Planning Commission Agenda Packet 08-03-1982AGENDA
August 3, 1982 - 7:30 P.M.
Chairman: Jim Ridgeway.
Members: Joyce Dowling, Ed Schaffer, Bill Burke, John Bondhus.
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting Held on July 13, 1982.
2. Public Hearing - Joel Fxickson.
3. Public Hearing - Variance - Jim Fuller.
4. Public Hearing - Variance - Doug Stokes.
5. Public Hearing - Ordinacc Amendment - Architectural Controls in
a (R Diotrict).
6. Public Hearing - Ordinance Amendment - Establishment of a "R-5" Zone.
7: Public Hearing - Variance - wrightco Products.
S. Public Roaring - Ro zone, Subdivide and Conditional Use - Jim Boyle.
9. Public Hearing - Rc zona, Subdivide and Conditional Use - Mike Rohor.
10. Now Businces.
11. Meeting Reminder.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commisoion will
be hold on Septembo r 14, 1982.
Planning Commission Agenda - 8/3/82
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Meeting Held on July 13, 1982.
2. Public Hearing - Joel Erickson - Variance.
Joel and Janet Erickson who live at 406 West 4th St. (Lot 7, Block 20 -
Original Plat) would like to build a screened in deck to within 3 feet
of the easterly property line of their residence. Their property is
zoned I-1.
In order to expand this deck on the residential use, a variance is
required since this residential use in within an I-1 (Industrial)
Zone. Also, the Erickson's would like to have a 3 foot set back
Lather than 30 feet that is required.
Because a variance is requirod for both setback and residential use
within an I-1 zone, public hearing notices have been sent to every-
one required within 350 fact. As of this date, no comment either
in favor of or against this proposal has been received.
APPLICANT, Joel Erickson.
CONSIDERATION: Consider granting a variance for a 3 foot act back as
requested and also the variance to allow the expansion of thin screened
in deck in an I-1 zone.
REFERENCES: An enclosed plot map showing the location of the Erickson
property within that I-1 zone and also a plot plan of the property
slowing the location of the proposed deck.
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Planning Commission Agenda - 8/3/82
3. Public Hearing - variance - Jim Fuller.
During May of 1979, Jim Fuller who lives at 800 West Broadway
(Lot 6, Block 42) made an application to build an addition on
the side of his home. Because a corner lot requires a set
back of 20 feet, Mr. Fuller's addition would need a variance
of 3 foot, 3 inches into that side yard setback, leaving only
16 feet, 9 inches.
At that Planning Commission meeting in May of 1979, the Planning
Commission recommended granting the variance to Mr. Fuller in
order to build the 24 X 20 addition to his existing home. At
the following Council meeting in May of 1979, the Council voted
to grant that variance for the same. At this time, Mr. Fuller
is required to request reconsideration of his variance since
it has been over one year since his variance was granted. At
this time, Mr. Fuller is requesting that the Planning Commission
reconsider regranting his previously granted variance and that he
be allowed at this time to go ahead with his building project for
his addition.
APPLICANT: James Fuller.
CONSIDERATION: Consider approving or denying Mr. Fuller's request
for the extension of hin variance to bu ild the addition onto his
RL'FERENCESs An enclosed plot plan showing the proposed addition
to Mr. Fuller's home and also a map showing the location of Mr.
Fuller's prcporty within the City of Monticollo.
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Planning Commission Agenda - 8/3/82
4. Public Hearing - Variance - Douq Stokes.
Doug Stokes, who owns Lot 1, Block 1 of the Manhattan Lots on east
County Road 39 has made a request to be able to build a garage on
the front side of his house that would come within 10 feet of the
front yard property line. 30 feet is normally required in this
R-1 zoning district.
Nr. Stokes would like to be able to build his garage approximately
20 feet away from the house and in order to do so would have to
have a variance of 20 feet so that he could be within 10 feet of
the front yard property line.
Public hearing notices have been sent to all people who are
required to receive them regarding this matter and as of this
date no comments in favor of or opposed to this variance have
boon received.
APPLICANT: Doug Stokes.
CONSIDERATIO14: Consider granting approval or denying this
variance request.
REF'ERENCESt An enclosed map showing the location of the Stoke's
property and also a plot plan showing the location of the pro-
posed garage in relationship to the property linen affected.
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Planning Commission Agenda - 8/3/82
5. Public Hearing - Ordinance Amendment - Architectural Controls in
a (R Di strict) .
Because of a recent State law which requires that all communities
allow manufactured homes within the residential zoning districts
in which they can meet the architectural control requirements, it
is necessary for Monticello to develop an ordinance of architect-
ural controls within the residential zoning districts. A work
outline is enclosed in this agenda supplement which includes some
suggested considerations for amending the residential district
architectural controls. Rather, than repeat them here in this
part of: the supplement, refer to the work outline as is enclosed
which includes a definition of a mobile home.
APPLICANT: City of Monticello -
CONSIDERATION: Consider amending the zoning ordinance in regard
to the residential districts with architectural controls as are
proposed on the work line included in the supplemental as well
as a dofinition of a mobile home and a definition of a manu-
facturad houoing.
REFERENCE: Enclosed work outline ao discussed previously.
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planning Commission Agenda - 8/3/82
6. Public Hearing - Ordinance Amendment - Establishment of a "R-5"
The same legislation in the previously discussed agenda item is
the legislation which prompts the City of Monticello to need a
"R-5, manufactured housing district" zone. One of the reasons
the City of Monticello should be considering a new R-5 zoning
district is that it would be a zoning district with zoning
requirements which are just slightly less in requirements than
the other zoning districts, that is; R-1 through R-5, and there-
fore, hopefully would make an area which would be more attractive
to the placement of manufactured homes. For instance , a mini-
mum lot size for detached units would be 7,000 square feet
whereas in a R-1 zone, that same requirement would be 12,000
square feet and an R-2 zone that would be 10,000 square feet.
As was the same in the previously discussed item, a work item
is enclosed for your review and consideration for use in adopt-
ing a zoning district for R-5, manufactured housing.
If the zoning district R-5 is adopted, it would be appropriate
that the Boyle property be zoned,at least in part to our R-5
so that this property would then be more attractive to individuals
wanting to own manufactured housing.
APPLICANT. The City of Monticello.
CONSIDERATION. Consider adopting a now zoning district, "R-5,
manufactured housing district".
REFERENCES: An enclosed work outline with zoning diattict re-
quiremento for your consideration and also a definition of a
manufactured housing unit for your consideration and adoption
as part of a now zoning district.
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Planning Commission Agenda - 8/3/82
1. Public Hearinq - Variance - Wrightco.
Because of increased sales, it is necessary that Wrightco Products
develop another truck loading/unloading dock on the east side of
the old creamery building on the Wrightco complex. In order to
h ave that second loading door, it is necessary that a driveway
wider than 24 feet be allowed along that property to accommodate
the movement of the trucks. Also, it is necessary to consider
allowing trucks to back into the loading dock from off the street
rather than from onsite as is required by Monticello ordinance.
Because of the tightness of roam in the area which this loading
dock needs to built, it would be somewhat difficult and rather
expensive to develop a loading dock which would meet all of the
ordinance requirements.
Mr. Ridgeway of Wrightco Products will be available at the meeting
of the Planning Coamission to discuss this item for consideration.
APPLICANT: Wrightco Products.
CONSIDERATION: Consider granting approval or denial of this vari-
ance request for a driveway wider than 24 feet and to allow trucks
to back into the loading dock from the street.
REFERENCES: An enclosed map showing the location of Wrightco
Products and also a plot plan of tho area involved showing the
proposed loading dock.
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Planning Commission Agenda - 8/3/82
8. Public Hearing - Rezone, Subdivide and Conditional Use - Jim
9. Public Hearinq - Rezone, Subdivide and Conditional Use - Mika
Basically, these concept hearings will be a duplication of in-
formation previously presented to you by the developer, but
this will be a public hearing where the public can comment
on the concept if they desire.
APPLICANTS: Jim Boyle and Mike Reher.
CONSIDERATION: Consider accepting the concept and allowing the
dcveloper to proceed with the planning and preparation for the
development stage hearing.
REFERENCES: Refer to previously sumbitted agenda supplements
on this same subject.
10. Now Bunineso.
11. Meeting Rcmindor.
The next regularly schoduled meeting of the Planning Commission
will be hold on September 10, 1982.
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