Planning Commission Agenda Packet 12-03-1985AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION December 3, 1985 - 7:30 p.m. Members: Jim Ridgeway, Joyce Dowling, Richard Carlson, Richard Martie, Ed Schaffer. 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order. 7:32 P.M. 2. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held November 12 , 1985. 7:34 P.M. 3. Public Hearing - A Conditional Use Request to Allow an Office Business in a Proposed New Zone, PZM (Performance Zone Mixed). Applicant, Seestrom Company. 7:54 P.M. 4. Public Hearing - A Replatting Request to Allow Construction of a Zero Lot Line Duplex on Existing Lots. Applicant, Vic Hellman. 6:09 P.M. 5. Public Hearing - A Replatting Request to Allow Construction of a Zero Lot Lino Duplex on Existing Lots. Applicant, Jerry Barthel. 8:24 P.M. 6. Public Hoaring - A Replatting Request to Roplat an Existing Lot into Eight Townhouce Lots and Ono Common Area Lot. Applicant, Jay Miller. 8:39 P.M. 7. Public Hearing - A Variance Roquoet to Allow Additional Pylon Sign Square Footage than the Maximum Allowed and a Request to Allow a Non -conforming Sign to be Erected. Applicant, Burger King. 8:54 P.M. 6. Public Hoaring - A Variance Request to Allow Additional Pylon Sign Square Footage than the Maximum Allowed. Applicant, Citizono Tack Force. 9:09 P.M. 9. Continuance of Conditional Uoo Request to Allow Open and Outdoor Storage and Rental Equipmont in a B-3 (Highway Buoineao) Zone. Applicant, Suburban Gas, Inc. Additional Information Items 9:24 P.M. 1. Update to bo Procentod on the Prop000d Now Zoning Map. 9:29 P.M. 2. Sot the next tentative data for the Monticello Planning C ommiooion meeting for January 14, 1986, 7:30 p.m. 9:30 P.M. 3. Adjournman t. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION November 12, 1985 - 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Joyce Dowling, Richard Carlson, Richard Martie. Members Absent: Jim Ridgeway, Ed Schaffer. Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Olive Koropchak, Thomas Eidem, and Richard Wolfsteller. The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairperson Richard Carlson at 6:38 p.m. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve the minutes of the October 8, 1985, regular Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Tabled Request Continued - A Conditional Use Request to Allow a Duplex Addition to be Built onto Existing House - Applicant, Ken [Arson. Mr. Ken Larson was not present for public testimony on his Conditional use request. Zoning Administrator Gary Andarson gave Planning Commission members some background on Mr. Larson's request. Mr. Laroon'a cite plane as shown do meet the minimum requirements of our parking lot ordinance. Acting Chairperson Richard Carlson open the meeting for input from the public. Mr. Art Dorn quoationed as to too much being added to this property and that there is a high amount of traffic in this area because it is next to the school. lie would like to son the conditional uca roquoot denied. Mary Jano Puncochar, affected property owner immediately wont of this proposed site, was present and questioned as to some type of screening being inotalled along the parking area. Because the parking lot would be right outside her window, she would like come typo of screening put in and questioned what type of screening would be put in if allowed. Without Mr. Larson'o presence, Commission members were unable to ancwor questions as to what he would be doing with his existing business, if he intended to keep his business there or if he would diocontinuo his business at this location and relocate it. Motion by Richard Martin, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to deny the conditional uoo roquoot to allow a duplex addition to be built onto an existing house. The roacon for Mr. Martio's denial is that Mr. Larson was not present to answer hlu cuncorno or what would happen to the existing bucinoos which Mr. Larson oporatoe out ut a portion of his garage. Motion carried unanimously. C -Z) Planning Commission Minutes - 11/12/85 1. Public Hearing - A Variance Request to Allow No Curbing and No Hard Surfacing in Certain Areas of a Parking Lot - Applicant, Glass Hut. Mr. Rick Longley, owner of the Glass Hut, was not present to propose his variance request. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members that he had a letter from Mr. Longley stating he would be unable to attend the meeting, but his letter would address his proposed request. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members the areas for which Mr. Longley requested no curbing and no hard surfacing of the parking lot. With no input from the public, questions from Commission members addressed any curbing that was at the current site of his Glass Hut building. Zoning Adminiatrator Anderson countered that there is no curbing, but there is hard surfacing right now. Zoning Administrator indicated to Commission members that should the proposed warehouse be built on the rear lot behind the Glass Hut building, and the use change, a site plan of the entire area would have to be drafted and brought to Planning Commission members for their approval or denial. The letter from Mr. Longley was then read by Acting Chairperson Richard Carlson. Motion by Joyce Dowling, suconded by Richard Carlson, to approve the variance request to allow no curbing and no hard surfacing in certain areas of a parking lot as shown on the site plan. Planning Commission members would like to add the condition that should the use change for the proposed warehouse on the lot immediately in back of the Glass Hut building, Mr. Longley would have to submit to Planning Commission members, for their approval or denial, a site plan showing the proposed now hard surfaced parking and curbing of the parking lot for that lot and oleo what ho intends to do with the curbing of his existing parking lot. At that time, Planning Commission members could set a time table for construction of those improvements. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Public Hearing - A Variance Roquoot to Allow Off -Strout Parking in the 5 -foot Setback Requirement of a Parking Lot - Applicant, Raindonco Partnership. Mr. Godlowoki, ropresenting Voit Construction Company, partner in the Raindanco Partnership, was present to propose their variance roquoot to allow them to park vehicles in the prop000d now parking lot within the 5 -foot setback requirement. In the site plan estimate, it shows whore the parking on the oast and vont aides of the proposed parking lot would extend right to the property line. Also, as proposed on the site plan, Sixth Street would be constructed in the area, with 80 foot of Sixth Street right-of-voy and approximately 36 foot of asphalt driving ourfaco, the Raindanco Corporation io proposing to park within 10 feet of this Sixth Street hard road ourfaco. Planning Commission members quootionsd as to where, -2- v Planning Commission Minutes - 11/12/85 if any, there would be green areas. Zoning Administrator Anderson indicated there would be green area between the proposed parking lot and the existing Cedar Streets and Highway 25 and 6th Street. A motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the variance request to allow off-street parking in the 5 -foot setback requirement of a parking lot. Motion carried unanimously with Jim Ridgeway and Ed Schaffer absent. Planning Commission Resolution 85-1 was a resolution approving the Monticello Redevelopment Project Plan Tax Increment Financing Plan N6. A motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve Planning Commission Resolution 85-1. The motion carried unanimously with Jim Ridgeway and Ed Schaffer absent. Planning Commission Resolution 65-2 was a resolution approving the Monticello Redevelopment Project Plan with modification N2 and Tax Increment Financing Plan 07. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve Planning Commission Resolution 85-2. Motion carried unanimously with Jim Ridgeway and Ed Schaffer absent. 6. Public Hearing - A Conditional Use Request to Allow Open and Outdoor Storage and Rental Equipment in a B-3 (Highway Business Zone) - Appllcant, Suburban Gas. Mr. John Cross, Manager, Suburban Gas Company was present to propose to be allowed to establish a U -Haul rental business on their Suburban Goo site. The trailers for the U-11aul business and the rental equipment, hitches etc., will be stored in the fenced in area of their existing cite. Thu U -Haul trucks will be stored outside of the fence in the northeast corner of their site. The proposed site plan as submitted, City Staff addressed a proposed screening fence along the existing screening fence on the north side of the property. Also within the screening fonce we looked at the applicant, Suburban Gas, installing hard surfacing of their parking lot. Commission member Richard Carlson questioned as to why the entire area woo not oat up for screening as they have additional propane tanks stored outside of the existing fenced in area. Mr. Ed Smith, a resident in the audience questioned as to the safety of the trailers and the people backing the trailers in and around the propane tank. Mr. Croon countered that the proposed renters of those trailers aro only allowed to back up to the troller after it is towed out of the existing fence enclosure. That his personnel take caro of putting the trailers back in and removing them from the fenced in area. Thio area being it is a highly visible area and proposed development across the street with the now Claus Foods complex and rental retail opo -.o, Commission members felt that the entire area should be looked at, and therefore in a motion by Richard Martin, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to table the conditional use request to allow open and outdoor storage and rental equipment in a B-3 (Highway Buoincoo Zone). Reasoning for the tabling of the request is that the applicant work with City staff to come up with a proposed screening layout for the entire property which Suburban Goo currently looses from Burlington Northern. The motion carried unanimously with Jim Ridgeway and Ed Schaffer absent. Planning Commission Minutes - 11/12/85 7. Public Hearing.- A Variance Request to Allow Placement of a Sign in the Railroad Right-of-way - Applicant, John Sandberg. Mr. Sandberg was present to propose his request to allow his Par West Addition sign to remain where it is currently located. Location of the proposed sign is currently on the railroad right-of-way. Mr. Sandberg has not received a written statement from the Burling ton Railroad Company yet allowing him the placement of this sign. Planning Commission members did acknowledge a letter submitted from Public Works Director John Simola addressing his concerns on the placement of this existing sign. Mr. Simola had attempted to have Mr. Sandberg _move that sign onto his own property as it was in vim latfon of our sign ordinance and that it was on other property owner - a property, citing examples where we have made other developers move their signs onto their own property. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to table the variance request to allow placement of a sign in a railroad right-of-way. Reason for tabling the request is that without any written permission from the railroad there would be no need for a variance at this time as we are not the property owner where the sign is Located. The motion carried unanimously with Jim Ridgeway and Ed Schaffer absent. B. Public Hearing - A Re -zoning request to re -zona from R1 Single Family Residential to R2 (Single and Two Family Residential), and R-2 Single and Two Family Residential to R-3 (Medium Desity Residential). A Requae t to Roplat Existing R1 and R2 Lots into R-3 Lots - Applicant, John Sandberg. Mr. John Sandberg was present to propose a ro-zoning of existing R1 Lots into R3 Multiple Family Lots. Zoning Administrator Anderson shoved to concerned citizens that were present, the area affected by the ro-zoning requoot and the re -platting request. Mr. Sandberg entered into his presentation indicating the need for ouch development of an existing new development which to approximately five yearn old and vary little construction activity a Lroady at this site. What he is proposing to do is to be allowed to ro-zona portiono of the Meadows Addition. If allowed to ra-zono portions of the Meadows Addition, he would like to re -plat it into multiple family housing loco for placement of apartment buildings on said Iota. Acting Chairman Richard Carlson opened it up for any input from the public and Mr. Jeff Warwao, apokooporaon representing the group of 79 concerned homoowncro was present to present a petition of the signature of those 79 concerned homeownora. Mr. Warwao q uootionod whether or not there had boon a otudy made to indicate that there woo a need for multiple family dwellings. Colleen Mikkoloon, r--oncornod resident, opoko of her concern for the traffic turning land a stopping for traffic being compounded more by the additional traffic. Mr. Jeff Houoologo spoke of his concerns in regards to closing of thio street diverting the traffic to Marvin Elwood Road. Mr. Bob Dayloo spoke of hio concern in regards to the oportmento, if they have any kids and there not being any parka available for those. Mr. Ed Smith oxpre000d hio concern of the property value of hio currant dwelling should apartments be built, ao wall so, incroaaod crime in the area with the influx of restore into those prop000d apartment buildings. -4- �o Planning Commission Minutes - 11/12/85 Marge Smith related to the accident involving two children already on Pairie Road. Mr. Sandberg tried to answer as many of the concerns from the public as he could. Commission member Joyce Dowling having to leave the meeting for another meeting left at approximately 9:30 p.m. Mr. Sandberg reinterated his concerns for the developing of his proposed project indicating the need for apartment buildings to accommodate the influx of shorting of residential housing unite available in the City of Monticello and, also, his concerns for tiering of the proposed zoning changes which he is looking for. In the tiering of the use zone as presented he intends to go from R3 to I1 as being a buffer zone and also the single family zone to the east being another buffer zone for this proposed re -zoning request. The recommendation of the two Commission members present, Mr. Richard Carlson, acting Chairperson, and Mr. Richard Martie was to table the request until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission proposed for December 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. Planning Commission Review of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment to the City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance. The two Planning Commiosion members present, acting Chairperson Richard Carlson, and Planning Commission member Richard Martie ace no problem with recommending that the proposed zoning amendments to the City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance be passed onto City Council for their approval or denial. Additional Information Items 1. The consensus of the two members present, Richard Carlson and Richard Martie,oct the next tentative data for the Monticello Planning Commission for December 3, 1985, at 7:30 p.m. 2. Consensus of the two members present that the meeting be adjourned. The mooting adjourned at 9:48 p.m. Reopectfully oubmltted, �� ^� Cary Anderson Zoning Administrator m Planning Commission Agenda - 12/3/85 3. Public Hearing - A Conditional Use Request to Allow an Office Business in a Proposed New Zone, PZM (Performance Zone Mixed). Applicant, Seestrom Company. (G.A.) Mr. Seestrom has asked that this item be tabled and put on the agenda of another meeting in the future. 10 Planning Commission Agenda - 12/3/85 4. Public Hearing - A Replattinq Request to Allow Construction of a Zero Lot Line Duplex on Existing Lots. Applicant, Vic Hellman. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Vic Hellman is proposing to replat existing Lots 2 6 3, Block 44, Original Plat Addition, City of Monticello, into two lots accommodating a zero lot line duplex. In the replat of the existing lots, you will note on the site plan that Lots 2 6 3, which face north and south, will be replatted with one lot on the north part of Lots 2 6 3, and one lot on the south part of 2 6 3. As you will note on the site plan, we will have access to Broadway for Lot 2, which will be the lot replatted in the north part of Lots 2 6 3. This 10 -foot land area strip will accommodate land ownership with Lot 2 so as not to create a land -locked lot. The proposed duplex does meet all of the minimum setback requirements and lot square footage and building square footage requirements. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the roplatting request to allow construction of a zero lot line duplex on existing lots. 2. Deny the roplatting request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the replotting request of Late 2 6 3 to be replotted to allow construction of a zero lot lino duplax. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the location of the roplatting requeot; Copy of the site plan showing proposed roplatting of Lots 2 6 3, Block 44. -2- ------------------ 7 Replatting request to allow construction Of a zero lot line T-' P duplex on existing lots - Vic Hallman. N110, 11 4w I '14 Planning Commission Agenda - 12/3/85 5. Public Hearing - A Replatting Request to Allow Construction of a Zero Lot Line Duplex on Existing Lots. Applicant, Jerry Barthel. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In review of this replatting request by City Staff, it is the recommendation of the City staff that there be simple subdivisions of these existing lots to allow for construction of a zero lot line duplex on these existing lots. These could be entered as separate requests on Lots 8, 9, and 10. with the simple subdivisions as indicated on the enclosed site plan, we note that the •,etba,;ks have been met to allow construction of the proposed zero lot line duplex, and also does allow for the existing residents on Lot 8 to coma into conformance with our now setback requl.remernts, with their actual new west lot line being at least 10 Last from the house. '"M.1 F,"ZT11M#►1Mdl➢@(IU4 1. Approve the simple subdivision request to subdivide existing Lots 9 G 10 into two separate lots with separate legal descriptions. 2. Deny the subdivision request to allow the subdivision of Lots 8 6 9 into two separate building lots. C. STAFF RECOMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of tho simple subdivision requests for Lots 9 6 10. With the simple subdivision of those Iota, it will allow conotruction of a zero lot lino duplex and also allow existing Lot 8 to coma into conformance with the setback requirements. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the location of the proposed simple subdivision roquoot; Copy of the oite plan showing proposed simple subdivisions. -3- Ye��ee a to a�p1e* o e10.04 \ ¢eplet2 co lot lio e \ lots* �ttpel• t r4 L 'r,j J•t1 , r• (l "4�1 ' r. is '\ 00.3 ,.�'• •4.: -�•..i `r...,�"',� �"�-:.( • �.�-.04 oo .0 Nr i r«";': •..'� • , � . err, ...��� .'(� j''0` � \ '�"y � �; .., . ""ice � t �•(,^,^/�+.,;�) ' "`.•.:. •e:'".--""i '` • ��4 .1,.1t.• z'r J �' p •:.r ''�;t4 r •' "�+.i.l� as r. .� .✓iRTNWi>ldlc ✓ �•t nc.✓: sw rsvr l 1 +I.:\ •<� �� / NMrw S.�I.9Tdfi. ✓ t.wi v/ .�ue.0 w.� J IFZ R Owl PAR , 3 A 9 r ; PARpCEL i , ti5 '•��6d.• 1y ,a fr* � • Y b PARCEL �/ ,�rnv oAJ retsr c..V� as st2 oaK �� s9 � r 4r� , � • r-Y� sr k .a PAR ; A {;' g 9 PAR EL t� is i •.• ,,y ms's l/j to 4 r- Styr 41 Q PARCEL yy ~ C I �1 Planning Commission Agenda - 12/3/85 6. Public Hearing - A Replattincq Request to Replat an Existing Lot into Eivht Townhouse Lots and One Common Area Lot. Applicant, Jay Miller. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Jay Millar, co-owner in Colony By The Greens townhouse development, Par Nest Addition, City of Monticello, is proposing to replat existing Block 0, Lot 9, into eight individual townhouse lots with one common area lot. In the replatting of this existing lot, we note that the minimum setback requirements have been met. As you will note, the lots extend into the front setback requirement and the side setback requirement, but the buildings on these late do not extend into this setback requirement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the replatting request to replat an existing lot into eight townhouse lots and one common area lot. 2. Deny the replatting request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this replatting request to replat an existing lot into eight townhouse lots and a common area lot. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the location of the townhouno lot; Copy of the roplat of the oxioti ng lot. -4- :EMN A.. Aeplatting request to replat an Mating lot into eight townhouse lots and one common area lot, Jay Niuer GOVT LCT 1 t 0 ---8 89.2s' 02' w 212.00--- -` ^t1 9u1w s MIn.Mwt. C—tr .1 wripht t IM bnpelrq IMlwntnl 1 i � ... pww... M M+.t l•wn++- ,,,• Ylli.r, Nu.b.IM 4nd •II. 0 .. Hrri OYw ,, S•o- Cor-w 25 t6 lS,b6 •w i'IG'w 94.14 ti.66 `,i 27 t9 - - 11.14 14.14 !u♦ i 8 \ gx Slot. d U —lY of W,luhl �M to i. wh •w»OYw iM ilw+ptlip In.truwwnl Nrti Of w .0.14 0.-1. S..0-4, C•4hYr 014 -014".1$ Of w w • •wa•lu'w$ •� 0 g � »$ r e w w h w G 1 fnr.LY Y i1.411 i fMt t i[col40Of11TIh. i? • h :of •rry1 ynErrlM of • I.el <41n'wGiir Gwtiprutt0 m t C W " S •eR p g 4f � M 24002400".+•4.1 941 00 1400, t• 00 2900 ^ 2e40 9400 w o • N 21.1. M t. W Y1 �.( ; Ctlun1Y Mff wrip"1p111 f—wtnp IY•WyR'• ,., 9YI.4Y'.., MInn.Ml• Ll— ~ � 9 t L 1, Thl• 0101 Of COLONY 9Y I.Mtin9 MIG Ohl.—d-v `� I r w+•r Iwo+'= �. TW4 01•t d COLONY tT t =p.r.p ... �- •� •M .1 • llnp MIG Ihl$� i • 7 �% -'- —'•'— —' k" -•-ses• as, 02• w =12.00••• t."I1Y0 4M ..ctlwww.he.. Planning Commlaslon Agenda - 12/3/85 7. Public Hearing - A Variance Request to Allow Additional Pylon Sign Square Footage than the Maximum Allowed and a Request to Allow a Non -conforming Sign to be Erected. Applicant, Burger King. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Burger King Corporation is proposing to erect a higher pylon sign on a longer length pylon post. Also on this pylon post they would like to put up a reader message board. This new pylon sign would exceed the maximum required by ordinance by 56 feet. The maximum allowed is 200 sq. ft., and the sign would be approximately 91 feet in height. The reader board portion of this proposed now sign would be approximately 224 sq. ft. We do allow time and temperature reader signs for banks and other governmental buildings, but not on business buildings. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the variance request to allow additional pylon sign square footage and allow this non -conforming reader message board to be erected. 2. Deny the variance request to allow additional pylon sign square footage and to allow this non -conforming reader message board to be erected. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends at this time denial of the request for additional pylon sign square footage and the addition of thio non -conforming reader moosago board. The reason for the denial is that staff fools that we are far exceeding the maximums that are required, and we fail to sea the hardship in this case. Also, we would be totting a procedonco to allow construction of this toador message board. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of location of variance request; Copy of cite plan showing the pylon sign with reader message board. -5- Z 7Z ���fl., +�• ~�� 1 - variance Request to allow additional ub j Loa sign square footage than the mum allowed and a request to + R nonconforming sign to be erected. Burger King �•t .� !f/;' / •/flit C: r y f G" ,1 `- iJ�>++f' s t �„� r. �lfj/:�•Cj�Jf�jf/. f.. .f "`LV � � > fA•�\ � �' , iY • + `I a a+p t � J 1 � S1 L rs:1._F�cA iTl. r_ P� t�ncKI � S1 L rs:1._F�cA iTl. Planning Commission Agenda - 12/3/85 112� 8. Public Hearing - A Variance Request to Allow Additional Pylon Sign Square Footage than the Maximum Allowed. Applicant, Citizens Task Force. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Citizens Task Force, a group of Monticello City residents, is proposing to be allowed additional sign square footage for a pylon sign to be erected at the Monticello Junior/Senior High School property. The maximum allowed is 50 sq. ft. of sign area. To put up a 5 -line message pylon sign, the area of sign needed would be 60 sq. ft. Therefore, they need a 10 -foot variance. They are also looking at the possibility of a 7 -line message pylon sign, which would be an 8-x10- sign and would need 84 sq. ft. of sign area. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the variance request to allow additional pylon sign square footage. 2. Deny the variance request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of variance request to grant additional ' square footage within reason to allow construction of a message pylon sign at the Monticello Public School. I D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of location of proposed variance request; Copy of the proposed messago pylon sign. -6- vasLas' g19T' � t ,i!�:' v91pD all Fo�B rt�J���•ci��,j�TFj �, •r i � • ;�Jr` ',1}r(,j(fl(� t A r ��•\ .•H -"' � f :.� ��(J-�., i * � 1 r 1. .,�•+.-=:J r•�,'Y;�Iq ' %, .�7`�, 1 _ � �titTl'1 j� , �.! � o ,L r .'.'r� T-��`�r�; '�-•�-..,�� t jj�+�y./�'!,../�7]7 `�+1•Gf r +',j:{�j�j'y'� . [�l7(//y/I�('!�J( /! �. J j �jt� J f p.t ti'����� � • J����Lr�yI. • , �tt �4.!'.'W •�) � {i. •:. J .7C . _ RC1 t7�,• r �``" �`?-,.,•� �_ '�-'`j„�jt').jjj( ""�? .,1.• •l� _V .'!li(!` �`', f 6.; � � r it ; ('jg�w., f j i,,.. �• � �' ry � ,� . �• x,•! !'-'�. 3yG � 0 0 ..?'. �� �i . pi • 1 J ter;.. J � ```�"— No. 94 t ` d �\ Ot. _---Etwr Monticello' 4T _ - 1 Sch.pol-District 88Z -T D _---Etwr Planning Commission Agenda - 12/3/85 y. Update on the Conditional Use Request to Allow Open and Outdoor Storage and Rental Equipment in a B-3 (Highway Business Zone). Applicant, Suburban Gee, Inc. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND This morning City Administrator Thomas Eiden and myself met with the manager of the Suburban Gas Facility in Monticello. Enclosed you will find a copy of a proposed site plan indicating some landscaping requirements we are looking for. We are looking at a screening fence in the front of approximately 60 feet in total length, and e screening fence to the vest of the existing fence of approximately 150 feet in length. Heavy dark spots indicate tree plantings and the smaller ones indicate shrubs. With the maximum number of spaces allowed for trailer perking to be at ton. With the new enclosed area in the yellow dashed marks indicating space for three rental trucks and also screening of an existing semi -trailer at this facility. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. To approve the conditional use request to allow open and outdoor storage and rental equipment in a B-3 zone. 2. To deny the conditional use request to allow open and outdoor otorago and rental equipment in a B-3 zone. 3. To approve the conditional uoe request to allow open and outdoor otorago and rental equipment in a B-3 zone with the following conditions: A. A ocrooning fence of approximately 60 foot in length be inotalled in the front and a ocrooning fence of approximately 150 foot in length be inatallod to the voot of Cho existing ocrooned in facility. This fence is to be a minimum of 6 foot in hoighth and no more than B foot in hoighth, and to be of a solid acroaning wood typo fence. B. Soma typo of tree planting and shrub planting ao prop000d on the oncl000d cite plan. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff rocommondo approval of thio conditional use roquoat with a time limit Got on to when the tree plantingo and the acraoning fence will be inatallod oo indicated in a).tornativo action 13. we do recognize that we will not be acraoning the oxioting omallor tanka which aro located to the wont of the existing foncod in area. 0. SUPPORTING DATA A copy of the colored plot plan. Planning Commission Agenda - 12/3/85 9. Continuance of Conditional Use Request to Allow Open and Outdoor Storage and Rental Equipment in a B-3 (Highway Business) Zone. Applicant, Suburban Gas, Inc. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City staff will be meeting with the owners of Suburban Gas on Monday, December 2. Because of schedule conflicts, we have not been able to get together with the owners of Suburban Gas since your last meeting. We will at that time, however, come up with a recommendation for you for approval or denial of their conditional use request. At this time, there will be no alternative actions, staff recommendation, or supporting data. -7- E N D I, the undersigned, an employee of Mid-America Business Systems hereby certify that the microfilm images ending with P(`' )_) /.') A k )- are complete and accurate reproductions of the original records of i.li.� �� } / ) )h n h uOb n as accumulated during the regular course of business, and that it is the established policy and practice of Mid-America Business Systems to microfilm records for permanent file. It is further certified that the photographic process used for microfilming the above records were accomplished in a manner and on microfilm which meets the recommended requirements of the National Bureau of Standards of permanent micro- graphic reproduction. Name Da to