City Council Agenda Packet 05-08-2006 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday May 8, 2006 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of April 24, 2006 regular Council meeting. 2B. Approve minutes of April 25, 2006 Board of Review 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving hires and departures for Parks, MCC and Liquor Store. B. Consideration to review and accept the Year-End EDA Financial Statements, activity Report and 2006 Proposed Budget. C. Consideration of approving a temporary liquor license for St. Henry's Catholic Church for June 23,2006. D. Consideration of renewals of annual liquor licenses. E. Consideration of approving City drainage improvements and cost-sharing in river bank stabilization project at 401 Front Street. F. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for open and outdoor storage, open and outdoor sales and display and minor automobile repair in a B-4 District. Applicant: Jeffs Dream, LLC/Moon Motors. G. Consideration of accepting quotes and authorize contract for extension of sewer and water to Kevin Tracy site in Jefferson Commons development. H. Consideration of adopting a resolution accepting donation for Walk and RolL 1. Consideration of adopting investment policy for management of public funds. J. Consideration of approving Change Order No.3 to extend sanitary sewer and watermain past the proposed Karlsburger Foods Site as part of the Chelsea Road (90th Street to CSAH 39) and School Boulevard Project No. 2005-11 C. 1 Agenda Monticello City Council May 8, 2006 Page 2 K. Consideration of resolution ordering preparation of proposed assessment roll and calling for a public hearing on adoption of the assessment roll for School Boulevard/Deegan Avenue Street Lighting, Project No. 2005-22C. L. Consideration of hiring Building Inspector. M. Consideration of allowing of encroachment into right-of-way to accommodate canopy overhang. Crostini' s Grille. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of authorizing negotiations for the purchase of property at 413 West 6th Street. 8. Consideration of approving feasibility study for pedestrian facility improvements per Swan River Montessori Charter School requests. 9. Consideration of award the Meadow Oaks and CSAH 39 Lift Stations and Forcemain Improvements, Project No. 2003-02C. 10. Consideration of rejecting bids, revising the project and authorizing the advertisement of bids for the forcemain and watermain extension along CSAH 39 as part of the Hidden Forest/Niagara Falls Utility Extension Project No. 2005-03C. 11. Consideration of Change Order No.2 relating to CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange, City Project No. 2004-01C. 12. Consideration of establishing a process for review ofRFP's for Public Works Needs and Expansion Study. 13. Consideration of options to minimize the use of the leaf and grass composting facility.. 14. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for a concept stage planned unit development for Rosewood Heights, an 8-unit townhome development in a R-2 District. Applicant: Minnesota Development Agency, LLC. 15. Consideration of defining Comprehensive Plan Update process. 16. Department Activity Report (Verbal) - Tom Moores, Street Department 17. Consideration of approving bills for May. 18. Adjourn. 2 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday April 24, 2006 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None I. Call to Order and Pled2e of AIle2iance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Aporove minutes of AorillO. 2006 re!!ular Council meetin~ Glen Posusta noted a correction on page 10 of the minutes that the cost of the appraisal for YMCA site was not to exceed $7,100. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 10,2006 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2 B. Aoprove minutes of AorillO. 2006 YMCA Workshop. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 10, 2006 WORKSHOP MEETING ON THE YMCA SITE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2C. Aporove minutes of March 20. 2006 soecial Council meetinl:. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 20, 2006 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin~ items to the a!!enda. Consulting engineer, Bret Weiss asked that item #10, the bids for the improvements to the Hidden Forest/Niagra Falls development be removed and placed on the agenda for the next Council meeting. Clint Herbst added an update on the compost facility and an item for Police Commission consideration relating to sex offenders located in the community. Glen Posusta added maintenance of the park pathways and Brian Stumpf added a discussion of change orders to improvement projects. 3 Council Minutes: 4/24/06 4. Citizen comments. petitions. reauests and complaints. None. 5. Consent Aeenda: A. Consideration of approving hires and departures. Recommendation: Approve hires and departures for Community Center and Parks. B. Consideration of approving temporary 3/2 beer license for Monticello Lions Club for River Fest celebration. Recommendation: Approve temporary 3/2 beer license for the Monticello Lions Club for River Fest on July 8-9, 2006. C. Consideration of approving Change Order No.2 for the Chelsea Road and School Boulevard Extension Project, City Project No. 2005-11 C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No.1 in the amount of$33,159.60 for RL Larson Excavating, Inc. D. Consideration of authorizing the preparation of plans to extend sanitary sewer and watermain past the proposed Karlsburger Foods site. Recommendation: Authorize preparation of plans to extend trunk sanitary sewer and watermain past the proposed Karlsburger Foods site in the Otter Creek Crossing development. E. Consideration of approving Change Order No.3 for the Meadow Oak A venue and CSAH 18/39 Project. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No.3 in the amount of$18,315.00 for RL Larson Excavating, Inc. F. Consideration to authorize the preparation ofplans and specifications for grading and drainage improvements at the Monticello Middle School and A Glorious Church, City Project No. 2006-09C. Recommendation: Authorize plans and specifications for grading, site work and drainage improvements at the Monticello Middle School and A Glorious Church sites. G. Consideration of adopting the final AUAR for Jefferson at Monticello. Recommendation: Adopt the final AUAR for the Jefferson at Monticello Development, City Project No. 2005-14C. H. Consideration of resolution adopting the National Incident Management System and Resolution Promoting Intrastate Mutual Aid Agreements. Recommendation: Adopt the resolutions designating NIMS as the basis for incident management in Monticello and a resolution promoting intrastate mutual aid agreements. 1. Consideration of approval of plans and specifications for 2006 Core Street Reconstruction Project No. 2006-01 C. Recommendation: Approve the plans and specifications as presented and authorize the submittal of the advertisement of bids for publication and adopt a "No Parking" resolution for one side of Sandy Lane between 4 Council Minutes: 4/24/06 Otter Creek Road and CSAH 75. J. Consideration of Wamert Retail Development final plat. Recommendation: Approve the final plat based on a finding that the plat is best suited for the specific development needs of the property and that all lots in the plat will continue to meet the City's zoning requirements contingent upon the execution of a development agreement and the vacation of existing easements for the lots to be replatted. K. Consideration to adopt a resolution approving a Business Subsidy Agreement between the HRA in and for the City of Monticello and SL Real Estate Holdings, LLC. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving a business subsidy agreement between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello and SL Real Estate Holdings, LLC. L. REMOVED FROM AGENDA. M. Consideration of creating separate Director of Finance position and approving transition agreement with Administrator. Recommendation: Approve the transition agreement as outlined along with the job description for the Director of Finance. N. Consideration of approving purchase of PermitW orks building permit and inspection software. Recommendation: Approve the purchase of Permit works building permit and inspection software at a cost of $1 0,000 which includes software license, annual support agreement and implementation costs. O. Consideration of appointments to the Design Advisory Team. Recommendation: Appoint Charlotte Gabler, Patty Pratt and Carey Tidblom to the Design Advisory Team. P. REMOVED - DUPLICATE AGENDA ITEM Q. Consideration of rezoning ofWarnert Retail Development. Recommendation: Approve the rezoning for the proposed plat ofWamert Retail based on a finding that the B-4 District best reflects the long term land use for this property and is most consistent with the comprehensive plan. R. Consideration of concept stage approval for a PUD for Tom Rollings based on revised plans. Recommendation: Approve the concept stage planned unit development as proposed, based on a finding that the revisions made to the plan reflect a superior project design and a suitable development of the subject property. Wayne Mayer asked that item #17, Consideration of concept stage approval for a PUD for Tom Rollings be placed on the consent agenda as item #5R. Items #5H, #51 and #5M were pulled from the consent agenda. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE 5 Council Minutes: 4/24106 ADDITION OF ITEM #17 AS ITEM #5R AND WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5H, #51 AND #5M. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a~enda for discussion. #5H - National Incident Management System - Wayne Mayer noted that the resolution was suppose to be acted upon by December 31, 2005 and asked why it was not brought to the Council earlier. He also questioned if failure to act on this earlier would jeopardize any grant applications the Fire Department submitted. Fire Chief, Steve Joerg noted that the information was given to the city staff earlier. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller stated the information he had received on this item he had gotten from the League of Minnesota Cities website. He added that there was no requirement for the City to adopt this resolution unless the City was applying for grants. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTIONS DESIGNATING NIMS AS THE BASIS FOR ALL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT IN MONTICELLO AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION PROMOTING INTRASTATE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENTS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #51 Core Street Project - Plans and Specifications: Glen Posusta stated his concern was about having a 32' street going east and west in front ofthe cemetery. He had heard that there might be problems with making a 32' street fit in that location. He felt the Council again should be looking at whether the street should be widened to 32'. He suggested that maybe the street should be downsized to 28' once it crosses the creek. He also noted his concern about the proximity of the street to the cemetery and the loss of trees. John Simola., Public Works Director, indicated they have not encountered any problems with the proposed street alignment in the cemetery area. The City is planning to replace the fence in cemetery and make other improvements to the cemetery and he believes the street alignment in the cemetery area will pose no problems. Glen Posusta questioned the need to replace the fence as it appeared in fairly good condition. John Simola stated that the Parks Commission had noted the need for the fence to be replaced and had even selected the fencing material. It will be similar to the fencing at Hillside Cemetery but only 4' high. He noted it is proposed to make other improvements to the entrance area including some plantings. John Simola said as far as crossing Otter Creek he didn't know if28' or 32' street would change the level of difficulty of street construction. Clint Herbst felt that when you reconstruct or widen a street you should try to make a minimal impact. Tom Perrault felt a 32' street width was okay but he didn't feel the sidewalk needed to be put in. Clint Herbst felt the street should be 28' and have the sidewalk installed. Council noted that since the area was built up there should be no major increase in the traffic volume in the area. Brian Stumpf felt if the street width was restricted there should be sidewalk or pathway included. John Simola noted that only three trees were being removed in the cemetery area; one was dead and one was diseased. In addition, a property owner had requested the removal of some cottonwood trees on their site. 6 Council Minutes: 4/24/06 Wayne Mayer asked if the reason the City went to 32' was because the cost of a 32' street -vs- 28' street was negligible. Clint Herbst said it is not a cost factor as much as it is how this project will impact the area. Bret Weiss said there is a cost to going across the creek because they have to put in retaining walls. He added that if the City goes to a smaller street width it will require changing the plans and specifications and this would set back the bid process. John Simola said if they do not move the power poles out, the utility company will come in and clear cut the trees. The power lines are in the trees now and it is planned to move the poles out 4'. Bret Weiss stated that originally Craig Lane and Kenneth Lane were proposed for seal coating and overlay but over the winter the condition of these roads, especially Craig Lane has deteriorated. They are now recommending a more extensive treatment for these streets. He indicated that this work could be done as part ofthis project or it could wait until next year. Glen Posusta asked if the area had been staked out and Bret Weiss indicated not at this time. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE 2006 CORE STREET PROJECT WITH THE WIDENING OF RIVER STREET TO 30' AND OTTER CREEK ROAD TO 30' AND TO BID KENNETH LANE AND CRAIG LANE FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND THEN DETERMINE WHETHER TO DO THE WORK THIS YEAR OR PUT IT OFF TO NEXT YEAR. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION Bret Weiss asked with a street with less than 32' would they go with parking on only one side of the street. John Simola said ifparking is restricted it should be on the side opposite of the cemetery. Bret Weiss said the date of the bid opening would need to be adjusted because of changes to the plans. #5M Director of Finance Position/Transition Agreement with City Administrator: Glen Posusta questioned the provision in the agreement regarding pay adjustments. He felt it should be revised to read: Position would not expect any adjustments." He also clarified that the present Deputy City Administrator would have the opportunity to seek the City Administrator's position when it is opened up but he is not making a transition into the City Administrator position. Brian Stumpf questioned the timing of the transition agreement. Rick Wolfsteller stated that once the City Council approves ajob description and makes an appointment to the City Administrator position then the transition takes places but he added a revised job description for the City Administrator has to be approved. Rick W olfsteller indicated he had no objections to the proposed changes to the transition agreement. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE THE TRANSITION AGREEMENT AS OUTLINED WITH THE CLARIFICATIONS NOTED AND APPROVE THE JOB DESCRIPTION FOR THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE POSITION. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7 Council Minutes: 4/24/06 7. Public Hearine on the proposed adoption of a modification to the redevelopment plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Proiect No.1 and the proposed establishment of Tax Increment District No. 1-37 therein and the adoption of a Tax Increment Financine: Plan therefor - Karlsbur~er Foods Economic Development Director, Ollie Koropchak provided background information noting that the public hearing was to modify the redevelopment plan and create a new tax increment financing district. This would be an economic district which would create tax base and jobs for the City. The HRA will collect the TIF and it will be used to reimburse the City for the cost of land and infrastructure improvements. Sixteen jobs will be created immediately. She noted that this food processing company and the Public Works Director was requested to look at the impact this company would have on the wastewater treatment facilities. Ollie Koropchak stated the company meets the covenants for the City owned industrial park. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or against the proposed tax increment district or the modification of the redevelopment plan. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND ESTABLISHING TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-37 THEREIN AND THE ADOPTION OF THE TIF PLAN THEREFOR. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Public Hearine on delinauent utility charees and certification of assessment to the County Auditor. The Council reviewed the delinquent utility charges proposed for certification to the county. Mayor Herbst then opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed assessment of the delinquent amounts. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARGES. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Public Hearine: on vacation of easements in a portion of the Commercial Plaza 25 and Commercial Courts Addition. The hearing is required to vacate existing easements over lots that will be replatted as the Wamert Retail plat. The necessary replacement easements will be obtained with the new plat. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. No one was present to speak for or against the proposed vacation of the easements. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. 8 Council Minutes: 4/24106 TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO VACATE THE EXISTING STREET, DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS AS IDENTIFIED CONTINGENT UPON REPLACEMENT EASEMENTS BEING PART OF THE APPROVED FINAL PLAT FOR THE W ARNERT DEVELOPMENT. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of rejecting: bids. revising: the project and authorizin~ the advertisement for bids to extend utilities to the Hidden Forest and Nia~ara Falls Developments. Proj. No. 2005.03C. This item was removed from the agenda at the request of the consulting engineer. No Council action was taken. 11. REMOVED FOR FURTHER STUDY. 12. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit and amendment to the planned unit development for open and outdoor storag:e and for outdoor sales and display in a B-3 District and for additional used automobile/lig:ht truck sales & displav. Applicant: Walt's Pawn and Bar~ain Center. Consulting Planner, Steve Grittman reviewed the site plan for the conditional use permit for Walt's Pawn and Bargain Center. The applicant is seeking a conditional use permit to amend the PUD to allow for outdoor storage and display. This is a PUD because the ofthe shared parking area and parking lot with Gould's. Steve Grittman noted that revisions had been made to the site plan. When looking at the PUD one is looking for a site plan that is tangibly better than the typical plan. The position of staff is to recommend approval of the conditional use permit and Steve Grittman pointed out that the Planning Commission recommended approval as well. Steve Grittman noted that this is not a superior product but as it is likely this site will be redeveloped, staff this plan would be acceptable. Clint Herbst asked about the four parking spaces on the south side. These spaces should be removed and no parking allowed on the grassed area. He also expressed his concern about the continued non-compliance with the reporting requirements of the pawn shop. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller submitted information he had received from the Wright County Sheriffs Department regarding the applicant's compliance to the reporting requirements under the pawn shop ordinance. The Sheriffs report noted that one area of non-compliance was in the reporting of items confiscated by other police departments. While the Sheriffs Department report indicated the applicant was making progress, they did recommend keeping the pawn shop license on a month to month basis. Both Clint Herbst and Wayne Mayer stated that the issue of non-compliance was something they were concerned about. Wayne Mayer noted that this is called a planned unit development but he didn't see this as containing any highly desired site amenities. Clint Herbst said ifthe City moves forward with the PUD he felt it shouldn't happen until the applicant is in compliance with the reporting 9 Council Minutes: 4/24106 requirements for his license. He asked if the applicant had come forward to the City with any concerns on the licensing. Clint Herbst felt if the property owner didn't want to follow the rules of the state, county and city then the Council should look at acting on the license. Randel Thompson, owner of Walt's Pawn Shop, 1219 TH 25 stated there are lots of rules and regulations he needs to follow in his business. Dave Clemons from the Wright County Sheriffs Department has met with him and informed him of requirements that had to be followed. He said the software situation has been corrected and the records updated. The challenge for him is the confiscation report. He indicated he spent the day with the software vendor on getting what was needed to get these reports done. He has to go back now and enter the data into the system. The confiscation reports lets Wright County know that other agencies have picked up stolen goods. Mr. Thompson said his business provides a lot of service to the community and he felt shutting his business down for non-compliance would be a travesty. Clint Herbst noted that some of reports go back to 2005 and he questioned why it took so long to get it done. Rick W olfsteller stated there are two issues. One is a land use issue and the other a license issue and the two should not be tied together. City Attorney Tom Scott stated when the license renewal was granted it was conditioned upon review on a monthly basis. He stated the non-compliance on the reporting requirements should be dealt with as a license issue which means the applicant would be notified that the City was considering setting a date to consider a suspension or revocation of the license due to non-compliance. Randel Thompson indicated it was his intention to be in compliance with license requirements within three weeks. Randel Thompson said that they took the four parking stalls out and that area will be used for storage of items other than vehicles. Glen Posusta asked if they had a landscaping plan. Jeff O'Neill said the City requires a landscaping plan on new projects only but the City could as a condition of the conditional use permit require a landscaping plan. Clint Herbst said staff should make it clear on what is missing. Chain link fence will be required with landscaping around it. Wayne Mayer said this is a PUD and the City is letting the applicant by with something that is not any higher quality in design. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR OPEN AND OUTDOOR STORAGE AND OUTDOORS SALES AND DISPLAY AND FOR ADDITIONAL USED AUTOMOBILE/LIGHT TRUCK SALES AND DISPLAY FOR WALT'S P AWN AND BARGAIN CENTER AT 1219 TH 25 BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE APPLICANT HAS COMPLIED WITH EACH OF THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE USE AS SPECIFIED IN THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND TO HAVE THE COUNCIL UPDATED AT THE FIRST MEETING IN JUNE ON ISSUES RELATED THE LICENSE Tom Perrault asked for clarification on the four parking stalls that vehicles would not be parked there but boats or trailers could.. The Council felt the area could be used for other storage but if it is going to be used for storage it should be paved. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE 10 Council Minutes: 4/24106 MAYER AND GLEN POSUST A VOTING IN OPPOSITION WITH WAYNE MAYER STATING THAT EVEN THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION STATED THIS SITE DOES NOT MEET THE DEFINITION OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. 13. Consideration of selectine: desie:n for CSAH 18IMeadow Oak Avenue Intersection Consulting Engineer, Bret Weiss noted this intersection has been an issue since construction started on the interchange. The existing intersection restricts left turns from Meadow Oak A venue onto CSAH 18. He noted that previously MnDOT did not allow two lane roundabouts. About the time plans were completed MnDOT came out with a plan for two lane roundabouts but Wright County indicated the plan would not meet county spacing guidelines. County Engineer, Wayne Fingalson said the City could present their case to the Wright County Transportation Board as a whole which the City did. The decision of the board was to let the City do a roundabout or a full access intersection in this location. During this time the commercial property owner also expressed his concerns about not having left out access to his property. Bret Weiss presented three options to the Council on the design for the intersection. Option #1 depicts a full access intersection which would allow for a left turn out from Meadow Oak Avenue to CSAH 18. One of the issues with this design is that someone exiting from the school would have to go to School Boulevard. At some point in the future the access on to School Boulevard would be eliminated. Estimated cost for this option is $71,000 which would cover cost for the School Boulevard street access. At some future point as traffic volume increases, the City would see traffic delays resulting in increased accidents at this intersection. The City has not negotiated with the County on what will happen in the future when traffic will stack up on Meadow Oak Avenue. Option #2 - This is a full access intersection but would require relocation of the school's access. The challenge in this design would be to bring the grade ofCSAH 18 up to that of the school's parking lot. The estimated cost for this option is $385,000 for work on CSAH 18. If at some future point the school's northbound access on School Boulevard is removed there would be an additional $71,000 for the construction cost ofthe relocated School Boulevard access. Again with this option at some future point you would be looking at a stacking problem Option #3 - This would be a two lane roundabout. This option would require the relocation of the school access but would provide for permanent southbound access. The estimated cost for the roundabout option would be $389,000. At this point costs have not been negotiated with the contractor but it is assumed that the roundabout would be constructed this year. Bret Weiss said his report did not contain a recommendation as he felt this was a Council decision however if the City was looking for a long term solution he would recommend the roundabout. Clint Herbst asked about the cost of a signal for the intersection and Bret Weiss indicated the estimated cost would be $200,000. 11 Council Minutes: 4/24/06 Wayne Mayer asked if the school would be retaining the second entrance. Bret Weiss said the northerly access would be closed. Glen Posusta asked whether there was sufficient room to swing a bus through the relocated access. WSB felt this could be done. Wayne Fingalson, Wright County Highway Department said the Highway Department is in favor of a roundabout but not at this location. This feeling is based on safety concerns and meeting the spacing guidelines adopted by the County. A roundabout or full intersection is a deviation from their policy but he added it has been approved by the Wright County Transportation Board. Wayne Fingalson said the multi-lane roundabout is new. School Boulevard and CSAH 18 should have signals or a roundabout in the future. The Council discussed concerns about pedestrians trying to cross the roundabout. If a full access is put in, the intersection the way it is now is the preferred set up of. If the roundabout option is selected a justification report would be required. Glen Posusta questioned whether a two lane roundabout is good. He said he would prefer option #1 if the County would state that they would not want a signal for 10-15 years. Glen Posusta felt option #1 would not need a signal. Wayne Mayer said his concern with option #1 is that people coming off Meadow Oak Avenue would have to make a left turn against two lanes of traffic and he felt this was more of a safety concern. Joel Lundeen from the school district noted that option #2 would take away the school's north ingress and egress but retain the south access along School Boulevard but only on a temporary basis. He felt this would be an uncontrolled intersection. Wayne Mayer asked the school district's opinion on option #3. Joel Lundeen said they would like to have access to the school that connects to Meadow Oak Avenue. Joe Lundeen said in the future they would like to close the south entrance because it is too close to the intersection. He felt option #1 would cause some major issues for them because the new road would cut into the bus parking area. Joel Lundeen felt the roundabout would give them the best option. Wayne Mayer asked about safety issues with pedestrians and whether the roundabout was any more dangerous. Joel Lundeen said the school would funnel the kids to the pedestrian crossings areas at School Boulevard and CSAH 18 and School Boulevard and Oriole Lane. The access that is currently used for truck traffic to the school will remain. Tony Heppelmann from WSB said there have been a number of studies on the roundabout relating to pedestrian safety. A single lane roundabout has fewer crashes than a signalized intersection while a two lane roundabout has about the same number of crashes as a signalized intersection. He noted that in the United States there is a problem with traffic yielding to pedestrians in the crosswalk. He also added there were more bicycle crashes with a two lane roundabout than with a signalized intersection. He noted too that crashes were not as bad because of the reduced speed. Clint Herbst felt the roundabout would be a snowplow operator's nightmare. Shawn Weinand spoke regarding the roundabout stating they had initially committed to a full intersection with a signal but since it appears that will not be happening they saw the roundabout as a way to handle the traffic. They would contribute $50,000 toward the roundabout and with $10,000 for lighting their contribution would total $60,000. 12 Council Minutes: 4/24106 Wayne Fingalson commented on option #1 which would always be a right in and right out. Problems with the left turn may prompt the installation of a median that would not close the left turn out but would restrict it. This would be similar to what was done on Dundas Road. Wayne Mayer felt option #1 should not be considered since the left out could be taken away. He felt commitment by Shawn Weinand made the roundabout fiscally feasible. WAYNE MA YER MOVED TO SELECT THE DEVELOPMENT OF A TWO LANE ROUNDABOUT WITH A RELOCATED SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCESS AND AUTHORIZE PLAN PREPARATION AND CHANGE ORDER NEGOTIATION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Wayne Fingalson said if the City goes ahead with the roundabout the County will work with the City and will proceed with the justification report. Bret Weiss said they will be utilizing the services of a regional expert to review the roundabout to make sure that everything works 14. Consideration of amendment to the Monticello Zonin~ Ordinance re~ulatin!! open and outdoor stora!!e in the 1-1. I-IA and 1-2 Districts. Steve Grittman provided background on the proposed amendment noting the City has been working with a task force to develop language for outdoor storage regulations. The proposed ordinance amendment would impact outdoor storage in the 1-1, 1-1A and 1-2 districts. Steve Grittman reviewed the changes for the 1-2 district which included encouraging the use of berms and/or plantings rather than chain link fencing. It also requires the screening to be 6' above the natural grade and allows for outdoor storage in the front yard by a conditional use permit. In addition the ordinance amendment proposes changes to the requirements for the treatment of trash handling equipment and sets conditions for allowing outdoor storage in the front setback area. Charlie Pfeffer representing Monticello Industrial Park Inc. addressed the council regarding concerns he had about the proposed amendment. He stated under the proposed amendment they would not be able to solicit distribution or warehousing uses for their property because trailers would be considered outside storage. The percentage of area allowed for outdoor storage would keep them from selling any of their property for distribution or warehousing uses. He said there is an impact in terms of value and taxes. He discussed their industrial park in Rogers which has capability to park trailers and containers on site. He noted that 80% of retail goods come in containers. He suggested the following changes to the ordinance amendment: 1) Remove trailers from the definition of outdoor storage; 2) Changes be made to the screening requirements so that it was more appropriate. He didn't understand the need to screen one industrial use from another industrial use. He also questioned the restriction on chain link fence as the hollow core slats provide the security of chain link fencing and are superior to slats. He asked ifthe City wanted to wait with development until a specific type of business comes in or do they want to open themselves up to more types of businesses. Charlie Pfeffer the noted that provision about trucks in loading docks or in the loading process 13 Council Minutes: 4/24/06 for mor than 72 hours may not be enforceable and that part of the ordinance was not people friendly. Glen Posusta felt the city ordinance was confusing and some of the landscape requirements burned up land area. Jeff O'N eill said the 1-1 A district was set up to attract more upscale business and he asked if the distribution business would meet that. Charlie Pfeffer responded that if you adopt this ordinance amendment you have precluded warehousing opportunities. He felt the ordinance restricted the business that would come into the City. Clint Herbst felt the City should be open minded and welcome different types of businesses that are looking at Monticello. Brian Stumpf asked with the recommended changes should this amendment go back to Planning Commission or to the IDC. Steve Grittman rebutted the comments made stating he didn't feel the City was precluding any particular uses in the I-1A district. Steve Grittman said distribution centers generally don't have high number of employees and job creation is one of the goals of the city. He said this ordinance would restrict some uses on some parcels in the industrial park. He discussed loading and stated loading is not part of the storage calculations He didn't recommend changing the 72 hours loading otherwise people would get the idea they can store their trailers there. Clint Herbst and Glen Posusta felt Section D should be removed. Steve Grittman felt that screening did serve a purpose which was to mitigate the visual impact of outdoor storage to the public right of way. Clint Herbst stated that industrial uses in industrial zones are not offensive. He agreed with screening from residential areas. Wayne Mayer and Clint Herbst agreed that fencing with slats was worse than just chain link fencing. Jeff O'Neill said that Fallon Avenue is a major corridor and the view of outdoor storage is not what you want. Bill Tapper, 1324 Edmonson Avenue and 212 Chelsea Road, is a member ofthe IDC. Most of the discussion he was involved in related to 1-2 district and not as much to the I-1A and I-I. He felt that one should consider those areas more carefully than they have been up to this point. The IDC proposed to the task force a group of items relating to 1-2 that could be incorporated in the ordinance Part of the ordinance he was concerned with is having to get a conditional use permit for front yard storage. He didn't like this because the applicant doesn't know what conditions may be added. He didn't like the CUP process being built into the ordinance. He felt the City should define what the rules are and write the rules into the ordinance. Bill Tapper said the economy is going is away from heavy manufacturing and more towards distribution. Clint Herbst asked Bill Tapper ifhe had any problems with the 1-2 portion. Bill Tapper said he opposed the CUP for front yard storage and the definition of front yard. Another concern is that the City realizes that as a business you may have to store some unsightly things. Clint Herbst suggested the conditions be written into the code and not have CUP process. Clint Herbst felt the ordinance should be flexible and something that the City would not constantly have to be amending. Glen Posusta said he didn't understand why the City put the onus on the commercial and industrial property owner to do the screening. Jay Morrell, 10054 Ickler A venue, spoke endorsing the comments made by Charlie Pfeffer and Bill Tapper. He agreed that the existing ordinance was very cumbersome and felt this was 14 Council Minutes: 4/24/06 confirmed by the IDC and staff. He said the process was better than what it was before but still need some adjusting. The 1-2 portion of the amendment is not too bad except for the CUP process for front yard storage. He also had some concerns about the screening requirements. I-I and I-IA areas were something that needed to be addressed further. Jeff O'Neill asked ifhe felt the City could move ahead with the amendment for the 1-2 area and work further on the I-I and I-IA. Wayne Mayer noted that Jay Morrell. Bill Tapper and Charlie Pfeffer were all involved in the task force on outdoor storage and questioned whether anyone was listening to what the task force members had to say. Wayne Mayer asked if other task force members opinions were opposite of those who spoke tonight. Steve Grittman stated planning commission members disagreed with task force members on this issue. Wayne Mayer asked Steve Grittman if this amendment was something Steve Grittman as a planner could wholeheartedly endorse. Steve Grittman responded the amendment was a consensus of the majority of the task force. Brian Stumpf asked if there was a reason why the Council would want to vote on a portion of the amendment now and work on the rest later. Wayne Mayer stated that if a provision is not enforceable then it should not be put on the books just so we can say we did something. Jay Morrell said the task force for the first year just spun their wheels but he felt when William Spartz came on board the committee started making some headway. Charlie Pfeffer said he only participated in two meetings as they were not aware that a committee was working on the issue of outside storage. Clint Herbst asked if the Council wants to mull it over for a couple of weeks or have a workshop meeting before the next meeting. Shawn Weinand encouraged staff to look at the Rogers industrial park. He stated the City shouldn't screw themselves up by putting too many restrictions on itself. He said a more effective control would be if the City set covenants. He added at this time buyers are skittish and don't need more hurdles to scare them off. Dick Van Allen, 6140 River Mill Drive, commented that the ordinance should be integrated and apply to all industrial districts. The city ordinance needs to be simplified so the public can understand it. He felt front yard storage should be allowed since it would allow the property owner to make full use of their property. He is against the CUP process which he would like to see discourage. A representative from Wallboard Inc. also felt the CUP process would restrict a lot of people that might come into town. He added that distribution/warehousing uses brings benefits to the community and the trucks coming in and out is an economic benefit to the City. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO DENY THE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REGULATING OPEN AND OUTDOOR STORAGE IN THE I-I, 1-2 AND I-IA DISTRICTS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. Wayne Mayer said he doesn't want to handcuff people who might be interested in coming to Monticello and he felt this ordinance amendment added further encumbrances. He felt some 15 Council Minutes: 4/24/06 drastic change had to be made. Clint Herbst and Brian Stumpf felt a meeting should be held to work on some of the issues in the ordinance amendment and suggested meeting before the next regular council meeting GLEN POSUSTA AMENDED HIS MOTION AND MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THIS ITEM. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 15. Consideration of establishine mix of participants on Comprehensive Plan Update Task Force. Jeff O'Neill updated the Council on the status of the Comprehensive Plan Update. The scope of the project is being firmed up and will come back to the subcommittee and to the Council Instead of the task force being the primary focus, Hoisington Kegler felt there should be more community/neighborhood meetings. The proposed task force will meet once a month for 14 months or so. Brian Stumpf suggested adding another citizen at large from the township and try to make sure the there is one township representative from each side of the township. Wayne Mayer suggested that because this is a major undertaking with significant impact that there should be 3 representatives of the Planning Commission and the City Council even ifit means posting notice of the meetings. He suggested that those organizations who have one member on the task force also designate an alternate. WAYNE MAYER MOVE TO ESTABLISH THE TASK FORCE WITH THREE MEMBERS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION, TWO MEMBERS FROM THE PARKS COMMISSION, TWO MEMBERS FROM THE TOWNSHIP BOARD; ONE MEMBER EACH FROM THE HRA, EDA AND IDC, ONE MEMBER FROM EACH OF THE FOLLOWING CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, SCHOOL DISTRICT, COUNTY, AND HOSPITAL BOARD AND THREE CITIZENS AT LARGE FROM THE CITY AND TWO CITIZENS AT LARGE FROM THE TOWNSHIP. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 16. Consideration of amendine subdivision ordinance establishin~ 18% standard for park dedication. Steve Grittman provided the background information noting that the City is allowed by statute to acquire park land. In January 2006 the park dedication fee was increased to $3500 per unit. Although there was a cash dedication increase at that time, the land dedication fee was not increased. The fee increase was done in part because of the YMCA property. There are two ways of calculating park dedication land by acreage or based on population. Planning Commission had recommended approval of the park dedication fee increase. Brian Stumpf asked if the City is increasing their park land by 1200 acres by acquiring the YMCA why would the City need additional park land acquisition from the developers. Steve Grittman said if the YMCA is not acquired then these fees would no longer be applicable and may be taken back out. Clint Herbst felt it would be known in a short period of time whether the City would be acquiring the YMCA. He said the problem is that developers are paying more 16 Council Minutes: 4/24/06 than they can afford for the land and then can't handle the development fees. Brian Stumpf said hd didn't know why the City needs to do this if we don't know what is going to happen with the YMCA. Glen Posusta felt this is one more reason why people don't build in Monticello. The developers will just pass the park dedication fee increase onto the residents. Brian Stumpf said if the City will know shortly on the YMCA why not wait with the ordinance amendment until then. Shawn Weinand said while the YMCA property would be an asset to the community, the housing industry is in a crisis. If the builders can't sell the units you can't buy the YMCA. Shawn Weinand stated that not including land. his lot costs have increased $10,000 over two years. He said since the City makes the choice on taking land or cash why do you need to increase the land dedication. Clint Herbst said at some point the City had to take the step and increase the fees he noted that adjustments would be made for those developments in process. Shawn Weinand felt there should be some time frame set up so developers have some idea when the fees will be increased. Glen Posusta asked Shawn Weinand if the YMCA was a regional park would it make it any easier to sell their lots. Shawn Weinand said it is a selling point but it would not get the developer any more for the lots. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE THE PARK DEDICATION AMENDMENT. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. Rick W olfsteller said he was of the understanding that the City was trying to make the land increase in park dedication equivalent to the cash fee increase in park dedication that was approved earlier. UPON VOTED BEING TAKEN, THE MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 17. Consideration of concept sta~e approval for a pun for Tom Rollin~s based on revised plans. Moved to consent agenda as item #5R 18. Consideration ofissuin2letter of intent to neeotiate on purchase of YMCA property. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PREP ARE AND EXECUTE DOCUMENTATION SUPPORTING THE CITY'S DESIRE TO ENTER INTO GOOD FAITH NEGOTIATIONS TO PURCHASE THE YMCA PROPERTY AND TO AUTHORIZE EXPLORATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH WRIGHT COUNTY GOVERNING ACQUISITION, USE AND MAINTENANCE OF THE FUTURE PARK. In further discussion Brian Stumpf brought up about the residents of Monticello being doubly taxed for this park both as city residents and county residents. Clint Herbst felt the City had to find out the cost for the YMCA property and go from there. 17 Council Minutes: 4/24/06 CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Added Items: Sex Offenders: Clint Herbst stated he had received a letter from a resident about the sex offenders living in the city. He would like the Police Commission look at this issue. Tom Scott noted that state statute governs this. Placement of a level 3 sex offender requires notification to the residents but a level 2 offender does not. Compost: Clint Herbst stated he was out at the site and agreed with residents that the odor was bad. John Simola said they are still studying the options and are waiting to hear back from the County regarding dumping at their compost facility. This matter will come back at the next meeting. Pathways: Glen Posusta noted the deteriorated condition ofthe trail in the Briar Oakes area and wondered about a maintenance program. John Simola stated that heavy equipment has been on the trail and that area is one of the older trails Change Orders: Brian Stumpf wanted to know if the City was initiating the change orders on the projects or ifit was the contractor realizing they had bid something too low. Bret Weiss said generally the change orders are because of something the City initiated like adding project work (i.e. Karlsburger utility extension) to an existing contract by change order. Brian Stumpf asks how this affects the contingency fund. Comprehensive Plan: Update was given with task force item. Clint Herbst complimented staff on the clean up work that was done. 19. Consideration of approvine: bills for April. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 20. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 11: 1 0 p.m. Recording secretary 18 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL BOARD OF REVIEW Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 7 p.m. Members Present Glen Posusta, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: Clint Herbst and Wayne Mayer 1. Call to Order: Acting Mayor Glen Posusta called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Also present at the meeting were Greg Kramber, Wright County Assessor, Tony Rasmussen, Senior Appraiser and Lori Thingvold, the assessor assigned to Monticello. Greg Kramber provided a brief overview of the activity that is occurring in Wright County and indicated that the entire county including Monticello has seen substantial growth not only in new construction but also increased market values when analyzing sales that have occurred. Lori Thingvold, assessor assigned to Monticello, summarized information relating to the 2006 assessment for the City and indicated there were 257 sales of residential parcels and that the median sales ratio was 90%. The Department of Revenue requires sales ratios to be between 90% and 105%. Lori Thingvold noted that overall residential land and buildings were increased by 5.4% throughout Monticello bringing the sales ratio up to 94.83%. Commercial and industrial properties have had their values increased by 19.8%, with apartment complexes increased by 16.93% to bring their sales ratios more in line with current market values. The median sale price on residential property as of September 2005 was $190,000 compared to $182,200 the previous year. 2. Board of Review: Shawn Weinand, owner of several commercial and industrial parcels within the City of Monticello appeared before the board to discuss the large valuation increases proposed on a number of parcels. Mr. Weinand did not feel that some of the huge value increases were warranted at this time, even though he understood that many ofthe increases proposed are related to recent sales activity valuations. Mr. Weinand's concern is that not all parcels can be considered to be equal in value with recent sales that have occurred and that the assessor needs to take into consideration how quickly the properties will be absorbed by development in establishing values. Assessor, Greg Kramber noted that the valuations are based on current sales and zoning uses of the property and that some parcels may see significant increases due to other factors such as property classification changes, especially for parcels that previously were valued under agricultural or green acre exemptions. Because Mr. Weinand had questions on numerous parcels within the Monticello Industrial Park, the Ocello development and even outlots in the Groveland Addition, the Board of Review suggested that the Wright County Assessor meet with Mr. Weinand and review the individual sites within the next 20 days and the Board of Review could reconvene to review a report on recommendations concerning any value 19 adjustments for these thirteen or so parcels. AS A RESULT, MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO HAVE THE WRIGHT COUNTY ASSESSOR MEET WITH SHAWN WEINAND AND REPORT BACK AT A SPECIAL MEETING TO BE HELD MAY 9, 2006 AT 7 P.M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECONVENING THE BOARD OF REVIEW AT THAT TIME. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mark Olson of Olson Electric appeared before the board to question valuations placed on parcels #155-500-113303 and 155-127-000010. Mr. Olson disputed the land value being placed on the Olson Electric parcel and did not feel it was comparable to other properties in the area because of the amount of fill material that would be needed to make the site more buildable and because of the difficulty the parcel has for access. Assessor Greg Kramber noted he has visited the site and noted that the property owner had placed a "For Sale" sign on the property that indicated the asking price was three to four times more than the value the assessor had placed on the property but also was suggesting that a reduction be made in the land value from $651,400 to $521,300 to account for the lower elevation ofthe property compared to surrounding areas and recognizing the access to the property was more difficult than other parcels in the area. MOTION WAS MADE BY GLEN POSUST A AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO REDUCE THE PROPERTY VALUE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE COUNTY ASSESSOR FROM A TOTAL OF $884,500 TO $754,400. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Jay Morrell, owner of the parcel #155-500-142209 at 1219 State Highway 25 South, also questioned the value of his property due to limited access the site has from Highway 25. Assessor Greg Kramber noted that the property value had been reduced by $1/sq. ft. to $7/sq. ft. to account for access issues, but Mr. Morrell felt additional adjustments were still warranted. MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY GLEN POSUSTA TO ADJUST THE PROPERTY VALUE AN ADDITIONAL $1/SQ. FT. TO A TOTAL OF $6/SQ. FT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Assessor Greg Kramber reviewed with the board three additional parcels that their office has reviewed since the original since assessment valuations were completed. The assessor is recommending that adjustments be made as follows to their valuations. 155-172-001010 - Hunters Crossing, LLC Home had water damage and it was recommended that the building value be reduced from $215,600 to $107,800 bringing total value for the property to $177,800. 155-010-036100 - John Koppy Classification of the property was changed from duplex to residential homestead and the recommendation is to redistribute value to $76,700 allocated to commercial class and $55,900 to the residential class. 20 155~053-001010 ~ West Cello Apartments/TCK Properties Adjustment in market value was recommended from $2,575,600 to $2,500,000. MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO ADJUST THE ABOVE THREE PARCELS PER RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Adjourn: GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADJOURN THE BOARD OF REVIEW AT 8:50 P.M. WITH TOM PERRAULT SECONDING THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Board of Review will reconvene on Tuesday, May 9,2006 at 7 p.m. to review recommendations on Mr. Weinand's commercial property valuations. Recording Secretary 21 Council Agenda - 5/8/06 SA. Consideration of approvin~ new hires and departures for Parks and MCC. (RW ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC , liquor store and Parks Department As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring/departures ofthe employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. 22 NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Hook, Patrick Instructor MCC 4/4/2006 PT Thelen, Allyson lifeguard MCC 4/14/2006 PT Emmel, Danielle Wheelpark Attend. MCC 4/29/2006 PT Barthel, Jerry Summer Temp Parks 4/19/2006 Temp Schoenborn, Herbert Summer Temp Parks 4/20/2006 Temp West, Don Summer Temp Parks 4/24/2006 Temp Geyen, Mark Summer Temp Parks 4/20/2006 Temp TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Williams, Angela Involuntary MCC 4/21/2006 PT Green, Yowadie Voluntary Liquor 3/31/2006 PT Kendall, Jodi Voluntary Liquor 3/31/2006 PT Mogensen, Amy Involuntary MCC 4/26/2006 PT employee councillist.xls: 5/2/2006 23 City Council Agenda - 05/08/06 5B. Consideration to review and accept the Year-End EDA Financial Statements. Activity Report. and 2006 Proposed Bude:et. (O.K.) A. Reference and Backeround: This item is presented to comply with City Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Section 2-3-6 (A), "The Authority shall prepare an annual budget projecting anticipated expenses and sources of revenue;" and (B), "The Authority shall prepare an annual report describing its activities and providing an accurate statement of its financial condition. Said report shall be submitted to the City Council each year." The financial reports were prepared by Executive Director Koropchak with assistance from the Finance Department. At the annual meeting of April 25, 2006, the Economic Development Authority (EDA) accepted the year-end reports and budget with an amendment to the budget. The EDA voted to reimburse the Liquor Fund in the amount of$80, 891 with the funds to be transferred to the debt service funds of the City to reduce tax levies for bonded indebtedness. Of the initial $383,000 the EDA received from the Liquor Fund, the EDA has reimbursed the City a total of$227,891 and disbursed DMRF grants in the amount of $55,109. The remaining balance of the EDA Liquor Fund is $100,000. All Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) loan pay backs are current. You will note on the Balance Sheet, the EDA-GMEF cash-in-bank balance as of December 31,2005, is $861,281.75 (2005 interest income - investment not available nor accounted for) with total assets and liabilities/equity of over $1.6 million. One GMEF loan balloon payment was paid in 2005. One GMEF Loan was approved and disbursed in 2005 to Tapper's Holdings. The 2006 Cash Flow Projection includes two GMEF balloon payments, disbursement of two GMEF loans, and $80,891 reimbursement to the Liquor Fund. Other sources of funds available for use by the EDA, in addition to the GMEF cash-in-bank, are the payback from the MIF State/City/UMC Loan with a current balance of $27,983.45 (maximum amount available to the EDA is $100,000 plus interest.) and the payback from the MIF F ederal/City/TCDC Loan with a current balance of $331 ,307.23 (maximum amount available to the EDA is $500,000 plus interest.) Since 1990, the year the loan program was established, the EDA has approved 20 GMEF loans arranging from $30,000 to $350,000 per loan for a total of $1 ,905,500, one DMRF loan, and nine DMRF facade grants. The EDA wrote-off a small portion of one GMEF loan. 1 24 City Council Agenda - 05/08/06 Therefore, per the Ordinance, the EDA submits to the City Council a copy of the EDA-GMEF 2005 Year-End Balance Sheet; Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance for the Year; Annual Activity Report; and 2006 Cash Flow Projections (Budget) for review. If a council member has questions of the year-end reports, please remove from the consent agenda; otherwise, the EDA requests the City Council make a motion to accept the EDA year- end reports. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to accept the 2005 Year-End EDA Balance Sheet; Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance; Activity Report; and 2006 Cash Flow Projections as presented. 2. A motion to deny acceptance of the 2005 Year-End EDA Balance Sheet; Statements of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance; Activity Report; and 2006 Cash Flow Projections as presented. C. Recommendation: Recommendation is alternative #1. Reason for the recommendation is that all reports are reported as true and correct; the budget is based on projections only; and the said motion would affirm compliance of Ordinance Amendment No. 172. D. Supportine Data: Copy ofthe Year-End Statements, Activity Report, and 2006 Cash Flow Projections for the EDA-GMEF. 2 25 MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MONTICELLO GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) Balance Sheet December 31, 2005 ASSETS Cash in Bank Accounts Receivable Notes Receivable - Tapper, Inc. I Notes Receivable - Muller Theatre Notes Receivable - SMM, Inc. Notes Receivable - Aroplax Corp.I Notes Receivable - Custom Canopy, Inc. Notes Receivable - Standard Iron Notes Receivable - Vector Tool Notes Receivable - Tapper, Inc.II Notes Receivable - SELUEMED Notes Receivable - T J Martin Notes Receivable - Mainline Distribution Notes Receivable - Aroplax Corp II Notes Receivable - TCDC Notes Receivable - IRTI Notes Receivable - GWJ,LLC Notes Receivable - VisiCom Notes Receivable - UMC Notes Receivable - Tapper's III Notes Receivable - WSI Notes Receivable - Tapper's Holdings Appropriations Receivables - 2005- MIF (Fed) MIF (State) TOTAL ASSETS FUND EOUITY Fund Balance Reserved for Participation Loans * (Economic Development) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY * 2001 transfer to Liquor Fund $77,000 * 2003 transfer to Liquor Fund $70,000 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 2,697.38 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 25,767.75 $ -0- $ 177,891.20 $ 41,777.22 $ 332,638.03 $ 199,423.41 $ -0- $ -0- Original Liquor Fund transfer to EDA $383,000. $ 861,281. 75 $1,641,476.74 $1,641,476.74 $1,641,476.74 26 MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MONTICELLO GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For the Year Ended December 31, 2005 REVENUES Appropriations - 2005 MIF (Fed) MIF (State) Interest Income - GMEF Notes Interest Income - DMRF Note Interest Income - Investment GMEF (?) Interest Income - Investment UDAG Interest Income - Investment SCREG Interest Income - Investment MIF Loan Fees Legal Fees Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES GMEF Loans - GMEF Legal Fees GMEF Professional Fees TRANSFER TO LIQUOR FUND DMRF Loan - DMRF Grant - DMRF Legal Fees DMRF Professional Fees Service Fees Miscellaneous Other Int. Adjustment - Notes TOTAL EXPENDITURES Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures FUND BALANCE - Beginning of Year FUND BALANCE - End of Year $ -0- $ -0- $ 15,504.37 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 200.00 $ 1,262.50 $ -0- $ 16,966.87 $ -0- $ 1,412.00 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 63.88 $ -0- $ 1.475.88 $ 15,490.99 $1. 625, 985.75 $1.641.476.74 27 MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) 2006 CASH FLOW PROJECTION BEGINNING CASH BALANCE, January 2006 $ 861,281.75 RECEIPTS Appropriations, Expected - MIF Fed or State Notes Amortization payments - Tapper Inc. Muller Theater SMM, Inc. Aroplax Corp. Custom Canopy, Inc. Standard Iron Vector Tool Tapper's II SELUEMED T.J. Martin ($547.60 Mo.) 6-06 Mainline Distrib. Aroplax Corp. II TCDC IRTI EDMA ($193.89 Mo.) 9-06 visiCom UMC ($1,084.33 Mo.) 3-08 Tapper 111($524.76 MO.) 5-08 WSI ($1,483.49 Mo) 6-09 Tapper Holdings ($1,417 Mo.) 7-10 Interest Income - Investment (est.) Loan Fees Loan Fees Other Miscellaneous TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE AND RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES GMEF Loans - Karlsburger Other Re-payment to Liquor Fund 2006 Liquor Fund Balance Legal Fees Miscellaneous $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 80,891. 00 $ 100,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ LOOO.OO TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 384.891.00 EXPECTED CASH BALANCE, December 2006 $ 594,276.03 28 I 2005 ECONOMIC DEVELO'MENT AUTHORITY ACTIVITY REPORT MEETING DATE SUBJECTS February 10, 2005 Reviewed the Loan Application, held public hearing on business subsidy, and motion to approve GMEF Loan No. 024, a real estate rehabilitation loan, for Tappers Holdings LLC in the amount of$200,000. Fixed rate of3.5%, amortized over 20 years, ballooned in 5 years. Application fee $200. April 26, 2005 Motion to approve EDA Officers for 2005: President Bill Demeules Vice President Barb Schwientek Treasurer Rick W olfsteller Assistant Treasurer Ron Hoglund Secretary Ollie Koropchak Motion to accept the EDA 2005 Year-End Financial Statements and Activity Report for submission to the City Council on May 9 or 23,2005. All existing GMEF loan paybacks are current. Motion to table discussion on payback to Liquor Store Fund until October meeting. Motion to accept the Business Subsidy Criteria and Bylaws of the EDA as written (no amendments.) August 9, 2005 Motion to extend the non-performance date up to an additional 120 days from August 10, 2005, to December 10, 2005, for approved GMEF Loan No. 024 with the applicant to pay legal expenses to amend the Loan Agreement and to waive the 30 day notification period for extension. Motion agreeing to a shared fourth position with CMIF for GMEF Loan No. 024 with option to move to fifth position if necessary, with the notation that the applicant pay the associated legal fees for the document changes. 1 29 Continued 2005 Economic Development Authority Report Motion agreeing to continue tracking the late fees per the GMEF Loan No. 014 Agreement and accept payments on a monthly basis as required. October 25, 2005 Motion to call DMRF Loan No. 111, principal and interest due, in the amount of$5,275.00, due and payable within 60 days of November 1,2005. Deferred the loan payment to foster a downtown business and keeps the final loan payment clean. Motion to table any action for authorization to payback any remaining Liquor Store Fund dollars. Motion to research establishment and preparation of criteria for re-use of the Federal dollars from the TCDC loan. Suggested terms: 0% interest rate with balloon payment in three years or up to 3% below prime rate with balloon payment in five years. Called for a special in November and to further research with the State representative and EDA Attorney. November 29, 2005 Minutes not available and not approved. Agenda subj ects: Review proposed modifications to the GMEF Guidelines to accommodate re-use of Federal dollars. Call for public hearing date for modification ofthe EDA Business Subsidy Criteria. Ratify the Mortgage Subordination Agreement between the SBA, EDA, and Tapper Holdings LLC. December 13,2005 Public Hearing and approved the proposed amendments to the Monticello EDA Business Subsidy Criteria: 0% interest rate with balloon payment in three years or up to 3% below prime rate with balloon payment in five years. Applicant subject to Federal requirements including 51 % of jobs must be made available to or held by LMI persons. Also requested submission of the Designated Local Development Organization Council Resolution and amended Criteria to DEED for approval. 2 30 Council Agenda: 5/8106 sc. Consideration of approvin~ temporary liQuor license for wine tastin2 event at the Church of St. Henry. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Church of St. Henry is proposing to hold a wine tasting event on the parish grounds at 1001 East 7th Street on June 23,2006. State statutes require a non-profit organization conducting a wine tasting event to obtain a temporary on sale license for the event. A. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve temporary on sale license for Church of St. Henry for a wine tasting event on June 23, 2006. 2. Do not approve the temporary on-sale license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the temporary on-sale liquor license for the June 23,2006 wine tasting event. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of application. 31 ...,..,....,...,.""", ~)j,'~,~,:i",'';:l..~q~. j')... \ Ii' ". ; )?:.] ~~~~~;,.~~, ~~"'~1\11 VV I V I V I 1(:. 1;) I'IV. '::V't V II V I Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 444 Cedar St-Suite 133 Sf. Paul, MN 55101-51.33 (651 )296-6439 TDD (651 )282.6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A TEMPORARY ON.SALE LIQUOR LICENSE ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME TAX EXEMPT NUMBER t...//-07lP4/0 STATE AI ZIP CODE 1'11'( &s 3f.IZ- HOME PHONE ( ) N rJ 653 {to... ADDRESS GAfZ~$ Location when: license will be u~ed. If an outdoor area. describe on Pttri5b.~rolJnd~ ~+eti at IWI 1;;, ,ft16T. MOJ\-.}-te2.Jlo " Will the Dpplicant conlract for inlo,ul;lSting liquor servicc.<'! If so. ,pve [he name and address of [he liquor licensee pro\lil1ing the service. '/$ -1-11- WI+'1 UnUDR. 5 " 54-5 ::5~+hvy~\ J.1ermCE7..LD IV1N 553(0 Will the applicant carry liquor liability inf.uranee'!)f ~C? the,carrier's name Ilnd amouo[ of coverage. (NOTE: Insurance is not mandatory.) '5 ' ~ ANro- APPROVAL APPUCA'ffON Mll1)T SF.: AM'KOVED lJY CITY OR OOUNTY BEFORE SUBMITIlNG TO ALCOHOL &: G^MJJlJNG ElIo'FORCEMENT CITY ICOUNTY DA'ffi APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT LICENSE DATES DATE FEE PArD SfGNATURF.: em CLERK OR COUNTY OFFIerAL APPROveD Alc;ohol '" O:wblill~ EnColttmc;nr. ,Qin;clor No~: Do nol ~aralle u.- two pllrts,1eJI4 boIb pvto; to Ule :addl'W'!ll'""e _4 u.e oria:iaa/ l'i~ b,. thls 4i\lition wU/ be ntumcd llIo Ih~ JQn.e. SlIbmlllO tile dQ' or' Cou~ ..I least 30 4.,., before IlK f"'ftlL PS-OJ07' (6191) 32 Council Agenda - 5/806 5D. Consideration of approval of annual liquor licenses. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In the past the City Council has approved the liquor license renewals in one motion contingent upon the completion of the application, approval of application by the state and submission of proper insurance coverage. The following licenses are submitted for your approval: Intoxicatin2 Liauor. On-Sale (fee $3.750) 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Blue 360 (Formerly Silver Fox) 3. Duane Lindenfelser dba River City Lanes 4. lP.s Annex 5. Hawks Sports Bar 6. Monticello Country Club 7. Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar 8. Guadalajara, Inc. 9. Rancho Grande Intoxicatine Liauor. On-Sale. Sunday (fee $200 - set by statute) 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Blue 360 (Formerly Silver Fox) 3. River City Lanes 4. VFW Club 5. American Legion Club 6. J.P.'s Annex 7. Hawks Sports Bar 8. Monticello Country Club 9. Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar 10. Guadalaraja Inc. 11. Rancho Grande Non-Intoxicatine: Malt. On-Sale (fee $275) 1. Monticello Men's Softball Association 2. China Buffet 3. Pizza Factory 33 Non.Intoxicatine: Malt. Off-Sale (fee $75) 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. River Terrace 3. Cruiser's Gas N Goods 4. Cub Foods 5. Maus Foods (D&C and Associates) 6. Wal-Mart Set-Up License (fee $275) None Club License (fee - set by statute based on membership 1. VFW - $500 2. American Legion - $500 Wine/Stron~ Beer Combination License ($1.200) 1. Crostini's Grille 2. DeAngelo's Pizza & Pasta B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Council Agenda - 5/806 1. Move to approve these licenses effective 7/1/04 contingent upon applicants providing appropriate certificates of insurance. c. SUPPORTING DATA: None. 34 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 5E. Consideration of approvine City drainafZe improvements and cost-sharinfZ in river bank stabilization project at 401 Front Street. (BW) A. REFERENCB' AND BACKGROUND: The river bank at 401 Front Street is eroding and the owner of the property, Linda Obrycki, is planning to hire a contractor this year to stabilize the bank. However, Ms Obrycki contends that a significant amount of the stormwater runoff that runs through her yard, contributing to the erosion of her river bank, enters her property via the driveway on Linn Street. Ms Obrycki therefore feels that the City is liable for a significant share of the erosion and that the City should share 50% of the project costs with her. The homeowner previously bid a set of plans that was supplied to her by WSB and Associates last fall and the bid came in at $24,000. However, the plans had incorporated some work on the City's property adjacent to hers that will no longer be completed under this project so we anticipate that the cost of the project will actually be between $20,000 and $24,000. The City's share would therefore fall somewhere between $10,000 and $12,000. If the Council approves sharing in the cost ofthe project with the property owner, two items should be addressed beforehand. First, the Council should approve construction of drainage improvements on the City's property east of 401 Front Street to help prevent stormwater runoff from entering private property during typical design rainfall events. The design ofthis project is nearly complete and utilizes a curb-cut, drainage swale and outlet pipe to the Mississippi River to divert runoff from the street to the river. It is estimated that this project would cost approximately $12,000 to complete, which would be in addition to the $1,500 +/- that the City spent last week to relocate and raise the property owner's driveway. Secondly, the property owner should be required to enter into a written agreement with the City holding the City harmless in regards to such items as the proposed design, contractor selection and workmanship, contract administration, construction inspection, maintenance and all future claims against the City in regards to storm water intrusion from the street. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the construction of drainage improvements on the adjacent City property and pay for 50% of the project on private property up to a maximum of$12,000. 2. Approve the construction of drainage improvements on the adjacent City property and contribute a different % ofthe private project to be determined, up to a maximum amount. 3. Deny the construction of drainage improvements on the adjacent City property and deny payment for any share of the project on private property. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the City Engineer that the City Council approve the construction of drainage improvements on the adjacent City property and share in the property owner's project costs at whatever level is deemed fair, knowing that some runoff from the streets has entered her property in the past. 35 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. 36 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 SF. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for Open and Outdoor Stora2e. Open or Outdoor Displav. and Minor Auto Repair. Applicant: Jeff's Dream/Moon Motorsports. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. The Planning Commission reviewed this request during the May 2nd regular meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the request. Moon Motorsports has submitted site and building plans and an application for a Conditional Use Permit for Outdoor Storage, Outdoor Sales, and Display and Light Auto Repair on Lot 1, Block 1 of the Otter Creek Crossing development. Repair of A TV s and motorcycles falls into the category of "Light Auto Repair". The subject site is approximately 5.25 acres in area and is zoned B-4, Regional Business. ConduwnalUsePermu The zoning ordinance makes the following requirements for the proposed uses: Open and outdoor storage a conditional use in the B-4 District, provided that: 1. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses 2. Storage is screened from view from the public right of way 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right of way or from neighboring residences. Open or outdoor service sale is a conditional use, provided that: 1. Outside service sales and equipment rental connected with the principal use is limited to 30% of the gross floor area of the principal use. This percentage may be increased as a condition of the conditional use permit 2. Outside sales areas are fenced or screened from view of the right-of-view. 3. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right of way or from neighboring residences. 4. Sales area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. Minor Auto Repair is a conditional use, provided that the following applicable requirements are met: 1. Regardless of whether the dispensing sale or offering for sale of motor fuels and or oil is incidental to the conduct ofthe use or business the standards and requirements imposed by this ordinance for motor fuel stations shall apply 2. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. 3. The entire site other than that taken up by a building structure or plantings shall be surfaced with a material to control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 4. A minimum lot area of twenty two thousand five hundred 22500 square feet and minimum lot dimensions of 150 feet by 130 feet. 1 37 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 5. A drainage system subject to the approval of the City Engineer shall be installed. 6. A curb not less than six 6 inches above grade shall separate the public sidewalk from motor vehicle service areas. 7. The lighting shall be accomplished in such a way as to have no direct source of light visible from adjacent land in residential use or from the public right of way. 8. Wherever fuel pumps are to be installed pump islands shall be installed. 9. Each light standard landscaped. 10. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement. 11. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be minimized and shall be in compliance with the Sign Ordinance. 12. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. ANALYSIS Lot Requirements and Standards. The B-4 Zoning District does not have specific area and building size regulations or setback requirements that would be applicable to the site. However, minor auto repair uses require a minimum lot area of 22,500 square feet as a conditional use. Minimum lot dimensions for this use are 150 feet by 130 feet. The subject site meets these minimum standards, as shown below: Required Proposed Lot Area 22,500 sf 228,690 sf Lot Width 150 feet 425.38 feet Lot Lene:th 130 feet 539.5 feet The southern portion of the lot remains vacant at this time, with the exception of the access drive. It is the property owner's intent to possibly sell that portion of the property in the future. The Moon Motors access drive will also serve as the access location for that lot. At the time a development plan is proposed for that lot, the property owner will need to apply for a planned unit development or re-plat, pending a land purchase or lease situation. Outdoor Storage. The applicant has designated a site to the west of the principal structure approximately 6,200 square feet in area to be used for outdoor storage. The outdoor storage area will be used to store trailers and crates that are waiting to shipped. No motorcycles, ATV's, or other products will be stored outside. The proposed site is in a location that will not take up any area for required parking. The outdoor storage area is required to be fenced and screened from the public right-of-way and neighboring residential areas. No residential areas border the site. The applicant has indicated that a fence will be constructed along the perimeter of the outdoor storage site. However, materials of the proposed fence have not been provided. A required screening fence is required to be constructed of masonry, brick, wood, or steel. Such fence shall provide a solid screening effect and not exceed eight feet in height or be less than six feet in height. The applicant shall be required to provide details on the proposed fence, indicating compliance with these requirements. Staff would recommend that chain link fencing with slats not be used for this purpose. The applicant's site designer will be presenting an alternative fence design. 2 38 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 The outdoor storage area is required to be surfaced to control dust and drainage. The plans indicate that the outdoor storage site would be surfaced with 6" Class V. The Planning Commission has recommended that the applicant be allowed to surface with the Class V material. The applicant is also required to provide hooded lighting to ensure that no light is visible from the public right-of-way. According to the photometric plan, 30-foot poles with hooded Soft Square lighting fixtures will be used on the site. The photometric plan does not show any footcandle readings at the perimeter of the outdoor storage area, indicating that lighting will not be visible from the right-of-way. Outdoor Sales and Display. The total outdoor sales display area is limited to 30% of the total area ofthe principal use. For the size of the building proposed, the applicant is allowed 8,640 square feet of outdoor sales display area. The applicant has illustrated five concrete boulder display pads outside of the principal structure. Two display pads are to be located in the northeast corner of the site, one in the northwest corner of the site, and two located in the test track area. These display pads are only large enough to support one vehicle each, and will not exceed the maximum allowed square footage and will not take up any area for required parking. All lighting is hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right of way. Test Track Area. The applicant has illustrated a test track area in the northwest corner of the site, approximately 10,000 square feet in area. The applicant has indicated that the test track area will only be for diagnosing service repair problems and will not be used by customers. It appears that grass turfwill be established. Therefore, due to infrequent use, dust should not be a problem. The Zoning Ordinance does not contain any information relating to test track areas. Therefore, staff has applied the same requirements used for outdoor sales and display. The test track area must be fenced or screened from the public-right-ofway. The applicant is proposing intense vegetation along the western and northern perimeters of this site, utilizing a variety of Norway and Ponderosa Pines and Smooth Sumac. The test track shall be required to comply with all provisions of Section 3-2 [K] of the Zoning Ordinance relating to noise. The test track area must also be surfaced to control dust. The concept plan does not indicate what materials will be used to surface this area. However, the applicant has indicated that potential materials include Class V, wood chips, or rubber mulch. The applicant must choose a material that will effectively control dust. Parking. For retail stores and service establishments, the ordinance requires 1 parking space for every 200 square feet of retail floor area, and 1 space for every 500 feet of storage area. The parking requirements for the proposed use are as follows: # of Spaces Required # of Spaces Proposed Retail 12,000 sf Service and Stora e 60 60 3 3 9 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 118,625 sf 138 136 The applicant has shown vehicle and trailer parking along the east side of the building. These spaces are adequately sized to count as two parking spaces each. Under this count, the applicant's plan meets the zoning requirements, and should have more than adequate parking for the proposed use. The applicant shall also provide additional handicapped parking stalls to comply with state requirements. Staff recommends that the applicant convert at least one parking stall near the service entrance into handicapped parking. Landscaping. The ordinance requires a minimum of one overstory tree per 50 feet of site perimeter. The perimeter of the site is 1,930 feet. Said length requires the applicant to provide 37 trees on the site. The applicant has satisfied this required by providing 41 trees on site, as well as several shrub planting areas and other landscaping. The applicant has provided the majority of the dense vegetation near the test track and northeast comer of the site. Credit can be provided for trees that remain on the site. The City recognizes the value of interstate highway exposure to commercial and industrial developers. The City also wishes to avoid the undesirable monotony of fully exposed building sides and rears and wishes to provide natural visual variety to the travelers on the interstate. Natural visual variety will alleviate the boredom for travelers and will project a clean and pleasant image of the City. Commercial and industrial developers of lots/parcels having substantial exposure to the interstate are required by Ordinance to provide landscaping that creates a 60% opacity year-round with at least 80% of such screening to be of natural materials. In this case, the building face is oriented to the front so dense landscaping along the freeway is not possible. However, the applicant has proposed dense vegetation in the northwest and northeast comers of the site. A fence has also been proposed along the freeway. The proposed plan meets the zoning requirements. As a condition of allowing minor auto repair uses in the B-4 District, all lighting standards shall also be landscaped. The landscape plan shall be modified to indicate compliance with this requirement. Sign age. For businesses in the B-4 District, a combination of wall signs and a maximum of one pylon sign may be utilized for a maximum of 300 square feet of signage per property. The applicant is proposing a single monument sign at the entrance to the site, in lieu of a pylon sign. The face of the monument sign is 96 square feet. In addition to the monument sign, the applicant is proposing a series of wall signs on the front of the building. The ordinance allows the site one business identification sign per street on which the property has legal frontage, and two product identification signs on the same wall. The total maximum allowable sign area for any wall shall be determined by taking 10% of the gross silhouette area of the front of the building up to 100 square feet, whichever is less. In this case, the maximum allowable sign area is 100 square feet. One 28 square foot wall sign is proposed, displaying the name of the business. Five smaller product identification signs are combined beneath the business identification sign. For the purpose of this application, this band of signage is considered as one sign. It will be required that when the total area of each of the five product identification signs is calculated, it is no more than 72 square feet. As such, the one product 4 40 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 identification band and one business sign may total a maximum of 100 square feet to meet the two wall sign ordinance requirement. Access. A single access to the site will be provided by a private drive off Chelsea Road, in the southeast comer of the site. This 24-foot drive lane will accommodate two lanes of traffic throughout the site. The applicants have indicated that this driveway will be shared with any future potential user of the open portion of the property. Staffhas discussed the location of the loading dock with the applicants. The loading dock is located on the southern end of the principal structure and is accessed via a 21-foot wide drive lane. Original plans raised a concern that the location of the loading dock would not provide a feasible turning radius for semis to enter, due to its close proximity to the driveway. The applicant has broadened the parking lot to create an area for semis to back into. The applicant should illustrate turning radii for the loading dock to demonstrate that it may be reasonably accessed. Grading, Drainage, and Utilities. Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control and Utility Plans are subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommended alternative 1 below. Decision 1: Conditional Use Permit for Outdoor Display and Outdoor Storage for Moon Motorsports. 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Moon Motorsports to allow for Open and Outdoor Storage, Outdoor Sales and Display, and Light Auto Repair, based on a finding that the proposed uses meet the requirement of the B-4 District, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit, based on a finding that the proposed use and site plan are inconsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan for this area. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit and site and building plans at this time, based on a finding that the subject lot is sufficient to accommodate the proposed use, and the proposed uses are consistent with the intent of the B-4 District. Staff recommends approval of the application, subject to the conditions found in Exhibit Z D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Image: B. Site Images C. Applicant Request Package, Including i. Title Sheet ii. Site Plan and Certified Survey 5 41 111. Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan IV. Utility Plan - Sanitary Sewer and Watermain v. Utility Plan - Storm Sewer VI. Landscaping Plan Vll. Site Lighting V111. Reference Floorplan IX. Elevations x. Building Schematic 6 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 42 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 Exhibit Z - Conditions of Approval Jeff's Dream, LLC/Moon Motorsports Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossings 1. The applicant shall provide design details of proposed fencing. 2. The applicant shall verify the turning radius for trucks entering and exiting the loading dock. 3. The applicant shall provide at least one additional space for handicapped parking. 4. The outdoor storage area shall be covered with a Class V surface - curbing is not required. 5. The landscape plan shall be modified to illustrate that each individual lighting standard is landscaped. 6. The total area of the five individual product identification signs and one wall business identification sign shall equal 100 square feet or less. 7. Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control and Utility Plans are subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. 8. Wherever fuel pumps are to be installed, the applicants shall comply with safety installations in accordance with the City Building Official and Fire Department. 9. The applicant revise parking calculations to be consistent with the revisions to the building square footage. 7 43 ., I _ __-44.._ , I.l) -.::t I en L- 0 CIl ........ ~ 0 Q) :2 :> CIl C :::l 0 0 'C 0 co ~ > , '-D -..::t r-- -.;;t .. oS .2 ~ i l!! ll- l:- ~~ 3:.1: ..t: ._ 0 >2 , I o Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t"i ~~ ~~6~ H 0",. " Z ~:j(JlUl ;; ::,hl~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ 0 ~ ~~ ~ ~ .. NUl ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ON >- ~ 8 ~ ~ ;-1 0 Z Z (') 1 ~~~ ~ Gl~fJ1J~ 2 ~ "0"" -:J: r- iii g;o~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~" ~ ~ss;;~ ~~" ~<,<=~;I F;?, ":1-',,,2' ~ " ".2'2'''~ 8 "H~~ ~ .~~ ~ \:'~ ~ ~-~ g " Q I ~"' ~ ~ ~ ~ z ^' 5 :J !? ~ ~ $ .:; Z o ~ Z tJ ~ ~ "'\I> z.... 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Wi. ..r1.f .; i .~ J,' hll,!1 If JI HU} ~ li~ilU ~ IJill. h'r I ~ i: 11 ;~111!111111i.l ui!! i ~I ~ , .11 i.' I f' J fl., ! , I · I , r-r=:-.1 a_a I . rI I s: 0 0 z s: ~ ~ -u 0 ~ \ N I m, ---, I ~ I ~-I- I ",t-- 0, . '" Ii ~~ ;, '-0" 12'-0" I }-- r I nl Z > ~ nl CJ OJ ~ :I 8 s: "'1l ~ ~ ~ le~'.O" '" '" q ? 25'-0" 30'.0' ~O'-O" 40'.0" ~(:,-O" 14'-0" 10'-0" 16'-0" ---T- .. " i] " ~ q '" " q I'-r;' ~ f'" . . - -. ~ ~ ~ Ii \ ] ~I , ,w ~En [JI;;;~ ~,. i ~ ~r u ~ o ~~~ ~~~ ~ Council Agenda: 5/8/06 5G. Consideration of Authorizine: the Extension of Utilities to the Kevin Tracv Site (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2006-08C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Extension of utilities to the proposed Kevin Tracy site was included in the agreement to relocate his building within the Jefferson Commons plat. Sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain are proposed to be extended to the site from existing systems. The sanitary sewer would connect to a stub located south of School Boulevard and extend along the water tower driveway. Watermain and storm sewer services will be extended from the adjacent systems that were constructed as part of the water tower site. In addition, sanitary sewer will be stubbed past the Kevin Tracy site for extension to a possible future building to be located on the water tower site. Storm sewer will also be extended to the west to a future pond located on the City- owned property just north ofthe Kjellberg's mobile home development. Weare in the process of obtaining quotes from contractors to complete the work and will present the costs at the Council meeting. Weare also obtaining a quote from the contractor for the School Boulevard project, Randy Kraemer Excavating, so this could be added as a change order to that project. Mr. Tracy has graded the site and is in the process of obtaining a building permit. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize the extension of utilities to the Kevin Tracy site as a Change Order to the School Boulevard project (City Project No. 200S-02C) or to an alternate contractor as a separate project. 2. Do not authorize the work at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to select Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Plans C: IDucumel!1.Y and &lI;ngx\dQ~.gross;"gerl/.,(Jcal SetfingalTempormy Inter"et Fi/esIOLK3\A(iN IrM-Aulhor;zeKeVf"Tracyl!li,,~.nS0806.doc 57 z o fTl X :;:: J> -u ~ (f) () J> , fTl (f) ~ ~ )-1-1-1 '10 -< I , -0 fTl 'lCl)fTl <Jf'T'I - - J> Z -J>Z"Tl /000 '10 ;:0 ,C,;;:: I';:og~ "~}">6 , fTl ::J Z ) 0 00ZU1 '1;:0 I ".':0- ~ ~ -;F-oz 1-;:00 __Z<:Z --'O}"> ),-1-1 ew;CrrlI - ' U1 fTl -'<:C(f) /f'T'I:::Ii'1 . , -' :::jO 'l-IjTj;:O UIU1~ <JfTl_- :::()U1~ "';OZ(f) ,iZo -1-10 ;:0 0 :}"> G) z -- ~ C () -4 0 ~ g 'I;:O}">Z f) Z- UJ-IZ ". fTlG) f)-ifTl 00 u;)> :po rTJ 8~ X e' n --< ~ ~O : 0 G) ~ ,)> 0 , ." 0 ,;:::1: ,-fTl Z ~:p ;::c.n ) e -< Z ;::)> - .... 0 OfTl =::J :--"0 -I'Z n OlfTl rTJ :1:'-' 00> (J1 e~ "'I ---< Vl-l' (J1 .,,'-" ---1 ",-I' rTJ -I j68 s: d~ lI)vl~~~~~~M ~ ~"a1 a1" In" In AlAlF-tll:l;;a:E:;a:E ~~M~~:~O~ B~h~l<~~2 ~~ZOO~I r 1"'\ ~f:;:io~fTl ~,,2Q In"" ~~f;;~ ~g AI fTl c~ .5 =j ~ ~e:qH~~""""'~ r~~o~o~:Z I 115 ~D:r:~ ~~elCJ:I~;H~ )(~-u ~:r.~o~oi:..--- ~=l oo~~"'~~~ ~ ~ ~ g ~....,,~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ 8 r ~ g;: ~ ~ g:ll~g~H ~ '" "'5\""'t:l '" ~ fnI:J:~I~s:3I ~ V> "i'i~::! t> I I ~ ~ z L-,.---! !Ii g1 ~ ~ CO ~ ~ .O! ~""'~~Iv>~"~~"t>,,t>t>t>"''''''''''~8<~g~V>'''V>t>V>''''''V> ~~In~~~""~~~~~e:c:!!:!!::!~~~~~ ~'" "'5~~c",gt>~ Z~~~~~~~~ "'~~~ ",~~~z~~~~rn~~",~g~~.... ~~~QQ~~ :z 80~~Z~~ ~~O~~~~fTll~~~~~fTl ~~o65 ~ ~~~~z ~fTl:zg ~~~~~~~~~~~L~C~ o0~n~ ~~~~~r5 0 O~ ~~fTlL~~~fTlirCzCzfTl o>.~~~ z~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~o~~ G~~~:Zm~fTl ~~~~~ ~~~~~ I ~~ r~;;g~rn~f~~~fTl ~ fTl z~~ nZ~ ^t 00 ~ ~C ~ ;;g ~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~rnr ~ ~ ~~~ n~ k ~c~o~~ ~ zpo I"T1 ~ ;;QI:~~Z~ ~ r ~ r: ~ ::!l -l ~ PO ~ ~~ c B [!j@@l@l@. : · f*tt+i m rr~'1 Jf 1< 1 911 ~ ~. 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'!8 ...... .. ...~ ;' III:. ","Q\ 0 V- 00 g g,v- ';; o~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~\ g ~ z .,.". , """ ' , '" 1 l t \ <no ,~ r116~ "M 8 'S o\, \I ~\-,,\ "i" \ ~\j ~ 0 \1\.. ~"\~ !_ . \f ~ -->Ji t :\: <n...\ o ::tJ is:: '\ o ~)> '.'.1'. \I (f)~ ~ \ .~ ~.. "~ I~8 w, ~~ _, N __"~I ' ~ "'-.''j;C ;\t:'-':::::.:-:~:::::::=~:::::::::::::::~:: L-.- - - ORlVEwA Y TO WA TE~ .T?~~_ --~ - -- \, " ~""...."" -_.~--' \, ..,....::/~-"---_..... .-. '~...,.,.- _..-" - --- ---_-:-..:..:.-.:.:..-;-- - -- -- -_-c,,,,"","_ "- "-"-'C"c-",,_,,_-, "_ "_co,=,- "__~"""'",.",.===-.=-=--= r Council Agenda: 5/8/06 5H. Consideration of adoptine a resolution acceptin2 a donation for Walk and Roll. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Grand Casino/Chamber of Commerce has made a $500 contribution for expenses relating to the Walk and Roll Celebration. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified by donor. 2. Do not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donor. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the Finance Department to approve accepting the contribution. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. 61 City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2006-38 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions ofMN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONORlENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Grand Casino/Monticello Chamber Cash $500,00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. 2. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONORlENTITY RECIPIENT PURPOSE Grand Casino/Monticello Chamber City of Monticello Walk & Roll Celebration Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 8th day of May, 2006. Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator contributions walkroll resolution.doc: 5/1/2006 62 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 51. Consideration of adoDtine investment policy for manaf!ement of public funds. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The purpose of this agenda item is to have the City Council formally adopt an investment policy that outlines the objectives and procedures that will be used by the Finance Director and Finance Department in investing surplus funds for the City of Monticello. A formal policy has been recommended by Larson Allen, the city's auditing firm. The policy simply puts in writing the policies that have been used by the city for years in investment of city funds and follows the procedures outlined by state statutes. Although the policy would be adopted as of May 8, 2006, the auditors have asked that it be effective as of January 1,2005. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a formal investment policy as outlined effective January 1,2005. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Investment of city funds have always followed statutory requirements for investment of city funds but it is recommended that a written policy be created according to our city auditors. It is the recommendation ofthe City Administrator/Finance Director that the policy be adopted to be effective January 1,2005. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of policy. 63 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN INVESTMENT POLICY (DATED 01-01-06) Section 1 PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to set forth the investment objectives and parameters for the management of the public funds of the City of Monticello, MN. This investment policy is designed to: safeguard funds on behalf of the County, assure the availability of operating and capital funds when needed, ensure compliance with applicable Minnesota statutes, and provide a competitive investment return in light of statutory restrictions. Section 2 SCOPE In accordance with accounting standards, financial reporting guidelines, and Minnesota statutes, this investment policy applies to all cash and investments held or controlled by the Finance Director on behalf of the city. This policy does not apply to funds related to the issuance of debt where there are other indentures in effect for such funds. In addition, any future revenues and proceeds, which have statutory investment requirements conflicting with this Investment Policy, are not subject to the provisions of this policy. Section 3 INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES The primary objectives of the City, in priority order, of investment activities shall be safety, liquidity and yield. A. Safety of Principal The foremost objective of this investment policy is to ensure the safety of the principal of public funds. Investment transactions shall be undertaken in a manner to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. This objective also includes minimizing credit and interest rate risk. 1. Custodial Credit Risk The City will minimize Custodial Credit Risk, which is the risk of loss due to the failure of the security issuer or backer, by; limiting investments to the types of securities listed in Sections 7 and 9 of this Investment Policy; and obtaining necessary documentation (e.g. broker certification forms and documentation of perfected security interests in pledged collateral) from the financial institutions, broker/dealers, intermediaries and advisors, as applicable, with which the City will do business in accordance with Section 7 of this Investment Policy. 2. Concentration Credit Risk The City will minimize Concentration of Credit Risk, which is the risk of loss attributed to the magnitude of the City's investment in a single issuer, by diversifying the investment portfolio so that the impact of potential losses from anyone type of security or issuer will be minimized. This will be based on the applicable opinion units. 64 3. Interest Rate Risk The City will minimize Interest Rate Risk, which is the risk that the market value of securities in the portfolio will fall due to changes in market interest rates, by: 1) structuring the investment portfolio so that securities mature to meet cash requirements for ongoing operations, thereby avoiding the need to sell securities in the open market; and 2) investing operating funds primarily in shorter-term securities, liquid asset funds, money market mutual funds, or similar investment pools and limiting the average maturity in accordance with the City's cash requirements. 4. Foreign Currency Risk The City is not authorized to invest in investments which have this type of risk. B. Maintenance of Liquidity City funds shall be managed such that they are available to meet reasonably anticipated cash flow requirements. C. Yield/Return on Investment The City's investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a market rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account the applicable investment risk constraints and liquidity needs. It is understood that return on investment is of secondary importance when compared to the safety and liquidity objectives described above. Section 4 MANAGEMENT OF INVESTMENTS The City's Finance Director is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day management of City investments. The Finance Director shall be responsible for the transferring of appropriate funds to affect investment transactions, for the investment of operating funds, and bond proceeds, consistent with this policy and actions of the City Council. Section 5 STANDARDS OF PRUDENCE The standard of prudence to be used by the Finance Director shall be the "Prudent Person" standard and shall be applied in the context of managing the overall investment program. The Prudent Person standard states: "Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived from the investment." 65 Section 6 ETHICS AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The Finance Director shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the investment program, or which could impair one's ability to make impartial investment decisions. Also, the Finance Director shall disclose to the City Council any material financial interests in financial institutions that conduct business with the Councilor the City, and they shall further disclose any material personal financial/investment positions that could be related to the performance of the City's investment program. Section 7 AUTHORIZED INVESTMENT INSTITUTIONS AND DEALERS Each depository used by the County must be one of the following: A. A savings association; B. A commercial bank; C. A trust company; D. A credit union; E. Brokerage Firm City funds will be invested in instruments, which meet at least one of the following criteria: A. In governmental bonds, notes, bills, mortgages, and other securities, which were direct obligations or are guaranteed or insured issues of the United States, its agencies, its instrumentalities, or organizations created by an act of Congress. B. In a general obligation of a state or local government with taxing powers which was rated "A" or better by a national bond rating service. C. In a revenue obligation of a state or local government with taxing powers which was rated "AA" or better by a national bond rating service. D. In a general obligation of the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency which was a moral obligation of the State of Minnesota and is rated "A" or better by a national bond rating service. E. In commercial paper issued by a United States corporation or its Canadian subsidiary and that: was rated in the highest quality category by at least two nationally recognized rating agencies, and matures in 270 days or less. F. In time deposits fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. G. In bankers' acceptances issued by United States banks. H. In its own temporary obligations issued under Minn. Stat. ~~ 429.091, subd. 7 (special assessments), 469.178, subd. 5 (tax increment bonds), or 475.61, subd. 6. I. Other investment instruments as allowed by Minnesota statutes (e.g. repurchase agreements, reverse repurchase agrees, mutual funds, and units of a short-term investment fund). All brokers, dealers and other financial institutions approved by the City shall be provided with current copies of this investment policy and shall provide in return to the City Council, certification of having read, understood and agreement to comply with this investment policy. 66 Section 8 AUTHORIZED INVESTMENTS AND PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION Investments and Depositories are restricted to those complying with the applicable sections of Minnesota Statutes IISA. Listed below are some specific examples: A. B. e. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Section 9 United States Government Securities United States Government Agencies Federal Instrumentalities (United States Government-Sponsored Enterprises) Certificates of Deposit Repurchase Agreements Commercial Paper Bankers' Acceptances Registered Investment Companies (Money Market Mutual Funds) MAGIC Fund Certain Mutual Funds POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Any investment held at the time of the implementation of this policy that meets the requirements of Minnesota Statutes but does not meet the guidelines of this policy, shall be exempted from the requirements of this policy. At maturity or liquidation, such monies shall be reinvested only as provided by this policy. This policy shall be reviewed from time to time. The City Council must adopt any changes to this policy. This Investment Policy is effective 1/01/2005. INVESTMENT POLICY APPROVAL: POLICY APPROVED BY: DATE: CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORIZED INSTITUTION acknowledges it has read, understands and agrees to comply with the Investment Policy of the City of Monticello, MN. By: Title: Date: 67 Council Agenda: 5/8106 SJ. Approve Chanee Order No.3 to Extend Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain past the Proposed Karlsbureer Foods Development Site as part of the Chelsea Road Extension (90th Street to CSAH 39) and School Boulevard (Chelsea Road to 1.330 Feet South) Project (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2005-11C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the City Council meeting held on April 24, 2006, the Council authorized the preparation of plans to extend trunk sanitary sewer and watermain past the Karlsburger Foods site to avoid impacting the site when it is developed. Since then, we have completed the plans and are in the process of obtaining a price from R. L. Larson Excavating to complete the work as a change order to the Chelsea Road Extension project. City staff is working toward entering into a purchase agreement with Karlsburger Foods for development of the site, which was recently platted as the Otter Creek Crossing 2nd Addition plat. The proposed site is located along Chelsea Road between CSAH 39 and School Boulevard (renamed Dalton Avenue), adjacent to the Otter Creek lift station site. A 36-inch trunk sanitary sewer stub was provided from the lift station for future extension to the west through the adjacent YMCA property with the original project. The proposed trunk sanitary sewer would extend past the proposed Karlsburger Foods site to avoid impacting the site since the sewer is approximately 40 feet deep and will require excavating a large area that will encroach upon the site. It is anticipated that a purchase agreement with Karlsburger Foods will be complete in May and it is recommended that the trunk sanitary sewer and watermain be extended past the site within the City's current property as soon as possible. The trunk line will only need to be extended to the west at the time areas outside ofthe Industrial Campus develop. The area platted for the Karlsburger Foods site included a permanent drainage and utility easement to extend the trunk sanitary sewer and watermain through the plat. A temporary construction eaSement will be obtained also. Funding for the project will be derived from City trunk funds. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Change Order No.3 to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. The cost for the utility extension will be presented at the Council meeting. 2. Alternative action. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: There is a need to extend the trunk sanitary sewer now past the Karlsburger Foods site in order to avoid impacts to the site prior to development. RL Larson is the contractor on the existing project, is familiar with the work which should provide the quickest and most efficient project completion. The City Administrator recommends Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Plans The Change Order Documents will be provided at the Council meeting. F:ldc,ItI'Iglwol'dptvcl200fi Cuuncil AgendlISIJ-8-06 cc agend(~IJJChel.fe4R(JApproveCOJ_f)50806 dul.' 68 OJ 8J <.1) ':e ':e <.1) <.1) <.1) <.1) <.1) 0 i'Y i'Y (,.J (,.J ()l ()l 0 ()l 0 ()l 0 ()l "' OJ :-J !" Y' ;l> ,.. !" ~~() G)(/)l> -l>l> to(/) to l> ... to(/) ~Q b ~ ;;i;:!'g)(/) N-<l>l>(/)'!::O l>OJO ce, OJlI~ "'~ -< -< , '", ~~AJ~ ~I ",",",",I["TlOl ~Q' , g", "";::0 >......-tU'l Z"''' ;u-< -<(/)-0 rn---"---"-l :J:: M'rI---> COll;u "2(/) ~~ I-<O QO . 0....... fTl ~(/)N ~ OM!fl~rO. 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";;00 0'" ".., '" c:Z <5 fii-< oc- :;1; l> '" O~l> =oJ OJ "'-0 (/)z" 5-< "'G):;1;;iMt) 00 o(/) ()r- Z '" ,VI ;uz '" :::JI -<> fTl~r , ;iiN ~ o -< '" Ol> "'0 ~cl> Z c 0 zr- 0", ;u;;::g ['l ",c > l> . , 0 -< - r Z ~; i I I I z Ol."':' o~-.....J -.J .,,' ,'. >- .M''''. ;u .'...............;::.'0 ;0.;'0. .z~o. , l>. VI VI' U) lj) (1.\ .:.J .~ 11)- o~ g~ ;;.t~ () o " ;u ~ @-l> "' 9 I" 0,"" OlO l'I . () n :;;:J "tl _iI:: @ STA 2+05.00 INV=898.29 (STUB) '" 2'; (/) -< z <;) -0 ;u o ." ~ ,/ I I \ \ \ .\ .\ I " I I I \@ \~<'!~ I!J,~> :~~'i? I;:..,~& .10_ Co I -.J I I I I r r I I ., I .\ \ ,- I~ , ~ i - @ : q 1 I ~ 1 :- ;g i- -------4-------_ '"" C; , ~o: ;UX l>"': Z -<;u '" o c o '" ;u ~ I "tl '!: @ : ~ I ) I '( \:~ I ~..; ~~ H! !_______~ Council Agenda: 5/8/06 5K. Consideration of resolution orderin~ preparation of proposed assessment roll and callinl: for a public hearin~ on adoption of the assessment roll for School BoulevardlDeeean Avenue Street Li~htine. Proiect No. 2005-22C. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has recently completed the street lighting improvement project to School Boulevard from Edmonson Avenue on the east to the termination of School Boulevard through Jefferson Commons plat. The improvement also completed street lighting along Deegan Avenue within the Jefferson Commons plat into the Prairie Ponds development. Project No. 2005-22C was contracted separately from the other improvements in this area through an agreement with Wright-Hennepin Electric. The total cost for the street lighting projects on both the east and west side of Highway 25 totaled $364,227, including indirect costs. The project is actually separated between the east side ofTH 25 covering property owned by WalMart, Ocello, Mike Krutzig and Brendsel Properties. Property owners benefitting from the street lighting on the west side ofTH 25 includes Culvers, Muller Theater, Applebee's Mike Krutzig and the Prairie Ponds development. While WalMart and Ocello provided prepayments or estimated project costs last year, a public hearing should be held with adoption of an assessment roll for the remaining parcels that benefitted from the improvement. Notices will be sent to all affected property owners with a public hearing recommended for May 22,2006 to consider adoption of the final assessment roll. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution declaring the cost of $364,227 be assessed with a hearing to be held May 22, 2006. 2. Do not adopt resolution at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: With the street lighting portion of the project completed, an assessment roll should be prepared for those properties that did not prepay their assessments. Therefore, it is recommended that the resolution be adopted setting the public hearing date as outlined. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution 70 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2006.39 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED, ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL AND CALLING FOR HEARING SCHOOL BOULEV ARD/DEEGAN AVENUE STREET LIGHTING PROJECT NO. 2005-22C WHEREAS, contracts have been let for the construction of street lighting improvements on School Boulevard from Edmonson A venue to the termination of School Boulevard in the plat of Jefferson Commons and along Deegan A venue within the Jefferson Commons plat and Prairie Ponds development; and WHEREAS, the total cost of said improvement to be is $364,227; NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City Council hereby determines that $364,227 shall be assessed against benefitted property owners based upon benefits received without regard to cash valuation. 2. The City Administrator shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land without regard to cash valuation as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. A hearing shall be held on the 22nd day of May, 2006 at 7 p.m. at the Monticello City Hall to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing and shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearing. 5. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City, except that no interest shall be charged ifthe entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment. The property owner may at any time thereafter, pay to City the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. 71 Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 81h day of May, 2006. ATTEST: Rick W olfsteller, City Administrator Clint Herbst, Mayor 72 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 5L. Consideration of hirin2 Buildin2 Inspector. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On Thursday, May 4,2006 City staff will be interviewing five candidates for the position of Building Inspector. Although a final decision had not been made at the time of agenda preparation, a recommendation will be made at the meeting on Monday night. The Building Department has been operating short-handed for awhile and staff would like to have the Building Department fully staffed as soop. as possible as construction season is getting into full swing. 73 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 SM. Consideration to review for aDDroval authorization to enter into a license ae:reement with Crostini Grille for the use of Dublic rie:ht of way. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Representatives from RH ConsulTeam, owners of Crostini Grille, have requested that the City Council consider authorizing a license agreement for the use of the Locust Street boulevard. Crostini's is seeking the license agreement to accommodate a patio seating enclosure. Crostini's is requesting that the license agreement allow them to use the enclosure from April through January. Schematic renderings of the enclosure area, as well as a diagram illustrating the area ofthe boulevard to be used, as well as the remaining sidewalk space, are included as supporting data. The Design Advisory Team has reviewed this proposal. Draft DAT minutes have been included for Council review. The applicants have been informed that the enclosure must be able to be removed in the off- season, with ground support structure removed and/or capped to prevent interference with normal street maintenance. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to authorize a license agreement between the City of Monticello and Crostini Grille for the use of the public right of way for the purpose of a seasonal seating enclosure. The license agreement is limited to the dates of Authorization is based on a finding that the temporary use will not infringe upon general access and use of the public right of way. 2. Motion to deny authorization of a license agreement between the City of Monticello and Crostini Grille for the use of the public right of way for the purpose of a seating enclosure. The denial is based on a finding to be made by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends authorization of the license agreement. Based on the illustrations provided by the applicant, a 6-7' width of sidewalk will still be available for public access. The structure proposed by the applicant will be able to be removed during the off-season, preventing interference with regular City maintenance activities. Staff would recommend that the City Council limit the license agreement to an April 15th _ October 15th timeframe in order to avoid any potential conflict with street and boulevard maintenance. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from Crostini Grille Sketch Design Advisory Team Minutes 74 C~G~1l~! 254 W. Broadway Ave Monticello MN 55362 763-295-8898 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello MN 55362 May 2, 2006 Dear Mr. Rick Wolfstellar; The Crostini Grille would like permission to put an outdoor dining area on the Locust side of the building at 254 Broadway. The area would be either 32" x 10" or 34" x 9" covered by Sunbrella Fern Green awning and "enclosed" by a 42" tall "skirting." This would leave at least 6' for public access on the sidewalk. We are asking for permission to use this structure from April 1 to January 5 each year. This would accommodate outdoor dining as weather permits and allow us to use the area as a holiday display. In the summer, there will be seating for approximately 32 people, hanging planter baskets filled with flowers and fresh herbs. For the holiday season, we would remove the fabric from the supporting structure and wrap garland, twinkle lights and create an area for a tree(s) to be decorated. Thank you for your consideration. l\ 75 Iv ~ C I ~ o z c .... io f.. !:i ~ . III Z o ffi ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : z '" ! ~ :;:, ... ~ II: . z!l! ;2: -~lll ::l~e l?~!! ~ We~ ~ ~i~ ~ i~~ 0 z :z 0 ~ ...J :r ~ i:iJ ~ III W ~ ~ z ~ 0 ~ z .. '" N "t< ~ r''''''T' ... i ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ , 1"" r --. :f' "IfIti : \i ,A Z :rw "I!;j, .- ., I~ Ci'~ ;;;;' ~~ ~ b ",tl g~ :;;; o , '=r (') W ~ :::lWZ l-alO ~~6 :::l:e~ ;!;:::l ~:! -l~Z o:t:::lO i-~(,) ~. C :-"NW ""x9 .. W ~;...~ o<tO..j a:Z..J l.I.<:t<C Z W w a: :e~<' :::lwz zza: -zw~ ~ii~:I: <cwfD;-; : g., 0 N(I')=ll:~ XC<CZ : Z:I_ N<CW<r (l')a:a:Q. WWCl> ~>ZQ. 00::10 11.(,)(1')(,) W al > 2 al ::!:~~ ~z~ -~u ~c~ <t~o:t i-~~(I') ....ll.:wz t-~~~ ci:i<l:~::l <'Cual ZW-Q.. ;;!~i<l; ~i~~ .'~: 'l"' r-- r-- <I~ .""r ~ (.) CI'.l o z 9 $2 u' - 2 II!~ ~ ,'- Y'l ;~ :~ ~ ~~' ";1)' /-"'Y'. ':: ~ W ..J <#; U CI'.l o Z nOt> ..0-.9 ~ W s: o z UJ o , io ~ W :;: ~ o If a: UJ 8 o 1= a: Cl z Z z E visopy am May 2, 2006 Present: Sheila Stumpf, Pam Campbell, Cindy Anderson, Patty Pratt, Carey Tidblom, Charlotte, Gabler; staff member, Ollie Koropchak Guests: Bob Helman, Michelle Ranum Meeting was called to order by Sheila Stumpf Business: NOTE: Roberta Gerard's Address is: 303 Vine St., Monticello Secretary's Minutes: Pam Campbell moved they be accepted, Patty Pratt seconded, passed. Crostini Grill: Bob Helman and Michelle Ranum brought sample of awning material and printouts of what the awnings and patio area will look like. Cindy Anderson moved that we accept the awning material as shown (Sunbella Fern Green), and the outdoor patio area of 6-7 feet with a matching skirting of around 3 feet, blinds to shade for the evening sun, hanging flower baskets and decorative statuary with aromatic herbs planted in them. Carey Tidblom seconded it. Passed. We talked about how they can remove the skirting, tables, chairs, statuary in the winter to facilitate plowing. Carey Tidblom brought up the fact that there are no bike racks downtown. Ollie Koropchak said that downtown revitalization area is a part of the Comprehensive Plan Update and maybe that will be in the plans or this will be brought to their attention. Cindy Anderson moved we adjourn, Pam Campbell seconded, passed. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Anderson, Secretary 78 Council Agenda: 5/8106 7. Consideration of authorizine neeotiations for the Durchase of property t 413 West 6th Street. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the recent Council decision to acquire the parcel from Kevin Tracy by exchanging land in Jefferson Commons for his property, the City now owns the first two lots in Block 11, between 5 Yz Street and 6th Street west of Linn Street. I was recently contacted by the owner of the property directly west of the Tracy parcel (Lot 3, Block 11) who asked whether the City of Monticello was interested in acquiring her home as she was in the process of relocating. The property is owned by Kim Loesch. She was aware that the City had recently acquired Mr. Tracy's property and thought there may be interest by the City in additional purchases within that block. Attached you will find an aerial photo which depicts the home and lot in question. According to Wright County property tax information data, the estimated market value of the property for 2007 taxes is $111,400. Ms. Loesch indicated an initial asking price of$159,000 but before continuing discussions, staff is seeking Council input on whether we should be looking at continuing purchases within this block when properties become available. While we are not aware of any immediate need for expansion purposes this would likely be the next parcel that would be a benefit to the City since it does already adjoin other parcels we currently own. lfthe City were to purchase this property, the home could continue to be used as a residential dwelling and rented by the City until such time as the land was needed for other purposes. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize staff to continue discussions/negotiations with property owner to arrive at a firm price for Council consideration. 2. Do not authorize negotiations at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: While future acquisitions in this area have not been planned or budgeted for, it does appear reasonable to consider the acquisition of parcels as they become available by willing sellers, if the price is reasonable. Council could request staff obtain an appraisal of market value from a local real estate agent and continue negotiations to see if a firm price can be arranged. Council could then consider whether the acquisition is appropriate at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Aerial photo of site County tax information relating to the parcel. 79 ~ight County - Property Information Results - Parcel Data Page 1 of 1 ....... .' WR'U;n:=ggUNTy"'g':MINUlOi,"'='"'''''''='====''''''''''',.,."=,,,,~==o,,=,c~=,'e'.C"'''",''OO'='= III!~~~._,"=,'"~"'=="''''-"''''''===='''======"='=-='=''==='=-,---=",...=,=,="~."",-==-"=",,-=,=,,,,= Property Information The property information database is updated daily. Last updated: 5/1/2006 I Parcel Data I Property ID: 155-010.011030 Tax Year: 2007.' New Search Tax Summary Assessment Appraisal Sales Detail Property Address: Municipality: CITY OF MONTICELLO 413 6TH ST W School Dist : 0882- MONTICELLO MONTICELLO MN 55362 Owner Name: Taxpayer Name & Address: KIMBERLY T LOESCH KIMBERLY T LOESCH 413 6TH ST W MONTICELLO MN 55362 Lot: 003 Section: II Plat Name: Block: 011 Township: 121 ORIGINAL PLAT Range: 025 Deeded Acre: 0 Legal Description: N/A NewSearch :: Parcel Data :: Iax.Sumrmny :: Asse~.$ment :: Apprais.~l :: Sal~.s..J2.t;:lail As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of property. This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Although reasonable efforts are taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretations. Copyright @ 2003 Wright County . ,~h:: t " 80 Wright County - Property Information Results - Assessment Summary Page 1 of 1 . . rIP- WAle..,. COUNTY OF MINNI80TA Property Information The property infiJrmalion database is updated daily. Last updated:5/1/2006 I Assessment I New Search Parcel Data Tax Summary AI)praisal Sales Detail P,'operty In: 155-010-011030 Tax Year: 2007 Values 1 I 2 II 3 II 4 II 5 I Estimatcd Land Market 39,000 Estimated Building 72,400 Markct F:stimated Machine,"y 0 Market Exduded Market 0 'ro talEs tirn a tcdMar ket 111,400 Land Limitcd 0 Building Limitcd 0 'rotal Limitt'd 0 Classifications Propcrty 'l'ype RESIDENTIAL Homest(~ad Status FULL HOMESTEAD Exempt Status Not Exempt N~wSG(lrGh :: ParcelD<:l,l<:l, :: T<p(SllIJlmary :: Assessment:: Apprais.al :: Salesp~lajl As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of property. This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Although reasonable efforts are taken to publish the most cun-ent property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretations. Copyright a 2003 Wright County http://www.co.wright.mn.us/department/audtreas/proptax/re8uIts.asp?pid=1550 1 0011 030&8... 511/2006 81 Page 1 of <()~ http:// 156.99 .28. 84/servl et/com.esri. esrimap. Esrimap? ServiceN ame=CustomParcel&C1ientV ersion=3.1 &F.., 5/1/2006 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 8. Consideration of approvine: feasibility study for pedestrian facility improvements per Swan River Montessori Charter School requests. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In a letter dated January 23, 2006, the Swan River Montessori Charter School requested that the City construct several pedestrian facility improvements south and east of their school. The requested improvements included the installation of sidewalks on 6th Street and Linn Street, designated school crossings on both Maple and 5th Streets, and reduced speed signage on both Maple and 5th Streets. This letter is attached for your review. After carefully reviewing and researching the School's requests the City responded by letter on March 6, 2006, summarizing the City's position on the requested improvements and informing the School that we would address the City Council in regards to their proposed improvements. The proposed improvements would likely be paid for solely by the City, with the exception of the sidewalk on the south side of 6th Street between Locust and Linn Streets. This sidewalk could be assessed to the adjoining property owner at 25% of the cost of the sidewalk. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve preparation of a feasibility report for the pedestrian facility improvements requested by the Swan River Montessori Charter School. 2. Deny preparation of a feasibility report for the pedestrian facility improvements requested by the Swan River Montessori Charter School. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, the Public Works Director and the City Engineer that the City Council approve the preparation of a feasibility report for the pedestrian facility improvements requested by the Swan River Montessori Charter School. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Attached is the January 23, 2006, Swan River Montessori Charter School request letter, as well as the City's response letter dated March 6, 2006. 83 A Community School For AJ/ Children q ~ 'Qrter 5,\\0 P.O. Box 876 · 500 Maple Street. Monticello, MN 55362 PHONE: (763) 271-SWAN (7926) EMAIL: SwanRiverMontessori@tds.net · WEBSITE: SwanRiverMontessorLorg JAN 2 6 2006 e:ll .I January 23,2006 Bruce Westby City Engineer City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello MN 55362 Dear Mr. Westby, Thank you for the opportunity to present Swan River Montessori Charter School's concerns on the sidewalk and school crossing issues. I also want to thank John Simola for scheduling the meeting last Friday, 1-20-06, and gathering data to determine how to address the issues relating to the sidewalk. 1. As stated during our meeting, Swan River Montessori is requesting that sidewalks be installed running from the school building to the Community Center, in addition to sidewalks on 6th Street and Linn S1. These sidewalks will let City of Monticello children walk to school safely and will also allow our students to walk to the Monticello Library. Since there is also other pedestrian traffic from the residences on 6th Street t~ both the Community Center and the Library, the sidewalks will provide the security that we as residents of Monticello appreciate. 2. Swan River Montessori Charter School would also request to have reduced speed signs posted on both Maple and 5th Streets. This would notify drivers to slow down and be aware of the presence of school children. Since you stated that this would probably not require an engineering study, we look forward to seeing these signs posted yet this winter. 3. Further, Swan River Montessori would request designated school crossing areas on both Maple and 5th Street. This would enable people entering the school at both entrances to utilize the designated areas and enter the school without concerns for their own and their children's safety. 4. Finally, during our meeting, we addressed the concerns regarding the "stacking" of cars by our parents to drop off and pick up students. Swan 84 ,< River Montessori has informed the Car Pool parents to line up on 5th Street, not on Linn Street, and we anticipate that this will resolve the issues relating to parking on Linn Street. We look forward to working with the City on these critical issues. Please feel free to contact either myself or Isabelle Olson, Director, at 763.271.7926 to discuss the next phase of this process. Again, thank you for your help! Sincerely, ~..~~ ~W--O~Y'- Catherine Augustson Operational Manager Swan River Montessori Charter School cc. John Simola, Public Works Director, City of Monticello 85 \-",,'Ic ,.~ , .' } , ~ MONTICELLO March 6, 2006 Catherine Augustson Operational Manager Swan River Montessori Charter School P.O. Box 876 500 Maple Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Pedestrian Facility Improvement Requests Dear Ms Augustson: Thank you for your letter dated January 23, 2006, expressing Swan River Montessori Chmiel' School's concerns for pedestrian safety near the school. The City of Monticello shares your commitment to pedestrian safety and as such continually strives to provide as accessible and safe an environment as practical for pedestrians. We therefore offer the following responses to each of your requests contained within your letter. For clarity, each of your requests is included below in italicized type with our response immediately following each in bold type. 1. As stated during our meeting, Swan River Montessori is requesting that sidewalks' be installed running from the school building to the community Center, in addition to sidewalh on 61h Street and Linn Street. These sidewalks will let City of Monticello children walk to school safidy and will also allow our students to walk to the Monticello Library. Since there is also other pedestrian traffic from the residences on 6th Street to both the Community Center and the Library, the sidewalh will provide the security that we as residents of Monticello appreciate. City staff is currently preparing the necessary design drawings and cost estimates that will be presented to the City Council to request funding for the construction of your requested improvements. Sidewalks, pedestrian ramps and crosswalks are proposed to be constructed along the south side of 6 th Street between Locust and Linn Streets, along the west side of Linn Street between 6th and 5th Streets, and along the north side of 5th Street from Linn Street to the school. A crosswalk is also proposed for Maple Street on the north side of its intersection with 5th Street. 2. Swan River Montessori Charter School would also request to have reduced speed signs posted on both Maple and 5th Streets. This would notify drivers to slow down and be aware of the presence of school children. Since you stated that this would probably not Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax: (763) 271-3272 86 require an engineering study. we lookfhrward to seeing these signs posted yet this winter. The installation of reduced speed signs does require that an engineering study be completed. The school could expect to spend from $3,000 to $5,000 to complete this study based on the amount of data that the engineer needs to gather. If the school wishes to pursue the installation of reduced speed signs the City can provide the names of several local engineers that can complete an engineering study for you. 3. Further) Swan River Montessori would request designated school crossing areas on both Maple and 51h Street. This would enable people entering the school at both entrances to utilize the designated areas and enter the school without concernsfor their own and their children's safety. Per our previous response, crosswalks are being proposed at both locations. If the school is considering the use of crossing guards at either or both crosswalks we would like to reiterate, per our discussions on January 20, 2006, that the use of adult crossing guards requires an engineering study to be completed whereas the use of student crossing guards does not. Based on the parameters that engineering studies analyze including traffic volumes, vehicle speeds and pedestrian traffic patterns, I believe that student crossing guards should be adequate at both the 5th and Maple Street crosswalks, however 6th Street may warrant the use of adult crossing guards. 4. Finally, during our meeting, we addressed the concerns regarding the "stacking" of cars by our parents to drop offand pick up students. Swan River Montessori has informed the Car Pool parents to line up on 51h Street, not on Linn Street, and we anticipate that this will resolve the issues related to parking on Linn Street. The City of Monticello would like to thank you for your actions in helping us to remedy this situation. The City has noticed a reduction in the number of vehicle conflicts at the intersection of 5th and Linn Streets during the times when parents are dropping off and picking up their children from school. We are hopeful that this situation will not require further action, but the City will continue to monitor this area and will contact you if further action is deemed necessary. If you would like to meet to discuss any of the responses above, or should you have any questions, comments or concems, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-271-3236. Sincerely, I-J-LU<A WR~ 'So. Bruce Westby, P.E. City Engineer cc: Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello John Simola, City of Monticello 87 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 9. Consideration of Proiect Award for the Meadow Oaks and CSAH 39 Lift Stations Forecemain Improvements (citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2003-02C) (WSB/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the April 10, 2006 City Council meeting, the City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the advertised for bids for the Meadow Oaks and CSAH 39 Lift Stations Forcemain Improvements Project. The proposed Meadow Oaks and CSAH 39 Lift Stations and Forcemain Improvements project includes the reconstruction of the Meadow Oaks and CSAH 39 lift stations and the construction of forcemain and gravity sanitary sewer to reroute flows from the southeast service area of Monticello to the wastewater treatment facility. Currently this lift station discharges along Mississippi Drive. The revised forcemain will outlet the station along CSAH 75 to the plant. Reconstruction of these two sanitary sewer lift stations is necessary to accommodate the increasing flows due to expansion of the projected service area for developments in the SE and NE quadrants of Monticello. Extension ofwatermain is also included in the project along CSAH 75 to provide a loop between the existing watermain systems on the east and west sides ofCSAH 39. Bids will be received on Thursday, May 4, 2006 at the Monticello Community Center. The bid opening will be conducted after preparation of this agenda item. In an effort to expedite the construction ofthis project, we anticipate a successful bidder and will present the recommendation at this City council meeting. The bid results will be provided to the City Council prior to the City Council meeting. The Engineer's Estimate Construction Cost for the project is $1,311,000. The funding for this project is derived from a special trunk sanitary sewer surcharge paid by developing and future subdivision on the east side of the City. Examples of subdivisions that are paying the surcharge include Carlisle Village, Hillside Farms, Spirit Hills, Niagra Falls, Sunset Ponds. In sum, revenue from development is projected to pay for the full cost ofthis improvement. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Consider award of the project to the lowest responsible bidder. 2. Don not award the project at this time. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To be provided at the meeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: The Letter of Recommendation and Bid Tabulation will be available at the City Council meeting. C:\Documents and Senings\dawn,grossingcrlLocal Setting.\Temporary Internet File.\OLK3\Meadow Oak. and CSAH J9 Lift Station. Foreeemain Improvements 050806.OOc 88 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 10. Consideration of Rejectine: Bids. Revisine: the Project. and Anthorizine: the Advertisement for Bids to Extend Forcemain and Watermain alone: CSAH 39 to the Hidden Forest and Niae:ara Falls Developments (City of Monticello Project No. 2005-03C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item was tabled from the April 24, 2006 Council meeting. The City received bids for the above-referenced project on March 30, 2006. Because the bids were higher than anticipated due to recent economic conditions, the developer requested the ability to bid a portion of the project (the Hidden Forest and Niagara Falls lift stations and the storm sewer outlet) with their private project for the development. The developer has since bid these portions of the project and has chosen to assume those project elements with their private project should they decide to move forward. The developer has also obtained bids for the forcemain and watermain extension along CSAH 39; however, the developer would like the City to re-bid this portion of the project to determine if more competitive bids will result. Therefore, we are asking to reject all bids and call for a new Advertisement for Bids to include only the forcemain and watermain extension. Because of the recent uncertainty from the developer on the project, we have not yet scheduled the meeting for the township residents on the forcemain placement. The developer intends to finalize their financing next week and will make a final determination at that time. With regard to the financing issues, the developer has requested that the City re-evaluate the sanitary sewer and storm water trunk fee credits that have been proposed. To date the City will credit the full storm water trunk fee and all but $96,000 of the sanitary sewer fee. The City also received $150,000 from Carlisle Village to construct this outlet. Since the developer will be constructing the full outlet, we are recommending that this amount also be credited to him with the stipulation that all required ditch work be completed. The sanitary sewer lift stations are being constructed on the project status to serve adjoining properties, so the case can be made for a full credit since other properties will pay to the trunk fund and the City will not have any expenditures. If the council is in agreement with these increased credits, staffwill make the necessary adjustments and will include the changes in the developer's agreement to be considered for approval by the council in the future. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Reject bids and authorize the Advertisement for Bids for the forcemain and watermain extension. 2. Reject bids and delay ad for bids for the forcemain and water main extension. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to select Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA:' None C:\DocUffle"ts alld SeUI'Igs\dal'o'l-gttIssi"gerlLorol &ff;ngalTemp(lt"Ury Internet FI/esIOLK3lAGN TTM-IIFNFRejf:1.:lIJida-050lW6, doc 89 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 11. Approve Chan!!e Order No.2 for the CSAH 18/1.94 Interchan!!e Project (City Proiect No. 2004-1C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The attached change order is required to revise the quantities for the contract bid items "Unclassified Excavation", "Common Excavation", "Excavator with Hammer", and "Concrete Crushing" . During design, soils borings were taken to estimate the amount of unclassified material at the A VR site. This unclassified material was anticipated to be excess concrete wash from the plant operations over the years. Because the material was washed out of the trucks in thin lifts, AUR suggested that the material would be easy to remove. The borings also indicated that some of the material could be removed with standard excavation methods and some of the material would require special excavation methods. Therefore, a percentage of the required excavation material was classified in the bid documents as unclassified excavation material and the remaining material is classified as common excavation material. Common excavation is the movement of material that does not require special construction techniques. During construction, it was determined that the amount of material requiring special excavation methods, i.e. unclassified excavation, was greater than the 26,889 CY indicated on construction plans, and further a portion of the material was much harder and consisted of full loads of concrete forming a solid large concrete block.. Survey data indicates the estimated additional unclassified excavation material to be 38,381 CY in the Pond 5 area and an additional 5,000 CY is estimated to be located under the stockpiled material on the A VR site. Therefore, the revised total estimate for unclassified material is 70,270 CY (CV). This increase for unclassified excavation will be offset by the reduction of 33, 123 CY (CV) of common excavation. The difference in the quantity is related to having to remove the concrete to lower excavation than was anticipated with the common excavation quantity. The unit price for Unclassified Excavation is $10.00/CY resulting in an additional $433,810.00. This increase is offset by the reduction of33,123 CY of common excavation material at $2.50/CY resulting in a decrease of $82,807.50. There were four soil borings taken in the unclassified excavation area during the design process and the boring logs were included in the bidding documents. Given this information, R L Larson prepared their bidding documents assuming that they would be able to excavate the unclassified material using a Komatsu 750 excavator with a rock bucket equipped with extreme service tiger teeth. RL Larson has also requested payment for specialized equipment to remove material encountered during the excavation operations that is significantly harder and requires the use of a Kobelco 200 excavator with a 5000 lb hammer for excavation. During negotiations, it was determined that only a portion of the removal required the use of the hammer. Therefore, this change order will also include the addition of a new pay item, "Excavator with Hammer", for the payment of the equipment. R L Larson has also provided the following breakdown for the unit rice: ITEM rental of machine wear on hammer o erator cost COST $ 133.001hr $1O.00Ihr $50.001hr C:IDucumerrl.J and &J/ingsldalm.grossins:e,.lLocaJ Settillgs\Temporary [nlemet FiJe.~\OLKj\A(iN JTM-(.....~HI8C(J2-0J0106-(:liaf/ge ortk.,. #1. dot 90 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 fuel! rease $26.501hr Subtotal $219.001hr 10% rofit/overhead $21.90/hr Total $240.001hr To date the equipment meter has logged 177 hours and it is estimated that an additional 40 hours of hammering will be required to remove the remaining material. Therefore, using the $240.00/hr unit price for a total of217 hours, the rental of the equipment is estimated at $52,080.00. Both the hammer and the backhoe required individual operators during the operation. Due to the increase in quantity of the unclassified excavation that needed to be crushed, the contractor was unable to provide enough room on the site to stockpile the crushed material. Therefore, R L Larson was required to bring back the crushing subcontractor during the 2006 construction season to crush the remaining concrete. Due to current fuel prices and increased costs, this will result in an additional charge of $1.64/CY for crushing the remaining concrete. RL Larson has agreed to pay the additional mobilization cost of $2,500 to the crusher. The remaining concrete to be crushed is estimated at 13,000 CY resulting in a total possible cost increase of$21,320 for crushing the remaining concrete. We will pay the actual quantity once the work is complete. In sum th t fi th t mary, e ne Increase or ese 1 ems IS: Item Unit Unit Price Quantity Estimated Total Cost Unclassified Excavation CY $10.00 43,381 $433,810.00 Common Excavation CY $2.50 -33,123 -$82,807.50 Excavator with Hammer Hour $240.00 217 $52,080.00 Concrete Crushing CY $1.64 13,000 $21,320.00 Total $424,402.50 Unit costs have been taken from the bid tab for the project or the Contractor has provided the information. The only other future change order items that we are aware of currently are related to buried tires and garbage found on the site. City staff has tested the material for possible disposal in a municipal landfill and has obtained clearance. This work has not yet begun, but could be a substantial cost to remove, haul and landfill the material. The tires have already been moved. The remainder of the project is on schedule and within budget. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Change Order No.2 in the amount of $424,402.50 for R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends selecting Alternative No.1. It is an unfortunate circumstance to find this much additional concrete. The excess material was apparently placed by the current owners. It is possible that they, too, were unaware of this material. C:\.Dacuments Qnd Srl!ttingsl4a~l.gros.,jtlger\L{}tal Sel/ings\Temporory lnlenlet F;Je.~\OI.Kj\,A(jN rTM.C&4H J 8C02-0J0206-change order #:].doc 91 Council Agenda: 5/8/06 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Change Order No.2 F:ldaKfl.lrlwvroproc\1006 CO/meil Age1IdllsI5-8.0f) cc Q~e.ndalllr.:'lAHJ8C01.0J()2f)6'ch{l/Ige (lrUer #l.d(1(; 92 A. WSB Infrastructure I Engineering I PI(UHling I COilstnlctioil 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541.4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 &. Associates.' fne. May 3, 2006 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk Re: Change Order No.2 CSAH 1811-94 Interchange Improvements S.P. No. 8680-138 County Project No. 86-18.0612 City of Monticello Project No_ 2004-01 C WSB Project No. 1546-12 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: Please find enclosed Change Order No.2 (in triplicate) for the above-referenced project for your review and approval. The increase to the contract amount is $424,402.50, resulting in a revised contract total of $8,792,158.66. This change order amount will be included with the next construction pay voucher processed. We hereby recommend that the City of Monticello approve Change Order No. 2 t~)f R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate: to contactme at 763-287- 8308. Sincerely, Jf'SB & Associates, Inc. ':-/~ ~- Derek R. Schmidt, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures cc: Doug Moen, R.I.,. Larson Excavating, Inc. srb Minneapolis I St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer j.,: ~(lrUfj.l.lAdmi,,'r(~>.t~,:rm1t AJMtnJ.TR. co ;.' cn-,. w"!fi.lI.lI......IJ.~i.J~'ll6.dQ' 93 MAY-03-2006 16:47 MAY-03-0B WED 04:33 PM ~AY, j, l~Qb L:~ ~M WSB & ASSOCIATES RL LARSON EXC INC IbjL~ 1/ I C0 7635411700 P.02/03 FAX NO, 320 854 1021 P.02 ihi. L'1iO i'.) i"""~"--' ,'~:,:.;:, ~Sy~::~ ," 'esNl18/1-84lHT!RCHANGelMPRO , s,~. liO. m0-12' COUNTY PROJECT NO.IIl$.'~: erN PROJECT NO, 2l104-01C CRY OF MONTlCEUO. MN WSB'PROJeCTNO.1sg..17 , QWl\IfR: CONTRACTOI't CITY OF MONTICELLO ,~1l5 W~t,IT S1'REET. sum; 1 MON1lc:e:I.~O. MN 553112 It L LARSON EXCAVA'I1JiG, me. ;aN -12TH STResT 8&: ST. ClOoo. MN 5$304 YOU ,lIRE OlRECTED TO MilKE THE FOlLQ\I'JlNG eHAN~~ IN TKE COf'{T"RACT DOCUMENT tle.scRIPnoN: C9NTR;\CT QlJA/Iml'll!!S A'Rl:. MOOIFlED ~ SHOWN ON THE ATTACHm ~All... IT fS UNDERSTOOO TI-IAT THIS CHANGE OROERINCl.UCOO AU. ADOITlQNAL OOSTSAND,TlM~exrENS1ONS1M-iICHARE IN AN'rWAY, SHAPE. OR fORM AS$OC'IA je.O WiTH THE wORJ{ elEMENTS DESCRlB!l:l ABove. CtWlGE1N cotmlACTPFUCIl: C~GE]N C~CTTlMe: O~5INALCONTAACTFRICE; , PREViOUS CHA~GE ORDE" NO.1: , CONTRACT fRICli. ~IOR TO THIS CAANGe OROSl,;- , N:T lNCReAsE Or TH!S CHANG!': OROeR: CONTAACTPRlCE WITH ALL APPROV~C;l CHANGE ORDERS: Sll,215,9ea.16 ,DRlGlrw. CONIRACT TIMe: S91.7GS.OO '~trr CHANGE FROM PRiV10US CHIINGE ORDERS; sU6t:rM.1$ CONTRAOTll~ PRIOR TO THiS CHI\NGIS. Cl~'IFl: '$'2<1."~SO . N~ INCREAS="'KTH CHANGE; ORD$; SS,792.158.66 CONTJllAC1' TIYo5 Wm-l APPROVEC CHANGE OROERS 5<'31flOO7 Q :;mm01 Q Sl31J20~i ~~w.~ RECQ/.IMENOEO BY, ~Ac ~ _~. .~.3/0' DEREK SCHMID ,P.e., PRo..!SCT MANAGER ~ ~ . WSS &ASSOCIAT!s. !N(;. !NGJIIlEER . RoI_lARSON EXCAVATINO.lNQ, CONrnACTOR APPROVED BY: CITY ADMtN1S'Tftjl,TOR CITY ENGI~!ER DATE DATE 1, ...IIttfl:iIG.t7\oUj~fI.I\I"ii.-","J:.-.""(,,~O""""~" 94 ... i.CWANGlf08DER'NQ,f'i'QEt"lJ;.:"',,:, /$/: .' ',>;:,:",:':':':';' ,':', ,,,"""",:,,:':i":,:',~':':,:":',:"~::'" :;!.::.:.,:::::",: "<i,:,~(i~l, 'h,:::"'::.:~':,,:,ii,-:::J:':li .i~,:.!::" '". CSAH 18/1.94 INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS S.P. NO. 8680-138 COUNTY PROJECT NO. 86-18-0612 CITY PROJECT NO. 2004-o1C CITY OF MONTICEllO, MN wse PROJECT NO. 1546-12 5/312006 wse PROJECT NO. 1546-12 ADDED ITEMS Item No. Description Qty Unit Price Extended Amount 274 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION 275 EXCAVATOR WITH HAMMER 43381 217 CY HOUR CY $10.00 $240.00 276 CONCRETE CRUSHING 13000 $1,64 $433.810,00 $52,080,00 $21,32000 TOTAL ADDED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO.2 $507,210.00 DELETED ITEMS Item No. Description Oty Unit Price Extended Amount 277 COMMON EXCAVATION -33123 CY $2.50 ($82,807.50) TOTAL DELETED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO.2 ($82,807.50) TOTAL ADJUSTMENT TO CONTRACT AMOUNT $424,402.50 K:1011U6.12IAdmInIConJltructJon Adnrlnll548-12 Ch'onge Order V,/$C02 Detail 95 Council Agenda - 05/08/2006 12. Consideration of establishine a process for review of RFP's for Public Works Needs and Expansion Study. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Request for Proposals for a Public Works Needs and Expansion Study was completed by the Public Works Director earlier this year and approved by the Monticello City Council on April 10, 2006 for disbursement to ten (10) firms having experience with at least five similar projects. The RFP was sent out to ten such firms the week following the council meeting. The following is the scope of work to be included in the proposals: SCOPE OF WORK A. The Scope of Work includes review and inventory of existing facilities, ADA, Life Safety, and maintenance required by building for the next 20 years, available City land, and additional needs based upon growth projections provided by the City, completing building space cost estimates, and to include various building systems with the construction of the following: 1.) An expansion of the existing Public Works Facility on existing property on Golf Course Road. (The property south of Golf Course Road may convert to residential) 2.) The Reservoir Site shall be evaluated as well for partial or full relocation of the Pub lie Works Facility. ("Is there room at the reservoir site if a water treatment plant and water reservoir expansion are also located there?") 3.) The Well #4 Site shall be evaluated for a central storage area off site: inside vs. outside. Each of the options shall include a Master Plan for the next twenty (20) years and include space noted for expansion beyond twenty (20) years if available. B. Detailed study requirements: 1.) Meet with City of Monticello representatives, as a minimum, at the following times: a. When evaluation begins, will require individual meeting with mechanics, Public Works Supervisors, Public Works Director, City Engineer, Chief Building Official, City Administrator and a Council Representative to better understand the relationship between the facility desired and the funding that will be available. b. At the completion of the evaluation. c. During the preparation of recommendation and concept drawings, including construction cost estimates. d. At the final presentation. 96 Council Agenda - 0510812006 2.) Structural condition and projected requirements of existing and proposed buildings: a. Heating/cooling systems b. Electrical systems, including standby power c. Restrooms d. Lunchroom e. Locker room f. Meeting/Conference room and training facilities g. Office space h. Storage room for office and cleaning supplies 1. Computer stations J. Intercom and radio systems 3.) Equipment maintenance repair areas: a. Lifts b. Overhead crane c. Specialized tool needs d. Paint booth/sand blasting area e. Lubrication areas f. Waste oil/anti-freeze/hazardous chemicals storage g. Oil and grease storage h. Parts/tire storage 1. Tool storage J. Welding area or shop k. Equipment washing bays/parts cleaning 1. Vehicle repair bays 4.) General considerations: a. Equipment storage, including movement through parking area and building b. Carpentry/wood shop c. Sign shop/storage d. Cold storage e. Sand/salt storage f. Materials bulk storage (i.e., wood chips, bituminous, compost, Class V, sand, etc. g. Fuel (gas & diesel) storage including electronic tie to maintenance database h. Employee and visitor parking areas and exterior traffic areas 1. Safety including OSHA requirements, fire safety requirements, etc. J. ADA requirements k. Sprinkler system requirements 1. Landscaping, screening, irrigation, lighting and fencing 97 Council Agenda - 05/08/2006 m. Current and future off site storage areas; West River Street and Biosolids Farm n. SCADA and security systems 5.) Furnish the City with twelve (12) copies of the final recommendations and concept drawings. Final recommendations shall include construction cost estimates, and be in enough detail to begin the recommended design phase for construction. 6.) Experience/Site Visits: a. Firms submitting proposals shall provide the City with a list of clients they have provided a similar service to in the last five (5) years in the metro area. The list shall include the client's name, address, telephone number, and the name of a contact person. b. Whenever possible, the City would prefer to VISIt sites where work similar to the engineer/architect recommendation has been constructed. (The consultant will not be required to accompany the City staff on site visits). 7.) Depending upon the number of proposals received, the City reserves the right to conduct an interview with one or more of the responding firms prior to submitting a recommendation to the City Council for approval. The Council may chose to interview firms as well. 8.) This request for proposal does not obligate the City of Monticello to award a contract or complete the project, and the City reserves the right to cancel the Request for Proposal if it is considered to be in the best interest ofthe City. The proposals were due on May 2, 2006, and of the ten sent out, seven were received. All seven of the respondents took time to visit our Public Works Building and review the scope of work for the project study. The estimated cost ofthe proposals varied from $11,010 to $30,500. The amount budgeted for the study is $30,000. Four ofthe proposals were in the range from $20,750 to $25,500 and represent a similar scope of work. One proposal was at $30,500, as indicated previously, and two proposals were less than $20,000. The majority of the proposals represent an appropriate amount of work for the study, involving about 250 man hours. At least two of the proposals are not clear in the man hours or may be below the amount of effort felt appropriate for the study by the Public Works Director. Once the consultant is chosen, the study group will include the Consultant, Public Works Supervisors, Public Works Director, City Engineer, Chief Building Official, City Administrator or Financial Officer, and a Council Representative. In order to reduce the proposals to three or four for interviews, a smaller group could be selected such as the Public Works Director, City Engineer, City Administrator and a Council Representative. This work could then be finished over the next few days and interviews held the following week or just before the next Council Meeting on May 22, 2006. The following is the proposed schedule for the selection and work: 98 May 2, 2006: May 10, 2006: May 10, 2006: May 11,2006: May 22,2006: May 23,2006: July 3, 2006: July 10, 2006: Council Agenda - 0510812006 Proposals Due Review of proposals by City Council; Possible selection of firm Schedule of interviews if requested by City Council Study start date without interviews Selection of firm by Council if interviews were performed Study start date, after interviews Study completed and due Review of study by City Council B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to accept the seven proposals received and appoint a Council Representative to the review committee to select three or four candidates for interviews, either at a special meeting to be held the week of the 15th of May, or just prior to the Council Meeting on the 22nd. The review committee would be given the authority to select the three or four firms to be interviewed and arrange for those interviews to take place. 2. The second alternative would be to reduce the field to three or four at this Monday evening's Council Meeting after a brief discussion of the proposals. 3. The third alternative would be not to proceed with the needs study for the Public Works expanSIOn. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the City Council proceed as outlined in alternative # 1 and set the interviews for a special meeting during the week of May 15th if possible. If not, the interviews to the performed just prior to the regular scheduled Council Meeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the seven proposals received under separate cover; Copy of a spreadsheet summarizing the results of a brief review of the proposals. 99 . . o en C} III ~g.~en (D en C) ~~~ (S"o-~ (ii' ~ (S" :::3 III (ii' o en ;:: 't:i e.. !!!, ~ cr' Q::s; C) . (D'5~1ll (D:::E~t: ~~~.g ;:"(DCij ~.... en c:: III (ii' c:: - '03 (D{g~C) (ii'(l) 0 ~ :::3 Q, a"" o :;:hC) (D .... $l. . . a~ ~.~ ~ sf Cl.~ (DO Cl.i ~ . Ill~ {g~ (l) 5' Q,(l) ~ s. ~~ ~~ ~Cl. (S"~ :::3 Q. . ;;::.;r-9l1ll ...... o "" O'l c..:. ...... <D N ...... c..:. N z ~ z (') r C o m o ~ WOr\) NCO S C 0 N'?-""en """",glm (1)::::'::1'% l..Z~ ~ ~ CD Oc..:.en o N ~ . ~ x x x ......0 '"oJrn ~~ cnm III r s: a ?iin z (') 0'Iiii'::t 0'1 ::;. :::j o~m 0'1 CD n en x ~ 0)"'0 0'1 III ~~ O'l <D ~ 0'1 ...... 0) O'l x x !~\ ;'. , ~ ~ ~ o 00 > t""4 -3 > ~ ~ t""4 > -3 ~ o ~ t:::':;\;/::::::;:;' .,,-,' ,\"d ,,~ ?ii o ::t ~ :::j o m 00 Q~ ~~ ~~ enr ~ o m ~ ~ N '" N <= <= 0'1 N t ,~',:iC' ~11! 1'11,:, ~ ~'~ en ;~!1: x s: 5' ::l ~ !E N'U -0 0)= '"oJ ,III i"'s: :::z 08: ~ o c..:. x x x x x x "" '"oJ o x O'l m ~ ~~c... _::l.,,~ ~iiY-s.> - ::;' ~ n::U ffi .(ii' ~ I C{1s:g~ ~ZC.m ~ 8: S? ..'~ ~l5en ~:a "'" " ,... Council Agenda - 05/08/2006 13. Consideration of options to minimize the use of the leaf and e:rass compostine: facilitv. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item was continued from the April 10, 2006, regular scheduled Council Meeting. At that meeting the Council discussed the background of the compost facility prior to 2005 and the operations that had occurred in 2005. A copy of that background was included with the April 10lh packet. The following options were also discussed: 1.) Offer residents a 95 gallon cart picked up once a week at curb side for disposal of un- bagged leaves and grass at a cost of $13 .25 per month. This price is contingent upon being able to dump the leaves and grass, free of charge, at the County's compost facility on County Road 37. Having to dispose of these materials outside of our compost site or the County's compost site would increase the cost $12 per month per 95 gallon cart. 2.) Place a drop off site for leaves and grass at the Public Works facility near our material bins. The drop off would be a 30 yard roll off box for de-bagged grass and leaves. The cost would be $50 per box dumped at the Wright County compost facility free of charge, if disposed of outside, it would be $75 per box plus an addition $9.00 per yard. 3.) Since loose leaves would fill a 30 yard box very quickly, option 3 would be to place a 30 yard compactor at the Public Works facility near the bins for drop off. This would cut down the volume of leaves significantly. It would also significantly reduce the hauling of grass. The only cost at this time would be the same cost listed above for disposal and hauling and we would need to supply power to the compactor so that Public Works personnel could operate it once a day, if needed. Onyx would supply a used compactor free of charge for a trial period. All boxes at the Public Works facility would be covered with a tarp. 4.) Limit the use of any of our drop off sites by contractors again. After some discussions, questions were raised about relocating the compost facility to another area, mostly agricultural in nature, one suggestion was the biosolids farm. It should be pointed out that a compost facility with regular public use would be considered a point of contact and would require a 600' buffer area from our biosolids application at the site, which is not practical. It would be best to relocate in an alternate area which is agricultural in nature, has few homes, and which is intended to remain agricultural in nature for the foreseeable future. More than likely such a site would be in Monticello Township and we would have to discuss such a site if found with the Township and possibly the County Planning Board which does the planning for the Township. Other questions were asked in regard to whether or not the County would accept leaves and grass clippings from the City, either hauled by the City or its contract hauler at the Wright County Compost Facility. I finally received word from the County through Chuck Davis, the Environmental Health Officer, that we could indeed bring leaves and grass unbagged without garbage to the compost 100 Council Agenda - 05/08/2006 facility. The County, however, would reserve the right to reject our loads if they were full at the time or if they were contaminated with bags or garbage, so we have that question settled. Another question asked was in regard to the free use of the compactor at the Public Works Building. After the free use trial period was over, what would the cost be, and the cost would be $200/month for that unit. It's about a $28,000 piece of equipment. A picture is included which shows the compactor. It has approximately a 48" high dump area so it would probably require a ramp so that citizens could just drag or carry their bags up the ramp to dump them. A trailer or such could probably be easier to unload because it would only be a foot or two higher than the average trailer height. The hopper on the compactor is just a little less than two yards so it would require someone to be available to operate the compactor two or three times a day which would greatly limit its use any place else but at the Public Works Facility. It's difficult to estimate the total amount that we would get at this time, though we can assume it is one to two compactors full per week. If the material is not compacted and placed loosely into a 30 yard roll off, that could easily double, triple or quadruple during the peak times. Our best bet and our best goal is to try to limit the use of the facility out on West River Street by providing more alternatives for our citizens, and possibly stop the use of our facility by contractors who are paid for doing their work and have other outlets for disposing of the leaves and grass. In 2004, the last year that access to the facility was controlled, the site was accessed 1,050 times during that year by 352 different individuals. We spent about 96 hours monitoring and picking up litter during the open hours on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings. The use significantly increased in 2005, however, without having a sign-in sheet or monitoring it, we don't know how much additional use we had. Following are suggestions for lessening the use ofthe site: 1. Control access to the site by a keyed system requiring a signature only. Two economical locks would be purchased with non reproducible keys. We would have 30 keys for each lock. If a significant number of the keys hadn't been returned, we could switch to the other lock which is keyed separately and hope that the non working keys would be exchanged for working keys. The locks could be rotated as needed. 2. Limit the use of the facility to residents only, no contractors. 3. Offer a 90 gallon cart picked up once per week at curbside for the disposal of unbagged leaves and grass at a reduced cost of $6.00/month. The City would pick up half the actual cost, or $6.00, and supply the cart without charging a rental feel (value $1.25). Basic use is five months so cost to residents would be $30 for the entire period. Two trips a week taking grass to the compost facility would cost more than that! 4. The City could haul leaves and grass clippings from the compost facility as necessary using box services from Onyx without a compactor to start. 5. Should the cost of hauling loose leaves and grass clippings be prohibitive, we would then place a compactor at the Public Works Facility open at such times that it could be monitored and that the compactor portion could be operated several times a day. 101 Council Agenda - 05/08/2006 6. To continue to research an alternate site for a new compost facility in an agricultural area. The three year extension of our lease with Wright County should give us ample time to do that. The options are presented again for discussion. Please refer to the minutes from the meeting of April 10th and the original agenda item from April 10th regarding this issue for additional supporting data. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to select one or more or all of the above alternatives for implementation immediately. 2. The second alternative would be to select none of the alternatives and continue as we are with a free for all. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As Public Works Director I recommend that you choose the alternatives you feel will reduce our impact on the neighborhood while still providing good service to the community and look forward to providing a better service in a better area in the future. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of pictures of the compactor and roll offboxes. 102 4 SELF CONTAINED, HIGH CAPACITY, LEAK RESISTANT ROLL OFF COMPACTOR SUGGESTED RECEIVER BOX SIZE Capacity (cu. ft.) 20 30 35 Length 231" 278" 297" Width 96" 96" 96" Height 94" 106" 107" FOR FOOD WASTE, GARBAGE AND OTHER LOADS WITH HIGH llOUID CONTENT ...1 unit charge box and container. . Ideal for waste with high liquid content. . 1.85c~. yd~ charge capacity. . High storage capacity"-up to 35 cu~ yds. . RayFlowtm reversing eliminates limit switches and pressure spikes. "." - ::., , . . .Upto 41;QOO Ibs. compaction force. . Replaceable wear parts on ram. High capacity: Rayfo Model SC Self Contained Compactors are high capacity, high volume machines. SC compactors compress liquid~laden material and hold the load until it's dumped at the disposal site. This eliminates spillage and promotes cleanliness where compliance with local sanitary regulations may be an issue. The SC model is ideal for restaurants, grocery stores, schools, hospitals, shopping centers, hotels, industrial plants and other applications where residual liquid is part of the compaction process. Dependable operatingsystem: Unique RayFlow hydraulic system features direction change .. without the llse of limit switches or system pressure spikes. The RayFlow system changes direction gradually, noiselessly: The result is ahig~lydurable, even-pressure operating system. No specialized cylinders or limit switches in the Ra)'f() SC series. a simple, dependable compactor--sized for .. . . commercial applications. 103 :; ~:,'.:,;;,::,:,:< ~,>~~~<T,/,;"":: i }.'::,'~' .~,::r':}:.::r~~'~~;;'~~'~:~":;}'.,~r/,~..,;'" ;:;~(::: LIII!~ Standard features include: . Replaceable cast iron wear bars on leading edge of ram. . Replaceable UHMW wearbars on side and bottom of ram. . Weather proof (NEMA 4) control box. . Automatic cycle or deadman controls. . Reverse button on control panel. . TEFC motors. . Suction strainer, breather and return line filter. . U.L approved control panel. ,~ . Fluid-filled pressure gauge. Optional features include: . Full steel enclosures, hoppers. . Walk-on diamond deck plating. . Guide for accurate container attachment. . Container-full light, 3/4 full light, electric eye for auto start, multi-cycle timer, oil tank heater, driver jog control. . Through-wall chute feed. .8 cu. yd. yard transfer station compactor also available. 7 QUALITY DETAILS Adjustable pressure switches change system operating pressure with simple twist. Settings have high repeatability. Rayfo compactor reservoirs are sized to match the duty cycle and fluid demands of your application. A. Length B. Width C. Height 104 ONYI WASTE SERVICES . ..J~II""''---~~ .. -, ~ "-,..~ 'ff r .- ; ;:H~'" I '" >>-~. J1' '~,,'i1c'-:':r " 'i'!'__~_ '" '.''\''''I.JJ. .', ;I"~':"'-l~' . :11" ~-'I/'-\~:~~.ll/-ri .> 1-J) , .\ ..' "~or ~ 'li'~':~~'~_~.:j<12~r) -' , .~, ~ ....... ..' . .. ..- 1:~1 --<..:L.._<{ ",",;//{\ . I j " ...4f 20-Yard Open-top Container j Stationary Compactor , Will) clock installation -..~ * ,~ ~l /' i / ,--- m'-'--'''--'---r~~. ---~-&... -'''____\ -;>'0 &~ _"'_ ____ \ - ""'"'~ ._nl 1::":~d(f5--"",,,:--""'o-O_-"_JI~' I J :;~ . , --'~-~-':"'~l I .>..:~ C\:~~;-:~;~~('>:::) ({j;~"""'-- Self-Contained Compactor 30-Yard Open-top Container ~I /' 'Ii /' [:'-G~;;-1] / >[ : :;: ~~=j/ . -..-\~,,-./ Stationary Compactor \'.ltl1 tlllu-the.':,all security dlUl;" J ~. -') :S,l' 40-Yard Open-top Container ..qONYX Onyx Waste Services Midwest, Inc. Ask your representative about container enclosure specifications. Your partner tor il G!(',cner environment. J ? ;, :'~, l:. ~ .'. .'\ ". i "j ',::"\".' D C' r t, \. 1 j (~,"~ I"':' :',:i C!'~ ,"'~ ::-=-i ;:., () ,:~ :-.~, CI",l:~~t':~l~.,e1 ~~(,:" ". f:::,:5 t-459"JC)~,~I,:-:.1 l:~', i i F t r,::~ :-:,1 h~~~;~::: "; ;.~, C.,I, .:/,:'.( ::, 3 r,'..-, h5.1.'1.5!3i:;.ij;, En.!,.")il (Ii'" :,,1 ,','Ir::.';!t c-s::,~iIDt"'Y:\\\'~S"CIJI:~ i:.,,~ f~ of "'iC~ t \\'.', ",I; , G ,'i'J X ~,'I/.' i ~', i~,: t! .:~:::; ,( C I'n 105 Council Agenda ~ 5/8/06 14. Consideration of a reQuest for a Conditional Use Permit for a Concept Stae:e Planned Unit Development for an 8-unit townhouse development in an R-2 (Sinele and Two-Familv Residential) District. Applicant: Minnesota Development Aeencv. LLC. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Minnesota Development Agency has submitted an application for Concept Stage PUD for the construction of Rosewood Heights, a housing development designed for senior citizens with associated covenants. The subject site is a 1.1 acre site located along the west side of Palm Street, including the unbuilt Palm Street right of way, and south of 4th Street. The site is zoned R-2, Single Family and Two Family Residential. Comprehensive Plan: Monticello's Comprehensive Plan designates this area for single family and two family residential development. Zoning: The subject site is zoned R-2, Single Family and Two Family Residential. CUP/PUD: A Planned Unit Development allows for flexibility in performance standards with the understanding that the development will be held to higher standards of site and building design than would ordinarily be required. It is the applicant's responsibility to design the development with significant benefits and communicate those benefits to the City for allowing a PUD. Design Overview. The proposed project is an 8-unit condominium development designed specifically for seniors. The applicant is proposed two 4-unit townhouse-style structures on a private drive extending south from Palm Street. The applicant has indicated that this site was chosen due to its close proximity to the City's senior center, downtown, and hospital. Lot Requirements and Standards. The following table illustrates the applicable performance requirements for the proposed use in the R-2 district: R-2 Standard Requirements Proposed Front Yard Setback 30 feet 30 feet Side Yard Setback 1 0 feet 30 feet Side Yard Setback (Comer) 20 feet 30 feet Rear Setback 30 feet 40 feet Minimum Lot Area 12,000 sf 24,090 feet Lot Area Per Unit 6,000 sf 6,022 feet Minimum Lot Width 80 feet 165 feet Building Height 2.5 stories 1 story The proposed plan complies with the side yard setbacks on the east side, but the "side" represents the "front" of the development. The density is being maximized on this site, with the 1 106 Council Agenda - 5/8/06 presumption that the City will sell or grant the right of way to the applicant, and the future private street area is included in the density calculation. A 30-foot utility easement exists along the southern edge of the property. The applicant has provided a 40-foot setback to the principal structure. However, the feasibility ofthis setback must be determined by the City Engineer and Public Works Director. The depth of the deep sanitary sewer at this location may require a slightly deeper setback, perhaps 45'. Density. The R-2 District is designated for low to medium density residential development. The proposed development would have 8 units on a 1.1 acre site, allowing 6,022 square feet of lot area per unit. The gross density of the site is 7.27 units/acre. Therefore, this level of density is near the standard for the R-2. Densities for comparable townhome projects are as follows: Proposed Elm Street Villas (Rollings): Cottage Charm: Vine Place: Drakes Court (CMHP): 5.35 units per acre (entire development) 8.9 units per acre 5.5 units per acre (approx.) 8.7 units per acre Open Space. The zoning ordinance requires that each multiple family dwelling site or townhouse site shall contain at least 500 square feet of usable open space as defined in for each dwelling unit, or a minimum of 30% green space, whichever is greater. In this case, 30% is greater, requiring the applicant to provide a minimum of 14,454 square feet of green space for the 8 units proposed. In a PUD, common open space at least sufficient to meet this minimum requirement is necessary for the benefit and enjoyment ofthe residents of the PUD. The applicant has provided approximately 18,700 square feet of open space. The majority of this open space is located in the rear yard of each unit, with smaller pockets located between driveways and in side yards. The minimum of amount of required open space has been provided, but the City Council should discuss whether or not the open space areas are designed in a manner that meets the City's expectations for PUD design. Building Design. The concept plan proposes two attached townhome structures, each containing four units. Both structures will be single-story buildings with two-stall garages. Each structure has two forward-facing garages and two located to the side of the structure. The applicant has provided colored elevations to provide details on the style of the homes. Each structure has a steep roof pitch and will be beige in color with red accents and cedar shingles. All front loaded garage doors contain windows. All units are designed according to ADA standards, to accommodate handicapped residents. Bathrooms and kitchens in each unit are designed to be wheelchair accessible, and hallways, sidewalks, walkways and driveways are all designed to accommodate those who need assistance from wheelchairs, walkers, and canes. Garage size does not meet code standards. In all residential zoning districts, all single and two- family dwelling units must include development of an attached or detached garage. Minimum size requirement for garage floor is 450 square feet with a minimum garage door opening of 16 feet. The proposed garages are less than 400 square feet and have 19' 11" garage door openings. The minimum garage space requirement may be flexible via PUD if it is found that the development supplies other tangible benefits to justify the flexibility. It should be noted that the 2 107 Council Agenda - 5/8/06 City established the 450 square foot standard to avoid the outside parking and storage concerns that can occur when smaller garages are permitted. With the garage sizes as proposed, owners of larger vehicles will not be able to conveniently enter or exit the vehicles when parked in the garages. The developer notes that a smaller garage standard is appropriate for a development that serves seniors only and the space otherwise used for garage could be transferred to living area or green space. The Planning Commission recommended increasing the garage size to meet code requirements. The Commission felt meeting the code requirement would be important in a development geared toward seniors, especially as the development handicap accessible features. The applicant accepted the Planning Commission's recommendation. The Commission also indicated that they would recommend further definition in the rear wall plane, as well as an increase in size to the rear patios. Streets and Access. The PUD ordinance requires that private roadways within the project shall have approved curb and gutter and an improved surface of 20 feet or more in width and shall be so designed as to permit the City fire trucks to provide protection to each building. For most projects, however, the City has required that private streets be no less than 24 and 28 feet when one side of the street is needed for parking. The applicant has agreed to provide a drive of sufficient width to allow parking on one side. The current access drive is a private drive that extends southwest into the site, aligning with Palm Street. No cul-de-sac or other turnaround area has been provided to accommodate garbage/recycling trucks and emergency vehicles. The applicant has noted that waste collection will be centralized via dumpster so garbage trucks will not need to enter the site and could serve the dumpster directly off of 4th street. The City's Fire Department has requested that a maximum distance of250 feet be used for the distance from fire hydrants and public streets to the farther point of any buildings. The applicant proposes to overcome this issue by providing a wider street and by installing a hydrant at midpoint in the development. Staff is also concerned with access to the side-facing garages. Access to the garages for the northwest and southwest units will be provided by curved driveways, each with a 24-foot turning radius, and a minimum turning radius of 15.3 feet. This turning radius provides minimal turning space, and especially affects vehicles exiting the garages. Each driveway only has 7 feet of stacking space, making it difficult to maneuver into and out of the garage. The turning radius illustrated on the site plan shows that the driveways are not wide enough to accommodate vehicles, and they will be required to drive on the yard in order to access the garage. The driveway for the northernmost unit comes within 3.5 feet of 4th Street, providing inconvenient access for the resident and creating potential congestion issues at the access. The driveway for the southernmost unit is shown within a 30-foot utility easement. The driveways for the middle units create conflicts for vehicles backing out of the either garage, and eliminates the possibility of parking space in front of either garage. Although this design has more curb appeal, turning radius and stacking constraints work against the side loaded garage concept. 3 108 Council Agenda - 5/8/06 The applicant has indicated that he would review design options, and work with staff to address the potential turning restrictions. Staffhas noted conflict regarding access to adjacent properties. By vacating the 80-foot public right-of-way on Palm Street for a private drive, the applicant will be eliminating access to a property that currently has frontage on a public right-of-way (Palm Street). The property to the east of the site, identified as Lot 1, would lose frontage on the public right-of-way, cutting off access to the property. Vacating this right-of-way would also cut off potential access for several more lots to the east and west of the site. The elimination of this right of way would need to be resolved prior to development stage PUD or Preliminary Plat application can be considered. Parking. It has been the practice of the City to ensure that adequate guest parking is provided as a requirement for PUD, particularly where private streets are utilized. The City has previously required one guest parking space for every three units. Recently, the City Council requested that a Concept PUD have one guest parking space for each unit. Adequate guest parking can be accommodated on site via the increased width on the drive aisle, allowing for parking on one side. Stormwater. The site is not currently served by storm sewer and no plans have been submitted to contain stormwater on site. Engineering staff has indicated that drainage in the area is a potential concern, due to existing flooding, and the distance to storm sewer. This issue will need to be examined more closely if the project proceeds to Development Stage PUD and Preliminary Plat. Summary The purpose of PUD is to provide standards designed to allow the development of neighborhoods recognizing that traditional density, bulk, setbacks, use, and subdivision regulations which may be useful in protecting the character of substantially developed areas may be inappropriate to control development in less developed areas. Specifically, it is intended to encourage the following: 1. Innovations in residential development to the end that the growing demands for housing at all economic levels may be met by greater variety in tenure, type, design, and siting of dwellings and by conservation and more efficient use of land in such development; 2. Higher standards of site and building design through the use of trained and experienced land planners, architects, and landscape architects; 3. More convenience in location of accessory commercial and service areas; 4. The preservation and enhancement of desirable site characteristics such as natural topography and geologic features and the prevention of soil erosion; 5. A creative use ofland and related physical development which allows a phased and orderly transition of land from rural to urban uses; 6. An efficient use of land resulting in smaller networks of utilities and streets thereby lowering housing costs and public investments; 7. A development pattern in harmony with the objectives of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; 8. A more desirable environment than would be possible through the strict application of zoning and subdivision regulations of the City; 9. To give the landowner and developer reasonable assurance of ultimate approval before expending complete design monies while providing City 4 109 Council Agenda ~ 5/8/06 officials with assurances that the project will retain the character envisioned at the time of concurrence; 10. Flexibility for variation from the provisions of this ordinance including setbacks, height, lot area, width and depth, yards, etc. The City Council is asked to evaluate if the concept plan demonstrates tangible amenities or other benefits to justify the requested flexibility, or complies with many of the City standards applied to other townhouse projects. The City Council is asked to review the site plan, identify site design areas of concern and provide direction to the applicant accordingly to be applied to design of the development stage PUD. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommended approval of the concept plan, with the recommendations on increasing the drive aisle width, increasing the size of the garages, providing variation to the rear building faces, and increasing the patio size. Decision 1: Development Stage Planned Unit Development for Rosewood Heights 1. Motion to approve the Concept Stage PUD, based on a finding that with comments made by the Planning Commission and City Council, the project will meet the City's intent for PUD design. 2. Motion to deny the Concept Stage PUD, based on a finding that the project will require significant design changes to meet the City's intent for PUD development, and should be resubmitted according to the comments of the Planning Commission. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council review the PUD and discuss in particular the following areas where standards are flexed or out of compliance with policy and or code. 1. The Planning Commission determined that open space is sufficient with ample rear yard space, but expressed that an intense landscaping plan will be provided. 2. Should the applicant be required to submit an alternate driveway design, providing driveways and garages that are accessible and maintain architectural attractiveness? The applicant indicated that they will work with staff during development stage in these Issues. 3. Should the plan shall be revised to provide a minimum of five total parking spaces per housing unit? The widening of the drive aisle appears to accommodate adequate parking. 4. Access to adjoining property must be considered and accounted for. 5. Is the density of the site, though only slightly exceeding R-2 standards, too high for the area? If so, should the City consider changing the R-2 standards in the downtown area? 6. Engineering issues, including stormwater control, must be considered. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Photo 5 110 Council Agenda ~ 5/8/06 B. Site/Area Images C. Applicant Request Package, Including: 1. Applicant Narrative 2. Description in Present Form 3. Description in Completed Form 4. Presentation Drawing 5. Aerial Image 6. Existing Conditions 7. Site Plan 8. Circulation Plan 9. Floor Plan 10. Elevations 6 111 tp://156.99 .28. 84/servlet/com.esri.esrimap. Esrimap?ServiceName=CustomParcel&ClientVersion=3.\ &... 4/20/2006 112 Rosewood PUD Views to West 113 , 1 View of Site from Hill to South I , Palm Street View to NW 2 114 I , 3 115 I , 4 116 I .. 5 117 j 6 118 119 .. 7 Minnesotat"'Development Agency; LLC . , C '1,.~.,"Y"'" oW' .,~. Formal request for concept plan approval ROSEWOOD HEIGHTS Monticello MN. To: Monticello city staff, Planning Commission, City Council. From: Minnesota Development Agency L.L.c. 9766 Fallon Ave. suite 201 Monticello MN. 55362 763-295-LAND . Objective: To achieve concept plan approval along with recommendations if any from the City of Monticello. In the package submitted please find the following. Cover letter. Description of the property as is now. Description of the property when done with ROSEWOOD HEIGHTS. Presentation drawing, concept B. Aerial photo of existing conditions. Existing conditions sketch. Site plan. Circulation plan. Floor plan of units to be built. Color rendering of an exterior elevation. This package was created by: Minnesota Development Agency L.L.C. Any questions can be forwarded to Dewey Gunnarson @ 763-295-5263 Or Matthew Froelich @ 612-363-1907 . 120 9766 Fallon Avenue, Suite 201 · Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: 76)..295-LAND. Fax: 763-,29>4696. www.mndevelopmentagency.com . . . Description of ROSEWOOD HEIGHTS In present form. Lot 5 and lot 6 of block G Have one single family dwelling on them. The house and garage are in disrepair. The home to the west (lot 7) is in good shape and nice looking. To the West of that is an apartment building. To the south of the whole project is commercial, apartments, or an abandon railway. The south extension of Palm Street is bluntly an eyesore. It appears that someone is putting gravel and doing some grading on the right of way. My guess it would be the owner directly to the East. It appears he is using the Palm R.O.W. to access his garage. This home is not owner occupied it is a rental property. We ask that the City assist us in removing his use and access on the Palm R.O.W. Both lots and the R.O.W. have little tree coverage. Palm Street and lot 5 are overrun with weeds and debris. The home on Lots 10 and 1 block H could use some help also. The rest of the homes to the East are not in bad shape. To the South there is single family homes most are nice looking. I think objections will come from the South and the homeowner directly to the East. An important issue is there seems to be no plan for the surface water run off to the South of any of these properties. Best we can tell it seems to run to the East but in its own good time. This should be looked at for this project and the other properties. The overall condition of the site is not horrible but it could use some sprucing up. 121 . . . Description of ROSEWOOD HEIGHTS In completed fonn. Rosewood Heights will consist of 8 condominium homes. These homes have been specifically designed for seniors. They will be affordable with out giving up amenities or sacrificing the exterior elevations. The project: Rosewood Heights is in a great location for senior living. The residents are a couple blocks from downtown, groceries, Monticello senior center, and a few blocks from the hospital and St. Henry's church. Our private street is lined up with Palm Street and will cause no traffic issues. Rosewood Heights will be set up as condominiums and will have an association governing over the whole project. The association will control water, garbage, snow removal, lawn care, insurance, reserves for future improvements, and most importantly control the rules and regulations. These Condo's will be set up as age targeted (exact age not yet determined). Rosewood Heights has two indoor parking spots per home and fourteen spots not blocking the private street. All streets and walk ways will be designed as flat as possible to accommodate wheel chairs, walkers, and canes. Accessibility and comfortable living are our primary goals. The Homes: Out of our Hardwood collection. Birchwood 1 (outside unit) Birchwood 2 (inside unit) Both homes are designed with four foot hallways three foot doors. Wheelchair accessible baths and kitchens. They have extra large mud rooms with ample storage. The Birchwood's will be on one level and meet A.D.A. standards. Our intention is not necessarily to have all handicap residents as much as planning on it for the future so they won't have to move. Both Birchwood's will have a back patio for grilling and enjoying the outdoors. Both also have two car garages. Ghost plat: We are working on a ghost plat to incorporate the property to the East. We should have this done and available for hand out at the council meeting. I must stress we are not interested in this property now. With or with out (TIF HRA or any other city funds.) We will show as an option for the future. 122 ~~~ (? ~~~ ;p '" ~~i I ~ ~ ~~ C) ~ _':oiii 1 ~; CJ '" ~ .----- !:i! ~ ~i -< ~ ..~ '-.........\ ~~ ~ c} I'v ::r5 '-.........\ $! () !;J Gv \ <- Co CJ ~ Cb ;::::: ~ 0; C:; A 7S5, U Gv & ~ '-.........\ ~ ~ I'v ~ Co < ~ 5! r; ) IU Cv Cj A OJ ~ v N U1 O. ~ IU "l. ~ "l. .!. q "l. I 1 9. "to "l I " "'\ Ii '(l " q ~ I "to 9. 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I '" .."..,.'.',....................... ...............;,;:;:;:.~~\'" ::.:'::::::::;:::::~ j. "l. ~ "l. I . ~ ~ "l I !!4. 'i 'j'!- ~ ':' i:i. 9. . I '" .., '"\ I 9. "l , "', i . mm.mml ~ "" , ~ ... , 9. '" , 9. U!. I 9. Ii <l u?' .!., '" , 9. to. '" I.' 9. - '" I 9. " ~ "" I '" -; . m.. .m'::::n Council Agenda: 5/8/06 15. Consideration of selectine: a Como Plan develooment orocess and consideration of awardine: Comorehensive Plan Amendment orocess to Hoisine:ton Koee:ler GroDO Inc. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to review three options or approaches towards gathering public input for utilization in plan development. The attached memo from Rusty Fifield provides a great overview of each option for your review. Council is also asked to consider authorizing form action to execute a contract based on the work process and product identified in Exhibit A. Please note that I checked HKG references and heard good reports from the cities of St Michael, Lakeville, Ramsey and Elk River. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1 - Selection of a Comprehensive Plan Process 1. Motion to select option 1 - Traditional Process 2. Motion to select option 2 - Neighborhood Meeting Focus 3. Motion to select option 3 - Issue Forums Decision 2 - Consideration of awarding Comprehensive Plan project to HKG, Inc and enter into a contract following scope of services identified in Attachment A 1. Motion to award said planning project to HKG, Inc and award contract per Attachment A. 2. Motion to deny awarding the project to HKG, Inc 3. Motion to table. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Decision 1. Given the fact that Monticello includes many new residents and new neighborhoods, it might make sense to select the Neighborhood Meeting approach. This would provide new residents with the opportunity to become connected to their new home and involved in city decision making. As Rusty Fifield noted, there is no "right" answer to the selection of a planning process. Any of these options will produce an excellent update to the Comprehensive Plan. Decision 2. Recommendation is award planning project to HKG Inc with authorization to enter into a contract as outlined in Attachment A. HKG references were excellent and the scope of services defined appear sufficient to meet the standards as identified in the request for proposal. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Memo from Rusty Fifield to Jeff O'Neill regarding Comprehensive Plan process options. 129 MEMORANDUM Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. 11I13 ~n From: Jeff O'Neill Rusty Fifield To: Subject: Date: Comprehensive Plan Process Options May 4, 2006 Over the past several weeks, we have been discussing options for the process of updating the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City Council will review and consider these alternatives at its meeting on May 8. The objective will be to determine an approach that can be used as the basis for the contract and the start of the planning process. I have prepared this memo to explain the proposed options as background information for the City Council. Overview We have prepared three process alternatives. The options will be referred to as (1) traditional process, (2) neighborhood meeting focus, and (3) issues forum focus. Each of the options using the same basic planning framework: . Understand what exists. . Understand the issues. . Explore the issues. . Put the pieces together. . Prepare draft plan. . Seek approvals. The difference between these options is the role of a task force (acting as a steering committee of the process) and the means of seeking public participation. We need to consider the answers to these questions: . Can the public's interests best be represented by a task force or by greater opportunity for general public participation? . Will people participate even if given more opportunity? . Does the process need a task force to guide the entire project? . Does a 12 month commitment limit interest in serving on the task force? The following section summarizes the three process alternatives. Option 1 - Traditional Process Our preparations for updating Monticello's Comprehensive Plan began by fitting your needs into a more traditional approach to the planning process. We have prepared a detailed scope of work that explains each task in this process (see Attachment A). In the traditional process, the City Council establishes a task force to 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1659 Ph (612) 338.0800 Fx (612) 338-6838 www.hkgi.com Direct (612) 252-7133 Emai1 rusty@hkgi.com 130 Procl!Ss Options May 4, 2006 Pase 2 serve as a steering committee for the planning process. The task force meets with the consultant throughout the process. The proposed scope of work includes twelve task force meetings. The task forces reviews and provides feedback to the consultant to ensure that the results of the planning process fit Monticello. The task force is charged with recommending the draft Plan to the Planning Commission and City Council. The traditional process offers five opportunities for the general public to participate in the planning process. The first three meetings will be interactive workshops where people receive information from the consultants and give feedback on specific issues. The other two public meetings are an open house and public hearing on the proposed Comprehensive Plan. Option 1- Neighborhood Meeting Focus The neighborhood meeting focus alternative seeks to encourage more meaningful public participation in the process. Rather than treat the "public" as a single, homogenous commodity, it recognizes that Monticello is made up of different groups. Each group offers different perspectives on Monticello today and in the future. In this option, the planning process begins with a series of four to six neighborhood meetings. The meetings could be organized around different geographic areas, such as older sections north of 1-94, newer neighborhoods, and annexation area. A "neighborhood" could also represent a significant stakeholder group, like retail businesses and employers. Each workshop would include a discussion of community-wide issues and issues tailored to the specific neighborhood. This approach also flexibility in timing and location, both intended to encourage participation. The initial neighborhood meetings would be built around the following format: . Explain planning process and opportunities for public participation. . Seek public input on community wide factors for the plan. . Seek public input on issues related to special issues facing each group. This approach has several benefits. The number of opportunities for public involvement is increased. The meetings are conducted in different locations, hopefully making them more accessible. This approach allows for a focus on specific issues related to each neighborhood. If successful, the approach engages more people in the process and thinking about the future of Monticello. This initial round of public input shapes the exploration of issues. The focus of the exploring the issues shifts to city staff and consultants. This phase would be used to create technical information and a series of recommendations for addressing the issues. We would also conduct a general public meeting in this process to help bridge the gap between periods of more intensive public input. The task force would be established following the exploration of issues. The role of the task force would be to review and critique the evaluation of issues and the related planning recommendations. One advantage of this approach is that it requires less commitment from task force members than the traditional planning process. In this review and comment role, task force members would meet three to five times. Another set of neighborhood meetings would be used to seek input on proposals that would form the draft plan. We propose setting aside a block of meeting time that can be allocated as needed. 131 Process Options May 4, 2006 Pase 3 Option 3 - Issue Forums This option follows a similar approach to the neighborhood meetings. The planning process begins with a series of four to six community meetings. In this option, these initial meetings are issue oriented. Each session would involve an informational presentation, followed by discussion exercise designed to obtain public guidance on a specific issue. This approach offers greater opportunity for public education and involvement with issues that are critical to future plans. People could participate in one or all of these meetings. The remaining aspects of the process would be identical to the neighborhood meeting option. Summary There is no "right" answer to the selection of a planning process. Any of these options will produce an excellent update to your Comprehensive Plan. Weare looking for City Council guidance on the process that best fits the needs and interests of Monticello. There is little or no fmandal difference between the process options. We have prepared a budget using the detailed scope of work in Attachment A. Staff time and reimbursable expenses result in a total cost of approximately $90,000. While we have not prepared detailed work programs for the process options, I am confident that the reallocation of meeting time from task force to public can be done within this budget amount. The options do not have any impact on the timing of the planning process. The update of the Comprehensive Plan requires 12 to 15 months regardless of the option you choose. 132 Process OptiOns May 4, 2006 Pane 4 Attachment A Scope of Work - Traditional Process Option Task 1 - Understand what exists The PRO ]ECT seeks to update the Comprehensive Plan, not start from scratch. A variety of factors set directions and form a framework for future plans. The planning process begins by seeking a clear understanding of all items that create opportunities and constraints. 1.1 Collect and organize existing data. The CONSULT ANT will collect, organize and review existing information about Monticello. The work program assumes that background information will be collected and provided to the consulting team by City Staff. 1.2 Prepare base mapping. The CONSULTANT will collect mapping and parcel data from Wright County, the City and other available sources. This data will include current aerial photography of Monticello. This information will be used to build a base map of the city. This mapping will also be used as the foundation for mapping created to facilitate the planning process. 1.3 Prepare project manual. The CONSULT ANT will prepare a "project manual" for use by staff and steering committee members. The project manual serves as an ongoing reference document for the planning process. Initially, the manual will contain contact information for the consulting team, work program, project schedule, and communications suggestions. Informational materials prepared by the consulting team will be designed to be included in the project manual. 1.4 Prepare initial communications packet. The Internet provides a valuable tool for informing the community about the planning process. Through the Internet, people can gain access to meeting information, maps, graphics, fmdings and other information that is impossible to provide with more traditional means. The CONSULT ANT will prepare an outline, text and graphics to establish a place for the project on the City's Web site. The CONSULTANT will prepare updates for the Web site at appropriate places throughout the process. The CONSULTANT will prepare a news release on the project for use by the City. We will also work with the City to provide information for City newsletters that are published during the planning process. 1.5 Conduct Kick Off Day in Monticello. The CONSULT ANT will conduct a series of tasks needed to begin work on the Comprehensive Plan during a one- day visit to Monticello. · Compile existing land use. The CONSULTANT will use available data and a "windshield survey" to determine the existing land uses within Monticello. · Create photo inventory. The CONSULTANT will compile a comprehensive digital photographic inventory of Monticello. This inventory will include examples of land uses in the community. It will also include public systems, natural features and structures that may be relevant to the planning process. · Conduct kick-off meeting with Staff. This 1-2 hour meeting will focus on the initial logistics of the project, including review and clarification of roles and responsibilities, review of initial meeting 133 Process Options Max 4, 2006 Page 5 calendar, discussion of project communications packet, agenda for Task Force Meeting #1 and preparation for first public meeting. Work Products for Task 1 1 . Series of base maps. 2. Photo inventory. 3. Project Manual. 4. Initial communications materials. Task 2 - Understand the Issues This task has several objectives: . Engage stakeholders and the general public in the planning process. . Develop an understanding of issues that need to be considered in the planning process. . Explore aspirations for the future of Monticello. The CONSULT ANT will design and conduct series of workshops to gather this information. 2.1 Continue to build understanding of issues to be considered in the planning process. 2.2 Prepare and conduct first meeting of the Comprehensive Plan Task Force. 2.3 Prepare and conduct Public Workshop # 1 . 2.4 Conduct stakeholder interviews. Work Products for Task 2 1. Technical memorandum on issues inventory. 2. Background packet for Task Force meeting. 3. Promotional and meeting materials for Public Workshop # 1 . 4. Compilation (text and graphics) of input received at Public Workshop # 1. 5. Materials for update of City's website. Task 3 - Explore the Issues Task 2 produced an inventory of issues to be addressed in planning for the future of Monticello. Task 3 contains the processing for exploring the issues and their implications for the Comprehensive Plan. In general terms, the process seeks to answer basic questions about each key issue: . What is the issue and why is it important to Monticello? . What options are available to address the issue? . How do the options influence the Comprehensive Plan? . Is one option preferred? The specific issues will be determined by input gathered in Task 2 and guidance from the Task Force and staff. Based on the current understanding, issues to be considered may include: 134 Proc~s OptiOns May 4, 2006 PaBe 6 . Constraints and opportunities created by existing plans and agreements. . Constraints and opportunities created by natural features. . Phasing and location of future development. . Diversity of future housing options. . Redevelopment in Downtown and other older parts of Monticello. . Desired characteristic and qualities of neighborhoods. At the outset of this task, the CONSULTANT will work with the Task Force to prioritize the issues and set an approach for the exploration. This task does not envision that all issues identified in the process will be addressed in the same level of detail. The work in this task will span a three to four month period. The process will involve regular meetings with the Task Force and staff. It is anticipated that the first "decision maker" workshop and the second public meeting occurs during this task. The CONSULT ANT will also meet with local and regional developers to assess the market implications of key ideas and directions. Work Products for Task 3 1. Written materials and graphics needed to facilitate meetings and decision making in this task. 2. Compilation of decisions and directions set in this task. 3. Materials for update of City's website. Task 4 - Putting the Pieces Together The objective of Task 4 is to translate the exploration of issues into elements that will form the Comprehensive Plan: . Plans and policies for land use, housing and parks. . Areas of support and conflict with existing plans for transportation, municipal utilities and surface water management. . Projections of future growth and development. . Relationship to existing land use plans and controls. The process used in Task 4 will mirror the approach to the previous task. The CONSULTANT will conduct a series of meetings with the Task Force, public, decision makers and staff to present information and to obtain guidance. Task 4 will span a three to four month period. Work Products for Task 4 1. Written materials and graphics needed to facilitate meetings and decision making in this task. Materials will be prepared in a form that can be easily incorporated into the draft Comprehensive Plan. 2. Compilation of decisions and directions set in this task. 3. Materials for update of City's website. 135 Process Options May 4, 2006 Page 7 Task 5 - Prepare draft of Comprehensive Plan The CONSULTANT will use the results of Task 4 a draft Comprehensive Plan for Monticello. The CONSULT ANT will prepare a useful and illustrative document with maps, photographs, sketches, diagrams and supporting narrative to allow people to fully understand what will be required by the Plan. It will also provide the requisite technical information to ensure that public actions needed to implement the Plan are clear and achievable. The Monticello Comprehensive Plan will include (as a minimum) new chapters for land use, housing and parks. The Plan will incorporate (with recommended modifications, if any) existing plans for transportation, municipal utilities and surface water management. Other chapters will be created as needed to support the results of the planning process. The previous steps in the planning process are intended to simplify the review of the draft Comprehensive Plan. It is anticipated that key decisions will have been made in prior tasks. Review of the draft plan becomes the opportunity for consideration of how well all of the pieces fit together. This task includes the following steps: . Submission of draft plan for review and comment by city staff. . Submission of draft plan chapters to relevant boards and commissions for review and comment. Presentations to these boards and commissions will be made by city staff. . Conduct two Task Force workshops to review plan and reach consensus on recommended plan. . Conduct public open house to present recommended plan. Work Products for Task 5 1. Written materials and graphics needed to facilitate meetings and decision making in this task. Materials will be prepared in a form that can be easily incorporated into the draft Comprehensive Plan. 2. Compilation of decisions and directions set in this task. 3. Materials for update of City's web site Task 6 - Seek Approvals The CONSULT ANT will assist city staff in presenting the Comprehensive Plan to the Planning Commission and City Council. This task includes the statutorily required public hearing. The CONSULTANT will produce the fillal Comprehensive Plan. The CONSULTANT will deliver to the CLIENT the following: . One (1) full color printed document for reproduction. . Adobe InDesign files containing all contents of the plan (the plan will be prepared in InDesign to allow for the proper integration of text and graphics). . Microsoft Word files containing plan text. . Graphic files containing all maps, charts and other illustrations contained in the plan. . High resolution PDF plan files for reproduction. 136 Process OptiOns May 4, 2006 Pase 8 . Lower resolution PDF plan files for publication on Internet. . Mapping and GIS files created in planning process. 137 . Ottl ..:ItJ ..:I~ ttlP< UP:: Httl E-<;> ZO OU ~ N 0. . r<.r- Ul 0 \0 0.. :><0 U E-<:> HI UCJ1P:: HO 00 0...-1 II)'" U o II) ....:l..:l rn tJC'J Ql\O ~\O .o-iO ..:I \0 0 ...... H Q) '" 0..\0 ..-I ...... ..:I .Q II) nJ :>. ~ Ql nJ U P< U 11lCJ1 ttl 0. OJ :r: Ul ..-I U ..-I 'd -r! P< r-1 aI ...... 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