City Council Agenda Packet 01-22-1996AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 22,1888 - 7 p.m. Mayor. Brad Fyle Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held January 8, 1996. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. Consideration of conceptual approval of agreement governing sanitary sewer connection of the Nellberg East and West Mobile Home Parks. 4. Citizens commentatpetitions, requests, and complaints. 6. Consent Agenda. SSS 5_9 CPUC - A. Consideration of liquor store clerk/cashier appointment. B. Consideration of approval of final plat -- Shingobee subdivision. C. Consideration to approve the Second Amended and Restated Assessment Agreement for the Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and Tappers. 6. Public hearing on adoption of proposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. 7. Public Hearing --Consideration of adopting a resolution modifying Central Redevelopment Project No. 1, modifying TIF District Nos. 1-1 through 1-18, and approving the Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan and TIF Plane relating thereto. 8. Consideration of purchase agreement with Ken Bohanon to purchase 168 - acre firm. 9. Consideration of topo mapping of Bohanon site by MARKHURD. 10. Consideration of ratifying purchase of Kruse property. Agenda Monticello City Council January 22, 1996 Page 2 11. Consideration of relocating wastewater treatment plant expansion to Kruse parcel. 12. Consideration of appointment of consulting engineer and approval of contract for services. 19. Consideration of authorizing rental/purchase of clothing for the building inspection department. 14. Consideration of approving bills for the month of January. 15. Adjournment. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 8, 1988 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Members Absent: None A119mal of minutes of the regular meeting held December 11, 1995. It was noted that the estimated wage scale for the Public Works Secretary as noted on page 9 of the minutes should be corrected to state $8.40/hr to $11.13/hr. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD DECEMBER 11, 1995, AS CORRECTED. Motion carried unanimously. i Consulting Engineer Chuck Lepak reported that in order to keep the School Boulevard project on schedule, the project was bid without a turn lane and bypass lane on Highway 26. Subsequent review by MN/DOT found the lanes to be necessary with a stipulation that the work be done in the fall of 1995. The total cost of the change order was $10,878.10. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER 01 IN THE AMOUNT OF 810,678.10 FOR PROJECT 96-03C. Motion carried unanimously. B. rpnaideration of aLihcriaing situ it al of IRT .Alin ingaP . ot. for conatructinn of I.94 nedeat_^?an emmin„and pa hm y m en a. Assistant Administrator O'Neill requested authorization to apply for ISTEA funding for construction of a pedestrian bridge over 1.94 at or near County Road 118, for pathway segments along County Road 118 Brom CSAR 76 to School Boulevard, and for pathway segments connecting the Meadow Oak, Eastwood Knoll, and Oak Ridge neighborhoods to the school campus area. He noted that $30,000 was Page 1 O Council Minutes - L8/96 included in the 1996 budget as a portion of the cost to install the pathway segments, which would be used to offset a portion of the City's share of the project through the ISTEA grant. O'Neill noted that Consulting Engineer Bret Weiss estimated the construction of the pathway segments and bridge section at $400,000, not including engineering and inspection, which was estimated at $100,000. If the City agreed to pay 20% of the project cost, the total cost to the City for the entire project was estimated at $180,000. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY STAFF TO SUBMIT A REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR A PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER 1.94 AND PATHWAY SEGMENTS. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 96-3. Public Works Director John Simola requested that Council consider accepting a proposal from Ewing Engineering Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in the amount of $16,000 to supervise testing at Sunny Fresh Foods. The purpose of the testing is to allow the City to obtain the most energy efficient and reliable SBR equipment for treatment of Sunny Fresh Foods' wastewater at the City's treatment plant. Bob Peplin of HDR reported that the scope of services would include assisting HDR in preparing the prequalification specification/aeration testing document, two site visits of one week each to conduct the tests, data analysis, and preparation and submission of a written report of the findings. It was Poplin's view that by accepting the proposal from an independent company such as Ewing Engineering, the City would benefit from their expertise and install the most efficient equipment at the wastewater treatment plant. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL FROM EWING ENGINEERING COMPANY FOR SUPERVISING TESTING AT SUNNY FRESH FOODS IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,000. Motion carried unanimously. A. Roger Pribyl, President of the Monticello Baseball Association, presented the City Council with a chock in the amount of $1,000 to Page 2 C -D Council Minutes - 1/8/96 help pay for the lighting project at the ballfields. Pribyl also thanked the Council for continuing to provide baseball parks, the additional parks on the east side of town, and the coordination of field use by John Simola and Roger Mack. A. Conaideratinn of netting firrefigh er'a wages at 17 per hour for all fire raHa. Recommendation: Approve an increase in the salaries for the second hour of a fire call from $6 to $7. B. Consideration of adore "tang a resolution riling for a modify Redevelopment Pmiect No. 1 and to modem TIF District Nos. 1-1 througb 1-18. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing on January 22, 1996, for modification of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. l and TIF District Nos. 1-1 through 1-18. SEE RESOLUTION 961. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Fyle opened the public hearing. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that the Willi Hahn Corporation purchased Lots 6 and 6, Oakwood Industrial Park 2nd Addition, from the City a few weeks ago for construction of a 10,000 sq R warehouse building and future expansion to include production operations. He noted that in order for the property to be developed as desired, it was necessary to combine Lots 6 and 6 and vacate the utility easements along the current boundary. There being no comment from the public, the public hearing was closed. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO APPROVE VACATION OF THE STORM WATER AND UTILITY EASEMENTS BETWEEN LOTS ti AND 6, OAKWOOD INDUSTRIAL PARK 2ND ADDITION, ALLOWING SAID LOTS TD MERGE. Motion carried unanimously. Page 3 0 Council Minutes - 1/8!96 Public Works Director John Simola reported that for the past several years, City staff has been working toward maintaining an inventory of land for biosolids application. Currently, the City is using permitted sites on the Robert Shierts farm; however, of the 167 -acre site, only 33 acres are usable for biosolids application. It was noted that by the fall of 1996, the City may not have sufficient sludge storage to make it through the winter without the purchase and permitting of additional land. Simola went on to report that after reviewing sites within a 5 -mile radius of Monticello, the Susan Hanford site, located on County Road 106, was investigated for sludge application; however, Hanford was not willing to sell the property. Staff then approached Ken and Carol Bohanon about the possible sale of their 168 -acre farm. A market analysis performed for the Bohanons showed the value of the property to be $464,000, and an analysis performed for the City determined the value to be $460,000. Simola noted that the Bohanons were not in a hurry to sell, as they receive $30,000 per year in rent; therefore, they requested $600,000 for the 168 -acre farm at this time. After reviewing the appraisal data and the Bohanon's asking price, the biosolida site committee recommended that staff approach the Bohanons with an offer of $626,000, with $460,000 paid upfront and the additional $76,000 in the form of rent over the next 2.3 years. The offer was made contingent upon Council approval, after which details of the purchase agreement would be negotiated; the Bohanons indicated they would accept the City's offer. It was recommended by City staff that the Council approve the purchase of the Bohanon site, as it offered more tillable acres, had better access to the property than the Hanford site, and had a willing seller. Pam Dane, owner of Silver Springs Golf Course, noted her concerns regarding aesthetics and ground water contamination, as the property surrounding the golf course may be developed in the iiiture. She requested that the City use the injection method for application and that the City install monitoring wells on her property, for which she would grant easements. Mayor Fylo asked City staff if additional monitoring wells were possible. The Public Works Director indicated that he could discuss additional wells with Braun Engineering, as they would need to determine which direction the ground water is (lowing. Page 4 Z Council Minutes - 1/8/96 Bret Gemlich, director of the YMCA camp, noted his concern regarding the ground water and possible odor problems. He also requested that monitoring wells be placed on the YMCA property to ensure that the lakes remain acceptable for public use. In addition, Gemlich indicated that he would consider renting YMCA farm land to the City for sludge application. The Public Works Director pointed out that the access to the YMCA farm land was on Briarwood, which is a township road. This would create road restriction difficulties for the sludge trucks, and the Township prohibits by ordinance the hauling of sludge on township roads. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to authorize the Public Works Director to research the possibility of using the YMCA farm land as an additional sludge site. Other residents of the area adjacent to the Bohanon site expressed their concerns with odor, truck traffic, surface run-off, and ground water contamination. Staff explained that information will be gathered regarding the potential of the site for sludge application, and a public hearing will be held in the future. City Attorney Paul Weingarden recommended that the Council authorize him to discuss the method of sale prior to entering an agreement in order to reduce the amount of risk for the City. He suggested that perhaps a contract for deed could be negotiated to ensure that the City doesn't lose $626,000 if the PCA did not permit the site. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF TO DENY ENTERING INTO A PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH THE BOHANONS. It was Stumpf's view that the City should research the offer of renting the YMCA farm land prior to purchasing property. Motion died for lack of a second. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD FYLE AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO AUTHORIZE THE DRAFTING OF A PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH KEN AND CAROL BOHANON FOR THE PURCHASE OF THEIR FARM AT BRIARWOOD AND WEST COUNTY ROAD 39 FOR THE SUM OF 6826,000, WITH THE CONDITIONS OF THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT TO BE FINALIZED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. FINAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT TO BE APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL AT A FUTURE COUNCIL MEETING. Voting in favor: Brad Fylo, Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault. Opposed: Brian Stumpf, Shirley Anderson. It was Anderson's view that the City should offer the appraised price of $460,000, not including thture rent in the amount of $76,000. Motion passed. Page 6 0 Council Minutes - 1/8/96 -71.74 Assistant -rMM Assistant Administrator ONeill reported that Gae Veit requested approval of the preliminary plat of the Shingobee subdivision, a 2 -lot, 2 -acre plat located on the east side of Highway 25 directly north of the Tom Thumb store. The subdivision would result in the Subway Shop being located on a smaller lot, and the newly -created lot would become the site of a proposed quick lube facility. O'Neill noted that the preliminary plat was consistent with city code; however, the property is unique in that it does not have direct access to a public right-of-way even though it has Highway 25 frontage. A private easement is in place that allows access to the Subway Shop site and the newly -created lot, and ONeill noted that the final plat process should include a requirement that an easement be prepared which allows access to the Subway Shop across the new lot. In addition, the Planning Commission recommended that a formal agreement be executed regarding maintenance of the private access to these two lots. O'Neill also explained that easements allowing access to the utility lines, which would cross the newly -created lot in order to serve the Subway Shop, would need to be prepared and recorded in conjunction with the platting process. O'Neill went on to report that the Shingobee plat is near the Highway 25 corridor area, for which the City recently authorized a transportation study. The study would include alternatives for realignment of the Oakwood Drive/ Highway 26 intersection, which would require acquisitiun of Highway 25 frontage. O'Neill noted that it did not appear that the proposed site of the quick lube facility would be needed for future right-of-way serving the new intersection. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE SHINGOBEE SUBDIVISION WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: EASEMENT DOCUMENTATION MUST BE PREPARED PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT ALLOWING UTILITY AND DRIVE ACCESS TO THE SUBWAY SHOP. A FORMAL AGREEMENT MUST BE EXECUTED REGARDING ROAD MAINTENANCE. Motion carried unanimously. Page 6 0 Council Minutes - 1/8196 City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that he had received a purchase agreement proposal from Floyd Kruse offering to sell the 6 -acre parcel adjacent to the wastewater treatment plant for $360,000. In addition, the agreement also stated that the City would absorb a $22,000 deferred sewer and water special assessment against the property. Wolfsteller noted that there was still sufficient time to design the layout of the plant incorporating the additional acreage if the City purchased the property at this time. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO MAKE A COUNTEROFFER TO FLOYD KRUSE OF $278,000 FOR THE 6 -ACRE PARCEL ADJACENT TO THE MONTICELLO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. THE CITY AGREED TO WAIVE THE $22,000 IN SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. OFFER VALID FOR 7 DAYS. Motion carried unanimously. 10. rnmideratien of reviewing Police Commiaaion traffic control reeo�mendat ons for School Boulevard. City Administrator Wolfsteller reported that during construction of the latest segment of School Boulevard, a atop sign was installed on School Boulevard at the Fallon Avenue intersection near Little Mountain Elementary School; however, since the opening of the entire section of School Boulevard, the stop sign was removed from School Boulevard, with traffic required to stop on Fallon Avenue. Concerns have been raised by the School Superintendent regarding the amount and speed of traffic on School Boulevard near the elementary school, and it was his view that the four-way stop sign should be reinstituted at the Fallon Avenue/School Boulevard intersection and the speed limit reduced in the area of the school. The Sheriffs Department initiated an in-house traffic survey along School Boulevard, and Deputy Hudek reported that the majority of cars traveled well below the 46 mph maximum while passing the schools. It was his view that this indicated that drivers saw a reason for exercising caution, and he agreed. Hudek plan noted that thn moat danatirois sit unt on nenrthe a hool wag when hnll games were in yrogress and v hi Ins were parked n -long both sides of Rehoot Bo lav rd, After reviewing the Sheriffs Department recommendations, the Police Commission made the following recommendations to the Council: Page 7 2 Council Minutes - 1/8/96 A consistent 35 mph speed limit should be established from Highway 25 to County Road 118, and the limit reduced to 25 mph along the school property when children are present (between Fallon Avenue and County Road 118). Four-way stop signs at the intersections of Fallon Avenue and School Boulevard and also at County Road 117 and School Boulevard be installed. A flashing warning light be installed at the pedestrian crosswalk leading from the Cardinal Hills development to the Little Mountain Elementary School. It was noted by staff that state statutes indicate that if a city street is developed with businesses or residential structures with driveways accessing the road every 100 ft, city authorities have the right to establish the speed limit; however, since this was not the case on School Boulevard, MN/DOT was the authority that would conduct a traffic survey and establish the speed limit. It was noted that MN/DOT previously conducted a survey and established the speed limit from Fallon Avenue to County Road 118 at 46 mph. It was also noted that the off-road path was built specifically to separate pedeatrian/bike traffic from vehicular traffic. School Superintendent Shelly Johnson stated that he had recently spoken with the MN/DOT St. Cloud transportation official who oversees speed limits in this area, who indicated that approval by the City Council would be sufficient to lower the speed limit on School Boulevard. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO LOWER THE SPEED LIMIT ON SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM COUNTY ROAD 118 TO FALLON AVENUE TO 30 MPH WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 96-2. 11. rn sideration nfnempting bid an a In of w atowntnr treaLinnnt Man . he .an to bn moved, City Administrator Wolfsteller reported that as part of the wastewater treatment plant expansion project, the rental dwelling located at 1601 Hart Boulevard needed to be removed to allow for SBR tank construction. Eight bide were received with a low of $3,160 to a high of $10,500. Wolfeteller recommended that the high bid be accepted. Page 8 0 Council Minutes - 1/8/96 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO ACCEPT THE HIGH BID OF $10,600 FROM RICK AND CHERYL SRNSKY FOR THE HOUSE AT 1501 HART BOULEVARD, WITH FULL PAYMENT AND PROOF OF INSURANCE REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE HOUSE BEING MOVED. Motion carried unanimously. 12. (`nnaideration of enn cwt w�n�nointmentr± for lA9R. Councilmember Shirley Anderson stated that she considered Bret Weiss of WSB a valuable asset to the City due to his 6-7 years of experience in Monticello as City Engineer. THEREFORE, A MOTION WAS MADE BY 6HIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPOINT WSB AS THE CITY ENGINEER. MAYOR FYLE THEN AMENDED THE MOTION TO APPOINT WSB AS THE CITY ENGINEER AND REVIEW THE APPOINTMENT IN SIX MONTHS. It was noted by the Assistant Administrator that a staff meeting had been scheduled to define the role of the City Engineer. The City Administrator stated that WSB's fee structure was unknown at this time and that fees should be reviewed prior to appointing an engineer. IT WAS THE CONSENSUS OF COUNCIL TO TABLE THE MOTION TO APPOINT WSB AS THE CITY ENGINEER UNTIL THE JANUARY 22, 1996, COUNCIL MEETING. Council then discussed the remaining list of appointments. The City Administrator reported that he would meet with the City Attorney, Paul Weingarden, to critique his services of the past year. Mayor F yIe recommended that the City not formally appoint a City Planner and utilize Northwest Associated Consultants on an as -needed basis for the time being. Councilmembor Herbst noted that Ron Hoglund's term on the Economic Development Authority had expired and, according to a policy recently enacted by Council, could not be reappointed due to the city residency requirement; however, it was Herbst's view that each commission should be reviewed separately for member appointments. Due to Hoglund's experience on the EDA and his vested interest in the community through his business, Herbst recommended that Hoglund be reappointed to the EDA at this time. Herbst also noted that Diane Herbst would be willing to fill one of the vacancies on the Library Board. Page 9 Z Council Minutes - 1096 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO ACCEPT THE ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS AS FOLLOWS: 1896 ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS Official Depositories: Marquette Bank Monticello First Bank First National Bank of Monticello Chief Financial Officer - authorized to designate other depositories for investment purposes only Newspaper. Monticello Times Housing and Redevelopment Authority (6 -year staggered terms): 1. Tom St. Hilaire 12/98 2. Roger Cartoon 1212000 3. Brad Barger 12/99 4. Al Larson 12/98 6. Everette Ellison 12/97 Planning Commission: 1. Richard Carlson 2. Jon Bogart 3. Dick Frio 4. Richard Martie 6. Rod Dragsten Health Officer. Dr. Donald Maus (1 year) Acting Mayor. Shirley Anderson (1 year) Joint Commissions: Community Education: Shirley Anderson Fire Board Rick Wolfsteller OAA Brad Fylo Page 10 0 I I Council Minutes - 1/8/96 Library Board: 1. Ed Solberg 12/98 (3 -year staggered) 2. Duff Davidson 12/97 3. Vacant 12/96 4. Ruby Bensen 12/97 6. Diane Herbst 12/98 Attorney: Paul Weingarden 12198 Planner. No appointment at this time Auditor. Gruys, Borden, Carlson & Assoc. Recycling Committee: Shirley Anderson Economic Development 12198 Authority (5 -year staggered 12/88 terms): 1. Tom Perrault, Council 12/96 2. Clint Herbst, Council 12/98 3. Harvey Kendall 12196 4. At Larson 12/97 6. Barb Schwientek 17198 6. Bill Demeules 12199 7. Ron Hoglund 12/2000 Engineer(s): WSB & Associates and Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates (MOTION FOR APPT. WAS TABLED UNTIL 1/2266 MEETING) Police Advisory Commission (3 -year staggered terns): 1. Brian Stumpf, Council 12/98 2. Warren Smith 12197 3. David Gerads 12/97 4. Vacant 12/98 6. Lia DeMarais 12/96 Parts Commission: 1. Earl Smith 12198 (3 -yr staggered terms) 2. Larry Nolen 12/98 3. Fran Fair 12!97 4. Bruce Thielen 12198 6. Steve Andrews 12/88 Motion carded unanimously. Page 11 ?j 0 Council Minutes - 1/8/96 13. He Works Secretalynnmintmtnt. Public Works Director John Simola reported that a job description had been drafted and job points calculated at 30, Grade 2, for the Public Works Secretary position. The starting pay for the position at step 1 was determined to be $9.14 per hour. Simola noted that the position and job description were posted in all City departments to allow existing employees to apply for the position. Only Beth Green, the current part-time Public Works Secretary, applied for the position. Simola noted that staff determined that Beth meets the qualifications for the position. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY SIEDUZY ANDERSON TO APPOINT BETH GREEN TO THE PERMANENT POSITION OF PUBLIC WORKS SECRETARY AT GRADE % STEP 1, AT AN HOURLY RATE OF $9.144R, CONTINGENT UPON PASSING THE REQUIRED PHYSICAL. Motion carried unanimously. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY TOrd PERRAULT TO PAY THE BUUZ FOR THE LAST HALF OF DECEMBER 1998 AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. There being no fluther business, the meeting was adjourned. Karen Doty Office Manager Page 12 0 Council Agenda - 1/22/98 .1 1 :1 1 1 1 1 -r,- Home ,: 1 1 For quite some time, due to pressure from the Pollution Control Agency (PCA), Kjellberg has been negotiating with the City in an attempt to put together a program that would enable Kjellberg to hook-up his trailer parks to the city sanitary sewer system. As a result of previous Council discussion on this matter, Kjellberg was given until the end of 1995 to connect to city systems or face having to pay the 1996 connection fees. To i(jellberg's credit, he has been in constant contact and communication with City staff during the past 2 % months in an effort to meet this deadline. The deadline was not met due in part to a delay caused by the City in getting information we needed to evaluate the quality of construction of the east park expansion area. Due to the delay caused by the City, Rick Wolfbteller felt comfortable in giving Kjellberg an extension. Following is a summary of the proposed agreement governing the east park connection and the west park connection. The two deals are separate and stand or fall on their own merit. EAST PARR PROPOSAL Following is a summary of the proposed arrangement governing connection of the east park. This proposal is conceptual only, and the ideas outlined below must be incorporated into a development agreement. Any Council approval simply authorizes the City Attorney to move forward to delineate the details of the agreement. Following is a summary of the proposal. In order for Kjellberg to connect to the city system, it will be necessary that he spend approximately $12,000 on the cost to extend a utility line f}om the present position to the city system now located on the Emmerich property just north of the east mobile home park. i(jellberg will provide a deposit in an amount equal to the cost to have a city inspector monitor the installation of this private line. It is estimated that the acreage encompassed by the east park amounts to 90 acres, which means that Kjellberg owes $37,500 in area assessments at the time of hook-up. Under the proposed plan, I(jollborg agrees to have this Council Agenda - V22/96 amount placed as expense against the property as a special assessment, which will be assessed over 15 years at the prevailing interest rate that the City charges for projects funded under the special assessment process. Rtorm Water Aresa Assessment Due to the fact that the mobile home park is essentially landlocked and no water escapes from the site, it is proposed that the on-site storm pond system be sized accordingly and that storm water trunk fees be waived. Hookno-Fee The hook-up fee would amount to $36,300, which equals 120 units: $300 per unit. This amount assumes that the east park will be allowed to expand from the current number of units (95) to 121 units. This amount must be paid in full prior to hook-up of any individual units installed in the expansion area. Sawa" Flow Meter Device It is estimated that the total cost to install a sewage flow meter device, which will measure the actual amount of sewage produced by the east park, will cost $5,000 to $6,000. Kjellberg must pay the full cost of this facility. The type of meter device used and the method of installation will be reviewed and approved by City staff. Mo le Home P rk :oa*+r+ion As you know,l(;jellberg would like to be able to place new mobile homes in the expansion area, thus raising the number of mobile homes from the current level of 95 to 121. Under the proposed program, Vjellberg will be allowed to move mobilo homes into this area if the following steps are accomplished. 1. Ed0= to moving new homes into the expansion areae, the system installed in the expansion area must be upgraded to assure that the system is completely watertight and has increased capacity to handle all flows (see Rick's letter of 118/98). 2. l(jellberg must install all of the necessary improvements required under code such as installation of bituminous paving, completion of all grading, and installation of curb and gutter. Council Agenda - 1/22/96 Once the work is completed, Kjellberg would be free to move mobile homes into the expansion area If Kjellberg desires to move mobile homes prior to completion of all the necessary work, then he will be required to enter into a disbursement agreement which places funds in an escrow account that can be drawn down only for the purpose of paying for the necessary improvements. Under this program, the City would be able to use these funds in the event that Kjellberg did not complete the work. Under the program, the existing system can be connected immediately under the proposed fee schedule if a deposit is provided in an amount equal to one- half of the connection fees ($18,000). This payment must be made to the City at the time that the development agreement is executed. The purpose of requiring this fee to be paid is to encourage ltjellberg to follow through on the terms of the development agreement on a timely basis. In addition, the proposal requires that Kjellberg provide a deposit to the City in the amount of $2,000 immediately, which should provide the City with the cash necessary to fund the cost of completion of the associated development agreement and, if paid, would represent a good faith effort on Kjellberg's part to follow through on the plan as outlined. WEST PARS PROPOSAL As you may know, the Pollution Control Agency is pressuring Kjellberg to either build an on-site system or hook-up his system to the city. The PCA has worked hard at encouraging Nellberg and the City to work together on this matter. It is their view that in the long term, there will be significant environmental benefit to having the city treat wastewater from the park versus private, on-site treatment. In an effort to encourage the City to work with Kjellberg, the PCA has agreed to increase the wastewater treatment loading limits in an amount equal to the load that the City will be receiving from the west park. This will benefit the City by extending the capacity and useful life of the new wastewater treatment plant. Following is a summary of the proposed plan for connecting the west park to the city systems. Please note that the plan to connect the west park would not be executed until late 1987 or until such time it is demonstrated that there is sufficient capacity to serve the west park. Under the proposed plan, Fjellberg has agreed to pay for the Rill cost to extend the sanitary sewer from its present position just west of Highway 28 at School Boulevard all the way to the connection point at the northwestern Council Agenda - 1/22f96 side of the west park. The actual cost to construct this line is being researched by Ifjellberg's engineer. It is estimated that this cost will be somewhere between $80,000 and $120,000. Kjeflberg has agreed to allow the city to install this line at its discretion following city design standards and to assess the expense against the west park. Under this arrangement, Nellberg will agree to pay a fixed amount for the connection based on connection alignment following an as -the -crow -flies alignment to the west park. If in two years it is determined by the City that an alternative alignment is preferred that might have a higher cost, the City will pay the difference between the cost of the diagonal alignment and the alignment selected by the City. For instance, if in two years it is determined that it makes more sense to extend the sanitary sewer along a future frontage road alignment toward the mobile home park, then the City has the option to extend it in this fashion; however, the cost to extend it under such a plan is likely to be more expensive. Concurrent with this added expense is added value provided to the city property; therefore, it would follow that the City should be funding the added cost that created the added value. The cost shall include land acquisition or easements needed through Stuart Hoglund's property. In summary, the City will choose the proper alignment in two years when the project is completed. The City will install the system and assess the cost to Kjellberg in an amount equal to what the cost would have been if the line had been extended diagonally across city property to the Kjellberg site. Finally, at such time that the City sells or develops the site, a portion of the revenue equal to the value of the sanitary sewer line serving the site will be provided to Kjellberg as a repayment for his cost associated with extending the line in the first place. The total city fees under this program amount to $76,000 for the area assessment foe and $180,000 for the individual hook-up fees for each of the mobile homes located in the west park. These fees reflect the increase in fees in 1996. Under the proposal, Nellberg agrees to make a cash payment to the City in the amount of $200,000 to cover the fees noted above, which results in a shortage of $66,000. Under the plan,l(jellberg agrees to allow the City to place the $66,000 as an assessment against the property, which will be added to the assessment levied in conjunction with construction of the sewer line noted above. In sum, the financing plan results in the City collecting all 1996 fees. Council Agenda - 1/22/96 Easements Nellberg will provide sanitary sewer and utility easements through his property and to points west of his site, thereby allowing future connection of utility lines to residential areas south of the Kjellberg Mobile Home Park. Kjellberg understands that the prevailing policy for collecting garbage at the west park will apply. There is no guarantee that the City will continue to pick up garbage free of charge for mobile home parks and that this overall policy is subject to change. According to F4ellberg, he has sufficient land area to accommodate an expansion of 140 double -wide homes and mobile homes in the area directly west of the west park. Kjellberg has noted that this expansion area will consist of double-wides and mobile homes on lots with square footage in the 6,000 aq ft to 10,000 sq ft range. F4ellberg originally requested that the City grant him approval for expansion of his mobile home park as proposed as a stipulation of entering this agreement. He has backed off this requirement because the City Council does not have the authority to annex property and make decisions regarding rezoning without discussing the matter with the Township and completing the proper process. Therefore, the plan does not formally include City approval of the proposal to expand the west park. E=Bn&Wn Area Hookup Fees As you may know, Kjellberg could theoretically complete his connection to a private system at a cost that is significantly less than what he will be paying to the City; however, with that added cost, he has the opportunity to develop a larger area for additional mobile homes and double -wide homes. In exchange for connecting to the city system and paying all 1996 costs, Nellberg has requested that the program include allowing him to connect his west park expansion area following the 1996 connection rates. As you recall, the per-unit hook-up fee for mobile homes was $900 (75% of $1,200). It was recently increased to $1,126 (76% of $1,600). Under the proposal, V4ellberg would be allowed to connect 140 homes following the 1996 schedule, which would result in a payment to the City in the amount of $126,000. Following the current connection fee schedule, lijellberg would have to pay $167,600. Other Items Kjollberg will pay the standard quarterly sewer service fee of $10 plus $1.66 for every 100 cu ft over 600. Council Agenda - 1/22/96 DECISION A. - Motion Motion to accept or modify and accept the proposal for connecting the Itjellberg East Mobile Home Park to the city sanitary sewer system and authorize preparation of a developer agreement contingent on Kjellberg providing a $2,000 deposit. Motion to deny the proposal for connecting the Nellberg East Mobile Home Park to the city sanitary sewer system. The proposal outlined above regarding the east park appears to be reasonable and follows principles agreed upon by Council in the past. The main problem with the proposal is that it does not require complete reconstruction of the east park expansion area sanitary system; however, it does require that the system be watertight, thereby limiting the amount of infiltration. It is the view of the City Administrator and Assistant Administrator that although it would be better if the system was up to the 10 -state standards, it is operable. The benefits of completing this deal making the connection and getting on with it outweigh the difficulties associated with requiring that the entire system be rebuilt. It is difficult to demonstrate that rebuilding the expansion area system to a higher standard will result in any appreciable benefit to the mobile home park, the City, or the environment. DECISION B: Motion to approve conceptual agreement governing connection of the west park to city systems and authorize staff to prepare a development agreement. Under this alternative, Iljellberg will be required to submit a cash deposit within the next few days. If this deposit is made, then City staff' will work with Paul Weingarden and I(jellberg to prepare a development agreement that details the program noted above. If Iijellberg fails to pay the $2,000 to move it forward, then this shall be reported to the PCA, whereupon they will oontniue court action to got him to upgrade his system. Motion to deny the conceptual agreement governing connection of the west park to city systems. Council Agenda - 7/22/96 Council could take the position that despite environmental advantages, the City is not obligated to connect the west park to the city system, and Kjellberg has the option of building his own private system; therefore, the City should not make any special efforts to connect the mobile home park to the city system. r WAVY F .O—NDATION; It is the view of City staff that connection of the west park to the city system is, in the long tern, in the beat interest of the state, the region, the city, and the mobile home park. It is our view that the program proposed is positive in that it results in the City capturing fees in an amount equal to the cost of serving the west park. In addition, the plan for alignment of the service line serving the park is flexible, thereby allowing the City to take the greatest advantage of the extension of that line to serve the property currently owned by the City. The PCA, in an effort to encourage and work with the City, has adjusted our wastewater treatment load limits, thereby enabling the City to connect the west park without facing the added coat of having to stay within the current load limits. Please see the attached memo firom HDR regarding benefits of this permit adjustment on the city sanitary sewer system and associated cost. City staff has worked long and hard and spent many hours dealing with the PCA and Kjellberg on this matter. We are somewhat skeptical that the deal will actually go through, and that is why we have required that Kjellberg pay at least $2,000 to hold the deal until the details of the development agreement have been finalised. We think that this deposit is an important part of the program and, perhaps, could be increased slightly to encourage continued forward movement on this matter. Copy of letter from HDR; Summaries of the east park and west park proposal; Rick Wolfsteger's letter of 7/8/98. Tod Eckborg of the PCA and Kent Kjellberg will likely be in attendance to discuss this matter further. To John Slmola From R Peplin Gas January 18, 1996 suq/aet 1Qellberg West Mobile Home Park Fal M e m o r a n d u m You requested that we provide comments concerning the potential pros/cons for the City serving the Kjelberg property. Haled on Ta3tnical Memorandum No.I of the Updated Facility Plan (October, 1995 it was indicated that the City anticipates that the addition of approximately 780 total people (aril and west) with 550 mobile home parka residents from the west park would be added to the City's sower system in 1998. The west park would represent approximately a 10.6% increase in population based on a City's 1996 population of 5190. Utilizing the flow, BOD and TSS per capita data from TM No. 1, the anticipated increase loadings would be: Kjolberg Anticipated City ofMontiallo Projected Projected Projected Doug Mobile loadings (Without Kjelberg V4clberg V4elberg Criteria CM West Home from SunnyFt esh) . Percent of Percent of Percent of No. 1) per Park Kialbarg Anticipated Domestic Total Total capita Residenta Load S% 1996 Loadings, Loadings, Loadings. 1996 1996 2020• Flow 115 gal 550 people 63,250 gpd 700,000 gpd 9.0% 6.6% 3.0% (amuas average) BOD 0.37IbJday 2031bJday 1921IbJday 10.5% 4.8% 2.5% TSS 0.35lb./dav 192 lb./da% 18171bJdav 10.5% 6.140 2.9% • Based on Kjelberg loadings retraining at the 1996 levels From this table it is evident that the Kjelberg loadings do bceome a smaller percentage of the total loadings to the City u the City grows, but this is based on the Kjelbag's park remaining the same sizes We aro not swum of who has been established oomoeming their maximum growth levels. 34# Allowing the Kjelberg park to became part of the City's system offers the following advantages: • Removes the present and potential environmental concerts to the failing onsite systems. • Provides the City with additional users and increased O&M revenue and helps recover sanitary sewer extension costs. • The impact at the proposed wastewater treatment plant expansion is minimal unless the concerns with their infrastructure system (see below) aro not addressed properly. Concerns that should be addressed as pert of the agreement with Nclberg includes: • If the City is to annex the property, the agreement should include providing a water system and an agreed user charge method that would include debt recovery costs.. • Flow monitoring manhole(a) should be installed on City property or an easement to the city be provided to allow occas. Monitoring equipment costs should be as specified by the City with all maintenance costs be the responsibility of Kjelberg. • All monitoring costa to be performed by the City with the costs of monitoring factored into the agreement. • City needs to dictate the maximum allowable infnitrationtinflow rates for dry and wet weather conditions into the collection system if the system remain Nelberg's ownership. If these rates aro exceeded, an agreed means of correction and timetable needs to be established. The City needs to specify their dandards on the collection system improvements. • A sanitary sower user charge system needs to be established addressing the above concerns. • .Stormwater issues may meed to be addressed Does the park meet the City's requirements for addressing stortnwater events? If not, do agreement should add ras the improvements and timetable to complete these improvements. Docs their plan address storrwater concerns that may impact adjacent properties outside the Kjelbcrg park lintits? As you aro aware, the City requested that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) relax the proposed NPDES permit for the waatewater treatment plant's discharge into the Mississipii River to aownwdato clic additional loading the City would receive frown the Kjclberg park. Although an official response has not been received frau the MPCA to date, recant discussions with the MPCA indicate that the staff will he recommending to the M PCA Board that the penton revision be approved. This penmit revision provides the City with an additional loading to the river based on an 85% reduction of Nelberg's load through the City's treatment plana This percent reduction is achievable tuning secondary treatment through a facility similar to the proposed SBR design 77re need for tertiary treatment, io Oration, is not necessary with the addition of Kjelberg's loading and therefore does not need to be considered as an additional capital expense for the current design period. I hope this helps the City address the potential iaaues concerning the agreement with Kjclbcr& If you have any flnNur question, please connect us. 3413 Keitberg West and East City Sewer Connection Proposals. Status 01/16/96 - Final proposal to be submitted to City Council WEST PARK Issues and Answers Cost Comments A CormWdion expense for connecting. Being research K(ellberg to agree to pay for cost to etdend san sewer line Not a dry lee by Kjellbeg's to weal park following the diagonal alignment. Engineer. Payment to be made via special assessment process. City to reimburse KleObefg when city property sells or devtps. City to fund dill between cost of diag alignment and algnmerd selected by the city. B. (Area Assessment fee - vedfv acreage $75.000 Estimated at 60 acres. City agrees to lock -In hook-up 1114enkoup lee to agreed upon amount regardless C. Fee _ _ i1_BO,Ol10 of future ratesbut Kj.- must provide caWEscrow 95 D. Total City Fees $255.000 This does not include connection expense. Kjetmerg cash payment. $200.000 Cash Payment or Escrow made in 1096. Total owed to city after cash payment. $55.000 Deficit covered by special assesmnl at time of Hookup. This amount intruded with A above. Other pointe: 1. KjeBbeg will provide easement to points wast allowing connection to nearby subdlvlslons. 2. Kjellberg will not be required to provide Highway 25 frontage road easements through West Park. I. Completion of connection (A) to occur in the fail of 1997 contingent an the city having adequate treatment capacity. 4. Connection (A) to be done as a pudic Improvemem project and assessed as noted above. City will select algnmerd and install hnprovemerd. KJetlberg waives rights to assessment hearing etc. 5. City to follow prevaNrg policy for collecting garbage. 6. City matrdalrs One to Kjethergs property. Kjellberg maintains line on his site and provides metering device. 7. KjeMxq will pay the standard quarterly, sewage service fee of $10 plus $1.65 for every 100 cubic feel over 500. This amount is subject to change over time. 8. City to provide reference to urxleveioped area as being potentially developable for R -I or PUD uses. 9. City to grand extension on fee amounts per Woflstollar's Letter of 11/11/85 . 10.City to lockan 1995 hookup lee lot expansion area which is expected to occur In need 24 monthe. 11 A $2,00 deposit must be provided to the city prior to authorizing the city attorney to prepare a development agreement. 304 Coo EAST PARK PROPOSAL Final Proposal 01/16/96 East Park Ilssues and Answers Cost Comments A c;onnedbn expenses - cost to eidend $11.000 Private expense. Cay reviews plans private Una to city system. and Inspects construction. Developer — --, provides depor0 for city lnspedionexpenu_- -- -- Estimated al 30 aces. Need to verity B. Area Assessment to city - verify aceage $37,500_ Special assess _1Syr at 7% C. Stone Water Assessent Waived for park areas that are tans locked — _--- _— -- Not waived for other areas. Needs study — D. This amorad basedon $300'121 units. Paid In full prior to hook-up Figure may need to be adjusted based Mock-up Fee to Cllr f38 300_ Witte actual number of unit connected._ Other Notes: 1. Devebper provides metering device. Sewage flow meter Is necessary - Est cost is $5.00036.000 2. Review and approval of grading end drainage plan by the City Engineer. 3. No additional.. home unite until san sewer upgrade, road and grading Is completed or until a a disbursement agreement Is established which covers the cost of a0lmprovemerd. The disbursement agreement to be ' In an amount equal to 110%of the projected expense. Disbursement agreement must Include cost to make necessary upgrades that assure city that expansion area system Is water tight. No use of expansion area until d Is demonstrated that the manholes are water Wnt. 4. Exlsting eyelem can be connected knmediatly under exisling fee schedule If a deposit is provided in an amount actual to 1/2 of the connection fees. Total eonnedlon fees to be paid at such tone that the connection Is Complete. The deposit must be made when the development agreement Is executed. 314 -6 WNTICEI.U) 250 East Broadway P. O. Nm 1147 January 8, 1996 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295-2 71 I Metro: (612) 331.5739 Pats: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Kent Hjellberg Nellberg's Incorporated 1000 Kjellberg's Park Monticello, MN 66362 Re: Final Proposal - F.nst and West Sewer Connections Dear Kent: With the new year upon us, I want to make one Inst proposal that outlines the City Staffs recommendations for future City Council consideration regarding the sanitary sewer connection of loth the enst and west mobilo home parka. With the extended deadlino date of February 1, 1996 fast approaching, any proposal tint you want the City Council to consider before thnt date would require a basic agreement by January 17, if it is going to be on our next Council agenda, Jnnuory 22. Enclosed you will find a summary of the final proposal that the staff is willing to support concerning loth of the park's issues regarding connections. In regard to the enst park proposal, an agreement needs to be established by February 1 if you wish to be able to lock in the 5300 rate for the hook-up fee. While the issues concerning the expansion of lite east mobilo home park do not affect your ability to connect to our system immediately, lite city's concerns to insure n water -tight sewer system with increased capacity to handle all flows, as noted in Lite OSM report on evaluation of your expansion area, will need to be addressed before additional mobile homes are allowed to be placed in this area. Finally, to ensure that ilio $300 rate is applicable, if an agreement is reached, one-half of the hook-up fees ($18,160) will need to be paid at the time of signing the development agreement. It is also anticipated that the final connection for the east park will completed early summer 1990, as weather permits. A summary is also enclosed that outlines the final proposal concerning issues on the west park sewer connection. For the city to agree to annexation and the future connection of the west park to our sewer system, I believe it's imperative that we can show the (till City Council that we are collecting all the normal area assessments and hook-up foes that are npplicable. I believe title final proposal is a fair agreement for your mobile home parks mud for the city to consider. 3MtE Mr. Kent I(jellberg January 8, 1996 Page 2 Likewise, to ensure that the rates as proposed are locked in, an agreement has to be reached by February 1, 1996. As a reminder, the $900 per unit hook-up fee proposed for the east mobile home park has already increased to $1,125 effective January 1, 1996 for other similar developments. Ifni] agreement is not reached by this deadline, you can assume that the $180,000 hook-up fee will increase to $225,000. Ifyou wish to proceed with a general agreement on the proposals as outlined, the staff is prepared to present this item for Council consideration at its next meeting, January 22, 1996. If the Council agrees to the proposal and authorizes the preparation of a final agreement, it will be the stair's recommendation that we do not proceed with the development of an agreement until a $2,000 cash deposit is supplied by you as a good faith arrangement to cover our costs or developing tlue agreement. The $2,000 deposit will be applied to the hook-up fees upon execution of the final agreement. In addition, we will be recommending to the City Council that if we are in agreement with the general concept and the Council authorizes a development agreement to be prepared, n final agreement must be executed within 30 days or the terms agreed to would no longer be valid. Finally, it appears that some additional utility easements may be necessary from adjacent property owners (i.e. Stuart Hoglund) for providing service to the west mobile home park and this will be the responsibility of 1(jellberg's Incorporated to obtain. As a reminder, if you would like this Issue to be brought forward to the full City Council for their consideration, it must be done by January 17 to be considered for Uue second meeting in January, January 22. If an agreement Is not tentatively reached prior to January 17, Council consideration could not take place until February 12, 1996 and as such, Uuero would bo no gunranteo that tlue Council would honor any previously established hook-up rates. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Risk Wolfsteiler ?�_ City Administrator RW/glk Enclosures cc: Brad Fylo, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator John Simobt, Public Works Director Tudd Eckborg, PCA -*F Council Agenda - 1/22/96 5A. Consideration of Liquor store cleric%aohier annointment. (R.W.) A. F.FF.RF.N F AND SA .KGRO TND: The liquor store recently had an opening for the full-time day clerk/cashier position, and the City received over 90 applications. Manager Joe Hartman and myself pared the applications down to half a dozen that turned out to be excellent candidates for the position and conducted interviews. Based on the interviews, it is the recommendation of Joe and myself that Mr. Michael Fischbach be hired for the position. Other than the Assistant Manager position, which is primarily the afternoon and weekend supervisory position, this is the only other full-time position at the liquor store in addition to the Manager. Mr. Fischbach had previously worked for the liquor store on a part-time basis a few years ago and has had experience presently as the assistant manager of an off -sale liquor store in Andover in addition to the same duties at a liquor store in Hudson, Wisconsin. The position and job description was posted in all city departments to allow existing employees to apply for the position. When no one applied, an advertisement was then placed in local newspapers. The job description currently has a ranking of Grade 3 with a pay range of $9.69/hr to $12.12/hr. Due to Mr. Fischbach's previous experience at other off -sale establishments and his previous employment with Joe on a part-time basis in the past, it is recommended that the applicant start on the second step of the 6 -step scale, or $10.18 per hour. R LLTPRNATrVE ACTIONR; 1. The first alternative is to ratify the appointment of Mr. Michael Fischbach as the permanent full-time liquor store clerk/cashier at the established Grade 3, Stop 2, at an hourly rate of $10.18/hr. If ratified at the second step of the pay scale, Mr. Fischbach is aware that he would not be eligible for additional pay increases until after one year of employment rather than the normal six-month review. 2. Do not appoint Mr. Fischbach to the position. C_ 8T FF O FNDATION: It is the recommendation of Joe and myself that Mr. Fischbach be formally hired for the cashier position. Mr. Fischbach's previous background and experience at off -sale liquor establishments and his past work history with our store on a part-time basis should make him an excellent candidate for this position. Copy of job description. Liquor Store Clerk/Cashier City of Monticello Title of Class: Liquor Store Clerk/CasWer Effective Date: June 5, 1995 DESCRIPTION OF WORK r-onpral S 9 e nan of itia• performs retail sales work assisting customers locate and purchase store merchandise; and performs related duties as required. .SS peroisinn Received, Works under the general supervision of the Liquor Store Manager. Synnroisinn Examined• None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a class. Checks patrons ID's and verifies data on checks; refuses service when needed. Stocks coolers and shelves with liquor, wine and beer, stocks cigarette machine; makes six packs. Answers phones, provides information and assistance to callers, and takes messages for Manager. Makes changes to displays or signs as directed by Manager. Assists customers by locating merchandise, recommending purchases if requested, ringing up punhases on the cash register, collecting money and making change. Assists the customer in carrying merchandise to their vehicles as needed. Recommends purchases including type, quantity, and brand when requested by patrons; may place orders for assigned section. Assists the Manager with ordering by recording requests for items not in stock and noting items that are running low; may pre -order beer when patrons have special requests. Stocks and may mark liquor with correct price mark-up; records sales; rotates stock. Assists Manager in conducting inventories of stock. Assists with cleaning the store, including cleaning backroom, washing glass doors, cleaning windows, vacuuming, cleaning coolers and bathrooms, dusting shelves and merchandise. Takes out the garbage; shovels snow. May review invoices and verify accuracy of merchandise deliveries. May participate in quarterly physical inventory as needed. S#4 f4 Liquor Store Clerk/Cashier City of Monticello Reports liquor -related violations to Manager or appropriate law enforcement agency. Assists the Manager with belandng cash against cash register tape and total receipts; records sales by category on daily reports; runs pre -categorized list of sales from previous day; prepares deposit slips as directed by Manager. May enter product information into computer, change prices, and add new items as needed. May close out cash register if closing up at night, put money in the safe, and lock doors. May take deposits to the bank. May respond to after -hour emergency calla involving store security in the absence of Manager or Assistant Manager. KNOWLEDGE, SIM -TA AND ABILrIMCS Working knowledge of how to operate a cash register and make correct change. Working knowledge of merchandise locations. Working knowledge of recordkeeping and routine bookkeeping. Working skill in the use of a computer and calculator. Considerable ability to deal courteously with City employees, department stat and the general public. Working ability to perform mathematical calculations. Working ability to lift and carry objects weighing up to 40 pounds, and to bend, swop, reach, and stretch. Working ability to use judgment and discretion in sales based on age, state of inebriation, and/or possibility of bad checks. BUNDIUM QUALWICATIONS Three to six months of work experience in a retail setting. 6004 8 Council Agenda - 1/22/96 5e. Consideration of approval of final plat - Shingobee subdivision. (J.O. ) As you recall, at the previous meeting Council approved the preliminary plat of the Shingobee subdivision. Subsequent to this approval, a final plat was prepared and submitted to City staff for review. Staff has reviewed the plat and found it to be consistent with the city code requirements for final platting. I've been informed by Gae Veit that she is working on preparation of a maintenance agreement covering the maintenance of the private drive which serves as the frontage road for Champion Auto, the RV Center, the Subway Shop, and the proposed quick lube facility. She indicated that she would try to have this document completed prior to Council approval of the final plat. In the event the document is not available prior to Council adoption of the final plat, Council could approve the final plat contingent on preparation of the maintenance agreement. Motion to approve the final plat of the Shingobee subdivision contingent on the preparation and execution of a maintenance agreement covering the service road. Under this alternative, City Council will have approved the plat; however, final City signatures will not be placed on the plat until such time that the details regarding the maintenanoo agreement have been completed. Motion to deny approval of the final plat of the Shingobee subdivision. Staff recommends alternative 01. It should be noted that the new lot created with this plat may become a corner lot on a future Chelsea Road/Highway 25 intersection. If this is the case, it may be necessary to orient the quick lube facility and associated drive access toward the new Chelsea Road. This could also result in changing tho access to the Subway Shop as well. Council Agenda - L12M Linda b ielke has been informed of these possibilities and will be meeting with City staff to review the matter further. The draft of the Highway MY Chelsea corridor study has been submitted to City staff. We are in the process of reviewing the document at this time and hope to have the final draft ready for Council review at an upcoming meeting. It is hoped that in the near future, weM have a good idea as to the future location of the new intersection, which will enable Mielkes to move forward on development of their site plan. Copy of the final plat. SHINGOBEE i SUBDIVISION x a27froo'E (/ M 99'14'00"4 , 2M a 1M me 114 of Or "114 Of Sa 14 _ lwao _�J•' ^'100.40- 7 brllfwaal CRM1K Of SM 22$124 W � � �•} ,' � y \� •w MWI/4 of 8-14. 7.141. Rao of Ip ITS+ p � tr Q tr I / •� O 9 MZSe'oo'4 12 2 a . M � �^ ' o�.os•. t �h It e 8". txot .� « !4 f � u 31.61 ! ! 9ote�rw 184.03-- 1�'t p M 69'04'3e'W i•1 {r ntA' o to w foo 1100 eon tf.tf�._ 4� OtlthnC 10CAU M f [t1 f Owgf s ow Yo wam fwaol 0 Owwat fw NwowM 00 R1.t. ft 14210 Council Agenda - 1/22/96 gMMLVT--r,T-_r The original Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and the Tappers was agreed upon in July 1990. The Assessment agreement within the contract established a minimum market value of $760,000 for the 26,600 sq ft manufacturing/of ee facility. The Tappers received TIF assistance in the amount of $89,000. In late 1994, City Council adopted a resolution modifying the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-9. The modification increased the TIF budget by $30,000 for site improvements associated with the proposed 1996 18,000 sq R addition. The Assessment agreement was amended and restated by the Council in January 1996, increasing the minimum market value to $1,226,000 beginning January 2, 1996. Due to an irregular housing market, the Tappers elected not to construct the 18,000 eq ft addition in 1996. With plans to construct the addition in 1996 and upon the request of the Tappers, the HRA approved a second amended and restated assessment agreement on November 1, 1996, establishing the minimum market value of $1,226,000 beginning January 2. 1997. The amount of TIF assistance was reduced to $26,000; however, the TIF Plan does not require modification for budget reductions. In both cases, the HRA also amended and restated the Private Redevelopment Contract relating to the assistance in the amount of $30,000 and, thereafter, reduced to $26,000. The Tappers employ 46 full-time people. Under Minnweo a Statutes, Section 469.177, Subd 8, the City Council must approve the Amended and Restated Assessment Agreement prior to recording the documents at the County. A motion to approve the second Amended and Restated Assessment Agreement for the Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and the Tappers. A motion to deny approval of the agreement. A motion to tablo any action. Council Agenda - 1/22196 C_ 917 FF RECO FNDATION- As a housekeeping item and to satisfy the requirement of the Minnesota Statute, staff recommends alternative #1. D_ SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the agreement for approval. SCHEDULE B SECOND AIfENDED AND RESTATED ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made on or as of the let day of NOVEMBER 199 S by and between HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, a public body corporate and politic under th6 laws of Minnesota (the "Authority") and WILLIAM R. AND BARBARA R. TAPPER, husband and wife (collectively, the "Redeveloper"). RECITALS A. The Authority is administering a redevelopment project (the "Project") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 489. B. The Authority and the Redeveloper entered into a Contract for Private Redevelopment dated as of July 13, 1990 (the "Redevelopment Contract") regarding the redevelopment of certain property located in the Project and legally described in Exhibit A hereto (the "Property") . C. Pursuant to the Redevelopment Contract the Authority and the Redeveloper entered Into an Assessment Agreement dated im vi a 19gdthe "Original Assessment Agreement") and filed in the offices of the Wright County Recorder on JULY 13 , 19Soas Document No. 4759-tG , under which the parties thereto established a minimum market value of $750, 000 for the Property and the improvements constructed thereon, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subdivision 8. D. The Authority and the Redeveloper entered into an Amendment to the Contract for Private Redevelopment dated as of January 1995 (the "Amendment") regarding the redevelopment of certain property located in the Project and legally described in Exhibit A hereto (the "Property"). E. Pursuant to the Amendment, the Authority and the Redeveloper entered into an Amended and Restated Assessment Agreement datedJANUe RV 1 (the "Original Assessment Agreement") and filed in the offices o thf W Ight county Recorder on FEBRUARY B , 19n as Document No. 56fi 147 , under which the parties thereto established a minimum market value of 51,428,000 for the Property and the improvements constructed thereon, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subdivision 8. F. The Authority and the Rodeveloper have entered into that certain Amended and Restated Amendment to Contract for Private Redevelopment of oven data herewith (the "Amended and Restated Amendment"), pursuant to which the parties agreed to enter this Second Amended and Restated Assessment Agreement. G. The Authority and the Redeveloper have determined that it is necessary and in the public interest to ntmnd the Amended and Restated Assessment Agreement as further provided herein, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 489.177, Subd. 8. solely in order to postpone the effective date of the minimum market value sot forth therein. H. This Agreement has been approved by the City Council of the City of Monticello in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.177, Subd. 8. DJG"225 Na190-31 B-1 SC* I. As of the date hereof, the estimated market value of the Redevelopment Property for the most recently available assessment is equal to or greater than the minimum market value established by the Original Assessment Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties to this Agreement, in consideration of the promises, covenants and agreements made by each to the other, do hereby agree as follows: 1. The minimum market value which shall be assessed for the Property described in Exhibit A, together with the improvements thereon, for ad valorem tax purposes, shall be $1,225,000 as of January 2, 1997. 2. The minimum market value herein established shall be of no further force and effect and this Agreement shall terminate on the earlier of the following: (a) the date of receipt by the Authority of the last tax increments from the tax increment financing district in which the Property is located; or (b) February 26, 2000. 3. This Agreement shall be promptly recorded In the Office of the County Recorder, Wright County by the Redeveloper. The Redeveloper shall pay all costs of recording. 4. Neither the preambles nor provisions of this Agreement are Intended to, nor shall they be construed as, modifying the terms of the Redevelopment Contract or the Amendment. 5. This Agreement shall Inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties. This Agreement supersedes the Original Assessment Agreement in all respects. 8. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid and unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof. 7. This Agreement may not be amended nor any of its terms modified except by a writing authorized and executed by the parties hereto. 8. This Agreement may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. 9. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 10. Nothing heroin shall limit the discretion of the Assessor to assign a market value to the Property and improvements thereon in excess of the minimum market value specified heroin nor prohibit the Rodoveloper from soaking through the exercise of local or administrative remedies a reduction in such market value for property tax purposes, provided however, that the Rodevoloper shall not seek a reduction of such market value below such minimum market value in any year so long as this Agreement shall remain in effect. woaua sw116-31 8-2 cc a HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO Bir Its ,9 r Iia Executive birecbr STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) as. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) On this -�$ 'dday ofl ecc., ...t' -c , MZ, before me, a notary public within and for Wright County, personally appeared ALI AEand the Chair and Executive Director, respectively, of the and edeve opment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota ( the "Authority") named in the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged said instrument on behalf of the Authority. Notary Public MARLENEJ.HELLMAN NOTARY PUSUC•kONNESOTA My Came. UP. Ln. 2t, 2000 OJOp235 MR90.21 B-3 _ SCC. - REDEVELOP W111Tam R. Tapper 4arbara R. Tapper t STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF G[ijiL;t' ) SS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 7 play of ct.,,.4e-1 , 19 -; William R. Tapper and Barbara R. Tapper, Viand and / wife. .% Notary Public C110T ALENE J. H=in wmu • I omn Om. AM. 11. 2000 This document was drafted by: KENNEDY & GRAVEN, Chartered 470 Pillsbury Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 55107 Telephone: 337-8900 ,. 213 0190.21 B-4 SO A CERTIFICATION BY COUNTY ASSESSOR The undersigned Assessor, being legally r pottaible for the assessment of the above described property, hereby certifies t the values assigned to the land and improvements are reasonable. );U� County ssessor for the County of Wright STATE OF MINNESOTA as COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) ,./ The foregoi g instrument was acknowledged before me this) eday of 189 by tsj &M the County Assessor ofWe County qT W ght� l� u- Notary Public RAOMPA �IISO•� W�4i��1. MUM iaioo•31 B-g Code, EXHIBIT A of ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT Legal Description of Property Lot 4, Block 2, OAKWOOD INDUSTRIAL PARK according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. DIM235 0190-71 B-6 CF Council Agenda - 1/22/96 6. Public. hearing an adoption , dplinquPnt ntility hills and certification of assesampnt mil tn Vnnn�:% The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes if not paid by November 30, 1996. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $25 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $25 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification in 1997 at an interest rate of 8% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest and can be accepted up to November 30, 1996. $ ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: o./ 65 TP"`� 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. It is staff reconunendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $25 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by 4:30 p.m. on January 12, 1996. Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll; Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. RESOLUTION 96• RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent accounts receivable charges. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 1998 and shall bear interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 1997. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the samo manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of January, 1996. Mayor City Administrator (0 # 0:1'6/96 15.;6.71 ,.t I. 1995 MLO LIIIG}W 61LLM CRTIl IC111DrS -7TH LATE 044SE 1151 I 1U.nynl L CIC• I PrCYrI. 1a9 art 07 Cw/ , r:7r Cult 1' i 0,110 D7, C+140 )u 0.190 011 Orr 170 0, Lar. 7ot,I � n I lilt CY Int Dwr Pall Du Prlt U. C7wo ./lit. Clw r. • OOIC00a0 1550150tH 10 7}I PIHI !I ( CI:i tCa'E', PO 001 u7 %.}9 .0 .00 .0 ri.0 111.79 0010110000 15501501050 lot PIH, $l 1 !-Ill v SIR PO Sol MI 11.61 .00 .DO .00 75.00 69.61 010ri0= 155010001010 111 CIAll 11 ( ,IIE el1CPINE M &a. 150 11.51 .00 .00 .00 75.0 MAO � 01=x DM ISSC,00010}0 1T RIVE; Sl I •!''lull PERM"" 1111 UD+t 111E = 17).11 .00 .DO .00 ».0 44,69 010)100 1341 1005!510 107 7IH1 ;1 . 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O4pu0p tSUrJMI 17 M <I'%CI lPd [ttM /7p qC:n t7 6.11 .p .0 .p 1530 09.17 04=11.10 I!lOUp1011 I1to IY1L11011 411911 EtUMI.1TJ {M9 WLLMD LA U.91 7.11 .C3 A0 H.p U.OI 1 a', D7193303 t55011C75070 5715 I'll,", 01 JAIL LEMS Sp0 6I"I IW 09 U.0 .00 .03 .00 IS.Do TOM 0111;1:70 1%!011X117 1149 (IYlINO CA M4C15 L11U4A 1141 IIAIEL114 01 {S.0 .0 .0 .0 H.q W.p 04.^.71=77 MAIC MM 110 41 A; CI IIS' TIAAI 11K {IA(1114 N 11.10 .q .p .p M.p 11,10 S 017D;PC= Hl71 alp 1117 14(11 Iq JOl IDM IuS {IID ILLWI 114 1{1,10 .p .p .p H.0 M." 0116119gq I!!3L::7710 SPO Wlip CI Iw C:MI 1710 WDiP CI 4}.0 .p .p .p }S.p U.6 0471191747 1156[i7fl7J !7q W11P U lt'.ull qt/ q CLO 011 ill n .to .CO .07 M.0 9110,11010 =011)17 111 C9LYLW1 Y 1i 1'�I (ADI 7161 11.71 .0 .CO .Ca M.M $11 9C151PW0 1.,;11pt::7 111 111[1. 9I t1'i g019::M K7 Iwfl, Il 17.10 .p .0 .p H.p If.W 0�71C1}0 I!l71 I=L.:3 111 Iw.F1 !I I'0 ,91511 111 Will r1 A.q .p .p .p M.p IS.p 911'01=7 1!0_^ 3 :7 11) HIM V1 0 U YU W HILLf IdAttT NILIM II ADT 10 To.q .0 .p .Co H.p 41.0 ` 9:5010:101 If�73]1011 101 )IN :1 1 1 MILL:rA N9111113 If ('71LC11 Wt[:41 to .2 .0 .00 .00 M.0 WALL CII, CI "11CULO CITY Cl "TICELLO A U, 15.76.71 OT; 1. MS NO 4Tll I1 OILMG CIRTIFIUTIUIS 'IITN LAII Ou06I TAU I PIG A¢wnt 1 1 rr®erl. M*.. UI Co-- RY11 cult ns. 7 0.r10 d. Ort10.r O r10 0. 0. 20 0- !Ale TPu N3 3 C 1 r." Out Pari Ou 41% M lilt Due Ch- .Nil D-P !050115050 155079Mw70 M1 IM ST E S IATKM 1015E NILLSMI I APT N w.10 M .ao .o0 75.00 15.10 f050t150600 155070001070 M7 IM 51 F E CAST INKI NIlISME I Ui q 77.0 :0,0 .00 .0 .00 75.00 15.10 1250 1121M 155071M1070 MI ITN SIF 21 1IN. RUWSTIST HILLS I U} 1}I 70.10 .C7 .M .00 ri.GO 15.0 10501gwW 1557ri01010 711 IM Sl F 10 WlEEO ITiER N1Ll7 QrI I UT 110 w.10 .0 .0 .00 ri.M 15.10 1.010N0 155011001010 MI 'IN ii f 15 t01.>f0A 9P.1 [1'MI NIIISIDF I U1115 10.10 .0 .0 .00 is .00 15.10 1 N.,. TOTALS TOTAL 6611.q 1.11 .0 .00 7,111.00 1.01.11 CCLW q (1 e e e e e F. 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 .... 1 CITY Cl "TICELLO Council Agenda - 1/22/96 1010T .M" N"T11 M PUBLIC HEARING The public hearing should be opened for public comments. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION Enclosed as supporting data are excerpts the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 with highlighted areas of the proposed modifications. Please note the properties identified by the HRA for future consideration to acquire and the proposed budget associated with those acquisitions. Names are attached to the parcels to assist you with identification: 1400 West Broadway - Katzmarek 225 Front Street - Rich & Marian Carlson 525 East Broadway - Clifford Olson ? 109 West Broadway - Johnson's Warehouse 108 Walnut - Kjellberg Building The existing Project No. 1 is being modified to allow the HRA the flexibility to acquire these parcels located outside TIF Districts but located within the boundaries of Project No. 1. Currently, one of the five parcels is under consideration for condemnation and another under consideration to acquire. These five properties have been discussed by the HRA as parcels for possible redevelopment. The parcels are either substandard/blighted or identified in the comprehenshive plan update as problem areas. For this modification, Attorney Bubul and Publicorp have combined the budget for the land acquisition and planning studies of each of the districts into a single budget, which is sufficient. However, they recommend in the near future tho HRA and City update the cash flow for each district to determine their potential surpluses and to outline what aro eligible expenditures for each district given its type and the year in which it was established. The HRA would then modify the budget again to protect from any legislative changes and to apportion the master budget to each district. Council Agenda - 1/22196 These plans were forwarded to the County and School District on December 21, 1995, meeting the "at least 30 -day notice prior to the hearing" date. The hearing notice appeared in the local newspaper as required by law. On January 10, 1996, the HRA approved a resolution relating to this modification. Prior to consideration to adopt the resolution, the public hearing should be dosed. A motion to adopt the resolution modifying Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1; modifying TIF District Nos. 1-1 through 1-18; and approving the Central Monticello Redevelopemnt Plan and TIF Plane relating thereto. 2. A motion to deny adoption of the enclosed resolution. 3. A motion to table any action. Staff recommends alternative el, which allows the HRA to proceed with condemnation and the flexibility to consider other substandard/blighted properties for future redevelopment. Excerpts of the Plan for modification; Resolution for adoption; Hearing notice. � emsI lS 74 0 r- Is DEC 21 '95 11:47F11 (=rLERS S ASSOCIATES P. 5.19 MODIFICATIONS TO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NOS. 1-1, 1-2, ]-3, 14, t-5, 1-6 1-7, 1.8, 1-9, I.10, 1.11, 1. 12, 1. 13, 1-I4, I-15, I-16, 1.17, 1-18, and 1-19 Section 2.12 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tai Inurement Financing District No. 1, Section 3.12 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 2, Section 4.12 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 3, Section 5.12 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 4, Section 6.12 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 5, Section 7.12 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Inurement Financing District No. 6, Section 8.12 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax increment Financing District No. 7, Section 9.14 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. B. Section 10.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 9, Section 11.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment financing District No. 10, Section 12.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan far Tax Increment Financing District No. 11, Section 13.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 12, Section 14.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 13, Section 15.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 14, Section 16.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 15, Section 17.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 16, Section 18.17 of Ne Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 17, Section 19.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 18, and Section 20.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 19, arc hereby amended to included the following reference: (AS AMENDED JANUARY 22, 1996) Fctimr"A Amount of Bended Indebtedness: An estimated total amount of bonded indebtednew for all tax increment financing districts is expected to be increased by no more than SWAM ;n original principal amount plus interest cow. The bonded indebtedness may take the form of a general obligation tax increment bond, limited revenue note, or other obligation of the HRA and/or City. WE DEC 21 '95 11:47AM ER -ERS & ASSOCIATES PID Number. 155-015-022-020 PID Number. 155-015-022-040 Also described as Those parts of Lots 2.3. 4, 10. 1 I, 12. Block 22 and Block 21 lying southeasterly of the center line of said Lot 2 extended northeasterly to the shoreline of the Mississippi River and lying northwawly of the northeasterly extension of the southeasterly line of said Lot 10. Also that part of Lot 5 of Auditota Subdivision No. One according to the recorded map thereof lying westerly of the southwesterly extension of the southeasterly line of Lot 4. Block 22, LOWER MONTICELLO according to the recorded plat thereof extended southwesterly to the southwest line of said Lot 5 except that pan lying southeasterly of a line parallel with and 12.5 feet northerly of a line described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly extension of the southeasterly line of Lot 5 of said Block 22 with the southeasterly extension of the southwest line of said Block 22, thanes southwesterly at a deflection angle of 132 degrees 46 minutes from the said southeanerly extension of the southwest line of Block 22, a distance of 139.5 feet mom or las to said southwest line of Lot 5 of Auditor's Subdivision No. One and said line there terminating. Also that part of Broadway Street of LOWER MONTICELLO according to the recorded plat thereof tying southeasterly of the southwesterly extension of the center line of Lot 2, Block 22 of said LOWER MONTICELLO and northeasterly of the northwesterly extension of the southwest he of Lot 5 of the Auditor's Subdivision No. One according to the recorded map thereof. (AS MODII W JANUARY 22,1996) The Hr.RA =4acqulre the following pamth as described by address and parcel number: 1400 West Broadway 155500-033403 225 Front Street 155410-064010 525 East Broadway 155015-003060 109 West Broadway 155410452131 108 Walnut 155-010-052130 Each of these parcels U currently inside the boundaries of the Central Mondcalle Redevelopment Project No. l bot outride of the boundaries of as eshdog tax increment financing district However, at a future time one or more of the parents may be Included in a tea Increment Onanda4 dhutet. The HAA or City may ecquln property luted to this subsection of the Redevelopment Plan pursuant to the Housing and Redevelopment Act. including tequtdton of real or personal properly or any interest therein by gilts, grant, purchase, exehant% tsu% transkr, begoat. devise or Wherwlse, and by the exercise of the power of eminent domain, io the manner provided by Minnesota Statutues, Chapter 117. Subsection 1.9. Public Improvements and Facilities Within Redevelooment Proica No. 1. publicly 1-16 DEC 21 '95 11:46Rr1 EHLERS 8 ASSOCIATES P.7/9 Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-18 (As adopted November 28. 1994) 1. Soil correction Tax Interment Financing District No 1.19 (As adopted February 27, 1995) 1. Demolition. 2. Site improvemeom 3. Public improvements (street, sewer, water). 4. Site preparation. 5. Parking/landscaping (AS MODIFIED, JANUARY 22, 1996) For property acquired wkbin the Redevelopment Project but outalde of the boundaries of a current ter t increment financing district, the fbIWwWg too may be Incurred: 1. Demolition, 2. Land Acquisition 3. Relocation Subsection 1.10. Estimated Public CoM and cunnrxtive Data. The estimated torts of the public improvements to be made within Redevelopment Project No. I and financed by tax increments derived primarily from Tax Increment Financing Districts within Redevelopment Project No. l arc as follows: Tat Increment FinancingDistrict No- I - I (As adopted November 29, 1988) The estimate of public costs associated whb this project, and to be recovered by tart increment financing aro as follows: Land Acquisition 558,600.00 Special Assessments 14.901.67 Subtotal 573.301.67 The Oakwood Tax lncremew Financing District No. I - I will be established with respect to Uro east 180 feet of Lot 7, Block 3. Oakwood Industrial Park while the above figura reflect costs for all of Lot 7. Haud on tW division of land, the following figures apply to We project. Land Acquisition 529,300.00 Special Auasrnents 7-450-M Subtotal 536,730.83 Interest (8%) 14.400.00 1-21 7 `./ DEC 21 '95 11:4EAM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES (AS MODIFIED JANUARY 22, 1996) The budgets for the estimated public ensu for Tat Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1,1-2,1-3,1-4, 1-5. 1-18, 1.17,1-18, and 1-19 are hereby modified as follows: For various land acquisition activities and redevelopment and revitalization studies in the Redevelopment Project the cut. at expected costa Include: Land Acquisition 1100,000.00 Demolition/Relocation 200,000.00 Contingency 20M000,06 Subtotal 5900,000.00 Administration Total Subject to restrictions as applicable to tub Individual in Increment financing district pursuant to Minnesota Semmes, Section 469.174 to 469.176 (including limitations sa to the type of development that may be assisted and geographic boundaries within which humment any be spent), tat increment from any existing and (Mare tax increment 8naodng di al may be used to pay for public costa. This budget Is In addition to existing public cost budgets for each tax Inerament financing district Interest on any bonds or other obligations incurred are also to be paid from Increment in addition to the Una items Listed In the budget above. Subsection 1.11. Jmd Use, All new and/or existing development on land identified on Exhibits I -C through 1-F as "property to be acquired" or *possible acquisition' will be subject to the following uses and requirements: Uses Permitted in Designated Arun. jadMMjp1—All permitted, accessory and conditional uses as specified in Chapters 15 and 16, Monticello Zoning Ordinance, relating to 1-1(Light Industry) and 1-2 (Heavy Industry) zones. Planned Unit Developments, where applicable, will be considered. b. w n,eino/tt«-idential -AIL permitted, accessory std conditional uses as speeifiW in Chapters 8 and 10, Monticello Zoning Ordinance, relating to R-3 (Medium Density Residentiap and R -B (Residential -Business) zones. Planted Unit Developments, where feasible, will be c=uraged. C. —AII permitted, accessory, and conditional uses in accordance with the previsions governing all 'B" zones and including R -B, providing however that any commercial development in an R -B zone shall be coordinated with tate goals and objectives of the Housing Plan. Planned Unit Development, especially in the B-3 torte (Highway Business), will be ancourtged. 2. Additional Provisions. Sc=ning.-Becausa the overall appearance of a community contributes to the ability to (-32 DEC 21 '95 11:4SPr 04 -ERS & PSSXIPTES P.9/9 9. Pursuant to the adoption of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for RedevelopmentProject No. I. the Redevelopment Plan is hereby modified to reflect increased Project costs, as given in Subsection 1.10 of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1. (As modified April 12, 1993) 10. Pursuant to the adoption of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, the Redevelopment Plan is hereby modified to reflect increased Project costs, as given in Subsection 1.10 of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1. (As modified September 27. 1993) 11. Pursuant to the adoption of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, the Redevelopment Plan is hereby modified to reflect increased Project costa, as given in Subsection 1.10 of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1. (As modified March 14, 1994) 12. Pursuant to the adoption of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. I, the Redevelopment Plan is hereby modified to reflect increased Project costa, as given in Subsection 1.10 of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. I. (As modified August 8. 1994) 13. Pursuant to the adoption of tate Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, the Redevelopment Plan is hereby modified to reflect increased Project costs, as given in Subsection I.10 of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1. (As modified Novemer 28.1994) 14. Pursuant to the adoption of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopmtm Project No. 1, the Redevelopment Plat is bereby modified to reflect increased Project costs and enlarged gemgmbic area, as given in Subsection 1.10 of the Modlfled Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1. (As modified February 27, 1"$) 13. Pursuant to the adoption of the Modified Rodevehtpment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, Qct Redevelopment Plan is hereby modified to reflect increased Project costs, as given in Subsection 1.10 of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1. (As modified January 22,1990 16. Punus st to aha adoption of the Modified Redsvdopment Putt for R ... . ,., . Project Na 1, the Redevelopment Plan b hereby modified to rttllact increased Project coats, a given in Subsection 1.10 of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1. 1.37 7E Council member introduced the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent, and moved its adoption: CITY OF MONTICELLO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION MODIFYING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1; MODINYING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NOS. 1-1, 1-2, 1-3,1.4,1-5, 1.6, 1-7, 1 8 1-9, (-10, 1-11, I-12, 1-13,1-14, 1-IS,1-16,1-17, AND 1-18; AND APPROVING THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS RELATING THERETO, LOCATED WITHIN CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1. Be it resolved by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: Section I. Recitals 1.01 It has been proposed that the City modify the Redevelopment Plan (the "Redevelopment Plan") for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1(the "Redevelopment Project No. I-), and modify the Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1, 1.2, 1-3, 14.1.5, 1-6, 1-7. 1-8,1-9, 1-10,1-11. 1.12, 1-13. 1-14, 1-15, 1-16,1-17, and 1-18 (the "Tax Increment Districts") within Redevelopment Project No. 1, pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047, and Minnesota Statutes. Sections 469.174 through 469.179, inclusive, as amended. 1.02 The Council has investigated the facts and has caused to be prepared a modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. I and modified Tax Increment Financing Plans for the Tax Increment Districts (the "Plans"). 1.03. The City has performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the modification of the Plans, including, but not limited to, notification of Wright County and Independent School District No. 882 having taxing jurisdiction over the property to be included in the Tax Increment Districts, a review by the City Planning Commission of the proposed Plans, and the holding of a public hearing upon published notice as required by law. Section 2. Findings for the Modilicntion of Redevelamnent eject No. 1 _ the Modification of the Ta_ Increment Districts and the Approval afthe Plans relating thereto. 2.01. The Council hereby finds that the modification of the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. I and the modification of the Tax Increment Plans for the Tax Increment Districts arc intended and, in the judgment of this Council, the effect of such actions will be, to provide an impetus to accomplish certain objectives as specified in the Plans. 2.03 The Council fLnher finds that the proposed development, in the opinion of the Council, would not occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable f mim. and that, therefore, the 7F use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary; that the Plans conform to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the City as a whole; and that the Plans will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development of the Tax Increment Districts by private enterprise. Section 3. 3.01. The modifications to the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 and Tax Increment Financing Plans for the Tax Increment Districts are hereby approved and adopted, and shall be placed on file in the office of the City Administrator. 3.02. The City staff of the City are authorized and to file the Plans with the State Department of Revenue and Wright County. 3.03. The City staff of the City, the City's advisors and legal counsel are authorized and directed to proceed with the implementation of the Plans and for this purpose to negotiate, draft, prepare and present to this Council for its consideration all further plans, resolutions, documents and contracts necessary for this purpose. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council member . and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Dated: Mayor ATTEST: Clerk (SEAL) .2- 76 i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARWO CITY OF MONTICELLO COUNTY OF VVRIONT STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTre IS HEREBY OMEN that the Ctry Cour) (Te -CaaWn of Ou 01, of :I1loMlcaao. County of aWprriight. State of M6nesata, will hold a pAae hMWQ on - McriUMbJwKM 22 1 Ra.259M Earl &oadwM7 Pm In the City Cound Charnbei. In ff. Mmticelb, Msinewta, r ettrup toM he motl• • :Iltatlom to Ore Redo clopmmd Plan Im Ore Cmraal Monbce0o nedavelopmmq . • Props No. 1 and the moWicaUons to the Tax leud puerd Fmncsq Plmu for Ta. svommd Fhvx*rp District Noe. 1-I, 1-2, 1.7, 1.4, 1 5, 1.0, 1.7. 1.0, 1.0, 1.10. 1• .11. 1.12. 1.10, 1.14, 1.15. 1.19. 1.17 and 1.10 (conecovely. the •Ptwnj r Oumato, pewmd to Muneoola MDURS, SOCOoro 490001 Osmph 469,0,4�7f��end Mtrreeol8 Stables, Section 469.174 m 469.179. Mrslve. as arnmded. 6a 6 of the Plans we on We and available 1m pttllc aapecUon at the o10eo of the COy . A&r*l aata at city hall, SLOIct to cortin wwwwrn, tax Mmm m from the Ta■ araeamd Dlsakb may ..be spare on ollpfhle uws within the bou dmles of Cenhal Mon kello Redevelopment .. Ptojed N9. 1 as shown on the attached map. 1� t •-r' i ,f It- � AllInterested pplYwsson may appear at to hearing; aM pasart Oros Wws may to go .. •ptled: Jaanruuaerryy 0L1-800 SY ORDER b; THE CITY COUNCIL OF RIE CITY OF MONTICELLO• MIN. •'NESOTA - (Jr1RV t;Z Gly Admkllasalor . 11 ids � 10, 1880) Council Agenda - 1/22196 Consideration of on 158 -acre farm. W.S.) At the last meeting, the City Council authorized City staff to enter into a purchase agreement to purchase the Bohanon farm at a price of $525,000. The details of the purchase agreement were to be worked out with the Bohanons, approved by the City Attorney, and brought back to the City Council for final approval. Rick and I met with Ken and Carol Bohanon on the evening of January 11. After approximately a 11/2 -hour meeting, the following was laid out as a basic guideline for the purchase agreement and contract for deed. The purchase price would be $525,000. The money down on the property would be $75,000 to $100,000, with the Bohanons preferring $100,000 due to the fact that the City would be getting $30,000 per year rent; $5,000 of the down payment would be earnest money on the purchase agreement, with the remaining balance of the down payment due upon signing of the contract for deed. Upon signing the contract for deed, the City of Monticello could apply for tho permit or approval to operate a sludge or biosolids facility on the site. Ono -half of the balance after down payment would be due upon the City receiving a permit or letter of approval to use the site from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. After the meeting, Rick suggested we also tie this into when the funds are available from tho state loan program but that the payment should be no later than December 31, 1996. The second and final payment would be mado on or about January 2, 1997. The Bohanons indicated they would carry the balance until the two final payments are made without interest. The Bohanons would return the rental deposit to the individuals renting the home on the farm. The City of Monticello would then draft a new rental agreement and obtain the deposit firom the renters who indicate they wish to continue renting the home. Ira Council Agenda - 1/22196 The large pole barn on the farm is rented to Jim Ewing of Big Lake, Minnesota, for the storage of farm equipment. The rent is paid through October of 1996. The rent would be prorated at the date of signing of the contract for deed, and that portion of the rent would be returned to the City of Monticello. Mr. Ewing could continue to rent the building through October of 1996. b. Mr. Jim Ewing of Big Lake rents the tillable land on the farm. It is currently a three-year lease with one year remaining through the cropping season of 1996. Mr. Ewing has indicated that he wishes to continue the lease agreement with the City of Monticello. We would make it a condition of the purchase that the lease be renegotiated, to allow us access and use, and transferred to the City of Monticello with rent payments due in the spring and fall of 1996. 6. Ken Bohanon signed an authorization to begin the installation of three ground water monitoring wells on the site. These wells are needed to determine the ground water quality immediately beneath the site and to determine the low or downward gradient of the ground water table for application to the MPCA. 7. The Bohanons would pay for and provide a certificate of survey as recommended by the City Attorney. 8. The Bohanons would be required, as is typical with purchases, to pay for the coat of upgrading the abstract and whatever deed tau is due at the time of transfer of warranty deed to the City. The City Attorney has been given the above information and is in the process of drafting the purchase agreement. It is my understanding that as soon as it is received, it will be included with your agenda packet and distributed to the Bohanons for review by their attorney. Assuming it meets with your approval and their approval, we would then prepare all of the information and documentation necessary for the application to PCA and sign the contract for deed based upon the purchase agreement at the time the application is submitted to the PCA. B. ALTERNATNE ACTION : The first alternative is to approve the purchase agreement as drafted with the course of action as described in the agenda text. Council Agenda - 1/22/96 The second alternative is to modify the purchase agreement as recommended by the City Council and then submit it to the Bohanons for their approval. The third alternative would be not to approve the purchase agreement. STAFF RF, ,O NDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council approve the purchase agreement as drafted by the City Attorney as outlined in alternative #1. D_ SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of purchase agreement. L� PURCHASE AGREEMENT DRAF1 'PHIS AGREEMENT is made as of January , 1996, between Kenneth Bohanon and Carol Bohanon, husband and wife, ("Sellers"), and City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, ("Buyer"). In consideration of this Agreement, Sellers and Buyer agree as follows: 1. Sale of Property. Sellers agrees to sell to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to buy from Sellers, the following property (collectively, "Property"): a. Real Property. The real property located in Wright County, 2 pole / machine sheds, as described on attached Exhibit A ("Land") together with (1) that part of the residential building ("Building") irrigation wells, electrical and heating systems and improvements constructed or located on the Land and (2) all easements and rights benefiting or appurtenant to the Land (collectively the "Real Property"). b. Leases. Sellers interests as lessor in the leases described on the attached Exhibit B ("Leases"). C. Contracts. Sellers interests in the service and maintenance contracts, equipment leases and other contracts regarding the Real Property, if any ("Contracts"). 2. Purchase Price and Manner of Payment. The total purchase price ("Purchase Price") to be paid by Buyer to Sellers for the Property shall be Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand and No/100 ($525,000.00) Dollars payable to Sellers in the manner hereinafter provided: a. The sum of $5,000.00 in earnest money, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. b. The sum of $70,000.00 by certified or cashier's check on the date of closing. C. The balance of Four Hundred Fifty and 00/100 ($450,000.00) Dollars with interest thereon at the rate of _ percent per annum by Contract for Deed in a manner and form substantially similar to Exhibit C which shall contain terms of payment as follows: 1) The sum of Two Hundred Twenty -Five Thousand and 00/100 ($225,000.00) Dollars payable at the later of the occurrence of the following events: Yj s (a) Upon Buyer's receipt of a valid permit from the MPCA for application of sludge on the Land; and (b) Upon Purchaser's receipt of loan proceeds from public facilities authority towards the purchase of the Land; or, (c) In any event, not later than December ]1, 1996. 2) The final installment of Two Hundred Twenty - Five Thousand and 00/100 ($225,000.00) Dollars shall be due and payable no later than June 1, 1997. 3. Contingencies. The obligations of Buyer under this Agreement are contingent upon each of the following: a. Representations and warranties. The representations and warranties of Sellers contained in this Agreement must be true now and on the Closing Date as if made on the Closing Date and Sellers shall have delivered to Buyer on the Closing Date a certificate dated the Closing Date, signed by Sellers, certifying that such representations and warranties are true as of the Closing Date. b. Title. Title shall have been found acceptable, or been made acceptable, in accordance with the requirements and terms of Paragraph 6 below. C. Performance of Sellers oblications. Sellers shall have performed all of the obligations required to be performed by Sellers under this Agreement, as and when required by this Agreement. Included within the obligations of Sellers under this Agreement shall be the following: 1) Sellers shall allow Buyer, and Buyer's agents, access to all parts of the Land and Building without charge, and at all reasonable times, for the purpose of Buyer's investigation and testing the same for environmental hazards, asbestos, lead based paint, etc. Buyer shall pay all costs and expenses of such investigation and testing. Buyer shall hold Sellers harmless from all costs and liabilities relating to the Buyer's activities. Buyer shall further repair and restore any damega to the Land and Buildings caused by or occurring during Buyer's testing and return the Land and Buildings to substantially the same condition as existed prior to such entry. -2- 2) Provided that Sellers do not incur any out of pocket expenses or liability, Sellers shall without charge to Buyer cooperate in Buyer's attempts to obtain all governmental approvals necessary in Buyer's judgment in order to permit Buyer to use the Property for its intended purpose as a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (^MPCA°) permitted sludge application site. Sellers shall further execute such applications, permits, environmental vorksheets and other documents as may be required by governmental bodies to accomplish the foregoing and shall use their best efforts to procure the signature of all necessary parties to said documents. This obligation is a continuing obligation which shall survive the closing herein. 7) On or before February 15, 1996, Sellers shall deliver to Buyer true and correct copies of all Leases and Contracts for Buyer's review and analysis. d. Estoomel Certificates. Buyer shall have received, on or before the Closing Date, estoppel certificates from all tenants under Leases, which shall confirm the rents payable by each tenant, and which shall disclose no facts which are materially adverse either to Buyer's acquisition or intended use of the Real Property unless waived in writing by Buyer. Sellers acknowledge it may be necessary to alter an existing lease to permit Buyer to utilize a part of the Land for its intended purpose. Sellers shall use its best efforts to obtain estoppel certificates from each of such tenants; provided Sellers shall not be required to expend moneys or make concessions in order to obtain such estoppel certificates; if a tenant shall fail to deliver an estoppel certificate, Sellers shall deliver at closing an estoppel certificate signed by Sellers representing the same facts as that tenant would have represented in the missing estoppel certificate, but only if Buyer agrees that the delivery of such certificate shall satisfy this condition. e. Testing. Buyer shall have determined, at its sole discretion, on or before the Contingency Date, that it is satisfied with the results of and matters disclosed by soil tests, well tests, engineering inspections, hazardous waste and environmental reviews of the Property, all such tests, inspections and reviews to be obtained at Buyer's sole cost and expense. f. Document Review. Buyer shall have determined, on or before the Contingency Date, that it is satisfied with its review and analysis of the Leases and Contracts as referenced in paragraph 1(b) and (c). _3_ rc-,-4 a The "Contingency Date" shall be April 1, 1996. If any such contingency has not been satisfied on or before the Contingency Date or Closing Date, as the case may be, then this Agreement may be terminated, at Buyer's option, by written notice from Buyer to Sellers. Such notice of termination may be given at any time on or before the Closing Date. Upon such termination, neither party will have any further rights or obligations regarding this Agreement or the Property. All the contingencies set forth in this Agreement are specifically stated and agreed to be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Buyer and the Buyer shall have the right to unilaterally waive any contingency by written notice to Sellers. 4. Closing. The closing of the purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement (the "Closing") shall occur on Nay 1, 1996 (the "Closing Date"). The Closing shall take place at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall, or at such other place as may be agreed to. Sellers agree to deliver possession of the Property to Buyer on the Closing Date. a. Sellers Closing Documents. On the Closing Date, Sellers shall execute and/or deliver to Buyer the following (collectively, "Sellers Closing Documents"): 1) 2294. A Contract for warranty Deed, in form substantially similar to Exhibit C, conveying the Real Property to Buyer, free and clear of all encumbrances, except Permitted Encumbrances as hereafter defined. Z) Assignment of Leases. An Assignment of Leasee, in form reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, conveying with warranties the Leases and any security deposits, prepaid rents or collections and guarantees regarding the Leases to Buyer, free and clear of all encumbrances. ]) Assignment of Contracts. An Assignment of Contracts, if any, in form reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, conveying with warranties the Contracts to Buyer, free and clear of all encumbrances, together with the consent of all parties having a right to consent to such Assignment. 4) Estoppel Certificate(e). The Estoppel Certificate(s) required pursuant to Section 7(d) above. 5) Notices to Tenants. Notices to the tenants under the Leases, in form reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, advising them of the sale of the Property, -4- 0 confirming the transfer of Tenant's security deposits and interest thereon, and directing them to make future lease payments to Buyer at the place designated by Buyer. 6) Sellers Affidavit. A standard and customary Affidavit of Sellers of real property executed by Sellers. 7) Security Deposits and Prepaid Renta. All Security deposits and prepaid rents under the Leases, including valid transfers of any noncash securities or documents held for such purposes. 8) Original Documents. original copies of the Leases, and Contracts if available. 9) Abstract of Title. The Abstract of Title regarding the Real Property. 10) IRS Form. A Designation Agreement designating the "reporting person" for purposes of completing Internal Revenue Form 1099. 11) Well certificate. A statement on the deed that to Sellers' knowledge that there are no "Wells" on the Property within the meaning of Minn. Stet. Section 1031 or if there are "Wells", a Well Certificate in the form required by law. 12) Storage Tanks. If the Property contains or contained a storage tank, an affidavit with respect thereto, as required by Minn. Stat. Section 116.08. 1]) Other Documents. All other documents reasonably determined by Buyer to be necessary to transfer the Property to Buyer free and clear of all encumbrances save and except for the Permitted Encumbrances as described in Section 6 herein. b. liver's Closing Documents. on the Closing Date, Buyer will execute and/or deliver to Sellers the following (collectively, "Buyer's Closing Documents"): 1) Purchase Price. The Purchase Price, by certified check to be delivered to Sellers on or before 1:00 p.m. on the Closing Date. 2) Opinion of Buyer's Counsel. If requested by Sellers, an opinion of Buyer's counsel, dated as of the Closing Date, in form reasonably satisfactory to Sellers, that Buyer is a municipal corporation under -s- 1OF the laws of the State of Minnesota; that Buyer has the requisite power and authority to enter into this Agreement and the Buyer's Closing Documents signed by it; that such documents have been duly authorized by all necessary city council on the part of Buyer and have been duly executed and delivered; that the execution, delivery and performance by Buyer of such documents do not conflict with or result in a violation of Buyer's statutory powers or any judgment, order or decree of any court or arbiter to which Buyer is a party; and that such documents are valid and binding obligations of Buyer, enforceable in accordance with their terms. 3) Title Documents. Such affidavits of Purchaser, Certificates of Value or other documents as may be reasonably required in order to record the Sellers Closing Documents and issue the Title Insurance Policy required by this Agreement. S. Prorations. Sellers and Buyer agree to the following prorations and/or allocation of costs regarding this Agreement: a. Title Insurance and Closing Fee. Sellers will pay all costs of abstracting and Buyer will pay all other fees and charges in connection with issuing the title commitment, the title policy and closing fee, if any. b. Deed Tax. Sellers shall pay all state deed tax regarding the warranty Deed to be delivered by Sellers under this Agreement. C. Real Estate Taxes and Special Assessments. General real estate taxes payable in 1996 and all prior years shall be paid in full by Sellers on or before the Closing Date. General real estate taxes payable in 1996 shall be prorated by Sellers and Buyer as of the Closing Date based upon a calendar fiscal year and paid at the time of closing. The lien of levied or pending assessments shall be paid by Sellers, on or before the Closing Date. d. Basic Rents. All basic rent and other charges under the Leases will be prorated as of the Closing Date. If at the Closing Date a tenant under any of the Leases is delinquent in any payments required of it, then to the extant Buyer receives from such tenant amounts in excess of the payments due Buyer pursuant to this Agreement, Buyer -6- SF will remit such amounts to Sellers. However, Buyer will have no obligation to seek or collect any such payments and will only be obligated to make such payment to Sellers after Buyer is fully paid for all amounts due it. e. Additional Tenant Amounts. To the extent operating expenses, including real estate taxes and special assessments are chargeable to tenants under the Leases, Buyer shall pay to Sellers on the Closing Date the amount of all such operating expenses prepaid by Sellers and which are reimbursable but not yet reimbursed by tenants and Buyer shall thereafter collect and retain all tenant reimbursements. Sellers shall transfer to Buyer at the Closing Date and without additional charge all security deposits and interest thereon, prepaid rents and all deposits or payments by tenants with respect to operating expenses. f. Recording Costs. Sellers will pay the cost of recording all documents necessary to place record title in the condition warranted and requested by Sellers in this Agreement. g. Other Costs. All other operating costs of the Property, will be allocated between Sellers and Buyer as of the Closing Date, so that Sellers pays that part of such other operating costs payable before the Closing Date, and Buyer pays that part of such operating costs payable from and after the Closing Date. h. Attorneys' Fees. Each of the parties will pay its own attorneys' fees. 6. Title Examination. Title Examination will be conducted as follows: a. Sellers Title Eyidenes. Sellers shall, within 20 days after the date of this Agreement, furnish the following (collectively, "Title Evidence") to Buyer: 1) ance Commitment. A commitment ("Title Commitment") for an ALTA 1990 Owner's Policy of Title Insurance insuring title to the Real Property, in the amount of the Purchase Price, issued by Fidelity National Title Company or such other title insurance company as designated by Buyer ("Title"). The Title Commitment will commit Title to insure title to the Property subject only to the Permitted Encumbrances. b. Buyer's Obiections. Within 20 days after receiving the last of the Title Evidence, Buyer will maks written objections ("Objections") to the form end/or -7- 0G contents of the Title Evidence. Buyer's failure to make objections within such time period will constitute waiver of Objections. Any matter shown on such Title Evidence and not objected to by Buyer shall be a "Permitted Encumbrance" hereunder. Sellers will have sixty (60) days after receipt of the Objections to cure the Objections, during which period the Closing will be postponed as necessary. Sellers shall use diligent efforts to correct any Objections. To the extent an Objection can be satisfied by the payment of a set sum of money, such as a payment of a judgment, mortgage or mechanic's lien, Buyer shall have the right to apply a portion of the cash payable to Sellers at the Closing to satisfaction of such Objection and the amount so applied shall reduce the amount of cash payable to Sellers at the Closing. If the Objections are not cured within such sixty (60) day period, Buyer will have the option to do any of the following: Terminate this Agreement. Waive the objections and proceed to close. 7. Operation Prior to Closing. During the period from the date of Sellers acceptance of this Agreement to the Closing Date (the "Executory Period"), Sellers shall operate and maintain the Property in the ordinary course of business in accordance with prudent, reasonable business standards, including the maintenance of adequate liability insurance and insurance against lose by fire, windstorm and other hazards, casualties and contingencies, including vandalism and malicious mischief. However, Sellers shall execute no contracts, leases or other agreements regarding the Property during the Executory Period that are not terminable on or before the Closing Date, without the written consent of Buyer, which consent may be withheld by Buyer at its Bole discretion. S. Representations and Warranties by Sellers. Sellers represent and warrant to Buyer as follows: a. Title to Real Property. Sellers own the Real Property, free and clear of all encumbrances (I CSECE WITH TRU) the Leases as described on Exhibit B, real estate taxes and assessments and easements of record. b. I&MM. Sellers have made available to Buyer a correct and complete copy of each Lease and all its amendments in their possession. The information regarding the Leases contained in attached Exhibit 8 is correct and complete as of the date of this Agreement. The Leases are in full force and neither Sellers, nor any tenant, is in default under the Leases. There are no other leases or possessory rights of others regarding the Real Property. -e- 814 0 C. Contracts. Sellers have made available to Buyer a correct and complete copy of each Contract and its amendments, if any. The Contracts are in full force and neither Sellers, nor any other party to the Contracts, are in default under the Contracts. All other contracts in effect regarding the Property are terminable on or before the Closing Date. d. Utilities. Sellers have received no notice of actual or threatened reduction or curtailment of any utility service now supplied to the Real Property. e. Certificates of Occupancy. Sellers have received no notice of actual or threatened cancellation or suspension of any certificates of occupancy for any portion of the Real Property. f. Assessments. Sellers have received no notice of pending special assessments or reassessments of the Real Property. g. Environmental Laws. To the best knowledge of Sellers, no toxic or hazardous substances or wastes, pollutants or contaminants (including, without limitation, asbestos, urea formaldehyde, the group of organic compounds known as polychlorinated biphenyls, petroleum products including gasoline, fuel oil, crude oil and various constituents of such products, and any hazardous substance as defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 ("CERCLA"), 42 U.B.C. Section 9601-9657, as amended) have been generated, treated, stored, released or disposed of, or otherwise placed, deposited in or located on the Property, nor has any activity been undertaken on the Property that would cause or contribute to (i) the Property to become a treatment, storage or disposal facility within the meaning of, or otherwise bring the Property within the ambit of, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 ("RCRA"), 42 U.S.C. Section 6901 et sea., or any similar state law or local ordinance, (11) a release or threatened release of toxic or hazardous wastes or substances, pollutants or contaminants, from the Property within the meaning of, or otherwise bring the Property within the ambit of, CERCLA, or any similar state law or local ordinance, or (iii) the discharge of pollutants or effluents into any water source or system, the dredging or filling of any waters or the discharge into the air of any emissions, that would require a permit under the Federal Nater Pollution Control Act, 73 U.S.C. Section 1251 at sea., or the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 7401 et sea., or any similar state law or local ordinance. To the best knowledge of Sellers. There are no substances or conditions in or on the Property that may -9- support a claim or cause of action under RCRA, CERCLA or any other federal, state or local environmental statutes, regulations, ordinances or other environmental regulatory requirements, including without limitation, the Minnesota Environmental Response and Liability Act, Minn. Stat. 115B ("MERI.A") and the Minnesota Petroleum Tank Release Cleanup Act, Minn. Stat. 115C. No part of the Property is a "Wetland" to the best knowledge of Sellers, as defined by law. Sellers have disclosed to Buyer all environmental reports and studies with respect to the Property which are in Sellers possession. h. Rights of Others to Purchase ProRerty. Sellers have not entered into any other contracts for the sale of the Property, nor are there any rights of first refusal or options to purchase the Property or any other rights of others that might prevent the consummation of this Agreement. i. Sellers Defaults. Sellers are not in default concerning any of its obligations or liabilities regarding the Real Property. J. Use of Real Property. To the best knowledge of Sellers, the Real Property is usable for its current uses without violating any federal, state, local or other governmental building, zoning, health, safety, platting, subdivision or other law, ordinance or regulation, or any applicable private restriction, and such use is a legal conforming use. k. Proceedines. There is no action, litigation, investigation, condemnation or proceeding of any kind pending or threatened against Sellers or any portion of the Property. 1. Agents and Employees. No management agents or other personnel employed in connection with the operation of the Property have the right to continue such employment after the Closing Date. There are no claims for brokerage commission or other payments with respect to the existing Property. m. Condition. To the best knowledge of Sellers, the buildings, structures and improvements included within the Property are structurally sound and in good repair and all mechanical, electrical, heating, air conditioning, drainage, sewer, water and plumbing systems are in proper working order. -10- V J n. Wells. The Sellers certify that the Sellers do not know of any "Wells" on the described Property within the meaning of Minn. Stat. Section 1032. This representation is intended to satisfy the requirements of that statute. o. Storage Tanks. To the best knowledge of Sellers, no above ground or underground tanks, are located in or about the Property, or have been located under, in or about the Property and have subsequently been removed or filled. To the extent storage tanks exist on or under the Real Property such storage tanks have been duly registered with all appropriate regulatory and governmental bodies and otherwise are in compliance with applicable Federal, state and local statutes, regulations, ordinances and other regulatory, requirements. Sellers will indemnify Buyer, its successors and assigns, against, and will hold Buyer, its successors and assigns, harmless from, any expenses or damages, including reasonable attorneys' fees, that Buyer incurs because of the breach of any of the above representations and warranties, whether such breach is discovered before or after closing. Each of the representations and warranties herein contained shall survive the Closing. Wherever herein a representation is made "to the best knowledge of Sellers", such representation is limited to the actual knowledge of Sellers. Except as herein expressly stated, Buyer is purchasing the Property based upon its own investigation and inquiry and is not relying on any representation of Sellers or other person and is agreeing to accept and purchase the Property "as is, where is" subject to the conditions of examination herein set forth and the express warranties herein contained. Consummation of this Agreement by Buyer with knowledge of any such breach by Sellers will not constitute a waiver or release by Buyer of any claims due to such breach, however, Buyer will promptly notify Sellers in writing if Buyer becomes aware of any such breach by Sellers. 9. Renresentations and Warranties by Buver. Buyer represents and warrants to Sellers that Buyer is a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota; that Buyer has the requisite authority to enter into this Agreement and the Buyer's Closing Documents signed by it; such documents have been duly authorized by all necessary city council action on the part of Buyer and have been duly executed and delivered; that the execution, delivery and performance by Buyer of such documents do not conflict with or result in violation of Buyer's statutory powers under Minnesota law or any judgment, order or decree of any court or arbiter to which Buyer is a party; such documents are valid and binding obligations of Buyer, and are enforceable in accordance with their terms. -11- TK 10. Damage. If, prior to the Closing Date, all or any part of the Property is substantially damaged by fire, casualty, the elements or any other cause, Sellers shall immediately give notice to Buyer of such fact and at Buyer's option (to be exercised within thirty (30) days after Sellers notice), this Agreement shall terminate, in which event neither party will have any further obligations under this Agreement. If Buyer fails to elect to terminate despite such damage, at the sole option of Buyer, Sellers shall assign to Buyer all rights to any and all insurance policies in favor of Sellers insuring the Building against property damage and this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect with no reduction in the purchase price. For purposes of this Section, the words "substantially damaged" mean damage that would cost $10,000.00 or more to repair. 11. Mutual Indemnification. Sellers and Buyer agree to indemnify each other against, and hold each other harmless from, all liabilities (including reasonable attorneys' fees in defending against claims) arising out of the ownership, operation or maintenance of the Property for their respective periods of ownership. Such rights to indemnification will not arise to the extent that (a) the party seeking indemnification actually receives insurance proceeds or other cash payments directly attributable to the liability in question (net of the cost of collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees) or (b) the claim for indemnification arises out of the act or neglect of the party seeking indemnification. If and to the extent that the indemnified party has insurance coverage, or the right to make claim against any third party for any amount to be indemnified against as set forth above, the indemnified party will, upon full performance by the indemnifying party of its indemnification obligations, assign such rights to the indemnifying party or, if such rights are not assignable, the indemnified party will diligently pursue such rights by appropriate legal action or proceeding and assign the recovery and/or right of recovery to the indemnifying party to the extent of the indemnification payment made by such party. 12. Assignment. Neither party may assign its rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, before or after the Closing. Any ouch assignment will not relieve such assigning party of its obligations under this Agreement. 13. Survival. All of t*.c tormo of this Agreement will survive and be enforceable against Buyer and Sellers after the Closing. 14. Notices. Any notice required or permitted to be given by any party upon the other is given in accordance with this Agreement if it is directed to Sellers by delivering it personally to an officer of Sellers; or if it is directed to -12- 8L Buyer, by delivering it personally to an officer of Buyer; or if mailed in a sealed wrapper by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid; or if transmitted by facsimile, copy followed by mailed notice as above required; or if deposited cost paid with a nationally recognized, reputable overnight courier, properly addressed as follows: If to Sellers: Kenneth and Carol Bohanon lBED ADDRESS With a copy to: If to Buyer: City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, Minnesota 55762 Attn: City Administrator Notices shall be deemed effective on the earlier of the date of receipt or the date of deposit as aforesaid; provided, however, that if notice is given by deposit, that the time for response to any notice by the other party shall commence to run one business day after any such deposit. Any party may change its address for the service of notice by giving written notice of such change to the other party, in any manner above specified, 10 days prior to the effective date of such change. 15. Captions. The paragraph headings or captions appearing in this Agreement are for convenience only, are not a part of this Agreement and are not to be considered in interpreting this Agreement. 16. Entire Aareement: Modification. This written Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements between the parties regarding the Property. There are no verbal agreements that change this Agreement and no waiver of any of its terms will be effective unless in a writing executed by the parties. 17. Bindina Effect. This Agreement binds and benefits the parties and their successors and assigns. 18. Controilina Law. This Agreement has been made under the laws of the Stato of Minnesota, and such laws will control its interpretation. 19. Remedies. If either party defaults under this Agreement, both parties shall be entitled to all rights and remedies at law or equity available to them. -1]- Sellers and Buyer have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. Date of Signature By B1r SELLERS CITY OF MONTICELLO Date of Signature By Its BUYER Taxpayer I.D. Number: -11- 8l) Council Agenda - 1/22196 f►^= U.S.) As part of our request to the MPGA to use the Bohanon farm as a sludge facility, we need to provide topographic information with our application. In addition, concerned neighbors have raised questions about the run-off from the Bohanon property, which they referred to as a plateau. MARKHURD aerial photography has flown the entire county in 1994. They have taken these aerial photos and, in the past, produced topographic information for the City. I have obtained a quote from them for producing a topographic map of the Bohanon property, including a 300 -ft radius around the property. The cost of the topo and the ground control would be $2,980. For an additional $900, we could obtain topograpiuc information on the YMCA property to the south. Once we have the topographic information on the Bohanon property, we can have a hydrologist and/or environmental engineer from HDR review the site and topography to determine if there are any concerns of run-off from this property in regard to using it as a sludge or biosolids application facility. If there are, this review can also tell us how those concerns can be mitigated. If we intend to use the YMCA site in the future, that property should also be reviewed then, as it is close to Bertram Lake. B. ALTERNATIVE. ACTIONS: The first alternative is to authorise topographic mapping of the 160. acre Bohanon firm and a 300 -ft distance around it at a cost of $2,980, including the mapping and ground control necessary for the mapping. It is my understanding that the work can be completed within the next couple of weeks. The second alternative would be to not only do the topographic mapping of the Bohanon property but also the YMCA property to the south toward Bertram Lake at an additional coat of $900. The third alternative would be not to do the topographic mapping. Council Agenda - 1/22/96 C. 9rAFF RFCONMMNDATION; It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and PSG that the City Council approve the topographic mapping of the Bohanon site as outlined in alternative #1 and that we take that information and have it reviewed by HDR for concerns of run-off from the site, and that this information be presented along with our application to the PCA for a facility at the site. Council could also choose to add the YMCA property at this time assuming that we could utilize the site in the future. This would not be needed, however, at this time to complete our permit application to the PCA for the Bobanon farm. Copy of proposal dated January 10, 1996, from MARKHURD aerial surveys. 20 PtARKMURO r MAI OP►ORIUNILV LMVl01'[R 1J4bft AV1MA NOR"i•MINNIAKXWMAR I CAOVLWNN1501As5111 1N 41 /O. IN11610: I111►HONL 16171170.9606 • IAR: 16121420-9S84 E9393 January 10, 1996 Mr. John Simola Public Works Director City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 250 E. Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Simola: Reference is made to our visit of January 9th, and to our previous correspondence last September with Mr. Tom Bose. Accordingly, we are pleased to furnish our proposal for aerial survey services in portions of Sections 8 and 17, in Monticello Township, Wright County, MN. Details are described below. Area Our understanding of the two areas are indicated in green on the attached USGS map print. We estimate Area A contains +. 160 acres and Area B comprises + 130 acres. Mapping limits will extend 300 feet out (on all sides) beyond those shown. Please examine these limits carefully, and unless changes are indicated on the prints returned with the acceptance copy of this proposal, we will understand the limits arc correct. Aerial Photography We will use aerial photography Ween on April 22, 1994, with a precision mapping camera. Map content will be as of that date. Negative scale of this photography is approximately 1' a 833', and is suitable for producing the 2 -foot C.1. mapping requested. Ground Control It is understood that the City of Monticello forces will be responsible for the necessary control for mapping. We will furnish you or your designated surveyor with a set of aerial 9p JMARKNURO photographs indicating the location and description of the points for which we require horizontal coordinates and vertical elevations. We estimate + 4 horizontal points and 4 vertical points will be required. As an option, MARKHURD will be responsible for all necessary ground control for topographic mapping. We intend to subcontract this service to Taylor Land Surveyors, in Monticello. Horizontal control will be based on the Wright County Coordinate System. Vertical control will be based on MSL datum. During the course of our survey, we will establish semi-permanent type stations for future reference. These points will be properly referenced, described and shown on the maps that we furnish, if they fall within the mapping limits. Otherwise, description information only will be furnished for your use. Topographic Mapping We will digitally collect planimetric and Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM) data for a designed scale of 1' = 100', showing 2 -foot contour intervals. If desired, we can also plot 1 -foot contours on the maps based on the DTM software, although National Map Accuracy will be based on 2 -foot contours only. The attached level/layer list itemizes the features which, to the extent they are visible on the photography, will be collected. Please review this list and notify us if the features we intend to show do not meet your needs. Hard copy map delivery will consist of a reproducible mylar plot(s) at I' = 100', made from our digital files. A digital form of map delivery such as DXF or ASCII is available. Please notify us if you are interested. Map Accuracy and Liability By accepting this proposal, you agree the work described herein will meet your intended purpose. The use of this map for a purpose other than that which is originally designed may render the map unreliable. Except where the ground may be obscured, map accuracy will comply with National Malt Accuracy Standards. Briefly, these state that 90% of all well defined features shall be correct within 1/30 inch, and 90% of all elevations correct within 1/2 -contour interval. If a8 PNARKNURD areas are obscured, contours will be dashed to indicate they are approximate. The accuracy standards should be applied only to the basic scale and contour interval V _ 100', 2' C.I. for which the maps were designed. WAS will not apply vertically for 1 - foot contours, if shown. MARKHURD's liability, in the production or use of these maps, for any inaccuracies that may be found in these maps, shall be limited to the correction of such inaccuracies, and shall not exceed the contract value of the maps. No representations or warranties are made other than those stated herein. Performance Schedule We will furnish the designated surveyor a set of aerial photographs indicating the control requirements within 2-3 days after receipt of notice to proceed. The time required to deliver the completed mapping will depend, to some extent, upon our work load when completed ground control is furnished. However, we estimate that delivery can be made within 10 working days after its receipt. Cost Fee Schedule Our charge for the services described above will be as follows: Area A only, _+. 160 acres + 300 foot all around $1,980.00 2. Areas A and B, _+ 290 acres + 300 feet all around $2,880.00 MARKHURD ground control, optional $1,000.00 When using control information provided by other than our own forces, an additional charge of $65.00 per hour will be made for excess office time, if any, due to erroneous control information. Payment Terms and Conditions Fees, as stated, shall remain in effect for 45 days from the date of proposal. If the date of acceptance occurs after this time period, we reserve the right to revise our fee and resubmit this proposal based on the present conditions. 1 9� PCAR"ua0 We will submit monthly invoices for the percentage of the work completed. Terms of payment will be net due 30 days from the date of invoice, and will be subject to a 1.5% service charge on balance each month thereafter. We appreciate the opportunity of furnishing this proposal and look forward to being of service. Receipt of your purchase order based on this proposal or your signature on the enclosed acceptance copy will serve as our contract and notice to proceed. Thank you for your continued consideration of MARKHURD! Very truly yours, MAARRRKKHHU-,RrD Robert E. Swanson Technical Representative RES: mer Proposal accepted for the City of Monticello by: Signature Title Date Items accepted �i. EN IWARN URD 100 Level/Layer List lev color wt stl cellatP tens description red 1 0 x Horizontal control point 2 red 1 0 x Vertical control point 4 cyan 1 6 x Drain or shoreline S cyan 1 7 x Swamp outline 6 cyan 1 0 x Swamp symbol 7 mag 2 0 Road/street 9 mag 1 2 Road/street (under cons(ruction) 10 brown 1 3 Driveway II brown 1 3 Trail (sin le line 12 yellow 0 0 Sidewalk public)) 13 white 2 0 Bridge 14 white 2 0 x Railroad tracks 16 yellow 1 0 x Railroad crossing signs 18 19 white 2 1 0 Airport runway yellow 0 x Radio, TV towers 20 yellow 1 0 Electric transmission tower 21 22 white 1 1 0 x Utility pole (gcncric) white 0 Building 23 white 1 2 Building (under construction) 24 white 1 2 slab or nuns 25 white 3 0 Wall 26 white 2 0 Billboard 27 white 1 0 x Culvert 28 cyan 1 0 Pool 29 brown 1 0 Golfcoursefeatures 31 brown 1 7 Unidentified object (line) 32 yellow 1 0 Tank 33 34 blue 1 1 0 x 0 Fence (nia or) Woods 35 green green 1 x 0 x oAine Single tree 36 white 1 4 x Pipeline 37 red 2 5 Under construction outline 38 red 1 3 Shoulder 39 blue 1 2 x Guard rail 52 red 1 0 Index contour 53 gray 0 0 Intemtcdiatc contour 54 55 red 1 0 0 x Index depression contour 57 gray yellow 1 0 x 0 x Intermediate depression contour Spot elevation 60 white 0 1 Approximate arca 61 while 0 0 Grid ticks 62 white 0 0 Title blocks NOTE: A blank space indicates a line feature. This is a complete listing that you evaluate this list of features that we are prcparcd to collect at 1"=100'. We request and determine if it meds your needs. i MARKWURD reserves the right to char a additional fees for any "cosmetic" alterations or additional features you may wish to add 9E r � . _• t 1 ' , til ,_���„" I ' �s�oa � •yrs' - IY� � ^ ��'-��*�.,.,_ %rOJN, �=� .t » iso p '�` -- •t: Lake l -1t•- , l 7 t� ly �� � `, •.._ � ""' - "'Ka � ; '�) � � �, 1 " t.� t ro��G�t I � V w �J////ter V' 1./ 14 I . _ .* � • �1 e„� : rte_; _ `3� ', I �”' r r P..+ O Council Agenda - 1/22196 A REFF.RF.NCF. ANP BA .KhRniTNi1; As you are aware, Mr. Kruse approached me last week with another counteroffer indicating he would accept $300,000 for his 6 -acre parcel with the City assuming any deferred assessment debt. This was in response to the Council's previous offer of $300,000, but Mr. Kruse was to pay all deferred assessments estimated at $22,000 with interest. After contacting each individual Council member, the majority felt comfortable with the idea of the purchase at no more than $300,000 but with the possibility of requiring Mr. Kruse to still pay the original deferred Assessment totaling approximately $9,000 as part of the deal. I relayed this proposal to Mr. Kruse, who was willing to accept that offer; and as a result, a purchase agreement has been prepared indicating the City would acquire this property for $290,850, which is $300,000 less the original $9,150 assessment. In preparing the purchase agreement, I made it contingent upon formal ratification of this purchase by the Council Monday night. Since last Friday, HDR has been instructed to halt design work relating to location of the expansion on only our own property and to begin thinking how to use the additional six acres in our final design. As I'm sure you're all aware, the fact that HDR has been spending a considerable amount of time the past few months designing the plant layout without the Kruse property, there will be considerable engineering time that will be wasted concerning the site layout and designing the structures to fit on the existing property. Mr. Bob Peplin and Scott Wallace recently met with John Simola to review the amount of engineering work they feel will have to be redone, which will likely increase our contract fee. More information will be available Monday night for the Council to review, but it is estimated that the additional engineering cost will exceed $50,000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Council should Connally ratify the purchase of the Kruse property in the net dollar amount of $290,850. %4 SA'�Q S Do not authorise the purchase., e Council Agenda - 1/22N96 C_ STAFF F..O NDATION; It is the staffs recommendation that the Council authorize the purchase. While there will be additional engineering fees associated with switching gears at this time, it is still the staff and consulting engineer's opinion that the additional land will allow us to better site the new facility on the property and will provide many benefits for the community for years to come. Copy of purchase agreement proposal. 22 PURCHASE AGREEMENT iIna - it - 0, - Neons eased.." d 1tEeinxt9-..n.2� .wd.m ver lehAry r...emdwo.emdpe ba. 1, pap _Jnnuar_y IZ, 1996 z. POW 1 of 2 RIISBa 3 RECEMM OF _City Of_monttcelic _ __ 5 11e win d _ _One DolleC__ _ - - Oil.. (5.1.00 1 6 by J HMOgt , E a cancel --1 b be depo.itd 11pan elaxptru of Wldme ApewneN by a0 prllee, on w ' ! Oelara the nrrl brarneb dp aft .eceplwce. in •IMI aruolnd of "alai bronr Ma to be abrred b Buyer U Pnectneee A Apewred b r.l ecreI - by Seen. Sad ening ra " a fen pen, b Ito p mtw d do popely krabd d 0 Spm Ad*- County Rd. 73 Seat Other NOc id lut of epproi_ 6. 9_ acee _ .igh_ Stye d K n-s%O, q (-,.y d Hbntieello _ _ , Cautiy d st _ b 11. Lowey d-bW m' , Pa rt -of Let IS,_ Audi tore Subdly salon_ 11, 12 _ _ Pereal 1135-011-000180_ 13 eeduarq er LbnB pfO" a any awed b/ Ste. and uw d eel br.W an sad pmol, Sade^ bins WK chubs. One 19. Urge, aea eaeh. Vern d, ene.e w,, M WW. w sleds•. Rede, it ,ip anis aeten end Cyay oee: evaded hose9 15 f koas end bbe pkotwng 4-m war I dM han" pleb (weh rry Wale. Iado, ea}an aye dM ois, n u n 10 a ­,no, aenr.M), bull n ne cOrneturwp r4Rwn•ne• resOrmo w 110. nr.r Shcwer 01YMED I IENTm I ROW. be, n bendy 17 end dowwhbr, &MM 2e+ unk an, O"Ob IN M paerly d Go". auM plerp. aridred salweo, anhieys, alb TV Wd ll to end wse4 GMMN9: detfasfere inch dryv I ItmYMee nwre. One, kV 0- -we oyer" IoW bm and s danel; Ow . ptece istnis dears and t9 ear e. ATTACHED . rapelbe: adreces; Pew door ain ews end a corbel: reekwe 20 heetainci e: AND: Or bADwlrnp pwsars plapeny: "ono 21"oto: Ibis property_ will_ be_purchaaed at the agreed price in lieua[ the. 72 condeanet/on proc_aao and to contingent upon City Council ppro- oo_ 1/22/98 _ 23 as d wMh p o rty Soft has dee da/ opeed b d b Ruga IM wen d %2910,050.00 29 Tao Ilun_dred Ninety Talouaand E19ht llurldrod ►Ifty and no/100--------------------_----Dolan. _- 25 which Sire eU,- b pry n line 11Kq nmare- E -W ape/ d L 1.00 -- :G and f 290,899.00 _ -_ - _ _ rz.h on. or before 2/1/96 _ _ _ _ _.e. Nae d 0- ere Q 77 b. bdarw d S Mone_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ by bwcire n eccadaa. wth /e evaded amandlen Mangy y 28 C sintionei FNA W A. -Arlon CWWW for Dead Open -Mangy-- 29 the 1 Apaene.e Is 18 r90r b • -.,,a col edd— in safe a 1S..00 atbdnee .edrdun) 29 I 30 The Pedro. Apaemwe 19 i HB bpd b ce cmm of e p-Wy w.o.n wrdnm. Ag -1.1 dmW - - -- 31 fhb P -t- Apaarnwe t9 19 M01 ae/od b en knpecho n Addasen. (11 ware a IS. oeo 1M.O W eddwrsen 1 32 AMWhW we awm addenda whCh an, nee, a pad d the Wclens Apewrve (Ease papa a pnn on bn 2) 33OEEOIY MEMME TELE: Upon P.1lon. q vale. Bader rJW Osanar • mrka teble _ _ _ _-_ W_." Deed 31 ped in A "pale. a say, ow," n.CSMee Ift edged b 35 W fkd4NV end poop toe. ordinances. CM Ind blend repnA'dbe, (St nematb. Mrenp b 1O a lllrauerrW d"v.Pab.lavas 30 ellw3- Wine" feerane. (Q neowg d aft near rpt M s. Mur d kbreom. N) 1n01y ae Iasnew --ft which do ae 37 rewbre ran aerq erwaanenm, (El R1phb d brunt as fa.- (.d- ep.pled, W eesea b lenencee) Is 39 0) 04.e Mc, be Gl eclMd in wlerlT) 1 40 SPECIAL ASSESSIQIRS dW be Pod a Nlaee 11 41 13UVEA AND SELLER SNAIL PHORATE AS OF tM OAIE OP GD88q / BEILER SHALL PRY ON DATE OF CWS M0 0l Yeellnerb 92d cpocai rsrJnab candied b peyaera w4h ee ria esm teaue old payea paste en M of dcbn8 9;t/BUYEn 11IALL AST.Uw17.) SELLER SHALL PAV at do ce ciounnO a dhw spec . esamnwb loved a d /a dee Of rlsbp YCR SNAII A081At� G[ILFIR WALL IeiOVOE Fdl PAYImIT d oparl scoevnab padre e d the Mo d 16 cern" e, 43 ranwer.eb as hew, ts, arlleed W M 01V C-4 a leer-Mv.Areae (^Aaw's pawann kr Ps dew to M Mph" a eco e0 carte d 2 lows ee -0,01ed w-ve d ti aeseaset a ko a 1a1eed by Dupe him) ld� BUYGiI SHALL ASSLWA) SELLER BNALI DAY an der d trap Iny dabred NOWMENW4&/9Ya1MM W U pwxs N iii b paymae d Mach le rwee a a nod d ft ctsanp d 00 m► Wo. dui pool rel W= tae No end MvX9O n se e0 par Arwey d - end On.relslar aid erg 1eYdd ewHdr aaaJlrrb p1pti. M w lh end deneaet IIs pap se d Mach b M 50 dlerras (nr.W /����-e�weH � el M d to Cee d a Or MMM tri "were, to Daft HASweaed a awn d hesap h • re. alai Inpipes 52 P*d hen as Oovwenaad =.MV Any OW dxm of which P4r1 .4 be en"vi"ed aS1ks u.- I e rsb d psrdeO bleoeowre a 1Lleed dew h d! d ova Peens"" Ind (. a tiara ti D>ti d dodrg, &W dna a-ne pW - is M ALL war i nuaRI d ow ado grain a—ve q and Oen "puree In pePlm On 55 dab d e,-9 ALL UTI ERI d any anal epode amebneib N endo q. W ee a-,-- -M p weaor "mace YA era dlpedda aea®reeaa a n.usad M Dvp`e lands ova 0.1.0 S . en eyfAndswe A�Dewawa dsa ra t. t end sod w 0a.'. gean, n"" Pea b wen cenrelaon d Aadee Agnso we and a aan.A his N N aosY Owe -le, Ida to wik rded b fhftw. weer" as, a bdh d /es Dube 4e, b w an a bdao M ago d once . b L9 cam pay, a Sauer it. P. d asM carve `"" '�%* Dar I'/`o9G,. w Per. PURCHASE AGREEMENT IDI Adds, E. County Rd. 71 t0W Pogo 2 Dor -Jon11ACyJ3.J996 D0 REAL ESTATE TAKES 00 be pAd a klbw tm. Btllw Cwd ROK PRORATED FADM MT OF OOSIO. _I2TIt9, ALL Tad.CSP 120 due Ptd p "M h ft,- t05---. Ipp Salm Cal p*, TED 70 DA7 OF CUVfO,_IITNS, ALL• NO/B M atmb Oma ds vld pOlonY h Ilr ymr 39.9§_. tl NCI 109 dsP9 dole ■ dlsgod, Iw b eRPb tam pod Clea. 4 pnmatod, be **cftd b Va Uwe WUIp dfs Salm —ms I—I duo and IND pWM in V. Ors 10,96_ a dB R w w rvNmlWptl fLutlY>bm Y ucbd, III. SMI apeas b pay BILI C dotig a Kaos bwld tlw rpNprwCaad 117. ROA4l d dr IaI ad Wo 9iVI PveN M OSY Per/ 9 bd— d IIPI — .01M IA— wh. V"n ©M dw nd P%** 113 No wed Ibs a nMd1 fAmNrg IT Pllaal d Iabeeq wv RFI WIN W. - IM, POSSESSION: Seam Mal d1lw pomealonof dr Papery rO tMl Ilm date oT cloeAN Aaw d,,ft Nnwpmly 5 AN Mb". hoamiFlm dews. Tel keel ol,"RaOdam Spa wId M dwryes o tty w4it W sewer. MKMC 1. and noPY I16 Os CNI M pPwaid ba — to pwie w d dnl d dwkg Sa0s ayAo b venae ALL DEBRIS AND ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY 117. 1101 OPCLUDED DREW Yon eve PPpob b Pmaobl da Its ENVO OMAEMDIL COPCERMt b ave bold ave SMI). bwYdpr Iris a M IalO1mIA 4utwNK.aa v IFIOIpwad a4 flea a cW Try IWMI Til• Ono a1K th-nd aallon tank 120 M. II ECIAL MgMANTIES: 122. SELLER VARRANM THAT THE PROPERTY 1S DIRECTLY CONFIECTED W CITY OEM OYESONO CITT YKATOIOT01]No aO EEl1LRR1lYER AGREES TO REOV108 S'AER OLAU" TEST INSULTS ANOOR SEPTIC BVSTENI LTEIITMITION P REQUIRED /y 124. GOVERNING AUTIW WTY MGOR LENDER. SELLER I ARRAIRS TWIT ALL APPLIANCE& HEATING. AS 001QTg18A0, WIRING t25 AND PLIMBP/0 SYSTEMS USED AND LOWED ON SMD PROPERTY WILL BE W ItOR10H0 ORDER ON T/1E DATE OF CLOSI O. 126 D=PT AS NOTED ON ATDOIEO ADGFIDUN. BUYER NAE THE RIGHT TO INSPECT PROPERTY PRIOR TO CLOSING. tn.. OTNER BUZACKNO1LEDOEB NO ORAL RE 111VE BEEN PROB1EM9 OF BL4EIAENT, OR D M WIRER lie OF THE BUYER RE 131. LY W THAT ON FOLLOWING kIEM SELLER 132. AS / NOT NIDA NA8 / IW 1 ROOF, NAIL OAMADE D NIGER m OR ICO . WfER HAS! NAS CETVED A REAL ESDI TRANSFER BUTEMEM. 34 BUV MAS RE TMS TRUTH II IISPECTIOM REOL RED BY 136 ER HAS RS TIG WELL STATEMENT MAWlSOTA BEG. .STS. SELLER BulaRPl 137 I ACIINOWLEDOS TMT I HUB REC.CIRD AND HAD THE OPPORTWTV TO REVIEW THE ARBITRATION DISL10fUlm AW 136 RESIDENTIAL REAL PROPERTY AASFTFATION AOINEIIEMT. U3 6ELLER(81 BIIVEgS) I 140 SEERM _ ,Lona- _ _ Durcptp . _ Nene NOTICE M2 Yloyd A. K -o. _ None psi 147 .. - _ _- ` Repsosrb IM TWO NONCE DOES NOT SATISFY 6MSE90IA STATU7DRV AOEMLI ONSQASURB REOUMEMEIIro. Mn I, ti owe d Ow P141It1. IOPd IIP loo—I Ona- IAhwIN 1 pm b pt.&— I• PINY d ave Pb P d m Ow Mn Pw tL0 bdA. bwallwn amP,.F" bn ave —W, %—oItl oalalawo ave Inial bIOPI 147 dh� /.Loy,Y- L� /_�0:9Y� A. -- - -.l -1116-1116NCI - — L Nm c.1Lp 7�. ��.. - - •I:ar4.7— - - - -- - P.4 460-36-4367 N 41-6001201 II/A It _ - -. "Rive fr 1ST dish A. Ksua4-- .0 - --- -- "- N Q/- "3 "A.s 6.wi Sir , —- Q1". Goa 11.+1 tea f" aralowtran /710 /(� 1 1 V' MS TW e k U 000111 COI1/1ACP or TWIN mtrmm AND ontrm O I ,•• �.w..�w�iww.. nw wa awll nPW ar sA"PIAINIRM P1101' MUMAL Council Agenda - 1/22/96 t . .n sideration of relocating wastewater treatm -nt lRiant nXgRUgLM to Kruse parcel. Q.S. ) Since this item is being discussed and/or considered, it is assumed that the Kruse parcel has become the property of the City of Monticello. As the staff has discussed with the City Council on numerous occasions in the past, there are several reasons why the wastewater treatment plant expansion should be located to the Kruse parcel. The first and primary reason, of course, is that the Kruse property offers a higher elevation at which to build the SBR tanks. Our current design only has 6 R of head, or difference in elevation, between the final decant level of the SBR tanks and the primary clarifier, which is to be used for dechlorination. By moving to the Kruse property, we can increase this elevation or head by 7-10 R, which would increase the hydraulic characteristics of the discharge from the SBR tanks. In addition, we would begin our construction on the east side of the Kruse property so that the logical expansions of the treatment plant would be toward the center, whether they be additional SBR tanks in the future or expansion of the existing sludge facilities. This would allow greater flexibility in the future of expansion and would allow the City to continue to use the site for 40-60 years dependent, of course, on the growth of the community. One of the next reasons to utilize the Kruse property is the avoidance costs. We should be able to avoid the coat of the sheet piling along the Kruse property line to protect and save those trees on the adjoining property. We should be able to avoid the intermediate floor construction on the headworks building. Since the tanks will be almost totally in the ground, there will be no need to apply attractive surfaces to the tank exterior walls that could have been seen from Hart Boulevard and/or East County Road 76. In addition, due to the presence of ground water above the floor elevation of the SBR tanks on the existing site, the floors either had to be significantly thicker, or a largo underdrain system and pop-off relief valves had to be installed to keep the floors of the SBR tanks from buckling or cracking when they were empty. Additionally, it is possible that by locating the tanks on the Kruse property, we may be able to avoid the wetland issue in its entirety with this expansion. It may still, however, be advisable to tackle the wetland issue at this time so that we have a place to put the excess fill being generated from the Kruse parcel. HDR will present more information regarding this and the avoidance coats in a memo and at the meeting. 23 Council Agenda - 1/22196 There are some negatives about relocating to the Kruse parcel. The first negative is the additional coat of backing up and redoing much of the site layout work and the headworks building design. The cost of the redesign could be near $50,000. In addition, we will now have some additional fencing and pipe costs. The avoidance costs of building on this parcel, however, appear to significantly outweigh the cost of redesign, additional piping, and fencing. The only other negative about relocating to the Kruse parcel is that it takes time. We will have to do additional soil investigation, additional topographic work, add a 1 -page amendment to the EAW, go through the public hearing process for the conditional use permit, and possibly fast-track another portion of the plant (replacement of the first stage digester cover). It appears we do have time to do these items, but time is becoming an even more important factor than it has been in the past. The first alternative would be to relocate the proposed construction of the SBR tanks and headworks building to the Kruse parcel based upon the premise that the avoidance costs of constructing on this parcel far outweighs the costs of redesigning and adding additional fencing and piping and the time necessary to do these tasks. The second alternative is not to relocate the proposed expansion to the Kruse parcel. C. STAFF RF O MF.NDATION: Based upon the improvement to the wastewater treatment plant hydraulic profile, the easier expandability of the wastewater treatment plant toward the center, and the information presented by HDR as to the avoidance costs of relocating to the Kruse parcel, it is the recommendation of the City staff, specifically, City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller, Public Works Director John Simola, and Professional Services Group, that the City Council consider relocating the plant expansion to the Kruse parcel as outlined in alternative 01. Copy of memos and information from HDR. 24 I -al TO John Simola, City of Monticello From Scott Wallace, IIDR Data January 18, 1996 Revised January 19, 1996 SUAO t Kruse Property Acquisition We understand that the City Council will be considering two motions on January 22; one to purchase the Kruse property, and another to move the proposed waste water treatment facilities on to this property. To assist in the decision making process, HDR has compiled a list of considerations regarding the treatment plant. Si= many considerations involved with the Kruse property are non - monetary, we have considered costs separately. Table I Pros and Cons of Kruse Property Acxptisition Pros Cons Sue allows for future exponsim of uearmcra plant while Added esu fur ruods. process pipin& and utilities. maintaining buffer distmtces (50 feet Mississippi River and Mississippi Drive; 30 feet fi-cm. Itan Blvd. right-of- way), SBR tmdrs can be constructed at grade; reducing Jtaisdictional wetland area should be avoided; if visibility from Nan Blvd, impacted, permit approvals required. Iteadwotlu burldmg an be simplified to o two-story Ibgher elevation of SBH's will mcrease pumping costs. structure. Purchase of temporary cartstrtuuon easemerae no Imga Added costs for engmeenng, geoteclwal, and necessary. surveying Added space protides adequate construction sug, areae. Dcsiunrig end sheet pile costs reduced and/or eliminated. Detto gravity flow (hydraulic profile) dawyh the treatment plant. Table 2 0 City of Monticello Sewage Pumps' No Construction Kruse Property Acquisition Easernetna' EngineerntgM January Is, 199 $30,000 Additional Treatment on SHR wall.' Cost Impacts of Moving Treatment Facilities to Kruse Property Avoided Cast Additional Added Cost Description Cost Description Eliminate Second Floor $210,000 Road Expansion of Headwo&s Building' TOTAL 5435,000 - S520,000 TOTAL Reduce SBR Pump $140,000 Added Process Gallery' Piping' Eliminate Sheet Pile' $20,000 Added Site Utilities' Reduce Dewatering' $10,000 - $60,000 Increase Size of Raw Cost $30,000 $75,000 $10,000 540,000 555,000 $ 2,500 $ 3,500 52,000 - 510,000 $4,000 - $8.000 $242,000 - S254,000 Conu torts: 1. Cori included in Facility Plan Cost Wintate 2. Cost not included in Facility Plan Cost Fstinmte 3. Welland arca can be avoided, eliminating these costs. However. filling the wetland (with suitable mitigation) will maximize the potential use of Uro site. 4. Iru hides additional engineering cost to create separato bid dmunurds for di fuzlcr improvements (prunary digester cover). As seat in Tablo 2, moving rho urabncnt facilities to the Kruse property results in a cost saving of approximately 5181,000 to $266,000, in addition to rho nw4naxtary bcncGts shown in Table I. iii Sewage Pumps' No Construction S 25,1100 - $50,000 Additional Easernetna' EngineerntgM Eliminate Architectural $30,000 Additional Treatment on SHR wall.' Surveying' Additional ueotedutical' Welland Pcnniltinll 'j Welland Mitigation (Wetland Bank)''' TOTAL 5435,000 - S520,000 TOTAL Cost $30,000 $75,000 $10,000 540,000 555,000 $ 2,500 $ 3,500 52,000 - 510,000 $4,000 - $8.000 $242,000 - S254,000 Conu torts: 1. Cori included in Facility Plan Cost Wintate 2. Cost not included in Facility Plan Cost Fstinmte 3. Welland arca can be avoided, eliminating these costs. However. filling the wetland (with suitable mitigation) will maximize the potential use of Uro site. 4. Iru hides additional engineering cost to create separato bid dmunurds for di fuzlcr improvements (prunary digester cover). As seat in Tablo 2, moving rho urabncnt facilities to the Kruse property results in a cost saving of approximately 5181,000 to $266,000, in addition to rho nw4naxtary bcncGts shown in Table I. iii City of Monticello Kruse Property Acquisition January 18, 199 Some of the avoided costa listed in Table 2, like the intermediate headwork's building floor and architectural treatment on the south SBR wall, were not included in the Facility Plan cost estimate. Eliminating these costs does not reduce the original Facility Plan cast estimate, but does prevent a potential cost overrun. The original Facility Plan project cast estimate (including a 15% contingency, mobilimion, boding, inummee, and engineering) was $9,770,000. Without moving the treatment plard, the anticipated project cost would be approximately 510,033,000. Moving the treatment plant to the Kruse property would result in a project cost of approximately $9,912,000. Council Agenda - 1/22196 .1 or -MMM -1n. Based on the Council's indication at the last meeting that WSB would be considered as the City's primary consulting engineer, John Simola and myself recently met with two principals of the firm, Bret Weiss and Bernie Mittelsteadt, to negotiate a contract for services. The contract as proposed includes some features of our old contract with OSM and new contract language proposed by WSB. It is recommended that the final contract we negotiated still be reviewed by our City Attorney for content, and the Council may want to approve the appointment and resulting contract contingent upon City Attorney review. Without going into too much detail, the general contract covers two types of services, one on an hourly basis for general engineering services, and the other on a percentage basis for improvement project designs. The fee schedule proposed by WSB for hourly services is approximately 10-20% lower than the previous fee arrangement with OSM. As a result, the City should benefit from the lower hourly rates for general engineering services, and this will also be reflected in improvement projects when WSB is utilized for construction inspection and surveying purposes. As far as the basic percentage for design purposes, the negotiated contract provides for a sliding scale to cover projects of $100,000 to $1,000,000+ ranging from approximately 976 for a $100,000 project down to 6.25% for a $1,000,000 project. The contract proposal allows for projects between $50,000 and $100,000 to be negotiated between the City and WSB and still allows for projects less than $50,000 to be at 11% of construction cost. If the Council formally appoints WSB as the lead consulting engineer for the City, the Council may still want to continue our relationship with OSM for a while to allow for the phasing out of their involvement with projects that are curmntly underway and to allow them to complete studies they have started. Our present contract with OSM requires a 30 -day notice to terminate services, but the staff is not certain whether we should initiate this termination at this time, as they still are involved in finishing up some projects from last year. It is suggested that files and information be transferred to WSB as needed and that this process begin with the official appointment of WSB as our lead engineer. Under this arrangement, OSM could continue on an as-nooded basis as an additional consulting firm for the City until the staff is comfortable with phasing them out. 25 Council Agenda - 1/22196 The Council could appoint WSB & Associates as lead consulting engineer for the City of Monticello and, specifically, Bret Weiss as City Engineer. 5n T P 44f, The Council may want to make the consulting services agreement contingent upon review by the City Attorney. Do not appoint WSB and continue with the present arrangement of OSM as City Engineer and allow staff to continue utilizing WSB as needed. C. STAFF F' .OMMRNDATION: I believe I speak for all of the staff in that they are certainly comfortable with WSB being appointed as lead City Engineer. The contract negotiating session with Bret Weiss and Bernie Mittelsteadt were conducted under the assumption that the Council was also agreeable to their appointment as our engineer. It is our recommendation that OSM services not be immediately terminated but that we continue to work with them as we phase out the projects that are in process and as studies are completed. In the meantime, OSM would be instructed to begin transferring our files and records to WSB as needed. Copy of proposed contract agreement. WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement is [Wade as of the __— . day of _ _., 19 __ - -- )y and between City of Monticello, hereinafter referred to as City, and WSB & Associates, Inc., hereinafter referred to as Engineer, with offices located at 350 Westwood Lake Office, 8441 Wayzata Boulevard, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426. Witnesseth, that the City and Engineer, for the consideration herein named, agree as follows: SECTION I / GENERAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS SECTION 6/ EXHIBITS These provisions shall be as set forth in Exhibit A. The following initialed Exhibits are attached to and made a pan of this Agreement: SECTION 2 / SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work to be performed by Engineer is set forth _ Exhibit A - General Contract Provisions in Exhibit C. The work and services to be performed _ Exhibit B - Definitions hereunder and described in Exhibit A shall be referred to Exhibit C - Scope of Work herein and in the General Contract Provisions as the Project. Exhibit D - Compensation Exhibit E - Insurance Schedule SECTION 3 / COMPENSATION _ Exhibit F - Fee Curve Compensation to Engineer for services described in this Exhibit G - Fee Schedule agreement shall be as designated in the attached Exhibit D and as hereinafter described. SECTION 7 / ACCEPTANCE OF AGREEMENT SECTION 4 / WORK SCHEDULE All wort and services described in this agreement shall be The anticipated schedule is set forth in Exhibit C. performed by Engineer only after written acceptance of the City. The undersigned hereby accept the terms and conditions of this agreement and Engineer is hereby authorized to perform the services described herein. CITY OF MONTICELLO ADDRESS: 250 EAST BROADWAY P.O. BOX 1147 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 553U BY: Bradley Fyte _ SIGNATURE: TITLE: -Mayor -. - - - BY: -Rick Wolfsteller SIGNATURE: TITLE: City Admin iS'rat Gr DATE:.. . Pmfcomw S—icas Aaramem WSB & ASSOCIATES. INC. ADDRESS: 750 WESTWOOD LAKE OFFICE 9"1 WAY2ATA BOULEVARD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55426 BY: B. A. Mittelsteadt, P.E. SIGNATURE: Trn.E: President BY: Bret A. Weiss SIGNATURE: TITLE. Vice President DATE: 1114 Pap 1 of 1 olmh WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. EXHIBIT A GENERAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS ARTICLE 1 - GENERAL These general contract pronwass arc ircorponted in and becette -Pan of thmm e Agreeent which it is attached bnuccn WSB h Assuca.s. Inc., hereinafter inferred In as Engineer. and dw other party to the Agreement. Cuy of Monticello, herewfter referred to as Ciry, wherein the City engages the Engineer to provide certain services Imre particularly dmnbed in Exhibit C. Scope of Work. Either parry may be hereuafmr mfered to as parry or, collectively. pangs. T'he suiting dace will commerce when audwrfaed by to City Coined and W subject to annul renewal at a couac0 meeting in January. ARTICLE 2 - CHANGED CONDITIONS 11 the Engineer deternunes dos arty services a has been directed or regxmd as perform are beyond this scope as set forth in Eahibu 8 or that, due to changed conditions or charges in the mednd or menet of administration of the Projttt. de Ergir—'s effort required w perform is services wrier this Agreement exceeds the eshmam which turned the basis tor the Esgweer's compensation. Engineer shall promptly notify the Cory of tar fact. Additional work and adslu and cornpertsation for such work. and the extastsion d tone forcompletion thereof. shall be set fond in a suppkmcnnl agreemnt eentered into by the parties print to pmweeding with arty, additional work or related exphendimres. Sock wppkmnoal agreement shall be incorporated in and become a pan of difs Agreement. In absence of said supplemrnW agreemcn, anmiasms of compenseum and tltoe for compktlml shall be egwably adjusted. ARTICLE 7 - TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated by elder party Win tarry days wrotes notice wdnu came. In the event of mrminstion. copies of plain, reports, specifications. electronic dnwugfdaa fries 1CADD), field dam. notes. and other documenu wheeler written. printed or recorded on an) medium whauuaver. finished or unMished. prepared by the Enguhcer purwan to dor Agreenhen and Wrimining to to work or w fine Pnrycct. (hereinafter 'Imtfumem of Servce'). shalt be made available to the City pursuant w Article a. All pro%isnons of this Agramon allucaluig resparobiluy or lubdlry between the City and Engineer shall wrvoc rhe completion d die servwes hereunder andfor the mrrnuatson of this Agree new. ARTICLE a - REUSE AND DISPOSITION OF INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE During rbc cruise of to work, the Esgtreer Isbell. if requested.) intake andahe to to Cloy cupyte» of the Instrument of Smite. At the tore of conhpktutl or ter ounauon of the work, to Engineer may intake available to ft City copes of Instruments of Service upon (l) paymen of amttums due and owing for work performed and expenses incurred to the dam and time of armwtmn, lid (u) fifrdbmenof the City's obligation order this Agreementta . Any u or raw. of such Imttumems of Smce by the City or Wen wdem written verlflcatam or adspwn by the Engineer e.ep for the %paific purpose otadetd win he in the City's rot and W legal rip—lidiry. The Coy agree. to to fulka eaten pmmwcd by kw, of i dsrmkfy and hod the Engineer harmless from an) calm, lability lir coir (twhdnlg ruwuabla attorneys' fen, oral Jamie coast angry w allegedly ansug out of any unaudsor UW fruw of modification of these Imovfrxm of San" by the City m arry person lir crafty dor acquire or ohauts the reports, plans and speciflcdtom from w through the City wiffim rile written autlnraatnon of flat Ergincer. Under ne cimummances dull damter Of lmnumcw of Serv%ca be deemed a sale by Engineer, and Engineer makes nu warranties. cow, gsprassed or unylted. of meinhawlnliry and titneu for any panwu4r purpose ARTICLE I - AGREEMENT As used herein Agreement mum: M The alreemeto for engircenrsg. surveyuy and planning .rvieef; (2) The. general eomneo pmvisnns: ty) The .inched exhibits; and (a) The supplemental agreement, where applicable. As to superseding effect. the arached cahubm shall govern over the. general p—mons, and the supplenenal agratnem. where applfceble, shall govern over articled eLhtb n and the. general pmvrsiau. The Agreemcn constitutes the entire undenwding beneeo the Engineer and Cay. The Agreement supersedes W prior written or oral urderuandug and may only be .—fid d. suppemenned. modified or cancelled by a duly executed written insuu imm. ARTICLE 6 - RESPONSIBILITIES A. In order to permit tine Engineer to perform the services required under this Agreement, the Ctry shall, m proper tune and sequence and where approprae to the Project. at no expense to the Engineer. I. Provide available information as wits mquitemctm for the Project. 2. Guaramee access to and make all provision for de Engineer in enter upon public and pnvare lands w enable de, Engineer in perform its work under this Agreement. ). Pride such Legal, aecuuntng and uuurarce counseling .rvce as may be reW r d for dus Project. (such as thaw of insurance unrlkates, baring clarifications and kcal quicatwns regarding property acquisition lir assessmeml. a, Notify tin Engineer whenever the City observes or othewtse become await of any defect in Ne Project. S. The Coy Administrator. or a person lir percents desgnamd, shall act as Co)', repesenatne with respect w de, services w he rcrskrcd under this Agreement The City's representative doll have de sutwnty, to tronsrnn and rccvry mstructwm and trust aim and to interpret and define dine City's polees with respect to services rendered by the Engineer. b furnish data land proteuhis sal rterpreatans tenon prepared byor —was performed by others, include g when applrab". but not limited to, pre%ious reports. cars bonrgs. probing% and wbs vurfacc explorations, hy"rephw and hydrogeo4tgc wrveya. labonwry tests and inspection of samples. irmunals and equipment; a)gitopnale pmfnuornl rarprctaaau of the Inregoug dam; emmiroanetaal aueasmem and un pui aaameres; property, boundary. easement. right-of- way, toprgnphw and utility surveys: property description: emurg, dad and otet land use markikau. and other special dam for iomucd in Exhibit C. T. Review dl regxb. sketches' drat inn specdk7aw and other ducumenis prepared and presented by to Egineer, ohmm advice of legal, accoutring and insunrce counselors or Wars is City darts necessary fm such eaemimtions and tender in wrmtg decisions pertaining thereto widen reasonable urfea w as int w del.) the pcnorfrarce by der Engineer of de servtees to be tendered pursuant to hats Agonn em. g. When appruprate, crakevor to derady, remove atdfor crcapwsks as euus prduca or raterid%or polluutre Wcated of the pnyect arts Frew to ",;.r p1ahnesa by the Engineer of any work un she Project. q. Pm%de record drawings and gecilkatiotn for all cttwg phy'uul pkra%d fudams wheh en pemnetr of the Project. 10. Where asailaha provde trio servce, maaruls, or dna as may hew IoM in EOuhn% B andfm F. IL Bear all costs tnd:real an ccngifarce woh the requirennerm of this anck. ,Zee Eshibu A Pap I of 3 011% 12. Provide the tore] otng in a =am suffmtenly timely so as non w delay the Nnormance by the Engineer of the services in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. Engineer dull be emitted in rely on the accuracy and completeness of Wartttvion or services furnished by the Coy or others employed by the Ciry. Engineer shall endeavor to verify the mlornathon provided and stall promptly roufy the Crary if to Erguteer discovers dot arty information or servtees furnished by the City is in error or u imdcq azar• for in purpose. ARTICLE 7 - OPINIONS OF COST Opinion. it any, of probable cost, conauucuan cost. Oasetal evduatioa. feasibility, sallies, economic analyses of ahermm solutions W utilitarian coasiderafiom of operations and maintenance costs provided (or in Eahibu C ere trade or to be made on the basis of the Engineer's experience and qualifications and repnescna the Etgmcer's best judgtns:tn as so experienced and qualified professional design firm. The parties acknowledge. however. that dte Engineer does not have control over the cost of Ichor, manorial, equipmiemv or services furnished by others or over rtarker conditions or C,IttaC[af 6 nnethadf of determining NCIr prices. and try evaluation of any facility in be cnrntiuncil or acgtired, or work u( necessity mm be speculative unfit completion of cortntiction or acquisiiwn. Accordingly, the Engineer does nam guartmee Nu proposals, bids or aeaol cosy will int vary from opinions, evaluations or studies subrtumed by the Engucer. ARTICLES - INSURANCE Engineer las procured insurance in the types and amounts set forth in Eshibu E. The City acknowledges dust professional liability terrors and omissions) 'insurance b umvadable in cover claims arising out of the performance lar failure in perform professional services. including, but m hnumd in. the preparation of reports, designs. drawings and spectfmatinns related in the investigation, direction, ahammem. replacement. taddfaucn, removal or disposal al: 111 Hazallouf or mxm nnamnalf: or 1:1 Matenala or processes coatainiag athetms. As used herein, hazardous or toxic materials thall iuchde but not be limited in arty sold, liquid, gawous or themed inion. cumamuam, or hazardous wane as deflated by Federal and Sia Law and cases m:mmrsiry such definition. Waste includes rmmrials to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed. Accordingly. the Ciry hereby alms runt in bred any calm for negligence. breach of contract, indemnity or oder taus, of action againsi tyro Engineer. Ins pnncpds, errplayees, agar and cmtsdaw tic result from rhe presence. hnd1W, r.nnoval. ahl0er em, or disposal of any asbestos or Mzardai s or ism sulnuasces, products w ammrW% Nat sew on, about or adjacent to the jab see. The City Nrder agrees to hod the Engineer, hamnku from any such hazardous or tout tnamrW or asheswa related claim that may be Nought by third parries as a result of the services providef by de Engineer purium to this Agreemms or as ■ rewh of the preserce, huhdlug. remind. abaterienf. at dnpDul of any asbesrs or hazardous or maw wbimrces, products or ricrerals that cost on, above w ayacem to she job s0at, whether laltliry ands wdnr breach of contract or warranty, on (Wading negligence). arts liability or smonary Imbilary or awry other cases of axion. It a acknowledged by both fames Nut Errg—'s scope of scrvices does not include any services relamd to ashesws or hazardous m toxic materials, In the nen the Engineer or any oder parry esouaen asbestos or hazardous or wsz materials at the y* sire, or should it become known in any way that such nwerials may be present to the job um or arty adjacent areas that my affect the perfor—rix of the Etgincer's services. the Engineer may, at in option tad without liability for coruequenoal or any other damages, suspend perfomunee of — on the pmjee unml the Coy retains appropriate speciahu cortwlmMsl or eorancronls) m idermfy abam and/or remove the asbestos or hazudous or wm ait aterials. and waroux that the job um n in full compliance cosh applicable laws and regulatwa. In n; even :lull Eigumer's li.Wiry under this Alim"m exceed insurance coverage available. ARTICLE 9. ASSIGNMENT This Agreennent, intended to secure the service of individuals wiplayed by and through the Ergi=r. shall not be assigned or mosfemed widow wrumn cmvnt of that Coy. ARTICLE 10 - CONTROLUNG LAW This Agreement is in be S—ned by the awn of the Sum of Minmom. ARTICLE I I - NON-DISCRIMINATION Engineer will comply with the provisions of appitoblc Federal. Som and Load Snafms. Ordinances. and Regulations pertaining to human rights and nen-discrimination. ARTICLE 12 - CONFECT RESOLUTION In an eRon to resolve any conflicts that arise dunng to design or convection of the project Or following the eortp4ton of the pmjen, the City and Engineer agree that all dispute bet" n them arising ow of or relating in that Agreemcn dull be submm ed in nonbinding mediation unless the parties muoully agree oterwne. Ilia City and Ergueer further agree to include a sunilar oteduuan provision in all agreement with independent contncton and cartmamom meshed fm the project and w require all indeperdem comracton and caosulmms also to include a similar modiation provision in all sgreentents with subcontractors. abcamulums, suppliers or fabricators so mounted. thereby pmvidug for medmucin to the prunary method for dispute resolution between the pawn to dose yreemew. ARTICLE IJ • ATTOR.NEYS' FEES N to awn of any Inlgatuon arising from or related in the services prvvded under des Agnscmcn, the pivadung parry will he eroded w recovery of all reawnaba tours incurred, —hiding staff tuna, coon comm. amarneyi fees and War related expends. ARTICLE la - CONFIDENTIALITY The Design Profenimel agmen to keep cunfWemul and ria to disclose to try parson a entity. Wer than dte Design Pfofemmal's CffoaYM. wbxartwloma and to general contractor and adcararacwn, if eppropram. arty dam and udtimhauorh m1 previously known to and generated by the Design Professional or funitabcd to the Doge Professional end marked CONFIDENTIAL by the City. These provisions stall not apply to Wartmtion in whamwr fwd dot c:mrcs into rte public domain, nor shall it mum this Design Prohmo aril from giving mimes required by law or crosplymg with an order m provide Wortmhaton or dam when such order u awed by a court, admtutnuve agency or oder authority with proper pindcitm. m if u is reasmably necessary for that Design Pmfeuorml to defend huthself or herself from try wu or claim I ?/ U Eandm A Pop 2 of 3 0lr% ARTICLE Ib - LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND IMPROVEMEN"fS The Deugn Poat—ural anlfur his or her aumonunl suhcomultam will conduct the research that in his or her pmt—rum opinain a reccsury and will prepare a plan indicating the luatrmu intended for subsurface penetntwns with respect as assumed locations of undcrgroural improvements, Such scrvnes by the Design 1 Pmfessioml or to, or her subcatnullam will be pcilont d in a manner consistent with the ordiNry surdard of care. The Cay tecugries trio the research may not isiennfy, all underground improvement. and dw the adomution upon which the Design Professional relies may contain error or nay rim he completed. The Coy agrees, m the fullea ester permuted by law, as waive all claim and causes of action against the Design Professional aid anyone for whom the Design Pmfessaud may be legally liable. for dariges to udergrounl unp—cmenn nesultmg from subsurface prietratum locaiom established by the Design Professional. The City further agrees, to the fulkst went permincd by law, to indensmfy ad hold the Design Prufauiorsal and/or his or her s uscona Masts harmless from any ad all damage. liability or cost. =Wing reasonable aurorae).' fen and defenu colo. ARTICLE 17 • BETTERMENT IL due w the Design Paufcssium1% crmr. atq required mem or component of dile Prof a otltmed from the Design Pmlcutwral's construction do .Bona s, the Design ProlnuwW shall not be respowble for paying the con o add aich iecm or cwamorwas to the client that such nem or component would have been of embe necesury to de project or otherwise dd. V- or beacrnett in the project, The Design Professional .ha0 be nespomibk for the dafenawri bensen de cortuour inn cot amved a throughft bid Process and the construction cog actually negotiot d, d these is a difkieste. This amount will be negututed b mm the Ca) and Fngtteer. ARTICLE IS - CONSTRUCITON OBSERVATION Tte Design Prnfessasnal shall visa the project at appropriate intervals during comrucum as bcceme familiar with de progress atm gaahry W de crmerectmi —A .rill to determine of de wit is .� proceeding in general accordance with dile Contract Documanes ITC City has ria retained the M.S. Pnles.nonal to mala drodi d .Vectians or to p—.k eslunria a or covin—s progar aevkw anduh.—ti n .Cr ices Fur Ciryohse—J projccn, tate Deagn Pmfc.suirtal dull accept de consf—tion of the project as being cornpleted according to the cntlgmclumal doeurnem upon a =flat pisulkalusn by ft Cut observer, The Design Professional does" gsunaroce tie pcmam ance ol, anal Nall have ns responsibility for, de a[a or —as— of any contractor, suhcomracmr. suppler or, ant other Coal) Nmssttmg nationals w performing any wwk int the pmjcct If the City deuces roue esaemive project observation m fifflquaie project represcrtralun, de Ch y Dull regrug Kb .arvees he provided by the Design Profe—rum as Additional Servicet in accordance with the term of dmf Agreanen, In this uestin , de Design Professional .hill accept the curutmucursn of the project as being completed according to that cotnwcdon docur ants. However. the Design Professimul does ria guarantee the pcnforrirce of. and .hall have an miparattnliry, for, de acts or omussom of any common, auhcomrator, supplier or airy oder curry fumsshmg rtsster ails of perfuming any work an On project. ARTICLE 19. INDEMNIFICATION The EM=r agrees, to 0e hlleu ascent permitted by kw, m i dcmmry and hold de Coy harmless fruits any damage, labdiry of coal (including reaunsabla i nnrmyi fen and GNU of dirt mel b de %tam uuwd by de Unflawca'. rrghgem acts, error or aossssum in the perlorrrfame of pmacusnnal .meas under dots Agreement and those W his or bar subcomulrams or &%una for .ham de fq,=f ts legally liable. The Cu) oglccs to de Mkir csera pertained Iy law, ro idemafry ad hoW de DAguicce harmless filen airy darmga, lushlu) or cost knelling rusombk ataute)i fees and cow ill dakmal to do eclem caused by the City's negligent acts. error or omission ad those of his a her cumncron. s .bcamra — ar conrsultanes or anyone for whom die City is legally liable. and arousg from the limper tlw is the subject of thus Agrcemet. The Engineer is noel obligated to udetncufy the Ciry in any rimer whatancvcr for the City's own negligence. ILP Eaha a A Page 3 of 3 OIP% EXHIBIT B DEFINITIONS B.l "HOURLY BASIS" means that the fee shall be determined by multiplying the number of hours of work performed, times the direct personnel cost for the appropriate labor classification shown on the fee schedule. B.2 "PERCENTAGE BASIS" means the fee shall be determined as a percentage of the construction cost of the improvement project. B.3 "CONSTRUCTION COST" means the amount of the construction contract awarded for the improvement project, plus the value of any equipment, materials or supplies furnished by the City for installation or use by the construction contractor, plus any increases in the contract amount implemented by change order, supplemental agreement or other instrument subsequent to award of the contact. Reductions in the contract amount subsequent to award will not be a basis for reducing the fee. If a construction contract is not awarded, the construction cost shall be considered to be the Engineers estimated cost for the construction of the improvement project, as prepared for the bid opening, unless the City believes the Engineer's estimate is unreasonable, in which case, the Engineer and the City shall agree upon an alternate basis for determining the construction cost. Such alternate basis may include negotiation, development of an independent estimate by a third party, or other means. BA "EXPENSES" means costs incurred in the performance of the services described herein or authorized by the City which are not direct personnel costs or overhead costs. Expenses include subconsultant fees, testing costs. and similar costs. B.5 "LUMP SUM PRICE" means an amount negotiated between the City and Engineer for performance of the services specified in the Design Agreement which is subject to adjustment only if the Scope of Services changes or if circumstances beyond the control of the Engineer causes an increase in the cost of performance of the services. B.6 "DESIGN AGREEMENT" means a written order executed by an authorized representative of the City describing the scope of services and engineering fee arrangement for an improvement project. B.7 "IMPROVEMENT PROJECT' means public improvement projects authorized by the City and paid for with public funds, or an improvement project authorized by the City and paid for with private funds for eventual dedication to the public. B.8 "DEDICATION PROJECT' means those proposed improvement projects to be constructed by private funding for eventual dedication to the public. CZE rkh in fteiori mrve EXHIBIT C SCOPE OF WORK GENERAL SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS C.I PRELIMINARY REPORT/STUDY PHASE Subject to further clarification and refinement on a project -by -project basis, the Engineer shall in proper time and sequence: C.l.l Consult with the City representative to determine the requirements of the project, review available data, attend necessary conferences, and be available for general consultation. C.1.2 Advise City as to the necessity of City's providing or obtaining from others data or services and assist City in obtaining such data and services. C.1.3 Identify and analyze requirements of governmental authorities having jurisdiction to approve the design of the project and participate in consultations with such authorities. C.1.4 Make such preliminary studies, layouts, or field surveys to verify and supplement existing elevation and topographic information and preliminary cost estimates to clearly identify potential construction or financing problems. C.1.5 Assist the City in obtaining all required subsurface investigations as required for the preparation of the feasibility report. C.1.6 Prepare a feasibility report on the preliminary engineering study of the project in sufficient detail to indicate the problems involved. The report shall include the desired phased program, if required, and the appropriate alternate solutions. The report will also include schematic layouts, sketches, conceptual design criteria with appropriate exhibits to indicate the considerations involved (including applicable requirements of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the project), preliminary estimate of project cost, typical examples of proposed assessments preliminary identification of right-of-way and casement requirements, and the Engineer's conclusions and recommendations. C.1.7 Furnish nineteen (19) copies of the feasibility report documents and review the feasibility report with City staff. iZF hhlhlt C PEeI I of I 0119E C.1.8 If required, the Engineer shall present the feasibility report to the proper reviewing agencies and to the City Council. The Engineer shall attend the public hearing for the project. C.2 PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE Subject to further clarification and refinement on a project -by -project basis, the Engineer shall in proper time and sequence: C.2.1 Conduct reasonable field surveys as necessary to prepare bidding documents. The City will be notified in advance if the field survey for the project is excessive and utside of the fee. C.2.2 In consultation with City and on the basis of the accepted feasibility report document, determine the general scope, extent and character of the project; attend necessary conferences and be available for general consultation. C.2.3 Prepare preliminary design documents consisting of final design criteria, preliminary drawings, outline specifications and written descriptions of the project. C.2.4 Advise City if additional data or services are necessary and assist City in obtaining such data and services. C.2.5 Fumish preliminary estimate of area and costs for permanent and temporary easements anticipated to construct the project. C.2.6 Based on information contained in the preliminary design documents, submit a current estimate of project status. C.2.7 Furnish three (3) copies of the preliminary design documents and review them in person with the City's representative. C.3 FINAL DESIGN PHASE Subject to further clarification and refinement on a project -by -project basis, the Engineer shall: in proper time and sequence: C.3.1 On the basis of the accepted preliminary design documents and the current estimate of project cost, prepare contract documents consisting of final drawings and specifications to show and describe the scope, extent, and character of the work to be tLmished and performed by Contractor(s) including Advertisement for Bids. Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form. Form of Agreement. Performance and Payment Bond Form, General Conditions, Special Conditions, and Technical Specifications. I7, 1:01hil C Po'n : of 1 011% C.3? Provide technical criteria, wTitten descriptions and design data for use in filing applications for routine permits or obtaining approvals of such govemmental authorities as have jurisdiction to approve the design of the project, and assist City in consultations with appropriate authorities. The Engineer shall prepare and submit all permit applications to the appropriate agencies. The City shall be responsible for all permit fees. C.3.3 Advise City of any adjustments to the latest estimate of project cost caused by changes in extent or design requirements of the project and furnish a current estimate of project cost based on the drawings and specifications. C.3.4 Prepare for review and approval by City, its legal counsel and other advisors contract agreement fortes, general conditions, supplementary conditions, bid forms, advertisement for bid and instructions to bidders, and assist in the preparation of other related documents. C.3.5 Attend necessary conferences and be available for general consultation. C.3.6 Furnish three (3) copies of the above documents and of the drawings and specifications and present and review them in person with City, along with completing a plans -in -hand site inspection. Make minor revisions and adjustments as required following review by City. CA BIDDING PHASE Subject to further clarification and refinement on a project -by -project basis, the Engineer shall in proper time and sequence: CAA Furnish plans and specifications for agency review and furnish three (3) copies to the City for bidding and construction purposes as a part of this Contract. C.4.2 Issue addenda as appropriate to interpret, clarify. or expand the bidding documents. C.4.3 Assist the City in obtaining and evaluating bids and awarding contracts for the construction of the project. CAA Consult with and advise City as to the acceptability of subcontractors, suppliers, and other persons and organizations proposed by the prime contractor(s) (herein called "Contractor(s)") for the portions of the work as to which such acceptability is required by the bidding documents. C.4.5 Consult with and advise City concerning and determining the acceptability of substitute materials and equipment proposed by Contractor(s) when substitution prior to the award of contracts is allowed by the bidding documents. 12 EON[ C Pyx 3 or , U% C.4.6 Attend bid opening and prepare bid tabulation sheets. C.5 CONSTRUCTION PHASE Subject to further clarification and refinement on a project -by -project basis, the Engineer shall: C.5.1 Consult with and advise City and act as City's representative as provided in the contract documents, which may not be modified to affect Engineers responsibilities except by written agreement signed by the City and the Engineer. C.5.2 Conduct pre -construction conference to be attended by the Contractor. City, and others as may be requested by the City. C.5.3 Make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction to observe as an experienced and qualified design professional the progress and quality of the executed work of the Contractor(s), and to determine if such work is proceeding in accordance with the contract documents. During such visits and on the basis of the on-site observations, the Engineer will keep the City informed of the progress of the work and will endeavor to identify for the City defects and deficiencies in the work of the Contractor's. This obligation does not include anything related to safety. It is agreed that safety matters are Contractor's responsibility and that the Engineer shall be responsible vah.for the acts or omissions of its own employees. The Engineer may disapprove work as failing to conform to the contact documents. The Engineer shall not have control or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means. methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work. The Engineer shall be obligated, however, to disclose known dangerous circumstances to the City. C.5.4 Review samples, schedules, shop drawings, the result of tests and inspections, and other data which the Contractor is required to submit, but only for the conformance with the design concept of the project and compliance with the information given in the contract documents, (but such review shall not extend to means, methods, sequences, techniques, or procedures of construction or to safety precautions and programs incidental thereto). The Engineer shall receive and review (for general content as required by the specification), maintenance and operating instructions, schedules. guarantees, bonds, and certificates of inspection which are to be assembled by the Contactor in accordance with the contract documents. C.5.5 Issue all instructions of City to Contractor; issue necessary interpretations and clarifications of the contract documents and in connection therewith prepare change orders as required for City's approval and have authority, as City's representative, to require special inspection or testing of the work. L'xhiW C rase 4 oft 011% C.5.6 Review the Contractor's application for payment, determine the amount owing the Contractor and make recommendations to the City regarding the payment thereof. The Engineer's recommendations are based on on-site observations as an experienced and qualified design professional. The recommendations by the Engineer constitute a representation to the City that to the best of their knowledge, information and belief, the work has progressed to the point indicated on said application and the quality of work is in accordance with the contract documents, subject to the results of any subsequent test called for by the contract documents and any qualifications stated in his recommendations. C.5.7 Conduct, in the presence of the City Engineer or designated representative, a site visit to determine if the project is substantially complete and conduct a final site visit to determine if the work ha been completed in accordance with the contract documents. Such site visits may include representatives from the City and/or other involved govemmental agencies. If the Contractor has fulfilled all of his obligations, the Engineer shall give written notice to the City and the Contractor that the work is acceptable for final payment. C.5.8 Within 90 days after receipt of all necessary data, prepare for City, on request, a set of reproducible record prints of drawings showing those changes made during the construction process, based on marked up prints, drawings, and other data furnished by the resident project representative, if one is supplied by the Engineer, or furnished in conjunction with the Contractor to the Engineer, or by the City's representative and which the Engineer considers significant. C.5.9 The Engineer shall not have control or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods. techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work. The Engineer shall be obligated, however, to disclose known dangerous circumstances to the City. Moved to end of Paragraph C.5.3 C.5.9 The Engineer shall furnish the City with a list detailing final quantities and costs in a letter stating to the best knowledge of the Engineer that the work is in compliance with the plans, specifications and change orders. C.6 SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR DEDICATION PROJECTS Subject to further clarification and refinement on a project -by -project basis, the Engineer shall: C.6.1 Following written notice from the City Administrator, review the platting, concept. design, plans and specifications for each Dedication Project to determine that they comply with those written City Standards that have been approved by the City Council for such projects. Require the developer or his Engineer to submit the plans f 0iMl C Py^a ! of I Olivp Ito to appropriate utility companies and other concerned agencies for their review, concurrence and issuance of permits as required. Upon completion of the review, submit a written report to the City Administrator to assist him and the City Council in approving or disapproving the proposed Dedication Project. C.6.2 Shall provide a full-time Representative on the job site when directed in writing by the City Administrator to do so. The Representative will observe construction, maintain a detailed daily construction diary and progress report and report any deviation from the plans and specifications to the Engineer. C.6.3 Submit a written progress report to the City Administrator for each Dedication Project under construction on the Thursday preceding the second regularly scheduled Council meeting of each month. The report should include budget, schedule and progress information. C.6.4 Submit a written report to assist the City Administrator in determining that the project has been satisfactorily completed. The Engineer shall acquire from the developer or the developer's engineer five (5) sets of plans of the work that have been revised to show "as constructed" conditions, said plans to be submitted to the City within 90 days following completion of the project. C.7 GENERAL SCOPE OF SERVICES AS CITY ENGINEER As City Engineer for the City, the Engineer shall: C.7.1 On a project -by -project basis, keep abreast of current federal, state and local programs and advise the City of the availability of funds to the City. C.7.2 Make application for federal, state and local funds as directed by the City Administrator. C.7.3 Represent the City at meetings, conferences, seminars, etc., when so directed by the City Council or City Administrator. C.7.4 Prepare written reports when directed by the City Council or City Administrator on projects other than Improvement Projects or Dedication Projects. C.7.5 Give technical advice to the City Administrator and the City staff when requested to do so by the City Administrator. C.7.6 Perforin other duties as assigned from time to time by the City Administrator. C.7.7 Update the City's general property map and utility plans as part of all Improvement projects and at a negotiated cost for all other projects at the time the projects are completed. EON[ C Pape b off OIAb It* C.8 SCOPE OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES AS THE ENGINEER If authorized in writing by the City, the Engineer shall furnish additional services of the following type: C.8.1 Preparation of applications and supporting documents for govemment grants, loans, complex permits, or advances in cotmection with the project. Preparation or review of environmental assessment worksheets and environmental impact statements. Review and evaluation of the effect on the design requirements of the project of any statements or documents prepared by others. C.8.2 Additional services due to significant changes in general scope of the projector its design including but not limited to, change of size, complexity of character or of construction. C.8.3 Preparing supporting data and other services in connection with change orders if the change is due to causes beyond the control of the Engineer and is inconsistent with the original design intent. C.8.4 Providing professional services made necessary by the default of the Contractor or by major defects in the work of the Contractor in the performance of the construction contract. C.8.5 Providing extensive assistance in the utilization of any equipment or system such as initial start-up or testing, adjusting and balancing, preparation of operating and maintenance manuals, training personnel for operation and maintenance, and consultation during operation. C.8.6 Providing contract administration and observation of construction after the construction contract time has been extended from the completion date by more than 30 working days through no fault of the Engineer. C.8.7 Providing services of professional subconsultants as required for the project. C.8.8 Providing the type of surveying or related engineering services necessary for preparation of permanent and/or temporary casements and construction surveying necessary for construction. C.8.9 Serving as an expert witness for the City in any litigation or other proceedings involved in the project. C.8.10 Providing scrvices for preparation of preliminary and final assessment rolls. i C.B. I 1 Review of developer's plats, concept plans, and provide assistance to the developer in preparing a plat for improvement projects. r%hlbll C Pap 7 ul A Olt% I to C.8.12 Prepare legal descriptions and exhibits for all permanent and temporary easements required for the project. C.8.13 Additional services in connection with the project not otherwise provided for in this Agreement. C.8.14 Provide full-time resident project representative(s) experienced in the type of construction included in the project. C.9 SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR STUDIES Subject to further clarification on a project -by -project basis, the Engineer shall: C.9.1 NEEDS PHASE C.9.1.1 Identify the goals of the study with City staff. C.9.1.2 Establish the completion date in response to the needs of the City. C.9.13 Establish the budget for the study or report. C.9.2 SCOPE OF WORK C.9.2.1 A work plan will be developed and submitted to the City for review and approval. Members of the Engineer's team will meet with City staff to review the work plan. C.9.2.2 A meeting will be held with City staff to collect all pertinent information. C.9.2.; Other metropolitan, county, state or federal agencies will be contacted to obtain any other resource information. C.9.2.4 An outline of the delivembles shall be given to the City staff for their approval. C.9.2.5 Deliver the draft and final document within completion dates as determined in C.9.1.2. [01his C Pyro 1 of $ 011% IZ EXHIBIT D COMPENSATION The City shall pay the Engineer for Basic Services rendered on the basis of a percentage of the construction cost of the project, a negotiated lump sum fee, or on an hourly basis, as mutually agreed to and deemed fair and reasonable for the particular work to be performed. The method of payment will be determined at the start of the project. Reimbursable expenses shall be paid in addition to said fees. D.1 Percentage of the Construction Cost The percentage of the construction cost of the project shall be calculated in accordance with Exhibit F attached to this document. This method shall be used for improvement projects that exceed 5100,000 in construction cost. The construction cost shall be as defined in Exhibit B under B.3 "Construction Cost". Phase Preliminary Report/Study Preliminary Design t Final Design Bidding Process Construction As-builts Percentage 15% 20% 43% 2% 15% Paid proportional to percentage of construction complete Pap I of) 5% 006 1z0 • Reasonable preliminary surveying costs are included in the percentage fee. Preliminary surveying beyond the amount included in the fee will be billed as an extra service billed on a monthly basis as the costs are incurred according to Exhibit G, after prior City approval. • lite Engineer shall be paid a percentage of the fee according to the above -noted schedule upon completion of the appropriate phase based on the construction cost determined in the feasibility report. Adjustment in the fee will be completed upon receipt of bids or as described in the Definition section for "construction cost". • In any case where the final design is complete, and the project does not proceed, the Engineer shall be paid on an hourly basis to return the project to current standards and modify the bidding documents. The bidding, construction and as -built phases would then be paid according to the above -noted percentages. • For projects between $0 and $50.000, the maximum fee shall be 11 % of the construction cost. D.2 Lump Sum The lump sum amount will be determined on a project -by -project basis and is subject to negotiation with the City. This method will generally be used with studies, reports and improvement projects with construction costs between $50.000 to $100.000. The authorization and lump sum fee will be stated in a supplemental agreement for each project. It is agreed if the scope for the lump stun project is exceeded. the Engineer will notify the City and negotiate additional fees for the added work. For projects of short duration (less than four months). payment of the lump sum will be made on a monthly basis up to 75% prior to submitral of a copy of the preliminary draft report. The additional 25% is due upon submittal of the final report. The payment schedule for longer duration projects shall be defined on a project-by-pmject basis. D.3 Hourly Basis The Engineer shall be compensated monthly for any work assigned at an hourly rate basis in conformance with the Engineer's current fee schedule. Payment will be based on Exhibit G. Fee Schedule. If C�hdrit D Pq-,e : of 01 Op IZO This method will be used for all general city engineering services, dedication projects, and construction activities outside of the standard fee. DA Miscellaneous D.4.1 Independent Consultants -The cost of services performed by independent consultants or agencies for property surveys, environmental evaluations, soil testing, test drilling field tests, laboratory work and similar services required for the preliminary report, final design or construction phase shall be paid independently by the City and shall be prior approved by the City. D.4.2 Paynient.for.Re-,isions.or Other Work - If the City directs that revisions be made to the plans and specifications following approval of the plans and specifications by the City or if the City Administrator directs Engineer to perform other work, the Engineer shall be compensated for the cost of such revisions at the hourly fee. If the revisions consist of extension or enlargement of the project, payment for plans and specifications for such extension shall be included in the basic fee based upon the increased project. D.4.3 Attendance at Meeting - Engineer shall be compensated for attending regular or special council meeting or any public or private meeting not specifically provided for in the basic fee. Compensation will be as shown on the yearly fee schedule. Attendance at the meeting shall be at the request of the City. D.4.4 Receipt of Payment - In order to receive payment for services, the Engineer shall submit monthly invoices describing in detail that the services have been performed in accordance with this contract. Separate statements shall be submitted for each project or a detailed breakdown shall be furnished showing the distribution of charges to each project. The City shall pay Engineer upon receipt of each monthly invoice. For hourly and lump sum contracts the personnel who worked on the project shall be included. Construction services shall include daily reports detailing the time for each day that the individual was working on the project. All invoices should include the City representative who authorized the work. D.4.5 Travel time is not considered as a billable expense. Eahlhh D Yoga 7 01'3 OIAt, 1 Zp EXHIBIT E WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. INSURANCE SCHEDULE GENERAL -LIABILITY Carrier: United Fire & Casualty Company Type of Insurance: Commercial General Liability Coverage: General Aggregate Products-Comp/Ops Aggregate Personal & Advertising Injury Each Occurrence AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Carrier: United Fire & Casualty Company Type of Insurance: Hired Autos Non -Owned Autos Coverage: Combined Single Limit WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND. EMPLOYERS'. LIABILITY Carrier: American Manufacturers Mutual Coverage Statutory Each Accident Disease -Policy Limit Diseasc-Each Employee PROEESSIONAL LIABILITY (ERRORS AND OMISSIONS) Carrier: Security Insurance Company of Hanford Coverage: $1,000,000 each claim/$2,000,000 annual aggregate Certificates of Insurance will be provided upon request. 41 ELMMe PWua $2.000.000 $2.000.000 $1.000.000 $1,000.000 $1,000.000 $ 100,000 $ 500,000 $ 100.000 - 885.00 BA Mindan . P.E S78.50 $SQ Westwood Lake OffBoulevard Bnx P.RE Registered Engineer/Engineering Specialist 6441 Wayzata Boulevard t I brin& Parr 0. WJimbri,g, RE ��� Minneapolis, MN 55426 Domld W s�.,n. P.E. Romld B. By. P.E. 849.00 612-541-4900 546.00 &Anociates, Inc. FAX 541.1700 Engineering Technician I S36.00 Offlce Technician 11 EXHIBIT G Ofj9ce Technician I 1996 Fee Schedule Survey (Two -Man Crew) Billing Rate/Hour Principal 885.00 Sr. Project Manager S78.50 Project Manager/Scientist S72.50 Registered Engineer/Engineering Specialist 863.50 Project Engineer/Scientist S56.00 Graduate Engineer S50.50 Construction Observer 849.00 Engineering Technician III 546.00 Engineering Techniclan 11 542.00 Engineering Technician I S36.00 Offlce Technician 11 S29.00 Ofj9ce Technician I S18.00 Survey (Two -Man Crew) $85.00 All costs associated with wordprocessing, vehicle mileage, reproduction of common correspondence and mailing are included in the above hourly rates. Infrizent hrn • Enginem • Plan ren EQUAL O roMTUNM [wnnera 1zK 0 EXHIBIT "F" 14 I 1 1 11111 1 1 1 111111 1 1 1 1 11 Na Construction PCTC= From Cort Cont 13 I 30,E 10.05 j 100,000 9.01 250,000 7.31 500,000 7.00 12 6.63 i750,000 1,000,000 6.22 2,000,000 5.75 4,000.000 530 11 4000.000 5.10 I I kow.o00 5.05 10.000,o00 4.97 e 20.000.000 1.33 10 .8 o t � 9 6 � 1 1\ 6 4 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.3 1 S 10 SO 100 Net Construction Cost, in Millions of Dollars Median Compensation For Basic Services, Expressed as a Percentage of Construction Cost for Projects of Average Complexity IZ Council Agenda - 1/22/96 Building Official, Gary Anderson, has requested that the Council consider allowing the building inspection department a clothing allowance for purchasing shirts, pants, and jackets for two reasons: 1) because of the higher -than -normal wear and tear he has on clothes compared to office personnel, and 2) better identification of building inspection employees. It has become quite common amongst cities that building inspection employees have jackets and shirts that identify themselves as city employees in some form or fashion. This is very similar to what we now do for our public works department employees in that we provide weekly rental of clothing, including laundering, through G & K Services for all the public works department employees. Each of the public works employees is provided with six changes of shirts and pante and two jackets that can be turned in on a weekly basis for laundering. This provides the employees with a daily change of clothes. The current cost through G & K Services for this service is $8.70 per week, or approximately $450 annually. From an appearance standpoint, there are many varieties of clothing that can be purchased outright from various vendors that can include city logos, department names, and individual employee names embroidered on the shirt or jacket. For those individuals who may not have to work continuously in dirty environments or within shop buildings, clothing such as polo shirts and canvas -type pants are readily available that provide an attractive appearance and yet can identity the employee as a city individual. Gary obtained quotations for purchasing clothing from three vendors, including G & K Services where we now receive rental uniforms. A summary sheet is enclosed that outlines the cost of initially purchasing six short sleeve shirts, six long sleeve shirts, six pairs of pants, and two jackets. The items quoted are identical between R & D Sales and MVP Sports, while the prices for G & K Services are for an outright purchase compared to the rental on a weekly basis. From a pure cost standpoint, the clothing through G & K Services is more economical due to the fact the clothing is more commercial -type clothing. The clothing items quoted through R & D Sales and MVP Sports are similar to sportswear available at department stores and can be used for more everyday casual wear. It should also be noted that the city logos and emblems available through R & D and MVP are quite attractive compared to the 27 Council Agenda - 1/22/96 patches used by G & K Services. The emblems available through the first two vendors are stitched onto the clothing and duplicate the city logo of the turquois "M" and bridge railing very accurately. I believe from the Building Inspector's point of view, he would rather be allowed to purchase sportswear available from R & D or MVP Sports and take care of his own laundering rather than utilize the more industrial- type clothing available through G & K Services. If the Council is in agreement with the concept of providing clothing for the building inspection department with identification, the Council may want to consider establishing a clothing allowance similar to the amount provided other public works employees that could be used to purchase the type of clothing that may be more appropriate for building inspection purposes. Over the long run, it is likely that the wear and tear on clothing through the building inspection department would not be as great as it is in other public works areas and, thus, the clothing will likely last longer and be easier to launder. By providing an allowance, the cost to the City would be no greater than it is now with other public works employees and would allow the building official to pick the type of clothing and jackets or coveralls that would be most suitable for his needs. Any purchases, including replacement items, could still be brought to the Council for approval if the Council is not comfortable with simply providing an annual allowance. Provide a clothing allowance for the outright purchase of shirts, pants, Jackets, or coveralls with city identification for the building inspection department, with an annual amount to be determined by the City Council. Provide clothing through G & K Services on a rental basis similar to other public works employees. Do not provide any clothing allowance or uniform clothing for the building inspection department. Since the City has been providing a uniform allowance through a rental service for public works employees for a long time, there certainly appears to be merit in doing the same for the Building Inspector due to the fact this individual is required to be outdoors and inspect construction activities. 28 Council Agenda - 1/22/96 While the wear and tear on personal clothing may not be as great as it is in some other public works areae, identification of the Building Inspector is actually more important than the wear and tear issue; and as a result, I support the issue of the building inspection department having clothing that identifies them as city employees. As long as Mr. Anderson is willing to do his own laundering of the clothing, the Council may want to consider simply establishing an annual clothing allowance similar to what is provided for other public works employees and allow the Building Inspector to purchase his own clothing. In the long run, it may be just as economical for the City and provide the Building Official with more attractive clothing. Clothing coat summary sheet; Photo examples of jackets, shirts, and pants available. Clothing samples will be available for Council review Monday night. 29 BUILDING INSPECTOR l CLOTHING COST SUMMARY C oubv" PSCIV- No AN cbw*v not Ind Dick" ww" dYlnhip) (nww a•d=o aba rrliao dy bpo a 0W rwe UVc • giort 6ww In awn w a dy dWt naM.) bng dmn h wMr " WNW «gyp Mdm .volar BLGCLOTH.WK4: 01/18/88 454 R&D', . MVFa'8K o&K..:, Sales Shorts Services (rental 690 weak) Set-up charges $180.00 $15.00 N/A N/A (6) shirts - short sleeve $153.00 $213.00 $138.00 $4.02 (6) shirts - long sleeve $171.00 $243.00 $138.00 - (6) pair pants $180.00 $180.00 $180.00 $3.00 (1) jacket - winter $57.50 $67.50 $37.00 $1.35 " (1) laded - summer $54.00 $67.50 $37.00 --- Subtotal $795.50 $786.00 $530.00 $8.37 Avk Insulated coveralls $58.00 $95.50 $52.00 N/A Non -insulated coveralls $38.00 $65.50 $32.00 N/A TOTAL $891.50 $949.00 $614.00 $435.24 /yr C oubv" PSCIV- No AN cbw*v not Ind Dick" ww" dYlnhip) (nww a•d=o aba rrliao dy bpo a 0W rwe UVc • giort 6ww In awn w a dy dWt naM.) bng dmn h wMr " WNW «gyp Mdm .volar BLGCLOTH.WK4: 01/18/88 454 s _ rte � r. i'.. . JSyr-.••�r,;A;/y+� ,- 11164 Supple' Pular Fleece' lined Zip +'�, , M.i \1.\\I. I\11S Ld•• , 1 Ir.o a a: u•hl Wppl.•a n,1111+ .Itch b+ 11111'+1111 1( h.q.•. p",—. P,,— A an i me 1 .anuk'Ird Calyfo I ILrh lua•<1 „111+ lgva uu•wht Ind,r.lri 1'. ddl ! kY•u• ♦h va r+ luuyl n uh u. hxi yntllyd In 1.•.11 a+arrehl /q,haul tw"'.I ua 1, 1:1IV, u 1111 I. lgyv, I.. Ort unuk•.Iw•.t 1,,m 11oll,'1, .WI -1.0 " kvw, U.a,• �.ir th ul \L. hu'. w.a ..,Hv Imt"ad+.l!1, i.J+ 1-wol \.� 111 � �. �1: .�1i, a �. nl,dd .0 lJl�:•1 \I .wt\\i 43711 Supple' Pular Fleece' Lined Parka t.:i•r r• Il:.n}ar+_•hi hr},ptra' mkel .IKtl Ny UuP+vn. f 1'r:u�.A n Laundri t_d Jupply,' I. Bldg luwd w,Ih Ixa, a++c+g!n J-I,ralrl h4at Re"Ce'. Since, limd a ith m L rt yuthr� I b+ hCa I"' I-011 I -'IN CWt Ill I I. l�.nnn , %q, III— th I mc! cnllal, Pull hom [wJI I nJ.m npia•t wut+.I•urn Ital, I-iml nlgs l..•Arh. I haa+nmg +,:u+l ++ilh cold 1'"'. Ilamnted I.ahnn SO 1111, a ah +c!—, ek,.au• t II'Lle t l...t k:,glan \\,ori lol.-llrul \Lu hu.•a+ndlahk• Du P"+• rI Y SVP/ L -Ex. pofanleece* o, y °,r i O i Y ,'i r o�,'f 3hh3 _ s I;A R & D Sales, Inc. 19277 VERNON STREET PHONE: 441-4416 ELK RIVER, MN 55330 FAX: 441-5737 EMBROIDERY JOB ESTIMATE CITY OF MONTICELLO BUILDING DEPT. GARY ANDERSON 250 E. BROADWAY 295.3060 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 DEC. 11, 1995 1. CUSTOM MONTICELLO DESIGN SET-UP & LAYOUT $180.00 (ONE TIME FEE) STANDARD KEYBOARD DESIGN SET-UP 8 LAYOUT (AS PER SAMPLE) NO CHARGE 2. 03665 SUPPLEX POLAR FLEECE JACKET COLORS: BLACK, JADE/NAVY SIZES: S, M, L, XL, 2XL, (L TALL), (XL TALL), (2XL TALL) BLANK JACKET COST: $49.50 EA. (S -XL) $52.00 EA. (2XL) ADD $6.00 EA. (TALL SIZES) EMQYi01DEgY 8PP-01M FRONT EMB. CREST LOGO 84.60 EA. —C -A m.4yo96.DO NAMES $2.00 EA. 3. 05011 100% COTTON PIQUE KNIT POLO SHIRT (o FRONT EMBROIDERED CREST LOGO SIZES: M. L, XL, 2XL COMPLETED COST: $22.00 EA. (M-XL)—Cusfo.l 9.011-26" (o o x3.50 $24.00 EA. (2XL) _ cmhM 94!-2Ssp 13E CITY OF MONTICELLO EST. page 2 DEC. 11, 1995 4. #5025 100% COTTON PIQUE KNIT LONG SLEEVE POLO SHIRT 6 NO POCKET FRONT EMBROIDERED CREST LOGO SIZES: M, L, XL, 2XL COMPLETED COST: $25.00 EA. (M -XL) est -n /,'ID $27.00 EA. (2XL) CuS+vv `� S. 0182 12 OZ. F.O.L. HEAVYWEIGHT CREW NECK SWEATSHIRT b PANt� FRONT EMBROIDERED CREST LOGO COLORS: BLACK, NAVY SIZES: M, L, XL, 2XL COMPLETED COST: $20.00 EA. (M -XL) $22.00 EA. (2XL) S. #6089M 6 -PANEL WOOL BLEND CAP ADJUSTABLE BACK TAB CLOSURE . ONE SIZE FITS ALL FRONT EMBROIDERED LOGO COMPLETED COST: $8.00 EA. '�. G 9y9 K p6cAdlyo 0,50 ej,4aA4d&r 16.410 5 XL Co stvV A, 'yo 5a'sno JJ y8.00 UL c„ 1�90 5466 RICH SCHULZ R 8 D SALES 17 13F E TEL • DEC 22 195 01:03PN CITY OF MONTICELLO .Jan 03.96 21 :16 No .001 P.02 P. 2/7 !• tkrsa —fr�41,04e,P YB i?1�E.�r& v / y • f �)� a, 3GG5.S�,oyoetx�oev�+Fe�tE,�iG�rrrC.�E�'rn�re�o) k}AR7WfW- B49iLR',,./.91�t"f7 e2u r � qq� 9�r TZG�GGD L'rA60 � � � • � p PALE io N-fWS 1 y.�v r wm ,v I O/% A;fv e r 4co S# rtr tsi AIWIMeW C�•s ) Wwvrxedizo Aso s�waaeDlo�o . CI) s, �m 9� r-usG�eT K� /a ,touU A95 S�aa.�Ro le6a P•.c `I U l(WIP,Or4LAa) i 1 13 G» TEL: Jan 03.96 21:16 No.001 P.03 DEC 22 •95 e1:e4c" cm of MOWIcF.P. 3? pc%L4�- EAC H n ��) �0. /'/9/rJ 7S C DotKEIS Ort B'Cs !'iA� s UV 31. s 71, S7W V4 M .Coro i 6 . ro (�) 8 .. At&aje eo vEwv4f �laysx�E«o Lobo $ j y.ry J 6. �o i .2 TO,, ,,lin .AA.�, ��D�•ra.s� ge G 120 Sehviees W!W Pazk 0 6&187 FAX 612M52-1091 G & K Price Proposal for City of Monticello December 27, 1995 Attn: Gary Anderson We appreciate the opportunity to discuss your interest in G S K Services. G 3 K Services is committed to providing a quality level of service at a competitive price. Please review the following pricing structure that will be offered to you. LUM Price Garments (rental) (5 changes 65/35 blend) Shirts $ .90 ($3.00/wk) Pants $ .90 ($3.00/wk) Coveralls $1.50 (1/wk) Jackets $1.35 (1/wk) Seasonal Changeover Shirts $ .17 ($1.02/wk) Garments (purchase) (9 changes 65/35 blend) Shirts Long -Sleeve $21.00 ($128.00 total) Short -Sleeve $21.00 ($128.00 total) Pants $21.00 ($129.00 total) Coveralls (85/35 blend) $30.00 (each pair) Insulated Coveralls $49.98 (each pair) Jackets $35.00 (each jacket) Prep Charge Will waive initial set-up Nametag Will waive initial set-up Emblems $ 2.00 each (Emblems charge is because they are made specifically for your account.) I am confident that G & K Services can provide you with the level of service you desire. We look forward to establishing a strong and productive working relationship. Please give me a call if I can answer any questions. Sincerely, Dean Demarais Route/Salesman Textile Vesl"Sys"ns Ii T BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/09/96 12:54:45 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 39760 12/31/95 ANDERSON & ASSOCIATE 39761 12/31/95 AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS 39762 12/31/95 CRVSTEEL DIST. INC. 39763 12/31/95 DOTY/KAREN 39763 12/31/95 DOTY/KAREN 39764 12/31/95 ENNIS CABINETS/JIM 39765 12/31/95 FEEDRITE CONTROLS, I 39795 12/31/95 FEEDRITE CONTROLS, I 39766 12/31/95 G & K SERVICES 39766 12/31/95 G & K SERVICES 39766 12/31/95 G & K SERVICES 39766 12/31/95 G & K SERVICES 39766 12/31/95 G & K SERVICES 39766 12/31/95 G & K SERVICES 39766 12/31/95 G & K SERVICES 39766 12/31/95 G & K SERVICES 39767 12/31/95 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 39767 12/31/95 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 39767 12/31/95 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 39767 12/31/95 HARRV'S AUTO SUPPLY 39767 12/31/95 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 39767 12/31/95 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 39767 12/31/95 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 39767 12/31/95 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 39767 12/31/95 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 7 3976.12/31/95 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 39768 12/31/95 HOGLUND COACH LINES 39769 12/31/95 KOTZENMACHER/GORGINA 39770 12/31/95 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39770 12/31/99 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39770 12/31/95 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39770 12/31/85 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39770 12/31/85 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39770 12/31/95 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39770 12/31/85 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39770 12/31/95 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10 SIGNS/LARSON STORE 143.77 17 RADIO REPAIRS/STREET 109.50 429 VEH REP PARTS/STREETS 180.09 48 MILEAGE REIMB 21.19 48 REIMB/SUPPLIES/C HALL 24.36 45.55 54 BOOK BINS/LIBRARY 3,881.00 56 PROF SERVICE/WATER 220.00 56 CHEMICALS/SEWER COLL 646.11 866.11 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 37.06 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 69.44 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 24.28 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 24.28 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 147.53 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 147.52 851 RAG/SHOP & GAR 39.00 851 RUGS/DEP REG OFFICE 29.84 518.95 78 VEH REP PARTS/STREETS 199.11 78 EQUIP REPAIRS/FIRE DED 47.07 78 SUPPLIES/SHOP A GAR 50.50 78 VEH MTC/BLD INSPECT 17.97 18 VEH REP PARTS/MATER 12.42 78 SMALL TOOLS/SHOP & GAR 10.56 78 SUPPLIES/SHOP A GAR 41.21 78 CORRECT CODE 49.98CR 78 OIL/STREET DEPT 79.56 78 VEM REP DARTS/SEVER CO 12.42 420.84 483 HEARTLAND BUS CONTR 5,046.76 995 MILEAGE REIMS/COMP CLA 87.28 874 CORRECT CODE 5.46CR 874 SMALL TOOLS/SHOP & GAR 15.96 974 SUPPLIES/PARKS 48.90 874 BLD MTC SUPPLIES/SHOP 73.65 874 SUPPLIES/STREET DEPT 52.33 874 SUPPLIES/MATER DEPT 22.75 874 SUPPLIES/FIRE DEPT 3.39 074 SUPPLIES/ANIMAL CONTRO 15.91 7 a BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/09/96 12:54:45 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 39770 12/31/95 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 39771 12/31/95 LUKACH/JOHN 39771 12/31/95 LUKACH/JOHN 39771 12/31/95 LUKACH/JOHN 39771 12/31/95 LUKACH/JOHN 39772 12/31/95 MAUS FOODS 39772 12/31/95 MAUS FOODS 39772 12/31/95 MAUS FOODS 39773 12/31/95 MINNEGASCO 39773 12/31/95 MINNEGASCO 39773 12/31/95 MINNEGASCO 39773 12/31/95 MINNEGASCO 39773 12/31/95 MINNEGASCO 39773 12/31/95 MINNEGASCO 39773 12/31/95 MINNEGASCO 39773 12/31/95 MINNEGASCO 39774 12/31/95 MN DEPARTMENT OF HEA 39775 12/31/95 MN STATE TREASURER 39776 12/31/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39778 12/31/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39776 12/31/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39776 12/31/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39776 12/31/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39776 12/31/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39776 12/31/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39776 12/31/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39777 12/31/95 MONTICELLO VACUUM CE 39778 12/31/95 NORTHERN STATES POWE 39778 12/31/85 NORTHERN STATES POWE .39778 12/31/95 NORTHERN STATES POWE 39778 12/31/85 NORTHERN STATES POWE 39778 12/31/95 NORTHERN STATES POWE 39778 12/31/95 NORTHERN STATES POWE 39778 12/31/95 NORTHERN STATES POWE 39778 12/31/85 NORTHERN STATES POWE 39778 12/31/85 NORTHERN STATES DOME 39778 12/31/95 NORTHERN STATES POWE Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT i 874 CLEANING SUP/LIBRARY 102.39 329.82 327 MILEAGE REIMB 2.97 327 MILEAGE REIMB 2.97 327 MILEAGE REIMS 2.97 327 MILEAGE REIMB 2.96 11.87 108 SUPPLIES/CITY HALL 74.62 108 FOOD/PARKS/SKATING RI 225.78 108 CLEANING SUP/ANIMAL CO 32.83 333.23 772 UTILITIES 316.42 772 UTILITIES 216.48 772 UTILITIES 60.19 772 UTILITIES 148.37 772 UTILITIES 67.56 772 UTILITIES 389.17 772 UTILITIES 2,368.18 772 UTILITIES 81.4: 3,847.79 235 4TH QTR CONNECTION 2,309.00 262 STATE BLD PERMIT SU 3,076.80 140 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 726.93 140 SNOW PLOW/HELP WANTED 252.00 140 SNOWMOBILE/BLD PERM A 147.00 140 PUBLIC HEARING ADS 57.02 140 WWTP RENTAL HSE FOR SA 64.00 140 SMALL TOOLS/SHOP 9.53 140 EQUIP REP PARTS/STREET 56.49 140 VEH REP PARTS/STREETS 210.32 1,543.29 141 VAC BAGS A SUP/LIBRARY 22.00 148 UTILITIES 3,315.54 149 UTILITIES 363.49 146 UTILITIES 5,236.95 148 UTILITIES 68.38 148 UTILITIES 884.74 148 UTILITIES 14.14 148 UTILITIES 703.24 149 UTILITIES 352.6b 148 UTILITIES 535.49 148 UTILITIES 696.39 M BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/09/96 12:54:45 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 39779 12/31/95 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONS 39780 12/31/95 O'NEILL/JEFF 39780 12/31/95 O'NEILL/JEFF 39781 12/31/95 ONE CALL CONCEPTS, I 39782 12/31/85 PAUL A WALDRON & ASS 39783 12/31/95 SCHARBER & SONS, INC 39784 12/31/95 STAR TRIBUNE 39785 12/31/95 VASKO RUBBISH REMOVA 39765 12/31/95 VASKO RUBBISH REMOVA 39785 12/31/95 VASKO RUBBISH REMOVA 39786 12/31/95 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 39786 12/31/95 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 12,190.99 550 COMP PLAN/PROF SERV 150.00 161 MILEAGE REIMS 24.64 161 MISC SUPPLIES/REIMS 52.59 77.23 836 PROF SERVICES/MATER 76.00 830 BLD INSPECTION FEES 1,962.50 229 EQUIP REP PARTS/SNOW I 99.93 197 HELP WANTED AD/OPERAT 231.00 524 GARBAGE CONTRACT P 10,168.09 524 SALES TAX/GARBAGE CON 659.61 524 OIL FILTERS/STREET DEP 60.00 10,887.70 219 LAND FILL CHGS 8,567.55 219 SHERIFFS CONTRACT 24,469.33 31,038.88 TOTAL 79,255.90 r r r , BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/11/96 12:56:15 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 39776 12/30/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39776 12/30/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39776 12/30/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39776 12/30/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39776 12/30/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39776 12/30/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39776 12/30/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39776 12/30/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39786 12/30/95 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 39786 12/30/95 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 39787 12/31/95 CAREFREE LAWN SERVIC 39788 12/31/95 CENTRAL MCGOWAN, INC 39789 12/31/95 D & K REFUSE RECVCLI 39790 12/31/95 EHLERS & ASSOC.INC P 39791 12/31/95 ERNIE'S BAIT SHOP 39791 12/31/95 ERNIE'S BAIT SHOP 39792 12/31/95 GLASS HUT/THE 39793 12/31/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39793 12/31/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39793 12/31/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39793 12/31/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39793 12/31/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 39794 12/31/95 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 39794 12/31/95 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 39794 12/31/95 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 39795 12/31/95 OLSON d SONS ELECTRI 39795 12/31/95 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 39795 12/31/95 OLSON d SONS ELECTRI 39795 12/31/95 OLSON d SONS ELECTRI 39795 12/31/95 OLSON d SONS ELECTRI 940 FALL CLEAN UP/LIBRARY 37.28 30 SUPPLIES/SHOP & GAR 30.62 611 RECYCLING PVMT/DEC 3.341.74 933 MISC PROF SERVICES/ 1,706.2` J 994 SALES TAX/GLOVES/MATER 2.15 994 GLOVES/STREET DEPT 35.15 37.30 88 MTC OF BLD/PARKS 59.64 140 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 726.93 140 SNOWPLOW/HELP WANTED 252.00 140 SNOWPLOW/HELP WANTED 147.00 140 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICES 57.02 140 WWTP RENTAL FOR SALES 84.00 1,288.95 144 SMALL TOOLS/SHOP & GAR 9.53 144 EQUIP REP PARTS/STREET 56.49 144 VEH REPAIR DARTS/STRE 210.32 278.34 160 CREDIT USED FRM LIQUOR 43.000R 180 BLD REP SUP/PARKS 46.83 160 STREET LITES REPAIRED 786.99 160 SMALL TOOLS/STREET DEP 69.23 160 PARKS/BLD d LIGHTS 185.00 1,057.05 39796 12/31/95 UNIVERSITY OF MINNES 212 SUBSCRIPTION/P WORKS 4.94 Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT' 140 CHECK VOIDED 726.93CR 140 CHECK VOIDED 252.000R 140 CHECK VOIDED 147.000R 140 CHECK VOIDED 57.02CR 140 CHECK VOIDED 84.000R 140 CHECK VOIDED 9.53CR 140 CHECK VOIDED 56.49CR 140 CHECK VOIDED 210.32CR 1.543.29CR # 219 CHECK VOIDED 6.567.55CR 219 CHECK VOIDED 24.469.33CR 31,n36.88CR 940 FALL CLEAN UP/LIBRARY 37.28 30 SUPPLIES/SHOP & GAR 30.62 611 RECYCLING PVMT/DEC 3.341.74 933 MISC PROF SERVICES/ 1,706.2` J 994 SALES TAX/GLOVES/MATER 2.15 994 GLOVES/STREET DEPT 35.15 37.30 88 MTC OF BLD/PARKS 59.64 140 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 726.93 140 SNOWPLOW/HELP WANTED 252.00 140 SNOWPLOW/HELP WANTED 147.00 140 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICES 57.02 140 WWTP RENTAL FOR SALES 84.00 1,288.95 144 SMALL TOOLS/SHOP & GAR 9.53 144 EQUIP REP PARTS/STREET 56.49 144 VEH REPAIR DARTS/STRE 210.32 278.34 160 CREDIT USED FRM LIQUOR 43.000R 180 BLD REP SUP/PARKS 46.83 160 STREET LITES REPAIRED 786.99 160 SMALL TOOLS/STREET DEP 69.23 160 PARKS/BLD d LIGHTS 185.00 1,057.05 39796 12/31/95 UNIVERSITY OF MINNES 212 SUBSCRIPTION/P WORKS 4.94 V. t BFC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/11/96 12:56:15 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 39797 12/31/95 VALUE PLUS HOMES 39798 12/31/95 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 887 REIMS/FEASIBILITY S 2,000.00 219 LAND FILL CHARGES/D 6,567.55 TOTAL 16,194.51CR 0 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/11/96 12:54:57 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 39799 01/11/96 BUSINESS RECORDS COR 39799 01/11/96 BUSINESS RECORDS COR 39800 01/11/96 COMPUTER PARTS & SER 39801 01/11/96 CULLIGAN 39802 01/11/96 FLICKER'S T.V. & APP 39802 01/11/96 FLICKER'S T.V. & APP 39803 01/11/96 GOVERN FINANCE OFFIC 39804 01/11/96 GREEN/ELIZABETH 39805 01/11/96 HERMES/JERRY 39806 01/11/96 KRAMBER & ASSOCIATES 39607 01/11/96 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 39808 01/11/96 MONTICELLO DEPUTY RE 39808 01/11/96 MONTICELLO DEPUTY RE 39809 01/11/96 MONTICELLO DEPUTY RE 39808 01/11/96 MONTICELLO DEPUTY RE 39008 01/11/86 MONTICELLO DEPUTY RE 38808 01/11/96 MONTICELLO DEPUTY RE 39808 01/11/96 MONTICELLO DEPUTY RE 39808 01/11/96 MONTICELLO DEPUTY RE 39808 01/11/96 MONTICELLO DEPUTY RE 39809 01/11/96 PREUSSE'S CLEANING S 39810 01/11/86 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 39811 01/11/96 RINKE-NOONAN 38812 01/11/88 STRATEGIC TECHNOLOGI 39813 01/11/96 VIKING COCA COLA 39813 01/11/96 VIKING COCA COLA 38814 01/11/88 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 39815 01/11/96 WRIGHT COUNTY CONCIL dh Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 27 COMPUTER MTC AGRMT/ 6,546.01 27 FORMS/CIG LICENSE/C HA 24.34 6,570.35 500 COMPUTER MOUSE/C HALL 96.69 753 RENTAL PROP WATER CHGS 23.11 60 VCR TAPE/BLD INSP 16.27 60 FLASHLIGHT/FIRE DFPT 139.97 156.24 » 71 MEMBERSHIP DUES/RICK 110.00 889 REIMB/PLAT BOOK 36.00 61 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT 227.50 688 ASSESSING CONTRACT 1,321.22 195 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1,100.00 134 LICENSE TABS/STREET D 148.50 134 LICENSE TABS/PARKS DEP 54.00 134 LICENSE TABS/SEWER COL 40.50 134 LICENSE TABS/BLD INSPE 13.50 134 LICENSE TABS/P WORKS 13.50 134 LICENSE TABS/WWTP 27.00 134 LICENSE TABS/MATER DEP 13.50 134 LICENSE TABS/FIRE DEPT 13.50 134 LICENSE TABS/TREE DEPT 13.50 337.50 173 CITY HALL CLEANING CO 400.00 175 WWTP CONTRACT PAYM 32,926.08 .90420 REG FEE/JEFF ONEILL 60.00 876 MTC AGRMT/DEP REG COM 638.00 779 POP/PARKS/CONCESSIONS 138.00 778 tFV• 128.55 267.55 219 SHERIFF'S CONTRACT 25,234.17 997 NEW TRIAL FEES 25.Oe BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/11/96 12:54:57 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 39916 01/11/96 Y.M.C.A. OF MINNEAPO 39817 01/11/96 ZIEGLER, INC. GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 224 CONTRACT PAYMENT 625.00 425 EQUIP REP PARTS/STREET 53.23 TOTAL 70,208.64 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/17/96 09:56:09 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 39818 01/17/96 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 39819 01/17/96 MN DEPART OF REVENUE 39819 01/17/96 MN DEPART OF REVENUE 39819 01/17/96 MN DEPART OF REVENUE 39820 01/17/96 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LI 39820 01/17/96 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LI 39820 01/17/96 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LI 39620 01/17/96 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LI 39820 01/17/96 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LI 39820 01/17/96 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LI 39821 01/17/96 U.S. POSTMASTER 39821 01/17/96 U.S. POSTMASTER 39822 01/17/96 A T & T INFO SYSTEMS 39873 01/17/96 AHTC BOOKSTORE 39824 01/17/96 ANDERSON & ASSOCIATE 39825 01/17/86 ANDERSON/GARY 39826 01/17/96 BUCHEN ENVIRONMENTAL 39877 01/17/96 COMPRESS AIR & EQUIP 39828 01/17/96 COPY DUPLCATING PR00 39829 01/17/96 CRYSTEEL DIST. INC. 39830 01/17/96 DYNA SYSTEMS 39831 01/17/96 FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE 39832 01/17/88 GLOBAL 39033 01/17/08 KENNEDY & GRAVEN 39833 01/17/86 KENNEDY & GRAVEN 30833 01/17/96 KENNEDY & GRAVEN Disbursement Journa' DESCRIPTION AMOUNI1) 116 WATER/SNOW/ATV REG 1.342.00 119 *FY* 0.16CF 119 *FY* 17.15 119 *FY* 1,204.01 1,221.00 464 *FY* 106.37 464 *FY* 1,663.08 464 *FY* 5.00 464 *FY* 8.70 464 *FY* 252.91 464 *FY* 1,362.35CP. 673.71 210 POST OFFICE BOX RENTAL 8.00 210 POSTAGE/FIRE DEPT 32.00 40.00 15 TELPHONE CHGS/FIRE DEP 33.00 90421 FIRE FIGHTER TRAINING 37.. 10 SIGNS/STREET DEPT 900.10 11 REIMB/BLO INSP 7.25 937 *FY* 1,600.00 356 MTC OF FIRE DEPT EOUI 203.90 41 *FY* 60.80 429 *FY* 31.95 50 *FY* 354.31 510 SUCTION UNIT/FIRE TRU 317.00 789 NEW SHELVES/DEP REG 0 133.52 939 *FV* 438.10 939 *FY* 332.00 938 *FY* 130.00 900.10 39034 01/17/96 KOROPCHAK/OLIVE 97 MILEAGE REIMB 65.' BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/17/96 09:56:09 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 39818 01/17/96 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 39819 01/17/96 MN DEPART OF REVENUE 39819 01/17/96 MN DEPART OF REVENUE 39819 01/17/96 MN DEPART OF REVENUE 39820 01/17/96 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LI 39820 01/17/96 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LI 39820 01/17/96 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LI 39620 01/17/96 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LI 39820 01/17/96 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LI 39820 01/17/96 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LI 39821 01/17/96 U.S. POSTMASTER 39821 01/17/96 U.S. POSTMASTER 39822 01/17/96 A T & T INFO SYSTEMS 39873 01/17/96 AHTC BOOKSTORE 39824 01/17/96 ANDERSON & ASSOCIATE 39825 01/17/86 ANDERSON/GARY 39826 01/17/96 BUCHEN ENVIRONMENTAL 39877 01/17/96 COMPRESS AIR & EQUIP 39828 01/17/96 COPY DUPLCATING PR00 39829 01/17/96 CRYSTEEL DIST. INC. 39830 01/17/96 DYNA SYSTEMS 39831 01/17/96 FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE 39832 01/17/88 GLOBAL 39033 01/17/08 KENNEDY & GRAVEN 39833 01/17/86 KENNEDY & GRAVEN 30833 01/17/96 KENNEDY & GRAVEN Disbursement Journa' DESCRIPTION AMOUNI1) 116 WATER/SNOW/ATV REG 1.342.00 119 *FY* 0.16CF 119 *FY* 17.15 119 *FY* 1,204.01 1,221.00 464 *FY* 106.37 464 *FY* 1,663.08 464 *FY* 5.00 464 *FY* 8.70 464 *FY* 252.91 464 *FY* 1,362.35CP. 673.71 210 POST OFFICE BOX RENTAL 8.00 210 POSTAGE/FIRE DEPT 32.00 40.00 15 TELPHONE CHGS/FIRE DEP 33.00 90421 FIRE FIGHTER TRAINING 37.. 10 SIGNS/STREET DEPT 900.10 11 REIMB/BLO INSP 7.25 937 *FY* 1,600.00 356 MTC OF FIRE DEPT EOUI 203.90 41 *FY* 60.80 429 *FY* 31.95 50 *FY* 354.31 510 SUCTION UNIT/FIRE TRU 317.00 789 NEW SHELVES/DEP REG 0 133.52 939 *FV* 438.10 939 *FY* 332.00 938 *FY* 130.00 900.10 39034 01/17/96 KOROPCHAK/OLIVE 97 MILEAGE REIMB 65.' BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 12/28/95 09:47:43 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 39850 01/02/96 CENTRAL MINN INITIAT 39851 01/02/96 HERMES/JERRY 39852 01/02/96 MARCO BUSINESS PRODU 39853 01/02/96 MONTICELLO AGENCY. I 39854 01/02/96 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 39855 01/02/96 MONTICELLO ROTARY 39855 01/02/96 MONTICELLO ROTARY 39856 01/02/96 MONTICELLO SENIOR CI 39857 01/02/96 NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE 39858 01/02/96 NORTH STAR CHAPTER 39859 01/02/96 QUINLAN PUBLISHING C 39860 01/02/96 SPECTRUM SUPPLY CO. 39861 01/02/96 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal 1 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT / 822 CMIF GRANT PYMT 1,100.21 81 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT 227.50 106 COPY MCN MTC/P WORKS 210.00 132 SURETY BOND/RICK W 50.00 165 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1,100.00 138 ROTARY DUES/OLLIE K 223.00 138 ROTARY DUES/JEFF 0 208.00 431.00 + 139 JAN CONTRACT PYMT 2.833.33 424 SUBSCRIPTION/DEP REG 47.00 1SO MEMBERSHIP DUES/GARY A 45.00 177 SUBSCRIPTION/BLD DEPAR 69.78 498 MEMBERSHIP DUES/GARY A 20.00 ) 219 SCERG GRANT PYMT 2,760.51 TOTAL 8,894.33 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM �I 12/29/95 13:02:37 Disbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C LIQUOR CHECKING 18548 12/28/95 HOME JUICE 800136 JUICE FOR RESALE 33.90 18549 12/28/95 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 FREIGHT CHARGES 71.82 18549 12/28/95 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1,163.71 18549 12/28/95 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 2,218.81 3,454.34 4C 18550 12/28/95 JUDE CANDY & TOBACCO 800021 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 67.66 18550 12/28/95 JUDE CANDY & TOBACCO 800021 CIGS & CIGARS FOR RES 136.73 204 .4 1 *1 18551 12/28/95 QUALITY WINE & SP1RI 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 475.04 18551 12/28/95 QUALITY WINE & SPIRT 800040 WINE PURCHASE 500.93 975.97 �( 18552 12/28/95 RON'S ICE COMPANY 800041 ICE PURCHASE 90.48 19553 12/28/85 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800045 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 305.31 18553 12/28/95 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800045 CLEANING SUPPLIES 21.98 18553 12/28/95 ST. CLOUD RES1"AURANT 800045 JUICE FOR RESALE 33.50 0 380.19 * L18554 12/20/95 THORPE DISTRIBUTING 800048 BEER PURCHASE 21,080.40 18554 12/28/95 THORPE DISTRIBUTING 800048 MUGS FOR RESALE 123.00 18554 12/28/95 THORPE DISTRIBUTING 800048 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 139.10 21,350.50 10555 12/28/95 VIKING COCA-COLA BOT 800051 POP PURCHASE 456.05 18556 12/28/95 WRIGHT WAY SHOPPEk 800106 ADVERTISING 180.00 LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL 52,780.91 BFC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/08/96 13:19:36 Disbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLA LIQUOR CHECKING 18547 12/31/95 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE I 800019 CHECK VOIDED 7,020.0008 18547 12/31/95 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE I 800019 CHECK VOIDED 12.41CR 7,032.41CR *CHE 19557 12/31/95 BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA 800001 POP PURHCASE 155.00 18558 12/31/95 CONSOLIDATED COMM DI 800163 ADVERTISING 40.25 18559 12/31/95 OAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUT 800009 HOLIDAY MUGS FOR RESA 250.00 18559 12/31/95 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUT 800009 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 739.80 18559 12/31/95 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUT 600009 BEER PURCHASE 13,826.60 14,816.40 *CHE 18560 12/31/95 ECM PUBLICHERS. INC. 800208 HELP WANTED AD 114.00 18561 12/31/85 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE I 800019 BEER PURCHASE ,020.00 18562 12/31/95 LIEFERT TRUCKING 800025 FREIGHT CHARGES 336.55 18563 12/31/95 MINNEGASCO 800160 UTILITIES 237.77 0 18564 12/31/95 MONTICELLO TIMES 800032 ADVERTISING 168.10 Nl- 18565 12/31/95 NORTHERN STATES POWE 800035 UTILITIES 836.99 18566 12/31/95 PAUSTIS & SONO 800103 WINE PURCHASE 26.64 10567 12/31/95 U S LINK 800195 TELEPHONE CHARGES 12.41 18568 12/31/95 VIKING COCA-COLA DOT 000051 POP PURCHASE 162..40 10569 12/31/85 WRIGHT COUNTY JOURNA 800201 HELP WANTED AD 22.70 LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL 16,916.90 EtRC. FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/10/96 13:21:52 WARRANT DATE VENDOR LIQUOR CHECKING 10552 12/31/95 RON'S ICE COMPANY 18570 12/31/95 PAUSTIS & SONS 10571 12/31/95 RON'S ICE COMPANY 18b72 12/31/95 MONTICELLO TIMES LIQUOR CHECKING Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLi 800041 CHECK VOIDED 90.48CR 800103 MINE PURCHASE 349.86 800041 ICE PURCHASE 85.08 800032 HELP WANTED AD 99.76 TOTAL 444.22 0 ICRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 01/10/96 14:30:39 i` WARRANT DATE VENDOR LIQUOR CHECKING 18573 12/10/96 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 10573 12/10/96 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 18573 12/10/96 EAGLE WINE COMPA14Y Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CL 800012 PEER PURCHASE 800012 WINE PURCHASE 800012 MIX FOR RESALE 18574 12/10/96 GRIGGS. COOPER & COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 18575 12/10/96 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE I 800019 BEER PURCHASE 18576 12/10/96 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 19576 12/10/96 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 18576 12/10/96 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 FREIGHT CHARGES 21.40 335.53 75.99 382.92 #CH 800.25 5.535.55 2,597.47 3,132.23 82.50 5,812.15 OCH 18577 12/10/96 MN DEPT OF PUBLIC SA 800125 RETAILERS BUYERS CARD 20.00 18578 12/10/96 NORTHWEST CARPET & U 800179 CLEAN CARPET 282.23 10579 12/10/86 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 FREIGHT CHARGES 60.89 18579 12/10/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 LIQUOR PURCHASE 8,232.63 18579 12/10/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 WINE PURCHASE 1,886.13 10.179.65 10580 12/10/96 U S WES1 COMMUNICATI 800093 ADVERTISING 29.00 LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL 23,041.75 •,.II 0 COUNCIL UPDATE January 18, 1996 This is to let you know that there will be a public information meeting outlining results firom the Mississippi River Crossing Study on January 30, 1998, 7 p.m., at Becker City Ball. If it is possible, one or more Council members should place this meeting on their calendars. I've been informed by Project Manager Dave Montebello of SRF that one of the options that is being looked at is a crossing that would coned the in Montilln at I-94 to Sherburna CovaU Reef]11-According to Montebello, in terms of the analysis of the data, traffic modeling, etc., this alternative appears to be the third or fourth best among six options. There may, however, be other factors that could make this option more or leas desirable. I brink it is important at this time that the City start to get involved in the process of selecting the location of this new bridge, as its location will have far-reaching impale on the city in the future. Please note that the purpose of the meeting on January 30 is an informational meeting and not the last chance for the City to provide input on determining the location of the bridge. Once more information is gathered by staff at this meeting, it is our goal to look at the options and prepare a formal response from the City of Monticello as to what we believe is the preferred location. As you know, we have a long-term need to develop fixture industrial areas that could be served by an interchange at Orchard Road. In addition, we have a need to relieve some of the local and regional traffic from the highway 25 bridge, which would be accomplished if the new crossing is closer to the city. There may be some good reasons for us to become actively involved in this issue. Staff will keep you informed. oRoaenaoMPM VION &0111sor- District 3 i,� Minnesota Department of Transportation 3725 12th Street North, P. O. Box 370 Saint Cloud, Minnesota 50302 'os 1;1/ Telephone: (012) 255-4181 January 11, 1998 Mr. Jeff O'Niel Assistant Administrator City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Public Informational Meeting for Mississippi River Crossing Study Dear Mr. Jeff O'Niel: The Minnesota Department of Transportation (n/DOT) and its consultant, SRF Consulting Group, Inc., are nearing the end of the study to analyze the future Mississippi river crossing needs between St. Cloud and Trunk Highway 101. At previous meetings, held between October 24, 1995 and November 2, 1995, Mn/DOT and SRF Consulting Group met with the affected communities and other interests to discuss the results of the data collection portion of the study and to receive input on corridor options from those potentially impacted by the study. The second part of the study which consisted of the analysis of the data, traffic modeling, and the benefit cost analysis of the atlematives is nearing completion. The Information from the above antllyses will be used by MrdDOT to focus future river crossing study efforts on those locations which would produce the greatest benefit to the traveling public. We are again inviting you, other Interested staff members, and elected officials to an informational meeting to discuss the second stege of the study and to solicit your input and concerns. Two meetings have been scheduled as follows: Meetina 1 January 30, 1996 - Becker City Hall Meetina 2 February 1, 1998 - St. Cloud Cily Hall Council Chamber The meetings will be similar. Both will feature on open house from 5:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M. A short presentation will be made at 7:00 P.M. with an opportunity for questions afterwards. If you have any questions please contact Dave Montebello, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. at (812) 475-0010 or myself at (612) 6545520. Sincerely, Terref4ce J. Humbert cc: D.L. Raisanan - Baxter Planning Engineer - D3 J.T. Povich - Baxter AN EUUALUPPORTUNITY L•MPUIYER PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Council Agenda- I/22/96 Counell URdate (J.S.) HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION DATE April 27.1996 For the past few years, the County has been sekxting one or two household hazardous waste collection sites per year, moving the sites around the county to give everyone an opportunity to participate. The collection days have changed over the last few years, in that paint is no longer accepted, especially laws paint, as it can be so easily properly disposed of at home. In addition, all the collections require pre -registration so that the number of participants ate known ahead of time, as well as the approximate time they would arrive at the site. This year the Wright County Solid Waste Committee has requested a site in the city of Monticello for the spring collection. I have suggested to them that the new public works facility is ideally set up for such a collection with its easy access and dnv*4m capabilities. The Wright County Solid Waste Task Force, therefore, requests that the City Council authorize use of the public works facility on April 27, 1996, for the area collection of household hazardous waste. There ars usually several volume from the Solid Waste Task Fora to help out, but usually the communities provide at least one city employee to open and close the facilities and provide assistance during the day if necessary. The collection day is usually open to the public from 8:30 am. to approximately 1:00 p.m. Solid Waste Task Force Staff and the Hazardous Waste Collection Contractor, ate usually on site from 7:00 am to 6:00 p.m. Wright County offers an indemnification to protect the city fsvm liability. Also, Wright Country takes care of all of tb; publication and registration for the event Since most residents will not drive very far to get to these collection days, we will expect residents from the city of Monticello, the city of Otsego, Monticello Township, and Silver Creek Township to attend, along with a few from the St. Michael -Albertville arra. If anyone on the Council has a problem with volunteering the City of Mo nticello's Public Works Facility for the coUtWon, please let me know, otherwise I will notify Wright County after the Council Meeting, that they can use our public works site on West County Road 39. Thank you. John E. Simola Public Worts Director