Planning Commission Agenda Packet 05-18-1976AGENDA
Monticello Planning Commission
` Tuesday - May 18, 1976
Chairman: Howard Gillham
Members: Fred Topel, Jim Ridgeway, Henry Doerr,
Dave Bauer, J. W. Miller.
1. Approval of April 20, 1976 minutes.
2. Continuation of public hearing - Conditional Use Permit
for 4 unit family dwelling in a R-2 zone.
3• Consideration of rezoning a portion of Lot 1 Block D
from RB to B4.
4. Review of proposed elderly housing project.
Wally Houle.
Mailing to: Dr. Kasper
Red Michaelis
John Sandberg
Wal I Hou lc
ccin 2
Continuation of Public Hearin on Conditional Use Permit
Request by Jay Miller for a 4 Unit Family Dwelling in a
Jay Miller is proposing a four (4) unit apartment at the
NW corner of Fourth Street and Minnesota, Block 27, Lot 5.
Since this is in an R-2 zoning district, a conditional use
permit is necessary under our zoning ordinances.
For your information, the following is a list of some
applicable provisions of our ordinances pertaining to
building and parking requirements, etc.:
Ordinance Reference Subjcct
10-3-3 (C) Setback requirements:
R-2 Front & rear - 30' ; side - 10' -
except for corner lots which are
20' on street side
10-3-4-(B) Lot Area:
2,000 sq. feet per unit
10-4-(D) Uscable Open Space:
500 sq. feel, per unit
Floor Area:
720 sq. feel, per unit for 2 la:droom
10 -3 -5 -(D) -S-0 Parking Area:
Shall have curb harrier
Parking Aria:
Shall be screened by means of fence
or planting strip
11, would appear that all provisions of the ordinances are
adhered to except a set.lmr.k variance would M: necessary
for side yard requirement, since it, is on it corner. 1'arianve
would be S feet.
The apartment complex is 3,744 sq. fest, 2 bed rooms and has
4 garaltes. Copy of plan is avai lablo at. City Hall .
Planning Commission
Agenda Supplement
Page 2
At the April 20th meeting of the planning commission the
matter was tabled for further study of the impact of this
project in the area. A petition had been received from
twelve property owners in the area in opposition to the
project. The main concern of the property owners was that
the site is too small. According to our ordinance section
10-3-4-(B) the lot area should be 2000 square feet per unit
for a multiple family. However, there appears to be some
inconsistency as a larger lot is actually required for a
single family and two family residential unit than a four
family unit.
Item 3. Consideration of Rezoning a Portion of Lot 1 Block D
from RB to B4.
Dr. Kasper would like to purchase the following lot:
Nly 65, of Lot I and Nly 65' of Wly 10'
of Lot 2 in Block D (see enclosed map).
Lot would be 65, x 76, or 4940 sq. ft.
Currently, this is owned by Red Michaelis and is zoned
R -B.
Dr. Kasper is proposing a chiropractic office for the site.
Since a R -B zone does not, allow a lot, size less than
10,0110 square fect,a rezoning request would be necessary
to B-4 which has no minimum lot sizes nor setback require-
Parking requirements for a professional office are
3 parking spaces plus rmr additional space for every
200 square feet.
Item 4• Review of Proposed Elderly Ilousinll Project.. Wallv Hou C.
Wally Houle, developer of Ridgemont. Apartments, in Monticello,
is proposing a 36 unit. elderly housing project and would
like to review his proposal with the Planning Commission.
According to Mr. Iloulr, the location of the project would
be adjacent to the present site, of the Ridllemont Apartments.
The structure itself would be all brick and nn one level.
11, o timr
We the undersigned, are in opposition to granting a conditional
request for a 4 unit apartment on Lots, Bleck 27, Upper Monticell,.
We feel that this sligle dwelling, area of the city should not
have a four unit apartment in it.
We feel that the let 1s too small, even if witlain city buildinp
regrtremento, to accommodate 4 families, their automobiles and
an are■ for ahildran to play.
This neipLbarheod baa been a very quiet one end we are sure noise
volume will Increase considerably.
We sr- cure r2,^ troffle In tnn area will be- considerably
Increased snd ti,bt n'12 be very undoolroble.
w� 1