City Council Agenda Packet 08-09-1999 . Mayor: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, August 9, 1999-7 P.M. Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held on July 26, 1999 j. l , brf..- . sflJce ))pe tit; s..Ju ~ 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. !J4d5ler MT(;-. iJ(fCU~rl()iU elF .Dcd~F:"d tvcl€ltr{()~ B. J.IQNd- s-tD 12<- "i. y..p It-N 51 Q rJ j)~cu. SJI ,)....J . d a.dt ' C. ~);d of ~"kf- ~1n.t-C1 /J/"de.eu~Q;) ...t.AAft..., Re ,4 >\J ~I)I; lAU"" clJl-\s~ ~ d . Y"- fa..... /" .', /)/frAr>Jm'V (J tC (Y\ o..fA- 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests and complaints. If A I Ye ~ - . Cb Ll^ Ill\~ ~ ..,-{ _ d \ 5. C.. o. nsent agenda. . . J1 P J / Il "I c /J pj us-rr 11t/I~ B(JN Sq.,c,.--.J8-s. Gn,.~(d Dr:; RRSO/(.(!-/uN 111..(71" 0>)/1) -f I(~ 1.'"'/ f/4J so.-LL u6CI.).-~~-~ Cy Co~sideration of Change Order #1 on County Road 75 Project 98-17C for ~ ~ 0 realIgnment of sewer. B. c. D. _.~_........._~ /. -'I '- E. ~ c?j) G. . H. Consideration of a revised preliminary plat for Rolling Woods Subdivision. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding contract Project 98-24C Booster Station Consideration of approval of plans and specifications - Chelsea Road Improvement Consideration of short term contract extension for operation of WWTP - PSG Consideration of confirming hiring of Night/Weekend Liquor Store Supervisor Consideration of authorizing a $181,000 loan to HRA for advance TIF payment to Midwest Graphics Consideration of accepting submission of year end 1998 Authority and Municipal Reports and Annual Disclosure. 1. Consideration of authorizing purchase of new snowplow truck. Agenda Monticello City Council August 9, 1999 Page Two . 1. Consideration of accepting the vending company bid for the Monticello Community Center and approving the designation of the up-front cash payment on the vending contract. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Review of six month liquor store report. 8. Consideration of approving purchase of a video imaging camera for the Fire Department 9. Consideration of granting an increase to the individual pension for Volunteer Firefighters Relief Association members. 10. Consideration of approving balance of schedule for user and rental fees and also policies for the Monticello Community Center. .. J, ~~~ 11 ~Consideration to authorize acquisition of a 7-foot walkway between Broadway and ~ ~~ f'( v.~ Public Parking Lots. ~~ ~\ 2. Consideration of preliminary plat and final plat for Hart Boulevard Addition _ 6 Applicant: City of Monticello. 13. Consideration of approval of plan allowing angle parking at 108 Cedar Street 14. Consideration of bills for the month of August, 1999. 15. Adjourn . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, .July 26, 1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: Roger Belsaas Acting Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1999. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of addinlr itemS to the agenda. Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Nei1l requested that a temporary sign for Monticello Ford be added to the agenda. Brian Stumpf asked that the bids for the library roof work be added to the consent agenda as item #5F. City Administrator, Rick W olfsteller stated that Dan Wilson was present at the meeting to provide an update on the easementlright-of-way acquisition for the TH #25 project. Clint Herbst asked for a discussion of the ordinance relating to peddlers/transient merchants be included on the agenda. . 4. Sharon JonssOn, 5481 F alcon Avenue, presented a petition to the Council requesting exemption from the provisions of Ordinance 7-1-1 Section D. Ms. Jonsson stated that the presence ofa drainage pond on her property restricts access to the boulevard area making it difficult to maintain the boulevard area. To moW the area, property owners have had to access it by way of School Boulevard or by crossing over other residents property. The Council discussed the request and it was Suggested that perhaps native grasses could be planted and the land designated as a natural area. This would reduce maintenance requirements and the natural area would also act as buffer between the homes and School Boulevard. Clint Herbst Suggested that the neighbors in the area should meet and come up with a planting plan for the area. Another suggestion was that the City take the area as an easement and place a restrictive covenant over it that would retain it as a natural area. The City Staff was directed to come up with various options and present them at a neighborhood meeting. Jeff O'Nei1l will schedule the neighborhood meeting. . 2 1 5. .consent AQend~ Council Meeting - 7/26/99 . A. Consideration of accepting and awarding sanitary seWer project for Kjellberg West Mobile Home Park. Recommendation: Approve award of bid to R.L Larson Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $107,428.20. B. Consideration of approval of development agreement and final plat for River Mill 5'h Subdivision. Recommendation: Motion to approve the final plat, development agreement and disbursement agreement for River Mill 5th Subdivision. C. ConSideration of Charitable Gambling License _ St. Henry's Fall FestiVal on September 18'" and 19'". Recommendation: Adopt areso lution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a charitable gambling license to St. Henry's Chnrch. D. Consideration of approving execution of quit claim deed transfening COmmuter parking lot to MNDOT. Recommendation: Approve execution of quit claim deed transfening ownership interests in the commuter parking lot to MNDOT. E. Consideration of a reduction in retainage for Adolfson-Peterson on WWTp Project No. 93-14C. Recommendation: Approve retainage rednction from $200,000 to $100,000. . F. Consideration of accepting bids for library roof repla<:ement. Recommendation: Approve award of bid to High Tech in the amount of$28,800. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE ITEMS NO. 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E AND 5F ON THE CONSENT AGENDA. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a enda for discussion. None 7. Public hearin roll. tin assessment City Administrator, Rick WOlfsteller, presented the list of delinquent accounts that was proposed to be certified to the County. Bruce Thielen snggested that the City look at possibly increasing the penalty fee that is being charged. Acting Mayor Clint Herbst opened the public hearing. No one came before the Council on the matter of the delinquent accounts. Acting Mayor Herbst closed the public hearing. . ,.Ak. ( ". '., ." .,,';" 2 . . . Council Meeting - 7/26/99 ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO PASS A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 8. Consideration of a rovin user fee structure for Monticello Communit Center. Kitty Baltos presented information on the user fees for the Monticello Community Center. She reviewed the hours of operation, types of memberships and daily fees. In coming up with the user fees they had looked at what other centers had and tried to come up with fees that would generate sufficient revenues but still be affordable for the public. The user fees presented to the Council had been approved by the Small Group Task Force. The Council discussed the proposed fees and came up with the following suggestions: Hours _ They stated they realized that the Community Center Director would have to have some flexibility with the hours. If it was determined after the community center was in operation for awhile that these hours needed to be adjusted that change could be made. The Council suggested that the Community Center Director look at the holiday hours being proposed and consider closing on Easter Sunday. Memberships _ The information presented showed annual membership fees and monthly membership fees. The Council also suggested looking at quarterly or semi-annual membership fees. The Council also asked if some type of corporate membership was being considered. Fees for the independent areas, (ie climbing wall, jog track, etc) - The Council suggested that the walk/jog track should be free. It was also suggested that they look at establishing a one time fee for the climbing walL The Council offered other suggestions such as offering one week of free use to promote the facility and encourage memberships and discussed types of promotions to kickoff operation of the facility. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE USER FEE SCHEDULES WITH THE CHANGES DISCUSSED: 1. Change of holiday hours with the facility being closed on Easter Sunday. 2. Quarterly and semi-annual fees 3. No user fee for the walk/jog track 4. Review of the user fees after a year of operation. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3 The Community Center Director indicated the Small Group will be meeting again in August to review the proposed fees for the banquet facilities and meeting rooms and this information will also come before the Council. Clint Herbst noted the fees being proposed are higher than the figures used when the City was having the survey done on the community center. Council Meeting - 7/26/99 . 9. Consideration of acceotinQ bids for library roof replacement. This item was placed on the consent agenda. 10. Consideration of a Dundas Road. Public Works Director, John Simola, explained the change order noting that the City had received a petition for the work on Dundas Road. The estimated cost of the work is $53,000 plus indirect costs with half of the cost being picked up by the City and halfby the petitioner. Clint Herbst asked about improvements to the balance of Dundas Road. John Simola stated when development takes place the road would be improved. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CHANGE ORDER ON THE TH 25 PROJECT TO PAVE DUNDAS ROAD AN ADDITIONAL 400 FEET EAST OF CEDAR STREET. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . lO.A Dan Wilson updated the Council on where the City was on acquiring easement and right-of-way documents for the TH 25 project. Mr. Wilson reviewed which parcels the City was still working on. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, noted that one of the provisions of the cooperative agreement was that all documents relating to right-of-way and construction easements had to be in place before funds were released. Dan Wilson stated that the City Attorney had prepared the easementlright-of_way documents that the City needed and the Attorney General's office prepared the documents that MnDOT had to acquire. The Council expressed their concern that the bids were taken two months ago but the easementlright-of_way documents are stilI not in place. MunOT's withholding of funds places the City in an awkward financial position as far as funding the project. lO.B Monticello Ford is requesting to construct a temporary sign which would be 12' in height and 24' long. The sign would be a temporary sign but the sign area would be equal to what they would be allowed as a permanent sign for their building. Because of the construction project on TIl25, the business is not attracting drive up traffic. Other businesses are also affected by the construction. The staff feels that there may be Some signage needs in this area because of the construction that should be addressed and they asked for some leeway in the sign permits to reflect this situation. The Council felt that the staff should use their discretion but asked that the staff keep the Council abreast of the sign requests. . 4 . 1 D.C Clint Herbst asked about the City ordinance relating to door to door solicitations and sales. There was discussion on adding language to the ordinance to deal with solicitations by non-profit organizations and other groups. The Council directed the staff to check with other communities on their handling of this and bring it back to the Council. 10.0 City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, brought up the matter ofland exchange for ponding purposes. The construction of the ponding area is necessary for mitigation of wetlands impacted by the construction project. The wetland mitigation dictated the need for the pond construction. The question is where the pond should be constructed. By exchanging the land the City avoids picking up the assessment for the street improvement Chelsea Road and in addition will acquire a needed easement. However the offset is that construction costs for the ponding area may be more costly at the other site. The City will proceed on getting a cost for the change order on relocating the pond. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE NEGOTIATIONS FOR A LAND EXCHANGE AND THE NECESSARY CHANGE ORDER TO THE PROJECT. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED. THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Aoorove payment of bills for July. . BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:30 P.M. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary . 5 320-252.4900 FAX 252-3100 BA Mittelsteadt, rE. Bret A. Weiss, rE. Peter R Willenbring, rE. Donald W Sterna, rE. Ronald B. Bray, PE. A . WSB - & Associates, Inc. August 9, 1999 606 25 th Ave. S. · Suite 101 St. Cloud, MN 56301 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362 Re: Walnut Street Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 98-13C WSB Project No. 1010.91 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above-referenced project at 10:30 a.m., August 6, 1999 and were opened and read aloud. A total of two bids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. Please fmd enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as Buffalo Bituminous of Buffalo, MN, in the following amounts: . Total Bid $ 235,855.00 The Engineers estimate for this project was $ 162,500.00. The bids received were substantially over the estimate. I recommend rejecting all the bids. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. .~ Michael J. Nie son, P .E. Office Manager Enclosures c: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Hardrives, Inc. nm . 3 MinneapoliS · St. Cloud Infrastructure Engineers Planners F:1I0/0. 9 J Alrecmm,J.//r-hmc. wpd .~ r.....' . .. ................,.....,. ...............~ .... ............. .-. ..... ,.......~..,.......... . . BID TABULATION WALNUT STREET CONSTRUCTION MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 98-13C Bids Opened: 10:30 a.fI'L WSB & Associates, Inc. August 6,1999 Project No. 1010.91 Contractor Bid Security Total Bid HARDRIVES, INC_ 32:); 5stj~ AAA STRIPING SERVICE CO_ BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. ;2. 5?( tJ'f5, .:!!!- >-- LAKELAND NURSERIES, INC_ DIRTWORKS 2000, INC. BAUERL Y COMPANIES R.L. LARSON EXCAVATING GLACIAL RIDGE, INC Engineer's Estimate $ 162,500.00 I hereby certify that this is a true andcorrect tabulation of the bids as received on August 6, 199~ . ~, ~NielSOn'PE *Denotes Corrected Figure t p 235,.$? . F: \ 10 I Q. r; l,A ...."i{N'cijiculwtulblJtgb. 1f41;J . . RESOLUTION 99-42 RESOLUTION DECLARING THE OFFICIAL INTENT OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO TO REIMBURSE CERT AIN EXPENDITURES FROM THE PROCEEDS OF BONDS TO BE ISSUED BY THE CITY WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has issued Treas. Reg. ~ 1.150-2 providing that proceeds of tax-exempt bonds used to reimburse prior expenditures will not be deemed spent unless certain requirements are met; and WHEREAS, the City expects to incur certain expenditures which may be finance temporarily from sources other than bonds, and reimbursed from the proceeds of a bond; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO (THE "CITY") AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City reasonably intends to make expenditures for the projects described in Exhibit A (the "Projects"), and reasonably intends to reimburse itself for such expenditures from the proceeds of debt to be issued by the City in the maximum principal amount described in Exhibit A. 2. The City Administrator is authorized to designate appropriate additions to Exhibit A in circumstances where time is of the essence, and any such designation shall be reported to the Council at the earliest practicable date and shall be filed with the official books and records of the City as provided in Section 3. 3. This resolution is intended to constitute a declaration of official intent for purposes of Treas. Reg. ~1.150-2 and any successor law, regulation, or ruling. Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of August, 1999. Roger Belsaas, Mayor ATTEST: . Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator ~4j -'"' . . . Resolution 99-42 Page 2 EXHIBIT A TO OFFICIAL INTENT RESOLUTION ADOPTED AUGUST 9, 1999 MAXIWJM PRINCIPAL DATE OF AMOUNT OF DEBT DECLARATION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT FOR PROJECT .. Kjellberg West Sanitary Sewer 8-9-99 Project 99-01 C $136,000 County Road 75 Improvement Project~ including utilities & 8-9-99 appurtenant work~ Project 98-17C $875,000 Walnut Street Reconstruction Project including utilities & appurtenant 8-9-99 work~ Project 98-13C $229,000 . . . SA. Council Meeting - 8/9/99 Consideration of Change Order No.1 on City Project 98-17C, CSAH 75 East widenine and re-eradine. (lS.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: During recent negotiations for the easement for the large diameter sanitary sewer trunk crossing of CR 75 between the Bondhus Corporation and the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Bondhus Corporation, prior to granting an casement on the south side of C R 75, requested that the sewer be angled west so that it would not be on a direct line with their future expansion oftheir building and parking facilities. To comply with their wishes, WSB realigned the trunk sewer and angled it west and the Bondhus Corporation granted the easement. We do not as of yet have the remaining portions of the easement to cross their property, nor to get to the remaining portion of the way to Chelsea Road. The cost of making this change after negotiations with the contractor R.L. Larson is $20,140.59, and involves an additional 25' of pipe and two manholes. A copy of the proposed change order and details are included for your review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve Change Order No. 1 for City Project No. 98-l7C in the amount of$20,140.59. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the change order. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Mike Nielson, the project engineer for WSB, that the City Council approve Change Order No.1 as outlined in alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the change order. . @ CHANGE ORDER NO.1 CSAH 75, S.A.P. 86~675-12 Monticello, Minnesota City Project No. 98-17C WSB Project No. 1109.10 -- -- . -r~~te-~f Iss'~ance: 8/4/99 Owner: City of Monticello --- Contractor: RL Larson Excavating, Inc. I Engineer: WSB & Associates, mc. ! You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents' description: y- Materials and labor necessary to install sanitary sewer as required. See attached schedule of changes for quantities and costs Attachments: (list documents supporting change) Revised: Sheet 59 of 166 Sheets CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: None .!nal Contr~_~~..~r~_e: Previous Change Orders No. --=- to r------.-~_._"-------- $1,856,518.88 Original Contract Time: No. $0.00 Net Change from Previous Change Orders: Contract Price Prior to This Change Order: $1,856,518.88 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: Net Increase of This Change Order: $20,140.59 Net Increase of Change Order: Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: $1,876,659.47 Contract Time With Approved Change Orders: Recomm~ ~ chael J. Nielson, P.E Approved By: WSB & Associates. Inc. Engineer RL Larson Excavatinq Inc. Contractor Approved By: Date of City Council Action: Approved By: City Engineer City Administrator . ~ -, F.-IIIV? JI)\CtJrrf!,VHmdlt,rt;It\Chungf! Order No. I. wpa 11/15 None None None NIA . . Attachment to Change Order No.1'" Changes required due to changed site conditions CSAH 75, S.A.P. 86.675-12 Monticello, Minnesota City Project No. 98-17C WSB Project No. 1109.10 Item I -----;.pec. No.l--'- No. i 1 ' 0503.601 i 8" 01 PIPE OUTSIDE DROP ---+------- . 2 0503.603 I 24" DI PIPE SEWER, CL 51 (EPOXY, 15 t i COATED) --;-' 2503.6~;-:24" RC PIPE SEWER, DES 300~~'-~0 4000# D-LOAD (EPOXY COATED) INCLUDING PIPE PLUG '._'.~'~~- 2506.501 I DRAINAGE STRUCTURE, DESIGN 70.3:t. L.F. _.-+ 4007 (72"X48") .--------1.__----'-_._. 2506.516 i CASTING ASSEMBLY 2 EACH .,._.~-._-._-_._--._._._._-- _.~'--~-~----.,-"~ Description Total Quantity : 1 I EACH , j i L.F. Units L.F. 4 5 ~ -.... .~~~''---------------.._,~ Unit Item Total Price I $!,200.00 I $2,200.00 $ 196.00~2,940.00 i $ 200.00, $2,000.00 .' i i ._'~-------------..~~,~ i $ 176.32' $12,400.59 i i I ~ 300.00L $60.0.00 TOTAL = $20,140.59 ~~'._-"'-'--- F:l/ IQ9.JO\C()rri!.\"pondi!IICeIChafl~ Order Nt}. /, upd . . . 5.B City Council Agenda -08/09/99 Update _ Amendments to the Rollin!! Woods Plat. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Rolling Woods subdivision, located south of Wildwood Ridge, has presented a revised plat based on a review of the wetland and park impacts of the original design. A change has been made which would end Troy Marquette Drive at the park area, allowing the park and the wetland to be combined, rather than separated by a street. No other substantive change is being proposed, and the project will have the same number oflots as originally approved. The Planning Commission was asked to review the proposed changes and comment on whether the changes constituted a significant enough alteration that a new preliminary plat hearing should be held. The Planning Commission decided that no additional action on the preliminary plat was necessary, and that the applicant could proceed to final platting of the project as redesigned. This decision was made due to the relatively minor changes to street pattern, and the fact that the new plat design has the same number of lots as the original approval. B. AL TERN A TlVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to make a finding that the changes to the proposed Rolling Woods plat do not constitute revisions which are significant enough to trigger a new preliminary plat hearing. 2. Motion to make a finding that the changes to the proposed Rolling Woods plat do constitute revisions which are significant enough to trigger a new preliminary plat hearing. 3. Motion to table action on the finding, and direct the staff and/or developer to submit additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff believes that the changes are consistent with the intent ofthe original proposal, and do not affect the issues addressed by the approved preliminary plat. As such, staff recommends the finding in Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA Revised preliminary plat. 8S -c:" -- ~~cc::: ~~:::c:=r~-i""":-::' :'1-- .....--:;:: -............-... __ _ _ - -- -- - - - ------------1--------.--1 ~Jl. - - - - -------- ~lMllnJIdonJ - '1ilIlSlIR'oWI -=~~-:---- ~\I.IICIl>I';:"ONI ......~..y . _ ___ _ _ _ _'" NlIliJQ NOIIIICII4 .1l1no. NOII.lIomici ___:~ _--~ -- r llW I ~ I "mil ,l1W __ - __ - ~ __ ___ __ __.__n. - __ u____ _ 1 V1d A~VN'..m NOll V~Od~O ONV1 ON'" '01UOIlNO... SaOOM ~NI1 --~ ----_...:....- · i I . II B ("e..- '''''--. _. , \ (li=> "I , "'. 1-) l \ " .- E! ~ '. . -, all I \ \ ,I :;' / ------- ......--....-.- ,-' ----- I I .bi ii ~I \ \ \ n, I . . , . .. . . ~~'{ ... ""'" o! " } i '~il' :1i,~\:4? -- · '. ! I at '}> >, ^', ", I W! It I I~: ~: 'j i. ....... i. <1/, ) " 18'/ , . '--. . - -'" . - .e - - - Iw '""... AI ~-- '1_'''' -A 1// ~ . ,.-~~" ( ~ . sc. . . Council Meeting - 8/9/99 Consideration of acccptin2: bids and awardin2: contract for City Project #98-24C, Booster Station. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This project has been in the planning, design and redesign, bidding and rebidding stages for quite some time. On July 30, 1999, the City received three bids. The lowest grand total base bid was received from Moorhead Construction, Inc. of Moorhead, Minnesota, in the amount of $244,100. This bid does include the $16,000 pressure maintaining valve and manhole near the water tank to allow the system to function properly. This pressure sustaining valve is being funded directly by the Wildwood Ridge Development. John Bradford ofWSB will be contacting representatives of Wildwood Ridge prior to Monday evening's meeting regarding their portion of the project. Since the redesign ofthe booster station includes Phase 1 and Phase 2, the completed project will satisfy the needs ofthe entire originally proposed service area, or about 215 acres. The original estimate as of the Council Meeting of October 26, 1998, was $418,000. The following tabulation is the estimated project cost as oftoday and it is $420,529, very close to our costs proposed last year. Southeast Booster ,Station City of Monti~en(fProject #98-.24C ~idanc:t....EstimatedProJect'Co'$ts::as'of 8/6/t999 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION (bid or estimated) Building pumps and controls 228,100 bid Pressure sustaining valve and manhole 16,000 bid Site work, paving and curb 9,000 est. Backup generator (on hand) 41,071 bid Alarm and telemetries 2,500 est. Electrical service (NSP) 2,000 est. "" .",- .",- = Sub Total 298,671 .. 10% Contingencies 29,867 c- .., c-c- ~.,. Tota:1 .....328,538 . 28% Engineering, Inspection, Legal Bond, Etc. 91,991 ... GRAND TOTAL I $420,l$29 . . . Council Meeting - 8/9/99 Agenda Monticello City Council August 9, 1999 Page 2 I f approved, the booster station is scheduled for completion March l, 2000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1 . The first alternative is to proceed with the project and award the bid for the building, pumps, controls and pressure sustaining station to Moorhead Construction, Inc., for a grand total base bid of $244,100. 2. The second alternative would be not to award the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and City Engineer that the City Council authorize a contract with Moorhead Construction as outlined in alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter from WSB and bid tabulation. . A WSB 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 612-541 ~4800 FAX 541-1700 ~ BA Mi,,"'<<,d,. P.E. ;;0 Bret A. WeISS, r.E. ~ eter R. Willenbring, r.E. Donald W. Sterna, r.E. Ronald B. Bray, r.E. & Associates, Inc. July 30, 1999 ~ Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Southeast Booster Station and Appur'~nant Work City of Monticello Project No. 98-24 ,'': WSB Project No. 1129.00 ".' Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above-referenced, rojectat 1:00 p.m., July 30,1999, and were opened and read aloud. A total of four bids were rL,~eived. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. Please find enclost i the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as Moorhead Construction, Inc. for the folh wing amounts. The engineer's estimate was $275,000.00. . Grand Total Base Bid Grand Total Base Bid + \It. 1 Grand Total Base Bid + Alt. 2 $244,100.00 $243,100.00 $243,100.00 Because there is no significant savings i:., accepting the deduct Alternates 1 and 2, we recommend award of the contract based on l':le Base Bid to Moorhead Construction, Inc. Sincerely, ~;4:rc' Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Enclosures . c: Moorhead Construction, Inc. ...4 -, nm Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER F:\ WPWIN\1129,OOlspecIREBIDlrecmmdn.lrr,wpd " ~ ~ . .. Project Name: Location Client Project No: WSB Project No. Southeast Booster Station & Appurtenant Work Monticello, MN City Project No. 98-24C"" 1129.00 Bids Opened: 1:00 P.M., July 30, 1999 contractor Bid Securi Base Bid Base Bid + Alt 1 Base Bid + Alt 2 . Moorhead Const Inc Magney Const Inc ABE Const Co Gridor Const Inc x X X X $244,100.00 $248,400.00 $259,000.00 $279,700.00 $243,100.00 $247,600.00 $257,700.00 $277,700.00 $243,100.00 ** $247,400,00 $258,000.00 $278,700.00 Engineer's Estimate $275,000.00 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on July 30, 1999 /~{L r;~, John R. ...... Denotes corrected figure . ...... '\. F:\WPWIN\EXCEL\B1DTAB- REBID.xls ~ ~ ... ~ g g g iii 8 8 g ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ..... too. .... -st;t;tt; .. - ... t ~ g g iii ~ 8 ~ lairia3 ~ ~ ... V) -e :t :: :t ... ... ~ 8 8 8 i d ci 2 ~ ~. lil "I. .3~~~ -g :it ... ... N ." .... ... in ~ ... g gg ~ ~ .....~ '1 ~ Ji t: t:t Il II ~ ~ .. 0 :z ,., :Z~ c 8 :~ d ~~ .. ~ <3 ... .. -i:i "" QI .c c: '0 1ll. ~o ~~ UIIl en -0 CO ...... o c o en c ill +-' >< W -t o 5: 'E .. c: QI 1: ::l 0. 0. ot: .., c: o ~ en Cii iii 8 z 0 IIJ:Zz iii.Q~ m '8 'E g ~~~~ S~6:: U .. 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RESOLUTION 99-41 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PROJECT 98-08C CHELSEA ROAD EAST WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the Council on April 6, 1999, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of Chelsea Road East from Cedar Street to County Road 117 by installation of sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, street improvements including concrete curb and gutter and bituminous paving and other necessary appurtenances and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof are hereby approved. 2. The City Administrator shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received by the City Administrator until 11 :00 a.m. on September 3, 1999 at which time they will be publicly opened in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by the City Engineer and City Administrator, will then be tabulated and will be considered by the Council at 7:00 p.m. on September 13, 1999. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Administrator and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City Administrator for five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid. . Approved the Monticello City Council this 9th day of August, 1999. Roger Belsaas, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator . 5D . . . SE. Council Meeting - 8/9/99 Consideration of short term contract renewal with Professional Services Group for the operation of the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Facilitv. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Our five-year operations contract with Professional Services Group (PSG) is up for rencwal on Dccember 31, 1999. With each renewal period, City staff re-evaluates PSG's performance over the past contract period and also evaluates the pros and cons of assuming operations of the facility ourselves. We usually evaluate both the physical aspects and the financial aspects of doing so. PSG has operated our wastewater treatment plant since 1986, and as Public Works Director I feel they have done an excellent job over the past 14 years. The city and PSG have won many operational excellence awards from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and have jointly worked through operational and odor shortcomings with the old plant and adequate biosolids disposal facility acquisition. In June I sent a notice to PSG of our intent to re-evaluate their services and the feasibility of operating the plant ourselves. The notice is really an intent to cancel the contract unless negotiations are successful for a five-year renewal. Our wastewater treatment facility has been operating all processes only since May of this year. The automated blower control for the sequencing batch reactor system has only been operating for a month and a half. The contract renewal comes at a time when City staff s workload is the heaviest, when we have very little data to project a complete year of operations at the wastewater treatment plant, and while we are still on a learning curve about the facility itself. City staff and PSG would like the Council to consider a one year short term extension to the contract to December 31,2000. This would certainly put us in a better position in regard to the actual cost of operations for one year at the facility. Since the construction has begun on the wastewater treatment facility, the overages beyond the normal operating budget for gas, electricity and chemicals have been passed through to the City of Monticello due to unknowns. For instance, we had expected a $65,000 per year increase in electrical consumption just for the SBR facility. Initially, without all of the automatic controls in place, that number was higher, and now there is indication the trend is lower. The same is true for natural gas consumption. We simply need one more year to fine tune this thing. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize a one year extension with PSG for operations at the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Facility. The cost of operations would be fixed to the same costs as 1999, $445,145.00, with the pass through costs . . . Council Meeting - 8/9/99 Agenda Monticello City Council August 9, 1999 Page 2 continuing for electrical, gas and chemicals, whichamountsto an estimated additional $83,000.00. 2. The second alternative would be to use the available information from operations at the wastewater treatment plant to determine a five-year city budget for operations of the wastewater facility, and have PSG do the same for a five-year renewal contract. 3. The third alternative would be alternative #2 and to request another proposal from a second operations firm. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that we extend our contract with PSG for one year as outlined in alternative # 1. We feel this is in the best interest of the City at this time. It is our opinion that any analysis that we would perform for our own operations of the wastewater treatment plant would be flawed for the lack of data. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposal from PSG for a one year extension of the contract. . July 20, 1999 8 \bur water and wastewater partner Honorable Mayor and Council City of Monticello 250 East Broadway PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 . Dear Mayor Belsaas and Council: In 1986 the City Council negotiated with Professional Services Group, Inc. (PSG) to provide contract operations, maintenance and management (OM&M) of the wastewater treatment facility. In 1994, Professional Services Group, Inc. and Metcalf and Eddy Services (M&E) merged together to form the largest and most diverse contract operations firm in the nation. PSG's title of "the leader in contract operations" of municipal infrastructure operations continues today as evidenced by the number of clients who have entrusted their operations to us - making PSG the nation's largest contract operations firm. The City of Monticello belongs to a unique group of cities including: Oklahoma City, OK; New London, CT; the entire Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; and your regional neighbors _ Delano, MN; St. Michael, MN; Albertville, MN; Hanover, MN; Pine River, MN; Spencer, IA; Storm Lake, IA; and Fort Dodge, IA. All have selected and maintained PSG as their contract operations firm. . In 1999, the City faces an important decision to allow PSG to continue serving the Monticello community for another term. I, along with all of the on-site wastewater personnel and all of PSG, hope that the Council's confidence and level of comfort with PSG is such to allow PSG to continue this partnership. Much as been accomplished regarding improved operations and maintenance over the past several years, however, our tasks are not yet complete. We have many more difficult challenges ahead, including the closeout of the construction to the wastewater treatment plant, fine-tuning the operation of the facility, and optimizing Monticello's biosolids program. PSG stands prepared to meet the challenges and desires to continue our successful working partnership with the City. As such, we have reached a point in our relationship with the City that it is appropriate to express our sincere interest in renewing our partnership in accordance with the renewal provisions of our existing Agreement. By means of this letter, PSG respectfully requests that the City authorize for the development of a one-year extension of the Agreement with PSG. The extension will give both PSG and the City of Monticello a better handle on the actual OM&M costs of the new facility. The City and its citizens have benefited from PSG's operations maintenance and management in many ways. Our goals and objectives from the beginning of our partnership have included: . Professional Services Group 1401 Hart Blvd. '" -, Monticello, MN 55362 (612) 295-2225 (FAX) (612) 295-4779 . . . Page 2 July 20, 1999 . Performing all obligations and responsibilities, including the preparation and submittal of State and Federal regulatory reports in a timely and accurate manner . Operating the facility in compliance with all local, State and Federal EPA regulations . Relieving the City from administrative burdens related to plant operations by performing all administrative and management tasks required for the efficient operation of the facility . Maintaining an aggressive employee safety and operator training program Our efforts have resulted in the following: y' . Near perfect compliance with all State and Federal EPA effluent quality standards iI Ongoing cost-effective operations and maintenance programs that provide for system longevity through preventive and corrective maintenance, helping to ensure that the City's investment is thoroughly protected . A successful safety program that has resulted in our current record of 2897 days - one that started October 1991 . Effective employee training and tuition reimbursement programs that helped the entire staff increase job skills and knowledge, as well as attain higher certifications . A close working relationship with the City that has resulted in the reduction of costs whenever possible We have seen many changes in the City since the beginning of our public/private partnership in Monticello. We have had the pleasure of seeing newly elected and appointed officials who have accepted the challenge of guiding the City in to the next century with diligence and foresight. The introduction of new and more stringent regulations will be ongoing in the environmental arena. Wastewater biosolids are tested more than some food products before it is allowed to be land applied as a soil supplement. Beyond the scope of our services and technical aspects of our work for the community, we have developed a relationship which as grown much beyond that of a contractor to an employer. True and lasting friendships have developed. PSG stands dedicated to the Monticello community and to providing Monticello with a level of service of which the City can proudly claim that costs are held down while service increased. ... -\. . . . Page 3 July 20, 1999 In an effort to provide the City of Monticello with stability and confidence as well as innovative ideas, PSG is prepared to freeze the annual fee for the one year , extension at this year's cost of $445,145. This annual fee does not include the pass- through accounts of electricity,-natural gas, chemicals or other costs. These accounts will total approximately $83,000 for FY1999 and will not have any fees attached to them. They represent part of the OM&M unknowns in running your new facility. It is our hope that this gesture will demonstrate a true commitment to the City and the community as a whole. Your acknowledgment of a willingness to allow PSG to submit for approval an updated Agreement does not bind the City in anyway. Your signature on this letter, with one original copy returned to me, simply provides the mechanism by which PSG can begin the process and work with the Director of Public Works on format and language. Upon your initial approval here, PSG will provide the draft Agreement for approval to the City Council upon completion of negotiations with City staff. On behalf of all PSG, especially the on-site wastewater personnel, Chuck Keyes and myself, PSG wishes to thank you for your continued support and cooperation. We look forward to working with you and are at your service if you have any questions. Sincerely, Acknowledged: CITY OF MONTICELLO Mayor Roger Belsaas Margaret M. (Peg) Becker Vice President Central Area Manager Date: CI Chuck Keyes, PSG Attest: ... ., . . . Council Agenda - 08/09/99 SF. Consideration of confirming hifin!! of Night/Weekend LiQuor Store Supervisor (R. W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Recently Tracy Eisele, the Night/Weekend Liquor Store Supervisor resigned after three years in that position. Liquor Store Manager, Joe Hartman, has recommended that Brenda Hegge be hired as the replacement for this position effective August 10, 1999. Ms. Hegge has had previous experience as the cashier and stock person at an off-sale liquor store in Brooklyn Park and has just recently moved to the area. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. The first alternative is to confirm the hiring of Brenda Hegge as the replacement Night/Weekend Supervisor at the liquor store. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Liquor Store Manager and City Administrator that the City Council confirm the hiring of Ms. Hegge as outlined above. D. SUPPORTING DATA None . SG. . . Council Agenda - 8/9/1999 Consideration to authorize the City to execute documents makinu: a loan to the BRA in the amount of$181.000. (O.K.) A. Reference and Background: At the July 14 BRA meeting, Steve Krenz of Midwest Graphics, Inc. appeared before the lIRA commissioners and expressed the need for cash in the amount of $200,000 to $250,000, approximately one-half the estimated costs of $400,000 to move a portion of the Midwest Graphics' Plymouth business operation to Monticello. The benefit to Monticello would be the addition of 40 new jobs with an additional total annual payroll of $1,795,000. See attached breakdown of number of positions and wage ranges excluding benefits. The benefit to Midwest Graphics is an accelerated utilization of the new Monticello 60,000 sq ft facility. Mr. Krenz's options: 1. Stay put. 2. Move to Monticello. 3. Move to Egan facility. His first choice was Monticello. Koropchak was directed to research options. At a special meeting ofthe lIRA on July 28, the HRA heard three options with recommended terms and conditions. The three options were: Replace the TIF pay-as- you-go financing method with up-front financing, the HR.A provide a loan in addition to the pay-as-you-go financing method, or the EDA provide a low-interest loan. The existing Contract between the BRA and Allied Companies provides TIF pay-as-you- go assistance in the amount of$181,000 (land and site improvements) at 7.5% interest rate with semi-annual payments commencing August 1,2000 and concluding no later than the termination date. Available tax increment means 80%. With the benefit of the additional jobs and wages to the City of Monticello, the HR.A made a motion to approve replacement of the original pay-as-you-go assistance with front-up assistance at 7% interest rate subject to the following terms and conditions: Private Redevelopment Contract between lIRA and Allied Companies be amended with the addition of an Assessment Agreement and Deficiency Agreement, to include the addition of 40 new jobs, over and above the original 37, at an average hourly wage of $21 .58 excluding benefits and consistent with Green Acres language, the developer to provide evidence of payment of costs incurred with land acquisition and site improvements per the existing Contract, the developer to provide evidence of financial commitment for other costs to be incurred by move, assumes Allied Companies is agreeable to amending the Contract, all costs associated with amending the Contract the responsibility of Allied Companies, assumes City will loan money to HRA, and confirms the revenue stream is sufficient to cover the expenditures. The City Administrator informed the Executive Director the city had money in reserve and suggested an interest rate of6.5% or 7%. Not addressing local policy, lIRA Attorney ~ Council Agenda - 8/9/1999 ..... Bubul felt this option was the simplest and easiest and was within the requirements of the law. The Attorney also suggested the Council authorize the loan to the HRA. With this option, site improvements and land acquisition are eligible TIF expenditures and the timeliness precludes the August 1, 1999, effective date of the new Minnesota Statutory business subsidy regulation. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion authorizing the City to execute documents making a $181,000 loan to the lIRA at a 7% interest rate. 2. A motion to deny authorization of a $181,000 loan to the lIRA. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Executive Director recommend Alterative Action No.1 subject to satisfaction ofthe terms and conditions as outlined. . D. Supoortinll: Data: Copy of jobs and wages and copy of projected TIF revenue stream. . Jul-Z9-9g OZ:3gpm From-MIDWEST GRAPHICS & RESPONSE SYSTEMS 61Z93356Z9 T-515 p.OZ/OZ F-9Z1 .- GOALS OF BUSINESS RECEIVING ASSISTANCE - Please indicate number of empl( tyees at each level and indicate the corresponding benefit level. Number of jobs created is over ': he flfst two years. Lob Creation Hourlv Waa.e Hourly Value Level ofVoluntaIY Benefits (S) Full-time Part-time (Excl. benefits) Less than $7.00 57.00 to $7.99 $8.00 to $9.99 -~ $10.00 to $11.99 4t~ . -L- $12.00 to $13.99 Ir~ .1) $14.00 to 515.99 ~;1,4 ;). 3~ $16.00 and higher -#;).4J-- , ~~ ~K~ (i.,EO J.~. (J 11;)..~1 'II . AUG '214 '99 '214:'214PM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES 1""'. CJ<.t a gl g 0 ~ Cl. ;;J ~ i ~ [ :g III :i () ~ & ~ III a.. c r; ~ ~ '" Q.. Q " u.. i! I e cO CD .....0 ....-g....... 0> CII i 00 o 0 i;' ~ iii >->- f;'lG'iV' II> III III Q. 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N N I") (") ... .. 10 It) co U) f'-. f'-. co; , I . , ... . . ... ..' "..1.. ...i cj r::: i '" '0 o III .( l E! ~ UJ - Council Agenda - 8/9/1999 5H. Consideration to acknowled e receivin the Year-end 1998 TIF Authorit and Munici al Reports and Annual Disclosure. (O.K.) A. Reference and Background: This item appears on the Council agenda as an item of information to foster a better understanding of Minnesota Statutory which requires an HRA and City to submit annual TIF reports for each TIF District to the State Auditor, County Auditor, County Board, School Board, and Municipality by August 1, 1999, and the annual disclosure statement for publication in the local newspaper by August 15, 1999. The attached cover letters advise you of the submission of reports on a timely fashion. Rick has previously prepared these reports; however, this year the City purchased software designed by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. from Ehlers. After the first year of entering the data and learning the application of the software, future reporting will consume less time. Once the current data is entered on the Authority and Municipal Reports, the annual disclosure statement and pooled bonded indebtedness report are automatically generated and printed. Great time saver with 22 TIF Districts to report. . It is not to say the lIRA or City will not receive questions from the State Auditor about the reports as in previous years. Although the reports are tedious, it does help to identifY room for improvements such as the need to consider modification of some budgets as expenditures are greater than the TIF budgets either by line-item or by district. Other improvements to consider are improved management and recording of interfund loans and amortization schedules. All-in-all small items to consider with 22 districts.. Since the City of Monticello is not the TIF Authority, the TIF Authority reports must be submitted to the governing body of the municipality. Attached is a copy of one Authority and Municipal report as an example. All the reports will be available at Council meeting. B. Alternative Actions: 1. A motion acknowledging the receipt of the TIF Authority and Municipal Reports and Annual Disclosure Statement for Year-end 1998. C. Recommendation: Alternative No.1. D. Supporting Data: . Copy of cover letters and example of reports. July 30, 1999 .. MONTICELLO Roger Belsaas, Mayor City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Annual Tax Increment Financing Authority Report. Dear Mayor Belsaas: Enclosed is a copy of the Annual Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Report of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota. . The TIF Authority Report includes the annual disclosure information required under Minn. Stat. 469.175, subd. 5, para. (a), and the financial reporting information required under Minn. Stat. 469.175, subd, 6. "The TIF Authority must submit a completed report for each TIF district to the Office of the State Auditors. The TIF Authority also must send a copy to the county board, county auditor, and school board, and the governing body of the municipality ifthe municipality is not also the TIF Authority." Should you or members of the city council have any questions relating to the report, please call me at 271-3208. Respectfully submitted, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA a~ ~V\l9~~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Direcctor . c: Lea Sloneker, Chair, Monticello School District 882 Pat Sawatzke, Chair, Wright County Board Doug Gruber, Auditor, Wright County Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway. PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245' (612) 295-2711 . Fax: (612) 295A404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 · (612) 295-3170 . Fax: (612) 271-3272 - (j July 30. 1999 _I MONTICELLO Office of the State Auditor Tax Increment Financing Division 505 Spruce Tree Centre 1600 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55104 Re: Annual Tax Increment Financing Reports, December 31, 1998. Dear Office of the State Auditor Enclosed is a copy of the Tax Increment Financing Authority Report, the Tax Increment Financing Municipality Report, and the Publication of Annual Disclosure Statement from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello and the City of Monticello, Minnesota. . The TIF Authority Report includes the annual disclosure information required under Minn. Stat. 469.175, subd. 5, para. (a), and the financial reporting information required under Minn. Stat. 469.175, subd, 6. "The TlF Authority must submit a completed report for each TIF district to the Office of the State Auditors. The TIF Authority also must send a copy to the county board, county auditor, and school board, and the governing body of the municipality if the municipality is not also the TlF Authority." The TIF Municipality Report includes information required under Minn. Stat. 469.175, subd. 6a. The annual publication of the Disclosure Statement includes certain information required under Minn. Stat. 469.175, subd. 5, para. (b). Should you have any questions relating to the reports, please call me at 612-271-3208 or Rick Wolfsteller, Administrator, at 612-295-2711.. Respectfully submitted, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR TIIE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MlNNESOT A ~~ h~o~i)~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Direcctor c: Roger Belsaas, Mayor, City of Monticello Robert Murray, Chair, Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority . Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello. MN 55362-9245. (612) 295~2711 . Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 · (612) 295-3170. Fax: (612) 271-3272 . . July 30, 1999 -- MONTICELLO Don Smith, Editor Monticello Times P.O. Box 548 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Publication of Annual Disclosure Statement Dear Don: Enclosed is a copy of the Annual Disclosure Statement for year ended December 31, 1998, from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Minn. Stat. 469.175, subd 5, para. (b), requires annual publication of the disclosure statement. Each TIF Authority must publish the annual disclosure statement on or before August 15, 1999. Please publish once, either the 5th of August, 1999 or the 12th of August, 1999. Reduction of the disclosure statement would be appreciated to control costs. Should you have any questions, please call me at 271-3208. Respectfully submitted, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA G~ \<(/\0 ~~- Ollie Koropchak Executive Director c: HRA Commissioners Roger Belsaas, Mayor, City of Monticello Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245 . (612) 295-2711 . Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (612) 295-3170 . Fax; (612) 271-3272 Tax Increment Financing Authority Report For the Year Ended December 31, 1998 . Remmele Common Name 62 County Number Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-10 Tax Increment Financing District Name Housing and Redevelopment Authority TIF Authority Monticello Cityrrown Where TlF District is Located Rick Wolfsteller TIF Authority's Authorized Representative City of Monticello Employer of Authorized Representative (if different from TIF Authority) City of Monticello Municipality That Approved TIF District Wright County Where TIF District is Located Administrator Title (612) 295-271 I Phone POBox 1147 Address Monticello City MN State 55362 Zip Code Tax Capacity Not Applicable D Value I. Current net tax capacity + $54,206 1---- ----,-- -- ,-~ ,.--.. ~,-~,-,.,.,. --- -,-,-,~~.".., ~ 2. Original net tax capacity . $1,544 ~~',,--'-- - ~.'.' ..~.._...._---- - _.,,~_._..- 3. Captured net tax capacity = $52,662 f----"- ._._-~." ._-".-.~--,-,..... ^"'--'-" --~--,~ .,,--~~- 4. Fiscal disparity deduction, if applicable - $0 -,._-~.~.,.",. ."._~...- .. .r"'" ______..._. --~~. ., --~ ---- 5. Captured net tax capacity shared with other taxing jurisdictions ~ $0 _.H.'_~'_' ..~_ ~,~~,. --... ~-~".. ..---.---- _.~. 6. Captured net tax capacity retained by TIF authority = $52,662 . 7. Is this district located in a fiscal disparities area and is it under option A? DYes 8. If yes, indicate the amount of total tax increase from the Commissioner of Revenue Fiscal Disparities Contribution Statement Tax Increment Rebates or Payments (Direct or Indirect) Not Applicable 9. To property owners ,~-,,~-,-,~~ .-".,,~,.,,- 10. To developers II. To governmental units other than the municipality .,_ J 12.A ~alue of in-kind benefits to other ~overnmental.~nits (describe) 12.B 12.C 12.0 12.E 13. For activities and improvements outside TIF district 14. Total Accounted for in Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 - $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Real Estate Transactions Not Applicable Cost to Authority $126,059 $0 Property Sold to Developer from Beginning ofTIF District 15.A. Lot 6, BIk I, Oakwood Industrial Park and East 33' of FaIlon Avenue 15.a. [3JNo [3J 1998 Amount $0 $0 $0 $0 .--- $0 $0 -- $0 --.--- $0 $0 $0 o Price Paid by Developer $1 --- $0 . A. B. C. D. Original Cumulative Accounted TIF Plan Modified TIF For in Budget Plan Budget Prior Years 1998 Sources of Funds Amount Amount Amount Amount 16. Tax increment revenue $232,664 $0 $204,517 $41,515 -- --. --.------ -.-..--.. c. -. --..- --. - ---...- . -- 17. Interest on invested funds $0 $0 $1,131 $1,439 u -- - __n -.. . --- . - ---_..--_..,--- --.-..--..- ,."-'---'.- ,..- . -- -_..---- .----- -.-. -.--.."'. 18. Bond proceeds $260,000 $0 $165,000 $0 - ..-... -- -- - --. ..--- - -- --.. -.-- -_.,-- --~.-,._--_.,., ._._,..~--_. .. --- ----."..- -. -. ----- .--.- 19. Loan proceeds $85,000 $0 $80,000 $0 --. --- ..--. .-..--" . -.- -.-". --... --.-.. -- ..-.- .--- -- ". .- "..--. ..---- ._-~ --.,. .__._"----~_.- --- --.-.--.---. ----.. .---- - --~ .. 20. Real estate sales $1 $0 $0 $0 ....--- ---"--- ---" .- - -- ---- --- - --- -- .--.- ---'- ,.-- -.. ,--,,'----,~-- ..--. ,. .--..--.. ---.,,-'. .-- -- -- - -~ --- 21. Special assessments $0 $0 $0 $0 -- _n_. .__..__ - n... u__._ .-- - --.,.. ---- --. -... - ".----."--... ~,,--,~._~,.,-_._-_.,_.--_. - ....-.- ..-..-.--.. -.--.- .--.-,. _ _n_. - _n -.-- 22. Rent/lease revenue $0 $0 $0 $0 ----- --- -- - - -- .-....--".-- . ---. --- --_..----- ----... f-.-.---~...- f--...-.-.-."- -. .------ .,---.-.--. 23. Grants $0 $0 $0 $0 ___._nu ~_._._...'-- ...--- -.--- ---.-....--.- -'--- ,-.--. - -". -----..'--.- _._--~~_.,.._-- ---_.--~_._- --..-.- _n_ _._._-_.,--~ 24.A Other (describe here) $0 $0 $0 $0 _.-----_.._.~.- --- ---... .,,-- -----.- .__u_ .n_.__ ".--.- -.--.- ~ ---,--- .-...-..-.-- .. .--- ---...-----.---- ,..----. ___J__.' .---.--, --..-- -.--.- -. __.___ __n.. 24.B Other (describe here) $0 $0 $0 $0 --..---..---.-..--.-.------.- - .- --~-~- _.-------.....----------~... 1--.- .--'- -...-....--- -- 24.C Other (describe here) $0 $0 $0 $0 .~._--_..._--_.. ..--...--..----.".--.. .-.. --"._-- .,.-- .._~-_._-~---_..- -.-.'--. -_..- ----.. ----,,_._-- __.._ __.._._.____. ...__n____ 24.0 Other (describe here) $0 $0 $0 $0 .--..-.,.--.-.-.- -- ---_..~-_._-_..--- .__.,~_.,._...__..--- -~._._---- ~-_.--_.__.- ------ ____..._..n ~_ Other (d~scri?e he_reL___________ _._ $0 $0 $0 $0 .._-_._.---~..~ I---_.-_.~_.__.- 1--.--...-'.--'.- -- .. --". .. -,,_. -.-- 24.F Other (describe here) $0 $0 $0 $0 _..__~._~_,..._r._.__...___....___.~_...~ ---_.-- ~- -.---.-- ----.-.-.- 24.0 Other (describe here) $0 $0 $0 $0 -.----.--.-----..-.--.---.-. 1--.--.'--'--.-. -.-.---.-'- ~.-~.-_.__.- --~,.__._-~~ 24.H Other (describe here) $0 $0 $0 $0 ---.------.--.-..-.--.-..-- __._~__m.__ .- _.,._~.. ...--------- _._.--~"- ._.~--~~-_.,- 25. Transfers in (from Line 49) $0 $0 $0 $0 26. Total Sources of Funds $577,665 $0 $450,648 $42,954 Uses of Funds _.3...7~~an~uil'!.ing ~cquis_itio~--__-_-.- $120,000 $0 $126,059 $0 -_._-~.-- ._~~...----.__~r.......----- 1---- -- -.---.. -~-_.~ 28. Site improvements/preparation costs $65,000 $0 .___$65,6~ $0 1-------.-.--.------ ---,,------.~.- --.-. -~.._..,'~_.---~-- 29. Installation of public utilities $55,000 $0 $0 $0 1----..-.----....-...-.---.--. --.- 1---.- --.--. ---. ~.......------....-------'.....~ f--....---.-- 30. Parking facilities $0 $0 $0 $0 f-.-.----....~-----...-..--.- I----------~- -..-.---- . c----------.-.- 3i. Streets and sidewalks $0 $0 $0 $0 ~-_.-._._--_..__...--_._-_.-.--- ...----.----- .------., ---...- 1---------..--..- ~.._~~-,_._~ 32. Public park facilities $0 $0 $0 $0 -.----.--..----.------..-.-.- - ----_..-- 1---.----.- 1--.-.---.- .---...-.--- 33. Social, recreational, etc. $0 $0 $0 $0 -~....._- ..--- -,--_.......-------.." .-----~- 34. Interest reC:llction payments $0 $0 $0 $0 - ,_.~_.,....-------'-'~ 35. Bond principal payments $260,000 $0 $90,000 $25,000 ~..____~_ r_'_.'_'~ . -~-~.....----~ ----- -. _.._._~....---- 36. Bond interest payments $0 $0 $80,690 $5,418 -- 37. Loan principal payments $85,000 $0 $0 $43,090 38. Loan/note interest payments $61,000 $0 $0 $2,304 . . 39. Adminis?,ativ~. expenses $44,000 $0 $24,880 $0 ..---..-.. .- -.-.---- 40.A Other Pa?,ing ~gent . $0 $0 $0 $402 ..--- 40.B Other (describe here) $0 $0 $0 $0 1----.-.-.-.-----.---..--..----. -.----..- -. ~_.-- 40.C Other (describe here) $0 $0 $0 $0 1-"---'.---'--.'. .-.~ .---.- t--.-.--- 40.0 Other (describe here) $0 $0 $0 $0 40.E Other (describe here) $0 $0 $0 $0 ----. 40.F Other (describe here) $0 $0 $0 $0 _.._.__.-.---U ..- 40.G Other (describe here) $0 $0 $0 $0 40.H Other (describe here) $0 $0 $0 $0 4i. Transfers out (from Line 55) $0 $0 $0 $0 42. Total Uses of Funds $690,000 $0 $387,234 $76,214 43. TIF District Balance (Deficiency) ($112,335) $0 $63,414 ($33,260) Sources and Uses of Funds TIF District Name: Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-10 1998 Authority Report. Page 2 -. Transfers - Identify TIF District or Fund Not Applicable [g] Accounted for in Prior Years 1998 Amount From Other Districts or Funds " -.. - 49. Total Transfers In (to line 25) To Other Districts or Funds $0 $0 ---.---..-.--- $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 45. 46. 47. 48. 50. 5!. 52. ~-,~------"_.". ...-----.., ._---_.'--,,~.,. ._,--~._-_.._,---'- 53. ~-'_.'-'- --_.,.,'-,,-,,----".-._-,~._--_._'''. .--.---.,----.,." ..---.-- 54. _.,~---'-_., --~,,'-~~-"'_.- ._,_.__._.,~'-'--""'-Y--"~- - 55. Total Transfers Out (to line 41) $0 $0 .. ..-------- $0 $0 _.__.,'_.._"'____.,.'~__ _'0".' $0 $0 $0 ---..-- .-..--.-... $0 $0 - .'_._~.~._.-.-.__._--~'.~ $0 $0 ._.,~---"_. -.---. $0 Interest and Investment Earnings Not Applicable D I On or before 7/1/97 I On or After 7/2/97 56. Interest/investment earnings received 1 $1,131 I $1,439 . Property Sales/Leases and Advance/Loan Repayments Not Applicable 0 On or before 6/30/97 On or After 7/1/97 57. Proceeds from sale or lease of property $1 $0 58. Repayment of advances and loans (exclude interest) $0 $0 Outstanding Non-Pooled Bonds to Which Increment is Pledged Not Applicable 0 General Obligation Revenue Total 59. Original issue amount $165,000 $0 $165,000 60. Outstanding 12/31/1997 $75,000 $0 $75,000 .-.-....-- --.-.. - ~.,- 61. Issued in 1998 $0 $0 $0 U.~_.'__ .J..,~._.,'___ ,--~,~~~ .. "-. .-- 62. Principal paid in 1998 $25,000 $0 $25,000 -~,~~..,-----_."~,._.,,,-,. - --~- 63. Outstanding 12/31/1998 $50,000 $0 $50,000 .-- -~~.,. ._- f--..- 64. Interest paid in 1998 $5,418 $0 $5,418 -_..,--,.~- --- -- -_.-- --' 65. Principal due in 1999 $25,000 $0 $25,000 - ~--~~'--- . -. .-.:...-- 66. Interest due in 1999 $3,250 $0 $3,250 . TIF District Name: Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-10 1998 Authority Report - Page 3 67. Amount of tax increment held that is dedicated to the payment of non-pooled TlF bonds $32,749 68. Is amount on line 67 held in an escrow account? DYes [2J No 69. Is pay-as-you-go financing being used? DYes [2J No 70. If yes, list amount of documented developer costs incurred to date $0 Other Non-Pooled Financial Obligations Not Applicable D Amt of Original 1998 Principal 1998 Interest Outstanding Description of Obligation Obligation Payments Payments 12/31/1998 71. lnterfund Loan (Rem) $80,000 $43,090 $2,304 $49,078 -.--- . ~.M'__ - ,--_.~ - '----".-- .....-..--..- ~--,.--_..__..- r---- --~ --. - 72. ---------..--.---.--.- .---.-- .__,~.___.n ~~--_.~ f-' - ---- -~._. 73. ~.__________u______.___. --.-- -..---.--- 1--...-------'.---- --... --,"".---...,..- .-.." ..---- ._0"--.-- 74. c---.--...--,--~.----'-----.-- .-,.-'.---'.'-- -.---.--------- ---..-..---- - -----... -..- ----- 75. -.-..--...---- ..-.,.'---"-- --- --..---.. .---,.--"- ------ _.---- ___.mo_ .--.,,-,,'.'. 76. Total $80,000 $43,090 $2,304 $49,078 77. Have you included a copy of the annual disclosure statement that Minn. Stat. Sec. 469.175, subd. 5, para. (b) requires the TIF authority to publish? (TIF reports are not complete if the annual disclosure statement is not submitted.) [2J Yes DNo . Ollie Koropchak Name of Pre parer HRA Executive Director Title (612) 271-3208 Phone Number City of Monticello Employer of Pre parer Rick WoIfstelIer Name ofTIF Authority's Authorized Representative Administrator Title (612) 295.2711 Phone Number City of Monticello Employer ofTIF Authority's Authorized Representative 2-~~A_~~ .9-.- f\ ..~<\ _t\.~ Date Email Address ofTIF Authority's Authorized Representative Please complete and return by August 1 to: Office of the State Auditor Tax Increment Financing Division 505 Spruce Tree Centre 1600 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55104 Phone: Fax: (651) 642-0767 (651) 642-0769 . TIF District Name: Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-10 1998 Authority Report - Page 4 . Tax Increment Financing Municipality Report For the Year Ended December 31,1998 Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-10 Tax Increment Financing District Name Remmele Common Name 62 County Number Housing and Redevelooment Authority T1F Authority Monticello Cityffown Where TIF District is Located Rick Wolfsteller Municipality's Authorized Representative City of Monticello Municipality That Approved TIF District Wright County Where TIF District is Located Administrator Title (612) 295.2711 Phone City of Monticello Employer of Authorized Representative (if different from municipality that approved TIF district) POBox 1147 Address Monticello City MN State 55362 Zip Code I. TIF District type (check one): D Pre-1979 D Housing D Redevelopment o Mined Underground Space r2J Economic Development D Soils Condition o Renewal and Renovation D Uncodified Law, specified: Year Chapter Article Section . 2. Is this a "Qualified Housing District" as defined in Minn. Stat. Sec. 273.1399 DYes ~No 3. Original TIF plan approval date 04/09/1990 4. Certification request dates* A. Original..... ....... ...... ........ ......... ..... ....... .... .......... ....... ... .... ..... ... ......... ............. ....... ... ....... 04/3 Oil 990 B. Geographic Enlargement................................ C. Hazardous Substance Site or Subdistrict....................................................................... See last page for more Geographic Enlargement Dates Note: * The certification request date is the date the municipality requested the county auditor to certify the original net tlLX capacity of the TIF district. It is NOT the date of the adoption of the TIF plan or the date the county auditor actually certified the original net tax capacity of the TIF district. For a request mailed to the county auditor, it is the postmark date on the mailing envelope. Fora request hand delivered to the county auditor, it is the delivery date. This date is critical in the application of various TIF law, therefore it should agree with the county auditor's records. 5. Certification date 04/30/1990 6. Date of the most recent modification ofTIF plan budget (if any) 06/24/1996 7. Date of required decertification 12/31/1999 8. Year first tax increment payment received (actual or anticipated) 1992 9. If the TIF district has special legislation, please specify the year, chapter, article, and section of the law. . Article Year Chapter Section 10. Total tax increment revenue to be received in 1999 $40.126 11. Tax increment paid to other governmental units (other than the municipality) in 1998 Name of Governmental Unit -- A. B. 12. Value of in-kind benefits financed with revenues derived from increments that were provided in 1998 to a governmental unit other than the municipality Describe in-kind transaction A. B. 13. Does the TIF plan or other governing document permit increment revenues to be expended: A. To pay bonds, the proceeds of which were or may be expended on activities located outside the TIF district? B. For deposit into a common fund that may expend money on activities located outside the TIF district? C. To otherwise finance activities located outside the TIF district? ~Ves DVes cg] Ves Outstanding Non-Pooled Bonds to Which Increment is Pledged Amount Paid $0 $0 Value $0 $0 DNo cg]No DNo Not Applicable o Total 14. Original issue amount -~_._' ~.~-,--~. -- ~---~ 15. Outstanding 12/3 III 997 . . "-" .~-,.'-'----,'-- 16. Issued in 1998 ~-~.._"'. 17. Principal paid in 1998 ---,.~~,.~,~-~ 18. Outstanding 12/3111998 ~._~.,,_,._~_.,__ _".._____.n._ ..__.__._ 19. Interest paid in 1998 .~,._, ,., ~,.,-_.__._--,-",---_.,. 20. Principal due in 1999 .~_.~_..-----------..'-~-'------ _.._~ 2 I. Interest due in 1999 General Obligation Revenue $165,000 $0 .._~,,_.~--- $75,000 $0 ._-~..'---~ -~..,-~-'-'- $0 $0 ~",-~,..........-----,--- ~--~-,---_.~_._-- _.~-,... $25,000 $0 ..._---~,..,-~.,'-,.~'~~. $50,000 $0 -'--'--'~-~'~ -,,_..~ ._-~~"'- --.-,".-.----..... $5,418 $0 ._~,~,~.~-~~'-- $25,000 $0 -_.........----.~~~ -~_..~~- ,,~- --.,...."-..---. $3,250 $0 $165,000 -- -----...- ---_.,.~-- $75,000 -----~.~'-'--- $0 ---,~--",. $25,000 .,_.__'w.........-------'._ $50,000 __,~._____J_ $5,418 -.","-'--' -----"'-~~-_. $25,000 ,._--,-,~'-- $3,250 22. Has the municipality created a special taxing district for this TIF district? Ollie Koropchak Name of Pre parer HRA Executive Director Title City of Monticello Employer of Pre parer Rick Wo1fsteller Name of Municipality's Authorized Representative Administrator Title CitY of Monticello Employer of Municipality's Authorized Representative DVes rg] No (612) 271-3208 Phone Number (612) 295-2711 Phone Number ,~ fL --?-~~~ ~ \\ \ c~ \, , ~, '-J....j Signature of Municipality's Authorized Re Date Email Address of Municipality's Authorized Representative .1"'" <ampl,'" ""d ,otum by Aug"'t I to' Office of the State Auditor Tax Increment Financing Division 505 Spruce Tree Centre 1600 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55104 TIF District Name: Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-10 Phone: Fax: (651) 642-0767 (651) 642-0769 1998 Municipality Report - Page 2 Council Meeting - 8/9/99 51. Consideration of authorizing purchase of new snow plow truck cab & chassis. (l.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff had placed a new snow plow truck in the 1999 Budget. However, during budget negotiations with the City Council, it was decided to budget for the truck over a period of two years, and the amount placed in the 1999 Budget was $47,500. The state bids recently became available for 1999 for delivery of trucks in the year 2000. Upon checking the delivery dates of new trucks, we were astounded to find out that the typical delivery of a cab and chassis is 18 months, adding another 90 days for the installation ofthe body, hydraulics and plowing equipment, puts the truck out about 21 months. This would make the truck available in May of2001. Much ofthe delay stems from not only the build for the truck but also its integral parts such as the Allison transmission which are really back-logged. . In going through all of the state bids, we find the best suited truck for our needs comes from Boyer Trucks, Inc. which sells Sterling Trucks out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Since we have purchased trucks from them before, they indicated if we ordered the truck within the next 7 to 10 days, they would give up one of the slots they have for a spec truck, and it is possible that we could have delivery ofthe cab and chassis in February or March of 2000. The truck could then be ready for use next year. Since this is proposed to be a tandem axle truck, compared to the light duty single axle trucks we currently have, the costs are somewhat higher than originally anticipated. The low bid under the state contract for the L T- 9500 cab and chassis would be $69,730. Including sales tax the price would come to $74,262.45. We have available in this years' budget the $47,500 originally budgeted for this truck, and an additional $18,000 proposed for a used water truck. We were able to purchase a used water truck for $2,000 which indirectly came from the City of Becker and should serve our needs for several years. Consequently, we would have available in 1999 funds $65,500 to put towards the cab and chassis. Payment would not be due on the cab and chassis until was delivered in February or March of2000. The estimated cost of the snow plow, wing, hydraulics system, hoist with hook, dump body and sander or sander box is estimated at about $59,000. The value of the 1985 International truck if traded or sold outright is approximately $20,000. It is expected that we will be discussing these equipment needs with the Council during the preparation of the 2000 Budget within the next month or so. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to authorize purchase of a new 2000 L T -9500 Sterling cab and chassis from Boyer Trucks of Minneapolis based upon the state contract bid of $69,730 plus sales tax for a total of $74,262.45. . . . Council Meeting - 8/9/99 Agenda Monticello City Council August 9, 1999 Page 2 2. The second alternative would be not to order a new cab and chassis for a snow plow truck. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Street Superintendent that the City Council authorize the purchase of a new snow plow truck cab and chassis from Boyer Trucks as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of bid and specifications for state contract #423545. I: .'. 'I" if :f 01' ... .~.' 'I . .1 i l'If" ' l"~ " \ . .. i ... ~. I' eg lltI'fIi: I""" Ill' ~~;5 ~~ STERLING T.U..I S'DIOIAR.Y QUOTATION 08-04-1999 MONTICBLLO,CITY/KN.DOT 250 EAST BROADWAY P.O. BOX 1147 MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9245 612-295...2711 PRBPARED POR: J.SIMOLA-J.ISLBY StrPRB. Page 1 of 1 BRUCE RIOUX BOY!:R '1'RUClCS, INC. 2811 BROADWAY MINNEAPOLIS KN 55413 612-378-1851 PRBPAlitBD BY: SRUCB RIOtJX Quote IDz B...MONTI (Currency in u.s. Dollars) EQUIPMENT Total 1 LT9500 CHASSIS ........................................... $ 70055 TOTAL BQUIPNBN'l' PRICE ................................... $ 70055 O'l'BB1. CHARGES FET $ -325 0 0 0 ----~--~~ $ -325 --------- $ 69730 TAXES ...................................................... FEES ....................................................... Other ...................................................... TOT'.A.L OTIIBR CBARQBS ....,.................... * . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . ... TOTAL QUOTE ...".............................,.. 11Io . . . .. . . * . . .. ... . . 'III COMMENTS: Only the items listed in this Quote/Bid are to be furnished, nothing I else is promised or implied unless in writing! STATE of MINNESOTA CONTRACT # 423545 Spec. 350-1296 modified to City of Monticello's spec~l APPROVAL: Please indicate your acceptance of this quotation by signing below: x CUstomer / / Date - - ,,- J~~ Bruce Rioux Fleet Sales Mgr. You -II Like The \Nay We W'ork. . I' i I.... t" ~I," '1' . ., i lilt'" 'tI~,1 .F " f, I ,..,..- ' .,. . ~Q'.~ ,'};; I STATE of MINNESOTA - CONTRACT * 423545 SPEC. * 350-1298 Base Unit Sterling 9500 Series Chassis Cab 126" c.a. W I Cat CI0 30Shp, lOspd Manual, 16000 Frt Axle, 40000 Rear Axle Spring Susp . ' $ 50,000.00 Modified to City of Monticello's Specifications Set Back Front Axle (113"bbc) ref: 3.20................................................ + 800.00 ABS Brake System all around..................... N.C. 80 Steel Low Profile fuel tank in lieu of 45 Gal. Steel ref: 6.31..... + 100.00 Dual heated Mirrors .Ref9.5 ................................................................ + 50.00 Horizontal Muffler & Exhaust Pipe Cab Std.......................................... N.C. Con-Met CMI-600 non htd Fuel/Water Separator ref: 6.18..................... + 100.00 Engine Block Heater ref: 6.37................ .................. ..... ........................ + 100.00 Allison HD4560P Gapd Automatic Trans. In lieu of manual trans.......... $ 11,600.00 145 Amp alternator in lieu of 100 amp ref: 6.47..................................... -+ 125.00 Remote Jwnp Start Terminals on Battery Box ref: 8.9............................ -+ 40.00 Imron Paint in lieu of Urethane N0789 Orange ref: 9.13.......................... + 100.00 Dual Hadley Air Horns in lieu of Std ref: 9.23........................................ + 65.00 Spluh Guards Front Fenders ref: 9.26...................................................+ 150.00 Front Mud F1a.p8 ref: 9.28...................................................................... -+ 50.00 (1) Set of Parts & Service Manuals ref: 16.1........................................... -t 490.00 Oiff. Lock Full Driver control both axles ref. 3.9.................................... -+ 1000.00 Inside/Outside Air Intake delete (Not part of base bid) Ref. 6.16............. N.C. Wheelbase Change to 172......... ...... ....... ..... ..................................... .... N.C. 385/65R 22.5 18ply Front Tires in lieu of 315/80R 22.5 ref: 4.4........... + 300.00 Auxiliary Dash Switches ref: 8.4............................................................. + 50.00 Front Bum.per Wraparound Painted...................... ... ...................... ........ N.C. 20.258M Frame in Ueu of Std ref: 2.7.......... ................ ......... ................ + 300.00 Spare Rear Tire 8& disc wheem...............................................................+ 610.00 Fender Mtd Auxiliary Convex Mirrors Ref. 4.21.....--............................... + 100.00 Air Conditioner/Dehumidifier in cab Ref. 10.15..... ............ .................... + 800.00 Tilt Steering Wheel deleted ref: 10.29.................................................... ~ 150.00 SeU Canceling Turn signala ref: 10.30...... ................................... .......... + 175.00 AM-FM Stereo Radio Ref. 10.14............................................................. + 300.00 TransnUs8ion Temp Gauge ref 10.19...................................................... + 50.00 Transverse Access (butterfly hood opening) on Set Back model.. ref: 9.3... + 400.00 National Hi-back Air ride Cloth Drivers seat w/air lumbar...................... N.C. National Hi-back Air ride Cloth passenger seat w/air lumbar ref: 10.9..... + 300.00 Back-up Alann electronic Preco ref: 8.10................................................ + 80.00 Artie Type Winter wiper blades. Ref: 9.18............................................... + 20.00 Extended Service n Warranty on Cat eta Engine to 5yr./250,OOO miles.. + SOO.OO Air Bag System for RH Front Axle ref: 13.7............................................. + 1,125.00 TOTAL $ 69,730.00 Bruce Rioux Fleet sales Mgr. Boyer Trucks, Inc. ., ~ Council Agenda - 8/9/99 ., 5.J. Consideration of acceptine the vendine company bid for the Monticello Community Center and approvine the desienation of the up-front cash payment on the vendine contract. (K.B.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A Request for Proposal was submitted to Bernick's Pepsi and Versa Vending/Viking Coca Cola to become exclusive full service beverage provider for the Monticello Community Center. The Community Center will have a vending machine area capable of holding five (5) or six (6) machines, a concession area for snacks and beverages at the check-in desk, and a need for a portable fountain unit in the banquet hall/kitchen and Gymnasiumlkitchen. . The proposals received from Pepsi and Coke were very close in their commitment to the Community Center. The differences were in the up-front cash payment to the Community Center and in the commission rate. Bernick's Pepsi offered a greater up-front cash payment, however their commission rate dropped to 10% to offset this. Versa VendingNiking Coca-Cola offered a smaller up-front cash payment and required that 2/3rds ofthe payment be used for equipment that they could advertise on (i.e. scoreboard, outdoor signs, etc). Their commission rate was higher, 31 % for pop, 21 % for Powerade and water and 21 % for candy and snacks. Both companies strongly suggested that the concession area offer beverages in 20 oz. bottles as opposed to pop from a fountain. Their reasons were good profitability for MCC, less mess and popularity with customers as the number one reason. The Proposals were reviewed by the City Administrator, Deputy City Administrator and the Community Center Director initially. The feeling was that the proposals were very close. Depending on sales, Coke could provide more revenue annually from commissions ifwe did well but, comparatively over the five (5) year commitment the dollar figures were just about equal. The Proposals were then taken to the Small Group. Their recommendation was to provide 20 oz. bottles in the concession area and approved Pepsi as our beverage provider for the $20,000 up- front cash payment to the Community Center. The recommendation from the Small Group was to designate how the up-front cash payment would be used. There are a number of items on which the money could be used that would enhance the Community Center for our members and visitors, increase revenue for the Community Center, improve the marketability and cut staff costs. The Small Group recommended the following designation: . $10,000 (approximately) on two (2) Auto Belay devices and Lead Anchor equipment for the Climbing Wall. The Auto Belay devices are a hydraulic system which allows a climber to climb without another person belaying them. We would require that the climber was "checked out" before being allowed this option, however it would enable MCC to have the climbing wall available all hours that the center is open. Council Agenda - 8/9/99 . Currently the attended climbing wall hours are 57 per week. With six (6) attendants maximum. This would mean that the wall would be unavailable 51 hours per week, based on our approved operating hours. The average pay rate for a climbing attendant would be between $6.50 to $10 per hour. With 2 Auto Belay devices it would mean a maximum of four (4) attendants and they could keep an eye on climbers using the devices during attended hours, which would be a savings on staff costs. The Lead Anchor equipment allows for free climbing. Anchors are set in the wall at approximately 5 foot intervals vertically and the climber hooks onto it as they climb to it. We would require a partner be present for safety reasons. This climbing system is very attractive to the more avid climber and would require being "check-out" to be able to use this system. Both the Auto Belay Devices and the Lead Anchor equipment would allow us to use the wall all hours that the Community Center because the Check-In desk attendants could supervised the wall. This allows us to increase our revenue on the wall, save on additional staff costs and market the wall to a much broader group. $3,500 to upgrade current Aerobic Room Flooring. The current floor, while adequate, would not be considered the best in terms of shock absorption during aerobic dance activities. We would like to pursue programming in the Aerobic Room which includes Senior fitness, classes for the deconditioned and youth fitness. We will most likely offer general population classes, but the emphasis would be on seniors and youth. The floor we are considering has a tested rating for shock absorption and would provide much more comfort on the lower legs, knee and ankle joints. The upgraded floor offers the same warranty as what we currently have bid for the gymnasium and the walk/jog track, which is a one (1) year standard manufacturer's warranty. Upgrading to this floor system would open the Aerobic programming to a broader base and allow us to offer special population classes. $6,500 could be used in many ways and an update will be provided to Council at a later date. Some ideas are: . Tables and chairs for the gymnasium . Climbing shoes . Fitness equipment in the fitness room . Recreation software packages B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to grant approval of the Vending Contract with Bernick's Pepsi and approve the designation for the up-front cash payment of $20,000 with a follow up on the balance ofthe funds. 2. The second alternative would be to approve the Vending Contract with Bernick's Pepsi but table the designation for the up-front cash payment of $20,000 . . . Council Agenda - 8/9/99 3. The third alternative would be to not approve the Vending Contract and the designation on the up-front cash payment and direct staff on how to further proceed. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Administrator that the Council approve the Vending Contract with Bernick's Pepsi and approve the designation of $20,000 up-front cash payment as per the Small Group's suggestion with a later update to the Council on the balance ofthe funds. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy of the Request for Proposal, a worksheet outlining the proposal comparisons and a worksheet outlining the commission comparisons. -. July 21, 1999 MONTICELLO Bernick's Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. Mr. Russ Eichten P.O. Box 7008 S1. Cloud, MN 56302 Dear Russ, This is to confirm and to clarify the Request For Proposal (RFP) with regards to the exclusive Full Service Beverage Vending for the Monticello Community Center (MCC) owned by the City of Monticello. . The MCC is expected to open on December 1, 1999 and will include a permanent fountain dispenser in the concession area at the main reception desk, a permanent or portable fountain unit in the full kitchen adjacent to the gymnasium and a portable fountain unit in the Banquet Hall. We also have vending space for up to six (6) machines at the west end of the building near the gymnasium and one unit in the City Hall lunch room. MCC will attract members and daily users to this multi-use facility that includes recreational, fitness, senior and youth, social and professional activities. The facility will house 20 to 40 employees on a daily basis. Suggestions for information to include in proposal: . Length of agreement (preferred length of contract would be no more than five (5) years) and ability to renegotiate prior to contract end if profits exceed projections. . Define process for receiving revenue (with options if applicable) and estimated annual profits for the Community Center and vendor. . Designation of responsibility for maintaining all licenses and fees. . Amount of insurance that will be maintained by the vending company for the MCC site. . Definition of Full Service Agreement as it pertains to MCC. . Promotional Support (i.e. menu boards, banners for events, etc) . Additional vending equipment that you will supply (i.e. change machines, ice makers. . .) . Technical assistance as it pertains to profitability (i.e. when to change product, new products, etc) . Community involvement with (for example) our Walk and Roll Celebration, Riverfest, etc. . Additional equipment and/or cash payments to the City of Monticello. . . Jll~' 21,1999 Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245 · (612) 2 5-2711 · Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (612) 295-3170. Fax: (612) 271-3272 .... Page20f2 -- Please submit your proposal by Monday, August 2, 1999 to: City of Monticello Attn: Kitty Baltos PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 If you have any questions please call me at (612) 271-3268. Sincerely, / ", --/If''/ , ./ ." ~~ / /" ,_/ Kitty M. Balto Community enter Director . cc: Dean Bernick . a Proposal Comparison: ,., . PEPSI COKE Length of Agreement 5 years 5 years License, Maintenance & They maintain They maintain Fees Insurance They maintain They maintain Service Full Service (24/7) Full Service (24/7) Additional Equipment Change machine, ice maker $1/$5 bill changer, menu (verbal), banners, boards, clocks, banners, menu boards, clocks, custom posters, ice & water portable bar, assist on dispenser, 6' portable bar scoreboard order for best ($2000) pnce Community Involvement Whatever they can do 20 cases water/5 cases juice Cash Payments $17,000 premix in concession $5,000 to MCC $20,000 bottles in concession $10,000 equip to advertise on Expected Revenue 10% commission Comm rate 31 %-bottle pop, 21%-Powerade/water,21%- candy Renegotiate Contract Verbal - will renegotiate 5% increase in commission if sales are over $40,000 . . Commission Comparisons: . . PEPSI COKE Vending Machines Beverages - Pop Commission Rate - 10% Commission Rate - 31 % Beverages - Powerade/water Commission Rate - 21 % Novelty Machines-candy, ice Commission Rate - 10% Commission Rate - 21% cream, snacks Pre-Mix Sales Tank cost $11.00 - 720 oz Tank cost - $12.00 - 640 oz Volume - 60 - 12 oz cups Volume - 40 - 16 oz cups Price/cup - .sO/cup Price/cup - .sO/cup Tank net - $19 Tank net - $8 Concession Area - 200z $8.75/case .36 Y2 per bottle . bottles 24 x .36 Y2 = $8.76/case Double Door Coolers 51" wide 51" wide They will provide 640 bottle capacity 640 bottle capacity Each will supply cooler Has counter top coolers Has counter top coolers for bottle concession sales 35 ~ " high - 114 capacity 38 W' high - 112 capacity Assume selling 25 cases bottled pop per month: 600 bottles per month Pepsi - 600 x .10 = $60/month - $720/year Coke - 600 x .31 = $186/month - $2232/year Revenue difference - $1512/year . . . Council Agenda ~ 08109/99 7. Review of six month liquor store report.(R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Liquor Store Manager, Joe Hartman will be in attendance at the council meeting to review the liquor store financial statement for the first six months. Attached as supporting data is a copy of the report comparing the first six months of 1999 with the first six months of last year. Generally speaking, the liquor store operation continues to show growth in all categories, including sales and operating income. Sales for the first six months of 1999 are up over $122,000 for a 13% increase over the same period last year. The gross profit shows a 15% increase from last year and has increased by $36,000 to $277,000. Total general and operating expenses remained at approximately 11 % of sales leaving an operating income of $158,681 through June 30th. This is also up over last year by $24,800. All in all I believe Mr. Hartman will confirm that the operating income is in line with projections and even above our expectations at this point. Part of the increased profits are also due to larger volume purchasing at discount prices which helped our profit margins during the second quarter. Although this is not necessarily part of the liquor store financial report, the Council may want to discuss briefly with Joe the concepts currently being considered regarding the expansion or remodeling of the liquor store facility as part of the Ferrell gas site development. Options that have been briefly considered include simply adding on to the existing store to increase sales and storage area, construction of an entirely new facility in the same location and/or leaving the facility as is. From a location standpoint, I do not believe the City could do any better than the site we currently own as far as location for local customers and our ability to attract TH 25 traffic. I believe Joe will concur that whatever may be the outcome of any construction activities in the area, the Council needs to seriously consider the impacts of relocation or remodeling on our ability to continue to provide the net income we have in the past for city activities such as contributing to the community center debt. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. After review, Council should accept the report as presented. C. SUPPORTING DATA A copy of six month financial report. . MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 30Jun1999 Current Assets: Cash Change Fund Investments Accounts Receivable A/R - NSF Checks Inventory Prepaid Insurance 16,859.82 1,600.00 907,944.03 (1,820.86) 327,674.93 6,910.32 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 1,259,168.24 Fixed Assets Land << Parking Lot BUildings Furniture << Equipment less: Accumulated Depreciation 46,591. 03 234,104.13 88,735.45 (272,350.04) . TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 97,080.57 TOTAL ASSETS 1,356,248.81 ------------- ------------ Liabilities Accounts Payable Due to EOA Fund Sales Tax Payable Salaries Payable Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave Other Accrued Expenses 1,885.98 3,682.25 9,098.63 30,111.00 2,463.71 TOTAL LIABILITIES 47,241.57 RETAINED EARNINGS 1,309,007.24 ~OTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 1,356,248.81 ------------ ------------ . SALES Liquor Beer Wine other Merchandise Misc Non-Taxable Sales Discounts TOTAL SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD GROSS PROFIT MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND EXPENSES COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUN 30, 1998 AND 1999 1998 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 258,083 557,788 93,731 28,463 1. 583 ---------- 939,643 (698,706) ---------- 240,937 25.6% ========== ~ENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE Personal Services Salaries PERA FICA Insurance Unemployment Benefits Severance pay TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 63,975 3,299 4,883 4,599 ---------- 76,757 8.2% supplies Office Supplies General Operating supplie Other Supplies TOTAL SUPPLIES . 388 2,876 ---------- 3,265 .3% 1999 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 292,351 625,786 104,714 38,401 152 ---------- 1,062,004 (784,944) ------......--- 277,059 26.1% ========== 71,938 3,571 5,578 4,414 915 ---------- 86,475 8.1% 1,297 2,440 ---------- 3,137 .4% -.'- - -"----- ---- - -,- - MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND EXPENSES . COMP A t: 1 ~;oN F'Ol'{ 'rHE ygAR ,',jI,rNl, JUN ::\(l, ;':'->13 !\ND 1999 Other Sel'vl,,'s .',( ;..,~ 1"L'~I)S Professional Services Maintenance Agreements Communication Travel-Conference-Schools Advertising Insurance &: Tax Utilities Maintenance, Equipment Maintenance, Building Maintenance, Other Depreciation--Acqulred As Mise Svc &: Chgs TOTAL OTHER SERVICES &: CH 4ItTOTAL GENERAL &: ADMIN EXPENS TOTAL OPERATING INCOME Other Income (Expense) Interest Income Cash Long/Short Sale of Property Mise Income TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) NET INCOME (EXPENSE) Transfers In/Out ADJUSTED NET INCOME (EXPENSE . J9qn :<i'<;; 'f'O.nA'I'l.~ AM()li:, i 788 1, 612 1,782 6,570 6,451 387 915 42 5,537 2,941 27,024 107,046 133,891 ---------- ---------- 18,035 (9 ) 341 18,367 152,258 ---------- ---------- 152,258 ========== 2.9% 11. 4% 14.2% 1.9% 16.2% 16.2% ] ~J '.-.J ''',; j'~ I't(l DA",eE l\ t\jiC ,:'~ 1;'./ 809 1,154 3,760 4,487 5,329 3,059 512 300 5,522 3,233 28,166 118,378 158,681 :::a:========== 22,417 (306) (42) 22,068 180,749 ---------- ---------- 180,749 ========== 2.7% 11. 1% 15.0% 2.1% 17.0% 17.0% MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR GROSS PROFIT BY PRODUCT a .. COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUN 30. 1998 AND 1999 1998 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 1999 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT Liquor Sales 258.083 292.351 Discounts Cost of Sales 116.314 196.018 ---------- ---------- GROSS PROFIT - LIQUOR 81.110 31. 7% 96.333 32.9% Beer Sales 551,188 625,186 Cost of Sales 432,419 481,632 ---------- ---------- GROSS PROFIT - BEER 125,310 22.5% 144,153 23.0% Wine Sales 93,131 104,114 Cost of Sales 60,600 15,061 ---------- ---------- GROSS PROFIT - WINE 33,131 35.3% 29,641 28.3% . Sales Mise 28,463 38,401 Cost of Sales 24,?81' 27 ,40fJ --- ... .-.--_....--- GROSS PROFIT - MISC TAXABLE 4,181 14.7% 10,991 28.6% Mise Non-taxable Sales 1,583 152 Cost of Sales 515 398 ---------- ---------- GROSS PROFIT - MISC NON-TAXA 1,068 67.5% 354 47.1% TOTAL SALES 939,643 1,062,004 TOTAL COST OF SALES 694,190 180,519 TOTAL FREIGHT COST 4,516 4,425 ---------- ---------- TOTAL GROSS PROFIT 240,937 25.6% 277,059 26.1% =========== ========== . " . Council Agenda - 08/09/99 8. Consideration of authorizing purchase of video imaeing camera for the Fire Deoartment (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Monticello Volunteer Fire Department is seeking authorization to purchase a video imaging demo camera but that was not part of the 1999 budget. If approved by the Council, the Fire Department representatives will also be requesting approval from Monticello Township for participation. Fire Chief Scott Douglas and/or other representatives of the Fire Department will be in attendance at the meeting to further explain the use and benefits of this video camera. This camera will allow the firemen to identify hot spots in the building and within walls, etc. The Fire Department has used this demonstration model recently and feels it would be an added benefit to the department. The cost of this demo model is $15,500 while a new camera would be over $20,000. Funding for a video camera purchase was not included in the 1999 budget but the Fire Department has received donations totaling $8,000 from the Monticello Lions, Sons ofthe American Legion and Ladies Auxiliary that could be used towards this purchase. The Fire Department is requesting council approval to spend the additional $7,500 now and include this amount in next years budget to replace these funds. . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Council could authorize the Fire Department to purchase the demo video imaging camera for $15,500 to be funded by $8,000 from Fire Department contributions and $7,500 from the City general fund to be replenished as part of the 2000 budget. 2. Do not authorize the purchase at this time but consider a camera as part of the year 2000 budget. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION With the Fire Department currently having over half ofthe purchase price available from various donations, the addition of $7,500 to next years capital outlay budget could be a mechanism to allow the department to purchase this specific camera. It is my understanding that a new camera would be over $20,000, thus this demonstration model could provide significant savings to the department. If the Council feels the benefits of this particular piece of equipment warrant the purchase, I would recommend that the purchase be approved and the general fund be replenished by budgeting for the expenditure in the year 2000. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of proposal. . . FRONT UNE PLUS FIRE & RESCUE 8004 Aetna Ave. N.E. Monticello, Un. 55362 1-800-879~1n Ph/fax 1..&12...295--3650 PROPOSAL DA TE;&-29-99 To;Monticello Fire Dept C.O. Scott Douglas MonticellO, Mn. 55363 Shipping; FOB FACTORY (Unless special agreements made prior to shipping). Shipping Date; ASAP Terms; NET 10 Days Invoice Date QUANITY DESCRIPTION PRICE 1ea Talisman K90 Thermo Camera This camera is a demo camera with ONLY Thermo, no other features other then batteries and chargerlCany Case. $13,500.00 (New $18,995) . 1ea Same as above with Direct Temp ReadOut; (New $21,495) $14,500.00 1 ea Same as above with Video Overlay; (New $22,745) .:.--~. ~~) Any camera on the above Quote will be sent back to service center artd completly gone thru and delivered to customerwith a 1yr FUll Warrenty (PIL). These units have been demoed and will have scratches and marks on outer case but inside with again have been serviced out. These are First Come Basis Units, If interested call and place your order NOW for best units. Again let me say that these units have been factory demo units and by acting now you will save big money. If not satisfied with unit at time of delivery, I will take it back. No questions. To add any listed options at later dates will at at then current pricing. Digital Transmitter will receiver and 9"or13"TVNCR mounted external or internal; $3.900.00 any above cameras will have to be returned to service center for this option if purchased after. We are pleased to submit the above quotation to your dept and remember FIRST COME BASIS. Ust Units by price you would like. --r!;1JwoQ(1l.hY/ . ~as Green. ~ I / . Accepted by ~ j~2{.> ~{'$L~~~~Oate 7 - /- 9f' ../ / ..... Council Agenda - 08/09/99 - 9. Consideration of 2ranting an increase to the individual pension for volunteer Firefi2hter Relief Association members. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Firefighter Relief Association membership is requesting that the City Council consider an increase in their retirement benefit from the present $1,925 per year of service to $2,025 or more after 20 years of service on the fire department. The following is a summary ofthe previous benefit increases that have been approved: . YEAR 1987 1988 1989 1990 1992 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 BENEFIT AMOUNT $ 875 per year of service $ 975 $1,075 $1,175 $1,225 $1,300 $1,325 $1,375 $1,575 $1 ,925 By August 15t of each year, the Fire Relief Association must present to the City Council a schedule of the proposed benefits and total liabilities associated with the proposed benefit in comparison to the assets of the Association. Typically, it has been past policy of the Council that they would only consider increases to occur in the yearly pension amounts if the Association had sufficient income projected to cover the increase. In other words, the state aid and interest earnings are investments needed to be projected at a level sufficient to cover the normal annual cost of the pension calculations based on the requested $2,025 per year or higher amount. In the past, the City Council has not supported any benefit level that would require a contribution from the City as a tax levy. . The pension schedule reports provided by the Fire Relief Association Treasurer indicate that the Association should have sufficient funds to support an increase in the pension up to $2,050 per year of service. The Treasurer has provided three examples of yearly pensions that range from $2025, $2050 and $2,075 as examples for the Council to review. In all ofthe schedules, the assumption that there are sufficient assets and earnings from the investments to support these pension amounts is based on an estimate that the interest earnings on their investments will continue to earn at a rate of at least 9.54% which is their past ten year average interest earnings according to their records. Should for some reason the interest earnings not equal the assumed 9.54% rate of return, the possibility does exist that if a pension level is established close to the break even point and interest earnings do not meet average expectations, the City may be Council Agenda - 08/09/99 . required to contribute funds to make up for the shortfall. In addition, it is assumed that the state aid funds received by the Association will continue to be equal to previous amounts. It should be noted that the reason the City Council must approve any increase in the Relief Association's pension is that, ultimately, if projected revenue is not sufficient to cover pension liability established, the City is responsible for covering the difference. In other words, if the City approves any pension amount before the Association has sufficient assets to cover the projected liabilities themselves, a reduction in the interest income or loss of some of their investments could obligate the Council to use tax dollars to fund the balance. State aids are not always guaranteed, although it seems unlikely that a dramatic change in the state aid formula would occur. .- Based on the schedules provided by the Relief Treasurer, which assumes at least an 9.54% interest earnings on their investments and state aid equal to the amount received last year, normal income should be enough to support even the $2,050 per year pension level. Ifthe City Council chooses not to endorse a specific pension level, the Association cannot increase their benefits unti I they have at least 110% oftheir liability covered by assets. While at the present $1,925 per year benefit the Association would have more assets than liabilities, they would still not meet the 10% surplus that is required to change their pension on their own. It would likely take another year or two before they would have sufficient surplus to do their own pension modification, and then the increase would certainly be limited to smaller increases. Under the $2,025 per year schedule requested, the total project assets of the Association would be $633,084 and their liability for this pension amount would be $711,477, leaving them $78,393 short of being able to set their own pension amount Based on the three examples provided, ifthe Council approved the $2,025 per year amount, this would give them a $100 per year increase over their current pension and would provide a little more cushion before any tax dollars would be needed if investment income was lower than projected. ~ B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Grant an increase to $2,025 per year. This increase, according to the Relief Association schedule, would not require a City contribution and should be able to be funded through anticipated state aids and other interest earnings on investments, although there is not a guarantee. As I noted earlier, the interest earnings are based on an 9.54% return, which has been the average over the last ten years for the Association. 2. Do not grant an increase in benefits at this time and only allow the increase to occur when the Association has more assets than liabilities. ~ At this time, it would still take few more years for the Association to have enough .---....- ...-. .~-_.,-----'"" form SC. 99 . SCHEDULES I-II FOR LUMP SUM PENSION PLANS REPORTING FORM YEAR 1999 DETERMINATION OF PLAN LIABILITIES & REQUIRED MUNICIPAL CONTRIBUTION IN 2000 Firefighters' Relief Association of Monticello County of Wright SCHEDULE I Estimation of relief association Special Fund pension liabilities for all members based on years of active service with the fire department, with the regular per-year-of-service pension. 2025 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .............................................................41.......................... ............. ................................................ ...................... ....................... ................................................. ........................................................................ 1999 2000 F.D. Leave of To End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age Entry Date Absence Years Active Accrued Yellrs Active Accrued Month I, Year (in vears) Service Lillbilitv Service Liabilitv I. Ted Famwn 52 31( 1973 27 54,675 28 56,700 2. Jlly Morrell 56 51>' 1975 25 50,625 26 52,650 :, 3. Scott Dougllls 48 3 1976 24 48,600 25 50,625 4. W lIyne LaBree 43 5li 1977 23 46,575 24 48,600 ":', 5 Mark Wallen 44 5, 1977 23 46,575 24 48,600 6. Jerry Wein 46 12 ',:, 1978 21 42,525 22 44,550 :"', 7. Mike Johnson 42 3 1981 19 37,341 20 40,500 S. Matt Theisen 42 5 '< 1982 18 34,384 19 37,341 9. Tom Lielcrt 40 II \, 1983 16 28,917 17 31,590 10. Brad Fyle 41 51' 1984 16 28,917 17 31,590 II. Kevin Stwnpf 39 51 1985 15 26,406 16 28,917 12. Gary Host 37 10> 1985 14 23,976 15 26,406 13. Tony Bremer 36 12 ......... 1985 14 23,976 15 26,406 14. Mark Simpson 43 li<' 1987 13 21,667 14 23,976 15. Lyndon Larson 38 Iii 1987 13 21,667 14 23,976 16. Neal Kranz 33 5 ........... 1987 13 21,667 14 23,976 17. Steve Samuelson 36 11 :'.; 1987 12 19,481 13 21,667 18. Brain Stwnpf 36 7 , 1988 11 17,375 12 19,481 '." 15,390 11 17,375 19. JcffMichadis 35 I '.'.'. 1990 10 20. Gerry Sonsteby 34 5"":': 1993 7 9,963 8 11,664 21 Rick Lymer 36 5 1993 7 9,963 8 11,664 22. Jetf Kranz 36 5 1993 7 9,963 8 11,664 23. Todd Jolmson 33 5 1993 7 9,963 8 11,664 24. Steve Joerg 36 10 1994 5 6,764 6 8,302 25 Pat Drew 34 10 ,....... 1994 5 6,764 6 8,302 .;. ... . ... .. ............ ....i.. ........ii..................: 718,186 .. .".", , 664,119 1< Fractional Years of service must be calculated to nearest full year. * Do not enter liability in Columns 6 or 8 for any person who will receive entire pension during this year. Enter this pension amount on Schedule II, Section 1, Line g. * For installment liability, enter amount which will be payable after end of this year in both column 6 and column 8. . * If interest is to be paid on unpaid pensions, add interest for 1 year in column 8. ." A copy of these schedules must be presented to the City Council before August 1 each year. Page 1 . I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ............................................................................... ................ ............................................... ......................... ............................ ..................'f99.~.................. ...............................................::H5oo................. F.D. Leave of To End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age Entrv Date Absence Years Active Accrued Years Active Accrued Month Year (in vears) Service Liability Service Liability 26 Luke Dahlheimer 27 5 ........... 1996 4 5,265 5 6,764 27 Steve Hanson 32 5 ......... 1996 4 5,265 5 6,764 28. Nick Dahlheimer 25 I i'< 1999 I 1,215 2 2,511 29. SIeve Baloun 31 I .... 1999 1 1,215 2 2,511 -' 30. :' 0 0 0 0 31. .' ',' 0 0 0 0 32. ':::.: 0 0 0 0 33 ........ 0 0 0 0 34. , 0 0 0 0 35 -cc . 0 0 0 0 36. .: 0 0 0 0 :':'" 37. .. 0 0 0 0 38 '...... 0 0 0 0 39. I".: () 0 0 0 40. i,." a 0 0 0 41. .. 0 a 0 0 42. -'.. 0 0 0 0 43. :,:. 0 0 0 0 44. ,." 0 0 0 0 45 :-- () 0 0 0 46. ".1 0 0 0 0 . 47. ":.,: 0 0 0 0 48. :.., a 0 0 0 " 4'.1. 'c' 0 0 0 ...... 0 so. . , 0 0 0 0 51. ::'T 0 0 0 0 52. .....:...:..:... 0 0 0 0 53. :,'.. 0 0 () 0 54. ..-,-- 0 a 0 :.... 0 55. .:" 0 0 0 0 .:: 56. ........"'...., 0 0 0 0 57. '.'..,....., 0 0 0 0 .: SIl_ :-: 0 0 () 0 59. ......... 0 0 0 0 60 i. 0 0 0 0 6\ .i 0 () 0 0 62. -'..' 0 0 0 0 63. ....',:'.......,. 0 0 0 0 64. ,. 0 0 0 0 65. - 0 0 0 0 .:...S"btobilofl~eguIllt,~ettsibRtbltlilitY: "':':." ......:' "",-:.','.,,(', 18,550 12,960 r SCHEDULE I - ADDITIONAL ACTIVE MEMBERS ..-.. ..... . Page 2a SCHEDULE I _ ADDITIONAL MEMBERS & TOTAL LIABILITIES I 2 3 3a 4 4a 4b 4c 6 8 .............................................................................. ............ ........................... ........................... ....................... ......................... . .......................... ...................................... ...................................... Benefit Deferred Deferred - Name Leave Level at Non- Pension to pension to Entry Separation of Total time of Forfeitable the end of the end of Aile Date Date Absence Years seDaration % this vear next vear Deferred Pensions I. Greg Dahlheimer 49 02/01/1978 04/20/1998 20 1575 34,398 35,849 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. . .......... Subtotal of Deferred Pensions . . '. i ............ 34,398 35,849 UnDald Installments I. 2. 3 . .................. .' '.. ........ Subtotal of Unpaid ins"'lments ..... '.. ... '. '. .......i ...... ". ." 0 0 Earlv Vested Pensions 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. ..' .. ... SlIbtotal..ofEarly VeSted Pensions '. 0 0 '.' .' ..... .... .. ......i : .... ..' .... Use the columns provided to show calculations. Example, 4a x 4b x 4c .. deferred pension amount, 1999 2000 Total of Regular Pension Liabilities From pages I and 2a 677,079 736,736 Total of Deferred, Unpaid, and Early Vested Pensions If Any, from page 2b (above) -~ 35,849 A. Accrued Liability Through Next Year 2000 (total, column 8) > l1li B. Accrued Liability Through This ft. Year 1999 (total, column 6) ... II Subtract Line B from Line A (normal cost) 61.108 Page 2b .. Schedule II - Section 1 Determination of Projected Net Assets for theyear ending December 31, 1999 Special Fund Assets at December 31, 1998 (See Ending Assets in Reporting Fonn ~ 1998) Projected Income to December 31, 1999 a. Minnesota State Aid (Use 1998 amount, exclude supplemental) b. Municipal (independent fire) Contributions c. Donations (List d. Interest and Dividends e. Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments f. Other income (Includes Supplemental) (List - ) Total 1 $ 554,775 $ 43,954 $ $ $ o o 52,980 $ $ o o 2$ 96,934 3$ 651,709 0 17,325 1,300 4$ 18,625 5$ 633,084 Projected Assets plus Income December 31, 1999 (line 1 + line 2) Projected Disbursements through end of year g. Pensions (If listed here, don't include on Schedule I) $ h. Other benefits $ i. Administrative $ Total projected Assets at end of year (line 3 minus line 4) . Section 2 Determination of Projected Surplus (Deficit) as of December 31, 1999 Projected Assets (line 5) 1999 Accrued Liability (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line B) Surplus or (Deficit) (Subtract line 7 from line 6) 6$ 7$ 8$ 711,477 633,084 (78,393) · Go to Section J if Surplus · Go to Section 4 if DefICit Section J Determination of Municipal Contribution (if Surplus) Nonnal Cost (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line C) 9$ o Calculated Administrative Expense (1998 Reporting Form Adm. Exp. $ Less: J. Minnesota State Aid $ 0 k. 5% of line 5 $ 0 I. 10% of line 8 $ 0 Total Subtractions .niciPal Contribution (line 9, plus 10 minus 11) -11 $1.00 or greater, certify to municipality before August 1, 1999, If negative number, no contribution is due. x 1.035) 10 $ o 11 $ o 12 $ o ...."i.':'."~'i':@:~i.,::,~gJQ Page 3 Section 4 Determination of Municipal Contribution (if Defu:it) -- Amortizotion of Deficits. Y~ar Inturred Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Amt Retired 12/31, Left to Retire 1/1, Original Amount 1999 2000 1994 25,803 18,599 7,204 .- 1995 2,386 954 1,432 1997 20,513 4102 16,411 . 1998 53,678 5,368 48,310 " ................... .......i .,..,.,:.....0'..:'..,...:...' ....,......';,; ....,';.:.>,. ;.-. New add' Deficit 1999 5,036 5,036 Totals 107,416 29,023 78,393 m. 78,393 (section 2, line 8) n. 73,357 (Column 3 Subtotal) o. 5,036 (m. minus n.) Step # 1 If line 0 is positive, enter line 0 in columns 1 and 3 of New additional Deficit (1999) line. (This is your New additional Deficit for 1999.) Step # 2 If line 0 is negative, reduce columns 2 and 3 according to Deficit Reduction in the instructions. 1180 x 1.035) 13 $ 14 $ 15 $ 10,742 61,108 1,221 Amortization of Deficit (Total from Colwnn I 107,416 x.lO) Total from Schedule I, Page 2b, Line C - Nonnal Cost elculated Administrative Expense (1998 Reporting Form Adm. Exp. Subtotal Lines 13+14+15 16 $ 73,071 Less: p, Minnesota State Aid q. 5% of line 5 $ $ 43,954 31,654 Total Subtractions (subtotal of Lines p and q) Municipal Contribution (line 16 minus line 17) af (} or negative, there i.f no municipal contribution) 17$ 18 $ 75,608 (2,537) 1999 even If no contribution II due, Section 5 - Test for Maximum Benefit Allowed Calculat F. ion of Average special fund income pel' member A+R+C " Received or Receivable D A B C D E State Municipal 10% of Active Aid. Support Surplus Members A veTlIge Illst year 1998 43,954 SC-98 28 1,569.79 2 years ago 1997 42,142 SC-97 29 1,453.17 3 years ago 1996 43,249 SC.96 30 1,441.63 Total colwnn E divided by 3 S I 1,488 I Maximum Pension Benetit Under Statute S I 2,700 I ^ To obtain G, look up the result of F on page 11 of the instructions, Table III, "Maximum Benefit Under Law" ^ This is your maximum benefit this year. You may not increase benefits beyond this amount. Page 4 .. OFFICER'S CERTIFICATION (Form must be provided to municipal clerk on or before August 1, 1999) - We, the officers of the Monticello Firefighters' Relief Association, state that the accompanying schedules have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat. ~ 69.772, subd. 4. Further, benefit levels have been established in accordance with the average amount of available financing, as required by Minnesota law. We certify that based on the financial requirements of the Relief Association's Special Fund for the calendar year 2000 ,the required municipal contribution i: $0 . In the event that the bylaws of the Relief Association have changed in the most recent year, we have attached a copy of the amendment. Ifmunicipal approval of said amendment is required under Minn. Stat. ~ 69.772, subd. 6, we have also enclosed a copy of the municipal ratification. Signature of President Date Signature of Secretary Date Signature of Treasurer Date . CLERK'S CERTIFICATION ( For Munlclplll Fire Depsrtments Only) I am the clerk of . I received on ~ .......--1_( date), the completed Office of the State Auditor Schedules I & II from the Monticello Firefighters' Relief Association. I have reviewed Section 2, line 8, Section 3, line 12, and Section 4, line 18 of Schedule II. If line 12 or line 18 reflect a required municipal contribution, I certify that I will advise the governing municipal body at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Signature of Clerk Date ( ) Business Phone W ARNINO: This document must be fully completed, certified by the relief association officers, fOlwarded to the municipal clerk, andfiled with the Office of the State Auditor as required by Minn. Stat. S 69.77 J, subd. 3. Failure tofile this document, whether or not a municipal contribution is due, will result in ineligibility for state fire aid, as required by Minnesota state law. . Office of the State Auditor Pension Oversight 525 Park Street Suite 400 St. Paul, MN 55103 Fax number: (651)282~2391 Page 5 Form SC. 99 SCHEDULES I-II FOR LUMP SUM PENSION PLANS REPORTING FORM YEAR 1999 DETERMINATION OF PLAN LIABILITIES & REQUIRED MUNICIPAL CONTRIBUTION IN 2000 - - Firefighters' Relief Association of Monticello County of Wright SCHEDULE I Estimation of relief association Special Fund pension liabilities for all members based on years of active service with the fire department, with the regular per-year-of.service pension, 2050 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ......................................................................................... ............. ................................................ ...................... ....................... ................................................. ........................................................................ 1999 2000 F.D. Leave of T () End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age Entry Dale Absence Years Active Accrued Years Active Accrued Month Year (in vears) Service Liabilitv Service Liabilitv 1. Ted Farnum 52 3 ....., 1973 27 55,350 28 57,400 2. Jay Morrell 56 5........... 1975 25 51,250 26 53,300 3_ Scott Douglas 48 3 ..,..... 1976 24 49,200 25 51,250 4_ W syne LaBree 43 5 1977 23 47,150 24 49,200 ..... 5 Mark Wallen 44 5 ., 1977 23 47,150 24 49,200 6_ Jerry Wein 46 12 , 1978 21 43,050 22 45,100 7. Mike Johnson 42 3 ...,..'. 1981 19 37,802 20 41,000 8_ Matt Theisen 42 5' 1982 18 34,809 19 37,802 9_ Tom Liefer! 40 II ... 1983 16 29,274 17 3 1,980 10. Brad Fyle 41 5 ...... 1984 16 29,274 17 3 \,980 11. Kevin Stumpf 39 5 1985 IS 26,732 16 29,274 12. Gary Host 37 10 .............. 1985 14 24,272 IS 26,732 13. 1\my Bn::mer 36 121 1985 14 24,272 IS 26.732 14_ Mark Simpson 43 I ,; 1987 13 21,935 14 24,272 IS. Lyndon Larson 38 I...... 1987 13 21,935 14 24,272 16. Neal KrwlZ 33 5 .. 1987 13 21,935 14 24,272 17. Steve Samuelson 36 II '.', 1987 12 19,721 13 21,935 18. Brain Stumpf 36 7< 1988 II 17,589 12 19,721 19. Jeff Michaelis 35 I.......... 1990 10 15,580 11 17 ,589 20. Gerry Sonsteby 34 51'.. 1993 7 10,086 8 I 1,808 2\. Rick LymeI' 36 5 -i 1993 7 10,086 8 11,808 22. JclI Kranz 36 5 '..,' 1993 7 10,086 8 I 1,808 23. Todd Johnson 33 5 ........ 1993 7 10,086 8 1\,808 24. Steve JoerR 36 10 " 1994 5 6,847 6 8,405 25. Pat Drew 34 10 '.,: 1994 5 6,847 6 8,405 .. .. .... ;. . .. 672,318 I. ....... 727,053 .. ....... ...... .,.... ..."., .....,.:,.,......... * Fractional Years of service must be calculated to nearest full year. * Do not enter liability in Columns 6 or 8 for any person who will receive entire pension during this year. Enter this pension amount on Schedule II, Section 1, Line g. * For installment liability, enter amount which will be payable after end of this year in both column 6 and column 8. e*. If interest is to be paid on unpaid pensions, add interest for 1 year in column 8. A copy of these schedules must be presented to the City Council before August 1 each year. Page 1 SCHEDULE I - ADDITIONAL ACTIVE MEMBERS . I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ....,........................................................................... ................ I................................................ .................j....... ......................... .....................T~~.9.................. ...............................................2'000................. F.D. Leave of To End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age Entrv Date Absence Years Active Accrued Years Active Accrued Month' Year (in years) Service Liability Service Liability 2(,. Luke Dahlheimer 27 5 ...... 1996 4 5,330 5 6,847 27. SIeve Hunson 32 5 ........ 1996 4 5,330 5 6,847 28. Nick Dahlheimer 25 I , 1999 I 1,230 2 2,542 2.::.. SIeve Baloun 31 1 I', 1999 I 1,230 2 2,542 30. i'" 0 0 0 0 31. ,i 0 0 0 0 32. "'. 0 0 0 0 33 .... 0 () 0 0 34. '.'. 0 0 0 0 35. ..... 0 0 0 0 36. ........ 0 0 0 0 37. >. 0 () 0 0 31t . 0 0 0 0 39. .... 0 0 0 0 40 ........ 0 0 0 0 41. ." 0 0 0 0 42. , 0 0 0 0 43. I,', 0 0 0 0 44. ;'.".... 0 0 0 0 45. .' 0 0 0 0 46. " , 0 0 0 0 47. 0 0 0 0 48. ......,.. 0 0 0 0 49. 0 0 0 0 50. ............ 0 0 0 0 51. "', 0 0 0 0 52. " 0 0 0 0 53. I 0 0 0 0 54. , 0 0 0 0 55. ......;'.....'.. 0 0 0 0 56. ,,c.,' 0 0 0 0 57. " 0 0 0 0 58. ".' 0 0 0 0 59, '., 0 0 0 0 60. .", 0 0 0 0 61. ,C', , 0 0 0 0 62. .',......,.. 0 0 0 0 63. ......,. 0 0 0 0 64. > 0 0 0 0 65. I" 0 0 0 0 r 'Sllbto~~I'orRegtilaf:p~~ion'Li.bllit~".: :::~:.\.,;<,:,:'......" '"',''' :I 13,120 ........'. 18,778 . .... , ." :,: I~. :.'1: ,:, . ::,. ." . . Page 2a SCHEDULE I - ADDITIONAL MEMBERS & TOTAL LIABILITIES I 2 3 3a 4 4a 4b 4c 6 8 .............................................................................. ............ ........................... ........................... ....................... .................. .......................... .......................... ...................................... ...................................... Benefit Deferred Deferred Name Leave Level at Non- Pension to pension to Enlly Separation of Total time of Forfeitable the end of the end of AlZe Date Date Absence Years seoaration % this year next vear Deferred Pensions I Greg Dahlheimer 49 02/0111978 04120/1998 20 1575 34,398 35,849 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Subtotal of DererredPensions . ..' ....... .. .. .... 34,398 35,849 Unpaid Installments I. 2. 3. ..... ..... .., Subtmalor Unpaid installments .. ...... ..... ..... 0 0 Earlv Yested Pensions 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. '.. .... .......... SubtotalofEarly YestedPel1swns '.' .. .... . ..... ............ .... .... '.. .. 0 0 Use the columns provided to show calculations. Example, 4a x 4b x 4c '" deferred pension amount. 1999 2000 Total of Regular Pension Liabilities From pages I and 2a 685 ,438 745,831 Total of Deferred, Unpaid, and Early Vested Pensions If Any, from page 2b (above) 34 ,398 35,849 A. Accrued Liability Through Next Year 2000 (total, column 8) ". 781,680 B. Accrued Liability Through This .:;:.,::i:i:::t!:i:::!;:i:,!:::';:i:,)i!i'j!:: !:.:. ~ Year 1999 (total, column 6) ... 719 ,836 Subtract Line B from ~ Line A (normal cost) 61,844 Page 2b Sched nle II . Section 1 Determination of Projected Net Assets for the year ending December 31. 1999 Special Fund Assets at December 31. 1998 (See Ending Assets in Reporting Form - 1998) Projected Income to December 31, 1999 a. Minnesota State Aid (Use 1998 amount, exclude supplemental) b. Municipal (independent fire) Contributions c. Donations (List d. Interest and Dividends e. Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments f. Other income (Includes Supplemental) (List - ) Total 1 $ 554,775 $ 43,954 $ $ $ o o 52.980 $ $ o o 2$ 96,934 3$ 651,709 0 17,325 1,300 4$ 18,625 5$ 633,084 Projected Assets plus Income December 31, 1999 (line 1 + line 2) Projected Disbursements through end of year g. Pensions (If listed here, don't include on Schedule I) $ h. Other benefits $ i. Administrative $ Total Projected Assets at end of year (line 3 minus line 4) . Section 2 Determination of Projected Surplus (Deficit) as of December 31.1999 Projected Assets (line 5) 1999 Accrued Liability (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line B) Surplus or (Deficit) (Subtract line 7 from line 6) 6$ 7$ 8$ 719,836 633,084 (86,752) * Go to Section 3 if Surplus * Go to Section 4 if DefICit Section 3 Determination of Municipal Contribution (if Surplus) Normal Cost (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line C) 9$ o x 1.035) 10 $ o Calculated Administrative Expense (1998 Reporting Form Adm. Exp. $ Less: j. Minnesota State Aid $ 0 k. 5% of line 5 $ 0 I. 10% of line 8 $ 0 Total Subtractions eniciPal Contribution (line 9, plus 10 minus 11) If $1.00 or greater, certify to municipality before August 1, 1999, If negative number, no contribution is due. :,,.,:',:'I:i,':'~~::*g::$~~;g~~ii~"~~P:'~~Mi~;~:,:;;'::",,::':~1::,,':'r,;~,',',,:i:':, Page 3 11 $ o 12 $ o Section 4 Dete,.",ination of Municipal Contribution (if DefICit) .Amortization (~r Deficits. Year Incurred Column I Column 2 Column 3 Amt Retired 12/31, Left to Retire III, Original Amount 1999 2000 1994 25,803 18,599 7,204 1995 2,386 954 1432 19<)7 20,513 4,102 16,411 1998 53,678 5,368 48,310 ,": ,'" '",,,',," "'"" ,,"~"",' ,,: "i',i ,,?;7.;:,' '", "",;.;""\\",< """"",","-', '\';' New add1 Deficit ';, """..", 1999 13,395 """, ",,',,; 13,395 Totals 11~, 773 29,023 86,732 m. 86,752 (section 2, line 8) n. 73,357 (Column 3 Subtotal) o. 13,395 (m. minus n.) Step # 1 If line 0 is positive, enter line 0 in columns 1 and 3 of New additional Deficit (1999) line. (This is your New additional Deficit for 1999.) Step # 2 If line 0 is negative, reduce columns 2 and 3 according to Deficit Reduction in the instructions. 1180 x 1.035) 13 $ 14 $ 15 $ 11,578 61,844 1,221 Amortization of Deficit (Total from Column I 115,775 x.IO) ~~al from Schedule I, Page 2b, Line C - Normal Cost .culated Administrative Expense (1998 Reporting Form Adm. Exp. Subtotal Lines 13+14+15 16 $ 74,643 Less: p. Minnesota State Aid q. 5% of line 5 $ $ 43,954 31,654 Total Subtractions (subtotal of Lines p and q) Municipal Contribution (line 16 minus line 17) r!r 0 VI' nego/iw, there is 110 municipal conlrihu/ion) 17 $ 18 $ 75,608 (965) You must certify to munlclpalitv before AU2UIl 1. 1999. even If no contribution 18 due. Section 5 w Test for Maximum Benefit Allowed Co/clllar F. ion of Average special fllnd income per member A+B+C .. Received or Receivable D A B C D E State Municipal 10% of Active Aid. Support Surplus Members Average lust year 1998 43,954 SC.98 28 1,569.79 2 years ago 1997 42,142 SC-97 29 1,453.17 3 years aRO 1996 43,249 3C-96 30 1,441.63 Total column E divided by 3 $ I 1,488 I Maximwn Pension Benent Under Statute $ I 2,700 I ^ To obtain G, look up the result of F on page 11 of the instructions, Table III, "Maximum Benefit Under Law" ^ This is your maximum benefit this year. You may not increase benefits beyond this amount. Page 4 .. OFFICER'S CERTIFICA liON (Form mu8t be provided to municipal clerk on or before Augu8t 1,1999) . We, the officers of the Monticello Firefighters' Relief Association, state that tho accompanying schedules have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat. ~ 69.772, subd. 4. Further, benefit levels have been established in accordancc with thc average amount of available financing, as required by Minnesota law. We certifY that based on the financial requirements of the Relief Association's Special Fund for the calendar year 2000 , the required municipal contribution i: $0 . In the event that the bylaws of the Relief Association have changed in the most recent year, we have attached a copy of the amendment. Ifmunicipal approval of said amendment is required under Minn. Stat. ~ 69.772, subd. 6, we have also enclosed a copy of the municipal ratification. Signature of President Date Signature of Secretary Date Signature of Treasurer Date . CLERK'S CERTIFICATION ( For Municipal Fire Deparlments Only) I am the clerk of . I received on ~ _I_(date), the completed Office oftha State Auditor Schedules I & II from the Monticello Firefighters' Relief Association. I have reviewed Section 2, line 8, Section 3, line 12, and Section 4, line 18 of Schedule II. If line 12 or line 18 reflect a required municipal contribution, I certifY that I will advise the governing municipal body at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Signature of Clerk Date ( ) Business Phone WARNING: This document must befully completed, certified by the relief association officers,fonvarded to the municipal clerk, andfiled with the Office of the State Auditor as required by Minn. Stat. S 69.771, subd. 3. Failure to file this document, whether or not a municipal contribution is due, will result in ineligibility for state fire aid, as required by Minnesota state Imy. . Office of the State Auditor Pension Oversight S2S Park Street Suite 400 St. Paul, MN 55103 Fax number: (651)282.2391 Page 5 Form SC - 99 SCHEDULES I-II FOR LUMP SUM PENSION PLANS REPORTING FORM YEAR 1999 DETERMINATION OF PLAN LIABILITIES & REQUIRED MUNICIPAL CONTRIBUTION IN 2000 - - Firefighters' Relief Association of Monticello County of Wright SCHEDULE I Estimation of relief association Special Fund pension liabilities for all members based on years of active service with the fire department, with the regular per.year-of-service pension' 2075 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ......................................................................................... ............. ................................................ ...................... ....................... ...........................;..................... .,...................................................................... 1999 2000 FD. Leave of To End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age EntrY Date Absence Years Active Accrued Years Active Accrued Month I.", Year (in years) Service Liability Service Liability l. Ted Famwn 52 3 ""'" 1973 27 56,025 28 58,100 2. Jay Morrell 56 51> 1975 25 51,875 26 53,950 3. Scott Douglas 48 31 ,'" 1976 24 49,800 25 51,875 4. Wayne LaBree 43 5 1977 23 47,725 24 49,800 5. Murk Wallen 44 5,. 1977 23 47,725 24 49,800 6. Jerry Wein 46 12 ,', 1978 21 43,575 22 45,650 7. Mike Johnson 42 3" 1981 19 38,263 20 41,500 8. Mutt Theisen 42 5 ."..... 1982 18 35,233 19 38,263 '.. 9. Tom Liefel' 40 11 .:.,' 1983 16 29,631 17 32,370 10. Brad Fyle 41 51'. '.. 1984 16 29,631 17 32,370 II. Kevin Stwnpf 39 5 .......... 1985 15 27.058 16 29,631 12. Gary Host 37 10 ", 1985 14 24,568 15 27,058 \3. 'I\my Bremer 36 12 ..... 1985 14 24,568 15 27,058 14. Mark Simpson 43 I............. 1987 13 22,202 14 24,568 15. Lyndon Larson 38 1.......... 1987 13 22,202 14 24,568 16. Neal Kranz 33 5 . 1987 13 22,202 14 24568 17. SIeve Samuelson 36 II ....... 1987 12 19,962 13 22,202 18. Bruin Stwnpt' 36 7 ......... 1988 11 17,804 12 19,962 19 Jeff Michadis 35 1 '. 1990 10 15,770 II 17,804 20. (fl."!TY Sonsteby 34 -' 1993 7 10,209 8 11,952 )....,. 21. Rick Lymer 36 5 1993 7 10,209 8 11,952 22 JetT Kranz 36 51' 1993 7 10,209 8 11,952 23. Todd Johnson 33 51...: 1993 7 10,209 8 11,952 24. Steve Joerg 36 10 i. 1994 5 6,931 6 8,507 :c- 8,507 25. Pat Drew 34 10.' 1994 5 6,931 6 .' ........ 680,517 "."':' . "....;:..;:"). 735.919 '.' .' . ....... ......... * Fractional Years of service must be calculated to nearest full year. * Do not enter liability in Columns 6 or 8 for any person who will receive entire pension during this year, Enter this pension amount on Schedule II, Section 1, Line g. * For installment liability, enter amount which will be payable after end of this year in both column 6 and column 8. .** If interest is to be paid on unpaid pensions, add interest for 1 year in column 8. A copy of these schedules must be presented to the City Council before August 1 each year. Page 1 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .....,.......................................................................... .............". ................................................. ,........................ .......................... .....................1'99.1:).................. ...............................................2:666................. F.D. Leave of To End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age Entrv Date Absence Years Active Accrued Years Active Accrued Month Year , (in years)' Service Liability Service Liability 26 Lukc Dahlheimer 27 5.. 1996 4 5.395 5 6,931 27 Stcve Hanson 32 5 , 1996 4 5,395 5 6,931 28. Niek Dahlheimer 25 I......... 1999 1 1,245 2 2,573 ~ Steve Buloun . 31 1 1999 1 1,245 2 2,573 30. ..' () 0 0 0 .' 31. .."'" 0 0 () 0 32. ., 0 0 0 0 33 i', 0 0 0 0 34. ~ 0 0 0 0 35. ........ 0 0 0 0 36, . 0 0 0 0 37. ..' 0 0 0 0 38, 0 0 0 0 39. 0 0 0 0 40. i 0 0 0 0 41 .'.' .....,.... 0 0 0 0 42 ..... 0 0 0 0 43, .. 0 0 0 0 44. , 0 0 0 0 45 ....., 0 0 0 () 46. I 0 0 0 0 47. ... 0 0 0 0 48. ...,. 0 0 0 0 49. ..' 0 () 0 0 50. I 0 () 0 0 ,. 51. .'. 0 0 0 0 52 " 0 0 0 0 53 ..... () 0 0 0 54. 0 0 0 0 55. i'i 0 0 0 0 56, ,'. 0 0 0 0 57. ""i., 0 0 0 0 58 i 0 0 0 0 59. I 0 0 0 0 60, .. 0 0 0 0 61. j' 0 0 0 0 62 '.. 0 . 0 0 0 63. i 0 0 0 0 M. .,..'...'...... 0 0 0 0 'i 65. ,. 0 0 0 0 '.' 'Subtotal, Ofaegllliu:p~ionlliabilitY":. ......... ......,....,...'. " ",.. i.'" .,.,(., 19,008 """" ..'....,'.';,;.'."... ,.". 13,280 ...,.,..,......". SCHEDULE I - ADDITIONAL ACTIVE MEMBERS - - . Page 2a SCHEDULE I - ADDITIONAL MEMBERS & TOTAL LIABILITIES I 2 3 3a 4 4a ...........~~.......... ...........~..H..... 6 8 .............................................................................. ...............,........... ........................... ....................... ...................................". . ...................................... Benefit Deferred Deferred Name Leave Level at Non- Pension to pension to EntTy Separation of Total time of Forfeitable me end of me end of Aile Date Date Absence Years separation % this vear next year Deferred Pensions I. Grell Dahlheimer 49 02/01/1978 04/20/1998 20 1575 34,398 35,849 2. 3. 4. S. 6. : . : . 7. . . 8. 9. 10. ..' .... .. ....... ..... .. Subtotal of Deferred Pensions ...... ....... ............. ..'.. ............................. 34,398 35,849 Unpaid Installments I. 2. 3. Subtotal of Unpaidins~allmentll"'."'... ..... .'. " ........ .. ..... ...... ... .'. ... '. ..... 0 0 Earlv Vested Pensions 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. '.' . ...... .. ........ ........ ........ .. .........; Subtotal of Early VesttdPmsions .' .... .' .. ..... ......... ... . 0 0 Use the (olumns provided to show (alculations. Example. 4a x 4b x 4c - deferred pension amount. 1999 2000 Total of Regular Pension Liabilities From pages 1 and 2a 693,797 754,927 Total of Deferred, Unpaid, and Early Vested Pensions If Any, from page 2b (above) 34,398 35,849 A. Accrued Liability Through Next ;:;i..:',', Year 2000 (total, colwnn 8) > 790,776 B. Accrued Liability Through This 1)::::: ~ Year 1999 (total, colulTU1 6) ~ 728,195 Subtract Line B from :!!!'il;::!~,il1::::i;:i: Line A (normal cost) 62,581 Page 2b Schedule II ..-.. Section 1 Determination of Projected Net Assets fo' the year ending December 31, 1999 - Special Fund Assets at December 31, 1998 (See Ending Assets in Reporting Form. 1998) 1 $ 554,775 Projected Income to December 31, 1999 a. Minnesota State Aid (Use 1998 amount, exdude supplemental) b. Municipal (independent fire) Contributions c. Donations (List d. Interest and Dividends e. Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments f. Other income (Includes Supplemental) (List. ) Total $ 43,954 $ $ $ o o 52,980 $ $ o o 2$ 96,934 3$ 651,709 0 17,325 1,300 4$ 18,625 5$ 633,084 Projected Assets plus Income December 31, 1999 (line 1 + line 2) Projected Disbursements through end of year g. Pensions (If listed here, don't include on Schedule I) $ h. Other benefits $ I. Administrative $ Total Projected Assets at end of year (line 3 minus line 4) . Section 2 Determination of Projected Surplus (DefICit) as of December 31,1999 Projected Assets (line 5) 1999 Accrued Liability (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line B) Surplus or (Deficit) (Subtract line 7 from line 6) 6$ 7$ 633,084 728,195 8$ (95,111) · Go to Section 1 if Surplu.( · Go to Section 4 if DefICit Section 3 Determination of Municipal Contribution (if Surplus) Normal Cost (SchedUle I, Page 2b, Line C) 9$ o Calculated Administrative Expense (1998 Reporting Form Adm. Exp. $ Less: j. Minnesota State Aid $ 0 k. 5% of line 5 $ 0 I. 10% of line 8 $ 0 Total Subtractions A.micipal Contribution (line 9, pluS 10 minus 11) ,..,. $1.00 or greater. certify to municipality before August 1, 1999, If negative number, no contribution is due. ,;,::,!',":U,i~':~?J~':~E~2Il'~!~$;ijl:;~G,' Page 3 x 1.035) 10 $ o 11 $ () 12 $ () Section 4 Dete,,,,inatio,, of Municipal ContrihutUm (if Defwil) .Amortization 0/ Dejicit$. Year Incurred CO/limn 1 Column 2 Column 3 Amt Retired 12/31, Left to Retire 1/1, Orillinal Amount 1999 2000 1994 25,803 18599 7,204 1995 2386 954 1,432 1997 20,513 4102 16411 1998 53,678 5,368 48,310 .,' " ......' .,....; ." "',. ".,,'.,.... :",,;.' ...,.... New add1 Deficit 1999 21,754 21,754 Totals 124, 134 29 023 9~,111 m, 95,111 (section 2, line 8) n. 73,357 (Column 3 Subtotal) o. 21.754 (m. minus n.) Step # 1 If line 0 is positive, enter line 0 in columns 1 and 3 of New additional Deficit (1999) line. (This is your New additional Deficit for 1999.) Step # 2 If line 0 is negative, reduce columns 2 and 3 according to Deficit Reduction in the instructions. Amortization of Deficit (Total frolD Colwnn I 124,134 )(.10) Total from Schedule I, Page 2b, Line C. Nonnal Cost elculated Administrative Expense (1998 Reporting Fonn Adm. Exp. Subtotal Lines 13+14+15 1180 x 1.035) 13 $ 14 $ 15 $ 12,413 62,581 1,221 16 $ 76,216 Less: p. Minnesota State Aid q. 5% of line 5 $ $ 43,954 31,654 Total Subtractions (subtotal of Lines p and q) Municipal Contribution (line 16 minus line 17) ({f 0 or negative, there i$ no municipal contribution) 17 $ 18 $ 75,608 608 1999 eVen If no contribution i, due. Section 5 ~ Test for Maximum Benefit Allowed Calculm F. ion of Average $pecial fund income per member ~ · Received or Receivable D A B C 0 E Sl.8te Mturicipal 10% of Active Aid. Support Surplus Members A vemge last year 1998 43,954 SC-~8 28 1,569.79 2 years ago 1997 42,142 SC-97 29 1,453.17 3 years ago 1996 43,249 SC-96 30 1.441.63 Total colwnn E divided by 3 $ I 1,488 I MaximUID Pension Benelit Under Sl.8tute $ I 2,700 I ^ To obtain G, look up the result of F on page 11 of the instructions. Table III, "Maximum Benefit Under law" ^ This is your maximum benefit this year. You may not increase benefits beyond this amount. Page 4 e. OFFICER'S CERTIFICATION . (Fonn mu$t be provided to munlci"., clerk on or before Augu$t 1, 1999) We, the officers of the Monticello Firefighters' Relief Association, state that the accompanying schedules have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat. ~ 69.772, subd. 4. Further, benefit levels have been established in accordance with the average amount ofavailable financing, as required by Minnesota law. We certify that based on the financial requirements of the Relief Association's Special Fund for the calendar year 2000 ,the required municipal contribution i: $608 . In the event that the bylaws of the Relief Association have changed in the most recent year, we have attached a copy of the amendment. If municipal approval of said amendment is required under Minn. Stat. ~ 69.772, subd. 6, we have also enclosed a copy of the municipal ratification. Signature of President Date Signature of Secretary Date Signature of Treasurer Date . CLERK'S CERTIFICATION ( For Municipal FI,. Deparlments Only) I am the clerk of . I received on_I_I_(date), the completed Office of the State Auditor Schedules I & II from the Monticello Firefighters' Relief Association. I have reviewed Section 2, line 8, Section 3, line 12, and Section 4, line 18 of Schedule II. If line 12 or line 18 reflect a required municipal contribution, r certify that I will advise the governing municipal body at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Signature of Clerk Date ( ) Business Phone WARN/NG: This document must bejully completed, certified by the relief association officers,forwarded 10 the municipal derk, and jiled with the Office of the State Auditor as required by Minn. Slat. 969.77/, subd. 3. Fai/ure to file this document, whether or not a municipal contribution is due, will result in ineligibility/or state fire aid, as required by Minnesota stale law. . Office of the State Auditor Pension Oversight 525 Park Street Suite 400 St. Paul, MN 55103 Fax number: (651)282-2391 Page 5 . . . Council Agenda - 08/09/99 10. Consideration of approvine: balance of schedule for User and Rental Fees and also Policies for the Monticello Community Center (K.B.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On July 28, 1999 the Council approved the Monticello Community Center membership rates, daily fees, specific area rates, hours and holiday hours. At the Small Group's August 5, 1999 meeting they were able to review the balance of the fees and rental rates for the Community Center. They also reviewed the policies that will be enforced at the Community Center. Their recommendation was to present the package to the Council with some minor edits. We would recommend after Council approval that the manual then be sent to our attorney for review. We used information provided to us by other Community Centers regarding fees and policies, and previous experience to help us establish the rates and the policies. We tried to anticipate every situation that could arise at the Community Center, however, we realize that this may need to have minor adjustments as we go along. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to grant approval ofthe fees, rental rates and policies as written and forwarded to the City Attorney for review. 2. The second alternative would be to approve the banquet room rental rates and the reservation policies at this time as written (pages 10, 17-20)and reviewed by the City Attorney and table the balance of the fees and policies. This alternative would allow us to contact the people who have their name on a waiting list for the banquet hall. 3. The third alternative would be to make modifications to the fees, rates and policies and have the staff and Small Group re-examine and return to the Council at a later date. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Administrator that the City Council approve the rest of the fees, rates and policies for the Monticello Community Center as written. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy ofthe Monticello Community Center Manual. .\ . 1. II. III. . IV. . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER POLICY MANUAL OPERA TION HOURS: A. Holidays B. Hours of Operation C. Specialized Areas Hours FEES, ADMISSION AND RENTAL A. Definitions of Users B. Membership / Daily Use {)OtCj e.. C. Area Specific Fees --- r D. Rental Fees E. Equipment Rental Fees GENERAL GUIDELINES AND CONDUCT CODE A.. Smoking Policies B. Food and Beverages Area C. Advertising and Solicitation Policies D. Music E. Dress Code F. Conduct Code G. Facility Phone Use RESERVATIONS AND CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS: A. User Eligibility B. General User Policies C. Waivers D. Deposits 1. Reservations 2. Damage Cancellation Policies Decorations Safety Services Policies 1. Security Requirements 2. Child Supervision 3. Life Guards Food and Beverages Services Policies 1. Food Providers 2. Liquor Providers ~ 0(1 \ i E. F. G. H. I. Clean Up Procedures and Check List Page 1 City Council Approved 7/26/99 ~ . . . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER POLICY MANUAL con '( v: SPECIFIC AREA USE POLICIES: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. Banquet Room Kitchen use Meeting Rooms Hot Tub I Warm Tub Pool, Slide Fitness Room and Aerobic Room Teen Center Child Play Area Drop In Child Care Climbing Wall Senior Center National Guard Gymnasium Walk I Jog Track Wheel Park Audio- Visual Equipment Concession Area Plaza I Patio and Grounds F: lorik/ commun itycenter/man ual/po Ii c ies&proced ures Page 2 .1, . . . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER HOURS OF OPERATION I. A. Holidays 1. The MCC will be open 7 days a week. 2. Closed for holidays (all day) - New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day. 3. Closed for holidays (partial day) - Memorial Day, Labor Day 4. For closing due to weather listen to KRWC or call the Community Center. B. General Facility Hours The Monticello Community Center general building hours are for *gymnasium, aquatic area, fitness area, and indoor play area. Reeular Facility Use: Monday-Saturday 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 9 p.m. * The gymnasium will be used one weekend per month by the National guard for training. F: lorik/ comm un itycenter/manuallpol i c ies& proced ures Page 3 . . . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER HOURS OF OPERATION I. C. Specialized Area Hours: c.t Guarded Pool Hours Operating hours: Mon - Fri 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. 3 :30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sat 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sun 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. C.3 Wheel Park Operating hours: School year, non-vacation days Mon.- Thurs 2:30 to 8 p.m. Fri 2:30 to 9 p.m. Sat 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sun Noon to 9 p.m. C.5 Teen Center Operating hours: School year, non-vacation days Mon - Thurs 2:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Fri 2:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sat 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sun Noon to 9 p.m. C. 7 Senior Center - age 55 + Operating hours: Mon - Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sat Varies Sun Closed F: loriklcommunitycenter/manual/policies&procedures C.2 Climbing Wall (attended hours) Operating hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 a.m. to Ila.m. And 2:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Noon to 7 p.m. Saturday Sun C.4 Wheel Park - summer hours Operating hours: Summer, weekends, school vacation days Mon - Thurs 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Fri 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sat 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sun Noon to 9 p.m. C.6 Teen Center - summer hours Operating hours: Summer, weekends, school vacation days Mon - Thurs 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Fri - Sat 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sun Noon to 10 p.m. Page 4 . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER DEFINITION OF USERS: II. A. MONTICELLO ORGANIZATIONS: Volunteer organizations that serve the City of Monticello. Examples would include (but not limited to): Boy Scouts Troop 270, Monticello Chamber of Commerce, Cub Scouts Pack 270, 272 and 274, Maria Zephyrs 4H Club, Girl Scouts, Monticello Jaycees, Monticello Knights of Columbus, League of Women Voters, Lions Club, Little Mountain Riders, MN Citizens Concern for Life, Monticello-Big Lake Hospital Auxiliary, Monticello Community Partners, Women of Today, PTO for Pinewood, Little Mountain, Eastview, Rotary Club and United Way. 60% of organizations membership must reside within School District # 882. RESIDENT RATE: For any individual, family or business whose address is within the current boundaries of the City of Monticello. Proof of residency may be required. REGULAR RATE: For any individual, family or business whose address is outside the current boundaries of the City of Monticello. OUTSIDE ORGANIZATIONS: Not for profit volunteer organizations that do not serve the City of Monticello and School District # 882. Examples: Red Cross, Humane Society, etc. . JUNIOR: An individual 17 years of age or younger. Proof of age will be required. No single Junior memberships will be sold to anyone less than 14 years of age. Parent or guardian must co- sign membership contract and waivers. SENIOR: An individual 55 year of age or older. Proof of age will be required. SINGLE: An individual between and including the ages of 18 to 54. FAMILY: At least one adult (parent or guardian) with all children living at the same address (proof of address may be required) under the age of 18, or under the age of22 if still in college (proof of enrollment will be required.) . F: I ori k/ commun itycenter/man ual/pol i c i es& procedures Page 5 . II. B. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER Annual Membership Ratesi'? Includes: Gymnasium, resistance equipment, cardiovascular equipment, walk/jog track, pool, pool slide, indoor playground, locker rooms and fitness classes. Membership also includes 10% discount of room rental for the MCC REGULAR RATE FOR MEMBERSHIPS: Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annual Annual* Payment Payment Payment Payment Regular Rate Regular Rate Regular Rate Regular Rate Junior / Senior $22 $64 $124 $240 Single $30 $85 $160 $300 Family $35 $]00 $]90 $360 RESIDENT RATE FOR MEMBERSHIPS: . Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annual Annual* Payment Payment Payment Payment Resident Rate Resident Rate Resident Rate Resident Rate Junior / Senior $]7 $49 $94 $]80 Single $25 $70 $130 $240 Family $30 $85 $160 $300 * A 2% discount will be given on Annual Fee paid in full by cash or check only. Additions to Membership: Addition to Annual Charge Addition to Payments Monthly /Quarterly/Semi-Annual Skate Park $20 $4/mo - Season is May 1 to September 30 (5 mo) Permanent Locker Rent $24 $2/Mo - $6/Quar - $$12/SA . i'? All fees and prices are subject to change. r: I ori k/ eomm un i tyeenter/man ual/pol i e ies& procedures Page 6 . II. B. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER DAIL Y USE FEES Daily Pass Rates Includes: gymnasium, resistance training area*, cardiovascular equipment*, walk/jog track, pool and slide, hot tubs, indoor playground and locker rooms. RECULARRATE RESIDENT RATE Junior / Senior $4 $3 Adult $5.50 $3.50 Family $20 $15 Towel Rental .50 .50 . . F; I ori kl commun i l ycenter/m anual/pol icies& proced ures Page 7 . II. C. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER AREA SPECIFIC DAILY USE FEES AND PASSES Pool and Slide (when open): Includes pool and slide (when open), hot tub and locker rooms. 10 VISIT POOL PASS REGULAR RATE RESIDENT RATE Age 17 and Under $20 $15 Adults $25 $20 Climbing Wall: . REGULAR RATE RESIDENT RATE Junior / Senior $3-member / $5- $2-member / $4- nonmember nonmember Adult $4-member / $6- $3-member / $5- nonmember nonmember Family $ 14-member/$20- $10-member/$15- nonmember nonmember Member means member of Monticello Community Center Indoor Playground: For ages eight (8) and under with parental supervision. REGULAR RATE RESIDENT RATE Per Child, Per Day $3 $2 Wheel Park: Season Pass - Season is considered May 1 to September 30. Parent must sign waiver for age 1 7 and under and requires completing a safety class. SEASON PASS DAILY FEE 17 and Under $30 - Regular Rate $7 - Regular Rate $25 - Resident Rate $5 - Resident Rate Adult $40 - Regular Rate $8 - Regular Rate $35 - Resident Rate $6 - Resident Rate · Walk/Joe Track: Will be free but does require check in at the Front Desk. Use ofMCC showers is not included. F: I ori kI commun ity center/manual/pol i c ies& proced ures Page 8 . . . II. C. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER AREA SPECIFIC DAILY USE FEES AND PASSES con't Aerobic Class Passes: 10 Class Pass Regular $45 Resident $30 Drov-In Daycare Hours: For ages 8 weeks to 8 years old. Limit is 2 YS hours and parent MUST remain in the building or on the building site. Includes supervised time in the indoor play ground. Morning Hours: Monday through Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 11 :30 p.m. Evening Hours: Monday through Friday 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. No drop-in child care Saturday evening or all day Sunday. Ree-ular Rate* Per hour $3-per child 30 Hour Pass $67.50 10 Hour Pass $27.50 20 Hour Pass $50 Resident Rate* $2-per chid * All rates are per child. $18.50 $34 $46.50 F: lori kI comm un ity center/man u aI/po lie i es& proced ures Page 9 MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER COMMUNITY !BANQUET ROOM RENTAL RATES . II. D. FULL ROOM I FULL DA Y RENTAL (12 HOURS) Sun - Thurs Friday Regular Rate $250 Resident Rate $200 Monticello Organization $185 Organizations outside Monticello $200 Catering Kitchen $50 $400 $300 $250 $350 $75 FULL ROOM PARTIAL DAY RENTAL (MAX 3 HRS) Saturday $450 $350 $300 $400 $75 PARTIAL ROOM FULL DAY RENTAL (12 HRS) Sun - Thurs Only . Regular Rate Resident Rate Monticello Organizations Organizations outside Monticello Catering Kitchen Partial Room Seating Capacities: AIR Theater Style $165 $135 $125 $135 $50 Sun - Thur Only RoomA/R $165 1$185 $135 I $155 $125 1$145 $135/$155 $50 I NA AIR A/B A/B Classrm 3/ch Classrm 4/ch Rm Capacity E/W Front 77 I 121 56 I 96 80 I 128 110 N/S Front 72 I 144 36 I 72 48 I 96 193 . F: I ori k/ comm un i tycen ter/m an ual /po I i ci es& proced ures Page 10 . . . II. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER GYMNASIUM RENTAL FEES D. Monticello Ore:anizations Speciality Rate: $75.00 (plus damage deposit) One time per year Monticello Organizations may use the gymnasium and full-kitchen area at this greatly reduced rate. To be eligible for this rate the Organization must agree to set up and tear down all tables, chairs and equipment, clean the kitchen, sweep kitchen and gym floor and provide a damage deposit of $200 to be refunded after MCC inspection. As with all MCC facilities, rental is done on a first come basis with at least 50% down to hold reservation. Gymnasium Rental* Full Day/FuU Room Rental 02 hour max) Sunday - Thursday Friday & Saturday Monticello Organizations $200 Outside Organizations $300 Regular Rate $400 Resident Rate $300 Full Kitchen Use Fee $100 $300 $400 $500 $400 $150 *Gymnasium will not be available to rent one (1) weekend per month due to Army National Guard use. Gymnasium Rentali'l Per Hour Rental (max 3 hours) Prime Time Non Prime Time Monticello Organizations/Sport Club $50 $20 Regular Rate $60 $40 Resident Rate $50 $35 i'lMCC will negotiate on long-term rental uses. Please contact MCC Director Prime Time Hours: Monday - Friday 3:30p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Sunday 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Non Prime Time Hours Monday - Friday 6:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday 3 :00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. F: I orikJ commun i tyeenter/man uallpol i cies& procedures Page 11 . . . II. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER MEETING ROOM RENTAL RATES D. DEFINITION: Three (3) hour rental weekdays, and four (4) hour rental on Friday and Saturday. 1 Room D 109 - Theater seating for 24 people, table seating for 12 to 18 people. Actual room capacity - 27 people. 2 Room DllO - Theater seating for 24 people, table seating for 12 to 18 people. Actual room capacity - 24 people. 3 Room DIll - Theater seating for 30 people, table seating for up to 24 people. Actual room capacity - 37 people. 4 Room DllO & DIll - Theater seating for 54 people, table seating for up to 42 people. Actual room capacity - 62 people. SUN- THURS FRIDA Y & SA TURDA Y MONTICELLO ORGANIZATIONS 1 - $10 2 - $10 3 - $10 4 - $15 1 - $20 2 - $20 3 - $20 4 - $30 REGULAR RATE 1 - $30 2 - $30 3 - $30 4 - $50 1 - $60 2 - $60 3 - $60 4 - $100 RESIDENT RATE 1 - $25 2 - $25 3 - $25 4 - $40 1 - $50 2 - $50 3 - $50 4 - $80 Included in the rental rate is unsecured limited storage space (on a first come basis) and coffee for your event. Citv Hall Conference Rooms: Two (2) rooms approximate size are 26' x 19' and 20' x 19' will be available to Monticello Organizations between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Monday - Friday for free -limit one (1) rental per month for a maximum of three (3) hours. Reservations will be taken on a first come basis. There is no storage space available or coffee available in the room. Clean up by the organization will be mandatory. Monticello Organizations Regular Rate Resident Rate Room 1 $10 $30 $25 Room 2 $10 $30 $25 F: I ori k/ comm un itycenter/man ual/po I icies& proced UTes Page 12 . . . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER P ARTY ROOM RENTAL II. D. PARTY P ASS*: Includes three (3) hours use of the Party Room (adjacent pool), tables and chairs set up, I free cup of pop per person and party ware (paper plates, plastic eating utensils, paper cups, napkins and party hat.) Room Only: Group Size 1 - 6 people 7 - 12 people Re~ular Resident $50 $70 $30 $45 Add $1.50 per child for pool or gymnasium privileges Add $2.00 per child for skate park or climbing wall privileges Example: 10 children (regular rate assumed) Party Pass that includes pool use: You pay $70 for room rate and $15 (10 x $1.50) for pool use or $85. *Party Pass assumes facility use during attended or guarded hours. Ifnot, MCC will hire staff at a rate of $11 per hour per person. The number of staff required will be determined by MCC management based on party size and facility use. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER LOCK-IN POLICIES AND RATES The Monticello Community Center will make a determination on cost for Lock-Ins on a case by case basis. The fees will be based on: 1. How many people will be involved in the Lock-In 2. Day of the week desired and hours ofthe Lock-In 3. What facilities in the Community Center will be needed for the attendees 4. How many MCC staff will be required 5. Assistance from the User on clean-up, supervision, etc Contact MCC Director for arrangements and restrictions. F; I ori kJ comm un i tycen ter/man ual/po Ii c ies& procedures Page 13 . . . II. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER EQUIPMENT RENTAL FEES E. Skating Helmets and Pads Microphone Projector Screen TV NCRS Overhead Projector Flip chart with Easel Easel $1 $5 $10 (Banquet Room only) $15 $15 $5 NC *Refundable Deposit $100 F; I orikJ commun i ty center/man ual/po I i c i es& procedures Page 14 . . . III. D. E. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER GENERAL GUIDELINES AND CONDUCT POLICIES A. Smoking The MCC is a smoke free and tobacco free building. Designated areas outside the building for smoking will be located outside of the Community Room, the Plaza area, and outside the 6th Street entrance. There will be no tobacco allowed on the sun deck or in the wheel park area. Food and Beverage Area 1. No alcohol is allowed outside the Community Room or designated facility areas as reserved. 2 Red beverages are prohibited. This includes red wine, punches, or juices. 3. Food and beverage are only allowed in designated areas. No food or beverages will be allowed in the gymnasium, climbing wall, pit of skate park, or indoor child play area. Advertising and Solicitation Policies 1. General soliciting a. No soliciting allowed on the MCC premises unless approved by the Community Center Management. 2. Banners b. All users must receive approval from the MCC Director to hang banners or affix posters or other promotional materials in the facility up to five (5) days prior to the event. 3. Gallery a. An organization or group may reserve the gallery area for art or display. This will be reserved in advance for a set time as determined by the MCC director. 4. Community Bulletin Board a. Advertising community events may be displayed in a professional manner as approved by the Community Center Management. B. c. b. All approved flyers or material shall be submitted to the MCC Office for approval. Flyers will be posted by the MCC staff. The MCC Director will have the authority to remove any material not appropriate to the facility. Music Sound levels in and around facility are required to be controlled and maintained at a level appropriate for the room size and respect to other areas. This includes bands, DJ's, portable stereos and other audio equipment. Dress Code 1. All users must wear a shirt and shoes in all areas except the pool and locker rooms. 2. Any user can be asked to leave if wearing offensive or inappropriate attire as determined by the MMC director or staff on duty. 3. Wet bathing suits will not be allowed out of the designated pool and concession area. F: J ori kI comm un itycenter/m an uallpo I i cies& proced ures Page 1 5 . . G. 00 ~ I ./ _ k'l~6\1'1 (l~ H. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER GENERAL GUIDELINES AND CONDUCT POLICIES con't. F. Conduct Code 1 MCC will enforce a zero tolerance policy against any type of weapons, drugs, violence, underage drinking and smoking. Violators will be removed from the premises and not allowed future access. 2. All persons present at any activity on MCC property shall abide by the policies of the MCC.. At their discretion, MCC staff or the acting security person may: a. Order removal of offender b. Revoke the permit and order all persons from the premise (without refund or any monetary compensation) c. Order immediate removal of all intoxicating liquor from the premises 3. Children must be kept under the direct supervision of adults at all times and kept to the reserved areas. The City will not assume liability for unsupervised children. The City will be paid for any damage or additional cleaning for any costs incurred as a result of unsupervised youth. 4 Disorderly conduct will be grounds for immediate termination of the activity/event without a refund. This will be determined by staff or policing agency. 5. No Profanity 6. No Loitering. Hanging around in unsupervised or reserved areas. 7. No assaultive behavior or intimidation 8. No Bikes, in-line skates, or skateboarding except in designated areas. Facility Phone Use 1. MCC will have pay phones available for public use and will designate a phone at the reception desk for brief local calls by users. 2. Emergency phones will be located around the facility with instructions on use. 3. MCC will page users over intercom, within reason, as long as it does not interfere with facility operations. Misc. 1. 2. Monticello Community Center is not responsible for personal valuables. User must comply with all city ordinance, Minnesota state statues, federal laws, building and fire codes. I. Complaint or comment procedure 1. There will be comment form and drop-box available at the front desk. Each form will offer the option to receive a call back to the comment, complaint or suggestion. 2. All comments will be forwarded directly to MCC management for handling. 3. If the complaint is urgent and the director is available MCC staff will notify the Director immediately. . F: I ori k/ commun ity center/man ual/po lie i es& proced ures Page 16 . IV. A. B. . . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER RESERV A TIONS AND CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS: User Eligibility and Requirements: 1. Rental of any of area of M CC shall be on a first -come basis accompanied by all required deposits and the completion of a rental agreement for each reservation made. The City of Monticello and the Army National Guard will be given first priority for their business related activities. The Rental Agreement must be approved by the MCC Director and will identify one (I) contact name, the area rented, the hours of the rental, all fees, and regulations and policies that will be adhered to by the User. Reservations can be made up to 18 months in advance of the event. The User must be 18 years of age of older to sign the rental agreement. Residents cannot reserve any area of the facility for non-residents. Once a rental agreement has been approved, the applicant cannot transfer or sublet to another party the use of the facility. General User Policies: 1. MCC is a non-smoking facility. Smoking will be prohibited within the Community Center and restricted to designated areas outside the Community Center. (See General Guidelines III. A.) The City of Monticello reserves the right to require proof of insurance and/or require additional insurance coverage depending upon the type of event/activity. The MCC Director will negotiate long-term [greater than six (6) months] facility rental agreements based on the current fee schedule, length of contract and special requirements associated with each use. The User must follow Safety requirements (i.e. Security Guards, Life Guards, Supervision, etc.) when renting the facility. (See Safety Requirements IV. G.) A facility deposit is required and is expected at the time of rental. If Rental Agreement is done by phone, the facility deposit is required within one (1) week to hold reservation. Reservations made within one (1) week of the event will require the full deposit at the time of reservation. (See Facility Deposits IV. D.) The User will be required to pay a damage deposit. Upon completion of the event the MCC Director will inspect the facility to ensure facility is clean, no damage has been done and approve refund of the Damage Deposit to be processed within five (5) business days after the event. (See Damage Deposit IV. D. 2., and Cleaning Guidelines IV. I.) Food and beverage are only allowed in designated areas or as defined by Rental Agreement. Food and Beverage Policies must be followed in rented areas as will as stated policies for the rest of the facility. (See Food and Beverage Service Policies IV. H.) Decorations may be permitted in MCC (see Decoration Policies IV.F.) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2. " .). 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. F: I ori k/ comm un ity center/man u all po Ii cies& proced ures Page 1 7 . . . IV. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER RIGHT OF REFUSAL AND LIABILITY WAIVERS c. 1. MCC Director reserves the right to deny rental of MCC Facilities based on past experience with the User. 2. Users will adhere to all MCC Policies. Violations will be subject to termination of the reservation at the expense of the individual/group. Violations will effect the Users ability to reserve the facility in the future. 3. MCC and the City of Monticello reserve the right to change the MCC policies as needed at any time. User will be notified in writing as to the change prior to their event. 4. The City of Monticello or any of its employees or agents shall not be liable in any manner for any claims, injuries, or damages of whatever nature is incurred by any person using MCC due to the negligence of action of any other party. 5. Public employees may not accept gratuities, tips, food, beverages or other novelties. Please do not put staff in a compromising position by offering. F: I ori k/ commun i tycenter/man ual/po lie i es& proced ures Page 18 . . IV. . IV. E. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER DEPOSITS ON F ACILITY RENTAL D. Reservation Deposit: I. The User must pay 50% of Rental fees at the time of reservation. For Phone-in reservations, the 50% deposit must be receive within one (1) week of reservation call. A signed rental agreement and the balance of the rental fee must be paid within two (2) weeks of the reservation to consider the reservation binding. For reservations made within 30 days of the event, 100% of the rental fees and a signed rental agreement must accompany reservation. 4. Kitchen use fees are due with the damage deposit. Damage Deposit: I. Damage deposits are due two (2) weeks prior to event unless otherwise stated. 2. Damage deposits will be returned to User only after inspection of facility is completed and approved by MCC Director. If inspection is approved, a refund on damage deposit will be processed within five (5) working days after the event. The User assumes full responsibility for their group's conduct and for any loss, breakage, or damage to the rooms, equipment or other MCC property. Kitchen use fees are due when the damage deposit is due. *Banquet Hall and Gymnasium damage deposit will remain the same if kitchens are not reserved. Facility damage deposits are as follows: a. Banquet / Large Meeting Room and Catering Kitchen - $300* b. Meeting rooms - no damage fee unless specified by the MCC Director c. Senior Center with food - $100 d. Senior Center without food - $25 e. Gymnasium and full kitchen - $300* f. Pool including Slide - $100 g. Indoor Playground - $100 h. Teen Center - $1 00 1. Wheel Park - $50 J. Climbing Wall - $50 k. Fitness Area, including aerobic room - $25 2. '" .J. D. 3. 4. 5. CANCELLATION POLICIES: Cancellations will be subject to a charge of 50% of the rental fee 60 days prior to the event and beyond. Cancellations must be given in writing to the MCC Director. Within 60 days of the event, none of the fees paid to date will be refunded. No refunds will be issued for no shows Under certain conditions, MCC Director may be forced to cancel a rental agreement prior to the event. Possible reasons for cancellation include, but are not limited to, a declared state of emergency, unsafe environmental or health conditions or if utility services are interrupted. In s~cl'l~ 'Wn=Xr..P.h. the renter agrees that the City of Monticello shall have no responsibility for ~~ilIe User may suffer or incur due to such a cancellation. MCC will notify the User as soon as possible if such cancellation occurs. All fees paid to MCC by the User will be refunded. F: J ori k/ commun itycenter/man ual/po lie ics& proccd ures Page 19 . . . IV. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER DECORATIONS F. DECORA TIONS: 1. Will be permitted in all areas of the Community Center, except where safety is an factor, with the approval of the MCC director. 2. If more than one (I) hour prior to the event is required for decorating, this must be approved by the MCC Director. 3. No tape, tacks or glue will be allowed on Community Center walls 4. No offensive material will be allowed at any time. This could result in termination of rental agreement by the MCC Director. 5. Clean up will be the responsibility of the User and must follow the guidelines described in the Cleaning Requirements IV.1. 6. M CC will make available a list of local vendors of party supplies upon request. F: I ori k/ commun itycenter/man ual/pol i ci es& proced ures Page 20 . IV. . 2. . G. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER SAFETY SERVICES POLICIES I. . p~ Drftevv Security ~uard Requir~m~. . . A. A lIcensed securIty mdlvldualls reqUIred for rentals where alcoholIc beverages are served for a minimum of four (4) hours or starting at the time alcoholic beverages begin to be dispersed to thirty (30) minutes after pouring of alcohol stops, which ever is greater. B. A licensed security person may be required for daytime events with or without alcohol depending on the type and size of event, at the discretion of the MCC Director. C. Security is arranged by MCC, however the costs for the security personnel wiIl be incurred by the User renting the Community Center. The agency used is the Wright County Sheriff s Department at a cost of $25 per hour for a minimum of $100. D. Security Personnel will be present in the rental space, as agreed to by the Director and they will be asked to: 1. Monitor alcohol consumption and general conduct ofthe rental group. 5. Assist in problems with guests and/or removing uninvited persons. 6. Deal with situations such as underage drinking, drinking in excess, unruly, offensive or destructive behaviors or behavior that jeopardizes the safety of others. 7. Assist building staff and emergency responders in medical situations. 8. Assist with directions to restroom, phone and taxi service; be cordial in representing MCC. 9. Will assist the User with monitoring the gift table, however it is recommended that the User designate a trusted individual to be primarily responsible as the Security and MCC will not be responsible for lost or stolen items. 10. Monitor hallways, patio and respective restrooms. 11. Communicate issues dealt with during an event to the building staff and MCC management. 12. MCC management and the Security Personnel reserves the right to assign additional staff to an event if it is deemed necessary at an additional cost to the User. Adult Leadership/Children Supervision: Child requiring adult supervision would be any person under the age of 11 years; for the weight room the age would be 14 years. A. The City wiIl not assume liability for unsupervised children. The City will be paid for any damage or additional cleaning for any costs incurred as a result of unsupervised youth. B. Children under the age of 11 will not be allowed unsupervised access to any area of the Community Center F; lor; k/ comm un itycenter/man ual/pol i cies& proced ures Page 21 . . . IV. G. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER SAFETY SERVICES POLICIES (cont) 1. Life Guard Requirements: a. MCC will employ Life Guards during posted hours. b. If a User rents the pool during unguarded hours, MCC will staff Life Guards at the expense of the User. The rate will be $11 per hour per Life Guard required. The number of Guards required will depend on pool use and party number. F; I ori k/ comm un ityccnter/man ual/po Ii ci eS&proced ures Page 22 . . . IV. H. 1. D. E. F. G MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER CATERING. FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICE POLICY: A. FOOD PROVIDERS: 1. Licensed Caterer on Preferred Caterer List 2. Licensed Caterer not on Preferred Caterer List 3. Private Food Providers: a. Unlicenced Caterers b. Private Individuals Food service arrangements shall be made directly between the facility user and the caterer of their choice. 1. MCC will make available a list of Preferred Caterers 2. All other caterers will be required to pay a $50 temporary food provider fee. This fee will be collected each time this caterer is used. 3. Private, unlicenced individuals wishing to use the kitchen will be required to pay $ 50.00 and follow all other licensed catering requirements, except proof of license and insurance 4. User will notify MCC of their food provider no less than one (1) month prior to the event so an orientation meeting can be arranged. Food may only be served under the following conditions: 1. Food and beverage can only be served in the area reserved by the User as listed on the rental agreement 2. Before kitchen facilities can be used, a tour/orientation will be required by the caterer and/or individuals (not on MCC Preferred list). This orientation must take place at least one (1) week prior to the event. Any additional costs incurred to meet this requirement will be the responsibility of the User. MCC will not be responsible for any problems that OCcur with any event that has not had an orientation meeting with MCC staff prior to the event. 3. A copy of the license and proof of liability insurance will be presented to MCC prior to the event and posted at the event. 4. The kitchen is off limits to anyone other than the food and beverage provider and MCC employees. 5. A kitchen inspection is required prior to the event and after the event to ensure proper kitchen clean-up. The damage deposit will be withheld until this is done. Checklists for clean-up will be made available from the MCC Director Trash consolidation in waste baskets is the responsibility of the food provider for applicable food preparation/serving trash, the liquor provider for applicable beverage serving trash, and the User for all other trash consolidation. There will be no red punch, red wines or red juices served in MCC. Public employees may not accept gratuities, tips, food, beverages or other novelties. Please do not put staff in a compromising position by offering. The Monticello Community Center reserves the right to deny a caterer, liquor provider or entertainer approval of community center usage based on unsatisfactory customer service and/or failure to adhere to community center policies. B. c. F: lori k/ comm un i ty center/man uallpo I i cies& proced ures Page 23 . . . IV. H. Food and Beverage Services Polices (cont) H. Kitchen items that would be available for use by the secured Kitchen User: 1. Food Warmer 2. Utility Cart 3. Reach-in Refrigerator 4. Counter with sink 5. Coffee Maker 6. Mobile worktable 7. Dish table 8. Rack Shelf 9. Undercounter Dishwasher 1. All other supplies would be the responsible of the Kitchen User (i.e. table clothes, all dishware and silverware, chafing dishes, etc) F; I ori k/commun itycenter/manual/pol ic i es& proced ures Page 24 . . . IV. H. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER FOOD AND BEVERAGES POLICIES 2. LIQUOR PROVIDERS: Holder of a retail on-sale intoxicating liquor license issued by the City or Township of Monticello or by an adjacent municipality (MN State Statute 340A.404 subdivision 4) a. MCC has an exclusive beverage vending agreement with Only products can be used in MCC. Fountain Pop will be provided by MCC and billed to Liquor Provider at a rate of: Tank $13.00 C02 Cylinder TBD Tanks will remain the property of MCC and cannot be taken with the Liquor Provider. Once tank is tapped, the Provider will be invoiced. Proof of current liquor license and liability insurance will be required from the Provider. Liquor cannot be consumed outside of the Rental Agreement area. Hallways, lounges and restrooms would be considered outside of the Rental Agreement area. Service of alcoholic beverages will cease thirty (30) minutes before the end of the event or at 12:30 a.m., which ever is earlier. Under no circumstances will the renter or anyone in their party be allowed to bring any beverages, including liquor, beer and pop into MCC. The User is required to have security if intoxicating liquor is to be served. The minimum is four (4) hours at a rate of $25 per hour, or $100 minimum. MCC will establish the contract with Wright County Sheriffs Department for the event. All security expenses incurred will be the sole responsibility of the User. MCC reserves the right to require security depending on the activity or event at the expense of the User. User will be notified prior to the event in such cases. For events that will not serve liquor or intoxicating beverages, the contracted caterer will be responsible for dispensing all other beverages. The Liquor Provider will be responsible for trash consolidation for all items needed in beverage service. b. c. d.. e. f. g. h. 1. F: I ori k/ commun j tycenter/man ual/po Ii c ies& procedures Page 25 IV. I. . RENTER: MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER KITCHEN CLEANING CHECKLIST EVENT DATE: CA TERER: EVENT DAY CONTACTS: RENTER: CA TERER: CONTACT PHONE: ARRIVAL TIME: CA TERER PHONE: DEPARTURE TIME: CA TERING SERVICE - CHECK IN/OUT Before After o 0 Check in with Community Center Staff o . Before o o o o o D o D o D D Review event schedule - Introductions to staff, security, bartenders, . . . D Complete customer service comment card prior to departure After o KITCHEN EOUlPMENT Food warmer should be turned off, drained and cleaned. Racks should be folded down and unit stored. o Food and beverages taken out of refrigerator and freezer storage. Caterer is responsible for disposal or removal of all non-consumed food items. o All stainless steel surfaces, including utility cart, counter, sink, mobile worktable and dish table wiped down and cleaned. Dishwasher is cleaned out and turned off. Coffee maker should be turned off and cleaned out. All equipment (dish ware, linens, etc) must be removed from the facility the same date as the event. * Kitchen floor should be swept. . *MCC is not responsible for items left in the facility unless prior arrangements are made with management for a later retrieval. F; I ori k/ comm un itycenter/manual/po! i cies& procedu res Page 26 . Before o After [J Provider is responsible to bus/clear tables during and after closing of food service. FOOD SERVICE - CLEAN UP / BUSSING o [] Provider is responsible to take trash to the dumpster at the end of the evening. * *Please use recycling containers to dispose of glass and cans. MISCELLANEOUS /' Table liners/skirts are not provided. /' Red beverages are prohibited. /' The facility is smoke-free. Please assist guests with directions to outside smoking areas. . -... - -... - -... - -.. - -.... - -... - -.. - -... - - - - -.. - - -... - -... - - -.. - --...----.----..---......--. - -..... MCC STAFF USE ApPROVED o DENIED o Damage deposit refund. Approved by: Date refund sent: Sent?: Denial Reasons: Letter Sent 0 - Letter Date: Additional Comments: . F: I ori k/ commun itycenter/man ual/po lie ies& procedures Page 27 IV. I. . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER LIOUOR PROVIDER CHECKLIST RENTER: EVENT DATE: LIQUOR PROVIDER/ESTABLISHMENT: EVENT DA Y CONTACTS: RENTER: LIQUOR PROVIDER: PHONE: LIQUOR PROVIDER PHONE ARRIVAL TIME: DEPARTURE TIME: LIQUOR PROVIDER - CHECK IN/OUT Before After o 0 Check in with Community Center Staff. Provide proof of current license and insurance. o Review event schedule. Introductions to staff, security, caterer. . . o Complete customer service comment card prior to departure. . Before After DOlce disposed of properly, ice containers cleaned per State Health Department regulations. * Ice will be supplied by MCC, but must be transported by the liquor provider. PORTABLE BAR o o Pop and Co2 tanks must be inventoried, count all tanks that have been tapped. Pop tanks tapped Co2 tanks tapped o o Thoroughly cleaned, wiped down and stored. Before o After o LIQUOR SERVICE Beer served? If yes, State Statutes require one Minnesota produced beer to be present. (name ofMN beer). o o Liquor provider supplies all equipment (beer taps, pours, etc.) o Cups designated for non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. o Liquor license displayed throughout the event. o o All equipment and product must be brought into and removed from the facility the same date as the event. . * MCC is not responsible for items left in the facility unless prior arrangements are made with F: I ori k/ comm un i tycenter /man ual/po lie ies& proced ures Page 28 management for a later retrieval. LIQUOR SERVICE - CLEAN UP/BlJSSING . Before o After o Liquor Provider is responsible to bus/clear tables during and upon closing of the bar. o o Liquor Provider is responsible to take trash from indoor and patio receptacles to the dumpster at the end of the event. * Please use recycling containers to dispose of glass and cans. MISCELLANEOUS ./' Table liners/skirts are not provided. ./' Red beverages are prohibited. ./' MCC is a smoke-free facility. Please assist guests with directions to outside smoking areas. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MCC STAFF USE ApPROVED o DENIED o Damage deposit refund. Approved by: Date refund sent: Sent?: Denial Reasons: Letter sent 0 - Letter date: Additional Comments: . F: lori k/ comm un itycenter/man ual/po I icies& proced ures Page 29 . . . v. A. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER BANQUET HALL USE POLICIES 1. Is a for rent area and is not open to the general public without permission. 2. The room capacity is 290 people. 3. Is a non-smoking area. No one other than a licensed alcohol provider, contracted to provide alcohol for a particular event, will be allowed to bring alcohol into the Community Center. Alcohol is only be allowed with an approved rental agreement and the appropriate security. 4. Decorations must be approved by the Community Center management. 5. Use of the audio-visual equipment must be approved by Community Center management. 6. The Banquet Hall will be unavailable to rent or use one (I) weekend per month for use by the National Guard. 7. The patio is available to the user when the room is rented. Smoking is not permitted on the patio. 8. Loading and unloading must occur at the designated area. Please see the management for assistance. 9. It is expected that the User will leave the room clean at the end of their reservation time. Damage deposit will not be returned if Community Center staff is required to clean the Banquet Hall. F; J orild commun itycenter/man ual/po J i c ies& proced ures Page 30 . . . v. B. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER KITCHEN USE POLICIES 1. There is a cost to use the Full and/or the Catering Kitchen. There must be a signed rental agreement with the Community Center management to use. 2. A kitchen orientation must take place before the event and a check list will be provided that will assist the User in clean up. Full clean up after event is mandatory. 3. Monticello Community Center will not allow items to be stored for any individual or organizations unless permission is granted by management. MCC will not be responsible for items left, with or without permission, that are lost or stolen. 4. The Kitchen adjacent to the Banquet Hall is considered a catering kitchen. No food preparation should take place here. 5. The Kitchen adjacent to the Gymnasium is a full commercial kitchen and will be unavailable to rent once a month due to National Guard use. 6. Monticello Community Center will not supply utensils, cookware or plate service, please bring and remove your own. f: lori k1commun i tycenler /man ual/po I i cies& proced ures Page 31 . . . v. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER MEETING ROOM USE POLICIES c. 1. Organizations that regularly meet at MCC may be assigned a small area of unsecured storage space in their normal meeting room. Please see the Community Center management for assignment 2. DO NOT use others supplies or equipment without permission. The Community Center staff CAN NOT authorize it's use. 3. Please empty coffee maker and airpots and dispose of all trash before leaving. 4. As a courtesy to the next User, please vacate the meeting room at the designated time. 5. If a User goes over their allotted time, please inform Community Center staff for intervention. F: I ori kI comm un itycenter/man ual/pol i ci es&procedures Page 32 . . . v. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER HOT TUB / WARM TUB POLICES D. 1. The Hot Tub will be for anyone 16 years old and older. The temperature will be maintained at 104 degrees which is unsafe for young children, pregnant women, or persons with heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or low blood pressure.. 2. The Warm Tub will be for ages 3 years and older and/or toilet trained. The temperature will be maintained at 98 degrees. For health reasons any child in a diaper will not be allowed in the Warm Tub. 3. The capacity for the Hot Tub and the Warm Tub is 4 people each. 4. Adult supervision will be required in the Warm Tub. Life Guards will not be supervising the Hot or the Warm Tub. 5. No alcohol, food or beverages, other than water, will be allowed in either tub. No one under the influence of alcohol will be allowed to use the Hot Tub 6. Swim suits are required attire for the tubs. No cut off or dyed clothing will be allowed. 7. It is recommended that individuals spend no longer than 10 minutes in the Hot Tub. Nausea, dizziness, or fainting could result from prolonged use. F: I ori k/ comm u n i tyee Iller/man ual/po I i cies& proced ures Page 33 . v: E. POOL: 7. 8. 9. . 10. 11. 12. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER POOL AND SLIDE POLICIES 1. The MCC Pool has posted hours when the pool will have lifeguards on duty. It is strongly advised that a parent or a designated 16 year old or older guardian supervise any child 1 0 years or younger at all times. 2. During unguarded hours, it is mandatory that anyone under the age of 14 be supervised by a parent or a designated guardian. Anyone over the age of 14 must use the "Buddy System" to ensure that no one swims alone. 3. No diving or jumping off the sides. 4. All persons are required to take a soapy shower before entering the pool. Liquid soap is provided. 5. Swim suits are required to enter the pool. No cut-offs and no dyed clothing. 6. Young children and infants must wear plastic pants. Cloth or disposable diapers may be worn under the plastic pants. MCC recommends Huggies Little swimmers. They are available to purchase at the front desk. Glass is not allowed in the pool area. Competitive swim goggles, fins and snorkels are allowed. Swim masks are not allowed. Please walk at all times. All children six years of age and younger must be in direct supervision by a person 16 years of age or older. No food or beverage is allowed in the pool area. All food and beverage must be consumed at the tables provided in the concession area. There are lockers available for rent in the locker rooms. Lockers are strongly recommended for valuables. WATER SLIDE: 1. The slide will only be available during posted lifeguard times. Use of the slide will not be allowed during unguarded times. 2. No waiting or catching at the bottom of the slide will be allowed. 3. All riders must be able to swim unattended to the stairs. 4. Stopping, standing, and kneeling on the slide is prohibited. 5. All riders must ride the slide feet first either lying down on the back or sitting up. 6. Keys, eyeglasses, swim goggles, jewelry, watches, etc. can not be worn or carried down the slide. These objects can cause injury and scratch the fiberglass water slide. . F: I ori k/ comm un itycenter/man u aI/po I i ci es& proced u res Page 34 v. F. . 1. 2. 3. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER FITNESS AREA USE POLICIES It is strongly recommended by that everyone should consult with their physician before beginning an exercise program. Shirt and shoes are required at all times. Please be respectful of others: a. Don't monopolize the equipment.. b. Disinfect the equipment after use. The Community Center will provide towels and disinfectant. 4. Entry to the Fitness Area requires a current membership to MCC, payment of a daily fee for that day, or a signed guest pass that authorizes User to be in the Fitness Area. 5. Supervision is required for anyone under the age of ] 4. Children under the age of IO will not be allowed on the equipment at all. 6. A Weight Room Attendant will be available during posted hours to demonstrate use of equipment and answer any general fitness questions. 7. The Community Center management has the right to eject any person for violating the rules and policies ofMCC. Fees paid will not be refunded. 8. Please report any equipment problems to the Community Center staff as Soon as possible for repair. . . F: I ori kJ comm un ily cen ler/manual/po Ii ci es& proced ures Page 35 . V.G. . . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER TEEN CENTER POLICIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Respect staff, peers, patrons and property. No illegal activity - zero tolerance allowed No profanity or assaultive behavior No blocking hallways or entrance The Center will not be responsible for personal items such as walkmans, CD players, jewelry, etc. No graffiti. Each person will need to clean and pickup area after using. Food and beverage must be kept in the designated areas within the teen center. No vandalism. Any acts of vandalism that can be cleaned or repaired should be taken care of immediately by the individual who vandalized it. Parents will be notified. If the individual is unwilling to cooperate, the police will be notified. Document the incident and give the information to the MCC Director. Discipline Policy: A. 1 ST TIME WARNING SHOULD INCLUDE: 1. Give Guidelines 2. What behavior needs to be stopped 3. Why it should be stopped 4. What the desired behavior is 5. Redirect to other activity options 6. Get a name and phone # on teen card if possible 7. Notify Community Center Director 8. Document Warning b. 2nd TIME WARNING SHOULD INCLUDE: 1. Tell individual this is the last warning 2. Restate the behavior that needs to be stopped 3. Restate why the behavior needs to be stopped 4. Ifthere are more problems parents will be called to pick up teen or give okay for teen to walk or bike home 5. Police will be called if necessary 6. Paper clip document and a dated Polaroid of youth to files c. 3RD TIME WARNING SHOULD INCLUDE: 1. Parents should be called to escort teen home or give okay for them to walk or bike home. If unable to reach a parent, you may escort the teen out of the building unless the outside conditions are not appropriate. 2. If teen is unwilling to give information call police and ask police to obtain personal data. Have police wait while you call parents to verify correct number. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. F; I ori k/ comm un itycenter/man ual/po I ici es& proced ures Page 36 . . . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER TEEN CENTER POLICIES con't 3. If severe vandalism, stealing, drugs, weapons, fighting, causing injury to disorderly conduct occurs call police immediately. Do not hesitate to call 911. Paper clip document and a dated Polaroid of youth to files 4. NOTE: A teen will be verbally notified that they are not welcome at the MCC for a minimum of three months. They will also be notified in writing. Any problems after that will result in longer suspensions. If a teen enters the ground or building during suspension, call police to have teen removed. F; I orik/ comm un itycenter/manuallpol i c i es& proced ures Page 37 . v. . . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER INDOOR PLAY AREA POLICIES H. 1. The indoor play area is included in MCC membership. All other users must pay either a MCC daily pass rate or Indoor Play Area pass fee. All parents will be required to sign a waiver that will be kept on file with MCC. 2. This area is intended for children ages eight (8) years and younger. 3. On-site adult supervision will be required at all times. It is not the responsibility of the MCC Front Desk staff to supervise this area. 4. Please have your child use the restroom before entering the play area. 5. Coats and shoes should be stored in the cubbies near the play area. It is recommended that a locker be used for more secure storage. The Community Center is not responsible for lost or stolen items. 6. For health reasons, no child who is running a fever, has a rash, a green runny nose or pink, runny eyes will be allowed in the Play Area. 7. We expect that the parent or guardian will discipline their child and control their child from biting, hitting and pushing. F: I ori kl comm u n i tyeenter/man ual/pol i c ies& procedures Page 38 . v. . . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER DROP-IN CHILDCARE I. 1. Parent or guardian dropping child off MUST remain in the facility at all times their child is in the chi Idcare center. 2. Childcare is only open during the posted hours. No children can be left in there during unattended hours. 3. Childcare is a for payment service offered by the Community Center. Payment must be made at the time of service or parent/guardian must have a current childcare pass. 4. Childcare will accept children between the ages of eight (8) weeks and eight (8) years of age. 5. All Users of the Childcare center will be required to fill out emergency information and sign a waiver. Please allow time your first visit to fill out the necessary paperwork. 6. Labe] all supplies and equipment before bringing into the Childcare Center. Premix any bottles before bringing your child in. The Community Center can not be responsible for lost, stolen or broken items. 7. Childcare attendants will be able to provide supervision of children but not specialized care. Let attendant know where you plan to be in the facility so you can be reached if your child needs changing, feeding, or any other special care. 8. Childcare attendants WILL NOT be allowed to administer medication. This must be done by the parent or guardian only. 9. Parents will be notified if their child: a. Appears to be i]1. b. Can not be calmed down after 10 minutes c. Has a soiled diaper. d. Is disruptive and does not respond to positive discipline. 10. Childcare Center capacity is not be made in advance. . This will be on a first come basis. Reservations can F: I ori k/ comm un i tycenter/man ual/pol i c ies& procedures Page 39 v. . . J. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER CLIMBING WALL POLICIES AND AGREEMENT First Name MI Last Name 1. 2. 3. 4. Climbing only allowed when MCC climbing wall is open and staff on duty. All climbers will comply with the judgement and decisions of the staff on duty. All climbers must have on file a signed waiver of liability. Parents - children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult unless other arrangements or lessons are scheduled. Parents must sign the waiver of liability if child is under 18. Only climbing approved by MCC staff will be allowed on the wall. Everyone must check in at the front counter before entering the climbing area. No hard soled, cowboy boots or bare feet will be allowed on the climbing wall. Rock climbing or athletic shoes are recommended. No food or beverage allowed in the climbing area. Chalk balls only (no loose powder or block). No climbing will be allowed while under the influence of intoxicating substances. Packs, shoes, coats must be stored in the lockers in the locker room. MCC is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. I have read and understand the above items and by signing this form, indicate that I agree to follow the above rules. I understand and acknowledge that the activity that I am about to voluntarily engage in as a participant bears certain known risks and unanticipated risks which could result in injury, death, illness or disease, physical or mental damage to myself, to my property or to spectators or other third parties. I agree to hold harmless and to indemnify the City of Monticello, the Monticello Community Center, its employees, sponsors or agents. Signature (if participant is under I8/legal guardian' s signature) Birth Date Age Participant's address City State Zip Phone Number Emergency Contact Phone Number Do you know of, or have you been advised of any medical condition that you have that would . prevent you from safely participating in the activities ofrock climbing? Yes No (circle one) F: I ori kI com m u n i tycen ler/man u aI/poI i cies& proced ures Page 40 MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER SENIOR CENTER POLICIES . v. K. 1. 2. "'l _1. 4. The Senior Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4;30 p.m. The Senior Center is for people age 55 and over. There are no membership dues for the Senior Center The Senior Dining Program is open to people age 60 and over and their spouse regardless of age. 5. The Senior Center will be closed due to inclement weather if the Monticello Schools are closed or the Monticello Community Center is closed. 6. A nine-member Board of Directors governs the Monticello Senior Center and sets Senior Center Policies. . . F; I ori k! comm un i tycenter/man ual/po lie ies& procedures Page 41 . . . v. L. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER NATIONAL GUARD POLICIES 1 . The Monticello Community Center will be used as a training facility one (1) weekend per month for the National Guard. Weekends are designated in advance for National Guard use. Please see Management for schedule. 2. National Guard Training weekends will be posted approximately two (2) weeks in advance. Weekend training hours will begin on Saturday at 7:00 a.m. and end on Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Periodically, the National Guard will require a Friday at 6:00 p.m. training start time. Information will be posted in advance. 3. During National Guard training, these areas will be closed to the public during their established training hours: Gymnasium, Meeting Rooms and Banquet Hall. The National Guard will share other areas of the Community Center and abide by all rules and policies. 4. The National Guard offices will post and maintain their own recruiting office hours during the week. F: I orik/ comm u n i ty center/man ual/po Ii c ies& procedures Page 42 . . . v. M. MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER GYMNASIUM l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. No food or beverages are allowed. No gum No black soled or other shoes that mark the wood floors will be allowed. No hanging on rims or hanging on nets. Inappropriate language or gestures will not be tolerated. Equipment can be checked out at the concession area on a first come basis. Users may bring their own equipment for use in the gym. It must be indoor equipment. Outdoor equipment will not be allowed. MCC is not responsible for lost, stolen or broken equipment brought in by the user. Gymnasium will be unavailable one weekend per month for National Guard Training. MCC will post signs one week before. MCC Gymnasium is open to members and daily pass users. Please do not monopolize the gym unless you have an approved rental agreement. Throwing items up to the second level will be prohibited. 8. 9. 10. F: I orik/ comm un i lyccnler /manual/po Ii c ies&proced ures Page 43 . . . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER WALK I JOG TRACK POLICIES v. N. 1. The Walk I Jog Track is a free amenity for all visitors of the Community Center. The track is 1112th ofa mile and has three (3) lanes. 2. It is strongly recommended that everyone should consult with their physician before beginning an exercise program. 3. Shirts and shoes will be required at all times. Gym shoes or walking shoes are highly recommended. 4. No one will be allowed to spit or drop objects onto the gymnasium floor. This action will result in ejection from the Community Center with no refund of fees paid. 5. If you are walking or jogging in a group, allow room for passing on the left. 6. Climbing on the center railing is prohibited. 7. Please obey all posted safety and informational signs. F: lori kJ comm un i t ycenter/man ual/po Ii c ies& procedures Page 44 . v. o. 8. 9. 10. . II. 12. . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER WHEEL PARK POLICIES 1. Skating is restricted to the skating areas. 2. All skaters must have a registration card. 3. All skaters must wear the following protective equipment: a helmet, elbow and knee pads, wrist guards and appropriate footwear. 4. All protective gear and equipment must be designed for skateboard/in-line skating and be in good condition. The MCC reserves the right to refuse to allow anyone to skate if their protective gear and equipment are not adequate. 5. All skaters agree to act in an orderly, safe and considerate manner while on the premises and in the skating area. 6. No "snaking. Everyone is to wait his or her turn. Reckless or dangerous skaters will be requested to leave the skating area and the premises immediately. 7. All injuries, whether major or minor in nature, are to be reported to the management immediately. In the case of a serious injury, do not move the injured person and all skating shall cease immediately. Only one skateboarder is permitted on a board at a time. No bicycles, roller skates, alcohol, tobacco products or drugs are permitted in this facility. No food, drink or gum in the skating area. The skate park may be closed due to weather conditions. MCC management will make the decision and post signs. The skate park is an outdoor facility and it is expected that the User will take precautions against the weather and insects. F: I ori kI comm un i ty center/man ual/po lie ies& proced ures Page 45 . MONTICELLO WHEEL PARK Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Risks and Indemnity Agreement This document affects your legal rights. You must read and understand it before initializing and signing it. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBL Y. Last Name: First Name: Ifunder 18, Name of Guardian: Address: Phone: Date: City, State: Zip: I, the above named person being 18 or older in age, or the legal guardian of the above named person who is under 18, in consideration of the services provided by the City of Monticello agents and employees, the promoters, other participants, officials, advertisers and owners (hereafter collectively referred to as "Sponsors"), the rate charged for those services, and the right to engage in this activity as a participant and/or volunteer, hereby acknowledge, agree, promise and covenant with Sponsors, its agents and employees, on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and estate as follows: . ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RISKS I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE that the activity that I am about to voluntarily engage in as a participant and/or volunteer bears certain known risks and unanticipated risks which could result in INJURY, DEATH, ILLNESS OR DISEASE, PHYSICAL OR MENTAL DAMAGE to myself, to my property or to spectators or other third parties. These risks include but are in no way limited to the following: (1) the risks which are inherent in the activity of in-line skating and skateboarding including, but not limited to, falling, coming in contact with ramps, walls, other equipment or persons; (2) the acts or omission of negligence in any degree of sponsors, and other persons or entities; (3) latent or apparent defects or conditions in equipment or property supplied by Sponsors, or other persons or entities; (4) the conditions of any tract or ramp and accidents connected with their use; (5) my own physical condition or my own acts, or omissions; (6) first aid, emergency treatment or other services tendered by Sponsors, or others; (7) consumption of food or drink, whether or not provided by sponsors, and untreated water from the environment. I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE that the above list is not complete or exhaustive and that other risks, known or unknown, identified or unidentified, anticipated or unanticipated may also result in injury, death, illness, disease, or damage to myself or my property or to spectators or other third parties. . F: loriklcommun itycentcr/manuallpol icies& procedures Page 46 ACCEPTANCE OF RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY . I voluntarily agree, covenant and promise to accept and assume all responsibilities for injury, death, illness or disease, or damage to myself or to my property arising from my participation in this activity. I expressly agree, covenant and promise to accept and assume all responsibility and risk for injury, death, illness, or disease to spectators or other third parties and their property arising from my participation in this activity. My participation in this activity is purely voluntary; no one is forcing me to participate in spite of the risks. RELEASE I VOLUNT ARIL Y RELEASE AND FOREVER DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE Sponsors, and all other persons or entities affiliated therewith, from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions or type of action, which are related to, arise out of or are in any way connected with my participation in this activity, including, but specifically not limited to any and all negligence, fault, or strict liability of Sponsors, and all other persons or entities, for any and all injury, death, illness or disease, and damage to myself or to my property. I FURTHER AGREE PROMISE AND COVENANT TO HOLD HARMLESS AND TO INDEMNIFY Sponsors, its agents or employees, and all other persons or entities from all defense costs, including attorney's fees, or from any other costs incurred in connection with claims for bodily injury or property damage which I may negligently or intentionally cause to spectators or other third parties in the course of my participation in this activity. I FURTHER AGREE AND COVENANT NOT TO USE, assert or otherwise maintain any claim against . Sponsors, its agents or employees, and all other persons or entities, for injury, death, illness or disease, or damage to myself or to my property, arising from or connected with my participation in this activity or from any claims asserted against me by spectators or other third parties. IN SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT, I FULLY RECOGNIZE THAT IF ANYONE IS HURT OR DIES, OR PROPERTY IS DAMAGED WHILE I AM ENGAGED IN THIS ACTIVITY, I WILL HAVE NO RIGHT TO MAKE A CLAIM OR FILE A LAWSUIT AGAINST SPONSORS, ITS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES EVEN IF SPONSOR, ITS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES, OR ANY OF THEM NEGLIGENTLY CAUSED THE BODIL Y INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF EFFECT OF THIS RELEASE AGREEMENT I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE that by initializing and lor signing this document I have given up certain legal rights andlor possible claims which I might otherwise assert or maintain against Sponsors, its agents or employees, and other persons or entities, including specifically, but not limited to, rights arising from or claims for the acts or omissions, fault negligence in any degree of Sponsors, its agents or employees, and all other persons or entities. I understand and acknowledge that by initializing and or signing this document, I have assumed responsibility and LEGAL LIABILITY from the claims or other legal demands, including defense costs, . wh!c~ may be asserted by spectators or other third parties against me as a result of my participation in this actIVIty. . F: I ori k/ commun ityccn l~r/man ual/po lie i es& proced u res Page 47 .. PARTICIPANT INSURANCE BENEFITS AND REPRESENTATION OF PHYSICAL CONDITIONS . I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE that no major medical insurance benefits will be provided to me during this activity. I certify that I have sufficient health, accident, and personal liability insurance to cover any bodily injury, property damage or disablement I may incur while participating in this activity, and to cover bodily injury or property damage caused to a third party as a result of my participation in this activity. If I have no such insurance, I certify that I am capable of personally paying for any and all such expenses or liability. I FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE that the undersigned is in good physical and mental health, and not suffering from any condition, disease or disablement, which would or could potentially affect participation in the activity. ENTIRE AGREEMENT I understand that this is the entire Agreement between the undersigned and Sponsored, its agents or employees and that it cannot be modified OR changed in any way by the representations or statements of Sponsors or any employee or agent of Sponsors, or by the undersigned. My signature below indicates that I have read this entire document, understand it completely, and agree to be bound by its terms. . Signature of participant: Date: Signature of parent or guardian (if under age of 18): Signature of Witness: . F: I ori k/ com m uni tycen ter Iman ual/po Ii c i es& procedures Page 48 .. . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER SKA TE PARK P ARENT OR GUARDIAN WAIVER I/we are aware of the nature of the skateboard/in-line skating activities available throughout the Park. I/we hereby give permission for my/our child to participate. I/we release the City of Monticello and Monticello Community Center Wheel Park and its employees and agents from any liability for injuries that may arise out of my/our child's participation in these skateboard/in-line skating activities. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Participant Signature: Date: Wheel Park Signature: Date: . . F; loriklcommunitycentcr/manual/policies&procedures Page 49 .. " . MONTICELLO WHEEL PARK EMERGENCY INFORMATION CARD Name: Address: City: State/Zip: Home Phone: Work Phone: Emergency Contact: Phone: . . F: lori k/ comm un i ty center Iman u aI/poi ici es& proced ures Page 50 . . . 11. Council Agenda - 8/9/1999 Consideration to authorize acquisition ofa 7-foot walkway along the easterly lot of Grassl and westerly lot of Brad Larson all located on West Broadwav. (O.K.) A. Reference and Background: With the endorsement ofthe Council, HRA, and DA T to pursue negotiations with Bill Grassl for acquisition of a 7- foot strip of land connecting Broadway to the public parking lots in the rear, Rick Wolfsteller and myself met with Mr. Grassl and agreed to an acquisition price of$6 per square foot. To allow greater use of the rear portion of his parcel for delivery and employee/driver parking, Grassl informed us Brad Larson was receptive to selling a 7-foot strip starting at the rear of the Country Travel building which would allow the walkway to jog on-to the westerly 7-feet of Larson's property. Larson agreed to this and the $6 per square foot price. DA T felt the jog would add additional interest to the walkway. Estimating 170 feet (lot length of 165 ft plus footage for jog) times 7 feet is 1,190 square feet times $6 per square foot is $7,140 for acquisition of land for walkway plus survey and recording fees. Additionally, the City will need to construct the walkway improvements using some type of hard surface perhaps with pavers to identify the walkway plus installation of the lighting between buildings. Without knowing exact costs, it is estimated the total project costs are in the range of $20,000. I'd anticipate the improvements to be constructed in 2000. The City would maintain the walkway such as snow removal. The HRA was not interested in funding the walkway as tax increment dollars generated from the BBF Properties are committed to retire the $500,000 note for demolition, relocation, and site improvement costs and $11,250 annually to the community center. Anticipated surplus tax increment dollars from the district were previously earmarked for acquisition of property in the downtown redevelopment area. B. Alternative Actions: 1. A motion to authorize acquisition of the 7-foot strip walkway at $6 per square foot with dollars from the reserve fund and budget the $10,000 improvement costs for Budget Year 2000. 2. A motion to budget $20,000 for acquisition and improvement costs in the Year 2000 Budget and hold-off on acquisition for one year. 3. A motion of no interest to pursue acquisition ofthe 7-foot strip walkway. 4. A motion to table any action. . Council Agenda - 8/9/1999 c. Recommendation: The City Administrator recommends either Alternative No.1 or No.2. Either alternative is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; however, Alternative No.1 would allow Grassl to begin construction in 1999 if so desired. D. Supporting Data: None. . . . r~fT~ Mm Mkd"""'" ".~:",:;.} ....... August 9, 1999 Dear Council Members: . Monticello Community Partners is unable to have a representative present at this evening's council meeting, but would like to express our hope that you will vote in favor of the passageway between the new proposed Domino's building and the southern parking lot. Keeping an open access between the parking lot and the storefronts on Broadway is vital to the merchants in the downtown area. In years past, passage has been blocked, causing patrons to either walk around the block or use places of business as "cut-throughs." As the revitalization plan emphasizes, pedestrian traffic is very important to the success and wellness of our downtown area. We urge you all to consider a resounding yes vote to keep a clean, well-maintained passage in this particular instance. Respectfully, Susie Wojchouski, MCP Chair '. Monticello Community Partners 107 West Broadway, PO Box 984 phone: 612.295.0999 fax: 612.295.0997 mcp@montiwaves.org Monticello, MN 55362 www.montiwaves.org . . . 8.5-3: ALLOWABLE USES: Following are allowable uses of a boulevard: (A) Trees or shrubs as regulated by Chapter 8-3-4 of this ordinance. (B) Mailboxes for U.S. Postal Service, provided all installations of mailboxes in new subdivisions are of the "cluster" concept. (#254, 8/8/94) (C) Driveway accesses as regulated by Monticello Zoning Ordinance. (D) Sidewalks when constructed according to specifications as set forth and approved by the City Engineer. (4/13/87, #154) (E) Advertising/newspaper boxes or tubes under the following conditions: 1. The advertising/newspaper boxes or tubes must be of an all- purpose/universal type without any advertising, whether individual or cluster concept. 2. The following subdivisions/areas may continue to have one (1) advertising/newspaper box per parcel until such time the U.S. Postal Service converts individual mail boxes to the "cluster" box concept: \ ~c. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chpt 5/Page 1 . . ~ 8-5-4: 8-5-5: . A. East County Road 39 B. Hart Boulevard C. Anders Wilhelm and Balboul Estates D. West River Road and West County Road 75 Upon conversion of mail boxes to the cluster concept, all advertising/newspaper boxes must also be clustered. 3. All individually placed advertising/newspaper boxes erected after 11/26/79 in new subdivisions not listed above shall be converted to the cluster box concept upon written notice by the Zoning Administra tor. 4. In all new subdivisions or areas where the U.s. Postal Service installs cluster mail boxes, all advertising/newspaper boxes shall be allowed by the cluster concept only. 5. All advertising/newspaper boxes, whether individual or clustered, shall be maintained by the installer and shall be repaired or replaced within 10 days upon written notice by the City, or the City will have the box or boxes removed at the owner's expense. The City shall not be responsible for damage to any box erected within the boulevard. 6. After 7/1/87, all new installations of advertising/newspaper boxes within areas where none existed shall be allowed only under the "cluster" concept. (6/22/87, #156) PROHIBITED USES: All uses of a boulevard not listed in Section 8-5-3 are prohibited unless a permiLhas been aDnrove~ bv the Citv Council of Monticello. All existing uses as of the effective date of this ordinance shall be brought into conformity with City ordinances within sixty (60) days. MAINTENANCE: Property owners abutting boulevard are responsible for maintenance. (4/10/77, #48) MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chpt 5/Page 2 . . . City Council Agenda -08/09/99 12. Consideration of preliminary plat and final plat for Hart Blvd. addition - Applicant: City of Monticello. (FP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On 'fuesday, August 3, 1999 the Planning Commission reviewed the preliminary plat for the Hart Blvd. addition and recommended approval per alternative 1 below. As you may recall, some time ago with the development of the River View Square Plat, there was a need to subdivide the River View Square property from a parcel that included both land on the East side of East Co. Rd. 39 and land on the West side of West Co. Rd. 39. The simple subdivision of this property which was made which resulted in River Square on one side and a remnant parcel on the West side of East Co. Rd. 39. This particular plat encompasses the remnant property. The parcels identified on this plat arc linked to adjoining parcels and become logical extensions of neighboring lots. It is expected that the City will sell these small parcels which are undevelopable to the adjoining property owners. Approval of this consideration of this plat is truly a house-keeping matter. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the preliminary plat of the Hart Blvd. addition. 2. Motion to deny approval ofthe preliminary plat of the Hart Blvd. addition. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION City Staff recommends approval of the Hart Blvd. addition. Once the plat is approved, the City would then be in position to sell the small parcels to the adjoining property owners. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the preliminary plat. . HART BOULEVARD ADDITION . l'v1...~ C'A F? L. Uf'lCJ r)" "-7 II r L,.-4L....'" ffOGLUND/ I I .l4C~.~ OunOT A -....:...'% ,~,.;-;-:- '-" ............ "~i(~"'-""'" tI~~ w.... ......... 0":....~ -.,!.v.- ,p......""-..- ____ .:w.>:.. -... . I I I I "'... . ;,:::.. I' / ;): 11 -.,.. . "wIJl~,I ~.ul , """Jo't.rw", - . .~.c~~~ NO. ---j r:: - ----L- , " I I I I I I I j , \ 2 ':--"} .'<'..r"'r{.;., 'ft> . r~" r~~.::r~~~ I II"'~ I .. I v it:. rv ~:'\.'I.'U..;j":::,:; :r.=.:.:,;,_. SOU,.~F?E.-' .1" ..J ,I'- " ..JL__~_ r~iMfIJ~#IIC. I<<JIrIfI(ZJ..J,~.sor,i .1-1I,""" joo.H...__,.."" ".u..,....,.. ._.iIIt ,_.._... ,'Offf",."" _ _"'.. ._......_.....1___._.. . I;) . . . City Council Agenda - 08/09/99 13. Consideration of a petition to construct an2Jed parking within city right of way at 108 Cedar Street -- Central MN Realty. (FP) BACKGROUND Mr. James Wolf has petitioned the City to allow him to construct (solely at his expense) angled boulevard parking in the public right of way at 108 Cedar Street. Angled parking in the downtown area of Monticello has been encouraged by the Monticello Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan; however, that angled parking has been considered primarily for the Walnut Street pedestrian corridor rather than scattered throughout the downtown area. Cedar Street between River Street and Broadway does not support much through traffic. Angled parking would appear to works well with the design of the building and lot at 108 Cedar Street. According to our Public Works Director, there has been angled parking at that location many years ago. At that time the City was prohibiting and eliminating angled parking. The Cedar Street Garden Center and the subject property were both required to eliminate angled parking. Alternate on-site parking lot designs are very difficult to develop due to the location of the building on the lot. The only on-site design possible would be a drive wrapping around the building with parallel parking on that drive. When the required five foot setback for parking and drives is adjacent to a one-way drive, the drive along the east and south side of the building does not accommodate parking. Up to six (6) stalls 20 foot stalls could be developed on the north side of the building. AL TERNATIVES 1. Motion to deny the petition for development of angled parking in the boulevard at 108 Cedar Street. 2. Motion to permit angled parking in the boulevard at 108 Cedar Street, allowing the property owner to construct and maintain at his sole expense, angled parking according to a design approved by the City Engineer. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends that the City Council moves Alternate 1 above. ATTACHMENTS . . . Copy of petitioner's site plan proposing angled parking. Copy of Staff developed alternative design. Copy of City Ordinance relating to allowable uses of a boulevard.. .ntral Minnesota Realty James Wolff - Broker 612-682-0004 Consideration for Angle Parking - 108 CEDAR STREET .. . -.,-----~~--_.-----.---.-.-.---. 87'-----~"---'--'--~'-'l o .... ;.... .... "-'-'-"-- 35'9.---------..- --~30'- -21'3-- .... b; ,... ~ . g CENTRAL MN REALTY LOT SIZE - 87 X 80 1 r> C-E('AR STREn . \ '3 ~ t., ", -". ,," " :'1 . ALTERNATE PARKING PLAN DEVELOPED BY STAFF 87' LC~ '. f · 30', 35'9 21'3' ----....... - \.> - b; T <=> 6 PARKING <0 ,.... . STALLS g CENTRAL MN REALTY CEDAR STREET " } 3 B - ---.__.~-- ~:INANCIAl SYSTEM ~/1999 08:15:20 Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICEllO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE Gl540R Report Selection: RUN GROUP... 0731 COMMENT... 7/31/CHECKS OATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT -------------- ------------------------ -YJ-'1 0-07091999-991 ftl9CHECKS Run Instructions: Joba Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space lPI Lines CPI J 01 N S 6 066 10 . ..... ~ ~FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 9/1999 08:15:20 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 1 VENDOR NAME DESCR I PTI ON AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE A T & T WIRELESS SERVICE RICK W 42.41 TELEPHONE 101.41301.3210 997 00001 JEFF 0 47.07 TELEPHONE 101.41910.3210 997 00002 OLLIE K 34.47 TELEPHONE 250.46501.3210 997 00003 ANIMAL SHELTER 46.84 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 997 00004 170.79 "VENDOR TOTAL ACS DATA PROC 2,157.00 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESS I 101.41920.3090 1219687 RI 997 00005 ANDERSON/RICK 6/29-7/23 127.50 HR 825.00 SALARIES, OTHER 101.42401.1090 997 00024 120 MILES '.28 PER MILE 33.60 SALARIES, OTHER 101.42401.1090 997 00025 858.60 *VENDOR TOTAL BELLBOY CORPORATION LIQUOR 299.70 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 16937700 997 00085 BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR MIX 24.00 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 2039300 997 00084 . 199.34 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 30082600 997 00082 52.56 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 30137100 997 00083 275.90 "VENDOR TOTAL BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM POP 159.25 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 32664 997 00052 POP 15.20 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 32665 997 00051 174.45 "VENDOR TOTAL BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATI STREETS 2,250.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43120.3199 180142 997 00006 CELLULAR 2000 OF ST CLOU MATT T 58.93 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 997 00007 FIRE DEPT 1. 17 TELEPHONE 101.42201.3210 997 00008 GARY A 84.53 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 997 00009 TOM B 15.32 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 997 00010 MA TT T 58.67 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 997 00011 JOHN S 58.88 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 997 00012 277 . 50 *VENDOR TOTAL CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN MA SANITARY SEWER EXTEN 205.90 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43110.3199 CB63149 997 00013 WALNUT ST CONSTR 214.60 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41910.3510 CB63149 997 00014 RE-8ID BOOSTER ST 282.75 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41910.3510 CB63149 997 00015 -- 703.25 "VENDOR TOTAL - DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING BEER 5.084.32 BEER 609.49750.2520 49751 997 00055 --- ------ --".._--~_.~- .-.--. -.. ~FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 9/1999 08:15:20 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 2 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll FIP 10 LINE DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 40.25 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 49752 997 00054 BEER 370.40 BEER 609.49750.2520 50160 997 00053 5.494.97 *VENDOR TOTAL DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY BEER 210.60 BEER 609.49750.2520 66540 997 00062 FLAHERTY & ASSOCIATES, P LEGAL FEESIANNEXTION 1.352.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 101.41601.3040 1100-00001-001 997 00030 FOSTER-FRANZEN-CARLSON A FIRE DEPT INSURANCE 67.75 VEHICLE INSURANCE 101.42201.3630 CITMO-1 997 00016 FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE & RE PW ENG 54.32 SMALL TOOLS & EOUIPMENT 101.43110.2410 006611 P 997 00017 PH ENG 117. 91 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.43110.2410 6589 997 00018 172.23 *YENDOR TOTAL GRIGGS. COOPER & COMPANY .NE 274.80 WINE 609.49750.2530 997 00072 ERPYMT 7/22 103.95CR LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 80239 997 00063 MIX 637.25 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 83405 997 00064 LI QUOR 175.03 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 83405 997 00065 FREIGHT 20.25 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 83405 997 00066 FREIGHT 2.25 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 83406 997 00067 WINE 94.29 WINE 609.49750.2530 83406 997 00068 WINE 221.47 WINE 609.49750.2530 83707 991 00069 FREIGHT 6.00 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 83701 991 00010 FREIGHT 3.75 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 83108 997 00071 1.331.14 *YENDOR TOTAL GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. BEER 1,816.95 BEER 609.49750.2520 171592 997 00013 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 46.55 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 171593 997 00074 7.863.50 *VENDOR TOTAL HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE GAS/STREETS 110.43 MOTOR FUELS 101.42201.2120 997 00019 HOME JUICE JUICE 10.20 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 40223 997 00075 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L MIse TAX 3.98 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 1001831 991 00044 _QUOR 434.73 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 1001831 997 00045 NE 120.94 WINE 609.49750.2530 1001832 997 00041 MIse TAX 21. 59 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 1001832 997 00042 MISC TAX 2.83 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 1001832 997 00043 ..- .-.- - - ~FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 9/1999 08:15:20 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 3 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POI F/P ID LINE JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L FREIGHT/LIQUOR 52.71 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 1003014 997 00037 LI QUOR 5.487.27 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 1003014 997 00038 WINE/LIQUOR 272.75 WINE 609.49750.2530 1003015 997 00035 FREIGHT/LIQUOR 10.20 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 1003015 997 00036 FREIGHT 2.83 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 19778 997 00039 WINE 248.65 WINE 609.49750.2530 19718 997 00040 FREIGHT 20.61 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 516276 997 00049 LIQUOR 2.368.36 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 516276 997 00050 FREIGHT 2.55 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 516271 997 00047 WINE 66.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 516271 997 00048 BEER 19.00 BEER 609.49750.2520 516278 997 00046 CREDIT/WINE 2.83CR WINE 609.49750.2530 95856 997 00034 9.132.23 *VENDOR TOTAL KENNEDY & GRAVEN. CHARTE TIF 1-18/RIVER MILL 278.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.46518.3199 3322 997 00028 MIDWEST TAPE & RIBBON ADVERTISING 500.00 ADVERTISING 609.49754.3499 J/4N-1063-901 997 00026 . C FUND PARKS 616.00 U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS 225.45201.1420 997 00020 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE 410.40 WINE 609.49750.2530 112555 997 00058 OUALITY WINE & SPIRITS C WINE 306.00 WINE 609.49750.2530 734058-00 997 00056 II QUOR 1.251.92 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 734058-00 997 00057 1.557.92 *VENDOR TOTAL RON'S GOURMET ICE ICE/LIQUOR 32.25 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 42061 997 00032 ICE/LIQUOR 391.40 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 42345 997 00031 423.65 *VENDOR TOTAL ROYAL TIRE OF MONTICELLO TUBE/STREETS 8.68 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 67964 997 00027 STAR TRIBUNE LI BRARY PROJ 78.25 IMPROVEMENTS 211.45501. 5301 424034001 997 00021 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP BEER 2.382.30 BEER 609.49750.2520 167621 997 00060 '-"cR 8.839.30 BEER 609.49750.2520 167754 997 00059 ~N ALCOHOLIC BEER 60.60 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 167155 997 00061 11.282.20 *VENDOR TOTAL -. - -- - -. - - .-....J:.'- - ..-. -~- .'~--'-- -'-.- ~FINANCIAl SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICEllO 9/1999 08:15:20 Schedule of Bills Gl540R-V06.00 PAGE 4 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POI F /P ID LINE US WEST DIRECTORY ADVERT ADVERTISING/lQUOR 33.40 ADVERTISING 609.49754.3499 005570136000 997 00033 VIKING COCA-COLA BOTTlIN POP 38.61 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 2216169 991 00077 POP 21. 27 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 2218248 997 00078 POP 201.80 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 2219192 997 00079 CREDIT 1/28 124.39CR MISC TAXABLE 609.49150.2540 43807 991 00076 137.29 *VENDOR TOTAL WATER lABORATORIES, INC lIQ WATER TESTING 20.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 609.49754.3199 99G-396 997 00022 WATSON COMPANY, INC/THE LIQUOR 327.18 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 547084 997 00080 BAGS 54.28 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49754.2199 541084 997 00081 381.46 *VENDOR TOTAL WRIGHT COUNTY TREAS/AUoI STATE ODED TAX 439.00 LAND 450.49201.5101 997 00023 ~T-HENNEPIN COOP ElE SECURITY LIGHTS 21. 24 ELECTRIC 101.43160.3810 997 00029 . - .- .-- --.- -- . BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~29/1999 08:15:23 Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V06.00 RECAPPAGE GL540R FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION ---------------------------- DISBURSEMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 211 LIBRARY FUND 213 HRA FUND 225 PARK FUND 250 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH FD 450 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 601 WATER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 7.997.90 78.25 278.00 616.00 34.47 439.00 117 . 60 39.599.01 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 49.160.23 BANK RECAP: BANK I LIOR NAME ---------------------------- DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL CHECKING LIQUOR CHECKING 9.561.22 39.599.01 TOTAL ALL BANKS 49.160.23 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY ...................................... ............................................ . .................... ......... ...... ....... . -- - __ n_. _. _____ _. ____ _. __. _____ _ BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~08/04/1999 09:45:17 Schedule of Bills CITY OF MONTICELLC GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE GL540R Reoort Selection: .t~ RUN GROUP... 00731 COMMENT... 7/31 MANUAL CKS DATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT -------------~ ------------------------ M-07311999-007 MANUAL CKS/7/21 TO 731 ~-07311999-963 7/31 MANUAL CHECKS Run Instructions; Joba Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI 01 N S 6 066 10 . . -~ -- '- .----,.-.~------- --,~---------- aRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO .8/04/1999 09:45:18 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 1 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO# F/P ID LINE ADOLFSON & PETERSON, INC FOR INFRAHEAP 25,000.00 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION 436.49201.3025 963 00019 BOEHME/THERESA i500 GAL WATER TRK/STR 1.000.00 MOTOR VEHICLES 101.43120.5501 007 00020 1500 GAL WATER TRK/PKS 1,000.00 MOTOR VEHICLES 225.45201.5501 007 00021 2,000.00 *VENDOR TOTAL BRAUN ENGINEERING CHECK VOIDED 2,250.00CR MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43120.3199 007 00004 WRONG VENDOR 154.00CR IMPROVEMENTS 225.45201.5301 117390 963 00007 2,404.00CR *VENDOR TOTAL BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATI PATHWAY 154.00 IMPROVEMENTS 225.45201.5301 117390 963 00008 BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. HWY 25 PROJ/PMT #1 712,858.58 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION 450.49201.3025 007 00008 CPT PROPERTIES. LLC ~ HWY 25 LAND EASEMENT 75,000.00 LAND 450.49201.5101 963 00004 C T FARM & COUNTRY BLADES/PARKS 151.56 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 225.45201.2299 007 00014 DOROTHY A. TOPEL DOWNTOWN REVIT 2.011.74 GRANT APPROPRIATIONS 250.46501.4340 963 00016 GAE VEIT AND EASEMENT PARCEL #30 380.00 LAND 450.49201.5101 963 00006 KEAN OF MONTICELLO. INC. LAND ACO/G HODLUNG PROP 83.000.00 LAND 467.49201.5101 007 00015 KJELLBERG'S DAMAGE TO ASPARAGUS 1.700.00 LAND 450.49201.5101 963 00005 MAK IT A USA DRILL REPAIR/PARKS 40.95 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 225.45201.2299 007 00022 MAROUETTE BANK MONTICELL 4M TRANSFER 700,000.00 INVESTMENTS 955.10401 963 00010 WIRE TO 4M 400,000.00 INVESTMENTS 955.10401 963 00024 WIRE FEE 15.00 BANK CHARGES 101.41520.4398 963 00025 1,100,015.00 *VENDOR TOTAL MIELKE BROS LLC PARCEL 29 PERM EASEMENT 351.00 LAND 450.49201.5101 HWY 25 963 00032 PARCEL 29 DAMAGES 15,820.00 LAND 450.49201.5101 HWY 25 963 00033 16,171.00 *VENDOR TOTAL -',-- -- -- ---, -~--, ---, -- ---- -- BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO .08/04/1999 09:45:18 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 2 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE MIELKE/ALVIN W. HWY 25-PARCEL 31 EASEMEN 19,524.00 LAND 450.49201.5101 963 00031 MN DEPART OF NATURAL RES OEP REG 1,629.00 DNR PAYABLE 101.20811 963 00001 WATERCRAFT REG 287.00 ONR PAYABLE 101.20811 007 00006 REGISTRATIONS 779.00 DNR PAYABLE 101.20811 007 00007 WA TERCRAFT TITLE 601.00 DNR PAYABLE 101.20811 007 00023 WATERCRAFT TITLE 1,249.00 DNR PAYABLE 101.20811 007 00024 4.545.00 *VENDOR TOTAL MN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WRONG AMOUNT 12,358.00CR WATER SERVICE CONNECTION 601.49440.4375 2MD OTR FEE 963 00009 MN LICENSE BEVERAGE ASOC MEMBERSHIP FEES/LIQUOR 279.00 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 609.49754.4330 007 00001 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LIBRAR TO REIMB LIBRARY 2,729.26CR OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVIC 211.34999 963 00026 TO REIMB LIBRARY 3.409.00 PROF SRV - LIBRARY PROGR 211.45501.3015 963 00027 TO REIMB LIBRARY 576.08 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 211.45501.2199 963 00028 ~ TO REIMB LIBRARY 222.10 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 211.45501.4350 963 00029 TO REIMB LIBRARY 77 .60 POSTAGE 211.45501.3220 963 00030 1.555.52 *VENDOR TOTAL NORTHWEST MINNESOTA CHAP CONFERENCE FEE/BLD INSP 15.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.42401.3320 007 00019 PHOTO I TO CORR PROJECT 9.34CR MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 436.49201.3199 18467 963 00020 KLEIN FARMS 5TH 4.68 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43111.3199 18467 963 00021 WILDWOOD RIDGE 2.33 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43111.3199 18467 963 00022 E OAK MEADOWS 2.33 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.43111.3199 18467 963 00023 0.00 *VENDOR TOTAL SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA A. TRAVEL REIMB 58.80 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42701.3310 963 00017 OP SUPPLIES 286.31 MISe OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42701.2199 963 00018 345.11 *VENDOR TOTAL SCHLIEF/LARRY CHECK VOIDED 5.076.94CR TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 213.46522.6511 007 00002 TI FOIST 1-22 5,076.94 TIF PAYBACK INSTALLMENTS 213.46522.6511 007 00018 0.00 *VENDOR TOTAL THIBODEAUX/SUE ~ CC VIDEO TAPES REIMB 16.27 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41110.4399 963 00015 U S POSTMASTER POSTAGE/SEWER & WATER 193.95 POSTAGE 601.49440.3220 007 00009 POSTAGE/SEWER & WATER 193.95 POSTAGE 602.49490.3220 007 00010 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO .08/04/1999 09:45: 18 Schedule of Bills Gl540R-V06.00 PAGE 3 VENDOR NAME DESCRI PTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P ID LINE U S POSTMASTER 387.90 "'VENDOR TOTAL WARNERT COMMERCIAL PROPE HWY 25 LAND EASEMENT 130,000.00 LAND 450.49201.5101 963 00003 WRIGHT COUNTY COURT ADMI HWY 25 PRJ/LAND ACQ 3,305.00 LAND 450.49201.5101 007 00011 WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER RIGHT OF WAY/G HOGLUND 39.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 467.49201.3199 007 00013 REC FEES/PRAIRIE WEST 19.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 007 00017 RECORD EASEMENT 39.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 450.49201.3199 HWY 25 963 00011 97.50 "'VENDOR TOTAL WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR (3) 1/2 MAPS 15.00 MAPS 101.41301.2580 963 00002 WRIGHT COUNTY TREAS/AUDI HWY 25 6.65 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 450.49201.3199 963 00012 ADDT DEED COSTS 326.70 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 450.49201.3199 963 00034 ~ DEED TAX/REMMELE PROP 6.65 MISe PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 007 00003 DEED TAX/OCEllO, INC 26.15 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 007 00005 RIGHT OF WAY/G HOGLUND 31.40 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 467.49201.3199 007 00012 DEED TAX/PRAIRIE WEST 6.65 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 007 00016 155-500-142211-DEED 376.45 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 450.49201.3199 HWY 25 963 00013 155-500-142210 953.31 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 450.49201.3199 HWY 25 963 00014 1,733.96 "'VENDOR TOTAL ~ BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~08/04/1999 09:45:19 Schedule of Bills FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION DISBURSEMENTS ~01 GENERAL FUND 211 LIBRARY FUND 213 HRA FUND 225 PARK FUND 250 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH FD 436 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 450 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 467 98-17C CSAH 75/E BROW IMPR 601 WATER FUND 602 SEWER FUND 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 955 INVESTMENT HOLDING FUND 3.769.67 1,555.52 1,192 .51 2,011.74 24,990.66 960.640.69 83,070.40 12,164.05 CR 193.95 279.00 1,100,000.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2.165.540.09 eANK RECAP: BANK NAME DISBURSEMENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIOR LIQUOR CHECKING 2,165,261.09 279.00 TOTAL ALL BANKS 2.165.540.09 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY e CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-V06.00 RECAPPAGE GL540R .FINANCIAL SYSTEM 3/1999 10:38:41 Schedule ot Bins CITY Of MONTICELLC GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE GL540R Reoort Selection: ~UN GROUP... 00805 COMMENT... 08/05 CHECKS DATA-JE- ID DATA COMMENT -------------- ------------------------ 0-08051999-008 Run Instructions: jobo Banner Cooies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 N S 6 066 lC . . ~FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 3/1999 10:38:42 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 1 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME l=UND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P ID LINE ARAMARK CITY HALL 35.50 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41940.2199 6013-904563 008 00001 BELLBOY CORPORATION LIOUOR 2.334.58 LI OUOR 609.49750.2510 16971900 008 00092 MISe 313.78 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.254C 30180000 008 00093 2.648.36 *VENDOR TOTAL BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM BEER 367.90 BEER 609.49750.2520 36194 008 00095 POP 15.20 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 36195 008 00094 383.10 *VENDOR TOTAL CENTRAL MINN INITIATIVE CMIF GRANT PYMT 1.100.21 GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 223.46501.6601 008 00002 COMMERCIAL ASPHALT COMPA STREETS 1.115.98 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 008 00004 CORRECT COOING 68.89 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 008 00005 ~RECT CODING/CK 45095 68.89CR MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.42701.3199 008 00006 1.115.98 *VENOOR TOTAL COMPUTER BRITE CITY HALL/COMPUTER MTC 213.95 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41920.3190 008 00007 CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN MA WALNUT ST/AD 217.50 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41910.3510 CB65012 008 00008 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING BEER 6.166.28 BEER 609.49750.2520 50177 008 00096 MISC 82.15 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 50178 008 00097 6.248.43 *VENDOR TOTAL DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY BER 1.729.55 BEER 609.49750.2520 67190 008 00098 OISCOUNT PAPER PRODUCTS. I)APER SUPPLIES 225.91 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 609.49154.2099 008 00099 OYNA SYSTEMS STREETS/CUP 219.49 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43121.2199 10090010 008 00009 EARL F ANDERSON & ASSOCI SUPPLIES/STREETS 1.488.19 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 18409 008 00010 ~RAL RENTAL CENTER HOP SUPPLIES 68.37 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 605246 008 00011 GLUNZ/RAYMOND J JOHNSON.JAMISON.BRANDSRU 975.00 PROF SRV - EXCAVATION 551.49010.3115 008 00012 ~F[NANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 3/1999 10:38:42 Schedule ot Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 2 VENDOR NAM:: DESeRI PTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F /P ID LINE GRIGGS. COOPER & COMPANY EINR 419.44 WINE 609.49750.2530 86430 008 00100 FREIGHT 11.25 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 86430 008 00101 LIQUOR 1.464.75 LIOUOR 609.49750.2510 86432 008 00104 MISe 9.40 MISC TAXABLE 609.49150.2540 86432 008 00105 FREIGHT 17.25 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 86432 008 00106 FREIGHT 3.15 FREIGHT 609.49150.3330 86162 008 00102 WINE 355.08 WINE 609.49750.2530 86762 008 00103 2.280.92 'VENDOR TOTAL GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. BEER 2.960.25 BEER 609.49750.2520 171959 008 00101 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY STREET SUPPLIES 4.78 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 008 00028 PARK SUPPLIES 3.38 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 225.45201.4050 008 00029 PARK SUPPLIES 142.38 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 225.45201. 2211 008 00030 STREET SUPPLIES 62.24 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 008 00031 PARK SUPPLIES 3.46 EOUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 225.45201.2210 008 00032 ~/SHOP 12.65 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 101.4312'/ .2130 008 00033 K SUPPLI ES 64.93 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 008 00034 OP SUPPLIES 68.39 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 008 00035 SHOP 92.18 EOUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43127.2210 008 00036 454.39 'VENDOR TOTAL INNOVATIVE ELECTRONIC SO SEWER SUPPLIE 122.39 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EO 602.49490.4044 4147 008 00013 K MART STORE DEP REG SUP 19.75 MISe OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41990.2099 008 00014 K SALES WWTP CONS COSTS 429.65 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION 436.49201. 3025 22572 008 00015 LAKE STATE REALTY SERVIC MARKET APPRAISALS 4.500.00 LAND 240.49201.5101 90123 008 00016 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITI CONF FEES/B THIELEN 150.00 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.41110.3320 008 00017 M.B.P. GAS/STREETS 1.097.10 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 29243 008 00022 GAS/STREETS 633.50 MOTOR fUELS 101.43120.2120 29244 008 00021 1.730.60 'VENDOR TOTAL ~EPT OF TRADE & ECON CERG FINAL PYMT 958.44 GRANT REIMB - AROPLAX 222.46501. 6602 008 00018 MN GOV FINANCE OFFICERS OUES/C SHUMAN 210.00 DUES. MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 101.41520.4330 008 00019 DUES/S THIBODEAUX 210.00 DUES. MEMBERSHIP & suesc 101.41520.4330 008 00020 -- ------."------- --."----- ~FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 3/1999 10:38:42 Schedule of Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 3 VENDOR NAME DESCR I PT ION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE MN GOV FINANCE OFFICERS 420.00 .VENDOR TOTAL MONTICELLO ROTARY MEMBERSHIP DUES/OLLIE K 218.00 DUES. MEMBERSHIP & SUBSC 101.46501.4330 OOB 00025 MONTICELLO/CITY OF LIQUOR/SEWER WATER BILL 27.95 WATER & SEWER 609.49754.3820 OOB 00003 MOON MOTOR SALES. INC. SUPPLIES/TREE DEPT 50.01 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLI 224.46102.2299 400B9B7 OOB 00026 SUPPLIS/PARKS 17.57 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 4010B34 008 00027 67.58 .VENDOR TOTAL NATIONAL BUSHING PARTS & STREET REPAIRS 7.72 EOUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2210 008 00040 STREET SUPPLIES 24.33 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 008 00041 SUP/DUE FROM JUNE 14.19 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 008 00042 SHOP SUPPLIES 14.43 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43127.2210 008 00043 SHOP 118.74 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43127.2211 008 00044 eRK REPAIRS 7.65 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 225.45201.2211 008 00045 187.06 .VENDOR TOTAL PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS FREIGHT 12.75 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 1004257 008 00115 LIOUOR 1.385.23 LIOUOR 609.49750.2510 1004257 008 00116 WINE 335.45 WINE 609.49750.2530 1004258 008 00113 FREIGHT 15.30 fREIGHT 609.49750.3330 1004258 008 00114 LI OUOR 1.836.43 LIOUOR 609.49750.2510 51B269 OOB 00109 FREIGHT 24.01 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 518269 OOB 00110 FREIGHT 1. 70 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 518270 OOB 00111 WINE 57.90 WINE 609.49750.2530 518270 008 00112 LI OUOR 303.80 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 519572 008 00108 3.972.57 .VENDOR TOTAL PIONEER DARK SUPPLIES 151.77 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 INV39489 OOB 00037 PIPELINE SUPPLY, INC. STREET SUPPLIES 2.94 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 51364100-001 008 00038 SEWER SUPPLI ES 352.61 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 602.49490.2199 51366014 -00 1 008 00039 355.55 "VENDOR TOTAL PURCELL'S PLUMBERY fRE DEPT SUP 4.24 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42201.2199 00001747 008 00046 t 'S MOBIL GAS/STREETSS 63.61 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 008 00047 STREET REPAIRS 8.00 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2211 008 00048 71.61 .VENDOR TOTAL 4IIIJ FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/1999 10:38:42 Schedule ot Bills GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 4 VENDOR NAME DESCR I PTI ON AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F/P 10 LINE RIVERSIDE OIL GAS/STREETS 850.00 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 22815 008 00049 RON'S GOURMET ICE ICE 35.28 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 42964 008 00118 ICE 506.74 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 43269 008 00117 542.02 "'VENDOR TOTAL SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA A. MILEAGE/ANIMAL CONTOL 28.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE iOl.42701.3310 008 00023 DOG FOOD REIMB 121.59 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42701.2199 008 00024 149.59 "'VENDOR TOTAL SIMONSON LUMBER COMPANY STREET SUP 80.00 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 008 00052 PW INSP SUPPLIES 8.30 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43111.2199 008 00053 ,PARK SUPPLI ES 26.38 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201.2199 008 00054 RIVER MILL PARK 160.06 IMPROVEMENTS 225.45201.5301 008 00055 274.74 "'VENDOR TOTAL ~SON/CYNTHIA R IRE HALL CLEANING 50.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.42201.3110 008 00056 SPECTRUM SUPPLY CO. SUPPlE/STREETS 335.38 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 079622 008 00057 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUP SUPPLIES/LIBRARY 55.86 CLEANING SUPPLIES 211.45501.2110 049976 008 00051 TAYLOR LAND SURVEYORS IN COM eTR SURVEYING FEES 145.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 461.49201.3199 99112 008 00058 THEISEN/MA TT SAFETY SHOES/REIMB 90.00 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 601. 49440.2111 008 00050 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMP BEER 3,202.85 BEER 609.49750.2520 168151 008 00119 BEER 13,917.35 BEER 609.49750.2520 168395 008 00120 ,.,lSC 59.30 MISe TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 168396 008 00121 BEER 569.75 BEER 609.49750.2520 168763 008 00122 17,749.25 "'VENDOR TOTAL TRUEMAN-WELTERS. INC. WEEDEATER/STREETS 38.55 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2210 189046 008 00060 ~RIMMER/STREETS 351.45 SMALL TOOLS & EOUIPMENT 101.43120.2410 43414 008 00059 390.00 "'VENDOR TOTAL WATSON COMPANY, INC/THE MISC 436.82 MIse TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 547634 008 00123 ~ FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/1999 10:38:42 Schedule of Bi 1'Is GL540R-V06.00 PAGE 5 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME i=UNO & ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POll F /P 10 LINE WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR-TR SCERG GRANT PYMT 2.760.51 GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 222.46501.6601 008 00091 WSB & ASSOCIATES. INC. MISC ENG FEES 545.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.00-00000 008 00073 PRAIRIE WEST 20.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.19-00000 008 00085 MONTICELLO FORD SITE 124.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.24-0000 008 00063 MAPS 116.28 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.27-00010 008 00061 KLEIN FARMS/3RD ADD 20.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.39-00000 008 00070 KLEIN FARMS 5TH 1.038.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.49-00000 008 00088 COMP WATER MGMT PLAN 465.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 262.49201.3199 01010.53-00000 008 00064 PARKSIDE/MEADOW OAK 1,796.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.57-00000 008 00089 KJELLBERG WEST PLN REV 4.274.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 466.49201.3030 01010.60-00000 008 00065 MONTICELLO/BIG LAKE HOSP 1,594.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.63-00000 008 00083 ST HENRY PLAN REVIEW 93.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.12-00000 008 00074 WILDWOOD RIDGE PLAN REV 103.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.75-0000 008 00077 ST. BEN'S PlAM REVIEW 93.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.81-00000 008 00075 RIVER FOREST 426.25 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.83-00000 008 00081 STAR CITY BlD FEES 232.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.84-00000 008 00078 AMCON HOTEL/KMART 201.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.85-00000 008 00086 .T fIlN BANK 139.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.86-00000 008 00062 MAN/EMMERICH DEVELOP 1.165.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.88-0000 008 00076 WALNUT ST 1,722.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.91-00000 008 00069 MAROUETE BANK 93.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.93-00000 008 00079 RIVER VIEW SOUARE 372.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01010.98-00000 008 00087 KLEIN FARMS 4TH 111.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 458.49201.3030 01059.21-00000 008 00066 7TH ST CONST 579.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 462.49201.3030 01087.01-0000 008 00067 RESSURECTION CH SANITARY 34.32 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01096.01-00000 008 00084 COM CTR SEWER 137.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 461.49201.3030 01101.01-00000 008 00071 CHELSEA RD EAST 2,745.40 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01103.00-00000 008 00072 CSAH 75 ASMT ROLL PREP 1.310.00 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 467.49201.3030 01109.12-00000 008 00068 RIVER MILL 5TH ADO 201.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01160.04-00000 008 00082 RIVER FOREST 2ND ADD 139.50 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING F 101.41910.3030 01160.06-00000 008 00080 19,893.25 *VENDOR TOTAL . ~ FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 03/1999 10:38:44 Schedu 1 e of 8; 11 s GL060S-V06.00 RECAPPAGE GL540R FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRI PTION DISBURSEMENTS ---------------------------- ~01 GENERAL FUND 21.275.89 211 LI BRARY FUND 55.86 222 SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) 3,718.95 223 CMIF (CENT MN INIT FUND) 1,100.21 224 SHADE TREE FUND 50.01 225 PARK FUND 577.58 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 4,500.00 262 SANITARY SEWER ACCESS FUND 465.00 436 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 429.65 458 97-04C KLEIN FARMS 4(LION'S) 111.00 461 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 282.50 462 98-12C 7TH STREET EXTENSION 579.00 466 99-01C KJELLBERG WEST SAN S 4.274.50 467 98-17C CSAH 75/E BROW IMPR 1.310.00 501 WATER FUND 90.00 602 SEWER FUND 475.00 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 39.205.13 . RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 975.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS '19,475.28 BANK RECAP; BANK NAME DISBURSEMENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIOR LIQUOR CHECKING 40.270.15 39,205.13 TOTAL ALL BANKS 19.475.28 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY . ~C FINANCIAL SYSTEM ./27/199911:55:31 Reoort Selection: Payments for Publication Aoproval Date.... ...... ......... '" 08/09/1999 Payments Through Date............ _. 07/29/1999 Cutoff Amount to be Used. .......... RUN GROUP... 0731 DA~A-JE-ID DATA COMMENT COMMENT... 7/31/CHECKS ------~------- ---------------~--------- 1)--07091999-997 7/ot'CHECKS Run Instructions: Joba Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Soace LPI J 01 N S 6 ., .- - -. -. .-.'" ~-- .... '_.~,-_. ..- _.".,~-"--~- CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE GL335R Lines CPI 066 10 JliC FINANCIAL SYSTEM .,-27/1999 11:55:32 - ..,,- --. --. -- -- - - - -.. ,,- Aoproved on CITY OF MONTICELLO Payments for Publication GL335R-V06.00 PAGE 8/09/1999 for Payments Through 7/29/1999 Vendor Name . A T & T WIRELESS SERVICE ACS ANDERSON/RICK BELLBOY CORPORATION BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR SUPPLY BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COMPANY BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION CELLULAR 2000 OF ST CLOUD CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN MAGAZINE DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING CO DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY FLAHERTY & ASSOCIATES, P. A. FOSTER-FRANZ EN-CARLSON AGENCY FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE & RESCUE GRIGGS, COOPER & COMPANY GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE HOME JUICE JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR KENNEDY & GRAVEN. CHARTERED MIDWEST TAPE & RIBBON MN U C FUND PAUSTIS & SONS OUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO RON'S GOURMET ICE ROYAL TIRE OF MONTICELLO STAR TRIBUNE THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY US WEST DIRECTORY ADVERTISING VIKING COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO WATER LABORATORIES, INC WATSON COMPANY, INC/THE WRIGHT COUNTY TREAS/AUDITOR WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP ELEC ASSO *.'>t< . Descriotion Amount JEFF 0 DATA PROC 6/29-7/23 @27.50 HR LIQUOR MIX POP STREETS GARY A RE-BID BOOSTER ST BEER BEER LEGAL FEES/ANNEXTION FIRE DEPT INSURANCE PW ENG MIX BEER GAS/STREETS JUICE LIOUOR TIF 1-18/RIVER MILL ADVERTISING PARKS WINE LIQUOR ICE/LIOUOR TUBE/STREETS LIBRARY PROJ BEER ADVERTISING/LOUOR POP LIQ WATER TESTING LIOUOR STATE ODED TAX SECURITY LIGHTS 170.79 2,157.00 858.60 299.70 275.90 174.45 2,250.00 277.50 703.25 5,494.97 210.60 1.352.50 67.75 172.23 1,331.14 7.863.50 110.43 70.20 9,132.23 278.00 500.00 616.00 410.40 1.557.92 423.65 8.68 78.25 11,282.20 33.40 137.29 20.00 381.46 439.00 21 .24 Final Totals... 49.160.23 -- -, - .-. - ,-, -"," "- ,- '_.~, -"- ~~ FINANCIAL SYSTEM .-r27/1999 11:55:33 FUND RECAP: Payments for Publication FUND DESCRIPTION '101 21 1 213 225 250 450 601 609 ~--~-~~-----~-~-------~-~~-~ DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND LIBRARY FUND HRA FUND PARK FUND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH FD 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR WATER FUND MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 7,997.90 78.25 278.00 616.00 34.47 439.00 117.60 39,599.01 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 49,160.23 BANK RECAP: 8ANI..; .- GENL LIQR NAME ~--------~-----~~~-~-------- DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL CHECKING LIOUOR CHECKING 9,561.22 39.599.01 TOTAL ALL BANKS ...-.. ... 49.160.23 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM .)8/04/1999 09:41:09 Payments tor Publication CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE GL335R Reoort Selection; ,Aoprova'! Date...................... 08/09/1999 Payments Through Date.........,.... 07/31/1999 Cutoff Amount to be Used........... RUN GROUP.. _ 00731 COMMENT... 7/31 MANUAL CKS DATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT -------------- -------------~~--------- M-07311999-007 MANUAL CKS/7/21 TO 731 M-07311999-963 7/31 MANUAL CHECKS Run Instructions; Jobo Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 N S 6 066 10 . . SRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM .8/04/1999 9:41:10 Approved on . . CITY OF MONTICELLO Payments tor Publication GL335R-V06.00 PAGE Vendor Name 8/09/1999 for Payments Throuqh 7/31/1999 ADOLFSON & PETERSON, INC BOEHME/THERESA BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. CPT PROPERTIES, LLC C T FARM & COUNTRY DOROTHY A. TOPEL GAE VEIT AND KEAN OF MONTICELLO, INC. KJELLBERG'S MAKITA USA MARQUETTE BANK MONTICELLO MIELKE BROS LLC MIELKE/ALVIN W. MN DEPART OF NATURAL RESOURCES MN LICENSE BEVERAGE ASOC. MONTICELLO PUBLIC LIBRARY NORTHWEST MINNESOTA CHAPTER PHOTO I SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA A. SCHLIEF/LARRY THIBODEAUX/SUE U S POSTMASTER WARNERT COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES WRIGHT COUNTY COURT ADMIN WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR WRIGHT COUNTY TREAS/AUDITOR "** Description Amount FOR INFRAHEAP 1500 GAL WATER TRK/STR PATHWAY HWY 25 PROJ/PMT #1 HWY 25 LAND EASEMENT BLADES/PARKS DOWNTOWN REVIT EASEMENT PARCEL #30 LAND ACO/G HODLUNG PROP DAMAGE TO ASPARAGUS DRILL REPAIR/PARKS 4M TRANSFER PARCEL 29 DAMAGES HWY 25-PARCEL 31 EASEMEN DEP REG MEMBERSHIP FEES/LIQUOR TO REIMB LIBRARY CONFERENCE FEE/BLD INSP KLEIN FARMS 5TH OP SUPPLIES TIF DIST 1-22 CC VIDEO TAPES REIMB POSTAGE/SEWER & WATER HWY 25 LAND EASEMENT HWY 25 PRJ/LAND ACO RECORD EASEMENT ( 3) 1/2 MAPS 155-500-142210 Final Tota"1 s. . . 25,000.00 2,000.00 154.00 712,858.58 75,000.00 151.56 2,011.74 380.00 83,000.00 1,700.00 40.95 1 , 100,015.00 16,171.00 19,524.00 4,545.00 279.00 1,555.52 15.00 0.00 345 . 11 0.00 16.27 387.90 130,000.00 3,305.00 97.50 .\ 5.00 1.733.96 2,165,540.09 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM e08/04/1999 09:41:10 FUND RECAP: Payments for Publication FUND DESCRIPTION .~ 0 1 21 1 213 225 250 436 450 467 601 602 609 955 DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND LIBRARY FUND HRA FUND PARK FUND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH FD 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 96-04C HWY25/MNDOT IMPR 98-17C CSAH 75/E BROW IMPR WATER FUND SEWER FUND MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND INVESTMENT HOLDING FUND 3,769.67 1,555.52 1.192.51 2,011.74 24,990.66 960,640.69 83,070.40 12,164.05 CR 193.95 279.00 1,100,000.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2,165,540.09 .AN!'\ RECAP: BANK NAME DISBURSEMENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUQR CHECKING 2,165,261.09 279.00 TOTAL ALL BANKS 2,165,540.09 . . FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/1999 10:26:06 Payments for Publication CITY OF MONTICELLO GL050S-V06.00 COVERPAGE GL335R Report Selection: Approval Date...... ......... ....... 08/09/1999 Payments Through Date... ........... 08/05/1999 Cutoff Amount to be Used.. ......... RUN GROUP... 00805 COMMENT... 08/05 CHECKS DATA-JE-ID DATA COMMENT D-08051999-008 Run Instructions: Jobq Banner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 N S 6 066 10 . . ~C FINANCIAL SYSTEM "'/03/1999 10:26:07 - - ,.- --~ ".- - ..- -- . - ..- -. Approved on Payments for Publication CITY OF MONTICELLO GL335R-V06.00 PAGE 8/09/1999 for Payments Through Vendor Name . ARAMARK BELLBOY CORPORATION BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COMPANY CENTRAL MINH INITIATIVE FUND COMMERCIAL ASPHALT COMPANY COMPUTER BRITE CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN MAGAZINE DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING CO DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY DISCOUNT PAPER PRODUCTS, INC. DYNA SYSTEMS EARL F ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES GENERAL RENTAL CENTER GLUNZ/RAYMOND J GRIGGS, COOPER & COMPANY GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY INNOVATIVE ELECTRONIC SOLUTION K MART STORE K SALES LAKE STATE REALTY SERVICES INC LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES M.B.P. MN DEPT OF TRADE & ECON DEVEL MN GOV FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOC MONTICELLO ROTARY MONTICELLO/CITY OF MOON MOTOR SALES, INC. NATIONAL BUSHING PARTS & CO. PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO PIONEER PIPELINE SUPPLY, INC. PURCELL'S PLUMBERY RED'S MOBIL RIVERSIDE OIL RON'S GOURMET ICE SALZWEDEL/PATRICIA A. SIMONSON LUMBER COMPANY SIMPSON/CYNTHIA R SPECTRUM SUPPLY CO. ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUPPLY TAYLOR LAND SURVEYORS INC. THEISEN/MATT THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY TRUEMAN-WELTERS, INC. WATSON COMPANY, INC/THE WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR-TREAS WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. . ** -'-..- - ,,-- - - - -. -. ---- - - - Description 8/05/1999 CITY HALL LIQUOR BEER CMIF GRANT PYMT STREETS CITY HALL/COMPUTER MTC WALNUT ST/AD BEER BER PAPER SUPPLIES STREETS/CUP SUPPLIES/STREETS SHOP SUPPLIES JOHNSON,JAMISON,BRANDSRU LIQUOR BEER PARK SUPPLIES SEWER SUPPLIE DEP REG SUP WWTP CONS COSTS MARKET APPRAISALS CONF FEES/B THIELEN GAS/STREETS SCERG FINAL PYMT DUES/C SHUMAN MEMBERSHIP DUES/OLLIE K LIQUOR/SEWER WATER BILL SUPPLIES/TREE DEPT SHOP LIQUOR PARK SUPPLIES SEWER SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SUP GAS/STREETSS GAS/STREETS ICE DOG FOOD REIMB RIVER MILL PARK FIRE HALL CLEANING SUPPlE/STREETS SUPPLIES/LIBRARY COM CTR SURVEYING FEES SAFETY SHOES/REIMB BEER TRIMMER/STREETS MISC SCERG GRANT PYMT KJELLBERG WEST PLN REV Final Totals... Amount 35.50 2,648.36 383.10 1,100.21 1,115.98 213.95 217.50 6,248.43 1,729.55 225.91 219.49 1,488.79 68.37 975.00 2,280.92 2,960.25 454.39 122.39 19.75 429.65 4,500.00 150.00 1,730.60 958.44 420.00 218.00 27.95 67.58 187.06 3,972.57 151. 77 355.55 4.24 71. 61 850.00 542.02 149.59 274.74 50.00 335.38 55.86 145.00 90.00 17,749.25 390.00 436.82 2,760.51 19,893.25 79,475.28 .. C FINANCIAL SYSTEM ~03/1999 10:26:08 Payments for Publication FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION 101 211 222 223 224 225 240 262 436 458 461 462 466 467 601 602 609 . DISBURSEMENTS ---------------------------- GENERAL FUND LIBRARY FUND SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) CMIF (CENT MN INIT FUND) SHADE TREE FUND PARK FUND CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD SANITARY SEWER ACCESS FUND 93-14C WWTP EXPANSION PRJ 97-04C KLEIN FARMS 4(LION'S) 98-03C COMMUNITY CENTER 98-12C 7TH STREET EXTENSION 99-01C KJELLBERG WEST SAN S 98-17C CSAH 75/E BRDW IMPR WATER FUND SEWER FUND MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 21,275.89 55.86 3,718.95 1,100.21 50.01 577.58 4,500.00 465.00 429.65 111.00 282.50 579.00 4,274.50 1,310.00 90.00 415.00 39,205.13 975.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 79,475.28 BANK RECAP: BANK NAME DISBURSEMENTS ---------------------------- GENL GENERAL CHECKING LIQR LIQUOR CHECKING 40,270.15 39,205.13 TOTAL ALL BANKS . 79,475.28