City Council Agenda Packet 07-28-1997AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CPFY COUNCIL Monday, July 28,1997 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Bill Fair Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held June 23, 1997. 3. Approval of minutes of the emergency meeting held July 3, 1997. 4. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held July 9, 1997. b. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held July 14, 1997. 6. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 7. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 8. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of Change Order qb for Project 93-14C, Wastewater CS Treatment Plant expansion. C.� B. Consideration of final plat approval of the Monticello -Big Lake Hospital District plat. 9. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 10. Public Hearing --Consideration of adopting proposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor, 11, Public hearing on high school trunk storm sewer improvements, Project 97- 07C. 12. Presentation by members of the Rivers of Hope organization requesting funding consideration for 1998 budget. 13. Presentation of an annual report on the Superior FCR Landfill operation and an update on their proposed expansion project. 14. Consideration of submitting petitions for annexation to the Municipal Board and consider approving joint resolutions supporting annexation requests. Agenda Monticello City Council July 28, 1997 Page 2 lb. Consideration of a request by post office landlord to purchase adjacent vacant parcel for additional post office access. 16. Consideration to review for adoption the Downtown Revitalization Funding Guidelines. 17. Informational update on the Monticello animal facility. 18. Consideration of bills for the last half of July. 19. Adjournment. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Judy 14, 1997 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson Members Absent: None A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD JUNE 24, 1997, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approval of minutes of the joint aApaal meeting held lure 30, 1997. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JOINT SPECIAL MEETING HELD JUNE 30, 1997, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. .I 1 11 1 . 1 A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE. THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD JULY 8, 1997, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. b. Con_aideratinn of adding itenig ta the agyrias, A. Mayor Fair requested that item #12 include discussion regarding the meeting between the Assistant Administrator and a DNR forester to discuss reforestation of the city. A. Mr. Dan Goeman, representing the Ralph Hermes property, requested that the Council consider keeping farms intact when establishing the urban service boundaries and to keep in mind the needs and wants of the property owners who are petitioning for annexation. He noted that the entire community benefits when a property is annexed, and if properties aro not developed in an orderly fashion, everyone will lose. Mayor Fair noted that establishment of urban service boundaries is on the agenda and will be addressed at that time. Page 1 9) Council Minutes - 7/14/97 Consent agenda. A. Consideration of resolution RpRroving renewal of eamhline license f VFW Club. Recommendation: Accept the financial report as presented and adopt the resolution approving the application for renewal of the license for the VFW Club. SEE RESOLUTION 97-24 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of renewim, Eastwood Knoll listing aura rn n . with Reling RealtX• City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the agreement with Edina Realty has expired for marketing of the Eastwood Knoll lots, and he requested that Council consider renewing the agreement with Dale Florek of Edina Realty for another year. To date the City has sold 12 lots; however, lot sales have slowed down recently. In addition, Wolfsteller noted that the Council may want to discuss increasing the lot prices to remain competitive with the market. Dale Florek of Edina Realty noted that he did not feel a b% increase in lot prices would slow down sales, as people seemed to be buying because they could choose their own builder. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN ST'UMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO RENEW THE LISTING AGREEMENT WITH EDINA REALTY FOR THE SALE OF LOTS IN THE EASTWOOD KNOLL SUBDIVISION AND OPT NOT TO INCREASE THE LOT PRICES. Motion carried unanimously. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the Council subcommittee, consisting of Councilmembers Herbst, Stumpf, and Carlson, met twice with Monticello Township Supervisors to discuss the urbanization plan and its relationship to the orderly annexation boundary lines. After the first meeting, it appeared a general agreement had been reached that would have extended the urbanization boumdary line south to the existing orderly annexation area line and west to the current OAA line, but not include the areas to the east such as the Tyler East development. It was also recommended that the Township Board review whether any property owners Page 2 ( D!!r Council Minutes - 7/14/97 adjacent to the southern annexation line have land that is both inside and outside the annexation boundary and consider adjusting the line to avoid splitting a property. After the regular meeting of the Township Board, the Township Supervisors requested an additional subcommittee meeting to clarify a few issues. At the July 9 subcommittee meeting, the Township proposed to further reduce the new urbanization line by deleting The Dunes and Prairie Acres subdivisions and also areas on the western fringe of the OAA line, which would include Osowski's Market and Silver Springs Golf Course. In addition, the Township presented the following additional conditions to the urbanization agreement: 1. Prorated taxes over 10 years after annexation of any parcel. 2. A 10 -year agreement with an allowance for review after b years. 3. Annexations limited to 40 -acre parcels or less. 4. The City would agree not to propose special assessments for improvements to properties that are not yet developed. b. The City would not extend sewer and water services in a leapfrog fashion. 6. The City would agree to not consider any future annexations outside of the orderly annexation boundary line. Wolfsteller explained that after reviewing the proposal following the meeting, it was his view that it held no advantages for the City other than maintaining a good relationship with the Township. He suggested that the boundaries should be extended if the City agrees to some of the conditions, or the Council should indicate a desire to withdraw from the agreement. Councilmember Herbst noted that most of the conditions were already being followed and a 10 -year agreement with a 5 -year review was reasonable. He suggested that the Council consider negotiating with the Township on the number of years that taxes would be paid to the Township. Councilmember Thielen noted that after reviewing the new statutes enacted June 1, 1997, it was his view that, unless the Township can show damages, it would be arbitrary to prorate the taxes over 10 years since the statute reads Page 3 S Council Minutes - 7/14/97 the most you can prorate is 5 years. He stated that he would prefer to have staff work with the City planner to outline the statute and then compare the outline to the Township proposal. Mayor Fair suggested that the Council make their decision based on whether the petition meets all the criteria and let the statutes rule. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE TIiIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO INFORM THE MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS OF THE CITY'S INTENTION TO WITHDRAW FROM THE URBANIZATION PLAN AND ABIDE BY STATE STATUTES AND MUNICIPAL BOARD DECISIONS REGARDING ANNEXATION. Voting in favor: Bill Fair, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. 10. Consideration of a request romp owner for reconsideration of annexation renuest - Art. Anderson 1Brideeland Development Company)_ City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the developer of the Art Anderson property, Bridgeland Development Company, requested that their property be considered for annexation. Since the Council voted to give 60 - days' notice to withdraw from the urbanization plan and there is no provision in the plan that prevents the City from forwarding an annexation petition to the Municipal Board, the Council would have the authority to accept the petition for annexation. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ACCEPT THE PETITION FOR ANNEXATION FOR THE ART ANDERSON PROPERTY AND FORWARD IT TO THE MUNICIPAL. BOARD FOR CONSIDERATION. Voting in favor: Bill Fair, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson, Brian Stumpf. Opposed: Clint Herbst. Motion carried. 11. Co gid ratinnofn requPst tanm nd thecity ordinnnen reinting to ULUUY service line liability for rg nira, City Administrator Rick Wolfateller reported that Greg Smith, owner of a residential dwelling located at 209 South Walnut Street, recently suffered a broken water service, which according to ordinance is the property owners responsibility to repair. However, Smith requested that the Council consider amending the ordinance to relieve property owners of the responsibility for repairs to water linea but continue the liability for sewer repairs. It was Smith's view that he had no control over how the original water service was constructed and, therefore, should not be responsible for any repairs under street right-of-way. Page 4 Council Minutes - 7/14/97 Mayor Fair questioned whether the City could assess property owners in order to allow them a longer time to pay for the repairs. The Public Works Director noted that the City is allowed to perform the work and assess the property. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO LEAVE THE ORDINANCE LANGUAGE AS IS WITH REGARD TO LIABILITY FOR REPAIRS AND ADVISE MR. SMITH THAT THE REPAIRS ARE HIS RESPONSIBILITY. Motion carried unanimously. 00161211-T.M. MT. Ima-M-Mr-1 Steve Andrews, representing the Monticello Community Partners (MCP) Board, stated that many residents are wondering if they should repair their sod after having their trees removed or wait for a reforestation program. Andrews offered the MCPs services in implementing a program so that residents can begin to plant trees. Council discussed hiring a consultant to work with staff on creating a reforestation program, which could include incentives for residents to replant trees. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO AUTHORIZE CITY STAFF, ALONG WITH THE PARKS COMMISSION AND MCP, TO PREPARE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE REFORESTATION OF MONTICELLO DUE TO THE JULY 1 STORM. Motion carried unanimously. City City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that as part of the Highway 26 improvement project from I-94 to Kjellbergs Mobile Home Park, a number of road closures, access realignments, and easements will need to be acquired and negotiated in order for the project to proceed. A number of driveway locations may need to be relocated, and buildings and property will need to be acquired for the Chelsea Road location. In order to keep the acquisition process on schedule, Council was asked to allow City staff to enter into an agreement with Wilson Development Services of Chaska who specializes in working with cities, counties, and other jurisdictions in acquiring rights-of- way and performing appraisal services for the same. Page 5 0 Council Minutes - 7/14/97 The agreement proposed with Wilson Development Services would provide for professional services in negotiating right-of-way acquisition and appraisal service for properties necessary to be acquired. Based on an estimate of approximately $1,200 for each parcel that needs to be acquired and 35 property owners that need to be contacted, the cost of the contract would be approximately $40,000. Prior to actual purchases, the negotiated settlements would be brought to Council for approval. Mr. Dan Wilson, principal owner of Wilson Development Services, noted that the contract proposed was a time and materials contract, which woucld give the City the right to immediately terminate the contract at any time if desired. It was proposed by Wilson to use Lake State Realty Services, owned by Julie Jeffrey -Schwartz, as she was a right-of-way appraiser and expert witness with MN/DOT prior to starting her own firm. City Attorney Paul Weingarden explained that because many of the properties that the City will be negotiating for purchase are damaged due to the July 1 storm, he suggested that the City move quickly with the acquisition process to avoid liability in the case of injuries since many businesses continue to operate as best they can out of their damaged buildings. In addition, Weingarden indicated that he represents Ms. Julie Jeffrey -Schwartz in a personal matter but did not believe it would result in a conflict if her firm was hired by Wilson for appraisals. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH WILSON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FOR PROVIDING RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION AND APPRAISAL SERVICES ON THE HIGHWAY 25 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THE COST MAY BE AS MUCK AS 840,000. Motion carried unanimously. The City Attorney then explained that a number of properties have been redllagged as badly damaged and represent violations of public health and safety. He requested that the Council give the Chief Building Official direction as to whether they would like him to aggressively shut down those businesses or allow them to try and operate out of trailers. It was the consensus of Council to give the Chief Building Official the latitude and discretion to decide whether a business must be shut down or can operate as is until repairs or purchases aro resolved. Page 6 Council Minutes - 7114/97 11 r: l 11 11 I• . I l 1. 1 1 ': • 1' 11 / I I M. 1 1: 1 1 I l ! I• r 11 ' 1 1 11 l 11 /,1 ill N City Engineer Bret Weiss reported that as part of the new Monticello High School construction project, trunk storm sewer improvements will be needed to connect storm water ponds from Cardinal Hills to proposed ponds on the high school and middle school sites. The project cost was estimated at $420,000. Benefiting properties in the watershed district that would be assessed include the School District, a large portion of the Monticello Industrial Park, Cardinal Hills, and other areas extending into the township. Weiss noted that the majority of the project cost would be covered through assessments, trunk fees, and lateral improvements for the high school. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT, CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JULY 28, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR PROJECT 97.07C, HIGH SCHOOL TRUNK STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 97-25. I 11 r: 11 1 I1: 1 1.11: 11 l•' 1: w 1: 1' 1 1: I l• :' I 1 1 1 .' M 11 Architect Al Mjorud presented three options for consideration by Council regarding city hall space needs: 1) add on to and remodel the existing city hall; 2) purchase and remodel the Marquette Bank building; or 3) build a new city hall building. Mayor Fair noted that the City should make a decision soon so that the bank can either settle with the City or proceed to market the building. It was his view that the Council should seriously consider purchasing the bank building because the price was reasonable, significant mechanical work was recently done, it was partially renovated in 1993, and it would provide the critical space needed for city hall operations. In addition, any additional remodeling to the bank building suggested by Architect Al MJorud could be decided in the future when and if it became necessary. Councilmember Stumpf btated that he felt the City should investigate building a new building at another site that would fit the specific needs of city hall. Page 7 (D Council Minutes - 7/14/97 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HER.BST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO PURSUE AN AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OR LEASE OF THE MARQUETTE BANK BUILDING AND TO PURSUE MARKETING THE CURRENT CITY HALL BUILDING. Voting in favor. Clint Herbst, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen, Bill Fair. Opposed: Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. 16. Considpratinn of bills for the rat half of T Iv, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE BUI S FOR THE FIRST HALF OF JULY AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. 17. Other matte . A. Economic Development Director 011ie Koropchak reported that the Industrial Development Committee requested that the Council set a special workshop for August 18, 1997, at 7 p.m., to discuss industrial park land. It was the consensus of Council to set a special meeting for Monday, August 18, 1997, at 7 p.m., to meet with the IDC to discuss industrial U park land issues. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the Land O'Lakes Boys Choir gambling organization expressed an interest in donating funds, possibly up to $6,000, to help victims of the recent storm. As an alternative, it appeared they may be interested in donating funds to the City that could be used for reforestation of the city parks. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO DEDICATE FUNDS RECEIVED FROM THE LAND O'LAKES BOYS CHOIR TO REFORESTATION OF ELLISON PARK. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Karen Doty Ofiice Manager Page 8 0 Council Meeting - 7/28/97 8A. Consideration of Change Order AS for CityProject 093 -14C - Wastewater A. RFF Treatment Plant Expansion. (J.S.) AND BA TND: .R .N .. .K -RO Change Order #5 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant project involves ten minor changes and additions to the project. The following is a list of the change proposal requests (CPR's) and associated costs: CPR 07: This change involved the revision of a valve pit and piping layout in the Headworks Building lower level ........ $1.807 CPR 010: This change involved the relocation of the west door of the Class A Sludge Processing Building to the north wall. Most of the change costs involve concrete and bituminous revisions around the exterior of the building ........................ .............................................. $8.006 CPR 021: This change involved extending the walkway a few feet on SBR Tank 83 to the relocated decanter equipment ........... $797 CPR 026: This change involved small revisions to the concrete reinforcing in the Headworks Building ......................... $882 CPR 027: This change involved extending a drain in SBA Tank ql ...... ..................................... No Cost Change CPR 092: This change involved allowing the use of compression fittings and set screw fittings in the electrical work at the plant when using EMT conduit ..................................... ..................................... No Cost Change CPR 088: The change involved the addition of a storage cabinet in the women's restroom to replace the one lost due to the requirement of the building code to add a shower facility in the women's restroom ......................................... $889 CPR 094: This change involved adding additional reinforcements to the Headworks support columns ........................ $761 CPR 041: This change involved recessing the fire extinguishers in the Administration Building for additional clearance, and a special type of fire extinguisher cabinet to meet the fire rating requirements of the back walls ...................... $619 Council Meeting - 7/28/97 CPR 045: This change involved the addition of tinted windows in the Administration Building to aide in the summer cooling of the building, especially on the southern exposure .......... $625 The total costs for the above ten change proposals listed for Change Order #5 is $10,635. There are no additional days added to the contract due to these changes. The total increase to the project costs for all five change orders to date is $21,163, with no additional days added to the contract time period. The first alternative is to appmve Change Order #5 as outlined above for a total contract increase of $10,635. The second alternative would be not approve Change Order #5. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and Project Engineer, HDR, that the City Council approve Change Order #5 as outlined above in altemative #1. Copy of Change Order 405, Ill 23 '77 15:32 FR FDR EN1G I NEER 1 fG INC 612 `91 5413 TO 92713272 P. 02/113 imChange Order No. 5 Nwrw: Wastewater Tmmnwrd Plant Emarnion Prajxf No.: 06124004.164 Owawr: Coy of MorrbMAD, NN P. W: 93-14C P". of MpArce: 7!1397 Contr=W Adoelon and Petersen of Convam 12ASM j"MbctPeriod:17110196-IWIS 6 his agreed m modify 1t1O CeflVaet raM1rred to atlole of fo0twra: peen NO.and Oesvwxr mtion of Ches Coedw Prfee Contract Time Damteso tntrease Deerease Increase 1 R No. 7 0 }}1607 0 ttan 0 Cevs 2 p NO. 10 0 X8,006 0 den 0 Cove 3 PR No. 21 R 0 U07 Q mn 0 sen s R 1W. 26 2 6302 $ t7en 0 don 6 PA No. 2: 0 0 o den 0 lava a AR No. 32 0 0 t1 days 0 Gan 7 PR No. 33 0 6630 0(" 0&" a CCPR No. 34 0 11761 0 don 0 den o CPA No. 41 0 Selo 0 days 0 den 10 t0R No. 46 0 5623 0 clan 0 Gave II Sub -7 -ow 0 j 610.8360 day! 0 don Do mme Net 0 days 0 den 6Ur. mwy. It 4 agreed to amSfy the Contract IO N 60 eDove as fa00wa: Contract Prig pmor to ilia Charge Ordor Contract Tme poor to nia ChmW OIEof jl 11,283.728.00 1 Completion Date: October 15, 1945 I Net Imonso ldecreaul of this Change Order P191 IMMA00 (ftm eel of this Change Order Is 10.63e.00 I 0 1 Rovaod Corset! P11n we as approved Change Orden. Revised Co &w Time with Y approvdd Chango 0 d P 11.304,363.00 1 Cwoslton Date: OcmMs u, 1906 The changes Inctlydsd to this ChwW Orow are to be amaa0shee In accordance with tee terms, stlpulnlom and cabllbm of the original Contraol its thomo 4toludad theraln. I I l 1 by, !Ata 3 `' 2 �9 7 B7 (M()R Engewor:g, Irlc.) I`Ditto 1AWrowd fa COwwr Dr. ... - Anew Oats - I I 1 Apgwed, (aster • welon raallaod) Datrbubon: L—plenw �fc'.ormxta �j7awo 1—brad uDtner 1 olw now I I.i1wr 1 e On wl fr elle s fe» ca IM ape 6. a r. MR- Council Agenda - 7/28/97 -- 8B. Consideration of final plat gpnroval of the Monticello-IFUS Lake Maital Dintrict plat„ (J-0.) A REFERENQF AND BA .K •RO iND: This is a housekeeping matter. Some months ago, the City Council reviewed and approved the plat subject to additional review of the easement locations by the public works department and City Engineer. After further review and modifications, the public works and engineering departments are comfortable with the layout of the plat. The plat itself does not call for any changes to any existing lot lines. It simply reorganizes existing complicated legal descriptions into an understandable plat description. The new plat is a great improvement over the existing documentation of property boundaries. B_ ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the final plat of the Monticello -Big Lake Hospital District plat. 2. Motion to deny approval of the final plat of the Monticello -Big Lake Hospital District plat. The City Administrator recommends approval. Copy of the final plat is available at city hall for your review. Council Agenda - 7/28/97 10. Plublie. Hearing—Consideration of adopting p=pawd assessment roll for dolinquent utility HIM and certification :es ., The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes if not paid by November 30, 1997. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $25 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $25 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification in 1998 at an interest rate of 8`b as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest and can he accepted up to November 30, 1997. d�U -J B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONB; 3 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts aro at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $25 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by 4:30 p.m. on July 21, 1997. Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll; Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. RESOLUTION 97 - RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT BOLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY BRLS WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility accounts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 1999 and shall bear interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first i„stallment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 1998. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption'of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of July, 1997. Mayor City Administrntor 01/22117 12.19.4 1 OTA 1, 1917 DELO SIT lllty BILL t6 CFRTIJICA T 1125 Nlix MARE OWtl;E PAGE 1 Accost 1 AID A PraD4rtY kw-, IDT Cwtm am Cwt am 2 0-16 DAY "a US, 0 210 ay O.r120 Day L44 TPt41 A Past Ow Ant 0r Art D. oast 0w C" ./Lt. 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CIA 0Ia1AEL ,MMDLER I:f 611804 CIA I11.it .00 .00 .90 15.00 171.11 117510000 15501500100 105 !90[07 LAJ IN L uAi MLYORSCII NOS CA006 U ]0.11 .00 .00 .00 ,5.00 55.1E IO1sn000 15511500110 107 CAOCU!1 CIA IIN4 ZA 117 com CIA 501.10 .00 .4 .01 25.00 117.10 ' 1/1510070 1191500401 101 CROCUS CIO 0. CORDON 4 C. NANSM 101 aO00 Cn 102.» .10 .0 C3 25.01 IlLIS 101119007 IS91509WU 226 Cam U USO/ 174L DEMORNUT IU-1 alma AYE fl.l► .90 .00 N ]5.00 ll. t/ /91100000 ISS0150070► 116 Cc= U EUCO 112MIR "I CROU7 U 1119 049 00 .11 75.00 45.4 101151o00 1551Is00111 719 MRV;: ELA00 to DONALI 0000 711 RARVII ELMOOD RD ]05.71 .10 .01 .01 75.00 110.4 10,020/00 05175001110 771 MRNIN it 90 uliE LUAEICF 22{ A II ELI" N 1 tl.11 .OD .G .00 75.00 111 n 901111000 1ffMSODll11 77! MAYIA UN000 m 50071 { OEARIE i0>tiCR3 277 AARIP E110a AD 11.10 .00 .CA .90 75.00 11.12 I.J.1101 115171001111 111 WEU JYG CELLEIIE IG MEDRu L1 111.41 ,00 .0 .00 75.00 u1.4I 104»9010 ISSI1100t110 111 MEOIW U L.J. 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R 112 O Il OS .00 .w 09 ,5.00 ;..Dl 1/07220,00 135C160111I1 0111 RIVER NTLI CA f:A09L Df R9 6441 11rn Nlll a$ 51.61 .00 .c0 .co 75.¢0 17.11 IOO1f16000 I'.SO71 !1111 110 RIVERVIEW 07 RICA '. 1.011 OLO t3 110 91YEP'If11 a II 17 .00 .G .10 15.00 11.4} 100171000 10616001110 6190 NIIL 0,N DD T14713 IENYOI 114 NIU ll/ 10 11.15 .00 90 .00 x5.00 171.0 1c,0gC71 1150060»2) 61$7 ■ILL 001 RD JEl01fEA CtR".1 1151 NIU to RD 11.15 .c0 .G .0 7S. c0 rll.11 110710:000 01011C0DID 700 NEAod 0,I U ■ILLlu -El= 7111 IU900N OLA U 11,11 ./0 .a a 71.00 09 q 110214CCCO ISM57CII41 1111 RED 0,I U JArA UL1E110 7111 In Got U 17.4 00 .00 .a IS.00 i! 12 110141001 WASD1010 1111 OARVnN U TU 4 JENIRICA CAJE1 2111 OARYIEN U 11.►1 .19 17 .a 75.00 11 11 401110000 11101500110 1» NU001 alla J611 WEAK 00E5 0S NEAOO Cu ON 11.05 .00 to .01 ».00 9D.Of 111711000 IIf01cC0190 754 alts atEl lllO IJVO►JANI SC1aAA11 147/0]0 0ME3 Rro 11.0 .QO a .10 1'..00 Sf,14 IICI7100,0 05Coc or10 :LA0 OLA AM Ot SIN uIAN 2046 on RIME CI 21.;6 HOW So 2190 OAAVIEN CI 4A1 COACT 710 OuOEY CI gl.tt CO a .a SS 00 Irl 17 Ilollacco 111600602:0 7667 04{VIEM CI 911 lO4AM I15r aAVIEN Ci 11.27 0 11 .W :1 00 ICI 71 IlOOO1C100 IfSlOD 1144 204 UfLLan•11111 DAA CIRLLM :CA UUIaCO'l RIBA 11.10 CO .11 .90 21.00 11 :1 IlDID7Y,0 IfS30011101 nl UEllan': RAR4, Cpl, :JITN rl AJfLiCf10': IAa 11 SO C7 a LI » 07 S/ n IJCa1:D00 I111Col. 11 202 UELIan•: RAN CAR) aNDCEV »2 UUlan•I 0A93 G :0 .CO .a .a 21. CO :e.77 17CCo=4 IL61001W01 tDl UELLan•: OAN 4410111. IJU I0, URlCEC. R1RI L" 11 70 CO .a C7 IS 00 ke 17 I:OVINCI 1Iu00nuO) 211 UILlGEG9.1 RAN Cu OUllap 111 SIM: RAa 11.20 .0 CO 10 :S.00 t: 11 1;!01919,2 0550011101 211 IJELLUCO•: RI9I TRA1n MAIGL Ill UUlan•5 /ARK 11.00 .00 to 0 IS co 4 11 CITY G OIIIMLO A r 07/22/17 12.Is. 11 CIA 1. 1117 DEW UTILITY BIUIKG CERTIFICATIONS WITH UTE 0020E PAGE 1 AFF-t A •10 A PrF:A tV A"- APT Custom Am Cwt N- 2 O.r10 a" 0v 40 DAY 0"90 Dry Own DAY I.- IMP 1 Pat 0. 04st Dm Pat Da Pat Out cm g. ./Ut. [Nr6. 1200130000 155500151103 211 KJEL1,9M'S PARA DARRIN A VANESSA JOHNS 213 LIELLIERG'S PARK 10.49 .0 .60 .00 I5.CO 3[40 1200140000 ISS500154403 214 KJILLUM'S PARK ARTHUR 0" 214 KJELLSER4'S PARA 11.20 All .CO m 25.00 51.20 1100110000 ISS500154403 271 AUELUERG'S PARI LAURA RDW 217 AJELLBEDO'S PARA 11.20 .M .00 01 25.00 51.20 1100220000 155500151101 222 1JELLRERG'S PARK JAMES AVERY i JOYCE NITERS 11.20 .00 .00 .00 25.00 S6.70 1200230000 155500154403 223 KJELl1ERG'S PARA PAUL JuDE 127 KJELLOEIB'S PARA 21.21 co. .0 .00 25 p 51.20 1200210000 ISS500154403 224 AJELLBERG'1 PARK JEFF LERM 224 AJELLURB'S PARA 20.10 .00 .00 .00 25.10 45.10 1200110000 ISSS00114103 111 KJELLBERG'3 PARK DIANE DOOR IQ AJELLIERG'S PARA 10.40 .00 .00 .10 25.00 15.40 1200510000 155500154403 111 KJELLIERG'1 PARA DOUG ILORMIST 110 KJELLUM'S PARK 20.10 .00 .00 .91 25.00 45.10 1200SIOD00 155500154101 IRI KJELLREPB'7 PARK WAAGfA JONES 101 VELLSER6'S PARA 11.20 .a .03 .00 25.90 51.20 1210SS1000 1555031SA403 169 ILELLSERG'S PARA MARY OUTEIAEE 106 KJELLSERS'S PARA 20.10 .00 .00 .00 25.04 13.10 1200510000 155500151101 113 AJELLIER01 PARK CATHY 1IAKHDLTI 103 AJELLBEAG'S PARK 20.10 .93 CO. .00 25.00 45.10 1200310000 155500131103 104 RJELL9ERG'S PARK STACt PEGLU PO 8GA 1241 10.10 .00 .00 .00 25.50 IS.40 1700710000 155500154401 4 UEUX A7'S PARK IEREAA REXWI I/ .JELLOER0'S PARA 10.10 .01 .01 .00 25.00 45.10 400310000 155500151103 11 NELLIFAB'S PARK 565 6 AIR S.ELION 19 KJELLEERS'S PARK 11.10 .0 .Co .00 25.90 51.20 12a130000 ISSS601S4403 21 KJElLBEE31S PARK I= PEGLOR 21 KJELLSER3'7 PARK 20.17 .00 .0 .TO 25.0 45.10 40CID000D ISS500164403 107 KJELLICEM 1 PARA 101 L LORI FLATWARE 101 KJELLUR9'S PARK 20.10 .00 .00 .p 75.00 45.10 1200110000 15551015/101 101 11JELLBER31 PARK KICK CMPISTE113FM 301 KJfLLSERO'S Pin 11.17 .10 .00 .91 25.00 41.11 1200110000 ISSSOOIS//03 110 OJELLBER9'S PARA LORI PALMER A NRS MAI 111 VELLIEDO'S PARK 10.40 .14 .00 .00 25.Do 35.40 1200110000 153500151103 111 KJELLOER3'S PARA ALTA IREPUIEP 116 KJELL1EIg7 PIRA 11.20 .p .00 .00 73.00 $6.20 1201010000 155501151403 401 KJ[LLBECS'S PARK 101 GIIAMT 401 WELLUM'S PARA 20.10 .01 .00 .0 25.00 31.10 1201150000 ISSSOII3/101 111 KJELLBECS'S PARK 5{95[ NEVER 404 KJEL10Et0'S PARA 11.21 .00 .a .90 25.07 56 20 1211200090 ISSSOSIS4403 ROI UELLIECD'I PARA DITTY JACAAAM S14 KJELLOLtl'S PARK 11.21 .00 .10 .0 25.90 56.20 1310/50009 155011001050 5030 7111[1118 ON DEA.IS A SIG JEAETT Selo STARLING ON 11.11 .00 .Do a 2$.00 11.11 110340000 155071093110 1010 HERON CT LINDA IDEA 1060 HEROM CT 41.11 .00 .02 .00 1s. CO 71.11 400110000 155012007010 3310 MALLARD LA JEFF MR 1310 MALL1R0 L1 16.71 .13 .00 .0 25.03 71.21 1107190:00 15507ID05010 $740 1101.1110 DR JAMES LEWIS $741 17141144 W 11.01 .W to .90 25.0 71.09 1102619799 ISSO11006010 1111 STM [NO ON DENNIS toss= $531 SIAISIN7 ON 41.26 .00 .00 AS IS 00 11.21 • 402190000 IS5171003140 1410 FAICU AVE RICNAROIUDDA AMDERSO it" FALCON AVE ll.fs .00 .03 .CO 2S.Oo 91 75 4D30AD030 155071002160 1511 FALCON AVE TURK AM 1521 FALCON AVE 10.19 .00 .00 .a 25.00 IDS II 1101110000 155051102010 WAD MARTIN 04 Pu DUKE 1010 MAR714 OR 12.12 .10 .00 .0 25.00 17.72 1103110900 ISSOIIIOM70 1010 MARTIN ON LAURIE POEM PO TOS 121 61.11 .11 .10 .0 25.10 11.11 1103110000 45011091020 1115 MARTIN OR LEM1Y KIM it75 MART It CI 41.11 .10 .00 AID 1!390 14.01 110111003 ISSC01001120 3016 MARTIN 02 GEAR 6 TW NOVICKI 5015 MARTIN 01 66.02 .90 Do .C9 2530 91.01 little =0 t5501PCO21/0 4191 STOKERIDGE CIO DION NOS 1111 01ON[210U CIO 14.19 .a .CO .DO 21 a 71.79 141131/090 IS01000ICH 1111 CED DOCK LA DAVID OT1EJ1 1141 REO COCA LA 46.16 .a .C3 .a 11.0 71 11 40169a0o 155010001140 3101 14131151114) U MICHAEL GOISH 1107 FAg6TEA0 01 tl.0 .91 .00 .03 25.00 14.51 110400000 If70109011S1 4101 FARMSTEAD OR SIM A MAIIIU ITE19010 4791 FAMTEAD U 41.17 .10 .00 .14 25.10 66.12 II" INH11144-7 ::-:rM-----�N�1 905a111C09 1Sfl00113210 311 Irw SI . 10 LINDA JONES 313 irk 8T 10.17 a 00 .a n.to 41 10 IOSO1l40}00 13f011001ot0 s0] CU6EY II 'ADI CWIIF-0" ;,Ito 407 RAAiEt 11 31.20 .a .W .a 2130 sl 10 9os016iaCC Is5041001010 IIs M1A7Lr !I [DWIK GYwNaR 116 RAICEY 41 10.40 .p .CO .a 1t a 16.40 IIDOEU01Do 15f914103190 169 R1rCRVIEN D1 1 CJ5tLI1 IEwi Ito 01 wimfb OR 13 1.20 TO .DO .00 2330 31.20 11000410500 115014003110 Its RIVERVI EA of 5 PAIIIC. 1 K[1K11 110 RI9EGYlE. ON IS 11.70 .CO .00 Co 2,300 91.20 �FINLL TOTALS IOfil -.. COUP I 131 �� 3'� d � 31/Cf7.� "ie.79 09 M` CITY OF IONTICELLO Council Agenda - 7/28/97 A RFFFRFNCP AND BACK =ROUND: City Council is asked to conduct a public hearing on the high school trunk storm sewer improvement project. A public hearing is necessary to assess a portion of the cost to benefiting property owners. The project consists of development of a tnmk storm water conveyance system developed in cooperation with the grading and development of the school site. The trunk system built by the City is sized to accommodate nm -off from the School District property and from property in the watershed. In addition to providing trunk storm sewer benefit to the school, the system will provide direct lateral benefit to the School District by enabling the school to direct water to the trunk system directly from the school site. FINANCE PLAN The amounts that are left blank below will be available at the City Council meeting. Total estimated cost: $ a9, Dog PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PROGRAM School District assessment for lateral benefit: $ /A� 0 This amount represents the estimated cost to the School District if it had to build a storm sewer on its own assuming a trunk line was not in place. School District Trunk Storm Sewer Fee: $ /69 Under the trunk storm sewer program, all new development must pay or accept an assessment for its share of the taW cost to develop trunk storm sower as a condition of development, The amount above represents the base fee per acro of $5,000 with credits for the type of use and credits for land provided to the City for construction of storm water ponds and easements. Under the funding program, the School District will have paid its entire share of the trunk storm sewer expenses with payment of this fee and will not be subject to further assessments under future projects. This fee may be assessed against the School District property at the discretion of the School District. Council Agenda - 7/28/97 It should be noted that the credits provided to the School District included $6,600/acre for pond area provided by the City. The original formula establishing the trunk fee at $5,000/acre included a land acquisition cost of $4,500/acre. This reminds us that we may need to examine the formula annually to determine if adjustments are needed to allow the City to capture funds needed to finance trunk improvements from funds derived from development. Assessments against developed property for trunk expense: $ Under the trunk storm sewer program, properties developed as of August 1996 are assessed their share of Individual R><NecL trunk_ storm sewergXVeo_.e. In this case, the developed property consists of residences within the Cardinal Hills subdivision. The share of the Cardinal Hills expense when the project costs are spread evenly across the entire benefited watershed equals $acre. The estimated cost per home in the subdivision is estimated at $275/unit. Under the funding program, Cardinal Hills will be subject to assessments for other future storm sewer projects. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONC: No action is required. The purpose of the hearing is to review the scope of the project and the proposed assessment program with the public. Council will be asked to order the project after the actual bide are in place. It is expected that the bids will be reviewed at a meeting in August. Construction is to begin immediately thereafter. Assessment roll and area map to be provided at the meeting. Council Agenda - 7/28/97 Tel'T". 1.11.'. — inTMIihf:T.TT I was recently contacted by board member Carol Erickson of the Rivers of Hope organization requesting the opportunity to appear before the City Council to ask for consideration of being included in the City's budget for 1998. It is my understanding that this organization services Sherburne and Wright Counties, and primarily focuses on providing services for victims of domestic violence in our area. Apparently the nonprofit organization is asking to be considered for possible funding from the City and would like to present background information and a funding request for Council consideration when we deliberate our 1998 budget. At this time, I have not been presented with any specific handout materials nor a specific funding request, but I assume this information will be supplied to the Council at Nonday night's meeting. Based on the request that may be forthcoming, Council can decide at that time whether any specific action is warranted, D� i J 5�0 V L l.� �V 1 RIVERS OF HOPE P.O. Box 142 Elk River, MN 55330 (612) 441.0792 (612) 682-6424 1-800-439-2642 Elk River Office Buffalo Office Outside the Metro Sherbume County Wright County dialing area July 28. 1997 Dear Mayor and City Council Members, Since 1989 Rivers of Hope has provided advocacy and support services to victims of domestic violence and their families within Wright County, focusing on four (4) primary service [tress: • Advocacy and support services • Youth violence prevention/intrvention services • Criminal justice intervention services • Community awareness and education Over the past eight years Rivers of Hope has faced many challenges. However, one remains constant: the steady increase in the number of victims seeking services through our agency as reflected in our quarterly reports to the county. A comparison of statistics for the period of January through December in 1994, 1995 and 1996 indicates the overall number of clients provided services by our agency has increased from 556 to 1122, or 101.8%. Wright County statistics for these same periods indicate an increase in the number of victims assisted from 275 to 494, or 80% during this two year period. While 1996 statistics alone for Wright County indicate an increase of 35.34% over the number of victim provided services during 1995. As the number of victims seeking assistance within Wright County continues to escalate, our agency must focus on maintaining adequate staffing levels for the two Rivers of Hope programs currently serving victims of domestic violence within Wright County — the Comimw*y Advocacy Program and the Youth Advocacy Program This is imperative if advocates are to continue to provide accessible, quality services to each of those victims coming forward to seek assistance. In addition. increased clientele has dictated expanded office space, additional telephone lines and extended advocacy hours at our Wright County office to maintain pace during fiscal 1997-1998. To Build a Community Free of Domestic Violence Through Advocacv and Education Our Youth Advocate will be working weekly in Monticello secondary schools this year providing doabuse education and advocacy to youth affected by the violem in their lives. This connection means we will become even more involved with mdividuW fn and community affairs. We expect to serve more people from Momicelh in the coming year than in any other city in Wright County. Themfom in an effort to pmvide these much needed services to Wright County residents, Rivers of Hope is requesting finding from the City of Monticello. This funding sbfl be utilized for general operatiog sarpport for expenses associated with direct clieat services and community education efforts, as well as to—i-sin sufficient staffing levels for our advocacy ouar=h and youth violence preventiodmtervention. We look forward to partnamg with the City of Monticello in an effort to build a community five of domestic violence. Should you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to call me at any of the numbers listed above. Sincerely, Margaret Ostmar4 Executive Director NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS SERVED BY RIVERS OF HOPE (Denoteej Counties) ADULTS Anoka County 10 9 18 Benton County 2 0 1 Hennepin County 7 12 25 Isanli County 3 1 4 Meeker County . 0 0 4 Mille Lacs County 0 5 4 Ramsey County 0 0 4 Scott County 0 3 1 Sherburne County 217 332 384 Stearns County 2 2 2 Wright County 273 316 378 Miscellaneous Counties 3 1 2 JUVENILM Anoka County 1 4 5 Hennepin County 1 3 4 McLeod County 0 1 3 Meeker County 0 9 28 Morrison County 0 0 1 Sherburne County 35 158 134 Stearns County 0 1 4 Wright County 2 49 116 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS SERVED 668 806 1122 (**These figures do not include those individuals who remained anonymous when requesting referral services/information or attending support group) d rase Wyman A. Nelson Corey Aa*r i" Thomas N. Kelly Chw- cn dr d Divia Briars J. Aeles+on chid • c1W duisim December 9, 1996 Re: Rivers of Hope To Whom It May Concern: WRIGHT COUNTY Office of County Attorney Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N. W., Room 150 Buffalo, Minnesota 553131189 Phone: (612) 682-7310 Toll Free: 1.800.362.3667 Fax: (612) 682.7700 Assistants rna.nas C. lin. Tarry Fr—rr KVA1— A..Hotd Boa Y. Sr,dbs # Ark A. Enrksm Vktitn/Wdt & Avsifl a Coordinator Berm- S. loA— Thu office has wirm d the services of Rivers of Hope over a period of years. The Wright County Attorney's Office prosecutes all cases involving domestic violence in Wright Courcy, except for three cities who prosecute nr own misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors. Rivers of Hope has been a very important element in providing services to victim of domestic violence. In my opinion, they provide excellent support to these victims while worldng within the f}amework of the criminal justice system. My endorsement of Riven of Hope is wholehearted. Yours truly, n Wyman A. Nelson County Attorney WAN:cjh F, RIVERS OF IIOPE PROPOSED STATEMENT OF INCOME a EXPENSE FOR FISCAL 1998 JULY I, 1997 - JUNE 70, 1998 CRIMINAL JUSTICEYOUTHADVOCACY COMMUNITY ADVOCACY PROGRAM UITERYENTM PROGRAM FROGRAM 10ALBUOG2EI RECEIPTS: OHMBURNECO . IeRIGIIT CO OHERBURNESQ OHODUME1JH OIT ALL PROGRAM] Uneea Wey s 5,00000 $5,00000 f 1.00000 4 0.50000 $ 11.50000 Ro" Lmumen oenlcee 27,50000 22.25000 1.a6000 STOOD 52.50000 MN Depl. of Cwr.cenne ]8,000 00 78,000 00 27.00000 00 - - 10).00000 MN O.W. of Eton. Securtty -- -- -- 43.00000 43.00000 County Fine Money 3.000 00 - _ - _ - _ 3.0D0 00 Are. Church.. 15000 7500075000 75000 ).00000 Conn-nay/8.r." 04p..U.U- S 00 oo 1.67500 1.87500 3.25000 1.50000 Bue1n...ee 30000 7.75000 3,75000 7.20000 1500000 trwiWu.le 38500 200000 200000 ).6)500 800000 Othw Fourche-wGiante -- 825000 - - J2dt14.00 _24.92444 TOTALREGMI; 6 75,418.00 $ 69,476.00 6 38.25800 677.67500 $273,420,00 WOURSEMENTA; OeI.Me $54.27500 $56.87800 $25,02500 $51.96000 $188,03500 Peylafl TauwWa$men'4 Comp 5,12500 5,)1000 2.45000 4.900 DO 1764500 H.ellh ln►wence 1,01000 50000 -•- 09000 J50000 T4.wl 1,97500 1,87500 1,21500 7,57500 5,70000 PuWW4lA0w0blrlp 125 00 125 00 12500 12500 SOO 00 OMc. E.pem.6 58000 500 00 26000 50000 2,000 00 Lepel A Auountirp Ben4cn 149500 1,49500 149500 149500 5,05000 C-t,"I.0 Setwee 125 00 12500 12500 12500 500 00 Con1.r.nc. l EOuc.Non 25000 25000 25000 25000 100000 Du.s a sut a lWgne 7000 70 00 70 00 70 00 290 00 EQulpm.nl L.8.e 700 00 72000 70000 62000 1,540 no EQutpmenl Purche.e 25000 250 00 250 00 25000 1,000 DO M.el. 7000 7000 1000 1000 25000 Inwwence 1.37500 1.715 00 1.11500 1.)15 00 5.500 00 McUUerurue - EQW. 8500 6500 5500 6500 26000 R.eowce WWI.% 24500 24500 24500 24500 58000 Pow.pe 40000 40000 40000 40000 1,60000 P,Muv 700 00 700 00 300 00 30000 1,200 00 R.N 8,27500 8,71500 2,24500 7,09500 21.59000 T.Wphona 2,08000 2,80500 96500 2.72000 8,57000 5wc E.Pen4.e _.05.00 _65.00 65.E 6500 _204. TOTAL DISOUROEMENTS: 618,41800 181,61500 $78,29500 $77,87500 $271,41000 Council Agenda - 7/28/97 Mr. Rod Mcgillivray, General Manager of the Superior FCR Landfill, has requested an opportunity to review with the Council the annual report of the landfill and an opportunity to update the Council on their proposed expansion plans. As some of you may be aware, the landfill has been working on a proposal for a large expansion of the landfill, not only in area but also in a vertical fashion. If all of the approvals were to be granted, there could be a dramatic increase in the capacity of the landfill and also in the visual impact it would have on the surrounding area. It is my understanding that Mr. Mcgtlivray would like to briefly discuss the current refuse contract the City has aith Superior and to generally bring the Council up-to-date on the proposed expansion plans they are working on. I do not believe there is any specific action that will be required by the Council at this meeting other than to receive a better understanding of what is being proposed at this site. Council Agenda - 7/28/97 ;r-T;V7-r-M; M.- MT. -W.4'. 0 UM TRrmfrlq 1`: A RFFFRFNV.F AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to review the various petitions for annexation provided to the City and consider submitting them to the Municipal Board for scheduling of hearing dates. Also, the list could be sent to the Township for review and potential approval of annexation through joint resolution. Those that are approved by the Township would be annexed immediately. Those not approved by the Township would be processed via Municipal Board proceedings, which may take eight months to complete. There is no requirement that the entire group be submitted to the Municipal Board or Township; any individual annexation petition may be pulled out of the group by the Council. Attached is a listing of the annexations and acreage. In summary, there are nine property owners seeking annexation of approximately 681acres. Of this WWI, there are five immediate subdivision requests for construction in 1998. Also included in the petition request is the property owned by the City and others with potential for commercial use. Please go through the list at the meeting and make your determination. Also included in the list of annexations is the Remmele property (C), which is owned by the City. This parcel is placed in the group because utilities are now available at School Boulevard and because the parcel may be needed for development in the near (inure. It is very possible that the site could be used immediately as a new home for businesses impacted by the Highway 25 project or by downtown redevelopment. It if; also a prospective site for the relocated commuter parking lot. It would be prudent to bring the property into the city to allow immediate development as the need arises. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion supporting joint annexation of full or modified listing of parcels identified on the attached table. Township requested to make its determination on which parcels will be supported for annexation by the third Monday in August. Under this alternative, Council selects all or a selection of the properties for submittal to the Township for review. The listing of parcels selected for annexation will be provided to the Township for review. It is proposed that the Township be given two meetings to Council Agenda - 7/28/97 7 Qgck5 7 review the requests. At the end of thi time period, the process of annexation will continue on two tracts. Those selected by the Township under joint resolution will be sent to the Municipal Board for review and comment with annexation to occur 30 days thereafter. The contested annexations will enter the contested case hearing process. Motion to table consideration of annexations pending further study. Motion to deny requests for annexation. C. STAFF R .OMMF.NDATION: Staff recommends that Council review the requests and consider approval of all or a portion of the requests. As you can see, except for the Art Anderson ) and Orrin Thompson requests, all of the requests are for land that was in (N"y ` what was in the Urban Service Area. All except the Hoglund site are requests associated with near term (1-2 yr) plans for development. All will have immediate access to city utilities as of March of 1998; therefore, the annexations are not "leap frog" requests. Also, the annexations are all at the request of the land owners, and there are no land areas that are being requested by the City without land owner consent. Historically, the Municipal Board has approved annexation requests brought forward by property owners. Under the new law governing annexation, the Municipal Board will sunset in in the next few years, which will be replaced with a joint planning process by the City and County. Under the new law, annexation disputes will be handled via a mediation process. Map showing annexation requests; Petitions are on file for review. 10 u _ - Orderly Annexation Area City of Monticello o � X R_. Annexation Requests -July 24, 1997 Key � ��}� 7r• r�.9C:;y w� IJPoperty RReferenedOwner Lra. I A Hoglund 1451 � •. � - . �� .� , B Rolstad 108 C City (Remmele) 60 } ` D Emmerich 220 `__.® • '* J ��. IE Leereon 10 \ IF Methodist Church 6.35 IG Art Anderson 40I ` H Orin Thompson 80 • �� _ { r I Shormer Site 33.8 Total 700.9 �. � � yr ITARY SEWER SERVICE AILABLE �• wr.w wr�c� . �ss� • �wre� i Council Agenda - 7/28/97 �.!'1)1,-lrl-11f�17 4.: 1 1 •r' 1 T M M' _ A REFERFNVR AND BA .K .RO 1ND: As you may recall, Mr. Brad Larson, adjacent property owner to the post office facility, had previously closed off the alleyway access from Linn Street due to a dispute over his request for help in maintenance of the access. As it turned out, the HRA had not received the proper easement document granting the post office or the City access, and Mr. Larson chose to ignore his developer's agreement and close the access. While discussions have continued with Mr. Larson in an attempt to re-establish the driveway access, the post office landlord, Mr. Charles Eland of St. Cloud, has been somewhat receptive to the idea of establishing another access point for egress and ingress off of Locust Street through a vacant lot owned by the City (former Haas parcel). It appears now that Mr. Eland may have an opportunity to extend the lease with the post office for a longer term, and there may be some advantages for Mr. Eland to provide an additional egress from the site. I had initially informed Mr. Eland that the City may be interested in selling the parcel for a fair market value. The site is approximately 82 11A R by 99 R; and if we were to estimate the value at approximately $3.60 a sq R, this would place its value at approximately $29,000 - $30,000. The City had acquired the parcel a number of years ago for $45,000 and had the residential dwelling demolished and removed from the site. Although it appears this may be an opportunity to place the property back on the tax rolls, the improvements to the site would likely be very minimal in that only the driveway and/or parking facilities would likely be used for this site. I believe the City had always held onto this parcel in anticipation that it may be beneficial to combine with the Fred's Auto Repair site adjacent to this lot if the area was redeveloped in the future. Although there are no plans at this point and we are not aware of any other use for this parcel, this is a concern that we should consider before simply outright selling the parcel. As an option to a sale, an idea would be to offer to lease the property to the post office landlord to be used for ingress or egress purposes and require the landlord to make all necessary driveway improvements at his own expense. An annual lease payment of an acceptable rate (for example $1,200 - $1,600 per year) may be a preferred alternative to selling the property if we feel it's important to hold on to this parcel for future redevelopment with the adjacent auto repair site. If this isn't a big concern, a simple sale at a fair value would seem appropriate and would likely provide better traffic movement from the post office facility by providing an altemato route for ingress or egress. Council Agenda - 7/28/97 I have not had an opportunity to discuss with the landlord the idea of leasing the property rather than an outright purchase, but I hope to have more information available for Monday night's meeting. Mr. Eland did note that he felt the City should sell the property at a reduced price since it will be for providing better access to a public facility, but I should caution the Council that the U.S. Post Office does not own this facility and it is a private business venture which simply leases the space to the postal facility. R AT.T . NAT ACTIONS: 1. Council could offer the vacant lot for sale to the adjacent property owner, Mr. Charles Eland, at $3.50 per sq ft. This estimated value was arrived at by reviewing recent appraisals in the downtown area and by comparing recent sales that have occurred on vacant land. Council could decide to offer to lease the parcel for a stated annual amount to the landlord of the post office facility with the requirement that all improvements for access be paid for by the property owner. Under this alternative, the City would keep its option open for retaining ownership of the property in case it's needed to be utilized in conjunction with the neighboring property for a future development. Do not use this parcel for post office access and continue to discuss reopening the access with Mr. Brad Larson. C. S'T'AFF RFFCOMMF.NDATION: Although it's on the edge of the downtown area and there are not any proposals noted in the downtown revitalization plan that would utilize this parcel, there may be some merit in maintaining ownership in this parcel for eventual use in combining with the Fred's Auto Repair site in the future. This adjacent parcel may come in handy in making a larger site available for redevelopment someday. As a result, 1 believe it would be more beneficial to simply offer the land for lease rather than outright sale. At Monday night's meeting, I will know whether the landlord would be interested in the lease option or if an outright purchase is the only thing they would consider. None. 12 Council Agenda - 7/28/97 1& Consideration to review for adoption the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund Guidipllne& (O.K.) A_ RFFFRFNVF AND BA .K .RO iND- The establishment of the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund (DMRF) is designed as an incentive to encourage property owners in a targeted area of downtown to rehab existing buildings. This incentive serves as a tool for implementation of the Monticello Downtown and River -front Plan. Council members received a copy of Draft II of the proposed Downtown and Riiverfront Plana couple of weeks ago. Assuming no more disasters, it is hoped that Council will consider adoption of the plan as a part of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan sometime in September. HRA and Planning Commission members and the MCP Board of Directors have also received a copy of the Plan, Draft 11. EDA members worked with Rusty Fifield of Ehlers & Associates, a financial consultant, to determine the criteria for the DMRF. The guidelines were drafted from the criteria established by the EDA and patterned after the GNEF Guidelines. Ehlers is part of the Hoisington Koegler team, the firm hired to study and complete the Downtown and Riverfront Plan. At the EDA meeting in June, the EDA members approved the appropriation of $200,000 from the cash balance of the GMEF as seed money for DMRF. T,wo things to note within the proposed guidelines: The maximum funding amount of $25,000 per property is to avoid the need for job creation and the subsequent required reporting to the State. Secondly, the $200,000 seed money must come from the payback of GMEF loans which were initially funded by the liquor fund. This is because payback dollars from state and federal grants are subject to certain restrictions or job creation. Current accumulative payback from the liquor fund is a little over $200,000. Enclosed is a copy of the June 19 EDA minutes describing the objectives and rationale used in determining the DMRF criteria. The DMRF has the endorsement of two local lending institutions ( First National and Marquette) and has been a team effort among tho EDA, MCP, and the Design Committee. After review of the proposed DMRF Guidelines on July 22, 1997, the EDA approved the guidelines requesting the Council to consider the guidelines for adoption. To assist with facade design ideas, the EDA directed Design Committee Chairperson Pam Campbell to request proposals fmm architectural professional(s ). The assistance to include a one-time Council Agenda - 7/28/97 educational design seminar for property owners, EDA members, and the Design Advisory Team. EDA Chairperson Hoglund was appointed as the EDA representative to the Design Advisory Team. A. ALTERNATM ACTION& 1. A motion to adopt the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund Guidelines. A motion to deny adoption of the DMRF Guidelines. A motion to table any action. (:. STAFF O F.NDATION: As an incentive and commitment to our community or downtown area, the EDA recognizes the need to invest in the revitalization efforts and plan. Recommendation is for alternative Ml. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Guidelines for adoption; June 19 EDA minutes. DOWNTOWN MONTICEI.LO REVITALIZATION FUND GUIDELINES CITY OF MONTICELLO 250 EAST BROADWAY, P O BOX 1147 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 (612)171-3208 The Monticello Downtown and Riverfront Plan provides a guide for development in the downtown area. As pan of its efforts to implement the Plan. the Monticello Econornic Development Authority (EDA) offers financial assistance and incentives to property owners through a program known as the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund (DMRF). The DMRF seeks to prornote the revitalization of downtown Monticello by: • Enhancing storefronts and facades in accordance with the design guidelines in the Plan. • Encouraging the rehabilitation of building interiors to bring them into compliance with local codes and ordinances. • Encouraging building rehabilitation to provide space suitable for the proposed use. • Providing funding to close the "gap" between financing needed to undertake the project and the amour» raised by equity and private loans. • Providing economic incentives to locate businesses in the Downtown. These guidelines describe the funding parameters and eligibility criteria for programs offered by the EUA. Meeting the eligibility criteria does not entitle an applicant to f landing. The distribution of funds is the sole decision of the E DA. These futancial incentives and assistame will be available for existing buildings within the planning area described in the Downtown and Riverfront Plan. Preference will be given to property located in Blocks 35. 36, 51, and 52, Original Plat, City of Monticello. /Ga i DMRF GUIDELINES The EDA may provide thatching grams in the following amounts: • Up to $2,500 for eligible improvements to the from facade and signage. • Up to $2,500 for eligible improvements to promote improvements to the rear sections of the buildings. • Up to $2,500 for eligible improvements to th-. side facade (if applicable). To be eligible for gram funds, projects must meet the following criteria: • Improvements must comply with applicable design guidelines and all codes and ordinances. • The grant will match private investment up to the stated limit. • Grant funds will be provided after completion of the improvements. • Applicants will provide the EDA with documentation of the actual cost of the improvements. Meeting the eligibility criteria does not entitle an applicant to funding. The distribution of grant funds is the sole decision of the EDA. The EDA may provide loans for the rehabilitation of existing buildings. The maximum loan amount is the lesser of 25% of total cost of improvements or $20.000. To be eligible for rehabilitation loans, projects must meet the following criteria: • Improvements must comply with applicable design guidelines and all codes and ordinances. • Applicants must provide proof of financing for costs not funded by the grant. • Loan amortization schedule not exceed ten (10) years, balloon payment in five (5) years. 2 I& 6 DMRF GUIDELINES The interest rate on the loan will be two percent (2%) below the Prime Rate. The EDA may reduce the interest rate to encourage the reuse of a currently vacant building, the retention of an existing business, or the creation of a new business. The rebabilitation loan will be in a subordinated position to the lender. The EDA may grant reimbursement of City fees associated with undwalcing improvement and revitalization projects in the downtown area. The amount of the reimbursement will be the equivalent of ten percent (10%) of the total cost of the improvemerns up to a maximum of $500. Fees ehgi a for reimbursement include building permits, other city inspections, and knd use ordinances. To be eligible for fee reimbursement, projects must meet the following criteria: Projects must comply with applicable design guidelines and all codes and ordinances. Reins un mcm will be made after completion of the improvements. • Reinsburwffwm will be based on documentation of actual improvement costs and fees paid. MAXIMUM FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE The maximum amount of financial assistance available to each rehabilitation property is an amount not to exceed $25,000. Approved DMRF shall be null and void if tlmds are not drawn or disbursed within 270 days from date of EDA approval. The Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund is administered by the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA), which is a seven -member board consisting of two Council members and five appointed members. EDA members are appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Formal meetings are held on a quarterly basis. Please see the by-laws of the EDA for more information on the structure of the organization that administers the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund (DMRF). !G CJ DMRF GUIDELINES Participating lending institution shall be determined by the DMRF applicant. Participating lending institution shall cooperate with the EDA and assist in carrying out the policies of the DMRF as approved by the City Council. Participating lending institution shall analyze the funding application and indicate to the EDA the level at which the lending institution will participate in the finance package. The EDA desires to make the DMRF application process as simple as possible. However, certain procedures must be followed prior to EDA consideration of a loan request. Information regarding the program and procedures for obtaining funding is as follows: The Economic Development Director, working in conjunction with the Assistant City Administrator, shall carry out DMRF operating procedures as approved by the EDA and Council. Staff is responsible for assisting an applicant in the application process and will work with the applicant in development of the necessary information. The applicant will meet with city swffto obtain information about the DMRF, discuss the proposed project, and obtain a funding application form and a copy of Section 3. 4. and 5 of the MCP Design Guidelines of the Monticello Downtown and Riverfrom Plan. Staff will direct the applicant to contact the MCP Design Advisory Team as a resource for suggestions and review of improvements which comply with the design guidelines, codes. and ordinances of the Monticello Downtown and Riverfi'om Plan. Staff will request the applicant contact a lending institution regarding futancing needs and indicate to applicant that f unher action by the EDA on the potential loan will require indication of support from a lending institution. The applicant shall complete a DMRF application. Staff will review the application for consistency with the policies set forth in the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund Guidelines. I&D DMRF GUIDELINES 3. City staff w01 accept the findings of a lending institution regarding applicant credit and financial viability of the project. EDA approval will require a letter of support from the lending institution. Upon receipt of the letter of support, City staff shall submit a written recommendation to the EDA and a decision regarding the application shall be made by the EDA within 14 days of submittal of the letter of support from the lending institution. 4. The EDA shall have authority to approve or deny the financial assistance of the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund. 5. The EDA shag not disburse approved DMRF without a written acknowledgment from the MCP Design Advisory Team that construction of the improvements are complete and comply with applicable design guidelines and all codes and ordurances. 6. The EDA shall not disburse approved DMRF (grants and reimbursernent) without certified documentation of the actual costs of the improvements and completion of the improvements. 7. The EDA shall not disburse the approved DMRF (loan) without proof of financing for costs not funded by the grant and execution of the loan closing documents. s ORIGINAL FUNDING ` SOURCE - Economic Development Authority, Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund AMOUNT - $200,000 (For Year Ending December 31, 1997). The EDA shag dishose approved DM RF dollars from the payback of GMEF Liquor Fund dollars at such time the approved DMRF is disbursed. Staff shag subnrit quarterly summaries and/or an annual report detailing the status of the DMRF. At a minimum. the EDA shall review the Fund Guidelines on an annual basis. No changes to the DMRF guidelines shall he instituted without prior approval of the City Council. IGE DMRF GUIDELINES City staff shall service and monitor all loans, matching grams, and fee reimbursements. All loan documents shall include at a minimum, a note and mortgage. L C dmrf guidelines 7/97 Ap Council Meeting - 7/28/97 17, informational update on the Monticello animal facility. (J.S.) A. RF.FERF.NCE AND BACKGROUND: Fred Patch solicited proposals for the design of the new animal shelter from several interested architectural firms. The firm of Blumentals Architecture, Inc., was given the task of designing the facility based upon their low proposal of $5,000 and their ability to begin work almost immediately on the project. After two staff meetings with Janis Blumentals and his associates, the design is near complete. The building itself is a 1,300 sq ft masonry building with a wood truss roof and standing seam steel roofing materials. The building measures 28' in width and 47'-4" in length. The building is of a simple design using burnished block such as that used in other low maintenance city buildings. The facility contains a unisex handicapped accessible restroom, office reception area, small animals room, an equipmentleuthanasia room, and then the main animal holding area. The main holding area houses 12 holding cells, an animal wash area, food storage area, and space for one additional free-standing holding cell if needed. The building itself is of a single masonry wall type construction. Only the office area has additional insulation and an interior stud wall on the exterior walls. To aid in disinfecting the individual cells, the walls of the cells are covered with glazed block. The floors throughout the building, with the exception of the office area, are surface treated with a thick epoxy coating for ease of cleaning and disinfecting. Enclosed are copies of the basic floor plan, roof plan, and elevation sections of the building. City staff is still anticipating that the building will be located on Chelsea Road west of the existing pump house 1)3. This area is ideally suited for the animal shelter, and the building would be situated such that it would be easily expandable to the north. With the consensus of the Council, City staff would like to continue on a path toward construction of the facility this year. Upon completion of the design, we will be obtaining quotes on as many phases of the work as possible and, as general contractor, bring those quotes back to the City Council as soon as possible to determine whether or not the facility can be completed within the $160,000 budget, less the $5,000 spent on the design. R AI.TFRNATIVE ACTIONG: The first alternative would be to approve the design and location of the building and authorize City staff to obtain quotes for the various is Council Meeting - 7/28/97 sections of the work, acting as general contractor; and that once the major components costs are assembled, staff return to the City Council for authorization to proceed with construction. The second alternative is to modify the building location or project as determined by the City Council. C_ ST FF RECONIMENDATTON: It is the recommendation of City staff consisting of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, Chief Building Oficial, and Animal Control Officer that the City Council authorize us to proceed as outlined in alternative #1. D_ S1IPPORTING DATA: Copy of preliminary building plans. ILL -23-17? FRI 11:54 MBUJEN AS TEL M:6125612914 `J v MAN 1,-0. e v 71.L-25-•97 FRI 11:55 ID:91J'E7:TW5 TB F13:6125612914 0483 P83 2V' Hv PLAN 11B JILL -25-'47 FR 11:55 ID:811Q TEL M:6125612914 4483 P134 - 41 r..@wo.d a�aas II I I I I I I I Oj ELEVATM m ua• • r -a II' ¢ 1111111111 ® W"ATM us• . r4V JLL-29—'47 FRI 11:56 ID:9JID4TFLS TEL ND:6M612914 8." acs rim ami :1 Erg I I / I I I I I I ELEvATIQI to. " I..& 1 r...i Mr I r,-_=_==_________-__� } �VATIW Va" • 1'4" woes P05 Lo - E.$ .m� /7D F; BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 07/24/97 15:58:08 Schedule of Bills GL050S-VO4.30 COVERPAGE GL540R Report Selection: RUN GROUP... D0724 COMMENT... JULY 24 CKS DATA -JE -1D DATA COMMENT 0-07241997-087 7/24/97 GEN CKS Run Insstructionss: Joba Bonner Copies Form Printer Hold Space LPI Lines CPI J 01 N S 6 066 10 E-tRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 97/24/97 15:58:16 Schedule of Sills VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POA F/P 10 LINE A T 6 T WIRELESS SERVICE RICK-CELLULAR 12.59 TELEPHONE 101.41301.3210 067 00016 JEFF-CELLULAR 36.33 TELEPHONE 101.41910.3210 097 OOC17 GARY-CELLULAR 25.52 TELEPHONE 101.4 2401.3210 087 OOO8 11.44 'VENDOR TOTAL A.E. MICHAELS STREETS-OP SUPPLIES 60.93 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 087 00002 AARON COTTRELL (2) TREES 250.00 ESCROWS - COND OCCUPANCY 101.22011 007 00041 AFFORDABLE SANITATION REFUSE-JULY 127.00 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43230.2199 JULY 087 00003 AO-CHEM EQUIPMENT CO., I FIRE-EOU1P REPAIR PARTS 23.87 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.4 2201.2210 2409016 087 00001 ANE GROUP STREETS-REPAIR SUPPLIES 36.38 STREET MAINTENANCE KATER 101.43120.2240 198172 087 00004 j 'MERICAN PAGING OF RINSE JONN M 6 RICH C 28.38 TELEPHONE 601,49440.3210 OOT 03005 MATT 32.24 TELEPHONE 602.4 9420.3210 087 00005 AN SHELTER 55.85 TELEPHONE 101.4 2701.3210 087 00007 JOHN S 9 19 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 007 00003 GARY A 14.19 TELEPHONE 101.4 2401.3210 007 00009 JOAN L 14.19 TELEPHONE 101.45201.3210 007 0.010 TOM 8 14.19 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 087 00011 ROGER 14.19 TELEPHONE 101.43120.3210 007 00012 182.42 'VENDOR TOTAL ANOEHSON/RICK STORM-RICH MOERSCIN 1.160.75 1997 STORM GARAGE EXPENS 101.4 2501.4401 007 CCO13 ARNOLD, HATTIE STORM-REPLACE MAIL COX 0.91 1097 STORM OAKACE EXPENS 101.4 2501.1401 C07 00014 ARROWOOD CATHY-CONFE6ENCE 260.30 CONFERENCE 6 SCR=S 101.4 1520.3320 GOT 00015 AUDIO CORMUNICAIICS3 RICK-CELLULAR 257,29 TELEPHONE 101.4 1301.3210 001 00019 0 6 H MASONRY STORM KAINT BLDG-RMf 1O.00 1591 STORM DARACE EXPENS 101.42501.1401 001 GO120 �.ICOY CORS001071 UR LIOL.,R•MICC TAXAE.E 474.39 RISC TAXAGLE 6CO.40150 2540 2$810230 CO1 00021 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 07/24/97 15:59:16 Schedule of Bills GL540R-VOA.30 PAGE 2 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION MOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POA F/P ID 1.14E BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA COM LIO-POP PURCHASE 140.35 MISC TAXABLE 609.49750.2540 96546 087 00022 BIG LAKE LUMBER LIBRARY-BLDG REP SUPP 702.13 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 211.45501.2230 075371 087 00023 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATI WWTP-MISC PROF SERVICES 1,928.39 RISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 435.49201.3199 087 00024 C J BR088 BUSINESS SERVI SUMMER NEWSLETTER 1,120.65 NEWSLETTER 101.41301.3195 087 00035 CAREFREE LAWN SERVICE RIVERSIDE-LAWN MAINT 1,118.25 PROF SRV - LAM SERVICE 651.19010.3105 087 00025 FIREHALL-LAWN MAINT 159.75 RISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.12201.3199 087 00026 LIBRARY-LAWN MAINT 159.75 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 211.45501.3199 087 00027 LIO-LAWN MAINT 159.75 RISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 609.49754.3199 007 00028 1,597,50 -VENDOR TOTAL CELLULAR 2000 OF $T CLOD BOSE-CELLULAR 19.15 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 087 00029 FIRE DEPT-CELLULAR 2.53 TELEPHONE 101 .42201.3210 087 00030 s ANUERSON-CELLULAR 73.25 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 OB7 00031 THEISEN-CELLULAR 11.71 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 087 00032 106.94 $VENDOR TOTAL CENTRAL MCGOWAN, INC. SHOP-OP SUPPLIES $6.23 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.13127.2199 087 00033 CENTURY LAGS STREETS- OP SUPPLIES 253.57 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 460500-00 087 00034 CIA HOMES (3) TREES 375.00 ESCROWS - CORD OCCUPANCY 101.22013 067 00036 COXTECK ENVIRONMENTAL STDRR-BRUSH/TREE HAULING 742.50 1997 STORM DAMAGE EXPENS 101.42501,4401 007 00030 CONTINENTAL SAFETY EGUIP FIRE-FOUTP REPAIR PARTS 113.70 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARIS 101.42201.2210 007 000;9 FIRE-VEH REPAIR PARTS 357.32 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.42201.2211 007 00343 471.10 -VENDOR TOTAL CUL�ILnti 7/1 TO 7/31 REOlAl 23.06 RENTAL HOUSE EXPENSES 240.49201.4301 C37 COC42 OAHLHEIMER DISTRICUTINO LII; GiN 11,224,25 CEEB 609.49750.2520 C67 C9C4 NON ALCHO 225.60 MISC IAXAGLE 609.491so. 2540 097 CC[44 11.449.05 -VENODR TOTAL SRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 41/24/97 15,58:16 Schedule of Bills VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND &•ACCOUNT DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY LIO-SEER 161:10 BEER 609.49750.2520 DICK WHOLESALE CO., INC. LIQ -BEER 1,246.00 BEER 09.19150.2520 LIQ -STORE SUPPLIES 63.26 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 609.49154.2140 1.309.26 'VENDOR TOTAL DOTY/KAREN KAREN-NILEASE 01.67 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41101.1310 KAREN-PRELIN PROCOA BOOK 8.47 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 101.41101.4350 90.14 sVEMWR TOTAL DUANE RITTER EXCAVATING STOR11-CLN 8811 ICURB 720.00 1997 STORM DAMAGE EVENS101.42501.4401 EARL F ANDERSON & ASSOCI SIRLEIS-MAINT SUPPLIES 1,169.55 REPAIR 6 NTC - MACH { ED 101.43120.4044 ELDON DANELKE STORM -CLEANUP 2.490.00 1997'STDRM DAMAGE EVENS 101.42501.4401 �Jc INTERNATIaIAL, IKC PW INSP-SRALL EQUIP 95.10 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.41115.2410 ELK RIVER QITUMINGJS INC STREETS -CP SUPPLIES 53.25 NISC OPERATIN3 SUPPLIES 101.0120.2111 EXECUTRAIN ELVER O-WINDW 95 180.00 RISC ODERATIN3 SUPPLIES 435.41201.2109 FAIR/WILLIAX MAYOR FAIR -TRAVEL EXP 38.16 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41110.1310 FeeORITE CDRTULS, Ih'C. WATER -T POTABLE 60.00 RISC PRDFESSIOMAL SERVIC 101.49440.3191 MATER -CHEMICALS 2,991.65 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 601.0440.2160 2,05/,65 (VENDOR TOTAL FLOCH'S QAPjR SERVICES, LIQLOR-OP SUPPLIES 70.20 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 609.41164.2140 FLUICLk TCOL CWAYY LE4ZQ-P&f!"'3 RE VALVE 203.71 EOUIPMENI WAIR PARTS 602.49490.2210 FVxNTLIKE PLC3 ICI 6 CE FIC24EII WAIR { RAINT 1,253.2 REPAID 6 RTC - V hICLES 101.12201.4050 vYLE.O 0r6AVATIN3 i KA-ZY 5T MdlR1A:/LCAO1N 10 2.633.75 IG67 STORM CANAGE EGENO 101.42101.4401 CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-V0/.30 PAGE 3 CLAIM INVOICE POO F/P 10 LINE 087 00045 DIT 00016 011 OCCAT 007 00018 OB1 00049 1012-913636 rias OB1 OOOSO 017 00053 017 00051 011 00052 011 00054 001 00055 001 00050 097 00057 001 OOOSO t01 00059 C81 GONG C07 CCC51 Cal CCC52 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 07/24/97 15:58:16 Schedule of BMs BL540R-VO4.30 PAGE 4 "VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT MAKE FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POS F/P 10 LINE 04 K SERVICES ENV CHARGE, SALES"TAX 91.01 M1SC OTHER EXPENSE 101.13120.1399 087 00072 UNIFORMS 88.68 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43115.4170 E'LMER, ROSE 037 00066 UNIFORMS 26:10 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43110.4110 JOHN S 087 00065 NOS 54.12 REPAIR 6 RTC - BUILDINGS '609.42754.4010 LIQUOR STORE 087 00070 UNIFQGS 40:24 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.46201.4170 LUCACH 087 00068 RUGS 45.36 REPAIR 6 NTC - BUILDINGS 101.43127.4043 PUBLIC WORKS 087 00071 UNIFORMS 80.42 UNIFOW RENjAL 602.49490.4110 RICH, JOHN M 087 00063 UNIFORMS 11.92 UNIFORM RENTAL 501.49440.4170 RICH, MATT 081 00064 UNIFORMS 28.10 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 SHOP RAGS 011 OD059 UNIFQRNS 186.89 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43120.4110 STREETS 081 00067 711.14 -VENDOR TOTAL GARTNER'S OFFICE PRODUCT CITY HAIL- OP SUPPLIES 54.76 RISC OPERATING1UPPLIES 101.41940.2199 087 00073 GENERAL OFFICE PRODUCTS CITY HALL-GEN OP 34.14 RISC REPAIR 6 ATC SUPPLI 101.41940.2299 20892545 081 00074 GENERAL RENTAL CENTER , MATER-EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 15.06 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 601.49440.2210 087 00075 SHOP-NISC OP 30.95 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.13121.2199 017 00076 NA7ER4ISC OP 39.63 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 601.49440.2191 081 00077 06.64 sVENOOR TOTAL GRANO IRRIGATION INC. BOH FOS-REPAIR 305.00 BIOSOLITS FARM EXPENSES 602.49110.4385 NO 10509 OA1 00060 GRIOGS, COOPER'6 COMPANY L10:'OR STORE 11,06 FREIGHT 609.49150.3310 FREIGHT 087 000111 LIQUOR STORE 14.I= LIQUOR 609.49TS0.2510 LIQUOR 007 00002 LIQUOR STORE 121.96 M1SC TAXABLE 609.49150.2510. MIS TAXABLE 007 OQOC4 LIQUOR STORE Slam MINE 609.49150.2530 NINE 01.7 00003 610.01 $VENDOR TOTAL GROSSLEIN GEVERACE INC. LIQUOR STORE 11,015.15 BEER 609.19150.2620 CEEB 001 OODO6 LIQUOR STORE 39:15 RISC TAXABLE 609.49160.2540 MISC'TAXABLE 007 00101 11.054.10 NVEROOR TOTAL HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC. WINS CUILT 61.50 RISC PROTESDIONAL SERVIC 436.49201.3110 GOT 00000 HANCO DATA PRODUCTS LIQUOR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 21:61 M1SC OPERATIN3 SUPPLIES 609.49154.2199 C07 00309 HARRY'S AUTO 5JPPLY (� SHGP-OP SUPPLIES 36.IS MISC OPERATIN3 SUPPLIES 101.13121.2199 C07 00110 SHOP-SIALL 1QU1„9 91.62 SMALL TOCIS 6 EQUIPMENT 101.43121.2110 087 03129 UTREETS-EQUIP REPAIR PTS 20.78 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PAQTS 101,A3120.2210 037 OU 130 STRFETS-OP SUPPLIE3 6.79 M1CC OPERATING SUP?LIE3 101.43120.2199 07 C3131 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ^1/24/91 15:58:16 Schedule of Bills VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY NATER -SMALL TOOLS 23.42 SMALL TOOLS 6 EQU I PIERT 801.49410.2410 NATER-UTIL SYS NAINT 20.63 UTILITY SYSTEM NTCE SUPP 601.49410.2270 NATER -EQUIP REPAIR PRTS 42.39 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 601.4 9440.2210 SEVER -EQUIP REPAIR PITS 62.08 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 602.49490.2210 303.81 *VENDOR TOTAL HASSAN SAND i GRAVEL STORM -TRI ENEI HAU11.10 213.75 1997 STORM OAIUM EIPENS 101.42501.4401 HENRY 6 ASSOCIATES NATER -TURBINE METER 405.63 SMALL TOOLS 6 EQUIPMENT 601.4 9440.2410 HERMES/JERRY LIBRARY CLEANING 227.50 PROF SIV - CUSTODIAL 211.4 5501.3110 HOGLUND BUS COMPANY FIRE -1982 FORD REPAIR 861.45 REPAIR I NTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 HDGLUNO TRANSPORTATI DN ST0t-SWEEPER 560.00 1991 STORM DAMAGE ENPENS 101.42501.4401 �4m OFFICE SOLUTIO.33 LIBRARY -COPIER PAINT 41.60 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 211.4 5501.3190 INTEZNAT103AL INSTITUTE KAREN -DUES 95.00 DUES. MEMBERSHIP 6 SUBSC 101.41301.4330 J N OIL WARY FIRE -FUEL $2.26 MOTOR FUELS 101.42201.2120 S1ReETS-FUEL 2.554.69 MOTOR FUELS 101.4 3120.2120 2.616.95 *VENDOR TOTAL JMASM GROS WHOLESALE L LICUDR STORE 20.25 FREIGNI 509.49750.3330 LIQUOR STORE 196.86 LIQUOR 600.49750.2510 LIQUOR STORE 651,73 MINE 600.49150.2530 966.64 $VENDOR T0TAL MB1 ANDEW T40I010 (10) ANIMALS 95.05 NISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.4 2701.3192 KUK---R 6 =TATE-3. IN A5SE5510 SHVICE5 1,138.29 PGOF SRV - ASSESSIWJ 101.41550.3125 ,11RE NO'J3TAIN FLCW4-G3 FIKZ ANNIVERSARY 143.70 MITE O1NER EXPENCZ 101.4 2201.4390 LOCAT-0 6 IMITG3 SnLE3 SiimEJa'IP CEFAI Q socol ECUICMENT CZ:AIR ;1R74 602.40193.2210 CITY OF MONTICELLO GL540R-VO4.30 PAGE 5 CLAIM INVOICE 7/16 TO 7/31 30940 FREIGHT L I QOOI WINE JI LY P0O F/P 10 LINE 081 00132 087 00133 082 00131 081 00135 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO x7/24/97 15:58:15 Schedule of BMs GLSIOR-VOA.30 PAGE 5 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION MOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POI F/P 10 LINE MARCO BUSINESS PRODUCTS, CITY HALL -TONER 479:25 DUPLICATING & COPY SUPPL 101.41301.2020 087 00105 CITY HALL-TYPNRTER MAIN 175:00 DUPLICATING & COPY SUPPL 101.41301.2020 087 00106 DEP REG -COPIER PAINT 360.00 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41990.3190 087 00107 CITY HALL-CANTRACT 351.32 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41301.3190 SF -2114 087 00108 CITY HALL -COPIER PANTRT 1,801.76 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41301.3190 SF -8800 087 00109 6,167.33 'VENDOR TOTAL MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE PARKS -OP SUPPLIES 890.72 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2199 08700110 STREETS-SEEO 10.38 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 101.43120.2250 087 00111 901.10 'VENDOR TOTAL MCDOHALL COMPANY CITY'MLL-REPAIR & PAINT 799.81 REPAIR & MTC MACH 6 EQ 101.41940.4044 C87 00112 FIRE HALL -REPAIR & MINT 337.00 REPAIR '& RTC - MACH 6 EQ 101.42201.4044 087 00113 LIQ -A/C 6 FREEZER REPR 1,268.58 REPAIR & MIC - MACH 6 EQ 609.49754.4011 167405 081 00114 2,403 39 'VENCOR TOTAL MCNEILUS STEEL, INC. SHOP -OP SUPPLIES 340.00 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2199 139801 007 00115 L;CHELE HE•RTNIG STCRM-TEMP HELP 100.50 1991 STORM DAMAGE EXPENS 101.42501.1401 087 00092 RICHELS TRUCKING, INC LIQLOR-FREIGHT 119.00 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 087 00116 MINNEGASCO UTILITY 9.08 GAS 101.42701.3030 AN SHELTER 007 00119 UTILITY 19.23 GAS 101.41940.3030 CITY HALL 007 00117 UTILITY 10.00 GAS 101.41980.3830 CEP RED 007 00118 UTILITY 33.00 GAS 101.42201.3030 FIRE NALL 001 00122 UTILITY 17.40 CAS 211.45501.3030 LIBRARY 007 00124 UTILITY 16.40 GAS 609.49754.3030 LIQUOR 007 00125 UTILITY 10.01 GAS 101,15201.9030 PARKS 007 00120 UTILITY 172.47 GAS 101.43127.3030 SHOP/GARAGE 007 00123 UTILITY 9.05 OAS 501.49440.3630 NATER 001 00121 100.03 'VENDOR TOTAL M7 COPY SYSTEMS INC ' FIRE•COPY MACHINE PAINT 31.95 MAINTENANCE AC.''EEMENTD 101.42201.3100 C07 00126 1 M.'1 FIRE SERVICE CERT GDA (2) FIREMAN CEDIIFICATE7 70.00 DUES, MEIIEEHDIP 6 SGESC 101.42201.4330 G37 COIB1 MN GLV FINAKE OFICE43 A CA-�* CONFERENCE :69.GO (INFERENCE & SCNDDLS 101.41520.33I0 007 C0127 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO -7/24/97 15:58:16 Schedule of Bills GL500R-VO4.3O PACE 1 VENDOR NAME DESCRIP71ON AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POS F/P 10 LINE MONTICELLO AM INAL CONTRO AN CONTROL CONTRACT 2,259.40 PROF SRV - ANIMAL CTRL 0 101.42701.3120 061 00131 PATTY - TRAVEL 25.20 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42701.3310 017 00139 PATTY-REIMS SUPPLIES 270.66 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42701.2199 06T 00 I40 2,555.26 'VENDOR TOTAL MONTICELLO PRINTING CITY HALL-LETTERHEAD 745.16 PRINTED FORKS 6 PAPER 101./1301.2030 061 0010 kDG INSP-INSP CARDS 186.75 PRINTED FORMS 6 PAPER 101.42/01.2030 011 00142 TRANSP-BUS TICKETS 489.47 PRINTED FORTIS 6 PAPER 610.1900/.2030 007 0014) FIRE-LEDGER SHEETS 94.69 PRINTED FORMS 6 PAPER 101./2201.2030 OST 00 144 1,466.89 'VENDOR TOTAL MONTICELLO TINES LEGAL 3,612.52 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41601.3510 081 DOHS BLDG PERMITS 93.60 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.12101.3520 011 00141 HELP AD-CITY HALL 84.OD GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.41301.3520 011 00147 LICUOR 207.30 ADVERTISING 509.49754.3499 G07 00141 FIRE-ANNIVERSARY 506.10 RISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.42201.4399 017 00119 4,504.22 'VENDOR TOTAL STATCS POWER CO 'WATER L02THEiM 1,571,13 ELECTRIC GO1.49140.9D10 007 00115 STREET LIGHTS 4,127,56 ELECTRIC 101,13160.3710 Oil 07137 NATER 506.64 ELECTRIC 601.49110.3010 01100150 SNEIIER CDLLECIION 25,19 ELECTRIC 602.19190.3010 017 03I51 7,031.12 'VENDOR TOTAL NOINEST BANK MIHMESOTA, REGISTRAR FEES 62.50 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 329.47001.6201 CI1 00152 PAYING ACFAT FEES 200.00 FISCAL AGENTS' FEES 314.11001.5201 011 GO1S3 262.50 'VENDOR TOTAL O.E,1. COSINESS FORMS CITY HALL-COPY PAPER 122.40 DUPLICATING 6 COPY SUPPL 101.41301.2020 007 G0154 O'NEILL/4EFF JEFF-TRAVEL 102.60 TRAVEL EIPENSE 101.41910.3310 OD7 COIR JEFF-CELL PONE 111.12 TELE?3'.OME 101.41910.3210 007 C3159 351,10 'VEROOR TOTAL CLO 6 SONS SLECTRIC, 1 NA' M A THal-APPLIES 27.16 RISC CPERATIN3 APPLIES 101.45201.2199 687 CO155 LICaARY-COMP RAINT 112.0 RISC GEPIIO 6 MTC SUPPLI 211.45501.2203 12353 01 CA? NEIL QSE 02-FCO= DILL 4,ICO.CO IMFROVEMINTS 265.10201,5301 12700 COT CJISS 4,6'3.21 'VENOW TOTAL �IE CALL CCNC__?TS, INC. LCI!AT15-.Ua2 235.0 RISC k7cnICNAL UkVIC C01.1CA40,00 C37 C^,,Q 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 07/24/97 15:58:16 Schedule of Bills 6L540R-VO4.30 PAGE 0 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POU F/P ID LINE PAUSTIS 6 SONS MINE 614.95 MINE 609.49750.2530 087 00162 FREIGHT 14.40 FREIGHT 509.49750.3330 087 00163 689:35 +VENDOR TOTAL PETERSEN'S MONT FORD -MER STREETS -VEHICLE -89 FORD 37.56 REPAIR 6 RTC - VEHICLES 101.43120.4050 087 00164 PHILLIPS COMPLETE TREE 5 STORM-SRUSH/1REE REMOVL 7.630.73 1997 STORM DAMAGE EXPENS 101.42501.4401 087 00150 PHILLIPS MINE 6 SPIRITS LIQUOR 30.00 FREIGHT 609.49750.3330 FREIGHT 087 00165 LIQUOR 2!5.10 LIQUOR 609.49750.2510 LIQUOR 087 00166 LIQUOR 1,328.61 NINE 609.49150.2530 NINE 087 00161 1,592.01 *VENDOR TOTAL I PHOTO I NEHSLETTER-FUJI DEV 9.01 NEWSLETTER 101.41301.3195 087 03172 WHIP -FILM DEV 210.71 PROF SRV - CONSTRUCTION 438.49201.3025 007 00113 1 219.72 $VENDOR TOTAL �NNACLE 013TRIBUTING LIQUDR-NISC TAX 165.05 LIQUOR 609.19150.2510 087 00170 PIONEER CUSTOM CYCLE PAID SIGN PERMIT TWICE 6.00 OTHER NON -BUS LIC 6 PERM 101.32299 087 00169 PIPELINE SUPPLY, INC. FARM 603.75 8IMID5 FARM EXPENSES 6D2.49460.4385 007 00171 PREUSSE'S CLEANING SERVI CLEANIN6/CITY HALL 460.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.41940.3110 007 00111 CLEA11INO/PJB WORKS 150.00 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.41110.3110 OOT 00175 610.00 'VENODR TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GR WWTP CONTRACT 31,259:00 PROF SRV - PSB, INC 602.49400.3080 JULY 007 00170 S6UY FReSH TESTS 1,425.50 RISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 602.49400.3119 2ND OTR 007 00171 35,60/,60 VENDOR TOTAL QUALITY NINE 6 SPIRITS C LIQUOR STORE 1,031.03 LIQUOR 509.49750,2510 LIQUOR CO1 00110 LIQUOR STORE 1,292.30 WINE 609149150.2530 W14E C37 C0110 2,324.13 'VENDOR TOTAL RED'S MOO1L 310EET3-DAS 13.25 LU821CANTS 6 ADDITIVES 101./3120.2110 007 00100 144�' BRC FINAKCIAL SYSTEM /.-,7124/97 15:56:16 Schedule of BMs VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUP RON'S GOURMET ICE ICE -RESALE 1,420.70 RISC MON TAXABLE 109.49750. 2550 ROYAL PRINTING 6 OFFICE RIVERSIDE=OFFICE SUPPLS 61.55 NJ SC OPERATrR SUPPLIES 651.49010.21H PN -AOM -OFFICE SUPPLIES 140.09 RISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.43110. 2019 LIBRARY -OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.79 RISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 211.45501.2019 SN SHELTER -OFFICE SUPPLY 3.11 RISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101,42701. 2011 CITY HALL -SUPPLIES 1.56 RISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41301. 2019 219.46 `VEROOR TOTAL ROYAL TIRE OF MII.VIICELLO DARKS-BATIERIES, TIRES 111.42 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101,45201. 2211 NATER -TIRES 103.93 TIRES 601.49440. 2220 215.35 'VENDOR TOTAL SCHLUENOER CONSTRUCTION ST004EAVY EQUIPMENT 6,209.50 1997 STORK DAMAGE EXPENS 101,42501 .4401 STON 35,114.75 1991 STORM DAMAGE EXPERS 101.42501.4101 43,611.25 OVEN00R TOTAL 'CHROEO R CONTRACTING _ (5) TREES F02 IACD 1.260.00 TREE REPLACEMENT 221.45102 .4391 SHERBURIE COUNTY CITIZEN LIQUOR-AOYERTISIMO 31.00 ADVERTISING 609.49154 . 3111 SIMO= (UMBER COMPANY PM INSP-SMALL IDOLS 15.55 SMALL TOOLS A EQUIPMENT 101.43115 .2410 PARKS-FURN 8 FUTURES 26.61 FURNMRE & FIXTURES 101.41201 .5101 STREETS-OP'SUPPLIES 1,61 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43120 .2191 PARKS -OP SUPPLIES 314.12 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.45201.2119 STOFA4P SUPPLIES 19.11 1991 STORM DAMAGE EXPENS 101.42501 .4191 MATER -EQUIP REPAIR 26.11 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 501.49110.2210 PARKS -OP SUPPLIES 146,21 RISC OPERATIN3 SUPPLIES 101.45201 .2191 113.10 eVENOOR TOTAL SMI TH/NALCOM STORM -VOLUNTEERS MIRROR 43.05 1991 STORM DMACE EXPENS '01,42501 ,4111 SOFTWARE SPECTRUM DATA Pn=SSINS-SOFTIIARE 690112 ,swlwA&E 101,11920.3011 SP.CTRUN SUPPLY CO. S10;K3UFPLIE9 264.01 1413C VERATIK3 SUPPLIES 101.43127 .2119 STRc TS -SUPPLIES 137.91 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 101.13120.2111 PAW SUPPLIES STREETS -S k123 220.19 211.01 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101,45203 239 MEC DiERAT1K3 CXPPLIES 101,42120 .2119 1,341.20 •VENUR TOTAL CITY OF MONTICELLO 61,5409-04.30 PAGE 9 CLAIN INVOICE CLEARINB.HAULC ffm P03 F/P 10 LINE oil 00181 081 00182 087 00183 OBT 00164 08100185 087 00186 D81 00187 67 00108 011 00193 081 00191 1 011 C0192 011 00194 011 00195 OB7 00198 007 00197 D11 00198 011 00199 017 00200 061 00201 DOI D9203 C01 00202 087 00104 001 OJ2J5 001 00X6 Dor o0:.1 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF MONTICELLO 07/24/97 15:58:16 Schedule of Bills GL54CR-VO4.30 PAGE 10 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION ANMT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POO F/P ID LINE ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUP LIBRARY-CLNING SUPPLIES 60.23 CLEANING SUPPLIES 211.'15501.2110 087 00189 IDS TELECOM PARKS 310.82 TELEPHONE 101.45201.3210 087 00210 CITY HALL 1,422.56 TELEPHONE 101.41301.3210 087 00211 FIRE 49.88 TELEPHONE 101.42201.3210 081 00211 ANIMAL 71.76 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 081 00113 MATER 117.31 TELEPHONE 601.49440.3210 087 00214 PUBLIC NORMS 1,234.80 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 087 00215 DEP REB 179.55 TELEPHONE 101.41990.3210 081 00216 LIQUOR 236.98 TELEPHONE 609.49154.3210 081 00217 3,623.66 *VENDOR TOTAL TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS, LIQUOR- COMP EQUIPMENT 2,662.50 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 509.49754.5702 087 00208 LIQUOR -MACHINE REPAIR 152.65 REPAIR 6 MTC - MACH 6 EQ 609.49754.4044 087 00209 2,815.15 'VENDOR TOTAL UNITED LABORATORIES GARAGE -CLEANING SUPPLIES 208.12 CLEANING SUPPLIES 101.43127.2110 067 00223 l FILTER-WAWRO NATER -METERS FOR RESALE 18,000.00 METERS 6 VALVES FOR RESA 601.49440.2271 087 00219 WATER4EPAIR 6 MAINT 88.20 REPAIR 5 MTC - MACH 6 EO 601.49440.4044 007 00220 16,080.20 'VENDOR TOTAL US NEST DIRECTORY ADVERT PUBLIC WORKS -PHONE BKS 23.78 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.43110.2199 087 00210 YELLOW PACES 30.40 ADVERTISING 609.49754.3499 067 00238 54.10 OVENDDR TOTAL USA WASTE SERVICES, INC MAY BILLING 1,491.47 PROF SRV - REFUSE CODEC 101.43230,3100 017 00221 JUNE BILLING 5,409.13 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLEC 101.43230.3100 007 00222 12,900.50 'VENOOR TOTAL VEIT 6 COMPANY STORM-DECRIS P/U 90,199.00 1987 STORM DAMAGE EXPERS 101.42501.4401 081 00727 VIKING COCA COLA LICUOR-TAX MISC 406.05 RISC TAXABLE 609.40750.6540 081 00224 CITY HALL -POP 209.00 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41940.4399 007 00225 595.05 OVENDOR TOTAL WAZIN3 LITES OF MIN STREETS -OP SUPPLIES 1,071.30 MISC OPERATIG3 5UPPIIE3 101.43120.2109 001 00231 �_,ATSON COMPANY. INC/FME L1C'JOR-TAX MISC 307.30 MISC TAXABLE 600.40750.2540 COT 4126 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF P OITICELLO 11/24/91 15:51:16 SctWule of 81114 6L610R404.30 PAGE 11 VENOOR RARE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT CUIN INVOICE POI FIT) 10 LINE WHITE, JR/EUGENE F LIQUOR -FLAGPOLE 1,303.56 1997 STORM DAMAGE ENPENS 101.42501.1101 161,1 Oli 00232 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TR SCERG GRANT REINS 2.760.51 GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 222.46501.6601 087 00233 ARIGHT HENNEPIN SECURITY FIRE-KNITORIKG 55.91 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.42201.3190 081 00228 OEP REO -MONITOR[ NO 19.12 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41990.3190 081 00229 PARKS-NOWITORING 15.98 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.45201.3190 Olt 00230 91.01 *VENDDR TOTAL WRIGHT-NENNEPIN COOP ELE STREET LIGHTS -GI LLARD 8.00 ELECTRIC 101.43160.3810 Oil 00231 ELECTC-0 FARMS 15.41 RISC OTHER EXPDISE 416.49201.1399 Oil 00235 23.41 IVENDOI TOTAL Y.M.C.A. OF MINNEAPOLIS CONTTUICT 625.00 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 101.16111.3199 JULY 081 00236 IEE MEOICAL SERVICE LIOUOR-SUPPLIES 63.10 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 609.49751.2199 081 OD237 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM +1/24/97 15:58:16 VEENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION REPORT TOTALS: Schedule of Bills AMOUNI ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACCOUNT 266.392.05 RECORDS PRINTED - 000235 CITY OF MONTICELLO GLSAOR-VO4.30 PAGE 12 CLAIM INVOICE POO F/P ID LINE BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 4 17/24/97 16:00:15 Schedule of Bills FUND RECAP: FUND DESCRIPTION DISBURSEMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 149,827.28 211 LIBRARY FUND 1,307.36 222 SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) 2,760.51 224 SHADE TREE FUND 1,250.00 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FO 23.86 255 MATER ACCESS FUND 4,400.00 314 1977-1,-: ,-3 G.O. MID FUND 200.00 329 1995A G.O. MID FUND 62.50 435 93-14C ND4TP EXPANSION PRJ 5,399.01 601 NATER FU.RO 22,SB3.51 602 SERER FUND 37,442.16 609 KJNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND 39,306.52 610 TRANSPORTATIOU FUND 499.41 551 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 1,179.10 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 266,392.05 v GANN RECAP: EANN NAME DISCURSEMENTS GEAL GFNFRAL CHECAIN3 221,005.53 LIOR LIQUOR CXZCAIN3 39.305.52 IOTAI ALL PANNS 266,392.05 THE PRECEDING LIST Or 11LLS PAYABLE WAS REVIEM20 AND APPrX0 FOR PAYRTNT. DATE ............ APFI00VED GY................................. I CITY OF OWTICELLO GL060S-VOA.30 RECAPPAGE GL54OR CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST Industrial Development Committee (IDC) At the Council meeting of July 14, the IDC requested the City Council consider a joint workshop between the Council, IDC members, and staff. The suggested date of August 18 was selected with one Council member noting he was unable to attend. At the July 17 IDC meeting, IDC members felt the importance of the workshop required the attendance of all Council members and requested the Council consider rescheduling the date of the workshop. Monday evening appears the preference. IDC members will conduct the workshop and the presentation to include supporting data and perhaps some case studies. Non -Council Monday's: September 1 ( labor Day) September 15 LIeptember 29 j 1 by 011e Koropchak