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City Council Agenda Packet 11-25-1996
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 25, 1898 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Brad Fyle Council Members: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held November 12, 1996. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. Item 51) - River Mill improvements. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of resolution adopting assessment roll for Ocello/School Boulevard Project No. 95.03C. B. Consideration of resolution adopting assessment roll for Dundas Road/Commerce Center Third Addition, Project No. 96.01C. C. Consideration of approving Anal payment for Ocello/School Boulevard Improvement Project No. 95.03C - Barbarossa. D. Consideration of accepting improvements completed under private improvement process - River Mill subdivision. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Review of bids for pickup and hauling of garbage/refuse and consideration of award of contract for services to begin April 1, 1997. 8. Consideration of an appeal of fines for wastewater permit discharge violations - Sunny Fresh Foods. 8. Consideration of adoption of a resolution establishing a moratorium on ,. issuance of building permits pending completion of a redevelopment study and associated zoning code amendments within a designated redevelopment area in the city of Monticello. 10. Consideration of a resolution requesting conveyance of tax forfeited lands to the City of Monticello for public purposes and approving parcels tax forfeited for public auction - Wright County Auditor. 12. Consideration of bills for the month of November. 13. Adjournment. MINLYTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, November 12, 1996.6 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Members Absent: None City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the County Assessor has finalized the market values and tax capacity values for establishing the 1997 tax capacity rate. The city value has increased to $16,071,798. The tax capacity value based on our proposed tax levy of $3,059,880 would amount to a 2.8'% increase over the 1996 tax capacity rate, which is lower than the 3'% increase that the Council had projected during its initial budget review. Brad Fyle suggested that a portion of the funds earmarked for various projects be applied to paying the City back for the acquisition of the Kruse property, which was necessary for the wastewater treatment plant project. By consensus, the Council agreed to reduce amounts earmarked for three projects, including the Chelsea Road realignment, County Road 118 interchange, and future city hall expansion. The total amount shifted to pay for the Kruse property amounted to $175,450. Discussion shifted to finalizing funding of a portion of the Monticello Community Partners (MCP) budget. Brad Fyle indicated that it was his view that the MCP is an excellent organization but felt that the MCP should remain a citizen organization without great city involvement. He suggested a funding amount of up to $30,000. Brian Stumpf indicated that he would be willing to support matching funds up to $35,000. The City should stand behind this organization in its efforts to improve the community. By consensus, the City Council agreed to establish the city contribution at $35,000. Bob Bowen, Chairman of the MCP, expressed his thanks to the City Council for the willingness to provide matching funds up to $35,000. It was the consensus of Council that payment to the MCP would be made in two equal installments in January and in June of 1997. The matching fund amount would be based on finds pledged through contributions of inkind services and funds through December 31, 1996. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, November 12, 1986 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Members Absent: None AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD OCTOBER 28, 1996. Motion carried unanimously. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 6, 1996, AS SUBMITTED. Voting in favor: Brian Stumpf, Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle. Abstaining: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault. Motion passed. 4. Conaideratinn of ndefinp itering to the jimnda. A. Review pending development proposal in Sherburne County. S. M irena corninonta_lpetitiona_ requestsand comp ain n• None. 6, rnnfient. wrenrla. A. Conaid rntioa of adv rt.iaing for e%os la for Innelfill a rvi a. Recommendation: Approve the interim disposal contract with Superior Services, Inc., tl om February 15, 1997, to March 31, 1997, at $38.66 per ton and authorize staff to advertise and solicit proposals fbr garbage disposal services. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Cnnaid rntion of items removed &nm the m ant ng n n for iac.+a ion, None. Page 1 Council Minutes - 11/12/96 Public H rine— ,o aid ra ion of PRtak Martin Inc. Mayor Fyle opened the public hearing. 011ie Koropchak, Economic Development Director, reported that TIF District No. 1-21 is an 11 -year economic district. The district is being established to assist developer T.J. Martin Inc. T.J. Martin is a Minnesota corporation with equal partnership between Eric, Carl, and Dennis Bondhus. Koropchak noted that five new jobs will be created at a minimum annual wage of $40,000 per job. The proposed 9,000 sq ft metal manufacturingtoffice facility and parcel has an estimated minimum value of $270,000 and an estimated captured capacity value of $10,190. The first year of collection of tax increment is 1999. The TIF plan budget or HRA indebtedness is $110,000. The actual benefit to the developer is in the amount of $37,900. There being no comment from the public, Mayor Fyle closed the public hearing. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO SUPPORT CREATION OF THE TIF DISTRICT AS PROPOSED. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of a request for nn amondmAnt. to a condi ional use permit which would allow expansion and conversion of one manual car wash stall to an automated s all. Apphranty Investors Together. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that Investors Together requested approval on an amendment to their conditional use permit which would allow conversion of one manual car wash stall to an automated stall. The site currently operates under a conditional use permit granted in April 1990. The proposed expansion calls for replacing the manual car wash bay that is located west of the small utility room. The actual physical modification to the building will be nominal. The manual bay will need to be extended about 10 ft to match the length of the existing automated bay. The change to the site will not be so much physical enlargement but more in the volume of vehicles that can be washed. O'Neill went on to report that the applicant has complied with the terns of the existing conditional use permit and that the Planning Commission has recommended approval based on their finding that the expansion of Cho car wash as proposed operating under the current conditions will not become a detriment to the neighborhood and, therefore, approval would be consistent with the comprehensive plan. Page 2 Council Minutes - 11/12/96 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO GRANT APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WHICH WOULD ALLOW EXPANSION AND CONVERSION OF ONE MANUAL CAR WASH STALL TO AN AUTOMATED STALL FOLLOWING THE EXISTING CONDITIONS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND BASED ON THE FINDING PROVIDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. CLOSURE OF THE CURB CUT ACCESS BETWEEN RIVERROAD PLAZA AND THE CAR WASH MAY BE COMPLETED AT THE PROPERTY OWNER'S DISCRETION. Motion carried unanimously. cif•.:.,, , .,., ,w .,, , n , City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that during a survey of the parcel for sale transaction, a discrepancy was noted by Taylor Land Surveyors that showed the building to be encroaching approximately 3.3 R onto City property (parking lot). Apparently when the initial description for the property was established years ago, an error was made on the legal description and did not properly locate the building in relation to the legal description. Steve Johnson is requesting that the City simply provide a quit claim deed granting him ownership of the property under the building in accordance with the new legal description by Taylor Land Surveyors. Wolfsteller noted that the area encumbered by the building that the City owns is approximately 250 aq ft. Steve Johnson noted that the legal description simply reflects a reality. Nobody has gained any property or lost property with the proposed execution of the quit claim deed. Jim Fleming noted that the City would be named in a quiet title procedure and that the City would be required to spend legal fees defending its interest in the property, or it could choose to release it to Johnson through the quit claim deed execution. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO REQUEST PAYMENT OF $2 PER SQUARE FOOT FOR THE 260 SQ FT STRIP OF LAND. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, Brad Fylo, Brian Stumpf. Opposed: Shirley Anderson. Motion passed. . , , f7 . -,M, k, em rar-M.-TI i/.1 4Yis 061 Public Works Director John Simola reported that as part of the 93.12C improvement project, the City was to fill a portion of the lots on the west side of the Meadow Oak pond or purchase additional ponding casements. Simola noted that in some areas, the normal water level of the pond extends as much Page 3 Council Minutes - 11/12/96 as 18 ft past the current ponding easements. In a few areas, the proposed 100 -year storm water elevations would extend in excess of 40 ft beyond the existing easement. Brad Fyle indicated that he was against the concept of paying for additional pond easements. He noted that the City spent a considerable amount of money on building the storm water outlet. Property owners living adjacent to pond areas should be willing to live with the period changes in water elevations. City Engineer Bret Weiss noted that the installation of the Meadow Oak storm water outlet was to allow continuation of development of the area. It provided a positive outlet, but it was not designed to establish a water elevation that would be maintained within the existing easement boundaries. Weiss noted that the existing easement boundaries were simply drawn wrong originally and, therefore, changes need to be made to the easement lines in order to have the easements reflect the reality of where the pond is located. Weiss went on to note that due to the fact that our pond is located on private property, it could be considered a taking, and the City would likely be required to purchase the area being used for ponding. Charlie Walters indicated that when purchasing his property, he reviewed the property and storm water easement lines and purchased it with the expectation that the City stone water pond would not encroach onto the property beyond the extent of the easement granted to the City for ponding. He now finds that the pond is regularly well beyond the easement lines noted on his survey. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO SELECT ALTERNATIVE 0, WHICH IS TO TAKE NO ACTION ON THE MATTER. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle. Opposed: Brian Stumpf Motion passed. 12. f o aid ra ion to ratify the RDA's npprov 1 tdl amend then a of the Mort,gaga and Aggigament of Rant for QMFF Loan No_ 006. Economic Development Director 011ie Koropchak reported that the Council is requested by Stove Birkoland to consider ratifying the EDA's approval to amend the terms of the mortgage and assignment of rent fbr GMEF Loan No. 006. Loan No. 006 was approved for Steve Birkeland on March 30, 1993, and is a $42,600 real estate loan with a 4.6% interest rate. Loan No. 006 had a second position behind the bank loan. The EDA balloon payment is due May 1, 1998. Payback is current, and Cho remaining principal balance of the original $42,600 loan as of November 7, 1996, is 837,647. Pago 4 Council Minutes - 11/12/96 Koropchak reported that the EDA recognized that the option that Birkeland would have had to remortgage or refinance the project is more costly. Additionally, they noted the payback of the EDA loan was current. The 3.8% coverage is actually greater, as the remaining balance of the EDA loan is less than $40,000, and the equity in the project is greater in 1996 than in 1993. For these reasons, the EDA approved a motion amending the terms of the mortgage and assignment of rent and authorized EDA attorney Steve Bubul to prepare a subordination agreement placing GMEF Loan No. 006 in third position behind the bank's first and second mortgage. Legal fees for preparation and filing of the document are the responsibility of Steve Birkeland, the borrower. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that a few of the conditions of the conditional use permit are unmet or in the process of being completed. He noted that an effort has been made to meet the spirit of the conditional use permit allowing outside storage. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO RATIFY THE EDA'S APPROVAL TO AMEND THE TERMS OF THE MORTGAGE AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENT FOR GMEF LOAN NO.006 AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF A SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT PLACING GMEF LOAN NO. 006 IN THIRD POSITION BEHIND THE BANK'S FIRST AND SECOND LOAN. Motion carried unanimously. OMWO M -f1, ' r: Mr -T- 7' /x '. T"M 1r- : 1 •, I MI , : Y 41 1 � I City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that specifications were prepared for cleaning services to be performed at city hall, the deputy registrar office, and two public works building locations. An advertisement for bids was published in the local newspaper, and a copy of the specifications was mailed to a few cleaning services that were thought to be interested in bidding. Wolfsteller noted that of the two bids received, it appeared that Preusso Cleaning Service would result in the lowest monthly cost based on the bid proposals. The specifications called for daily cleaning at city hall, weekly cleaning at the two public works office and conference buildings, and once -a -week cleaning at the deputy registrar office. Brian Stumpf supported the idea of awarding the contract to the lowest bidder. He noted that the price is reasonable, and the contract could be terminated if the work was not done properly. Page 5 Council Minutes - 11/12/96 Bruce Thielen noted that the County currently employs Green View workers for some of their park cleaning. These are retired individuals that have been very reliable and do good work at a very inexpensive rate. Clint Herbst noted that one of the problems with Green View is that the City would have to provide supplies. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL FROM THE LOW BIDDER, PREUSSE CLEANING SERVICE, IN THE AMOUNT OF $730 PER MONTH FOR DAILY CLEANING AT CITY HALL, WEEKLY CLEANING AT THE PUBLIC WORKS OFFICES, AND TWICE -A -WEEK CLEANING AT THE DEPUTY REGISTRAR. Motion carried unanimously. SRS'lfi`trTttTt{fl1TI'7lTTIT'Ft+l3:Tf}l1TT�fi1R.RT7TT)<' mr. • . Public Works Director John Simola reported that in accordance with previous Council action, City staff requested bids for a new and used Trackless MT. Simola noted that the low bid came from MacQueen Equipment of St. Paul at a base price of $55,331, which is approximately $10,000 less than expected. Simola went on to identify alternative methods for removing snow from the pathways, which included utilizing existing City equipment or attachment of a snow plow on a 1 -ton or 4 -wheel drive pickup. Another alternative would be to contract out the snow removal responsibilities. A fourth alternative would be to not clear the pathways. It was also noted that money is available in the budget for the purchase via the $22,000 annual contribution to the pathway maintenance fund. Both the Parks Commission and Monticello Community Partners requested that the pathways be maintained throughout the winter. The Trackless MT vehicle has a 10.15 year life expectancy; therefore, the cost of the equipment can be amortized over a period of years. There are also summer uses for the Trackless MT such as using it for cold planer purposes. Keeping the pathway free of snow will discourage use of the pathway by snowmobiles and, thus, extend the life of the pathway. Brian Stumpf indicated that he was not convinced that citizens would actually use the pathway during winter months; therefore, he did not support expenditure of funds necessary to keep the pathway open. Clint Herbst indicated that perhaps we should at least try to keep the pathway open for one year and evaluate whether or not the pathway is being used and, perhaps, purchase a piece of equipment specifically for the purpose of removing snow at some point in the future. Page 6 Council Minutes - 11/12/96 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRAD FYLE TO NOT CLEAR THE PATHWAYS. Voting in favor. Brian Stumpf, Brad Fyle, Tom Perrault, Opposed: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst. Motion passed. 15. O tti r matters. A. Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed the City Council that the Bridge View plat application will be reviewed by the Sherburne County Planning Commission on November 21, 1996. The plat includes development of 80 lots on approximately 200 acres of land directly across the river from Monticello. O'Neill informed Council that the Planning Commission recommended that the City actively monitor and review the project as a township development and be open to investigating the possibility of annexation at the request of the developer. The Planning Commission felt that the City has a vested interest in the development of property on its perimeter due to the fact that there are numerous municipal impacts created by development on the city's fringe. Such impacts include public library maintenance and operation, public street use and maintenance, park facilities use and maintenance, pathway development use, recreation program development, economic development activities, fire protection, police service, senior citizen facilities and programs, and public transportation use and funding. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to submit a letter to Sherburne County identifying concerns. O'Neill noted that he would submit the letter to Council members for feedback prior to distribution to the Sherburne County Planning Commission. There being no further discussion, the =acting was adjourned. Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator Page 7 Council Agenda - 11/25/96 6A. C.+naiderallon of rexol�Non adopt �$ a mart m 1 for OceHo/School Boulevard Pmiect No. 98-03C. (R.W.) A. RFFPRFNrE AND BA •K .RO TND: Final project costs have been determined for the School Boulevard Improvement project that completed construction of School Boulevard between Fallon Avenue (Little Mountain Elementary) and Highway 25, including the installation of sanitary sewer and water along with some storm sewer improvements. Total project costs for this improvement totalled $1,233,737.14. The financing for this project requires that the assessment roll be adopted and placed against property taxes starting in 1997. Of the total improvement costs of $1,233,737.14, $426,798.00 was previously assessed as part of the Klein Farms assessment roll last fall resulting in $807,939.14 left to be assessed. The portion of this balance that is to be picked up by the city for various oversizing cost for street and utility work amounts to $198,878.13 leaving a balance of $609,061.01 that will be assessed to the Ocello commercial development between County Road 117 and Highway 26. The above calculations are in line with the original finance plan we had adopted last fall with some of the costs being slightly less than originally projected. It is intended to assess this project over 10 years at an interest rate of 6.65%. As an added note, the city still has a letter of credit for this improvement project from the developer that will remain in place during the assessment roll time period. W ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could adopt the assessment roll for the School Boulevard project as proposed in the amount of $609,061.01. This amount will be assessed to the Ocello properties lying between County Road 117 and Highway 26. 2. Do not adopt the assessment roll at this time. r RTAF F F..O MF.NDATION; It is the staffs recommendation that the assessment roll be adopted as outlined to meet our December 1 deadline. The staff will prepare the specific calculations for each lot to be assessed prior to certification to the County Auditor. Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll; Summary of project costs. i i I • r. r r r 1 r r Q .I r r r ( 1 r 1• 1 lu 1 I Ir 1• •. It 1 •'Ir .,�i 1, 1 1r1r 1,r 111 to 1I 1! 11 1 1 1 1 r, I. 1 111111 H 11 1 r 111'11 �1 ' 1 •1 , 11111 ! r N•1 (• I Q 11 • 1 1 PLEASE OMIT THE PREVIOUS DOCUMENT RESOLUTION 96 - RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL PROJECT 95-03C OCELLO/SCHOOL BOULEVARD DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice fully given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the improvement of the Oeello/School Boulevard development with sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, biiuminous streets, curb and gutter, and appurtenant work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: Such proposed assessments, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of ttie assessment levied against it. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January 1998, and shall bear interest at the rate of 6.65'% per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 1997. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid assessments. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the city treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the city treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of November, 1996. Mayor City Administrator 94 PROJECT COST SUMIARY SCHOOL BOULEVARD/OCELLO IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 98.03C TUTAL PROJECT COSTS FOR SCHOOL BOULEVARD Total School Previously Balance to be City Share for Ocello LCC Boulevard Assessed* Assessed Oversiaing Assessment CR 117 to TH25 Construction Cost $1,016,620.71 $337,934.91 $678,585.80 $167,037.18 $511,648.62 Indirect Coat $217,216.43 $87,863.09 $129,353.34 $31,840.95 $97,512.39 Project Cost $1,233,737.14 $425,798.00 $807,939.14 $198,878.13 $609,061.01 *PREV1ous ASSESSMENTS City Oversiaing Klein Farms Total Klein Farms (Fallon Av to CR 117) $93,770 $241,390 $335,160 CR 117 Watermain $25,359 $65,279 $90,638 TOTALS $119,129 $306,669 $425,798 01rELLO.SUM: 11/22/96 ;14L Council Agenda - 11/26/96 6B. need/ .n merce Center Third Addition- ErWeet No. 99-01C. (R.W.) A RRFERF.NCE AND BACKGROUND: Final project costa have been determined for the Dundas Road/Fallon Avenue improvement project that extended a short segment of Dundas Road into the Commerce Center Third Addition development marketed by Charlie Pfeffer. Since the project was initially petitioned by 100% of the affected property owners, a public hearing is not necessary, and the Council can simply adopt the resolution authorizing the assessments to be certified. The deadline for certifying assessments to be on next years property taxes is December 1, and thus the assessment roll needs to be adopted at this meeting. Of the total project cost of $160,122.26, $26,446.34 is proposed to be picked up by the City for the oversizing and looping of the water main that we added to this project from Dundas Road to Chelsea along Fallon Avenue. Because of the favorable pricing we had received in the bid, the City decided to complete this connection as part of this project. The balance of $124,676.92 will be directly assessed to the property owned by Monticello Industrial Park, Inc., the benefiting parcels. The proposed assessment roll would be spread over 10 years and include an interest rate of 6.66'%. R ALTERNATIVE ACTION : 1. Council should adopt the assessment roll for the Dundas Road/Fallon Avenue improvement as proposed in the total amount of $160,122.26. The actual spreading of the assessments to the benefiting parcels owned by the Monticello Industrial Park, Inc., will be calculated prior to certification to the County Auditor. C. STAFF RECO MF.NDATION: It is the staffs recommendation that the assessment roll be adopted as indicated. T> SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution fbr adoption; Project cost summary. X RESOLUTION 96 - RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL PROJECT 96-01C DUNDAS ROAD/ COMMERCE CENTER 3RD ADDITION DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice fully given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the improvement of the Dundas Road/Commerce Center 3rd Addition development with sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, bituminous streets, curb and gutter, and appurtenant work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: Such proposed assessments, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January 1998, and shall bear interest at the rate of 6.65' per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shnil he added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 1997. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid assessments. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the city treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the city treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of November, 1996. Mayor City Administrator 5B� � PROJECT COST SUMMARY DUNDAS ROAD/FALLON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 96-01C dundas.wk4: 11/21/96 -T8-8 Indirect Taal Developer Construction Casts Project City Share to be Costs (25.52696) Costs Share Assessed Sanitary Sewer $26,425.30 $6,746.85 $33,171.15 --- $33,171.15 Water Main $60,749.13 $15,508.04 $76,257.17 $25,445.34 $50,811.83 (indudinp tree removal and L & L asphalt) Street $32,416.22 $8275.72 $40,693.94 — • $40,693.94 TOTAL $1191592.65 $30,620.81 $150,12128 $25,315.34 $124,678.92 dundas.wk4: 11/21/96 -T8-8 Council Agenda - 11/25/96 �?TTi1:rTr•.T;t'TTfiTf"'t4iTi;T'1•.1 ,�;7�1';t�"E�Ir'i_'��T�7 Barbarossa & Sons has completed the work on School Boulevard. This project included utilities from l0ein Fames toward the west, crossing Highway 25 to the old Remmele property owned by the City. In addition, included are various amounts of storm sewer along the project and the street surface itself and curbing from Fallon Ave to Highway 25. The original contract amount was $1,020,717.95. The total work completed based upon certified quantities of work is $1,016,520.71. The balance due the contractor at this time is $62,969.98. The first alternative is to authorize final payment to Barbarossa & Sone, Inc. in the amount of $62,969.98 upon receipt of all final lien r •givers, etc. for the project. The second alternative is not to make final payment to the contractor at this time. r STAFF R .O MF.NDATION; It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and City Engineer that the City Council make final payment to Barbarossa & Sone, Inc. for the School Boulevard Project in the amount of $62,969.98 as outlined in alternative 01. D_ St TPPORTINO DATA: Copy of final payment document. 3 Orr sdldm 0A1SMM=br- November 20, 1996 3WParrtaaaFasl 5775 Wayzata Baderard nwmeaP0h MN55416-1228 612.596-5775 1-800.7x3.5775 Honorable Mayor and City Council FAX 596-5774 City of Monticello pumem P.O. Box 1147 SUMI)- 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No. 6 Grading, Streets, Utilities and Appurtenant Work School Boulevard S.A.P. 222-105-01 City Project No. 95-03C OSM Project No. 5579.00 Dear Mayor and City Council Members: Enclosed are four (4) copies of Construction Pay Voucher No. 6 / Final Payment for the referenced project in the amount of 562,969.98. Pursuant to our actual field observations as performed in accordance with our contract and based on our professional opinion, materials are satisfactory and the work properly performed in accordance with the plans and specifications. It should be noted that the final inspection of this project was completed by City staff and not OSM personnel Please make payment in this amount to Barbarossa & Sons, Inc., 11000 93rd Avenue North. Osseo, MN at your earliest convenience, Sincerely, ORR•SCHELEN•MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Charles A. LepaIr, P. . Project Engineer Enclosures Jim Stockhaus - OSM & Associates, Inc. Chris Hassel - Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. John Simola - City of Monticello Rick Wolfsteller - City of Monticello ce urnac�rnulcoa�csw.rn �j# A 1 uGtF {/O CONSTRUCTION PAY VOUCHER Estimate Voucher Number: 6 Date: November 7, 1996 OSM Project Number: 5579.00 Period Ending: November 7, 1996 Project: GRADING, STREETS, UTILITIES & APPURTENANT WORK / FINAL SCHOOL BOULEVARD - SAP 222-105-01 CITY OF MONTICE= 95-03C Contractor: BARBAROSSA & SONS INC. 11000 93RD AVE. NO. OSSEO MN 55369 Contract Date: Work Started: Completion Date: Work Completed: Original Contract Amount 1,020,718.95 Total Additions 10,678.10 Total Deductions 0.00 Total Funds Encumbered 1,031,397.05 Total Work Certified to Date 1,016,520.71 Less Retained Percentage 0.00% 0.00 Less Previous Payments 953,550.73 Total Payments Incl This Voucher 1,016,520.71 Balance Carried Forward 14,876.34 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT, THIS VOUCHER 67,969.98 APPROVALS ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Pursuant to our field observation, as performed in accordance with our contract, and based on our professional opinion, materials are satisfactory and the work properly performed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the total work is: 100• completed as of October 7, 1996. We herby recommend payment of this voucher. Signed: Signed: 0'" Construction Observer Project Manager/E' ineer BARBAROSSA & SONS INC. This is to certify that to tho boat of my knowledge, information, and belief, the quantities and values of work cortified heroin is a fair approximate estimate for the period covered by this vouchor. Contractor: Signed By Dato: Title CITY OF MONTICELLO Chockod By: Approved for payment: Authorizod Ropr000ntative Dato: Dato: PAGE 1 .7 6 V 0 0 0 N E R D E I A I L L I S T Estimate Voucher W-ber: 6 Project: GRADING, STREETS, UTILITIES S APPURTENANT WORK / FINAL Date: NOVEMBER 7, 1996 OSM Project Umber; 5579.00 CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJ. NO.: 95.03C for SCHOOL BOULEVARD - SAP 222.105-01 CITY OF MONTICELLO SCHEDULE A - STREET CONSTRUCTION Contract Contract CoWleted This Month Total To Date Item Spec No Description .... ............................................ Ouentlty Units ......... .......... ............. Unit Price ............. Total Price Gu tlty ...................... Total Ouentlty ......... Total Price ............ 1 2011.502 FIELD OFFICE 1 LUMP SUM 2,500.00 2,500.00 0 0.00 1 2,500.00 2 2101.502 CLEARING 13 TREE 150.00 1,950.00 0 0.00 12 1,800.00 3 2101.507 GRUBBING 13 TREE 150.00 1,950.00 12 1,800.00 12 1,800.00 4 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER AO LIN FT 3.00 120.00 0 0.00 54 162.00 5 2104.505 REMOVE BIIUMINOUS PAVEMENT 720 60 TO 1.00 720.00 0 0.00 720 720.00 6 2104.513 SAWIAG 61TUMIROUS PAVEMENT 250 LIN FT 0.50 125.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 7 2105.501 CON" EXCAVATION MOD DU YD 3.00 25,800.00 0 0.00 MOD 25,800.00 8 2105.515 UNCIASSIFIED EXCAVATION 23873 CU YD 1.85 44,168.75 0 0.00 24561 45,474.85 9 2112.501 SUSGRADE PREPARATION 26.5 ROAD SIA 100.00 2,650.00 0 0.00 26.5 2,650.00 10 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS S 14200 TON 4.61 65,462.00 0 0.00 14120 65,093.20 11 2340.508 TYPE 41 WEANING COURSE MIXTURE 3240 IOL 19.81 64,184.40 565.78 11,208.10 3025.27 59,930.60 12 2340.514 TYPE 31 BASE COURSE MIXTURE 3240 Tom 16.67 60,490.60 0 0.00 3174.71 59,271.84 13 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK LMT 1420 GALLON 1.00 1,420.00 75 75.00 1125 1,125.00 14 DIV 11 S' WIDE SITURINOUS PAIN 5215 90 TO 3.00 15,645.00 0 0.00 5200 15,A00.D0 15 2531.501 CONCRETE CURS A GUTTER DESIGN 6618 10675 LIN FI 5.25 57,093.75 0 0.00 10877 57,104.25 16 2521.501 3• CONCRETE WALK 1575 SO FT 1.45 2,283.75 0 0.00 2107 3,055.15 17 2521.501 3• CONCRETE WALK • (COLORED) 67S SO FI 6.00 4,050.00 0 0.00 %9 5,814.00 15 2545.521 A• RIGID STEEL CONDUIT 100 LIN IT 10.00 1,000.00 0 0.00 100 1,000.00 19 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN 17000 SO TO 1.50 25,500.00 0 0.00 12210 18,315.00 20 DIV 11 SEEDING 6 ACRE 750.00 4,500.00 0 0.00 8 6,000.00 71 0564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) EPDXY 2 EACH 250.00 500.00 1 250.00 2 $00.00 22 0564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGNI ARROW) EPDXY 2 EACH 250.00 500.00 1 250.00 2 500.00 23 0564.603 8" S0LID LINE WMIIE-PAINT 488 LIN FT 1.10 $36.80 0 0.00 389 427.90 24 0564.603 A• SOL 10 LINE WHITE -PAINT 17135 LIN FT 0.07 1,199.45 0 0.00 16762 1,173.34 25 0564.603 A• SOLID LINE YELLOW -PAINT 16775 LIN /T 0.07 1,174.25 0 0.00 1SSD6 1,085.42 26 0%4.604 SIGN PANELS TIP! C 182 SO FT 111.50 3,367.00 D 0.00 191 3,533.50 27 2554.505 PERMANENT BARRICADES 80 LIN FI 24.80 1,984.00 0 0.00 80 1,984.00 In 28 2S73.S01 BALE CHECK 273 EACN 5.00 1,365.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 20 2573.502 0111 FEW Cl, 11" HEAVY 11111 2000 LIN FT 2.00 4,000.00 0 0, DO 0 0.00 30 DIV 11 KE I6 TONE BI TAI NI SO WAIT 300 CO FT 15,00 4,500.00 0 0.00 381 5,745.00 .................... .................... .................... TOTAL SCHEDULE A - STREET CONSTRUCTION B 400,739.93 $ 13,567.10 B 366,165.01 2 Oi 6 V 0 0 0 N E R D E T A I L L I S T EStimat• Voucher Nutbar: 6 Project: GRADING, STREETS, UTILITIES L APPURTENANT YORK / FINAL Date: NOVEMBER 7, 1996 OSM Project NuMer: 5579.00 CITY OF MONTICELLO PROD. NO.: 95.03C for SCHOOL MILEVARD - SAD 222.105.01 CITY OF MONTICELLO SCHEDULE B - STORM SEVER Contract Contract Coapleted this Month total To Data Iter Spec No Description Cuantity Unita Unit Price Total Price Quantity Total Duantlty Total Price .... ............................................ 31 2501.515 15• RC PIPE APRON W/TRASN GUARD ......... .......... ............. 1 EACH ...................... SOO.00 500.00 ............. 0 0.00 ......... 1 ............ 500.00 32 2501.515 21• RC PIPE APRON Y/TRASM GUARD 1 EACH 700.00 700.00 0 0.00 1 700.00 11 7501.51S 24^ RC PIPE APRON Y/TRASM GUAM 2 EACH 600.00 1,600.00 .1 -800.00 2 1,600.00 34 2501.515 33" RC PIPE APRON Y/TRASH GUARD 1 EACH 1,250.00 1,250.00 0 0.00 1 1,250.00 35 2501.515 42" RC PIPE APRON Y/TRASH GUARD 1 EACH 1,550.00 1,550.00 0 0.00 1 1,550.00 36 2503.541 12" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V 495 LIN FT 17.00 5,415.00 0 0.00 499 8,463.00 37 2503.541 15• RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V 703 LIN ST 18.00 12,654.00 0 0.00 676 12,165.00 38 2503.541 18• RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V 168 LIN PT 20.00 3,360.00 0 0.00 1S$ 3,160.00 39 2503.541 21• RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL 119 666 LIN F1 22.00 14,652.00 0 0.00 660 14,520.00 40 2S03.541 24- RC PIPE SEVER DESIGN 3006 CL 111 629 LIN FT 25.00 15,725.00 0 0.00 S60 14,500.00 41 2503.541 30" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL III 70 LIN ST 31.00 2,170.00 0 0.00 TO 2,170.00 42 2503.541 33" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL III 94 LIN ST 37.00 3,478.00 0 0.00 94 3,478.00 43 2503.541 36" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL II 365 LIN FT 40.00 14,600.00 0 0.00 365 14,600.00 44 2503.549 b• RC PIPE SEVER DESIGN 3006 CL III SS LIN P1 43.00 2,365.00 0 0.00 5S 2,36S.00 45 2SO3.541 42" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL IES 402 LIN R 61,00 30,012.00 0 0.00 475 29,156.00 46 2506.502 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC 5 EACH 1,W0.00 5,000.00 0 0.00 5 5,000.00 1 - A6• 47 2506.502 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC 7 EACH 1,350.00 9,450.00 0 0.D0 7 9,450.00 1 - 60- 48 2506.SD2 CONISI DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC 6 EACH 2,000.00 12,000.05 0 0.00 6 12,000.00 1.72• 49 2506.502 COHSE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC 10 EACH 900.00 9,000.00 0 0.00 10 9,000.00 2 -All - SO 2506.502 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC 28 EACH 730.00 21,000.00 0 0.00 26 21,000.00 3 S1 2506.522 ADJUST FRANKS RING CASTING 2 EACH 250.00 $=.Do 0 0.00 2 $00.00 52 2311,501 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS 111 42 CU TO 30.00 1,260.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 53 2511.515 GEOIEXIILE FILTER TYPE IV 67 SO YD 1.00 87.00 0 0.00 0 0,00 S4 0503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING MANNOLE/STLIS 4 EACH SO0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Q TOTAL SCHEDULE 6 - SIURII SEWER .................... S 173,128.00 .....0.....----.0.00 5.800.00 .....4 .............. S 169,152.00 b 3 O 6 I 4 OF 6 V0U C H E R D E T A I L l I f T Estimate Voucher NLuber: 6 Project: GRADING, STREEIS, UT I 1111ES L APPLIRTEMANI YORK / FINAL Date: NOVEMBER 7, 1996 DSM Project WL,*er: 5579.00 CITY Of MWIICELLO PROD. NO.: 95.03C for SCHOOL BOULEVARD - SAP 222.105.01 CITY OF WN110ELLO SCHEDULE C - SANIIA�fEYEA Contract Contract Coapleted This Month Total 10 Date Item Spee No Description Ouantity Unita Unit Price total Price Quantity Total Ouantity Total Price ............ .............................. ...... 55 2101.502 CLEARING ...................................................... 12 TREE 1SO.00 1,800.00 ............. 0 0.00 ......... 12 ............ 1,600.00 56 2101.507 GRUBS 1116 12 TREE 150.00 1,600.00 0 0.00 12 1,600.00 57 0503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STUB (SANITARY) 2 EACH 1,000.00 2,000.00 0 0.00 2 2,000.00 58 0503.603 6• PVC SDR 26 SERVICE PIPE 840 LIN FT 16.00 13,440.00 0 0.00 762 12,512.00 59 0503.603 8• PVC SEWER SOR 26 370 LIN PT 18.00 6,660.00 0 0.00 367 6,606.00 60 0503.603 10` PVC SEWER SDR 26 665 LIN I1 28.00 18,620.00 0 0.00 631 17,666.00 61 0503.603 12• DUCTILE TRW PIPE SEWER CLASS 52 150 LIN PI 48.00 7,200.00 0 0.00 ISO 7,200,00 (POL YL INO) 62 0503.603 20 STEEL WING PIPE - JACKED 100 LIN FT 170.00 17,000.00 0 0.00 100 17,000.00 (SANITARY SEVER) 63 2503.541 12• RC PIPE SEWER 4000D 643 LIN F1 38.00 24,434.00 0 0.00 651 24,738.00 64 2503.541 12• RC PIPE SEVER S000D 2525 LIN 11 40.00 101,000.00 0 0.00 2SS2 102,000.00 65 DIV 11 CORE DRILL 6• SERVICE CONNECTION 12 EACH 200.00 2,400.00 0 0.00 12 2,400.00 (RCP) 66 STD SPEC STANDARD 46" DIA. SANITARY SEVER 13 EACH 1,400.00 18,200.00 0 0.00 13 18,200.00 MANHOLE (0.101) 67 SID SPEC EXTRA 48• DIA. KUHOE DEPTH OVER 230 LIN it 75.00 17,250.00 0 0.00 230 17,250.00 to, 60 STD SPEC CONSTRUCT 8• TYPE -A- OUTSIDE DROP 3 EACH 950.00 2,650.00 0 0.00 3 2,650.00 (0.41) 69 STD SPEC EXTRA 8• DROP SCCTIW OVER 4• 9 LIN FI 95.00 855.00 0 0.00 9.2 874,00 70 SID SPEC GRANULAR FOUNDATION RATERIAL 1000 TOM 0.01 10.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE C • SANITAAY SEWER .................... S 235,519.00 .................... S 0.00 .................... S 234,978.00 4 OF 6 ` V 0 U C N E R D E l A 1 L L I S T Estimate Voucher NUTber: 6 project. GRADING, STREETS, UTILITIES L APPURTENANT WORK / FINAL Date: NOVEMBER 7, 1096 OSM Project Umber: 5570.00 CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJ. NO.: 95-03C for SCHOOL BOULEVARD - SAP 222.105.01 CITY OF MONTICELLO SCHEDULE D - WAIERMAIN Contract Contract [Depleted TP-Is Month Total To Date Item Spec No DucriptlM Ouentity Unita Unit Price lotel Price OLmtity Total QLmtlty Total Price .... ............................................ 71 0503.6DS 4" INSULATION ......... .......... ............. 10 SO YD ............. 15.00 ......... 150.00 ............. 0 0.00 ......... 10 ............ 150.00 72 0504.602 CONNECT 10 EXISTING WATER MAIN 1 EACH 500.00 500.00 O 0.00 1 500.00 73 0504,607 AIR RELIEF MANHOLE 1 EACH 1,200.00 1,200.00 0 0.00 1 1,200.00 74 0504.602 16• BUTTERFLY GATE VALVE AND BOX 2 EACH 1,600.00 3,200.00 0 0.00 2 3,200.00 75 0504.602 6• GATE VALVE AND BOX 22 EACH 450.00 9,900.00 0 0.00 22 9,900.00 76 0504.602 8• GATE VALVE AMD BOX 7 EACH 550.00 3,850.00 0 0.00 7 3,850.00 77 0504.602 10• GATE VALVE AND BOX 2 EACH 750.00 1,500.00 0 0.00 2 1,500.00 78 0504.602 12• GATE VALVE AND 80 4 EACH 1,000.00 4,000.00 0 0.00 4 4,000.00 79 0504.602 HYDRANT 13 EACH 1,200.00 15,600.00 0 0.00 13 15,600.00 80 0504.603 6• WATER MAtti-DUCT IRON CL 52 805 LIN FT 15.00 12,075.00 0 0.00 1031 15,465.00 81 0504.603 8• WATER MAIN-OWT IRON CL 52 955 LIN FT 17.00 16,235.00 0 0.00 993 16,711.00 82 0504.603 10• WATER )WIN-RCI IBM CL 52 165 LIN F1 20.00 3,300.00 0 0.00 165 3,300.00 83 0504.603 12- UAIER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL SO 2675 LIN FT 21.00 56,175.00 0 O.DO 2669 56,040.00 84 0504.603 16• WATER MAIN DUCT IRON CL 50 1084 LIN FT 28.00 SS,SS2.00 0 0.00 1907 55,916.00 85 0504.603 24• STEEL CASINO PIPE • JACKED 70 LIN FT 170.00 11,900.00 0 0.00 70 11,900.00 (WAIERMAIN) 86 0504.60 24• STEEL CASINO PIPE (OPEN CUT) 30 LIN FT 65.00 2,SSO.00 0 0.00 30 2,550.00 87 0504.603 VALVE SM EXTENSION S LIN fl 45.00 225.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 W 0504.603 HYDRANT Rlf:s 5 LIN FT 250.00 1,250.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 89 0504.620 DUCIILE IRON FITTINGS 12000 POLAND 0.75 9,000.00 0 0.00 12480 9,360.00 90 2104.513 SWING OITUNIMOLFI PAVEMENT 72 LIN FT 0.50 76.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 91 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS S 1005 CRUSHED 60 TON 11.40 684.00 0 0.00 60 684.00 ROCK 02 2211.501 AGGREGATE SAU CLAS/ 5 (DRIVEWAYS) 25 ION 6.00 1SO.D0 0 0.00 23 150.00 93 2340.508 TYPE 41 WEAAIMG COURSE MIXTURE 8 TON 30.00 240.00 0 0.00 19.5 565.00 94 257S.S05 SUDDIWG TYPE LAWN 700 so TO 1.50 1,030,00 0 0.00 600 1,035.00 9S DIV II SEEDING .9 ACRE 00810.00 900......... .....0...-...... ••-••••0.00 .8 .......720:00 a TOTAL SCHEDULE D • WATERMAIN / 211,132.00 S 0.00 B 214,325.00 a 5 OF 6 6 Of 6 V O U C H E R D E T A I L L I S T Eat last* Va her Nuiber: 6 Project: GRADING, STREETS, UTILITIES It APPURTENANT WORK / FINAL Date: MOWERSER 7, 1996 OSM Project amber: S579.00 CITY OF MONTICELLO PROW. NO, 95.03C for SCHOOL BOULEVARD • SAP 222.105-01 CITY OF MOITICELLO SCHEDULE E - CHANGE ORDER Contract Contract Completed This Mento Total To Data Item Spee NO Oncriptlm Tluantlty Unita Unit Price Total Price Otnntity Total INentity Total Price .... ............................................ 1 2104.50S REMOVE. OITINIMOA PAVEMENT ......... .......... 1060 SO YD ............. ............. 1.00 ......... 1,060.00 ............. 0 0.00 ......... 1060 ............ 1,060.00 2 2104.513 SAYING 11ITLNIINOU11 PAVEMENT 35 LIN ET 0.50 17.50 0 0.00 1180 S90.DO 3 7105.501 GOIt10N EXCAVATION 280 Cu TO 3.00 840.00 0 0.00 280 84D.00 4 2211.501 AGGREGATE RASE CLASS S 210 TOM 4.61 968.10 0 0.00 87 401.07 5 2340.508 TYPE 41 WEARING COIAU MIXTURE 110 TOM 19.81 2,179.10 0 0.00 110 2,179.10 6 2340.514 TYPE 31 BASE COURSE MIXTLOIE 140 TOM 18.67 2,613.80 0 0.00 140 2,613.80 7 2357.502 BITLIKINOIA MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT 60 GALLON 1.00 60.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 8 DIV II SEEDING .3 ACNE 750.00 22S.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 9 0564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) EPDXY 2 EACH 250.00 500.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 10 0564.603 4• SOLID LINE WHITE -PAINT 1280 LIN ET 0.07 89.60 0 0.00 1310 91.70 11 0564.603 4• BROKEN LINE WHITE -PAINT 250 LIN PT 0.30 123.00 0 0.00 250 125.00 12 SPEC REMO11Il12ATION/TRAPfiC CONTROL 1 Lt 2,000.00 2,000.00 0 0.00 1 2,000.00 TOTAL SCHEDULE E • CHANGE ORDER .................... t 10,678.10 .................... t 0.00 .................... t 9,900.67 GRAND TOTAL as t 1,031,397.03 va S 12.783.10 aaau•6 1.016,520.71 6 Of 6 Council Agenda - 11/25/96 5D. eration of acxnntf"Q immWvements completed under prlerate jmmnvement process -River Mill gnhdivislon. Q.O.) City Council is asked to consider accepting the public improvements that were recently constructed in the River Mill subdivision. According to the City Engineer and Public Works Director, the streets, sanitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer are functioning properly, installed correctly and, therefore, should be accepted. Once acceptance occurs, then the one-year warranty bond guaranteeing workmanship of these items will take effect There are a few miscellaneous items that need to be cortected as noted in John Simola's letter to Bob Murrary which is attached. The city is holding $7,500 via the disbursement agreement to guarantee completion of the items noted. Motion to accept the public improvements completed by Residential Development, Inc. Under this alternative, the warrant bond will take effect and the city will hold $7,500 as a guarantee of completion of miscellaneous items. Motion to deny accepuanee of the River Mill roadways and utilities as being complete. C_ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative NI. D. SlIIPPORTINQ DATA; Copy of 11/22/96 letter. �tt 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295.4404 Mr. Bob Murray RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT INC. IS Choctaw Circle Chanhassen, MN 35317-8577 November 22, 1996 Re: Dial Punch Ller. Rhyt MRI SuMlMtkm Chr of Mantledla Proktt 0%44P. WSB Proleet 01010.05 Dear Mr. Murray: There aro a few items left to be completed next spring for the River Mill Subdivision. These items aro as follows: There is some dosser in tho arca of the flared cnd section in the pond on the cast sick of the part• This should be restored to its anginal oandition and reseeded. The pond located on the east side of the westerly entrance from CSAH 39 needs a rip -rap overflow and verification of the grading elovations in both oelh of the pond. (Please contact us in the spring regarding this item, wo probably will require the rip -rap to be groutod in plane.) 3. The tempmmy pord located in the tum home area is exhibiting significant erosion and is outside of design parameters. This area should be shaped up and regraded as it discharges into a4joi dq property. 4. The seeding of the lilt station area. adjoining ditches, the park mea and other areas contained within the original contract need to be completed in the spring. The City Engineer and Public Works Dista believe $7,300 is a suitable amount to withhold for completion of this work in the spring of 1997. If you have any questions or if we may be of any additional sssist000e in this matter, please contact us. Respectfully. C17Y OF MONTICELLO Juin. E. Simola Public Work's Director -fig Y cc: i 1EIf O'Neill, Assistant City Administrator Bret Weiss, City Engineer Tom Baso, Municipal Comauctim Impoemr OJnos of Pubhc Worts, 90 Oo1 f Coum Rd.. Mawkello, MN SM62 • PAwe:13141 ?➢X3170 • Fbs: (613)48X5170, ext I —D Council Agenda - 11/25/96 EIMA cum W.S.) The specifications for garbage/refuse pickup and hauling services which were drafted on October 23, 1996, and approved by the City Council on October 28, 1996, reflect our existing system with a few improvements. One of the improvements is a toll free number for the average citizen to call the garbage hauler direct for extra pickups, etc. In addition to a base bid using our existing garbage pickup system, we asked for an alternate bid using all roll around carts for all residential properties except for those apartments with twice per week pickup on dumpsters. Some of the contractors proposed to use a system called semi -automated where the cart is rolled to the back of the garbage truck and tipped into the compactor. Others bid a fully automated system where a remote control arm comes out of the side of the truck and picks the cart up and dumps it into the truck. The fully automated systems require that the home owner always place the cart in a central location with the opening towards the street. Bids were received at 2 p.m., Monday, November 18, 1996. Our existing contract with Superior Services costs us approximately $11,260 per month, or a little over $135,000 per year, based upon the September billing, excluding environmental fees and sales tax. We received an excellent response to our advertisement for bids. The eight bids we received are shown on the enclosed bid tabulation shoot. The lowest base bid we received to use the existing system was from Superior Services for $7,704 per month or $92,448 per year. This bid was based upon our estimate of residential properties in the City as of October 1, 1996. The second bidder using the existing system was Waste Management at $9,333 per month or $111,996 per year. For the automated garbage pickup, Superior Services was again low, at the same dollar amount as the base bid, $7,704 per month or $92,448 per year. The second bidder for automated service was Total Disposal at $10,381.98 per month, or $124,583.76 per year. Since there appears to be no savings in going all semi -automated or fully automated at this time, we should stay with our existing system. Superior Services' low bid of $7,704 per month and $2.84 per month and $4.16 per month for additional residences on carts and dumpsters, respectively, represents a $42,862 savings per year over our current contract, and probably a savings in 5 Council Agenda - 11/25/96 the area of $150,000 over the next three years. It should be noted that Superior Services' bid did contain a bid security less than asked for in the advertisement for bids and instructions to bidders. As per Rick, this was corrected to the satisfaction of Paul Weingarden, the City Attorney, and the City can waive that informality in the bidding and make an award to Superior Services. The first alternative would be to award the new three year contract beginning April 1, 1997, to Superior Services of St. Cloud, Minnesota, using our existing system of cans, carts, bags and dumpsters for $7,704 per month (using the October 1, 1996 inventory) and $2.84 per month for all additional residential property on cans, bags and carts, and $4.15 per month for each additional unit on twice -weekly pickup using dumpsters. The second alternative would be to award to the second lowest bidder, Waste Management of St. Cloud Minnesota, for the amount of $9,333 per month with $4.25 for each additional residence on cans, bags and carts, and $3.50 for each additional resident on twice -weekly pickup using dumpsters. The third alternative would be to reject all bids and negotiate continuation of our existing contract with Superior Services of St. Cloud. r- STAFF F..O MRNDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council award a new contract beginning April 1, 1997, to Superior Services as outlined in alternative #1. This is based upon the low bid and the City Attorney's opinion that the City Council can waive the technicality with regard to the bid security. Copy of bid tabulation. BASE BID A IBepM Fahr) BASE BID B Will" Foy" TOTALBASC BID A • B c. ADOrL SINGLE FAM. D. ADDrL MULTI FAM. BID TABULATION GARBAGEIREFUSE PICKUP AND HAULING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Monday, November 18, 1998 - 2 p.m - LOW 2ND IRD 4TH STH 8TH TTH 8TH BIDDER BIDDER BIDDER BIDDER BIDDER BIDDER BIDDER BIDDER SUPERIOR SERVICES WASTE MANAGEMENT TOTAL DISPOSAL 06 K REFUSE BFI RANDY'S SAN. BEST DISPOSAL CORROW BAN, 2355.230m SI SE 10050 Napo SI NE 805 MomBao CI 2D 8 2161 A,e P.O. Bob1125 P.O. BID 159 P.O. BID BB P.O. Boa 203 SI. Claud, MN 5834 BWft. MN 5540 SI. Cloud, AN 58303 SL Cbmtl. MN 58301 SI. Cbd, MN Oftw, MN 55728 Luft , MN 5S383 RoP m. MN 55374 Tamar: 67.Tam Tom Do: a.6330 T.mamc 616"All Tamer. 6tomm laaas...tmm Ta blew a,,6p.m 6m 6r 671Tnm am sr. smem ITEM 1. BASE BID S5,089.001no. $7,583.00/mo. 87,958.4Bhno. $7,550.00ftm. $8,138.00/mo S10,214,40Jmo. NO BASE BID NO BASE BID $2,615.00hno. $1,750.00hno S2,425,50hno $3,300 OOhno. $3,099.00/mo 51,449.001mo. NO BASE BID NO BASE BID $7,704.00 58,333.00 $10,381.98 S1D,850.00 $11,235.00 $11,663.40 NO BASE BID NO BASE BID 52.84/ea. S4.25les. $4.94166. $4.20/8a. $4.54/68. S5,70/ft. NO BASE BID NO BASE BID 54 15/ee 53 50/e6. $4 05/66. $5 20fes. S4.92/ea. S8.00/es. NO BASE BID NO BASE BID A SINGLE S5,0891no NO ALT BID FAMILY $7,777.28Imo $9,832.56ft. A•1 SEMI. X NO ALT BID AUTOMATED WA WA AL2 FULLY N/A NO ALT. BID AUTOMATED X X B MULTI 52.615 OOhno. NO ALT BID FAMILY 53.427,20/mo. 53,465 ODft, TOTAL ALT. NO ALT BO) $10,86800 BID 01 A • B $7,70400 NO ALT BIO ptCM].IFO.YL71.CJf�.Y .QJa ITEM IL ALTERNATE BID 01 $7,956 481M. NO ALT BID $8,674 OOhno NO ALT. BID $7,777.28Imo $9,832.56ft. X NO ALT BID NfA NO ALT. BID WA WA WA NO ALT BID X NO ALT. BID X X S2,425.50hno. NO ALT. BID 54,194 OOh110 NO ALT, BID 53.427,20/mo. 53,465 ODft, 510,38198 NO ALT BO) $10,86800 NO ALT BID $11,20448 $13,287.581 I N01E: Cunitrtt G&MIDWRohm Pkkup and Hauling Stuvko Fws: 1111.260.01MMOMO; AdWi Singa F*nL: 8&4Ahrt:A; Addri Ah ► Fm: S&OW"ch W C Wc[I�Y'riYOD tY . 9� . I LOW 2ND 3RD 4TH 6TH 8TH 7TH 8TH BIDDER BIDDER BIDDER BIDDER BUDDER BIDDER BIDDER BIDDER SUPERIOR SERVICES WASTE MANAGEMENT TOTAL DISPOSAL D 6 K REFUSE BFI RAKDrS BAN. BEST DISPOSAL CORROAI BAN. 2756.23M St SE 10050 Napbo St NE 805-- gi-ry CI 29 8 Ilk Ave P.O. am 1125 P.O. Bm 16D P.O. 0= 66 P.O. Bm 28.7 St. CW0. MN C8704 eww MN SSW SL Cbua, MN 68707 SL CbA MN 60501 SL CbL4 MN DOWD. MN 65725 MorUor, MN 6686) R098M.10166774 C. ADDTL SINGLE FAM. $2.841m NO ALT. BID $1.841 a. NO ALT. BID $3.75/aa. NO ALT. BID S4.34/ft. $5.18/88. D. Awn MULTI FAM. $4.161118. NO ALT. BID $/.05/n. NO ALT. BID $8.Was. NO ALT. BID $5.44/11a. $5.50Aba. N01E: Cunitrtt G&MIDWRohm Pkkup and Hauling Stuvko Fws: 1111.260.01MMOMO; AdWi Singa F*nL: 8&4Ahrt:A; Addri Ah ► Fm: S&OW"ch W C Wc[I�Y'riYOD tY . 9� . I Council Agenda - 11/25/96 Ines fo . (R.W.) Our history with the Sunny Fresh Foods "egg processing facititd' goes back a couple of decades to when it was Wrightco. The City has made efforts to provide wastewater treatment capacity for this operation by adding chemical treatment to its original 1960 plant for added capacity, to adding an equalization tank and additional aeration equipment in the 1980 plant, to providing a third SBR tank in the 1997 plant. The City had been very lenient in dealing with the egg processing facility, so much so that in the late 1980s, we received a notice of violation of our own wastewater treatment plant permit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for failure to enforce our sewer use ordinance. At that time, Wrightco Products Inc., the previous occupier of the facility, had been discharging wastewater in violation of their permit with us and the City had been working with the industry in attempts to correct the problem without enforcement, even when our own plant was having problems from the wastewater discharge by Wrightco. With the takeover of the Wrightco plant by Sunny Fresh Foods, the City developed a good working relationship, especially with the maintenance staff (tom Sunny Fresh Foods. Due to the nature of the operations at Sunny Fresh in that they research and develop new egg products and also manufacture those products, their wastewater loads have fluctuated significantly from day to day, month to month and year to year, and have resulted in numerous violations of their wastewater discharge permit. In 1995, the Council, at request of City staff, raised the maximum penalty for each violation from $1,000 to $5,000. In addition, at the same meeting in August, City staff asked Council to rebate $1,000 in fines back to Sunny Fresh Foods if they would hire an outside consultant to assist them with their spill control procedures so that less violations would occur. They did so and we rebated $1,000 back to them. At the same time, the City was deeply involved with its design process for the now wastewater treatment plant and involved Sunny Fresh Foods in those design discussions. The City had provided for a 50% increase in loading TSS and BOD from Sunny Fresh over the next 15 to 20 years, based upon their projections. At that time, the maximum 24-hour discharge of BOD allowed ftrom Sunny Fresh Foods was 2,000 pounds. We provided in our basic design the capacity to inavaso their permit to 3,000 pounds when the new plant was on line. We also asked them if they needed additional capacity beyond their projections as a safety valve and that we would be willing to increase the size of the tanks and install additional aeration equipment at their cost, which would extend the ultimate capacity well beyond the 3,000 pounds per day. Sunny Fresh Foods Council Agenda - 11/25/96 indicated they had elected to make improvements to their plant to reduce their discharge rather than pay for improvements outside to treat additional loadings. In the Fall of 1995 and the Winter of 1995/1996, it became apparent that Sunny Fresh Foods was unable to meet their permit limitations, even with the improvements which they had made. In March of this year, Sunny Fresh Foods requested an increase in pounds of BOD and solids that could be released in a 24 hour period. They requested a 16% increase in BOD and a 9% increase in total suspended solids discharged. After review of their request by City staff and PSG, we granted them a 20'% increase in their daily discharge of BOD, a 9% increase in their solids and a reduction in the amount of water they could discharge in a 24 hour period. This seemed acceptable to all parties involved. The reduction in maximum water discharge would help us in the Spring to meet our permit limitations, and PSG felt that a maximum discharge at 2,400 pounds would be doable until the new plant was on line. We made it clear to Sunny Fresh Foods that if this new permit was violated, it could have serious ramifications for our wastewater treatment plant and stiff fines would result. We had never exercised the maximum fine limit in the past. In the time period from October 16, 1995 to April 20, 1996, when the new permit limitations went into effect, Sunny Fresh Foods had 17 separate permit violations and a major spill. Since the time the new permit went into effect, they have had 21 permit violations, including two major spills which jeopardized the function of our wastewater treatment plant. Almost all of the permit violations were for organic or BOD discharges. City staff was still reluctant during 1996 to exercise stiffer fines and penalties. We had been working with Sunny Fresh Foods, especially their maintenance department, in the hopes that Sunny Fresh Foods would be able to turn around their almost routine violations of their permit. Severe uncontrolled spills which occurred in September and October of this year caused us to exercise the new fine limit. However, only for the October 5, 1996 egg spill, was the maximum fine of $5,000 for a violation instituted. For other major spills and permit violations in excess of 25% of their new permit limit was Sunny Fresh fined $2,000 per occurrence. The fine for permit violations over 5% but less than 25% was $1,000, and the fine for permit violations less than 5'% was $500. Sunny Fresh Foods has received a letter on October 8, 1996, for 16 violations and two major spills with fines totaling $26,000, and an additional letter on October 29, 19%, for fines totaling $1,600, and a letter on October 31, 1996, for fines totaling $1,000. Sunny Fresh has appealed the fines for violations levied 0 v Council Agenda - 11/25/96 on October 8, 1996, and has indicated they will respond to other fines which occurred later, after a decision by the City Council in regard to appealing the fines. The letter appealing the fines is enclosed for your review, as well as copies of the Council Minutes increasing the penalties for violations and our 1987 notice of violation from the MPCA for not enforcing our ordinances. Copies of the individual fine lettere over the past year and Sunny Fresh's responses are enclosed under separate cover. The first alternative after review of the information would be to reduce the fines as requested by Sunny Fresh Foods. 2. The second alternative would be not to reduce the fines but offer some type of incentive or rebate to Sunny Fresh Foods for staying within their permit limitations until the new plant is on line (18 to 24 months). 3. The third alternative would be not to reduce the fines due to the number of violations and the severity in some cases. C. STAFF RRGOMMFNDATION: City staff has kept in close contact with Sunny Fresh Foods and has discussed these violations with their maintenance staff as they occurred. City staff has also advised Sunny Fresh Foods in writing that violations of this new permit would result in stiff penalties, and in only one instance has the City reached the maximum fine of $6,000 per occurrence. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that the fines not be reduced, but if the Council is willing to move in this regard, some partial reimbursement be made if no further violations occur over the next 18 months. We, therefore, recommend alternative q2 or 03. Should additional violations occur, they should be met with stiff penalties again. As director, John Simola has used the following schedule for the past fines: 0 % to fi% over permit ....................................... $600.00 6% to 20% over permit .................................... $1,000.00 25% to 100% over permit ............ .. ....... ... $2,000.00 Spills which jeopardize the operation of the WWTP ....... $2,000 to $6,000 (depending an severity) 0 Council Aguila . 11/25/96 This basic formula should not be set in granite as PSG has indicated gym smaller vio atio a of Sunny Fresh Foods' wastewater discharge permit Sgt ups t our w a ewa Pr treatment plant under certain circumstances. The likelihood of upset is going to be greater as we go through the construction process. It should also again be stated to Sunny Fresh Foods that we have incorporated a maximum of 3,000 pounds of BOD discharge per day for Sunny Fresh Foods over the life of our plant expansion (15 to 20 years). That may be a tough number for Sunny Fresh to live up to in the future based upon their past record. It should be again emphasized to them that they may wish to buy into additional capacity at the wastewater treatment plant, and that capacity would be easier provided during this construction than a reconstruction project. Copy of letter of appeal from Sunny Fresh Foods; Copy of council minutes from 8/14/95 with regard to penalties; Copy of 1987 notice of violation from the MPGA. Please refer to Chapter 14 of your City Ordinance for additional information on the Sewer Use ordinance. Also, the individual lettere and fines for Sunny Fresh Foods and their responses are enclosed under separate cover. /0 FIES�l v Egg Products October 30, 1996 Attn: Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator, Monticello 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 RE: Appeal of wastewater permit fines referenced in John Simola letter to Tim Sartacco dated October 8, 1996. Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: In recent months Sunny Fresh Foods has undergone major systems modifications and upgrades which will enable the Monticello plant to significantly increase production without additional burden to utilities suppliers, including sewer and water. This investment in the Monticello facility illustrates a firm commitment to our customers, employees and community for the fume. Unfortunately, this progress has not been withoui it's growing pains and we have occasionally exceeded our discharge permit since last May, 1996. The good news is that we have weathered the most disruptive period of this project and are in the final stages of implementation. We are already seeing the positive implications of this investment. This letter does not dispute the fact that Sunny Fresh has exceeded the pant on the dates noted in the notification of October gth. That information is actually supplied to the City by our employees. We do appeal the harshness of the fines which dramatically exceed previous levels. We were told last April that fine levels would be elevated but we were caught totally by surprise by their severity, in that no rate structure was provided. This implies that the fines were arbitrarily imposed after several months of accumulation. Second, we challenge the two spill volumes and the resultant fines, totaling 57,000, assigned to them. Initial spill information is communicated on an urgent and worse case basis by anyone present to provide the treatment facility advanced warning. The volumes usually reflect batch sizes as opposed to actual numbers. Subsequent investigation yields the actual volumes lost and salvaged in the process or caught by the waste tanks. In the first case 3,000 pounds were reported but only 1.200 pounds made it to the sewer system. The treatment plant was totally unaware of this spill until we were able to contact them at the end of the weekend. The second batch of 10,000 pounds was fifty percent salvaged by our recovery system which nets a 5,000 pound spill. Please do not misunderstand. We consider this unacceptable and have installed monitoring devices which will prevent this type of spill. If is the delayed communication and the lack of any kind of fine rate schedule that we appeal. a A CARCIu FOODS company &VWAXUOA ManbcalAminaaaWCAM 11*31466ti larosas>ar IN J PAL 01=54071 MIR October 30, 1996 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller Page 2 Sunny Fresh Foods will continue to strive for improved performance in the area of waste management. The overall gallons, BOD, and TSS have shown a decline in recent years as shown by the attached chart. The company has spent significantly to maintain this trend even though product volumes have inemased four -fold since 1988. Employee payroll and Monticello property taxes have increased similarly. In recent months Sunny Fresh Foods has spent over 550,000 to modify processing systems, add waste water storage capacity, and install BOD monitoring devices. This final equipment was activated in mid-October. These dollaw do not include early 1996 expenditures required to demonstrate to the City of Monticello that waste water procedures and data originating at our facility were accurate and in accordance with City specifications. As you may recall this successful effort was in response to information supplied by an outside consultant which was later discounted. In light of the above, Mr. Wolfsteller, it is remarkable that the commitment of Sunny Fresh Foods to the reduction of waste in our facility would be so subjectively questioned as it was in the October 8, 1996 letter. it is neither fair, factual, nor business -like. Sunny Fresh will continue to improve our processes, training, and monitoring in order to stabilize our utility usage's in the fare of dramatic growth pressures. We asked the City of Monticello to provide a rate schedule for fines. This has never been provided. We wotild also ask that the fines levied on October 8, 1996 be reviewed and revised downward. The spill references were seriously overstated and should be revised downward as well. Thank you for your attention and please feel free to contact me at any time. S' ly, s Damen Manager of Operations cc: Greg Pawnen, Sunny Fresh Foods Tim Sertneco, Sunny Fresh Foods John Simola, Public Works Director DN/slm 315 Council Minutes - 8/14/95 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY SHIRIM ANDERSON TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES PLAN AND AMENDMENTS ON SEPTEMBER 11, 1995, AT 7 P.M., AND TO CALL FOR A SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1995, AT 7 P.M., TO REVIEW THE AMENDMENTS TO THE FACIIJTIES PLAN. Motion carried unanimously with Clint Herbst absent. Public Works Director Simola presented a proposed ordinanamendment increasing the maximum civil penalties for sanitary sewer discharge violations. The current ordinance allows a minimum fine of $100 and a maximum of $1,000 for each offense. Since the penalties haven't been increased in over a decade, it was proposed that the maximum fine be increased to $5,000 for each offense. Simola also reported that Sunny Fresh Foods was fined $1,000 for a discharge violation on July 8, 1995. After discussing the permit violation with the PCA, it was suggested that the City rebate the $1,000 back to Sunny Fresh if they hire an outside consultant to assist with the spill control program. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUFF TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT INCREASING THE MAXD" PENALTY TO $5,000, INCLUDING CLARIFICATION OF LANGUAGE PERTAINING TO COSTS OF DAMAGE. Motion carr1ed ,inanimnusly with Clint Herbst absent. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 274. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SH JM ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY TOM PERRAULT TO REBATE THE JULY 8, 1995, $1,000 FINE BACK TO SUNNY FRESH FOODS IF THEY HIRE AN OUTSIDE CONSULTANT TO ASSIST WITH THE SPILL CONTROL PROGRAM. Motion carried unanimously. 12. rnnaideratinn of aetting a data far workahnn(a) to review the IA9R pmliminnIXh ,doh After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to set a special meeting for August 28, 1995, at 5:30 p.m., to review the 1996 preliminary budget. 110 Page 6 MOOF v tj Minn csota Paluhan Conlrol Agency �J June 17, 1987 CERTIFIED MALI. RETUr,N RECEIPT REQUESTED The Honorable Arve Grimsmo Mayor, City of Monticello City Hall Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Mayor Grimsmo: RE: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Facility NPDES Permit No. MN 0020567 Notice of Violation Enclosed is a Notice of Violation (NOV) issued to the City of Monticello for failing to enforce the City's sewer use ordinance, for allowing wastewater to enter the Monticello sewer system which is very corrosive and caused the activated sludge to Le killed off, and fur bypassing incompletely treated wastewater. The violations are very serious and will require the City to take steps to correct the violations. The Monticelli Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) began receiving widely fluctuating influent pit valuos the olid oi' April, 1987. The pit values have been as high as 11 and leas than 5 at the treatment facility, often within the came evening. On V.%y 15, 1907, tho bacteria in tho activated sludge were hilled off necessitating a bypass around this unit. While the activated sludge process is out of order, iudduyuatuly tl.eated wastewater woo boing discharyud from the Monticello M1TF. It is the understanding of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (NPCA) that Wrightco Products, Inc. is ruaponoiblo for discharying the wootuwator containing the very high and low pH values. It in aloe our understanding that pit values monitored at tho company aro in violation of the City of Monticello's sower use ordinance and the permit issued by the home '• �1 l:d.ry IL• IUr.nl,:a 1'�•nl, 6lirinr•.111.1 SSI!r!i I Lawn •1 1 rll u.c❑ • 1°dWh Ih.ur. •r. LI• b•nl l n'n'.ltd.n ,ludifnrr Iw ,bq VD lilir rllhq••Ir ri ,ilk 1 "4d, .y r o The Honorable Arve Grimsmo Page 2 June 17, 1987 City to Wrightco Products, Inc. It is the City of Monticello's responsibility to regulate thle industry. At present, it appears that the City is not using the tools it has in place to regulate Wrightco Products, but that the City is allowing the Company to disrupt proper treatment at the WWTF resulting in NPDES permit violations. The Monticello WWTF has had a very good reputation for wastewater treatment excellence in the past several years. However, no treatment plant can provide proper treatment when it receives extremely acidic and caustic wastewater daily. That the 11WTF lost its activated sludge process testifies to the severity of the problem. We request that the City of Monticello responds in writing within twenty (20) days of receipt of this NOV and letter. Your response should indicate the steps you are taking to enforce your sewer use ordinance. We also request that you provide us with copies of the sample results for April and May, 1987, that you have from Wrightco Products, Inc. This is to include pH, BODq, TSS and flow monitoring results. Continued violation oI the NPDES Permit as a result of the failure of the City to enforce its pretreatment requirements will result in further enforcement action by the M11CA. If you have any questions in this matter, you may call me at (612) 296-7751. Sincerely, Nile Follows Regulatory Compliance Section Division of Water Quality NF3rbj Enclosure ccs Stove Sunt, Wastewater Treatment Facility Superintendent, City of Monticello IN SG A). ),) $ .*...\ 0101 To: John Bimoba From: Chuck Heyes Date: November 6th, 1996 RB: Contract Article 2.27, Invoicing of rebated services. Attached please glad a summary of costs incurred by PBG due to the spills at Sunny Fresh Foods on September 7th and October 6th, 1996. 8 Baan hours at 16.00/hr for maintenance monitoring. $128.00 October 6th iftaidt9L' 20 Wan hours at $16.00/hr for maintenance cleanup and monitoring. $320.00 295 Therms of Natural Gas (to ran the Wau%esha to maintain D.O.'s) dao to the bra Dsothane Gas production 00.39797 /thorm + 6.5% bm2 $128.03 100 pounds of polymer to induce settling in the anal cla ifiea and gravilty thickener )$1.89/lb). 8189.00 Cost $769.03 Plus 10% by contract 876.2 Tow Cost $838.23 A copy of the biWng memo is attached, this is not the Invoice. please caU if you have any questions. Thank you. Qe: Hebrie Mcouim ROfewnd) Serw n Gray File 1401 11n1 Blvd W*MiCOD, MN SS362 (612) 295.2225 OA%) (612) 295 4719 Council Agenda - 11/25/96 City Council is asked to establish a one-year moratorium on issuance of building permits in a designated redevelopment area pending completion of redevelopment studies necessary to determine land use designations in the study area. As you know, the Hoisington Koegler team is currently working at the direction of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, through the Monticello Community Partners, to establish a framework for redevelopment of the downtown/river front area. This study was precipitated by problems identified by the City Council/Planning Commission in the comprehensive plan. Major goals of the framework are to identify parcels to be earmarked for redevelopment and to organize residential, commercial and public land use districts and regulations in a manner that that will promote long term prosperity. The need for the moratorium stems from the possibility of development of property that might not be consistent with the planning framework. Such investments before the framework is completed, if not consistent with the plan, would increase the cost of plan implementation. For instance, a building permit request has been submitted by Dan Reed for development of a small earth berm horse on a parcel near West Bridge Park. This particular area has been identified as a prime location for a variety of uses that could take advantage of the river setting. Ideas include redevelopment for a motel as was done in Chaska, mid density high-end townhomes, public park land, etc. Allowing a new berm home to be built at this location would decrease the chances of redevelopment because it would add greatly to the redevelopment expense. The moratorium would therefore allow the city to block investments in real estate that could be at cross-purposes with the plan. The area designated to be included in the one-year moratorium is identified in Exhibit A. As you can see, the redevelopment district encompasses a relatively large area and will therefore impact u number of properties. Please note that the moratorium does not necessarily tie the hands of all property owners in the district. Upon resolution by the City Council, the moratorium can be lifted on a case-by-case basis. For instance, if there is a property owner within the designated moratorium district that seeks a building permit for a purpose that is consistent within the framework or is obviously consistent with future plans, then the moratorium can be lifted for that specific parcel by resolution of the City Council. Council Agenda - 11/25/96 Motion to approve a resolution establishing a moratorium on issuance of building permits pending a completion of a redevelopment study and associated zoning code amendments within a designated redevelopment area in the city of Monticello. Ibis action will provide the city with some control in the short term over investments in real state that could be at cross-purposes with the emerging long term plans for the city. Motion to deny adopting said resolution. Staff recommends approval of the motion. If the City is serious about implementation of a redevelopment plan, then it would make sense that controls be in place to reduce the possibility of investments in mal estate that might be inconsistent with emerging plans. Also, the moratorium is not completely inflexible which allows building permits to be issued on a case-by-case base as circumstances allow. With regard to the Reed situation, the city can legally deny the building permit for the duration of the moratorium even though the application preceeded the adoption of the moratorium Staff is sensitive to the problem that is created for the Reed family and will be working with the HRA to assist the Reeds in finding an alternative location for the home. The home is intended to be constructed by Reed for his niece who is disabled. Due to her disability, it is important for Reed's niece to live near family members somewhere in the core of the city west of Highway 25. Perhaps it will be possible to find a lower value home outside of the redevelopment district that could be purchased and demolished by the HRA or City and given to Reed in exchange for the vacant lot now owned by Reed. Under this scenerio, the city would win by obtaining the vacant lot for redevelopment and replace a low value building with a new home. Reeds would win by having family member homes closer together. At this point. an existing vacant lot or home has not been targeted so costs to the city to accomplish the swap are not yet available. Copies of resolution and ordinance amendment; Copy of map showing moratorium area. /oZ RESOLUTION 98• RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN INTERIM ORDINANCE ESTABLiSMNG A MORATORIUM ON ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS PENDING COMPLETION OF A REDEVELOPMENT STUDY AND ASSOCIATED ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS WITHIN A DESIGNATED REDEVELOPMENT AREA IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WHEREAS, the Monticello City Council has determined that in order to protect the planning process and ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Monticello, the presently sting ordinances and controls regarding commercial, residential and park development in designated redevelopment areas need to be re-evaluated; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority has authorized completion of a redevelopment study in response to issues identified in the City's comprehensive plan. The study will establish a redevelopment plan which could include amendments to the official zoning map and teat amendments to said ordinances; and WHEREAS, a recent application for a building permit for a single family home in an area that may be designated for park, commercial or residential development has brought forth concerns regarding the compatibility of a residential home with other land uses in the area; and WHEREAS, the above-mentioned concerns require the City to study possible changes to existing controls; and WHEREAS, the City needs a period of time in which to conduct these studies and to implement any needed changes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that no new development should be established within the designated redevelopment area until these issues have been studied and proper amendments to the city ordinances have been implemented. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO that the attached interim ordinance establishing a moratorium on issuance of building permits in the designated redevelopment area (exhibit A) is hereby adopted pending completion of redevelopment study and associated zoning code amendments. Adopted this of 19_ Mayor City Administrator J# ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. AN INTERIM ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A MORATORIUM ON ISSUANCE OF BUILDINGPERMITS PENDING COMPLETION OF A REDEVELOPMENT STUDY AND ASSOCIATED ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS WITHIN A DESIGNATED REDEVELOPMENT AREA IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO THE CITY COUNCIL OF TRE CTIY OF MONTICELLO ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Intent. It is the intent of this interim ordinance to allow the City of Monticello to complete review of the presently -existing ordinance sections related to commercial and residential development in a designated redevelopment area (exhibit A) and make appropriate changes to the same in order to establish proper public and private land uses and to protect the value of residential and commercial properties within the city of Monticello, to ensure proper land use controls, and to facilitate compatibility between public, commercial and residential land uses. Section 2. Authority and Purpose. The City Council is empowered by Minnesota StAti-I&a, Section 462.336, Subdivision 4, to pass an interim ordinance, applicable to all or a portion of its jurisdiction, for the purpose of protecting the planning process and the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens. Section 3. Temporary Prohibition. For one year after the effective date of this ordinance, or until such earlier time as the Monticello City Council determines by resolution that the reasons for the moratorium no longer exist in general, or in particular circumstances, the city shall not receive, consider, and/or approve any application of any type of development within the redevelopment study area. Section 4. Misdemeanor. Any person, persons, firm, or corporation violating any provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished pursuant to Mi ae 9 nt =, Section 609.02, Subdivision 3, or as subsequently amended, plus costs of prosecution. Section b. Injunctive Rellet In the event of a violation of this ordinance, the City may institute appropriate actions or proceedings, including requesting injunctive relief to prevent, restrain, correct, or abate such violations. Section 6. Separability. It is hereby declared to be the intention that the several provisions of this ordinance are separable in accordance with the following: if any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge any provision of this ordinance to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect any other provisions of this ordinance not specifically included in said judgment. Section 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication, and shall remain in effect until one year after the effective date, unless a shorter period of time is approved by proper resolution of the Monticello City Council. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello this day of 19_ Mayor City Administrator 946 %kO00 R I V E R L—A L---' L. -.J LL. L, -J L-.--' L:j L TE, e P Je ci �T- L Council Agenda - 1L25/96 The Wright County Auditors office is again preparing for an upcoming public auction sale of tax forfeited parcels for nonpayment of property taxes, including assessments. The tax forfeited parcels include those that are delinquent on their taxes from as far back as 1980. The County is asking for our approval to proceed with a public auction of these parcels or to request a conveyance of any of the parcels to the City if we have a public use for them. The parcels being considered for public sale are primarily in two areas, consisting of 15 lots within the Meadow Oak subdivision plat formerly owned by Ultra Homes and 2 larger parcels lying south of the Silver Fox Motel adjacent to Dundas Road and Cedar Street formerly owned by Minnesota Exchangors Inc. In the case of the Meadow Oak Estates lots, the County has set an appraised value of each lot at $20,000, and for the two parcels adjacent to Dundas Road, $50,000 and $30,000 each. As far as the delinquent taxes and assessments are concerned, the lots within Meadow Oak Estates have over $30,000 in delinquent specials and taxes, with the special assessments alone being close to $28,000 of the total. The two larger parcels adjacent to Cedar Street and Dundas Road have approximately $50,000 in delinquent taxes and assessments on parcel #142300 and over $88,000 on parcel #142303. In all cases, the assessments and taxes that are owing exceed the value of the land as appraised by tho County. A number of these parcels should be requested for conveyance to the City instead of sold through tax forfeiture. The following is a summary of the Iota that should be acquired and for what purpose. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 3, Meadow Oak Estates: Lots 2 and 3 are needed for right-of-way purposes on which the current Eastwood Lane has been constructed for the City's Eastwood Knoll plat subdivision. As you may recall, we had received approval from the County Attorney's office and Auditor's office to construct the street leading from Meadow Oak Avenue into the Eastwood Knoll development under the assumption that when these properties came up for tax forfeiture, they would be convoyed to tho City. The parcels 13 Council Agenda - 11/25/96 adjacent to the right-of-way, Lots 1 and 4, are needed to be combined with the balance of our Eastwood Knoll plat to create additional building lots for the development. Lots 6, 7, 8, Block 4, Meadow Oak Estates: These three lots are adjacent to the existing pond within the Meadow Oak development and are in need of substantial amounts of fill in order to make the lots buildable. Since we already have some problems with not having enough drainage easements on some lots in Meadow Oak Estates, it seems prudent for the City to acquire these low lots now before someone tries to build houses and fills in the property. Even if we simply take larger drainage easement areas on these lots, we may be able to re -use them in the future for residential development. Parcels #155-500-142300 and #155.500-142303 (adjacent to Dundas Road and Cedar Street: These parcels are needed for future right of -way purposes to allow for realignment of the Cedar Street and Dundas Road intersection. As you may recall, it has been our intent to realign Cedar Street farther east from its present location to allow for an intersection with Dundas Road in the future that would allow for continuation of a frontage road southerly to Xjellbergs East Mobile Home Park. Since both of these parcels need some of the property for this new right-of-way alignment, and since the assessments equal or exceed the value of the property already, it makes sense to request conveyance of these entire parcels to the City at this time. Depending on what happens with our existing commuter parking lot as far as the Highway 25 improvement is concerned, this could be a potential location for a future commuter parking lot. As far as the balance of the properties within the Meadow Oak development are concerned, we might as well allow the County to attempt to sell them for the value listed. If they don't sell for the minimum $20,000 each, the City and the County will have to look at revising the price on a (Inure sale or possibly the City may have to consider acquiring the lots ourselves. Council Agenda - 11/25/96 Approve the resolution requesting conveyance of tax forfeited lands for an authorized public use for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 3, Meadow Oak Estates, and Lots 6, 7, 8, Block 4, Meadow Oak Estates, and Parcels #155.500-142300 and #155-500-142303. The resolution would also authorize the balance of the tax forfeited parcels within the Meadow Oak Estates to be placed on public auction. Do not request conveyance of the parcels at this time. Request conveyance of all parcels since the special assessment debt exceeds the value of the properties. C_ STAFF F..O F.NDATION: It is the staffs recommendation that the Council request conveyance of the parcels noted above to the City for public right-of-way and storm water ponding purposes. There's certainly no question that the lots adjacent to Eastwood knoll are needed for right-of-way purposes; and if we do not acquire the lots adjacent to Cedar Street and Dundas Road for the Cedar Street realignment, we will have to purchase the property from a new owner in the future. In regard to the three lots adjacent to the pond in Meadow Oak, since these are extremely low lots that need a lot of fill, there's no sense in allowing someone to build on these properties without at least getting the proper drainage easements. The easiest way would be to acquire the properties at this time for ponding purposes and see whether they can ever be usable in the future for building sites. As far as the balance of the lots are concerned, it is suggested the County be allowed to attempt sale for the $20,000 appraised value. If they do not sell, we may be looking at acquiring them ourselves in the future. Copy of proposed resolution; Maps depicting location of parcels being forfeited. /S RESOLUTION 96 - RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONVEYANCE OF TAX FORFEITED PARCELS AND AUTHORIZING SALE OF TAX FORFEITED LANDS WHEREAS, the following parcels of land in the city of Monticello have been forfeited to the State of Minnesota for nonpayment of property taxes and special assessments, and these lots and parcels are being prepared for public sale under tax forfeited land sale procedures of Minnesota R a .0 c% Chapter 282: Meadow Oak Eatatpa Lot 1, Block 1 Lots 3 and 4, Block 2 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, Block 3 Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, Block 4 Parcel #166-500-142300, partially described as a tract of land in the south ifs of the NW Quarter of Section 14. Parcel #166.500-142303, partially described as the south 550 ft of that part of the south �i of the NW Quarter of Section 14. WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has interest in acquiring the following parcels for public purposes for right-of-way uses and requests conveyance of these parcels to the City for these purposes: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 3, Meadow Oak Estates Parcel #165.500-142300 Parcel #165-500.142303 WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has an interest in acquiring the following parcels for storm water drainage pond enlargement and requests the conveyance of the following parcel for this public use: Lots 6, 7, 8, Block 4, Meadow Oak Estates WHEREAS, an application by the City of Monticello for conveyance of these tax forfeited lands for authorized public use has been executed in accordance with Stub SIAULIpB, Section 282.01. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AS FOLLOWS: The City of Monticello hereby requests that the application for conveyance of the tax forfeited parcels listed on Form 962 be approved and that these parcels be removed from public auction sale. CoA Resolution 96 - Page 2 The City of Monticello hereby approves that the following tax forfeited parcels be placed on public auction sale by Wright County. Lot 1, Block 1, Meadow Oak Estates Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, Meadow Oak Estates Lot 6, Block 3, Meadow Oak Estates Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, Block 4, Meadow Oak Estates The City of Monticello certifies that the unpaid special assessments, including delinquent penalties and interest owing against the tax forfeited parcels authorized in this resolution for public auction sale, would be considered paid in full provided the sale proceeds were equal to the appraised value established by the County Board. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of November, 1996. Mayor City Administrator loo � C` I formerly FASTV19100D KNOLL, outlots CaD lots requested tr be conveyed J ,\ L',• / 94072 ' ' .1 94072P.itAP SME V • 100' • 479 09 » aap.0 r ,w.lr s . :i i new." W. B 14 . a Sun.,, w me.» w 2 All �t q wnl.a w UMM w 13 # 4 l,a/.0 w NI».!i w ' too." w �. laua.M w 3 12 8 m { MAI - Iwn.n w ! Nsa.a/ w & "Whir w a lan.ww 14 g qf0 n/a." a, MW IM - 4 Im..ai of ,aa w 4 3 mn.w w- 0 9 v, tn4.M w Mam w . 9 f 2 a"*," w •sln.uw tnu.ow formerly FASTV19100D KNOLL, outlots CaD 1'r Form 941 Miaanab Deportment of ltcveoue b4apk All Carrmpasdeact Application by a Governmental Subdivision for Conveyance of Tax -Forfeited Lands for an Authorized Public Use 'y (Minnesota Statutes, Section 282.01, Subdivisions la through le) (Note: 1 r the governmental subdivision has purchased (be property, use Pf Form 80) In WRIGHT County Nome ofgovemmental subdivision(applicam): City of Monticello Aiailingaddressofopplieant: 250 East Broadway, PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Date requerred property wre forfeited to the State: (month) (day) (year) Legal description of property Onclude the name of the ct0✓totm in which the property IF located): I.ot. I. 2. 3. one 4. Block 3. Meadow Oak P tato., City of Mo,tic.11o Describe the intended public use to be mode of the property (be specific, including statute or special taw rcferences, if relevanl): The City of Monticello needo to acquire those parcel. for public right-of-way purpo.aa to aanotruct a public .tree[ extenafon to romort an extotina rlahr-of-way within e ronidentlnl nubdlviaion and to re -plat the recainiog landit to combination with adj.cont ,Brenln mwnnd hr lhn cl[• lnte cnldnatlnl nu6dlrinrI- Slate the need for the property (be specific, c.jp, why this property instead of silos other property?): Tlmno am the only porreln feunible fnr conntructing the public right-of-wny connection between no extatlna atraat and a newly plotted street right-of-way In the F—twood Knoll oubdivieion. Thio atraat ontension and ro-platting to necaoaery to msximtte the derolopmant of the adjacent parcel into a tots producing rooldontial cubdivinion. Please check the oppropvlater hos: There am oro or atom hells on this property Them am no wells on this property A Welland Certification Form Must Da Attached To This Application JO sits a spldkxtloo ts: g7N tsrpartmnt of It"coss • Property Tots Divides • Mag Stella. 3348 • 51. Pont, MN S/I/6-3340 PT Fbrm 962 Mi -o -at. Depart mtot of R-..- blapk AH Corropoedrace Application by a Governmental Subdivision for Conveyance of Tax -Forfeited Lands for an Authorized Public Use (Minnesota Statutes, Section 283.01, Subdivisions la through Ic) (Note: If the governmental subdivision has purchased The property, use FT Form 80) In WRIGHT County Nam ofgovernmentalsubdivision (applicant): City of Monticello Mailing addressofopplicaN: 250 East Broadway. FO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55762 Dale requested property tiro forfelted to dm Scare: (month) (da)) (fear) Legal description ofpropertyVnclude the new ofthe citAom,n in which the property is located): l.ot 6, 7 and 8. Block 4, Meadow Oak Eataue. Monticello, MN Describe the Inttatded public use to be inedo of the property (be specific, including statute or special law rcfercrtm. if relevant): Fnlnrgaraent of an eointlna ntarw water p"4 drnlnerle nyotam and vetland area. State the need for the property (be specific, e.g., why this property instead of same other property?): Tho currrnt elovatlona of tho three (7) Into would require euhatantial fill to take the late buildable for any otructurea and alnce th000 Into currently abut the estatiap atom water ponding area, atom water to already encroaching onto pareelo. Please check tho rygrropriats box: 0 Thm ate ono or acme wells on this proputy © Than me no wells on thb property A Wetland Certification Form Must Be Attached To This Application /O Itrten ■pldkotlw tot MN Department d asreous • Properly ral DlvWa • Ms11 tiUlko ]N0 • SL pool, MN 55146."40 P 1' Farm 742 Mitotc uts Ilq,m Imrnl nl Iter... 'Jtaldr All Cur, rspondcocc Application by a Governmental Subdivision for Conveyance of Tax -Forfeited Lands for an Authorized Public Use (Minnesota Statutes, Section 282.01, Subdivisions In through le) (Note: If lite governmental subdivision hos purchased the properly, we IT Form 80) . In WRIGHT County Nam ojgovernmentalsubtlipclal(applicant):Sjty of Monticello Mailing address ofapplicam: 250 east Broadway, PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Date requested property Iwa/oritited to the Sime: (—h) (day') (Nem) Legal description o/property paclude flee name ojthe ciVid ni in which the property is located): Parcel 0155-500-142207, the South 550 feat of that part of the South 1/2 of the NY 1/4 of Section 14. T 121, R 25 (see attached for entire description) and portal 1155-500-142300. a tract in S 1/2 of NY 1/4 (see attached for legal). Describe the intended public use to be mads of the property (be Specific, including statute or special taw references, irrelevant): The City of Monticello deelrea to acquire these portals for public right-ofway pro r poaao to alloy for the re-nlignoent of Cedar Street (old Hvy 25) to create a frontage road along Stat. Highway 25. Property say also be used for to future cunlclpal cmasutar parking lot. Stale the need for the property (be specific, e.g., why this ptopcny Instead of some oner propcny7): lite re-ollnnoent In necenoary on connect Cedar Street to on existing right -of- it and will allow Cedar Street to intar..rt with Dundas Road at a proper distance fros state Illghvay 25. Please cheek the opproprime bas: [:] There arc one or mac wells on this propcny ID plats oto no wells on this property A Wclland Certification Form Mural Be Attached To'his Application /O Rau. n oppar.11as m: StN thparlmcal at flrrastu • Proprrly Too Dlrhioa •flail raslkm 3340 -SI. Paul, klN 5514W340 CITY OF MONTICELLO DARLA M.GROSHENS Wright County Auditor / Treasurer Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street NW, Room 230 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313.1195 Phone: (612) 682-75 78 FAX. (612) 6826178 SEPTEMBER 19, 1996 TAX FORFEIT PROPERTY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: PID NO 155044-001010 PROJECT $' S #86111 $16,067.34 #91611 16.60 #92411 90.00 #93411 62.72 #94711 265.92 #95211 191.18 #96211 131.13 TOTAL tf $16 .89 27.W PID NO 155044-002030 #86111 $16,067.34 #91611 16.60 #92411 90.00 #93411 80.52 #94 711 252.16 #95211 228.48 #96211 139.70 TOTAL $16,874.80 PID NOS 155044-002040 #86111 $16,067.34 #91611 16.60 #93411 57.34 094711 252.16 095211 228.46 #96211 139.69 TOTAL $16,761.59 Equal Oppwamity / A(rLmwt(w Action Emplo3wr 101 b v PID NO 155044-003010, 155044-003020 #86111 $16,067.34 #94711 29.64 TOTAL $16,096.98 PID NO 155044-003030 #86111 $16,067.34 #91611 16.60 #93411 39.56 #94711 265.12 #95211 323.70 #96211 204.14 TOTAL $16,916.46 PID NO 155044-003040 #86111 $16,067.34 #91611 16.60 #92411 90.00 #93411 80.52 #94711 235.48 #95211 323.70 #96211 246.07 TOTAL $17,059.71 PID NO 155044-003060 #86111 $16,067.34 091611 16.60 #92411 90.00 #93411 80.52 094711 274.82 #95211 235.82 #96211 194.38 TOTAL $16,959.48 PID NO 155044-004010 #86111 $16,067.34 #92411 90.00 #93411 80.52 #94711 214.04 #95211 58.38 #96211 58.08 TOTAL $16,568.36 gas PID NOS 155044-004020, 155040-004030 #86111 $16,067.34 #91611 16.60 492411 90.00 #93411 80.52 #94711 214.04 #95211 58.38 #96211 58.08 $16,584.96 PID NOS 155044-004050, 155044-004070, 155044-004080 #86111 $16,067.34 #91611 16.60 #92411 90.00 #93411 80.52 #94711 180.44 #95211 62.04 #96211 45.60 TOTAL $16,542.54 PID NO 155044-004060 #86111 $16,067.34 491611 16.60 #92411 90.00 #93411 80.52 #94711 235.50 #95211 62.04 #96211 45.60 TOTAL $16,597.60 PID NO 155500-142300 081311 HJ 161 $25, 483.32 ( A(l Qv PID NO 155500-142303 #81311 it,04$49,047.80 3v 411p1 IF YOU FIND ANY DISCREPANCIES, PLEASE CONTACT ME FOR FURTHER VARIFICATION. VERY TR Y, DARLA M GROSHEN9, WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR-TREAS. ENC /oK RICK WOLFSTELLER, ADMR CITY OF MONTICELLO 259 EAST BROADWADY P.O.BOX 1147 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 DEAR RICK: DARLA M.GROSHENS Wright County Auditor / Treasurer Wright County Goucrnment Center 10 2nd Street NW, Room 230 Buffalo, Alinnetota 553/31195 Phone: (612) 682.7578 FAX. (612) 982-6178 SEPTEMBER 17, 1996 ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND A CLASSIFICATION LISTING OF NON -CONSERVATION LAND LOCATED IN YOUR CITY. THE PARCELS DESCRIBED IN THE LISTING FORFEITED TO THE STATE OF MINNESOTA FOR NON-PAYMENT OF TAY.ES. AS REQUIRED UNDER M. S. 282.01, WE REQUEST THAT YOU APPROVE THE PARCELS FOR PUBLIC AUCTION OR REQUEST A CONVEYANCE TO YOUR CITY FOR PUBLIC USE. WE REQUIRE A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIING ANY ACTION TAKEN. IF YOU REQUEST THAT A PARCEL BE CONVEYED TO YOUR CITY, YOU MUST ALSO COMPLETE THE FORM "APPLICAT/Cid BY A GOVERNMENTAL SUBDIVISION FOR CONVEYANCE OF TAX -FORFEITED LAND" AND MAIL IT TO THIS OFFICE. ONLY NEW SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHICH WERE LEVIED AFTER THE FORFEITURE NEED BE CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE. THE REMAINING BALANCE OF ANY ASSESSMENTS LEVIED BEFORE THE FORFEITURE WILL BE PICKED UP AUTOMATICALLY. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT IF THE CITY COUNCIL FAILS TO RESPOND WITHIN NINETY (90) DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS LETTER, THE SALE WILL BE DEEMED TO BE APPROVED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME AT 612- 682-7579. ENC. SINCERELY, DARLA M SHENS, WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR-TREAS. Feral Opportunity / Af/unatiw Acton Ewpfayer CERTIFICATE. OF COUNTY BOARD OF CLASSIFICATION OF FORFEITED LANDS AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 386, LAWS 1935 AS AMENDED. it ros„ TA.__- �°"°`y_ — .__---' Wrtsnc CUM Ir,, a. --b— of eh. C.—ty Doo.d of w CO.My .f wrlKhc _ mb—d.6 d. h.,4V o ,Ub chat th. Pa-4f lad ho.L—ftn U4- d — o4 of W la.d. U*" A— 2.w • +41td by w a, .DpLLwutradlm. lad.. from 0. I/d of led, f.rfelt,d 4o IA. SA.a of,Vi--_....., for �pa7l•�• •1 bur f— tA. y+or R 10•4-+ EU. B 1 , 86.67, e6. B9 a pmldod 6p D7i.vrmo Sla'a. 1046, satin. im.01 a amadal. ' SUDDIVLSION � 6yy ��•4 y latl MONTICHIAD CITY 153-044-001010 Lot 1, Block 1 1 1 20,000 00 MEADOW OAR ESTATES 155-044-002070 Lot 3, Block 2 3 20,000 00 MEADOW OAK ESTATES 155-044-002040 Lot 4, Block 2 4 2 20,000 00 MEADOW OAR ESTATES 155-044-007010 Lot 1, Block 3 1 3 20,000 00 MEADOW OAK ESTATES 155-044-007020 1 Lot 2. Block 3 2 3 20,000 00 MEADOW OAK ESTATES 155-044-007070 Lot 7. Block 3 3 3 20,000 00 MEADOW OAR ESTATES 155-044-007040 Lot 4, Block 3 4 3 20,000 SO MEADOW OAK ESTATES 155-U44-003060 Lot 6, Block 3 6 7 20.000 OD MEADOW OAK ESTATES 155-044-004010 Lot 1. Block 4 1 4 20.000 00 M'IADOW OAK ESTATES 155-044-004020 Lot 2, block 4 2 4 20,000 00 MEADOW OAK ESTATES 155-044-001030 Lot 3, Block 4 3 4 20.000 OD MEADOW OAK ESTATES 135-044-004050 Lot 5. block 4 5 4 20.000 00 MEADOW OAR ESTATES 155-044-004060 Lot 6. Block 4 6 4 20.000 00 MEADOW OAR ESTATES 155-NA-WA070 Loc 7. Block 4 7 4 20,000 00 MEADOW OAK ESTATES ISS-0BD e e. bmrD 4-o w8. block 4 e 4 20.0000' Om -�EADOPOAK-ESTATIS" o --� __ canoaamnanen r ,_q CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY BOARD OF CLASSIFICATION OF FORFEITED LANDS AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 386. TAWS 1935 AS AMENDED. Tens To Me rMo/e Board o/ w___0011_n tl ..�.. __•/, Wright City tl'e, w a@e.0ere o/ the County Board of the Ceanty at— -- Wright , Nlnnuet4 do hen6y certify chat the parole of land herdna fter Wted an eU of w lands oWU A haw 6esa elasd/4d by w as uaHs+urrratlae lash. frons the Nd of tend@ farfdted to the State of .Ulanaata far n paywnt �_y w w 80.81, 86.87.88. g9 o/ / yoar or y_._By. _.�. _.ae prwdded 6p Alinneada Slatelo I94S, Serdon lJt.ol, w asvndd. _- —�� --SUBDIVISION -ar nldeaek Beata aloe any •t•ImM I55-500-142700 A tract of land In the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 14, Tovo.hip 121. Nang. 25 described as follow: Co®encing at the Northeast curaer of 041d South Half of the Norlhwoet Quarter of said Section 14; thence West at the North line of said South Ito if of the Narthwe.t Quarter of Section 14, for o distance of 64 rods far a poll,[ of beginning; tlre.ce South on • lin. parallel to the Peat line of sold South IW l[ a[ the North at Quarte[ of Snctloa l4, for • dla [onto of 56 rod. to o point; thence Wast on o lino parallel to the North line of nald South half of Northw.t Quarter of State tllghtpy Nu. 25: thence Northeasterly along said S[a[e Hl ghray No. ZS to the North line of ea ld South half of Nor thecal Quarto r, chance Pact oil..Id North lion of cold South Half of the NoIthvaat Quarter to the point of boglnningl Except the South 550 fact thereof. 14 121 25 50.000 00 ISS -500-14230) TinSouth SSO ft. of that Part of 14 121 23 70,000 00 the South One-Helf of the Northwest Quarter of soct an 14, Toinahlp 121, Nang. 25, Wright County, Kim-nota.described as follovst Cooancing at the Northeast corner of oald South 0l,e-I1 a lf, thence along north line of as ld South Otte -Half on en aeaId beoring of Booth 89 dagreeo, 08 mtnutoo, 78 aacondo West a distance of 1.056 it. to the point of beglnn ingl thenca South 00 dagraes, 07 minutao 17 ancondo West parallel with the east I lua of sold South One -IIs I(• distant• of 924 Il.; thcnco South 1 9 degroto, 08 mIn — 78 ssconde West, pa rallal vlth the north llae of oald South .l. -Ha I1, a dtotanc• of 871.61 ft. to lho tauter lilts of old Mana.. to Ill ghroy Nucbor 25; [hoot• Nor /h 27 dsgruoo 42 mI too 10 aeconda Paat, along paid comer line, a dfatanco of 1,051.81 ft, to lhs North line of on Id South One -Half) then• North 89 dognes 0' minutao 78 e¢onds Sort, clang oofd north ileo, a dintawe of 744.32 fl. to the point of beginning. N¢ept tharofroa that part of the South Ono -Half o! the Northvm sc __Qusrtor al told Bao.14 daocrlbod—_—'__ otcm�ancing•t the Nrlheaacorner ofcold South Ono-Half!them;along the North IIn. of aald South Ona-halfonanaatoeadharingof boutr89 Agraoo ` /Ow CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY BOARD OF CLASSIFICATION OF FORFEITED IANDS AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 386, LAWS 1935 AS AMENDED. Twos Ta fh. YWa(. Board of lM—_Ce`unty____ _eel Vright CUM tr.. 0. w.m,b.re .f tae Chesty Board of Ge comedy of_ Wright— .Ufwwaoeta. d hereby -41fy that N. parod s of land h.nd-fter (feted an all of the land. whlah Aaw bus elaedAod by w —99n.—servation lands, from, the list of land ferfoUed to the Stat. of Alfwnmto Jar n—payse.ea of t—ce fer th. y.or w yeah tfG, b 1, 84,.@Z.6.8.8� a. wooed d by Niaarsota stanaa t p{a, seo;oa :aa.ol, SUBDIVISION as Hep h dleWVehe epw 155-500-162707 (cunti... 1) 08 atnutes 78 seconds Vest a dlstanta of 1.056 ft.; thanca South 00 degrees 07 oinu%. 17 second. li.et parallel with the ea!l IIna of said South O,ro-half, o distance of 926 ft.; thence South 89 degrees 08 minutes 78 .-ends West. parallel with the North l 10, of said South Oom-Ile l[. a distance of 719.16 ft. to the actual point of beginning; thence continuing South 89 degraea 08 minutes 78 second. Yee t, s distance of 312.67 It. to the canter line of old Mlnnesot• highway Hummer25; thence North 27 deg ... a 42 ■Lnu 1.e 10 second. fast, along maid center Ilna, s d1o[ance of 786.16 It.; thence North S9 degreao 08 sI. . 78 1acu,wle Eaut. pars ll❑ wlth the north lino of amid Nnuth Onrlla lf, e distance of 777.87 ft.; thence South 00 degreao 09 minutes 07 acconda Vest a dim tench of 779.27 ft. to the point of b.fti-1.11; oleo .adept That part of the South half of the Northwest Qwr[ar of Sec. I6, Township 121, Randa 25, Vright (aunty Minnesota daecrlbud s. follorel C=.,.Clag at the Vorthoaa, terns,of sold South half of the Northrost Qus,[eri thence on an saeuaed bear fng of Booth 69 degrat. 08 alnuta0 78 sacondo Ws,, along the North Una of meld South Half of the Nor thee,[Quarter, 1036.00 teal Thanc• Booth 00 d6raas 07 mluules 17 mecondo Ysat, parallel wllh the Peal line of said South Half o[ lh. Murthweat Quarter. 672.36 ft, to ft,. contorllno of a 80 ft. roadway and ulll fly aa.eoaot and the actual point of bo8lnning; Chance continua South 00 degreao 07 otnutao 11 aecando Vent, on maid poeollel It... 291.66 ft.l thence South 69 detreee 06 mloutes is secoado Vee1. parellal dth the North Iln. o[ es ld South Half of Cha Northseot Quay ler, 719.16 ft. to the Feat It.. of o tract mat land recorded In gook 297 of Banda, Pace872 in the office of the Vrfaht county Retorderl thence North 00 degrees 09 minutes 07 aeconda Rant, along said Paot lion and Ito northerly axisaelon, A2.26 It. to lAo c.nt.rllno of as ld 80 f,. roadway and utl lily oaaczrnt; thence North 09 degreao 08 olnuteo 70 oecond teat, alons maid aoaterl lno, 0.39 It.l 'hours can Lnw along amid cc o tatllne 66.61 ft. can lady alon8, a,lan8enclnL /06) CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY BOARD OF CLASSIFICATION OF FORFEITED (ANDS AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 386. LAWS 1915 AS AMENDED. fates ro a. rat Boerd of ea. County of mri nht City We, the saanyere of W Cowety Boom of a. Gema ty y Y[iRht Mbuw te, do 4eraby mfify t4at W pureals of lead luretaafta• Ud d — ell y 0. lewde whish Aeon base 4—Ved by W a .polios —tba 4rads, froom w 11.1 of Jnad, ferf iced to as Stab of Ati—esefu for sew-yeysm " of east /or 4• year ar yeas as Nooddad by .lfisamtm Sbtmte 1945, Safina M 01, as awadod. 800Dt91g101v --- — - wee Blii D"qe Aysyf.a�v.to. ad'M�4 155-500-142301 (continued) curve, came" southerly, laving central angle of 12 degrees 16 minutes 08 uconda sad a radius of 300 ft.; tt.n[o South 78 degr•ea 33 minutes 14 seconds ymc, along said canterllne, to' goat to curve, 159.19 ft.; thence 63.27 ft. easterly alons said centerline on a tangencial curva, concave northerly, having s contra! angle of 12 degrees 05 dnuc•s 02 ' seconds and a radius of 300 ft.; thence Barth 89 degrees 21 minutes 44 seconds Bost, along said centerline, I S. 23 feat to the actual point of beginning. Containing 2.33 acro. more or les.. /Op ,O iN .I . UPDATER November 25,1996 Please see attached items. - B.A. Mi.dundt. P.E. Westwood Lake Office B n A Wc s> P.E. 8441 Wayzata Boulevard P— R �Ilrn6ring, P.E. WSS Minneapolis, MN 55426 Dodi w• st�,t�. P.E. nn350 Rild B. Beer. P.E. 612.541-4800 &Associates, Inc. FAX 541.1700 November 14, 1996 Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: S.P. 8605- 40 (T.H. 25) Trunk Highway 25/Chelsea Road/1-94 Improvements City of Monticello WSB Project No. 1033.00 Dear Mayor and City Council Members: This letter provides a preliminary recommendation and update on the Chelsea Road and Trunk Highway 25 (TH 25) Improvement Project. First, an engineering proposal addressing the anticipated engineering costs related to the design and construction administration of the TH 25 and 1-94 improvements has been presented to the City staff and then Mn/Dot for review. The proposal provides a vehicle where Mn/DOT can review the engineering costs and enter into a letter of agreement with the City to provide reimbursement to the City for costs related to the TH 25 and 1-94 improvements incurred by the City of Monticello. This process allows the City and their consultant to serve as the lead agency in the project, while having the engineering costs paid by Mn/DOT and is referred to as a cooperative agreement project. We would expect a response from Mn/DOT shortly related to the proposal. Second, as a follow up to our meeting with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), WSB & Associates is developing a layout showing a compressed interchange alternative as requested by the FHWA. This type of interchange is also commonly referred to as a Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI). The FHWA had requested that the City review this option Infrastructure Engineers Planners I VQCAI 0M)RTLNITY rMPWYLU Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello November 14, 1996 Page 2 to determine if a SPUI may be a more feasible alternative for the long term future of the TH 25 Interchange. WSB & Associates will be performing an operational analysis of this SPUI alternative, in addition to reviewing the benefits and/or impacts of this SPUI alternative to existing 7th Street and Oakwood Drive. The FHWA also requested that a document he prepared to describe the interchange modification and provide for their approval. This document must be processed through FHWA's regional office in Homewood, Illinois. WSB's preliminary review of the interchange alternatives indicates that the loop ramp modification will provide the most reasonable operational benefit at an economical cost and provides the best impact to Oakwood Drive and 7th Street. Issues will need to be worked out for relocation of the Park & Ride lot. Discussions with Mn/DOT have indicated that they also view the loop ramp modification proposal as the most feasible alternative, but will await our analysis results. Third, the selection of the Chelsea Road alternative, which have been known as Options 2 and 3, was scheduled to be completed in the fall of 1996. After several meetings with business representatives along the corridor, public information meetings and discussions with City staff, we are recommending that Option 2 be pursued for the long term development of Chelsea Road. Our preference for Option 2 is based on the following criteria: • Option 2 meets the requirements identified in the feasibility report for obtaining a safe access for future business development south of 1-94 on TH 25. • Option 2 provides the most opportunity for future development of the property west of TH 25 and north of the wetland adjacent to TH 25. • Option 2 provides a more adequate setback for TH 25 to the intersection of Sandberg Road with Chelsea Road - versus Option 3. • Option 2 provides the most opportunity for various development plans of the property located south of the Silver Fox Inn between Cedar Street and CR 117. • Option 2 provides for the safest access to the Goodyear building by allowing for a cul-de-sac on Sandberg Road. • The difference in construction cost between Option 2 and 3 is negligible or none. r o"W101.111-M. Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello November 14, 1996 Page 3 • Option 2 appears to provide the least impact to properties adjacent to TH 25 including acquisition costs of the RV Center versus Champion Auto. • Option 2 has received preference in the majority of the discussions we have had with property owners and business concerns, as well as the outcome of our meetings with the Chamber of Commerce. • The only area in which Option 3 appears to be better than Option 2 is in the intersection spacing with Oakwood Avenue of an additional 300 feet. However, the spacing for Option 2 is viewed as adequate and safe. We are requesting the City Council discuss Option 2 at the November 25th Council Meeting as the preferred alternative for further consideration by the citizens and business owners of Monticello, as well as by Mn/DOT. A Public Information Meeting will be scheduled for the week of December 2nd of which comments and public input will be brought back to the City Council at the December 9th meeting for final approval of the selected alternative. If you have any questions please feel free to call Bret Weiss or myself at 541-4800 and we would be glad to discuss them with you. Sincerely, WSB A Associates, Inc. F44 Ji.Z- Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer c: Dave Solsrud, Mn/DOT sa Ronald B. Bra , P.E Y Transportation Engineer I JPNWI „W//law 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295.21' 1 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 This is a copy of the letter I discussed with you over the phone prior to mailing. J.O. TO: Sherburne County Planning Commission FROM: Jeff O Neill, Assistant City Administrator, City of Monticello F DATE: November 21, 1996 RE: Bridge View Plat Comments The following represents comments from the Planning Commission and City Council from Monticello regarding the proposed Bridge View plot, which consists of 801ots on approximately 200 acres on property adjacent to the city of Monticello. The City is concerned about provisions for park land in township plats adjacent to the city. Monticello currently provides pathways, river parks, lighted ballfields, ice rinks, warming houses, and play areas that are enjoyed by city and township residents alike. The increase in population along the city border created by this development will result in an added'demand on city park and trail facilities but will not result in added tax base necessary to support Increases in park development and maintenance expenses. The City welcomes township resident use of city parks but at the same time requests that the township plat include pork and pathway dedication areas necessary to support the recreational needs of future township residents, Parks developed with this plat would also enable o more reciprocal relationship between the city and township with regard to the provision of park facilities for the entire community. It is also requested that Sherburne County provide police resources to the area necessary to support adequate response times for township residents. Traditionally, the City, through its contract with the Wright County Sherifrs Department, has provided response support for calls in nearby sections of Sherburne County. This tradition is likely to continue; however, please note that the City has limited resources available to support responses to police calls outside of its jurisdiction on a timely basis and, therefore, police protection provided by Sherburne County to this area should be planned accordingly. On behalf of the City of Monticello, thank you for the opportunity to express our concerns. Additional comments may be forthcoming from the City in conjunction with the environmental assessment worksheet process. Office of PuMc Works, 909 Co1JCource Rd., dfonticrllo, AIN &3302 • Phone., (612) 395.3170 • For: 1618/ 29.5-3170, rrr. I 1996 home sale values - Taken _ hn CRV data % December 95 - through September 1998 Toren Pumtwn Briar OaksCardinal Klein Klein Farm Oak Other Pine River MITI River Mll River Mil Single Duplex Pdw Ewood knoll Hills Farms Estates Ridge Hurst MITI Twin Hm Twn Hm Family ToW I $12,619.880 $1.043.000 $1.878,833 $3,347.735 6515,889 $1.938,337 $306.600 $476.44D $1,a32,sn $817,995 11468,579 $10,162.977 $2278,903 C6ma j 115 6 1s 32 5 1s 3 4 n 10 4 92 23 Percent 100% 5%18% 28% 4% 14% 3% 3% 15% 9% 3% 80% 20% A -.p VA. 6107A70 61A,$Sl .11" $104.617 $100,11$ t121,OtI 6101,661 $117,110 6101,604 $SIAM 6116.64 6110.250 11$$.776 'Eastwood Knoll based on estimates only - CRV not svelte 119 CZ0 C1V6Um.wk4' 11115M Page 1 P -RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/30/96 09:08:56 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41346 10/30/96 TAPPER/WILLIAM & BAR GENERAL CHECKING 11 Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1105 TIF REIMS/E%CAV & ?5,000.00 TOTAL 25,000.00 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/24/96 08:07:53 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41295 10/24/96 MIDWEST VISION DISTR 41295 10/24/96 MIDWEST VISION DISTR 41295 10/24/96 MIDWEST VISION DISTR 41295 10/24/96 MIDWEST VISION DISTR 41295 10/24/96 MIDWEST VISION DISTR 41295 10/24/96 MIDWEST VISION DISTR 4 134 7 10/24/96 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 41348 10/24/96 WRIGHT COUNTY RECORD 4 134 9 10/24/96 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 41350 10/25/96 AMERICAN PLANNING AS 41350 10/25/96 AMERICAN PLANNING AS 41350 10/25/96 AMERICAN PLANNING AS 4 135 1 10/25/96 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO +1352 10/25/98 BERLIN TIRE CENTERS. 41353 10/25/96 CENTRAL MINN INITIAT 41354 10/25/96 CHAPIN CONST 13ULLETI 41355 10/25/86 COMMERCIAL ASPHALT C 4135G 10/25/96 COMPUTER PARTS & SER 41357 10/25/96 EHLERS & ASSOC,INC P 41350 10/25/06 HERMES/JERRY 41359 10/25/96 HOSE. INC. 41360 10/25/96 J M OIL COMPANY 4 136 1 10/25/96 KOLLES SAND & GRAVEL 413G2 10/25/90 L & L ASPHALT, INC. 41363 10/25/96 MARCO BUSINESS PRODU 413G4 10/25/96 MN RECREATION & PARK �u 1365 10/26/06 MOD IL 41365 10/25/96 MOBIL Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 279 ADJUST CODING 0.13 279 ADJUST CODING 0.20 279 ADJUST CODING 2.03 279 ADJUST CODING 4.85 279 ADJUST CODING 0.10 279 ADJUST COOING 7.31CR 0.00 aC 118 MATER/SNOW/ATV REG 677.00 254 RECORD FEES/PEB CRK PA 19.50 118 MATER/ATV/SNOW REG 527.00 666 APA JOURNAL SUB/PLAN/Z 28.00 666 MEMBERSHIP DUES/PLAN/Z 25.00 666 DUES/DIV TECHN/PLAN/ZO 20.00 73.00 +C 270 REPAIR SEWER PUMP 117.50 1102 NEW TIRES/REPAIRS/S 1,696.36 822 CMIF GRANT PAYMENT 1,100.21 31 WWTP PKG WAD FOR 81 103.95 661 STREET PATCHING 151.32 S00 COMPUTER EQUIP/C HAIL 745.50 033 PROF SERVICES/MRA 708.75 81 LIB CLEANING CONTR PV 227.50 635 HOSE/SEWER COLL 478.20 95 GAS/FIRE DEPT 1,035.00 507 BLACK DIRT HAULING/ 2,608.00 923 STREET PATCHING 150.00 106 MIC AGRMT/DICTAPHONE 495.00 610 REG FEE/JEFF O/BRUCE 400.00 131 GAS/FIRE DEPT 3.60 131 GAS/STREET DEPT 36.16 39.04 •C RRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/24/96 08:07:53 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41366 10/25/96 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 41387 10/25/98 MONTICELLO SENIOR CI 41368 10/25/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE 41368 10/25/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE 41368 10/25/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE 41369 10/25/86 SHARE CORPORATION 41370 10/25/96 SHUMAN/CATHY 41371 10/25/96 SIMPSON/CYNTHIA 41372 10/25/96 SOFTWARE SPECTRUM 41373 10/25/96 SPECTRUM SUPPLY CO 41373 10/25/96 SPECTRUM SUPPLY CO X1374 10/25/96 UNITED LABORATORIES 41375 10/25/80 VALUE PLUS HOMES 41375 10/25/98 VALUE PLUS HOMES 41378 10/25/96 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 185 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1,129.70 139 MONTHLY CONTRACT PY 2.833.33 148 UTILITIES 4,551.81 148 UTILITIES 51.46 148 UTILITIES 6.27 4.609.54 1'C 281 WINDSHIELD WASHER CLN 474.18 191 MILEAGE REIMB/SEMINAR 15.96 999 FIRE HALL CLEANING 50.00 1094 COMPUTER SOFTWARE/C H 321.85 498 TOWELS/SHOP 8 GARAGE 137.77 498 GLOVES/STREET DEPT 95.76 233.53 634 SUPPLIES/STREET 113.93 887 REFUND/BLD PERMIT/3142 36.55 887 REFUND/BLD PERMIT/3143 36.55 73.10 219 SCERG GRANT PYMT 2,760.51 TOTAL 24.049.26 sC •C ERC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/31/96 09:21:15 r WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41377 10/30/98 KOROPCHAK/OLIVE 41378 10/30/96 U S WEST DIRECT 41378 10/30/96 U S WEST DIRECT 41379 10/30/96 U.S. POSTMASTER 41379 10/30/96 U.S. POSTMASTER 41380 10/30/96 STELLA'S CAFE 41381 10/30/96 WRIGHT COUNTY RECORD 41382 10/30/96 MN RECREATION & PARK 41303 10/30/96 MONTICELLO CHAMBER O 41383 10/30/96 MONTICELLO CHAMBER 0 41303 10/30/86 MONTICELLO CHAMBER 0 41304 10/30/96 ANNANDALE CONTkACTIN 41385 10/30/96 MN DEPART OF NATURAL GLNE RAL CHECKING N Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 97 REIMB/MILEAGE 79.38 1104 ST.PAUL 1'tLtNHONE BOOK 23.19 1104 ST.PAUL TELEPHONE BOOK 23.10 46.37 210 POSTAGE/SEM & MAT BIL 175.80 210 POSTAGE/SEW & MAT BIL 175.80 351.60 90455 REFUND/OVERPYMT/MAT B 148.89 254 RECORD FEES/PkAIRE CkK 6.65 618 REG FEE/NOLAN/WANOA/J 539.00 133 IDC BANQUET TIC/JEFF/ 150.00 133 IDC BANQUET TICK/GARY 75.00 133 IDC BANQUET TICK/JOHN 75.00 300.00 427 FINAL PYMT/DUNDAS 29.779.09 118 WATER/ATV/SNOW REG 1,122.00 TOTAL 32,373.88 ►c 4L 4t BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/31/96 09:23:04 WARkANI DATE VENDOR • GE14ERAL CHECKING 41386 11/01/96 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPO 41386 11/01/96 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPO 41386 11/01/96 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPO 41387 11/01/96 BUSINESS kECORDS COR 41387 11/01/96 BUSINESS RECORDS COR 41387 11/01/96 BUSINESS RECORDS COR 41388 11/01/86 CEDAR ST. GARDEN CEN 41388 11/01/96 CEDAR ST. GARDEN CEN 41389 11/01/96 CELLULAR 2000 OF ST 41389 11/01/96 CELLULAR 2000 OF $T 41389 11/01/96 CELLULAR 2000 OF ST 41389 11/01/96 CELLULAR 2000 OF ST 41390 11/01/96 D & 0 BUf• :fKVICE 41391 11/01/96 FEEORITE CONTROLS, I 41391 11/01/96 FEEDRITE CONTROLS. I 41391 11/01/96 F'EF.ORITE CONTROLS, I 41392 11/01/96 FOSTER- FRANZEN-CARTS 41393 11/01/96 GENERAL kENTAL CENTE 41394 11/01/96 GLASS) HUT/THE 41305 11/01/86 GOULD BROS. CHEV-OLD 41396 11/01/96 HOLIDAY CRFOIT OFFIC 4139'/ 11/01/06 I b S TOOL 6 DE;,IGN 41390 11/01/OU LOYAL TIRE OF MONTIC 41390 11/01/06 ROYAL 11RE OF MONTIC 41390 11/01/96 ROYAL TIW-.OF MONIIC 41399 11/01/96 TFLXUN CORPOkATION '.1400 11/01/96 U S LINK 41400 11/01/98 U 9 LINK 41400 11/01/06 U .`- LINK 41400 11/01/OG U IS LINK Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 638 ENG FEES/BRIAR OAKE 1,106.25 638 ENG FEES/WWTP DIGESTER 58.63 638 SIDEWALK REPAIRS 3'7.50 1.202.38 27 ENVELOPES/CITY HAIL 128.04 27 ELECTION CODING 620.00 27 BATTERY/ELECTION 50.00 806.04 948 ARBOR DAY TREE 186.38 948 TREE/PARKS 7.99 194.37 794 CAR PHONE CHARGES 50.41 794 CAR PHONE CHARGES 7.64 794 CAR PHONE CHARGES 14.25 794 CAR PHONE CHARGES 143.38 215.68 744 EVACUATION DRILL/C nF 417.00 56 MISC PROF SERVICES/MAT 36.00 56 CHEMICALS/MATER DEP 1,379.56 56 EQUIP REPAIR PARFS/WA 448.83 1,964.39 61 INSURANCE PREM/FIRE D 129.17 64 BIAOES/STREET DEPT 73.17 GO REPAIR WINDOWS/PARKS 276.50 70 FIRE DEPT VEHICLE REP 467.12 85 GAi/FIRE DEPT 341.95 237 SHARPEN CHIPPER BLADES 35.00 227 TIRE REPAIR`;/PARKS 0.60 227 EQUIP kEPAIR PARTS/PARK 7.56 227 VLH REPAIR PARTS/9TRE 320.75 336.01 042 SCANNFR RFPAIk'i/k1:CYC 443.36 950 TEEEPHONE CHARGEE: 27.25 050 TELEPHONE CHARGES 50.24 050 1LlEPH0NE CHAHGIC- 2.65 950 TELEPHONI' CHARGL3 0.12 Y( BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/31/96 09:23:04 � WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41400 11/01/96 U S LINK 41400 11/01/96 U S LINK 41400 11/01/96 U S LINK 41400 11/01/9G U S LINK 41401 11/01/96 UNITED CONCRETE & MA 41402 11/01/96 VIKING COCA COLA 41403 11/01/96 ZIEGLER. INC. GENERAL CHECKING c 14 Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 950 TELEPHONE CHARGES 2.60 950 TELEPHONE CHARGES 13.12 950 TELEPHONE CHARGES 0.82 950 TELEPHONE CHARGES 75.42 175.82 968 MEMBERSHIP DUES/GARY A 50.00 779 POP/CITY HALL 87.33 425 VEHICLE REPAIR PARfS 44.93 TOTAL 7,767.12 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/13/96 15:11:05 ` WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 40302 11/12/96 MN POLLUTION CONTROL 41404 11/12/96 U.S. POSTMAS(tR GENERAL CHECKING R Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 127 CHECK VOIDED 85.0008 210 POSTAGE/PUBLIC WORKS 32.00 TOTAL 53.000R E;RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/06/96 10.33.47 WARRANT GATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41405 11/07/96 AME GROUP 41406 11/07/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 41406 11/07/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 41406 11/07/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 41406 11/07/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 411406 11/07/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 41406 11/07/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 41406 11/07/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 41406 11/07/96 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 41407 11/07/96 ARAMAR9 41400 11/07/06 BARTON SAND & GRAVEL 41409 11/07/96 BEL.SER/MERLIN 41410 11/07/96 BIG LAKE LUMBER 41411 11/O1/U6 L;kAUN INTERTEC CORPO C. 41412 11/07/96 CAMPCIELL ABSTRACT CO 4 14 13 11/07/96 CAREF REE LAWN SERVIC 4 t4 14 11/07/90 DINO, S ORLI 4141f4 11/07/90 DOWNTOWN STANDARD 41410 11/07/90 OYNA 0Y:ITEMS 4 14 17 11/07/06 F YLE , URAD 41410 11/07/OIG GARTNER'$ oi:Fv,C PRO 4141') 11/07/06 (,LEA' --.ON PkINTING, IN 1, 114?() 11/07/00 GI.0N2/RAY 41421 11/07/0E, (.0040& CCrN1-:TRI,i010N, 414?2 11/01/'34 HAR1.Y"Atlas 110;-1 V 41Is' 2 11/07/06 IlARRY'L, AU10 I,UPPLY 414;:? 11/01/r)U HARkV' i AUtU ',UPPI,Y 41492 11/07/06 HAUNV'', AUTO ;,LIPPIV 414x2 11/01/00 HAtUUV''; AUTO 15UPP1.V 414?? 11/07/CfU I.At1`7V'f, A010 ;SUPPLY 41442 11/O1/!110 HA4k:V''1 AUrt) GUI'PI,Y Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 8 CONCRETE/STREETS 68.08 951 PAGER CHARGES 18.38 051 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 951 PAGER CHARGES 25.29 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.10 98.81 848 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 124.!10 305 GRAVEL/BOHANON RENTAL 340.76 1106 REFUND/ESCROW/LANG, 2,000.00 316 3UPPLILS/1-IOCKEY PK ARE 39.97 G30 WATER TESTING/ElOHAN 5,125.-00 20 PROF SERV/CEMETERY 55.00 040 FALL CLEANUP/RVSIOF 2,408.23 .90219 ELECTION JUDGES LUNC 130.45 378 GAS/FIRE DEPT 111120 50 NUTS/BOLTS/SHOP R GAR 66!5.01 62 kE1MB/MAYOR EXPENSES 521.84 377 POSTAGL/I:IRIi UCPT 0.G3 049 ULO IN;'P NOTICL FOkMS 74.00 1107 GkAVC OIGG'LNG/CLMCTER 37'3.00 705 CONT C-O;,Tr,,/WWTP 0 01,nOI.00 70 sill,/STREET DEFT 17.7U 70 V01 RLPAT& PARTU/5TkE 1',5.10 10 C121)IP RLPAIR PART::/:,(W( 0.03 /0 IE+1.11P REPAIR CART./ON41E' 0.7? 10 UTILITY MTC SUP/WATCR 3G.�i1 10 1`111',C RCP LUPI'L IE!•/L 11,RA 4.26 7U JlC0I,IC5/MRF OVPT 11 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/06/96 10;:33;:4.7 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING_ 41423 11/07/96 HENRY & ASSOCIAT'ES 41424 11/07/96 J M OIL COMPANY 41424 11/07/96 J M OIL COMPANY 41425 11/0'7/96 K MART STORE 4.1426 11/07/96 KEN ANDERSON TRUCKIN 41427 11/07/96 KGM CLEANING 41477 11/07/96 KGM CLEANING 41428 11/07/98 LEAGUE Of MINNESOTA 41429 11/07/96 MARTIE!3 FARM SERVIC 41490 11/07/96 MAUS FOODS 41436 11/07/96 MAUS FOODS t 414x0 11/07/O6 MAUS FOODS (� 41430 11/0.7/96 MAUS FOODS 41430 11/07/06 MAUS F000w 1,1430 11/07/96 MAUS FOODS 414)0 11/O7/f16 MAUS Ft)60II 41491 11/07,/96 MN IIUILDING OFFICIAL 41432 11/07/96 NOQTHIRN STATES POWE 41432 11/07/06 NORTHERN CTATEO POVE 41432 11/07/96 NORTHLRN ;3TATE:'S POWE 4142? 11/07/96 NORTHERN STATES POWE 41432 11/07/96 NORTHERN SIATLS POWE 41492 11/07/00 NORTHERN STATES. POWE b 1488 11/07/90 NORTk.Ro 3TAThG POWE 414'0n 11/07/00 NORTHERN CT.ATEO POWE 41432 it/07/06 NORTHERN 5TAT£9 POWE 4149? 11/07/00 NORTHL:RN ,TATES POWE 1. 1493 11/07/96 fm) it, MOtSII 4149) 11/07/06 REW5 M001L 7 414)4 11/07/90 RT1'14011) RNUT-�UN, INt. 14;3+i 11/07/06 �-IMCN;'GN tUMilk (OMP ;.1439 11/07/90 5IMt NLXIN lArMSN tt +':M11 is 14:b i t/['r/00 `11M• ,N50?j t"M 0 P I!'44F' 04sbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT $45 METERS/WATER DEPT 1,191.46 95 OIL/STREET O£PT 237.50 85 GAS/FIRE DEPT 100.84 338.34 460 aATTERIES/80HANQN RENT 23.30 6D7 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICE 53.26 1076 CLEANING/DEP REG OFFI 300.8$ 1076 CLEANING/PUBLIC WORKS 268.25 575.10 90 MEMBERSHIP DUES 3,469.00 107 SEED/GOPHER BAIT/PARK 104.09 108 MCP SUP./PAINTING WINDO 14.04 108 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 4i.08 1D8 SHOP P f:ARAGE SUPPLIES 19.50 108 LIDRARY SUPPLIES 6.30 100 SUPPLIES/F HAtL. OPEN 400.24 100 CLEAN SUP/ANIMAL CONTR 23.40 100 CLEANING SUP/LIBRARY 88.29 0001.04 720 REG FEE/GARY ANDERSON 15.00 14G UTILITIES 3,,15G.31 140 UTILITIES 300.46 140 UYILIT14S 601.66 140 UTILITIEO 69103 148 UTI4ITILS 496.00 140 (IT ILIYlEu 7.f1D 148 UTILITIEU 403.15 1'40 UTIL 111[ 0 :100. 10 140 UTILII'It:', 310.(11: 140 UTILITIEL 77).00 61400,70 )24 GAG/PAR1I UL PT 4.GS 324 UATTCRY/PARKS VhPl' 1*3.0^, 04 .',j.7 1037 LOW,T A05Ta/CR1Ak 21it,114.I.) 1001 GUPPL3FC/RTVik `�T INV 2C.4U i9) KRA"I.R Qt:NTA1, ;1:WAYR'i '3 0.50 Iii:) 1AI:fAN(N kLNTA1 RFPATR'.. 10.')7 I EikC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ti/00/'96 10:33:47 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41436 11/07/96 STAR TRIBUNE 41436 11/07/96 STAR TRIBUNE 41437 11/07/96 VOSS ELECTRIC SUPPLY 41438 11/07/96 WRIGHT COUNTY RECORD 41438 11/07/96 WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECV 41439 11/07/96 WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECU 41439 11/07/96 WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECU 41439 11/07/96 WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECU 41440 11/07/96 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP GENERAL CHECKING 13 Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 106.75 197 13LO INSPECTOR AD 822..50 197 GA$/WATER DEPT 13.17 835.167 409 LIGHT BULBS/STREET DE 115.66 254 RECORD QUIT CLAIM DEED 26.15 875 SEC ALARM SYSTEM/DEP R 19.12 875 SEC ALARM SYSTEM/PARKS 15.98 075 SECURITY ALRM SYS/FIR 422.00 075 ALARM MTC AGRMT/FIRE 0 55.91 $13.01 512 UTILITIES 9.00 TOTAL 370,051.44 1 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/13/96 15:12:05 L.ARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41273 11/13/96 USI INC 41436 11/13/96 STAR TRIBUNE 41436 11/13/96 STAR TRIBUNE 41441 11%13/96 PETTY CASH 41441 11/13/98 PETTY CASH 41441 11/13/98 PETTY CASH 41441 11/13/96 PETTY CASH 41441 11/13/96 PETTY CASH 4 144 1 11/13/96 PETTY CASH 41441 11/13/96 PETTY CASH 41441 11/13/96 PETTY CASH 41441 11/13/96 PETTY CASH 4 144 1 11/13/96 PETTY CASH 41441 11/13/96 PETTY CASH 41442 11/13/96 MN DEPART OF NATURAL C41443 11/13/96 MONTICELLO DEPUTY RE 41444 11/13/98 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA 41445 11/13/96 A GLORIUS CHURCH 41446 11/13/98 AHTC BOOKSTORE 41447 11/13/96 ANDERSON & ASSOCIATE 41448 11/13/96 AUSTGEN-BIOJET WASTE 41449 11/13/96 CAREFREE LAWN SERVIC 41440 11/13/99 CAREFREE LAWN SERVIC 41450 11/13/96 CULLIGAN 41451 11/13/08 D 6 K REFUSE RECYCLI 41452 11/13/96 DEHMER FIRE PROTECT! 41459 11/10/96 DEPART OF NATURAL RE 41454 11/13/96 EMERGENCY APPARATUS 41455 11/13/90 FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE 41455 11/13/88 FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CI 698 CHECK VOIDED 81.69CR 197 CHECK VOIDED 822.50CR 197 CHECK VOIDED 13.17CR 835.67CR *C 166 PETTY CASH/C H POSTAGE 39.51 166 PETTY CASH/RECYCLING CH 3.18 166 PETTY CASH/JUNK DAY CHG 5.00 188 PETTY CASH/BLD INSP CH 11.70 166 PETTY CASH/MATER SUP 1.00 186 PETTY CASH/PLAN & ZON 14.80 166 PETTY CASH/PLAN/70N SU 37.48 188 PETTY CASH/C HALL SUPP 15.47 166 PETTY CASH/C H OFF SUP 3.83 166 PETTY CASH/PW POSTAGE 22.60 166 PETTY CASH/ELECTION SU 22.14 176.71 *C 118 MATER/SNOW/ATV REG 768.00 134 REDEPOSIT OF NSF CK 383.50 98 REG FEE/RICK W 35.00 .80432 REIMB/LANDSCAPING 30000.00 1108 TRAINING MATERIAL/FIRE 37.50 10 STREET SIGNS 677.05 1111 SHOP ORAWINGS/WWTP 44,000.00 840 LAWN CLEANUP/LIBRARY 175.73 940 LAWN CLEANUP/FIRE OEP 185.06 340.01 *C 753 WATER SOFTNER CHG/RENT 23.99 611 RECYCLING CONTRACT 3,500.08 674 OPEN HOUSE EXP/FIRE D 103.75 124 MTC AGRMT/FIRE DEPT 057.00 480 FIRE DEPT VEHICLE M 5,122.10 510 HELMETS/FIRE DEPT 03.07 510 PAILS WITH FOAM/FIRE 484.50 567.57 *C RRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/13/96 15:12:05 (�-dARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41456 11/13/96 G & K SERVICES 41456 11/13/96 G & K SERVICES 41456 11/13/96 G & K SERVICES 41456 11/13/96 G & K SERVICES 41456, 11,/13/96 G & K SERVICES 41456 11/13/96 G & K SERVICES 41456 11/13/96 G & K SERVICES 41.456 11/1,3/96 G & K SERVICES 41456 11/13/96 G & K SERVICES 41456 11/13/96 G & K SERVICES 41457 11/13/96 GULLINGS, EXC. 41458 11/13/96 HERMES/JERRY 41459 11/13/96 HOGLUND COACH LINES 41459 11/13/96 HOGLUND COACH LINES 41459 11/13/96 HOGLUND COACH LINES 41459 11/13/96 HOGLUND COACH LINES C41460 11/13/90 K MART STORE 41461 11/13/96 KOLLES SAND & GRAVEL 41462 11/13/96 KRAEMER/WANDA 41462 11/13/96 KRAEMER/WANDA 41463 11/13/96 KRAMBER & ASSOCIATES 41464 11/13/96 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 41464 11/13/98 LARSON'S ACE, HARDWAR 41464 11/13/96 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 41484 11/13/96 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 41464 11/13/96 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 41464 11/13/06 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 41464 11/13/96 LAR SON'£ ACE HARDWAR 41484 11/13%96 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 41464 11/13/96 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 41464 11/13/86 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 41464 11/13/96 LAROON'S ACE HARDWAR 41465 11/13/66 LASER SHARP, INC. 414013 11/13/08 LUKACH/JOHN 41466 11/13/96 LUKACH/JOHN 41466 11/13/90 LUKACH/JOHN Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 99.69 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 51.07 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 33.50 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 33.50 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 173.70 951 UNIFORM RENTAL 173.70 851 RAGS/SHOP & GAR 18..32 851 RUGS/MTC OF SLO/DEP RE 65.14 651 MISC ENVIORNMENTAL CHG 46.32 851 RUGS/MTC OF BLD/SHOP 117.74 81?.68 624 LEVEL DIRT/PARKS 400.00 81 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT 227.50 483 HEARTLAND EXPRESS C 8,084.21 483 MCP/PAINTING WINDOWS 388.93 483 PARK CLEANUP DAY 224.93 483 CIVIL DEF DRILL CHA 1,338.00 8.036.07 460 SUPPLIES/FIRE DEPT 16.97 592 SAND/SALT MIX HAULING 588,.50 358 MILEAGE REIMS/CONFERE 167.23 350 MILEAGE REIMS 11.20 178.43 688 ASSESSING CONTRACT 1,614.58 074 SUPPLIES/STREET DEPT 27.28 874 SUPPLIES/SHOP 18.10 074 SUPPLIES/PW INSPECTIONS 2.1? 874 SUPPLIES/PARKS 27.01 074 SUPPLIES/MATER DEPT 28.08 874 TOOLS/FIRE DEPT 117.10 074 UTILITY MTC SUP/MATER 22.05 874 MTC SUPPLIES/CITY HALL 4.20 074 MTC SUPPLIES/FIRE DEPT 7.07. 074 REPAIRS/100HANON RENTAL 40.30 074 SUPPLIES/DED REG 11.68 305.56 036 TONER/COMPUTER/CITY H 217.47 327 MILEAGE REIMS 49.14 327 MILEAGE REIMB 16.30 327 MILF.AGG REIMS 16.30 *C *C I. BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/13/96 15:,12:05 LARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41466 11/13/96 LUKACH/JOHN 41467 11/13/96 MEDTOX LABORATORIES 41467 11/13/96 MEOTOX LABORATORIES 41468 11/13/96 MINNEGASCO 41468 11/13/96 MINNEGASCO 41468 11/13/96 MINNEGASCO 41468 11/13/96 MINNEGASCO 41460 11/13/88 MINNEGASCO 41468 11/13/96 MINNEGASCO 41468 11/13/96 MINNEGASCO 41468 11/13/96 MINNEGASCO 41469 11/13/96 MN COPY SYSTEMS INC 41470 11/13/96 MN FIREFIGHTERS MUSE 414J/ 11/13/96 MN STATE FIRE DEPART 41472 11/13/96 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 41472 11/13/96 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 41473 11/13/96 MONTICEL'LO PRINTING' 41473 11/13/98 MONTICELLO PRINTING 41473 11/13/98 MONTICELLO PRINTING 41474 11/13/06 MONTICELLO TIMES 41474 11/13/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 41474 11/13/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 41474 11/13/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 41474 11/13/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 41474 11/13/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 41474 11/13/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 41474 11/13/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 41474 11/13/06 MONTICELLO TIMES 41474 11/13/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 41475 11/13/96 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 41475 11/13/96 NATIONAL RUSHING PAR (1 41475 11/13/98 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR l 41475 11/19/06 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR Olsbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C 327 MILEAGE REIMB 16.38 98.29 1112 TESTING 46.00 1112 TESTING 46.00 92.00 772 UTILITIES 91.64 772 UTILITIES 18.23 772 UTILITIES 33.59 772 UTILITIES 16.90 772 UTILITIES 16.48 772 UTILITIES 85.86 772 UTILITIES 643.39 7.72 UTILITIES 45.04 951.45 756 COPY MCH MTC/FIRE DEPT 31.95 1110 OPEN MOUSE EXP/FIRE 0 100.00 437 1997 DUES/FIRE DEPT 120.00 185 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1,129.70 185 REIMS/SUPPLIES/ANIMAL 149.88 1,279.S8 137 ENVELOPES/CITY HALL 1,418.00 137 PRINTING/CEMETERY FORM 73.49 137 FORMS/FIRE DEPT 42.60 1.534.18 140 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 907.90 140 AO/CHIEF BLD INSPECTO 209.63 140 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE 220.09 140 AD/WATER FLUSHING 90.90 140 AD/ELECTION INFO 53.80 140 AO/GARBAGE BIDS 69.65 140 AD/LEAF PICKUP 61.60 140 AO/SNOW PLOW 83.50 140 810 AO/WWTP PKG 2 107.63 140 INTERNET CHGS 247.50 2.140.34 144 VEHICLE MTC PARTS/STR 138.20 144 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS/SYR 41.75 144 EQUIP REP PARTS/SHOP 240.32 144 SUPPLIES/PARKS 22.19 400.10 *C •C *C *G *C *C *L BFC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/13/96 1,5:12:05 CiARkANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41476 11/13/96 NATIONAL FIRE PROTEC 41477 11,/13/96 ONE CALL CONCEPTS, I 41478 11/13/96 PIPELINE SUPPLY, INC 41479 11/13/96 PREUSSE'S CLEANING S 41480 11/13/96 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 41481 11/13/90 RHONDA'S CATERING 41482 11/13/96 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 41482 11/13/96 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 41492 11/13/96 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 41482 11/13/96 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 41482 11/13/96 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 41463 11/13/96 SCHARBER & SONS, INC t 41484 11/13/98 SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCT V_ 41485 11113/06 STAR TRIBUNE 41486 11/13/98 SUPERIOR SERVICES -CE 41406 11/13/96 SUPERIOR SERVICES -CE 41407 11/13/96 UNITED LABORATORIES 41406 11/13/96 UNOCAL 41409 11/13/80 WALLEN/MARK 41400 11/(3/06 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 41490 11/13/08 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 41481 11/13/06 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPT 0 41492 11/13/06 Y.M.C.A. OF MINNEAPO GENERAL CHECKING 'tl Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CI 276 MEMBERSHIP DUES/FIRE D 95.00 836 GOPHER ONE STATE CALL 380.00 1061 UTILITY MTC SUP/MATER 7.19 173 CITY HALL CLEANING CO 400.00 175 WWTP CONTRACT PYMT 34.394.10 1109 ELECTION SUPPLIES 51.12 1044 OFFICE SUP/PUBLIC WORK 38.23 1044 OFFICE SUPPLIES/C HAL 646.93 1044 COPY MCH PAPER/CITY HA 59.18 1044 OFFICE SUP/DEP REG OFF 73.96 1044 OFFICE SUP/CEMETERY 30.45 848.15 229 VEH REP PARTS/PARKS 101.81 187 BLACK DIRT/LIFT STATI 360.00 187 AD/CHIEF BLD INSPECTO 822.50 1087 GARBAGE CONTRACT P 11.292.21 1087 SALES TAX/GARBAGE CON 731..52 12,023.73 634 SUPPLIES/PARKS 166.08 213 GAS/MATER DEPT 13.17 795 REIMB/CONFERENCE TRAV 149.60 219 SHERIFF'$ CONTRACT 25,234.00 219 ADD'L LANDFILL CHCS 8,034.85 34,268.05 275 SAND/SALT MIX/SNOW 3,653.07 224 MONTHLY CONTRACT PYMT 825.00 TOTAL 166.410.02 *C. *C' *C BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/31/96 09:22:06 Disbursement .Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR CHECKING 19091 10/30/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800018 FREIGHT CHARGES 64.35 19091 10/30/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 5,145.56 5.209.91 4t 19082 10/30/96 CIRCUIT CITY 800216 PORTABLE TELEPHONE 181.04 19093 10/30/96 HARTMAN/JOE 800097 REIMS/CIGARS FOR RESA 201.30 19094 10/30/96 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 FREIGHT CHARGES 17.44 19094 10/30/96 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 563.66 19094 10/30/96 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 562.77 1,143.87 s� 19095 10/30/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 FREIGHT CHARGES 41.43 19095 10/30/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1,692.26 19095 10/30/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 WINE PURCHASE 2,234.16 3,967.84 M.I 19086 10/30/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800018 FREIGHT CFHARGES 83.36 19096 10/30/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 5,730.57 fl 5,793.93 19097 10/30/96 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 7,713.76 19098 10/30/90 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 FREIGHT C14ARGES 10.69 10090 10/30/96 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 600012 WINE PURCHASE 399.27 19098 10/30/96 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 600012 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 56.88 466.84 st 19099 10/30/86 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 2,233.32 19089 10/30/86 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 000040 WINE PURCHASE 677.12 2,909.44 >• 19100 10/30/96 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800072 FREIGHT CHARGES 94.50 19100 10/30/90 JOHNSON OROS WHOLESA 000022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 2,505.15 19100 10/30/86 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 000022 WINE PURCHASE 31023.90 5,623.03 • 19101 10/30/98 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 000010 FREIGHT CHARGHES 12.07 19101 10/30/90 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 000010 CREOIT/WINE PYMT 439.11CR 18101 10/30/96 GRIGGS, COOPER & COM 800010 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1,073.47 630.23 • 19102 10/30/96 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 000160 FREIGHT CHARGES 10.70 19102 10/30/06 PHILLIPS WINO & OPIR 000100 LIQUOR PURCHASE 641.30 19102 10/30/96 PHILL3PO WINE & SPIR 000100 WINE PURCHASE 110.25 760.33 LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL 34.G10.12 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/04/96 14:26:43 Disbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR CHECKING 19103 11/05/96 BELLBOY CORPORATION 800098 COOLERS FOR RESALE 50.22 19104 11/05/96 BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA 800001 PDP FOR RESALE 286.05 19105 11/05/96 CITY OF MONTICELLO 800003 SEWER/MATER BILL 28.78 19106 11/05/96 CONSOLIDATED COMM OI 800163 ADVERTISING 47.SO 19107 11/05/96 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUT 800009 BEER FOR RESALE 6,580.95 19107 11/05/98 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUT 800009 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 128.90 6,709.85 19109 11/05/98 DAV DISTRIBUTING COM 800010 BEER PURCHASE 63.70 19109 11/05/96 DICK WHOLESALE CO., 800011 BEER PURCHASE 1,927.90 19109 11/05/98 DICK WHOLESALE CO., 800011 SUPPLIES/BAGS 113.43 2.041.33 19110 11/05/96 G & K SERVICE 800129 RUGS/MTC OF BLD 116.58 10111 11/05/06 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE 1 900019 BEER PURCHASE 9,312.70 •19111 11/05/98 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE I 800019 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 72.30 9,385.00 19112 11/05/96 HOME JUICE 800136 JUICE FOR RESALE 17.58 10113 11/05/88 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 FREIGHT CHARGES 47 ._37 19113 11/08/06 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 4.433.21 19113 11/05/96 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 197.00 4.677.80 10114 11/05/06 LLHMANN FARMS 800190 FOOD ITEMS FOR RESALE 344.73 19114 11/05/98 LEHMANN FARMS 800190 MIXES FOR RESALE 73.80 410.23 19115 11/08/98 MINNEOAOCO 600160 UTILITIES 80.30 1011G 11/05/96 MONTICELLO TIMES 800032 ADVERTISING 105.20 10117 11/08/90 NORTHERN STATES POWE 000035 UTILITIES 901.24 19110 11/05/06 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 000036 REPAIR LITES 1N COOLER 40.00 13110 11/09/90 PAUSTIS a SONS 000103 WINE PURCHASE 700.33 19110 11/05/00 PAUSTIS & SONS 000109 FREIGHT CHARGES 12.00 721.13 10170 11/05/00 PHILl1P� WINE 8 GPIR 000100 FREIGHT CHARGES 43.14 19120 11/00/00 PHILLIPS WINL 6 ^u PIR 000100 1I000R CHARGES 1.333.33 19120 11/05/00 F11111LIPf, WINE A GPIR 000100 WINE PURCHASE 1.304.09 RRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/04/96 14:26:43 Disbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR CHECKING 2,760.55 t 19121 11/05/96 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 WINE PURCHASE 259.01 19121 11/05/96 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 2,591.08 2.848.09 19122 11/05/96 SHERBURNE COUNTY CIT 800183 ADVERTISING 100.60 19123 11/05/96 SUPERIOR PRODUCTS 800046 NEW FREEZER/EQUIPM 1,597.50 19124 11/05/96 THE WATSON CO., INC. 800202 CIGS/CIGARS FOR RESAL $74.35 19124 11/05/96 THE WATSON CO., INC. 800202 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 88.42 18124 11/05/96 THE WATSON CO.. INC. 800202 ADDING MACHINE TAPE/SUP 8.28 649.05 19125 11/05/96 THE WINE COMPANY 800206 WINE PURCHASE 314.00 19126 11/05/96 THORPE DISTRIBUTING 800048 BEER PURCHASE 17,641.60 19126 11/05/86 THORPE DISTRIBUTING 800048 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 168.75 17.810.35 a ` 10127 11/05/96 U S LINK 800195 TELEPHONE CHARGES 4.77 19128 11/05/96 VIKING COCA-COLA BOT 600051 POP PURCHASE 676.00 LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL 52,490.30 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 11/13/96 Q 15:13:43 Disbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C LIQUOR CHECKING 19129 11/13/96 CAREFREE LAWN SERVIC 800193 LAWN SERVICE 165.08 19130 11/13/96 CITY OF MONTICELLO 800003 CIGARETTE LICENSE 25.00 19131 11/13/96 DAHLHEIMER OISTRIBUT 800009 BEER LICENSE 5,204.15 19131 11/13/96 OAHLHEIMER OISTRIBUT 800009 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 194.25 5,398.40 LrC 19132 11/13/96 DAY DISTRIBUTING COM 800010 BEER PURCHASE 416.90 19133 11/13/96 DICK WHOLESALE CO., 800011 BEER PURCHASE 475.00 19133 11/13/96 DICK WHOLESALE CO., 800011 SUPPLIES/BAGS 62.31 19133 11/13/96 DICK WHOLESALE CO., 800011 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 16.50 553.81 �( 1'9134 11/13/96 FISH & GAME FINDER M 800209 ADVERTISING 85.00 19135 11/13/96 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYM 800091 MIX FOR RESALE 179.40 19136 11/13/96 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE 1 800019 BEER PURCHASE 4,610.35 19136 11/13/96 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE I 800019 MUGS FOR RESALE 144.00 4,754.35 1k( 19137 11/13/96 LEHMANN FARMS 800190 ITEMS FOR RESALE 24.50 19138 11/13/96 LIEFERT TRUCKING 800025 FREIGHT CHARGES 232.63 19139 11/13/98 PAUST,IS & SONO 800103 FREIGHT CHARGES 5.S0 19139 11113/96 PAUSTIS & SONS 800103 WINE PURCHASE 244.00 249. S0 •( 19140 11/13/06 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTIN 000217 CIGS/CIGARS FOR RESAL 122.51 19141 11/13/96 RON'S ICE COMPANY 000041 ICE FOR RESALE 200.50 X 19142 11/13/96 SHERBURNE COUNTY CIT 800103 ADVERTISING 30.00 19143 11/13/98 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 000045 MIX FOR RESALE 80.30 18143 11/13/06 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 000045 MISC SUPPLIES 120.77 197.07 *1 19144 11/13/90 THORPE DISTRIBUTING 800040 BEER PURCHASE 6,992.90 19145 11/13/96 TRAVELERS DIRECTORY 800007 ADVERTISING 199.00 19146 11/19/96 U S WEST COMMUNICATI 800093 ADVERTISING 20.00 LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL 10,095.55