Planning Commission Agenda Packet 07-13-1982AGENDA
July 13, 1982 - 7:30 P.M.
Chairman: Jim Ridgeway
Members: Joyce Dowling, Pd Schaffer , Bill Burke.
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Meeting Held on May 11, 1982.
2. Public Hearing - Rezoning Request - Rosewood Corporation.
3. Public Hearing - Variance Request - Blocher Outdoor Advertsing.
4. Public Hearing - Variance Request - Hal Wehmann.
S. Public Hearing - Ordinance Amendment - For a Go -Kart Track.
G. Public Heariny - Conditional Use R --quest - Jim Teslow,
7. Public Hearing - Ordinance Amendment - Planned Unit Development.
8. Consideration of a Concept Plan for the Development of a Parcel
of Land - Jim Boyle.
9. Consideration of a Concept Proposal - Mike Rehr.
10. New Buoineos.
11. Meeting Remindor.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission
will bo on August 10th, 1982.
Planning Commission Agenda - 7/13/82
1. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting Held on May 11, 1982.
2. Public Hearinq - Rezoninq Request - Rosewood Corporation.
Mr. Howard Rekstad of the Rosewood Corporation has made a request
for rezoning a portion of the property which the Rosewood Corp-
oration owns on the west side of the Monticello Mall. (That
portion of property is depicted on a zoning map enclosed in the
Enclosed in the supplement is a copy of a map from OSM, the City
Engineers, showing proposed alternate routes for a Collector
Road which would collect Country Club Road in the Country Club
Estates near Ruff Auto Parts to 7th Street in the vicinity of
Walnut and 7th Streets near the Holiday Station. According to
the map, Alternate 2 A, which is hilighted, shows a possible
route fur the Collector Road if the parcel which Mr. Rekotad
has proposed for rezoning is, in fact, rezoned and development
occurs on that parcel. Also enclosed in the supplement is a
copy of a letter from Mr. John Badalich of OSM explaining his
opinion of the development of this Collector Road.
The reason the Collector Road comeG up for discussion at this
time in that if the property propocad for rezoning is developed
as was proposed for development, Alternate Route 42 would not be
able to be developed an was chosen for development at an earlier
City Council meeting. Although there is no reason why development
could not occur on that parcel and Alternate 02 for a collector
road be abandoned in favor of Alternate 02 A, it is necessary
that the Planning Cosaniooion addrons thio issue at this time,
since dovolo)xecnt is cloning in on the area for which a Collector
Road would develop and a final routing for that Collector Road
should be taken into consideration at this time. As Mr. Badalich
states in his latter, "If the property of the Rocowood Corpor-
ation io to be developed, I believe it would be in the beat in-
terost of the City to construct or at least acquire the right-
of-way for the Collector Road from Elm Street to 7th and Wlnut
Streets along the prepared Alternate 2 A alignment" and therefore,
any approval of rezoning and construction permits
for any development might be made contingent upon Rosewood Corp-
oration dedicating the property for Alternate 2 A as it crosses
their property and also that they be required to provide or make
arrangements for the City to have the property dedicated for a
otreot between the center of vacated locust Street along that
proposed route up to the interooction of 7th and walnut Streets.
Planning Commission Agenda - 7/13/82
Also, Mr. Rekstad has requested that rezoning of this property be
made contingent upon the hospital district getting approval for
the development of an apartment complex on that property for the
elderly and construction actually taking place.
APPLICANT: Rosewood Corporation.
CONSIDERATION: Consider recamnending approval or denial of this
rezoning request for changing the property in question from B-3
to R-3, taking into consideration the necessity for property for
Alternate 2 A for a Collector Road.
REFERENCES: An enclosed letter from 00 with cents regarding
this property and also enclosed map showing the proposed Collector
Road routes.
3. Public Hearin - Variance Request - Blocher Outdoor Advertisinq.
Mr. Del Blocher, owner of Blocher Outdoor Advertising, has made
a request at this time similar to a request he made two years
ago in which he was allowed to replace two existing billboards
which sat on wood structuros with billboards which are on steel
structures. At the time of his previous request, Mr. Blocher
erected his new billboardo on single pole steel structures.
At this time, because of the expense involved in single pole
stool structures, Mr. Blocher is requesting that he be allowed
to replace the present bill board structures, which he terms are
loos than desirable in appearance because of their wood structure
with stool structures erected on either two or three stool polon
ao opposed to a single steel pole and as oppoued to the multiple
polo structures which now exist.
If this variance is granted, it would be granted contingent upon
Mr. Blocher agreeing to tho present ordinance stating that if
further development takes place on the property, it can only
take place after the removal of the bill board structures. In
discussing thio item with Kr. Blocher, he was in agreement that
should further development ever take place on any of the lots
upon which his signs are located, that his signs would cane
down in lieu of the principal or higher and bettor use of that
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Planning Commission Agenda - 7/13/82
If this variance is approved, it would be similar to the variance
which was approved for the two signs on the north side of the
freeway on the [curing property, these signs now to be replaced
are on the south side of the freeway on the Hoglund property. We
have received no objections from anyone who received a public
hearing notice, nor from the property owners upon which this
sign structure sets.
APPLICANT: Blocher Outdoor Advertising.
CONSIDERATION: Consider approving or denying this variance request
to replace the existing signs with signs of a more stable structure
and more aesthetically pleasing in appearance.
REFERENCE: Enclosed map showing the location of the proposed
replacement of signs and also showing the location of the signs
that were replaced.
4. Public Hearinq - Variance Request - Hal Wohmann.
Fir. Hal Wehvman,who built two condominium units in Holker'n Hillside
Terrace this past spring, has made application for similar vari-
ances to build the same buildings on two different lots. Previous-
ly, the buildings were built on Lots 5 and G (One building on each
lot). This request is similar, that is; Mr. Wehmann is proposing
to build one building on Lot 3 and one building on Lot 4 of Holker's
Hillsido Terrace.
In applying the minimum lot size formula for Monticello Ordinances
to those proposed two now buildings, it has been determined that
each building would require a lot of 15,000 square feet, minimum.
However, the same as with the previous two buildings each lot is
only 14,025 square fact, leaving this lot 65% short in the lot
area required for these buildings. Thus, 6br. Wehmann would need
a minimum lot size variance.
The new buildings which would be going up aro the name as those
which are nearing completion at thin point on Lots 5 and G. If
you have any interest in driving by, I am sure that Mr. Wohmann
would be glad to have you stop and take a look at the project
as it is developed thin far. The two now buildings would be
immediately wont of those which are now being developed.
APPLICANT: 1lalstad Wchmann.
CONSIDERATIONi Concidor granting or denying of a variance request
for the minimum lot sizes required for the development of these
two additional now buildings.
REPRRCNCES: A map depicting the location of the property on which
the now buildings will be developed an well as showing tho location
of the buildings now being devoloped.
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Planning Commission Agenda - 7/13/82
5. Public Hearing - Ordinance Amendment - For a Go -Kart Track.
Mr. Jim Teslow of Monticello has proposed a go-kart track for his
property which lies at the south end of Elm Street on the west
side of Elm Street adjacent to the freeway. This property is
zoned B-3. Elm Street is the street which runs north south through
Ruff Auto Parts. As a result of Mr. Teslow's request to build a
go-kart track, and as a result of Monticello Ordinances not having
any place where go-kart tracks are allowed, it is necessary that we
amend our ordinances at this time to place go-kart tracks in some
appropriate district. Mr. John LJban, of Howard -Dahlgren Associates,
proposed the following amendment to allow go-kart tracks within a
B-3 zone as a conditional use. 'The following is the proposed ordin-
ance amendment:
Section 10-3-4 (M) - outdoor Go -Kart Tracks provided that:
1. The proposed use must meet all conditions of 10-13-4 (A).
2. The Conditional Use Permit will be reviewed yearly to
determine whether or not the use is compatible with
neighboring properties.
3. A solid wood, six foot high, fence must be part of the
screening required along adjacent residential property.
4. Dust and noise (70 db L10 at residential proporty line)
must be controlled at all times to the catiofaction of
the City.
At this time, only one person hao raised any objection to the or-
dinance amendment to allow a go-kart track in a B-3 zone. That
objection comer) from Tam and Elraync Brennan, who are adjacent
property ownerâť‘ who object to the go-kart track becauno they feel
that the go-kart track will into rfer with possible futuro develop-
ment of property which they have which is zoned R-3. It should be
noted that tho property which Brennana have and is zoned R-3 is
over 500 foot away from the proposed property for the go-kart track.
Mr. Toolow hao also indicated that the immediate adjacent property
owner to his proporty has stated that he hat) no objection and will
possibly be oulmitting a letter stating that ho has objection to
thio proposal. No other comments pro or con have been received at
this time.
APPLICANT: Jim Tcolow.
CONSIDERATION: Consider approval or denial of this orc3inanco amend-
ment to allow go-kart tracks as a conditional uce in a R-3 zone.
REFERENCESi Enclosed teat report on go-kart noise levola prepared
by L.W. Sando a Ascociatoo of Menominee Fallo,wicconr,infor the
go-kart manufacturer. You might find it very interesting to read
this report prior to Monday night's meeting, it contains come
intereoting information regarding noire levels of go-karts today.
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Planning Commission Agenda - 7/13/82
surprisingly, the engines today have been developed so that noise
levels are significantly less than they were a few years ago when
go-karts became very popular.
6. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request - Jim Teslow.
Because of Jim Teslow's request to develop a go-kart track, the pre-
vious item was prompted for adoption. Mr. Teslow wants to develop
a go-kart track on his property which is addressed in the previous
supplement and is also shown on the enclosed reference map. Mr.
Teslow is proposing to build this track to be open to the public
and has talked to all of his neighbors around him to find out what
their feelings are about development of this track. The immediate
neighbor, Mr. Tim Genung, has expressed that he has no objection
to Mr. Teslow developing this track and has encouraged Mr. Teslow
to do so. Tom and Clrayne Brennan, who own property across the
street, which is zoned the same, have objected to the develop-
ment of this go-kart track, based on the feeling that they have
concerning a problem that could take place regarding the property
they own over 500 feet away which is zoned as R-3. However, it
should be noted that the noise levels of the equipment uzcd in
this go-kart track are below the noise levels which are allowed
by Monticello ordinances.
Between the time that Mr. Teslow made his application for a go-
kart track and that the City Planner had an opportunity to get
the proposed conditional uses for a go-kart track suhnitted to
the city staff, Mr. Teolow was admitted to the hospital for
surgery. Because he was in the hospital for surgery and conoe-
quently upon being released from the hospital for aurgcry wont
to visit his in-laws during recuperation the zoning administrator
has not had an opportunity to diocusa the proposed conditional uaeo
with Mr. Toslow, however, just from my personal observation I would
suggest that Mr. Tonlow would probably be willing to comply with
all of the requirements for a go-kart track, although I am cure
that he would want to discuss item 03 dealing with a solid wood
fence. I am sure that Mr. Toslow will be present at Tuesday
night'a meeting to discuos that with you. My feeling as zoning
administrator in that Mr. Teolow might want to put up something
other than a solid wood fence since hio go-kart track is on a
rather large parcel of land and the nearest rooidontial property
to his go-kart track is over 200 foot from that area of his par -
col of land upon which the go-kart track might be erected. How -
over, as zoning administrator I do not havo the authority to
opoak for Mr. Teslow on thin item, and I am sure you will want
to address this item with him at the meeting on Tuesday evening.
APPLICANT: James Teolow
CONSIDERATION. Consider recommending approval or denial of this
conditional uce request for a go-kart track in a B-3 zone. (Pro-
vided that the conditional uce is adopted an an ordinance amend-
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Planning Commission Agenda - 7/13/82
REFERENCES: An enclosed map depicting the area of Hr. Toslow's
property, and a plot plan showing the proposed development of
that parcel of property and a test report with noise level infor-
mation about go-karts.
7. Public Hearing - Ordinance Amendment - Planned Unit Development.
During 1981, at the recommendation of the City Administrator, the
Planning Commission recommended for adoption a new Planned Unit
Development Ordinance which was subsequently adopted by the City
Council. However, it appears as though that recommendation for
adoption of new PUD was done without consulting with the City
At this time, the City Planner is recommending that the City
consider readopting the old planned unit development ordinance in
lieu of the new one which was adopted last year.
Enclosed in your agenda supplement is letter addressed to the
Planning Commission regarding readopting the old PUD ordinance
and points out some examples of what the planner feels are short
As a result of my conversation with the City Planner's office re-
garding the old Planned Unit Development Ordinance and ito short-
comings and being familiar with problems that could be created
with planned unit developmonto if they are pursued under the now
presently enforced ordinance as opposed to the old ordinance which
is suggcntod for roadoption, it is the zoning adminiatrator'n rec-
omnandation that the Planning Commission consider recommending
roadoption of the old Planned Unit Development Ordinance.
APPLICANT, City staff.
CONSIDERATION: Consider rocommending readoptton of the old PUD
ordinance and eliminating the now PUD ordinance.
RF.FERENCESt A letter from Howard-Dahlgron A000ciatcs pointing
out the short comings of the now PUD ordinance and alco a copy
of the old PUD ordinance.
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Planning Commission Agenda - 7/13/82
B. Consideration of a Concept Plan for the Development of a Parcel of
Land - Jim Boyle.
Jim Boyle, who purchased several hundred acres from Morris Hoglund
on the south side of I-94 in the eastern portion of the community,
is going to be present to present his concept plan for the develop-
ment of his "Meadow Oak" project. At this time, Mr. Boyle is pro-
posing to develop only 177 acres of the approximately 600 acres
of land which he owns in that area.
Mr. Dick Knudson will be along with Mr. Boyle at that meeting at
which they will present this concept plan for your consideration.
Enclosed is a copy of the Meadow Oak booklet which describes in
much detail the proposal which Mr. Boyle is making for the develop-
ment of this property.
CONSIDERATION: This is the first of thrce(3) hearings which will
be hold on this Meadow Oak concept. At this time the only action
necessary will be to accept the concept for further consideration
at further public hearings in the future. At this time, it is
likely that the next public hearing will be held at the August 10th,
1982 Planning Commission meeting.
RFFF.RENCES: An enclosed booklet entitled "Meadow Oak" which fully
doaeribea the concept and proposal for Nr. Boyle's property.
9. Consideration of a Concept proposal - Mike Rehr.
This proposal is similar to the above item. Mr. Mike Rehr, who owns
the former Joe Culp farm on the south edge of Monticello woot of
Ilwy 25, will be present to procent his concept for the development
of what lie has named "Victoria Square".
This item will be handled similarly to the previous item for Mr.
Boyle in which the Planning Commission will review the information
submitted as concept and will recommend approval for consideration
at a further public hearing which in thin case will moot likely be
considered on August 10th, 1982,olco at a Public hearing.
CONSIDERATION, Consider approving this concept plan for further
consideration at a future public hearing.
RFFF.RF.NCFSi Enclosed concept plan and booklet describing the pro-
posal for thls property and a map depicting the location of this
parcel of property within the City of Monticello.
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Planning Commission Agenda - 7/13/82
10. New Business .
(If Mr. Uban of Howard -Dahlgren G Associates has had adequate time
for the preparation of new ordinance amendments dealing with manu-
factured homes, he will be able to present them for your consider-
ation at this time. However, no action would be able to be taken
on them, they would only be thrown out to you for consideration and
comment and brought to a future Planning Commission meeting at which a
Public Hearing would be held for consideration of adopticn).
11. Meetinq Reminder.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on August 10, 1982.
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