City Council Agenda Packet 05-13-1996 SpecialAGENDA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL AND HRA Monday, May 18, 1898.5:80 p.m. City Council: Mayor Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault HRA Members: Chairperson Al Larson, Roger Carlson, Bradley Barger, Tom St. Hilaire Guests: Mark Ruff, Publicorp, Inc.; John Komarek, Developer 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration to review for approval the overall concept plans for the redevelopment project known as Prairie West. A. Establishment of TIF District No. 1-20, a Redevelopment District. B. Commitment of a local contribution relating to the City parcel. C. Acceptance of the property located at 1400 West Broadway for use as green space. 3. Adjournment. Special Council/HRA Agenda - 5/13/96 TTI! M At the HRA meeting of May 1, 1996, the commissioners approved entering into a Preliminary Agreement with the developer, Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. (John Komarek). The agreement authorizes Publicorp, Inc., to begin preparation for establishment of the TIF district and Kennedy & Graven to begin preparation of the Private Redevelopment Contract. A Preliminary Agreement has been executed by both parties, and the developer has delivered a cashier's check in the amount of $5,000 in order to secure payment of wets incurred by the HRA. Prior to incurring any costa, the commissioners requested a special meeting with City Council to review for approval the overall concept plan of the redevelopment project area. It is important to remember and focus on the overall goals of this redevelopment project: Removal of blight, increase property values, and creation of public green space. For the purpose of identifying the overall concept plan, the project area is divided into four additions: 1st Addition, original Prairie West; 2nd Addition, proposed TIF district; 3rd Addition, City parcel; and 4th Addition, 1400 West Broadway. Council previously approved the final plat for Prairie West let Addition. The let Addition is a part of the overall concept plan; however, the lat Addition is financed strictly through private dollars. Mark Ruff, a development consultant/financial advisor with Publicorp, Inc., (an association of Ehlers and Associates, Inc.) will be present at the meeting to provide additional insight. Additionally, John Komarek, the developer, will be present. ESTABLISHMENT OF TIF DISTRICT NO. 1.20, A REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. The proposed TIF District No. 1-20 boundary, a Redevelopment District, includes the Hanawalt and Banyai properties and the easterly small parcel of tho City lot and is identified as the 2nd Addition. The maximum life duration of a Redevelopment District is 25 years; however, the proposed $130,000 (NPV) TIF assistance is amortized over 20 years. The projected tax increment is sufficient to retire the HRA debt service based on the proposed construction of 6 unite valued at $130,000 each and 4 units valued at $150,000 each. Fifty percent of the unite will be constructed in 1997, and the Page 1 Special Council/HRA Agenda - 5/13/96 remaining 50% constructed in 1998. The developer has purchase agreements on both the Hanawalt and Banyai properties. The existing buildings will either be moved or demolished by the developer. It has been determined through a Prairie West Feasibility Analysis completed by Publicorp, Inc., that the project requires HRA assistance in the amount of $130,000 plus the City property in order for the developer to receive a total sales return of 6.5%. Typical development returns are 9.6^%. Without HRA assistance and the City property, the return is 2.1%. The proposed TIF District satisfies the "but for" teat. Conaiderat;on: To approve the concept plan for establishment of TIF District No. 1-20, a Redevelopment District, as presented. At a later date, the Council will call and hold a public hearing for adoption of a resolution establishing the TIF district. COMMITMENT OF A LOCAL CONTRIBUTION RELATING TO THE CITY PARCEL. This parcel is the westerly larger parcel owned by the City (previous Gille property) and is identified as the 3rd Addition. This parcel is not included in the TIF district because a resolution was not adopted, prior to demolition of the structure and clean-up of the underground tanks, finding the property was occupied by a structurally substandard building and providing a three- year window for inclusion in a TIF district. As stated above, the redevelopment project requires HRA assistance plus the City property. A City can avoid a HACA loss if it commits to a local contribution of at least 5% of the expected tax increment. The City of Monticello used $35,000 of general fund dollars to clean up this City -owned parcel. If the City gifted $20,000 of the value of ita property and received a payment of $15,000, the HACA penalty would be avoided, and the City would receive some compensation for HACA losses in other districts in addition to tax revenues from the 19 units of housing not included in the TIF district. Mr. Ruff is available to the Council for questions relating to the HACA penalty. f o Ridgy erntiow To commit a local contribution gifting $20,000 of the value of the City -owned property. Although the City -owned parcel is not within the boundary of proposed TIF District No. 1.20, the local contribution is anticipated to be a provision of the Private Redevelopment Contract. Pago 2 Special Council/HRA Agenda - 5/13/96 ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1400 WEST BROADWAY FOR USE AS GREEN SPACE. This property located at 1400 West Broadway (Katzmarek parcel) is the last piece of the redevelopment puzzle and is identified as the 4th Addition. This parcel is not included in the proposed TIF district because the parcel does not abut the identified District No. 1-20 boundary. A separate TIF district is not proposed, as a portion of the 1400 West Broadway parcel is non -buildable, thereby generating little or no tax increment. Lastly, the 1400 West Broadway parcel was not included in the Prairie West Feasibility Analysis and is a priority project of the HRA. At the May meeting, the HRA commissioners approved acquisition of the 1400 West Broadway property with the intent to deed the property to the City for use as green space. It is my understanding the Parks Commission is aware of the proposed green apace and has a preliminary concept plan for development of the park in its natural habitat (prairie grass.) This a carry - through of the prairie grass and natural habitat along the pedestrian/bike trail running westerly toward NSP and Montissippi Park. It is anticipated the public park would be accessible to trail users only. Mr. Ruff will suggest the HRA clean up the parcel prior to the HRA transfer of the deed to the City. The amount of the purchase price, including estimated relocation costs; attorney, relocation consultant, and appraisal fees associated with the eminent domain process; and the public goodwill created by eliminating the eminent domain process, is $146,000. The acquisition and clean-up costs are proposed as compensation for previous or future HACA losses. Consideration: To accept the property located at 1400 West Broadway for use as green space. Again, it is important to remember and focus on the overall goals of this redevelopment project: Removal of blight, increase property values, and creation of public green space. Prior to moving ahead with the overall concept plan for redevelopment of Prairie West, the HRA requested a meeting with the City Council to discuss the project for conceptual approval. B. AI TERNATlVACTIONS: 1. Approve the overall concept plan for the redevelopment project known as Prairie West. Page 3 Special Council/HRA Agenda - 5/13/96 a) Establishment of TIF District No. 1-20, a Redevelopment District. b) Commitment of a local contribution relating to the City parcel. c) Acceptance of the property located at 1400 West Broadway for use as green space. 2. Approve the overall concept plan for the redevelopment project known as Prairie West with certain modifications. 3. Deny the overall concept plan for the redevelopment project known as Prairie West. 4. Table any action. C. ST FF F. .p .NDATInN: The Assistant Administrator, the HRA members, and the HRA Executive Director recommend alternative #1, as the overall concept plan meets the goals of a redevelopment project. Additionally, the project is a win/win for the City and a local developer. Lastly, a local lending institution has agreed, conceptually, to participate. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of a map outlining the four additions of the redevelopment project; Copies of the information submitted to the HRA as prepared by Mark Ruff. Pegs 4 140,1 -JEST BROADWAX CITY PARCEL` 3RD ADDITION 1 - CSA• �' x O/ EASTERLY. CITY PARCEL, BANYAI, �'S'f AND'F ANAWALT PROPERTIES - PROPOSED ' f 8 TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-20, 2ND ADDITION `. 23 Total Un.;S IST ADDITION PRAIRIE WEST wip A Ehlers wd A=ciates ft It ADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCt April 27, 1996 TO: 011ie Koropchal4 City of Monticello PR: Mark Ruff RE: Revised Prairie West Analvsis Attached is a revised analysis of the Prairie West redevelopment project The fust change is that the number of units in the tan increment district is less than previously projected. Instead of 12 units, the units in the district boundaries will be 10 out of the 29 total units. Attached is a projection which shows that the tax increment over 15 years would be S 116,000 at a 8.5% interest rate and $135,000 over 20 years. We have also reviewed At. Komarek's pro forma and have found that a total of S 135,000 in assistance with $65,000 of initial assistance and 565,000 of pay-as-you-go plus the value of the City land would bejustifiable for a reasonable return on the project baud upon information on vests and revenues provided by Mr. Kom&mL Without HRA assistance, the return on total sales to the developer would be 2.1%. With HRA assistance, the 5130,000 plus the City property would provide a 6.5% development fee to Mr. Komarek not including any feu he may pay to himself for construction management or broker, if any. This amount is lower than atypical townhouse development fee of 9.5% for this" of product This method of delivery of the assistance and the timing of the up•froat payments arc yet to be finalized. Mr. Komarek has requested that S01/o of the $65,000 in up -front auistsaco be paid at the time of closing on the properties in the proposed tax increment districts (the Hanawan and Rwyai properties) and 50% at the time ofconstruction of road Improvements for the fust phase ofthe project We ate recommending that the up -from assistance be paid at time increments. A porion would be paid at closing, approximately 510,000 per unit be paid at the completion of construction on each rwinhome or quad until the $0,000 limit is reached. The remaining $65,000 of assistance would be paid over 20 yam to Mr. Komarek. The attached cash flows on the total project have assumed a general payout schedule which will need to be refined. The HRA would also be mpaid its $65,000 out of tax increment over 20 yeah. The priority of payments to the City or the pay-u-you•go note will also be finalised. We recommend that the split be 60/40 (HRA/developer) with HRA receiving at lust enough to ameetim its debt over 20 years. As you are aware, the City Can avoid a HACA lou if it commits to a local contribution of at least S% of the expected tax increment It is our Understanding that the City has used $33,000 of general Rind dollars to clean up the City owned property involved with this projoct Ifthe City were to gift $20,000 of the value of the City owned property and receive a payment of approximately S 15,000, the HACA penalty would be avoided and the City would receive some compensation for HACA losses in other districts In addition to tax revenues home the 19 units of housing not included in a tax increment district. We expect that a public hearing on the establishment of the tat Increment district will not be held prior to the signing of a development agreement We recommend that the issues of establishing a tax increment district and the City transfer of the City uwned land be discussed at the May 13th City Council meeting to ensure that the City Council will approve a tax increment district if the HRA signs a development agreement with Mr. Komarek prior to the end of June. Please call with any questions or comments. OFFICES IN MINNEAPOUS. MN AND BROOKFIELD. WI 2050 Norwest Center. 00 Sevin Sevenih Street. Mlnnaaeeua. MN S5e02.4100 taiechona tl11•»9.8291. PAX 612J39.0e3e 2 1 PIIYr WW FOWM q Au is VA0m1{ IOTA Ass41wm OLC06iE Idh96 2ndM6 1dM26 4MM 1400/ 2MO0r YdQ191 w1Q197 1.*00 290000 ]x00191 U6pN0 I.I�e10 _ 2a1g99 _ 707K 0. ir=UN fwo Sk"Qu./ 2 2 2 2 04 0 2 7 1 2 2 -- -_.. 2 7 - 71 e 7AI�6.r dltr410.d 7 2 2 2 42 2 / 7 2 2 2 1D B.W 1d Oe>h—W (L—kb- 17667) 21T,OOD 212.000 712.000 712A00 0 712,000 31;0000 712,000 312,000 712,000 160,000 ),27B4OIq S." of Aspen Pmh • 2170) O 0 0 0 621,000 0 0 521.000 0 0 0 D 1,OS0,aW I IRA Raid.ulwvD 01 IOTAI WE -i_ -- ____0_ 0 711,000 _ 717.000 112.000 J11` MAN ]I�000_ ]t10y00_6T�000_ J1�000 ]12`000 _ 7121000_ -.GES 1,)7),0001 O15PER6UENII l6nd Pim .RWW.o 30.033 30,933 70-1133-70.1J3�- 70A71 3w3 184.M L. W P1oc • 10 .- MOM 190,000 6. Ld Pn- - UI P -P -M 71.500 3/.600 Su -v w PtAng 3.000 17.000 3000' Dar11.Y0m 10.000 10,0D0. 611. 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UWOe L,¢-dgl0 Ad -0.1b1 1.200 67»W635 . UYIb. q,150 40,100 30,000 61.260 Bt" C.W.-llul 13,700 14.000 70,600 441.16... 6om 4,496 P,gs104 w 6 Mvobpl /bom 15.000 70.000 D..kI d 1 d 5,"441 R44.MYWc.w, C4.1 240,000 240.000 240000 MAW 240,000 240,OW 240,000 740,000 240,000 360,4IOO 2,57o,MWI Apel C-1 C441 _ _ - _ •b000_ _410,OW _ r6,woI 'TOTA441IAR1TRtYOIITIAY_ 7_4/696 342.193 18M01 !64_700 7]9,771 u!0_17 ]04y6]1_ N4�P00 426 UOU _244.096 _ 10 4,000 -1N,OW )06,000 4044663- QUARTERLYOROOD INCOYP 4216000% (14417) 76,007 77,796 (7,701) 60,107 1,167 60"00 90,000 60,000 16.000 46.000 100,600 456,017 t:k065 NF 11 W N ON CUSI /0 55% 14r.N Cw. I W%) 0 0,110 6,964 5,471 6100 6177 4,616 4,007 7,Yl0 1,1)t 0 0 0 41,117 R111 6,964..(4%) 0 6000 0.000 6,6W 60W 11,700 6AW 6600 1T,2W 9AW 0AW OAW 14,400 1132M QIIARILN4Y NET 06COIYE 614,000) (26.477) 20.121 17.714 (22.407) 76,240 0.20) 60.901 N,U3 67,111 01,400 00,496 166.160 Ife.204 -NI I HETIMM ON COST 6.6% jug 10 •IMNBNAH(:E _ xNOW .17711111 M1.346 77,691 17264_ 100,613jI1,OB7 40,187 0 _-_0_ 0_ -0 w N N p0 if .NOYUS Po twd 6y P,AM wpA Id- P.y41 APR E9 '96 12:17PM EH—ERS & ASSOCIATES 4uta,aa rveuao 101w 10 D -&q V r w a ►.ewe wr Ayeq, D mM T.I.F. CASH FLOW ASSUNtMONS InOalgn Raw, 0.0000% Uuerest Rau: 8.50071 To SxmnW n Pair. 1.117890 Dry 96 FWW 04Dwam Rate: 0.0011 BASE VALUE INFORMATION Pry 96 vahm Perea16IS54004340 105.000 "- Fuca 615s600,aua01 se 500 Pa" 0,55.600.077402 Teal 0"Frwi NOIw Vesr 187.3Q0 CIO" Rab: 140rneeba6 0 M.000 L0000% Pay oe Huranbee - $72000 1.0000% Ply" Orww To Oa Nw. 1,677 Pay 96 PROJECT VALUE INFOR.MATION Type of To tltaenlant 01an1x R 0P.M-pmRl Type d Oerelopwwt Menpt I TOW lila Type d Tool Twmal To 101"41. UN Tem Vrg CmfehX _Ah4td Vag1e ,Vaalle Paya0le 1.9 - Foupin Bkpt (0 UiW) IL610 L102 .._._ I I.M 780,000 170,000 2 - TMemmnee (A Urb) 10.195 L549 9.120 100.000 180000 ._.. ._ �...... 0 4 0 0 72,605 20,400 1.360.000 260.000 199910 2000 Assume 50% EIYI In 1997 erk 50% tUdt n 1999 4110041 oft.." 1.v Domp'4eae ti IlR2 PPR 29 '96 12:17PM EH -ERS & ASSOCIATES P. 6/6 m -oft rw._ 10 Doe" U a w a �ww oam.•.Mwr Obm10 e4pt 2 MT10o0, ..er.a a aft-9.6ft" 4444 "I aF TAX LNCREMENT CASH FLOW 009. pro)901 caomw S.mFAnmtai Afth[tr48n5 OMW Se Ammel 'NPV vaymI A100 TU Tu Ta Crop Tu Poe R.v.nw n.t To Tu m mwA Dam rim. Caw,ty Cap" capouty 1--20 .10.00% 8.50% MN. 0.0 1,673 1,673 0 0 0 0 0 0 _r,. u-01 1997 0.0 1,673 1,e73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0941 1997 0.0 1,673 1,673 0 0 0 0 0 0 02-01 1996 0.5 1,673 t,e73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0e-01 1998 1.0 1,673 1,673 0 0 0 0 0 0 02-01 1999 +.5 116(1 10200 6.577 4,r66 1.771 0 4,290 7.112 08-01 1999 10 1,673 10,200 4,327 4 766 (477) 0 ..290 6.547 02-01 2000 2.5 1.673 20,500 '6.727 ,0.447 (1.047) 0 9..21 13,300 06-01 2000 so 1.67] 20.400 16.727 10.467 (1,047) 0 0A21 1.777 0241 2001 3.5 1,873 20,00 ,6.727 10.467 (1.047) 0 9.421 25,990 0941 2001 4.0 1.673 20.400 18.727 10.467 (1,047) 0 %421 71.050 02-01 20M 1 4.5 1,673 20.400 18.727 10,467 (1,047) 0 9.421 37.667 06-01 2002 50 116(1 20,4W tern 10,467 (1.047) 0 9.421 43,151 02-01 2003 Z, 1.673 20,400 16.727 10.467 (1.47) 0 9.421 48.411 06-01 2003 1.673 20,400 18.727 10,467 (1.047) 0 9,421 57.457 02-01 2004 i6,0 6.51.673 20.400 16.20 10.467 (1,047) 0 9.42+ 58,297 06-01 2004 7.0 1.673 20.400 15,727 ;0.467 (1,047) 0 9.421 61940 02-01 200 I 7.5 672 20..10 16.727 10.447 (1,047) 0 9,421 67AW 08-01 2606 6.0 ,,673 20,400 1.727 10.467 (1,047) 0 9.427 71.886 02-01 2006 a.5 1.873 20.400 18.727 10,467 (1,047) 0 9,421 75.784 0341 2006 9.01.673 20.400 16.20 ,0.487 11.047) 0 9.421 79.695 02-01 2007 9.5 1.673 20.460 tern 10447 (+.047) 0 9.421 83.465 0501 mol 10.0 7,673 20..00 16.727 10,467 (,047) 0 9.421 67.082 02.01 2009 105 1.673 20.400 16.727 10,467 (,047) 0 9.421 90.551 05-01 2008 11.0 1.672 20.00 ta.727 to.467 (.047) 0 9.421 63,579 02-01 2009 11.6 1.673 20.400 10.727 10.467 (.047) 0 9.421 97.072 06-01 2009 12.0 1.673 20.540 te.m 10.67 (.a7) 0 9,421 100.134 0241 2010 12.5 1,573 20..00 '0,.m 10,467 (1.047) 0 9.47+ ,01.071 05-01 20+0 130 1,673 20.400 ;8.727 10,467 (.047) 0 9.421 105,80 02-01 2011 13.6 1,673 20,100 76.727 ;0,487 (1.047) 0 0.42+ 108.591 0841 2011 140 1,67] 20.400 16,727 10,467 0,047) 0 8,421 tH,ta4 02-0t 2012 14.5 1,673 20.400 18,20 10,467 (1.047) 0 9.421 117,671 05.01 2012 t 6.0 1.673 20.400 18,777 10.447 (,047) 0 9.421 116.058 02-0t 2013 15.6 ,,673 20.400 18,20 10.467 (1,047) 0 8471 1 .344 oe-0t 2017 16 0 1.673 20AW 18.727 10487 (,047) 0 9.421 120,830 02-01 201 16.6 1.673 201 tarn 10.461 (1,047) 0 9.421 122.846 06-01 2014 170 1,673 20,400 18.727 10,467 (.0471 0 9.421 124,a64 02-01 20118 1 1113 1,073 20.00 18.727 10.467 (,047) 0 8,421 128,602 0541 2016 18.0 1,673 20,400 15.727 10.467 (1,047) O 0.421 128,460 02-01 2016 18.5 1,673 20,400 18,727 10,467 11,017) 0 9.421 170,242 0-0t 2016 19.0 ,.073 20.400 tern 10.467 (.047) 0 9,421 131,062 02-01 2017 12s 1.673 20.400 16.727 10,467 0,047) 0 9,471 132,502 05-01 2017 10,0 1.673 20.400 15,771 10,487 1+.047) 0 9.421 135.166 02.01 201.' 20.5 1.873 20,400 ,6, 727 10..67 010.7) 0 9.421 1x,675 15.01 2016 2+.0 1.672 20..00 tam 10.467 (1.047) 0 9.u1 1x.123 02-01 2010 215 1.673 20.400 18.727 10.467 (.047) 0 9.421 139.5+, o6-012019 22 0 1,671 20.400 18.727 10.467 (1.047) 0 9.421 140,"3 02-01 2020 22.5 1.673 20.40 18,20 10,44) (,047) 0 9.42+ 14LI21 05-01 2020 23.0 1.673 20,400 tam 10,467 (.047) 0 9.421 1y,346 07-0t 2071 23.51.673 20..00 16.727 10.467 0.047) 0 0.431 1".617 060, 2021 24.0 1.473 20.400 18.727 10.447 (,047) 0 9.421 ,4D.660 0241 2022 24.6 7,673 20,400 ,6.727 10,467 0.047) 0 9.421 146.732 08-0, 7072 250 1,673 204400 18,727 10.467 _ _ 0.421 02.01 202] , Tom ..491a%L..__---- _L,,pr7p (49,9i94 0 441049 ,_17769 _.- i o1.m.r4 V44.. 164,1ee _ .(10,4191 0 MT10o0, ..er.a a aft-9.6ft" 4444 "I aF