City Council Agenda Packet 03-11-1994 SpecialRo AGENDA FOR THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Friday, March 11, 1894 - 2:30 p.m. Mayor: Ken Maus Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst., Brad Fyle, Patty Olsen Call to order. 2. Discussion of Wasterwater Treatment Plant facilities expansion plan. 3. Adjournment. CITY OF MONTICELLO FACILITIES PLAN WORK SESSION SERIES 100 - FLOWS AND LOADS SERIES 200 - DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS MARCH 11, 1994 DEFINITIONS BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (BOD.) OXYGEN DEMAND OF BIODEGRADABLE ORGANIC MATTER TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (TSS) FILTERABLE SOLIDS IN WASTESTREAM INFILTRATION WATER SEEPAGE THROUGH THE SEWER SYSTEM PIPES AND VAULTS INFLOW SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE STORMWATER ENTERING THE SEWER SYSTEM DOMESTIC SOURCES ALL RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, AND INSTITUTIONAL SOURCES (EXCLUDES INDUSTRIAL SOURCES) CURRENT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT, FLOWS AND LOADINGS Percent Design' of Parameter Present ( 2000) Design Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent Flow, mgd 0.66 0.91 72 Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD,), ppd 2,250 6,270 35 Total suspended solids (TSS), ppd 1,550 3220 50 Domestic Sources Flow, mgd 0.57 0.77 74 BOD,, ppd 1,150 1,600 72 TSS, ppd 1,100 1,470 75 Industrial Sources (Sunny Fresh Foods) Flow, mgd 0.09 0.14 64 BOD,, ppd 1,100 4,670 23 TSS, ppd 450 1,750 28 ' Design loadings for the year 2000 are taken from the Facilities Plannine Resort for the Citv of Monticello, Minnesota, January, 1977, by OSM. PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF INFLOWANFILTRATION (I/Dl REGULATORY GUIDELINES - DOMES'T'IC PLUS III EPA- INFILTRATION < 3000 GPDANCH/MILE MPCA - INFILTRATION < 120 GPCD MPCA - INFLOW < 275 GPCD CITY OF MONTICELLO - DOMESTIC PLUS 1/I EPA 7 DAY CONSECUTIVE FLOW = 792 GPD/INCH/MILE MPCA - INFILTRATION YEAR FLOW RATE 1991 115 GPCD 1992 114 GPCD 1993 118 GPCD MPCA - INFLOW PEAK INFLOW 154 GPCD WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS. ll PARAMETER I EXISTING NPDES PERMIT PROJECTED NPDES PERMIT' �l CARBONACEOUS BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN 25 mg/L I 25 mg/L** DEMAND (cBODS) TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS 30 mg/L 30 mg/L** (TSS) FECAL COLIFORM 200/ 100 mL 200/ 100 mL TOTAL CHLORINE RESIDUAL I 0.038 mg/L PHOSPHORUS -P I Monitor TOTAL KJELDAHL I Monitor NITROGEN AMMONIA -NITROGEN I I Monitor 1. BASED UPON MPCA PROJECTIONS 2. AMMONIA LIMITATIONS WILL BE IMPOSED IF DISCHARGE IS NOT TO MISSISSIPPI RIVER ** TOTAL MASS OF POLLUTANT DISCHARGED TO REMAIN AT EXISTING LEVELS I PAST, PRESENT, AND PROJECTED CITY OF MONTICELLO POPULATION 16.000 14.000 'o 12,000 10.000 l�' • e,000 ... a 6.000 4,070 2.000 0 1970 1990 1990 2000 2010 2020 Year Census Bureau 25 Home Starts —•— 50 Home Starts Data —v 75 Home Starts 100 Homo Starts INDUSTRIAL GROWTH CASE 1 - EXPANDED SUNNYFRESH FOODS CASE 2 - EXPANDED SUNNYFRESH FOODS WITH ADDITIONAL WET INDUSTRY CASE 3 - EXPANDED SUNNYFRESH FOODS WITH ADDITIONAL DRY INDUSTRY CASE 4 - EXPANDED SUNNYFRESH FOODS WITH ADDITIONAL WET AND DRY INDUSTRY 50M 45M 4000 3500 � 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 PROJECTED INDUSTRIAL ORGANIC LOADINGS Monticello WWTP Industrial Blochemicaf Oxygen Demand loads for Year 2020. Average Max Month Max Week Max day I X -Y - 00Home ttarh/yr - IndustrIal Growth Case (Y) N Present tnausttial Load 0 Expanded Sonnyftosh Load 1:1 Unidentified Industry Load I CURRENT AVERAGE INDUSTRIAL BOD LOAD = 1100 POUNDS PER DAY Monticello WWTP Industrial Total Suspended Solids Loads for Year 2020. A,u,age Max month Max wcsok Max (joy 3000 2500 2" IbW 500 X -Y o M HOMO stafttroar - Industrial Growth Casa (Y) 1 0 Pfesont InaustrIal Load 0 E 900ndod Sunnyllosh Load 0 Undontiflod Industrkil Load I CURRENT AVERAGE INDUSTRIAL TSS LOAD - 450 POUNDS PER DAY PROJECTED DESIGN ORGANIC LOADINGS Monticello WWTP Design Biochemical Oxygen Demand loads for Year 2020. Average Mac month Max week Maw day 120DO 10000 g 8000 -- ---- -- - - - q 6000 - - -- -- - - - - - - 4000 -� - - - - - - - - - p X -Y = (X) Home StarWyear - Induslrka Growth Case (Y) 0 Domestic Load ❑ Industrlal Lootl CURRENT AVERAGE BOD LOAD = 2250 POUNDS PER DAY O Monticello WWTP Design Total Suspended Solids Loads for Year 2020. Average Mai month _Max week Mar' day- 120M ay 00 120 10000 O 8000 t �' 6000 I X -y a Oq Homo Starts/your - Industrial Growth Case (y) 0 Domestic Load C3 Indusl6ol Load CURRENT AVERAGE TSS LOAD = 1550 POUNDS PER DAY PRESENT AND PROJECTED INDUSTRIAL FLOWS Scenario Flow. mgd Present Industrial Design Flow 0.16 ;Projected Industrial Flows 50 home starts/yeor Industrial Growth Case 2 0.35 Industrial Growth Case 3 0.30 75 home starts/year Industrial Growth Case 2 0.42 Industrial Growth Case 3 0.35 Monticello WWTP Design Flows for Year 2D20 ADWF AW WF 1dt4WF i44wwf P;WWF p ._ 5 4 E 3 2 z•Y . txt Hwe rtanUyear . IndusMal Grown caw M CURRENT FLOW = 0.66 MGD PRELIMINARY COST COMPARISON RELATIVE GROWTH SCENARIO CAPITAL COST 50 HOME STARTS PER YEAR INDUSTRIAL GROWTH CASE 2 + 10% INDUSTRIAL GROWTH CASE 3 BASE CASE 75 HOME STARTS PER YEAR INDUSTRIAL GROWTH CASE 2 + 35 % INDUSTRIAL GROWTH CASE 3 + 15 COST COMPARISON ASSUMES 50 HOME STARTS PER YEAR - INDUSTRIAL GROWTH CASE 3 WILL HAVE THE LOWEST CAPITAL COST. ALL OTHER CAPITAL COSTS REFLECT AN ESTIMATED PERCENT INCREASE ABOVE THE BASE CASE CAPITAL COST. Id"iT TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM I DATE: MARCH 8, 1994 TO: JOHN SIMOLA, CITY OF MONTICELLO FROM: JON PETERSON, OSM SUBJECT: MONTICELLO FACILITIES PLAN SERIES 100 - FLOWS AND LOADS OSM COMM NO. 5216.00 Introduction This technical memorandum presents projections of the City of Monticello's population and wastewater flows and loads through the year 2020. A review of existing wastewater treatment plant operating data is also presented to assess infiltration and inflow (1/1) in the City's sewer system and determine current organic loadings from domestic (residential, commercial, institutional) and industrial sources. To develop future wastewater flows and loads, several evaluation steps were necessary. The first step was to review the current service area and associated wastewater flows and loads, including 1/1, using historical records. The second step involved estimating future residential, commercial, institutional and industrial growth. The third step utilized the information developed in the first two steps, along with accepted standards for designing wastewater treatment plants to project wastewater flows and loads to the year 2020. Service Area Figure 1-1 shows the City of Monticello's current sewer system service area. At this time approximately 4,920 of the City's 5,200 persons arc served by the municipal sewer system. The remaining 280 persons use on-site sewage disposal systems and are expected to be connected to the sewer system within 5 to 10 years. An additional 500 persons utilize on- site sewage disposal facilities which arc not currently within City limits, but will be connected to the system within 5 to 10 years. Current Flows and Organic Loads 1D�T i During the past 15 years, the influent sewage characteristics at the Monticello wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) have changed considerably with changes in population and industrial activities. Table I-1 provides a summary of the existing Monticello WWTP rated design capacity based upon the 1979 upgraded treatment plant. To evaluate design conditions for the next 20 years, current flows and organic loads were evaluated using monthly operating reports from January, 1991 through December, 1993. Flows Figure 1.2 presents reported monthly average influent flows at the Monticello W WTP during 1991 through 1993. The influent flow during the past three years has averaged 0.66 million gallons per day (mgd). Sunnyfresh Foods, the major industrial user, discharged an average of 0.09 mgd of sewage during this period. Bondhus Industries, the City's other industrial user, discharges low volumes of flow and organic loadings and is considered typical of a commercial source. Current influent flows to the Monticello WWTP are roughly 75 percent of the rated design capacity. The wastewater flow conditions used in designing WWTP are average dry weather (ADW), average wet weather (AWW), maximum wet weather (MWW), peak hourly wet weather (PHWW) and peak instantaneous wet weather (PIWW) flow. Table 1-2 provides an explanation for developing these flows and their use in W WTP design. The average dry weather (ADW) flow averaged 0.61 over the three-year period with a slight increase from 0.58 mgd in 1991 to 0.62 mgd in 1993. ADW condition assumes normal groundwater with no runoff (inflow) into the sewerage system and average industrial flows from Sunnyfresh Foods of 0.09 mgd. ADW conditions occurred in November or December of each year. The average wet weather (AWW) flow from 1991 through 1993 average 0.73 mgd. The 1993 AWW flow of 0.78 mgd was the greatest in the three-year period due to the high rainfall. AWW conditions occur during the early summer months of Jay or June. AWW condition are the wettest 30 -day average and high groundwater with inflow. The existing AWW flows also include an average industrial flow of 0.09 mgd. A summary of existing flows and rainfall records for the past three years is provided in Table 1.3. Infiltration and Inflow A preliminary assessment of infiltration and inflow (1/1) in the Monticello sewer system was prepared by reviewing rainfall event records, including amount of precipitation and duration of event, along with flow records at the Monticello WWTP. Based on this data, a determination of whether the City's sewer system has excessive 1/1 per capita according to Ji\LI�00\L7VIL\�S\y"-�IUm1117/ Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page I-3 the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines was made. The definition of EXCESSIVE infiltration has changed during the past 10 years. The original definition by the EPA states that infiltration is MM excessive if it falls within the following limits: Length of Sewer in Citv 1. Greater than 100,000 ft 2. 10,000 to 100,000 ft 3. Less than 10,000 ft Maximum 7 -day Average Nonexcessive Infiltration Rate less than to 3,000 gpd/in./mile 3,000 to 6,000 gpd/in./mile 6,000 to 10,000 gpd/in./milt With the expiration of the federal grant program, the State of Minnesota established regulation Chapter 7077 which covers infiltration and inflow for State Grant or Loan funded projects. Chapter 7077 defines infiltration and inflow as follows: Subp. 12. Excessive infiitration. "Excessive infiltration" means the quantity of flow which is more than 120 gallons per capita per day (domestic base flow and infiltration) or the quantity of infiltration which can be economically and effectively eliminated from a sewer system as determined through cost effectiveness analysis. Subp. 13. Excessive inflow. "Excessive inflow" means the maximum total flow rate during storm events that results in chronic operational problems related to hydraulic overloading of the treatment facility or that results in a total flow of more than 275 gallons per capita per day (domestic base flow plus infiltration plus inflow). Chronic operational problems may include surcharging, backups, bypasses, and overflows. Chapter 7077 does not identify the time period of storm event in which the flow must occur. For purposes of this study, an assessment of the infiltration will be made using both criteria. Table 1.4 shows that Monticello's sewer system is 274,000 feet long and, therefore, falls within category 1. L W I&O%CMNCURPJ3\IMHI O.YI:l1 Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page 1-4 During the past three years, the maximum seven consecutive day flow received at the wastewater treatment plant occurred from July 5, 1993 through July 11, 1993. An average flow during this period was 0.802 mgd. During this period an average of 0.765 mgd was pumped from the city wells to the city as a whole. However, not all of this water gained access to the sanitary sewer. The Water Department performs an accounting of water usage within the city. Table 1-5 entitled Water and Sewer Use Worksheet is a summary of data for 1993. This table shows that the volume discharged into the sewer (total sewer consumption) is less than pumped from the wells. Table 1-5 shows the estimated residential sewer consumption based upon residential water usage during winter months. Total public/institutional and commercial sewer consumption is based upon water meter readings. Industrial sewer consumption is the combined sewage flows from Sunnyfresh Foods and Bondhus. Three reductions are shown. The first reduction is for known water losses or spills. The second reduction is the difference between the volume pumped into the watermains (total water used from well) and the volume sold to the customers by the Water Department (total water consumption), based upon individual water meter readings. This difference is sometimes identified as water system loss. The third reduction is the difference between water sold to the customer and that volume which the customers discharge the sewer. Table I-5 shows that during the third quarter, 1992 the water system loss was about 10,630,000 gallons or 14.0 percent of the total water usage. Table 1-5 also shows that the difference between water sold to customers (total water consumption), and the estimated volume of wastewater discharge to the sewer was about 16,035,000 gallons. The City Water Department does not read the water meters daily so water consumption billing information is not available for the period from July 5 through July 11, 1993. An estimation of the loss was made as follows. During the third quarter, 1993, 14.0 percent of the water pumped from the city wells did not reach the customers. For this 1/1 study, it is assumed that 14.0 percent of the water pumped from the city wells did not reach the sewer front July 5 through July 11, similar to the third quarter 1993. Also, it is assumed that the entire "known loss' occurred during the July 5 through July 11 period. In reality the "known loss" likely did not all occur within the study period so this assumption will over estimate the infiltration. However, if the infiltration to the system is shown to be non -excessive using this conservative assumption then no further analyses will be required to further focus in on a more accurate value. Table 1-5 shows a third difference between water consumption and total sewer consumption. The table does not identify the basis for this difference. Nevertheless during the third quarter of 1993 the difference was 16,035,000 or 24.8 percent of the total water consumption records. Assuming this signifies a further reduction of the wastewater discharged j= the system, this percentage of water must be reduced from the water "sales" records to J.w1.mtCML\cww3W twwmX" Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page 1-5 determine wastewater contributed to the sewer. For the July 5 through July 11 seven day period being evaluated for this infiltration study, the wastewater contribution to the sewer is 208,000 gallons per day less than the water sold. The calculated infiltration for the peak seven consecutive day flow then is the difference between the wastewater volume received at the Monticello WWTP and the volume contributed to the sewer by the customers or 0.311 mgd. Table I-4 shows that 392.20 -inch diameter miles exist in Monticello, so the system -wide infiltration equals 792.96 gpd/inch/mile. This is significantly less than the MPGA guideline of 3000 gpd/inch/mile. Thus the Monticello Sanitary Sewer System is not subject to excessive infiltration according to the EPA guidelines. To calculate infiltration according to Minnesota Regulations Chapter 7077 wastewater flow records were reviewed for year 1991, 1992 and 1993. The annual average domestic plus 1/1 flow was 0.569, 0.563 and 0.584 mgd for years 1991, 1992 and 1993 respectively. At a sewered population of 4,922, the per capita now for each respective year was 115 gpcd, 114 gpcd and 118 gpcd, which is less than the 120 gpcd requirements. For three months (May, June, July 1993) the Monticello system experienced flows in excess of 120 gpcd. Thcsc were 122 gpcd, 136 gpcd and 125 gpcd respectively. According to the definitions in 7077, the Monticello system would be experiencing possible excessive infiltration during those three months, and a cost effectiveness analysis would be required to make the final determination of whether the infiltration is excessive. Minnesota Rules define excessive inflow as tha domestic plus 1/1 flow recorded during the past on June 21, 1993, following a 0.57 inch rainfall. less than that defined by Minnesota Rules. t which exceeds 275 gpcd. The maximum three years was 0.758 mgd which occurred The per capita flow was 154 gpcd which is Figure 1-3 shows the hourly variation in ADW, ADW with high groundwater and storm event conditions. Figure 1.3 shows the peak infiltration due to high groundwater is 0.23 mgd. The peak hourly inflow from a 0.4 inch one-hour rainfall event was 0.25 mgd occurring at 4:00 P.M. Adjusting the peak hourly inflow for a 0.4 inch rainfall event to the five-year one-hour and 25 -year one-hour rainfall events used in calculating the peak hourly and peak instantaneously wet weather flow (PHWWF and PIWWF) results in 1.06 and 1.43 mgd of inflow for the PHWWF and PIWWF, respectively. J:WI"D%Cr.U%CGww\q7W 11006 i Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page 1-6 Peak infiltration and peak inflow will be used in estimating PHWW and PIWW flows. Sewer Billines Evaluation of the 1992 and 1993 sewer billings suggests roughly 43 percent of the influent wastewater is from residential sources, 20 percent is from 1/1, or approximately 0.13 mgd, 16 percent is from commercial sources, 14 percent is from industrial, and 7 percent from institutional sources. With a scwcrcd population of 4922 persons and neglecting the industrial flows of 0.09 mgd, the existing domestic hydraulic loading averages 115 gallons per day per capita (gpd/cap). Domestic hydraulic loading includes all residential, commercial, institutional and 1/1 contributions, but excludes industrial flows. This is slightly greater than the 10 State Standards and MPCA recommended design criteria of 100 gpd/cap for future domestic flow contributions. Influent 5 -day total biochemical oxygen demand (BODS) and total suspended solids (TSS) mass loadings were evaluated to estimate current organic loadings to the Monticello WWTP. Figures 1.4 and 1-5 show influent BODS and TSS loadings from January 1991 through December 1993, respectively. Figures 14 and 1-5 show several extreme organic loading fluctuations in the influent waste stream. These fluctuation arc primarily attributable to changes in organic discharges from Sunnyfresh Foods. Tablc 1-6 provides a summary of the Monticello W WI -P influent organic loadings. Present average influent BODS and TSS concentrations and loadings arc significantly less than the design parameters used in 1979. Average influent BODS concentrations of 400 milligrams per liter (mg/L) arc less than one-half the original design of 825 mg/L. Due to the large decrease in BODS waste strength, the influent BODS load is only 35 percent of the influent design load. Similarly, influent TSS concentrations of 275 mg/L arc roughly 65 percent of the design TSS strength and current TSS mass loads arc 50 percent of the design TSS load. The large difference between the current and rated organic loadings is primarily due to changes in Sunnyfresh Foods organic loadings. Table 1-7 provides a breakdown of current and design organic loadings in the W WTP influent broken down by domestic and industrial contributions. The Monticello WWTP is now in year 15 of a 20 -year design life. Projections of domestic flows and loads developed for the design of the W WTP arc in close agreement with present flows and organic loadings. However, present industrial contributions arc significantly less than previously projected. The lower industrial loadings arc the result of Sunnyfresh Foods Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page 1-7 changing from an egg processing facility to specialty products manufacturing. In addition, the implementation of a pretreatment program regulating industrial waste discharges has affected organic loadings to the Monticello WWTP. On average, Sunnyfresh Foods supplies approximately 50 and 30 percent of the reported influent BODS and TSS loads, respectively. Alternatively, assuming 0.25 pounds per day BODS per capita (ppcd), Sunnyfresh Foods discharges an average BODS load equivalent to 4,400 persons. Assuming 0.25 ppcd TSS, Sunnyfresh Foods discharges an equivalent TSS load as 1,800 persons. As described previously, Bondhus discharges less than one percent of the influent BODS and TSS loadings to the WWTP. The average Sunnyfresh BODS and TSS concentrations over the past 3 years were 1,300 and 400 mg/L, respectively. Table 1-8 presents the organic loading per capita in terms of BODS and TSS for average and maximum month conditions. Domestic organic loadings represent the average loading from residential, commercial, and institutional sources. Organic loads from Sunnyfresh Foods are not included. Average BODS and TSS loadings of 0.25 and 0.24 ppd/cap are representative sewer systems with low 1/1 and households utilizing garbage disposal. Tcn-state standards recommend design loadings of 0.22 and 0.25 ppcd for BODS and TSS, respectively. Growth Projections Future wastewater flows and organic loads can be estimated using population and industrial growth projections within and near the City limits. Utilizing this information, flows and loading trends, design flows and loads for future years can be projected. During the last 2 decades, the City of Monticello has experienced rapid population growth. The City has grown from 1,636 persons in 1970 to approximately 5,200 in 1994;a 4.9 percent annual growth rate. In January 1994, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., the City's planner, projected population growth for Monticello using the State Demographers population projections for Sherburne and Wright Counties and past population trends for Monticello, Big Lake and Becker Townships. Northwest Planning assumed that commercial and institutional growth rates would be in proportion to the existing mixture of commercial and institutional land use to residential population. Industrial growth is discussed later in this memorandum. Figure 1.6 presents the population forecasts for the City of Monticello based upon slow and fast growth scenarios labeled 25 and 50 Home Starts per year, respectively. The faster growth rate scenarios of 75 and 100 House Starts per Year based upon current housing trends in Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7. 1994 Page 1-8 Monticello were estimated by city staff. Annual growth rates for each population projection scenario is also given in Figure 1-6. As seen in Figure 1-5, the planning period population projection ranges between 8,400 and 15,045 people. However, the 50 and 75 home starts per year arc believed to be more representative of future growth trends because they are based upon past and current housing start rates. Therefore, flows and loads based upon 50 and 75 home starts per year will be developed. Table 1-9 provides a summary of the present and projected domestic design flows and loads for each viable population projection. Design flows are based upon existing flow rates and projected population and industrial growth estimates. The 1991 through 1993 data served as basis of the design flows. Future design flows were estimated assuming domestic sewage flows increase by 115 gpd/cap for future population increases. The domestic flow increase of 115 gpd/cap is greater than the MPCA recommended domestic design flow of 100 gpd/cap. Future domestic organic loadings were assumed to increase at the organic loading rates previously presented: BOD., of 0.25 ppcd and 0.37 ppcd for average and maximum month, respectively and TSS of 0.25 ppcd and 0.35 ppcd for average and maximum months, respectively. The average TSS loading factor of 0.25 ppcd was selected based upon 106state standards for new construction rather than average TSS loadings during the past three years. It was assumed that future maximum week and maximum day organic loadings will occur during the maximum month and will likewise increase at the maximum month loadings. The City of Monticello currently has two industrial users: Sunnyfresh Foods and Bondhus Corp. Sunnyfresh Food is a major industrial user whose discharges currently account for 15, 50, and 30 percent of the flow, BOD, and TSS influent loadings to the Monticello WWTP, respectively. Bondhus discharges account for less than one percent of the flow, BOD, and TSS influent loadings and is therefore, considered a minor industrial user. Predicting industrial growth is difficult since the type of future industry is not readily identifiable and industrial growth is not tied to a specific location. Four growth scenarios were used for evaluating industrial growth. The first two cases assume growth in wct industry (industrial facilities utilizing water in the processing of goods). Case 1 assumes Sunnyfresh Foods wastewater flows and loads will increase by 25 and 50 percent, respectively, by the year 2020. This is based upon planned expansion provided by Sunnyfresh Foods. Table 1-10 provides a summary of the flows and loads for expanding 1.WI6X%CNI A nRR"%f1J1111JGOM W Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page 1-9 Sunnyfresh Foods. Since expansion of Sunnyfresh Foods without additional industrial growth is highly unlikely, three additional alternatives were investigated assuming an expanded Sunnyfresh Foods and additional wet industry, dry industry or a combination thereof. Case 2 assumes expansion of Sunnyfresh Foods as described in Case 1 plus growth of additional wet industry similar to Sunnyfresh Foods. The additional wet industry was assumed to grow in proportion to population such that if the existing ratio of industrial loading to domestic loading is 1:1, this ratio, using the expanded Sunnyfresh Foods loads plus the unidentified wet industry loads, will remain constant in the future. Case 3 assumes the planned expansion of Sunnyfresh Foods in Case 1 plus growth in dry industry. Dry industry growth was predicted by estimating the current industrial building square footage per capita (150 square feet per person) and assuming this ratio will remain constant with population increases. Based upon 150 s.f./person, Case 3 projects 56 and 78 acres of new dry industry growth for the next 20 years for population at year 2020 of 10,637 and 12,841; respectively. Dry industry sewage flow are assumed to be typical of current commercial facilities water usage of 160 gpd/1,000 s.f. with 80 percent of water usage is discharged to the sewer and typical domestic waste organic loadings. Commercial industries typically assume 100 gpd/1,000 s.f. versus the 128 gpd/1,000 s.f. assumed. Organic loadings are typical of domestic sewage. Case 4 is a combination of Cases 2 and 3. Case 4 assumes Sunnyfresh Foods will expand as planned in Case 1, dry industry will increase as in Case 3 and unidentified wet industry will increase by 30 percent of the existing Sunnyfresh Foods loads. Under this scenario, the flows and loads developed for Case 4 were essentially identical to Case 2, and, therefore, are considered equal. A comparison of the projected flows and organic loads generated from Cases 2 and 3 for 50 and 75 house starts per year is presented below in Table 1-11. Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page I-10 DST Another factor to consider when developing flow and load projections is the contribution out -of town students and workers and seasonal residents have on wastewater flows and loads. Currently, the contribution from out of town workers is negligible and is not expected to increase significantly within the planning period. The contribution of current out-of-town students is accounted for in institutional land use. As such, institutional growth discussed previously accounts for any increase in out -of town students. Current and future seasonal resident contributions are considered negligible in Monticello. Design Flows and Loads Using existing flow and organic loading data and projected growth for Monticello, we can estimate the design flows and organic loadings. Wastewater flows and loadings to the Monticello WWfP change with the time of day and season. Developing design conditions for every flow or loading condition is not economically prudent or time efficient. As such, the 5 previously described now conditions and four design organic conditions were defined for use in the liquid and solids stream alternative evaluation. Thcse conditions are average annual, maximum month, maximum week, and maximum day conditions. Average annual loadings are typical of loading during both average dry and wet weather conditions. The maximum month and maximum week conditions are representative of the highest organic loading expected for a calendar month/week and the maximum day predicts sustained short-term loading conditions. Maximum month and week conditions are imperative the in design of the treatment facilities since the City's existing and future National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit contains weekly and monthly discharge limitations. Table 1-12 provides a summary of the design flows and loads for each growth scenario. i:yu"O%rnv.�COR9Mvywsyuw Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page 1-14 Figure 1-1 Figure 1-1 City of Monticello Existing Service Area Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page 1-15 Table 1-1. City of Monticello Fsisting Wastewater Treatment Plant Rated Design Capacity. Parameter Value Flow, mgd Average 0.91 Sustained peak 1.40 Biochemical oxygen demand milligrams per liter 826 pounds per day 6370 Total suspended solids milligrams per liter 425 pounds per day 3225 Total kJeldahl nitrogen milligrams per liter 45 pounds per day 340 1 W I�m17�'6lV �tD�R Im1YY Figure 1-2. Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Flows 0991- 1993). 1 0.9 I 1 0.8 , E 0.7— - 0.6 0.4 W z Month —+— 1991 1942 - 1993 Pope r- 1 (/ Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page 1-17 Table I.2. Wastewater Flow Design Conditions. Item Description Purpose ADW Average dry weather flow assumes Determine if flow equalization normal groundwater, no runoff. should be evaluated and to meet average permit limitations. AWW Average wet weatehr flow (wettest Facility design to meet average 30 -day average for mechanical plant permit limitations and to and wettest 180 -day average of detemrine if flow equalization controlled discharge pond systems). should be evaluated. Assume high groundwater iwth inflow. MWW Maximum wet weather flow received For facility design to meet during a seven-day period divided by maximum permit limitations. seven. Assumes high groundwater with inflow. PHWW Peak hourly wet weather flow. Clarifier and disinfection sizing Assumes high groundwater with and to determine if flow inflow due to a five-year one-hour equalization should be evaluated. storm event. PIWW Peak instantaneous wet weather flow. Hydraulic design and to determine Assumes high groundwater with flow at which bypassing of plant inflow due to twenty-five year one- may be allowed. hour storm event. Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page I-18 Table 1-3. Summary of Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent Flows. (1991-1993) im�►mavacvuavuaimm Year Item 1991 1992 1993 Average Flow, mgd 0.66 0.65 0.66 0.66 0.62 0.62 0.63 0.63 Average annual 0.72 0.68 0.78 0.73 Average dry weather Average wet weather Annual rainfall, inches im�►mavacvuavuaimm Mr. John Simla City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page I-19 Table 14. Sanitary Sewer Inventory for Monticello, Minnesota Total Length Sanitary Sewer Diameter Feet Miles Inch -Diameter Miles 4 -inch Services 120,000 22.7272 90.91 6 -inch 4,380 0.8295 4.98 8 -inch 76,470 14.4829 115.86 10 -inch 36,300 6.8750 68.75 12 -inch 9,520 1.8030 21.64 15 -inch 14,150 2.6799 40.20 18 -inch 7,560 1.4318 25.77 21 -inch 2,560 0.4848 10.18 24 -inch 3,060 0.5795 13.91 TOTAL 274,000 51.89 392.20 Notes: I. Infiltration is the difference between that flow received at the wastewater treatment plant and that which is discharged into the sewer from residential, commercial, institutional and industrial sources. The maximum seven-day average infiltration is determined by comparing the flow received at the wastewater treatment plant for the highest recorded seven consecutive days, and subtracting the wastewater that the customers contributed to the sewer during the same period. Water pumping records are usually the basis for determining the water contributed from the custiners. nu momc VR .O`4=M-IM TA, 61, Z - S' TOW WATER TON' KNOWN TOTAL YEAR USED WATER LOSSES WATER FROM WELLS v SPILLS C.S.I t'0n (0-4 (01) (L•q (WAY., Do3t) (W.- o0vt) NIJ OannL7 Janw,y ( 19,673 000 O'1'w1 . «erwry 17,773 000 NM.mb.+ Marti 1 _ 19 537 Ow DK.mb.r Ar 5„brolal Sd 993 6dJ') AvrO COM1SumPirM 19.4]9.000 1 M•Y � 71,177,000 (DAO _Jun. (Uw DamO} 7],493,000 (U:8 066170} I a1 :wblola! 1 ,'.::.�...., Gs ;69.0m 1 (I JN7 75 7SG OW ( Auquil 7d,0,a,000 ru.nm., _ 73.r,e.00e 1ii ar 5ubl0i•I _ �n -ee nas I ,00000 I 150000 1 WATER AND SE.'/CR USC WORKS11CR 1 Toil WASTEWATER O'1'w1 T.:tt REStO ».ce7.0061 NM.mb.+ Toil INDUSTRIA{, 19.951.004 DK.mb.r SEWER 7p,5a 7.000 �•'�9+.1 COM1SumPirM w,17a 000 TOTALS � 101 O7G,0OO1 ,00000 I 150000 1 WATER AND SE.'/CR USC WORKS11CR 1 Toil WASTEWATER SEWER T.:tt REStO TWAT PUOUCJINST Tv.1 COMMCRCIAL Toil INDUSTRIA{, SEV/ER 5Cw"rR SEWER 5E1YER co,,,. — COM1SumPirM cials—ptl0,1 c-s—o- (9A7 (0aq (DAO (.1 (Uw DamO} (via Odtnq) (U:8 066170} (U.a O.6w,9 ,'.::.�...., :,' ., 374.500 ... ...... , iI , :r. . . • '"f TOTAL 1 Toil WASTEWATER SEWER TREATMENT PLANT coli—o— FLOW l0aq (0aO (t21. DIibnO) (PuPir WOrai} 19.101.000 ?100.0001 .' ' I 10.000,0001 1500.0 51.7!5 Ole 75.99. 117 ( a,r04,d12 ( tl.a]T,a,3 f!! S?2t,r09 ( a),e0] 6i7 ( 58.870000 ••, !, ?100.0001 .' ,'•• :1'•`•':�.: ,'), 11. ... �'::,.. , r) 1s.a90.oao1 �� ,'.::.�...., :,' ., 374.500 ... ...... , iI , :r. . . • '"f 75.Jaa.000 86 500 I F'' 'L_ I _ -- V• ^4 .. 7.5x3 000) 5- O8, <70 tG,+er.w:a ( 777,37. a 777,414 I 4 700 G75�—_ .8.047 ars I 4],710000 34500 " r. I, '... ,'}''.., :It. ,.5- .. . .. ..'•��.i .. 1 1,.r07000. 1 •�1.'1• ,1 3G 500 .. •• i. :.i ,.L .,, i', I 7f.ae0.00o __..—.._ � � ." , • � I !� ,''.N'1' 19.650.000 73 000 1 44,703.11.8 1 26.3100.. 1 ..07.00 9 017.CO4 ( 0 979..90 (^ -0,/.8.57p�. 62-12000 1 ! 'i'. �!" - "(t4 '.4 �� 7,100.000 �.. .�5.. :+ _ .• n.al,000 .J - 10,1 X1.000 75,000_ .`• ,yf t,., � • _— 1175.0001 53592/511 76,391 937, .•1 TT,7391 11,790.511 a.85.377 50192,97. 50,60.,000 ..571,000) 77, 771187 10',050578 ( Y7,d91,075 '0.83,0&4 ( }9,905,}61 ( 192,947.070 239,141.000 RC5IDSCWCR(aC1usq 00- 25.073.70 013 • 37,724,312 0:,4 - 76,781.041 5-zd Figure 1-3 Monticello WWTP (low patterns during varying flow regimes. 1.2 1 E 0.6 -� �7 / '� lr - •-• D. 0.4 l 0.2 "• of Time, hours Pop'r-ii —•— ADWF (1 / 1 /93) —+— ADWF with high groundwater —•— Wet weather (7/5/93) NIPMCl +A}HOW, jLJJAe4 Figure 1-4. Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Loadings(1991-1993). 3500 3000 I 2500 y 2000. 1500 1 1000 I A 500� (L � g o Month —•— 1991 —ti— 1992 '— 1993 1 PCQe t- it Figure 1-5. Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Loadings (1991-1993) 3500 3000 v 2500 2000 1500 1000 I i %0 I z CL Month —6— 1991 1992 - 1993 Pogo I = Z I Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page 1-24 Table 1-6. Summary of Monticello WWTP Influent Organic Loadings Parameter 1991 1992 1993 Average Biochemical oxygen demand (BODS) Average, mg/L 450 395 365 400 Average, ppd 2470 2150 2002 2210 Max month, mg/L 585 530 490 535 Max month, ppd 3310 2790 2685 2930 Max day, ppd 3945 3850 3665 3820 Total suspended solids(TSS) Average, mg/L 285 290 250 275 Average, ppd 1575 1570 1380 1510 Max month, mg/L 555 410 315 425 Max month, ppd 3125 2155 1970 2415 Max day, ppd 5510 4645 6260 5470 �w umiova�ooi�ennawo,wr Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page I-25 Table 1-7 Present and Design Organic Loadings for the Monticello WWTP Influent, Domestic and Industrial Sources. 1 W Na01OVR1LLRaO�MNlaalmY Design' Percent of Item Present ( 2000) Design Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent Flow, mgd 0.66 0.91 72 Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD,), ppd 2,210 6.270 35 Total suspended solids (TSS), ppd 1,510 3220 50 Domestic Sources Flow, mgd 0.57 0.77 74 Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD,), ppd I,I50 1,600 72 Total suspended solids (PSS), ppd 1,100 1,470 75 Industrial Sources (Sunny Fresh Foods) Flow, mgd 0.09 0.14 64 Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD,), ppd 1.100 4,670 23 Total suspended solids (PSS), ppd 450 1,750 28 ' Design loadings for the year 2000 aro taken from the Facilities Planning Retort for the City of Monticello. Minnesota, January, 1977, by OSM. 1 W Na01OVR1LLRaO�MNlaalmY Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page I-26 Table 1-8. City of Monticello Calculated Domestic Organic Loadings per Capita Parameter 1991 1992 1993 BODS, pound/day/capita Average 0.26 0.27 0.23 Maximum month 0.33 0.38 0.39 Month occurrence Sept. March TSS, pounds/day/capita 0.23 0.26 0.22 Average 0.36 0.37 0.32 Maximum month Month occurrence Sept. March �wumovuxoa�aaumm Average 0.25 0.37 0.24 0.35 Figure 1-6. POO. Present and Projected City of Monticello Population. 16.000 14,000 12000 14000 O.00D 4000 4.160 2000 ✓ I 0 1 1 1 1 1970 1900 1990 1000 7010 2010 Y" —•— c4 —•— 25160 —•— mlwno Doom Stam Stath Data —a— 75m —•— Im w—a Stam Stam I Po7x4at1on Prdoatbn Ua Corwn I Ilam Stam por Y— Y—B.—, 25 to 75 100 1970 1.636 1900 2&70 1790 5015 1994 5100 5.200 4100 5.200 4100 1000 5070 6.660 7.327 7.995 1010 7.110 WO 14015 11.570 ?070 7 Mual 9140 10,637 12941 15.06.5 Compondod C,r..nh k0o 4.76 18% 78% 3.5% 4.79E 16.000 14,000 12000 14000 O.00D 4000 4.160 2000 ✓ I 0 1 1 1 1 1970 1900 1990 1000 7010 2010 Y" —•— c4 —•— 25160 —•— mlwno Doom Stam Stath Data —a— 75m —•— Im w—a Stam Stam Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page 1-28 Table 1.9. Present and Projected Domestic Design Flows and Organic Loadings 2,600 3,100 Projected Domestic Maximum month 3,800 Contributions 1,700 Maximum week for Year 2020 Present Domestic 2,000 Maximum day Contribution 7.800 House Starts Per Year Parameter 50 75 Flow, mgd-- Average dry weather 1.28 1.47 0.53 Average wet weather 1.38 1.63 0.69 _Biochemical oxygen demand, Ibald_ - - ---- - _ _ -- _ _ _ _' - — _ _ _ -- - Average 2,700 3,300 1.200 Maximum month 4,000 4,900 1,800 Maximum week 4,200 5,000 2,000 Maximum day 4,800 5,600 2,600 Total suspended solids Ibs/d Average 2,600 3,100 1,100 Maximum month 3,800 4,600 1,700 Maximum week 4,100 4,900 2,000 Maximum day 7.000 7.800 4.900 I VINmOVLL1LOaaOhlraRlp)lmtl Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page I-29 Table 1.10. Present and Future Industrfal Loadings for an Expended Sunn)iresh Foods (Case 1) Current Industry Present Design Projected Ddgn Parameter Contribution Contribution Contribution Flow, mgd 0.09 0.16 0.20 BOD, - Average 1100 1100 1650 Maximum Month 1400 1400 2100 Maximum Week 1900 1900111, 2850 Maximum Day 2600 2000151 3000 TSS Average 450 500 750 Maximum Month 815 815 1200 Maximum Week 955 10001°' 1500 Maximum Day 1000 1100 1650 mes: ' Current industry maximum month flow and load is the average of the maximum month flow and load in 1991. 1992, and 1993. r Current industry maximum week flow and load is the average of the maximum week flow and load in 1991, 1992. and 1993. s Current industry maximum day flow and load is the average of the maximum day flow and lad in 1991, 1992, and 1993. ° Present design flow baud upon maximum day flow in agreement between Sunnyfmsh Foods and City of Monticello. ' Resent design maximum week and maximum day BOD, loads based upon agreement between Sunnyfresh Foods and City of Monticello. Maximum week loads have been adjusted for a 5 day discharges versus 7 days. Resent design maximum day and maximum day TSS loads based upon agreement between Sunnyfresh Foods and City of Monticello. Maximum week lads have been adjusted for a 5 day discharges versus 7 days. IW I►miL7�LLINaaOlQaatmKY Table 1-11. Present and Future Industrial Loadines for Wei and Dry Industry Alternatives Industrial Contributions Design Flows and Loads In Year 2020 Oeslrn Loads /Year 2020 fleuse Start Per Year 0 '7S Current Alternative 2 Altemadve 3 Alternative 2 Alternative Industry Present apand Wet Expand Dry Expand vv.'a Expand Dry Parameter Contribution Design Industry Industry Industry Industry Flow. mad 0.09 0.161" 0.32 0.30 0.36 035 Biochemical Oxygen Demand i Average 1100 Ileo 2400 1900 2900 2000 Maximum Month 1400 1400 3000 2400 37W 25W Maximum Week 1900 19W" 3800 3000 4600 3100 . Maximum Day 2600 2000'') 4000 3200 4800 3400 TOW Susoended Solids , Average 450 500 IOW 900 1300 1000 Maximum Month 815 815 I8W1400 7100 1500 Maximum Week 955 1000'•) 2000 1700 2400 1800 Maximum Day IOW I100'" 2200 1900 2500 2000 Notes: ' Current industry maximum month flow and load is the average of the maximum month flow and load in 1991, 1992, and 1993. 2 Current industry maximum week flow and load is the average of the maximum week flow and load in 1991, 1992, and 1993. s Current industry maximum day flow and load is the average of the maximum day flow and load in 1991, 1992, and 1993. 4 Present design now based upon maximum day flow in agreement between Sunnyfresh Foods and City of Monticello. ' Resent design maximum week and maximum day BOD, loads hated upon agreement between Sunnyliesh Foods and City of Monticello. Maximum week loads have been adjusted for a 5 day discharges versus 7 days. • Resent design maximum week and maximum day ISS loads based upon agreement between Sunnyfresh Foods and City of Monticello. Maximum week loads have been adjusted for a 5 day discharges versus 7 days. Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page I-31 Table 1-12. Summary of Design Flows and Loads for Each Population Project and Industrial Growth Scenario BOD. PPD Averate 50 House Starts Per Year 75 House Starts Per Year 6100 Alternative 2 Alternative Alternative 2 Alternative 3 8600 Expand Wet 3 Expand Wet Expand Dry Parameter Industry Expand Industry Industry 10.400 9000 Dry Industry 3600 3500 Flow. mad 4100 Maximum Month 5600 — Averaee Dry Weather 1.57 1.52 1.89 -. 1.82 Avemee Wet Weather 1.73 1.68 2.05 1.98 Maximum Wet Weather 2.02 1.98 2.35 2.27 Peak Hourlv Wet Weather 4.19 4.14 4.89 4.82 Peak Instantaneous Wet 4.57 4.52 5.24 5.19 BOD. PPD Averate 5100 4600 6100 5200 I Maximum Month 7000 6400 8600 7400 Maximum Week 8000 7200 9600 8100 Maximum Dav 8800 8000 10.400 9000 TSS. PPD Averare 3600 3500 4400 4100 Maximum Month 5600 5200 6700 6100 Maximum Week 6100 5800 7300 6700 LM..,,- ,,.. ovn anm to am mm G I V7uaxCIW.1L011t0liv�n na �6Y j_,; TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM II DATE: MARCH 8, 1994 TO: JOHN SIMOLA, CITY OF MONTICELLO FROM: JON PETERSON, OSM SUBJECT: MONTICELLO FACILITIES PLAN SERIES 200 - DISCHARGE REQUIREMENT'S OSM COMM NO. 5216.00 This technical memorandum summarizes the City of Monticello's wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) existing and projected future National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements for continued discharge into the Mississippi River and possible future discharge to an alternative receiving stream. The projected future discharge standards are based upon discussions with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff. Existing NPDES Permit The MPCA reissued the Monticello WWTP's NPDES permit (MN 0020567) on December 31, 1989. This permit authorizes the Monticello WWTP to continuously discharge treated wastewater through its existing outfall (outfall 010) to the Mississippi River through December 31, 1994. The effluent limitations defined in the permit are shown in Table 2.1. The WWTP is currently rated to treat 0.91 million gallons per day (mgd) of wastewater. A WWTP is considered a minor discharger and is subject to reduced monitoring requirements, if its capacity is less than 1.0 mgd. The permit also requires the Monticello WWTP to submit dechlorination facility plans and specifications to the MPCA for approval and to initiate dechlorination facility operation by December 31, 1994. The City of Monticello has received approval of said plans and specifications and is in the process of completing construction of the dechlorination facilities. 1.W1"0%r 1ACnQW3\TMQMrU Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7. 1994 Page 11-2 Table 2-1. Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Existing Elfluent Limitations Concentration I.imitations mg/L Mass Loading Limitations kg/d Parameter Monthly Average Weekly Average Monthly Average Weekly Average 5 -Day carhonaceous biochemical oxygen 25 40 demand Total suspended solids 30 45 Fecal Coliform 200/100mL (March 1 - October 31) p11, 6.0-9.0 Chlorine residual= 0.1 mg/L ' Daily Limitations. = Daily maximum applicable upon completion of dechlorination facilities J,VUI& nciwac0RRMT QULw 86.1 138 103 155 d Mr. John Simola ' : z \ Citv of Monticello LFT March 7, 1994 Page 11-3 Future NPDES Permits The facility's plan will investigate two alternatives for increasing the wastewater treatment capacity. The first alternative assumes the existing WWTP is expanded and continues to discharge treated wastewater through Outfall 010 to the Mississippi River. The second altemative assumes additional treatment facilities are constructed at a site remote from the existing WWTP and treated wastewater is discharged to the Mississippi River or to a nearby small receiving stream such as Otter Creek. This alternative is based upon the Facilities Planning Report for the Citv olLMonticello. Januarv, 1978, recommendation for expanding the existing WWTP at a remote site. These two alternatives were discussed with MPCA staff concerning future effluent requirements for Monticello's wastewater treatment facilities. The Monticello WWTP currently discharges to a specially protected reach of the Mississippi River which is classified as a 1C, 2Dd, and 3D Outstanding Resource Value Water (ORVW). The Class 1C designation requires that Mississippi River water meet drinking water standards after treatment consisting only of solids removal and chlorination. Class 213d waters are protected as a source of drinking water, shall be suitable for aquatic recreation and full body contact, and shall permit the propagation and maintenance of commercial fishes and their habitats. The Class 3f3 industrial consumption designation requires the water to he suitable for general industrial purposes(except food consumption) with only moderate treatment. However, the major impact of the current Mississippi River classification to the City of Monticello is that Minnesota regulations require that "No person may cause or allow a new or expanded discharge of any sewage, industrial waste, or other waste to any ORVW unless there is no prudent and feasible alternative". This is commonly referred to as non -degradation of an ORVW, for practical purposes, and prohibits any increase in the quantity or "mass" of certain pollutants discharged from a WNVT*P, regardless of increases in the volume of wastewater treated. A March 1, 1994 letter from the MPCA confirms that it will he very difficult to justify increases of the mass loadings from an expanded Monticello WWrP. A similar circumstance recently occurred when the City of Elk River, which also discharges wastewater to the Mississippi River, completed a "prudent and feasibility analysis" for increasing the mass of pollutants discharged from its WWTP. The analysis identified additional costs for maintaining mass loadings at current levels, as compared to increasing mass loadings in proportion to projected flow increases at $1.6 million. The analysis also estimated the effects of the additional mass loadings on the Mississippi )AIII-DO\c611 kr 915\nnuwm Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page 11-4 River water quality. Those effects were negligible in terms of three toxic water parameters evaluated: ammonia, dissolved oxygen, and suspended solids. The costs were deemed reasonable by the MPCA and the pollutant mass loadings were not permitted to increase over current levels. As such, Minnesota regulations make it extremely difficult for a WWTP or discharger to increase the mass loading of pollutants over current levels. At this time, given the MPCA's stated position and difficulties experienced by Elk River, it is unlikely the permitted mass of pollutants discharged will be increased. Although unlikely, later parts of this study may justify increases in mass loadings. However, the City of Monticello can increase the volume of wastewater flow, if the mass of pollutants discharged does not exceed the present limitations defined in its NPDES permit. Table 2-2 summarizes the MPCA's projected effluent limitations for the expanded Monticello WWTP. It shows effluent concentration limitations and mass loadings for carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (cBODs) and total suspended solids (TSS) will remain as defined in the existing NPDES permit. As such, the expanded WWTP could comply with the concentration limitations, but violate the mass loading limitations, thus resulting in a discharge violation. Accordingly, for new designs, as flows increase, pollutant (BODS & TSS) concentrations in the effluent must decrease. Ultimately, as concentration discharge requirements are lowered, advanced treatment processes such as filtration will be required. We estimate that advanced treatment will most likely be required at a flow of about 1.4 mgd, depending upon final clarifier performance. Filtration of the entire waste stream is not necessary initially, as a fraction of the waste stream may be filtered and blended with non -filtered treated wastewater to meet effluent limitations. The new permit may also limit total residual chlorine discharges to 0.038 mg/L and require additional monitoring for phosphorus and nitrogen compounds. Since the average projected wet weather flow will be greater than 1.0 mgd, the Monticello WWTP will he classified as a major discharger and will be required to complete effluent toxicity testing. Projected toxicity testing requirements have not yet been established but generally involve �.\uum\crvn.\rnuarsm7u.wi y Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page 11-5 Table 2.2. Projected Discharge Requirements for the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharging to the Mississippi River. Concentration Umilations mg/L Mass Loading Limitations kg/d Parameter Monthly Average Weekly Average Monthly Average Weekly Average 5 -Day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen 25 40 86.1 138 demand Total suspended solids 30 45 103 155 l Fecal Coliform (3/1- 200/100ml- 10/31) Total Chlorine Residual 0.038 mg/Lt pill 6.0-9.0 Total Phosphorus as P Monitor I/wk Ortho -Phosphate as P Monitor 1/mo Kjeldahl Nitrogen as N Monitor 1/mo Ammonia Nitrogen as N Monitor I/mo Nitrate Nitrile as N Monitor I/mo Daily Maximum Limitations. ) = Daily Limitation. WIC\SNL\('ORN��11CClILY01 Mr. John Simola City of Monticello - (` March 7, 1993 Page 11-6 Alternative 2 - New or Additional WWTP Discharge requirements for additional wastewater treatment facilities at a site remote from the existing WWTP were also investigated. If the City constructs a new treatment facility at a remote site the mass loading limitations for cBODs and TSS established for the existing WWTP will apply to the combined discharges of the existing and new WWTP's regardless of whether the new treatment plant discharges to the Mississippi River or a smaller receiving stream such as Otter Creek which leads to the Mississippi River. In addition, if the new WWTP discharges to Otter Creek, the WWT'P will be required to meet seasonal ammonia effluent limitations, more stringent cBOD, limitations and maintain a minimum dissolved oxygen concentration of 6.0 milligrams per liter (mg/L) in all discharges. Table 2-3 provides a summary of MPCA's projected effluent limitations for discharges to Otter Creek. Maximum ammonia and minimum dissolved oxygen (D.O.) limitations are required for Otter Creek to permit the propagation and maintenance of mol or warm habitats. Ammonia is toxic to fish and also depresses D.O. in water, which is necessary for most aquatic species. Since the projected wastewater expansion will increase the average wet weather flow capacity by 0.2 mgd, an "economic and social development" analysis must be completed. This analysis will evaluate the cost and benefit of the new discharges. Economic and social development refers to jobs, taxes, recreational opportunities and other impacts on the public resulting from the new discharge. Conclusion Based upon preliminary discussions with the MPCA, the City of Monticello will be required to maintain the mass loading of pollutants discharged from its expanded wastewater treatment facilities at levels equal to those established in its existing permit, unless it can prove the cost for meeting the existing mass loadings are deemed unreasonable by MPCA. The City will be required to begin additional monitoring of ammonia and phosphorus compounds and limit the amount of residual chlorine in its WWTP effluent. Discharge of treated wastewater to Otter Creek or a similar low now receiving stream will require additional capital and operation costs as nitrification facilities to convert ammonia to a less toxic nitrogen form and will be required to maintain the existing mass loading of pollutants discharged. J Wl..WMIA\ R1S1n IIIlYIII Mr. John Simola City of Monticello March 7, 1994 Page 11.7 Table 2.3. Projected Discharge Requirements for the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharging to the Otter Creek. Concentration Limitations mg/L Mass Loading Limitations kg/d Parameter Monthly Average Weekly Average Monthly Average Weekly Average 5 -Day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand 53 86.1 138 Total suspended solids 30 45 103 155 Fecal Coliform (3/1-10/31) 200/100mL Total Chlorine Residual' 0.038 mg/L' pill 6.0-9.0 Total Phosphorus as P Monitor I/ wk Ortho -Phosphate as P Monitor 1/mo Kjcldahl Nitrogen as N Monitor 1/mo t Nitrate Nitrite as N Monitor I/mo Ammonia -Nitrogen Summer (June -Sept) 1.1 Fall (Oct -Nov) 3.1 Winter (Dec -Mar) 10.2 Spring (Apr -May) 2.2 I Daily Maximum Limitations. = Daily Limitation. v If the discharge is within 1/2 mile of the creek's confluence with the Mississippi River, this increases to 25 mg/L. JAU&MCrA .%maus%mnuro/ F,