Planning Commission Agenda Packet 09-10-1985AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION September 10, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Members: Jim Ridegewy, Joyce Dowling, Richard Carlson, Richard Martie, Ed Schaffer. 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order. 7:32 P.M. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting Held August 26, 1985. 7:34 P.M. 3. Public Hearing - A Variance Request to Allow a Driveway Entrance Within 40 Feet of an Intersection - Applicant, Winkelman Building Corporation. 7:49 P.M. 4. Simple Subdivision Request to Subdivide Existing Mates and Bounds Description Land to Residential Lots - Applicant, Harold Ruff. 8:04 P.M. 5. Request for Final Approval of a Subdivision Request to be Called Victoria Square Addition - Applicant, Mike Reher. Additional Information Items. 8:24 P.M. 1. Sot the Next Tentative Date for the Monticello Planning Commisoion Meeting for Tuesday, October 8, 1985, 7:30 P.M. 6:26 P.M. 2. Adjournment. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION August 26, 1985 — 6:30 P.M. Members Present: Joyce Dowling, Richard Carlson, Richard Martie, Ed Schaffer. Members Absent: Jim Ridgeway. Staff Present: Gary Anderson. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Elect Richard Carlson, at 6:37 P.M. Motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve the minutes of the August 13, 1965, Planning Commission meeting. The motion carried unanimously with Jim Ridgeway absent. 3. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow Construction of a 24 Unit Apartment Building in an R-3 Zone - Applicant, Wayne Wie ber. Mr. Wayne Wicber was present to propose construction of a 24 unit apartment building on Louring Lana. Mr. Wiobor explained the apartment unit would consist of 23 - 1 bedroom units and 1 handicapped bedroom unit. Laundry facilities would be provided on the first and third floor. Mr. Wisher indicated the number of parking spaces would exceed the minimum required by ordinance which would be 48; he is proposing 57 parking spaces. Of the total 57 parking apacoo, 24 of those spaces would be enclosed garage spaces. Mr. Wfeber is also propooinga 30foot driveway access rather than the maximum required driveway width of 24 fact. Hr. Wiabor was also proposing and did show to Planning Commission members the pictures of existing apartment building sites with treated timbers used as curbing in certain areas of the parking lot. Mr. Wiabor is proposing to use treated landscape timbers on the oast, woGt, and north oidas of his parking lot. With no input from the public and a motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Richard Martio, to approve the Conditional Use Requeat to allow construction of a 24 unit apartment building in an R-3 zone. Also as part of the motion, to approve the 30 foot driveway access width and the treated landscape timboro for curbing on the north, oast, and wout aides of the parking lot. Tho motion carried unanimously with Jim Ridgeway absent. 4. Public Hearing - Variance Request to Allow a House to be Built Within the Sidoyard Gotback Requirement - Rick and Jan Iano. Commission member, Richard Martis, woo present to prop000 the Vari anco Request for his daughter and son -in -lav, Rick and Jan Sano. Mr. Martie oxplainod the reason for the Variance Request is it is only an 01 foot lot and they aro proposing to build a 62 foot vide house and garage. 0-51 Planning Commission Minutes - August 26, 1985 Therefore, needing a one foot variance on the side of the Property. Chairman Elect Richard Carlson asked for any input from the public on this, and the abutting neighbor, Mrs. Hedtke, questioned as to the amount of feet there would be between the proposed existing attached garage on this new house and her house. Zoning Administrator Anderson countered that there would be 20 feet between her existing house and the new proposed garage. Chairman Elect Richard Carlson also asked if there was any additional input from the staff, and the staff indicated to Mr. Carlson, that we see no problem with the Variance Request, even though it is only a one foot Variance Request, it still needs to go the proper procedures for a Variance Request. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Ed Schaffer, to approve the Variance Request to allow a house and garage to be built within nine feet of the side property line, therefore, needing a one foot.Variance. The motion carried unanimously with Richard Martie abstaining, and Jim Ridgeway absent. 5. A motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Richard Martie, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:<9 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Gary Anderson Zoning Adminiotrator Planning Commission Agenda - 9/10/85 3. Public Hearing - A Variance Request to Allow a Driveway Entrance Within 40 Feet of an Intersection — Applicant, Windleman Building Corporatl on. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. Mr. Keith Schupp representing Winkleman Building Corporation is proposing to be allowed to construct a driveway entrance within 40 feet of an intersection. Winkleman Building Corporation is the proposed developer for a new office retail building for the owners Warren Smith, Monticello Office Products, and Rick Borden, partner in Gries, Johnson, and Associates. As you will note the proposed variance request is for the driveway access in the southeast corner of the proposed building site. We do see a problem with the new driveway entrance being that close to an intersection, even with the proposed one lane of traffic with an entrance only at this access. If the parking lot was full, and the driveway entrance also with a vehlc to in it, we could see care starting to back up in the right turn lane off of Walnut Street. We also forsee a possible problem with the proposed driveway entrance in the southwest corner of the proposed building olte. With the proposed extension of Seventh Street to the west we would note a possible problem with the alignment of the driveway access with the new prop000d Seventh Street extension. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. 1. Approve the variance requeot to allow a driveway entrance within 40 foot of an interooction. 2. Deny the variance roquact to allow a driveway entrance within 40 foot of an intersection. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Staff rocommando denial of the variance request to allow e driveway entrance within 40 foot of an intorooctlon, 000 ing numorouo traffic problemo arrising from an entrance co cl 000 to on intoroaction. We do, however, ouggoot that the layout of the parking lot to the oouth of thio property be realigned to adjuot for an entrance further north of the prop000d oouthcaot driveway entrance. D. SUPPORTING DATA. A copy of the location of the prop000d variance requoot. Copy of Tho alto plan for the prop000d now building alto. 04&w4A C6446"') I gl • LOT 9 BLOCK 6 OPI13INAL PLAT I' Opplca BUILDING -� I V ! LOT a �- -r LOT O ru.r � �'� a� � � � yr i• J i►� .1I.� Iw.�p' ��� 1 I WALNUT AV@. PLOT PLAN LAYOUT moo,..• �,.us � �" k C3 Planning Commission Agenda - 9/10/85 4. Simple Subdivision Request to Subdivide Existincj Meets and Bounds Description Land to Residential Lots - Applicant, V Harold Ruff. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. Mr. Harold Ruff is proposing to subdivide an existing unplatted lot adjacent to the parcel which includes his home. The proposed unplatted lot by metes and bounds description is approximately 2.60 acres in size. One of the proposed new lots would have 100 feet of frontage and 330 feet of depth, with the newly created lot. The other lot would be of irregular shape to accommodate future driveway access with forward development of the rear part of these newly created lots, and the lots immediately north of here, and the unplatted land immediately north of this. Rather than have Mr. Ruff go through the entire subdivision ordinance for this simple subdivision, we are suggesting to allow this subdivision to occur with a new certificate of survey. Also, if granted, to allow the park dedication fees to come at another point in time when he would develop the unplatted property further immediately north of this site. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. 1. Approve the simple subdivision request to allow unplatted land with the mates and bounds description to be subdivided into two residential lots. 2. To deny the simple subdivision request to allow unplatted land with the motes and bounda description to be subdivided into two residential lots. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends approval of tho oimplo subdivision request to allow unplatted land of approximately 2.60 acres to bo oubdivldod into two parcels, parcol A and parcel B. of block 1, Ruff's Addition to tho City of Monticello. Also, we recommend waiving the park dedication f000 until a point somewhere In the futuro when Mr. Ruff will plat and oubdlvido existing unplattod land immodiatoly north of this proporty. D. SUPPORTING DATA. A copy of tho location of the prop000d oimplo subdivision roquost. Copy of certificate of of survey for the proposed subdivision roquost. i JT tsars .21 KAMRA iA )SGC`7••. • ... I 1 ,5.� I a� W � ywu � ,r..,t. OrV� � C FI N!oO: .:--/ 2 2 I . 6•••' � • to 00 .400 o sus � . •a'.. ~ ' • ff io1.4o3 n lL 1- a I ^may L •7 10 t7 „ J ` o a .»....t......................IL _...I \. Planning Commission Agenda - 9/10/85 5. Request for Final Approval of a Subdivision Recluest to be Called Victoria Square Addition - Applicant, Mike Reher. (G A. ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. Mr. Mike Reher, will be before you to request final approval of his proposed new subdivision to be called Victoria Square Addition. We have indicated to Mr. Reher to have everything ready to be put onto hard-shell copies at this time. We did, however, indicate to Mr. Reher not to have the hard-shells prepared at tthie time, should there be any changes that would come from any public comment or from Planning Commission members at the meeting, Tuesday night, and/or the Council meeting on Monday, September 23, 1985. With all the material that has been submitted, Mr. Reherla subdivision request is in its entirety, in its final form except for not being on to the hard-shells and that is our suggestion not to put it onto the hard-shells at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. 1. Approve the final stage plan of a subdivision request to be called Victoria Square Addition. 2. To deny the final plan stage for a subdivision to be called Victoria Square Addition. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Staff rocommonde approval of the final plan stage of a subdivision to be called Victoria Square Addition. We are, however, suggesting that the herd—oholla not be done at this time until any further comment from Planning Commloaion mambera or any public input, or City Council mambaro on any part of this oubdivioion roquoot. D. SUPPORTING DATA. A copy of the location of the propocad final plan stage request. A copy of the final stage plan for a oubdivioion request. , `t0 R I A SQUARE 1R.T. DOC. NO. 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