City Council Agenda Packet 05-22-1995 SpecialAGENDA SPECIAL MEETING • MOWnCELLO CnV COUNCIL. Monday, May 8$, 1995.5 p.m. Wayor: Brad Fyle Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf. Tom Perrault 1. Call to order. 2. Review RFPs and interview four wastewater treatment plant facilities consultant proposals. 3. Adjourn. Special Council Agenda - 5/22195 Presentation of oronoeals and interview for selegtion of engln�ing consultant for design of wastewater treatment slant e:oansion. (J.SJ A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At a previous meeting, City Council requested staff to develop a request for proposals for wastewater treatment facility improvement design and distribute the RFP to a limited number of top engineering firms capable of completing our project. City staff worked currently on the RFP as well as a list of qualified engineering firma. The list was narrowed down to a manageable number of three firms in addition to the firm of OSM/RCM, that completed our Facilities Plan. The RFP was sent to these firms on April 28, 1995. A pre -proposal conference was held on May 8, 1995, and all four firma were in attendance. As part of the pre -proposal conference, a detailed tour of the wastewater treatment plant facility was conducted and copies of the Facilities Plan and other design data and plan sheets were provided to the consultants. The deadlines for submittal of the proposals was May 18, 1995, at 4 p.m. All four firms submitted proposals. After the receipt of proposals, the names were drawn out of a hat for scheduling of the proposals and interviews. The following is a list of the firms and the presentation times. 5:00. 5:30 p.m.: Short Elliott -Hendrickson Inc. (SEH), St. Paul, Minnesota 6:30 - 6:00 p.m.: Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson and Associates, Inc. (TKDA), St. Paul, Minnesota 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.: HDR Engineering, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota 6:30 - 7:00 p.m.: Reike Carroll Muller Associates, Inc. and Orr-Schelen-Mayeron and Associates, Inc. (RCM/OSM), Minnetonka/Plymouth, Minnesota Each of the four firms submitting a proposal are well recognized in the wastewater industry and should be capable of completing a project for us. During the pre - proposal conference, we asked the firms if an approximate 20 -minute presentation with a 5.10 minute question and answer period was appropriate for the presentation and interview process. All firms agreed that this would be enough time. I have asked each of the firms to come a little bit early, as they could use the conference room for staging so that they could keep the setup time in the council chambers to the minimum. Consequently, we expect to stay relatively close to our schedule. It should not present a problem if the Council wishes to take a break between the first two and second two consulting firm proposals. We may just start the regular session of the Council meeting a few minutes later. We do not expect the Council to be able to absorb all of the information provided in the proposals and the interviews and presentations and make a decision Monday evening as to which consultant to select. It is anticipated that we would have another special meeting or workshop on or about May 30 or June 5 to go into more Special Council Agenda - W2195 detail between the proposals and develop a criteria for ranking and selection If you would like staff to do this ahead of time, to develop a ranking procedure and rank the proposals, that could also be arranged. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative at the conclusion of the presentations, vvould be to request Citv staff to develov a rankine oropdure and rank the proposals for review at a special meeting or woriahop on May 30 or June 6, for the selection to occur on that evening or at the regularly scheduled meeting, June 12, 1996. 2. The second alternative after completion of the proposal presentation and interview process would be to set a special meeting or workshop date at which the fpungl could plevelon the ranking criteria and procedure to select one of the consultants. The actual selection could take place at the workshop or special meeting or at the regularly scheduled meeting on June 12, 1995. 3. The third alternative after the presentation and interview process would be to attempt to reach a decision as to which consultant to select near the end of the regular meeting on May 22, 1896. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Due to the complexity of the proposals and the magnitude of the tasks, it is recommended that the proposals be reviewed in depth and ranked at a special meeting or workshop as outlined in alternative ql or q2. If you feel comfortable with staff developing and ranking proposals, you can select alternative 01, Staff would consist of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and Professional Services Group. If you do not feel comfortable with this procedure, you could select alternative 42, and we could develop the ranking procedure and criteria at the workshop or special meeting. The three-week time fume for the review of the proposals should be adequate. The Council could find that even the best proposal requires some clarification before selection. This would give us time to correspond or get additional information from one or more of the consultants before the Council makes their final decision. D. SUPPORTING DATA: I have enclosed a copy of the request for proposals so that you may use this as a guide to determine the completeness of the proposals. The proposals themselves are not being provided due to their bulky mature. CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT: Planning and design to provide for a cost-effective and orderly increase in wastewater treatment capacity. BACKGROUND: 1. The City of Monticello currently operates a trickling filter/activated sludge facility last upgraded in 1980, with an average daily design capacity of 910,000 gallons per day, a peak hourly flow capacity of 1,400,000 gallons per day, and an average daily loading capacity of 6,200 pounds of BODS. Some interim improvements must be implemented in order to realize design capacity. 2. Professional Services Group has provided contract operation of the treatment plant since September of 1986 and will play a major role in the expansion of the plant. 3. With the projected growth of the community, the demand for wastewater treatment will outgrow the treatment capacity of the present treatment facilities in the near future. 4. The team of OSM/RCM has recently completed a facilities planning report for the City. A copy is available for your review. SCOPE OF ENGINEERING SERVICES: Preliminary Desism of Plant Exuansion It is proposed that the preliminary design begin immediately after a review of the Facilities Plan, confirmation of the expansion plan by the City Council, and verification with the MPCA of the correct procedures for project approval and low interest loan tLnding. Once the preliminary design is begun, the major interim improvements (such as the new primary clarifier) shall be designed, bid, and constructed ASAP! The final design shall then be completed for the expansion to be started. The expansion may be completed in two 10 -year phases or in one single phase if growth projections and financial considerations warrant same. The preliminary design work shall include tasks as outlined herein: Prepare preliminary design documents consisting of final design criteria, preliminary drawings, outline specifications, and written descriptions of the wastewater treatment facilities improvements WWTPIMPR.PRO: 4IM5 Pap t of 5 project. No work shall begin, however, until the engineer has advised the City of the requirements for MPCA design project approvals and low interest loan criteria and the City has met those requirements. Review design at various stages with the City and PSG. Most likely reviews are at 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% level. Based on the information contained in the preliminary design documents, submit a revised opinion of probable total project costa. Furnish 10 copies of the preliminary design documents and present and review them in person with the City Staff and Council. Attend public hearings as required to present project data Final design of major interim improvements such as the new primary clarifier, prepare bid documents, conduct bidding process, review bids and recommend award, provide construction engineering and inspection services. Provide recommendations and assist PSG and City with minor interim improvements. Final Design of Plant Expansion e. On the basis of the amepted preliminary design documents and the revised opinion of probable total project cost, prepare for incorporation in the contract documents IIW drawings to show the scope, extent, and character of the work to be furnished and performed by contractor. b. Provide technical criteria, written descriptions, and design data as required for filing applications for permits with or obtaining approvals of such governmental authorities as have jurisdiction to approve the design of the wastewater treatment facilities improvements prgject, and assist in consultations with appropriate authorities throughout the approval process and construction. C, Advise the City of arty adjustments to the latest opinion of probable total project cost caused by changes in general scope, extent, or character of design requirements of the project or construction costs. Furnish to the city a revised opinion of probable total project costs based on the drawings and specifications. d. The RFP shall include an estimate of fees for completion of the design phase of the improvements, The fee schedule shall be proposed by the engineer and shall be based on the staged improvements as noted in the thcilities plan. The fee may be based on a percentage or other structure such as hourly costa and estimate of hour with not-to•euoed figures. aVKTPIMPR.PRO: 4MM V Pogo 2 of e. Prepare for review and approval by the City, its legal counsel, and other advisors contract agreement forme, general conditions, and supplementary conditions, and (where appropriate) bid forms, invitations to bid, and instructions to bidders (all of which shall be consistent with the forms and pertinent guide sheets prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee), and assist in the preparation of other related documents. Furnish 10 copies of the above documents and of the drawings and specifications and present and review them in person with the City Staff and Council. 4. Bidding Process and construction a. Advertise and conduct the bidding process, review contractor requests for substitutions, and review the bids and make recommendations for award Assist with MPCA review and authorization to proceed. b. Provide shop drawing review, construction engineering, inspection, and prepare accurate as -built drawings. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: 1. A pre -proposal conference will be held at city hall, 250 East Broadway, at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, May 8, 1995. A tour of the plant will follow. 2. 18 copies of the proposals shall be submitted to: Mr. John Simola Public Works Director City of Monticello City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, Minnesota 55382-9245 3. Deadline for submittals will be May 18, 1995, at 4 p.m. 4. Late proposals will not be accepted or reviewed. PROPOSAL CONTEN SENGEgEERING FMM SELECTION: 1. Selection of the engineering firm will be based on the written proposal and an interview. Submittals must contain adequate information to permit the City to evaluate the firm. 2. Selection of the most qualified firm will be based upon the following criteria a. A work plan describing the manner in which the project will be performed, including a proposed work schedule to match expected needs and estimated fee schedule. WWTPIMPRPRO: 478198 Pop s of 5 b. Understanding of the proposed project and special qualifications of the firm as it relates to this project C. Ability to design new and upgraded wastewater treatment facilities. List of wastewater treatment plants designed by the Engineer. Information and references for at least three (3) projects where an existing similarly -sized wastewater treatment facility has been expanded and upgraded to double its capacity. Provide estimated and actual construction costs and engineering costs as well as change order data descriptions (number and coat). d. Resumes of personnel to be assigned as project manager and project staff for environmental engineering, structural engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, construction, and architecture. e. Familiarity and ability to work with MPCA. f. Interview presentation and answers to questions at the interview to be held the evening of May 22, 1895. 3. The selected proposal will serve as the basis for negotiating a contract for engineering services. 4. Upon submission, all proposals become the property of the City of Monticello which has the right to use any items presented in any proposal submitted in response to this request for proposal, whether or not the proposal is accepted. 5. The City of Monticello reserves the right to reject any proposal based on the evaluation criteria contained herein. The City of Monticello also reserves the right to cancel or amend this request for proposal at any time before submission deadline. Any changes in the status of the request for proposals will be brought to the attention of all parties that have received the request for proposals. 7. The City of Monticello will not be held responsible for any costs incurred by applicants in preparing proposal documenta. It is expressly advised that proposing firms are not to privately lobby individual City Council members or the Mayor at any time during the selection process. Evidence of tho same will be grounds for disqualification of the engineering firm's pz'oPosal• 9. The following is an anticipated schedule of events: a. RFP's mailed to consultants ................ April 28, 1895 b. Pro -Proposal Conference ....... . .......... May 8, 1895 -1:30 p.m. C. Proposals due . May 18, 1995, 4:00 p.m. d. Consultant interviews & presentations ........ May 22, 1995 Mmisan ow" ..................................... ro auw d, fe e. drmw4.d V W rMMPR.PRO: 42898 Pao 41 e. Consultant selection ...................... f. Contract negotiation ..................... g. Start project . ...... ................ . h. Start construction interim improvements (primary clarifier) ...... ......... . i. Start construction of plant expansion ......... j. Project completion ....................... May 28 - June 12, 1895 June 12 - June 26, 1995 July 1, 1995 Spring 1996 Spring 1997 Fall 1998 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, QUESTIONS SHOULD BE DIRECTED 70: Mr. John Simola Public Works Director City of Monticello City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, Minnesota 55362-9245 (612/295-3170, extension 2) 0V W ?rKMPR W: 4FAM P8V0 d 5