Monday, May 8, 2017 — 6:30 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, and Lloyd Hilgart
Absent: None.
1. General Business
A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. All City Councilmembers
were present.
B. Approval of Meeting Minutes
Regular Meeting Minutes from April 24, 2017
Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the regular meeting minutes of
City Council Meeting held April 24, 2017. Councilmember Fair seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda
• None.
D. Citizen Comments
• None.
E. Public Service Announcements
• Rachel Leonard, Communications Coordinator, noted the following
- Farmers Market Opening Day — May 11
- Spring Leaf Pickup — May 13
• Shibani Bisson, City Engineer/WSB provided a construction update on the
TH 25/7t" Street Intersection project.
F. Council Liaison Updates
• IEDC — Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager, gave an update
and noted that the commission discussed the potential County wide sales
tax and gave an update on the Downtown Small Area Study.
• Planning Commission — Councilmember Gabler gave a brief overview of
the meeting. The Planning Commission agenda included a public hearing
on Camping World PUD which was continued to the June meeting and a
City Council Minutes — May 8, 2017 Page 1 14
public hearing for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for `Places to Shop'
to `Places to Work'. The Commission was also provided an update on the
Downtown Small Area Study and Planning Commission members were
encouraged to attend training.
• BCOL — meeting was rescheduled for May 12.
G. Department Updates
• Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator, provided an update on the following:
1. A Highway 25 Coalition study group met. The study process should take
approximately 11 months.
2. An analysis of the value of the bio -solids site will be presented by Wayne
Elam at an upcoming meeting. Posting for sale of the property will
3. Meetings between staff and Veolia on management of the WWTF have
occurred. There will be a workshop on this topic in June.
4. There will be a table top discussion on Emergency Civil Defense protocol
on June 9.
5. Wright County will be discussing potential local option sales tax on May 9
at 9:30 a.m.
6. WSB is in the design phase for the Fallon Avenue Overpass. This will be
brought to a City Council Workshop on May 22.
• Wright County Sheriff Quarterly Update — Lieutenant Eric Kunkel presented
the quarterly update. Wright County will be holding an Open House on June
• Tom Pawelk, Parks Superintendent, presented a Parks Department update.
• Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, introduced Downtown
Area Boulevard Enhancements and the Arts & Parks District.
2. Consent Agenda
Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding items E
and G. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved
the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $561,228.86.
B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved
the hires for MCC, Streets, and Parks and the departures for the Liquor
Store and the MCC.
C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property.
Recommendation: Approved as presented.
D. Consideration of approving Purchasing and Procurement Procedures Policy for
projects receiving federal grants. Recommendation: Approved the Purchasing
and Procurement Procedures Policy for projects receiving federal grants.
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E. Consideration of approving Ordinance 665 amending Title 3 adding Chapter 20,
Mobile Food Units, Summary Ordinance 665A for publication and Ordinance 666
amending the 2017 Fee Schedule. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED
F. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-17 accepting bids and awarding
contract for the 2017 Street Reconstruction and Utility Improvement Project, City
Project No. 16C003. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2017-17
accepting the bids and awarding the contract to the lowest responsible
bidder, ASTECH Corp. in the amount of $1,450,162.61 for the 2017 Street
Reconstruction and Utility Improvement Project, City Project No. 16C003.
G. Consideration of approving the scanning of microfilm to Laserfiche with Indigital
in the amount of $12,200. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM
2A. Consideration of items removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.
E. Consideration of approving Ordinance 665 amending Title 3 adding Chapter 20,
Mobile Food Units, Summary Ordinance 665A for publication and Ordinance
666 amending the 2017 Fee Schedule.
Councilmember Davidson removed the item to discuss section B-8 in the
ordinance. This section allows for mobile food units to operate until 10 p.m.
There was discussion about extending this time for certain events.
Councilmember Davidson moved to approval of: Ordinance 665 amending
Title 3 adding Chapter 20, Mobile Food Units with the amendment that
Section B-8 include an exemption to the time limit as authorized by City
Council; Summary Ordinance 665A for publication; and Ordinance 666
amending the 2017 Fee Schedule. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
G. Consideration of approving the scanning of microfilm to Laserfiche with Indigital
in the amount o f $12,200.
Mayor Stumpf removed the item to get clarification on the scanning of
documents. He understood an intern may be scanning. Jennifer Schreiber, City
Clerk, explained that this scanning was taking information from a microfilm and
digitizing it to Laserfiche. This needed to be accomplished by a service.
Councilmember Hilgart moved approval of the scanning of microfilm to
Laserfiche by Indigital in the amount of $12,200. Councilmember Davidson
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
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By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m.
Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber
Attest: Qxw�
City Administrator
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