City Council Agenda Packet 03-24-1997AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCEL Monday, March 24, 1997 - 7 a.m. Mayor: Bill Fair Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the special meeting and regular meeting held March 10, 1997. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of amendments to ordinance sections regulating placement of trees in the boulevard. (D. Consideration of purchase of a 4 X 4 pick-up truck for the municipal construction inspector. C. Consideration of approving a temporary on -sale liquor license for Ducks Unlimited Banquet and Riverfest. Applicant, Monticello Lions Club. D. Consideration of approving gambling license application --Wright County Ducks Unlimited. E. Consideration of approving change proposal request and change order for wastewater treatment plant expansion, Project 93-14C. C, 5 » Oc-,� F. Consideration of acceptance of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet and authorize initiation of the EAW review process - Monticello High School development. 8. Consideration of an ordinance amendment governing the method for calculating sanitary sower access fees. 7. Consideration of establishing a snowmobile trail route through the city of C Monticello. 8. Review of Monticello Township's response to landowner requests for amendments to the Urban Service Area boundaries. Agenda Monticello City Council March 24,1997 Page 2 9. Consideration of authorization of advertisement for bids for refurbishing of municipal well #2 (Project 97-02C). 10. Presentation of MPCA award to the Mayor for 1996 wastewater treatment plant operations. 11. Consideration of bills for the month of March. 12. Adjournment. Po Pcr5 S u.j J( 600a(6, r tea+c MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 10, 1897 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf i Members Absent: None 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fair. i 2. Approval of minutes of t_he regular meeting held February 24. 1997- A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBSP AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 24, 1897, AS WRTPTEN. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Con_aideration of adding items to thp a n a. / A. Bruce Thielen requested an update on the tree ordinance. ` B. Bruce Thielen requested an update on development fee survey efforts. C. Bruce Thielen requested council consideration of athletic field lights that the City of Edina was selling. 4. Ci lze a m m n a/pp i jo a. requosta nntj complain s. Roger Pribyl, Monticello Baseball Association, presented the City with a check for 81000 per their agreement for lighting costs. He also thanked John Simola and Roger Mack for the excellent maintenance on the ballftelds. b. Co�cnt ng n a. Bruce Thielon requested that item 5F be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. A. Cnnaid ration of coArming n now date for nnnunl Board of Review meeting - Wright�ounly Asseggor. Confirm the now Board of Review date of May 7, 1897, at 7 p.m. C B. C.o aid radion nfnfingfing n msolutinn giupparting t_ho formation of n coliion nfeWPA to mo iter oitffitX taw reform iaauaand,p en rag inn. Page 1 (D Council Minutes - 3/10/97 Recommendation: Adopt the resolution supporting the formation of the coalition of cities whose purpose will be to work with the utilities but also work independently with our own lobbyist for ensuring that tax reform issues are beneficial to host communities. SEE RESOLUTION p 97-8. C. Vnngidpratinn of annrovingRnnLcation for gnmh ing license renewal -- American n wal-- American Legion Post 260_ Recommendation: Accept the report as presented and adopt the resolution approving the application for renewal of the license for the Legion Club. SEE RESOLUTION #97-7. D. Co sideration of funding pith] inution sand adv iaiiodated with the Fire D nartment 100-yp r Anniversary Celebration_ Recommendation: To approve $2,000 expenditure for advertising and publication expenses associated with the celebration of the 100 year anniversary of the Fire Department. E. Co aid ra ion of a +thori ingachange in funding lava1 for huiltling tipnartm n . yphiel . This item was removed for discussion. F. Con_aideration of npPain in n . to rnngtrurtinn In or poigitinn. Recommendation: To hire Elmer Ohnstad contingent upon successful passing of the physical by the City's health officer, and starting at Step 4 of Grade 8, $16.31 per hour. Clint Herbst requested to see the applications of the top applicants. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, stated he would review the data privacy act on this request. Brian Stumpf added the applicants could be introduced at a council meeting. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE ITEMS 6A, 6B, 6C, 61), 6F AS RECOMMENDED. Motion passed unanimously. A. Consideration of mithorizinrrShnnan in fund level for b +il in„dsp rtm n . yph*el. Fred Patch, Building Official, requested an amendment to a previous motion by Council on February 24, 1997, regarding the purchase of a vehicle for the Development Services Department to not limit the purchase source to the State of Minnesota contract, and to increase the amount budgeted to purchase a vehicle for use by the Development Services Department by $1,860. This price would also include a sliding door, rustproofing, and undercoating. Patch also explained there is a 90 to 120 -day wait after placing of the order when ordering through the State contract. Councilmember Thielen stated he had ordered through the State Contract Page 2 0 Council Minutes - 3/10/97 and there is a wait because the state orders in volume for the best price. He suggested Patch work with Public Works for use of a vehicle until the van was purchased. COMMISSIONER THIELEN MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HERBST, TO PROCEED TO PURCHASE A VAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PREVIOUS MOTION. Voting in favor: Bill Fair, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen, Clint Herbst. Opposed: Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. Jeff O Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported the Council is being asked to conduct a public hearing and consider vacating all or a portion of Locust Street between 6th and 6th Street. This street segment is directly east of the fire hall and west of the proposed Peterson/Grimsmo mortuary site. O'Neill added that at the February 10 meeting of the City Council, Council reviewed a variance request by the City that allowed the mortuary parking lot to encroach on the 5 -ft setback requirement along Locust Street between 6th and 6th Street. The variance request was made by the City and was necessary in order to allow the Q proposed mortuary to be developed in a manner consistent with the design goals of the proposed MCP redevelopment plan. The developers of the site did not need a variance to develop the site but are willing to work with the City to achieve the MCP design goals. A concern was expressed that the granting of the variance may set a precedent that would open the door to similar requests. On the other hand, it could be argued that the circumstances relating to the variance request are unique. A vacation of a public street is a significant action that should be taken when there is some level of certainty that there is a need for conveying the land into private hands. It appears that the area will be used for an expanded parking lot in the future. However, this is not certain so it might make sense to wait to vacate until the parking lot is ready to be expanded. Mayor Fair opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. Mayor Fair closed the public hearing. The Council discussed the ILture of the area and decided because it is not known at this time how the area will developed or what the tragic patterns will be Locust should not be vacated. Page 3 O Z Council Minutes - 3/10/97 CLINT HERBST MADE A MOTION SECONDED BRIAN STUMPF TO DENY VACATION OF ALL OR A PORTION OF LOCUST STREET BETWEEN 6TH AND 5TH STREET. Voting in favor: Bill Fair, Bruce Thielen, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf Abstaining: Roger Carlson. Motion carried. 011ie Koropchak, Economic Development Director, stated that this item was a public hearing and is open for comments and questions relating to the modification of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1; modification of TIF District No. 1- 17; and establishment of TIF District No 1.22 and its plan. Mayor Fair requested a separate motion on each project to avoid confusion. First, Koropchak explained the modification of TIF District No. 1-17. The TIF district was approved in 1994 and certified in 1995 for Fay -Mar Tube & Metal Fabrications, Inc. The 11 -year economic district was created for a manufacturing business and to increase the tax and employment base of the city and state. The original project included the construction of a 15,000 sq. ft. manufacturing/office facility at a minimum estimated market value of $400,000. The projected employment was 30 new jobs. In 1996, the company employed 35. Initially, the company received TIF assistance for land acquisition costs in the amount of $50,000. The plan for TIF district No. 1-17 is proposed for modification to increase the budget allowing the HRA the ability to collect the captured tax capacity from the proposed 20,000 sq. ft expansion. The expansion is projected to create 20 new jobs over two years. Koropchak added two considerations, first the district does carry a HACA penalty. The annual increase of the penalty could be up to $14,000 per year due to the expansion. Because the expansion generates sufficient increment, the HRA elected to increase the public improvement costs of the budget within the TIF plan to cover the anticipated loss to the City. The public improvement must be an improvement in the City's general fund. Secondly, the "but for" test must be met, The test asserts that an expansion would not occur solely through private investment within the near future. The HRA's approval for motivation of TIF District No. 1-17 is subject to evidence of the 'but for" test from the developer. Next Koropchak explained the TIF District No. 1-22 which is a redevelopment district with a life duration of 25 years. The establishment of the District will assist in implementing the downtown/riverfront revitalization efforts. The first available tax increment revenue of the district will be from the proposed fiuteral home project along Walnut Street. It is anticipate that the tax increment will bo used to assist Page 4 (D Council Minutes - 3/10/97 with land acquisition, demolition, relocation, or public and site improvement costs associated with redevelopment. The TIF proposal has been identified by the Planning Commission as being consistent with the comprehensive plan. The developer of the funeral home will not receive any direct assistance from tax increment. Mayor Fair opened the public hearing. There were no comments. Mayor Fair closed the public hearing. Mayor Fair noted that establishment of the Downtown/Redevelopment District will provide the City with a financing tool that will help in redevelopment. The Council acted on each TIF district with a separate motion. ROGER CARLSON MADE A MOTION SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST APPROVING THE MODIFICATION OF CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1; MODIFICATION OF TIF DISTRICT NO. i- 17 SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF EVIDENCE FOR THE "BUT FOR" TEST FROM THE DEVELOPER. Motion passed unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION #97.9. CLINT HERBST MADE A MOTION SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON APPROVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TIF DISTRICT NO. 1.22 BASED ON THE BUILDING OFFICIALS FINDINGS REGARDING THE BLIGHT CRITERIA, EVIDENCE OF THE "BUT FOR' TEST, INCLUDING APPROVAL THAT THE CITY COUNCIL IS WILLING TO MAKE 5% MATCH OF THE ANNUAL TAX INCREMENT. Motion passed unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION #97-11. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported the City Council is asked to consider adopting amendments to the storm sewer access fee policy that were reviewed and tabled at the August 26, 1998, meeting of the City Council. In tabling the matter, Council requested that City staff survey other communities regarding storm water policies. City staff has completed its research and has had the opportunity to meet on three occasions with members of the business community regarding the storm water fee policy. O'Neill reported that it was the consensus of the business group to support the storm sower access fee amendments as currently presented to the City Council. The group also requested a closer examination of design standards on which the fee structure is based. Design Standards - the design standards proposed are based on centralization of pond systems which will result in long-term maintenance cost savings and Page 5 0 Council Minutes - 3/10/97 will assure productive and efficient use of land. The City Engineer stated that the storm pond design should be based on the critical event for the particular area affected. The critical event is determined by the existing storm sewer system. In some cases the critical event will be a 100-year/24-hour event, in other cases it will be a 100-year/10-day event. 2. Trunk Fee Calculations or adopt a pay as you go approach. The "pay as you go" approach will change this policy to base the fee on the actual area developed and not the entire parcel. 3. Assessment Program - under the current program the trunk storm sewer fee is charged against the entire site at the time of expansion. It is proposed that the trunk stone sewer fee would not be charged against the portion of the site that is already developed. Instead, existing development would be subject to the standard assessment process. Future trunk storm sewer projects would then be assessed against parcels based on what was developed as of the date of the inception of the trunk storm sewer program. 4. The City will allow the property owner to place the cost of the trunk storm sewer fee against the property as an assessment. Thus, the City will collect this trunk storm sewer fee over time. This option improves options FOR project financing. / AFTER DISCUSSION, MAYOR FAIR MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY BRUCE l THIELEN, TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY ORDINANCE AMENDMENT SUPPORTING THE STORM SEWER ACCESS FEE POLICY AS AMENDED. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Consideration of approval of the Cardinal Hills VI p relimina" plat _Applicant. Vnlne Plus Homes_ Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported the preliminary plat of phase VI of Cardinal Hills subdivision represents the final phase of the Cardinal Hills residential subdivision. The plat consists of 38 Iota located on the easterly boundary of the property. There does not appear to be any major unresolved land use or subdivision design issues associated with this preliminary plat; therefore, consideration of this matter is virtually a housekeeping matter. This plat features double -front lots on Fenning Avenue and School Boulevard. A coordinated landscaping plan would incorporate the tree requirements for the individual lots with a boulevard tree planting program administered by the Parks Commission. O'Neill added the Planning Commission identified a significant problem with the City's public nuisance ordinance as it relates to maintenance of ground cover areas of private lots separated from the main portion of the lot by a pond. Most of the property owners do not wish to mow their remnant property across the pond, thus resulting in an enforcement problem and an associated public relations issue. To Council Minutes - 3/10/97 solve the problem, the Planning Commission proposed to have the Parks Commission identify a plan for establishment of inexpensive but attractive low maintenance ground cover on the street side of the ponds. The plan could include hiring a landscaping firm to plant the seed and manage it for a period of years until it is self-sustaining. The area encompassed by the seeding would be covered under a landscaping easement. The land would continue to be under private ownership which means that the area residents would continue to be responsible for cleaning up debris and litter. The City would be responsible for maintenance of the ground cover for a period of years. This plan would require the city mowing of the boulevard areas along the edge of the roadway. It was suggested to use this development as a "test pilot" for the landscape easement. ONeill noted that the cost of developing an attractive landscape will be offset by a deduction in public nuisance enforcement costs. Tom Holthaus and Matt Holker, Cardinal Hills IV developers, stated they were willing to work with the City on a landscape easement if maintenance of the landscape area did not return to them at the end of the 'test". Staff assured Hollhaus and Holker that the land would return to the property owners not the developers. Clint Herbst did question if this would create too many small projects for the City and add maintenance costs that could be avoided with the responsibly for maintenance left with the property owner. Brian Stumpf was concerned about turning the property back in the future that people might not want to accept the responsibility in the future. Bruce Thielen stated this is a very visible intersection and if it will improve the aesthetics of the area it should be considered. Thielen also added the City's grass and weed ordinance should be amended to allow for longer ground cover in certain areas. Mayor Fair stated this would only be a teat site and perhaps this approach will cut City expenses and result in more attractive pond areas. BRUCE THIELEN MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON, TO APPROVETHE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF CARDINAL HILLS IV CONTINGENT ON DEVELOPMENT OF A COORDINATED LANDSCAPING PLAN AND THE DEVELOPER PROVIDING A THREE-YEAR LANDSCAPING EASEMENT. THE CITY WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF LOW MAINTENANCE GROUND COVER, FOR A PERIOD OF THREE YEARS, ON THE STREET SIDE OF THE POND. Voting in favor: Bill Fair, Bruce Thiclen, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Brian Stumpf, Clint Herbst. Motion passed. Jeff' O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported the City Council tabled amendments Page 7 0 Council Minutes - 3/10/97 to the street width standards and established a committee to determine standards that would be acceptable to all parties concerned. The committee had completed it's study and had established a table for street widths ranging from 28' to 36', the table included sidewalks. In addition to reviewing street width standards, the group discussed the proper location of boulevard tree planting. The proposed ordinance change would allow tree planting at a location of 6 ft to 10 ft from the curb depending on sidewalk and joint trench locations. Scott Hill, resident, inquired if the same criteria would be used on existing streets in areas of the city that needed repair. O'Neill answered that the amendment would apply only to new subdivisions and this amendment would not apply to rebuilding existing streets. BRIAN STUMPF MADE A MOTION TO COMBINE THE A-28' STREET WIDTHS, B-30' STREET WIDTH, AND C-32' STREET WIDTHS ALL TO THE 32' STREET WIDTH REQUIREMENTS. (Drop 28', and 30') There was no second to the motion. Motion died. BRUCE THIELEN MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON, TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE STREET WIDTH DESIGN STANDARDS AND BOULEVARD TREE PLANTING LOCATIONS. Voting in favor: Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson, Bill Fair. Opposed: Brian Stumpf, Clint Herbst. Motion passed. 12. rnnsidprationofadnpfinfignindreirnont=golutinngivintrilrelimingryagl=ovnI for gynlir�cion of Ind �a rial nv n Bon a for the 4 nn and Iron P Wire Works- In s1m1t:.Ct. 011ie Koropchak, Economic Development Director, requested Bill Demeules, owner of Standard Iron & Wire Works, explain his project to the Council. Bill Demoules, owner of Standard Iron & Wire Works, explained the proposed project included the construction of a metal material storage building ($60,000) and the purchase of additional equipment ($1,240,000). The company had determined the use of Industrinl Revenue bonds (IR) as an economical and feasible financial option. A maximum of 32 now jobs are projected. The namo of the City of Monticello is used only, and the City had no liability nor expense related to the bonds. Clint Herbst confirmed the statement that there is no ramification to the City. It is similar to Presbyterian Homes request for use of the City's name in the development of Mississippi Shores. BRIAN STUMPF MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN, TO ADOPT THE INDUCEMENT RESOLUTION. Motion passed unanimously. SEE Page 8 O `I Council Minutes - 3/10/97 RESOLUTION #97-10. C13. Other matters A. Bruce Thielen inquired if the sanitary sewer rates had been reviewed recently. This item had not been reviewed. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBSP TO RESEARCH THE SANITARY SEWER HOOKUP FEES AND BRING RESULTS TO THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. Motion passed unanimously. B. Bruce Thielen requested the Council consider purchasing ballfield lights from the city of Edina. The City had replaced the tights and were selling 150 for $26 a piece. Purchase price for new tights is around $250 a piece. If 150 lights are purchased, the total will be $3, 760. AFTER DISCUSSION BRUCE THIELEN MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST, TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PURCHASE UP TO 150 i LIGHTS SUBJECT TO MEETING STAFFS APPROVAL. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Ajw==nL„ i A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN, SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion passed unanimously. Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician C Page 9 O 2 Council Agenda - 3/24/97 1 1• iiM: : 1 1 This is a housekeeping matter submitted as a follow-up to the previous Council meeting, at which time Council approved placement of boulevard trees at a location ranging from 4 ft to 10 ft from the curb. The existing code requires placement of trees on private property no closer than 18 ft from the curb. Motion to approve adoption of the ordinance amendment governing placement of trees in new subdivisions by requiring trees to be placed in the boulevard at a range of 4 ft to 10 ft from the curb. Motion to deny approval of the proposed ordinance amendment. C, STAFF F..O MF.NDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of ordinance amendment. I C ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA THE CITY CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN THAT TITLE 8, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 5, OF THE MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE. RELATING TO REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO TREES IN NEW SUBDIVISIONS, BE AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: 8-3-5: REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO TREES IN NEW SUBDIVISIONS: (A) In new subdivisions, on Iota with frontage on a single right-of-way, it is required that two (2) trees be planted per platted lot if no trees are in existence. For lots with frontage on more than one right-of-way, it is required that four (4) trees be planted per platted lot if no trees are in existence. Two (2) trees must be planted in the boulevard adjnining each yard having street frontage. (B) In subdivision plantings, not less than two (2) or more than three (3) species of trees shall be planted in any block, and neither less than twenty percent (20%) nor more than fifty percent (50%) of the total trees planted in o block may be of the same species. Only trees listed in Section 8-3-2 of this chapter shall be planted. (C) If -- .,.' .- L. 1. , L , 1,.J L . ✓--, i,'..,,..I/:::. ,.L . - I li-! ,..,- :, 1:_... f,,.. .:'t:d..,f:.."I:-.,ll_, ... I..' -I- .- ..L -:-L..; A- = ... f— f ')."_-_.. ? a... il.i- L„_ L. s Required trees shall be planted in the boulevard at a locators ranging from 4 Jt tnl0It Not the curb. Precise location within this range to be determined by the City. (D) Required subdivision trees must have a trunk diameter of at least two inches (2") at one foot (1') above the ground. (E) Required subdivision trees must be protected and supported by tree guards of approved type. (F) No required subdivision tree shall be planted in soil too poor to ensure the growth of such tree unless twenty-seven (27) cubic feet (3'x3'x3') of soil is removed and replaced with suitable loam. Adopted this 24th day of March, 1997. City Administrator Mayor 04 Council Agenda - 3124/97 5B. Consideration of purchasing n new 4x4 v .hi le for Congtrneflon Inanector/Observer (Tom B.). (J.S. ) In September of 1992, the 1983 Chevy Van used in the water & sewer collection department was replaced with a 1992 Ford 1 -ton 4WD truck with service body. With approval from the City Council, we kept the 1983 Chevy Van for use by the Municipal Construction Inspector, Tom Bose. It was estimated that the van could last another three years or so. We have managed to stretch it to 4 14 years and are proposing to transfer it to the wastewater treatment plant Construction Observer for the next two years. In preparation for the purchase a new 4WD vehicle for Tom Bose, $20,000 was allocated in the 1997 budget. A great deal of Tom's driving involves off- road use on subdivision projects such as sanitary sewer, water, storm sewer, grading, and streets. Expected usage of the vehicle is about 8,500 miles per year (these figures were taken from the usage of the 1983 Chevy Van for the past couple years). We located two 4x4 vehicles on the state bid that would fill the needs of the Construction Inspector. One is a 4WD Ford Ranger extended cab pickup. The other is the Chevy 4WD Astro Van. State bid on the Ford Ranger is $16,248.00 excluding sales tax. State bid on the Astro Van is $20,046.50 excluding sales tax. As discussed at the last City Council meeting, staff took copies of the state bid specifications for both of these vehicles to Monticello Ford and Gould Brothers Chevrolet and asked them to prepare quotes for vehicles equipped as outlined in the state bid documents. The following is a tabulation of the quotes obtained from the two dealerships: Monticello Ford 1997 Ranger 4x+4 Pickup 817,478 Gould Bros. Chevrolet 1997 S•10 04 Pickup $18,491 Gould Bros. Chevrolet 1997 AWD AstroVan $40,008 Gould Bros Chevrolet 1997 AWD AstroVan $20.688 Monticello Ford 1997 AWD Acrostar Van 828.409 As can be seen by the above bid tabulation, the lowest price received Brom the state bid was for the Ford Ranger pickup at $16,248 excluding sales tax. The C next closest bid from a local dealer was $17,478, excluding sales tax, for the 1997 Ford Ranger from Monticello Ford. Since Tom does prefer the 4WD i ,p Council Agenda - 3/24/37 �l extended cab pickup over the van for ease of entry for hauling and loading equipment, we feel it is in the City's best interest to select the Ford Ranger Pickup. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to authorize purchase of the 1997 4x4 Ford Ranger extended cab pickup from Monticello Ford for $17,478 plus $1,136 sales tax for a total of $18,614. I i{ 2. The second alternative would be purchase the 4x4 Ford Ranger sr c� extended cab pickup on the state bid from Superior Ford for $16M plus $1,056.12 sales tax, or $17,304.12 total. 3. The third altemative would be to not purchase a vehicle at this time. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and Construction Inspector/Observer, Tom Bose, that the City Council consider purchase of the 1997 Ford Ranger as outlined in alternative 81. Although this represents an increased cost of $1,230 plus sales tax over the state bid, a portion of this would be used to pick up the vehicle from Superior Ford and a couple of return trips to the original dealer if necessary. In addition, we would he hu3dnn41nral. We do realize that only the Mayor and Council can deterrigne the value of that. D. S17PPORTIIQG DATA; Copy of state bid pricing and specifications on the two vehicles; Copies of the bids from the two dealerships. C 1� Drat fro.: Conuact* t leftical Savuet 1 11-91 1:iUz D. 11 0l cSTA,v �� Q %d 4X� J At0 Oatract release 1-175(5) Page 12 vaaoR Dggebcecht C,evrclet CMMUc 1 414065 4183 Plaines >bed Tam Net Duluth !ti 55811 fsff.Iv!m 60-190 Days TO PLACE Or H WI= OIWS 039MM Bob CI Baca, Fleet 14aragat 281-727-7481 or 800-SM-8638 N3M - PAT? W TO BE PM M G9C 3500 Fest 80th Street Minnsapal is. M MLIMM All vehicles shall be dal ivered E 0. B. dsstiaati=4 tramportaticn larges paid by Rsndar to any State agency sham on the Contzact The price per mile from vendor location to agencies outside the Win City bbtso arm winch be M 7070 per mila POIMMM 5O1DIP1; EM This Contract is available to Political SllbdivisiQn at the following delivery costs Price per mile per unit to Win Citim MMropol isan Area (Noka, Caner. Dakota, "in, Rusey, Scott and Fhshington Comtles) $ .70 par unit Price per mile per unit vita ids the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area $ .60 per mile MM Political Subdivis ions to show Coaparative Radas Ing Permit Umber on each Purchase Order. Rarchase Orders are to to submitted direct to the aoaect Caltrect Vaxbr, Doi® -hall be reldto and payment zeoeived from the Political Subdivi-im Contract iialease A-175(5) Page 15 t» Eggebrec}t Chevrolet Sae '0 TOM CC6T GROUP DFSOU?rMN PER UH= 24. Mini Van all %heal drive,x$19, 966. 50 State Sperifieation-10s-96 with follwing optics (Dal Cast @_0 `00 - 7 type floe' Chevrolet ��J _ - Engine to be 6 cylinder - 3.0 liter- minimi - Phar steering - Steel radial belted tires - Ft&A=y installed air conditioning pert - Tutted giro - Clain upholstery - Cipzvtte lighter and ash tray - Fbdory installed 600 watt engine hester - minim= - MFM stereo _Dal Air BW - Fbctcry installed rear window defroster and griper - Ekto y installed guise control HID)S 0PrIM 1 EMM Snow Priam EU31 s ized spare tiro 5 175.50 U-9- engine options - show prion s--WK-- Pow wirdae/door lod® ResvY Duty — standird suspension - list SM GM iary rear MC heater 8 597.00 � i towing peelatge with 7 prong metal 8 251.00 Plus wiring g- Optiwlal 1 Piece rear window lhcluded with defogger. Delivery OntitueL�(DOP, St. Paul Sae '0 P.O. BOX 66 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55362 FORD• MERCURY 295-20S6 METRO421-SSN TOLL FREE800-450-2056 C ron-D �T'Eao STNt' JAN 44x4 March 6, 1997 City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Attached, please find the specifications of the vehicle the following bid is baud upon. Fleet price: c✓�y� 9 If I can be of any further assistance feel Gree to contact the at 295-2056 Respectfully, 4 oe.io l Fleet Coordinator Ciovt_fl g rw*Z CIveJ Year : 1997 �• " Make : Chevy Passenger Vans w�?� O.Si �t'{�i. oegF- "S el: AstUr f le: 1 06 Ext 111" WB AWD°-- Effective Date: 01/02/97 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraaaa STANDARD EQUIPMENT aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaataa <<< MECHANICAL >>> 4.3L (262) SFI V6 (VORTEC) engine 4 -speed electronically -controlled automatic transmission w/OD e ransmission shift interlock A.ilw ee! arivn tibU-I.�CA iia£'fei'y 100 -amp alternator Engine/transmission oil cooler Independent front torsion bar suspension 1.26" diameter front stabilizer bar 1.18" diameter rear stabilizer bar Steel leaf spring rear suspension 61000 GVWR (3050 front/3180 rear), springs (3050 front/3150 rear), axles (3050 front/3150 rear) P215/751R15 all -season SBR BSW tires Compact spare tire w/wheel mounted under floor 15" x 6" argent painted steel wheels Bright metal hubcaps Speed -sensitive pwr steering r assisted front disc/rear drum brakes feel anti-lock braking system (ABS) 2 gallon fuel tank Stainless steel muffler/tailpipe 6 -wire trailering harness Screw -operated scissor -jack w/ratchet handle, extension, (2) wheel blocks <<< EXTERIOR >>> Body -color painted front bumper/rear bumper w/combination top step surface Molded composite argent grille Halogen sealed beam headlamps Daytime running lights Dual black below -eye -line fold -away mirrors Tinted Solar -Ray glass (all windows) Complete body glass Swing -out glass on eliding door/left front Quarter panel Intermittent windshield wiper system Doors-inc: dual front aide, eliding RH side, dual rear load Front/rear license plate brackets <<< INTERIOR >>> 5-paosenger seating -incl (2) reclining high -back front bucket seats, (1) removable 3 -passenger adjustable bench seat w/head restraints Vinyl seat trim Scotchgard fabric protector on carpeting i optional cloth trim Engine cover extension w/lockable glove box, map pocket _)r -keyed carpet on wheelhousing/entire load floor ck 4 -spoke steering wheel w/anti-theft locking feature 03/20/97 March 1997 Copyright 1986-97 Chrome Data Corporation. All rights reserved.56 Page i Gauges-inc: speedometer, odometer, trip odometer, oil pressure, coolant temp, voltmeter, fuel level Headlamps -on warning tone Front air conditioning r_ orducts under front seats _1e window defoggers ETR AM/FM stereo-inc: seek -scan, digital clock, (2) front/(4) rear extended range speakers Cupholders-inc: (2) engine cover console, (1) LH center seating area, (2) rear cargo area Cigarette lighter Auxiliary pwr outlets-inc: (2) on passenger side of engine cover, (1) LH rear quarter panel Front door color -keyed expanded cloth trim w/carpet inserts, dual map pockets, reflectors Dual front door armrests molded into door Rearview mirror Full-length 2 -piece color -keyed foam -backed cloth headliner Front/rear passenger assist handles Dual color -keyed cloth sunshades w/visor mirrors, map bands, Delayed illuminated entry lamps (3) dome lamps w/front/rear/sliding door -actuated switches, switch Stepwell/storage compartment lamps 2-RH/3-LH coat hooks insulation, visor extenders door jamb defeat Molded color -keyed storage compartment in LH rear quarter/third seat area <<< EPA FUEL ECONOMY RATINGS >>> City 15/hwy 19 (4.31, engine/4-speed auto trans) SAFETY FEATURES >>> 4 -wheel anti-lock braking system (ABS) Driver 6 front passenger facial air bag system Daytime running lights Brake/transmission shift interlock Safety belts-inc: front adjustable lap/shoulder belts, rear/intermediate lap/shoulder belts, center seat position lap belts Energy -absorbing steering column Front seat head restraints Child safety locks on sliding side door Side -door guard beams-inc: driver/passenger/sliding door Dual high/low note horn Arrr♦r•♦AAarRaA♦••••arararAra• FACTORY OPTIONS aaraaaararau aaaaaAaaa a •rrrr• OPTION CODES DESCRIPTION MSRP L11006 Ext 111" WS AWD 21838.00 ZW9 DUAL REAR LOAD DOORS (STD) (No Charge w/ISA) CBM 6100/ GVWR (3050 front/3150 rear), springs (3050 front/3150 rear), axles (3050 front/ 3190 rear) (STD) 0.00 FE9 FEDERAL EMISSION EQUIPMENT 0.00 It 4.31, (262) SPI V6 (VORTEC) ENGINE (STD) 0.00 03/20/97 March 1997 Copyright 1986-97 Chrome Data Corporation. All rights reserved_ Page 2 M30 4 -SPEED ELECTRONICALLY -CONTROLLED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION W/OD (STD) 0.00 LOCKING DIFFERENTIAL NOT DESIRED (STD) 0.00 GU6 3.42 AXLE RATIO 0.00 C-1 BASE DECOR-inc: base vehicle (No Charge w/1SA) BASE DECOR PREFERRED EQUIPMENT GROUP 1-inc: base decor 0.00 QCU P215/75R15 ALL -SEASON SBR BSW TIRES (STD) 0.00 ZP7 7 -PASSENGER SEATING-inc: (2) front bucket seats w/adjustable up/down/front/back headrests, inboard/outboard armrests, map pocket, manually adjustable lumbar support, (2) intermediate bucket seats,(1) 3 -passenger rear bench seat (w/lSK Preferred Equipment Pkg-inc: fold -down center console w/ convenience tray, cupholders) 969.00 AV5 RECLINING ADJUSTABLE HIGH -BACK FRONT BUCKET SEATS W/REMOVABLE ADJUSTABLE BENCH SEAT(S) (STD) (w/LT Decor-inc: split -back bench seats w/foldable armrests) 0.00 _G CUSTOM CLOTH MIN (N/A w/lSK Preferred Equipment Group) 0.00 ZY1 SOLID PAINT (STD) (w/YC7 Decor-inc: decal striping) 0.00 V10 COLD CLIMATE PRG-inc: engine block heater, coolant protection 46.00 AND SEAT PRG-inc: driver/passenger inboard/ outboard armrests, map pocket, manually adjustable lumbar support (N/A w/_W Vinyl Seat Trim) (w/ISA Preferred Equipment Group REQ: ZP7 Seating) (No Charge w/ZP7) Destination Cberge 585.00 Total 23438.00 (20 00e T O,.r iax, I'Y� rA L 03/20/97 March 1997 Copyright 1986-97 Chrcm Data Corporation. All rights reserved.Page 3 A1NTV OF WIGHT From: Contracts i Technical Services 1-11.97 li:MOo. P. 25 Of V C�T QST ` Ab Contract Release T-598( 5) 1 t2)IT. CAB. Qt♦NbeN V • Page8 vaoo�t sv��R F� DNR EQUIPPVC SPDCI•IC1UMN - ZMM =40t 9706 GROUP 6 DESCRIPTM CC Xr PICKUP MICKS, AS PER IRR MEM xyru,nc.� •"• (ELT -H311-02) JVD ME FCIIDWDG SPiI IFIL MF& ALL R;CDM ARD D24W MNS ARE M1:" M3 � $16,24&00 EXCEPT �HERE !DIED. TYPE 4X4 6 1/2FT BOX GVHR 4900 MINI" (GVWR 4920)) EMDO I OL V6 NMI" ( EMM — R AXIE RCM M MEET 7000 W(NCE 19j!27 wo DRI'VERS SIDE AIR BAG WF7REIRIVE ALR%Wz: IRA AIR CCMDI;IIIN2G MWD';` FExdd PU M STr7 Du PORN BRAIDS 8 Sid. AT. AWFM RADID TDMDID GLASS ..cat vzu..:... WIPERS STNDARD OMSIDE MDMRS KD AMD SNOW RADIAL Tmm Wns =CHDG SPAM (ALL SEASDN T1RES IDT AOCis"Affii) 17 GAUM Eilf3. CAPAC= ENr.3E wax Hzxmp, 600 WATT FROM BLI41M REM SD:P BUIPER FRID CAPS SKID PLA= FRONT TOW HOM (DEALEIR BUM= ACCEPER94 AIIIUWX IDC DG SUBS Qi AXLE DE[SVESOf CI Amm M 1 UNIT - nxm7y M7 $ 0 1 UNa - Mew DIMS m $ 0 1 UNIT - GRAND RAPIDS, M!1 $ o 1 UN7r - RCCBE210%M!M so 1 UN3T - BR1ADM M7 $ 0 1 UNZ - St P)1IIe Mti $ 0 ......................... H.H�aNHHNNHe��H�H�Nm�m�N�Hm ADD CRUISE 0CN3CL/T= S=DG (available = only( $1 404.00 ADD DAYTIME RUMQMDG LII UM MW043VZ= $ AID CLOM UPHMSrEF?Y Smtm3 ADD CASSETTE PLAYER S-mv--w ADD REAR jum SIX S- TTL -W AIL JM=Z 7AL OPTICS TD BE AVAMME AT WA M S V W= PRIM 566 1 HT1 .ani y 't=om a fa w n it �w P.O. BOX 88 MONTICELLO. MINNESOTA 553(32 METRO 421 6595 TOLL FREE 800-450-2056 FORD * MERCURY March 6,1997 Citv of Wonticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, o, MN 55362 Attached, please find the specifications of the vehicle the following bid is based upon. Fleet price S / 7y 79 If 1 can be of any farther assistance feel free to contact the at 295-2056 RespecN , R'on pct�P Fleet Coordinator 3 a1,4 581 a Year : Make : 'el : ale: Effective 1997 Chevy Pickups 3-10 T10653 Ext Cab 122.9" WB 4WD LS Date: l/9I Goa"6 ig"'s Ch-Zv• , •!!!aa!lirilararrlaalaaialaa STANDARD EQUIPMENT r!alaaa!!a!!!a!laaaaa!!sali <<< MECHANICAL >>> 4.31, (262) SFI V6 engine 5 -speed manual transmission w/OD NP231 transfer case Semi -floating rear axle 525 CCA battery 100 amp alternator 6 -lead trailering wire harness HD cooling Welded double-wall construction in box sides/tailgate w/steel floor (4) Load tie -down anchors (2) Front tow hooks 46501 GVWR (2700 front/2300 rear), springs (2700 front/2300 rear), axles (2700 front/2900 rear) Independent front suspension w/torsion bars Leaf spring rear suspension Front stabilizer bar P205/75R15 all -season SBR BSW tires 15" x 7" argent steel wheels w/black center caps, trim rings T?55/90D16 compact spare tire w/16" x 4" steel wheel re tire carrier mounted under bed Pwr steering Pwr front disc/rear drum brakes 4 -wheel anti-lock brake system 19 gallon fuel tank Stainless steel exhaust system Tools-inc: jack w/cover & wheel wrench Single key locking system <<< EXTERIOR >>> Solid exterior paint Dark gray front/rear-step bumpers w/matching end caps Bumper -color air dam Chrome grille Halogen headlamps Daytime running lamps Dual black below -eye -lino mirrors Solar -Ray tinted glass Swing -out rear Quarter windows Adjustable intermittent windshield wipers "LS" badge on "B" pillar Front license plate bracket Anti -corrosion protection Insulation-inc: dash panels, doors, cab back, floor, hood, instrument panel, (cowl/fender seal !(. INTERIOR >>> 03/20/97 March 1997 Copyright 1986-97 Chrome Data Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 1 Qx Deluxe cloth 60/40 reclining split bench seat w/folding back, center storage armrest, dual cupholders, passenger side easy entry feature Custom vinyl folding rear jump seats Scotchgard fabric protector on cloth trim/door panels, carpeting 1 -floor color -keyed. carpeting Luxe black 4 -spoke steering wheel Instruments-inc: speedometer, odometer, trip odometer, fuel, voltmeter, temp, oil pressure Headlamp -on warning buzzer Heater/defogger w/side window defoggers ETR AM/FM stereo-inc: seek forward/reverse, digital clock, 4 speakers Glove box w/door-operated light Instrument panel cigarette lighter w/ashtray light Dual covered pwr points Day/night rearview mirror Molded door trim panels w/dual map pockets, soft cloth upper insert Dual padded armrests integral w/door panels Full -coverage, foam -backed, color -keyed cloth headliner Dual padded color -keyed cloth sunshades w/slider extensions, dual illuminated vanity mirrors Passenger assist handle Lights-inc: door -operated dome 6 front floor courtesy w/delayed entry, engine compartment Back panel carpeting Dual foldaway coat hooks <<< EPA FUEL ECONOMY RATINGS >>> City 17/hwy 22 (4.1L engine/5-speed manual trans) City 16/hwy 21 (4.]L engine/4-speed auto trans) SAFETY FEATURES >>> 4 -wheel anti-lock brake system Driver air bag Color -keyed manual lap/shoulder safety belts, outboard front seat positions Color -keyed manual lap safety belt, front center seat/rear seat positions Daytime running lamps Energy -absorbing steering column Side impact door beams Dual note horn •♦RARAAAAA##•A###RR♦•RA#RARRR# FACTORY OPTIONS •##♦###••##•A•###########A#rR# OPTION CODES DESCRIPTION MSRP ------ ---------------------------------------------- T10653 Ext Cab 122.9" WB 4WD LS NATIONAL REGION E63 FLEETSIDE BODY (STD) Z83 SMOOTH SUSPENSION PKG (solid ride characteristics) (primarily for paved/gravel road use) (STD) (REO: C5X GVWR, OCE or QCA Tires, ISD Preferred Equipment Group) CSX 4650! GVWR (2700 front/2300 rear), springs (2700 front/2700 rear),axles (2700 front/ 2900 rear) (STD) (REQ: Z87 Suspension Pkg) FEDERAL EMISSIONS 19157.00 0.00 (No Charge w/1SB) 01/20/97 Copyright 1986-97 Chrome Data Corporation. All rights reserved 0.00 0.00 0.00 March 1997 Page 58.E 2 LF6 4.3L (262) SFI V6 (VORTEC) ENGINE (STD) 0.00 M30 4 -SPEED ELECTRONICALLY -CONTROLLED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION W/OD-inc: trans oil cooler, brake/trans shift interlock (w/AV5 Seat-inc: C floor shift console) 1070.00 LOCKING DIFFERENTIAL NOT DESIRED (STD) (w/C6F GVWR REQ: GU6 Axle Ratio) 0.00 GU4 3.08 AXLE RATIO (REQ: Z83 Suspension Pkg) (w/L35 Engine REQ: M30 Trans) 0.00 YC3 LS DECOR-inc: *Contents listed in std Equipment* (STD) (No Charge w/iSB) 1SB PREFERRED EQUIPMENT GROUP-inc: LS decor 0.00 QCE P205/75R15 ALL -SEASON SBR BSW TIRES (STD) (REQ: Z83 Suspension Pkg) 0.00 _ COMPACT SPARE TIRE (STD) (REQ: Z83 or Z85 Suspension 0.00 AK6 60/40 RECLINING SPLIT BENCH SEAT-inc: folding backrest, dual cupholders, center storage armrest, easy -entry feature on passenger seat (STD) (N/A w/ZR2 Suspension Pkg) 0.00 _H DELUXE CLOTH TRIM (STD) 0.00 ZY1 SOLID PAINT (STD) 0.00 C60 AIR CONDITIONING 805.00 UAI HD 690 CCA 12 -VOLT BATTERY (REQ:ISB Preferred Equipment Group) (No Charge w/V10) V10 COLD -CLIMATE PRG-inc: HD battery,engine block heater, anti -freeze protection to -34 degrees Fahrenheit 89.00 ZK5 SHIELD PRG-inc: transfer case/front differential skid plates, fuel tank/steering linkage shields (REQ: 1SB Preferred Equipment Group) 126.00 Destination Charge 510.00 Total 21753.00 (4f 18 yJ/a0) Ft"s 4a.. %,hCta-u: C 03/20/97 March 1997 Copyright 1986-97 Chrome Data Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 3 Council Agenda - 3/24197 A RFFFRPNrF AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Lions Club will again be providing the concession services for the Ducks Unlimited Banquet scheduled for May 6 at the Monticello Roller Rink and will also be serving concessions at the Arts and Crafts Expo along with the Riverfest Celebration scheduled for July b and 6, 1997, in Ellison Park. Last year the City Council, for the first time, issued a one -day temporary on -sale liquor license for both events that allowed the Lions Club to sell strong beer and wine coolers at all three events, and also approved a set-up license for the Ducks Unlimited Banquet. In previous years, the Lions Club had only been issued a non -intoxicating beer license, but State Statutes now allow cities to issue temporary one -day liquor licenses. As part of the request last year, the Council also decided to keep the daily fee at $10, which was the same for a non -intoxicating beer license. The set-up license for a one -day event has remained at $25. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Council could approve the issuance of a temporary on -sale liquor license to the Monticello Lions Club for the Ducks Unlimited Banquet scheduled for May b, the Arts and Crafts Expo in Ellison Park on July 5, and Riverfest Celebration on July 6. In addition, the approval will allow a set-up license for the Ducks Unlimited Banquet. This approval should be contingent upon the Lions Club providing proper proof of liability insurance coverage and contingent upon payment of the required fee. Deny the license request. I am not aware of any problems in the past with the Lions club operating their beer or liquor sales and have no reason to recommend denial. C None. N Council Agenda - 3/24/97 6D. Con_alderation of a ro ng„QgmbUngjicense aocnlication--Wright Go ■n Du o Unlimited- (R.W.) A RPFFRENVF AND BA .K •RO 1ND: The Wright County Ducks Unlimited organization is again sponsoring a refile to be conducted as part of their banquet scheduled for May 5, 1997, at the Monticello Roller Rink. This organization has obtained a gambling license from the State for the past number of years for the same event, and the City is not aware of any problems. The State Gambling Control Board will automatically issue the raffle license to the Ducks Unlimited organization unless the City Council specifically passes a resolution prohibiting the issuance of the license. If the Council is okay with the license being issued, no action is needed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. If the Council does not have a problem with the State issuing this one - day raffle license, no action is needed by the Council other than acknowledging receipt of the application. 2. Council can adopt a resolution specifically prohibiting the issuance of this license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that alternative N1 be adopted by the Council, as we have not been aware of any problems in the past with the banquet having a raffle license. n SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of gambling license application. LG= RevOGIZ Minnesota Lawful G Applicatlon for Authort, Exemption from Lawful G 0- 441! tro Org2*ation Name toef�,1,47' Street / 1�4.3 64Zt AA�' FCL Name Narne of Chief Executive OM= of organization (CEO) First Name Last Ne L-0 7 kEou I CL 14 anmation Ireasurer First I Last Name W (if q m t>EM 113jFRA-A-,� Type of Nonprofit Organization Check the box below Which best describes owmganIzation ❑ Fraternal ❑ Veterans ❑ Religious C3 Other nonprofit Gambling For Bead Use Ody Uon for an Fee Paid Check # ambling License Inital3 Date Recd 17 71-1 001 035 1 State Zip Coft Co -q MIA -Au 5Y31oz. VJRI 6;yl*- Daytime Phone number of CEO ( I x197— 3770 Daytime Phone Number of Treasurer (412) .331 Check the box Mal Indicates the type of proof attached to this application tri your organization: CM IRS toner Indicating Income tax exempt Stalin CjCergflcate of good standing from the Minnesota Secretary of State's office COA charter showing you're an affiliate of a parent nonprofit orgariLzaltim [3:1roof previously subTdtted and on file with the Gambling WON Bosild Gamb11ng'PreMkqs Information NarnsolEstatillshmardwhere gambli activity will be condppdd Al 0 0i't, a C- K,A)x Street - State Zip Code Courdy Avtm,43 ,�Q - city wk,&7' Ak TIP— 1PLAAA&L40 MI/JAJ S53614 Dale(s) of activity (for raffia. Indicate the date of the drawing) AMY -s- / F ? 7 Check the box or boxes which Indicate the type of gambling activity your organization win be condWbV E3 Bingo Ca Raffles E3 Paddlewheels C3 PAtialbs 0 rpboards For Board Use Only Be we the Local Unit of Government and the CEO of your organization sign Date & WWII of Specialist the Mersa sib of INS 2PPUCMtkm. Lts•:dic• UA J t o Gtweriim o/ U ent uristion Is this gambling prenrises located within city limits? OR Yes 0 No If Yes, write the name of the City: City Name Mm 41 i a -P—LLO If No, write the name of the County and the Township: County Name Township Narne Check the appropriate status of the Township: Dorganized Qmorganized ed ILoca/ Unit Of Govemment Acknowledgment 1. The city must sign this application if the gambling 3. DO NOT submit this application to the Gambling Control premises is within city limits. Board if it is denied by the local snit of government. 2. The county and township must sip this applica- 4. NOTE: A Township may not deny an application. tion if the gambling premises is not within city limits Upon submission of this application to the Gambling Control Board. the exemption will be issued not more than 30 days (60 days for cities of the tat class) from the date the local unit of government siprted the application, provided the application is complete and all necessary information has been received. unless the local unit of government passes a resolution to specifically prohibit the activity. A copy of that resolution must be received by the Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the date filled in below. Cities of the first dans have 60 days in which to disallow the activity. City or County Admowledgment of Receipt of Application S' of person rccavmg applicatieo Date Received: U 3/ /O/Pi Title of person feCeivjAg application Crtkf 4oaq,arrrTtw,V.v Oath of Chief Executive Officer Township Acknowledgment of Awareness of Application Signature of person acknowledging application Dau Signed: Tide of person acknowledging application I have d this application and all information Is true, accurate and complete. Da c'� 'I/ 0 a plleatlon at least 45 days prlor to your scheduled date of activity. Bo sure to attach the $25 application foe and a copy of your proof of nonprofit status. Mail the compkrte application and attachmonts to: GambUng Control Board 1711 W. County Rd B Sulto 300S RosovMo, MN 55113 TMs publication will be made available In alternative formal 0.e. Wage print, ftft) upon roQuest- ouestbns on this form stmad0 be directed to the Loaning Section of the Gambling Cartrol Boort at (E12)6i9.4900. erusing a In�Omay c print a M Minnesato Relay Seco at 1400Q? -3529 In the Mirmesoto Area or The infommatien rspmrostod on lids form vA be used by the Control Bond GIr to determine your aortply�Wneecu enAl n S pndeaegorExnlrsgbnWwhd� a or the lrmtonnatton Council Agenda - 3/24/97 As part of the paperwork for the wastewater treatment plant project, HDR first processes a "Change Proposal Request" which outlines the changes to the project, the cost increase or decrease, as well as the effect on the overall project schedule. This information is later transferred to a "Change Order," which is the formal process which City staff and Council are familiar with. The change proposal requests are also, however, binding in that they are signed by the owner, contractor, and engineer. Consequently, I will be bringing change proposal requests to you as well as change orders. We expect that at least once a month the change proposal requests will be summarized and put forth in a change order. The following is s description of the change proposal request and change order. Change Proposal Request 01: When the specifications were drafted for the new sludge applicator, it was our understanding that only a light duty or heavy duty toolbar or injector were available. Consequently, the specifications were drafted around the heavy duty toolbar. Ag Chem, who is the supplier of the new sludge applicator, has a medium duty toolbar which will serve our needs adequately and will save us $9,052. This will more than cover the cost of the farm type disc needed to incorporate the sludge into the surface of the farm fields. It was intended that the disc be purchased from a local farm implement dealer rather than be part of the project. Change Proposal Request •2: The specifications for the project called for a photographer to take a few pictures of the wastewater treatment plant project during construction at a few selected times. The cost of this professional photographer on these photos was $4,500. The City staff, however, has elected to purchase two 35mm telephoto lona cameras and provide one for the contractor and one for the construction observer, and take an estimated two to three rolls of film per week. The entire cost of the two cameras and processing of double prints for the entire project duration on a regular basis totals only $2,500 and will provide us with much greater detailed reference photos than a few visits loom i a professional photographer. The savings on the contract will be $4,500; the overall savings is $2,000 to the City. Council Agenda - 3/24/97 Change Proposal Request 83: This proposal request involves the grade of stainless steel for the grit washer at the headworks building. It is proposed that the stainless steel requirement be changed from 321 to 316, which is adequate for the environment and conditions which the grit washer will serve. The savings is $7,490. Change Order •1 (which has evolved from Change Proposal Request "): This change proposal request and consequent Change Order #1 involves the construction incentive change proposal previously approved by the City Council, whereby if a change is suggested by a contractor, the contractor will share in 50% of the savings provided by that change after development costs are subtracted and the effects of the change on the plant are determined to be neutral or positive. As of yet, there have not been any suggestions by Adolfson & Peterson or any subcontractors in regard to respective cost saving changes which would be done under this proposal. We do expect some to be coming during the ongoing portion of the project. B. AI.TERNATNE ACTIONS; 1. The first alternative is to approve Change Proposal Requests 1, 2 and 3, and Change Order #1, which involves Change Proposal Request #4, as outlined above. The total deducts in contract price will be $21,042. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the changes. It is the recommendation of City Administrator, Public Works Director, and HDR that the City Council approve the changes as outlined in alternative 01. These changes are more of a formality at this time, as they involve project cost deducts and a contract change previously approved by the City Council. Copy of Change Proposal Requests 1, 2, 3 and 4; Copy of Change Order 01. i l..L � MDR Eng—inq. Inc. Change Proposal Request po. 1 (Not a Chohge Order) ` 1 Project Marne: wastewater Treatment Para Expo Don l Owner's Project No .93.14C 1 Project owner: oN of MOnticeso. MN 1 RGWAWory Agency Project No. Or QVII bte): 1 HDR Project No.: 08124-004.16d I W k t d By: _ Engineer _ Controctor ICaDkactor: o doeron a Poh mn I x owner (Date: 3/5/97 Attenfforr The fo4ovAng change in the contract on this project Is proposed. A breakdown of Cost $HALL be attached. work sholl not corawme, until authorized by the Owner. Description of the Proposed Change: Section 11992 - Sludge Applicator 1. Section 2.04 E1 - Toolbar Dimensions: Change from 8' x 8' x 5/18' wall to 8' x 4' x 3/8' wall. 12. Section 2.04 E5 - Change '24 degree angle of denartwe' to'17 degree angle of departure'. I IATTACNMENT8: None Al work tho0 bo In accordance with the tomm stipubtbnn, and conditions of the oegnat Controct Documonto. 0 the work horoln provldod for is Approvod by Chango Ordor, tho tlrrto of compbtlon vA0 bo: ,Sr _trrcrocmd -ADocromod K.Unchanged by J_ catondar Boys, Thio Add & Doduct _ Not Chongo aa Potorcon a, �D bolo Q -f / owners Action: Accoptod _ Not A.ccoptod C ?(ert J Peplln P.E. kk Ree mandallon: ll� _ Do Not Rocommomd or a ACcophxnco By HQRj Inc. Iia �ey:,0 Mors kww. Mp foto SEA - CPR No. t Page 1 MOP EnpNwNQ, Inc Change Proposal Request No. 2 (Not a Change Order) IProject Name: wastewater Treatment Plant E>paulon IOwnen Project No.VJ-14C (Project owner: City of MonPceEo, f w I RegLdWW Agency Project No. (M oppecade): JKM Project No.: 08124-0W1-164 I Wtloted By: _ Engineer _ Contractor IConnaetor. Mohan aPearn � X owner Date: 3/5/97 Attention: The following change In the contract on this pro)ect Is proposed A breakdown of cosi SHALL be ottoched. Work shall not commence until auttsorhed by the Owner. Description of the Proposed Change: Section 01060 1.06 - Prolect Photoorapha 1. Chance the rea.irernents for project photoaraohs In 1.06A to meet the conditions in the attached tetter. I� I IATTACHMEHTs: A8P'e letter o1 February 26, 1987 By /t1� . otrert J. PepUn P.E. AU work shall be In accordance With the terms. Reeommandatlon: �V157; stipuk itkm and condltkkn of the odglnal Contract _ Do Not Rocommond Documents. If the work herein provided for b Acceptance Approved by Change Order, the tfrne of completlon wW be: By: fsc, _ Increosod _ Decreosod )- Unchangod I by 0_ calendar days. Data s This change wit: _ Add X. Deduct _ Not Chongo S By: n e worton .0`— Dato l . I kII( 19`1 Dorn Ownefe Action: _ Accepted _ Not Accootod SE CPR No.2 Pago 1 r. ' Adolfson & Peterson, Inc. "Total Construction Services" 6701 West 23rd Street Minnespolis,Min nesota55426 February 25, 1997 (612) 5441561 HDR Engineering, Incorporated 300 Parkdale 1 Building $401 Gemble Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416-1518 Attention: Bob Peplin a _CE11IE�_ FEB 2 S 1997 HDR Erg,neanna. Inc Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion HDR Project No. 08124404-164, City Project No. 93-14C Change Order Request - Progress Photos ,1., M0hV Address: P.O. Box 9377 Mhneepolis, Mfnnssora 55"0 FAX (612) 525.2333 FAX (612) 525.2334 The Owner has asked us to propose a credit if project photos ere not requited as specified. Specification Section 010610-1.06 addresses the photo requi emeats. It is our understanding that the Owner will provide us with a camera and all the film necessary to take progress photos. They would also have others take photos and use all of these for their records. The film would be turned back to the Owner for developing end they will provide us with one copy of the prints. Our obligation will be to provide three aerial photos during the duration of the project. The documents call for one color aerial (Each time) and we assume the size to be 8" x 10". The timing will be directed by the Owner and will not necessarily be the same as specified. If this change is made you may deduct $4,500.00 Rom our contract amourn. This adjustment should be made on the nod Change Order. If you have any questions, please call rne. C cc: file Bob Sykes c4 rl� Sincerely; ADO SON & PETERSON, WC. Cly a S.Terwey, P.E. Vice President HR Change Proposal Request No. 3 • HDR Enpinwinp, Mc. (Not a Change Order) Project Nome: Wastewater Treatment Pant Expanslon Project Owner: City of Montkello. MN HDR Project No.: 08124404-160 IConWcfor. Adollson IN Potersmr 10wrx" Protect No .93-140 Regulatory Aoancy Project No. Or kr Wx0e): I initicted ay: x_ Engtrreer _ Ckxvractor I Owner I Date: 3/3/97 Attention: The tollowtng change N the contract on " project Is proposed. A breakdown of cost SHALL be attached. Work shall not commence until auttwAzed by the Owner. Description of the Proposed Change: Section 11322 - Grit Removal Eaulpment - Grit Washer 1. Section 2.02 At: Change references of '321 stainless steel ' to "316 stainless steer jATTACHMENTS: Lakeside's 12/27/88 letter to BlddlWoJ. pinP.E. An work dab be In accordance vAM the terns. stipulation& and condittoro of the odghal Contract Documents. If the work horoln provided for b Approved by Grange Order. the time of completion wlu be: lncroased Decroosod Y, Unchanged by _a calendar days. This change wul: _ Add .9 Deduct _ Not Cho -go $ r% 44n .yo ha+ a Petonon S L -%t (I 19 '7 Dore Ownses Action: VAccoptod _ Not Accepted C H R conune sdatlan: oC ona _ Do Not Recommend e oto Acceptance r Inc. VoDW7r, BV: Q 0A Mork D. MN . Date / SED CPA No. 3 Page 1 UEC, ,i. t7'io L. to rA Lakeside Equipment Corporation 1072 F- Devon Ave. - A 0. Boa 8449 - Barden. IL 60103 634837.5640 - FAX 634837.5647 tHur. Purrfc� Since 1928 December 27, 1996 TO: All Bidding Contractors SUBJECT: Monticello, Minnesota ENGINEER_ HDR Engineering, Inc. BID DATE: December 12,1996 2:00 P.M CST Gentlemen: In accordance will the Engineers drawings and specifications, we are pleased to offer through our 1 representative, Roger Freiberg of Northwestern Power Equipment, Inc., P.O. Box 131180, Roseville, MN. 55113, 612/628-0683, the following amendments to our proposal dated December 2.1996: SECTION 11322 - GRIT REMOVAL EQUIPMENT - GRIT WASHER Specifications: 11322-1 through 11322-7 Drawings: P-21 In lice of the specified AISI Type }21 stainless steel specified in paragraph 11322-2.02.A. I., we are pleased to offer a deduct far a stainless steel equal to AISI Type 304 or 316. All structural stainless steel components will conform to the requirements of "Specifications for the Design. Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings' published by the American Institute of Steel Construction. Deduct for Section 11322 equipment fabricated of AISI Type 304 or 316 SS ....... (-57.490) I . DEC 27 .96 14120 633 937 5647 caM.01 C Dec. 21. 1996 2:26PU :AHEH F UMAHT No. blab F. 414 Monticello, Minnesota -2- December 27, 1996 NOTE: Our Roger Freiberg will be available to discuss this offering with you, firmish pricing and assist you throughMa this project Submitted by. LAKESIDE EQUIPMENT CORPORATION A -49"V4 01wz9;v Warm W. Kasten, P.H. Regional Sales Manager SEG DEC 27 196 10:39 6W 637 5607 PAW.M Change Order No. 1 I1 (Project Name:Wastewater Treatment Rant Expansion rR Project No.: 081244W 164 I oject Owner: City of Monticello, MN ows Project No.: 93-14C Date of issuance: 3115/97 jact Contractor: Adolfson and Peterson Date of Contract: 12119/90 roICantract Period: 12/18/96-10/15t98 It is agreed to modify the Contract referred to above as follows: prem No. item and Description of Changes Contract Price Contract Time Decrease Increase Decrease Increase 11 CPR No. 4 00.00 60.00 0 days 0 days I I I I I Sub -Total 00.00 60.00 0 days 0 days Difference Net 00.00 60.00 0 days 0 days Summary: it to agreed to modify the Contract ratartad to above as follows: Q (� Contract Price prior to this Change Order Contract Time prior to tttis Changs Order ` Is 11,283,200 Completion Date: October 15. 1998 Not Increase (decrease) of this Change Order Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order I0 0.00 I 0 days Revised Contract Price with all approved Change Ordain Revised Contract Time with all approved Change Orders Is 11,283,200 1 Comaletlon Date: October IS. 1998 The cherges Included in rids Change Order are to be aceomp8shed In accordance with the terms, sdpulatlona and conditions of the original Contract as though Included therein. 3/0/?7 A ep f ontrac r by* Oate L Roc --UT. A ova y (MDR ring, Inc.) Date/ L oved for Owner Ansel Date ` I � � Approved: (Other - when required) Date Distribution: u0wner UContrector L jOlfico Meld uOther RomIII 10.7 iIYctum 10nA6. t.4e10.10mJ0.77 Gv'at GwtyIwl linoI"yMmy. �[ J N C FM MDR Enghrarinq. Inc. IRoject Name: Wastewater Treatment Rant Expansion (Project Owrter: City of Monticello. MN (HDR Project No.: 08124-004-184 lContracta: Adatfaat 6 Peterson Change Proposal Request No. 4 Mot a Change Order) IOwnai s Project No .93.14C IReguletory Agency Ropy No. of applicaotel: (Initiated By: _ Engineer _ Contractor I x Owner (Date 3/15/97 Attention: The following change in the contract on this project is proposed. • A breakdown of cost SHALL be attached. • Work shall not commence until authorized by the Owner. Description of the Proposed Change: Document 00803 Supplementary Condlfyors (SC) i 1. Ankle 10 - CHANGES IN WORK Add the following new paragraph after paragraph SC 10.6 (page 00805-11): Exhibit 4-1 ATTACHMENTS: Exhlbit4.1 'ey : Robert J. Poplin P.E. All work shall be in accordance with the terms, stipulations, and conditions of the original Contract Documents. If the wort heroin provided for Is Approved by Change Order, the time of completion will be: v _ Increased _ Decreased d Uncharged by calendar days. Thio change will: _ Add _ Deduct x Not Change 0 —/") — _ Dy. AD Ifaon a Potcroon 3/17/97 Dato wneea Action: ccepted _ No' Accepted K" Recomm[andstlon: Rey Do Not Recommend ca snc J Acceptance er'fID Iro. I /s Dote d of 15.'o, Dale sus CPR No. 4 Page 1 Exhibit 4-1 DRAFT CPR No. 4 + 3/15/97 Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Monticello, MN CONSTRUCTION INCENTIVE CHANGE PROPOSAL 1.1 DEFINITIONS: The following definitions shall apply to this Article: 1.1.1 Construction Incentive change Proposal (CICP) means a formal written proposal for a Change Order which is intended to result in a net capital cost reduction while causing no increase in the life cycle cost of the Project. 1.1.2 Initial Construction Cost means the estimated construction cost for constructing the items) as designed. 1.1.3 Revised Construction Cost means the estimated construction cost for constructing the item(s) as changed by the CICP. 1.1.4 Development Cost means those costs, incurred by A & P, which are directly associated with the preparation of the CICP, are documented consistent with CITY requirements and are approved by FDR. Development costs incurred by A & P will be paid out of their share of net savings. 1.1.5 Implementation Cost means those costs, incurred by the CITY, for reviewing and redesigning the changes. Implementation costs will include, when appropriate. Consultam's fees. CITY and other governmental agencies costs for processing the CICP are excluded. 1.1.6 Total Savings means the differettce between the Initial Construction Cost and the Revised Construction Cost, or, the total amount of money that could be saved if the CICP were implemented. 1.1.7 Net Savings means that portion of the Total Savings which remains after the CITY'S Implementation Cost have been subtracted. 1.2 GENERAL.: A & P may submit CICP's during construction of the Project. A CICP shall be initiated, developed, and identified as such by A & P. 1.3 APPL�.ICATION: A CICP shall meet the following conditions: 1 3.1 The required function, performance, appearance, reliability, flexibility, and safety of the Project shall be maintained. 1.3.2 The proposed change shall not cause any delay to the completion date of the WORT: aa.c —can •PAGE t• 1.3.3 The proposed change shall be in compliance with local permits and (� regulations. v 1.4 CONTENTS OF PROPOSAL: The CICP shall contain pertinent information and supporting documents for the evaluation by the CITY. The CICP shall contain, as a minimum, the following information: 1.4.1 Name of individuals associated with the development and preparation of the CICP. 1.4.2 A detailed description, including plans and specifications of the present design and the proposed changes. Clear identification of, and advantages and disadvantages for, each change. 1.4.3 A procedure and schedule for implementing the proposed change. This shall include all necessary amendments and the latest date of the CICP must be approved for implementation. The schedule for implementation shall also define the interrelationship with he overall construction schedule and identify all impacts to same. 1.4.4 A summary of costs which contains the estimated construction costs before and after the CICP and includes the following items for the CICP: (1) Quantities of materials and equipment. (ii) Unit prices of materials and equipment. (iii) Labor hours and rates for installation. (iiii) Subcontractor and A & P markups. 1.4.5 An estimate for any known differences in operation and maintenance costs before and after the CICP. 1.4.6 Time period provided for the CITY to act upon the proposed change before A & P will withdraw the CICP due to time constraints on the overall Project schedule. This time period shall be no less than thirty (30) calendar days. 1.5 SUBMISSION AND REVIEW: The CICP shall be submitted in duplicate to MDR. Proposals will be reviewed by the CITY to determine if the proposed change is acceptable. The CITY will not be liable for any delay in acting upon any CICP submitted pursuant to this ARTICLE 1. The CITY may, at its discretion, reject any CICP submitted by A & P. A & P may withdraw, in whole or in pan, any CICP not accepted by the CITY within the period specified in the CICP. The CITY will not be liable for any costs incurred by A & P in developing a CICP if the CICP is rejected by the CITY or withdrawn by A & P SEK e . ... _ r.rao.'o cap • PAGE Z 1.6 COST SHARING: If the CITY accepts a CICP, a Change Order will be executed and will adjust the Contract Price in accordance with the following formulae: For Total Savings of $100,000 or less Net Savings shall be deterntined as: Net Savings Initial Construction Cost - Revised Construction Cost - Implementation Cost A & P's Share = 0.5 (Net Savings) City's Share = 0.5 (Net Savings) The Change Order will indicate the Initial Construction Cost, Revised Construction Cost, Implementation Cost and will calculate the Net Savings, A & P's Share, and CITY's share. The Change Order will be written as a deductive amount equal to the CITY's Share and Implementation Cost. For Total Savings greater than $100,000, Shares of Cost Savings will be negotiated between the City and A & P SE to cwawwmwr..o mica • PAU 1 Council Agenda - 3/24/97 '1 1 : V': 1 111 1 L,:' F!11 W N MOMI S City Council is asked to review the attached Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) which describes the effect of the high school on the city and neighborhood. Completion of the EAW process is mandated by the State due to the size of the facility. Upon approval of the worksheet by the City Council, the EAW will be submitted to various state agencies, and the project will be identified in the Environmental Quality Board publication entitled Thp Pnvirn mpn al Qlughty Board Mo : o . A comment period will begin which will provide agencies and individuals with the opportunity to identify concerns regarding the development. After expiration of the comment period, the City will assemble comments and consider making a negative declaration of impact. If the City Council makes a negative declaration of impact, the project may proceed. If the City does not make a "negative declaration of impact," then an Environmental Impact Study would need to be completed. Motion to accept Environmental Assessment Worksheet and authorize initiation of the EAW review process. Motion to deny acceptance of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet. (:_ qr FF F .p MF.NDATION; The City Administrator recommends alternative 111. M SUPPORTING DATA; Copy of EAW; Copy of timeline. C Aar -21-97 11:08A L P. OIL • F82 NOW 7671 OW ii 6F COMMOL Go. rfYaa a N/p a 1 IaP/dIN1aMh11Ya/'./ N Maa wa EAW PREPARATION SCHEDULE PROPOSED MONTICELLO SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TASK DATES 1. Data Collection January 13 through January 31 2. Meeting with School DletrW January 13 3. EAW Developmerd January 27 through February 28 4. City Review of EAW March 3 through March 12 5. Address City Commnts March 12 through March 19 8. City Approval of EAW March 24 7. Submit to EQB Monitor March 31 8. Publication in EQB Monkor April 7 9. EAW Comment Palod April 7 through May 7 10. Respond to Comments May 7 through May 19 11. City Determines Need for EIS May 19 12. Decision Notice PublW" in EQB Monitor June 2 P. OIL • F82 NOW 7671 OW ii 6F COMMOL Go. rfYaa a N/p a 1 IaP/dIN1aMh11Ya/'./ N Maa wa Council Agenda - 3/24/97 6. Co Rid -ration of skn ordinance an sewer hook n o ramp -rs. (R.W.) The intent of this ordinance amendment is to update the criteria for Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) unit determination and to add definitions to our ordinance that will clarify the different types of uses that may connect to sanitary sewer. The current city ordinance for SAC unit determination was originally adopted by the City when our ordinances were last codified in 1975. It is believed that the 1975 SAC unit determination criteria was modeled after the Metropolitan Sewer Board schedules in existence at that time. Title 7 of the city ordinance provides methods for determining sanitary sewer hookup charges that apply to new, altered, and expanded buildings. The current ordinance identifies numerous building uses (i.e. grocery store, school, warehouse, hospital, etc.) and corresponding factors to enable a determination of how many SAC units apply to various building uses. This change in ordinance will enable staff to more easily and accurately determine the number of SAC units that apply to uses and the hookup fee to be charged. The current ordinance also assumes that one SAC unit equates to an average daily flow of 250 gallons per day. That SAC unit of 250 gallons of average daily flow is used as the basic unit for SAC determination for all building uses. This ordinance change will update the basic SAC unit equivalent of 250 gallons of a more accurate average daily flow of 274 gallons. It will also change the 75% charge applicable to apartments to language from the now definitions that indicates an 80% rate would apply to apartments that do not have their own laundry facilities in each unit. Apartments having their own laundry facilities will be at 100% of the normal rate, as their average daily flow is equal to that of a single family residence. A copy of the proposed ordinance is enclosed with the expanded list of definitions and parameters. Other than the expanded list of criteria, the arras in italics aro changes that would be proposed in this ordinance amendment. Council Agenda - 3/24/97 1. Adopt the ordinance amendment to Title 7, which expands the definitions for determining the proper sanitary sewer hookup charges and amends the basic unit charge from 250 gallons per day to 274 gallons per day. 2. Do not adopt the ordinance amendment. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the ordinance amendment be adopted as proposed. The amendment would simply clarify and provide more definitions for determining the appropriate hookup fee for various types of businesses and uses and is intended to bring our ordinance up to similar standards used by the Metropolitan Council in determining hookup fees in the metropolitan area. This amendment would not be changing any of our hookup fees at this time and is simply intended to provide more definitions for determining the appropriate hookup in the future. we) I'm 0 INM M Copy of proposed ordinance. 10 ORDINANCE NO. (� CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA THE CITY CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN THAT TITLE 7, CHAPTER 2, SECTION 1, OF THE MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE, RELATING TO SEWER AND WATER APPLICATIONS, PERMITS, AND FEES, BE AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: 7-2-1: APPLICATIONS, PERMITS, AND FEES: No person shall make any type of connection to the water system, sanitary sewer system, or storm sewer system except upon making an application therefore on a form provided by the City and receiving a permit issued by the City for such purposes. The application shall include the legal description of the property to be served, the uses for which the connection is requested, and the size of the service line to be used. No connection shall be made with respect to any sanitary sewer, water system, or storm sewer system serving the property of any person or occupants of the land, parcel, or premises affected that have not paid or provided for the payment of the full and proportionate share of the said utilities. At the time of taking such application, there shall be paid to the City Treasurer the following fees for the following purposes: (A) For service to property to which service linea have not been previously run from the street laterals to the property line, the owner, occupant, or user shall pay into the Treasury an amount not less than the cost of making the necessary connection tsps, and installation of pipe and appurtenances to provide service to the property and the necessary street repairs. (B) For service to property to which service linea have been run to the property line but which have not been paid for, the owner, occupant, or user shall pay in cash or agree to pay charges in the form of special assessments to be levied against the property to be spread over a number of years coincident with maturity requirements of any special improvement bonds sold for the purpose of financing the construction of sanitary sewer, municipal water, or storm sewer system serving the property. Said cash payment or assessment charge shall be in the principal amount of not less than the payments made by or charges placed against comparable properties for like services for such sanitary sewer, water, or storm sewer system in an amount as may be established by the Council. In the instance of services run to the property lines as provided under (A) hereinabove, the payment to the Clerk of any amount required under item (B) shall be reduced by the amount paid to the City under item (A) hereof. Payment to the treasury in the form of a special assessment charge shall be in the form of equal annual installments together with interest on the unpaid balance. //�� SAWHOOK,AMD, 22"? 614 14 Page I (C) The below water connection rate schedule applies to a premise that does not have city water. It also applies where a premise had city water and then changes the size of the water connection. Size of Line Rate of Flow Hookup Charge 1" 1 $ 300 + Cost 1-114" 2.1 425 + Cost 1-112" 3.2 550 + Cost 2" 6.3 700 + Cost 3" 17.6 900 + Cost 4" 36.2 1,200 + Cost 6" 116.6 1,500 + Cost 8" 220.0 2,000 + Cost Costs include cost of a water meter and those costs (if service line necessary) in (A) above. The hookup charge for water is based upon the following factors: 1. Some means of recovering a portion of water main costs not assessed. 2. Portion of oversizing of water main not assessed should be recovered. 3. A hookup charge should be based on service line flow capabilities. (D) Where application is made for connection of any single family residence to the sanitary sewer system, a connection fee adopted by the City Council for treatment plant plus trunk sanitary sewer shall be paid to the Clerk. tj connected. Charges for public, commercial, and institutional facilities shall be the multiplication of the current unit charge established by Council SM times the parameter times the unit equivalent. Any fraction of a parameter shall be rounded to the nearest whole parameter. For various commercial, public, and institutional facilities: !H'B "U.I -. - Ph h, ..id -1 uyuw x3 VYLo £ P 1 aiWHOON AMD IQ"? 416 Pap Z 3,33.4 ft 8 Wd::d1: LE:dz; i i1.2 �o _t.. r a i Z;:.4 1 ----- 3 '-A F �sr 2t1:_�: 3;: Xq . C 01WHODK AMD 3fM7 � co/ / Papp 3 H A �I BaWMOOK.AM10 17697 SAC CRITERIA FACILITY PARAMETER SAC Animal Clink (humane societies, animal research, hoarding, etc.) Animal holding areas .................... 17 fu. Animal runs ............................ 34 fu. ArcheP7 (6 R /lane) ......................... 6 lanes Arenas (bleachers 18 in/person) ............... 1108eats Auditoriums (7 sq R /person) ................. 110 seats Automobile Service Banik (exclude cash vault) .................... Fast service (< 4 hrs )car) .................. 2 service bays Major service (> 4 hrx/car) ................ 14 employees Car Dealership (charge for (Oce, retail, etc., at established rates) Fast Service (0 service bays x 30%) ....... 2 service bays Mq jor Service (M service boys ® 70% x I employee/bay) ........ 14 employees Ballrooms (exclude dance floor) Facility without liquor service .............. 825 sq ft Facility with liquor service ................ 590 sq ft Banik (exclude cash vault) .................... 2,400 sq ft Banquet Room (15 sq ilpersnn) Find catered ............................ 2.060 sq R Ford catered with dishwashing ............. 1,180 sq R Food catered with liquor .................. 1,028 sq ft Food preparation and dishwashing .......... 825 sq ft Food catered with dishwashing and liquor .... 750 sq R Fond preparation, dishwashing with liquor ... 590 gq ft Barber ................................... 4 chairs Batting Cages (6 ft /lane) ................... 6lanes Beaaty Salon ............................. 4 cutting stations Bingo Nall (used only for bingo) .............. 110 seats Boarding Mouse (dorm moms) ............... 5 Mads Body Shop (mgjnr service - more than 4 hours per ear, no vehicle washing) .... , .... 14 employees Bowling Alleys (does not include bar or dining area) .......................... 3 alleys Camps (tt gallons x occupant or site) Children Camps (central toilet & bath; overnight, primitive cabins) ... ......... 274 gallons (N occupants x 50gallons/occupant) Day Camps (no meals) . ........ ...... 274 gallons (W occupants x 10gatlnns/occupant) Lobo/Construction Camps ................ 274 gallons (M occupants x 50 gallons /occupant) Resnriv (housekeeping cabins) ............. 274 gallons (Jt occupants x 60gallms/necupant) D Pape. SAWHWK,AMD 320"7 & r pap 5 Travel Trailer Parka with water & sewer hookup ............. 274 gallons y (q sites x 100gal.lalte) (� with central toilet & showers ............ 274 gallons (Y sites x 75 gal. /site) sanitary dump (sites without hookup) ..... 274 gallons (M sites x 10 gal. /site) Car Wash (CONTACT MCES FOR DETERMINATION) Catering (CONTACT MCES FOR DETERMINATION) Churehtee (for sanctuary, nave, chancel) ........ 275 seats (7gq ft/person -seating area) (remainder use other criteria) (sacristy, ambulatory - no charge) Cocktail Lounge (no food service) ............. 23 seats Coffee Shop (no food service) ................. 23 seats Correction Facility (prison) ................. 2.5 inmates Court Rooms ............................. 1,650 sq R Dorm Rooms: OnlOf/'Campus Students ...... 5 students (charge additional fnr classrooms) Daycare (number of children licensed for) ....... 14 children Child /Adult Play Area (not licensed) ........ 490 sq R Dy Cleaners (retail) ....................... 3,000 sq R Elderly Housing (100% of current SAC Rate) (no washerldryer each unit) ............... 3 people (washer/dryer each unit) .................. 2.5 people "Three bedroom unit with washer/dryer / l (separate from formula below) ........... (H of nne bedroom units x 1.5 people / unit) + (tt of twn bedroom units x 2.0 people / unit) + (M or three bedroom units Y3.0 aenule / unit (total tt of people) Exercise Area/Gym Uuice bars - no charge) ...... 700 aq /1 (sauna, whirlpnot included) No showers ............................. 2,060 aq f t Fire Station (charge for offu+e, mig ronms, etc., at established rates) Washing (hose tower, truck) ................ 274gallans Full time (overnight people) (75 gal l persan)1274 gallons ............ 274 gallons Volunteer (occasional overnight) ............ 14 people Funeral Home ............................ 770 sq ft (charge viewing areas only - chapel, viewing areas, etc.) Apartment (1 apartment) ................. . Dante Room (billiards, video & pinball games) With hap ............................... 590 aq ft Without lar ............................ 2.060 aq ft Golf Course (if showers - use locker room criteria) IShole .. .......................... . 8 hole •re Miniature.............................. SAWHWK,AMD 320"7 & r pap 5 "WHoos Arc, %*W7 GF ape e Country club (private) Dining mom (evening & weekends) ....... 15 seats Bar & grill (bar & grill separate) Bar ............................. 23 seats Grill ............................. 15 seats Golf Dome or Driving Range ................ 6 driving stations Greenhouse Area not open to public ................... 15,000 sq ft Area open to public ...................... 5,000 sq It General retail area ....................... 3,000 sq ft Group Home Secondary treatment (residents leaving during the day) ....................... 5 beds Primary treatment (residents stay all day) .... 3 beds Guest Rooms (apartment or condominium) (charge SAC as apartment) Washerldryer........................... 100% (ofcurrent No washer/dryer ........................ 80% SAC rate) No kitchen ...................... . ...... 50`b Handball and Racquetball Courts .......... I court Hospitals (licensed beds or baby cribs) ......... I bed (does not include outpatient clinic) Outpatient clinic (plumbing fixture units) ..... 17 fu. Sterilisers (4 hrs x gpm x 60 minutes) ..... 274 gallons X-ray film processors .................. 274 gallons (continuous operation 9 hours) (intermittent operation 4 hours) (operation time (hrs) xgpm x 60 minutes) Vacuum device (dental office) ............ 274 gallons (9 hours xgpm x 60 minutes) lee Arena Showers (see LOCKER ROOMS) Team Rooms (plumbing fixture unite) ........ 17 f.u. Bleachers .............................. 110scats Zomhnni 0f dischargegoing to son. sewer) .... Laundromat (requires water volume for cycle time.8 cycles /day)................... 274gallons Library (suhtract out book storage areas, file areas - charge common plumbing fixture units in public areas) ........... 17 f.u. Meeting moms, board rooms, reception, link checkout offices .................. 2.400 sq ft Loading Dock ............................ 7,000 sq /t Locker Rooms li showers - 20 f gal. /person/ 14 lockers Medical Clinic (See HOSPITALS, Outpatient Clinic) Meeting Rooms (conference moms) ............ 1,650 sq Jt Mini-storage (storage area - nn charge) Living area .... ............. . Public restroom (plumbing fixtures) . 17[u. Mobile Home . , • , . • .. "WHoos Arc, %*W7 GF ape e 1 AWNOOK.AMD SM47 4 G Paps 7 Motels and Hotels (assume 2 persons /roam) .... 2 moms (pools, saunas, jaeuzsis, game roams, or QBreakfast exercise moms exclusively used by guests - no only (complimentary) ............. charge) 45 seats Cocktail Hour (complimentary) ............. 55 seats Kitchenettes (# kitchenettes xlOgal/day) .....274gallons Museum ................................. 2,400 sq R Nursing Home ............................ 3 beds Office General office (deduct mechanical rooms, elevator shafts, stairwells, restroom, and storage areas ..................... 2,400 sq R Dental, Doctnrs .........................see hospital Police Station (charge as office) Cells (overnight -jail) .................... 3 people (no overnight people - holding arra) ..... l4 people Recording/Filming Studios ................. 7.000 sq R Restaurant (drive-in) ....................... 9 parking spaces Restaurant (fast food) ...................... 22 seats (disposable paper plates, glasses, and silverware) Restaurant (full service) .................... 8 seats (washable silverware. glasses A dishes) Retail Storrs (deduct mechanical moms, elevator shafts, stairwells, restmoms, and unfinished storage areas) .............. 3,000 sq ft Rifle Ranges (handgun ranges - 0 ft/lane) ...... 6 lanes Roller Rink (skating area) ................... 825 sq ft Rooming Houses (no food service) ............. 7 beds RV Dumping Station (not in association withcampgrounds ...................... Schools (Sunday - 30 sq ft /student) ....... , .... 55 students Schools (elementary - 15ga1/student - 30 sq ft /student) ........................ 18 students Schools(mllege, TVI - 30 sq ft/student) ........ 18 students Lecture Halls (15 sq Rl student) ............. 18 students Labs (50 sq f t /student) .................... 18 students Mrm rooms (onloff campusstudents)........ Bstudente Schools (nursery - 4 of children licensed fi)r) ..... 14 students Church (nursery - during wnrship service only - 30 sq ft /child) ............. 55 children Nursery (health clubs, bawling alleys, etc.) .... 2,400 sq ft Schools (secondary - 30 sq ft/student - 20gallnnslstudent) .......... . ........ 14 students Lshs (50 sq ft /student) .................... 14 students Semice Station Gas pumping ........... . .............. . Convenience center ....................... 3.000 sq ft Service bays ............................ 2 hays Car wash (See CAR WASH) Swimming Pools (public - pool area) .......... 900 aq R (private residential, townhouse, condorniniums, hotels, motels, or apartments - no charge) Tanning Rooms ......................... . . 3,000 eq R 1 AWNOOK.AMD SM47 4 G Paps 7 Tennis Courts (public, shower facilities avail.) ... 1 court 2 Theater .................................. 64 seats 1 Theater (drive-in - parking spaces) ............ �l Vehicle Garage 55 spaces 1 Employees stationed in garage .............. 14 employees 1 Vehicle drivers (per day) .................. 28 drivers I Vehicle washing (0 vehicles /day xgpm sminutes/ vehicle) .................... 274gallons I Warehouses (assembly areas) ................ 7,000 sq R 1 O1y1eefWarehouse (speculative - must he reviewed on finishing permits) Maximum 30% office ..................... 2,400 sq R I Maximum 70% warehouse ................. 7,000 sq ft I Whirlpool (doctors office/clinic, therapy - t► gal. I fill s 8 fills /day) ........... 274 gallons I Yard Storage Buildings (i.e., lumber storage) ... 15,000 sq jt I (customer pickup, no permanent employees) Plumbing Waste Fixture Units* (17 fu. - / SAC) Tyne o/Flxture Fixture unit value ((.al Drinking fountain .......................... 1 Floor drain - 2" waste (only if hose bib included) .. 2 3" waste (only if hnse bib included) ... 3 4" waste (only if hose bib included) ... 4 Trench drain: per 6 %t section ................. 2 Sinks - lab in exam room, bathroom ........ , ... l kitchen, and others ................... 2 surgeon ............................3 janitor .............................4 Water closet ............................... 6 'if not included in list, use plumbing code For various commercial, public, and institutional facilities not listed in the chart in Section 7-2-1 (D), the parameter for determining the sewer connection fee shall be calculated as follows: One (1) unit charge for each 2N 274 gallons of maximum Ilow per day. f... f...... _ :. .. ,. ':,l L.....,'. 1: . a ..:.... th...._IE:,,h. 1......:.e ..�.. Before proceeding with the construction, enlargement, alteration, or repair of any water or sower lines connecting the water system, sanitary sower system, or storm sewer system and any house or building, the owner or his agent shall first obtain a permit for such purpose from the City through its Clerk. The applicant shall pay to the Clerk a fee of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents 07.60► for each permit. tuwHWK norm 12N? 4 # Pao$ 0 r� C. The plumbing inspector shall examine all applications before construction is begun; and after the construction, enlargement, alteration, or repair is complete, the plumbing inspector shall be notified. It shall be unlawful to cover any connecting line until an inspection has been made and such connection and the wort; incident thereto has been approved by the City as a proper and suitable connection. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 24th day of March, 1997. Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator G&WHODK AMD 2r,"? (P = Pqq 9 Council Agenda - 3/24/97 7. Consideration ofeRtablishing n snowmohile trail route thronah the C city of Mondeello. ( R.W. ) Recently, the Police Commission met with Sheriffs Department representatives to discuss the City's snowmobile ordinance and enforcement procedures to address some of the complaints that the City had been receiving regarding snowmobile operations within the city. As part of this discussion, Chief Deputy Don Lindell, along with Deputies Steve Quill, Ken Antil, and Dennis Compton, noted that they felt one of the biggest problems for snowmobiles in our city is that we have not designated or established a specific route that snowmobilers should use to get through our community. It is the intention of the Wright County Sheriffs Department to establish snowmobile routes through each of the communities in Wright County and also establish a uniform county -wide snowmobile ordinance. With Monticello's location sandwiched between the Mississippi River and I-94, our location provides limited choices for snowmobilers if they wish to travel from Big Lake or Big Lake Township south through our community. It's obvious that from the north, the only way to travel through Monticello is to use the Highway 25 bridge crossing, and then snowmobilers do not have any clear direction as to where they should go after this point. The Police Commission discussed establishing a designated route that could be marked and signed that would lead people from the south side of the freeway to the Highway 25 bridge crossing. Initially, the Police Commission had decided that from the Highway 25 bridge crossing, the logical route would be to direct snowmobiles east on River Street to a point where they could then head south to near the freeway and then continue easterly to County Road I IS to make the crossing of 1.94. After discussing the merits of establishing a route, a second meeting was scheduled with the Sherifrs Department representatives and members of the local snowmobile club to get their input on where a route should be established. The Police Commission again met on Wednesday, March 5, with members of the Monticello Trail Blazers Snowmobile Club and with Deputy Steve Quill to further analyze possible routes that could be used. The commission did discuss the feasibility of trying to use the railroad right-of-way lath Street) as much as possible as a route from Highway 25 easterly to reach County Road 118, but they felt it may be difficult to receive permission from Burlington Northern Railroad to sign and use the right-of-way for a snowmobile trail. In addition, there were some concerns that if snowmobiles were immediately directed south from River Street along Cedar to get to the railroad right -of --way, crossing Broadway may be a problem with it being so close to Highway 25. As a result, it was suggested by the Police Commission that a recommendation be made to the City Council that a snowmobile trail Council Agenda - 3/24/97 be designated from Highway 25 and River Street by routing along East River Street to Ramsey; south on Ramsey to 5th Street; east on 5th Street to Washington Street; east on Washington Street to 7th Street; east on 7th Street across property owned by St. Henry's Church, Bondhus Tool, and Dahlheimer's to County Road 118; then south on County Road 118 to Chelsea Road to cross I-94. The trail system would then continue west on Chelsea Road to Oakwood Drive and south on Oakwood Drive to the State trail system that currently exists. This route would provide snowmobilers with direction on how to get from the Mississippi River to the south side of the freeway and to line up with a trail system that currently exists. This would provide the missing link that currently exists in this State -signed trail system, as snowmobilers do not have clear direction as to where they can travel once they near Monticello. The route as suggested by the Police Commission will likely be controversial from residents along River Street who have complained of snowmobiling activity in the past. By designating this as the preferred route, we may find more opposition from property owners in this area. The idea would be to use one side of River Street (south side) adjacent to the curb as the route and possibly do special snow plowing efforts to try to leave a small amount of snow along side of the road for the trail. This could cause problems with homeowners along River Street who may complain of the extra snow being left at the end of their driveways, but this may be something that can be easily worked on by the public works department. As an alternative to the River Street route, the Public Works Director and I believe a route that would direct snowmobiles along Cedar Street to the railroad right-of-way at Cedar Street and 5th Street may be preferable from the standpoint of directing the traffic away from residential areas. The use of the railroad right-of-way should not be a major problem since this is an area where the City actually owns the right-of-way; and as long as we're not interfering with the operation of the railroad, we do not believe the railroad would be able to oppose our signage or use of the right-of-way for snowmobiles. The area between Cedar Street and Washington Street along the railroad is the back yard of most residential properties and would likely cause the least disruption to the neighbors. The concern of the snowmobile club members was that crossing Broadway on Cedar Street may be a little more hazardous than crossing Broadway further cast because of its proximity to Highway 25, 1 think if properly signed, this may be a better route and would probably receive more support from the public than routing people through the residential area along River Street. At this point, it was recommended by the Police Commission that the City Council look at establishing a route through the community so that proper signs can be constructed and proper notice be given to the public before the next winter season. It is suggested that if we establish a route that could 12 Council Agenda - 3/24/97 affect residential areas, a public notice should be sent to the abutting property owners so that the Council can get additional feedback from these areas. To establish a route without any public input may cause problems in the future. Enclosed with the agenda is a map outlining the trail route as initially recommended by the Police Commission and an alternative route if Cedar Street and the railroad tracks are used. Council could pick a preferred route and notify the abutting property owners of the Council's intention to establish this route for snowmobilers by next winter. Council could choose to not establish a designated route at this time. It is the recommendation of the Police Commission and staff that it will be beneficial to the City to have a designated route that snowmobilers can follow unless we're going to attempt to ban snowmobile use entirely. At this point, snowmobilers entering our community do not have any idea as to where they can and cannot travel, and this could be why we receive some complaints of snowmobilers traveling across private property, etc. At the time the Police Commission made their recommendation to use River Street as the primary route from the Highway 26 bridge, I do not believe they were aware that the City actually owns the right-of-way along 6th Street (the railroad tracks), and we would have more control on allowing this right-of-way to be used than what they originally thought. From the standpoint of the least disruption to residential areas, the use of the railroad tracks from at least Cedar Street to Washington Street would be the best, and a number of alternatives are still available from Washington Street to County Road 118 by continuing along the railroad tracks or directing snowmobiles to the front of Bondhus Tool along County Road 76, or directing the trail to near the freeway. These areas aro the least populated, and I don't think any of the routes from Washington Street to County Road 118 would be a bad choice. Unless the Council feels the selected route would not be disruptive to the particular residential area, it is suggested that proper notice and a public meeting be held again before finalizing a route. Copy of minutes of Police Commission meetings; Copy of map. C Minutes Fr Special Meeting - Police Commission Wednesday, March 8, 1897 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dave Gerads, Liz DeMarais, Brian Stumpf, Bridget Baldwin, Brad Fyle Others Present: Wright County Sheriffs Deputy Steve Quill, Monticello Trailblazers Duane Bistodeau and Dane Hasbrouck Staff Present: Roger Mack, Street Superintendent, Wanda Kraemer, DST 1. Call to order. Chairperson DeMarais called the meeting to order and welcomed newly appointed member Brad Fyle. Approval or minutes or thp remilar rnpefing held Februm 5- 1997- A motion was made by Commissioner Stumpf, seconded by Commissioner Gerads. to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held February b, 1997. Motion passed unanimously. rnng4dr-rntinn of the snowm o b'1 - ordinance amondmpnts and reco mends in s on enforcement procedures regarding snowmobile activities. Wright County Sherifre Deputy Steve Quill, Monticello Trailblazers Duane BistWeau and Dane Hasbrouck, and Roger Mack, Street Superintendent, met with the Commission to discuss and route a snowmobile route through the city limits. It was agreed that because of the Highway 25 bridge crossing an established route needed to be established and signed. The route will be from the Highway 25 Bridge, east on River Street to Ramsey, south on Ramsey to Sth Stroot. East on Pith Street to Washington Street, East on Washington Street to 7th Street, East on 7th Street across property owned by St. Henry's Church, Bondhus, and Dahlheimcrs to County Read 118, South on County Road 118 to Chelsea Road, West on Chelsea Road to Oakwood Drive, South on Oakwood Drive to tho State Trail. There was also a lengthy discussion on using Cedar St., which is une block west of the Highway 25 bridge, to the railroad right-of-way. This route was favorable because there is no residential housing along Cedar St. The committee's concerns were the safety of crossing Broadway one block from Highway 25, cars parked along Cedar Street by the Senior Center, and not knowing if the railroad Page I 7A Special Meeting Police Commission - 03-05-97 C right of -way could be signed. Dane Hasbrouck reported that Monticello has been a missing link in the state signed trail system. When anowmobilers enter the city limits there is no designated route through town which causes confusion on where they should ride. Hasbrouck and Bistodeau install the snowmobile route sign, orange signs with directional arrows, in the Monticello area. The club will take responsibility to sign the route and also to have the agreements signed by the private property owners, St. Henry's, Dahlheimers, & Bondhus. Roger Mack stated the city could provide signs that would have a map of the route and/or the signs that have wording. On the west side of town there will be signs directing snowmobiles from the state trail to the signed route through town. The signs in the City limits along West County Road 75 will be removed because the trail is only marked to Prairie Road. The main topic of the discussion was the portion of the snowmobile route along River Street. This area is all residential, however, it is the only logical street to use alter crossing the bridge. A recommendation was made that City Council allocate a portion of the 200 extra patrol hours for River Street at the beginning of the snowmobile season to monitor the use. The Commission recommended articles in the fall and winter City newsletter and in the Times to inform residents and snowmobilers of the route through town. The Sheriffs office will be working with all of the cities in Wright County to develop a uniform snowmobile ordinance county -wide. Motion passed unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CHAIRPERSON DEMARAIS, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FYLE TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion passed unanimously. Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 2 76 Council Agenda - 3/24/97 City Council is asked to review the decision by Monticello Township and consider further action on the matter. At the Township meeting on March 17, 1997, the Supervisors voted unanimously to deny approval of amendments to the Urban Service Area boundaries. The reasons for the denial were based on the following according to the Township letter of March 18,1997: "Considerable undeveloped land is in the urbanization area that is also in the City plan." "This type of linear development of residential area is simply not good land -use planning; and would encourage growth in a direction other than the City land use plan identifies." 3. "The southern portion of the projected area is not in the Orderly Annexation Area boundaries and should not have been considered for annexation." To some extent, the Township is treating the urban service line boundary as the limit to city growth when, in fact, it was meant to be a fluid line that moves with the incremental pace of development. At the meeting on the 17th, the property owners implored the Supervisors to reconsider, arguing that the properties meet all of the criteria for inclusion in the Urban Service Area. Their pleas fell on deaf ears. Subsequent to the meeting, we received a letter from Bridgeland Development Company requesting that the City exercise its annexation powers granted under St&W Slatuts. Council is thus placed in a position where it must choose among the following options: Motion to accept the Township's recommendation and deny further requests for amendments to the Urban Service Area boundarieg. Under this alternative, the City Council agrees with the Township's view that the City should not develop to the south and cast despite the fact that the utilities are available and the style of housing in this area will result in higher value homes. Council Agenda - 3/24/97 2. Conduct a special meeting with the Township regarding the Urban Service Area boundaries with the goal of coming up with a new overall boundary line. Under this alternative, the entire Urban Service Area and adjoining agricultural areas along the boundary of the city would be reviewed for inclusion in the Urban Service Area. Given the level of development of available Urban Service Area land in the city in recent years, it would make sense to make a wholesale adjustment to the boundaries. The Art Anderson and Orrin Thompson land areas would be evaluated for inclusion in the Urban Service Area as part of this process. Factors favoring this option include the following: A. Lines of communication will be further opened. Perhaps common ground can be found. B. The urbanization plan will be maintained, which in the past has served us well in guiding development. This alternative is on the Planning Commission's work plan for 1997. Utilize authority to annex the property by ordinance. Notify the Township that it plans on withdrawing from the agreement. Under this option, the City may annex the land after a public hearing process. Township has an opportunity to comment via a public hearing process but does not have veto power to stop the annexation. Under this alternative, the Council does not desire to deal further on the matters of annexation with the Township and is content to utilize the powers given to the Council by the State. Under this alternative, the City Council would provide the Township with a notice that it plans on withdrawing f}om the agreement. In the meantime, the process of annexation by ordinance could begin, which is a 60•day process. It should be noted that when the original urbanization agreement was adopted, the City did not have the power that it has today to form annexation. The agreement's value to the City has, therefore, diminished lined 1990 as a tool to expedite the annexation process. In fact, the presence of the agreement is actually now making the annexation process more difficult.. Council Agenda - 3/24/97 It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the City Council or Planning Commission schedule a meeting with the Supervisors to discuss amendments to the Urban Service Area boundaries. Efforts need to be made to continue with the agreement, as good relations with the Township are important. Perhaps common ground on identifying growth areas can be found. In addition to the discussion on the Urban Service Area, it would be important to include a review of the Orderly Annexation Area boundaries and associated regulations. Perhaps it is time to look at some changes to the OAA rules and boundaries as well. For the sake of reducing night meetings, it is suggested that the City Council meet with the Planning Commission and Township on April 1, 1997, as part of the regular Planning Commission meeting. If this option is not acceptable, the Planning Commission could meet with the Township on the topic on the lot of April, then any recommendation could be brought to the City Council for discussion with the Supervisors at the next regular meeting of the City Council. As another alternative, the City council could meet directly with the Township Supervisors and not include the Planning Commission. The City is currently in the process of developing expensive sewer treatment capacity that is predicated on growth. It is, therefore, important that artificial barriers to growth where capacity exists be examined closely, especially barriers to high-end housing. It is hoped that the Township would understand these concerns and work with the City accordingly. D_ SUPPORTING DATA; Letter from the Township; Trunk fee revenue table; Area map; Sanitary sewer feasibility study • Anderson property. The 1990 Urbanization Plan was reviewed and updated in 1995. Resolution R95-15. The Monticello Comprehensive Plan was published in March of 1996 by Norwest Associated Consultants, Inc.; and it clearly states the intent of the City of Monticello. Development determined to be to the south and west down the Highway 25 corridor area. In the past the City requested annexation of D&D Bus, Gould Brothers, 160 acres of the Klein properties, Hawks Bar and Krautbauers, as they complied with the plan. We signed these / aarcela over to the City. We have no objections to the City annexing the John beersen property, as it is proper planning and squares up city limits. On March 17, 1997 the Monticello Board of Supervisors voted not to approve the requested change of the boundaries of the Urbanization Area for the following reasons: Considerable undeveloped land is in the Urbanization Area that is also in the City Plan. This type of linear development of residential area Is simply not good land -use planning; and would encourage growth in a direction other the City Land Use Plan Identifies. The southern portion of the projected area is not in the Orderly Annexation Area boundaries and should not have been considered for annexation. The Town Board realizos that if the growth continues in the future years, the Urban Service Area of the Urbanization Plan will need reviewing. C cc; Rick Wolfeteller, City Administrator. Dick Frie, Chairman Monticello City Planning Board. Dan Goeman, Realtor. Monticello Township County Road 117 Monticello. Minnesota 55362 TO; Honorable Mayor and Monticello City Council Members. FROM: Monticello TowneBoard off Superv,iore Darlene Savatzke,Clerk. N���•. DATE: March 18, 1997 RE: Reply to request for changes in the boundaries of the Urban Service Area in the Urbanization Plan. Two persons have approached the Township in regard to their parcels being annexed into the City of Monticello. Mr. Leersen owns one of the parcels and Mr. Shermer the other. The 1990 Urbanization Plan was reviewed and updated in 1995. Resolution R95-15. The Monticello Comprehensive Plan was published in March of 1996 by Norwest Associated Consultants, Inc.; and it clearly states the intent of the City of Monticello. Development determined to be to the south and west down the Highway 25 corridor area. In the past the City requested annexation of D&D Bus, Gould Brothers, 160 acres of the Klein properties, Hawks Bar and Krautbauers, as they complied with the plan. We signed these / aarcela over to the City. We have no objections to the City annexing the John beersen property, as it is proper planning and squares up city limits. On March 17, 1997 the Monticello Board of Supervisors voted not to approve the requested change of the boundaries of the Urbanization Area for the following reasons: Considerable undeveloped land is in the Urbanization Area that is also in the City Plan. This type of linear development of residential area Is simply not good land -use planning; and would encourage growth in a direction other the City Land Use Plan Identifies. The southern portion of the projected area is not in the Orderly Annexation Area boundaries and should not have been considered for annexation. The Town Board realizos that if the growth continues in the future years, the Urban Service Area of the Urbanization Plan will need reviewing. C cc; Rick Wolfeteller, City Administrator. Dick Frie, Chairman Monticello City Planning Board. Dan Goeman, Realtor. 14 Orrin ThompsonlArt Anderson - Trunk Fee Potential Mamh 24, 1997 Oram Thompson Property water main Sanitary Sewer Storrs Sewer jFee_based on_nsl acres)- Sub cres)Sub Total Art Anderson Property watermein Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer (fee based on not acres) Subtotal Grand Total Acres Trunk Fee Trunk Fee per acre Collected so $e60 $62.000 60 $1.260 $100.000 $44a.000 40 $eso $26.000 $1.260 $60.000 30 14,900 $147,000 $223.000 $50.000 Notes: • The City oversized the Meadow Oaks Storm Sewer outlet project to accomodate the Orin Thompson devebpmerd. This Investment will allow, the diversion of water from Qre flooding Ditch 33 system Into the City system wMch hes th effect of holpIng the Township properties along Ditch 33. The oxersWng expense amounted to SBO.ODO • Sanitary sewer end wMermain trunk lees will assist In funding future development of deep trunk IV*. ' Potential storm sewer fee credits may be asalrged depending on extent of on-site ponding. Pre -frank expenses for eft" sanitary sewer funded directly by developer. pz-M ma CURRP.l1! ORDERLY ANNEXATION 8OUNDARY U _ =a GESVICB AREA BOUNDARY MOS80 bRBAN"SERVICH ARFA BO Y 1, ��rLL�• 41Ef eµs�k'Y L Mar -21-97 13:62 law a financial services 612 432-8011 P.02 RICHARD K. HOCKING. P.A. LAW OFFICES CA PaOFUSIONAL ASSOC IAnoN 7570 WEST 167TH STREET TELEPHONE (612) 4324129 APPLE VALLEY. MN $5126 FAX (612) 4321011 VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAIL March 21, 1997 Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello Assistant Administrator 250 East Broadway Monticello MN 55362-9245 Re: My client, Bridgeland Development Company Art Anderson Property Dear Mr. O'Neill: It is my understanding that the annexation issue has been placed on the City Council calendar for March 24, 1997. I will be unable to attend that meeting, but I did want to express more clearly the position of Bridgeland Development Company in regard to this matter. I had previously obtained and reviewed the urbanization plan of 1990 between the City of Monticello and the Town of Monticello. Further, I had also reviewed the Monticello Comprehensive Plan dated March 19, 1996. As I am sure you are aware, my client has been on hold on this matter pending the resolution of the issue concerning treatment plant expansion. Now that that matter has been resolved, it was my client's anticipation that this procedure would move forward con0letent with the comp plan and orderly annexation documents. Frankly, I was very surprised by the action and the attitude of the Town Board of the Town of Monticello. If their action was not a violation of the actual wording of the urbanisation plan, it clearly violated the spirit of that plan. Further, it seemed to be very confrontational toward the City of Monticello, in an apparent effort to exercise acme political power over the City. Also, it seemed highly illogical to me, since there is no sense in leaving a significant amount of sewer capacity unused on the east side of the City. I know that the City has made a substantial financial commitment to the treatment plant expansion, and I am sure that the W] Mar -21-97 13:53 law a financial sarvicos 612 432-8011 P.03 Jeff O'Neill March 21, 1997 Page 2 (� developments proposed on the east side will contribute significantly to costs associated with the expansion. Further, there are significant ongoing real estate tax dollars that would be anticipated from the construction in that area. Since the Town Board meeting, I have reviewed the requirements of Minn. Stat. Chapter 414. Specifically, 414.031, subd. 4, sets forth a number of considerations in the determination of annexation. It would be my position that the property in question is well within the guidelines set forth in Chapter 414. On a point by point basis, the factors in favor of annexing are quite consistent with the request in regard to this parcel. Frankly, I heard nothing at the Town Board meeting that could dispute the annexation of the proposed parcel. The Town Board, after some discussion, essentially admitted that they simply were not in favor of any further development. That obviously ignores the reality of the market place. It further ignores the language of the urbanization agreement. The Anderson property is within the orderly annexation area, and is logically in line for extension of the urban services. It is now seven years since the creation of that document, and the nature of that document assumes that the urban service area will be extended through the orderly annexation area when the municipal services are available. Clearly, there would be no intent to place property within the orderly annexation area unless it was anticipated that future development would logically bring it within an expanded service area in the future. Based upon all of the factors cited above, and including the policy behind Minn. Stat. Chapter 414, my client would respectfully request that annexation of the property to the City of Monticello be carried out. Very trul yo re dM Richard K. Hock RKRieke CCI Neal Kraysaniak 0 Council Agenda - 3/24/97 Well No. 2 is located in the alley behind Rhonda's Cafe near the Help Center. The well was last serviced in 1990 and is due this year. Specifications have been prepared based upon the repairs needed in 1990. $10,000 has been placed in the 1997 budget for the estimated cost of the project. All work on the well is to be completed by May 31,1997. Due to the length of the document, the specifications are not included with your agenda packet. A copy is available at city hall and at the office of public works should you wish to review the entire document. B. AI_•TFRNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to authorize advertisement forbids for refurbishing of deep well no. 2., with the bids to be returned at 10 a.m., Thursday, April 10, 1997, for discussion at the April 14 regularly scheduled Council meeting. 2. The second alternative would be not to advertise forbids for refurbishment of well no. 2. C. STAFF RECO MF.NDATION: i It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Water Superintendent that the City Council authorize advertisement of bids for refurbishment of well no. 2 as outlined in alternative #I above. As an informational item, well no. 4 in the industrial park near NSP is down for emergency repairs. A had vibration developed which could cause the deep well turbine pump and drive shafts to loosen and shake sport. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of advertisement for bids for City Projed 097.02C. 17 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS TO REMOVE, REPAIR AND REINSTALL DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP NO. 2 AND APPURTENANT WORK PROJECT NO. 97-02C FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received by the City Council of the City of Monticello at the Monticello City Hall, 250 East Broadway Street, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, until 10 a.m., Thursday, April 10, 1997, and will be publicly opened at said time and place by two or more designated officers or agents of the City of Monticello. Said proposals for the furnishing of all labor and materials for the construction complete in place of the approximate following quantities: Remove, Repair and Reinstall Deep Well Turbine Pump Ab. 2 and Appurtenant Work Proposals arriving after the designated time will be returned unopened. The bids must be submitted on the proposal forms provided in accordance with contract documents, plans, and specifications as prepared by the City of Monticello, which are on file with the City Administrator of Monticello, 250 East Broadway Street, Monticello, Minnesota 55362. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Administrator of Monticello and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, certified check, or bid bond payable to the City of Monticello, for Me percent (5%) of the amount bid; to be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event that the bid be accepted and bidder shag fail to enter promptly Into a written contract and fumish the required contract performance and payment bonds. No bids may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of opening of bids. The Gly of Monticello reserves the right to reject any or all bids. DATED: March 17, 1997 BY: ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Ws Sick WVQifs(eller CAty Administrator City of Monticello, Minnesota PURUS1I1J)1N. Alan irrlla Turns, Alarch 17, 1007 April 3, 1007 C0FFCE%X0�' Cc^.... 1PWU2 CPU CM7197 9� E1RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM Q�/20/97 20:22:44 .RRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41958 02/19/97 MID CENTRAL, INC. 41958 02/19/97 MID CENTRAL. INC. 41972 02/19/97 WOOLHOUSE/MARY 41972 02/19/97 WOOLHOUSE/MARY 41973 02/19/97 PATCH/FRED 41973 02/19/97 PATCH/FRED 41974 02/19/97 AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS 41975 02/19/97 BARCO PRODUCTS, INC. 41978 02/18/97 CENTRAL MINN INITIAT 41877 02/19/97 DULUTH NEWS -TRIBUNE 41918 02/19/97 EHLERS & ASSOC.INC P :978 02/19/97 EHLERS & ASSOC.INC P u 1978 02/ 19/ 97 EHLERS & ASSOC.INC P 41078 02/19/97 EHLERS & ASSOC.INC P 41978 02/19/97 EHLERS & ASSOC.INC P 41879 02/19/97 FIRST TRUST NATIONAL 41979 02/19/97 FIRST TRUST NATIONAL 41978 02/19/97 FIRST TRUST NATIONAL 4 1990 02/10/97 HARTNETT PARTNERING 41001 02/19/97 HERMES/JERRY 41902 02/19/97 K MART STORE 41082 02/19/07 K MART f,TORE 41003 02/10/97 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE 41904 02/19/91 MACOUEEN EQUIPMENT I 41005 02/18/97 MARCO OUSINF£00 PRODU 41705 02/19/91 MARCO BUSINESS PROOU C1005 02/19/97 MARCO DUCINELu PROOU I Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT C� 113 CHECK VOIDED 600.00CR 113 CHECK VOIDED 600.00CR 1.200.00CR *Ci 1131 SHOVEL LIBRARY ROOF 800.00 1131 SHOVEL SEN CIT ROOF 600.00 1,200.00 VC1 1130 BUILDING INPECTION 2,066.40 1130 MILEAGE REIMS 35 .84 I 2,102 .04 *CQ 17 CIVIL DEFENSE RADIO 3.387.48 236 CROW BARS/STREETS 88.40 1 822 CMIF GRANT PYMT 1,100.21 1138 P WRKS INSPECTOR HELP 69.42 O 933 MISC PROF SERVICES/HR 262.50 933 MISC PROF SERV/TIFt22 551.25 933 *FV* 2,362.50 833 VFYV 525.00 933 •FY• 603.75 4,305.00 VC( 484 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES/9 125.00 484 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES/9 125.00 494 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES/9 125.00 375 .00 OC� 1142 WWTP PARTNERSHIP MT 3,238.28 O1 LIBRARY CLEANIN CONTR 227.50 460 SUPPLIES/P WORKS INSPE 23.41 460 SUPPLIES/P WORKS CLD 93.17 4 1 10 .89 VCS 700 AUGER MOTOR/SNOW & IC 320.51 104 :NOW DL0WFk/GNOW & 99, 740 .44 106 GUPPLIEG/ CITY HALL 2.00 106 ADDING MACHINE/DEP REO 87.95 106 TONER/CITY HAIL COPY 910.50 410.14 MCI ESRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM f/20/97 20:22:44 RRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 41986 02/19/97 MN DEPT OF TRADE & E 41987 02/19/97 MN RECREATION & PARK 41988 02/19/97 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 41989 02/19/97 MONTICELLO SENIOR CI 41990 02/19/97 MONTICELLO VACUUM CE 41991 02/19/97 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 41991 02/19/97 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 41991 02/19/97 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 41991 02/19/97 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 41992 02/19/97 ONE CALL CONCEPTS, I 41993 02/19/97 REGISTRAR -9416 61994 02/19/97 RELIABLE CORPORATION C1994 02/19/97 RELIABLE CORPORATION 41995 02/19/97 SCHMAAB, INC. 41996 07/19/97 SIMPSON/CYNTHIA 41997 02/19/97 ST. CLOUD TIMES 41990 02/19/97 TOS TELECOM 41000 02/19/07 TDS TELECOM 41990 02/19/97 TDS TELECOM 41990 02/19/07 TOS TELECOM 41990 02/10/97 TOS TELECOM 41990 02/19/97 TOO TELECOM 41900 02/10/07 TOS TELECOM 41990 02/10/97 TOO TELECOM 41090 07/10/07 TOS TELECOM 41900 02/10/37 TOS TELECOM 41090 02/10/97 TOO TELECOM 41900 03/19/97 TOO TELECOM 41909 02/19/97 MRII;HT COUNTY AUOITO ?000 02/10/07 WRIGHT•HENNEPIN COOP GINERAL, CHECKING Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 359 AROPLAX SCERG GRANT 2.483.45 618 MEMBERSHIP DUES/JEFF 200.00 185 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1,129.70 139 MONTHLY CONTRACT PY 2.833.33 141 VACCUM BAGS/SHOP & GAR 11.65 160 LAMP BULBS/LIFT STAT10 53.00 160 BLD MTC SUPPLIES/WATE 150.22 160 MIRE NUTS/MATER DEPT 0.51 160 MTC OF PARKS BUILDING 163.98 367.71 836 GOPHER STATE CALLS 56.00 .90402 REG FEE/MACK & GUIMON 150.00 179 OFF SUPPLIES/COMPUTER 470.33 179 OFF SUPPLIES/CITY HAL 166.27 636.60 684 DEP REGISTRAR STAMP 44.74 999 CLEAN FIRE HALL 50.00 349 P MKS INSPECTOR HELP 171.50 953 TELEPHONE CHARGES 310.61 953 TELEPHONE CHARGES 71.76 053 TELEPHONE CHARGES 329.31 903 TELEPHONE CHARGED 133.44 003 TELEPHONE CHARGES 50.00 953 TELEPHONE: CHARGES 50.19 053 TELEPHONE CHARGES 60.77 953 TELEPHONE CHARGED 104.50 053 TELEPHONE CHARGEE 55.22 953 TELEPHONE CHARGED 38.19 053 TELEPHONE CHARGES 078.02 953 TELEPHONE CHARGED 119.09 2.228.00 219 OEL TAXED/FLUTH PRO 2.039.22 312 UTILITIES/DOHANON FARM 9.70 TOTAL 88.823.88 *c1 BRC FINANCI AL SYSTEM 02/23/97 00:19:21 CARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 42001 02/24/97 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 42002 02/24/97 KOROPCHAK/OLIVE 42003 02/24/97 DOTY/KAREN 42004 02/24/97 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 42004 02/24/9.7 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 42004 02/26/97 A T & T WIRELESS SER 42005 02/26/97 ALBINSON. INC. 42006 02/26/97 ANDERSON/GARY 42007 02/26/97 ARAMARK 42000 02/26/97 SARCO PRODUCTS. INC 42009 02/26/97 CELLULAR 2000 OF ST 42009 02/26/97 CELLULAR 2000 OF ST '42000 02/26/97 CELLULAR 2000 OF ST 42009 02/26/91 CELLULAR 2000 OF ST 47010 02/26/97 FIRSTAR BANK 42011 02/26/97 FIRSTAR BANK OF MINN 42012 02/26/97 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFIC 42013 02/,-6/97 KIPLINGER WASHINGTON 42014 02/?6/97 MARKHURO 42015 02/26/97 MONTICELLO PRINTING 42010 02/29/37 NORTHERN STATES POWB 42016 02/20/07 NOkTHERN STATES POWE 42019 02/20/37 NORTHERN STATES POWC 42016 02/2-6/97 NORTHERN STATED POWE 42016 01/20/91 NORTHERN STATE POWE 42016 02/1)6/97 NOkINEkN SI AT ES POWE 42017 02/26/07 PAUL A WALDRON & AS5 C 49010 02/20/97 3T. LLOIIU TECHNICAL Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 118 WATER/SNOW/ATV REG 531.00 97 EXPENSE R.EIMB 41.91 48 MILEAGE kEIMB 96. 11 219 ASSESSMENT LISTING 24.75 219 MISC SERVICE/DOWNTWN D 14.00 15 BLO INSPECTION TELEPHO 51.104 89. 79 412 SUPPLIES/P WORKS INSP 203. 19 11 REIMS/GAS/BLD DEPT 5.00 840 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 89.95 236 SUPPLIES/STREETS 13.31 194 CELLULAR PHONE CHGS 88.91 794 CELLULAR PHONE CHCS I.80 784 CELLULAR PHONE CHOS 4. 71 794 CELLULAR PHONE CHOS 5.03 78. 13 1084 PAYING AGENT FEES 2?.5.00 1084 PAYING AGENT FEES ?25.00 85 GAS/FIRE DEPT 73. 53 96 SUBSCRIPTION/CITY HALL 73.00 910 DOWNTOWN MAPS 135. 36 137 ENVELOPES/CITY HALL 1,240. 00 140 UTILITIES 15.33 140 UTILITIES 385. 02 140 UTILITIES 4,046. 23 148 UTILITIES 65.00 148 UTILITIES BOG. 30 148 UTILITIES S. 14 5,011. 19 830 MISC ULD INSPECTION 1,031. 25 553 REG FEE/TOM M/AL 0 110.00 I BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 02/23/97 00:19:21 C.ARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 42019 02/26/97 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO GENERAL CHECKING I Disbursement Journal DESC=RIPTION AMOUNT 219 SCERG GRANT PYMT 2,760.51 TOTAL 12.922.26 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 3/04/ 97 23:54:12 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 42020 02/28/97 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 42021 02/28/97 WRIGHT COUNTY RECORD 42022 02/28/97 R & O SALES, INC. 42023 02/29/97 MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP 42024 02/28/97 KRAMBER & ASSOCIATES 42025 02/28/97 TAYLOR LAND SURVEYOR 42026 02/28/97 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 42027 02/20/97 PATCH/FRED 42027 02/28/97 PATCH/FRED GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 185 REIMS/DOG FOOD 207.15 254 RECORDING F EES/HWY 25 26.15 1005 OLD INS PEC CLOTHES 387.00 399 REIMS FEES/TAXES 1,602.95 688 ASSESSING CONTRACT 2,127.08 203 SURVEYING F EES/CEMETE 850.00 118 WATER/ATV/SNOW REG 705.00 1130 REIMS/800T5 108.00 1130 MILEAGE REIMS 91.46 200.46 TOTAL 8.115.79 Q BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM x^3/05/9.7 00:27:25 Disbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT GENERAL CHECKING 42028 03/06/97 AMERICAN ACADEMIC SU 1145 BROCHURE RACK/CITY HA 281.19 42029 03/06/97 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 951 PAGER CHARGES 18.38 42029 03/06/97 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 9S1 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 42029 03/06/97 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 951 PAGER CHARGES 105.97 42029 03/06/97 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 42029 03/06/97 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 42029 03/06/97 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 42029 03/06/97 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 42029 03/06/97 AMERICAN PAGING OF M 951 PAGER CHARGES 9.19 179.49 42030 03/06/97 B & 0 PLUMBING & HEA 42030 03/06/97 B & 0 PLUMBING & HEA 42031 03/06/97 BREITBACH CONSTRUCTI 42032 03/06/97 COPY DUPLCATING PROD C',2033 03/06/97 CULLIGAN 42034 03/06/97 DYNA SYSTEMS 42035 03/06/97 FEF,ORITE CONTROLS, I 42035 03/06/97 FEEDRITE CONTROLS, I 42036 03/06/97 FIRSTAR BANK 42036 03/00/07 FIRSTAR BANK 42036 03/06/97 FIRSTAR BANK 4203G 03/06/97 FIRSTAR DANK 4:036 03/06/07 FIRSTAR BANK 4?037 03/06/9'1 FLICKER'C T.V. Q APP 42030 03/06/97 G & K SFRVICf:G 42030 0 /06/07 G & K SERVICES 42030 03/OG/97 G A K '3 F. RV IC:I;'i 420:10 07/06/07 G & K SERVICES 49nan n'1/nR/n7 1; A K ',kRVICES 42010 03/06/07 0 G K SERVICES 42030 03/00/97 6 9 K 'iFRVIC('.f, 42030 03/06/97 G f. K ';ERVICES 48030 03/00/97 G & K 51RVICL3 42030 03/06/07 0 & K SERVICES 600 WATER HEATER REP/SEN C 75.00 600 SOAP DISPENSERS/C HALL 10.00 85.00 926 PVMT 6/EASTWOOD KN 14.963.65 41 LIBRARY COPY MCH MTC A 68.00 753 WATER SOFTNER CHGS/REN 23.86 50 NUTS/BOLTS/SHOP & GAR 376.40 56 MISC PROF SERVICES/MAT 60.00 56 CHEMICALS/SEWER COLL 703.31 843•.31 1064 PAVING AGENT FEES 225.00 1004 PAVING AGENT FEES 225.00 1004 PAYING AGENT FEES 225.00 1004 PAVING AGENT FEES 229.00 1004 PAVING AGENT FEES 150.00 MIOC ENVIRONMENTAL ('HU 37.02 051 RUGS/SHOP A GARAGE 1,050.00 60 CASSETTES/CITY HALL 25.00 051 UNIFORM RENTAL 40.00 851 UNIFORM RENTAL 70.OH 051 UNIFORM RENTAL 2G.OU 051 UNIFORM RENTAL 6G.34 051 UNIFOPM RENTAL 210.00 051 UNIFORM RFNTAL 100.01 051 SHOP RAGS 20.22 051 DEP REG RUGS 32.67 051 MIOC ENVIRONMENTAL ('HU 37.02 051 RUGS/SHOP A GARAGE 04.17 71J.6? 1 I BkC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ("13/05/97 00:27:25 r WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 42039 03/66/97 GENERAL RENTAL CENT£ 42039 03/06/97 GENERAL RENTAL CENTE 4.2040 03/06/97 GLEASON PRINTING, IN 42041 03/06/97 GLUN2/RAY 42042 03/06/47 GOVERNMENT TRAINING 42043 03/06/97 HOGLUND BUS COMPANY 42044 03/06/97 HOGLUND COACH LINES 42045 03/06/97 INTER CONF OF BLDG 0 42046 03/00/97 KEN ANDERSON TRUCKIN 42047 03/06/97 KE N'S 66 SERVICE 42048 03/06/97 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA 4?049 03/06/97 LOCH JEWELERS 42030 03/06/97 M AUS FOODS 4?0'',0 03/06/97 MAUS FOODS 4?051 03/06/97 KN O1JILOINO OFFICIAL 42052 03/06/97 14N DEPART OF NATURAL 42053 03/06/07 MN DEPT OF TRADE 8 E h2054 03/00/07 N ORTHLANO ELECTRIC S 42055 03/00/97 PET(; `S DECORATING 4?056 03/06/07 F'HOTO I 4?01,f; 03/00/97 OHOTO I 42056 09/06/97 PHOTO I 4?05(; 03/06/07 31HOYO I 42051 03/OG/07 .)W AG PROP C,ON'AA TA h?0�,0 09/06/07 ' AFEYV•WfN CORP. Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 64 SCREEN MOVIE/WWTP MTG 19.70 64 SHOP SUPPLIES 23.51 43.21 849 SLO INSPECTION FORMS 54.O0 1107 GRAVE DIGGINGS 650.00 72 REG FEES/WILLIAM FAIR 134.00 82 VEH REP PARTS/STREETS 16.06 483 HEARTLAND EXPRESS C 4,943.62 291 MEMBERSHIP DUES/FRED P 85.00 697 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICE 79.86 766 BLD INSPECTION VAN REP 27.45 98 97 CITY OFFICIAL DIP 61.64 $65 PLAQUES/HRA PARTY 105.40 108 SUPPLIES/CITY HALL 14.70 100 SUPPLIES/LIBRARY 9.03 23.81 729 REG FEE/GARY ANDERSON 15.00 118 WAVER/SNOW/ATV REG 960.00 350 COMMUNITY PROFILES 4.79 149 SATTERIEG/REC'YCLING 122.69 1140 WALLPAPER/LIf1RARY 1,170.64 743 PICUTRES/STREETS O.53 743 CITY NEWSLETTER 20.'32 743 PICTURE -/PLAN 6 ?ON 9.,'>J 743 PTrTI1RL'0/P WORKO INSPE 20.97 73.95 1036 DROV 5I.RVICE5/110HAN 1.011.15 1C4 MTC AGRMT/6H11P 6 GAR 70.00 A �. J F,RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM P,13/05/97 00:27:25 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 42059 03/06/97 SCRUB A DUB 42060 03/06/97 SHUMAN/LATHY 42061 03/06/97 STAR TRIBUNE 42061 03/06/97 STAR TRIBUNE 42062 03/06/97 SUPERIOR FCR LANDFIL 42063 03/06/97 SURPLUS SERVICES 42063 03/06/97 SURPLUS SERVICES 42064 03/06/97 U S LINK 42064 03/06/97 U S LINK 42064 03/06/97 U S LINK 42064 03/06/97 U S LINK 42064 03/06/97 U S LINK 42064 03/06/97 U S LINK 42065 03/06/97 U .r. WEST DIRECT 42066 03/06/97 U.S. POSTMASTER 47OG7 03/06/97 WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECU 42067 03/06/97 WRIGHT HENNEPIN SECU i Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1144 TOKENS/BLD INSP CAR WA 99.00 194 TRAVEL REIMB 24.36 197 AD/PWORKS INSPECTOR 525.00 197 AD/CITY HALL RECEPTIO 456.00 981.00 563 ADD'L LANDFILL CHGS 5,094.03 987 SUPPLIES/SEWER COLL 10.00 987 CLOTHES/STREET DEPT 27.35 37.35 950 TELEPHONE CHGS 57.35 950 TELEPHONE CHGS 41.67 950 TELEPHONE CHGS 4.37 950 TELEPHONE CHGS 0.28 950 TELEPHONE CHGS 6.10 950 TELEPHONE CHGS 60.32 170.09 y 1104 TELEPHONE BOOKS/BLD DE 55.46 210 3RD CLASS MAILING FEE 85.00 075 ALARM SYSTEM/DEP REG 19.12 075 ALARM SYSTEM/PARKS 15.90 35.10 Fi 42068 03/00/97 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP 912 UTILITIES 9.00 uFNERAL CHECKING TOTAL 34,959.OG �I BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/10/97 15:24:59 CW -ARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 42069 03/10/97 WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEY 42070 03/10/97 U.S. POSTMASTER 42071 03/10/97 NORTHERN STATES POWE 42072 03/10/97 ANDERSON & ASSOCIATE 42073 03/10/97 ANDERSON/GARY 42074 03/10/97 ANOKA-HENNEPIN TECH 42075 03/10/81 CENTRAL MCGOWAN, INC 42076 03/10/97 CENTRAL MN REFRIGERA 42077 03/10/97 DULUTH NEMS-TRI6UNE 42078 03/10/97 FIRSTAR BANK C.42079 03/10/97 FLICKER'S T.V. & APP 42000 03/10/97 GLASS HUT/THE 42001 03/10/07 GREEN/ELIZABETH 42062 03/10/81 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 42082 03/10/97 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 42002 03/10/97 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 42092 03/10/97 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 42003 03/10/97 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 42082 09/10/87 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 42089 03/10/97 HERMES/JERRY 42004 03/10/91 J M OIL COMPANY 42005 09/10/07 JERRY'S AUTO CALYAGE 42000 08/10/07 LAKE SUPERIOR COLLI.G 42007 00/10/97 LAR; -ON's ACE HARDWAR 42007 01/10/97 LARSAN'S ACF, HARUWAk 42007 00/10/07 LARLON'G ACE HARDWAR 42007 03/10/07 LARDiN'0 AIA: HARDWAR 4200'/ 0)/10/07 LAf.-ON'S ACE HARDWAR 42007 01/10/07 1A' N' ACF. HARDWAR 4?007 0:1/10/07 LAPCON'co ACk HARDWAR 42007 03/111/07 IAR`i-Nli ACV. HAkUWAk 0 Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT i 632 PLAT/MONTE BUSINESS CTR 9.50 210 POSTAGE/NEWSLETTERS 463.55 I 148 REPAIR DAMAGED POLE 765.31 10 SIGNS/STREETS 105.89 11 GAS REIMB 17.00 1 90321 REG FEES/FIREMEN 1,075.00 30 GAS/SHOP & GAR 67.52 u� 867 CHECK HEAT/SHOP & GAR 474.92 1138 P WORKS INSPECTOR AD 69.42 1084 PAYING AGENT FEES/BON 225.00 60 ADAPTER/CITY HALL 31.90 66 REPLACE GLASS/LOADER 167.95 889 MILEAGE REIMB 19.32 78 VEH REPAIR PARTS/STREE 46.01 70 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS/STR 54.13 78 OUPPLIES/SHOP & GAR 40.89 78 TOOLS/SHOP & GAR 37.70 78 SUPPLIES/WATER DEPT 20.02 70 OUPPLIES/FIFE DEPT 70.45 200.60 01 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT 227.50 95 GAS/STREET DEPT 13.92 1032 VEHICLE REPAIRS/f,EWER 161.05 1140 REG FCE/-,CHOOL/FIRE 0 150.00 074 CUPPLIES/STREETU G.87 074 SUPPLIESP;HOP & GAR 102.00 074 TOOLS/CHOP & GAR 13.40 074 7UPf)LIF'9/P WORKS INSVCC 0.30 674 SUPPLIES/WATER DEPT 11.09 074 UtD REPAIR 'LUN/CITY HAL 2.12 074 ULO kE PAl R LJWLIEIRARY 2.22 1 U74 TOOl.9/WATER OFPT +33.00 0 I it BRCFINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/10/97 1.5:24:59 Disbursement Journal�I CWARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT II GENERAL CHECKING 42087 03/10/97 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 874 SUPPLIES/SEWER COLL 34.06 42087 03/10/97 LARSON'S ACE HARDWAR 874 MTC OF BLD/LIB'RARY 42.57 254 .38 42088 03/10/97 MARCO BUSINESS PROOU 42089 03/10/97 MINNEGASCO 42089 03/10/97 MINNEGASCO 42089 03/10/97 MINNEGASCO 42089 03/10/97 MINNEGASCO 42089 03/10/97 MINNEGASCO 42089 03/10/97 MINNEGASCO 42089 03/10/97 MINNEGASCO 42099 03/10/97 MINNEGASCO 42090 03/10/97 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 42091 03/10/97 MONTICELLO PRINTING ` 42092 03/10/97 MONTICELLO TIMES 42092 03/10/07 MONTICELLO TIMES 42092 Q3/10/97 MONTjCELLO TIMr-S 42092 03/10/97 MONTICELLO TIMES 42092 03/10/97 MONTICELLO TIMES 42002 03/10/97 MONTICELLO TIMES 42093 03/10/9.7 MONTICQLLO TIMES 42092 03/10/97 MONTICELLO TIMES 108 CITY HALL TABLE 207.81 772 UTILITIES 458.66 772 UTILITIES 74.26 772 UTILITIES 94.03 772 UTILITIES 849.54 772 UTILITIES 68.62 772 UTILITIES 420.01 772 UTILITIES 2,581.43 772 UTILITIES 267.65 03/10/97 NORTHFRN 4,061.20 185 ANIMAL CONTROL CONT 1.129.70 137 FORMS/FIRE DEPT 27.69 140 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 2,395.02 140 AO/P WORKS INSPECTOR 92.00 140 SNOWPLOWING INFO 70.20 140 BLD PERMIT INFO 93.60 140 SNOWMOBILE INFO 70.20 140 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICES 01.92 140 PARKS COMMISSION VACAN 44.00 140 HELP WANTED AO/CITY H 203.20 3,060.14 42093 03/10/97 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 144 VEH REPAIR PARTS/STREE 33.00, 42093 03/10/07 NATIONAL BUSHING PAR 144 EQUIP REPAIR PARTG/S( 331.10 364.76 49094 03/10/97 NORTHFRN STATES POWE 140 UTIILITIES 2,992.07 4?094 U3/10/07 NORTHERN LTATES POWE 140 L111ILITIEO DG.75 4?094 09/10/97 NORTHERN STATES POWf; 140 UTIILITIES 5,031.00 42004 03/10/01 NORTHERN STATES' POWF 140 UlI1LI12ES 37 0. 37 4?094 03/10/97 NORTHFRN 9TATE'� POWE 140 IITIILITIE0 11.13 42004 03/10/07 NORTHERN 'TATE; POWE 160 UTIILITIES 620.21 49004 03/10/07 NORTHERN iTATI{, POWF 140 UTIILITIES 432.12 4-094 03/10/07 NORTHERN STATED POWE 140 UTIILITIES 404.10 42094 03/10/97 NORTHERN STATIM POWE 140 UTI 11.ITT C'3 645.29 IU,641.70 42009 OJ/10/97 N0QTHWCSY A WC C',N'i 550 *FY• 241.'30 42005 03/10/07 NOkTHWEST Af-DOL LAMS 550 *FV* 2.6!)2.04 2.000.34 BRCFINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/ 10/97 15:24159 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 42096 03/10/97 NORTHWEST COMPUTER S 43097 03/10/97 ONE CALL CONCEPTS. I 42098 03/10/97 PETERSEN'$ MONT FORD 42098 03/10/97 PETERSEN'S MONT FORD 42098 03/10/97 PETERSEN'S MONT FORD 42098 03/10/97 PETERSEN'S MONT FORD 42099 03/10/97 PIPELINE SUPPLY, INC 42100 03/10/97 PREUSSE'S CLEANING S 42100 03/10/97 PREUSSE'S CLEANING S 42100 03/10/97 PREUSSE'S CLEANING S 42101 03/10/97 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 42102 03/10/97 RED'S MOBIL C4?103 03/10/97 kEIIABLE CORPORATION 43104 03/10/97 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 42104 03/10/87 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 42104 03/10/97 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 47104 03/10/97 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 42104 03/10/97 kOYAL PRINTING & OFF 42104 03/10/07 ROYAL PRINTING & OFF 4-105 03/10/97 RUFF AUTO PARTO v 42106 03/10/97 :iAGFO WELDING & REPA 4210/ 03/10/07 COFTWARE f.PECTRUM 42100 03/10/97 t3TATE OF MINNESOTA 42100 03/10/07 TRI CITY PAVING 4-110 09/10/97 TRUI-MAN Wt.LTERO , INC 4^111 03/10/07 UNITED LAEIORATORIEG 42112 03/10/91 '15 1 i1.TFR WATF,RNRO C42112 03/10/07 11$ F 11 TER WATLRPk(1 , Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1086 SHIPPING CHGS/COMPUTER 25,.00 836 GOPHER ONE STATE CALL 100.00 165 MTC OF VEHICLE/SEWER 898.26 165 VEH REPAIR PARTS/SEWE 303.75 165 VEH REPAIR PARTS/WATER 37.56 165 VEH REPAIR PARTS/STRE 351.43 1,591.00 1061 SUPPLIES/MATER DEPT 7.33 173 CLEANING CHGS/C HALL 460.00 173 CLEANING/OEP REGISTRA 120.00 173 CLEANING/P WORKS BID 150.00 730.00 175 WWTP CONTRACT PYMT 36,576.00 324 BATTERY/PARKS DEPT 58.58 179 OFFICE 5'UPPLIES/DEP RE 76.86 1044 OFFICE SUPPLIES/P WOR 162.03 1044 OFFICE SUPPLIES/CITY 452.59 1044 COPY MCH PAPER/CITY HA 70,00 1044 COPY MCH PAPER/P WORKS 13.63 1044 PAPER/PATHWAY 23.56 1044 SUPPLIES/STREET DEPT 1.50 732.19 2GO MTC OF VEHICLES/SEWER 75.00 915 CUTTING EDGE/OTRF,ET DE 07.12 1004 COMPUTER COFTWARC/C H 300.03 404 Df -,P RL'GIOTRAR BOOK 20.05 I 1147 COLD PATCH MIX 1,341.05 207 EQUIP REPAIR PARTCi/iT l0ti.'�0 l i (j:)4 GUPPLIEG/GTFEET DEPT 270.13 1 14 3 WATI'R M�:TER'.,/WATCR 1143 EQUIP MTC/MATER DEFT 643.00 9.036.Dl I a BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/10/97 15:24:59 CWARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 42113 03/10/97 VIKING COCA COLA 42114 03/10/97 WEIN/JERRY 42115 03/10/97 WRIGHT COUNTY AUOITO 42115 03/10/97 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 42116 03/10/97 Y.M.C.A. OF MINNEAPO GENERAL CHECKING Ji Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 779 POP/CITY HALL 165.93 385 REIMB/TRAVEL/SEMINAR 285.74 219 SHERIFFS CONTRACT 26,956.00 219 WRIGHT COUNTY MAPS 41.50 26,997.50 224 CONTRACT PVMT 625.00 TOTAL 100,377.45 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 003/04/97 23:55:05 0lsbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR CHECKING 19320 03/05/97 ALLERGY FREE 800220 HUMIDISTAO/LIQUOR STO 142.90 19321 03/05/97 SERNICK'S PEPSI COLA 800001 POP PURCHASE 156.55 19322 03/05/97 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUT 800009 BEER PURCHASE 7,775.75 19322 03/05/97 DAHLHEIMER OISTRIBUT 800009 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 408.20 8,183.95 19323 03/05/97 DAY DISTRIBUTING COM 800010 BEER PURCHASE 346.50 19324 03/05/97 DICK WHOLESALE CO.. 800011 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 16.20 19324 03/05/97 DICK WHOLESALE CO.. 800011 BEER PURCHASE 764.60 19324 03/05/97 DICK WHOLESALE CO., 800011 SUPPLIES/BAGS 77.75 858.55 19325 03/05/97 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 600012 FREIGHT CHARGES 39.90 19325 03/05/97 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 WINE PURCHASE 1.144.20 19325 03/05/97 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 MIX FOR RESALE 121.25 1.305.35 ' i 19326 03/05/97 G & K SERVICE 800129 NEW RUGS/MTC OF BLO 59.29 19327 03/05/97 GRIGGS. COOPER & COM 800018 FREIGHT CHARGES 155.40 19327 03/05/97 GRIGGS. COOPER & COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 12,386.05 12,541 .45 19329 03/05/97 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE I 800019 BEER PURCHASE 5.535.35 19328 03/05/97 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE I 800019 NON ALCOHOLIC BEER 89.75 5,575.10 19329 03/05/97 HARTMAN/JOE 800097 REIMS/PHONE CLIPS 47.32 10390 03/05/07 HOME JUICE 000136 JUICE FOR RESALE 107.45 10331 03/05/97 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 000022 FRF,IGHT CHARGES 63.00 10331 03/05/07 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 000022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 2,423.33 10331 03/05/37 JOHNSON OROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 1,703.78 4.250.01 19332 01/05/97 LEHMANN FARMS 800190 MIX FOR REGALE 122.50 10332 03/05/97 LEHMANN FARMS 000190 FOOD FOR REGALE 376.65 499.19 10333 03/05/0! MINNEGAGCO 000160 UTILITIEC, 171.99 10334 03/0U/07 MONTICELLO TIMES 800032 AOVERTIGING 155.29 10339 03/05/97 NORTHERN GTATEG POWE 800035 UTILITIES 1.657.40 I BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 03/04/97 23:55:05 Disbursement Journal (WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIQUOR CHECKING I� f 4 19336 03/05/97 PAUSTIS & SONS 800103 WINE PURCHASE 617.00 19336 03/05/97 PAUSTIS & SONS 800103 FREIGHT CHARGES 8.00 625.00 *a 19337 03/05/97 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 FREIGHT CHARGES 59.00 19337 03/05/97 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 LIOUOR PURCHASE 2.901.23 19337 03/05/97 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIR 800180 WINE PURCHASE 1,528.53 4.489.76 19338 03/05/97 PINNACLE OISTRIBUTIN 800217 CICS/CIGARS FOR RESAL 193.00 19339 03/05/97 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 987.38 19339 03/05/97 QUALITY WINE & SPIRI 800040 WINE PURCHASE 2,782.61 3.769.99 19340 03/05/97 RON'S ICE COMPANY 800041 ICE FOR RESALE 84.00 18341 03/05/97 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800045 MIX FOR RESALE 115.25 19341 03/05/97 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800045 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 137.36 25? . 61 *I, C19342 03/05/97 THE WATSON CO., INC. 000202 CIGS/CIGARS FOR RESAL 375.63 )j 19342 03/05/97 THE WATSON CO., INC. 800202 JUICE FOR RESALE 29.06 19342 03/05/07 THE WATSON CO., INC. 000202 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 55.35 460.94 19343 03/05/97 THORPE DISTRIBUTING 800048 SEER PURCHASE i1,456.40 t 10343 03/05/97 THORPE DISTRIBUTING 000046 NON ALCOHOLIC DEER 96.50 11.352.90 10344 03/05/97 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTE 000112 SUPPLIES/LABELS G5.?? 10345 03/05/07 U 9 LINK 000195 TC(EPHONE CHARGES 8.94 10346 03/05/97 U 0 WEST DIRECT 000218 ADVERTISING 30.40 19347 03/05/07 VIKING COCA-COLA BOT 000061 POP PURCHASE 653.03 10347 03/05/97 VIKING COCA-COLA BOT 000051 POP/DUE FROM JAN i09.5v 663.39 LIQUOR CHECKING TOTAL 58.253.71