City Council Agenda Packet 12-06-1995 SpecialAGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICEiLO CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, December 8, 1898 - 8 p -m - Mayor. Brad F yle Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Call to order. Public hearing for adoption of 1896 Proposed Budget. Adjournment. Council Agenda - 1216195 (R.W.) The purpose of this special meeting is to discuss the proposed 1996 budget and resulting tax levy. It will also allow the public the opportunity to comment on the budget. After considering any public comments that may be voiced, the Council can decide whether any changes in the budget are warranted before final adoption at the regular Council meeting scheduled for December 11, 1995. Official adoption of the budget and tax levy cannot take place until the next regular meeting of the City Council. As you may recall, the original budget proposals discussed in late August had provided options of budgets and tax levies that ranged from a 3% increase with a tax levy of $2,997,450, up to an 8% increase with a tax levy at $3,145,657. At the first workshop, the Council decided to propose a maximum levy increase for 1996 at 5.5% over the dollars collected in 1995, which resulted in an increase of $166,265 in the tax levy to the $2,997,450 amount. This 5.5% increase in dollars collected was really only a 3% increase in the tax levy. The reductions made to keep the levy at a 3% increase mainly affected the amount we were going to set aside for the wastewater treatment plant expansion. The original $300,000 amount was reduced by $148,207 to meet the 3% limit the Council was considering. The Council also decided to earmark the remaining $151,793 for either future bio -solids land acquisition costs or land expansion costs adjacent to the present wastewater treatment plant and not for the wastewater treatment plant expansion project itself. This balance of $151,793 was also further reduced by $31,431 to cover the additional HACA aid loss we were notified of after the original budget meeting. At the second budget workshop meeting, the Council reviewed various capital outlay items in more detail and chose to tiuther reduce the budget and resulting tax levy by another $74,650. The proposed maximum levy at that time would have been $2,922,800, which is a 1.3196 increase over the 1995 tax levy. The $74,850 reduction consisted of the following changes: Public Wer a D p *rmen . - Deduction of $60,000 by delaying the purchase of a new snowblower for one year. Council also shifted $16,250 from the proposed budget for the purchase of a small trailer and loader by only budgeting one-half of the original $32,500 amount in 1996, with the balance proposed for 1997. The $16,250 reduction was applied to other departments Council Agenda - 1716/95 by earmarking $1,500 to the parks department for professional services and $14,750 to the city hall department for additional monies to cover exterior brick repairs. Parka - Deducted $15,000 from the proposed pathway improvements from the Middle School to the Meadow Oak Park. The remaining $15,000 was left in the budget to cover grading and Class 6 preparation in 1996, with the paving to be budgeted for in 1997. Library - Added $350 to the library budget by increasing the amount available for programs at the library. The net change of the above cuts amounted to $74,650. Rather than setting these capital outlay reductions aside for future bio -solids or wastewater treatment plant land needs, the Council chose to reduce the proposed levy by this amount, and these reductions bring us to the tax levy amount of $2,922,800, which is the 1.3% increase noted earlier. This 1.3% increase would seem to be quite modest when considering our growth pressures and also accounting for anticipated inflation. To make any further cute at this time may not be prudent with the known projects that the City will be dealing with in the future. Should the Council choose to cut back services or delay additional capital expenditures, you may want to consider keeping these funds in the tax levy and simply adding them to the capital outlay fund for future projects rather than making further reductions in the actual 1996 tax levy. Pve enclosed a few charts and graphs that may be of interest to you as you review the proposed final budget. Although these graphs are based on the proposed 1996 levies from all jurisdictions, they are useful for showing the percentage of an individual's taxes that are actually payable to the City compared to other jurisdictions. When you look at the amount of taxes a $72,000 home is expected to pay and when you note that the City only receives $131 from this property, it certainly shows that the average residential property receives a good deal of services for this $131 tax, including weekly garbage pickup. After receiving any public comments regarding the proposed budget or tax levy, the Council should close the public hearing portion of the meeting and continue on with any discussions you may want regarding any possible changes in the budget proposal. The Council cannot adopt the final 1996 budget and cox levy at this meeting, but must wait to do so until the regular meeting of December 11, 1995. v TAS LEVY SUMMARY 1996 BUDGET ALL FUNDS Net Payable - 1996 Adjusted Levy After Deducting HACA $1,966,209 31,095 15,590 12,038 1,196 17,497 597,270 $2,922,800• Payable Adjusted Levy Before 14.283 Levy HACA Adj . ��..q FiWL PAlenh1 P 1 9-u PAyah1 P 199f; General $1,696,139 $2,143,730 Library 30,735 31,095 Transportation 15,178 17,000 Shade Tree 23,425 13,135 OAA 26,544 1,300 HRA 16,088 19,090 Debt Service 637,098 651,187 Capital Imp. Revolving 395.978 307.362 TOTAL $2,841,185 $3,183,899 Net Certified Levy Increase - $81,615 (+2.87%) Net Payable - 1996 Adjusted Levy After Deducting HACA $1,966,209 31,095 15,590 12,038 1,196 17,497 597,270 $2,922,800• Payable 1989 Tax Capacity Rate 14.283 Payable 1990 Tax Capacity Rate 16.187 Payable 1991 Tax Capacity Rate 15.511 Payable 1992 Tax Capacity Rate 16.492 Payable 1993 Tax Capacity Rate 16.313 Payable 1994 Tax Capacity Rate 17.527 Payable 1995 Tax Capacity Rate 18.228 Est. Payable 1996 Tax Capacity Rate. 18.467 (+1.318) Tax Tax 188/Payable 1989 $ 15,405,139 189/Payable 1990 15,873,242 190/Payable 1991 16,161,043 191/Payable 1992 15,513,574 192/Payable 1993 15,490,500 193/Payable 1994 15,154,786 194/Payable 1995 15,586,930 195/Payable 1996 (est) 15,826,867 14.283 $2,198,008 16.187 2,568,106 15.511 2,506,132 16.492 2,558,554 16.308 2,526,216 17.527 2,652,527 18.228 2,841,185 18.467 2,922,800 • Actual levy collected from taxpayers --balance received from state in HACA aid payments ($261,099 is est. State Aid for 1996). •• Did not deduct HACA from library levy, but deducted library portion of HACA from general fund levy. 1996 BUDOBT SUMK&RY • includes $404,395 Depreciation --contributed assets sewer •• includes $191,900 Depreciation --contributed assets water G 1905 1G96 ELIDE REVEMiE EXPFMTTLiRFS gig RXPENDZTt1RFS General $2,456,785 $2,456,785 $2,780,575 $2,780,575 Library 31,865 31,865 32,295 32,295 Transportation 67,479 67,229 70,243 70,322 Shade Tree 32,960 32,960 20,385 20,385 UDAG 11,695 -0- 11,120 -0- OAA 29,800 29,800 1,700 1,700 HRA 414,700 321,771 508,040 321,727 EDA 118,770 201,440 117,445 202,120 SCERG 63,100 33,300 7,805 -0- CMIF 13,320 13,320 195 -0- Debt Service 1,266,115 1,419,712 1,759,511 1,566,430 Liquor 1,540,900 1,483,625 1,675,750 1,622,240 Water 182,350 411,000•• 192,950 384,850 Sewer 505,900 862,575• 522,260 926,655 Capital Imp. 493,468 493,468 375,027 610,962 Water Access 24,400 -0- 82,080 20,500 Sewer Access -A -A 55q -n- 101 19,9 2R_nnn TOTAL $7,287,157 $7,858,850 $8,350,481 $8,588,761 • includes $404,395 Depreciation --contributed assets sewer •• includes $191,900 Depreciation --contributed assets water G REVENUE Taxan Current Ad Valorem Penalty/Interest Tax Increments --Kmart GENERAL FUND SUGARY 1996 BUDGET 1gQS $1,884,015 1,000 QQ.ru $1,984,615 L.1 en5iea anA Perini a - Rnai,Zep4 Liquor Beer Set Ups L.ire_nnAq and Permits - Mnn-AiiqinPqn Building Permits Variances/Conditional Uses Dog Licenses Others Tn r-.OVernm n al Fire Department Aid Police Department Aid State Highway Aid � (`harQen for CarviccoR General Government Public Safety (Township Contract) Streets - C.S.A.H. Mtnc. Deputy Registrar Other Subdivision Fees Special Processing Fee (Garbage) Recycling Incentive Inspection Fees Garbage Cart Rental FinAR Animal impoundment MiRrellanentin Revenue Interest on Investments Sale of Property Other 6 Rental 6 Property Rwf +n a And Reimh.,rnementA IDC Reimbursement Other Reimbursements TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE 20,950 1,445 »q $ 22,720 80,000 1,800 150 1 -fu $ 85,550 31,125 20,000 40.000 $ 91,125 1,150 60,020 5,050 93,750 3,200 9,000 8,500 7,500 3,000 $ 194,870 ze.eoe $ 20,000 50,555 350 a 5nn $ 53,405 2,000 1 C= $ 4,500 $2,456,785 19-U 1,000 QQ Inn $2,243,830 25,150 1,550 ';?5 $ 27,025 110,000 2,500 150 3 _6IIIl $ 116,250 32,685 22,000 40.000 $ 94,685 11000 59,600 5,800 100,000 350 1,000 12,000 8,000 41000 a Snq $ 196,250 15 nu $ 15,000 62,060 275 il.zee $ 73,535 2,000 lz.nnn $ 14,000 $2,780,575 C GENERAL FUND SUXb1ARY 1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURES 1gQ5 1996 Mayor and Council $ 29,750 $ 30,225 Administration 232,120 237,365 Finance 97,960 99,320 Insurance 66,825 65,000 Audit 13,500 13,500 Legal 23,775 27,300 Planning & Zoning 81,290 72,935 Inspections --Bldg. Official 96,550 156,240 Assessing 12,525 13,625 Deputy Registrar 85,685 94,895 City Hall 50,260 54,700 Computer 29,840 38,020 Elections n 6 175 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 820,080 $ 909,250 Law Enforcement $ 293,635 $ 302,810 Fire 132,400 133,475 Civil Defense 9,405 8,740 Animal Control 39.075 3S.SnQ TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $ 473,515 $ 480,525 inspection $ 3;1606 $ 42,340 Admin. & Engineering 102,795 116,260 Streets & Alleys 243,685 345,430 Snow & Ice 17,735 27,810 Street Lighting & Parking Lots 64,490 65,750 Shop & Garage 35,500 73,350 Refuse Collection 269.070 296.270 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 773,075 $ 957,210 Senior Citizens Center $ 36,500 $ 55,000 YMCA/Community Ed. 25,000 25,000 Information Center/Museum 1-795 1 7G TOTAL HEALTH & WELFARE $ 63,295 $ 81,740 Parks & Rec./Cemetery S 191.275 S 205.690 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION $ 181,275 $ 205,480 Community Development 4 135.nds S 136.970 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ 135,045 $ 136,870 Misc.--Severence Benefits S 10.5nn c o Sn.Q TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $ 10,500 $ 91500 TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $2,456,785 $2,780,575 .D SUMMARY DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 1996 BUDGET FORECAST REVENUE 1321 1996 Current ad valorem 706,400 651,187 Interest 80,165 63,245 Special aamt--county 150,900 730,229 Transfer in --tax increment 329.650 114.95n TOTAL. REVENUE 7fi® �.7s9.511 EXPENDITURES Principal 925,000 950,000 Interest 456,851 597,762 Paying agent fees 8,661 9,543 Interest exp. 29.200 0 175 TOTAL EXPENDITURES FIDMTNC: CO iR F. General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Capital Outlay General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund F0 C CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1996 BUDOET FUND/ nrPART"� ITEM BMQTJW Admin.: Copy machine (2nd half) $ 6,000 Deputy Registrar: Shredder $ 210 Steel shelving 115 Computer table 150 $ 475 Data Processing: (2) Personal computers $ 51000 (PW & city hall) Color printer (PW) 2,500 GIS pilot project (with Wright County) 7.600 $ 15,100 City Hall: (75) Council chamber chairs $ 9,375 Less: prev. budgeted (3.250) $ 6,125 Conference table 900 Brick sealant/repairs 14.750 TOTAL CITY HALL $ 26,775 r Animal Control: New animal shelter (partial) $ 75,000 Sr. Center: New building roof $ 18,000 PW Admin.: Filing cabinet(s) $ 800 PW/ Inspections: Plan file cabinet $ 1,500 Streets: Sealcoating $ 27,500 Small loader 50,000 and trailer 4,000 Less: 195 budget amt. (21.Snnl $ 32,500 % budgeted in 1996 $ 16,250 Street sweeper $ 95,000 Less: trade-in 120.0nol $ 75,000 TOTAL STREETS $135,000 Snow/Ice: Snowplow hookup for big loader s.seo $ 5,500 FIDMTNC: CO iR F. General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Capital Outlay General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund F0 C CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1996 BUDGET Shop & Garage: Paving between shops & expanding parking $ 20,000 Locking main toolbox 1,500 Lubrication system: (2) for motor oil (1) for hydraulic (1) for grease (1) for gear oil 91900 Frame jack 2,500 Misc. furniture - shop 1.500 $ 35,400 Planning: Balance of comp plan update ($15,000 budgeted in 1995 $ 7,500 Parks: (2) hockey rinks, move lights & hydrant - 4th Street Park $ 20,000 4f Pathway - Middle School to Meadow Oak Park 15,000 Pathway - Middle School to CR 75 along CR 118 15,000 Meadow Oak Park Imp (Outlot A) Fencing 15,000 1/3 of parking lot paving 13.000 $ 78,000 Trees 15,000 Picnic tables 4,000 Security camera & recorder 2,500 Annual pathway maint./ contracted services 20. non $ 41,500 TOTAL PARKS $134,500 Building Inspection: Phone & radio for new vehicle $ 700 Add'l vehicle for new inspector position 12.000 $ 12,700 Fire Dept.: Parking lot improvements $ 11500 Computer system 2,000 Nozzles, hoses 2,000 Pass Code I.D. tags 500 Base station radio 1_onn $ 7,000 General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Capital Outlay Capital Outlay Capital Outlay Capital Outlay Capital Outlay General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund G CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEKS 1996 BUDGET Water Dept.: Remove & inspect wells V @1 and i3 $ 20,500 Water Access Misc. furniture - training room 11000 Water Fund Upgraded locater 3.000 Water Fund $ 24,500 Sewer Dept.: Rodder hose - 20' $ 565 Sewer Fund 200' - 4' discharge hose for portable pump 800 Sewer Fund Insulate/winterize Sunny Fresh chemical blg. 2,000 Sewer Fund Reserve for interceptor sewer (4th yr) 80.000 Sewer Fund $ 83,365 WWTP: Balance for original facilities plan ($35,000 prev. budgeted) $ 10,000 Sewer Access Facilities plan revisions/ modifications 18.000 Sewer Access $ 28,000 ..7TP lard acquisition - Partial - $120,362 Capital Outlay Biosolids land acquisition 93nn.000 Capital Outlay TOTAL WWTP $420,362 Library: Unallocated $ 11000 Library Fund Possible service counter relocate, new furn. or upholstering, add'1 interior remodeling to accommodate computer tie-in w/St. Cloud 4 29_nnn Capital Outlay $ 30,000 9 I Budget Year 1996 (Based on levy Increase of 29% in dollars) The effect of budget increases or decreases on the proposed: Tax eL Budget �(-1 Effect on Tax Levy General Fund +$323,790 +$270,070 Library Fund +$430 +$360 Transportation +$3,093 +$412 Tree -$12.575 _$11.387 OAA -$28,100 -$25,348 HRA .$44 +$1,409 Debt Service +$146,718 -$39,828 Capital Outlay Fund +$117,494 .$114.073 EDA Fund +$680 $0 UDAf3 $0 $0 Liquor +$138,615 $0 Water Fund • $28,150 $0 Sewer Fund +$64.080 $0 Water Access Fund +$20.500 $0 Sewer Access Fund +$28.000 $0 SCERO -$33,300 $0 CMIF -113,320 — o TOTALS–ALL FUNDS +$729,911 +$81.615 levy) nor. wk4: 10/09/85 L) J CITY OF MONTICELLO COMBINED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS (PROJECTED)12-31-% INI)FnT 09/2%% Pdnck* Interest Pdndpal Intaml AUX and Omatandbv Paid In Paid In Due In Due in Outstanding LSS= Bellied 12MI/ 5 1895 Lw-bs 1996 1896 12131�B& Gerald Ob6petion Bonds $3.900,000 $2,225,000 $1,675,DOD 1285,000 $111,697 $270,000 $100,575 $1,405,000 SPeclal Assessment Gonda $19,998,000 112269,000$7,076,000 $445,000 $220,738 8460,000 $390,801 $8.816.000 General Obligation Tex $3$000 $32,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Incremem Nolo General Obligation Tex $2 345-000 05D,QQp t1498.009 1191LOM 1121,616 $220m 1106 862 11 Mr. Ono Increment Bonds $25,616,000 $16,370,000 $10,245,000 $925,000 $458,851 $950,000 $597,758 $929S,OOO INI)FnT 09/2%% Cm Of MONTICELLO TAY LEVIES TO RHiFE BONDED Y6DEBTEMSS D/oabY 31. IM BONDDEBT.WNe A a..r a...r o..r o..r o..r a.1.r o..r o.1.r ou6..1 oe117�.1 oelP.. ou6.. ot"mm owv. owQII 1 11..r osr o..r asr o= o.p...l oegrm 76. r 61.6Ym OOdbl 61.w1.1.r ww+lw 6w I.Ow.�11 616. 676r. I..� I7vr r. 67vr Yr .W II�1• 16.1. 67... 14Yi.1.� 1.Ii10..1u.6 6.r /r 6.r 6rr One br 6.r O.Ir 1.W6W WYb1O N�6 �Yww 0. IN— t.r 6.. 0-1— 6.r e.. GRn71D Itry_Ca.6.1 a �!, J"sV ri J r14-1pwk "I& �e �16M Im 1170 "1.1r1 _ 11 t•17r {Ir 01 1125611 O. ql1 {61® 6"Or1 Bol _)}41� —1 - -- j1� _ {w@ tlr 1A1 1 T 1 1. 1 1661 Y Y006 {17.011 II1.6V 1 I'm N4 6"01 1610w 67•.1111 Owl {11.111 611.6161 /125"If W1,Io 1{ 14'Y 1411 YO W.11 1171177 I 6117U 6"m11 6",1611 611 Y! I {111,16! f1Y 725 61M w1 I 1697 0rl YW 06w 117.017 I 1125711 s-m—m 625.111 6nw 677,011 Rt U1 I 113@ 116101 67"71 10 16r p6" 11a 907 1 611M1 ".101 661067 w.251 67.611 I 604,A7 {IY.17r1 oA."I I Id pro 01"1 1111p 1 616117 {16610 6"0111 Y.Ir 1 616106 11161 {66. or 1 Lam 6m1 0 611b 1 II2511 v7w1 8,m 1 1074E 61wm "n— wai b7 I 111/11 1 Yw1 1 {1r7— IINb "7/116 I 60m 61mI 6125,1. I Pt?m {Irm '1 61"711 I 10m Ian 1 Iml1 11w Y1 1m1 25m I I {I"b l 11" 70 I 7t7T•�I� O/Y ITS171 1'YOI 11 U)1.7 /1"wll 111661/lrN� 67660 610166771 11.020"1 Y61125a BONDDEBT.WNe A I SUMMARY OF PROJECTED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCES (CASH 6 INVESTMENTS) PROJREV: 10108195 L PROJECTED 1996 1998 PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 17IJ1i95 PROJECTED REVENUF PROJECTED F1rpFNnm1RFC BALANCE 12131199 General $1,999,931 $2.780,575 52,780575 $1,999,931 Library S32.M =295 Tr $123 $20,3a5 $20.385 42 $123 OAA $8,742 $1,700 $1,700 $8,742 water $125,958 $192,950 St 92,950 $125,958 Water Access $201,730 $82,080 520,500 5283,310 sewer $99,425 $522260 $522260 599,425 Sewer Access $195,430 $193.100 $28.000 $360.590 Trartspmtatlon $7,650 $70243 $70,922 $7,571 Liquor $125,850 $1,875,750 $1,622240 $179,360 Capital Outlay RevOMnp $680,450 $375,027 5810,962 $444515 HRA $498250 $508,040 5321,727 $874,583 UDAO 5168,420 $11,120 50 $179,540 EDA $157,794 $117,445 $202,120 $73,119 SCERO $65,100 $7,805 $0 $72,9 CMIF fm L195 M SM SUBTOTALS $4,454292 $8590,970 $8,428,038 $4,819226 Debt Service General OWpatlon Bonds $521205 $374,086 5372200 $523,091 Speft Assessment Bonds $1,861.530 51,088500 $865,025 $2,065.005 Tax Increment Bonds JL9VAM LULM L12820.R 9342,049 SUBTOTALS $2,737,084 $1,759.511 $1566,430 $2,930,145 TOTALS 37,191,358 $8,350.481 $7,992,468 $7,549,371 PROJREV: 10108195 L 1886 SUMMARY OF LEVY INCREASES/DECREASES PROPOSED BY FUNDS General fund levy is up $270,070. Some of the increases or decreases by department are as follows: R it ing Ingaections. Up $59,690 due to additional 25% allocation of Development Services Technician salary and benefits to building inspections from planning; Additional budgeting for a full-time Building Inspector position, including benefits; Salary and benefits for additional secretarial help. In addition to the personnel related budget increases noted, $12,000 was included for another vehicle for the new employee. Iagel. Up $3,525, mainly due to additional legal publication costs for publishing full minutes and agendas in the Times. The legal department budget covers (2) main types of expenses: City Attorney fees for $13,000 and general publication cost for hearings, minutes, and agendas at $14,200. The publication of the full minutes averages about $1,000/month, and the agenda publication for City Council meetings averages $200/month. For your information, the City does not need to publish the entire minutes but could publish a summary and reduce costa substantially. Also, the agendas are being published as a service and is not a requirement. Planning and 2.n ininng. Down $8,355, partially due to part of Development Services Technician (Wanda) salary and benefits being allocated to building inspection department and a smaller budget for consulting planner fees. ri v HAIL Up $4,440 due to additional capital outlay for building maintenance/ brick repair. Camput&t. Up $8,180, mainly to cover funding of a pilot project for setting up a portion of the City's base map on computer (geographic information system). Wright County has agreed to share in a portion of the cost for this pilot project. FlPelinng. Up $6,125 to cover even -year elections. l,aw FnforcemAnt. Up $9,175 to cover increase in contract hourly rate from $32 to $33/hr. Public Works Administration A Fnwineerina. Up $13,465, mainly due to increase in salary and benefits for Rill -time public works secretarial position. t8vvSM lmvee Page 1 M StreeLa. Up $101,745, mainly because of: 1. 50% of additional street and parks employee $17,325 i 2. Capital outlay: Small loader & trailer (in buffeted to M6) $16,250 Street sweeper $75,000 Sno�wlI g. Up $10,075, primarily due to capital outlay for a snowplow hookup for loader ® $5,500. Sho. Up $37,850 for paving between shops ® $20,000 and equipment capital outlay for new shop ($15,400). Refine Collection. Up $17,200 for basic cost increases and additional homes to cover. Senior. Citizen Center. Up $18,500 to cover cost of new roof at the center. Parke. Up $24,205, with $17,325 of increase attributable to 50% of new employee. Budget also includes $20,000 for pathway maintenance cost of the new ISTEA trail system. The net increase in expenditures proposed above amounts to $322,630. The difference of $52,460 between the increase in expenditures and the tax levy increase of $270,070 is covered by additional non -tax revenues from such sources as building permit fees ($30,000), deputy registrar fees ($6,250), interest earnings ($11,600), and other miscellaneous sources. tsvv.avm: ivvee Page 2 14 Composition of the Proposed 1996 Total Tax Rate For the City of MonUceno 10 M,ffly Ga Sdow Spedel Total 1098 Tax Rate 112Zn y Average Proposed Monticello Property Tax Bill Wrwe the Tex Mam (3o--Pey 1998 (N.x) County (55.6x) S&OW V TAXBILL.WK4: 12/1/85 !Ax) Gty (2.1%) Spedel Tax Burden for a $72,000 Monticello Home Taxes Payable 19% tot 19% $131 $133 t0 C 1Y ATAXSURD.WK4:12/1/95 $605 $913 1 0 1995 0 1996 I Tagil