City Council Agenda Packet 09-22-1997AGENDA 1 REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 22, 1897 - 7 p.m - Mayor: Bill Fair Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held September 8, 1997. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 5. Consent agenda, A. Consideration of authorizing exchange of quit claim deeds --Georgia Gould Estate. 1 B. Consideration of approval of final plat, development agreement, and disbursement agreement --River Mill Second Addition. C. Consideration of purchase of 185 cfm trailer -mounted air compressor. D. Consideration of purchase of equipment trailer for street and parks department. E. Consideration of approval of wetland mitigation plan for Cardinal Pond subdivision. Applicant, John Leerssen. 8. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of amendment to the comprehensive plan for the City of Monticello generally affecting the Downtown/Riverfront District Area. Applicant, Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority. 8. Consideration of adopting a resolution indicating intent to develop a joint City/National Guard Community and Training Center. 9. Consideration of mviewing terms of purchase of Marquette Bank building for use as city hall. 10. Consideration of authorizing preparation of comprehensive park plan. Ak Agenda V Monticello City Council September 22, 1997 Page 2 11. Update on requests by Township land owners to become part of the city. 12. Consideration of bills for the last half of September. 13. Adjournment. MINUTES REGULAR MEEPING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL 1 Monday, September 8, 1997.7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD AUGUST 25, 1997, AS WRITTEN. Voting in favor. Roger Carlson, Brian Stumpf, Clint Herbst, Bill Fair. Abstaining: Bruce Thielen. Motion carried. 3. onaideration of ad ins items to thp agentia. A. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUM PF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ADD ITEM 012 REGARDING CHANGE ORDER #6 FOR THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT TO THE CONSENT AGENDA. Motion carried unanimously. B. Mr. Mike Gair of Lyman Development requested that the Council discuss a letter written by the Monticello Township Board regarding annexation petitions. Mayor Fair noted that the item would be added to the end of the agenda, 4. riti7png com n atnetiitiona. req +psand omp nin s. None. A, Co aid rn Ion of an nmPnttmPnt to thp. rnning ordinance s 6 iahine anhhe schools as an interim wiea in the 1-1 .one_ App i Ant. Mninticelln A,hhe SrhonlA. Recommendation: Approve the zoning ordinance amendment establishing school uses as an interim use in the 1.1 zone. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 295. Page 1 (D Council Minutes - 9/8/97 rnngideration ofan annlic ation for an interim ,ap permit allowing a puhlir use in an I-1 zone. Applicant- Monti llo �hlir Ghnnls. Recommendation: Approve issuance of an interim use permit to the Monticello School District to operate an alternative school program at 1248 Oakwood Drive East with the following conditions: 1. Interim Use Permit will terminate on August 31, 1998. Extension of the use of the subject property for public school purposes beyond the termination date may only be granted through reapplication to the City. 2. The District agrees to stripe the existing parking lot in a way which maximizes the paved area for efficient parking supply and circulation. 3. The District agrees to expand parking area at the direction of the City. The City will direct expanded parking based on the City's observation of parking demand which causes the use of on -street parking at any time. 4. The use of the subject property will be for alternative classroom use during normal school and evening hours but no later than 10 p.m. The property will not be used for any other use. b. The District may occupy the building during remodeling only at the direction and under conditions identified by the Building Official. 6. The District shall make every effort to avoid permanent changes to the building which, in the opinion of the Building Official, would not be characteristic of an industrial use. Approval is based on the finding that the proposed use will not interfere with the City's long-range objectives of encouraging industrial development in the area due to the temporary nature of the permit and the minimal alterations to the property. C. ConaidsmUnn nfnpilroving final plat and doveloper agreement for 1Q in Farms 4th Addition. Recommendation: Approve the development agreement and final plat for the iQein Farms 4th Addition contingent on final review of the plat by the City Engineer and Public Works Director. Page 2 Council Minutes - 9/8/97 D. Consideration of adoptinc, a resolution accepting bids. awarding contract and ordering project for 10 'n Farms 4th Addition- ProUec 97-04C. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution accepting bids, awarding contract to Barbarossa & Sons, Inc., and ordering project for the Klein Farms 4th Addition, Project 97.04C, contingent on approval of the associated final plat and development agreement. SEE RESOLUTION 97-45. E. Consideration of authorizing purchase of a new computer forte Recommendation: Approve purchase of a laptop computer for the building department as requested at a cost not to exceed $2,890. C_onaid ration of rhanap. order p6 on the wastewater re tm nt plant construction projed, Recommendation: Approve change order N6 in the amount of $12,682.50 for the wastewater treatment plant construction project, Project 93.14C. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of ite i removed from the consent Agenda for discuagion. None. .onaid ration of n ampridment to the comprehpngive plan for thn City of Monticello Frenerally fP inthe Downtown River Distriet Area.Applicant. Monticello Housing and Retinypinjimpnt Authority. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO TABLE CONSIDERATION OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UNTIL THE SEPTEMBER 22 MEETING TO ALLOW ADDITIONAL TIME TO REVIEW THE AMENDMENT. Motion carried unanimously, Jerry Shannon of Springsted, Inc., estimated the general obligation improvement bonds to finance the Klein Farms 4th Addition and High School Trunk Storm Sewer projects at $2,300,000. Project costa would be payable primarily from special assessments and area trunk charges, which would be certified in 1998 for first collection in 1999. Page 3 0 Council Minutes - 9/8/97 For the Klein Farms 4th Addition project, it was assumed that assessments would be prepaid as the development progresses. Based on past history of the developer and other similar projects of the City, it was estimated that for each of the first two years, 30% of outstanding assessments would be prepaid, 40'% of outstanding assessments prepaid in the third year, and 50% each year thereafter. The High School trunk storm sewer portion of the project would be payable over ten years with minimal payments. Mr. Shannon noted that the bonds would be offered for sale on Monday, October 27, 1997, and considered by the Council at their meeting scheduled for October 27. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF $2,300,000 IN GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS TO FINANCE THE 97-07C AND 97.04C IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AS RECOMMENDED BY SPRINGSTED, INC. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 97-46. Consideration of authorizing a comprehensive park plan was tabled until the September 22 Council meeting pending submittal of a work plan by City Planner Steve Grittman. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the budget summaries and capital outlay expenditures were prepared under the alternative of using the maximum levy allowed by the Department of Revenue, assuming that additional discussion would occur in future workshop sessions prior to the final budget being adopted in December. He noted that state legislators have established levy limits for cities, which results in an overall levy limitation for Monticello for 1998 of $2,784,206 after deduction of state aids (HACA). To this amount, the City is allowed to add any tax levies needed to cover debt service payments, which amounts to $1,232,807. Of the $627,785 increase in the debt service levy, more than $541,000 is necessary for the first levy on the wastewater treatment plant project. If the maximum amount is levied as allowed by the State, the total overall levy would be $4,017,013. Because the tax levy cannot be increased once the maximum preliminary levy has been set, Wolfsteller suggested that the Council adopt a resolution using the maximum tax levy allowed, which can then be lowered during future budget workshops prior to final adoption. He did note, however, that the only drawback to using the maximum levy is that the County would use that amount for notices to the residents of anticipated taxes for 1998. Page 4 1 , Council Minutes - 9/8/97 Councilmember Clint Herbst noted his opposition to adopting the nun . urn levy and suggested that the Council set a specific increase for the levy and work to meet that goal rather than adopting the maximum amount. Council discussed the pros and cons of approving the maximum levy, and it was noted that if a lower levy limit is adopted prior to discussing specifics of the budget, the City may not be able to complete some of the projects planned for 1998. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED 13Y BRUCE THIELEN TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION SETTING THE 1998 PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND RESULTING TAX LEVY AT $4,017,013. Voting in favor. Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen, Bill Fair, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Clint Herbst. Motion carried- SEE RESOLUTION 97-47. It was the consensus of Council to set a budget workshop date of Tuesday, October 14, 1997, at 5 p.m. It was also the consensus of Council to set the Truth in Taxation public hearing for Wednesday, December 3, 1997, at b p.m., and the public hearing continuation date for Wednesday, December 10, 1997, at b p.m., if needed. Public Works Director John Simola reported that the Parks Commission and Monticello Community Partners have requested that Council consider maintaining the pathways throughout the winter. This item was listed as a high priority for Council consideration in the priority -setting process. It was also discussed in 1996 along with review of bids for snow removal equipment and discussions of contracting pathway maintenance. The Council's decision at that time was not to clear the pathways during the winter months. Simola noted that he may be able to obtain bids for pathway maintenance if bid by the hour; however, a total contract amount could not be estimated unless the contract was bid by the season. He also noted that $25,000 is budgeted yearly for pathway maintenance, a portion of which could be used to pay the debt on snow removal equipment. Council discussion focused on the cost of purchasing equipment versus contracting the winter pathway maintenance. It was suggested that the City contract for winter maintenance the firat year to see how much the pathways are used prior to purchasing equipment. Page 5 (i) Council Minutes - 9/8/97 AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROGER CARLSON TO INVESTIGATE KEEPING THE PATHWAYS OPEN DURING THE WINTER BY MEANS OF OBTAINING BIDS FOR CONTRACTING PATHWAY MAINTENANCE. CLINT HERBST AMENDED THE MOTION TO ALSO OBTAIN BIDS ON THE SKID LOADER WITH BLOWER. BRUCE THIELEN ALSO AMENDED THE MOTION TO OBTAIN BIDS ON THE TRACKLESS TYPE OF SNOWPLOW/BLOWER. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. Voting in favor: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Bruce Thielen, Bill Fair. Opposed: Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. 12. Co aid ra .ion of hand ord r #6 on h w a ewa er tren .m nt ptan . construction prQiect. This item was added to the consent agenda as item 5F. 13. Coni±ideration o£ ndnp .ion of governance model and prQjgrt prioritization ligtin . In his report to Council, Chief Building Official Fred Patch stated that atter reviewing comments from commission members regarding the community vision statement and governing policies, several changes were incorporated into the draft for Council review such as deleting "spiritual" values under item #2, and the roles of City Council and the City Administrator were clarified under Management/Governance Linkage Policies. Councilmember Bruce Thielen stated that it will be difficult to know whether the policy is working without performance measures included which can be reviewed annually. Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill suggested that each department be measured over time for effectiveness by listing goals and using measurements against the goals. In addition, he stated that the priority list could be checked against the budget to see if projects have been completed. Fred Patch suggested that each department or commission choose five items from the list as goals for the year. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN TO ADOPT THE COMMUNITY VISION AND GOVERNANCE POLICY WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT COUNCIL WILL REVIEW THEM ON AN ANNUAL BASIS, AND STAFF IS DIRECTED TO CREATE PERFORMANCE MEASURES TO USE IN THE PROCESS. BILL FAIR AMENDED THE MOTION TO STATE THAT THE POLICY AND ASSOCIATED GOALS BE REVIEWED IN OCTOBER EACH YEAR IN CONJUNCTION WITH BUDGET DEVELOPMENT. THE AMENDED MOTION WAS SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON. Motion carried unanimously. Page 6 0 Council Minutes - 9/8/97 14. Congideration of eatahliahinv Rdicy on empinype edLcationni/t_raini" BSIDlOBi6• Chief Building Official Fred Patch reported that the governing policies of the City establish that the City Council and City Administrator will provide opportunities for training and professional development directed to purposes of the City, which is intended for City Council, commission members, and staff. While seminars and conferences held within the state have been attended by staff, national/out-of--state conferences and seminars have not been attended. Patch requested permission to attend either the Building Officials Conference of America (BOCA) conference or the International Conference of Building Officials ( ICBG) conference at a cost slightly in excess of $1,600. In addition, he requested that Council establish guidelines in cooperation with the City Administrator providing for future out-of-state travel for training and professional development for staff. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller noted that the personnel policy does provide for and encourage staff training, and each year's budget includes money for staff oonferences/training. No Council action was necessary, as the governance policy adopted in the previous agenda item authorizes the City Administrator to provide opportunities for training and personal development directed to the purposes of the City or as related to job performance. 16. Conoid ration of Ella for the est wlfnf Se amhPr, 1997. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF SEPTEMBER AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. The Mayor called a short recess to allow time to review a letter received from the Monticello Township Board regarding annexation petitions. 16. Other mat pro. iTT.'T!T:T:'1gZ3uRTT1i � , .�� : , � , .�T,T:T.•.itT Mayor Fair noted that he had now reviewed the proposal from the Monticello Township Board regarding modifications to the existing orderly annexation agreement. The Mayor then allowed the developers who requested discussion of the item to address the Council. Pagel 9 Council Minutes - 9/8/97 John Johnson, consultant civil engineer assisting in development of the Shermer property, requested that Council consider expediting annexation of the parcels not in dispute so that they can continue development plana by making application to the City. Steve Ryan of Lyman Development also requested that the annexation process be expedited and requested feedback from the Council on their intentions. Janice DeMars, representing Art and Darlene Anderson, requested that the City consider annexation of the 40 -acre parcel on the southeast side of Monticello even though it was not addressed by the Township in their letter. Although the parcel is not in the urban service area, it is located in the orderly annexation area. Councilmember Brian Stumpf stated that he did not feel the subcommittees of the Council and Township were given enough time to negotiate an agreement for consideration. Councilmember Bruce Thielen suggested that, since City staff only just received the Township's letter the Friday before the meeting and the Mayor only received the letter a few minutes ago, the Council acknowledge receipt of the letter and put the item on the next Council agenda to allow staff time to review and comment. Council also discussed the last action taken by the Council regarding the annexation petitions, which was to accept all of the petitions and forward them to the Minnesota Municipal Board either jointly with the Township or on a contested basis without the Township. Therefore, staff' was directed to forward the petitions to the Municipal Board for consideration and place the Township's letter on the next Council agenda for discussion. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN To ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Karen Doty Ofiico Manager Page 8 (9 Council Agenda - 9/22/97 8A. Consideration of authoriAng exchange of quit rlsdm d s- Georasa Gftt1dYatat®. (R.W.) A REFERENCE AND BA .K GRO TND: Mr. Brad Larson, attorney for the estate of Georgia Gould, has requested the City of Monticello exchange quit claim deeds with the estate to clarify a legal description that describes the boundary of the Gould estate and the East Bridge Park parking lot property. Apparently, Mr. Larson feels that the legal description of the Gould property could be better clarified by rewording the legal description, and an exchange of quit claim deeds between the abutting property owner allows both parties to acknowledge the correct legal description. The quit claim deeds and information have been reviewed by Mr. David Usset, partner of City Attorney Paul Weingarden, who does not find a problem with the request and indicates that the exchange of quit claim deeds would be appropriate. If the Council is in agreement, the Mayor and myself would execute the quit claim deed on behalf of the City. B. ALTFRNATIVF ACTIONS; 1. Authorize the Mayor and Administrator to execute a quit claim deed clarifying the boundary line of the City parking lot parcel and the boundary line of the Georgia Gould estate parcel. 2. Do not authorize execution of quit claim deed. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the quit claim deed be authorized for execution. The City Attorney has reviewed the request and indicates the exchange of deeds to clarify the boundary description is appropriate. Copy of proposed quit claim deed and correspondence. OLSON, USSET & WEINGARDEN P.L.L.P. A7TOYXK" AT 1ww + sum no 6500 PARK GIV7 ROAD 12GAL A556TANn PAUL A WEUIGARDEN• &a?4IEAP0L6, MN SU16 SHIRM AU" CN DAVM J. USSET DEUA RAM 7BON0 a, OLSDN" TELEPHONE (61Ibi&J 1n.N FORM DENNM C DALEN FAX (612013- 7f 1RIJ.Y OMN •A[nA CERTMED U" FROM" DSQAUrr HONNR TRONNES ROMFORD OFRCE TELEPHONE (617)177.5010 ouamENo. 7975(114) September ], 1997 City of Monticello 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55372 Attn: Rick Wolfsteller Re: Proposed Exchange of Deeds between Margaret E. Gould (personal representative) and the City of Monticello Dear Rick: In follow up to the above matter, enclosed please find the following: 1. A copy of our letter to Mr. Brad Larson dated August 7, 1997 basically indicating that I felt the exchange of quit claim deeds was appropriate. 2. Mr. Larson's letter to me dated August 27, 1997. 3. The original proposed Quit Claim Deed from the City of Monticello in favor of Sandra Lee Gould as personal representative of the estate of Georgia E. Gould. I have no problem with the City executing the enclosed deed. Accordingly, this matter should be brought to the Council's attention and a decision made as to whether or not the deed should be signed. Should either you or the Council require any further input from me, I would be happy to speak with you. Assuming the deed is acceptable and is agreeable to the City, the City should have this deed properly signed and notarized and returned to our office. 1 will then coordinate providing it to Mr. Larson with tho appropriate aosurances that the deed from the estate back to the City with all oupporting documentation in properly completed and filed of record. Sincerely, David Uooet DJU:oa Enclooure OLSON, USSET & WEINGARDEN P.L.L.P. FILE COPY PAUL A. WEINGARDEN• DAYID L USSrI THOMAS & OLSON" DENKS L DALES •�A CMMW REAL MGM" OLMIaI ••NO&OYig®OVLT 6TWYLlT OFR FTU No. 7 975 (114 ) Mr. Bradley V. Larson Attorney at Law 313 West Broadway P.O. Box 446 Monticello, MN 55362 ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUITE 700 1500 PARK GUEN ROAD MINNEAPOLIS. NN SM16 TELEPHONE (611pLSJW FAX (611IP25a" August 7, 1997 Re: Estate of Georgia E. Gould City of Monticello Dear Brad: LEGAL ASSOTANTS KIM FORTIN KELLY OLSON RONNIE TRONNFS ROCIGORD OFFICE TELEPHONE (612)471.5010 I have had an opportunity to review the information you provided to our office by your letter of August 5, 1997. I will recommend to the City of Monticello to exchange quit claim deeds with your client as specified in your original request, subject only to the following requirements or suggestions: 1. I would suggest that the legal description in the quit claim deed from the City of Monticello read: that part of Lots 1 and 5, Block A, Townsite of Monticello, lying easterly of a line being 15 feet easterly of and parallel to the westerly boundary line of said Lots 1 and 5. 2. I would suggest that the legal description in the deed from the estate to the City of Monticello read: that part of Lots 1 and 5, Block A, Townsite of Monticello, lying westerly of a line being 15 feet easterly of and parallel to the westerly boundary line of said Lots 1 and 5. 3. In addition to the quit claim deed in favor of the City, I would require that there be filed of record with the County Recorder appropriate oupporting documentation for the conveyance by the estate, including certified copies of the lettere testamentary (certified on or after the date in the quit claim deed), and a certified copy of the will and the order admitting the will to probate if it is a testate estate. 4. Per my previous letter to you of Auguot 4, 1997, I will leave it up to you so to whether or not you want the grantee in your client's dead to be the eotate or the personal representative of the eotate. Mr. Bradley V. Larson August 7, 1997 Page 2 I will be out of the office from August 8 until August 18. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, David J. Usset DJU:sa cc: Rick Wolfsteller 674 OV David J. Usset Olson, Usset do Weingarden, PLLP Suite 310 4500 Park Glen Road Minneapolis, MN 55416 Re: Estate of Georgia E. Gould/City of Monticello Dear David: Pursuant to our communications herewith enclosed please find the final proposed deed for execution by the City. I also a photocopy of the deed I am having signed by the Personal Representative. Upon my receipt of these two executed deeds back 1 will cause them to be recorded along with a certified copy of current Letters Testamentary and a certified copy of the Will. I will copy you with the cover letter and proposed documents and after recording will provide you with photocopies of the recorded documents as well for the City's file. If you should have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your cooperation. 1 would look forward to receiving lack the deed. Respectfully. METCALF. LARSON Bt MUTH, P.A_ By. Brttdlbr .,,,,� B VL:ds cc: Sandra Gould Enclosure SA- q Metcaf, f, Larson & Muth, P. A. ATMRNMATLAW 3,3 Wot Bmm&nq eo aataw Imo, Nm== 55362 04 6aADUT V. LHON August 27, 1997 LON ��-TRa. `NrAL S7EVENJ. 64TH JAMU G. AMAU, or taus. TELEMONE (tlm3-lm (612) 295-3232 FAX (612) 295.3132 David J. Usset Olson, Usset do Weingarden, PLLP Suite 310 4500 Park Glen Road Minneapolis, MN 55416 Re: Estate of Georgia E. Gould/City of Monticello Dear David: Pursuant to our communications herewith enclosed please find the final proposed deed for execution by the City. I also a photocopy of the deed I am having signed by the Personal Representative. Upon my receipt of these two executed deeds back 1 will cause them to be recorded along with a certified copy of current Letters Testamentary and a certified copy of the Will. I will copy you with the cover letter and proposed documents and after recording will provide you with photocopies of the recorded documents as well for the City's file. If you should have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your cooperation. 1 would look forward to receiving lack the deed. Respectfully. METCALF. LARSON Bt MUTH, P.A_ By. Brttdlbr .,,,,� B VL:ds cc: Sandra Gould Enclosure SA- q Fr.IV IMI�WrO.tWO® 1ae_al/�b�Csgaslr l6r.ltlW �Yb., O. h.l ba�l�rl��j rl✓•.Y{,t No ddioMm tnea and tran1(er catered; Catlflute of Red Em Wee ( ) filed ( ) nor reph Certiffrm of Real Em Vdne No, 19_ Canty Auftor by Depy STATE DEED TAX DUE DEAN: Dae: ar+e d arvaw rao FOR VAWAMECONSIDERATION. finofMoalodM a Menicwl Oma mint n undr7 The Int of gate of h1hreb res , G aha, hereby conveys and 9I to AaMra law Could n Pernml Rcpmomttvc of Q,Pof Deralls FL Chadd 01IItlS(f). fest Property In Wdi"t County. Mbomaa, dnvRxd at (mows: Tim put of fab 1 and S. Blas! A. Towmtm of Monticello. Wall Eagerly of a line beft,13 fat Eumly of and pmW to the Westerly boaoduy line of uld LAO 1 and S. EXEMPT CTP STATE DEED TAX STAMPS C art��aaWLtabarrip topttlte with W hdeabammb and bdwgttlt meleto. Affix Dad Tec Swop Nee rrt�g n. STATR OY MIIfB MA By Its COMM OF _ _!'1BrsErr J BY The foreSObj MNumM wo 2g I before tm dib dly of 199E . ,..-_—and_ _ander-._ Of C*J of lea_ under the taws of Stn of,Mlooeama. oo be1W f of Me— MWMLi.n ItNpW rtllalYpmmxaO aYaP �_ aomsw.puoo.cvoweaw �� w a�rrrrntgrrrrora�.rr r.�.rr�rrr�rr Gtargs E. Quaid Emma dosaoftGould ��wtmnt.rawttaarw�rwr�r 9190 Cbwmr Avertae S.W. Draft V. laraau i)oaud lain. MN 33319 MUCAUt.1 ARM d MVM. P.A. P.O. Boa 446 313 Wen Wmdway Monticello, MN 333U 61Yl93�7213 Council Agenda - 9/22197 6B. Conaideratlen of annnnva_l of final pint. development agreement and disbu_rsementactreement--River Mill Second Addition. (J.O.) A F.F .RRN .. AND BACKGROUND: Residential Development, Inc., proposes to construct the utilities for the second phase of the R-2 development of the River 1Nill subdivision, which consists of 34 twinhome lots. The program for construction of utilities is the same as the first phase, which calls for private installation and financing of improvements. Under this option, the developer enters into a development and disbursement agreement. The agreements proposed under the 2nd addition are nearly identical to the agreements for the first phase. Additional language has been added which makes the developer responsible for installation of trees at the time of development of each lot. A copy of the agreements are available at city hall for your review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONG: 1. Motion to approve final plat, development agreement, and disbursement agreement contingent on development of approved engineering plans and specifications. The preliminary engineering work has been completed and approved by the City Engineer; however, specific details regarding construction of utilities has not been completely reviewed and approved by public works or the City Engineer. Therefore, the final plat and development agreements should not be executed until this work is done. 2. Motion to deny approval of the final plat, development agreement, and disbursement agreement. C. ST RFRECOMMENDATION: The City Adlmnistrator recommends alternative #1. D_ RUPPORTING DATA: The final plat and copies of the agreements, including protective covenants, are available at city hall for review. Council Meeting - 9/22/97 5C. Consideration of purchase of a 185 CFTdtrallpr.mounted skit cowsweasor. W.S.) The City's 14 -year-old, 125 CFM trailer -mounted air compressor is in need of replacement. It is not large enough to completely blow the water out of some of our larger irrigation systems, and it has to work hard to keep up with the cleaning of cracks during our crack sealing program. In preparation for the purchase of a new air compressor, we budgeted $12,250 in the 1997 budget. We obtained two quotes on new compressors, one from RDO Equipment Co., of Sauk Rapids, MN, for a Sullair Compressor at a cost of $10,329 plus tax. The second quote is from Carlson Equipment of Roseville, MN, for a new Leroi Air Compressor at a coat of $10,094. The two compressors appear to be comparable; however, the Leroi has a one-year warranty on the engine and a three-year warranty on the compressor, while the Sullair machine has a two- year warranty on the engine and a five-year warranty on the compressor. The first alternative would be to award the purchase of the new compressor to Carlson Equipment at their low price of $10,094 plus tax. The second alternative would be to award the air compressor to RDO Equipment for the Sullair Compressor at $10,329 plus tax based upon the superior warranty of two years on the engine and five years on the compressor versus the one year engine warranty and three year air compressor warranty on the Leroi. The third alternative would be not to purchase a new compressor at this time. C. STAFF FFrO MF.NDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Street & Parks Superintendent that the City Council consider purchasing the Sullair Compressor from RDO Equipment Co. as outlined in alternative q2 for $10,329. Although this compressor is $235 higher in coat than the Leroi, the warranty of the Sullair far exceeds the warranty on the Leroi Compressor, and a single service repair is likely to run much higher than the $235 difference between the two compressors. Copy of the quotes and information on the two air compressors. SEP.- 19' 97IFRI1 10:30 RDOEQUIP. SAUKRAPID TEL: 3202596014 P. 001 j?,DO EQUIPMENT CO. FAX COVER 1APOTER ru:c SP PMa.LK FROM: _lux) xWlll'MYN•1' co. Ituo IISF1) PAW FS VI,ItM EV III SALIr,S & SPRV ICK '1'IIIS A110W COMI'ANIFS Alt 1, IA)CA'I'ICI) A'1': 6700 11WY 10 NW I SAVI( RANDS. MN 56379 IMX: (330) 259-61114 I'IION V.: (320)259-4222 FROM:,S�we ."RD50_AcW NUMBER UI I'A(il;ti:..-� _(INI'I.Ip11N(Il:Uvl!p llll'll'p) CAMMEN'I�.:_ L'UIlkIW1(il lAId1:1C.PtI11 ICK 11da wra W b bMrwdlw a dl pol a* wad an bdirkswl rl n1111 b wblrb U h wldnswd snd arl essirM bd►Iwslhs Ibel 4 psirfrsed I.oltWrwddewd elewod tram i1wlprs wad" glp4sM11n. loft Iowa of IMI wrnsar b pI ON b lrodrw Irllplewl,w wpordlq Arddlw/ra da wraledrwbl� 414bdesdrdIerildia ,lea we ba why w1111rdthat ewjPdbmsdsrdss,wtddbsllwsrIolp4pdIhb ralmwdnpwhahhillp+aWird, flow bate nrAwdObrswwsslroUwlsaisr,phu►rrllf)ola IwwrdWrfl bl bbvb" sold Irtw• IM wldbul ro m's town st lbr www rddim Ile antis. rbald brnbr. IUA Vow 5c dop SEP. -19' 971FR11 10:31 RDO EQUIP. SAURRAPID TEL 3202596014 P.002 aftDo. mx%Mco Amoco b a COD rwDo oodm MANNAU Moo weA. roo lo►w... wr 70f o�.rrr ..iri l9p V4= YL- �1® DI01 !!1! q}4gl110 w-3v4= DM!!m ID�7PIW W- m�maM m�011! XV4MM QUOTATION TO: CT' OF MONTIC'ELLO, DATE: SEPTEMBER 19.1997 MONTICFLLO, MN SSM ATTN: ROGER W6 APPRECIATE VERY MUCH THE OPPORTUIQTV TO QUOTE YOU THE FOLLOWING MACHINE: 1997 SYLL.AM 1BSCFM AIR COMPRESSOR $10.129.00 PLUS TAX 100 FT HOSE REEL JACK WACASTER WHEEL ROTARY SCREW COMPRESSOR THREE SERVICE DOORS SWING DOWN COOLER ONE PIECE REMOVABLE CANOPY •X" COINED ROOF ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT HITCH EX -LURE AXLE CURB SIDE INSTRUMENT PANEL CIRCUIT BREAKER IDLE WARM UP VALVE PROTECTING SHUT DOWN SWITCHES TWO STAGE AIR FILTERS 11.10D% CAPACTTV CONTROL PNEUMATIC UNLET VALVE AWF COMIPREMR FLUID S YEAR WARRAMTY ON AIR END 2 YLAR WARRANTY ON THE ENGINE DELIVERY TQ1/6:1-AHI COMPRESSOR FOR IMMEDIATE USE PRIOR TO SAIL - HOSE REEL AND JACK 13-30 DAYS SUBJECT TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF OUR CUSTOMARY ORDER FORM QUOTED BY: STEVE ROSENOW ACCEPT6Dt DATFa APPROVED BY: FIRM NAMY- BY: TITLE: sc ov SEP 19'97IFR I1 10:31 R00 EQI.I1'.SAIIRRAP10 TEL 32025961114 1'.0113 T H E S U l L A I R ImARr MM cOMMSSOI mm Sana DOM swm oma cooto 185 M PIW WWWAnl ulo►T 7• top® loot APAISTMU NOW WCH H user uu PORTABLE AIR COMPRESSOR tanoFnsummFrun I85 CFM AT 100 PSIG-67 I/5 AT 7 BAR MM WAM mu WOW VAIVI not"= SFUFoan svmm TWO SIM AM PILINS 0 To I 00% CAPACITY CMFTl0L PFEUMTK OW run AV" COMtM RUM SULLAIR. Tm I p W 110 130 171 n 111 lel Isil i ill[SIiWI Ito I 4 lOr.,r C14110 Im 171 le 111 115 1!S IIOOWYIm RFV 1,05 &11 OU b.11rC101SW 10o 100 107 IW Im Ia ISD U P—mwFM I a, IM ODIIS min DIR min m161 10450 tKm r4Y e.d rr.07119 119 0`11311947 1011" 01 (AM4 "all OY7051 m. 01A S4.d lfr low 7100 7.50 7100 17(1 7701 2= 1 Id.Y. A h 4 SID too /10 is Opuw{Ah In 111 MD 1750 14) rno 743 _ 0 1111 S1IL7I IID u11•Snr. c..n,-.e la +o Io 1• Io Io .o 1"1114 IN Rb --61 LA u 1 w (w O.:R v ft 1D .0 /0 10 10 10 e0 o Ir llr cIg111-f. 7S 11n 15 T 15 11 11 11 17 11 11 11 11 r.a u lis eR 411 eR u1 n5 111 t— cwrreml LLL to -ft s Sb171 W Q) ,• (71 ,• (71 .1 M.. IT) Y' 11) W w S—. C—. 1 U. I o a a o e o 7111 S{Ii� 1)I (r.91s.01r Up -,4d 1 . 1 . 1 I/f (/r410D,W--1)NAll /tl Asold 'I*—"Ft I.Y IU 111 111 II) 1.3 113 _ 16mm Wi r.1*1 71e 7MS 7115 IM 1115 1M1 7/y O)I111C11id 1W 71.0 110 IRO 1.10 1710 7.10 -_ _ 1gs•..r. Ia 1S ILIs 1urS Isrs 1•n _ 17011 17075 rr6-6rtn 510 _!10 1.1 510 _ _111 110 V a 1¢-W� Hs SII S.S So YS SI..S Ls � M 11 M Y Y Is .1 - T Its O.r 1p w-11 V%a P o-1-9 L...-rrll SS if 'S SS fs SS s1 O ,^ 64 /0110-41• 750[1 7Sm 75m 140 1101 5500 .}510 �y I. W. 1/111s57r1 I1111fAI11 Ill l 111171 11111"(0 I /s 1 115110 Irs 1115110 I /III IVa I I.Oay11s7 r,/.-1! _ 9171- 7111 _11)1 1191 1.1 ?Sol 7191 ���. _ __ 7W Tp1 !•1 1W 1111 TY_ __ TIY �.�-u. a o le n • a a _ RfA-eAr L L 11 Y 4 M_ w P LIAR JOIN IrtOr.111eR`0-x)1/1 )11001/ � ------ Y _ 4 Y 4 4 4 _L Y 1Q0SYI[Ni 00•I�Jl slr -- - --- - 170hLd 190 lm I4 _ ta_ 7a_ _ )10 -- ...J YY.mw,Q r.► -ti 4'111) lint- /!m IIC30 ___-II3 _ 10]) —11"" SEP. -19'971FR11 10:32 RDO EQUIP,SAUNRAPID TEL 320.15960 14 P. 005 0.w C.& om AlaeP10 d baI b► FS Mos Lb 11M.T taw cnvpmm Mms m po ff. rhW bPalr6lhdrnitm S4d.sap.. IUd III, fa sm Oldl Asda d k%kh rly Ysd.. cetm.ala t.da ad to wau dl.b t. c.) rift bA0 h wWo•o7l z d k• Cance pv mowW m cuOAd► he.1."11.4 sake d anre.d ro �. Ia4iuc.s OURM) FW TOM IW UMILITT AD WWLnY Ir.i Saw C.W— m-m-N....db C." (CA b Cb" Nd....l►md IC40.1.aKkft iw. f1.�. D.�fn.61 fdsn Art Svdm Oam wwm c 41` wreb. 'Y" mw. Panhmcd b 6w and INA* aY UO► db dem praH4 mm n.q., twcd rod hrfltf. mb w d1 Mdwkd ah ""M hwmelr. 5"w" IOn h a" ad m NW w —m od ted caroakr.Is l¢a•A!, i pert O.tO k1 Vk- n.r.d mvft werf m . dtmmo Opted WAIT Oh. DwIf". I -1...s dm pcerdl utas r m 0 m IWA, (q dq C.W .ar.q to Clan 6.ok.. Awl (a"— FW Mw h.l m k. mrooort►H► Te— Wft owl ad mlmdd a- IN wlo e.r W KM1dWr Ipma "Moir c►Sat. Mwoolbn. C%d.rtl U bar".Wdmb.* x•01 Aad O T..dY 0� �� 1• dt..ba. �6 OM�.� S..L.dr a. — - Is oft am nal. ao.. St kDe hud 11 S'. 11•, 191). /Mpr Ih f 14Sa+rd cgi.nsWc d YWU 4D 7 Io..k. c6.0himc. h d.aNw tete MucOw �M4w "Im Ta011ad OerrPkl. and r.1k. mn. I.ak.e Qid �ahpW Nqh 4pr1 MCOMCLR Nr rpr o0 pk im i►h p►bd n...ld.ri 1. fi. Sedco Nrt .al.atsp MO.s 4�'-4 d— OA dAd s44. Mr ..i lids mmc Id/ad �.D/ rr.dh L w 50 Owl ud ca.iws Oad lrpsdm nld�.cs II hbo do bbKatw deda0a ra..Wrw. mMM 4diT. A.aM 6* Id w "N ugwna. SWAN'S DFIlolls IN011 YOU M C9110M TNI (OMM11SOl TO AIHT MR @101K IMMIA11m OI1IIbOt ►A14110 FOR FTM YOU 00 MW IVSD. da. we POMP II.am.aw Asse m!.*0 ddd 111dn 1Rlo—wd.0 to wpuod "Wh � .'vr 4dcd bI b..1 Soot mal+ b'b. I A&W.W -IW, w,m p1 sk.d MOO. rob a M*W e►m Ia Ipkn Id woftl peep dd (&ave) Aldatal mdkrq Mw I.kOWAA wwaA r..d IN d1 td a bno pwn fud Orad OW I S' •Mb ad h1 I ao64 nd tam WW pam Lbon d..n. Ihm 6A9 .e.tio pm 14.000 On I tic Nlr .dnlmms 11dab1. WWWAfICK TiOM ANC WRINUM-5840 IIS IOITA/11 CO MiSSOI 0.9-7 law hw4.. O.drdd Mddr Wdow Iupt1 temo llldlb No* 1,86 lks 9to OWd Pmw. lop Nil 1.0 b►SI I, - a wo"I M61 Ooldmro 16 66 b III III to b 4p (p mm — a.. rtWII mm 111d. Iw 10-113 I.W%W 2611 1110 bldlf w Sb SA.S 01 fn 1106110 6/ 1/S 1 s.s-4.s 1711 1130 3171 7037 1713 1035 110 s.1.'/IoM LM ?Sit SPY - 40 K old - - lin 1119 - 1037 1413 1164 - - �y�h.il(r -T• 1.j. bow 0k111Nmmd Cpld.s owl d4nb. dW 56..1 tow A.. OVWa Tpp MW a • Y f" 1lp -4 --- --- -'- -- kw — M parr. Lu 140 1.11 t MIS 1000 N 7195 tog 194 01 O.i 0.r. Awd 4039 1» 0 0.191113 1301n 1911 106 1 390 SI •PM•.—bm C.." la l•aP •I.I I.O aw OW41 4 S UMR• 111110 (MpQAl06 kJPd.k d W.dr.d 1 q.uN va01w 6ka. B.d.W, O.1kyc f fi, w 16U0 Idc/.. 1 J00 W Idd .711619 5161 IU, 219414 1 sW SW W 111011 Cy (1rMa &Orta, 0 f.179, 61600 Sm Mb, lets, (+Oram 031 ?11124 is, lu Un 16111 /l sQ IM Will W W) AM 1111, /1 In Cam Ckb, Orap Ste• NIT, Wal.. 1611 101 1111, dU (IS) 561 17.;, Id. fSH 111 nrd.P k4 fa�ar.a0anrd�.orf .o. 01.wy�Inl WCrmw� tl�'nbaM Ute IIS Ilnl/1p O o so- r 5� lson �pment 0 1380 West County Road C Roseville, MN 55113 633-8171 6338681 Fax 900.387-0161 ® 5010 Hillsb. Avenue N. New I lope, MN 55428 5350203 535-0451 Fax CUSTOMER: CITY OF MONTICELLO. MN. SHIP TO: 909 GOLF COURSE ROAD MONTICELLO, MN 55362 AM: ROGER MACK 2 0 - 0 1 7. quotation El 1801 West 96th Stred Bloomington, NIN 55431 881-7519 881-0860 Fa[ 900-716509 wn 5M NA Iron TERMS 09/17/97 WR,LCALL OUR YARD NET 3p QUANTITY PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 QI83DIE NEW LEROI ISSCFM AIR COMPRESSOR, PORTABLE TRAILER MOUNT WITH JOHN DEERE 4039D 80 BHP DIESEI. ENGINE, DIRECT COUPLED 127.3MM ROTARY SCREW AIR END SPINNING AT ENGINE R.P.M. S (NO SPEED-UP GEARS), THREE YEAR UNLIMITED HOURS WARRANTY ON COMPRESSOR END, FULL GUAGE PANEL WITH AIR CLEANER SERVICE INDICATORS, LOCKABLE 70. FT. TOOL COMPARTMENT. aALED►ERSUN JOHN CARLSON EACH NET TOTAL $9693.00 PLUS TAX -OPTIONS- IW HOSE REEL, TONGUE MOUNTED WITH HAND CRANK $316.00 I TONGUE MOUNT HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE JACKSTAND WITH CASTER $55.00 1 6 WIRE LIGHT PACKAGE $284.00 ACCEPTANCE AND DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES tr ss re rad trro.lw m�ln R..r. mrm suar� r r■�sr M �Owr�+rclro.w rwrerrwr rr ce�or�wrwrr.rdr�l wrwb Ordww..ra r.�.a,wrmr+rec.rr�.� uw arw wRtr•lMrrw raYrr[r,plrrrdlrMrOatmt,pr r7Nltrmr orlR�+res rr wir�r�mP �M/M+ial�marermr�rPraM aAx sar�rderbra. �T flit rieMr,rb �4rRTr1g0�r rl►.rrlaYarrrrs yonOrrl rr �RrtrO ar�rtrrdtrr r.�wrrnmPr♦I,rOp,rar�Rsv�.lrrrrr int rlarraiRwrb Cl AmrOr� Oy �, tYr nrlr .. _ Sc -(o 11 A CompAir Generfil • Asymmetrical Rotary Screw M End Design • Drred Drive Ttru Cotq*V - No Gear • LeROI 100% MoMating Un1oMlWV System • No -110 Alum6arn Knges • Safely Tow Churns • Bkwa Fan for Cod Er clowe • Adjustable Iloighl Tow Eye ' Hrghmpact Double Wag Fenders • Steplrss Engine Speed Control • Full Fbw Engine and Compressor 01 Fdtrrs • Erogie end Cornptossor Air Filters • Thermal By -Pass Volvo • Permsnonl Mtl-Proem (50% mix) • Mb*wn Aesswo Chock Volvo • Automatic Bbwdewn Volvo • Air Presaro RogLLita • Acoustical Stool Housing • H(,atyM [i7ltery (MMnlonnmo Free) Mm,inum 650 CCA . Tod Compuln ont Cutrklo • Roffevablo Tow Ba • urtkv Boll • Sido.By-Sdo Couloto for Ease of • Gat Door Sprkge A 111MM Group Ponmagr 185 Om Portable Air Compressor W__ It General (Cori tboo • No -Rust Poyethylene Fuel Tank • Hemy-Duty Wdo Track lkkfarcarmp • Elodrostatic Powder Paint System la Campelo Corertige to Resist Rust • Rea Bumper • Atljustabfo Smal Jackstwid w,th Ped • Ful Gauge Panel • No load Stan -Up Switch Proteetltra Offices • High Air Diadwge Torrgwrature sauclown Switch • High Erglrte Water Tomporahne ShAdown Skc:h • Safety RoW Valve • Low Engine Oil Pressmo Sh,Adown Switch • Vented OII Pmervok Fdka Cryo • From Mounlod WsluTiont Panel vAh LndmGlo Dom . AbPresswoGauge • Hemrrr,Oter • Voltmeter • Fuel Gaugo • Engle Oil Ras;tno Gauge • En®no Water Toty)eratuo Gouge • Ak CWarot Swnco lndtcotaa 5� /"7 Options and Specifications {.-- /1• mm oBn.ulmo In 75' 01106) I E11.1 6tY,N77) - 1.T,3Tdq Options: • Taldwmwlw • Sport Arrestw • OSHA valve NmkKAT wW • Coe W*oM-r StMh•p Aid • Special Pub • Lock~ Fuer Cap • uoet maw • Breakaway Salter • Brakes, HydrMlo 84rpa • Brakes. MtdrugDo Surge wom Per" • Bac MW • Tow stale Meeatr Duty Coonprosew Mow Two eta" INS 1 Duty FMW • e —d Cor • AMrceoiw wtih Spaelor • Ret ectublo Naw Support Shoe or Dual 100' Mone Neal Air hoes • W w 100' • Lbw DIMre • Sboe or Dmdbe. Pint (Autowwte) or Duw1 IMenuaO • Dhtaharpe Temperature 0eupa • NatreataW- PneuxwW Thbd Wn" • AOJwtatl- Jm* whb swlwl Coater • Tow Ber side Handle • Low Fal 8R1Rdoam WADI Irmucater • starter Protection System � CompAir COM AIr LMW PO.BM927 211 EW x11=01 RMd Sdray. Oho 4536&0327 900 au W Ammu TokVhom . 01 (937) 408 2500 FOC'.111* 4 01 (937) 492-3= SPECIFICAT1ama 0103M OUSCIA 01e5DRS 0185DCa I COampRasson IPww Copoc4Y CFM i85 toy 185 195 U� M3eeY1. 52 52 52 52 Pmd Prasre PSI 100 too 100 too oi� 69 99 09 00 000ana Pnalae Rapp: PSI T3-125 73-125 M125 75.125 Bm 5.180 5199 5180 51.95 Exam (haul SmW Make. FWW 21:10 P~Dewe' 2500 _ Lo CaNVQT'—Gmnru"u 500 I j I Mum 4 236 CLICXM 3054 D" 403 9C N0 a cvwl"u: 4 4 4 1 Ogtt[m m Cu e1d1 270 239 243 239 Loa39 4 4 30 ► IOW 387 4.19 304 402 Iede: GSA 100 100 102 bleu: hr 500 473 500 472 127 110 127 179 Brtu H-mmi— 79 80 .1 70 aemaRAL slat—C-A"' Glk. 471 425 425 425 14. 10 to 10 10 Cr Ca m*'Conpcv ad. 35 35 35 35 LA. 132 132 IJ2 132 01 Cgm1Yi1— 2 1 2 1 75 IM I A. 79 70 On I20 109 n Fvd Cay—aY. ckd.1 30 30 m Leo i0 0 4 111 a ..b cr(Pr A.b rrJ15 1 I mm.9 Broe+n' yple 12 17 12 12 I N Re CMDC". G dm 111 1 I0" 175 . n I Snvlce wo— 20314' I 078. 15'. P I IRIDmTa a Apploa. Shpprp VANN, LW. 24:0 2GW 2475 2555 If— D�ol[.Its101W I2 I22B4400 Ilia Its AM— vke4vY W, un 14! 00M 12(00 1288 1231 1267 i 1laere ao.a was a 04v! wlaaw 1154r 14. 1rp. a R r, newlwle pore. a n ae' W t. 1 D+Aee a•rF4 YckpiN r01k 4.eeWer non4•{/�ev�eerewaNwry4r w4{pwaeb ConV,Ar t Dann (]1x91 pWat710 CwrIPrU' Aro aro OV93M h th0125.1600 Ctm rango. Salm and Gmion 13CM003 aro IOCatod world*ido. Co TnAr L~ manutac:um w,aa l J Aim 1--71" ah con4xu-lug Cmadt you bcal Caq Aa L9aVP M trdxda. lnrV.C. •.4.v.v.e4 ff h Itrtl.'h reek! A•.57Y C. U+P O•rS v1i•e A 'Samoa MOv1 n.LwV � tl b um Perna a t>4�+omr cn A WOe Drctnp CouprtF F�ml C�(„w"P�- "50 S\moi' 4� Terms and Conditions M1 r.wq iw r(..rs 1b.. T.w.. V.wr • .w .rl l.w q...Arr.+r l.w Mb .. ry. r.wr r lwl I.w rcP Y fnr.l Inn M.ww •tlr.�.h YrwrMmM.ww. r rl�rrrl.nw bay. �I..w. M1 I..a rr.� r wY [.r...•r. r.rr. n .. (lr. f r y..•.w.Yr tl w ww.. •.w. rrr . M •..U...r.lyr l,.w. rf u Mb.e •rI. +..I.r.a.. M1 rugl...rrr�d.rr rl rl Y.�•..n h m w..ww Erv� n•'r u�uu .lonr.ly. urwn.e M.uro Mn<. M>M rDrW VrtY I.�.r�tIIAM.Q]fT- ATnlm r W. MAVT 11U1M WO.QIII•L.R in rCR. IUtkln U RIAIfID I lowflr•.I nelxram.o uo runs rlut n NnvntR'. u.nm uoc�nto.xura�'a ru .O®T Mrt.n..IP1, p nRT.I.tt1 AMY V AQ AMT M .ca rc..• IR mlr.m a.0 rn rural m Rrx.. Ar M A tAlUst I..r M M I'AS t. R rlhA� t1 W o r V Wrl.l I. n •..WTh.I I. N VIN f14.1.) n.r I.n.I U rttN t. r4 W M 1[II ISYR P M FATf.. 1 N1'W M MN 1 rltrlflMl.MT]r1W AN1MllVR 111 ur1 ... Nn vinAr.w4..nu <R I.nn 4. Mnu Y 1. ••rn. r.r.. rr.•r r. rr.•.h • rer.w lr lrr ..r.l..�•.w .1TI MI rl[11 Nn WIT, I.IIr.lr.ItR ItIY.q tR wn•...p evlu.e .«.I M1Ir.I.r rM1 r.l.w wwl Y I� . Lrn. r Y.•V .r.wr• I.w. n.r..L.Y.I wr..l.I.r.I.w.I.�.YMI M1 r.. r.ru I..�I M Y.I... r N...I.Ir .. Mr ...• b . r..rrw..w..—. r..r•I... .r. rlR.rrrr r.ra.ar� r rinrr •rq �tr..r rr Yr... rlvwr... •RI« Ir ....r rrll..�.r.w utl.R.r..w uwr rlrwr.I l.wlu«.r w�rl..vr�nr w.tw.'. w.n..•.I r o..r.e.« tl rr..Y Y.. rvl. w. r.rl.r.l► .Pr..l Ilr.. r.rrr lrs a V w..m• r ..rr. u...r.rrwr.I m.P.P re..f rrh rn N....r.r. r•wnr I.r. rr.r...r..l .,.rr.w... �..rr.mr..r.tlr...r ,....«R...« r •N Y rq..ru. IPI... •.Yw.s... wlr.. •al rrrh r.w,p.wa r..w. rr -w•N.-.l rlr ww..I r Iw.r•�'�..m VI Irrr Y� r I ww w. rlsl wr r ra rlw. w �r.rT.rw. rtlwr.l.w •rllq«w... ...�. wl wl l.a n«..r.l•. r r.w •. y.A...rlw.11.....rs c.ti....r.q...ri. . .w,r n...... rs wf rT r.•fV. d.11wl. . r.� rls •�.rfe., r.w..P •tlM I�Ta r.a•T.x.v.en.R. M1 Ir.l r�r r..l,... r rlrr�.r. «•r � er rP�r. fr rU L.w. rY r wb1 VI rN I•I.f r1.rPr...r1MF... r.Py.� w.w.. .rl.r..wre.u..o r.I.e...r «I l.e r �.•. r r l.w .rr r.r.l a...o.grrr.re«r. w.rl r M. r l.•.mw. r I r...�. r1.41.V'riw lPw' I .rTM1Y is h.wl.q.r....r . rl �..• IPw F..pr..y.w r r.Y« I. r. rml� wrM ..IFr.w w..wlr..`IM r.r �•..r. a.rtw..e.r.wr.nh..� ry rl.Ir.rl. r.wwPlr r..Yrr r�r w,.s. .r...tl..w. ru. rn r I.•, r...... rrw.I •.Ir..w.wrw 1...wwr' ... yr frrrt. r.rrwr. M1tifrl. , rw.. r..rT •.I r wl...r .w A f •�. •. V•�.I.rylrl.rr..rr. �. ��rOWl.rw.M1.Pw. (l.�.w..rr rr+e..w lw^r arl..e.r ...tl rr....rl � rr...rr• .. �r� .In. •rr r..r.r Council Meeting - 9/22/97 6D. Coinsideration of nn_*rhase of ennlpment trailar for the street Vwliq department. (J.3.) A. RFFFRFNCF AND BACKGROUND: In the 1995 through 1997 budgets, we budgeted a total of $57,750 for a new four wheel drive tractor/loader and equipment trailer. The City recently received the new Case 570 LXT Tractor/Loader based upon a low bid received in June of $43,504.19, leaving a balance in the budget of $14,245.81. In June, we obtained a quote on a Towmaster Q-16, 16,000 lb. trailer from St. Joseph's Equipment, Inc. for $5,920 plus tax. Until recently, we had not obtained a second quote on industrial trailers. While investigating the pathway snow removal equipment, we found that the state bid on John Deere Skid Steer Loaders also contained a bid on a Felling 16DE, 16,000 lb. equipment trailer of $6,535 plus tax. We would, therefore, like to obtain authorization from the City Council to purchase the Towmaster Q-16 Trailer from St. Joseph's Equipment of Shakopee at a cost of $5,920 plus tax. This is almost $8,000 under the balance remaining in the budget. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to authorize purchase of the Towmaster Q-16 Equipment Trailer from St. Joseph's Equipment, Inc. of Shakopee, Minnesota, in the amount of $6,304.80, including sales tax and delivery. 2. The second alternative is not to award the purchase of the equipment trailer. C STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Street & Parke Superintendent that the City Council authorize the purchase of the Towmaster Q-16 Trailer from St. Joseph's Equipment as outlined in alternative N1. D_ QUIRPORTLNG DATA: Copy of quote on Towmaster trailer; Copy of state bid on Felling 16DE trailer; Copy of Council minutes from 5/27/97 and 6/23/97. ST. JOSEPH'SECUIPMENT, INC. 6340 H wy 101 , Shakopee. MN 55379 Tel (612) 445.5400 Fax (612) 445-0365 Industrial 3 Construction Machinery June 24th, 1997 City of Monticello 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, Me 55362-9245 ATTN: MR. John Simola - Public Works Director Dear MR. Simola, First of all I would like to thank you and the city of Monticello for the purchase of the Case 570LRT Loader Tractor. We look forward to providing you good service with this excellent unit. In reguarda to your needs for a Trailer, I Would recommed our Twmaster Q-16 2 Axel 16,000 LBS capacity. Equipped in the following manner: 2-8000 LBS Axels 19' Flat Deck 5' Beaver Tail W/Spring Assist Ramps 811' Width on Deck 215/75 R 17.5 16 Ply Radial Tires 3-"D" Rings Per Side 12,000 LBS Jack 2" Oak Deck Lockable Tool Box Super Spring Suspension Electric Brakes Pintle Hitch Scaled Modular Wiring Harness Choice of colors: Black, Rad. White, Blue List Price: $6,985.00 Your Coat FOB Monticello: $5.920.00 WARRA.1ITY: 12 Months AVAILABILITY: 4 Weeks (Surge Brakes not available) If you have any addictioeal quoationo, plaaoc foal free to give me a call. Sincerely, ST. JOSEPH JUIPMENT INC Gunnar Sjolano8 r P o Repraoantativo 5,6.,t FRFpRM t/IGN�P� x -:HO �`.: •v1• M'.t ','': ^•'�.�.r Imo. ^!;� I.:• .�%•� �'y( !4�. t "{ •i!R,f:..u}f. � ' .. _...,r++�il \*iJi �;t rr .� ..... �,al ;'�'�EL:4 t••� .. .. "ice' •(f � �•� h„�M 4"I t1..' ••(�r1•. I � �.. • ;w ..y'r took )? °Ela m / 29'-8' J I 5' I 17'-0- 19'-0' o 1�'?? / I 34' -t-- 5'-0' }L 1 32.'1/2' 25 1/2' I Ui11ri&Av d b) - OUNIMR SJOLANOER SL JOSEPH'S EGUIPMENf, INC. 6340 $tate Hwy 101 Shakopee, MN 55379 (612) 445-5400 (600) 795.9274 An Aw*aird Qw,pR Vot QRD/er ,41ulluf lilllrrr rrfr/1•rl //Ir iglu to P -lift. idwut .u4icr. .s1wrif1• dr.,ip. andsl ns A e, F CdrrrrlrJ odrnuGlrun Ihr null.. reachiltwt III•rrin,the,l ,wrgmiun in fe.mrds lu Ira mpoW�i�✓ hl. Wiiurn Ivurnuup rulvrl rurh umfrr. No Ihr. rvurrnrni•, rlpr r.csrd or imphed, is m,ulr. 1Purrijmv nrcl uml braAra Ihruugh wn gmul murlufiu9urrr, MODEL O -9E MOMEL 0-18 V WCIOHT.............4010 LOO. WQK3FIT,.........5300 LOB. CAPACITY 10,000 LBO, WITH CAPACITYI....... 16.000 LBO. WITH AOCOU ATO HITCH AOCOUATO LARCH LOAO LOAD DECK LOTH..... 17• FLAT, OQCK LOTF/......10' FLAT, O' BCAVCRTAIL Q' OOAVBRTAIL AKLQO............ _.IOI a,: 50" BO LO. AXLCOr..__..._..10) 0,000 LO. ripen, ................141000 • MID' 10 PLV TIPQOr......._.....IA101Dr75 � 17.5, LOAO RANGE 'O' 18 PLY RAOIAL WHQQLO........... 141 0 HOLC WHQ93LOI_.......441 O HOLO 13PAKED........... CLCCTRIC OPAKQB......... .CLCCTMC MAIN PAILO....18.310. 10' CHNL MAIN PAILIG-A5.311. 10' CHNL. COLO FORMCO COLO FORMCD OIDQ PAILM.._.D.011, O' CHNL 6I9M PAILOI.--D- • 0 -TUBING C-MQMIDEQU 431.511, 31' CHNL C-ML'MOQRO,..A.001r, 3' JR "VAM OA NOOOARM..15.311, 10' CHNL OARMCOARMA5.30, 10' C1041, jJACK, .............. -.1-1110,000 LO. JACK1...._.......31110,000 L0. I( tp oaDP-Lco oaoP Lco BTO. FEATURES 1 ) WIDTH ........... B' -O' TOTAL HITCH, -__-----AOJUG'r AOLER RAMPOr......... BO -0/O' WIDER FOLD -UP, BPRINO-AQOIBT AOJUBTAOLO WIRINOI_....--013ALCO MOOULAR MARPACOO LIOHTINO,...._..00ALCO, /WON MOUNTED TIQ OOWNO,....141 O-RMIGO ON T-10 (0)0-RIPI00 ON T-10 OPTY CHA/N,...40' LONG r 1d'0'. HIOH-TCNOILO WITH OAFCTV HOCKU FINIBMI...._......ACID OTCHCO. UNOCRCOATCO. PRIMCO. PAINITCD OPTIONS O' -B' WIDTH RADIAL T1RE'B ON T-10 LONOOR OCCK LONOTH WOOD OCAWCRTAIL WOOD TOP HAMPO PUDOOR-RI00 AKLCO WINCH ANO CAOLO PINTLO HITCH OA GALL COUPLER 13PCCIAL COLDR I.IICTQt.Fe No 2940 191 .0/1997 17:00 6124282700 SO-iAREM AND SONS PAGE 03 ,HARSER 6 SONS ( 25 AWN STREET "41. O. BOY 128 RC3ERS. uN 55374 24.01 Hater -Air 52993, ICeo War headntt tqg air coodidooina 23.01 Snaw Plgor J1670. JIM saoaolaw 7 V2' enaifoa 26.01 Adav= Plata f 179. Tomah old ettaehmesh 6t ow loader 28,01 El ctric Cantrol: a ;00- ?q 119.01 7Sailer 63]! tr11bx16M(240001sxka16'Htu+3'%U) 30.01 Grouw(1D �1 Groaner 52637. Cast trams: mw cw= setem (oven market) Nom of the above prices hate tax htchtdm but they wiU bo b01ed art with tea; cw* to scbool districts and Qare agcrciea If [holo is atom intrmstion that you may need, at if these an Ghat procham that you areinking please owme a a" I wwld be pkand to ttWa yon in any wry that I eaald Thank yom Commercial Salts 14. FT-14DE STANDARD FEATURES: • 14,900 Ib. GVW at 55 m.p.h. • 2.7,000 Ib. axles • Electric brakes (4) • 9.50 x 165 tires on 8 bolt wheels • 75" between fenders (96" over-all width) • 16' standard length • 24" deck height • Wood deck • T' structural channel iron main frame • 3" 6r 4" channel crossmembers • Adjustable lunette eye • 7,0170 Ib. jack • Flip -up channel type ramps OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: • 80" between fenders (102" over-all width) • LT235/85R 16 tires • See bottom of page Shown with optional wood inlay on dovetail Optional dovetail shown with standard floor plate FT-16DE STANDARD FEATURES: • 25"deck height • 19,500 lb. GVW at 55 m.p.h. • Wood deck • 2.8,000 lb. axles • 7' structural channel iron main frame x: • Electric brakes (4) • 4" crossmembers • 215 x 17.5 radial tirason • Adjustable lunette eye 8 bolt wheels • 7,000 lb. drop foot pick • 77' between fenders (102" over-all width) • F'lip•up channel type ramps • 16' standard length OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT FOR "E" SERIES • Hydraulic surgebrakes • Spring assist ramps • Undercoating • 2' dovetail (floor plate) • Additional or shorter length~ • Lunette eye hitch • Tool box • Wood or Grit -X deck • Gexiseneck • Split or full width ramp 9 4" drop axles • Heavy dutyjack Council Minutes - 5/27/97 12. Consideration of advertising for hids and ohtainineq mte- for anew 4-wh l drive tractor loader and trailer for the pars and street departments. Public Wcrks Director John Simola reported that the street and parks departments were in need of an additional smaller tractor loader and that a total of 557,750 had been budgeted for this purchase over the past three years. He requested that Council consider authorizing advertisement for bids for a 4WD tractor loader based upon specifications written for the 210 LE John Deere and the 570 LXT Case, and to authorize obtaining quotes for trailers based upon specifications similar to the Felling line of industrial trailers. Bids would return for Council review on June 23. Councilmember Stumpf asked if there was sufficient parking space at the public works complex for additional equipment. Public Works Director John Simola noted that he was also concerned about parking and that they would need to consider purging other equipment from the inventory. In addition, in the future the City may discontinue renting out the pole barn located at the city sludge site in order to increase the City's available storage space. Councilmember Stumpf suggested that staff earmark some of the pole barn rent for sturdy locks for the equipment stored outside. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO AUTHORIZE CITY STAFF TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR A NEW 4WD TRACTOR LOADER BASED UPON SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE JOHN DEERE AND CASE, AND TO OBTAIN QUOTES FOR A TRAILER BASED UPON SPECIFICATIONS ALONG THE FELLING INDUSTRIAL TRAILER LINE, WITH BIDS TO BE REVIEWED BY COUNCIL ON JUNE 23. Motion carried unanimously. 13. Consideration of ijectrienl improv men_ s to Ellison Park for comnuu2ity P_vents and celehrntions, This item was added to the consent agenda. See item a 5H. 14. Consideration of hills for the last hnlf of May. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STI; MPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE LAST HALF OF MAY. Motion carried unanimously. Page 11 s4 a- Council Minutes - 6./23/97 D. Consideration of authorization to prepare feasibility study and pI ns and c_Rg;fications for trunk storm sewer improvements relatinLy to new high school project. Removed from the consent agenda for discussion. O Consideration of bide for a new 70hr diesel powered 4 -wheel driv t.ra ter/load r for the street and park-; department and consideration of p ur hac . Recommendation: Approve awarding bid to St. Joseph Equipment of Shakopee in the amount of $43,504.19 for a tractor/loader for the street and parks department. Consideration dchange order #4 for Prai ct q4-14 .. Wastewate T a rn n Pan .rn na cion_ Recommendation: Approve change order #4 in the amount of $10,376. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AND ASSOCIATED RECOMMENDATIONS WITHOUT ITEM 5D. Motion carried unanimously. City Engineer Bret Weiss informed Council that the motion needs to be modified to include calling for a public hearing. The public hearing is needed in order to assess benefitting property owners, which includes the School District and residents of the Cardinal Hills subdivisions. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PETITION, ORDERING AND ACCEPTING A FEASIBILITY STUDY, AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, AND CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON JULY 14,1997, RELATING TO THE HIGH SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 97.22. City Attorney Paul WeinRarden was asked for comments regarding compensation to affected property owners. Public Works Director John Simola presented a letter from Pittsburg Paint and Tower. Paul Weingarden ngreed with the manner in which the liquid damages were determined. He felt thnt public funds should not be used to pny affected property owners. Page 2 Sb s 7 Council Agenda - 9/22/97 bE. Consideration of approval of wet!zand mitigation nlwn for Cardinal Pondsubdivision- ApnLcant_ John Leerasen_ (J.O.) A REF .R.ENCE AND BACKGROUND; City Council is asked to review the attached wetland mitigation plan and consider granting approval. As you may recall, the City Council recently granted the authority to review wetland mitigation plana to the Wright Soil and Water Conservation District (WSWCD). This application was submitted prior to the switch; therefore, the City is responsible for reviewing the plan. All future requests witll go through WSWCD. A technical panel, comprised of Mark MacNamara of WSWCD, Bret Weiss, and a representative from the Board of Water Resources, reviewed the original plan and suggested adjustments that have been incorporated into the plan. It is the view of the technical panel that the plan as presented complies with the wetland laws. In summary, the plan requires that a small portion of the wetland be filled to accommodate the road and one lot. In exchange, the size of the wetland will be enlarged as required by law. City staff has processed this application following the direction of WSWCD staff. There was no comment from the public regarding this request. R. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONR; Motion to accept the wetland mitigation plan for the Cardinal Pond subdivision. Under this alternative, the Cardinal Pond subdivision is ready for final platting. Approval of the wetland mitigation plan was a condition of preliminary plat approval. It is my understanding John Leerssen is currently trying to sell the property for final development by others. Motion to deny approval of the wetland mitigation plan for the Cardinal Pond subdivision (!_ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator and the technical panel recommend approval of the plan as presented. n RUPPORTINr DATA; Copy of plan. LEGEND Q' M►T Wl[ 04w6 ._� ��_.... _ OLT "m 0mR/10 flTal01 lTfa -� Pr1 pm itm i,om --- PNPM a7 mm casco War oLTAllm 9}0.75 PII0P0SE6 aw MUM* j9-----------------"�Tr- III iii I -.''"� orj=?lal cr auw a[ III I'-, OTOI eAn MT19ATO AM O'+a 0UM STORM Sir!! :1 n v tt T1K ra i/4 3 M to vgv I %v illi t A TIR1a111 0a1MTT Ypllt![kl CIIIC/71 amaa► 1T lma • u Arles i; III II' in II z IlY rli ilr I til Y JIL I I EEL-.— � gTfli Ta .C+YOMYI : talo rIRTaMARr AT fall L00Sh1DalAns 9t+oo ' Poope 71' lain a ' l 1 _ l I'y t - - al 1 � Zp x zo s�T � CITY Of MONTICEI l 0 /� -� Lt o ."'...''�. ,"'� I I • ,lou 106 � W i j9-----------------"�Tr- III iii I -.''"� � � ill ill ll I III I'-, n v tt T1K ra i/4 3 M to vgv I %v illi t A TIR1a111 0a1MTT Ypllt![kl CIIIC/71 amaa► 1T lma • u Arles i; III II' in II z IlY rli ilr I til Y JIL I I EEL-.— � gTfli Ta .C+YOMYI : talo rIRTaMARr AT fall L00Sh1DalAns 9t+oo ' Poope 71' lain a ' l 1 _ l I'y t - - al 1 � Zp x zo s�T � CITY Of MONTICEI l 0 /� -� Lt o ."'...''�. ,"'� I I • ,lou 106 � W i I -.''"� T�� 1qT n !z aJ _zne4 tamuyt�®I n v tt T1K ra i/4 3 M to vgv I %v illi t A TIR1a111 0a1MTT Ypllt![kl CIIIC/71 amaa► 1T lma • u Arles i; III II' in II z IlY rli ilr I til Y JIL I I EEL-.— � gTfli Ta .C+YOMYI : talo rIRTaMARr AT fall L00Sh1DalAns 9t+oo ' Poope 71' lain a ' l 1 _ l I'y t - - al 1 � Zp x zo s�T � CITY Of MONTICEI l 0 /� 5F. Council Agenda - 9/22/97 (R.W.) With the President recently declaring Wright County and Monticello eligible for disaster assistance as a result of the July 1 storm, City staff has begun preparing and assembling our costs associated with the storm for submittal to the State of Minnesota for reimbursements. In many cases, the City will be eligible for reimbursement of up to 90% of our extra cost associated with the storm cleanup and repairs on public facilities. The subgrant agreements allowing for this reimbursement are submitted to the State of Minnesota, Division of Emergency Management, and will need to be executed by the City in order to be processed. One of the requirements in executing the documents is that the City Council needs to adopt a resolution designating a representative that would be authorized to sign the applications on behalf of the City. As we did with the snow removal assistance disaster request and the spring flooding request, 1 would suggest that the City Administrator simply be authorized to sign on behalf of the City. The enclosed resolution has been prepared in that format, although we could insert the Mayor's name if you choose. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution as proposed authorizing the City Administrator to sign documents on behalf of the City. C. STAFF RF.COMMFNDATION: It is recommended that the City Administrator be appointed as the authorized individual to sign all documents, as it will expedite the reimbursement request. D. 8l1PPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution. STATE OF MINNESOTA SUB -GRANT AGREEMENT FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THE INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM FOR SUB -GRANTEES Grantor Program: Federal Disaster Assistance DR- 1187 EXHIBIT V OLUTION RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SUB -GRANT AGREEMENT Be it resolved that the City of Monticello (Name of organization/L.ocal Unit of Government) enter into a Sub -grant Agreement with the Division of Emergency Management in the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for the program entitled Infrastructure Program for FEMA 1187 - DR -MINNESOTA. Rick wolfsteller, City Administrator is hereby authorized (Name and Title of authorized official) to execute and sign such Sub -grant Agreements and amendments as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the city of Monticello (Organ izat ionfLocal Unit of Govemment) 1 certify that the above resolution was adopted by the City Council of Monticello (Executive Body) (Organization/[ )cal Unit of Government) on September 22, 1997 (Date) SIGNED: WITNESSETH: (Signature) -11W. (Title) September 22, 1997 (Date) (Signature) cicv Adminiotretcr (Title) September 22, 1997 (Date) MPS4XM tkae . 4. 1"5 20 0 Council Agenda - 9122197 C,onsideration of nn amen m nt to thA comprehensive plan for the City of Monticello generally affecting the Downtown/Riverfront District Area. Applicant, Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authnrity. (J.O.) A. RRFRRFNVIF AND BACKGROUND: The City Council tabled this item at the previous meeting to inaeese the amount of time for review. If Council has had enough time to review the plan, then action should be taken. Following is the staff report from the previous meeting regarding this topic. Steve Grittman will be in attendance to discuss this item further. B. kLTERNATEVE ACTIONS; 1. Motion to adopt the amendment to the comprehensive plan as proposed based on the finding that the amendment is consistent with the comprehensive plan. This is the recommendation by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Planning Commission. 2. Motion to deny approval of the amendment to the comprehensive plan based on the finding that it is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. C_ STAFF RECOMMF.NDATlQ : The City Administrator recommends discussion and approval of the proposed amendment as zeremmended by the Planning Commission. Council should table the item if it needs addtional time to study the document. n_ SUPPORTING DATA; Previous agenda item on the topic. Council Agenda - 9/8/97 On September 2, 1997, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing and recommended adoption of an amendment to the comprehensive plan affecting the downtown/riverfront area. Development of this plan started on the heels of the completion of the comprehensive plan update of 1996, which pointed to downtown redevelopment as a major issue for the City. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority took steps to implement the comprehensive plan by funding a major study of the area utilizing the MCP for public input and a consulting planner. The results of their work are embodied in the attached report which, if adopted, becomes an amendment to the comprehensive plan. Steve Grittman has prepared a report outlining the level of consistency with the existing comprehensive plan to the proposed amendment. His report is attached. Due to the length of the amendment, it is not expected that Council will be ready to act to adopt the plan at the meeting on Monday; therefore, feel free to table the item if you so desire. Michael Schroeder will be at the meeting on Monday to answer questions and to provide any additional information that you may desire. Both the Planning Commision and the HRA have made positive recommendations regarding the plan and are eager to start the implementation process. These organizations and others have already taken steps to implement the plan. The Planning Commission has moved forward by starting the process of updating the zoning district boundaries and sign and building design standards. The HRA has been working closely with a number of developers and property owners to redevelop the riverfront and has established a TIF redevelopment district. The EDA has developed guidelines for providing funds for improving building facades. The Parks Commission has been working with the MCP design committee on upgrading West Bridge Park. The MCP is busy organizing community events and establishing a network supporting efforts to develop "community." The City Council has called for a vote on establishing more liquor licenses, which will be needed for downtown hotel development. In sum, City Council, Commission members, and City staff have played a positive and active role by their participation in the MCP and in the planning process, which I believe has improved our image as an active organization willing to work toward developing solutions to difficult redevelopment problems. It is truly exciting to see individuals and organizations pulling in the same positive direction. I./ Council Agenda - 9/8/97 Motion to table adoption of the amendment to the comprehensive plan. Motion to adopt the amendLment to the comprehensive plan based on the findings identified by the Planning Commission, which are embodied in the Planner's report. Motion to deny adoption of the amendment to the comprehensive plan. C RT FFF,CO F.NDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative Nl unless the City Council has been able to review the document completely, then he recommends alternative p2. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed amendment and update; Recommendation by the HRA. 7-Z Council Agenda - 9122!97 Consideration of adoFyng a resolution Indicating intent to develop a Joint i /Natio al Guard Clomm ■nitsn� d Training Center. (J.O.) A F.F .RF.N .. AND RACKGROUNn: The task force that the City Council established to study development of a community and training center has completed its initial phase of its work and recommends that the City Council support a letter of intent to be written to the National Guard indicating the goal of initiation of construction of a facility in 1998. The task force has been meeting frequently since July to develop this recommendation. A detailed presentation will be made at the meeting. Please review the following preview and attached table outlining the elements of the facility. Following is the recommendation made by the task force which, if accepted, will become incorporated into the letter of intent. 1. This City will begin construction of a core facility in 1998 which will generally include spaces, activities, and uses as identified in the attached table under core facility. 2. The method of funding the facility will include $1.6 million dollars from the National Guard. The balance will be funded through a combination of Lease Revenue Bonds and other City funding sources to be determined. This financing method will not require a referendum. 3. The location of the facility will be bounded by Maple Street on the west and Walnut Street on the east, railroad tracks on the north, and 6th Street on the south. 4. The aquatic center and ico sheet are important portions of the project. Timing of construction and financing of these features are under study. 6. Begin the process of selection of an architect and site acquisition. 6. The site will be designed to allow adequate space for expansion as needed by the National Guard. Members of the task force will be meeting with the National Guard on Friday after completion of the agenda packet. A report on this meeting will be provided at the Council meeting. Council Agenda - 9/22/97 COMMUNITY AND TRAINING CENM R - COBE FEATURES The task force developed the following program based on contacts with members of the community and its understanding of community needs. The program is preliminary only and is likely to be adjusted based on future input during the design process. Amy National Guard Offices (4 000 as ft) The minimum space required by the National Guard is 4,000 sq ft for offices used exclusively by the National Guard. The building must be designed to allow expansion to 8,000 sq & The expansion can occur at a second level. Sufficient outside storage must be provided on site to allow five humvees and a small truck. Additional outside storage in the amount of 15,000 sq ft must be available within two miles of the site. As you recall, the ALC program recently began operation in the Lake Too] building under a two-year interim use permit. There has been some discussion about placing the Alternative Learning Center in the facility. The true potential of this possibility needs some study. This option assumes that sufficient revenue can be derived frorn the ALC program to pay for the cost to provide the space and support operation costa. The task force will be meeting with tate ALC leaders further on this aspect of the plan. CitX Offices (9.000 so ftl After review of the needs identified in the space needs study done in conjunction with the Marquette Bank analyis, it became evident that this joint use facility provided a significant opportunity for development of city offices that will satisfy city office needs at no greater cost than the bank proposal. See the attached table which compares the coat and benefits of having city hall at Marquette Bank or at the Community and Training Center. Council should determine which direction the City should go in this regard. Senior Center MAN) aQ ft including private lunch room) The senior population is the second fastost growing group in the city. The current facility is sufficient to satisfy shortrterm needs; however, in the long run, the current senior center will not be satisfactory. Pam Loidolt has reviewed the space needs for the seniors and supports moving the facility to the Community Center. The design of the facility will need to be sensitive to need for seniors to have sufficient independent space. Council Agenda - 9/22/97 Recreation Services/Youth nter/YM .AOofficea (4.9(10 sq R) The task force believes that space needs to be developed for activities and services relating to youth in the community. The precise manner in which this space will be used is not defined at this time. However, the task force felt that it was important to include space for youth activities with actual programming to follow. The task force concluded that at some point in time, a recreation program is likely to be developed by the City or by the YMCA. The space for offices and some activities could be accommodated by the space programmed in this proposal. Also included in the proposal is a "Wheel Park," which will be supervised by Community and Training Center staff. A wheel park consists of a paved surface and ramps for use by rollerbladers and skateboarders. This park will provide a central, supervised place for this form of recreation for young people in the community. Issues relating to supervision and liability will need study. Such parks are becoming more common throughout the country. Experience of others will be used to avoid "reinvention of the wheel." Joint UFm Space (23-970 so ft) (kitchen, gymnasium, two meeting rooms, large meeting room, media room, lockers, restrooms, lobby) The joint use space identified in the table mirrors the space requests submitted by the National Guard. The large meeting room would be set up as a combination Council ChambersNational Guard Training Room/ Corporate Training Area. This room would be designed specifically to have the audiovisual equipment necessary to support training and City Council decision making. Businesses and organizations would have access to the training room to support employee training. Also included in the joint space area is a gymnasium (7,000 sq ft) that would feature a stage and a climbing wall. The stage would be used for community concerts or in conjunction with bands brought in for private parties. Aquatic rpnter and lee Sheet The task force stressed in their recommendation that both the aquatic center and ice sheet should be incorporated into current site planning activities. However, the timing of construction and associated financing must be staged and structured in a manner that make them affordable. Therefore, actual construction of one or both of these features may or may not be incorporated into the core facility construction project. The task force will be working on developing a strategy development of these two features over time if so directed by the City Council. Council Agenda - 9/22197 PROJECT FUNDING The total cost of the core facility without water and ice is estimated at $6,033,000, which includes $1,000,000 for land acquisition/relocation benefits, and $4,813,000 for building and site improvements. Of this amount ($4,813,000), the National Guard's share is $1.5 million, the School District's share is $450,000, and the City's share is $2,862,000. The task force proposes utilization of lease revenue bond financing and other City funding sources for funding the City's share of the core facility. Additional information regarding the tax impact of the funding proposal will be available at the meeting. A referendum is not required under this option. This alternative for funding is proposed because it allows the City to complete the core facility in a time frame that is acceptable to the National Guard, thus securing the $1.5 million Guard investment. PROJECT LOCATION The Walnut Street location consists in its entirety of 7+ acres and is recommended based on the consistency with the proposed comprehensive plan amendment. As you know, the plan calls for development of civic uses and activities in the area between the railroad tracks and 6th Street. The civic uses are meant to bridge the mall area with the downtown/riverfront areas and focus activity in an area that is currently underutilized. This location will require relocation of the bulk oil tanks and at least four households. It is possible that the core facility can be build without the immediate purchase of the entire site. The site proposed is relatively expensive; however, due to the blighted condition and poor location of the site, it is likely that it will not be developed privately in the foreseeable future without City assistance. Other sites are were investigated that are less expensive; however, these sites are ripe for private investment and development without City assistance. The site selected has also been identified by the City Council during earlier workshop sessions as a problem area that would be corrected with this project. B ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to adopt a resolution adopting or modifying the recommendation by the task forro as noted below and to send a letter of intent to the National Guard accordingly: The City will strive to begin construction of a core facility in 1998, which will generally include spaces, activities, and uses as identified in the attached table under core facility. Council Agenda - 9/22/97 2. The method of funding of the facility will include $1.5 million from the National Guard. The balance will be funded through a combination of School District funds (ALC), lease revenue bonds, and other City funding sources to be determined. This financing method will not require a referendum. 3. The general location of the facility will be bounded by Maple Street on the west and Walnut Street on the east, railroad tracks on the north, and 6th Street on the south. Begin negotiations with property owners on purchase of the site. 4. The aquatic center and ice sheet are important portions of the project. Timing of construction and financing of these features are under study. 5. Begin the process of selection of an architect. 6. The site will be designed to allow adequate space for expansion as needed by the National Guard. Adoption of this recommendaton will result in the cessation of negotiations with Marquette Bank. If the Marquette Bank proposal remains viable, the Community and Training Center space can be reduced accordingly. 2. Motion to deny adoption of a resolution adopting the recommendation of the task force. C STAFF P .OMMF.NDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to follow the recommendation of the task force. The recommendation of the task force will allow the City to accomplish a number of the projects/priorities established by Council in June such as l) implementation of the MCP/comp plan initiatives; 2) development of a joint City/National Guard facility; 3) development of a wheel park for youth; 4) redevelopment of the bulk oil site; 5) potential establishment of a youth center/recreation services; and 6) development of city hall. Although the Marquette Bank proposal is good, for the dollars involved, it does not surpass the opportunity to develop city hall offices in cogjuction with the community center under the joint use concept. Council Agenda . 9/22197 This project is the continuation of the momentum supporting a community center which started in 1995 with the adoption of the comprehensive plan, and supported through Theresa Washburn/MCP visioning process. The timing of the National Guard, relative to our community center/city hall planning, is very fortunate. The proposal above brings it all together. Community and Training Center program outline; Marquette Bank/ Community Center city office comparison; Site location map. I COMMUNITY AND TRAINING CENTER — DELAY WATER AND ICE TOTAL COSTITOTAL NATIONAL SCHOOL MIGHTY 'MN CITY so PER ,COST GUARD DISTRICT ,DUCKS 'Depl PROJECT COMPONENTS FT SO FT I of Tram 01l a97 4,0040 80, 3360,000 $380,000 4,100, 00{ $3®,000 I $3m,om 4.000 "NralavJ Gu=d Orticea AttenMTM Low .9 Co4o sm Om sura C«xer Lunch room 00 W.MD CIry Offcm KRctlen Gymr (W"c Wpe erld cWnt*lp *mll) 9,000. VAe*V Room 2 MeatYrp Room 1 5810Am: Wq Meebkg 7Tmw*g room - mull nett - CatrO CharrEoeltrav*V 12D, 3t 44.000 Community Reeaaco Room- Campinw mesa certrftnwarlp Lockan 7,000 Reereeom SwvwAa OfMWMCA/CITY $2BB,2.5D Yoah CWerlaemeeaArdoor allay sbuc addayc SM.750 Indoor play emit" err subloul 00 3$.640 Mwivs o"w (10x) Common An*s CarMne (15x) 396 SUBTOTAL 320.315 CITY PURCHASES LANDISECURES SITE 315.35 Gu w Par" and LandecaplrlB old Lm" 00 $210.600 PARK AND RIDE - (Replace portlon M conraear lob) C� be SAeen end eeewealae 664 Wheel Pum - 10,0007aceay amble 359,098 A"Ic Como 344,582 GRAND TOTAL 01l a97 4,0040 80, 3360,000 $380,000 4,100, 00{ $3®,000 I $3m,om 4.000 Bo 33000= sm Om Sm 00 W.MD $48,Om 9,000. 00� 3810,000 5810Am: 1.200 12D, 3t 44.000 $52,080 $61.920 7,000 75 $525,000 $2BB,2.5D SM.750 396 00 3$.640 320.315 $15.325, 396 BD' $36,840 320.315 315.35 2.340 00 $210.600 $120.042 390.556 664 120 3103.680 359,098 344,582 3.500, 120, 3420.000 32,400! 3180.60, 400 00 sm.= $38.000 3,600 00 j315.000 $315.000 1,= m $60,000 $90 am 42,006' 91'11,21.850.500 31.2.00,400' 3300,000 m 3032.200.001 4.210' { x785.066 sixo D' 338.000 $D' 3228.006 8.314 3677,554 3180.078 $54,000 i0 047.500 62.670 $4,813.200 61,600,624' W.000' 3O 32.662.876 11.000000, ,$1,000,000 $50.0m, um 000 3140,4000, $140000 $140.000 3wo00, 1 $50,0m SSO.CODr 30 30 W 30 300.000 $30.000 x70,000 30 30 m 5fl017.200 jlfM354 345O.ODI.1 30 SID'= W42.576 10Sr19y9711;0B AM COMMUNITY CENTER /MARQUETTE BINK - CRY HALL LOCATION -atlbardLwk4' CRY HALL SITE LOCATION COMPARISION Feats for CorMwism t=kL ea ICortenOsCents ry Bank NOTES: A —s-" Baaemem - — - B. Sq!2nd floor C_Sg113rd floor D. Caivpsny to cop MI E Joint we Resaooma CbsM Lisch Room VegtbLde Ld)by AV room Two caidawce mmo _ llsefmdcal Taal 9gtore Fee F. _ Lwsd H. Lig J. Rartode.4p ADA b39at rooms FW Moue - two ft coumbWakLbdu Mlac ADA Coucd Clwrtbwsloth Pknbiry Fast floor nnpdd Sasarnam ant ranodd Ro400lfnp Ckalirgnspalr 7,712 0 Not pond offiios apace _provdw Ingo stmape.poOwddbreak room _ 7,712 9,000_,900+ ws wiflkient L_o_rrtse krip arm meds far raw of im spam- 3,M4__ pam- 3,BW__ l.ow adeps _nd we0 salad o ncdwn Ca>tid dtarMs _ 1,000 Arbitrary addrtrm m the spam jTp abdy 1ptes-- 2340 Twos w Wp as mx=UWparfwt fm NG wd Caparaoe Dab to 500 OWaA $ant use 150 500 190 900 989 792 A ttwd corvf ce room for sty only to above. 720 19,029 15,998 7,7k d e n bmmnmd - Com Cwdw 8,200 joid - Jaim Job* fw".wWbmM6lmonoc=ion@Ibw*. Jot 55000 25000 7500 5000 10000 7500 10000 5000 27000 5000 1. Roo wddatp toW $157,000 J Purchase pnee $750,000 $810.0001 K TOTAL COST $807,000 $810'001 L. Mad Ta Rarstta To Coy tram Bark Prapwty ($35k' 25) 0 $9,750 LTn rwvara m city d kfequsld Bank rarnrim pmm Summwy - m ads to brrp ft oanrnarty cw Mr m It dowdmm ea - dry neat purdow the lard see and drs ft pw" rtaasawy to suppart du uaw Thwwfore brd and pw" alma an a Thud cmerw" an not added to ft cdy hel cost AfOer rwW wkp the pk11 L a a Ysad n are spwe nwde ably, a baaerra clear eat a Wpm pabon d the space omo be dwtpubd im pfd um spam, lmwwtrroly. ordy 8,0DD epwre tw d cdy hd spwo must a wad eI A 'L Por coy hag pupnn, Almost 4,000 spam fse to pw lecl • pad um space The ownff 4y owty prapwn dtown 5,200 wuan fast of wd wit apace (sw set ebow) Cort ivg Oy hd dN seryl a" aarmr ffb downown ptam betaw - srark+w ow—ty atarecbort Marprefd Bank "rum a tuubaa para$ La do oomraasty o rdw eWm Carmunty Canby pbow ary has d a"bra$ - ADA not on eau 9 w91 Oka two pen • b more cdy hd m new eta - dors to bank can acv no" Bwk" mw"m m mon aMkiara ao oortnarsq csrdr wltlt coy staff an-eaa S -Z SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: June 19,1997 41k MONTICELLO CITY HALL SPACE PROGRAM 10"{ N0: =` •PROGRAMAREA';#, _EXISTING= J�EED';; SFIORTAGE I COUNCILCHAMBERS 1,162 St I 1,162 sf -0-51 2 CITY ADMINISTRATOR 194 sf 230 sf 36 sf 3 CLERK/ OFFICE MANAGER 80 sf 120 sf 40 sf 4 FINANCE ASSISTANT / MIS 80 sf 100 sf 20 sf 5 BOOKKEEPER 80 sf 80 sf -0- sf 8 UTILITY BILLING CLERK 80 sf 80 sf -0- sf 7 RECEPTIONIST 80 sf 80 sf -0- sf 8 ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR 194 sf 200 sf 6 sf 9 CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL 94 sf 180 sf 86 sf 1G BUILDING INSPECTOR 94 sf 150 sf 56 sf 11 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TECHNICIAN 80 sf 100 sf 20 sf 12 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CLERK -0- Sf 80 sf 80 sf 13 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 94 sf 120 sf 26 sf 14 PLANNING TECHNICIAN / PLANNER .0. sf 120 sf 120 st i 15 MEN (NOT ADA COMPLIANT) 150 sf )► 200 st 50 sf 16 WOMEN (NOT ADA COMPLIANT) 150 sf a 300 sf 150 sf 17 COAT CLOSET / JANITORIAL AREA' 70SI 150 Sf 80 sf 1B RECORDS STORAGE -0- sf 600 Sf 600 sf 19 COUNCILSTORAGE 9661 ' 96 sf -0- sf 20 LUNCH ROOM 132 of i 240 of 10861 21 COAT CLOSETS 18 sf �/ I 40 9f 22 sf 22 VESTIBULE 160 sf , 16081 -0- sf 23 LOBBYIRECEPTION 740 s! -0-51 I � _pugNo. 5 IL SPACE NEEDS STUDY CITY OF MONTICELLO Date: June 19,1997 olk MONTICELLO CITY HALL SPACE PROGRAM (CONTINUED) MO;'� • ' -- PROf3RAM`AREA;' EXISTING KNEED `SHORTAGE 24 AUDIO VISUAL / COMMUNICATIONS -0- o} 150 of 150 sf 25 WORKROOM & OFFICE SUPPLIES 206 of 250 SI 44 SI 26 COMPUTER ROOM 8 STORAGE 40 of 200 of 160 of 27 MAYOR / COUNCIL OFFICE -0-sl 120 of 120 of 28 COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM -0- of 300 of 300 Sf 29 CONFERENCE ROOM (EXISTING) 267 of 267 of -0- of 30 CONFERENCE ROOM (NEW) -0- Sf 267 sf 267 of 31 INTERN /TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES -0- of 16C of 160 of 32 FUTURE PRIVATE OFFICE -0- of 120 of 120 of OFFWe DOU VEES SUCH AS; KRUX WOMB OOIECTOR. UCUOR STORE WMMER. ANMAL CONTWX OFFICER STC. 33 FUTURE PRIVATE OFFICE -0- of 120 of 120 of TEWORARY USES SUCH AS: OUTSIDE CONSIA• TANTS. AUOROR. SHERIFF. ETC 34 LIBRARY / MAP ROOM -0.61 230 of 230 of 35 MECHANICAL ROOM 720 of 720 of -0- of 36 CIRCULATION AND STRUCTURE 2,327 of 3,908 of 1,441 of CITY MALL TOTALS 7,388 of 12,000 of 4,612 of SUMMARY: EXISTING CITY HALL ADDITIONAL SPACE NEEDED FUTURE CITY HALL y 7,388 SF m I,,,, s 4,612 SFL--4 12,0003F srcl 5 lT1 L - C rR _ �oos'.b�e Z " 7-ac t'•�� • t? Al`er5 �"`-„ ' • . t. /" : , �--1..�;(�%�, •��«s" 711 �: . ' a . J, t ` �" `111 r1 •1/ �} r!, 7"!�r �' /• 1 I ', J jo%JI7� tr �� •1 �."' �'`� '", r t,� �� t:J-L'�/�.'„`.7r *«�t,� • l,�t r%,1r �: `~/j 'J J�/A I -ate >...,,,,.�. w -+ +• � �I/(7j//Ja • i1.'! +`0 ; 1 ; ; r f 1I . ! l '. i. l L1/ � r �D ,..-..- V � "1j” d, ,r •11 1�".+�LQ�.Iy;,~a� �l1.;,.=71'0ii,� -I� ''%'.' •rrrlJ'k•.,,,___,�� 'tro'.' C -t,l 1�,.:;.-�r•,.I.•' , l~ 17 � • r i / i � s. •r , , �`�-.:J «J. ! � .,., ,%;1``E�, t�"' = I � 'T.'r�' �a� ' t. d' \ i• .1 �4l t� J• t r, .. '^r . ( : t �• � ' J'� 1 r ' �,��.t.�'+ �i '"�.,..1 « � { • _ L-L"� •. , V � ;7J ! t � J t %+a��,, � ,' 7 rL"",•�' :�1 � + �� � � i . ,.d +..,�' F r'q ��'• 'r �E' : ; ' J ',"t7 lZ�f �".. `^��-� 'i',q. i r 7 �►y,. ..' �i�.. �,.::�7' `"•"+ ° ~ c ,,, �' 1 r n j ;% �+Inst. } �+ 134 r •� � „';,,;..1;� ••«.« J �..:;y r�. % 1. L'�. % cis _ ,L`ri , t. T i (••.._ l lr••v! I Council Agenda - 9/22/97 9. ConstideraHon of reviewLQ tering of purchikse of Marquette Bark il b,inQfor�.yhdL (R.W.) -- - A. RFFFRFNPR AND RA .K .ROUND: The purpose of this agenda item is to update the Council on the status of negotiations between the City and Marquette Bank officials regarding the potential purchase of the bank building for city hall use. Depending on what action the Council may have taken regarding the viability of including a new city hall structure as part of the National Guard Training and Community Center complex, negotiations may continue or be simply put on hold. After further analyzing the space needs of relocating city hall to the bank building, it appeared that we would not be gaining a lot of square footage on the main level of the bank building over what we have today for office space unless we were able to utilize the entire main level for city hall purposes. Bank officials felt they needed to have a minimum of 2,800 sq ft of leasable space, which would leave approximately 4,900 sq ft for city hall use. When comparing this to the square footage that we currently have, we would not have been gaining a lot of square footage on the main level over our present arrangement. While there would be additions: ,quare footage available on the second level or in the basement, it didn't appear feasible at this time to locate some of the employees and departments on different levels because of the interaction that exists between departments. As a result, the negotiations turned toward eliminating the idea of leasing back to Marquette Bank any space on the main level if the City was to continue the idea of purchasing the bank. While it appears that the bank is still interested in selling the property even without being able to lease for 3-5 years, it would change the time table for occupancy in that the bank would need sufficient time to find a new apace for their operations. It was estimated that this could take anywhere from 3 months to a year. As far as the purchase price of the property, bank officials indicated a desire to keep the price firm at $750,000, although they did indicate they would consider an offer in writing. In regard to a purchase price, it should be noted that the bank did hire an environmental review of their building to determine if any asbestos existed, and it appears that the only asbestos that could be a problem in the future is in the floor tile in the basement. It is estimated that the removal of the floor the would be approximately $4,400. In addition to this cost, if the City did acquire the bank property, the City would be liable for rein estate tuxes due in the following year, which would add an additional $34,000 to the purchase price. Finally, the purchase agreement as proposed by Marquette Bank would have Council Agenda - 9/22197 the City picking up the unpaid special assessments totaling approximately $3,000. Normally the assessments are included as part of the appraised value price and should be paid by the seller of the property. I had originally intended to propose an offer to Marquette Bank that would address the additional cost of asbestos removal and real estate taxes but have not done so at this time. Based on Council discussion regarding the potential of a city hall being included in a community center complex, I intended to wait until some direction was provided by the Council before proceeding with any additional offers. The purchase agreement enclosed for your review should be a document that the bank officials and the City could agree to contingent upon further negotiations on the actual purchase price. For your deliberations, the Council should assume a purchase cost would be somewhere between $725,000 and $790,000, depending on who is responsible for real estate taxes, asbestos removal, or unpaid special assessments. In addition to the purchase price, it is still estimated that remodeling and renovation cost would be an additional $150,000 above the purchase amount. Depending on the decision regarding city hall being included in a community center complex, Council could direct the Administrator to continue negotiations and arrive at a firm purchase price for consideration. Council could direct the Administrator to discontinue further negotiations at this time pending outcome of adding a new city hall to the community center complex. (:. STAFF F. O MF.NDATION: It is the recommendation of the Administrator that if negotiations continue, it would be with the idea of the City utilizing the entire building for city hall or other city uses. If it's the Council decision not to pursue a city hall facility with a now community center, 1 would bring back to the Council at the next meeting a final purchase agreement, including purchase price, for Council consideration. Copy of purchase agreement proposal. THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT (the "AgreetixnP) n made and en6ao I into as of this dry of 1997. by and bctw= Marquette Bmk N.A. ('Seller') and the City of Moaaxllo (?m dmscr-). RECITALS: FIRST: Sella is the owner in fee simple of the parcel of Ind (the "Land") located in the City of Momicelb. County of Wright. State of Minnesota all as more fnBy described on attached Exhibit The Lord, topetba with the building constructed thereon (tbc "Building"). the -flatbed fiauaes located within the Building (the -Fumuvs"), the personal property as spcc&&Uy listed Lacin (the "Personal Property'). and all ngbm prn ikges. eascanem teaemeam haoditaunmn. and app atmmoes bdmgmg therein. shall hereinafter be refersod to as the'Property.• SECOND: Seller desires to eoovoy the Property to Purchaser and Purchaser is desirous of purchasing the sane AGREEMENT: to oonsideratim of the mmoal caaunts and ag>racumob bercm oontmed and other vahrabic co adored-- be roecipt and sufficiency of which is hereby adnowkdgod. the parties agree as follows: 1.0 Bwg= To Be Pmvbiscd. Subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. ScUm shall convey the Property to Pmchaw. The taint 'Property' is understood to tochadc all of the following attached property In the BalldIig; and on the land. owed by the Seller: Plant, sbmtm bon: pylon sign arucnmo avchime of the sign fix, railer board sign. ln0ic aontrd sad dcectiooal signs and all other on-site sign structures: scram, window shoe blioda. trnase and drapery rods, eloarical and lighting fiaures and W bulbs; toilet mom aceesvrio: phnnbing fcctura• garbage disposals, dhhwasben trosh compactor orate heaters. stud water softens: heating, ventilating and air conditioning plants: aaomnas. computer and voice coamumiratiaas wiring and jacks: cable tekvisim wiring and jacks: capcfi* mirrum fee suppression equipment. smote daacto s. buil-in bank- trade an►trade fi urw (ix.. bank vault doors, night depository eponcaf i—1 dog the bed. chute. nfo ad any rcWod fire s>pprassi m equipment m any and spceifmally excluding the socurvy sysm- ck -e cireoit w1cm ueim cytaipmmt and wiring. sale deposit boxes. ad unattacrMs bank tr ado axttocs); and the following personal properly: All aroma, nanitmu. famishmp egnipmrn6 mamialsapplim ad otbe p>rmoal prepay. if say. band an the Due GO' Closing upon the Subject Prcmms, which ass owned by Sean and which are and m coaroction with sad for the oocapancy. management. mainomanw and operation of the Subject Premises. iolodmg but coat limited to those thmact isms idumtificd bcWw but cuNding. bowevcr. improvcn=ts. inventory. ma aW-g artmes finnume fiwishiags egaipmen aupplia sad otbcr personal propcty owned by tonants under the applicable I caw (bacim ft oolla:tkly called "Pcnoaal Propcny"). Mamtrnansq supplies (La.. Looe valves. faoouas. and any other paru inventories for building and bmldmg gvems mametanOD, etc.), bmWin# and pounds maintenance egaWmmt (le„ vacuum deanm carpel cleaning eqmomcuL lawn cam and mowing equWmrnt, ju*wW supplxa cte.): door key+. locks, itrai combmatim door man, sump pumps ad atuckmcuta dishwashers. WoA compactor% nkwmwnn avem, ovens. ranges, reaigcrators: chapabic ksers fon seeder board sign ad all other operating supplies and equipment fon the budding and grounds. 2.0 Brrohaw Price. The purchase prim ("Purchase Prion") of the hopcny Ball be the rum of Seven I londred Fifty Tboosand ad Nolloo Ibllas (1750.000) payable by Purchaser and follows: 2.1 Filly Tboasmd and No7100 DoWrs (150.000) as worst money (too "I''mncst Money") deposited with Seller a of rho date hereof and held by Salla pursuant to the tams of this Agreement. 2.2 and NoIN DoWrm (S in cash or by catdW ands or the equivakvt on tba Data d Coving (a hcca0er ddhiod). Page I of 1 1 9.- 'R 3.0 Title To Be Delivered Sella agtom to convey to Pmchascr marketable fee stele titk to the Property subject only to the permitted encumbrances ("Permuted Encumbrances") set forth on attached EddbitH. 4.0 Evidence of Title. W china reasonable time after the execuoao of this Agrccmtat by bath parties or sncb othert®e period as may be specified in this Article. Seller shall: 4.1 Came to be issued and delivered to Pmchssa an ALTA Form 8-1987 commitment for an Chances title insurance policy (the 'Commitmeat') issued by ("Tick Insure) pursuant to whish Title Insure agrocs to issue to the Purchaser upon the recording of the documents of oouvryatme referred to herein an ALTA Form 8.1987 Ownels title insurance policy m the full amount of the Puacbmo Price, The Commi oval shall include proper aearcI covering battkruptcics. state and federal judgments and liras and levied and pending special assessments. 4.2 Cause to be delivued to Pmchasa, if in Sellers possession or control an abstract of title for the Property within a reasonable time following the Date of Clasiug. Parchascr shall have ten (10) days after receipt of the Ca®ittueat to dclivc to Seller written objections to olio. and Seller shall bavo the pcata of (1) the number of drys remaining until the Date of Closing or (u7 am hundred twenty (120) days to hero such objocuato removed or satisfied. If Seller shall fail to have such objechoos rcntmvd within said time. Pardu= may. at its sole ckcuDn: (a) terminate this Agreement without my liability on its part in which event the Earnest Money paid hemmuda shall be ptotrtptly refunded in etchange for a quit claim decd for the Property, or (b) take title to the Property subject to such objeeriaws. 3.0 Central of. Subject to the provisions of Artick 18 of this Agreement. omit the Date of Cloning. Sell= shall have the frill responsibility and Ileo enteo liability for any and all damages or igjmies of any kind wbatson cr to the Property. to any and all persons, w•hcd= employees or otherwise. and to any other popes ty Itom and connected to the Prq", except liability arising duxtly from the ncgligcoco of Pumhnsa. its agents or cmployca. If, prior to the Date of Closing, all or a portion of the Property shall be the subject of an action in emiaaal domain or a proposed taking by a governmental authority. whether t®poeay or permanent. Purchaser, at its sole elecomn, shall have the right to teammate this Agro®em without liability on its pan, by so notifying Seller and all sums bactufaro paid by Purchaser a6all then be promptly refrmded to Pachuca in cschmgo for a quit claim decd for the Property. Sella agrees to keep the Property continually msurtd during the term of this Agreement ander o policy of fire and mended coverage insurance to in amount era less than the Pumbaso Price hereunder. 6.0 Bi==attm of Seller. As m essential pan of thn Agreement and in order to induce Ptuchaser to enter into this Apcemm and Purchase the Property. Seller hereby repruaents and warrants to Purchaser: 6.1 To Seller's kttowkdp. the Documents to be delivered to Ptnchas= pursuant to Article 8 frenal (9tevim of Documents') as hereinafter dell will be true and correct copies. 6.2 To Schen krowlcdgo. and ompt as discbaod in any Phase I Environmental Site Assessment or the NOVA Em uaomcutal Report delivered to Pumbner. no caod®nmion environmental. mating or adicr land -on mplatiaa proceedings. bas bcm mswuW which would affect the use cod operation of th; Property or the vela; of ft Property, nor has Seller rmcivod notice of any sptvW assessment proceedings allbuling the Property. 6.3 On the Data of Closing, there, will be no outstanding leases or licenses except die Parking I.a t.roauo Agreement as dtdmod below, or outstandng;aatracts mad; by Seller for any mtpavvcanmts to the Property which have not Igen (illy paid for, and Sella than cause to be discharged aD mocbmio'a or mancrulasm a licm main# Gam any khar or maaaiah flani+mod to the property and known IoSeller prier to the Data of Closing. 6.4 Sell= than transfer to Purchaser all of the Warranties ndcnod to in Paragraph 8.3. Page 2 of I 1 ��2L 6.5 Seller sball m*iMam cue for and operate the Property in substantiaW the same manner as the Proper, has been maintained. cared for and operated prior to the vtocatmo and delivery of this Agreement. mcludmg :aping the Property in good order ad repair (except for ordinary went and scar and insar d casually) and mamtammg pmm i ccurawe in fall fora and effect 66 Seller shall deliver to Purchaser a written notice of the _....• of any legal setiw by any gaveramenW autbority or third party affecting the Property and will male no concessions or settlements with respect to any such,coon wtlboui Purebasds pnor written consent. 6.7 Senor is out a foreign person. as such term is dermad in Secaon 1445(1)(3) of the Internal Revenue Cc & of 1986. as amended. and shall deliver an affidavit to that effect at closing• which shall be in form and subsmaoe reasonably aoocptabic to Purchaser. 6.9 On the Date of Closing, there will be no management agents or other personnel aaployod in connection with the operation or leasing of the Property. or any part thereof. 6.10 Seller has not cueing into any aper oantracts for the sato of Ow Property. nor as of the Dale of Closing, w ill ibern be any fust rights of refusal or options to pmcb m the Property. 6.11 To Seller's knowledge• Selkt ism in default with respect to any of its obligatiaas or liabilities penaming to the Property. 6.12 The individuals c =uisng this Agramem and the documcah,darted to bocin on behalf of Seiler hnv the legal poem right and actual authority to bind Seller to the terms sud coodium of the Agrvanant. This Agracmat and all docmonu required hereby to be ecmmod by Seller ars and shall bo, valid. legally binding obligations of and eaforceable against Seller in acwrdanca with their terms 6.13 Sena docs not know of any io&iduat sewage ocatmeat systaa seting rbc: Property. 6.14 Seiler does not know of any wells as the property. Tbc mpnxataboas and wmrantia set forth in rhes sochou shall be camGnaing and shall be one and coarw n of the Data of Closing with the nano force aDdeffect as if made at Ilea tram. AU such mprc3cntatiom and warranties shall sutvne closing and shall era be merged in rho delivery and c%o=m of the docd or other mstrumeats of couveymm called for in this Agro=at Wbac rcTmseautiom or wamotia arc made -to SclW'a knowledge' the phrase sbdl rc cr to Ihi: actual knowledge of Kcvm Doty as of the date hereof. All ScU&s repre9mtstims and wasraacs, wbcdo ser forth in thu %oam or elsewhere an the Agrammt shall ecpuc am year firm the Dam of Cbrmg. 7.0 Rowimtatioos of Puschrt . Pwcba= represents and warrants to Seller that Purchaser is • Municipal corporaum under the laws of the State of Minnesota: that Purchaser is duly quakificd to transact busmen in the Stam of Minnoutm that Pumbaser has the requisite aiimardy to enter into this Agrotmem and mo Parchaaces Closing Darts signed by its mptacntuive: such decnmmta hasv beta duly autbarbW by all ocoenary action of Purchaser and haw beer duly cvecamd and defrayed: delivery and performaaw by Piacbasa of such documents do out ooalha with or resutl in viulatiao of any laws. codes or regulations or any judgment order or d=Lv of any coon or arbitrator to which Ptnchaser is a party: such documents aro valid and binding obligations of l'mchua. and are enforceable in sixadance with their tams. Purchata will iodrm 4 Sona, and its suco ,sora ad as:t m against. and will hold Se:Ba, its a coconut and assigns, harmless from. any capcom or damagm mchidiag remsooabb atmrncy's foes, U Seller suffrn or macs becati>c of tbo brcach of aay of the above rcpracmatiaas and wmrmtx& whether such breaeb u dixaaod bclbro at alta closiq. Cmn®mation of this Agromsont by Seller with koow'ledgo of any snob breach by Pmchaser will not eaaswam a waiver or rdcaao by Sella of any claims duo to such breach. AO Pmchasda mprocatatiow entad onrrmtin, w•hcOa to forth in this Section or elsaahere in rho Agrocmrnt shall cvpuv one yen from the Into of Cimino. 8.0 . Cooamtmtly with ouc waioo of this Agreement or riihm a rwmabb tam following the dam bercof. Sulks, shall Wnvr to Punhmcr and Purr ata shall t ercaftcr promptly acknowlodga rax" of rho follow mg documents: Page 7 of I I '? C:7 3 8.1 Lists of any amtracts ad agreements, including the Parking Lot I io= Agrament with Mike Molls dlb/a Mnlla Family 7Leatas and Moller Family T bcataa of Monticello. Inc. (the 'Parking W License Agreement"), together with copies thereof. which. to the best of ScB&s knowledge. will conshnne all of the contracts and ageoemeeau pertaining to the opertio n of the Prol" whirl will cmmd beyond the Date of Closing (the 'Contracts"). 8.2 Cap ics of any ¢oaten received by Sella or its agwts of any stature. mdmana or code violations pertaining to the Property which have not bom corrcctcd. 8.3 All unogmed wd and gm>otics relating to the erm muotion. condition and operation of the Building and the Fixdao thercm or on the Land inchrdmg all HVAC, electrical. pl®loms machanwal and other facilitic savicmg the Baildng (the -Wa raaties'). 8.4 A copy of the most mens moring Phase 1 FnvuowenW Site An=mml and the NOVA Environmental Report, if available. Salla shag provide, all of the above lisnsd docioncats (the'Docomcnb-) to Pmchna cot later than twenty (20) days dler mccobw of this Agreement. Pmehasa radl have tin (10) b®aess days alta receipt of all of rho Doctanco s to review the same. In the even Purchaser sbsll adermin, in its reasonable judgment, that the, Documents disckm ms"actory conditions it may oermmatr: this Agreement by delivering to Seller. at the address set out in Article 19 hereof. not later than ten (10) basinsa drys after rooeipt of a0 of the Documents, written notice of its election to terminate this Agreement In such event this Agreement shag been= anll and void and Purchaser shall be cmiod to the prompt rearm of its F.west Money at acemmp far a quit claim dood for do Property and neither party shin have 6 1 obligations herc®der. In tbo event Pmchaser dna not cb a to tmmmmo this Agrevmcal then the, Pamhncr ddl prneced m cksing in swardaow with the terns of this Agreement. 9.0 (opgnacyc . The closing of the tramactim watemp Wed by this Agreement shall be subject to owtmgmcw& as identified in this section. 9.1 The obligation of the Sdkr to sen the Property shag be mbject to the, fdlowmg condition: (a) Except a olherwiso provided in this Agrecmea. the tclimsentami s and wartanaa heretofore made by tbo Purchaxr shall be correct u of rho Date of Closing with the same force and effect at if such rcpramutmn had been mado at the, Date of Cksbg. (b) Potohasm Shan have sarid'actuily complied with the, lama and cooddims of this Agr a mcm and a=uncd and delivered rho mstrameNs rdenod to m Articlo 12 heroof. With respoci to the abovedcaeribcd cooditiws in favor of Sella. Seller &d give notice of its desire to terminate this Agrocnitcau for failure to fhlfi6 any of said conditions on or bdoto the, Dam of Cl sing. tfthis Agreement shall be so tcrmmstal. rho Grace Meq shall be promptly rctmaod to Pnrelme in exchange for a quit claim dead for the Property and aeilhar party than have, ihrd= rights and obligations heteander. In rho went no notice of terminuiao is given within tbo spooi6od taw period with resat to any sock smtim bcmd. atxb condition aba6 be docmad to be waived by Seller and Seller shall proeeod to closing in swot draw with the ather tams and condition bctoof. 9.2 The obligation of the Pmehaer to pt rchaso the Property"be mbjea to the, following conditions: (a) lAwpt n omawiao provided in thb Agreement mo repramtatims and wartratia bactdom made by Seller shall bo asrrea as of the Dam dCloemg with tho samo foroo and dfeot a if smh rcpraeomum bad boo made at me Duo of Closing. (b) Sell= ebdl havo auidacmrily complied with the, to and mditiom of this Agrcemem and delivered Iho documeAts mfand to in Article a and the instrumwu rdaied to in Ankh 11. 9 Page 4 of l l (c) Purchaser shall have dctammed. within thirty (30) days after the date hereof that it is saddled with malas dmicead by a survey of the Property, which mrvcy shall be obtained at Purchases sob cost and expense. (d) Purchaser shall determne, within thirty (30) days abler the date baooL do a is satisfied with the masters disclosed by soil testing and physical itusI ieo oftbe rntue Property conducted by Purchaser. which testing and iacpecuore sba0 be obtained at Purchaser sok: Cost and expense and in accordarce with Section 18 of oris Agreement. (c) Pmcbaw shall daermine, within thirty (30) days dRer the date hereof, that it is satisfied with the miners disclosed by ks, review of any existing esrcamoncittal cpoi if available. as provided by Seger. and in environmental report or npoeb obtained by Pmchawr at Purchases sok cost and expense. Seller shall eoopauo with Pmrbaw in the ptepeaat a n of this report. n mgmrcd in Article 18 of this Agreement. With respect to the ab... d.,..„ _d conditions in favor of Pmchaw. Pmvhaw shall give notice rd its desire to wrinin_nc: this Agreement for failure to NO my ofsaid conditions on a bdbro thirty (30) days Gam the dam bet or such other date as may be specifcd above. If this Agreement shall be w termmatod, the Earnest Money sha0 be promptly reused to Plrrchasa m exchange for a quit claim deed for the Property and neither party shall have further rights and obligations haeme =. In the event no notice of tammatmn is given within the specified limo period with respect to any such so== bereof. sad condition shall be deemed to be waived by Pmchaw and Parchaw shaft proceed to closing in accordance with the aha taros ad conditions hereof. 10.0 02dag. The closing hereof shall take place on .1997. (the'Date of Closing') or on such earlier dam n ScOa and Poncho= my momally agree in writing. The closing da take place at the offices of Faomt'tmo3 Byttm. P.A.. 1100 W=wtmoal Ceara. 900 Second Avenue South. N inu=potis. Minnesota 55402 or such other plaoe as the Sella and Prchna may rcaaomably determine. Possession of the Property shall be dch%vrod on the Dam of Closing. 11.0 Sellers Obrgaticum AI Ckmina. On or prior to the Date of Closing. Seller chap: 11.1 I3xav:a w1mowkdgo and deliver to Purchaat a limited warranty deed to the Property o mroying to Purchaser marketable foe simple titb to the Property subject only to the Permitted Ercmmleanccs. 11.2 De ivy to Purchaser an affidavit of the Sella in rcoardablo form idmti" ScHa a the owe of the Property live and clear of all commbrmsa amp rho Painittod Fm®hrmco, and stating rho all work. labor. services and mortmab Pomishad to or in oomcoticn with the Ropemy have b® MoW paid for so that no mod mics. mamrisluten's. or similar lion may be filed against the Property. 11.3 F.xacuro an asigmmmt of wartantia sod guaranties assigning the interest of seller in any of rho Wartmtiasesrefatod to is Paagrepb 8.3. 11.4 Deliver to Ruches= oxomtod copier of all the Contracts. if any. rod an asrignrnem of the Contracts assigning the internal of ScOcr thcreb to Purchaser. 11.5 Dells to Purchaser such other documents at may be mquirod by this Apocu mt. 12.0 Punhaaea Obhgx6m &.Q2ug. At cksin& and mbjw to do t=ins, madWaina, and provisions baoof and rho performance by Seller of its obligations a no forth above. do Piochav shall: 12.1 I3c0va to Sc(br any portion of the Pumham Pricy thm duo and mob to by wire trmaf= or Purchases catiliod chock. 12.2 Execute an assertion of all Caatraes tnccieby Purchaser sbW asmms the meant of ScOm in all Contracts. 9 Page S of I I I 12.3 Fxecute ad/or deliver to Seller such other docomcub as may be required by this Agtoement 13.0 cr.,s:..g cne foRmAnd coon and expenses shdl be paid as fo0ms in eomoctom wuh the cbsmd: 13.1 ScUcr shall pay: (s) The cost of preparation of the limitod warranty deed ami ud= documents of (b) Slate Doed-Tam upon &Hvay to Pmebna dthc limped warrmty dcod. (c) Sellers attorocys' foes. (d) The ant of rocordmg the satisfaction of any mist" mortgage sod any other document ocoaury to male titic markmaw. 13.2 Purchaser shaO pay the Mowing costs in connection with the closing: (a) The cost of preparing the abatrw daaaibod m paragraph 0.2. and rho cost of the premum for the title msmsnce issued pursuant to the Commitaw. (b) Any filing fee to mcurd the limited warranty dad. (c) Pouchuces attorney! fan. (d) Any and d aim ancumrnb and mspocti= mclodmg. ben pet 1®ited to Phase 1 Euvimmnental Site Assessments or updates. snit worry and structural reviews. 14.0 Proratimj. The folbwmg prorumm aLal) be made as of ft Date of Clo mg: 10.1 All utditsa ftuisbod to dw Property. 14.2 Real alto taro and special mcssumb as haeinaf r provided. 13.0 Taman and Special Arcngpm a. Sdlor shall pay do real atom Incur ad imtallmmb of apodal asaes>mmb rcfating to do Property whicb aro dm and payablo m the yearn prior to dw year m wtrioh oloamg takes platy and its pro ram &m of rho real estate Woes and iagallmrnh of spocW m®enb dm and payable in dw year of cloamg based an die ratio that tbo number of days tram )anuwy 1 of tho year of closing m tbo Date of Closing bean m am ben I airty-0five (363) days. "m balance of Cho real awn taw and mstallmew of special a==ncbb dao and payable in the year dclosing and fbacafta shall be paid by Purchaser. 16.0 1)mUmv. Seller represents and wa3.— m Purchuer, sod Pmchasa warrant ad represents te Seller, that u has no engaged the no k of my bra►a in eam ctiw with the ule and pumbaw omtmrplated by thin Agro®cm. Each parry hereby agues to mdcmmfy and hold Oro other hmmkn of any chim made by a broker or idea agent err amtilar pony for s oommiaaiop due or aOcgod to be dm an this tramaction on the basis of an ap=mmt win cid broker made by dw wemadying party. 9 � Page 6 of I I 17.0 Qdanll• 17.1 In the avant that Sda should fail to coasummmato the hmsaction hand by this Agroemem fm a y reason acept for Purchases dcfmb or the Whim of Purchaser to sating my coodib m to Scuds obUgaum bmcade Purchaser may: (a) enforce the specific performance of this Agreement, which actin mast be commenced within nmcty (90) days of the date of faihuo of Sega to consummate the transacb m contemplated baem: (b) canoe) and terminate this Agreement and be relieved of its obfigatioos betemdw. or O seek damages m an amant ourto arced Porchads out-of-pocket expmm immnd m cesmnYion with this transctioa In any stsh event. Patchaa shall be urmodWely entitled to tho future ofthe Earnest Money baaofao paid in exchange for a quit claim deed for mo Property. No delay or omni to the exercise of any right or rcmedy aoanma to Purchase upon my breach by SeUer miler thin Agreement dmU impar such nSM or remedy or be eonshmad as a waits of any such brach thacWum a the cater oaring. The waiver by Purchaser d my coodit m or the breach of any aha tam, oovaan4 or condition hercm contained daD our be deemed to be a waiver of nay' olber condition or of any mbro I breach of the sumo or d any aha tam, oovenam or eoodmm bcrom co I i I 17.2 to the event that Pmdm= shall fail to commmumsoo the trimsactioo oommtphnad herein for any reaum voW the default by Sella or Ike faille of Sella to sandy any of the oonditiom to the Pmchmes obligatinea set forth baein the Sella shall be entitled to: (a) cancel and terminate this Agreement in the manna provided by applicable law, retain the Earnest Money as UquiderA damages sod be relieved of its obligsiam haeunda: (b) enface the spodUc perfamance of flus Agreement which action mast be cemmencod within ninety (90) days of the dam dfiihue of Purchase to wm®matc the transadiam ocetemplated hacmder. or �O sock damage in exact of the Eamat Money hactofae paid by Purchaser. No delay or omhsioo in the cotaciso of any right or remedy noming to ScUcr upon any breacb by Purchaer under this Agtoemmt A" ®Par rich right or remedy seating to Seller upon any breach by Purchaser under this Agrement or be cwstrocd as a waiver of my such breach dwWoforc or thereafter cwmrmg. The waives by ScUcr of any coeditim or the brcacb of any tefm, cocmam or cooditioa herein contained daU cot be deemed to be a waiver of any aha comditin or of any subsequent breach of the amu or d any other tam covenant a condition baro cntamed. 18.0 Upon reasonable prior notion all the date bumf. Purchase sod my pawn or pasom scbgod by Purchase 60 be permitted scours to the Property fa the purpose of 000duOamg such studs: and investigations of tbo Property as Puttbaa deems appropriate. which studio and iuvetigatian " be conduced at Pmchads a* eapeaso. Such studies may seclude without Imutom physically mtpoctiog the Property. mm viawmg Sd Ws agents and employees. and revwmq Shcda records conocmmg the Property which records shat) be made reasonably available to P urchaa. Pmchaa Shall promptly pay the chuM for any tach srodia and mveaigationt and shall defeod, mdcmmfy and hold ScUcr and the Propertyharmicss from my lea of danapo iuonrod by or any olaims against Sclla a the Property medo in connection therewith, mdmtmg but out 1®imd to liabilities arising from moc em's lines at (Abu lines Clod against tho property in ceanomon with material fi mdW by or 0 the duomioo of Pmdmm. Purchase da deliver to Sella. wimam cost copies of all tet remh mocivod within ten (10) drys d x roccipt. Such results abo"be ccrtifsd to Scl►v. 19.0 mimcu 73o lob-ing genal pirwisk s Vora° this AV—: 19.1 Tina i+ dura k!M& Tbo Dam cf CbamV is afthe sbuAM csomm 19.2 OmmuinLaw, This AVoemmt is mile i d cvacmd ranee ad m d1 resanccn is to be ga erred and cm%n d under the laws of the Sum of Mmnewts. Page 7 "I 1 9-W 7 19.3 Notim. Any notice requi od to be given to Sells or Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement shill be to writing and shall be deemod duly given: (1) on the date of pcsond delivery; (ii) one day foUowmg dispatch by Express Mail or egnivalmt or (iii) two (2) days following mailing certified or registered mail. pa4ap prepaid. return mcelpt mgoested, to the resportivo adds® of the parties set out below: Scher. Metgaette Bank. NA. 400 Southpoint Centre 1630 West 82m Stmet Minneapolis, MN 53431 Atm: Ann Bourg With a copy to: Christophe J. Dolan Frodnlcsou & Byron. P.A. 900 S000ad Avcwx Somh 1100 Imanational Centre Mimeapolm Minnesota 55402 Purcltma: Rick Wolfstcllcr. City Adm' b&dor Cily of Montixllo 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello. Mime oa 55362.9245 With a copy to Any party, by moon given its aforesaid. may change the add= to which submilmal notioes an to be am to each parry. 19.4 PirghtweR Waive Rights. Pochno may, at its option. waive any right conferred upon the Purchaser by this Apmmrnt. Exacpt as olhowim provided basin such wawa may be made only by giving Sc0a written not- specitkally dereribmg the tight waived. 19.3 Cpl nb Apoemmt chill bo amradod only by a writtta msttuttaem sipcd by Seller sod Patch&=. 19.6 5m%uuct . The captions and bedinp of & mien s sections of this Agreement aro for convenience only and am coa to be cmmued as dcfWq or as limitins in any way the scope or intent of the provision bercof. VAkm-% r the context requires or permitx the aingalar shill inchuda the phad. the phml shall include singulat. and the m tcalim, kmmim ad neuro wean be Beely inurchangabio. 19.7 A"jglabilirv. 7Lis Ag "mod tin rights sp our less. may be anoW by Podia= upon notice to Sc0a; provided, bDWaa, coy auilptmcm shall to fckam Pmchascr Ilom any liability under this Apoemeal. 19.8 LoWaWm= IU Ape®mt sets fain do emco mdoa raft of rhes parties and may bo amcvdcd. modi()od ur tambood only by an ina rta ml aiptod by mo patties. 94agog of 1 I 19.9 QmM . For the coovenimw of dw parties, any mmEer of wmtmpxm bcmof may bo cxccmed and uch each =anted oounurW elyll be deemed m o i*aaL bol all such eoaatespnts Wella shall one in the suoo Apeetoeat The puties have emw. 'this Ageemeot as of the dq and yew ad faM above. SOUR MARQUEITE BANK NA. BY Its PURCHASER: CITY OF MONTICEUA BY Its t t 9 pap 9 of I 1 Lots 1. 2A 3, 13, 14 and 15, Block 53, axoapt the camsly 2 fact of Lot 3.Origild Plat. City of Maadodb. wti& County. Minacwts, aocad ng to the plo tmataof as file and of tooccd in the off oo of dic County Reccadc m and for wti& County. M=eaotL 9 Page 10 or 1 I 940 1. The tiro of m1 cyto U= not yd doe aad payable in 19_ and *mathv. 2. Building and zomg law's. ardmmmo vtmo and federal gaLtiam which do ad mtmfaa vrdb the pteseaf an of the Ptoperty. 3. Covenants. omdWous, tesuicbme and cwcmcub of room& if any, Leu do to iuter&ie wiib the use and eaioymcm of the pmsW imp ow an the Land 0. Such other mitten not ohjatod to by Pwdmu, or aaoeptod by Pmchtoer Mming atambutim of title. Page " of I I Council Agenda - 9/22197 10. Consideration of nuthorisdng a comprehenRive pa_*k sin 0.0.) The Parks Commission seeks authorization to spend funds budgeted for the purpose of development of a comprehensive park plan. Please see the attached report from Steve Grittman for more information on the scope of the plan. Following are some of the items that are important to address in the plan. City-wide or Regional Ballfields. Is there a need for another recreation complex that is of sufficient size to handle regional athletic events (in addition to the NSP fields)? If so, it is likely that the City will need to purchase land to support the park. Where should this park go and how should it be financed? The study should examine the potential of gathering additional user fees to support park development. Perhaps these fees can be derived from Township resident use of city parks. Park Dedication. Currently, commercial and industrial developments do not provide park dedication fees. Should this policy be changed? Monticello's policy is not consistent with what many other communities require. The park plan should investigate the need and detem►ine whether or not to require park dedication from commercial and industrial developments. Modifications to park dedication requirements for residential development should be considered also. Currently, developers provide 10% of their land or cash equal to 10% of raw land value. This policy is not in step with other communities, which typically require a "per lot" park dedication fee, which is much higher than 10% of raw land value. Also, potential development of a pathway dedication fee needs to be analyzed. Much of our developing area is south of the freeway. Funds need to be acquired which will allow development of a pedestrian bridges at key locations. The plan should identify future park areas and pathway connections in the areas identified for annexation in the next ten years. The current plan needs to bo updated. Park and Recreation Service Programming. The report should identify issues and opportunities relating to the provision of recreational opportunities for the community. The question -Should Monticello develop a parks department? And if so, when? --should be Council Agenda - 9/22197 answered. Space has been tentatively programmed into the Community and Training Center for youth services. A plan for use of this space should be developed. 5. Capital Funding. As you know, the parks budget for capital equipment and facilities is growing. A 1998 budget proposal calls for developing a crew specifically charged with maintaining city parks. The report should identify staff need to support a defined service level. It should also include a capital improvement program and identify funding sources. Perhaps a park bond referendum is needed in the future. 8. Park Maintenance Priorities. The plan should identify problems with regard to maintenance and upkeep and provide ideas for improving linkage between Paries Commission goals and the goals of City staff charged with maintaining city facilities. 7. Neighborhood Park Design and Location. The report should identify in detail specific features that should be included in the various parka in the community given the needs in various neighborhoods. 8. Other planning issues identified in the Planner's scope of services report, which is attached. R. ULTERNAUVE ACTION4; 1. Motion to authorize study at a cost not to exceed $9,440. 2. Motion to deny completion of a comprehensive park plan. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION; It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to select alternative #1. Funds have been budgeted for this important item. Il. SUPPORTING DATA; Copy of Planner's report identifying scope of services. rs v NNORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESION • MARKET RESCARCM MEMORANDUM TO: Monticello Mayor and City Council Monticello Parks Commission FROM: Stephen Grittman DATE: September 18, 1997 RE: Monticello - Comprehensive Parks Plan FILE NO: 191.06 - 97.18 Attached to this memorandum is an updeded estimate for the preparation of e Comprehensive Parks Plan. The original estimate was prepared in August of 1993, and holuded esW of the elements found In this ovine. In addition, we have built in emu for the additional progrem tasks Identified by Jeff O'Neill in his Council correspondence dated 9/22/77 Some of Mr. O'Neill's Rams are Included in our original estimate, and do not increase the coat of the project. The primary Impacts on project cost aro the park dedication fee study. and the analysis of the City$ estWishment of a parka department. However, we have volunteered to provide a concept plan for the Klein Farms (Lion's) park at no charge. Therefore, tho primary coneept planting will be provided far the River Mill Park facility. The Perko Commission felt that no furl w survey$ were necessary as a part of the 1995 estimate, nor wore indivWuW existing park property plans needed. Therefore, these alternatives have been excluded from this estimate. The primary Iowa of a Comprehensive Perks Plan is to identify Parks and Tralls needs in the community$ existing neighborhoods, and to program search areas for future park locations as the City grows. The benefd to the City la more efficient provision of parka facilities and programming. The benofd to residents Is more tailored park awes to the individual ..1,,, .I.. .. 5.,:. Finally, the benefit to developere and the Parks Commission is an understanding of the Cly& park dedication requirements prior to the review of a development proposal. 6776 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITS 580 OT. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55418 PHONE 6 1 2•800.903e fAX 6 1 2.608.0637 NlnnNe.allin Park A Trail Planninn Proposed Work Program Elements 1. Analysis of City Staff's detailed inventory of park elements summarized In chart for.. at, Identifying numbers and conditions of existing park elements. LLftnrwmsnft Re, , 1. Analyw the results of existing survey. esporand utilize information to guide the City to the improvement of existing perkltrafl area and the planning or development of future parkitrail meas. Park and trail development In the community must reflect residents' desires to ensure long term use and enjoyment. III Newds Agnmammt A Ana A i. 1. Analyze individual parks and trail segments to identify those areas that are to need of improved or expanded fepiifies, prepare a summary of issues. 2. Class cation of parks by sine, service area, and use characteristics (neighborhood or community smle, park or playground status etc.). 3. CtassHrcatlonof trade by location (on-6Vest, off-street, grade -separated, ems.), size, and purpose (muttFuso, pedestrian only, wheeled use, etc.). 4. Identify potential park and trail opporturdtles based on the physical and/or community resident Inventory. S. Analyze tho City's role in providing recreation program staff, and interaction with other private and public programming activities in the community. IV Pali VPlaw 1. Establish a series of policies to guide the governing bodies in decisions about the ... ., „ 1 system hckdvip planning, acquisition, development, purpose. design, maintenance, and operation. V Rnr�Mlenwl FadllNwa �Iawtnr Olaw 1. Establish a physical plan of tho existing end propowd recreational elements. 2. Summarize proposed changer and additions to tho recreational system, emphasizing why and where improvements are needed. UL Pinnninn 1 DaWW 1. Provide a golds for recreational system ptannutg and design which idwdits Issues and asteria to consider to the dovolopment of speciric rsaeetlorul amm such as slope, composition, spatial values, adjacent land uses and IoM owners, safety. economics. and long-term goals. 2. Develop a park kdlbu conoW plant for Rha Mid park based on Its assigned functional rob in the Monticello Park System. (loetn Farms perk currently being corneptusUy designed at no charWJ /10-047--P SEF -1B-1997 1142 NFiC 1/11 n edgm StanAamb 0 1. Develop a slues al STerldaf da 10 follow In ilia deVelapment :.:. I etetltenta Tchicift minimum sues, area Vis, supper ft iehastruchm, levels of use, vahWuiar access, K;. rW,.; r r . J access, surfee ft and lends�. VIII 1�nnlw�r.efsNen 1. Discuss land ecgdaitl m opportunities for park needs as identifled In the Ptah. 2 Prepare pwk deflation fee armysls based upon recent legal standards and development cost ww"is. 3. Provide the basis for eePital improverrternt upda" by outG"the priorities for parkhrail derrebrnert 4. Outline options for funding Proposed Walecb• 5. Discuss importam :. ;,:... ,:J support projects such as ommunity education, parkrtrail signage, etc. ".to -Exceed Cost for Comprahariaive Park Plan .............. $9,440.00 Thus esUmate is for the pro f -I' mn of a Com,.: : ,A , Parks and Trails Plan which would be appropriate for adoption as an amendment to the CWe Comprohansive Plan. Tho estifnate includes the cost of all irftrn reports and draft eoples, but exchrdes the cost of Mal pr rbV. Final prtr> g costs are dependent upon the quan* of coW graphics and the number of coplas of the final document requested. A9.0 3 TOM P.04 Council Agenda - 9/22197 As part of the last Council agenda updates, Council members were provided with a notice of a training seminar that NSP was conducting in regard to how to deal with the media. The purpose of the training seminar was to provide City personnel who may be involved in dealing with the media because of a natural disaster or civil defense drill some background on what to expect in those cases. As part of the City's civil defense program in dealing with training exercises related to the NSP power plant, the Mayor becomes the chief spokesman for the City Council and is dispatched to the state emergency office at the State Capitol for these training exercises. In addition, one other Council member has usually been involved in the training exercise by attending the exercise at the emergency operations center in the courthouse in Buffalo. This individual acts as the local public information officer and provides updates or receives updates from the Mayor at the State Capitol. In the past, Shirley Anderson had performed the duties as the Council representative. Civil Defense Director Gary Anderson informed me that the next scheduled FEMA/NSP exercise has been scheduled for Wednesday, November 8, 1997. The Civil Defense Director has asked that the Council consider seeking a volunteer or making an appointment of a Council member that would be able to act as the local public information officer at the courthouse. 8RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM "^/16/97 15:C6:21 Sc.."dule of Bills VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AMOJNT ACCOUNT NAME FUND 6 ACC08NT REPORT TOTALS: 199,232.29 RECORDS PRINTED - 000137 CITY OF MxITICELLC GL5tCR-VC4.30 PAGE I CLAIM 1WOME POS F/P IO LINE M F19ARCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF l04TICELLO �n/16/97 15:05: 12 Scheaule of Bills GLCSOS-Y01.30 COVERPAGE V GL5a0R Report Selection: R0 GRCJP... 3:919 CMEN1... 9/19 CAS DATA -J'' --ID DATA C01MV D-09191997-161 9/19 CHECKS Run lnstractions : 'aho Panner Coves fore Printer Hold Soaco LPI Lines CP1 01 SLED Y S 6 015 10 9RC FINANCIAL SYSTEM /'x/16/97 15:06:21 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION I AMERICAN PAGING OF'MIN9E JOY.N M 6 RICH C MATT PATTY JOHN 5 JOHN L TO!'8 0MR GARY A ANDERSON/RICK STO.�-TEMP INSPECTOR STORK -MILES AUSTOEN-BIWET MASTENATE NNTP-ORANINGS AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR -CO ��/ NATER -ODOR GIOMATWSYSTEM3 CO. MATS-04RT PAPER BRAUN INTERtEC CORPORATI 11X19 -SERVICES 7/12-0/00 olro'S ELECTIONS-iODO HARRY's AUMSUPPLY CP£RATIN3 SUPPLIES YEN REPAIR PARTS VE!11CLE MAINS _ VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS VEHIC_E MAINT C7ERATI!q SUPPLIE3 CE 4WOR 6 FUEL SMALL TOOLS SM-SLL 1COLS SMALL TOOLS HECME9)JECY / LIC2,QY-CLEANIN3 z Jilt; LK.R-41:C 6..N TAXAEIE Sthsduto of 8flls ACCOUNT'NARE FUND It ACCOUNT 28.38 TELEPHONE 601.19"0.3210 32.21 TELEPHONE 602.19190.3210 6.41 TELEPHONE '.01./2701.3210 t/.19 TELEPHONE 10413110.3210 11.19 TELEPHONE 101.45201.3210 11:19 TELEPHONE 101.43115.3210 14.19 TELEPHONE 101.13120.3210 14.19 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 218.90 -MDDR TOTAL 728.75 1991 STORK WAGE EXPENS 101.42501.4401 44.60 1997 STORM DAMAGE EXPENS 101.42501.1101 773.55 9MDDR TOTAL 11,000.00 PROF SRV - ENSINEERINB F 431.49201.3030 530.00 REPAIR 6 MTC.-- BUILDINGS 601.49110.4910 111.18 UTILITY SYSTEWNTCE SUPP 601.49410.2270 1,527.61 MINK PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 438.49201.3199 03.07 RISC MT190 APPLIES 101.41410.2119 15.01 RISC OPERATING APPLIES 101,13120.2119 27.57 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101.42201..2211 1,61 REPAIR 6 MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 4.57 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101,a5201.2N1 70.69 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 10443115.2211 91.01 RISC OPERATING WPLIES 101,43127.1199 52,92 1991 STORM DANACR EXPEIIS 101,02601.1401 80.01 VEHICLE REPAIR PARIS 101,/3120.2111 22,18 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101,43120.2211 It," MALI. TOOLS 6 EO'JIPRENT 671,49440,2110 302.08 'VENDOR TOTAL 22730 PMF SRV - CAI1011AL 211.15301.3110 '2245 RISC TAXACLE '63.497E0.240 CITY OF l.ONTICELLO G1.5404404.30 PAC! 1 CLAIM INVOICE PAGERS PAGERS PAGERS PAGERS PAGERS PAGERS PAGERS PAGERS 8/11 TO 8/29 8/11 TO 8/29 FINAL T2T58 31263 94093 FIRE FIRE PARRS PN IMP END? BTORN STREETS STREETS IRTER 9/16-9/10 02242,85214 POI F/P IO LINE 161 00001 167 00002 167 00003 161 00001 161 00005 161 000!6 167 00007 i61 00008 161 OD009 167 00010 161 OWtt 157 00012 161 011013 167 00014 161 00015 161 00011 161 00011 167 00069 167 DOW 161 01062 161 0:161 161 00163 161 00186 157DOW 161 0:136 BRC FINAYCIAL SYSTEE CITY OF MONTICELLO /16/97 15:06:21 Schedule of Bills 31.5601I-Y04.30 PAGE 2 VENDOR NAXE DESCRIPTION AMRT ACCOUNT Nw FLL40 6 ACCOUNT CLAIM INVOICE POB F/P !D LINE. IDEAL ADMIISING LIC:'OR-ADVERTISING 396.67 ADVERTISING 609.19751.8199 2234,2227,2261 167 00019 JXE OF MOITICELLO STCRM-HAUL-6 DUMP 623.00 1997 STORK DAWE EIWEMS 101.42501.1101 2191,2913,3021 167 00020 K MART STORE NATER-CLEAVING SUPPLIES 10.83 RISC REPAIR 6 MTC SUPPLI 601.41640.2299 157 OOVI NATER-ARIM 21.29 SMALL TOOLS 6 EQUIPMENT 601:19440.2110 167 00012 PN-SUPPLIES 10.51 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41110:2199 157 0.023 42.63 #MOOR TOTAL KOLLES SAND 6 GRAVEL STORN-8RU81 HAULIKS 2,908.50 1997 STORM DAMAGE ENPERS 101.12501.6101 167 00024 KRAMGER &.ASSOCIATES, IM ASSESSING 1,738.39 PROF SRV - AMINO 101.41550.3125 SEPTEMBER 167 00025 MACODEEN EQUIPMENT INC. STREETHP SUPPLIES 154.67 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.65120.2199 29708731 161 00026 rBUSINESS PROOIICTS, ��CC00 FAM MITRACT 650.00 REPAIR 6 MTC -.MACH 6 EQ 101.41130.1044 167 00028 PARTIE'S FARM SEROICE PARSS-OP SUPPLIES 153.01 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.15201,2119 167 00027 RADS FOODS CLE1419 SUPPLIES 87.19 CLEA4193 SUPPLIES 101.42701.2110 AN SHELTER 167 00010 STOMA! 7.98 ARABE EXI 3 1997 STORM O101,12501.1101 AN SHELTER 111 0J037 CA,40Y'BAFS 01.29 R RISC OPERATING SIUPPLIES 101,61940.2119 CITY HALL 161 MIS STCrM 72.87 1991 -STORM 0AMA5E E1IPE!C9 101.42501,1101 DEP REO 161 00015 PA57AT_ (OLLIE) 21.87 RISC OTHER EXPENSE 250.46501,4391 EC DEV 167 00031 S;;PP:IES 62.09 CLEAYIN3 SUPPLIES 211.45501,2110 L10RARY 181 0:314 'PPLIES 21.10 RISC OPERATIN3 SUPPLIES 101.11127.1199 FN 167 00O23 SUPPLIES 11:99 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIER 196.19201.1199 IRITP 161 0311 124.18 6VENn TOTAL MCDDMA:L CORPILlY U3:CR-EQUIP REPAIR 152. CJ REPAIR 6 RTC - RACH 6 EO 609.49156.6011 113265 167 00030 AICHELS 1wlrM 3, INC LID:OR-FRLWAT t52,00 FREICHT 608.11150.3830 187 00020 MILEY'S SPRINKLER SYSTEM J FA, 1-VAC GEAM 64.65 BIO CL103 FARM ECWSES EC2.49480.418S 6118 157 MID � .vrLGA:CO CITY MALL 1.02 LAS !01,11910.8813 UTILITY 161 0:.:10 CEP pr, 038 OA9 101.119";3.1930 UTILITY t61 CC01! Al L"WER 9.E9 CAS !01.421J1.2E33 JTILITY 10T C:042 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF OMTICELLO 2116/91 15:06:21 Schedule of Bills 61.540404,30 PAGE 3 VENDOR MAKE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCOUNT MAKE FUND 6 ACCOUNT CLi111! I -MICE POI F/P 10 LINE MINNEGASCO PARES 9.81 GAS 101.45201.3830 UTILITY 16T 00013 MATER 9.88 GAS 60 1.491/0.3830 UTILITY 167.000/4 FIRE MALL 32.47 GAS 101,42201;3830 UTILITY 167 00045 SHOP/GARAGE/RAINT 121.42 GAS 101.43121:3830 UTILITY 167 00046 LIBRARY 16.41 GAS 211.45501.3830 UTILITY 157 00011 LIQUOR 16.48 GAS 609.19754.3830 UTILITY 167 00041 243.29 9VENDOR TOTAL MJORUO ARCHITECTURE OH -SCHEMATIC DESIGN/8AMM 3,120.00 BUILDINGS 24-0.19201:5201 3 167 00049 Kg DEPT OF TRADE 6 ECON SCE.RG-AROPLAX 2,483.45 GRANT REINS - ARC" 222.16501.5602 167 00016 RN JAYCEES LIQUOR - ADVERTISING 84.50 ADVERTISING 609:19151.!199 117 00052 RONTICELLO AN114AL CONTRO A7 CONTROL CONTRACT I.259.40 PROF SRV - ANIMAL CTRL 0 101.42701.3120 SEPTEMBER 167 Gun 1 CHAMPION AUTO C'gt[CELLO iQUIPKMT REPAIR PARTS 9.51 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101.43120.2210 STREETS 767 00051 ROMTICELLO PRINTING FIRE -PRINTING 61.70 RISC PRINTING 101.11201.1599 157 00053 MONTICELLO TIKES LECAL 2,832.93 LEGAL NOTICE PMICATIOM 101.41601.3510 167 00051 CONSTR INSP 93.60 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATI 101.43110.3520 167 00055 STORN404 115.00 1991 STORM CAME fXPENS 101,12501.4401 +67 OD056 3,041.53 /VENDOR TOTAL ! ROO9 ROTOR SALES, INC. PAU!!S-VEH REPAIR PARTS 14.09 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101„15201.1211 167 CC00 SKASE TREE FUNO-OP S'JPP 104.41 RISC OPERATINO SUPPLIES 224,41101:2199 181 CCOSB SY.A3E TREE FUND- 'EupP 184.61• 'SMALL 1001.0 6,EQUIPIIENT 324,16102:2410 181 CC59 STR:ETS-EQUIP REPAIR PRT 20.54 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARIS 101.43120.2210 107 0:.00 i13.11 iVENCCR TOTAL GATIOyAL MINS PARTS 6 VEH REPAIR PARTS 171,11 REPAID &'MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 FIRE !81 0.374 OPERATIN3 1.tP,PLIES 20.01 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES I71,41121,2199 S0? 167 00013 VE!1 REPAIR'PARTS 31.01 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 101,111:0.2211 STREETS 167 00011 EGJIP REPAIR PARTS 13.06 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 101,19120.2210 STREETS 157 OC312 ZAL: TQOLO 4.25 ERALL TOOLS 6 EOJIFRENT 171,4312D,2410 STREETS 157 C1.076 of EVIP REPAIR PARTS 13.11 EQJIPI.ENT REPAIR PARTS 671,49440.2270 MA TEA 167 C1.03 (� ;P a;911ES 6.79 RISC OFERATIN3 CU;PLIES 6D 1,40440.2too MATER 157 CC377 140.41 fYESQOR TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM CITY OF KOYTICELLO /16/91 18:05:21 Schedule of .81114 BLSAOR-VO4.30 PAGE 4 VENDOR NAME OESCRI7TION AKOU.41 ACCOUNT MAKE FUND 6 A=NT CLAIM INVOICE POP F/P ID LINE NORTH, AMERICAN PRAIRIES' KLEIN FARMS -GRASS 2:454.00 41SC PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 441.49201,3199 '1114 167 00078 Y,OATHERN STATES POKER CO KATER 4,114-87 ELECTRIC 601.49440. 3810 UTILITIES 157 00080 SENER.COLLECTIOS 37-97 ELECTRIC 602.49420. 3010 UTILITIES 161.00081 STREEI LIGHTS -5,196: 19 ELECTRIC 101.43160.3810 UTILITIES 161100082 PARKS 251,.34 ELECTRIC 101.45201.3810 UTILITIES 157 00083 CIVIL DEFENSE 11. 13 ELECTRIC 101.42501.3810 UTILITIES 167 00084 SHOP/GARAGE 623-23 ELECTRIC 101.43127.3910 UTILITIES 16100:95 FIRE DEPARTK MT 272.21 ELECTRIC 101.42201. 3910 UTILITIES 167 00086 LIBRARY 807-26 ELECTRIC 211.45501. 3310 UTILITIES 16100081 LIQUOR STORE 1,346. 15 ELECTRIC 609.49754.3810 UTILITIES 167 00088 12,660-15 WDOR TOTAL KORTMLAND ELECTRIC SUPPL REFUSE -BATTERIES 122.59 RISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101,43230.2199 167 00079 KUTECH ENVIRONMENTAL COR WP-OROOR CONTROL 1,122 -GO RISC OPERATIN3 SUPPLIES 436.49201.2199 1560 157 CO089 0 6 SONS ELECTRIC, 1 JTW#-TEST KOTOR 2,418_20 1991 STORM OAMAGE EXPEN3 101.42501.4/01 167 00090 LIQUOR -REPAIR 6 RAINT 230Al REPAIR 6 MTC - RACN 6 EO 509.49754.400 157 00091 PAIKS IEPAIR 6 RA1NT 51.00 REPAIR 6 RTC - MACH 6 EQ 101.45201.4044 167 00092 CITY NAIL -BREAK W 53.00 REPAIR 6 RTC - SUILOIRO9 101.61940. 4010 161 0009) 2,752.31 `YERDDR TOTAL PHOTO I NNTP 106.27 PRDF SRV - COYSTRUCTION $35.49201. 3025 FILM DEV 161 00095 AVIKAI SMELTER 29-80 RISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.42701.4399 FILM DEW 161 06096 N:G_1E1TER 10.15 NENSLETTER 101.41301. 3195 FILM 1610291 206-22 9 MMDOR TOTAL PIPELINE S_PPLY, IKC. FAR45,0? CUPPLIES 4.14 RISC OPERAIINO SUPPLIES 101.46201:2199 167 COC98 NNTP-0? SUPPLIES 4-26 RISC C211ATIRD SUPPLIES 435.4220i. 2119 157 00099 0.00 t0WR TOTAL PRMVS CLEANIK7 SERVI CLEAIM-CITY HALL 460.02 PRDF SRW- CUSTODIAL 101.41910.3110 SEPTERLER 161 00107 CLEA1IQ-I0T6-2 VEHICLE 120.00 P=F SRV r OL13TODIA: 101.41290. 3110 SEPI" 157 6t01 CLEVNI93-FULOIC %cAS 150.CO PROF ERV - CUSTODIAL 101.43110,31tO SEPTVMR 167 C3102 13:.00 4YUNODR TOTAL PA-'FEr3lOYA1 SERVICES CS Oti ' G'N'CACT 34,259.02 Fn'DF M - M, INC 632.49480.:80 CC?O:ER 167 01114 Pzc0 ;-ZCT CZIILIK3 6 SARI A `?-= 01ILL X5.00 FA:? EW - f.0,M1 UTICA 430.40201.3725 3344 161 C,iC3 SRC'FIRANCIAL SYSTER CITY OF MONTICE116 9/16/97 15:06:21 Schedule of BillsBL540R-VO4d0 PAGE S VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION AyDUNT ACCOUNT RARE FUNDI ACCOUNT, CLAIM INVOICE POO F/P ID LIRE PURCELL's PLURSERY MNIP-REPAIR SUPPLIES 36,42 MISC'REPAIR 6 RTC SUPPLI 13L492D1:2299 161 00105 PNR',SERVICE ODS PO;IxD-NATER SYSTEM I 1;9SOs00 REPAIR'6 RTC. - BUILDINGS 101.42101:ID10 2804 AT OD094 QUALITY MINE S SPTRITS'C L10lOR LIQUOR 6.579.52 ;LIQUOR 609.19150.2510 l6Y 00106 CIQU64INE 98.15 MINE 109:19150.1530, 161 00101 • 6416:27 aYEN00R TOTAL RIVERPLACE PHYSICIANS PN -DRIB 1ESTIN6 50.00 RISC. PROFESS IOU SERVIC 101.13120.3199 167-00100 ROWS GOURRET ICE LICAR-ICE 419.50 RISC TAXABLE 609.1975012510 157 00109 SAFEN41. EV CORP. SHOP-CLEANI&S SUPPLIES 79.08 MAINTENANCE AOREEPUTS 101.13121.2.190 319176 157 00110 SOWER f1013, INC. �oARNS-VEH REPAIR PARTS 200:23 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS. 10,1.15201'.2211 167 80111 SERVICERA9TER'BY HICIRAV STORK-MALL-F000'SW 191.03 1997 STORM DAN E EXPEN3 101.12501.1401 5165 167 00112 SIMONSON LUMBER COMOY P,LS!15-EVIP 9PAMPA375 47.63 EQUIP.MT REPAIR ,PARTS 101.16201.22.10 167 coils FAR! -EQUIP REPAIR',PARTS 810.01 BIOSOLIOS FARM EXPERSES 602.19480.4305 161 00115 886.01 OYENOOR TOTAL ST dOSEPN EQUIPMENT INC STWO.8fi1CN W 532.80 19DT STOFR OARACE E_RPE.MS"101,12501.4101 167 00113 STREET$ A8: CI$ OTHER,EQUIPMENT 101.13120.6001 LCAOER 157 00114 11,038,61 wVEF100A TOTAL S1AR TRICJNE CM HALL -AD 640.10 BUIL91N08 210;19201:5201 PARTIAL 147 00117 UPERIQR SERVICES -CENTRA RECYCLIN3 • :CLY !2,630.11 PROF SW - RECYCLIN1 CM 101:13230.3101 160 161 00110 STM-Ctl'RIDE M1SC' S26.0 1991 STORM OANIOE EIIPENS 101,12501.4401 '203 157 00119 13,120.20 'VENDOR TOTAL !AYLQR LAND S3VEY03 IN SEFER-PRINT C<!A AS SD.80 NIEC OFERATIN9 50FLIE0 602.19193.2193 167 C010 CARD11.AL HILLS -SURVEY Ks.CD RISC FWESSTCNAL Slavic 1S/.A92O1,3111 t6T'C010t C 115.50 0L'E.V20R TOTAL BRC FINAYCIAL MIEN CITY OF IMTICELLO (L/'.6/97 15:05:21 Schadulo o6 Bills GL540140A.30 PAGE 6 VENDOR NA.V.E DESCRIPTION MUNI ACCDIMII MAKE FI4'10'6 AOCOIpIT CAIN INVOICE P01 F/P ID LINE THE WINE COMPANY Ll= -NINE 273.32 NINE 609.49150.2530 9615 167 00131 THORPE DISTR18UTING COMP L!C A -BEER 6,290.55 BEER 609.19750.2520 167'09122 LIQVOR-RISC TANAIBE 121.60 RISC TAXABLE 609:19750.2510 167 C3123 .8,112.15 VENDOR TOTAL TREE TOP SERVICE S'CtM-BRUSH P/U 4.115.78 1917 STORM DAMAGE ISM 101.12501.4401 PO 92195 167 CO' 24 USA NASTE SERVICES, INC AUG BILLING 5,410.28 PROF SRV - REFUSE LOLLEC 101.43230.1100 181 OD' 25 STORM-CL'EAMUP 125.12 1217:STORM UWE ENPENS 101.42501.1101 103922 161 001 25 5,565.40 -MOOR TOTAL VE IT 6 COMPANY STORM -TRUCK TRAILERS 15,552.50 1911 STORM DAMAGE EZPENS 101.42501.1101 145 167 OD' 27 VIKSNGCOCA COU LIMR-POP 117.35 MIS -TAXABLE 601.19750;2510 167 00028 PUBLIC WORKS -POP 105.22 Rik OTHER OMSF 101.13110.11Rp 167 ODI 29 262.57 Wimmi TOTAL WATSON COMPANY, INCOME LIM-MISC IAMABLE 115.20 LIQUOR 601.49750.21510 498587 167 00130 WRIONI HEK.YEPIN`SECUAITY DEP REG-MO.vITORINB 19.12 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101./1990.1110 181'00332 PARIg401TCRIC 15.98 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.13201.1110 167 00733 35.10 WEMDOR TOTAL Y.IR.C.A. OF MlkNEAPOLIS C07IRACT 625.00 RISC PROFESSIONAL BERVIC 101.45177.1199 SEPTEMBER 157 00134 ZA:I OIN 0.' SH WOW. INC STRIETI116I;QC>9 6 REFILLS 1,203.98 MIS OPERATIN3 SUPPLIES 101.43120.2199 61115 187 CD135 ffi'? MEDICAL SERVICE a SG'P 12.35 MIS NON 1UAELE 601.49750.2550 161 OO".56 ZIECLER, INC. CUR-FILTEU 121.81 EVIPME3II REPAIR PAM 602.19190.2210 161 00137 I BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM /16/91 15:07:17 Scho6ile of B1114 FUND RECAP: FUND OMRIP71M DISBURSEMENTS 101 GENERAL FUND 110,861.38 211 LIBRARY FUND 1,103.33 222 SCERG (ECON RECOVERY GRANT) 2,683.45 224 SHADE TREE FUND 689.00 240 CAPITAL PROJECT REVOLVING FD 3.668.70 250 ECONOMIC OEVELOPNENT AUTH FO 21.61 435 93-14C WNTP EXPANSION PRJ 20.180.38 441 95-02C KLEIN FARMS 2,454.00 454 07-01C CARD HILLS VI 265.00 601 MATER FUND 5,243.24 602 SEWER FUND 35,705.24 609 MUNICIPAL LIM FUND i8,650.82 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 199,232.29 9 RECAP: DANK NAME DISB MIENIB GEYL GENERAL CHECAINS 102.581.67 LIDA Lll;= CHECKING 16,650.82 TOTAL ALL BANKS 199.232.29 THE PRECEDING LIST OF BILLS PAYABLE NAS REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. DATE ............ APPROVED BY ................................. 14 CITY OF IMTICELLO G1,040S401.30 RECAPPASE GLS40R COUNCEL INFORMATION ITEM i September 18,1897 by John Simola Public Works Director Attached is a letter we received from the Rand House Bed & Breakfast regarding extensive storm damage to hundreds of trees. This could affect many properties throughout Monticello. If you wish to discuss this further, please place it on the agenda. a THE- 1N III/I! 1% BED IllO MN - BED & BREAKFAST Chu OIfs Terrilurial head Moilicello, AIN 5.362 September 15, 1997 John Smola, Director Department of public Works City of Monticello 909 Goff Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Simola, As you know, Monticellds historic hill district suffered extensive damage during the July storms. Together, the three homesteads on the hill —the Jameson, the Malones end us — lost hundreds of mature trees, in addition to significant damage to our hones. Dealing with these fallen trees has been a major problem for each of us, physically as well as financially. All three families, along with occasional volunteers from relatives, friends, and in the JamesoWs case, civic groups, have been struggling with cutting and removing the remains for more than two and one half months, and we are still not finished. Much of what was removed was brought to the parking lot at the foot of the hill, as requested by city officials. Most of that debris was removed around the 29th of July. We continued to clear and haul through August 1 while 'Mount Brushmore grew. Due to the extent of the storm damage, however, we all still have a considerable number of trees to clear. It appears that our situation is not unique. As we drive around Monticello, we still see many Wen trees, piles of brush and storm debris still waiting to be removed and hauled away. 02.245.W.17 5 I -A KA I KI�AI KI Glti I I K l IP 1llti I IIKIC 19 ACI ti E N D I, the undersigned, an employee of Mid-America Business Systems hereby certify that the microfilm images ending withL n,Ci QuA a C V are complete and accurate reproductions of the original records of"3-� as accumulated during the regular course of business, and that it is the established policy and practice of Mid-America Business Systems to microfilm records for permanent file. It is further certified that the photographic process used for microfilming the above records were accomplished In a manner and on microfilm which meets the recommended requirements of the National Bureau of Standards of permanent micro- graphic reproduction. Name Date 1