City Council Agenda Packet 10-14-1997 SpecialAGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP Tuesday, October 14, 1897 - B p.m. Mayor: Bill Fair Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Call to order. Discuss proposed 1998 municipal budget. Adjournment. C TAX LEVY SUMMARY 1998 BUDGET ALL FUNDS Net Payable Net Payable 1997 Adjusted Levy Before 1998 Adjusted Levy After RACA Adj. Levy After hnrluctiny BAC'A Payable 1998 HACA Deduct-n_e,HA .A General $1,967,526 $2,456,950 $259,157 $2,197,793 Library 31,095 31,095 0 31,095 Transportation 14,604 16,612 0 16,612 Shade Tree 0 0 0 0 OAA 977 2,175 0 2,175 HRA 12,966 14,795 0 14,795 Debt Service 557,575 1,232,807 0 1,232,807 Capital Imp. Revolving 475.137 521.736 0 5213,16 TOTAL $3,059,880 $4,276,170 $259,157 $4,017,013 Net Levy Increase to Cover Debt - $627,785 Net Levy Increase for Non -debt Portion of Budget - 329-348 Net Certified Levy Increase - $957,133 Payable 1989 Tax Capacity Rate ..... 14.283 Payable 1990 Tax Capacity Rate. 16.187 Payable 1991 Tax Capacity Rate. 15.511 Payable 1992 Tax Capacity Rate. 16.492 Payable 1993 Tax Capacity Rate ..... 16.313 Payable 1994 Tax Capacity Rate ..... 17.527 Payable 1995 Tax Capacity Rate. 18.228 Payable 1996 Tax Capacity Rate. 18.509 Payable 1997 Tax Capacity Rate ..... 19.136 Est, Payable 1998 Tax Capacity Kate. 27.771 Tax Tax '88/Payable 1989 $ 15,405,139 14.283 $2,198,008 '89/Payable 1990 15,873,242 16.187 2,568,106 '90/Paynble 1991 16,161,043 15.511 2,506,132 '91/Payable 1992 15,613,574 16.492 2,558,554 '92/Paynble 1993 15,490,500 16.308 2,526,216 '93/Payable 1994 16,154,786 17.527 2,652,527 '94/Payable 1995 15,686,930 18.228 2,841,185 '95/Paynblo 1996 15,792,922 18.509 2,922,800 '96/1'ayable 1997 15,993,989 19.136 3,059,880 '97/Payable 1998 (est.) 14,465,000 27.771 4,017,013 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 1998 BUDGET Taxes 124.8 1322 Current Ad Valorem $2,456,950 $2,137,625 Penalty/Interest 1,000 100 Tax Increments --Kmart 84.300 86.050 Li naps Pprmit.A Business $2,542,250 $2,223,775 and - Liquor 24,900 24,900 Beer 1,025 1,030 Set Ups 300 325 Licena Permits Non-BuRin $ 26,225 $ 26,255 s and - ss Building Permits 152,000 150,000 Variances/Conditional Uses 2,000 2,500 Dog Licenses 125 125 Others 5.100 5.050 Inter-Gm+orn_mental $ 159,225 $ 157,675 Fire Department Aid 45,000 34,900 Police Department Aid 22,000 25,000 State Highway Aid 41.000 41.000 Charges $ 108,000 $ 100,900 for General Government 1,000 1,000 Public Safety (Township Contract) 65,360 60,970 Streets - C.S.A.H. Mtnc. 7,700 6,600 Deputy Registrar 110,000 105,000 Other 675 650 Subdivision Fees 7,500 5,000 Special Processing Fee (Garbage) 15,000 15,000 Recycling Incentive 12,000 12,000 Inspection Fees 25,000 5,000 Garbage Cart Rental $,000 6.000 $ 252,235 $ 217,220 Ei= Animn) Impoundment 15.000 18.000 Miace Inneo Revenue $ 15,000 $ 18,000 .a Interest on Investments 121,435 103,525 Sale of Property 325 350 Other & Rental of Property 0,$00 13-50 Ref $ 131,060 d 117,375 mda nod Redmhumements Other Reimbursements 15.000 15.000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $3,248,995 $2,878,200 (WNFUNIIR.NUM: MW F Special Council Agenda - 10/14/97 2. Discuss proposed 1998 municipal budget. (R.W.) A R_F.FFRF.NCF AND BACKGROUND: As you will recall, the 1998 proposed budget and preliminary tax levy was set by the Council on September 8 that included a proposed maximum tax levy of $4,017,013. This amount was the maximum allowed by the State and included $1,232,807 for debt payments. The purpose of this workshop is to continue review and discussion of the proposed budget in preparation for the public hearing for final adoption in early December. Since the preliminary budget was adopted, a few minor changes have been made to the budget document based on additional information received from the State regarding homestead credit aid. The overall budget was reduced by $57,351 to account for a reduction in homestead credit aid expected. This reduction was taken from the capital improvement revolving fund at this time. In addition to the summary worksheets enclosed with the agenda, you have else been provided with a more detailed report of our revenue and expenditure worksheets for the major funds and departments of the City. These worksheets may be beneficial to Council if you like to review line items within funds or departments for additional information. In addition to the reduction in the budget because of the lower HACA aid expected, other changes made since the preliminary adoption are: $4,000 added to the fire department budget for additional clothing replacements based on the Joint Fire Board meeting. $1,850 added to the animal control budget for additional building maintenance cost associated with the new facility. These changes totaling $5,850 were taken from the capital outlay fund by eliminating the balance of remodeling funds that were originally earmarked for remodeling the Marquette Bonk facility and by eliminating the domestic violence group funding request of $5,000. As you will note, the proposed budget within the general fund, the major fund of the City, is up $386,000. Some of the notable differences between departments for 1998 are as follows: Special Council Agenda - 10/14/97 A mi ig ra ion --up $70,575: • $10,500 additional for second part-time Receptionist position. • $5,830 additional for contract microfilming. • $10,000 additional for phones (assumed we were relocating to a new building). • $26,000 for various office equipment and furniture, including $14,000 for microfilm reader/printer. I,W.W--up $19,500: • Additional $4,000 for legal publication costs. • Additional $15,000 for Coalition of Utility Cities membership dues --lobbying expense. planning and ZoninE•--up $56,200: I • Additional planning department clerical staff, $32,650 with benefits. f • $19,000 additional for professional services, i.e., use of�0 consulting planner for annexation consulting and parks 1 planning study, etc. Building I nspection--down $10,000 mainly due to lower capital outlay budget (vehicle purchased in 1997). 1 Mtat Proce eine--up $40,000: • Professional services up $18,000 to account for leasing new main frame computer. • Additional $22,000 for various computer equipment purchases (PCs and printers for all departments). Fero t) U+ n --up $31,000: • Additional $9,000 for increased fire call salaries. • Additional $5,000 for capital outlay equipment. 2 Special Council Agenda - 10/14/97 Additional $10,000 for fire relief pension (off set by additional state aid revenue). tnspe io c --up $47,000 mainly due to addition of second full-time inspector, including benefits. This additional expense is currently being funded by the wastewater treatment plant project through engineering fee savings. Snow and Ice --down $37,000: Lower capital outlay by $65,000 (snow blower purchased in 1997. Additional $20,000 for salaries to more accurately reflect snow removal cost. Previously, the snow and ice department only budgeted for overtime salaries rather than including all regular wages. Refuse Collection --down $58,000 due to lower collection contract and lower tipping fees at landfill compared to compost facility. Parka Department --up $135,000: • Includes additional parks department employee and possible creation of separate department with a parks supervisor -- $41,500 with benefits. With the addition of a supervisor position and addition of one full-time employee, part-time summer help budget was reduced by $20,000. Additional capital outlay for equipment and park improvements --$107,000. Equipment purchases included additional pickup truck and 1 -ton truck along with an additional mower to accommodate separating the departments. Street--up$17,000: Additional full-time employee for street department at $37,000 with benefits included for 1998, but $20,000 in salaries from street department were transferred to snow and ice to more accurate reflect snow removal cost. Although there may be changes within other departments in the general fund, the above summaries outline the major components of the $386,000 proposed increase in the general fund budget. Special Council Agenda - 10/14/97 The preliminary levy as proposed at $4,017,013 would be $957,000 more than last year. As I previously noted, $627,000 of this increase is related to additional debt requirements, while approximately $329,000 is nondebt related increase in dollars. This would be a 13% increase over last year's nondebt levy, but the Council should remember that an increase in dollars levied does not directly indicate that it results in an increase in taxes to homeowners and businesses. With our typical growth pattern we are experiencing, additional residential properties and commercial1industrial development usually increases our tax capacity values and reduces the impact of additional dollars needed to operate the city. Unfortunately, at this time, the County Assessor has not been able to give final calculations on what our tax capacity values will be for next year due to the legislative changes in how all classes of property are valued. The County is working on revising all of their computer programs to accommodate the changes; but because the City of Monticello has a large portion of its valuation tied to commercial/industrial properties, I am assuming that we could see up to a 10`k reduction in our overall tax capacity value. What makes this difficult for the Cou,icil in evaluating a maximum tax levy is not knowing what our values will finally be and what effect it will have on the overall taxes paid by property owners. It is possible that because of the restructuring in how properties are valued, the School District may be eligible for additional state aids and thus be able to lower their overall tax rate. With the Council using this workshop session as an opportunity to review the entire budget and to determine whether it specific dollar amount or targeted percentage increase is acceptable, 1 have attempted to take the project priority listing that the Council has previously reviewed and note which projects or tasks may have been included in the 1998 budget document. While some of the projects or tasks that have been ranked may not have an easily -definable dollar cost associated with it, some were easier to identify and are noted in the 1998 budget column. This listing should help the Council in getting a feel for what project task may be included in the budget. In other words, if a decision was made not to budget sufficient funds for adding additional staff in certain departments, the Council could get an idea of the certain tasks or projects that may not he able to be accomplished without sufficient funds in the budget. In some cases, our basic baseline budget for each department may have funding included to address some of the items ranked from the priority listing, but many of the non -dollar related items may not be accomplished without additional stiff or resources in that time is not available when considering the mandatory tasks that are required of various individuals. For the 1998 budget year, I am assuming that performance measurements for evaluating how we're doing in meeting the budget goals and priority listings will likely be compiled and presented in it quarterly, semi-annual, or annual report format and will utilize statistical data to show what various Special Council Agenda - 10/14/97 departments have accomplished and how it relates to the overall expectations of the Council. As we are able to refine our form of measurement, we should also be able to measure how our budget and tasks are meeting the Council's goals and objectives of our vision statement and how we're meeting our long- term strategic planning. If the objective of the Council is to target a certain dollar reduction in our proposed tax levy, there are naturally a number of ways to reduce the overall budget and tax levy requirements. Typically, the easiest way is to focus on the capital improvement revolving fund, which accounts for larger, big-ticket items and can have the most impact on a tax levy by eliminating specific projects or equipment purchases. Likewise, various savings can be proposed within other funds or departments such as eliminating additional staff additions being proposed, but the Council needs to recognize that choosing this alternative is likely to mean that some of the projects or tasks noted on the priority listing will not be able to be accomplished without sufficient personnel and resources to do them. Until I have a better idea of where you'd like to see the final tax levy, I have not attempted at this time to recommend specific items or projects that could be eliminated from the budget to reach your goal. If a target is established at this workshop and recommendations are needed t.o reach that goal, 1 can then prepare a revised budget recommendation to meet that objective. As additional background, you may want to review the Council agenda of September 8, 1997, that highlighted specific items within the proposed budget that 1 may not have repeated in this agenda supplement. Review and establish a proposed final budget and tax levy that will be presented at the public hearing on December 3. Continue discussions and establish an additional workshop session to prepare a final budget. C STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None at this time. D SUPPORTING DATA: Budget summary sheets; Computer budget worksheets; Project priority listing; Agenda background from September 8 Council meeting. CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1988 BUDGET FUND/ DD .PA�RTMR_NT ITEM AMOUNT FUNDING SOI TRCR Administration: File cabinets: (2)basement (1) administration (1) utility billing (1) assessing $ 9,000 General Fund Microfilm reader/printer 14,000 General Fund Plan holder _3.240 General Fund $ 26,200 Deputy Registrar: Typewriter table $ 150 General Fund Parka: Klein Farms Park improvements $ 40,000 Capital Outlay Pathway - Ellison Park to Miss. Dr. 15,000 Capital Outlay Prairie Creek Park improvements 3,500 General Fund Cardinal Hills tot lot 20,000 Capital Outlay Add9 ballfields (3) - NSP Park 70,000 Capital Outlay Freeway Park - parking lot (2nd half) 13,000 General Fund River/Bridge Park enhancements - MCP initiatives 60,000 Capital Outlay Hillside Cemetery wrought iron fence ($38,500 less '94 budgeted amount of $9,500) 29,000 General Fund Picnic tables 4,000 General Fund Mowers (2) - (1) replacement (1) new 25,790 General Fund Pickup, 2 -wheel drive 16,000 General Fund Dump truck with plow, 1 ton, 4x4 38,000 General Fund Hard surface 4th St. ice rink (skate boarders) & play structure improvements 40,000 Capital Outlay Adopt -a -park seed $ for volunteers 5.000 Capital Outlay $384,290 Liquor: Carpet replacement $ 7,000 Liquor Fund Intercom headphones 300 Liquor Fund Enlarge refuse/cardboard storage (outside) 1.000 Liquor Fund $ 8,300 Library: Unallocated $ 1,000 Library Fund CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1998 BUDGET FUND/ FUNDING DEPARTMENT )TEM AMOUNT SOURCE HRA: Downtown Revitalization Study (final payment) 8 30,000 HRA Fund Future industrial park land acquisition - Reserve (2nd yr) (contingent upon City matching funds) 75"000 HRA Fund $105,000 Fire Dept.: Unallocated - unspecified $ 10,000 General Fund Shade Tree: Boulevard tree planting program ($1,800 ® $25 each) $ 45,000 Capital Outlay General reforestation - matching grant assistance 25.000 Capital Outlay $ 70,000 Data Processing: Main frame computer - updating AS1400 lease (annual) $ 28,000 General Fund PC - motor vehicle 2,500 General Fund PC's (4) - city hall 10,000 General Fund PC - public works 2,500 General Fund PC - microfilm 3,500 General Fund Cash register - motor vehicle 1,000 General Fund Printers (2) - city hall 2,600 General Fund Network - city hall 3.000 General Fund $ 53,100 City Hall: New city hall $810,000 tease/Purchase Bond/Reserves? (NOTE: Tentatively allocated 44 799 Capital Outlay $44,799 of capital outlay fond $854,799 revenue for 1998 toward payment of a now city hall.) Economic Development: MCP contribution 8 35,000 Capital Outlay? Future industrial park land acquisition - 2nd yr - reserve (matching contrib. of HRA) 75.000 Capital Outlay $110,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1998 BUDGET FUND/ FUNDING DEPART FNT ITEM AMOUNT SOURCE Public Works Administration: File cabinets (2) $ 800 General Fund Postage machine rental and electronic scale 600 General Fund $ 1,400 Public Works Inspections: Desk and filing cabinet $ 1,500 General Fund Street Dept.: 4" Trash pump S 3,200 General Fund Radios ® $550 ea (4) 2,200 General Fund Tamper 1,000 General Fund Jackhammer 1,000 General Fund 5000 watt generators (2) (signal lights) 8,000 General Fund Sealcoating program 27,500 General Fund Bobcat 27,000 General Fund 1/3 of cold planer 6,000 General Fund S 75,900 Snow/Ice: Snowplows (2) $ 10,000 General Fund Refuse: Rental garbage carts (2501 S 15,000 General Fund WWTP: Radio $ 550 Sewer Fund Administration big. furniture and fixtures 7,500 WWTP Const. $ 8,050 Fund Sewer Dept.: 1/3 of now jet rodder/vac • reserve (1/6 budgeted in 1997) $ 50,000 Capital Outlay Jetting nozzle 2,200 Sewer Fund Rebuild jet rodder 2,500 Sewer Fund Sewer line TV camera 10"000 Sewer Fund $ 64,700 Cemetery: Cemetery management software $ 600 Cemetery Fund Water Dept.: Equipment storage building Purchase or building reserve $ 65,000 Capital Outlay 41 IIIND General Library Transportation Shade Tree UDAG OAA HRA EDA SCERG CMIF Debt Service Liquor Water Sewer Cemetery Capital Imp. Water Access Storm Sewer Access Sewer Access TOTAL REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1998 BUDGET au REVENITE $2,876,200 $2,876,200 32,295 32,295 69,635 69,635 6,900 20,725 12,840 59,000 1,600 1,600 515,960 596,000 215,740 2,120 5,555 124,000 120 0 1,499,090 1,688,973 1,828,650 1,64 3,350 218,305 418,740•` 563,800 969,435• 0 0 579,948 579,950 74,900 10,000 25,000 0 $8,728,958 $9,092,023 • includes $619,450 Depreciation --contributed assets sewer -includes $201,700 Depreciation --contributed assets water 1388 REVENITR FXPENDI TRES $3,248,995 $3,248,995 32,295 32,295 72,030 72,030 8,550 23,930 4,690 0 2,900 2,900 438,800 402,555 35,880 2,120 5,740 0 120 0 2,000,685 1,816,042 2,017,450 1,758,175 246,900 425,325 622,020 1,203,355 24,200 31,550 602,676 603,799 80,720 0 80,560 0 $9,849,651 $9,623,071 0 U-11 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 1988 BUDGET EXPENDITURES Im 1997 Mayor and Council $ 32,450 $ 30,425 Administration 306,575 236,000 Finance 102,080 100,990 Insurance 63,915 63,470 Audit 13,500 13,500 Legal 47,500 28,000 Planning & Zoning 166,085 109,885 Inspections -Bldg. Official 153,415 163,905 Assessing 16,550 15,900 Deputy Registrar 108,820 98,665 City Hall 44,185 34,980 Computer 76,575 35,260 Elections 5.600 0 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $1,136,250 $ 930,980 Law Enforcement $ 333,325 $ 323,475 Fire 172,210 140,565 Civil Defense 9,345 8,710 Animal Control :19 050 34.100 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $ 552,930 $ 506,850 Inspection $ 90,775 $ 43,540 Admin. & Engineering 133,140 126,090 Streets & Alleys 325,550 308,325 Snow & Ice 60,720 97,710 Street Lighting & Parking Lots 67,700 62,750 Shop & Garage 37,860 37,060 Refuse Collection 263.100 321.666 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 978,836 $ 997,020 Senior Citizens Center $ 37,000 $ 37,000 YMCA/Community Ed. 25,000 25,000 Information Center(Museum 1.696 1.69n TOTAL HEALTH & WELFARE $ 63,695 8 63,690 Parke & RecJCemetory A 377240 ! 242.410 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION $ 377,240 $ 242,410 Community Development S 129.045 A 194 9SQ TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ 129,045 $ 124,250 Misc.--Severence Benefits S 1]_000 E 11.000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 6 11,000 $ 11,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $3,248,995 $2.876,200 1 ENFUNI ESUM: Ilvatll G SUMMARY DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 1998 BUDGET FORECAST REVENUE jggyc1M Current ad valorem: 605,022 1,232,807 Interest: 91,780 95,255 Special asmt--county: 506,788 389,638 Transfer in --tax increment: 295.500 282.985 TOTAL REVENUE. rrrprprrrr►rrrr■•rr►♦r rrasrrrsrgrrrrrrgrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr■rrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrr►rrrrr♦ EXPENDITURES Principal: 1,180,000 1,375,000 Interest: 486,291 415,966 Paying agent fees: 8,182 7,326 Interest exp.: 14500 17.750 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ALIN= $yam 14 SUMMARY OF PROJECTED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCES (CASH & INVESTMENTS) PROJREV: 10/09187 rim PROJECTED 1998 1998 PROJECTED BALANCE PROJECTED PROJECTED BALANCE FUND 12/31/97 REVENUE EXPENDITURES 12/31198 General $2,558,725 $3,248.995 $3,248.995 $2,558,725 Library $7,975 $32,295 $32,295 $7,975 Tree $127,845 $8.550 $23,930 $112,465 OAA $10.530 $2,900 $2,900 $10.530 Water $148,320 $246,900 $224,225 $170.995 Water Access $341,515 $80,720 $0 $422,235 Sewer $124,875 $622,020 $563,905 $162,990 Sewer Access $544,875 $324,440 $0 $869,315 Transportation $1,100 $72,030 $72,030 $1.100 Liquor $396,200 $2,017,450 $1,758,175 $655.475 Capital Outlay Revolving $533,368 $602,676 $603,799 $532,245 HRA $42,635 $438.800 $402,555 $78,880 UDAG $112,460 $4,690 $0 $117.150 EDA $150,820 $35.880 $2,120 $184,580 SCERG $3,095 $5,740 $0 $8,835 CMIF $420 $120 $0 $540 Storm Sewer Access $25,000 $80.560 $0 $105.58n Cemetery S)Q'Rnn 524 20➢ 531.550 S22 45D SUBTOTALS $5.159.558 $7,848,966 $6.986.479 $6.022,045 Debt Service General Obligation Bonds $721,205 $828.904 $230,700 $1,319.409 Special Assessment Bonds $2,188,309 $869,646 $1,268,380 $1,789,575 Tax Increment Bonds Sit .716 S28C365 5299212 l 3 1111 SUBTOTALS $2,921,230 $1,982,935 $1,798,292 $3,105.873 TOTALS $8.080.788 $9.831,901 $8,784,771 $9,127,918 PROJREV: 10/09187 rim Mq LEVY LIMIT COMPARISONS 1997 vs. 1898 LOM 1338 Inccesee• Non -debt Related Levy $2,454,858 $2,784,206 $329,348 • This amounts to a 13'% increase in dollars to be collected to fund normal increases and for additional programs or services proposed. IEVYUMT.00M 10"7 19E 1338 General Levy (Limit) $2,769,607 $3,100,714 Add: Debt Levy + 605,022 +1,232,807 Subtract: State Aids (HACA) . 314,749 • 316,508 NET LEVY (LIMIT) $3,059,880 $4,017,013 LOM 1338 Inccesee• Non -debt Related Levy $2,454,858 $2,784,206 $329,348 • This amounts to a 13'% increase in dollars to be collected to fund normal increases and for additional programs or services proposed. IEVYUMT.00M 10"7 CITY L_iONTICELLO TAX LEVIES TO RETIRE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS December 31, 1997 BONDDEBT.WK4 Cer and Gerwrell GG, Gerwrel Genww G O OblgabonOalgona^ General Save, OEtW— Oalgaaon wpwpm~4rgewemwu Oalpesan Inmrcepo Water STatern Water Systwn Vein of Impr einem Impwemant Retied% Bone SeAea Bond Sorws Loy Co9ectlon Bane of 1977 Bona 19960 198BB I, 19898 1996 1997(9,680 low 1997 TOTALS :117,100 $126,7431 $22,400 1 1997 1998 I {8,655 $1S,e00 $118,100 6126,7171 $26,311 1 1998 1998 1 s0$118001 $22,181 $12,4141(138.5441 (126,2551 624,813 1 19991 2000 1 601 5119.900 :130,$97 s0 1 20001 f77,0DDl 2001 1 w1 6123wo f1z9,e64 s0 1 2001 67!,668 2002 $01 $01 $126,712 $0 1 2002 s8.9021 2003 $0 :1,082.293! {1,516.3051 $01 $129.384 fol 1 2003 $168,3551 2004 w s0 Sol fol 10 I 20D4 {18.600 2005 $0 fol 501 fol w 1 2005 601 2006 so $1.002.2931 $1,105.9931 So fol w 2006 w 2007 w so w so w 2007 $o 2'008 w s0 f0� w w l 2006! Sol 2009 wl w so so l m2010 I fol so so Sol 1 2010 2011 I Sol w1 so w 1 201, 2012 ! So $1.092.2931 f10e2.2931 Sol so w I 2012 201 I w Sol Sol Sol Sol. 1 2013 2014 w so Sol s0 Sol 1 2014 2015 Sol w so So 2015 2018 w1 w fol w $541,1471 {541,147' 2017 iso s0� fOl {OI Lp18 Zoll ?016 w w sol— _ W $21M5.0611526.0079331 1 TOTAL 1 $17.2351 $596,4001 fe952721 $736241 BONDDEBT.WK4 Cer and Gerwrell General General Goleral G O OblgabonOalgona^ Oblgatwn ObW; - Ob4abon wpwpm~4rgewemwu lmpwemerlt R1AUW1g Impr einem WWTP a ReLrcWg BorW Sones Bw Sones Borer Sones Bond Senes Nom Servs GRAND Batas 1996A 19900 1992A 1994A low 1997 TOTALS $1S,e00 $23,160 111,8451 $131,155 6148,2391 fol $605.0221 {75,000 $22,181 $12,4141(138.5441 $163.638 $541,101 $1,232,8071 673,6001 $26,425 $7,5761 :134,7921 {159,172 $1,002.2931 $1,753,4261 f77,0DDl 925,054 s8,14al $130.9161 61S9,6NI $1,082.2931 $1,7324&91 95001 67!,668 $8,59311132,036 .... 11 61002,2931 $1,664,7061 $6,7001 so s8.9021 :127,490 {181,2001 :1,082.293! {1,516.3051 $12,7001 s0 601 6127,998_ $168,3551 :1,082,2931 $1,518,7301 13.000 s0 601 Sol 60.593 $1,062,2931 $1,255,686! {18.600 so 601 fol :165,206 $1.002.2831 :1.266.0991 $23,700 so 601 Sol so $1.002.2931 $1,105.9931 w so sosol w !1092.2971 $1 082.2931 w so w 60 60 $1,002,2931 $1,062.2931 $o s0 Sol s0 so 61M.2931 $1,$782,2931 w so Sol so $0 $1.092,2931 $1.0022991 Sol Sol so' Sol so s1,062,297! :1.082,2931 Sol 601 wl $0 w1 S1,092.293' $1082.293. wl so Soll w $01 $1.092.2931 f10e2.2931 wi 60 so w w 61.092.2931 $1082.293 Sol so 60 - — w $01 $1002,293 $1,062,:9 Sol so w� $01$1092 2931 $1.0e2 293 w w $0 $1082,2931 $1,062,203' ----:ol soy__ _ 60 --$01-- — so(-- _{01 _ :o__ --- $541,1471 {541,147' 1 $116,9001 $126,488 $57,4701 $922,931 $1,52,052) $21M5.0611526.0079331 J CITY OF MONTICM AD COMBINED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS (PROJECTED) 12-31-98 a INDEBT: 10/09r97 Principal Interest Principal Interest Auth. and Outstanding Paid in Paid in Due in Due in Outstanding Bonded I debtedness Issued Resited 12[3]/92 1992 1992 1998 1498 1MUSI8 General Obligation Bonds $4,490,000 53.330,000 $1,160,000 $260.000 $77,272 $165,000 $64,655 $995.000 Special Assessment Bonds $20.368,000 $13,998.000 $6.370,000 $690.000 5326,473 $980,000 $284,163 $5.390.000 General Obligation Tax $32,000 $32,000 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 Increment Note General Obligation Tax $2,795,000 $1,740.000 $1,055.000 $230,000 $82.546 $230.000 $67,148 $825.000 Increment Bonds General Obligation Note-- 314.M000 W.7.00.00 WWTP $42,385.000 $19.100,000 $23,285,000 $1,180,000 $486,291 $1,375,000 $415.966 $21.910.000 a INDEBT: 10/09r97 COPY Council Agenda • 9/8/97 v 10. Consideration of 11198 proposed budget and resolution setting the oreiminnry tax levy (R.W.) Enclosed you will find summary worksheets outlining the proposed 1998 City budget. The worksheets are summarized at this point for Council review, with the exception of the general fund, which has more detailed breakdowns by department. Along with the general summaries by funds, a summary was prepared which outlines some of the capital outlay expenditures that the staff is proposing for 1998. The budget documents and resulting capital outlay expenditures were prepared under the alternative of using the maximum levy allowed by the Department of Revenue. While the attached summaries are intended to only give you an overview of the general expenditures and revenues by major categories, funds, and departments, additional detail is available on a line item basis in a computer- generated workslieet, which is available at city hall if anyone would like a copy. In the past years, the Council has focused more on the summary for establishing the preliminary budget, and it is assumed that additional discussion will occur in future workshop sessions that can be held prior to the final budget being adopted in early December. As you are aware, the state legislators have again established levy limits for cities, as they feel they are wiser in determining the amount of money we need locally than local officials are. For 1998, after deduction of state aids (HACA), our overall levy limitation is $2,784,206. To this amount we are allowed to add any tax levies needed to cover our debt service payments, which for 1998 amount to $1,232,807. This debt service levy is $627,785 higher than the amount levied for 1997 and is primarily due to over $641,000 of this amount being necessary for our first levy on the wastewater treatment plant project. The total overall levy, if the maximum amount is levied as allowed by the State, would be $4,017,01:1. In dollars, this is $967,133 more than the levy we adopted last year. As I noted, $627,000 of the $957,000 is the result of debt service requirements, while the balance would be the additional levy Clint's allowed because of our population and household growth Clint has occurred since bast year. The proposed tax levy presented at this time assumes the Council will simply adopt a resolution using the maximum tax levy allowed at the $4,017,01:1 amount. While I realize Clint this is over it 30% increase over Inst year's dollars collected, debt service requirements account for two-thirds of the increase proposed. When our final levy and budget is adopted in December, the Council will always have the option of lowering the tax levy as you choose, but you would not he allowed to go higher than the amount you 10 Al Council Agenda - 9/8/97 established Monday night. As a result, that is why the recommendation will be t.o levy the maximum allowed at this point and continue discussions of the budget at future workshops prior to final adoption. As you may also be aware, property taxes will be shifting slightly from commercial and industrial properties to residential starting in 1998. Commercial and industrial properties will be receiving about a 13% reduction in their tax capacity values, which determines the amount of taxes they pay. The Wright County Assessors office does not currently have the new tax capacity value information available, but it is estimated that with the 13% reduction in comm3rcial and industrial values, the City of Monticello will likely see its overall tax capacity value drop by 10%, even when calculating in all new construction that has occurred. The reason for this large of a drop is that over 80% of our tax capacity value has to do with commercial and industrial property when you add in NSP parcels. Because of these properties being reduced by 13%, our overall value will likely still drop by at least 10%. The result is that our tax capacity rate is estimated to increase from 19.136 in 1997 to 27.77 in 1998. Some areas within the budget that should be highlighted or are noteworthy include the following: • The orderly annexation fund includes $20,000 for legal/ professional services to deal with potential annexation issues in 1998. • The legal department budget includes an additional $15,000 as our share of the Coalition of Utility Cities organization funding to deal with potential adverse legislation regarding the loss of personal property tax revenue from utility property. • I aw enforcement hourly rale for coverage increased to $16.56 per hour from $34.60 in 1997, resulting in it $10,000 increase. • The street and parks department budgets include funds for hiring two additional full-time employees and additional equipment to allow for the splitting of these departments through a reorganization plan being considered. • The refuse 1998 budget amounts are lower because of favorable bids received last year from Superior for the pickup services and the lower tipping fees at the Elk River Landfill in comparison to the compost facility charges. L—J Council Agenda - 9/8/97 • Klein Farms park improvements $40,000 • Pathway - Ellison Park to Mississippi Ur. $15,000 • Cardinal Hills tot lot $20,000 • Three additional ballfields at NSP Park $75,000 • River/Bridge Park enhancements - MCP initiatives $60,000 ■ Play structure improvements & hard surfacing of 4th Street ice rink for skateboarders $40,000 • Boulevard tree planting program $45,000 ■ General reforestation - matching grant assistance to private property $25,000 • Partial remodeling of Marquette Bank building if relocation occurs $62,000 • Annual installment payment for purchase of new city hall $50,000 • MCP contribution (matching grant program) $35,000 • Future industrial park land acquisition - 2nd year reserve $75,000 • Half of new jetrodder/vacuum $60,0011 • Equipment storage building for water dept. - purchase or building reserve fund $651,000 ■ Domestic Violence Group donation $5,000 In regard to the Domestic Violence Group donation, this organization had approached the Council it few months ago seeking contributions from the City as part of our 1998 budget. I've tentatively included the $5,000 amount in the capital outlay revolving fund, but I do suggest the Council seriously consider whether the City should be funding these types of organizations, as it could open the door for many legitimate community organizations to request similar funding in the future. It should be noted that while this Rivers of Hope organization dues service a large area of Sherburne and Wright Counties, their sources of income include the United Way, Social and Human Services Departments of Isath Sherburne and Wright Counties, :lung with the Minnesota Department of Corrections and other community organizations and churches, etc. No other cities are currently contributing funds to this organization, and it would appear more appropriate for this organization to simply continue to seek funding through the counties they work with through their Human Services Departments. In addition W setting the maximum preliminary tax levy, the Council also has to select it date for the initial public hearing on the budget and the continuation date, if necessary. The public hearing needs to be held somewhere between November 29 and December 20 but. cannot he held on Monday, December 1, which is the dale selected by I,he School District. The initial public hearing could be held at our regular meeting December 8, although it final tax levy cannot be adopted at the initial hearing date, and 13 r Council Agenda - 9/8/97 s • Public works inspection department budget is substantially higher because of the addition of the second full-time inspector that was hired in 1997 for the wastewater treatment plant project. The funding for this position is shown in the inspection department, but as you may recall, the City is saving consulting engineering inspection fees on the wastewater treatment plant project in excess of $100,000 because of this position being on the City payroll. From a personnel standpoint, the 1998 budget includes at this time funding for the following: 1. One additional clerical staff personnel for planning/building department. 2. Planner technician position. 3. Two new public works department employees to accommodate a potential separation of the street and parks department. 4. Continuation of two part-time secretary/receptionist positions. Items that are not specifically included or funded in the budget document so far are: 1. City share of upcoming Highway 26 imp. project south of 1-94 lincl. land acquisition) ? $750,000 2. MCP initiatives for downtown redevelopment Unknown cost 3. Pot.entittl assistance in relocation of bulk oil tanks along railroad right-of-way (6th St.) $75,000 4. BN Railroad right-of-way acquisition Mth St.) $160,000 Generally speaking, the capital outlay revolving fund has the most flexibility in adding or deleting projects that the Council would like to have included in a budget document. In targeting a final levy amount, the capital outlay fund levy is usually adjusted up or down after other general fund needs are determined. At this time, the capital outlay fund has the following expenditures or uses of funds proposed for 1998: 12 0 Council Agenda - 9/8/97 there has to be another meeting for that purpose. In the past, we have not had the opportunity to have the budget hearing at a regularly -scheduled Council meeting, as it usually conflicted with the School District's public hearing date. As 1 noted, even if we do schedule it for our regular meeting December 8, we will still have to pick another date at which the Council could formally adopt the tax levy. During the past few years, the Council has held the initial budget hearing at 5 p.m. on a date prior to our first regular December Council meeting. This gave the Council the opportuni.y to adopt the final tax levy at its regularly -scheduled meeting. Since I have to notify the County by September 15 of our public hearing date, the Council will need to select an initial and continuation date, if necessary, Monday night. Adopt a resolution setting the 1998 preliminary budget and resulting tax levy of $4,017,013. Adopt a proposed maximum tax levy that is less than the maximum allowed. In addition to the resolution adopting a tax levy, the Council should select an initial public hearing date and a continuation date. C STAFF 1 WOMMF:NDATION: Since we will not be allowed to increase our tax levy after September 15, it is recommended that the Council adopt the maximum tax levy allowed at the $4,017,013 amount. Aller the budget workshops, if the Council determines the maximum tax levy is not required, the final budget and tax levy can be proposed at a lower amount in December. Il Q11131 IUTIPIP IIATA• Budget summary sheets. 9 THE PRIORITIZATION LISTING - WITH BUDGET UPDATES - DID NOT GET COMPLETED IN TIME FOR PLACEMENT IN THEAGENDA. 1 WILL PROVIDE IT TO YOU AT THE COUNCIL MEETING ON MONDAY. THANKS. JEFF S Capital Imrovement Items - Monticello trail and park system Augwu 15, 19% Funding Sources 'PARK/GENERAL ACTIVITY 'yr Five year ISTEA Street 'Pathway Perk Budget 'Cant Coat Budeat Maw fund 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 I 1,AtMpl A Perk ,Seed Moray la cammumty Pork I 19881 $20,000 1 $5' 0110' $5' (100' $5,000 f5,000, 2 River/Bndge Park• River Park EnhancemerVs - MCP mpknnt 19971 $120.000 $60,0(10 $20.000' $20000' $200001 3Play t,buctufe maw Sofay and ADA anprovements to e.rsing 1997'$170,01)) $10,000 $40,0110' $40'30 $40,000' $40 000! IncWdea pa -9 a 4th street park 1 I:Vathway River Walk- Cavwa ElLoon to Mus Or 1997 375000 ;115000. $30000 $15 000 $150101 1 SMawaronco 'Improved Weed- Contract aprayag 'Pmkmg 1997; $75,000 I $5.000' $50[01 $5,070: $5,OW. $50001 6Mosdow Oak Owla A lot II 1998 i $26.000 $13,000 113,0(10. 7:Meadow, Oak Palk I 'Baakolbo7 Coun neer play etruO." 'Snow 1 1997 $2 000 $2000* 6'PalMrsy mase R.n l Eqwp - Pothwoy/Oth r IStorooncesaon I 1997 365 000 $32.500' $32,500 I I 8'Msadow Oak Oulld A ' 10'Corrvnunny Celewat s building 'Mw arida for Community Gathmegakolbr 4 18971 $12.000 19981 120,000 $12,0001 $50(10 $S 010 $5000. $5,000 11 Cordaul NLb Td Lot 'Ploywructwelgrodvg landacaping 19981 120 000 ' 120,0(10 12INSP Bell Hold 'Three now fields at the ornamg park { 1998' $75000 . $75000' 13,Preun Crook Perk .Oeneral dovelopmem arponsoa ' 19981 $3500 1 $35(10, ' t e.Pmk Land Acgwsaron Furor Purchase portion Emmerich Sadh 20Acres 1998' $90 000 : $30 070 130 ODD' (30 000' X 15 Klan Farms Pad. 'Pioncer Pak ' 1998' $52000 112000 $40000 ' 16'Pnlh—y Meadow Oaks to the Mddb School 19991 $30.000$20000'$10000* . 17 Pathway 'Rrvor Road Plato to Mdd dlo School 1999' $60 000 $35 000,$10 000 ' $15 t00 18Rivor Mi!l Park 'PlaygroundfBell F"a and parking 1999, $80,000 i , 1 $80 010; Tad $55.000 387 500- $37 500 58A.000 1281,5(101 5215 000' $105000 $105 000' r— Gc S City of Monticello M'pA�cP,T h� Project Priority Listing - 1998 budget request Key - - -- -- -• - i - - o A - Urgent, B - Very High Priority, C - Priority, D - Mild Priority L V_11)F:RSInP ReA I l.r-r 1977 1998 1FUTURE ct iNwl 1' .\'r P.l A1RY RANA 1'Ielea l).+.n_ R1 Tx;i-rl et T)f.FTJ w rix;F-r I.+d.+ MAND I Ie+dnp 1-1 penl.m.nee ad {Hamm III m.a sine Iequu. Ml In LIiA _ \ � _ 1 RY' A— MAND _ _ _ R..gmde wlcn c.nn++na unJ u.nlwc prnpaana .mJ )utI tusrsrd mah vs __• _ _ X __I - % _ I5 nnl� MAND dn_ mcrg+ng_r_I>A IIRA__ I X u+ Auvl..Ic.ea, MAND -Cm IiuJgcl Ie.ICI. place - _hle_r - MAND h'staMiah p41ey Ir. sL I!' m.0,__t m ana urganvatx.I. II.i1.n. lncm, L' —i—) I X )NF. RY' Aee-c. Sa. MAND F t bh,_h P+41c+ l.. app..! III ud..vn prmp- n+xl .M-tod - MCP, IDC__ - _ IN)Nr, _ _� _ KW --C- sa. MAND D i- prop I—I M !:hank wppnt III— Cm nal _ _ I)t )NF. _ •_ _ _ RY' A,avm 1-, b. _MAND F+tahh,h plhc. h. u.e .It Cu. IJXl ) - Wtul ca+u.e ad h- C.I..ersus tun ud1. _ Ill )NI: �- •.r.. nm :Q, MAND Dnel,,p... I, -a I——feedh-ly d+m X FV Am... )..d... MAND _ - Gan -ph— -th AI)A gu+delule+ 57.0001 11,, A.avv: r�dm MAND - _ _ Rrnlnval'Icplurtlan crh hall Ia o-rdltnrua rn:hmae I I7<)NF. tY A­wr.N.e MAND R.mdel upinade ch tall ganpe - hig my .ehiIln _ _ [),)NI: _ 11 • Aumm)..,Le MAN ,Lrnpm.c hLmtmg m Cm I loll m C. r—hn udn NSP I n)NF. _ IP n.Mm)..tvle _MAND Inu.:ha+c mIe l -i ct , prrryccwr, p -^K UNe, RY MAND Ilnau. I a rIl­ - carpel, m.mldmg+. paint, Mft . hie. d+ K,* u.ilp.pa, etc X is . A.nn..r..Lvr MAND :Mernznmac w Ift— huiWmp, eaean. - 1.0., upuge. -t— p.Aw h. I X Is , ` Aum Il 1— MAND RclWhId rav pmhep I..ce n l+yu.. +u.. $1,0001 RI -r..1— MAND IV -h. h. Ilya., also. w mato. d— ..+n film X III Aml:m).dv.. MAND Repan. -I, I. get rc.. wt c1.dltn.+tng u+tem h, 1pw. are X 111 A,mlm)u.Iv.. MAND 1'urchav: humuh.ureu:I.nnn.haw lrwla+Irq uga uk+ m lqu.r are 1>t )NI' III Instill ncu Ilio. 11,& I. 11— .11,4- are 1 M)NI: III _MAND MAND int? pamnngurke<p wm.n...elvd—Ili. UI INL � FP A.+mu.)wvl. MAND IW.ldl",ehut. dllg plod IXINr. 1 IY nmum )ted<.. MANR ,AdJ K,khm Im.dmo a1 Srna. Crn 'NC1.11019) W, COI ml JNI'ry: RI A.h..drll.+ MAND Add.—W hnthl.m Iaclhll at Qin S I. Cana !NCI 110171 W)C()MMIINrrY h I .,mom l..dnw MAND AddIh.W meting noon w Ae k n. C.I. !NCI mlp W CoMMIINI'n ft: n.mv.Ld... MANQ Add I Itri1. W..A Spu:e M the Sm— Crne. IN,A ml?) W CnhJMI INi IN II MAND AJJIh.ul palm, n du: Saw+ Cmr- INCI 11019) W.CI )Mldt INH Y. h I vnmr.I... MAND I r khgt •+.tem 11. pllpcmea .IIAmg -hl lm I..I\up chg., deferred —n, ro J p A.u...r.,.,.. MAND Hcvdve a.m cu. vans lay pr p_- 101,-p X ht A,m..,I. . MAND �l Well ne Iw—F- mo h. —1- ... usa chrpa tl X I4 A.t-.awa MAND 0-p+m I ml mm Mur. Vehicle I INr. I I'S A.—IM MAND S, arm lk+clnp.—I- Ncn...A.am. AN 4000 X S:$IXXI I RI —,,In MAND C, -p.11 Mun1e u1d PC rr14u 1 PhIr m -16-Pknl+a - SI! UIM) I I•S A.—Mil MAND C.nlpuL S.acm Apph.ath. 1h-.c4gna t-1"0 PWmng X III A.e...Ml] MAND Sc I Ikvehipmm- NmWmR In.pmm� I X I RI A,IwI MI'1 MAND S+uem I>u.cLY.nenl - Ilam+ Scheduling X R I cocas!!, MAND AWN Tk.,p I X hI +.zm Sun MAND S. uem lk.clupnrnt-liaeq uph+. Inlumwxm S.ncm+ X III MANq lk I..p pl:c It. umputwah..—I hiWmg)mtlm \ t Ip A.t.=.Ml•I MANY l.' pum bemlry hr .It , X I h I nr Mt'1 MANq I Fpam.e hI n Je.e1.III-1 - 1.11.+ h. IIPW-Iii dale X {I III A.uu..ye... MAND tlpd,w M-1 p4u.a lurellc..t comm!sWWlnlou. X Rul i A.r.,..xs ..r MAND Re .11 -60- l)SM 1 ill l­+r+.qn Ou l.. rlealed—lik ulpn X KII MAND Llrwe n... mu dmell.pnenl 1.11hy I-- X KD Ac.,_,)o..e MAND Rngmu7. I IRA"I I)Alec..dl X � KU MAND C.n+hun h.—I rw.W. Ingllm .+ccm I -JI ud-t-N I %KII MAND Imrnr..Icu.Ju1 Nhlu u !,I X 1 KI) A.1ma.us,�n MAND C nh—.nv fN1 0 h---1 Ia.N1 { X KD MAND Rc• hdulaplI. 11-1 hl whum mw h,11-1 1j X u) rk1997R.wA4 10113197 Page 3 m Ck A d 4L, b City of Monticello Project Priority Listing -1998 budget request Key �k - Urgent, B - Very High Prionty. C - Priority, D - Mild Priority I.F,U)FJL%1III' WA !,LKY , —R,"K' 7 FUWRE F�­pe C1%1 EGORN P� 1�_ I)C. I,W� mml ji, -r. ­", w Phh, .'", _x ki 1-R- MAND Crcaw wd impimat -d% marogmm phn x —R—. MAND p­Ik­d mtep_'dd.k x KI) 'Add R-d, &,i-1— 1,, 1-7 (—N h.11) X.__' KI) �MoAhlq MAN I 7X-1— Ib so. 'MANQ 'MAND nmw­ x I, Swn"d­ rAdn,s ­Tm x I, _.MAND wua?c t=m i 1xdi­(a vIIui1duigOIficiW) XIp MAND 'R­w­wc F -d— M-1-11" 14-- C,P1.1 IAJNF*. JO I. MAND Ilan -p_ - P- CUP IN1NP A, I— Rull Aw,, PL...d 11.1 D­k,p-1 - C­pkf lhe pq-1 X_ :MAND it)... P.,—. M-11. I '.d -p- - IN. CUP x MANq 'I I- Z5C R 1 -11" __" " 11, Id WIND Ji I 'Mmo ,W— I _W I[— - IN— 01P.— ­ IN— MAND RchwnlcCl uia 1`40,mg I.- SIAFF. NI IX)Nh h. 'MAND MAND ININ17 x NI 7N .sI C%Jpwphl,.Imp P- x x 41 'MAND .11 -mW VWupdac..d -.d DONE NI h-1 MAND J10. 1 10... IcWrnul pnlnl IX)NI MA140 11111 fmlC "-J I,- P-1 MAND :RqA.1 Mcd,,. (hA W, Knill d.,hp­1 x tN— MAND 'K,eID-p 1-1 --b- - ­pkk 0- P -n-1 'MAND *MAND ch. awl M—l". 0.1, J., 'MAND Ilam IN -p- - 10-- 'Clo­1 J,: KI— I- I x 'MAND R- SIMI 1-1,11 'Kicin IM INl m- 'MAND 'MAND I ­ III - PW 4pp"IM) Wid PLOIlk MP ­1 -1 x 141n od. 1- -1, 11 -P.—I P.JW x II I 'MAND IhA..g W..w CR 15.c IF.- h--1 Sd--d x N-, ­IMANq III lh.tr h x NY I- LIIX�MALNR X X NY N- I Im"MANq x 1,. (Wl 1:1— x 111 -d 0— 'd M....'m SN.. x I 0-111p ­— (-&d—) 41 ulw4m 4.Vl4lwnml 1+ I,* viduOud pnNkAft X I IIS d. i-., im,,MAND I —d", I kI—I IN- W", and I .-M. p'll. 1.1N) MAND I.J.1111A ado vpphunlnl N X *MAND '1 rduln.c -t-. I- .-d, t­h­ A upplllaum x x h. MAND X Rw ru f-_ hmq I k'k.p .p_ 1'. -h. 4. R--& Cr" aW d,m _ ad h- x Ru' vu s.aao MANq I 1.1h.d. 0ancla� I-S ip­j-l. .-h-1 dd.mw Ind, Is MAND :­pI­ J­iap. l,rhi,.v ..J --.p 0 PWI.d.im MAND 11.4 1rp_ WI Maes Nblu W'A. MAND I'lJ,r1­dNU1p-1 rW,1. Ah.W..p.­.hLcqu,p­li RM MAND I ­h.p ­d­pk_" [-J Pk. nW. 11 ­" rwl pm. .1 p.& 4. ­ I(" ROB, ck I :MAND MAND :ti:%Wl h.6& p.,h— mull k.6. W 4. 1, 11. pt. &pl I% pu Ter. MAN� RM v^1997x.wk4 10/13191 Page 4 City of Monticello Project Priority Listing -1998 budget request Key J IA -Urgent, B •Very High Priority, C - Priority, D -Mild Priority tCATRf.ON I Preen nearno,ke �BUDCRi BI ID(:FT BIIDr:FT I.e.dn M'm.b !MANO ICI—.- Pwlk Raped, Port. RM pwPW 'MAN❑ 'Frrnw.v PmA - ancuuln mea I I I M'n•.rb I MAND ;Cattrsl la addiborld pours m grvebn u requm of Liao CIu6 is Pw+1'.rb MANC Bed eg Pare: .unrno•'anrn� v rouxmmrndod to Pmts Cantu and MCP. I is MAN[) _l.cwnpkle IDeccl�po mnh'—Ih and emwtnokk roues (row ®pkm I). DONE (MANN IiSF P.5 - P thw,y Cu trucnm tem Middle SO." m Meadow f7a1. I� X In { M'nMa I MAN D I Deveiop __ poh,av mmnmlmcc progr= m r fa w Ih MNa)OT M'•1'e1a MANC__'Cr OO[SfFiSlac cm+ml ora mCauny Rd 119 I x_ 10 PwrP.vb MANC ISTFA . Palhwn Coatrucnm .krtg CSAI I I IS —tM School Blvd m CSAR 75 x I JO M'r.0 _' MAND _Ilnd�e ova aam ,ewer m Mi.iuppi Shan pmhwm_. _ _ i_7 1 )0 y ~fUte pahw>n_rn.mtawra tirMs m imeloa pemw.rnidew'.6_sow rvno._.I eglupncm_ --- — - x M•m..e MANC I IM.cGrk p 14ema God. Pmt. x I u � Pu•��. �Spocificauom. Gds, R Jx_ mw p.ml _ Pw:meer. _ _I4MAfJ1D_ IMANd�_-_-IPurdo.e _ ed m,tNl lube rWk a1 PW d.T _ __ M'ryr.., __M•:Sv..w _-,NAND ySpeclGrapm, bid, and pachnu rlcw m uropro.r lir ,trod dna 1 __ __ _ _ _ _ _ - _ { _ • _ lti IMAN D_ .Plmt +pw, hds a yuotn m pn'emad rcplaan,cnl m w„1e 77-) maxcmm _ -__ I__- —__ _• _ _ _— _ ! iv _ _ _ _ 'NIX.,C �IB;px4CA i mpw cf dounmun lighImA z;tan---_-- IMAli 4 14r4dcv . plea d T_ In P.1,410 malar m dnwrimwn p.Aing 1n, M•rsa..u_ MAN c W.1 Co Rdth v PW lsdM IRcg.&ed nate Wcc_�9 di 15 MAN _ _ of a -11>t,1en NSP limdr g Iw wmer>.:wr Iw liEhft., LED { _ � 1N _nvmurr. j P_w:]u.w, MANp}_ _ _ _ :tial -1 T-- 1996 _ . _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ pn _ .I _ _ T is _ vw:m... ;MAND �Rmbr—I amung upgnd..1 Wn1 Co Rd 19 and W.hwl I} I is • �1' Ss® IMAN Drlx,ehT tarps ed VhWUle lin Wat Rlca SIYW SUCCI a shrm lcwv impm-nmis 13 MAN4 1I}MANO dutch chn cutlmg gudelnn br uncly_ a.npkmm u+ng City A contrt.:kd ki ( f is vwn Llar �Darebp 111-k IT, mp—phuum.1, VT m•n d- MAN _ T— pismrlg, h ddmg Ba.. cd rntr. nadt m Imnoldr _ot 1 l IS M'.tsdrr ~MAND � W. ma trcatmrnl pi -I anstruclxn pryal Is F M.tad.r :MAND C,— rennin .owa Wlo. u,d Miltr.mn 0.h pea t, Apel I W7 llmep. I 1 I Is M•n war 'MAND d0.g.l4n pact f can inm -101.R gtt p p.k.p ,vrtan I Is MAU.: IMAN4 11=) chp a.mx1r M PB Rna ladiill M'AU— dclavrn, kmng of vrue, wua m.m, � � � j Aft MMder iMAN9 4MAND (Leal Sp-fi= ',bda, ed rclurddl wdl .: Is .MAND C: .pkm wma U.— pommy pnJa1 i 1 1 Is vA199hLvA4: 10/13197 Page 5 City of Monticello Project Priority Listing - 1998 budget request 'Key IA - Urgent. B - Very High Pnorlty, C - Pr orlty, D - M ld Priority LF\DlRl7W Ruk LkT I CATEGORY R,\ST: Rolr.-,F)-p.- IBI W.Fr B INWTI BIT)t:FTI ,\-Fdm 51 C cm I ldl pl-rut F,Wwte olpn- -I.dw purcha,e .1 Mequ Cie,. 1 1 $44.7991 1 RW .,,vna,Pl— 60 C Dct = nc,c,san WS',upp-t - plsmulR R bullduy{ dcp. S7: -0d0, IO p T.- 66 C Dctammc lucpnm W C,n Iron, Club p k dc,dopmml. - Klan Fmuts Plaza Pwk H0.0001 to —1—, 57 C Detertnme u,id,nmul clm" sWl support rented ' 539001 Ru' A ,tmnR— 54 C Ruuum edt tit ,-" anrnKe nceJal-+nlrn,tiche p,x 1 M3301 KD C Im_pro a r,.unF c do alnrr -I -_perhaps hue mtem I 53.5001 I FP L- 5.. c,a 67 C Suhdn,nm deem n.mded, - eeapme I,n t. -hl,, ubaWmrnn x I x I )O 65 C Z, -n. Cute reudltinnm c,mslderanm x 11) a. s.,. c,d 61 C D., „I I.. d -N hw,.R st..i d, 1 1:.000 W it l.t" 8 strxt uencm vd, :£-3:"` xIO 48 C Ik,clap c„mpre)en,ne mmm proms s pmm�cs tirt %m=mcnpe ladscap g % x)5 r« - Imlm U 52 1 C F.\plore P,-lW reln:pnm cI ).M al. R—J. u,L urd F-11gm CM CNT CM CNT 1 )K -__ PW,P.,, 66 C Ik inp w.ta u... ,w mtn pu/. 69_1 C Ru„ew R m se ole dnel.pmrnt rnurcemrnt lnr+u.111md sumer IoqusrN) DONE _FP _ C __Clint a.d dc,chpclli,lrnt p,..t-.RF.,hc_- a D.._C_ Ikvelop ar)_=pI mmI rmW h-wr code .W Ilcrosmg peen wrw 50^ C _tlp�nda_�tn wee, pm6 woR„mR M„><- dm,wte ekemc hw -.dd w,wow— _ _ --_ _- - 49_ 1 Rcfu1W Mc ,. 0 1, �rlhwn„_ ?(_ /9 47 _ _' _ _ _ _ _ _ P7.M dt,tna domh,wn d -,,..n - p-ble anaWnrmn Wong Rha St _ _ - . _ _x _ .._ __. . )O lhJutrre umaWmrnl . bu1ldlnR c,Wc, k mintal ,rdmmun __—___ _ _ _-_•__— • — -__- FP , -.".1 A M. =.C„l;�i. to L� SII _ �S --_ 58 C R- MAI Pari J-iuf rnt _ _ K In Pu 1— 59 C M ---pp Par[ NSP DNR 11aNwa, - Pm6 and P— de,ekm.., x n) 77 1) Iruueum W.- p.oe .n. w.,.,uel _ _ 53.7501 RK' . PA ❑ _ - (-)Uwdc,nnu¢a-RC" IunlMy,.Wde ,tor Cm,•. ul'I.-,pd _ . x Il' ma,,ui... 67 D Revise ra•,IulR p,apmn wllh Sup.,.. Sm„n _ _ - _•�_ x is . _:_ D _ _ -nrtulvle multi-IumJ, . nnsrhk r,-! .R d— anardmcan ...p .oma„ ,m a. 79 D m Cm uetlmun- oerv„e, e,10 x R u' r« r... mA11RA 78 n _Ran,lpam TIF p,,,.,- mW drn,ln me, d„m1t--1.wpnd-1. hwmF Uhmestadl - x x OK mv- p D D-A,l p h,, NePlm, HnLumn 1,. --.1 nd.,..i tw.1d. , _ - , x _ ]t 11 T.. 76 J D Adluo muwmR pancn mmducp rum.. l7utas A- p"- X x N ) [.. 't- r m ^.. 70 I I) 1::nhune —AL indu,md MR Pima mlo d -g. emdads'In.w I x t X _ _ D _Reline P.,m 1-I'll IIx arpprs b,m C.. anll - - f x x _72 74 D ! aWduh N,lut:,nuul deulm ,touted, Al-mmg mntcnal rCruksn-) x x FP —1W 79 ?t D d- I,a ml[Tllel -PPI-l- (7BI101 h l J.. 87 I 1) _A,semble 1 \p.W L.N., x 9%, s.. bo 1) In-huw,a,,,e-enuluu tM,nn,cllo as rdh.,1 � x � n, n.mmFa-Jar 69 1) I.Igwr Shre -M--1 - --- rwnlnR1 b,ra wNl nWFv9X:b dd,.. x RLL' Iv t'wrr '79 i D I.1.dI h,th warn urn, m mryv p rW, x 19 w.ee�..., .• 1) 1 :mhhsh pdn, h, ,WI ,n-1--1 m pnlc,u,auJ ,rFanrm,n, IMRPA, MIYII) - x R- f-11Jnr .BO B5 D C-plm Ierw Ulq pl adn,R)t) "lahm ohne-m,und wen w lF X 1,; Ie. '.. il'A " 71 D I)e,<I„ppmaAcnn/p,muln whl,h mu/ch M,nn,el4i, huauyl Pmmen, x ox t r..s.. as Bt I D ti,reemma lalW ,Lr.1eJ, - mpnve delimb,n „I mm ,Laded, Iia oma w,d,llh x FI' D In I... -,c hu,Wmg anb,aua, o- hu,e I , x � FV wk 1997x wk4 10/13197 Page 2 City of Monticello Project Priority Listing - 1998 budget request Key A - Urgent. B - VeryHiph PnorRy. C _Pnorrtv. D - Mid Pnorlty L KAUFRSIIIP I Rak I LET-- — IH7 IHS IPrttp. c'.xit:CARY R.1YK' P.—Dr. m. (FUTURE SUDC:Er eLMGF-T &1DGFT I...dG —p-13 I A I�IcmINa rR'cn1V�' sUfl Nppon - W.i, Yd1nw3Pon41 0nd mOmLLffiKC. I SU.5001 I )0 1 De. — EDMMA h A IF.Stabl.sh s-<aa.e turd for aulu.unun ui industrid lard. 575,000 575,000 OK P.. Sc Ud 6 A ,a Tt- dtr®c< ru*w and wpkm=tatwrvbuulward plaonM proermloeahm. 570,000 X IO ml — 23 I A IIs-:sngpt<r<-.cprnmR pathwe, fa rwa uu I S20.0m1 10 —,?— 14 A Palh— Can tt- .1— n.G - Mn—,m, D. to Ellison P.L. I 1 $15,0001 x I is PA',S — 21 1 A Dh l <nmprdf—c s.inl murtl Cd vd rciti ai proom. X I is ^.- •-. _n w •. 20 1 A LM'^_!up a lust . ti an -d g :d_!-.^xuur -g -d<!me cf SIR 1--inj I x I v % OK � 1 —1— 1 I ,x Research 1'mmrcml ..pact al tt—." bum NSP w —NSP tax bne X x I % Rw I a. Sa mwIO 22 .x ' De.elop a w <nu*u.R. buupea3 rq "and eSpotatun. xOK I Ps -5— 2 1 A D<t—ttrw d—m 1. CSA11 75 - n<pt w Lk. w.mage traffic. x x X )n A.m,..F. 15 1 A Pmp=UPIW mlpros'Rn<rn Plan fcm Adel IM 5 - 10 vests x Rw 516 A Amerd. a Io Ot, To-n4.p Urb—h- Ag<emat R map,ANNFXATION x 1 x 10 wa...r,,s Sa 13 A Develop pmwtnn fur r-rv,ce 1<1— • Idanfx m<aap<I of— I X 1 RW I'Y•Tab 12 '41 I A F.ctNduA ammo reueamn �r,.�am a.l ut< f.�¢xn I" atv r thrw I x % X) Eiwi. A lard acy ._.mn_.rulubk to cmrv.ut downtoAn nvetiam tode.eloprtaa. X (IRA I OK o.. Sm MMULA 9 1 ,x EvPlnre Ste oMMd P -h- ul HN ROW m eae em acs Fm .And u.< CM CNT 1comm C1 OF: . r 5.. P-,.5 .x Nanond G—td Trw—Ft C.t de.elnp..I du - w -or m hlgb tda.rl. I CN CNT L'M C;rr 1 10 —F- 16.x a rarv<. cn hllt perms relaid cunt IM.Au�rJtga, aecG><aw chs ete.1. X Rx ®w10tA 17 xx f3taWuh ccmunac.d.cetnt_I re.uh.1 huT-F�,F . IX)NF. 1 OK Aumavr.ao�a 4 .x Ihrat Cm start lo wn e. nth. —no - Dev<lupmem Im - R—. fes 1 X I X7 t A.>� '10 I A Ikluta per —1 "I C.ry C—I A l',_mmnuln_apn+I ftwn C.ry Sna. DONT I I RW _ p.. s.. c.a 6 .x SnrwrmlMb cadmmA:e arnff i. nn DONE: I I RW ' 19 1 .x 'sWmu a.np Plv. m %1, -)AA Y•. IirW mnti— I X R1 30 H All nkat. MSP wuan.n Peh Imp --1, 51-0.000' f0_ PY'.pcn.-- 24��- _ n __- nM at -IC. cpe'cr PoA w_dluA n,IM M..4. Ads Imrpru+vaap 0...r.. FDAndA 39 R _Pave ASI cn N.I. MCP wnancet . Rd-kT cm sbv.n 135.0001 Of: p-•rsa.a_�1 _ _n _ _ 1,nnl v�„ana w.m �wll:du A Fn acs, u. mu,mu.tu. mldpoa wrJ,Ipm. _- - - — - ^Ib.< -T pY,Prb H .a1 un GSI an • S5.0001 x_n) I T 36 1 n_^C-onn-j cduulnm plots C. -I, u+mnnuut>, R rh0._ _ 5-1001-__ _A..m 39 11 ~C.-ntrt<rcwi n.myt d.vmcn - p.P. m.x eI utel k lified' _ _ Xx, x _ I217 n.. ^e. mw18A �Ikvehrp. Pn,plm unf 7rudeltrcr lu ..olumtc pcywutwn prnBap_Eh�And hope+_ X II x l X i Of: y46 r-. ^�. _mwtnu 40 _n i I1 11 _Tll•' Prat • a+url dm<h53rtrnt nl upA.k NO Jrnun_n.a d, v t hwaal� Irxph.e arts rt a .I, -t nh.m. u h u l'.i mdl std hN•J. _ _ • X_-.{� _x -1�% OK X_I x I % II}—OK 1 0.. Sm mwIw�dJ I>w na mA'lON 42 1 R ~D<V pmwu%v mti9 nCmmi,, . <Iecm4 alll[ula realvat hwldG\.datl lad —�_ .37 1 Ordtrwca mnc'n—I -Rer W-tutanad ad. R ha d.w —mde dl_rpntem tea -- _ 1 X . v_-1�.1--FV—J -_ _II _ _ — IYepae Amud Fldmunp Rep,n — — - y x Y K 1--% 10 _ .-3I Aa„n:x. s 5 n I t<fi- pope Inel of MCI. apps Wm Cm nail _ _ C -lI 1 ~ _ Iti. ro. IDw11M 26_ -7_ n D—h.p 111: gvh-n,m r-kt e. _ -- - - _ - x x OK cv-Sm c.e Il 0ydnuaAa--b—t-uP.L". u—t...d. MC'P 1 x {33_ r 1w b. Aya 529} 11 KKIIAnI( W'eu Ia. tawG c,amwtAn mato ! x _ _ _ 1O w'Trraa T26 I H _ 1 .uhl.N u p"t-1 a Pat muntrnn.. pn.lpmn- I x A.Cr,.�9v.,mrl 25 ft II Pni.amarha appwul r..Mn _RW—� Px. p -b H _Fvuluab k.<h,p 1-11L,N-k d,-- Ntad Pat 1+. n.n -0--t Cam ~ h) _32 _ 1- a-. ,.d ,� 11 _I AJIun taunts —p.. - ch." fume • -Nota 111•. rcqunmlem IX)NI 1 i Rl W'.- 27 I H (Mallne- oawp--mt! maw Irnr+.d pdn. x 1 13 f b1 1 i1 R- .e not ollho�aec.. pn.Akm. IM)Nli wh1997twk4: 10113/97 Page t City of Monticello Project Priority Listing -1998 budget request Key A - Urgent, 8 - Very High Priority. C - Priority, D - VaId Priority ICATEGORY R.&i L l VIII Pc Dewrmaa BLMI GEr BUDGCrIBUD[:FTI I.adr Ad F -I - 51 C ICoy Ha 0-mig. E,W-x.,tiom uchduy pvcI ofM-IWW Back $4/.7991 RW I ,wen,Fe i 63 I C I Dctamme oaaun tdT appm - plmtrtml -t buddug &cot S1--000) IO M lP 66 I C I DeU-- locmon of Citvtl.iau Club pmt da2cbpmem. - KI® Fama Pipoeer Pals S40.000I 10 I —p— 57 C Dn .- Wdmond clencal Hatt wppw o .d d I 1 532-900 RW An,.vne.a 54 I C Rd= ani of m -d starnge necded-m ri im pccea I 329'3-15010 I F:D D -- s.. 62 C ! Icnpwe zoos cod. rn1oR� I - I1 him 0-. Sl.500 FP 1 om 67 C Suhdtwttmn destga n -d^ -A- - aw fac p --W -aft ma. I x x 10 D- s ad 65 C -Z.rmR Cofe raafilicanon umsWma I x 10 D-- s.. D.d 61 C .Dcv oflou dca¢n h—g tE-i dl 1 12-000 W MW. 9 meet-¢ t". `T.32" X 1 I 1n I M -I -Im- 48 C Ik+clop uxppelscmnc maim. Pc.Fw a xi -tin r., tttict-N � _-pm. I 1 x I x is D.. � ®A70M 52 C Fpi- pateatul rclocanon of JM al, Ri-.i& OL d FamNn. 1 rM CNT CM CNT I OK I rw4 68 C D -I p was Iowa oto ..pa.►. I ( X JO w. a.. 69 C i R— i — ate de lopnau ad'occrosem (nbudt Id ¢¢212 rmucnd) DONE I I I FP Adan 64 I C Cbrtfv d d-I.v dU,i em Pdun policy. I DONF. RW 60 C DmDp d wple t rend h -M code d I—M von®. x ' l0 M/M- 50 ' CIUpgMe JA sweet tarF. wmmintl kora - el�umm cicctrsc heat - d wmdar -.'mad. x X 15 M/M1b 49 C RchoW Meda. O.k Padl—' 1 x la D.. s.. C. '47 1 C PZM &l vdow wt dcaia W - PmIga-ndmcae dm[ Rim M. 1 % 1 10 I D.. b 0 53 I C ;Ucdtotmra aaardntast - burWmR odea Q m4amd uWmatrn I x FP 'S'S C F:¢axv P.1. • Q."Dt • ••Da O:� CLte'aff. 1 x 1S M117W 58 C R- %U Pmt de,ekn--I I x 10 MIT- 59 C Mm sutroi Pal NSP DNR Path- - Park aW Prmm dnekmmM I I x 10 LNa� r�ilpanmuq budaa. D-l-Lsveuan TJ.750 I ¢4�. D-. am cm a -: of B4 D 1Or Wk storaFa__ Rego. lunrmr¢ MUWC ft""pncspd M. X I I FP I I PwrtAdaa.D�Rcm.Ia7clmg propmn wm Supersa Sa-x a I x /S D.. a.. 4d 80 1 1) IArahu tnula•Imnu2 - txnublo tutma ordamrw a0Ort1lOe'ah b mar I I % I FP nmoa c.r s.-79 1 D_ PMUu ' mCiry_uwmnumn ser xea.po I x R4 J- v. M'mA 78 UTIF p plcei_ mW dewn my dim t awns auvpld tmu l a n.0 (Fl mcm ad). x�l x I X OK _ruin _i 83_�D_ —j IkvekrP Fm R. _Plot Rn�vm to ummac�u -odumW EwWmn I X x I S1 Adlast mowvy prat cea: m hdu a aaaw grana rt ae appcvptmr X X u, _16__J__p 9 70L D F��harr< wtmneraaYmdumul Mg.Pend mlo dcutm smdadOprorm. U 211 r Aae..ty 1.of 11)-c appo 1-GN'ha I x I x I 1 % % FP RW- I t>w ae. ob --L—LEL 71 ,IkWn�rar U_ FmNnh Ar,&w,turol dnipr stmdaedt (From reaenal�la_tlmt) x 1 x I vp Aday.ws _73 D Acambk dub t.x maerrs.t appluaasna--- --- (7000 1 - — I{ p)� — t A.erwi�da+ 44 A.tr,-2nr a-. e7 BO'_ Iu FApnd-I.d.an U Irvh.. em.. ..m� a IM-t-U._aa- ml _ _ _ _ x _ I R4• A-Wrd- B9 1 U ll.o(we Sh- unp--a - e<tasn awnogta'Bcm wa0 air d9%:b rNiblo. ---_ I % R W _ _U _wmllalnuau,upnmar.nEope,dr _ I Abu. ti r _45 _T D F9.Mid pdu, 1'. wul ono1.c m pnt—w rtpma- (MRPAt MROFI _ •C-plem _L_ % RW ML*.M _88 85 D IMMIJ of buss UIMt galkn ab-rps W wam tad. I _� X_ I 19_,, IN. 5� M^)(PA 71 _ K 1 D [) Wp . makctmh s prnI7 wbrh makch Mumcdb_ Y hut-q.popao' _ I } -X r _OK ` M a.. rt. 81 I D S.acmnl lar. rmcdmda . unPraw delhmm� ..f aim Ndwdr Etc tntta 2iaNm x � _ _. FP Ad..-.Av sm -PI 1 D -In-hose Banco lwiWmy untrntn open hw-a 1_-1 _ J(_ FP j wA119971t.w44: 10/13197 Pogo 2