 320 .153 . ~711S APR-08-88 THU 11:30 AM 612 253 3795 L 1 'd 8L009P8198 'ON X~~ Sl03lIHO~~ 113~ AN3~N~ Wd 80:EO 30l 88-cc-NOr P. 03 . " , ,.' -!"IJIU5IVII Q3131/99 11:~~ ~612 253 3103 10:04 ~tX 112 227 01~2 DONLAR 5T CLOUD 'I'" + AKA ARCHI1'f:CTS DONLAR CO~ST. co IlJ 004/010 III 001/002 ,.. c:> .J I JI1 I<- _ ..;/ ,/" .f- In Aecau", With S:8.IGGS AlID, l\IORGAN "lO~!>>ICN~ I. ASSOC:I~ TI eN '2aoo FIRST NIIoTIONl\l.lANl aUlI.tllNO .5AlNT ""uL.. MINNESOTA 55101 TU.F.'HONE [6511 223-5600 DeN1AR CORPORATfON Feh~ary 28, 1'99 1'ag. 3 F'lLl!: "'0. .......... 092.96.00052 rnvo:Lce~ 20'714 .. . . ) . . T.rhll~ l'a,.mellt Due 11'019 .....pt . . ......... "I.CAIE Dr.rAe1ol 'JI:lP PG,,"oloI ANQ MAtt" WITH PA'I'I'1(po/T' "LtAlC MAIC~ CHli:CI( F",jl.Y~'Ll 'ta BloIloer. aND MOfI...... Teleph~. eonfe~en~e Larry Cotte's office1 telephone ~Qnference Monticello city attorn8Y's ottice. 0.25 Conference wi~h ~reg Bistram; review ,trategie,. 0.25 1elaphone conference Larry Dotte; ~.l.pbone conference Dennis Dahlen and Tom Olson, attcr.ney~ for ei~y of Monticello. Prr:pll2;8 faT mee\~in, w:lth Monticello oiey couft~ilJ meetit19' with Jeff O'Neill, Dennis Dolin. tlATE A'l''.:t'OiUf!lY HOtJ1tS --..--..... -~----~_.-----.~_.-. ..--- 01/15/99 Bi.etram, GrQgory M. 0 . 4$ 01/).'/~n Galvin, M1ehael J. 01/1S/9' Bistram, Gregory M. 01/19/'9 BiBtram, Gregory M. 2.25 01/20/9'3 Bistram. Gregory M. 0.2~ Prof.o~1onal SerQ1cee 14.'0 . Coste tluplic:aeing Fax Total Caste ~dvanca4 I.'..~..... TQ~al Prof..s!cnal service. and Costs This Matter. . . . :8BIGGS AlfD ~ORGAN r..-at.G ......11 AP~08-99 THU 11:31 AM 612 253 3795 8r 'd 8Loosv9rS9 'ON X~~ Sl03lIHO~~ 113~ ^N3~N~ Wd 90:EO 3nl 88-cc-Nnr P1!JSCRXP"t%ON --_.~~~.----~-------~.~--_..-.~~ Revie'<4 ot general eonditlons; correspondence to Larry Dotte. ......IIII~. $3, 512 ~~/S 7.00 1.1.00 , . . $18.00 $3,530.75 m. 1.0. 1i'''Wi p, 04 u 'u V 1:1/ U Y 11:22 tt012 243 ~185 10:05 FAI 612 221 0132 DO:'iLAR ST CLOtlD ....:. AKA ARCDl'1'EC'TS PONL'R CONST. CO In Accouftt With flI00~/OIG IllOOl/OOZ . ~31"1/99 / . .,/ 1""'4 / n...e. 1'10. BRIGGS AND MORGAN r~ClFW'cN^L AS$OCI"TION 2200 FIUT )IIATIONAL B~Nl &UILDINO SAINT PAUL, MINNtsQTA 6.SllJl TELlPHcNE 16511 n~OO " " 0'29'.00052 G%'8g'Ory M. Bi~tram 3510 Invoic:e~ 209714 Fehtua~ 2a, 19'9 DONIJ\R COJlPOR.ATXOt: Suite 500 ' 490 Csd~r Street St, Paul, MN 55101 - - ~ TerJlU' r.YllIt/ltDu UPOIl Aecelp. .::1 "1_ -. . ."9'. \. .._ ,&"'- .._... _ ,,~.._:~~~ PLtASI: DEJlt\c,.. "l'tIl" il'ollmO/'C Nfl) MA!I. WftH ""-,,..e,.., . "L.~II: ",.leI: eHrcK 1'ATA8l.,t TC I!l~Gl5$ .1'4~ "'OR('~ For profes~ion~l services rendereQ W1th ~e9ard ~o the follo~ing ~tt.r: Monticello Community Center G.15 ~elQphon~ eonferenee Larry Dotta, telephone CQnEe~enoe Mark Wenele11 of Anke~y K~llT telephon. eonferenc:s FT-'ed Patch ef City of Monticello, t.l.~hQne oont.~ence Larry notte; teleihone ~onferenco Mark Went~e 1/ tel@phone ~onfe~en~e Fre4 'acch; . c:cl'responc:lence to C~.ty; eo~respond~nce to Do~1a~ and Ankeny Kcll, review of Cloeumeftt:s. OAT! AT'rORNaY aoURS .._-~...... .-..----~----~------ O~/12/'9 BiQt.ral'll, GreS'ory M. . 01/13/.9' B1atram, G~.gory M. ...so 03./14/59 Bi.tram, Gregory M. 3.50 ..... ..' , -~ ........ BBltSGS t~ MORGAN I ...... r,:.eoUe 1t8-.8 APR-OB-99 THU 11:31 AM 612 253 3795 61 'd 6LOOSv91S9 'ON XV~ Sl03lIHO~V 113}f AN3}fNV J.ld 90:EO 301 66-GG-Nnr DESCRIPTION -.__.~---_.~..-----~~_~~~'~~__~a~ Telephono ~onf~r@nceFred P.teh; telephone conference Larry notts; rovieion. to correspondance to Cit.y of Montic~lloJ te1ephone oonterenoe Tom Ol~on and ~enn1. Calen, MOhtieel1o G!~Y attorneys I aor~.~pond.nd. t~ Olson and Dahlenl ~elepbQn. confereAce Larry Patte. T=lephone ~onfQ~enc. ~ith city attorney; telephone conference Larry ~ottel prepare for partioipation,in meeting with ciey .taf~. , ' , 'P. '.D, ......... P. 05 U~/V~/~~ il:2~ tr61: 253 3193 MRR-26-1999 15:13 GSCI & ~SI DONLAR ST CLOlTD 4-++ AKA ARCHITECTS taJ00<1101,G 6514eGQ2~2 P,B2/12 IDi . -, '. -'- , I Ii" ! I , I" ~;-: : I I ,I I _ Ii' : --:"_1 I_I' i I f.- 'I ' ' I' /",1-,,'- I ': .. I 1_, ' , f' !'..l',-:",l:' ,-' '_I ' .. -' I,)' . i .:~: ~ :rlr-'::~-il. U_ I I: !.. I ":'.: '.1 ..1.....-'-,. , .' I I ' I I POOl ,eatlST"ucTI'III"OD.~DRATlD , 21 MlI~ 1999 To: Mr. Ji!n R.otbsleiD. Donlir CoallllUctian ColflpllllY 41 Rivll'l1d~ J:)rM. NE St. Cloud, MN S'304 Re: MOlltlceJlO Cotna'IUIWytrmlom, CeDmr pgnta,- Proj~ 111312 r SubjKt; Cost lJt;n:BSe dut ~ Owner Dcla1 Mr. ROlhst=ln: , Per ClV.l' QOIi~I'J4n Jut walk, IlTICl1ld III quotatiOJU from each of our supplier. und J'Ubeollu"c:tgn fgt 101I1n....et ~Q11 tIw "me bfde woro Wctn dllt 10 tM ....)' in.wardUls tl... pool poldon Dt the 'proJ~ In Iddttten.l1tave U1alucllCl cl,t&iJed call )jrulcdownt of ~ur diNClMt. ullCCi"tocS with rho M1QY. Plrots. ~lt'mc at 651.406.1424 if}.ou have In)' qvtSllon8. . SlnClc:te]1. ~CONSTRt1cr.roN'. INC. J51' c.~. fUll!!' ~ Vice Pn!.!;iClcftl U . 6017 12th Avenue South 111 Minneo~olfs, Minnesota 55417 offlcei (612) 798-5680 !II fox: (612) 798-3524 APR-OB-99 THU 11:31 AM 612 253 3795 P. DB 02 'd 6LOOSv91S9 'ON X~~ Sl03lIHO~~ 113~ AN3~N~ Wd 90:EO 3nl 88-cc-Nnr U~/U5/UU 11:~3 tr812 253 3193 MnR-26-1999 15116 GSCI & Fir DONLAR ST CLOUD ..~... AkA ARCHITECTS I1JOO7l010 6514BGB242 p,ee~12 . MONTICELLO COMMtlNITY A T1WNING CENTER SlTM'MAll'r Casts Associ.toe! with OI~ SM Descriptioll Cost. MAm&l.AL lodel"" PlilS1ictCorponti~ (quofe) S 4,200.00 J.ccrcarion SDPfJ'ly (\NOte) S 4.13'.00 Sale. Tax 011 Increased MIlreda1 Ow (ti.~%) 1. 542.OQ Subb3181 is 1,111.00 SWCONT1u.CT~ Aqua Lolle (quote) Ll.UQ.QJlQ SubtoClt S 11.200.00 .QIHEJ. DnmCT CDtr ubrn :EScalation I WIB.1n~as" S 4,316,00 l!::\Uftd*, Direct Costs S 26,4GI.OO Ovcnbne Com Utll1P.2 slabrar.] $ S9,101.oo au Of!. bcrrc:ucd Svkontllldots (S%) S 610,00 0.' on Mal.erlll aJI4 Other Direct Costs (10%) s... 7_79' OQ SlIbtotat S 8.405.00 'fOTAl. s '8$fO.00 . . APR-OB-99 THU 11:32 AM 612 253 3795 P, 07 Ie 'd 6LOOSv8IS8 'ON Xijj Sl031IHOHij 113~ ^N3~Nij Wd LO:SO 301 66~ee-NOr u.., vI., 1141 ........; "" Vlill: l~J J1111S ~-26-1~99 15116 ~sCI & PSt ,'.""1 .. 'W" ll.l/Cd...." ::"_":,)'II,,~ DONLAR 9T CLOUD ......... AItA ARCHITECTS 1fI00S/OIO 651485824Z P.B7~12 ;i:"" ~~: ~;~ !~:; ,:, vOi . ~ P"sties Corporation 1!Ii30 C""II~_ge Slroet- M/nnopoJ... MN ~1l4 _ (612) sa'-5075 -PIX (512) 929-, 7Se - 1:JDiiit ~ - ~-- MU'C\.2Z. 151" ~L<<;9 PLAmg Orlsball "* . 41,000,00 Nit IftCI'Ji" s. U1o.QQ h\i8:d Price, S .5,2.200.00 Mr. Roa IRzier Pool ClllUII\l&'l:iOA, 1Ae. 6017 U. AvCDU.. SOllrA MIntaeapalis. MN 554 J 7 D= I.Otl, . This 1.,.r fI La rep. lEI dote MOrWC'eUo SQ,/~ Pool Projc..r, It is ro coalitaa $i:Vcrel ptSte .lcctr;::u~i .u:b,jtct to O\l;t' -rcril1 qW:nc'job qIIOte cbtrd. O~r 20. 1998. AI you bel.... wt: normally hald. quote "ri~.s for 30 da}'S. We aYe' &Jrgdr lC';C'iVl:d 3 7% blcrtilfr Ob Y~l"'l!:f. 3.~~ i.ac:~, oa. PVt pjpa ud II!, t8 lO~ _~ C1I firr.lnr~ ete. SJ:loUlli you have ::m~ q\ltl~OIll plasll sWe ltlo " e&ll.u 6 J Z .$2..5. 1(115. Sect "'...,41, -~~~~ IDb kADWf 11 ):,'l1S . " .... ~ APR-OB-99 THU 11:32 AM 612 253 3795 p, 08 ~~ 'd 8LOOSv8IS8 'ON X~d Sl031IHOH~ 113~ AN3~N~ Wd LO:EO 3n1 88-~~-Nnr V~/UOfV~ l!:~a tr612 2GJ 3195 . ~.[ J -...-. - CJ ~-~.. ~ ~ '" ~ Recreation Supply Company DONLAR ST CLOIm ~...... AKA ARCHITECTS filJ OOO/aU Ji.,lYilry 21, 1188 POOL CONSTRUCTION INC. Aft": Ron ph: 8S1.40S~'232 tax: S51-40S~8242 RE: MO"tfo.llo Con""uIn'ly Center Iwrmrnrng Pool I $,. Pool "rlcl"" Dear Ren_ . Upon revl_1nll tho prIcIng for tho MonUco/J. proJecl, Il,. WOI1l1 nolin9 thot .om. of tho eqUlP"'ent h.. gono Up In prleo .Inco the orilllnol bid of Oclober 28, 1118. I' the Prvject ".r. 10 move 'OlWllrd baned on the ne... eehedu'o, ~ will nlilt honor the Jltlces vrigJnatJy qUoted. as We ba.. our cost figu.... on Jnv.ntory leve'. ~nd commitments to our vendors and manuflcrurer.s at the time of the bId. USIng th. ...et lame equipment p.Ckag8, YOll.hould anticIpate a total price inert... or.pproxfmat..y $4138,00 fOfth, items w. quoted you. If yoU require eddltJonl' '"'ormatJon, 'eel lree to e.". 0'.0. eo. 27S1'lil.."." -058502, (701) 222-488D.,.. rIal) 255-I.,s 0'.0. aa. 17". .J.d'S"..'i', ,. 48217 . · lUTI'L P. "" APR-OS-99 THU 11:32 AN 612 253 3795 P, OS S~ 'd . . 6LOOSv9IS9 'ON X~~ Si031IHO~~ 113~ AN3~N~ Wd LO:SO 301 66-~~-NOr .J!~/a5lD9 11; If UG!! 2G.' 3795 Ml=lR-2S..1999 J.S= 15 useI & PSI DONlAR S7' CLOllI> ~'Ho AKA ARCHITECTS III 010/016 6514eSS242 p.e5/1~ . Aqua~~ Logic 9909 Valley View !:toad · S\lite 9909 . !:dcQ Prairie. MN 55.344 Phone (612) ggS-S054 · Fa."t 1612J 995-0695 ., 1/27/1999 .BiUlC:tma Per Due to the delay of constnJcOon tbr tb! Monci;clfo Communiry Center there YtiIl ~ addiliDnalOOSlS ....Jv.d due To ~ pM ;.........lobor eostr, cd ~ ~oll!1ku. . Tho iucreaso ilr 0lII' plitt ollbe COIIIrIC! wiJl bo 512200 w.bfch~OIs ~ 60/.. . Sinecr,Iy CbrisDahl Pztsid.ot Aqua LoJfc .tne. - I Ii 'J 09tS 'oN APR"08-99 THU 11:33 AN 612 253 3795 WJt.t: r ^u, '0 'I r.l:V P.lO VZ 'd 6LOOSv9IS9 'ON X~j Sl031IHO~~ 113~ ^N3~N~ Wd LO:EO 301 66-ZZ-NOr . . v.rVQr~~ 11:24 !te12 233 3793 MAR-2G-1999 15=14 ~SCI & PSI DONLAR ST CLOt!>> .,l.,l.,l A1\A ARCHITECTS ~0l1/01G 6514868242 p.aJj12 MONTrcnLO COMMt1'NrrY I. 'l1W>mlO C!NT!a WAGE tN'CJU:ASE Coati ~tared \lI'l&J1 DelaYed Stitt Based on May I, 1999 AGe A~menTl; No OYcnbno IncludE! Trade .au: War Loot 1!urden TOl41 Hoazl)' Bsdmatoc1 lNreQ!! fDtt..1 Coil: lrtcrase Houn J.19/1u' .341hr U3/hr 1500 2.g01hr - 8I1J1r J.18/hr 1.50 1.0.5.-11r .301hr l,J5~ 600 1.l'i1lr .331hr J .48/hr 200 rorAt. CllfpOfttt:rJ Gcneml Foreman ~Ibotm Opc:"tors T,,~ S 2.2'5.01;1 S 945.00 S 810.00 l.J_~.QQ S 4,31&.00 NlJlt:i~: J Sche.luJcd m~ trona AGe A~emCllIS, CI)'pI~ atfacblld. 2 Labor B~ Inaase includes Worhrs Cornp In5UtaDcc. G:nmJ LiablUty Insl.1mlcc. FICA, MA. IInd BUT A as a ~entage olba't ""'011. APR-OB-99 THU 11:33 AN 612 253 3795 Sc 'd 6LOOSv9lS9 'ON X~~ P, 11 Sl031IHO~~ 113X ^N3XN~ Wd LO:EO 301 66-cc-NOr "''ll'_\~''''n J../,:llJ "0'612 Z153 3i93 ~R-2G~1999 15117 GSCI & PSI , . 515/98 (C01'!IC:tIlld copy) bONLAR ST CLOtlD "H AI~ A!CHITEt.'TS ~ 012/016 6514a6e~~c P.09/1Z AGe OF MINNESOT ^ SchtduJe ofUn.iol1 WagtSIFriTJlf$ B1J11ding Agree:melltJ Ttade! International Union of Oplnlifll Eftgm.urs Loc:al49 Contad: Mr. Frad D=schuk: OperatLna h~eer5 Loc:al *4~ zUg AnthODY Lane SO\lrh MinDeapoJis. MN 55418 Phgne; 6121788-9441 F~: 6J2I788-J'36 Othl:r Qtf;ces lol3lcd thtoughOtat ~e SUle Cornnux tenn: May I. J 991 through April 30, 200 1 OeoJrll'hleaJ 'OOP.: Undo!nld WaB8SIF~tS: GrOQP WBJ:C.s H&:W 1 125.54 53.J5 2 :Z5.~O :1.15 3 23.79 3.15 4 23.45 3.15 S 2'.28 .1.1$ 6 21.11 3.15 7 20.65 3.15 8 19.$9 3.15 ( FvTW'l! Inc:rcues: May 1.1999 $1.1$ May 1.2000 SUO Classi&Qtions: 'lase note; Tho nine (9) goupiJlJ! in. the BuUc!int Afteemem !-om previous yr.Dl' ha'le bem ClHbbil'u~d uno eiaJtr' (I) croUps. $011'11 clusiBcationr have blmt moved to 11 diff'lUl\t 1P!1Jp. rlus~ refer f4' the m'iP limnp; 'be~ Group J . HeUClOptor Opcnmr Tower Owle 2.50' aad over Tn1ck it Oawl. CTII'ltS With 200' crBoom and ovC', inol\ldiq jib .Pltty c:=ts ($.50) per hout premium pay for TNcJc and eraw,. Crues with 300' ofBoorn and over. iDcluclin, jib Oroup 2 .. Tower Cnr.e ~OO' and oVC!:!' Trock and Crawler C'.nIne.s with !.SO' afBDom, up 10 ~d nor induding 200' of Be om. iDclud1bgjib ~UJ> 3 ~ All TlITIin Vlbicla CruC$ Oa:rridc (Guy" StUf1.,) Mater Me~" PHrn, DriYiftg Opcator (when three dnm1, .,.11 tn use) T&NU Crees - Stuionlfy . Up to 200' . . . OP. BNG. t.CL, 49 81-DO. P.ge 1-3 .... ..... APR-08-99 THU 11:33 AM 612253 3785 9~ 'd 6LOOSv9IS9 'ON X~j Sl03lIHOH~ 113~ AN3~N~ Wd 80:EO 3nl 66-~~-Nnr E"~ve~.YJt19" App. Tr.wn~ $.15 .15 .15 .15 .J5 .15 .IS .15 Pe.t>>slo.D 53.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 ].60 3.60 3.60 TotIJ S32.44 32.JO 30.6' 30.3$ 30.18 28.67 27.55 26.49 CAr - $.02 .0:'. .02 .02 .O~ .02 .02 .02 p, 12 U4/U~IU~ 1t:25 "612 2G3 3795 MA~-~-l999 1S;1? user & PSI DONLAR s't cLOUD ~...... AKA ARCIUTEC'I'S li.1,JOt3/016 S51AB60242 P.10/12 SfJ 198 AGe OF MINNESOTA Schedule o(UniOn W.,eslFrinee$ J11,lUdin, Asreernfntl . 1'liIdlJ: Laborers DisCtiet CO'Ur:lc:il Contact: Mr, Ai Arens LabORft D~trlc;t Council afMN and NO 2350 Main Street Lino Lak~ MN 5S0Jl Phone: '121653-9116 FQ: 612l6SJ.974S Lo.:aJ unlon ofti~CI 10qfCd throuJhout the Etllo COllGc:t Terms: May J, 1998 wou&h April ~O, 2001 OcrographiQlI SOap;; MllttopoJitan At.: Anolee, Carver, ChislJo, DAkota, H!Onepin. hllb'd, RamIfY. Scott, Sh~bum&, WarJUnp1\ Wright Counties Wa{tt$IFnn,es: Effective MI)' 1. ] 998 Clu, &W l'CD. *V/D TRlA..P. Lecet. alai CAF 1 S2.15lS S:z.,O 1.36 Sol 7 $.06 $26.5' $,01 . .2 :a.~6 ~.30 t.3! .17 .01S 26.8d ,02 3 2.66 2.30 1.36 .17 .06 27.16 .02 4 2.66 2.10 1.21 .17 .O~ 22.S6 .02 S 2.66 2.10 1.21 .17 .06 23.56 .02 · Vlcld~n/W'crki>>t. J:)uel i, 8 tAXabl. wage and ls ~ be included in the bue rue for overtin\. caIwlalion. (P'ururefnc:reases: May 1.19~9 1.05 Mrt)' 1.2000 1.05 C1a!!Oifi~tiON: . Classification 1 .. Ocnt:81 Laborer. Agbestol Bnd Hazardcus WiSt! tem. Catpen1er Tender. Concrt!lte Handler, Confined Space Watch, Damp Proofer below p-adc, brllJ Runner Helper. Dtnnpnum .. ~ aspbalt, conCrete, =ncnt. i'ircwat.;h. Heat. Tender .. III !)'pel, Hot Tar CauJker .. COtk'.A Hydro Brast OT watlrbl3$ta', Joist 1iJu\dJ.... Materia! 11ll1cfle .. all typu Powwlupy. Re'blr .t.&botcr, SiJDa1 PCBOn. Snow .Blower Operator. TooJ Crib Cheelcer, Lead AOlllmwt, ll=ore Coatrol Taanpec. ChaIn Saw OjJefatcr. Conc:rete Sll"", Drill OperllIor, CI)DC'J'ete Vib.l'lltor. Dcwolition ADd Wreckinl ctlitClJudin, qlft\olition ot In endu I~CNr~ s)'S'ttnn, Mason 'fender. MONt Mi~er ... t:ftnel\t or an1 orher lubstirute material or eomptllitioft, Pipe HIIIld1tr, PlleurD.it1~ and SJet=trJc Tools, Jac:khmnzner. PavfJ'l~ Buster, Chil'pint: Hanun.cr. T.amper Operator. etc., Swing Stag. Line S~Jd Cnl)1 inf:l\1dill; "patent" ,ca.tfoJdin:>. Welder, Torcbperson. gas, eleari~, thennlol Or slrnll~ devic~ . LAB. nIST. COUNCIL Mln'ao BLDG. P2ll' 1..2 APR-OB-99 THU 11:34 AM 612 253 3795 P. 13 LG 'd 6LOOSv9IS9 'ON X~d Sl03lIHOH~ 113~ AN3~N~ Wd eO:EO 3nl 66-cc-Nnr u~,uo,~. 11;~O ~Ul~ 253 3795 r'lAR-2s-1999 l'5r IS GSCI l F'$I DONLAR ST CLOllD .....4> AKA ARCHITECTS raJ 014/016 S51~068242 p.ll/la ,,' " 515/98 . Aoe OF MINNESOTA Schecl~le DE UBfon W'SesllrirJlrU B~lJdif'lg A8ttctrl=ts . Trade: x..,.Ices .& Plains R.egi,OlW CO\UllWi1 of CupCTltC3'S A loincT$ Contact: Mr. Pat Bristol La.kes &. Plains ),esiona} COW1ciJ ot'CJrpentetl &.lofnl:ti 842 bnncmd AvC'ftUe St. 'a\ll, MN 55114 l'hono; 6 J 21646-7207 Fax: 6121645-131 B Po It.. AIL A A-.:2. Slt/tf ~/. /, ~ /lIM()1I ...,1-", .2 J Other oah:os located ~U8hCI1t 1>\e stat.. COn1t.~ twm: .Mar I. U!fIS r.hrov,h ~Fil 30,2001 !1feenve Ma, ], UfJ WAG!~4A*J METRO Coun.ti.;s of A!loka. Carvef', Chisaco. Dakota. HennepIn. lsanu, lCaNlbtt. Pine, Sb.rbwnt (e~dud1a, the ~ity limiI$ ofSt. Cloud iI!ld oKtcndln,!:ivc =LJes Wtward), Ramsey, SeoLl, W'sNn~ and. Wricln eOUDti~ in MiMl:SOta uuS ~ans ofWi$~onsitl bordering aJong lhe: lton,lIissippi Rivtt. ~al!~ B&W Pea. PCII. DueslVac. L\e2; TOtal CAF - - - i:'u 30.4.2 .- 22.15 2.3S' J.SO .45' .14 .02 . WAGEARE4A-l Pha!&-b1 rat. tor western Sha:rbWTl= atld Wngh~ Counrie.!. W.~ B4IW pap-. :Oue.Nlt. ~ lart. FUIll!. Toral CIJ 2.35 - .7$/.60 2W - 11,41 2.50 .14 .02 ,02 AGI "A-l O~\"- 'r.RA\U. OtJTS;Q>E ])ISTlICT · Trt,v'lllUo"'Mct ilu'l'llUod. S.2t11bU..~ lqcllin tnGtlUtd to 'JO/li,y. WAGE AREA. A--2. Meeker and MeLeo~ Countias'l!:Id tba City orR.ed WiD,. CJ;t'adln, $ tmlca outward. :Wgl!$ 17,19 B&W 2.i5 pa Pt!i.... 3.$0 J;tc ll!!a. .45 DuesIVu &U2:. hd.lulld !ota} IOO7.'60 .14 .02 25.85 WAG}; ABU" CA'F .01"- . Gocdhue lad Wubll5ha Countle: ~Jth oiHi&b,way LliO (cx~luclin! ~e Chy "flUeS WWIl 11114 Clefu.d.Ill, 5 m.U.. outward.) ~ U.~, A~ 2.15 ~. PeL 2.50 J>vctN.e lei ,40 .10 622:. ad. hael To~ .14 ,Oz 2.1.11 MN S1 A TEwm'E DIST. COUNCIL CAllP BLDG. 'lit 1.3 . APR-OB-89 THU 11:34 AM 612 253 3795 8e 'd 6LOOSP9tS9 'ON XV~ Sl03lIHOHV 113~ AN3~NV Wd 80:80 3nl 66-ee-Nnr CI1F 702" P. 14 v~/va/~~ tL:~O ~~l~ :53 J7nG ~~-26-1999 15114 GSCI & ~Sl D01\OI.AR ST CLOUD .~..... AKA ARCHITECTS 1lI0U/016 GS1406Q242 P.04/12 . MONTIC2LLO COMMuNIrr .t T.lWNINl.1 CBNTER. onmr, D1l!CT Coati A.Itla1a1tlt with ~llcl Start J(ml DasmJlrIoll Hg~ HQlJrJ,y Rare Torsi PrvJea Manager so $GS,DO $ 3.250.00 Additio.aalFiclcl Work' 80 555.00 54,.00.00 Add'l RmlalEqWplnCQr S 8,318,00 A441doMl AdaUnimation 40 SG',OO S 2,,600.00 .ltc\iSCd PtopoqI Prep &0 $05',00 S 5.200000 C1crieal TItnc 40 $25.00 S 1.000.00 ~llgefCmutcr S 200,00 LepJ Fe!s S 1.500.00 TOTAL S 26,.68.00 . Norell ~, %JIelUdeI addition.d Jlbor 1M cqU(PIIeN to, WOtlcln'lI'Ol&Dd ~.tn\c'tlwu dw oriJiDa11y 'fouId not hive bllm. bt place lUeh 41 Core drilling wall IUtd 11001 penO'Q'lldens thar ",out!! ~lie N sllM't4 in prior to p&a~, ~crere. Z. I~1udC$ rent ID~ SlI.les tax Oil CQ,ufpltumt that: we WIll be lOq\li!t!4 (a hint iJl. .lIeu bf usl1'lg compaay oW;nQd equipment that 'tiU no JOllpr be IvaiJabl. due to I:OmmiQ1l,nts Ul olhu proJerors. Equ~men[ laclu">;, · torkUft, & 6:id '=. and 4 1Imd\ft' or mW.~r. l>ocs!lot inc:ludll equipment d=1ivelY. ftttl, m,h1tlllil1Cl:::, Of OJ)erarmg ;osts. . APR-OB-99 THU 11:34 AM 612 253 3795 P. 15 82 'd 8LOOSP9IS9 'ON XV3 Sl031IHO~V 113~ ^N3~NV Wd 80:EO 301 88-22-NOr _______V~/V~'UU ~~.~u -Q'~lZ ~~a J79G MAR-2!,-1'399 15119 GSCI &. pSI DONL..\R ST CLOVD ....... AKA ARCHITECt'S lil.JOlG/OIO 6514~6~24a ~.lZ'lZ . MONTICELLO COMMUNrlY. TRAJN.lNG CliNT!P. OVEllTIM! Costs Assoclalad with Delayed Start Due to Demmed Labor AVfliJabIlty at Late Staft b81c Trade BucWqe LabQr B~ Total HaQrty l!slimatc4 P~mfu.m Inl;'lcue I C8'C lneroase OvW.rne Hours 15 .00Ihr 'U!Ihr 19,Z8/hr 24{) 1 UMlt 3..341Jv 15.02lhr 1250 1 J.6SIhr 3.331br 14.911hr 240 10_dOI1lr 3.03/hr 13.6!/hr GOO 12.221hr 3.4Mtr 15.7l1hr' ZOO TOTAL ToW SUpe~dent C~tc:rs OenctllJ Foft:1hIIl La~Ot'l:l$ Opcr"n S 4,627,00 SI8,775.oo $ 3.$51,,00 S 1,178.00 ~..!!2 S ;.t8,3X1.00 NOfi:': J Labor IlZrclen fAmae iDel_ Wodc_rJ ColDp WWUCl, OcnmJ IJabiJit,.I&uUIllJee, FICA, rotA. IDeS SUTA At 11 pltc:amttp atbuc pl1)'tOll. . . APR-08-99 THU 11:35 AM 612 253 3795 TnTCl ~,., P. 16 OE 'd 6LOOSP9IS9 'ON X~j Sl031IHO~~ 113~ AN3~N~ Wd 80:EO 301 88-22-NOr . . . City Council Agenda - 6/28/99 10. Consideration of a request from the I.IRA for Council direction relating to TIF assistance for market rate housing. (O.K.) A. Reference and Background: At the June 9 HRA meeting, the commissioners heard a presentation from a housing development consultant for the development of a multi-housing facility. The concept presentation was vcry preliminary. The consultant's purpose was to gain the HRA's level of interest for use of TIF assistance associated with the development of what he called market rate rental apartment complex. The HRA tabled any action and requested direction from the Council relating to the use of TIF assistance for market rate housing. Rental Housing 1. How does the Council feel about providing TIF ITousing assistance for market rate rental housing? 2. What is the Council's policy or how much assistance? Those were the questions of the HRA. Although the proposed project concept is described, it is used for the purpose of an example. PROPOSED PROJECT: It appeared the undisclosed site is raw land. The consultant described the proposed project to consist of 18-24 larger market rate units with amenities such as double garages and fireplaces. He requested 90% ofthe available tax increment over 15 years and stated the project would be a Housing District with 20% of units at 50% or less of the medium income level. The developer recognized the need to meet the "but for" test. Based on the consultant's request for TIF assistance and assuming 18 units were constructed, 14 units would be at market rental rate and 4 units would have income restrictions. This means 4 units must be rented to a family of two with an income of $24,450 or less or rented to families of three or more at certain income levels. The income levels are established for Wright County per federal definitions. Remember, to create a Housing District, the project must be a facility for occupancy in part by persons or families of low and moderate income, as defined by various federal legislative and regulatory definitions. Up to 20% of the fair market value of the improvements may be for uses other than for low to moderate income housing. A Housing District must meet income-level restrictions, has no rent restrictions, requires a 5% local match contribution, and can be used for rental or owner- occupied facilities. Property managers of Housing District and Qualified I-lousing District projects annually provide the Office of the HRA with evidence for compliance of the income and/or rent restrictions, respectively. 17 . City Council Agenda - 6/28/99 Again, the HRA questions: Does the Council want to provide TIF Housing assistance for market rate rental projects? How do other existing and proposed market rate rental projects compete? In other words, can a total market rate rental project with no mandates or limits, compete with those rental projects receiving TIF Housing assistance? From my perspective and to meet the purpose of a Housing District which is to provide assistance to a facility that offers housing to the low to moderate income persons or families, the real question becomes: Is there a need in the City of Monticello for rental housing for persons or families of low and moderate incomes? According to HRA Attorney Bubul, true market rate housing is a project which receives no assistance through TIF, tax credits, Section 8, first-time home buyers, etc. With a Housing District, if the system works, the income level restrictions reduce the rent rates. According to Mark Ruff, Ehlers & Associates, some commtmities use Housing Districts as a means of economic development and limit the years of tax increment to ] 5 years. Both individuals agree, the driving decision is the "need". . TIF History: No TIF Housing Districts for rental projects have been created in the City of Monticello to date. However, two Qualified Housing Districts exists: Mississippi Shores and S1. Bens - senior independent rental housing projects. A third Qualified Housing District received HRA and Council preliminary approval _ Brad Larson's proposed 28-unit family rental town homes. A Qualified Housing District has rent and income restrictions, requires no 5% local match contribution, and can be used for rental facilities only. Owner-Occupied Housing The same questions are asked for owner-occupied housing: 1. How does the Council feel about providing TIF Housing assistance for owner- occupied housing? 2. What is the Council's policy or how much assistance? . Again, a Housing District must meet income level restrictions, have no rent restrictions, requires a 5% local match contribution, and can be used for rental or owner-occupied facilities. For single family housing, at least 95% of the homes receiving TIF assistance must meet the greater of state-wide or county median income at the 100% of median for families of 2 or less or 115% of median for families of 3 or more. The income limits are for initial occupancy only. The median income for a family of two in Wright County is $63,600 per the federal definitions. TIF History: No TIF Housing Districts for owner-occupied housing projects have been created in the City of Monticello to date. A proposed project by Front Porch was denied 18 . because the project would proceed on raw land only without TrF assistance. To include one additional parcel with improvements and create a Redevelopment District, the raw land parcels did not meet the 15% improvements test for creation of a redevelopment district and the project was scaled back for development on the raw land only. Lastly and currently, there is a developer intcrested in developing 20 owner-occupied quad-homcs. The selected site, although blighted or substandard, on preliminary asscssment does not meet the test for creation of a Redevclopmcnt District. The alternative for consideration is a Housing District. City Council Agenda - 6/28/99 Other projects in Monticello where housing was constructed and TIF was used for the purpose of removal of blight/substandard conditions, cOITection of soils conditions, or installation of public improvements with lillusual soil conditions. Those projccts include Prairie West, River Mills, Construction Five, and Broadway Squarc. B. Alternative Actions: 1. To understand the housing needs of the City of Monticello for the purpose ofTIF and City Planning, direct the HRA to conduct a Housing Study. . 2. Review each TIF request for project merit and TfF requirements. 3. Restrict the use ofTIF Housing Districts for rental housing. (Incomc limits only and 5% contribution.) 4. Restrict the use ofTfF Housing Districts for owner-occupied housing. (Income limits only and 5% contribution.) 5. Table for further study. C. Recommendation: The recommendation of the City Administrator and the HRA Executive Director is Alternative No.1 directing the HRA to conduct a Housing Study. The HRA completcd a senior housing study for the Mississippi Shores project in 1993 and to my knowledge, the City has never conducted an over-all housing study. Some developers have provided the HRA with excerpts of their studies. An over-all study would provide the HRA and City with a better understanding of the housing needs of the city and would be a helpful tool to assist with City Planning. - If you are interested in the concept presented by the housing development consultant, perhaps Alternative No.2 is appropriate with limited years of tax increment. - D. Supporting Data: None. 19 . . . Council Agenda - 6/28/99 11. Consideration ofa ci ordinance amendin Title 7 Cha ter 1 Section 7-1-3 A.. of the Monticello Ordinance bv establishiUl:! regulations prohibitilll! vehicles that are considered a public nuisance. (F.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City ordinances currently regulate junk vehicles; however, the ordinance language as written requires that for a vehicle to be considered a public nuisance it must be not currently licensed by the state because of mechanical deficiency and incapable of movement under its own power. This requires that a ':junk" vehicle must be both inoperable and unlicensed. Many owners of junk vehicles have become wise to this loophole in the ordinance and will place current licensing on obviously junk cars just to avoid violation of ordinances. As a result, blighting conditions are perpetuated. The simple addition of the word "m:" will mean that a vehicle stored outside must be both licensed and operable. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt the ordinance amending Chapter 1, Section 7-1-3: Public Nuisance (A), providing a clarification to the definition of vehicles that are considered public nuisances. 2. Motion to deny adoption of the ordinance amending Chapter 1, Section 7-1-3: Public Nuisance (A). C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator recommends that the City Council moves Alternate I above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of proposed Ordinance with strike-out and underlining to show amendments. 16 . . . Council Agenda - 6/28/99 ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICEllO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 7-1-3 (A), OF THE MONTICELLO ORDINANCE BY ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS PROHIBITING VEHICLES THAT ARE CONSIDERED A PUBLIC NUISANCE. THE CITY OF MONTICELLO DOES ORDAIN: Title 7, Chapter 1, Section 7-1-3: Public Nuisance Item (A), of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (A) No unwholesome substance, garbage, refuse, offal, or similar substance shall be brought, deposited, left, dumped, or allowed to accumulate within the city. For purposes of this section of the City ordinances entitled "Public Nuisances," refuse shall include but not be limited to the following or similar items stored or parked outside: 1. Passenger automobiles, station wagons, trucks, and other vehicles not currently licensed (if applicable) by the state, or which are; because of mechanical deficiency, incapable of movement under their OWn power; 2. Passenger automobiles, station wagons, trucks, and other vehicles which are currently licensed by the state but, because of mechanical deficiency, are incapable of operation on a public street or highway under their Own power, or passenger automobiles, station wagons, trucks, and other vehicles which are capable of operation under their own power but which are not currently licensed by the state, when stored or parked outside for more than 30 days, unless prior to the expiration of the 30 days the owner of said vehicle petitions the City Council for and the City Council grants an extension of the time limit on outside storage. In reviewing such application, the City Council shall consider: (a) the number of such vehicles stored on the petitioner's property; (b) the condition of the vehicles for which the extension is sought and the hazards posed by such vehicles to public health and safety; . . . Council Agenda - 6/28/99 (c) the effect of said vehicles on neighboring property and property owners; This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ADOPTED by the Monticello City Council this day of 1999. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: ATTEST: Roger Belsaas, Mayor By: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator AYES: NAYS: BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 4111f6/17/1999 12:16:37 Payments for Publication CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE GL335R Report Selection: Approval Date...................... 06/28/1999 Payments Through Date.............. 06/11/1999 Cutoff Amount to be Used........... RUN GROUP... 0611 COMMENT... 6/11 CKS DATA-JE-1O DATA COMMENT 0-06171999-921 6/17 CKS Run Instructions: Joba Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 N S 6 066 10 . . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM . 6/17/1999 12:16:38 Approved on CITY OF MONTICELLC Payments for Publication GL335R-V06.00 PAGE Vendor Name 6/28/1999 for Payments Through 6/17/1999 . A E MICHAELS AEC ENGINEERING, INC AFFORDABLE SANITATION ANDERSON/RICK ARAMAI~K 8 & D PLUMBING & HEATING,INC. BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR SUPPLY BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COMPANY BIG WHEEL-ROSSI BJORKLUND CO., INC. BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. CEDAR ST. GARDEN CENTER CENTRAL MN REFRIGERAfrON CENTURY FENCE COMPANY ClARK FOOD SERVICE. INC. CUL.L IGAN DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING CO DAN JERRY'S GARDEN CENTER DAVIES WATER EQUIPMENT CO DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY DOUBLE D ELECTRIC EARL. F ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES ECM PUBLISHERS. INC EHLERS & ASSOC.INC PUBLICORP ELECTRIC PUMP, INC EMERGITEK CORPORATION FAEGRE & BENSON LLP FERBER. INC GATEWAY COMPANIES, INC GENERAL RENTAL CENTER OME CONSULTANTS, INC. GOLF TOURNAMENT PROMOTIONS GRIGGS, COOPER & COMPANY GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT GROUP HDR ENGINEERING, INC. HERMES/GERALD T HOME JUICE IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR KEN ANDERSON TRUCKING KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED KOVICH/PATRICIA KAY LAKE STATE REALTY SERVICES INC LAKELAND TRANSMISSION LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST MARCO FINANCING . -------------------- Description Amount PW COMM CENTER PARKS 56.00 HRS @ $27.50 CH PARKS LIQUOR LIQUOR PW INSP DUNDAS & CEDAR LOTS 7TH ST EXT STREETS WATER CH AN SHELTER CH RENT HOUSE 203.19 88.50 495.30 1,590.40 130.00 521.70 593.73 476.35 4.25 1,020.00 197.50 238.29 107.64 470.38 914.45 23.27 24.92 2.189.51 221.31 93.81 10.25 443.20 126.55 216.00 288.75 584.97 157.17 32.50 400.00 2.447.39 23.32 1.700.00 143.50 221. 12 2.075.85 5.00 99.222.47 221.50 35.10 154.26 1,714.60 44.00 1.160.60 610.82 5.125.00 2.108.51 3,713.00 617.27 PARKS WATER LIQUOR PW REMODELING STREETS LIQUOR STORE HRA SEWER FIRE WWTP ST HENRY'S KITTY'S COMPUTER WATER CH EC DEV LIQUOR WATER WWTP LIBRARY LIQUOR LIBRARY 5 ANIMALS COMM CENTER CH CLEANING LAND ACO STREETS LIQUOR CH-COPIER MIA BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM .6/17/1999 12:16:38 Approved on CITY OF MONTICEllO Payments for Publication GL335R V06.00 PAGE 6/28/1999 for Payments Through 6/17/1999 V'3ndor Name MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE MAllS FOODS MCDOWALL COMPANY MN DEPART OF NATURA RESOURCES . MONTICELLO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MONTICELL.O SENIOR CITIZENS CTR MONTICELLO VACUUM CENTER MOON MOTOR SALES. INC. MUNICIPAL CLERKS&FINANCE OFFIC MUSCO SPORTS LIGHTING. INC. NORTHWEST CARPET & UPHOLSTERY OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC, INC. OLSON, USSET & WEINGARDEN PLLP ONE CALL CONCEPTS. INC. PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO PITNEY BOWES PREUSSE/JAMES L PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GROUP R & D SAt ES. INC. RELIABLE CORPORATION/THE :,,:0 ,_ I ,A.NCE DA T ,6, (:u,;:i)OI<A r ION RELIANT ENERGY RESIDENrIAL DEVELOPMENT, INC RIVERPLACE PHYSICIANS RON'S GOURMET ICE ROSAMOND SANDUSKY RUFF AUTO PARTS SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA A. :)CH/l..i~:I~P & SONS, INC. SILVER SPRINGS GOLF CLUB ST CLOUD FIRE EQUIPMENT STAR TRIBUNE rDS TFLFCOM THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY TRUEMAN-WELTERS, INC. TRUGREEN-CHEMLAWN-MTKA TWIN CITIES FLAG SOURCE UNITED LABORATORIES USA WASTE SERVICES. INC VIKING COCA COLA VOSS LIGHTING WATER LABORATORIES. INC WATSON COMPANY, INC/THE WINE MERCHANTS, INC WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR-TREAS WRIGHT COUNTY TREAS/AUDITOR WRIGHT TITLE GUARANTEE CO . Description Amount WATER CH STREETS DEP REG 6.66 52.02 48.50 858.00 GOLF OUTING SR CITIZEN CH STREETS DAWN MEMBERSHIP PARKS LIQUOR FIRE HWY 25 LOCATES 800.00 2,833.00 9.55 258.18 30.00 50.75 319.50 1.311.15 2,329.50 352.00 804.51 48.40 270.00 38.388.42 303.00 328.67 4:33.00 1.270.02 580.00 125.00 414.56 70.00 15.98 1.197.49 70.02 175.50 299.50 738.30 3,297.62 5,833.75 43.82 1.491.00 150.08 314.67 5.611.25 211. 86 107.11 20.00 376.24 27.04 31.441.67 30.00 10.174.00 CH PUBLIC WORKS WWTP CONTRACT PARKS-CREST LOGO CH CH SHOP/GARAGE/MAl NT REIMB 1*5080 PW LIQUOR PARK RESERVATION REFUND SrREETS AN SHELTER CONTRACT PARKS IDC LUNCHEON FIRE LI OUOR CH LIQUOR PARKS PARKS LIQUOR SHOP REFUSE LIQUOR LIBRARY WATERS TESTS SHERIFF PATROL MEMBERSHIP-PURCH VENTURE COMM CENTER 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~ 6/17/1999 12:16:38 Approved on Vendor Name Payments for PUblication 6/28/1999 for Payments Through DescriPtion Y M C A - NW ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS, INC. ** ~ ~ --- -------- --- --- CONTRACT STREETS CITY OF MONTICELLO GL335R-V06.00 PAGE 6/17/1999 Amount 625.00 940.26 Fin a 1 Tot a 1 s . . . ---'.- - -..- - -2'tU, 1f1.01:;.... q;~17/ RJ J eRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM .6/17/1999 12: 16:38 TOTAL NUMBER OF RECORDS PRINTED . . Payments for Publication CITY OF MONTICELLO GL335R-V06.00 PAGE 118 -. .- --. .-- - .-. -. - - - -. ,,- -- -. .- . . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM .06/1'1/1999 12: 16:39 Payments for Publication CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V06.00 RECAPPAGE GL335R FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION ----------------------~----- DISBURSEMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 211 LIBRARY fUND 213 HRA FUND 225 PARK FUND 226 COMMUNITY CENTER 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVlNG FD 250 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH FD 265 WATER ACCESS FUND 436 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 450 96-04C HWY25/MNOOT IMPR 461 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 462 98-12C HH STREET EXTENSION 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 64.454.25 550.25 931. 35 3.047.94 2.393.07 4.042.12 518.00 246.00 99.254.97 1.973.00 10.283.75 597.50 723.23 39.285.57 20.820.81 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . 249.121.81 BANK RECAP; BANK NAME -------..--------.., DISBURSEMENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING lIQR LIQUOR CHECKING 228.301.00 20.820.81 TOTAL ALL BANKS 249.121.81 - - .- - - -. -- '" 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 4Ij6/24/1999 10:36:24 Payments for Publication CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE Gl335R Reoort Selection: Approval Date...................... 06/28/1999 Payments Through Date.............. 06/24/1999 Cutoft Amount to be Used. .......... RUN GROUP... 0624 COMMENT... 6/24 CKS OATA'-JE-ID DATA COMMENT ~""""~""'......................"..._~.., ""~~" .- ". "._~"" -"'." ........._~.....-........_',...~........-..__..._--- 0-06241999-925 6/24 CKS Run Instructions: Joba Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 N S 6 066 10 . . -- -~-- - ----.- ORC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~6/24/1999 10:36:25 Approved on ~ ~ CITY OF MONTICELLO Pavments for Publication GL335R-V06.00 PAGE Vendor Name 6/28/1999 for Payments Through 6/24/1999 A E MICHAELS A M LEONARD INC A T & T WIRELESS SERVICE A-1 OUTDOOR POWER, INC ACS AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION ANNANDALE CONTRACTING, INC. B & D PLUMBING & HEATING,INC. ElAN Y A I MASON RY BARNES/KIM BARTON SAND & GRAVEL CO. BELLBOY CORPORATION BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COMPANY BOSE/TOM BROWN I NG-FERR I S I "I r'lIlSTR I ES CELLULAR 2000 OF ST CLOUD CENTRAL MINN INITIATIVE FUND COMPUTER BRITE CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN MAGAZINE DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING CO DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY DOUBLE D ELECTRIC EARL'S WELDING & IND SUPPLY EHLERS & ASSOC.INC PUBLICORP ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT.INC FEDERAL EXPRESS FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE & RESCUE G & K SERVICES G & R AGGREGATES, INC GENERAL RENTAL CENTER GLUNZ/RAYMOND J GRIGGS, COOPER & COMPANY GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. HOGLUND BUS COMPANY HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE IANO/JAN JACOBSON/DIANE JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR KRAEMER/WANDA LASER SHARP, INC. MAJIRS! ADVERTISING & DESIGN MAMMENGA/MARGE MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE MCDOWALL COMPANY MENAFW. I NC MN COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Description Amount PARKS SHADE TREE RICK W SHOP DATA PROC MEMBER DUES & PUBL STREETS FIRE HALL FIRE HALL STREETS LIOUOR LI OUOR ~ED~R ~ DUNDAS LOTS GARY A CMIF GRANT REIMB CH CSAH 75 LIOUOR LIOUOR STREET LIGHTS SHOP CH ADM FIRE EC DEV FIRE LIOUOR STREETS AN SHELTER KRAHL,GORDON.VITAK LIOUOR LIOUOR SHOP FIRE SURV CAMERA LIQUOR LMC CONFERENCE CH COMM CENTER BROCHURES CEMETARY LIOUOR RIVER MILL PARK IMPR CH-NOTARY 235.33 60.42 203.07 434.11 2,157.00 255.00 771.05 232.50 185.00 7.00 110.44 3,399.21 465.45 31 .94 826.00 328.24 1.100.21 621.80 229.10 4,419.65 341.95 225.68 45.90 744.44 28.76 99.38 19.25 569.64 106.38 62.44 30.62 1,575.00 5,642.20 12,308.95 66.53 131.38 14.00 44.98 2,051.65 102.00 90.53 766.15 17.22 76.67 737.59 514.30 80.00 aRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~6/24/1999 10:36:25 Aoproved on CITY OF MONTICELLO Payments tor Publication GL335R-V06.00 PAGE Vendor Name 6/28/1999 tor Payments Through 6/24/1999 ~ MN DEPART OF NATURAL RESOURCES MN DEPT OF TRADE & ECON DEVEL NETSOUI~CE OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC, INC. PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO PIONEER PITNEY BOWES QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO RELIANT ENERGY RESEARCH AND STATISTICS RIVERSIDE OIL RON'S GOURMET ICE ROYAL PRINTING & OFFICE PROD ROYAL TIRE OF MONTICELLO SCHARBER & SONS, INC. SENSIBLE LAND USE COALITION ST. CLOUD TIMES STAR TRIBUNE SUMMIT SUPPLY CORPORATION TAYLOR LAND SURVEYORS INC. THIELEN/BRUCE THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY TRUEMAN-WELTERS, INC. U SLINK UFCW LOCAL 653 VIKING COCA COLA WATER LABORATORIES, INC WATSON COMPANY, INC/THE WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR-TREAS WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP ELEC ASSO WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. ZIEGLER CAT ** ~ Descriotion Amount WATERCRAFT TITLE SCERG GRANT REIMB CH ADM LIBRARY LIOUOR PARKS CH-POSTAGE MACHINE RENT LIOUQR LIOUOR STORE EC DEV STREETS LIOUOR LIQUOR STORE STREETS STREETS MEMBERSHIP APP LIOUOR STORE LIQUOR STORE PARKS CH CC LIQUOR STREETS WEB SITE PARKS LIOUOR WATER LIOUOR SCERG GRANT REIMB SECURITY LIGHT CSAH 75 STREETS Fina'l Totals... - --. -~'-'------, --- .- ,,- - 1,965.00 2.483.45 415.12 267.19 9,856.40 151.77 504.00 2,400.69 15.77 7.00 3,087.95 380.16 98. 11 15.82 143.78 130.00 204.04 657.30 219.77 76.50 151.16 16,668.25 137.69 230.25 800.00 161 .15 20.00 365.32 2,772.51 21 .24 187,432.42 26.07 1?<rG,J79.~~ q'7~ '/3/. 97 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 4It6/24/1999 10:36:25 TOTAL NUMBER OF RECORDS . 4It Payments for Publication CITY OF MONTICELLO GL335R-V05.00 PAGE PRINTED 217 ORC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 4Ij6/24/1999 10;36;26 FUND RECAP; Payments for publication DISBURSEMENTS FUND DESCRIPTION :01 211 2'13 222 .?23 224 ~2 2 5 226 ?40 250 262 450 (.I. 58 459 460 461 462 466 .~ 651 -~~-------~~----,------------ GENERAL FUND LIBRARY FUND HRA FUND SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) CMIF (CENT MN IN IT FUND) SHADE TREE FUND PARK FUND COMMUNITY CENTER CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH FD SANITARY SEWER ACCESS FUND 96-04C HWY25/MNOOT IMPR 97-04C KLEIN FARMS 4(LIONTS) 98-01C RES CHURCH SS & WM 98-02C PED BRIOGE/CR 118 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 98-12C 7TH STREET EXTENSION 99-01C KJELLBERG WEST SAN S WATER FUND MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 120.875.84 559.33 756.44 5.243.96 1.100.21 605.25 2.390.94 766.15 826.00 57.91 1.359.50 68.770.60 46.50 704.00 2.292.38 136.75 3.003.82 4.067.50 345.11 59.819.46 1.651.67 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 275.379.32 BANK RECAP; DISBURSEMENTS BANK NAME ------------------~----~---~ GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIOR LIOUOR CHECKING 215.559.86 59.819.46 TOTAL ALL BANKS 275.379-32 . ~~*****************~***~~**~**~**~***~