City Council Agenda Packet 06-23-1997AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 23,1997 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Bill Fair Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held June 9, 1997. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. b. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of approving gambling license renewal. Applicant, American Legion Club. B. Consideration of approving one -day gambling license. Applicant, cc �� Women of Today. �7 C. Consideration of approving renewal of City Assessor contract with Kramber & Associates. r D) Consideration of authorization to prepare feasibility study and plans UJ and specifications for trunk storm sewer improvements relating to new high school project. E. Consideration of bids for a now 70hp diesel powered 4 -wheel drive tractor/loader for the street and parks department and consideration of purchase. F. Consideration of change order N4 for Project 93-14C, Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of final payment for water tower paint project, Project 96.09C - Pittsburg Paint & Tower. B. Consideration of reviewing and accepting 1996 City Audit Report - Gruys, Borden, Carlson & Associates. Agenda Monticello City Council C June 23, 1997 Page 2 9. Consideration of presentation by consultant architect, Al Mjorud, and reviewing city hall space needs study and relocation analysis. 10. Consideration of providing 60 -day notice of withdrawal from the City/Township Urbanization Plan. 11. Consideration of renewing real estate agent listing agreement for Eastwood Knoll development - Edina Realty. 12. Consideration of authorizing a referendum election for issuance of additional on -sale liquor licenses. 13. Consideration of adopting City Council vision statement and governing policies. 14. Consideration of rescheduling joint meeting with Township to discuss urbanization boundary plan amendments - Tuesday, June 24. 16. Consideration of bills for the last half of June. 16. Adjournment. IaWxmaUanal ILm 1. "Abatement Authority" Statute MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 9, 1997 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: Brian Stumpf A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING AS SUBMITTED. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT COUNCDJfOWNSHIP BOARD MEETING AS SUBMITTED. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approval of minutes of t_he i;Mcial meeting held Mayes 1997. D Bill fair requested that the sixth paragraph be changed by clarifying that he has reviewed the governance policy several times and that he was not involved in drafting a policy. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILL FAIR AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WITH CHANGES AS REQUESTED. Voting in favor: Carlson, Thielen, Fair. Abstain: Herbst, Motion passed. 4. Approval of minutes of thn regular mnnLng of thn City Council held May 27, 1997. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLIENT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING AS SUBMITTED. Motion carded unanimously. 6. rn aid ration of adding Uernfg to 1.1luumia. No items added. 4. ri 3r na commenigtX66ning• nqu se •ef ,and eompInin n, None. Page 1 Council Minutes - 6/9197 Consent aLrpnda. Rich Cline requested that item 5B be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. A. Consideration of authorizinyv a one -day farmer's market and exemp ion of permit. fee. Applicant Monticello Mall Merchants Association. Recommendation: Approve the issuance of a 1 -day farmer's market permit for the Monticello Mall Merchants Association as part of the August 9 all -city garage sale event and waive the permit fees. B. f n aid ration of final pa=Pnt for water tower paint UrQipct- Pmiect 9&04£: - Pittshnrg Psiont and Tower. Removed from the consent agenda for discussion. C. Cnnsidera ion of final payment for Proi M 9.1-14 Fist Stagt,- DiPpAter Cover - Gridor Constriction. Recommendation: Authorize payment to Gridor Construction in the amount of $67,846.00. D. Consideration of chafe order NS for Project 91-14C. Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion - Adolphson & Peterson. Recommendation: (?) E. Consideration of approval of final plat. development agreement . and disbursement agn man povecning nhnse 1 of KI 'n F rmg III resid ntinl subdivision. Recommendadon: Approve the final plat, development agreement, and disbursement agreement governing phase 1 of Mein Farms I I I residential subdivision with additional provisions governing lease agreement for storage building and developer warranty that the residential structure will be vacant. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ADOPT THE CO14SENT AGENDA AND ASSOCIATED RECOMMENDATIONS WITHOUT ITEM 5B. Motion carried unanimouly. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 5B. Co aid ration nf Approving final payment for water tower in VrQieet_Proiert 96.090 - Pittsburg Paint & Tower. Business owners affected by the painting project were present to discuss concerns regarding the manner in which the project was completed. Rich Cline detailed his concern regarding the parking problems created by the painting crew. He noted that he understands and supports closing the parking while painting was being done. Page 2 Council Minutes - 6/9/97 However, the painters tied up the lot for long period of time for no reason which hurt his business. The work was not completed within the time frame specified by the city. Mike Krutzig and Cheryl Wolff both concurred with Cline noting that the painting operation was not sensitive to the needs of their businesses. The city should consider withholding payment equal to or a portion of the penalty for not completing the project on time. ( Penalty was $50 per day for every day beyond the completion date.) Councilmember Bruce Thielen suggested that we discuss this matter with the city attorney to see what can be done and determine who is liable for business losses associated with the painting process. He suggested that the property owners document the problems that were created and identify their losses. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO TABLE DISCUSSION AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. Motion carried unanimously. Affected property owners were requested to document concerns. Consideration of a request hy property owner for reeongideration of amending urban service boundary anet annexation - Art Anderson, City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller noted that the Council had previously voted to approve reconsideration of the Art Anderson annexation request. However, reconsideration is to occur atter the joint city/township study of the entire OAA and Urban Service areas. Wolfsteller noted that he informed the applicant that the joint study is not complete, and that it is not likely that the annexation request will be addressed until the joint study is complete. Wolfateller noted that the developer insisted that the item be placed back on the agenda for consideration anyway. Richard Hocking requested that the City Council simply place the matter in the hands of the Municipal Board. The applicant has already waited for a long time for approval of the annexation. This request should be addressed prior to completion of the city/township study. Clint Herbst asked why we aro even spending time on this when we aro looking at the issue. Bill Fair noted that we grant the courtesy to anyone who wishes to speak before the Council. Pago 3 Council Minutes - 6/9/97 ` A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO NOT RECONSIDER THE URBAN SERVICE BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT TO INCLUDE THE ART ANDERSON PROPERTY AT THIS TIME. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Bruce Thielen. Opposed: Bill Fair, Roger Carlson. Motion failed. Bruce Thielen noted that the developer perceives a deadlock between the city and township which does not exist. He stated that we need to let the joint planning proceed. Hocking noted that what he wants is fairness. There is a land owner that wants to do something with his parcel. It is adjacent to the city and services are immediatly available. There were no reasons listed why this parcel should not come into the city. He stated that he heard no bonafide problems with the annexation. Bruce Thielen stressed that the annexation questions will be resolved as a result of city!township discussions. Roger Carlson requested that the developer give the city and township the benefit of the doubt. Meetings will be held soon; there is no reason to approve the annexation now prior to the upcoming joint meetings. Carlson suggested that the item be placed on the City Council agenda after the joint meeting with the township. 8. Conoid ra ion of revipwiny draft of Civ Council Vision C n em nts nnel Bill Fair noted that he met with staff to review the original draft. He noted that the document summarizes council input from previous meetings. It is getting closer to what is going to be the final document. Wolfsteller noted that a lot of input was taken from Council on previous worksheets, and we have developed a vision statement that reflects Council's goals. The second part identifies how the City Council and Administrator would operate. The final section defines how the Council and Adminstrator link together on a day to day basis. Clint Herbst noted that this documentation is all find and 4andy but how will it affect Council? There is nothing hero that is new. Bill Fair noted that this should be the document that we should look at to link our activities to a vision. The document reminds us where we are headed and what kind of city Monticello should become and can be a reference point for use in future decision making. Page 4 Council Minutes - 6/9197 After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to conduct additional review at the June 23 meeting. It was also noted that the document should be presented to commission members in advance of the joint meeting scheduled for June 30. Bruce Thielen reminded Council that it will be important to develop measure of performance in order to document progress toward reaching goals. Rick Wolfateller reviewed a letter from the city attorney commenting on the proposed joint powers agreement. Wolfsteller noted that the two resolutions set up how the reimbursement for engineer and land acquisition will occur. The agreement also identifies responsibilities for land acquisition and right- of-way access determinations. Wolfsteller noted that the city attorney wanted to make sure that the City is not liable for damages associated with closure and that the City is indemnified. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE AGREEMENTS CONTINGENT ON MN/DOTS ACCEPTANCE OF CHANGES SUGGESTED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Cnnaidpratinn of hills for tha first half of 1 z ne, A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE BILLS AS SUBMITTED. Motion carried unanimously. 11. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Jeff O'Neill Assistant Adminsumtor Pap 5 Council Agenda - 6/23/97 5A. Con-gideration of approving gamhUnQ license renewal- Ap Il} int. American Teaion Club, (R.W.) The Legion Club currently operates a pull -tab operation at their club, and the license will expire on August 1, 1997. At the Council meeting March 10, the Council did approve a resolution allowing the Legion Club to reapply for their two-year renewal of their license; but because the Legion Club waited more than 60 days before sending in their application, the City Council needs to adopt a new resolution indicating you are not opposed to the license being granted. Adopt the resolution approving the application for renewal of the license for the Legion Club. This is the action the Council previously approved on March 10, 1997, and needs to be reaffirmed at this time. C. STAFF RF..pMMF.NDATION; Staff recommends that Council adopt the resolution as proposed. D. SUPPORTING DATA; Copy of resolution. RESOLUTION 97• RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the American Legion Post 260 has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling at their facility located in Monticello, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's activities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the American Legion Post 260's application for license issuance listed above is hereby approved, and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of J une, 1997. Mayor City Administrator .0 •A O Council Agenda - 6/ M7 y :.0 ZON an The Monticello Women of Today group has applied to the State Gambling Control Board for a one -day gambling license to conduct bingo on July 6 as part of the Riverfest Celebration in Ellison Park. In order for the organization to obtain the gambling license, the City of Monticello needs to adopt a resolution agreeing to waive the 30 -day waiting period, which would allow the Gambling Control Board to issue the license immediately. B. - -ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution agreeing to waive the 30 -day waiting period and allowing the State to issue the license to the Women of Today. 2. Do not adopt the resolution. / C. STAFF RF.COMMF:NDATION; l It has been the Council's past policy not to oppose any gambling license application request and as such, it is recommended the Council simply adopt the resolution as proposed. D_ SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution; Copy of application. RESOLUTION 97• C RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Monticello Women of Today has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling at Ellison Park located in Monticello, Minnesota, on July b, 1997; and WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's activities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the Monticello Women of Today's application for license issuance listed above is hereby approved, and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of June, 1997. Mayor City Administrator LG220 Reve6l96 Minnesota Lawful Gambling Application for Authorization foran C®PYF,emption from Lawful Gambling License Organization Information Organization Name h1 on1 Cello I/Yomen a -P To do v Street City -P,-i 1� -,X . 1ar�� movq,�ello Name of Cfitef Executive Officer of o nation (CEO) First Name Last Name Barb J Bermc1+5o0- Name or Organ -noon Treasurer Fust Name Last Name f(ri s I I<le� s -{- Type of Nonprof i0rgani�ation Far Boaro Use Only Fee Paid Check S Initals Date Recr, Previous lawful gambling exemption number State ZJp Code County M N Ss3 e x W rip k -t' Daytime Phone number of CEO j (61a) 9-15 — 3 u 3 5 Daytime Phone Number of Treasurer (era) bs�— GSl( Check the box below which best descnbes Check the box that Indicates the type of proof attached to this appticatior your organization by your organization: GamblingPreinfs'eslnfonnatiorr_ Name of Establishment where gambtirg activity will be conducted --J � n to T>n ,- k Streot City State zip Code County River- ov4kellol�r�g(1t- Date(s) of activity (for raffles, Indicate the dato of the drawing) Tu.iv Sr I cl q 7 Check the bdx or boxes whk:h Indicate the type of gambling scN* your organization will be conducting ® 'Bingo 0 Raffles (:] 'Paddlewheels 0 'PuPAbs 0 'TO"rds *Equipment for these activities must be obtained from a licensed distributor Be sure the Local unit of Government and the CEO of your organization sign For Board Use Only if averse side of this application. Date & Initials of Specialist S8.8 ❑ IRS left indicatirg ane tax exempt s=m 0 Fraternal '1 Veterans ❑ Cerdlicato of good standtrg ffam Ote Wnesote Secretary of State's d11ce J Religious ❑ A dtartc showtrtg yoke an etfaaee of a pamm .apo argarftation f@ other nonprofit 0 Proof prev dusty atrbrtftd and an Me with the Gambling Control Board GamblingPreinfs'eslnfonnatiorr_ Name of Establishment where gambtirg activity will be conducted --J � n to T>n ,- k Streot City State zip Code County River- ov4kellol�r�g(1t- Date(s) of activity (for raffles, Indicate the dato of the drawing) Tu.iv Sr I cl q 7 Check the bdx or boxes whk:h Indicate the type of gambling scN* your organization will be conducting ® 'Bingo 0 Raffles (:] 'Paddlewheels 0 'PuPAbs 0 'TO"rds *Equipment for these activities must be obtained from a licensed distributor Be sure the Local unit of Government and the CEO of your organization sign For Board Use Only if averse side of this application. Date & Initials of Specialist S8.8 Local Unit of Govemment Jurisdiction ' Is this gambling premises located within city limits?(2 Yes ❑ No If Yes, write the name of the Ciry: City Namc �(o c_e_l I o CIf No, write the name of the County and the Township: County Name Township Name Check the appropriate stanu of the Township: Q organized Q unorganized Q unincorporated 1. The city must sign this application if the gambling 3. DO YOT submit this application to the Gambling Control premises is within city limits. Board if it is denied by the local unit of government. 2. The county and township must sign this applica- 4. NOTE: ATownship may not deny an application. tion if the gambling premises is not within city limits. Upon submission of this application to the Gambling Control Board, the exemption will be issued not more than 30 days (60 days for cities of the 1st Gass) from the date the 1=1 unit of govemrnent signed the application, provided the application is complete and all necessary information has been received, unless the local unit of government passes a resolution to specifically prohibit the activity. A copy of that resolution must be received by the Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the date filled in below. Cities of the first class have 60 days in which to disallow the activity. City or County Acknowledgment of Receipt of Application Sgeofpenlcation 4- {nre ",e Received: V W11 /97 ,,,te of pIe son rc suing tpplicatiaa Cr74 4w urMsal� Township Acknowledgment of Awarestm of Application Signature ofperson acknowledging application Date Sipe& Tule of person acknowledging application I have read this application and all information is true, accurate and complete. &oafr, C�. gelrnd+-�z Date: W' 1 J "t L Submit the application at feast 46 days prior to your scheduled date of activity. Be sure to attach the $25 application fee and a copy of your proof of nonprofit status. Mail the complete application and attachments to: Gambling Control Baud 1711 W. County Rd B Sulte 3009 Roseville, MN 65113 This publkabcn will be made available In alternative formal (I.e. Inge print, braille) upon request. Cluoatlons on this form should be directed to the Ucensinp Section of the Gambling Control Board at (612)639.4000. Hearing Impaired IndhAduats using a TDO may call the Minnesota Relay Service at 1.800627-3529 In the Greater Minnesota Area or 297-5353 in the Metro Area. The information requested on this form will be used by the Gambling Control Board (GC8) to determine your compliance with Minnesota Satires and rules Bovemusg nlawM unbling activities. AV of the IMormation that you supply on thin fort vil become public Info when received by the GCB, so -C. • Gambling State o! Minnesota b ng Control Board Suite 300 South 1711 W. County Road B Roseville, MN 55113 612/6394000 June 13, 1997 TPY Relay service 1(600)627499 Barbara Bemdtson Monticello Women of Today Box 1202 Monticello, MN 55362 Re File: 05035 - 97 - 001 Premises: Ellison Park Dear Barbara Bemdtson: Your Application for Authorization for Exemption from Lawful Gambling License to conduct gambling activity at the above states premises on 07/05/97 has been received. You must obtain and submit to our office a waiver from the City of Monticello waiving the 30 / day waiting period. Authorization cannot be given for the activity scheduled for 07/05/97 without receipt of the waiver. Gambling activity conducted without written authorization from this office will be referreJ to the Department of Public Safety, Gambling Enforcement Division. An exemption permit will be issued to your organization upon receipt of waver from the City of Monlicetl0. If you have any questions or need further assistance please contact your Licensing Specialist, Mary, at (612)639-4076. Thank you for your prompt response regarding this matter. Gambling Control Hoard Licensing Section / cc: City of Monticello V .. - d-ldrAwr S6 -D An epal rygArrasnr migOmw Council Agenda - 6/23/97 A F.F . RN .E AND BACKGROUND: Now that the 1996-1997 assessment process has been completed, the Krambers have indicated a willingness to continue serving as City Assessors for another year. As part of the contract renewal, the Krambers are requesting an increase in their contract amount by $.25 per parcel from the present $6.25 per parcel to $6.50. There are currently approximately 2,407 parcels within the city that the Assessors do review plus new construction and building permits that are added each year. The $.25 per parcel increase would amount to a 4% increase and would bring the annual contract estimate to $15,645.50. The Krambers have acted as our City Assessor since 1992, at which time the contract rate was $5.25 per parcel. The City of Monticello is required to have a licensed assessor because of our population and commercial values. In Wright County, the City of Buffalo is the only other community that is required to have this licensed assessor. The Krambers had received an increase in their contract fee to $5.75 for the next three years of their contract services, and last year the contract fee was increased from $5.76 to $6.25 per parcel. At that time, it was the Council's recommendation that future increases be considered more frequently so that the increases did not become too large. As an added note, the City of Buffalo utilizes the services of the Wright County Assessor's office and was currently paying $6.50 this year for that service. It is the County Assessors proposal to increase their contract fee to $6.75 for next year's assessment. It should be noted that one issue that I need to resolve with the Assessors concerns the duplicate copies the City has kept on file in city hall of each parcel's value. In the past, the Assessor was required to simply photocopy each field card from the County's records and insert them in our files in city hall. As a result of computerization, the County Assessor's office is no longer requiring assessors to enter field data on individual sheets, and it is now difficult for the Assessor to simply photocopy these records for our files. The information is available in computerized form, but the County Assessor's office would charge $.10 per shoot or approximately $460 for this information. While this information is very useful for City staff throughout the year, 1 need to continuo discussions with the Krambers and County Assessor to see if there is an alternate method for us to obtain this information. Council Agenda - 6/23/97 Renew the contract for city assessing services with the Krambers for the 1997-1998 assessment year at the $6.50 per parcel rate. Do not renew the contract. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: In regard to the assessing contract services that the Krambers have performed over the past 5-6 years, I'm not aware of any problems that haven't been resolved. In comparing the per parcel request to what the County Assessor office charges for similar services, the Krambers' request seems reasonable. The only other option available to the City at this time would be to advertise for contract assessor services to see if anyone would offer the services at a lower cost than the Krambers are proposing. In my opinion, it is doubtful that we would receive a lower cost, as previously I had received quotations that ranged from $6 to $9 the last time I had checked. I believe the Krambers have provided good service to the City, and I would recommend the Council adopt alternative M 1. Copy of proposed contract; Letter requesting increase. M. CITY ASSESSOR DUTIES & REQUIREMENTS AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES This agreement, made this 23rd day of June, 1997, by and between the City of Monticello, a municipal corporation (hereafter referred to as "City"), and Jerry Kramber, of Kramber & Associates, Inc. (hereafter referred to as "Kramber"), seta out the terms and conditions for the general purpose of providing assessing services for the City. WHEREAS, the City desires and is required to perform assessing functions for determining appropriate market values for all properties located within city limits; WHEREAS, the City desires to provide these assessment duties through the services of a qualified private party which will be able to respond as needed under the general guidelines established by the City, County of Wright, and State of Minnesota. NOW, THEREFORE, in and for consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions hereinafter contained, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: la. The City in and for consideration of the sum of Fifteen Thousand Six Hundred Forty- five Dollars and Fifty Cents ($16,646.60), payable in nine (9) monthly installments beginning June 30, 1997, through February 28, 1998, hereby contracts with Kramber for the period of 12 months from the date of execution of this agreement for the services of Kramber as City Assessor. Ib. The contract amount is based on a contract fee of $6.60 per parcel times an estimated 2,407 parcels of record within the city. 1c. The City agrees to adjust the final payment to reflect the actual number of parcel assessment functions performed by the Assessor. Kramber hereby agrees to perform substantially the following services as Assessor: a. Complete all necessary calculations and market values for tax parcels within the city by prescribed date for year 1998 as determined by Wright County Assessor. b. Record individual parcel information in "field" books supplied by the County Assessor, including sketch plan of all buildings and dimensions. C. Provide a duplicate copy of now parcel information from field books or County Assessor records and update annually all parcel information on City duplicate records/files. d. Perform a physical review of approximately 26'% of tax parcels annually, including a report on the number and location of properties within the 26'% that were unable to be inspected internally. o. Provide timely response to inquiries of residents regarding market valuations and basis for same. ASstuou.nca E/18/Dl St- A Pago I r f. Represent City at annual Board of Review established by City Council and provide documentation for values assigned when necessary. g. Provide the City Council and administration with status reports during the assessment year which summarize the assessment activities performed to date. h. Provide on a monthly basis, or when available, copies of all CRV's from County Assessor. i. All other duties and responsibilities necessary to complete assessing function for year 1998. 3. Kramber hereby agrees to utilize his/her own vehicle to perform the aforementioned tasks and, further, to provide proper insurance coverage to indemnify and hold harmless the City from any claims or violations arising from the operation of said vehicle. 4. The City hereby agrees to provide space, use of equipment, and access to Building Official and/or other City records within City Hall when necessary for Assessor to fulfill his/her duties and responsibilities herein stated. b. This contract arrangement may be terminated by either party, with or without cause, provided the party wishing to terminate this agreement shall provide written notice to the other party at least sixty (60) days prior to the effective date of termination. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed in their behalf by themselves and/or their proper officers by their signatures the day and year first written above. CITY OF MONTICELLO Witness City Administrator Date Date KRAMBER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Witness Date Date ASSESMAAGR: 6/607 sci8 Papal -Xram6e & 57ssociafes, .Inc. REAL E.87ME APPPA1SEJL4 ASSESS03 CJuno 9, 1997 PA a=56 Mammm MM 55363 (812) 675-3748 City Adminintrator and Members of the City Council 250 East Broadway Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller and Council [Members, Rramber 8 Associates, Inc. is submitting a bid for the 1998 assessment. Due to the growing number of building permits each year, we are asking for a 25¢ increase per parcel. This increase will cover the time and expenbe of viewing approximately 400+ additional parcels per year. Respectfully, qA ' Jorry ramber (�J Minnesota Accredited Assessor License 91476 se—C Council Agenda - 6l23/97 5D. Consideration of authorization to pmoarre atudy and And specifications for trunk Rtorm sewer improvements relating to new Monticello High School project. W.O.) A REFERENCR AND BA .K •RO iND: The Monticello School District has requested that the City complete the trunk storm sewer construction work located within the site necessary to serve the high school. See the feasibility study for detail regarding the design of the system. As a part of the trunk system improvement, the school will be allowed to upsize the trunk system to accomodate their site storm sewer needs. Accordingly, as with any project done by the City, the value of the lateral benefit to the property owner will be assessed. In addition to paying an assessment for lateral benefit, the school district will be paying the trunk storm sewer fee. The City will be paying for the trunk storm sewer improvements. Funds for trunk storm sewer improvements paid by the City will be derived from trunk fees that have been paid to the City. Following is a profile of the project costs and funding program. PROJECT EXPENSE/BENEFIT SUMMARY Total project cost: $ 420,300 Portion assessed (lateral benefit): $ 148,300 Portion trunk (city paid): $ 272,000 Trunk revenue from school district: $ 176,500 (This cost is eatimated and still needs to be reviewed with the school district prior to incorporation.) B. ALTERNATIVE. ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt resolution accepting petition, ordering and accepting a feasibility study, and authorizing preparation of plans and specifications for storm sewer improvements relating to the High School Construction Project. 2. Motion to deny adoption of resolution accepting petition, ordering and accepting a feasibility study and authorizing preparation of plans and specifications for storm sewer improvements relating to the High School Construction Project. C Council Agenda - 6/23/97 Under this alternative, the school district would be forced to complete storm sewer improvements. The district would be responsible for payment of trunk fees; however, the City would also be responsible for providing credits to the school district for trunk improvements made on behalf of the city. C:_ STAFF RF.COMMFNDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative #1. This is a relatively simple project that holds little risk for the City. It is expected that the school district will pay the assessments and trunk fees. D_ SUPPORTING DATA Copy of feasibility study. FZ C Council Agenda - 6/23/97 5E. Review of bids for a new 70hn diesel glowered 4 -wheel drive tractor/loader for the street and parka department and consideration of purchees. (R.M. ) At the May 27, 1997 meeting, the City Council authorized advertisement for bids for one new 70hp diesel -powered four-wheel drive tractor/loader for the street and parks department. The budget process for this tractor/loader was done on a three-year purchase program in the budget. The first portion of $21,500 was placed in the 1995 Budget, $16,250 in the 1996 Budget and the third and final amount of $20,000 was placed in the 1997 budget, for a total of $57,750. Bids were due Thursday, July 23, 1997, at 10 a.m. The following is a tabulation of the bids we received: COMPANY NAMR.n IACTOR/WADER DF.RCRIPTION TM IA BIt> 1 .F. St. Joseph Equipment of Shakopee, Minnesota CASE 570 LXT.................................... $43,504.19 RDO Equipment Co. of Burnsville, Minnesota JOHN DEERE 210 LE ............................. $52,852.66 Based upon the above bid information and the data supplied with the bids indicating specifications of the unit, the lowest bid for a suitable tractor/loader for the City of Monticello is the Case 570 LXT for a total price of $43,504.19. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION : 1. The first alternative is to award the purchase of a new Case 570 IM tractor/loader to St. Joseph Equipment of Shakopee. Minnesota, for $43,504.19. 2. The second alternative would be to not purchase a new tractor/loader at this time. C. STAFF RF, .OMMF.NDATION: It is the recommendation of the Street and Parka Superintendent that the City Council authorize the punfiase of one new Case 570 LXT tractor/loader from St. Joseph Equipment as outlined in alternative 01. 1 General specifications on equipment. Dimensions/Operational Data momr- _j c IS H !r 0 \ v r t .- a .-J,-. IF = 8 82" Oeneml Purpose Bucket 82" 44n-1 Bucket A OveralopeWg height .................................................... 13'8" (4.17 m).......... ................ .............. 14'3" (4.35 m) Heght to top d low•pro% ROPS campy .......................... 8'7" (2.62 m)........................... -.-.......... 87" (2.62 m) HeiOtto top ofSMMard•Pro61eROP$canopy................ 8'11" (2.71 m)........................................8'11" (2.71 m) HegMto top of cab......................................................... 8'11" (2.71 m).........................................8'11" (2.71 m) B. Overall "It w/3•PoiMMen ........................................ 16'11"(5.15 m)........................... ........... ... 158"(5.09rn) Overall length leader orVy w/camerweight ...................... 16'3" (4.95 m)........................... ....,........ 16.0" (4.68 m) C. Haight to bucket hinge pn mised..................................... 11'2" (3.41 m)........................... .... ........ 11'2" (3.41 m) D. Bucket roftbatk ® grouMS,e............................................................ 40'........................... .............................. 40° E. Dump wgle0full height ...................................................................46°.........................................................45• F. Digging depth below Wade - Bucketht................................................................ 7.8" (199 mm)........................................ 7.1" (180 mm) ONn open(dozing) .................................................................... NA...............................,,........ 4.4" 0 11 mm) G. Dump reach 0 fu11 height Bucket..-.............................................................. 25.9" (657 mm)...................................... 25.4" (644 mm) Cramopen .......................................................................... NA....................................... 11.8" (299 mm) i H. Reach horn hoot arae cemerllne• bucket on ground.......... 75.3" 0.91 m)......................................... 72.7" (135 m) J. Wheeba cr...................................................................... 84.5" 12.15 m) ........................... . ............ 84.5" (2.15 m) Front wheel tread............................................................. 67.7" (1.72 m)........................... ............. 87.7" (1.72 m) Rear wheel bead...................................................... 81.2" (1.55 m) ........................... . ......... .... 61.2" (1.55 m) K. Dump cle=rm 0 hd heighl 45- dump - Buckct.......................................................•.........8'8" (2.63 m).......... ................. ............. 8'11" (2.71 m) Clamopon................................................................................. NA........................................... 918" (2.93 m) Oteralmcm......................... ....................... I............ I'..... 81.8" (2.07 m)........................... ..... ,,....... 81.8" (2,08 m) Ground cteardlco at axle_................................................. 15" (381 mm) ................ ........... ............. 15" (381 mm) Loader aft earodb to full Height................................ 5.293 b (2401 kg) ........ _................ ......... 5.197 b (2357 kg) Loader breakout force (Gump cya4m) .............-.. 7,9550 bf (35 388 N) .... ....... ............. ...m 7,879 tet (35 045 N Loader breokgA form NA Cyltrx" wbox eaoper.................. 7,811 flat ........................ ......................... 7,116 to t.oadar brmW fo= Nh cylind..•....,,err) w/o box ocrap« -. 8.375 bf.............. ........... .... ...... ,......_.. 6,175 bf Maximum gadng aVo................................................... 118°...................................,.....,..........116° r ................ NA....................................... .......... Molmoordt......................................................... ........... NA.................,,...........,....... moot 38.3" (972 mm) 38.8' (934 rrlm) roNot t,efgtu.............................................................. ....... 4.5 GOc........................... _.......... ............. 4.4 GOC BucWdtsmphg tfme........... ................................. ....- ..... .......... 0.8 ecc..... ,..................... ...,,......I............ 0.8 coc tmals tfmo, Power down....................................................... 2.7 coo........."......................................... 2.2 sac Lowering timer, return-todg....................................................... 3.1 cec...................... ... .......................... 2.4 sec NASO AbM rDoCAMM t3k cn v9M AND r o IM � 24 ma W'C) l l Sir C Council Agenda - 6/23/97 bF. Consideration of ehnnge order #4 for Protect 98-154 Wastewater bmatmentriaU EXpna_don. (R.W.) Change order #4 involves four changes that were necessary during the construction of the WWTP project. A summary of the four changes is attached for your review, and the amount totals $10,376. The largest share of the change order relates to the substitution of the handrails and ladders on the SBR tanks from painted galvanized steel to aluminum. In the long run, the aluminum will be maintenance free and will provide a higher quality appearance to the project. Approve change order 04 to the contract with Adolfson and Peterson in the amount of $10,376. Deny approval of change order #4. (I- STAFF F .O MF:NDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Bob Peplin of HDR, the consulting engineer, that the City Council approve change order #4 as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of details and text of change order #4. Change Order No. 4 �{ Wastewater treatment Plant Expansion Monticello, MN City Project No. 93-14C CPR No. 13 - Revisions to Sanitary Svstem Manhole M13-5 The invert and rim elevations of the sanitary manhole 0AH-5) located avert of the Adm inistr tion Building was changed to match the devariom on the site ging plan. The sanitary sever from the Administration Building to MH -5 was changed from 6" to 4-. Contract Add. S 1.022 CPR No. 15 - Relocation of 12" storm sewer vice The proposed storm seater effluent line from the detention pond conflicted wd the elevuions of the existing plant discharge pipe. T'he proposed storm sewer line was relocated to avoid this conflict Contract Add- $289 CPR No. 16 - Fume Rood - Administration Building �. The following fixtures were added to the !lune hood: cup sink. natural gas, vacuum and sir. Piping was provided a cold water line to the: cup sialL Coatmct Add: S 1.297 CPR No. 16 - HandralWILadders The naw handmilubdde s were clanged ftom painted galvanized steel to oluminum Contract Add: 57.768 0 Change Order No. 4 FORM momt VWWMIsom ser Tot rem IGfa>aa owww cwt as r+ar—ti t �c Ise nolo Name: WastevIater Treannem Plant Eq—sion ({Project DR Proilct No.: 08124004.164 Pa Owner. City of Mantice0o. MN Project No.: 9314C ate of Is -wane: 6117W Project Colaractor. Adoll3on end Paterson of Contrxf88 t 12J18 Period: I IContrect 1211 8198 - 1011 SM it Is agreed to modify the Contract referred to above as follows: Item No. Item and Description of Charr9- Contract Price Contract Time Decrease Increase Decrease Increase 1 CPR No. 13 0 $1+022 0days I 0days 2 CPR No. 15 0 5289 0 days 0 days 3 CPR No. 16 0 31`297 0days 0days 4 CPR No. 20 0 37.788 0 days 0 days Sub -Total 0 $10.376 0 days 0 days Difference Net 0 days 0 days followe: Summary: It Is agreed to modify the Contract referred to above as Contract Price Prior to tits Change Order Contract Time prior to tlds Change Order 0 11.283.352.00 Completion Date: October IS. 1998 Net increwe (decrease) of thIsChange Order Not Increase (decrease) of this Change Order IS 10.376.00 0 Revised Contract Price with all approved Change Orders Revised Controcl Time wIth all approved Chtarpa Orders IS 11.293.728.00 I ComDletlon Date: October 15. 1999 The changes Included In this Change Order are to be accornpll~ In accordance with the terms, etlputations and conations of the original Contract as though Included therslm or bDate .� L �•� oc for Approval By (HDR Engimering. Inc.) Oats � l l Approved for Owner by. Attu Data Approved, (other . when required) Distribution: Goner UCergraetor I L—Pw I r FORM momt VWWMIsom ser Tot rem IGfa>aa owww cwt as r+ar—ti t �c Ise +M .OR tragi. -r;.% NC [Project Name: Wastewater Treavrwa Plant Expansion [Project Owner. Ciry of Monticello. AIN IHOR Project No.: 08124-004.184 [Connector: Adolfsone Peterson [ Change Proposal Request No. 13 (Not a Change Order) IOweu's Project No .91140 [Regunatory Agency Project No. Of apWlc blel: Itnift, d ay: _1L &VInser _ Canasta. I owner IOam Apra 15. 1997 Attu: The following change in the cattract on this project is proposed. A breakdown of cost SMALL be attached. Work shall net commerce until authorized by the Owner. Description of the Proposed Change: REVISION TO SANITARY SYSTEM MANHOLE MH -5 ELEVATIONS AND SAN PIPING. DRAWING C-0: REVISE iwlaMole 5 invert and rim elevations. DRAWING 0-20: REVISE 8 IN to 4 IN SAN from Admin. to Manhole 5; ADD two 4 IN 45 deg elbows. Revise manhole discharge elevation to I.E. 913.4'+ or, Revise manhole rim elevation to 927.4' +or -. See Drawing C-3 for site grading plan. ADD NOTES: S. See Site Plan b Profile Drawings (C-1 to C-23) for other buried piping. I See attached Exhibib 13-020A and 13-C-208. See RFi 020. DRAWING C-22: MHS: Revise Manhole Schedule; see attached Revised Schedule. JDRAWING MI.90: REVISE 4 1N WSTwest ofAdm1n. BWg. - ADD 4 IN lateral wye vertical up, 4 IN 45 deg Nbow up, 4 IN riser and 4 IN CO with threaded rap. See attached Exhibits 13 -C -20A and 13-M1-90. REVISE SOT 38, Harris Dwg. 15073-2. ATTACHMENTS: Four, Exhibits 13 -C -20A, 130-208, 13-Mi•9 nd Revised Manhole Schedule. By : Darrell A. Plucker, P.E. All work abpll be in accordance with the tuna, M R Racommendadon: _ stipulations, and conditions of the original Contract Oo Not fbcommatnd Documents. If the work herein provided far is KA. p Acceptanea Approved by Change Order, the time of eompledon wW be: M _ Increased _ Decreased ,!gUnchanged Unchanged //0� Inc. by /_ calendar dove. gate Thla change wW: %Add Ooduc[�G of Change g—IT��^t�— SIO%2 �y fP J I Z?vf /0r4.� By: cry of Monticello. MN Dv. roan a Peurson P oat. /c 3/97 Date Owner's Action: —.Accepted _ Not Accepted SF -C. CPR No. 13 Pape 1 �tal Construction Services" 6"1 West 23rd Street Mln:teepolis. Minnesota 55426 (612)544-1561 June 5, 1997 HDR Engineering, Incorporated FAXED 591-5413 300 Parkdale 1 Building 5401 Gamble Drive Minneapolis, NEnnesota 55416-1518 Attention Bob Peplin Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion EWR Project No. 08124.004-164, City Project No. 93-14C Adolfson & Peterson Letter of May 23,1997 CPR 013 - Revisions to Sanitary Sewer MH -5 - Revised _•` Gentlemen, 0 MaMV Address: P.O. Bw 9377 MmeeoMinnesota 525-2333 FAX (612) 525.2334 We have revised our price for Change Proposal Request b 13 per our dismission today. The revised price is an add of S1,022.00. A revised cost breakdown is enclosed. You can change the amount on the CPR form Please include this item on the next Change Order. Call me if you have any questions. cc: file Bob Sykes John Simola Sisicerely, AD 1OLYS✓ON & PETERSON, INC. l�S (1G S�i�..+JfZ Clyde`S.Terwey, PE. Project ManagerNice President 5F -,b 1 uM NOR Eitg* . Nc Iftleo Nome: Watrewater Treatment Pfau Expansion lProject owner. Cny or Monncew. cw ►tDa Project No.: 0812440&164 1C4nhocto: Adomon &forerun Change Proposal Request No. 15 (Not a Change Order) IOW M% Pr*d No .93.14C lRepula" Agena Project No. t1f applaCOte): ►Wtlated By: X _ Camroctor owner Date:4/15N1 Manson: The to3oWN Change In the controct on fhb projq& is Proposed• A breakdown of cost SHALL be attached. • Work stwn not cor mome unt8 authoraed by the Owner. Description of the Proposed C honge: Owe No. GB and G7 I1. Retocate storm sewer pipe section, P-28, and manhole M-27 as shown on Exhibit 15-1 13. Place InmAtton Ward as shown on ExhM 15.1 over the too of the wdstirut 18• treatment Want affluent One. II II II I I IATTACHMENT9: Exhibits 18.1 end 18.2 AG work eined be In oacordance with the term goulanorn and conditions of me a$" Contract Docurra . it fine work herein provided for b Approved by Cnonge Order. rho ttrm of compietlon be: _Wcm=CJ _Dowon:ed OUWI=Vod by _ Q caku+dor days This ctpnpe wW: Z Add Deduct Not Change 3 1 ,6 —/::;,x/'0S Br. & Peterson IS/�3 /9 ocoo Ownda AC11= _ ACcoptod _ Not Accept©d BY�RV. PIPb P.E. DO Not R000f1YnBnd ACeePtCnea t9t0 ' i 07 D: I Br. CRv of Mom1CM MN I Dora SF - CPR No. 18 Pagel ,1Adoftm& Am kv.. l tat Construction Services' 67701 West 23rd Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426 (812)544-1581 EIDR Engineering, Incorporated 300 Parkdale 1 Building 5401 Gamble Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota 5 5416-15 18 Attention: Bob Peplin MaDV Address: p.0. So 9371 Minneapolis. Minnesota 55440 FAX (812) 525.2333 FAX (812) 525.2334 June 5, 1997 FAXED 591-5413 Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion HDR Project No. 08124-004-164, City Project No. 93.14C Adolfyon & Peterson Letter of May 23. 1997 CPR #15 - Realign 1I^ RCP - RgMsed Gentlemen, We have revised our price for Change Proposal Request 0 15 per our discussion today. The revised price is an add of $289.00. A revised cost breakdown is enclosed. You can change the amount on the CPR form Please include this change in the next Change Order. Call me if you have any questions. cc: file Bob Sykes John Simola Sincerely, ADOLFN & PETERSON, VC. < Clyde .Terwey, P.E. Project Manager/Vice President SF• F HDR ua...:,, Z Change Proposal Request No. 16 (Not a Change Order) (Project Name: Wastewater Treatment Rent Expansion lOwner's Project No .93.140 IProject Owner. City of Monticello. MN IRegulanery Agency Project No. 6f appeca641: INOR Project No.: 08124-004.184 JWdated By: _X Engiraer_ Convenor IConvaetor. Aaotraen a Paunon I Owner I` IDatc 4-19-97 Atte. ft The following change in the contract on this project is proposed. • A breakdown of cost SHALL be attached. • Work shall not eonrunenee until autltorited by the Owner. Description of the Proposed Change: Room 913, Lab. At center island cabinet- Delete toe space at end of cabinet and lextend counter top 2' past wid of cabinet Fume Hood. Add the following fttli es: cup sink with cold water supply, natural gas fbftm. vacuum fbeture and air fortune. The vacuum and airIbttures 1wiil be provided in hood (for ML re hook up). See fume hood dwg. (SDT 071) for connection details. See CPR -14 for natural gas piping. See SDT 071 for connection to natural gas rale on hood. JADD the following piping: Run 112 IN CW down from 1.1/2 IN CW to cup sink In fume hood. JADO: Shutoff valves to all suppy Mea; trap and tailpiece from cupsink to 1-1/2 IN WST, see SDT 071. JADD: Run 1-12 IN WST down from cup sink in furne hood to 4 IN WST under floor, see SOT t 38 8 71. JAM. n— 1,L:Iib_2 ,L: u.L ?:??'.,» .. '.3:1'ljd'.c:'L.:._\..:' y IGBnnec 4111w suDeW�nes shutoff valves to Lab ...e 1 uwa service fittings and valves. pyy� Connect new suppl—907 to common support bracket with shutoff valves. 11e.t11., r Provide�ameptat�ear marfdnga for each pipe. fitting and VlIIVN, t a` Y ! 91 1ATTACHNIENTS: Enhibitsl8-M-90, �`7�/({oeevviiise alpil Dwge. M1.93 end M1.94. 9y : `Hobt JJ.. Poplin P.E. All work alta0 be In accordance with the berme, R RaeornrrlarWadal: stipulations, and condidons of the origin. Comrott c _ Do Not 14commend Documents. It the work herain provided for Islll7TT��' Acceptance Approved by Change Order, the time of completion will Q� be: By;INDj � Ire. _ Increased _ Decreased %C unchanged by n calendar days. Oats % r Thin change will: ,ZC Add _ Onduct _ Not Chan City of Mom:Caao. MN ai:A fson a vetersonl- Data /9-7 pati ' Owner's Action: Accepted — Not Accepted ,Sea !F./01 G1SIPy' CPR No. 16 Paps 1 SF. rotat Construction Services" 6701 West 23rd Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426 (612) 544-1561 HDR Engineering, Incorporated 300 Parkdale 1 Budding 5401 Gamble Drive N4nneapo4 Minnesota 55416-1518 Attention: Bob Peplin June 5, 1997 _ FAXED 591 -5413 Re: MontieeDo Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion HDR Project No. 08124-004-164, City Project No. 93-14C Adolfson & Peterson Letter of May 27,1997 CPR 0 16 - Fume Hood - ReAed Gentlemen, Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9377 Mirmeapolls. Mhmesota 55440 FAX (612) 5252333 FAX (612) 52.52334 We have revised our price for Change Proposal Request d 16 per our discussion today. the revised price is an add of S 1,297.00. A revised cost breakdown is enclosed. You can change the amount on the CPR form. Please note that we need an immediate response to this charge for the plumbing rough in. Our price may become null and void and a time extension required if we do not receive direction two days prior to excavation. cc: file Bob Sykes John Simola 295-3170 ext 7 Sincerely, ADOLFSON & PEMSON, INC. G�iClyde S.Terwey, P.E. Project ManagerNce President SF -# Change Proposal ,,.,,a � Request NO. ZO NO (Not a Change Order) Project Name: Wastewater Trectment Rant Eqxrtlon (Owners Protect No .o3.14C Project Owner. City of Mmnceffo. MN IReptdatory AVWCV Project No. of applcabtez (HDR Project No.: 08124-004164 1h ated err _ &0-00 _Contractor j Contractor. Adofbon a Petet= X Owner Date: 4/29ro7 Miert= The following change in the contract on this project is proposed. A breakdown of cost SHALL be ottaehed- Work shoo not comvnence until authorized by the Owner. Descdptiwt of the Proposed Change: Chen a Handrails and Ladders to Aluminum 1. Provide aluminum handrails as specified in Section 05522 In lieu of the steel handrails in 05M. �a) The bid proposal price of $3,000 shall be used as a basis for this additional cost. 12. Provide aluminum ladders In ileu of the galy abed steel ladders specified In Section 05505. (a) DWG. A-102. 'TYPICAL LADDER DETAIL': Change *GALV STL'to'ALUMINUW. 1b) SPECIFICATION 05505: 1) page S. line 43 (2.03A1 a) Change 'gaHanhed steer to "Aluminum: 6061-T6 or 6083 -TO agog' 2) gape 5, Ones 44, 45 (min, rail sizes) Revise to read:' 3 x 1 IN rest. tubing, ndnimum thdartese 0.125 IN or 1-1/2 IN nominal diameter schedule 40 ploe' 3) page 8, One 13 (2.03A.6.a) Change 'AISC to *Aluminum Association' 41 papa 8. One 20 (2.03A.B.n) Change %ah aNzed' to'Aluminu) Mill finish' ATTACHMENTS: None �lV�J.Zpe�p—an P.E. All work stroll be in aCcordonee with the tertna Rxommafdoaon: otpulatbrn and conditions of the ad" Contract Rea Do Not Rocornnmtd Documents. 11 the wok heroin provldad for is e// ACCeptoneo Approved by Change Order. Me tuna of cornplotkm w0 be: ev —increased _ Decrooicd A UncharQW l by n calendar days. Dara This chanpo X Add _ Deduct _ Not ChaVe 61,21" AY4- �6v City or Moralcolo. MN By. A Peterson eL Daae Owners Action: _Accepted Not Accepted CPR W20 PaW 1 M f I Adaffson. � p 3 �tal Construction Services- JUN i 10 8701 west 23rd Street HDR bnglneering, Int Mailing Aftess: P.O. Box tr377 Minnaapolls, Minnesota 55428 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 (812) =1581 JtinC 12, 1997 FAX (872) 5254333 FAX (812) 525-2334 HDR Engineering, Incorporated FAXEM 591-5413 300 Parkdale 1 Building 5401 Gamble Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416.1518 Attention: Bob Peplin Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion HDR Project No. 08124-004-164, City Project No. 93-14C Adolfson & Peterson Letter of May 27 and June 61997 CPR 0 20 - Aluminum Handndl9-§IjMAES%bJW Gentlemen, I nuhed off my lest letter so tkst last Friday so John could see it before he west on r vacation that I forgot to change the spreadsheet pertaining to As Built Drawings. The l price for CPR 0 20 should be S7,768.00. You can change it on the CPR form This change should be included in the neon Change Order if you would like us to proceed. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ADOLFSON & PETERSON, INC. Clyde S.Terwey, P.E. Project Manager/Vice President cc: file Bob Sykes John Simola 4 SF -T Council Agenda - 6/23/97 eater (R.W. ) At the previous meeting, the Council tabled action on approving the final payment for the painting of the old water tower to Pittsburgh Paint & Tower to enable the city attorney to review the contract documents and advise the Council regarding liquidated damages. This action was the result of some concerns expressed by business owners within the block who felt the painting project took too long to complete and resulted in lost revenues for area businesses. In light of the Council action, a copy of the contract and specifications was given to Paul Weingarden to review, especially in regard to the penalty clause and rights of the contractor to limit access to parking areas adjacent to the water tower. I asked Mr. Weingarden to respond to the concerns of the property owners and to advise the Council on the appropriate use of any liquidated damages that would result from the penalty of $50 per day being deducted from the contract. As noted in the contract specifications, the contractor did have authority to limit access to the public parking lots adjacent to the water tower for the purpose of limiting any damage to vehicles by paint overspray. I'm not aware of any business owner being denied access to their business, although it is correct that the City public parking lots were barricaded to prevent unnecessary parking. Most of the businesses in that block have access to their businesses available from all street frontages, although customers may use the city parking Iota when conducting business. It is the opinion of the city attorney that the method efcalculating the liquidated damages seemed inappropriate, in that it would be very difficult to expect to claim damages throughout the winter months when it is impossible to finish the job. It is also Mr. Weingarden's opinion that the City would be setting a definite precedent if it attempted to use liquidated damages or any other public funds for reimbursing property owners for any claimed loss of business. Mr. Weingarden noted that the City will have many public improvement projects that could cause inconvenience to residents and businesses and the City would not want to be held liable for monetary damages. Paul also questioned whether the City would have the legal authority to use public Rinds for reimbursing private businesses as the liquidated damages were meant to be compensation to the City for its inconvenience, not those of its residents, Council Agenda -6/23/97 B. Ai.T . NATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize final payment to Pittsburgh Paint & Tower Company in the amount of $26,324.65 and authorize the air compressor rental fee of $675 to be split amongst the commercial businesses who claim to be affected by the parking lot being blocked off. 2. Authorize final payment in the amount of $26,324.65, but not provide any reimbursement to business owners within the block. a'f 65 3. Authorize final payment in the amount of $26,324.65 and reimburse affected property owners within the block for claimed loss of revenue. 4. Continue discussions with Pittsburgh Paint & Tower regarding additional liquidated damages between the October 31, 1996 date and the April 18, 1997 restarting of the project. C. STAFFIIF .O F.NT)ATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that we follow the recommendation of the City Attorney and make any final payment to the contractor that included liquidated damages, without setting a precedent and reimbursing property owners who claimed damages for loss of business. If some compensation to the business owners is considered, I would recommend that we do not use liquidated damage funds, but rely only on the equipment rental monies of $675 that we were proposing to deduct. Copy of final project cost summary; Copy of city attorney's correspondence. CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 96-09C OLD WATER TOWER PAINTING AND APPURTENANT WORK FINAL PROJECT COSTS Base Bid .......................................................... S22,075.00 Logo/Delete Large Text (Add) ........................................... 5,900.00 Paint Change (Add) ..................................................... 859.80 Add Large Text (Add) ..... ............................................ 1.500.00 TOTAL: S 1"M Liquidated Damages from 10/09/96 to 10/31/96, 22 Days r@ S50/day . $1,100.00 Air Compressor Rental Fee .................................. .. 675.00 Unauthorized Long Distance Phone Use ...... ............. ... . 135.15 Liquidated Damages: Above 50'17 4/13/97, could begin work five days later on 4118/97, work completed 5/30/97. 42 days total © S50/day ......... $2.100.00 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS: S4.o tots TOTAL DUE PITTSBURG TANK & TOWER CO. ................ Sj¢ 4 cGucno�cmr.r �ca�� After surface preparation and spot priming, delete the acrylic latex paint and use dry fall aluminum paint for the legs, braces, ladders, cage, and railing. The aluminum paint shall be as manufactured by Glidden or Sherwin Williams, or approved equal, and shall be applied as recommended by the manufacturer including dry film mil thickness. 10. SITE CLEAN-UP j Collea waste materials daily from the work a" and store in a central location approved by the Owner until final removal at the completion of the project. Store hand tools and secure equipment at the end of each day. Store and segue all equipment in an orderly manner, and clean the site thoroughly whenever the site will be unattended over a weekend. Leave the site free of all waste materials, tolls, and equipment at the end of the project. •11_.• I LSIM01A J:51.1 :!.Wff.A 11111-17XIA:1 01.1019.1• The Contractor shall use painting techniques and methods as to protea buildings and autos from paint over -spray or splatters. The Contractor shall have the authority to ere' barricades, to disseminate hand bills alerting the City to the Contractor's presence, and to bar admittance to the work area to everyone except City authorized personnel. The Contractor must not block access to nearby businesses. The City will provide four (4) barricades and twenty (20) traffic cones to assist the Contractor in "axion of the work she. Do not block access for customers or patrons of the nearby businesses. en ,.1' :4 t • . e' All work to be conanu led under this project shall be completed, in place, and accepted by October 8, 1996. I is kl ,i I J 91:4 e' • Shouldahe Contractor fail to complete and have accepted all the work on or before the established completion due, the sum of Fifty Dollars (!50.00) per calendar day, including Sundays and Hofidayt, shell be deducted Roan arty monies due, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages. No advance payment will be mala Payment will be made in fiull within thirty (30) days of final acceptance of the work. "I F Sp£ cl Rr- A -TI o n1 S r JUS. -19' 97 (THU) 16:19 06SON/USSET P. A. TE6:612 925 5879 OK SON, USSET & WEINGARDEN P.L.L.P. ATTORM" A7 Uv SUM i:o 45o& PAU GM ROW FAIR. A. WSMAROOP MDOMAKRa. W1 SAIG L80a ^--=ARM DAVID L UU f 0®A MEM Tl OM" B. OLSOW TT ng= am 225-M D= rests+ Doom H DAL& FAX OM 9 "SW aBRiY OiON • a" cNL W nwry SpWo DOOM TFXDDM •mow Cdr/ aY LY i�dYa ROCKFCU OFRCS TCJPHM (6 12) W-3010 OM FI R Ma 7975 (109) .Tune 19, 3.997 Via Facsimile Rick Wolfeteller City of Monticello 250 East eroadwa Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Monticello Water Tower Project Dear Rick: I have reviewed the information and contract regarding the above -entitled matter between the City and Pittsburg Tank 4L Tower Company. I have reviewed the contract and find that administration of the same appears to have been proper according to the tern and conditions that were negotiated. It is my underetanding that certain business owners wash to make a elaice to the liquidated damagee that were withheld from the contractor due to alleged lack of availability of use of the City'spark1ag lots. I would strongly recommend against any such proposall fox- the following reasons& I. Tlu business owners are not parties to the contract botween the City and Its contractor, nor would I consider them third party beneficiaries of the Agreement. 2. The provisions of the contract provide only that the contractor will not block access to the businesses. As far as I am aware, there na no such blocking of access, or at least it dose not appear that therc were a►ny complaints at the time of construction concerning dLenial of any such access. 1. Tllo lack of access to the City parking lots during the pendency of any public project is not compensable. If the City were to begin a policy of reimbursing persons Ear inconvenience lost profits or other such items resulting from deiaya in jpu�bblic proects, the City would find itself faced v!th a multitude of elaima from private citizens on virtually every project. 4. To the extent that the City saved money by involclag the Miquidated damages clause, this is money that i• saved on behalf of the citizens of Monticello, not specifis targeted individuals. P. 002 1-^ JUN. -19' 91(THU) 16:10 OLSON/USSET P. A. TEL:612 925 5819 P. 003 C June 19, 199.7 Page 2 S. As a final basis for objection to any such payment, the City does not have the authority to pay public funds to private entities without a public purpose. While I recognize that you may feel some sympathy towards the business owners in this rTrd I believe that any expenditure to them would be as impermissible remittance of public funds. I tzust that the within is sufficient for your review needs. If you have any further Questions, please advise. Very -truly jfflurs, Pa A.f�Wein�gardF PA��lld 1-D 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 195-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax. (612) 1954404 Attn: Bob Benish PrMBURG TANK & TOWER CO. P.O. Box 913 Henderson, KY 42420-0913 P"T • REPAIR t7tS�AHN B,SPER TA"S RAlml LO,VEf1ED 4Va YOVEe • D UiEO T � �pY VICE axT m BEEPER •oo� �� PITTSBURG TANK & TOWER CO., INC. r o tn■ au ,j,,E eon. KEMUCKT 4242 =3 m trot eza•000 • rAx tsar eT..nt 'K'•+ November 26, 1996 Re: C:omnletion of Pnintins of Old Water Tower and I.Am for the City of Monticello Dear Mr. Benish: As per our phone conversation on November 25, 1996, I discussed the possibility of discontinuing the liquidated cages when the prevailing temperatares became Less than 50' and restarting them in the spring, five ( S) days after v highs are again routinely above 50'. The liquidated damages from October 9, 1996 until October 31, 1996, when the temperatures routinely were below 50' totaled V. (22 x $50.00). The liquidated damages, as well as the air compressor rem in the arnaat $675.00 and the long distance phone calls charged by your crew to the City of Monticello in the amount of S 135.15 would be deducted from final payment made after completion and acceptance of the work. If this is satisfactory with M please sign a copy of this letter in the appropriate place below and return it as acceptance of this agreement. If you have any questiotss or if we may be of arty additional assistance in this matter, please contact us. Respectfully, CM OF MONTICELLO John E. Simola Public Works Director JES/beg cc Rick Wolfkteller, City Administrator C Filo 1. ROW A 5041sA acting as representative for Pittsburg Tank &- Tower Company of Henderson, Kentucky. Wee to the terms of this letter. Signed: IZo Qci l Date: V. -ii /47 Office of Public Wo4s. 90 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN BQJBD - PAone: t01II18934170 • Far (612)2954170,U* 1 60 - Council Minutes - 11/25/9 As a follow up to WSB's meeting with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Weiss noted that WSB is developing a layout showing a compressed interchange alternative, also referred to as a Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUD, as requested by the FHWA. The FHWA requested that the City review this option to determine if a SPUI may be a more feasible alternative for the long-term future of the Highway 25 interchange. WSB will be performing an operational analysis in addition to reviewing the benefits and/or impacts of this SPUI alternative to existing 7th Street and Oakwood Drive. Weiss noted that their preliminary review of the interchange alternatives indicated that the loop ramp modification would provide the most reasonable operational benefit at an economical cost and would provide the best impact to Oakwood Drive and 7th Street. MN/DOT also indicated that they viewed the loop ramp modification proposal as the most feasible alternative. The loop ramp would add approximately $500,000 to the project and should make it easier for truck traffic to use Highway 25. Weiss went on to note that after several meetings with business representatives along the corridor, public information meetings, and discussions with City staff, WSB recommended Option 2 for the long- term development of Chelsea Road. Weiss reviewed the criteria on which Option 2 was selected, and requested that the City Council select this option as the preferred alternative for further consideration by the citizens and business owners, as well as by MN/DOT. A public information meeting was scheduled for the week of December 2, and comments and public input would be reviewed by the City Council at its December 9 meeting for final approval of the selected alternative. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to continue with the process and schedule the final public information meeting for the week of December 2. B. Updatn nn D i�ntingpf n1d water tower, Public Works Director John Simola reported that he received a call from Pittsburgh Tank & Tower requesting that the City discontinue liquidated damages since the painting season is over. Simola noted that it would be difficult for the City to prove damages during the winter months since the paint can only be applied during 509+ temperatures. Instead, he requested that he be authorized to negotiate with Pittsburgh for payment of liquidated damages through the good weather and begin liquidated damages again in the spring after a 5 -day notice to resume the painting project. In addition, Simola Page 8 Council Minutes - 11/25/96 noted that the City would not be paying Pittsburg for the work on the ` l tower until the project is completed. He also noted that Pittsburgh would be billed for $75 in phone calla made from the pump house and for use of the City's compressor. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF TO AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO NEGOTIATE WITH PITTSBURGH REGARDING LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST, WITH AN AMENDMENT THAT THE CITY ALSO RECEIVE PAYMENT FOR THE PHONE CAL16 AND COMPRESSOR USE. Voting in favor. Brian Stumpf, Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson, Tom Perrault. Opposed: Brad Fyle. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Doty Office Manager Page 9 Council Agenda - 10/14/96 Update on water tower painting project. (J.S.) Pittsburg Tank & Tower Co., Inc., out of Henderson, Kentucky, is the firm contracted to paint the old water tower. This firm was awarded the contract on July 9, 1996, but took almost a month to get the necessary paperwork into us. The actual Notice to Proceed on the project was given August 6, 1996, after we received all the signed documents and insurance. The contract completion date for the project was October 8, 1996. The quality of the work performed by Pittsburg Tank & Tower Co., Inc., appears to be satisfactory. The crew scheduling, however, could have been more aggressive in fight of the fact of the October 8th completion date. During the project, the Contractor's air compressor went down. They were unable to obtain a rental unit locally so we allowed them to use the City of Monticello's air compressor when it wasn't being used by the City as the Water Superintendent and myself thought it best to keep the job going without delay. We have kept track of the time that it was used and will be talking to the Contractor during final payment to recover some rental money for our air compressor. The painting crew left town on Saturday, October S, 1996. 1 placed a call to Pittsburg Tank & Tower Co., Inc. on Monday, October 7, 19%, and left word with the project manager to inform me as to the stants of the completion of our project. I had not heard from them by late in the day on Tuesday, October 8, 19%, consequently, I forwarded a certified letter to them indicating that liquidated damages as per the specifications of S50 per calendar day would begin on October 9, 1996, until the project is completed. A copy of this letter is enclosed for your review. This is the status of the project as of Friday, October 11, 1996. Any changes in project status between now and Monday evening's Council Meeting will be brought up at that time. Copy of the letter sent certified overnight mail to Pittsburg Tank & Tower Co., Inc. on October 8, 1996. 250 Ea3c Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, &N 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Robert Benish PI'PPSBURG TANK & TOWER CO, INC. 515 Pennel Street P.O. Box 913 Henderson, ICY 42420-0913 October S. 1996 �. sr! ti t• �. tl r ail i.' �.K. n:n�i _ w .. h� r !! , , r1ear Mr. Benish. h I NI1 ark on the above rcfanatced project was to be is place and accepted by October B, 1996. Portions of the work covered by the original contract yet to be completed ore the application of the logo on two sides of the tsak and the completion of painting of the tipper ladder and railing systems. This work is subject to the S50 per calendar day liquidated damages choW beginning Wednesday, October 9.19%. The completion of the wrapping text of the words "Monticello" on both sides of tank is not subject to the liquidated damages, as it was considered an addition to the contract. I phoned your office on Monday, October 7,1996, to discuss with you the reasons why your painting caw kR the job. 1 have yet to receive a response to my call. Please schedule the completion of this project as soon as possible. This project has dragged on and hm become a nuisance to nearby businesses. Sincerely, 9CITY MO `_I LO Jahn E. Simola Public Works Director JESlbeg r Rick Wolikteiler, City Administrator Hats Theisen, Water Superintendent Fde / Ol Hca n% Puh4C Wor4, DOJ G0gCourp Rd., VeRmel/a UN 38162 • Phan : (612) 293x170 , Fax (612)U"170. a& 1 Council Agenda - 6123/97 8. Consideration of aece,{ tttina the 1996 audit report for the City of Monticello. (R.W.) A R_F.F .RF.NCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Rick Borden and/or Mr. Kim Lillehaug of Gruys, Borden, Carlson & Associates, will be present at the meeting to present a brief overview of the 1996 audit report that has been recently completed by their firm. A copy of the report has been included with the agenda for Council member review. I realize that this lengthy report is hard for the Council to review and analyze in such a short period of time, but the report needs to be accepted by the Council prior to the end of June, as it has to be submitted to the State Auditor by June 30, 1997. After the brief presentation of the report, if the Council feels that they would like additional time to review the report, this item can again be scheduled at a future Council meeting for additional discussion. Should any of you have any specific questions regarding the information presented in the audit report, you may contact me prior to Monday night's meeting, or you may wish to speak to Mr. Kim Lillehaug, and we will try to answer any questions you may have. After the review Monday evening, Mr. Lillehaug would be available for questions by the Council by simply calling in for an appointment. Overall, I believe the City is in good financial condition, and 1996 saw increases again in our fund balances in almost all funds at year end. These increases in fund balances are in effect additional surpluses that have accumulated and result from revenues exceeding expenditures in a given year. As I noted previously, the auditor will review with the Council the financial condition of the City and highlight any specific points during their presentation. B_ ALTFRNATIVE ACTIONS; I. The Council should accept the 1996 audit report as presented so that it may be submitted to Cho State Auditor by the required June 30 deadline. D ClIPPORTLNG DATA: Copy of 1996 audit report. Council Agenda • 6123/97 9. Consideration of presentation by consultant architect. Al Miorud_ and reviewing.city Hall nnaee needs study amd relocation anwlysia. (F.P., J.O.) The City Council has asked staff to review the possible purchase of the Marquette Bank building by the City for city hall purposes and to provide an analysis of space needs for city hall. Al Mjorud, A.I.A. (pronounced Murid) of Korud Architecture has been employed to conduct the space needs study and to provide a cost analysis of opportunities for city hall space development. Community growth projections based on information from the State Demographer and organizational structure and growth projections from city staff have been considered in the study of projected space needs. Three options to provide for space needs have been considered by the study: Add on to and remodel the existing City hall building Purchase and remodel the Marquette Bank building Build a new city hall building O Each option and related probable costs will be presented by Mr. Mjorud. If the Council chooses to develop a city hall away from its current location, the proceeds of a sale of the existing city hall must be considered into the equation. An "Opinion of Estimated Value" of the existing city hall property has been determined by the appraisal firm of R.A. Field Company. A more complete appraisal will be prepared if the Council determines that the existing building is to be sold. The Council must also consider peripheral impacts such as: • the city hall relationship to the river and park systems • the image of the City as defined by its buildings and facilities • the MCP concept plan for development of a "Civictinstitutional Coro" proposed to support the redevelopment of Walnut Street and downtown The City Administrator requests that the Council continue to consider information related to space needs and the opportunities to provide for those space needs. As the Marquette Bank building is on the open market for sale, it is recommended that the Council take some fiirther action on this item at the meeting of July 14, 1997. (:_ S TPPnRTIM, nATAi Council Agenda - 6/23197 Copy of Space Needs Study report prepared by 1Vl;jorud Architecture; Copy of "Opinion of Estimated Value" of existing city hall property by R.A. Field Company (not available for distribution with the agenda and to be provided at meeting). MONTICELLO SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: June 19, 1997 Prepared by: Mlemd Architecture 12400 12th Avenue North Minreapolls, MN 55441 Pape No. 1 SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: June 19,1997 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE oww MONTICELLO An Architect was engaged to prepare a preliminary Space Program of existing and future spaces at the City Hall and the Motor Vehicle Deputy Registrars Offices in order to plan for future growth for the local government offices. The Space Pro- gram can then be used to analyze growth potential at the present site and other sites. Once a Space Program is established, costs can be determined for the var- ious possibilities. AREA SUMMARY: AREA OF EXISTING CITY HALL: LOWER LEVEL 1,144 SF UPPER LEVEL 6,244 SF TOTAL AREA OF EXISTING CITY HALL: 7,388 SF AREA OF EXISTING MARQUETTE BANK LOWER LEVEL 7.712 SF MAIN FLOOR LEVEL 7,712 SF SECOND FLOOR LEVEL 3,604 SF TOTAL AREA OF MARQUETTE BANK 19,028 SF AREA NEEDED FOR CITY HALL TOTAL AREA PROPOSED FOR CITY HALL: 4,612 SF AREA OF EXISTING MOTOR VEHICLE DEPUTY REGISTRAR'S OFFICES TOTAL AREA EXISTING OFFICES 1,130 SF AREA NEEDED FOR MOTOR VEHICLE DEPUTY REGISTRAR'S OFFICES TOTAL AREA PROPOSED FOR NEW OFFICES 1,900 SF Page No. 2 SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: June 19,1997 mom, M014TICELLO 1990 Census Projections for Wright County +00000 - agaoo o,000 NAM z �000 g IoAoo S 4000 A000 lam la000 0 2W0 2� 20110 V5 W YEAR The Architect was directed to contact the State Demogra- phers offices and the above information carne from David Rademacher of their Plarming Offices. Note the projection of population at year 2020 of 91,570 people, Page No. 3 SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: June 19, 1997 01MM MONTICELLO 1990 Census Projections for Sherburne County MAW wAoo - c = 0 5 4OAOD CLCL R 20000 . 10.OW 0 - 2010 20u YEAR on David Rademacher also wanted the City of Monticello to view ( the growth of their county neighbor. namely Sherburne County. Here the projection of population at year 20201s 72.100 people. Pape No. 4 L SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: June 19,1997 CITY HALL SPACE PROGRAM NO. PROGRAM AREA 1 COUNCIL CHAMBERS 2 CITY ADMINISTRATOR 3 CLERK/OFFICE MANAGER 4 FINANCE ASSISTANT / MIS 5 BOOKKEEPER 8 UTILITY BILLING CLERK 7 RECEPTIONIST 8 ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR 9 CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL 10 BUILDING INSPECTOR 11 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TECHNICIAN 12 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CLERK 13 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 14 PLANNING TECHNICIAN / PLANNER 15 MEN (NOT ADA COMPLIANT) 16 WOMEN (NOT ADA COMPLIANT) 17 COAT CLOSET/ JANITORIAL AREA' 18 RECORDS STORAGE 19 COUNCIL STORAGE 20 LUNCH ROOM ` 21 COAT CLOSETS ^' 22 VESTIBULE�- 23 LOBBY / RECEPTION �, L MONTICELLO EXISTING NEED SHORTAGE 1,162 sf 1,162 sf -0- sf 194 sf 230 sf 36 sf 80 sf 120 sf 40 sf 80 sf 100 sf 20 sf 80 sf 80 sf -0- sf 80 sf 80 sf -0- sf 80 sf 80 sf -0- sf 194 sf 200 sf 6 sf 94 sf 180 sf 88 all 94 sf 150 sf 56 sf 80 sf 100 sf 20 sf -0- sf 80 of 80 sf 94 sf 120 sf 26 sf 4 of , 120 sf 120 sf 150 sf 200 sf 50 sf 150 sf ^ _300 sf 150 of 70 sf 15061 80 sf -0- sf 600 sf 600 sf 96 sf 96 8f -0- of 132 sf _240 sf 1086f s22 18r.1 40 sf sf 160 sf 16_0 sf -0- sf — 740 sf 600 sf -0- of Pago No. 5 F': SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: June 19,1997 omm, MONTICELLO CITY HALL SPACE PROGRAM (CONTINUED) NO. PROGRAM AREA 24 AUDIO VISUAL/ COMMUNICATIONS 25 WORKROOM 8 OFFICE SUPPLIES 26 COMPUTER ROOM & STORAGE 27 MAYOR /COUNCIL OFFICE 28 COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM 26 CONFERENCE ROOM (EXISTING) 30 CONFERENCE ROOM (NEW) 31 INTERN /TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 32 FUTURE PRIVATE OFFICE -0- sf OFFSITE EMPLOYEES SUCH AS: PUBLIC WORKS 267 sf OMECTOR, LIOUOR STORE MANABER, ANWAL -0- sf CONTROL OFFICER, ETC. 33 FUTURE PRIVATE OFFICE 120 sf TEMPORARY USES SUCH AS: OUTSIDE CONSUL. -0-sl TANTS, AUDITOR, SKFW*, ETC 34 LIBRARY / MAP ROOM 35 MECHANICAL ROOM 36 CIRCULATION AND STRUCTURE -0- sf CITY HALL TOTALS SUMMARY. - EXISTING CITY HALL ADDITIONAL SPACE NEEDED FUTURE CITY HALL EXISTING NEED SHORTAGE -0- sf 150 sf 150 sf 206 sf 250 sf 44 sf 40 sf 200 sf 160 sf -0- sf 120 sf 120 sf -0- sf 300 sf 300 sf 267 sf 267 sf -0- sf -0- sf 267 sf 267 sf -0- sf 160 sf 160 sf -0- sf 120 sf 120 sf -0-sl 120 sf 120 sf -0- sf 230 sf 230 sf 720 sf 720 sf -0- sf 2,327 sf 3,908 sf 1,441 sf 7,368 of 12.000 sf 4,812 sf 7.388 SF 4,,612 SF 12.000 SF Page No. 6 SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: June 19, 1997 mom MONTICELLO MOTOR VEHICLE DEPUTY REGISTRAR NO. PROGRAM AREA E XIMNG NEED SHORTAGE 1 LOBBY 193 sf 250 sf 57 sf 2 PUBLIC VESTIBULE -0- sf 64 sf 64 sf 3 SENIOR MOTOR VEHICLE CLERK -0- Sf 120 sf 1 20 sf 4 MOTOR VEHICLE CLERK 50 sf 80 sf 30 sf 5 MOTOR VEHICLE CLERK 50 sf 80 sf 30 sf 6 MOTOR VEHICLE CLERK 50 sf 80 sf 30 sf 7 TOILET FACILITIES 46 sf 160 sf 1 14 sf B LUNCH ROOM 125 sf 150 sf 25 sf 0 EMPLOYEE COAT CLOSET 12 sf 12 all -0- sf 10 EMPLOYEE ENTRANCE VESTIBULE 30 sf 30 sf -0• sf 11 STORAGE 118 sf 150 sf 32 sf 12 MECHANICAL 8 JANITORIAL 26 sf 150 sf 124 of 13 CIRCULATION AND STRUCTURE 430 sf 574 sf 144 sf MOTOR VEHICLE TOTALS 19,130 of 1.900 of 770 of Note: The above space is not Included within the Existing City Hall, but 0 the Motor Vehicle Deputy Registrar Department Is placed within a shared City Hall Facility, some of the support facilities could be common to both areas. These facilities could Include Lunch Room, Toilets, Mechanical, Janitorial, Employee Entrance, Elevator (it applicable), etc. Page No. 7 SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: June 19,1997 M Rom MONTICELLO PROBABLE COST: CONSTRUCTION REMODELING CITY HALL DIVISION OFFICE INTERIOR (ONE-STORY) 0 General Conditions $3.66 $5.86 0.1 Contractors overhead & profit 0.2 Performance bond 1 General Requirements 3.90 4.49 1.1 Temporary facilities, cleaning, trash removal & construction tools 12 Project superintendent & management 2 Site Work 1.45 1.60 2.1 Demolition 2.2 Excavation & grading 2.3 Under floor vapor barrier S Concrete 0.00 4.80 3.1 Footings & foundations 3.2 Slab on grade 4 Masonry 0.00 7.60 4.1 Face brick with block backup 4.2 Masonry partitions 4.3 Glass block 5 steel 0.00 3.55 5.1 Structural Steel 5.2 Steel Joists 5.3 Metal Deck 5.4 Miscellaneous Metals 6 Wood and Plastics 4.70 4.85 6.1 Rough lumber I blocking 6.2 Glued laminated wood beams & deck 6.3 Millwork, casework & cabinets 6.4 Solid surface plastica 7 Thermal and Moisture Protection 0.00 4.60 7.1 Caulking & sealants 7.2 Roofing & root insulation 7.3 Root hatches & roof openings 7.4 Unit skylights 7.5 Sheet metal flashing 7.6 Insulation Page No. 8 SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: dune 19, 1997 PROBABLE COST (CONTINUED): CONSTRUCTION REMODELING DIVISION OFFICE INTERIOR 8 Doan ane WIndowe $1.20 8.1 Hollow metal doom & frames 8.2 Wood doom 8.3 Finish hardware 8.4 Entrances f4 storefronts 8.5 Windows 8.6 Coiling doom and grilles 9 Finishes 8.70 9.1 Gypsum board 9.2 Tile 9.3 Acoustical treatment 9.4 Resilient flooring 9.5 Carpet 9.8 Painting 9.7 Wap coverings 10 Specialties 0.35 10.1 Chalkboards & taekboards 10.2 Toilet compartments 10.3 Wap and comer guards 10.4 Flagpoles 10.5 Signage 8 graphics 10.6 Shelving 10.7 Toilet 8 bath accessories 10.6 Hat 8 coal racks 10.6 Fire extinguishers 11 Equlpnwd 0.20 11.1 Projection screens 11.2 Appliances 11.3 Unit kitchens 12 Furnishings 0.15 12.1 Manufactured casework 12.2 Blinds 8 shades 13 spselal Construction 0.00 14 comwiliv 0.00 14.1 Elevators oxm MONTICMLO CRY HALL (ONE-STORY) 55.75 8.25 0 1.40 0.80 0.95 SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: June 19,1997 PROBABLE COST (CONTINUED): omm MONTICELLO CONSTRUCTION REMODELING CITY HALL DIVISION OFFICE INTERIOR (ONE -STORK 15 Mechanical 15.1 Plumbing $3.20 $4.59 15.2 Healing 8 ventilating 1.40 4.35 15.3 Air conditioning 1.60 4.55 15.4 Sprinklers 1.10 1.80 16 EkKtrlcal 4.75 7.85 16.1 Uglging 16.2 Main service 8 power distribution 16.3 Alarms 8 emergency lighting 16.4 Phren a computer raceways Condmetlon cost per square foot $36.98 $76.64 Fees, reimbursablea, printing 3.30 5.70 Survey, soil borings, construction testing 0.00 1.10 Today's cost of building or remodeling 119.88 $86A4 Antlelpstsd infistlon for 1888 (add 5%) 1.97 4.27 Architect's Optrdon of Probable Unit Cost $41A1 $88.71 Paps No. 10 C C SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: June 19,1997 ADO/7—/ON TO EXIST/NG C/TYHALL Add row City Hall Addition: 4,612 sf at $89.71 per sf Remodel portion of existing City Hag: 2,500 sf at $41.41 per at Additional parking, sidewalks and landscaping: 10,918 sf at $1.35 per sf Add contingency of 15% Probable cost of providing an addition to the existing City Hall $413,743 103,525 14,739 79,800 $611,807 Add Motor Vehicle Deputy Registrar's Offices: 1,900 of at $89.71 per sf = $170,449 ME, nb— I • �1 1 I.i I tt n, E_� , �'.7 Ir,. I � I• _tea• • � � ' SIM PLAN SNOWING ADDITION 7O FX CIT!' MALL This building addition indicates a connecting 0nk that could be accessed from IN partckq lot and the street . The building addition Includes both the 4,612 at City Hag Addition and the 1.90 H area re- quired for t1he Motor Vehicle De" Reglstrels Offices. The additional off•streal parkOV of 8 voN- clos is marginal with respect to adequate parking at this site. Also the dead-end parking lane is not desirable. Pleofng an additional building on this site may restrict future growth unless additional con- tiguous vcnmfty Is acquired, Page No. 11 SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: June 19, 1997 l MONTICELLO REMODEL/MG MARQ(/E"E BANK Remodel portion of existing bank: 9,000 sf at $41.41 per of = $372,690 Additional parking, sidewalks and landscaping: -0- Add contingency of I S% 55,900 Probable cost of remodeling bank Into a City Hall $428,590 Purchase price of bank $750,000 Possible Investment in bank $1,178,590 Is back approximately 3/4 of remaining 7,028 space or 5,000 of 0 $9= $45,000 Remodeling costs for Motor Vehicle Deputy Registrar's Offices: Remodel approximately 75% of 1,900 of or 1,425 of at $41.41 per of o $59,009 Lit—�� —i —• : YTii ( REMODEL ALL OF UPPER FLOOR This Ciy Council chambers would most likey be located in the larger assomby room, but this wM re- quire a second exit. Page No. 12 I SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: June 19;1997 f0w*m.. MONTICELLO REMODEL MARQUETTE BANK (CONTINUED) COQ i o0 a� ao ora �_ Li - q i16 REMODEL PORT/ON OFAWAF FLOOR This apace could be shared by several evilgies. A new. larger lobby could serve the City. the Motor Vehicle Deputy Repistraeo offim, the bank or other businesses. Peps No. 13 A 0 SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: June 19.1997 Ok MONTICELLO REMODEL MARQUETlE BANK (CONTINUED) ;7P 577 J:a uJ C3 D m r� :-1: �7.'!'. llY Vin_ � �•I' ✓l: -h• REMODEL PORT/OI N OF LOWER FLOOR This space could also be shared by several entitles. This space lacks windows and It would be desir- able to open a portion of the floor to a sky lit Atrium or enlarge the windows with area ways. Is Page No. 14 SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: dune 19,1997 NEW CITY A ILL ON NEW S/TE Cost of 3 awes of land based on bank property. 130,680 x $4.87 per of o Cost of Bulft: 12,000 of x 589.71 per sf a Cost of parking, sidewalks and landscaping: Add con inpeney of 15% Probable cost of a new city hall on new site I I l MONTICELLO $636,412 1,076,520 120,000 55,900 $1,888,832 Pape No. 1S O C Council Agenda - 6/23/97 10. Con- sideration of Stroviding 6GAny notice of withdrawal from the CityL[awnshin Urbanization P n.n Mayor Fair requested that this item be placed on the agenda. 6f P,�, C Council Agenda • 6/23/97 it. S,on_c1_deration of renewing realeRtate anent iLating agmment for Faetwood Knoll development - Mina Rea-Itg. (J.0.) (No staff report available.) FA Council Agenda - 6/23/97 12. Consideration of authoriAng n referendum election for issuance of additional on -sale liquorl_icen_wes. (R.W.) A RFFRRIRNCE AND BACKGROUND: Currently the City is allowed to issue six on -sale liquor licenses based on our population being between 5,000 and 10,000 people. Until we exceed 10,000 population or the voters approve a referendum question allowing additional licenses to be issued, we will be at our maximum number of on -sale licenses that can be issued. As previously discussed, the Monticello Country Club has expressed an interest in obtaining an on -sale liquor license in conjunction with a major clubhouse construction project for their facility. In order to make any such project feasible, it is their opinion that they must be able to obtain an on -sale liquor license in the future. Currently, their plans are to begin construction of a new facility as soon as this fall; but before committing to such a project, they would need to know whether a license would be available. In addition to the above request, the recently -completed HRA/MCP Downtown Revitalization Study will be promoting the concept of redevelopment in the downtown area, including a better utilization of the river frontage and tying the downtown area in with the mall location. One idea being discussed as a major anchor in the downtown corridor near the river could be a future motel/hotel complex, which would certainly require an on -sale liquor license. In addition, any new restaurant facility in this area or any other area of our community would also likely require the ability to serve liquor, which would necessitate that a referendum be considered to have any licenses available. If a referendum question is going to be placed before the voters, it can be done at the same time as a general election or during a special election. Since a general election will not be held until the fall of 1998, any request for an on -sale liquor license would have to wait until then or a special election would have to be held. A special election may be ordered by the City Council on its own motion after providing a 45 -day notice to the County Auditor of the date of the election and question to be voted on. In addition, the City would need to publish two weeks in advance n notice of the question to be voted on and publish a sample ballot. A special election dealing with this one question would likely have a lower turnout than a normal city election, but it is stall estimated that a referendum question of this nature would cost approximately 81,000 after considering the election salaries, publication costs, and voting machine programming. At this time, the Monticello Country Club has not indicated Council Agenda - 6/23/97 whether they would be willing to cover the coat of the special election, but the Council could certainly request that all or a portion of the coat be reimbursed by the Country Club if you desired. In regard to the general question, the City could have one of the following questions on a ballot: 1. Shall the City be allowed to issue on -sale licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor at retail in excess of the number permitted by law? YES NO 2. Shall the City Council be allowed to issue (a number to be determined by the governing body) on -sale licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor at retail in excess of the number now permitted by law? YES NO Under the first option, if the majority of voters voted yea on this question, the City could issue an unlimited number of on -sale licenses. Under the second question, the Council would be determining in advance the number of licenses you would like to issue, and we would simply place that number in the text of the question. I would suggest if we went through the time and expense of a special election and the Council wanted to use the second alternative, you may want to make sure the number of on -sale licenses noted in the question is sufficient to handle our needs for the foreseeable future. B. AI.TF.RNATIVF. ACTIONS: 1. Council could adopt a motion setting a date for a special election to consider the question of issuing additional on -sale liquor licenses Ctu.As— under either a set number or simply a number in excess of six. 2. Council could agree to place the question on the next general election ballot, which would not be until November 1998. 3. Do not place the question on either a special election or general election ballot in the near future, Council Agenda - 6/23/97 While I'm not aware of any project being proposed in the downtown area that would require an on -sale license at this time, both the Monticello Country Club's construction time table and the idea of having licenses simply available for future commercial prospects would seem to indicate we should consider a special election yet this year. While it would be certainly beneficial to add this question to another referendum issue question, I'm not aware of any other item that needs to be brought before the voters at this time. If the Country Club is still serious about knowing whether a liquor license is available yet this fall, I would recommend the Council approve alternative #1 and simply set a date for a special election. The election judges from our last general election can be used to monitor the election. Copy of resolution. d 3 RESOLUTION 97 - RESOLUTION SETTING THE DATE FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION REFERENDUM ALLOWING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ADDITIONAL ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSES WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is only allowed to issue six on -sale liquor licenses based on its population being between 6,000 and 10,000 people; and WHEREAS, a recently -completed downtown revitalization study may promote the future development of commercial hotel and restaurant facilities in the downtown area; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined it would be prudent to have available additional on -sale liquor licenses to encourage continued commercial development; The City Council hereby seta as the date for a special election referendum to ask for authorization by the voters for approval of the following question: Shall the City be allowed to issue on -sale licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor at retail in excess of the number permitted by law? YES NO Shall the City Council be allowed to issue (a number to be determined by the governing body) on -sale licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor at retail in excess of the number now permitted by law? YES NO Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of June, 1997. (Council would need to select one of the ballot questions outlined above.) Mayor City Administrator Council Agenda - 6/23/97 13. Consideration of adopting City Council vision statement and gave ing Sondes. (R.W. ) 0 REFFRFNrF AND BACKGROUND: At the previous meeting, the Council was given a draft copy of the revised City Council vision statement and governing policies as they relate to the expectations of the Council, City administration, and the linkage between the two. The draft copy was developed from the input the Council had provided at previous workshops on topics you had felt were important within our community, and the draft of the governing policies was put together to outline how the Council and administration should interact in managing the city and reaching the goals and vision the Council hopes to obtain. Hopefully the Council has had an opportunity to again review the final draft copy which has been given to each member of our various committees and commissions that will be meeting with the City Council at the joint workshop scheduled for June 30. If the Council is comfortable with the vision and governing policies as drafted, the Council could formally adopt this version and present the policies to all of the committees for formal adoption. While the vision statement is meant to be developed by the City Council, I believe you did want to obtain input from various committees and commissions. Input you may receive at the June 30 meeting could be incorporated if revisions are necessary. 1. Adopt the community vision and governing policies as presented in the draft. 2. Council could make revisions to the draft version of the vision statement and/or governing policies before adoption. ,\ ©Review but do not formally adopt it at this time. (�„ sa,•a� s '1b no � STAFF F.(:O MF.NDATION: #A 11 As I have not received any additional comments from Council members since the last meeting, I would recommend that the draft version of the community vision and governing policies be adopted. Adoption of the governing policies will provide City administration with a clear understanding of its responsibilities and expectations and will provide a good framework for the Council to understand the general operating procedures that both the staff and the Council should operate under. D_ RUPPORTING DATA: Copy of vision statement and governing policies as previously presented. CITY OF MONTICELLO COMMUNITY VISION & GOVERNING POLICIES W KO�� JUNE 4.1"7 DRAFT The Monticello City Council is an elected body representing the citizens, businesses, and other taxpayers within the qty of Monticello. As such, it is the intent of the Council to provide representative leadership W the community and direct the resources* of the City toward achievement of an intended vision (goals). Boards and Commissions serve in an advisory role to the City Council, assisting the Council to mare broad decisions and suppon the City Council by focusingon the details required to accomplish the intended Vision. The EDA/HRA also an as independent political subdivisions wonting in partnership with the City Council to achieve the shared vision. RESOURCES -- Direct resources of the City include but are not limited to its personnel, budgets, boards. commissions, consultants, machinery, buildings, public works, utilities and other capital improvements. Indirect resources of the City include its citizens, businesses, community groups (i.e. IDC, MCP. Chamber of Conumme. Rotary, etc.), affiliated governmental agencies (i.e. Wright County, Monticello School District, ECFE, Head Start. WIC, etc.). The following statement of values and related policies am adopted by the City Council for the purpose of providing a foundation for Council leadership and direction to the City Administration. VNION: (A definition of ends not means) These community visions will be the basis for the City Council in malting policy to achieve intended results. A. Values and Intended Results Aesthetich n virun meatal The image of our city will be as s friendly, thriving, and proud community that has retained its small town charm and identity. 2. The City will support paced growth and development so as to provide diverse, comfortable urban neighborhoods while preserving natural amenities for public use and enjoyment. oovERNMY, ewaz- Pap , OW& 3. The City will support maintenance and reinvestment in existing owner -occupied and rental housing and business properties so as to discourage blight. Blighting influences on existing housing and businesses must be controlled. 4. OUT city will have abundant parks and recreational spaces for its citizens. Its streets and neighborhoods should retain a park -like atmosphere that takes advantage of the city's location on the river and our developing pathway system 5. As "quality begets quality", public facilities and spaces should reflect pride by their construction and maintenance. Monticello should be clean, safe, well forested, and visually inviting. We will support pride in the place we call home. Social/Community I. The City will create and encourage opportunities for people to become involved and connected to their community on all levels (i.e. civic, church, community organizations, government, etc.). 2. We will encourage civic and community organizations that provide welcoming opportunities for people to become actively and cooperatively involved with their neighbors. 3. The City will seek constant renewal through community volunteerism and celebrations that reflect our history, our current accomplishments, and our vision of the future. 4. 'lite City will promote partnerships with other communities and governing agencies to share a broader view of community. 5. 'rbe City will strive to gain regional recognition as a desirable place to live and work ("Our kind of place"). Cultural 'lite City will encourage and support frequent and diverse opportunities to celebrate as a community so citizens may experience the unique and historic aspects of our community culture. 2. Our history and the fine arts, including music and dance, will be promoted and facilitated in our city. They define who we are and what keeps us here. Economic 1. The City will adapt and respond to the regional marketplace and direct our resources to stimulate the development of Monticello as a destination community that is self- sustaining and self-sufficient. 2. The City will take economic advantage of our attractive regional location that provides ready access to transportation systems linking us with larger economic communities. OOVERNB PCV. &"? ' 3.6 P.P 2 3. Our support of economic development will be directed toward the creation of jobs that are not just "liveable" but prosperous, stimulate the local economy, and capable of supporting our families and community. 4. The City will encourage reinvestment in our community and support, with our resources, the economic efforts of local businesses. S. The City will save through dedicated reserves, be prudent in its investments and expenditures, and strive to maintain affordability of services to its citizens. Recreational 1. The City will promote, build upon, and take advantage of our public, private, and natural recreational amenities. We will seek to increase cooperative programming of the community recreational facilities (civic, township, county, and school). 2. The City will seek to expand public and private recreational opportunities in the civic core to increase downtown vitality. In providing for accessible recreation, opportunities must be provided for people during normal leistue time. We will provide for evening and weekend opportunities for community activities. 3. The City will maintain and promote pride in our existing recreational facilities while continuing to develop new recreational uses and facilities which take greater advantage of the river and our city/country setting. We will strive to link pathways and trails to recreational destinations. 4. The City will promote "user ownership" of recreational facilities through volunteerism such as "Adopt -A -Park". 5. The City will maximize year-round opportunities for organized and unplanned recreation for families and persons of all ages. Spiritual 1. The City of Monticello must appreciate and celebrate the diversity of our faiths while recognizing the oneness of our moral and ethical beliefs. 2. 'Rte City will provide places and opportunities for individual reflection and tangible demonstration of faith. 3. The City will respect diversity in faiths and facilitate cooperation to make our community a place that protects the vulnerable and helps those in need. 4. In governing our city, officials will uphold the highest moral and ethical standards that reflect the values of our caring, compassionate community. nOVEwq aCv W"7 I j� Napa 3 Intended Recipients --The intended recipients of our efforts will be: Citizens Taxpayers Businesses The Natural Environment Institutions (schools, churches, huspitals,governments, civic groups, etc.) Personsin Need Visitors/Travelers/Transients (freeway traffic, temp. residents, business traffic, etc.) Intended Costs ne monetary costs of accomplishing these visions/intended results will be reflected in the creation of budgets and capital improvement plans Action plans developed by the City Administrator and City Council will be tested against this Vision to determine priorities for allocati(m of resources. I1 C1TY COI TNJ7111.O .RATION 1. POLI '1FC: General Responsibilities -- 1. The City Council will annually review a Community Vision for the City of Monticello. This evolving Vision will be the governing foundation for strategic planning. It will provide for the aesthetic%nvironmental, social, cultural, spiritual, recreational, and economic character, vitality and growth of the city. 2. In the exercise of the privileges, rights, and obligations of their elected positions. City Council members will uphold the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, and the City's Comprehensive Plan. Each Council member must act within the law, professionally represent the City, and diminish neither public confidence nor personal integrity. 3. The City Council will represent the Community Vision and the interests of the city before those of other governmental agencies. 4. City Council meetings are to be conducted in an orderly manner. The City Council will ensure that each number of the Council is encouraged to freely communicate and express opinions. 5. The City Council will ensure open representative local government, maintaining the public trust by respecting and reflecting the needs and desires of the community at targe. 6. City Council members must not permit personal conflicts of interest, nor tolerate any apparent or real conflict of interest that may interfere with the freedom of the Council to carry out representative government 7. The City Council will define the roles and responsibilities of its boards and commissions, support those roles and responsibilities, and maintain a communication plan to ensure cooperation and maximum utility. 13•.D GOVEFMPCY &"7 Popo Budget/Fiduciary Responsibilities -- I. The City Council must maintain its fiscal responsibilities and direct resources toward the Community Vision. The Council must prohibit misdirection or waste of municipal resources. Persocinel -• i 1. The City Council and its City Administrator will be provided opportunities for training and personal development directed to the purposes of the City or as related to job performance. 2. Concurrent to adoption of the annual budget. the City Council will consider and t approve or deny an annual pay plan for city personnel as recommended by the City Administrator. 3. The City Council will consider and approve or deny changes to the organizational structure of the City as n=mmended by the City Administrator. HL AD INKTRATIV . At ITHO ITY POLICIES -- BOUNDARIES & LIMITATIONS FOR E CrrY ADMINISTRATOR: General Responsibilities -- I To achieve the Vision, the City Council authorizes the City Administrator to manage the direct resources of the City. 2. The City Administrator is responsible for the effective and efficient use of direct resources provided by the City Council and to develop and maintain productive channels to available indirect resources. 3. The City Administrator will uphold the ordinances and policies of the City of Monticello. 4. The City Administrator must not tolerate unlawful acts of any kind, by any person. Budget/Fiduciary Responsibilities -- 1. The City Administrator must uphold the fiduciary responsibilities of the City. 2. The City Administrator is authorized sole authority to manage and direcUredirect nwretary resources within the annual budget approved by the City Council. The City Administrator must gain approval from Cry Council to exceed the annual budget approved by City Council. 3. The City Administrator will make or cause to be made sound investments of municipal funds. 4. The City Administrator shall not permit u2ste of City assets and resources. E GOVEFM vcv. 6.497 pace 5 Personnel -- I. The City Administrator must act in compliance with all federal, state, or local laws as related to the management of personnel resources. 2. Prior to making changes to the organizational structure of the City, the City Administrator must obtain the approval of the City Council. 3. The City Administrator shall be pemtitted to independently make changes to job descriptions, compensation, terms of compensation, and carry out disciplinary actions with the exception of job termination. Effective and efficient use and management of personnel resources shall be at the sole discretion of the City Administrator. 4. nough the City Administrator may advise, the termination of any City employee shall be as provided by Minnesota Law at the sole discretion of the City Council. S. The City Administrator will attempt to retain qualified staff and strive to maintain good employee morale and open communications. Staff will be treated with respect, understanding, and fairness. 6. The City Administrator will ensure that employees are provided feedback on and are accountable to clearly-defined performance criteria. 7. Staff will be provided opportunities for training and personal development directed to the purposes of the City or as related to job performance. 8. The City Administrator will not allow alienation between staff and City Council. An environment of trust and candor shall exist to support open communication between staff and the Council. I-VANEFT, XTUTF1313 15,r W7 It 1 ITA : WIN al A I 1.71,TTIt:1 General Responsibilities -- I. The City Council will lead the City by governing according to its Community Vision, Governing Policies, and Comprehensive Plan. 2. The Council will not manage City business. City Administration is the responsibility of the City Administrator. The City Administrator may request the participation of City Council members in certain administrative matters. 3. All items brought to the City Council for update, consideration, recommendation, direction. or action must be brought through the City Administrator, who will present his recommendation(s) to the City Ctuncil with appropriate dissenting opinions and views. 4. The City Council will take anion with one voice. individual Council members are not to direct staff. Council instructions to staff will be directed through the City Administrator. 13-1 uovt=.aeea pcv: 0"7 pap 0 Budget/Fiduciary Responsibilities — 1. Ilse City Administrator will provide sufficient information and reports to the City Ir accomplishing to permit the Council to evaluate the allocation of its resources toward accomplishing the intended rzsults. C 2. As part of annual budget development, the City Council will annually evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of City efforts to accomplish the Community Vision. The City Council will redirect its resources as necessary to attain intended results. Measurement and reporting policies will be determined by the City Administrator in cooperation with the City Council. Personnel -- 1. The City Council will at least annually conduct a performance review of the City Administrator and ensure that the City Administrator is provided feedback on and be accountable to clearly-defined perfortnance criteria as established by the Council. OOVEFM Per: W&W 13-6- pap 3-6- pap 7 C Council Agenda - 6/23/97 14. Consideration of rescheduling joint meeting with Township to dismiss urbanization hon a . (R.W.) As a result of committee member Brian Stumpfs inability to make the Joint City/Township meeting last Tuesday night, I felt it would be more appropriate to postpone the meeting to allow all committee members from both jurisdictions to be part of the discussions on annexation issues. I realize the cancellation of this meeting holds up any Council decisions concerning the Art Anderson or Ralph Hermes property until a future Council meeting, but hopefully, the meeting can be rescheduled for Tuesday, June 24, 1997, at 7 p.m. It is very likely that by the time this item is before the Council, the meeting time will have already been established. The proper notification of this special meeting date has already been established by notifying the Monticello Times and posting notices. It is my understanding that the township officials agree with this date and as a result, this agenda item may already have been determined to be unnecessary. If for some reason Tuesday night is not acceptable to both parties, the Council will be asked to consider an alternate date to propose to the Township to continue the discussions. INFORMATIONAL ITEM "Abatement Authority" Statute by 011ie Koropchak Enclosed is a copy of the summary of the "Abatement Authority" Statute. This public fin n economic development tool is a result of the 1997 Legislative Session and the summary was drafted and presented at a recent Kennedy & Graven seminar. This information is being provided to Council members to create an awareness of the new tool and as an option available to taxing jurisdictions. Secondly, the information provides the Council with the opportunity to ask questions. And lastly, because the City is the governing body of the "abatement authority" and not the HRA or EDA, I'm interested in the Council's receptiveness for utilization of the new public finance/economic development tool. At the suggestion of the HRA Attorney and myself, it is recommended local policies be developed prior to any use. Because the Monticello Commerce Center and Monticello Market Place parcels fie within the property tax classification of "Green Acres" per the Minnesota Statutes_ certain requirements must be met in order to qualify for establishnne d of a TIF District. 'Ibis provision was passed into law in 1995. Under the "Green Acres" requirement a proposed facility must be 85% manufacturing or production space of tangible personal property, including processing resulting in the change in condition ofthe property. Warehousing, packaging, telemarketing, and office space does not qualify as pan of the 85% manufacturing space. This requirement places an incumbrance on a majority of the properties zoned for industrial development in Monticello. The owner of the Monticello Commerce Center parcels requested removal of the "Green Acres" status in 1995, therefore, the incumbrance will be removed from these parcel in November 2000. 11te HRA was presented with a proposal for the construction of a 44,000 sq ft tip -up panel industrial building. The proposed structure would consist of 37,400 sq R of production and warehouse space and 6,600 sq ft ofoffice space. In order to utilize TIF, the proposed structure must consist of 37,400 sq R of manufacturing or production space (not warehousing) which does not meet the needs of the company. Due to the increased monitoring of TI F by the State Department of Revenue, the HRA and city is advised not to proceed with TIF assistance unless the company is willing to substantiate thdi gs for the "green acres" requirement. With the use of the abatement, the City is =subject to an HACA Penalty or the local contribution match as applied through the use of TIF. However, the abatement does lie within the tar levy of the City. Is the Council receptive to offering the "A batemetn Authority" to this company as an alternative to 171F? Please call me at 271-3208 for rnore information or questions rather than discuss at a public meeting. Enclosed is a copy of the employment opportunities for this proposed development. Based on a finished building value assumption of S I AHMM. the maximum amtual abatement by the City of Monticello is estimated to be approximately $10.300. The Cowry could also be requested to consider the "Abatement Authority." 13. HRA Tax Levy. Previously, HRA's were authorized to levy a tax for their general corporate purposes, with a limit of .0131% of the jurisdiction's taxable market value, plus a levy for relocation services in an amount not to exceed .0013% of market value. These levies have now been consolidated into a single levy limit of .0144% of market value, and the proceeds may be used for any HRA corporate purpose. Article 2, Section 43_ 10 Abatement Authority. Article 2, Sections 45 to 48 creates new statute Sections 469.1812 to 469.1815. Cities, towns, schools and counties are each given the authority to rebate the taxes imposed by that entity (but not taxes of any other jurisdiction). 1. General Requirements: The governing body must find that the abatement will: (1) produce benefits to the political subdivision at least equal to the costs; M& (2) the abatement is in the public interest because it will increase or preserve tax base: provide employment opportunities in the political subdivision; provide or help acquire public facilities; help redevelop or renew blighted areas; or help provide access to services for residents of the political subdivision. 2. Procedure, Terms: The governing body must adopt an abatement resolution after a noticed public hearing, stating the amount of and reasons for the abatement. The abatement may last for up to 10 years. The total abatements in any year may not exceed S% of the current levy or S 100,000, whichever is greater. The political subdivision may not abate the tax attributable to the value of the land or, in the metropolitan and \ taconite areas, to the areawide fiscal disparities tax. After expiration of the term, an additional abatement may not be granted for existing improvements on that parcel for 8 years. The terms may be modified every second year, unless the original resolution provides for no modifications. Note: school districts are subject to different limitations: the abatement must be grunted annually, are renewed for up to nine additional years; the maximum abatement for any property is: (the net tax capacity) x (the school district's total tax rate less one-half the general education tax rate for that year). 3. Meebanics, Bonding: Property owners receiving an abatement pay their taxes as usual; the political subdivision pays the abatement amount as a rebate to the property owner. Political subdivisions may also issue revenue or general obligation bonds secured by the abatements. However, a voter referendum is required for general obligation bonds. The maximum principal amount of the bonds is the sum of the anticipated abatements. Proceeds may be used for (1) public improvements that benefit the property; (2) acquire and convey land or other property; (3) reimburse the property owner for the cost of improvements made to the property; or (4) 23 costs of issuance of the bonds. One political subdivision may issue bonds secured by abatements granted by other participating jurisdictions. 4. Effective Date: Effective for taxes payable in 1998. D. Tu Increment Financing. Most observers expected major revisions to tax increment law, following major studies and reports issued in 1996 by the legislative auditor and state auditor. In fact, the changes are modest. The following references are to Article 10 of the Act (House File No. 2163), unless otherwise noted: I. Redevelopment Findings in Redevelopment Districts. A municipality must make an interior inspection of a building in order to find that it is substandard, unless it cannot gain access and the evidence otherwise supports the finding. (Section 1) Effective for districts filed for certification after June 30, 1997. Evidence of the redevelopment findings (including reasons why an interior inspection was not made, if applicable) must be documented in writing. (Section 5) 2. Ldmitstiom an Use In Redevelopment/Renovation and Renewal Dbtefets, Section 469.176. subd. 4j. requires that 90 percent of the revenues be used to finance the cost of correcting conditions that allow creation of a redevelopment or renovation and renewal district, including a list of named costs. The list is clarified as a non-exclusive list of examples, and key items are added: rehabilitation of structures. and costs related to removal or remediation of hazardous substances. The change is effective for all districts to which this restriction applies (those filed for certification after October 4, 1989), and prior expenditures in accordance with the revised language are validated. (Section 8). 3. Definition of Tax Increment. The term "tax increment and variants of that term are defined to include: ( I) taxes paid on the captured net tax capacity (i.e.. actual tax increment): (2) proceeds from the sale or lease of property purchased with tax increment: (3) repayments of loans or other advances made with tax increment: and (4) interest or other investment earnings on or from tax increment. Clauses (2) and (3) apply to districts filed for certification after lune 30, 1982, but only for proceeds from sales, leasa or loans made atter June 30. 1997. Clause (4) relating to interest applies to all districts filed for certification after July 31, 1979, but only for investment earnings received after July 1, 1997. (Section 2) 4. Soils Condition Districts Extended. The duration of soils condition districts is extended, from 12 years after plan approval to 20 years after receipt of the first increment. (However, under current law the term soil district is a misnomer: it may only be created to remediate hazardous 24 46 IN BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO /T 06/20/97 09:15:22 (� Schedule of Bills GL510R-V01.30 PAGE 1 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE P09 F/P ID LINE A.E. MICHAELS PARK -BENCHES 11.58 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.15201.2199 25773 067 00001 AFFORDABLE SANITATION MAY 6 JUNE 255.60 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.13230.2199 057 00002 PATHWAY CELEBRATION 127.80 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.15201.2199 067 00003 JUNK AMNESTY 127.80 RISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.13230.1399 067 00001 511.20 -DDDR TOTAL ALBERG NATER SERVICE LLC WATER -F000 GREASE 25.11 LUBRICANTS 6 ADDITIVES 601.19110.2130 10551 067 00005 ANCON BLOCK 6 PRECAST, I PARKS -BASEBALL FIELD 2,615.32 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.15201.2199 22878 067 00013 ARE GROUP STREETS-REBAR 27.12 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.13120.2199 191813 067 00012 AMERICAN PAGING OF MINNE JOHN M 6 RICH C 27.57 TELEPHONE 601.19110.3210 067 00006 MATT 27.21 TELEPHONE 602.19190.3210 067 00007 PATTY 86.00 TELEPHONE 101.12101.3210 067 00008 GARY A 9.19 TELEPHONE 101.12101.3210 067 00009 JOHW L 9.19 TELEPHDNE 101./5201.3210 067 00010 TOM 8 9.19 TELEPHONE 101.13115.3210 067 00011 168.38 $VENDOR TOTAL ASSOCIATED VETERINARY CL AN SHELTER -SUPPLIES 116.03 RISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.12701.3199 315235 067 00011 BELLBOY CORPORATION BAR RISC TAXABLE 17.11 FISC NOW TAXABLE 609.19750.2550 25677/00 061 00015 BERNICK1 PEPSI COLA CON POP 255.95 RISC TAXABLE 609.19750.2510 067 00018 BEVERLY WILSON KAREN -MEMBERSHIP FEES 30.00 DUES. MENBERSHIP 6 SUBSC 101.11301.1330 061 00219 BEYER BOGY SHOP, INC GARY -TONINS 10.00 MOTOR VEHICLES 101.12101.5501 067 00017 BFI TIRE RECYCLER9 AMNESTY DAY 390.00 RISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.13230.3199 11155 051 00010 BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. 42A WEAR 33.61 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.13120.2199 7657 061 00019 BUSINESS RECON CORPORA FINANCE-LIOUOR LICENSE 15.80 PRINTED FORKEI 6 PAPER 101.11520.2030 1118598 C57 00020 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF 00110ELL0 06/20/97 09:45:22 Schedule of Bills 6151011-0.30 Pdi 2 VENDOR MAKE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE P03 F/P 10 LINE CAREFREE LAIN SERVICE RIVERSIDE-MAY LAWN RAINT 559.13 PROF SRV - LAWN SERVICE 651.49010.3105 2986 6 2987 067 00021 RIVERSIDE-CMP FLOWERS 106.50 RISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 651.19010.3199 2986 6 2987 067 00022 LIOUOR-LAWN RAINT 127.10 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 609.49754.3199 2986 6 2987 061 00023 LIBRARY-LAWN RAINT 127.10 RISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 211.45501.3199 2986 6 2987 067 0003 FIRE HALL-LAWN RA19T 127.10 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.42201.3199 2986 6 2987 057 00025 1.015.03 -VENDOR TOTAL CENTRAL MCMAN, INC. WATER-DEPOSIT/CYLINDERS 211.00 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.21 99 Oit 00026 CENTRAL MINN INITIATIVE CMIF-STANDARD IRON 2,200.42 GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 223.46501.66 01 067 00027 CO-OPERATIVE NOME BLDRS (2) TREES ESCROW 250.00 ESCROWS - COMO OCCUPANCY 101.22013 067 00028 CULLIGAN 6/1 TO 6/30 RENTAL 23.86 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.6381 067 00029 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTING BEER 9.017.92 BEER 609.19750.252e 067 00030 NOM-ALCHOL OEER 6 MIX 171.60 RISC TAXABLE 011. 750.2540 057 00031 0.195.52 'VENDOR TOTAL DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY BEER 1 ,101.65 BEER 609.69750.2 520 10118 6 10602 057 00032 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITIES HELPING CITIES 2.500.00 41SC DINER EXPENSE 101.41110.4 391 DONATION 057 00033 DICK WHOLESALE CO., INC. BEER 1,515.30 BEER 601.69750.2? 520 37127 067 00036 LIQUOR-SUPPLIES 102.14 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 601.69754.2!140 37328 6 17386 067 00035 1,617.44 'VENDOR TOTAL DOUBLE 0 ELECTRIC WELL HOUSE 11-LIGHTS REP 411.11 61UILDINB REPAIR SUPPLIES 601.49440. 2231 067 00035 FARM-IRRIGATION CIRCUIT 211.64 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 602.49190.4311 067 00731 714.75 'VENDOR TOTAL I EARL F ANDERSON 6 ASSDCI STREETS-PAINT A BEADS 146.01 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 181.63120.2119 1125 067 9030 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT P41 II DUES 1,604.50 DUES, MEMBERSHIP A SUSSC 101.66501.4130 C67 90,139 .LERS A ASSOC,IMC PUBLI SEMINAR-NOR 111.75 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 211.66101. 3199 067 00060 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 06/20/91 09:15:22 Sche0ule of Bills GL540R-V01.30 PAGE 3 VENDOR NAVE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POI F/P ID LINE EHLERS 6 ASSDC,INC PUBLI PRAIRIE NEST $2.50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 213.16520.3199 TIF 1-20 061 00011 236.25 8VENDDR TOTAL EISELE/JIM STEEL TOE BOOTS 118.00 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 101.13120.2111 061 00012 ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY, INC JOHN S TRUCK 102.76 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.13110.2199 19/62001 061 00013 ENGINEERING REPRO SYSTEM BOND PLOT 299.50 MISC PRINTING 136.19201.3599 181956 067 00011 ENNIS CABINETS/JIM LIBRARY -DESKS 6 COLUMN 1,165.00 FURNITURE It FIXTURES 211.15501.5601 7150 067 00015 FAIR/HILLIAM TRAVEL EXPENSES 231.76 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.11110.3310 067 00016 FISH 6 GAME FINDER NAGAI ADVERTISING THROUGH 5/30 85.00 ADVERTISING 609.19751.3199 FINAL 067 00011 ` 6 K SERVICES SEWER -UNIFORMS 105.63 UNIFORM RENTAL 502.19190.1170 067 00010 WATER -UNIFORMS 07.51 UNIFORM RENTAL 601.19110.1110 067 00019 PW ADMIN-UN]FORMS 16.20 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.13110.1170 067 00050 PW- INSP-UN I FM 111.03 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.13115.1110 067 00051 STREETS -UNIFORMS 127.35 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.13120.1170 067 00052 PARKS 6 RECS-UNIFORMS 70.12 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.15201.1170 061 00053 SHOP RAGS 30.02 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127. 2199 061 00051 DEP REG -RUGS 57.92 REPAIR 6 MTC - BUILDINGS 101.11990.1010 067 00055 LIOUOR - RUGS 102.68 REPAIR & NTC - 6UILDINGS 601.4 9754.4010 067 00056 P W - RUGS 152.26 REPAIR 6 MTC - BUILDINGS 101.13127.1010 067 00057 ENV CHARGE -SALES TAX 170.11 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.13120.1309 067 00058 1,123.52 $VENDOR TOTAL GARTNER'S OFFICE PRODUCT CITY HALL AOM -OFFICE SUP 611.16 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.11301.2099 067 00063 GENERAL RENTAL CENTER i REFUSE -SUPPLIES 35.09 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.11230.1199 067 00059 i SHOP -SUPPLIES 33.63 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.13127.2190 057 00060 SIREET-SUPPLIES 9.52 MISL OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.11120.2199 067 OOS51 PAID TWICE 21.30CR BIOSOLID3 FAIJM EXPENSES 602.19100.1305 061 00332 65.91 $VENDOR TOTAL TE CITY READY -MIX, CwRAMI RIVERSIDE -05M BAND 30.03 RISC REPAIR 1 RTC SUPPLI 101.16201.2299 7970 C57 00064 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO C05/20/97 09:15:22 Schedule of Bills G1.51OR404.30 PAGE 1 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCDLMT CLAIM INVOICE POI F/P 10 LINE GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIB INTERNET COMPUTER 6 EOUI 1,200.00 OTHER EOUIPMENT 211.15501.5801 06700065 GRIGGS, COOPER I COMPANY FREIGHT 133.00 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 067 00066 LIQUOR 6,830.67 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 067 00067 MINE 1,263. 05 MINE 609.19750.2530 067 00058 MISC TAXABLE 76. 11 MISC TAXABLE 509.49750.2540 067 00069 8,322.87 'VENDOR TOTAL GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE INC. BEER 12.611.72 BEER 609.49750.2520 06100010 RISC TAXABLE 39.75 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 061 00071 12.601.47 *VENDOR TOTAL GUIMONT/TIM STEEL TOE SOOTS 79. 95 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2 111 067 00072 HOD DATA PRODUCTS LIQUOR -OFFICE SUPPLIES 207.01 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49751.2 111 067 00073 • / 'IRRY'S AUTO SUPPLY l STREETS-VEH REPAIR PARTS 616.71 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2 211 067 00075 STREETS -EQUIP REP PARIS 21 .51 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2210 051 00076 PARKS-VEH REPAIR PARTS 10.01 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2211 061 00077 PARKS -EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 42.10 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2210 067 00076 SHOP -RISC 10.31 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43121.2 111 067 00079 SEVER -LUQ 6 ADDITIVES 25.30 LUBRICANTS I ADDITIVES 602.49190.2 130 067 00000 SHOP SMALL TOOLS 29.81 SMALL TOOLS 6 EOUIPMENT 101.43127.2410 061 00081 DARKS-MISC OPERATING 4 .73 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2 191 067 00002 PN-INSP-VEH REPAIR PARTS 26.11 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43115.2211 067 00083 002.06 %VENDOR TOTAL HERNEWERRY LIBRARY -CLEANING 227.51 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 211./5501.3110 6/1 TO 6/30 067 00074 HOME JUICE TAX M25C 69.00 RISC TAXABLE 601.49150.2510 81015 067 00004 INNOVATIVE ELECTRONIC SO BLOC INSP-ANTENNA 63.11 REPAIR 6 MTC - VEHICLES 101.42401.4050 061 OCC85 PN-INSP-ANTEMKA 60 .41 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.4 3115.2211 061 00006 MAIMING NOUSE-REPL FUSE 3B.01 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.46201.2210 061 00001 159.91 *VENDOR TOTAL INNOVATIVE SOFTWARE DEBI CDOMAIN REGISTRATION 49.00 RISC OTHER EXPENSE 111.41020.4 311 22435 011 00006 J R OIL COMPANY FIRE OEPI-FUEL 40.12 ROTOR FUELS 101.42201.2120 24032 C67 00080 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 06/20/97 09:45:22 Schedule of Bills GL54OR-VO4.30 PAGE 5 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND i ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POS F/P 10 LINE JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE L FREIGHT $7.88 FREIGHT 509.49750.3330 067 00090 LIOUOR 3,813.16 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 067 00091 NINE 3,042.75 NINE 509.49750.2530 067 00092 6,913.79 -VENDOR TOTAL K MART STORE WWTP-POWER STRIP 8.51 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 436.49201.2199 067 00093 WWTP-ALBUM 6 REFILLS 24.66 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION 436.49201.3025 067 00094 p PW-ADMIN-DOOR MATS 41.49 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43110.2199 061 00095 74.66 -VENDOR TOTAL KEN ANDERSON TRUCKING 15 ANIMALS 79.98 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.42701.3199 30 6 48 057 00096 KEN'S 66 SERVICE STREETS-PARTS 6 LABOR 101.38 REPAIR 6 MTC - VEHICLES 101.43120.4050 6611 067 00091 KENNEDY 6 GRAVEN HRA GEN FUND 854.3D PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 213.46301.3040 PHONE CALLS 067 00100 EDA-LOAN 011 10.75 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 250.46501.4399 POSTAGE 067 00102 0 FAY-NAR EXP 501.43 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 213.46517.3040 TIF 1-17 067 00101 PRAIRIE WEST PROJECT 749.41 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 213.46520.3040 TIF 1-20 067 00098 ODWWTOWN REVIT 33.50 PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES 213.46522.3040 TIF 1-22 067 00099 2,159.42 $VENDOR TOTAL KIA-TATOR, INC. WWTP-PAINT GAGE 547.50 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 435.19201.2199 21503 067 00103 LAW'$ ACE HARDWARE STREETS-GEN OP 72.70 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41120.2199 067 00104 PW-INSP-MISC OP 7.98 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43115.2199 067 00105 PARKS-MISC OP 150.98 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 067 00106 DARKS-OLOG REPAIR SUPP 11.22 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 101.45201.2230 067 00107 MATER-MISC OP 14.89 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.19110.2199 067 00108 CIVIL DEFENSE-RISC OP 105.24 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42501.2199 067 00109 SEWER-RISC OP 18.67 RISC OPERAIIN3 SUPPLIES 602.19190.2199 067 00110 INSP-GEN OPERATING 37.59 RISC OPERATIN3 APPLIES 101.42401.2199 007 00111 DARKS-EOUIP REPAIR PARIS 33.37 EOUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2210 061 00112 FARM-REPAIR PARTS 12.85 BIOSOLIDS FARM EXPENSES 602.49400.4315 067 00113 PW-IWSP-MISC REPAIR PART 6.90 RISC REPAIR 6 RTC SUPPLI 101.43115.2299 057 00114 SEWER-EOUIP REPAIR 5.30 EOUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 602.49490.2210 067 00115 RIVERSIDE-RISC OP 11.50 RISC OPERATIN3 SUPPLIES 651.49010.2199 C67 00115 MATER-SMALL TOOLS 22.64 SMALL TOOLS 6 EOUIPMENT 601.49440.2410 057 00117 LIBRARY-CLEANINO SUPP 7.42 CLEANIN3 SUPPLIES 211.45501.2110 067 00110 INSP-MISC SUPPLIES 42.02 RISC REPAIR 6 MTC SUPPLI 101.42401.2209 067 00119 FIREMAN-PATHWAY CELE 12.33 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 057 00120 FIRENAN-RISC SUPPLIES 2.65 MISC REPAIR 6 MTC SUPPLI 101.42201.2299 031 03121 643.33 4VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF WNUCELLO '6/20/97 09:45:22 Schedule of B111e GL54OR-VO4.30 PAGE 6 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POI F/P ID LINE LASER SHARP, INC. CITY HALL -TONER 95.96 RISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.4 1301.2099 15959 6 14950 067 00122 LITTLE MOUNTAIN FLOWERS PATHWAY -BALLOONS 17.04 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 067 00123 LUKACHIJOHN CITY HALL-RILEAGE 21.93 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41940.3310 067 00121 PARKS -MILEAGE 46.17 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.45201.3310 067 00 125 LIBRARY -MILEAGE 21.06 TRAVEL EXPENSE 211.45501.3310 067 00 126 FIRE DEPT-NILEAGE 11.55 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42201.3310 067 00 121 115.41 gVENDOR TOTAL MARCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS, CITY HALL-TOMER 70.29 DUPLICATING 6 COPY SUPPL 101.41301.2020 000000 306174 067 00121 MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE PARA -SUPPLIES 561.04 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 061 00 121 MAUS FOODS WP 17.66 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 435.49201.2191 067 00130 / SWOP 19.11 NISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 10.43127.2199 061 00111 l AN SHELTER 31.16 NISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42701.2191 OEt 00131 JIMA ApIESTV 29.67 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43230.4391 061 00133 PN AOM 1.59 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43110.2199 061 00134 CITY HALL 15.55 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.4 2501.2119 017 00 115 122.81 $VENDOR TOTAL MCOUNALI COMPANY BLOG-INP-COMDENSOR CLNER 212.62 RISC REPAIR 6 MIC SUPPLI 101.42401.2299 067 00116 MICHELS TRUCKING, INC FREIGHT 74.00 FREIGHT 609.49750.3130 067 00111 MILLER/DAVIS COMPANY INSP-FOW 14.72 PRINTED FORMS 6 PAPER 101.4I401.2010 061 001!1 M INNE9ASC0 LIO STORE 11.99 815 609.49764.3010 C17 0111 CITY HALL 19.25 OAS 101.41940.3130 061 C0110 DEP REO 10.17 GAS 101.4 101110.3810 017 00141 AN SHELTER 11.05 GAS 101.42101.1130 0p C0142 PARKS 36.12 613 101.45201.1110 06100111 MATER 9.01 OAS 501.49440.3130 061 CGlll FIRE NALL 16.11 BAS 101.42201.1170 C61 COIFS SMOP/LURAGE 101.61 GAS 101.41127.1130 061 COM 1 LIBRARY 14.41 OAS 211.45501.3030 C57 C01F7 815.54 'MOOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO '6/20/97 09:45:22 Schedule of Bills GL510R-VO4.30 PAGE 7 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POO F/P ID LINE MN DEPT OF TRADE 6 ECON CDAP-91-0211-H-FY93 2,403.45 GRANT REIMS - AROPLAK 222.46501.6602 057 00118 MONTICELLO ANIMAL COITRO AN CONTROL CONTRACT 2,259.40 PROF SRV - ANIMAL CTRL 0 101.42701.3120 JUNE 067 00119 RONTICELLO CHAMPION AUTO PW INSP-AUTO MAINT 113.60 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43115.2211 061 00150 PN INSP-GEN OP 35.10 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43115.2199 067 00151 STREETS -REPAIR PARTS 14.90 EOUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2210 067 00152 163.60 $VENDOR TOTAL MONTICELLO PRINTING FRED -BUSINESS CARDS 32.69 PRINTED FORMS 6 PAPER 101.42401.2030 067 00153 OLLIE-BUSINESS CARDS 32.70 PRINTED FORMS 6 PAPER 101.46501.2030 067 00151 CITY HALL ADK-PAPER 3.20 PRINTED FORMS 6 PAPER 101.11301.2030 067 00155 PARKS -WALK 6 ROLL 75.51 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 067 00156 FIRE -INCIDENT REPORTS 11.52 PRINTED FORMS 6 PAPER 101.42201.2030 067 00157 188.61 *VENDOR TOTAL MONTICELLO RV CENTER STREETS -5 GAL 11.37 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 21152 067 00150 MONTICELLO TIMES LEGAL 2.115.77 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41601.3510 067 00159 CITY HALL -HELP ADS 76.70 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMAII 101.41301.3520 067 00160 LIQUOR-ADVERIISINB 702.40 ADVERTISING 609.49154.3199 067 00161 WALK 6 ROLL -ADVERTISING 1,175.00 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2119 067 00167 PARKS -SEASONAL HELP AD 57.15 ADVERTISING 101.45201.3199 067 00163 3,925.02 $VENDOR TOTAL NATIONAL BUSHING PARTS 6 STREETS-MISC OP 22.96 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43170.2190 067 00164 STREETS-VEN REPAIR PARTS 157.21 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.43170.2211 061 00165 STREETS-ECUIP 425.81 EOUIPNENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2210 067 00166 PARKS -CONNECTOR 19.21 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.2211 067 00167 SHOP -SHALL TOOL 1.60 SMALL TOOLS 6 EQUIPMENT 101.43127.7110 067 00160 629.92 *VENDOR TOTAL NAIL RECREATION 6 PARK JEFF -SUBSCRIPTION 35.00 CUES, KERDERSNIP { SUBSC 101.45201.4330 067 00160 NORTH STAR NRF, INC. DARKS -UREA 780.31 CHEMICAL PR=TS 101.45201.2160 C67 00110 NORTHERN STATES POKER CO MATER 10.30 ELECT0IC 601.19140.3810 061 00171 SO 61.11 ELECTRIC 607.19490.1870 0{1 00112 STREET LIGHTS 4.674.03 ELECTRIC 101.43160,3010 061 00113 PAW $5.94 ELECTRIC 101./5201.3810 C57 08111 5,003.41 $VENDOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO '1/20/97 09:45:22 Schedule of Bills 9L54OR-VO4.30 PAGE 8 VENDOR NAME OESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE PO4 F/P ID LINE NORTHWEST ASSOC COISULTA APR 6 MAY MEETINGS 600.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 067 00175 PROF SERVICES 3,836.93 RISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101 .41910. 3199 067 00176 TECH ASST 2,146.11 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.41910.3199 067 00177 6,581.11 'VENDOR TOTAL NONAK FLECK, INC' (2) ESCROW TREES 250.01 ESCROWS - COMO OCCUPANCY 10 1.22013 C67 00178 O'NEILL/JEFF JEFF-ROTARY 213.0 DUES, MEMBERSHIP 6 SUBSC 101 .41301.4330 067 00180 01.50N 6 SONS ELECTRIC, I SR CIT-bpi LIGHT POLE 57.14 REPAIR 6 RTC - BUILDINGS 101 .45175.4 010 12296 067 00182 SR CIT-INSTALL OUTLET 156.14 REPAIR 6 NTC - BUILDINGS 101 .45175.4 010 12297 067 00183 LIQUOR-REPL BALLAST 64 .22 RISC REPAIR 6 RTC SUPPLI 609.41754. 2299 12303 067 00181 IEST,REPAIR GE 7SHP PUMP 836.81 REPAIR 6 MTC - MACH 6 EO 601 .41140.4 044 12336 067 00184 CITY HALL-COMP CABLE 79.50 RISC OTHER EXPENSE 101 .41040.4 399 12389 067 00185 1,215 .07 9VENDOR TOTAL ONE CALL CONCEPTS, INC. / MY ONE CALLS 500 .00 RISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 601 .40440. 3191 067 00179 PHILLIPS MINE 6 SPIRITS FREIGHT 49.71 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 067 00186 LIQUOR 2,649.11 LIQUOR 609.19150.2510 06100181 NINE 11691 .12 WINE 609 .41750. 2530 067 00188 TAX RISC 104 .00 RISC TAXABLE 609.49150.2540 067 00189 4,495.44 *VENDOR TOTAL PHOTO 1 AN WELTER 12 .11 RISC OTHER EXPENSE 101 .42701.4 321 067 00190 WNIP 59 .13 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION 436 .41201. 3025 067 00191 WWTP 176 .17 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION 436.41201.3025 067 00102 PATHWAY 44 .73 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 10 1 .45201. 2199 067 00193 CITY NEWSLETTER 14 .54 NEWSLETTER 101.11101.3195 067 00194 PLANNING 6 TONING IB .5S MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101 .41110.3191 061 07195 326 .41 'VENDOR TOTAL PINACL.E OISIRIBUTINO RISC TAXABLE 665.15 MISC TAXABLE 609.41750.2540 061 07166 FREIGHT 9.41 FREIGHT 609.41150.7330 06100107 675 .41 GVEMDOR TOTAL PIPELINE SUPPLY, INC. PARKS 29 .17 MISC OPERATIN3 SUPPLIES 101 .45201.2191 C57 60190 RATER 48.21 RISC REPAIR 6 MTC SUPPLI 601 .411,1110.2299 C51 02199 T8.11 OVENDOR TOTAL 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO '5/20/91 09:45:22 Schedule of Bills GL540R-VO4.30 PAGE 9 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND It ACCQUNT CLAIM INVOICE POB F/P ID LINE PREUSSE'S CLEANING SERVI CITY HALL -CLEANING 460.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.41940.3110 JUNE 057 00200 MTR VEH-CLEANING 120.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.41990.3110 JUNE 067 00201 PUBLIC WORKS -CLEANING 150.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.43110.3110 JUNE 067 00202 730.00 •VENDOR TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GR W7P CONTRACT 34,259.00 PROF SRV - PSG, INC 602.49480.3080 JUNE -52169 067 00203 QUALITY MINE 6 SPIRITS C LIOUDR 1,961.12 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 609.49754.2140 061 00204 QUANTUM UBS INC. DARKS-LABELS-NED 9.65 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 067 00205 RED'S M0BIL STREETS -TURN ROTOR 8.50 MOTOR FUELS 101.43120.2120 067 00206 STREETS -GAS 6.25 LUBRICANTS 6 ADDITIVES 101.43120.2130 057 00207 14.75 *VENDOR TOTAL RON'S GOURMET ICE 0 LIOUDR-ICE 521.00 RISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 067 00208 ROYAL TIRE OF MONTICELLO FIRE -FLAT ON 81 24.21 REPAIR 6 MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 067 00209 PARIES -FLAT 8.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.45201.3199 067 00210 PARKS -USED TIRES 130.50 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.45201.1211 067 00211 STREETS -TIRES 347.02 VEHICLE REPAIR PARIS 101.43120.2211 067 00212 $09.73 'VENDOR TOTAL SAFETY-KLEEN CORP. SNDP-MACHINE SERVICE 19.60 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.43127.3190 081 00213 SHERBURNE COUNTY CITIZEN LIQUOR-ADVERIISINB 155.00 ADVERTISINS 609.49754.3499 11156 067 00214 SIMONSON LUMBER COMPANY PARKS 545.99 FURNITURE 6 FIXTURES 101.45201.5601 067 00215 STREETS -CONCRETE MIX $1.24 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101,43120.2199 061 00216 CITY NALL-REPAIR 6 MAIN 209.39 REPAIR 6 RIC - BUILDINGS 101.41940.4010 067 00217 SLUDGE SIZE -CONCRETE MIM 121.42 BIOSOLIOS FARM EXPENSES 502.49480.4385 061 00216 ft- INSP 15.68 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43115.2199 061 00210 950.10 OYENDOR TOTAL SINPSON/CYNIHIA FIRE HALL-CLEANINO 60.00 PROF 6RV - CUSTODIAL 101,12201.1110 JUNE 061 00220 ,T. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUP RISC OP SUPPLIES 21.52 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49164,2199 067 00221 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 6/20/91 09:15:22 Scbdule of Bills GL5/0R-V11.30 PAGE 10 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POI F/P 10 LINE STAR TRIBUNE RECEPTIONIST AD 150.00 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.13110.3520 067 00221 STEWART, 1LIMEN It JUNGER GARNISHRENT 753.39 GARNISHMENT PAYABLE 101.21709 067 00223 SUPERIOR FCR LANDFILL, I LANDFILL CHARGES 613.19 RISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.13230.3199 067 00221 SUPERIOR SERVICES-CENTU FEB/MAR RECYCLING 3,700.10 PROF SRV - RECYCLING CON 101.13230.3101 067 00125 APRIL GARBAGE 7,701.00 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 101.13230.3100 067 00226 SOLID WASTE FEES 38.01 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 101.13230.3100 061 00227 SALES TAX 105.22 SALES TAX 101./3230.3720 067 00226 APRIL RECYCLING 1,709.56 PROF SRV - RECYCLING CON 101.13230.3101 067 00229 NAY GARBAGE 1.681.37 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 101.13230.3100 067 00230 SALES TAX 500.17 SALES TAX 101.4 3230.3720 067 00231 23.912.05 'YENDOR TOTAL IDS TELECOM PARKS 310.26 TELEPHONE 101.15201.3210 067 00232 Q / CITY NAIL 3,138.11 TELEPHONE 101.11301.3210 067 00213 l FIRE DEPT 18.10 TELEPHONE 101.12201.1210 067 00271 AN SHELTER 71.71 TELEPHONE 101.12701.3210 067 00235 MATER 115.29 TELEPHONE 601.19110.3210 057 00236 PN 161.29 TELEPHONE 101.13110.3210 067 00237 DEPT REG 177.19 TELEPHONE 101.11990.3210 067 00218 PW INSP $8.19 TELEPHONE 101.13115.3210 067 00219 LIQUOR 235.19 TELEPHONE 609.19751.3210 067 00210 1,317.98 $VEINDOR T07AL TELEPRODUCTS CORPORATION SEWER 100.11 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 602.19190.2210 13126 C67 00211 THORPE DISTRIBUTING CORP DEER 11,109.10 BEER 609.19160.2520 067 01212 MISC TAXACLE 219.05 NISC TAXACLE 609.19750.2510 067 00713 11,350.15 IVENDDR TOTAL TOTAL REGISTER IYSTFJB, LIODOR-PLASTIC LABELS 21.10 IIISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 600.19151.2011 3180 067 U244 USA WASTE SERVICES, IMC APRIL 1,8/8.96 POF SRIF - REFUSE COLLEC 101.13210.1100 067 00215 VIK1NO COCA-COLA BOTILIN CITY MALL -FOP 117.17 RISC OTHER EXPEJISE 101./1640./199 067 U2/6 LIOVIOR-POD /71.65 RISC TAXASLE 609./9760.2110 037 00217 608.72 'VENDOR TOTAL 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MI NTICELLO ('S/20/97 09:15:22 Schedule of Bills GL5/0R-VO1.30 PAGE 11 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE Pot F/P ID LINE WATSON COMPANY, INC/THE TAXABLE RISC 135.10 RISC TAXABLE 609.19750.2510 191757 067 00218 BRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TR SCERG-S7ANDARD IRON 5,521.02 GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 222.16501.6601 067 00250 WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR AERIAL PHOTOS 180.00 RISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 450.49I01.3199 067 00251 Y.M.C.A. OF MINNEAPOLIS CONTRACT 625.00 RISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.15177.3199 JUNE 067 00252 0 C BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 5/20/97 09:15:22 Schedule of B11b VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCWRT NAME FUND 6 A=MT REPORT TOTALS: 191,113.33 RECORDS PRINTED - 000252 CLAIM INVOICE CITY OF MONTICELLO BL510R-V01.30 PARE 12 POI F/P ID LINE 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 5/20/91 09:46:54 Schedule of Bills FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION DISBURSEMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 11,966.60 211 LIBRARY FUND 6,090.99 213 NRA FUND 2,384.92 222 SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) 8,004.41 223 CMIF (CENT MN INIT FUND) 2,200.42 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FO 23.86 I50 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH FO 10.15 436 93 -IAC MMTP EXPANSION PRJ 1,134.23 450 96-04C W25/000T [MPR 180.00 601 MATER FUND 2,432.52 602 SEWER FUND 35.021.81 609 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 64,246.56 651 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 110.13 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 194,413.33 BANK RECAP BANK NAME DISBURSEMENTS GENL GENERAL CHECKING 130,166.11 LIOR LIQUOR CHECKING 6/,216.51 TOTAL ALL BANKS 194,413.33 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. OATS ............ APPROVED BY ................................. CITY OF MONTICELLO GL060S-VO4.30 RECAPPAGE GL54OR