City Council Agenda Packet 01-15-1997 SpecialAGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, January 15, 1997 - 7 p.m. Mayor. Bill Fair Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Call to order. Workshop on Highway 25/Chelsea Road/1-94 improvements. Adjournment. • B.A. Wad- .P.E 350 Westwood Lake Office Bm A. Wciu. P.E rd 84 Boulevard Pero R WillrS.—. P.E i eayiete 554 Minneapolis. MN 55428 ��� Darold W. surto, PS p R—w B. Brry. P.E 812-541.4800 &Associates, Inc. FAX 541-1700 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Monticello, Minnesota h From: Bret A. Weiss, P. E. ` IX City Engineer Date: January 13, 1997 Re: Trunk Highway (TH) 251 Chelsea Road Agenda for January 15, 1997 - Council Workshop WSB Project No. 1033.00 Attached please find the presentation boards for the January 15th workshop meeting. My presentation will be based on the information outlined on the boards and could include additional items or fever items if so directed by the Council. Please review the information C prior to 12:00 PM on Wednesday, and contact either myself or Chuck Rickart at 541.4800 if you have any comments. C Further, we would like some direction as to whether these presentation materials should be provided as a handout on Wednesday, or if they should just be provided to the Council and staff members. It should be noted that we have utilized the existing market values as identified in the 1996 tax book to determine the possible acquisition costs of the various properties affected by the Chelsea Road extension. While it is likely that these market values do not directly correspond to the actual acquisition costs, they do provide some level of comparison between the two alternatives. Infrastrarrure l nglnem Planner! , ■fna'rc»carn•ev UQUAI.( IM )A W NIrY I MPIMl1 Presentation January 15, 1997 Trunk Highway 25 / Chelsea Road Improvements Monticello, Minnesota MWDOT - City of Monticello - WSB & Associates Chelsea Road .' T.H. ?S lniprovements Monticello, Alinnesota A History • Discussion with Mn/DOT Beginning in 1992 • Monticello Transportation Plan • Wright County Transportation Plan • Mn/DOT Programmed in 1994 for FY 1999 • Feasibility Report for Chelsea Road Options 1-3 • Mn/DOT / City / County Partnership • Project Limits Extend in 1995 • Public Involvement Chelsea Road, T H. 25 Improvements Monticello. Alinnesota Operational Characteristics A. Traffic Volumes Oakwood Drive to South • 10,000 - 12,000 A DT (1993 ) • 14,000 - 16,000 ADT (2010) Oakwood Drive to 194 • 16,000 ADT (1992) 0 22,000 - 25,000 ADT (20 10) • 1500 Vehicles / Hour PM Peak (1996) ( B. High Growth Area C. Accidents (3 Year Average) 194 to Oakwood Drive • 26 Accidents • Rate 4.20/MVM (State Average = 3.6/MVM) • Severity 10.98/MVM (State Average = 6.9/MVM) Oakwood Drive to Kjellherg Trailer Park • 60 Accidents • Rate 3.46/MVM (State Average = 3.6/MVM) • Severity 8.48/MVM (State Average = 6.9/MVM) CheIsca Road T.N. 25 Improvements Monticello, Minnesola N 0 (� Accident Investigation S.P. 860540 (TH 25) 1-94 to Kjellberg Trailer Park Monticello, MN. INTERSECTION 1993 1994 1995 3 YR AVE. TH 25 at: PI PD PI PD PI PD PI PD 1.94 South Ramp 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 1,94 So Ramp to Oakwood Or 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 Oakwood Delve 5 5 1 4 3 2 9 11 6 I 5 3 4 5 3 14 1 12 SUBTOTAL ACCIDENTS 11 t e 26 ACCIDENT RATE 5.65 3.51 3.68 4.20 SEVERITY RATE 14.69 8.01 11.14 10.98 Ojkweod Dr to Sat j b q Rd _ ._ 1 1 1 1 _2 2 Y Sandberg Road 2 2 2 2 4 4 Sandberg Rd to Cedar St 1 0 1 r Cedar Street _ 1 1 1 1 Cedar 61 to Scl+ool Blvd 1 0 _ 1 School Boulevard _ ---- 2 3 2 3 Behoof 01vd to KyoCDe V Entrance _ 1 1 _ 2 _ _ _ t L--- Klallber0 Taller Park Entrance 1 1 I` 1 4 2 5 4 6 0 a 11 15 11 29 31 TOTAL ACCIDENTS 15 19 Se e0 ACCIDENT RATE 2.15 3.40 4.50 3.46 SEVERITY RATE 6.05 2.68 12.26 6.41 PI o Paaonnel"Accident PD o Property Damage Accident AcckWd Rate Ctote WWW Average o 3.0 Savorily Rete Cute Wide Average o 0.9 Alternatives • Option 1 • Option 2 • Option • Interchange Alternatives Chelsea Road i T H. 25 Improvements Monticello, Minnesota C Trunk Highway 25 - Option 2 J r' �,r. t • t 1 + ni• ,QQ. ��Uas�.•aertra . Y,�odur.p�nyn�r.err ,\Y — w CK 4 f\ O/a!t NOTE: LOONATCVL. FAAC ATOAj4WOOU -�._._.------- - - -- - CfItL--•----- ROAD ` l ti i� 1� 1� ■e•rrruw.ar• w� w�wai w•n+w •rrn•u�n•i• • ao•an . rw.nw I Trunk Highway 25 Option 3 i 190 r_ / NOTE: LOOK AT CUIrD&SAC \ \ \ 1'1 • +O J/ O — _ % / { /� \ AT OAKWOOD \ Oki J coon YEw+ \ 0901 ,,1 �i. � -� ,' '/ / % �' -----• ill / II .61 O1 1 ( 0 0 ^� /.a.—.—.—._.i.—•-----._.—.—._.—.—_—._.—•_ w•l� •_, p� �wrr m emuI wa r r.r Ws wr/a •.rsn•cn•s .ascus . rran a a., cu a a %l+i 1-94 Rampl .o 00— ,.. a.s w.rs, w MMI1M wtr•e �.� iMM•+A♦ MAPOUCIM • DIM MM . "A"M C Public Involvement City Council Updates June 20, 1996 • Chamber of Commerce June 24, 1996 • Public Information Meeting July 23, 1996 • Business Owners Meetings ( August - November • Property Owners Meetings December 5,1996 • Public Information Meeting C. Chelsea Road T.H. 25 /mprovenents Monticello, Minnesota C Public Information fleeting S.P. 560540 (TH 25) TH 25/I-94 Improvement City of Monticello / AIn/DOT December 5, 1996, 3:30 to 5:30 Comment.Summary Resident/Business Owner Comment Virgil Hawkins Prefer option with Chelsea intersection further to the 1101 W Broadway St south (r Royal Tire, existing Sandberg Rd). This Monticello MN 55362 option provides about 300 feet additional distance 612/295-6410 between signalized intersections on TH 25, which is more desirable. Stacking room gained on Chelsea with more northerly alignment (through R.V. center) is minimal. Super America Since there is a cul-de-sac at the end of Oakwood Drive, 109 Oakwood Drive why is there a need for the median strip on Oakwood Dr Monticello MN 55362 in front of the McDonald's, Super America and Tont 612/295-0444 Thumb? Traffic would be greatly reduced by the cul- de-sac. It would also reduce the cost of the project. Dan Mielke Option 4D and Option 2. It's what's in the best interest PO Box 562 of the city overall. Monticello MN 55362 612/295-2176 Mark Olson Option #3 with Alter. 4A for 94 access. No businesses 240 W Oakwood Drive would be affected as muchl Monticello MN 55362 612/295.2690 F ■F-1VPUJ-VA11"1.1J1 CResident/Business Owner Comment Dick Kvanbeck We are the fee owners of the property operated as Toni T F James Co Thumb at the SE comer of Hw-y 25 and Oakwood. We PO Box 24137 support the approval of Option 4D with the new ramps Minneapolis 1`fN 55424 to 1-94 and the intersection at Oakwood with left -tum 612/828-9000 movements. This is a good plan that makes sense. We would oppose any plan that would place a median on Hwy 25 through the Oakwood intersection. Wes Olson I question, why speed up the tremendous traffic through Olsen Electric this area with medians, cutting off businesses? Should 240 W Oakwood Drive try to petition Mn/DOT for entrance/exit ramps west of Monticello MN 55362 town to ease the funneling of traffic onto the freeway 612/295-2690 downtown. More turn lanes through median would be better serving. I'm not sure this whole project is in the best interests of city taxpayers! John Erlandson 1-94 should have a full cloverleaf at the Hw-y 25 201 Sandberg Rd intersection. In order to accommodate all traffic Monticello MN 55362 effectively. Serious consideration should be given to 612/295-5400 exploring this option. It may mean relocating several businesses (McDonald's, Super America) but in my opinion, in order to maintain the flow of Oakwood Drive, eliminate stop lights on H\ry 25 and create smooth traffic flow into downtown. � �NJ�'rJJ Cf1MG�7 P7 Resident/Business Owner Comment Scott Hiel At the spring of 1996 public meeting, the DOT 1320 W River St engineers told me they would not support the changes to Monticello MN 55362 the 1-94 ramps. If the ramp reconstruction is not done in 612/295-3610 1998 with the rest of the project, 1 don't believe state and federal funds would be forthcoming in the future. Their focus would shift to other projects at the expense of this one. Added to the project should be right turn into Ford Motor from southbound Hwy 25. I prefer Alternative 4A. Jon Hansen The light has to stay, all business in access. 110 Oakwood Dr Monticello MN 55362 612/295-5022 Ron Chihos #1. If Alternative 4D is used, we would be in a bind / General Rental Center \ for space for truck parking if any of our land is 216 Sandberg Rd taken, as we are tight for trucks right now. Monticello MN 55362 320/251-6320 #2. I would much prefer seeing the stop lights at 612/295-2300 Htvy 25 and Sandberg Rd and routing Chelsea through that intersection. #?. Put in a left-hand tum lane on Hwy 25 in place of the concrete divider exception bridge. Bruce Thielen Option 3 for the Chelsea Road alignment. Option 41) 118 Hillcrest for the on/off to the interstate. Monticello MN 55362 612/295.5433 ! �H7\'rc�JgY11�L'j7ltl ResidentBusinessOwner Comment Bob Abel 1 like present Hny 94 ramp - Option 4D wiChelsea RCA Co Road Option 2. Also -- Chelsea Road arr. PO Box 6009 alley and skateland street entrance! (Thomas Park Dr.) St Cloud DIN 56302 I question why -- Oakwood is closed -- Why not leave 320/253-9746 open to flow traffic back through Chelsea. I would like to know traffic floes and time schedule. Sandip & Jadruti Bhakta Do not put cement barriers on Oakwood Dr, rather make Comfort Inn left -turn only lanes or wider lanes. Leave access open 200 E Oakwood Dr to McDonald's & S.A. Add a "left" tum only lane! No Monticello AIN 55362 cul-de-sac, but rather extend and connect with bowling 612/295-1111 alley and skateland street entrance! (Thomas Park Dr.) Alvin Mielke Box 143 Swanville MN 56382 320-547-2312 Unknown (Deb Edwards?) Dean Carlson D&D 440 W Oakwood Dr Monticello 1\1N 55362 612/295-4375 Option 4D - Option 2. Why not begin exit ramp further west so that adjoining properties can benefit olfrom improved access along frontage road? Consider changing Sandberg Road to W Oakwood Dr. For freeway frontage, Option 2 is preferred over Option 3. r �o�n•a,u c�tMOgn)' Resident/Business Owner Comment Warren Olson Consider Oakwood Drive West. Hwy business is Box 656 geeing left out. The flow of traffic off of 25 should 240 W Oakwood Drive include an Oakwood Drive West. Would like Sandberg Monticello MN 55362 Road renamed to Oakwood Drive West. 612/295-2690 612/263-7343 Dorothy Ritz Total needs to have access from Hwy 25, both north and Hwy 25 south. We need a center tum lane rather than a concrete Total Mart barrier. There are many areas that have 5 lanes with the Monticello MN center a turn lane. If the project gets done as planned, c/o Midwest Inc we will lose business and be forced to close. Ours is 4420 Shoreline Dr convenience and impulse, not a planned purchase. You Spring Park MN 55384 will be responsible for puning us out of business with this plan. Marlin R Besler I own the Total Mart on Hwy 25. The current plan 3240 Eagle Bluff W would cause us to lose up to half of our business. This Minnetrista MN 55364 would be caused by the southbound traffic not being 612/472-1771 able to get to our store. We favor Option 3 because it 612/471-7939 allows the southbound traffic to be able to access our business. Without this change, it will force us to close the business because we can not afford that amount of lost business. 5 1 F.X'J_NA1W_ /PV r C Funding • Federal ISTEA 13200,000 • T.H. Funds 300,000 • Other (MSA? and CSA? 250,000 Total $1,750,000 Chelsea Road/ T.H. 25 lmpmvements Monticello, Minnesota C Cost C Construction Costs (Estimated) • TH 25 Improvement - $1,750,000 • Interchange Improvements - $500,000 Acquisition Costs • Option 2 - $214,200 • Option 3 - $345,150 Other Potential Right of Way Costs • Storm Water Pond • Dundas Road Extension • Cedar Street Extension • Access Acquisition (Mn/DOT) Engineering • Upfronted by City but Paid by Mn/DOT @ Bid Award Through Cooperative Agreement Processs Chelsea Rwd T H. 1S lmpmvemenls Aloe icello, Minnesota T Property Acquisition Costs (Using Existing Market value) Option 2 8 162,300 Parcel No. Ex. Market Value Acquisition Cost Notes 1 64,000 33,000— May Need to Aquire 2 57,500 the Entire lot 57,500 3 (RV) 100,900 100,900 — Plus Relocation Costs 4 5,000 5,000 5 5,000 5,000 6 5,000 5,000 7 103,100 1,100 8 162,300 6,700 — May be Dedicated by Dev Total $214,200 Option 3 Parcel No. Ex. Market Value 8 162,300 9 (Champion) 187,600 10 (Total) 278,700 11 (Auto Body) 122,400 Total Acquisition Cost Notes 8,250— May be Dedicated by Elev 600 Does not include Severance 187 Damage Plus Relocation Costs 26,900 122,400' Plus Relocation Costs Due to Sandberg Road $345,150 Chelsea Road % T H. 25 ImproMMents Aloniicello, Alinnesma i Trunk Highway 25 -Option 2 Parcel Acquisition w,.�. um i ' riF I� h Parcel Acquisition w,.�. um Trunk Highway 25 Option 3 / L / • I� _O / NOTE: LOOK AT CULDE•SAC ATOAKWOOD •[------------------------•------- — -1- Parcel Acquistions U 6� (( / L / • I� _O / NOTE: LOOK AT CULDE•SAC ATOAKWOOD •[------------------------•------- — -1- Parcel Acquistions U Construction Cost Monticello's Share Option 2 Right of Way $250,000 - $350,000 Traffic Signal $50,000 - $75,000 Storm Sewer $50,000 - $100,000 Total $350,000 - $525,000 Option 3 Right of Way $350,000 - $450,000 Traffic Signal $50,000 - $75,000 Storm Sewer $50,000 - $100,000 Total $450,000 - $625,000 (vote: Other Constntcthm Irems to be Considered Inchtde: -Trunk Storm Sewer for areas East of TH 25 -Extension of Chelsea Road to CR 117 -Oakwood Drive to Cul-de-sac -Subway Access Road Chelsea Road, l:H. 25 Inrproventenls Afowirello, Minnesota M Questions / Comments I Chelsea Road ; T.H. 25 Improvements Alonficello, Alinnesota Chelsea Road ; T.H. 25 Improvements Alonficello, Alinnesota