Planning Commission Agenda Packet 09-14-1982AGENDA
September 14, 1982 - 8:00 P.M.
Monticello Public Library
Chairman: Jim Ridgeway.
Members: John Bondhus, Joyce Dowling, Ed Schaffer, Bill Burke.
1. Approval of the Minutes; of the Special Meeting of the Planning Com-
mission of August 31, 1982.
2. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - Construction 5.
3. Public Hearing - Variance Request - Independent Lumber Company.
4. Public Hearing - Consideration of Rezoning.
5. Public Hearing - Conditional Une Request - Jim 6 Pam Lindberg.
6. Public Hearing - Variance for a Setback - Automatic Garage Door
7. Now Busineso.
8. Meeting Reminder.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Communion
io Tuenday, October 12, 1982.
IMPORTANT NOIICEi Thio Planning Comlisnion meeting will be at the now
Monticello Library and will otart at 8100 P.M. The reason for thio io
bocauoo there in an clottion going on at City Will .
Planning Commission Agenda - 9/14/82
1. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Planning Com-
mission Held on August 31, 1982.
2. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - Construction 5.
Approximately two years ago, the Planning Commission recommended to
the Council and the Council approved a conditional use for a twelve
unit apartment building for Construction 5 to be located on the
northeast corner of Ramsey Streets and Lauring Lane.
Because that conditional use was not utilized within the twelve month
period allowed, it is thereby void and must be renewed before any
construction can begin. At this point, the developer is asking the
Planning Commission to recommend renewal and approval to the Council
so that they can proceed with construction possibly as early as
this fall.
APPLICANT: Construction 5.
CONSIDERATION: Consider recommending approval or denial of thia
renewal of a conditional use request.
REFERENCES: An enclosed plan showing the property and the firot of
three phasoo for which renewal of the conditional use permit is re-
quoated and a map depicting the location of this property within the
City of Monticello.
3. Public Hoarinq - Variance Request - Indemndent Lumber Company.
Independent Lumber Company is proposing to build an additional
storage building within the present compound out at the lumber
yard. In the procouo of buildinq this additional building, it
in noceosary to address the lack of hard ourfacing in the present
storage area for lumber, etc. around the buildings.
Provioucly, when a now building was built to the south of the pro -
cent main lumber yard building, a vdriance wan granted from the
hard curfacinq requirement and Mr. Zahlor in requesting at thio
time that the Planning Commission consider allowing a similar
variance oo that he door) not have to hard ourfaco the area within
the fenced lumber otorago confinement.
APPLICANT, Independent lumber Company.
CON RI NE RAT I ONi Conoidor approval or denial of thin hard curfacing
variance requoot.
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Planning Commission Agenda - 9/14/82
REFERENCES: An enclosed map depicting the location of the Independent
Goober Company within the City and a plot plan showing the locations
of the present buildings on the Indpendent Lumber property as well as
the location of the proposed new building and the area for which an
exemption from hard surfacing is requested.
4. Public Hearin - Consideration of Rezoning.
During the public hearing process for the proposed development of
Chateau Plaza housing for the elderly, a determination was made as
to where the Collector Road connecting the Country Club Road in
Country Club Manor and 7th Street at the intersection of Walnut
Street and 7th Street should go.
At that time, the zoning on the north side of that proposed new
Collector Route between Minnesota and Walnut Streets was brought
out to the center of the proposed new street in order to have
a land mark zoning boundary such as the street would be. At this
time, possibly the Planning Commission should consider a correction
of the zoning boundary from Minnesota Strects west to Elm Street.
That is; the R-3 zoning district should possibly be expanded
further south to include that property between its present boundary
and the center line of the proposed new Collector Route at such
time when it might be built. Basically, that zoning correction
would include the Marvin Kramer proporty on the went side of
Minnesota Street near the freeway plus a small sliver of land now
owned by Tom and Elraino Brennan.
This action for rezoning is prompted by a request for a conditional
use within an R-3 zone being made by Jim and Pam Lindberg regarding
the Kramer property. The next item in the agenda will deal with
that conditional uce request which would be contingent upon thio
rezoning taking place.
CCNSIOERATION: Consider recommending approval or denial of Chia
rezoning request.
REFERENCES s An enclosed map showing the proponed Collector Road
routing and that portion of the property which Is proposed to be
rezoned and a map depicting the location of this property within
the community.
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Planning Commission Agenda - 9/14/82
5. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request - Jim 6 Pam Lindberq.
As briefly touched upon in the previous agenda item, Jim 6 Pam Lind-
berg are proposing to develop a day care group nursery in the Mar-
vin Kramer property. This proposal would be for a permanent type
day care center.
In an R-3 zone, such as is proposed for this property, a day care/
group nursery requires a conditional use.
In the past couple of years, the Lindbergs have been trying to
locate a permanent site for their day care facility and it appears
as though this property will acco®odate them as such. In order
for them to have a day care facility on that property also approval
would be required from the Department of Public welfare but that
approval would be contingent upon a conditional use being received
from the City of Monticello. If a day care center is developed on
this property, also all the conditions of a conditional use would
have to be met as are required by ordinance.
The Lindbergs have indicated that if the rezoning for this property
is approved and the day care faeillty is yrantLd a conditional use,
that they would be willing to deed to the City the southerly 80 feet
of that property for the continuation of the Collector Road which is
proposed to connect Country Club Road and Country Club Estates with
the intersectiono of walnut and 7th Streets as was discussed in a
previous agenda item and as is shown in the references to the pro-
vious agenda item discussing rezoning.
APPLICANT: Jim and Pam Lindberg.
CONSIDERATION: Consider recommending approval or denial of this
conditional use request for a day care/group nuraory.
REFERENCES: An enclosed map depicting tho location of thin property
within the City of Monticello and also refer to the references for
the previous agenda item.
Planning Commission Agenda - 9/14/82
6. Public Fearing - Variance for a Setback - Automatic Garage Door
The Automatic Garage Door Company which occupies Lot 5 - Block 1 of
Commercial Plaza 25, south of Monticello on the cast side of Hwy 25
adjacent to the Pet Hospital, has requested a variance to be allowed
to place a pylon sign closer than 30 feet to the front yard property
line as is required by Monticello ordinances.
lir. Greg Tobias, manager of the Automatic Garage Door Company, has
requested a setback of 10 feet for his new sign. Mr. Tobias will
be at the Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday evening to show a
diagram of the proposed new sign for which he is requesting the 10
foot setback.
In the past, the Planning Commission has granted variances when re-
quested for pylon signs of this type along the highway provided it
would not interfer with any proposed frontage roads, etc. which is
the case in this request. There are no reasons why frontage roads,
etc. would hinder the granting of this sign request. One letter
has been received from an abutting property owner stating they have
no objection to the setback for this sign.
APPLICARr: Automatic Garage Door Company.
CONSIDERATION. Consider recommending approval or denial of this
variance for a setback of a pylon sign.
REFERENCES: An enclosed map depicting the location of this property
upon which the sign will be placed.
7. New Business.
Possibly the Planning Commiuoion may want to diacuan tho poaaihility
of holding a public hearing in the future to amend Monticello or-
dinances to require groan strip plantings or buffer strips to be
planted along freeways, railroads, etc. in future now oubdiviaiono.
This item is for discussion only and if tho Planning Comniusion
choonooa public hearing on the same, it can he scheduled.
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