Planning Commission Agenda Packet 02-18-1976AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING CM51ISS1ON MEETING Wednesday. February 1S, 1976 - 7:10 P.M. P1.•r.s.• nol chance ni da U•' 1. Public hearing on rezoning request. by Curtis Hoglund to aIIOw machinery sales. _. Consideration of a conditional use permit request, by Mr. Chavles kine to allow a truck garage in an k-1 Tonin_ district. ---�----- Discussion rela(Ave to land requirements of ground ~Loral,- res,-rvoir .tivstem identified in City's cumpre- h,-nnitr• water system Ilan. ,/a. Ally t%al ..f .1an11:11'\'_a1 and February 2, 1976 minutes. MaiIinC 1... Plauniog Comnli.s;ion members 1'111.1 is Iloglund ChavI,-.. kill,- AGENDA SUPPLEMENT 1L.m I. Public hearing on rezoning request by Curtis Hoglund to allow machinery sales. Curtis Hoglund is requesting the parcel of land on which his equipment sales area is situated be rezoned to allow equip- ment sales as a permissible use. Currently Mr. H oglund's property is zoned as R-3 or medium density residential and as such F,quipment Sales are allowed only as a non -conforming use, i.e. expansion is not permitted. Howard Dahlgren, city planner, will be at Wednesday's meeting Io review this with the planning commission. Mr. Dahlgren indicated that the proper zone for equipment and/or machinery sales would be a BQ zoning district and our ordinances would have to be amended to add such a zone to the permitted its( - sec t ion . sesection. furthermore, Mr. Dahlgren commented that he would not recommend such a zoning change as it would disperse the commercial areas in the city. 1 2. Consideration of ,Ic,nditi(in aI use permit request by Mr. Charles Ritrc to alloy a truck garage in an R-1 zoning district. At their •lannar •su, 1 07 0 meeting, the Planning Commission gave its preliminary approval to this request., provided proper fencing was installed along the road fronting on Mr. Ritze's property. Item 3. Discussion relative to land requirements of ground storage rrscr%oiv system identified in City's cumpt•often sive water sysl .•m plan. A Iong van ge ground water storage reservoir syslcm idem ifies Iht- 111tk wend Industrial I'ark ns it fit ttn•e site for 13 wells and a 5 million gallon ground storage reservoir. M,•m brrs of the Oakwood Industival Development Corporation will I),- .it e.it Wodoesd.iy's mt-rl ing In initiate discussion on the granting nt nrcessitr� easements and deeding of property to carry out this wal ri s�st om. "Ihry would like to consider flit- granting of these r,tsrments and deeding ol• ovvessary property before loo much —ostructino talcs plat- in the area. r 11 Rm CITY OF MONTICELLO 216 S. CEDAR STREET MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55382 TELEPHONE (612) 295.2711 SPGCIAI. MEETING CITY OF MONTICELLO -- PI.ANNING CllIT'11SS1ON �t « CAO tA--.k I'ebroary 2, I076 - 7:30 P. M. i J MONTICELLO a centuryold city with a nuclear ape view Purpose: Public hearing pertaining t.o enndil.ional use- prrmit, for vonvenienve food establishment_ in a B-3 i,onisill dist,riel. AlipIic-anl, is I1urcau In- vestment Corporalinn for a Kenl.urky fried Chivkrn estublishmrnt. at, the SW vorner .)I' I.he iotrrsect ion of S1.ale Highway 2S and 7t -h Street.