City Council Minutes 02-10-2003 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, February 10, 2003 - 5 p.m.
Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen.
Members Absent: None
1. Call to Order.
The special meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. The purpose of the meeting was to
interview the top three candidates to fill the vacant position on the Council. Each candidate
was asked to give some general information about their background and community
involvement. Applicants were also asked about what they felt were issues facing the council
both in the short term and long term; whether there were any conflicts of interest that would
affect them and also the time commitment that is required for this position and how they
would fulfill it.
2. Interviews•
5. 00 - Robbie Smith. A resident of Monticello for 11 years. Served on the Parks
Commission and is presently serving on the Planning Commission. Issues facing the City:
1) Growth; 2) Annexation; 3) Upscale housing 4) Industrial growth whether along TH 25 or in
the area of the flea market and 5) Commercial developments such as Home Depot. He feels it
is an exciting time and the challenge for the community is to experience the growth but retain
the amenities and ambience of small town living. He saw the time commitment to this
position as not only being at the meetings but also being active in the community. He stated
he was not aware of any areas where there would be conflicts of interest.
Glen Posusta asked Robbie Smith's position on the City's sign ordinance and whether it
should be changed since there seems to be inconsistencies with it. Robbie Smith replied that
he felt rather than grant variances to the sign ordinance, the ordinance should be amended to
reflect what the City wants to see.
5.30 p.m. - Todd Banek A resident of Monticello for 9 years. He has been involved with
various activities including youth hockey. Issues facing the City: 1) Resolve issues with the
township relating to annexation and work closely with other organizations such as church and
school; 2) Commercial development within the City. The City needs to be well prepared to
handle the development. Time commitment: He has spent as many as 4-5 evenings a week at
meetings so he is used to intensive involvement. He also noted that his work schedule would
allow him to work around meetings. Conflict of interest: He stated that issues relating to the
ice facility would be an area where there could be a conflict of interest.
Brian Stumpf asked where he saw the City and Township being in 10-20 years. Todd Banek
felt that if the growth continued it could be quite likely that the township would be dissolved
by that time. Roger Carlson stated that since the term is only two years there is not a lot of
time to learn on the job so he asked what qualities Todd had that would help him get off to a
fast start. Mr. Banek stated that he had negotiated union contracts as well as other dealings
with various groups. He was tenacious, a consensus person, problem solver and good listener.
6: 00 p. m. - Torn Perrault Has been a resident of Monticello since 1985. He has served on
the City Council at one time and is also active in organizations like the Jaycees and Knights of
Columbus. Issues facing the City: 1) Growth and the need to have infrastructure to support
this growth; 2) Roads and transportation issues; 3)Short term how to handle cuts in state aid
and long term developing fiscal responsibility. Time commitment: He felt there was easily
12-16 hours a week with meetings and preparation for the meetings. Conflicts of interest: As
an employee of Wal-Mart should a Wal-Mart locate in Monticello it might be perceived as a
conflict of interest Since he is a resident who will be impacted by the improvements on
Broadway that would be a potential area of conflict of interest. He felt that because he had
previously served on the Council that would provide good background for filling this vacancy
since he was familiar with various City practices and procedures.
3. Adjourn.
The special meeting was closed at 6:30 p.m.
Recording Secretary