Planning Commission Agenda Packet 07-20-1976PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING
July 20, 1976 - Tuesday - 7:30 P. M.
Chairman: H. Gillham
Members: Doerr, Bauer, Ridgeway, Topel, J. Miller,
ex -officio.
1. Approval of minutes - June 15, 1976.
2. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit and
Variance Request - James Teslow.
3. Public - Preliminary Plat - Lauring
Hillside Terrace.
James Teslow
Roy Louring
Agenda Item 2.
Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit, and
Variance Request - James Teslow.
James Teslow, of Teslow Auto Sales, is requesting a
conditional use permit to establish a used car
lot on the northeast corner of Linn and Broadway
(formerly Little Bill's Auto Repair). A con-
ditional use is required by ordinance 10-14-4-B.
In addition to the conditional use permit, Mr.
Teslow is also requesting a variance from the
outside sales area limitations of 30 per cent
of the gross floor area. Since the present
building on the site is approximately 60 x 40 or
2400' this would limit Mr. Teslo-'s sales area
to 720 square feet or room for 4-5 cars for sale.
Among the other conditions of a conditional use
permit for outside sales are the following:
1. Outside sales area should be fenced or
screened from view of neighboring re-
sidential uses or an abutting residential
district. Since Mr. Teslow is bounded by
residential areas on two sides it would
require construction of a wood, brick,
masonry fence or planting of six to eight.
feet in height.
2. Any lighting shall be arranged as to de-
flect lighting away from residential areas
and public right of ways.
3 Sales area is to be grassed or hard sur-
faced with bituminous.
The above are conditions of an outside sales
area, ordinances relative to parking, signs,
etc. will have to be adhered to.
One arra to be reviewed is the number of parking
spaces (other than cars for sale) required for a
ear lot.. Our present ordinance does not, speci-
fically cover such a case.
Two other problems exist, with the present, site
and (1) is the removal of the underground fuel
tanks and (2) is that currently storm water is
(wing run into the sanitary sewer system. These
problems will have to be corrected.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Recommendation to approve or
1. Conditional Use permit.
2. Variance from outisde sales area (Mr.
Teslow has not indicated the size of his
used car stock).
If approval is considered of these items they
should be contingent upon resolving the storm
water and fuel tank problem.
REFERENCE: Enclosed map depicting area.
NOTE: Although a sign already is on the build-
ing, it is my understanding that Teslow has not
closed the deal for the property.
Agenda Item 3. Public Nearing - Preliminary Plat - Lauring
Hillside Terrace.
Mr. Roy Lauring is proposing a subdivision plat
of approximately 45 acres and 13 lots, and is
one block cast of Highway 25 and bounded by the
railroad tracks and 1-94 (See enclosed map
depicting area).
The plat was reviewed with the Planning Commission
at two earlier meetings in 1976 and although
the plat was not, presented before a public hearing,
it was approved in concept by the Planning Comm.
In addition, it should be pointed out the city
has received approval from Mr. Lauring for an
casement for a 12" watermain to run paralell
with the proposed street. This street is in
concurrence with the comprehensive plan.
At this point Mr. Lauring also concurs with the
present zoning of the area with the portion of
the plat north of proposed street being zoned
as R-3 and the area south of proposed road lysing
zoned as 1-I.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Recommendation of approval or
denial of subdivision plat to City Council.
REFFRENC ES: Copy of plat and copy of map de-
ri-Ang area.
APPLICANT: Roy Lauring
Approval of Lauring Hillside
Terrace, Preliminary Plat
James Teslow
Conditional Use Permit
and Variance Request
July 20, 1976
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July 20, 1976
APPLICANT: Roy Lauring
LOCATION: East of Cedar Street and North of
Interstate 94
ACTTON REQUESTED: Aoprcval of La•ir`-- " " l;id? Te,•r,ce.
Preliminary P1dE
1. The proposed plat includes thirteen (13) lots of two blocks separated
by the continuation of Sixth Street through the plat to Cedar Street.
The center line of this proposed street (Sixth Street) delineates the
boundary between an R-3 and I-1 District with R-3 land uses proposed
for areas north of Sixth Street and I-1 uses to to located south of
Sixth Street.
2. The proposed five lots within the R-3 District range in size from 70,500
square feet to 116,000 square feet and with frontages from 230 feet
to 340 feet in length. The minimum requirements for this district are
lot areas of 6,000 square feet and 80 foot frontages. The minimum
requirements within the I-1 District are 20,000 souare foot lots with
100 foot frontages and the proposed plat provides for lots within the
range of 58,300 sg�are feet to 238,500 square feet with frontages of
between 165 feet to 380 feet. The proposed plat is therefore well
within the minimum lot size requirements for the respective districts.
3. The alignment of the proposed 80 foot right-of-way street which provides
a continuity from the east and existing platted areas westerly to Cedar
Street has been discussed previously and conforrs to the alignment
delineated on the Comprehensive Plan.
4. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 1971, Section 4, Section 2.358, Sub-
division 2, the proponent is requested to dedicate 10; of the final
plat gross area to the public for their use as oven space, or to
contribute an equivalent amount of cash as outlined in Section 6 of
the Subdivision Ordinance. In this regard, in tl-e northwestern portion
of the property there is as proposed in the Compre-,ensive Plan, a proposed
trail link. This link begins at Cedar Street and follows the property
line easterly and northerly to the Burlington Nortnern Railroad property.
Dedication of a 50 foot trail right-of-way from Cedar to the railroad
right-of-way woulr' constitute a 1,199 foot length :end a 1.6 + acre park
land dedication. The entire plat consists of 45 ares which would require
4.5 acre park land dedication minus the proposed 1.6 acre trail corridor
would constitute a 2.9 acre remaining requiren-_•it. Tho proponent should
therefore be required to contribute in lieu of hers 13nd dedication an
equivalent amount of cash for the remaining 2.4 acre required part:
land dedication.
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July 20, 1976
APPLICANT: Nr. ._-es Teslow
LOCATION: Nort-e:st Quadrant of the Intersection
of C:.- Road 75 and Linn Street
ACTION REOUESTED: Conc` nal Use Pe mit and Variance
1. The applicant is requesting to esta=lisp a used car lot on the property
identified on the enclosed map. The Droperty in question is included
within a B-4 District and said use •ea;ires a conditional use permit;
Section 10-14-4 (B) of the Zoning Cr_ic>_nce.
2. It should be noted that the purpose :f -he B-4 District is to establis-
a regional business district to pro."_e for the establishment of
commercial and service activities -v."ch draw from and serve the entire
community or region, and does perr`t uses covering a great variety of
commercial and service activities. :ecause of the general scale and
service area involved with the uses ,itnin this district, several
conditional uses are allowed, howeve-, they must conform to the prescr`�ed
conditions of Chapter 14 and as out'-`,�ed in Paragraph 4 of this report.
3. The site is a relatively small parcel c` land of approximately 100 ty :70
feet ecualling 10,000 square foot i- area. The existing building on t -e
site is approximately 60 feet by 40 =eet or 2,400 square feet in area
resulting in a net outdoor storage a -ea of 7,600 square feet; however,
the ordinance clearly indicates that -he use of outdoor area for purposes
of storage, sales, or service be li- ted to 30% of the gross floor are--
resof the principal use which allows or*.,.- `or a 720 square foot use area.
On this basis,the proponent is requesting a variance, however, no specific
area in excess of this 720 square fc:t ras been identified. Chapter 2=
of the Zoning Ordinance indicates tom!- the proposed action resulting
from a variance will not:
a. impair an adequate supply o' li;ht or air to adjacent
b. unreasonably increase the c_--estion of a public street,
c. increase the danger of buye- :r endanger public safety,
d. unreasonably diminish or ir:air established property
values within the neighborh::. tr in any other way be
contrary to the intent of t-•s—dinance.
In view of the above stated require--:--;, it would appear that approve*
of such a variance would potentiall. -c-,-Lively ir:pact the residentia•
neighborhood located west of the s,,::ct- property, particularly inso+c-
as the eJtent of outdoor storage is known at this point in tir,-•
James Teslm:
July 20, 1976
Page Tao
Without knowning the exact amount of outdoor storage area being requested
by the proponent and more precise use of this outdoor storage area,
it would be difficult to sense the exact impact of the proposed use on
the contiguous neighborhood.
4. Prior to any decision on this matter, the following issues should be
clearly unde-stood and discussed is pertaining to Chanter 14-4 (8) and
and Chapter 22-1 (E) of this Ordinance:
a. Is the site to be used exclusively for the purpose of
merchandising used cars;a use which is best located
awav from residential districts.
b. All other uses for this parcel be clearly understood;
i.e., storage of wrecked automobiles, sale of used
automobile parks, and/or auto salvage.
c. Determination of the exact area proposed for outdoor
auto display and sale.
d. Will the fencing or screening as required in the Zoning
Ordinnace, impair the operation and function of the
used car business?
e. The proponent shall be required to surface driveways and
auto display areas with a hard surface or grass to control
f. All lighting shall be directed and shielded so as to prevent
any spill light or glare light from entering thecontiguous
residential neighborhoods or other contiguous property
Additional requirements identified:
a. The proponent would be required to remove existing under-
ground fuel storage to mks.
b. It would be absolutely imperative that the collection of
storm water be conducted in a manner other than through
the sanitary sewer system.
5. The City of Monticello is pursuing a downtown improvement program with
the purpose of increasing the quality of its commercial environment and
improving the downtown corrvnereial image. Allowance of such land uses
are most appropriately located where land is more available and oriented
to the highways; such as Highway 25/Int.erstate 94.
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July 13, 1976
Honorable Mayor and City Council
City of Monticello
215 South Cedar Street
Monticello, MN 55362
Re: Review of Lauring Hillside Terrace
Preliminary Plat
Attn. Mr. Gary Wieber
City Administrator
We have reviewed the preliminary plat of Lauring Hillside
Terrace submitted to us under date of March 16, 1976, by
Meyer-Rohlin, Inc. As you are aware of, our review and
comments were held and not transmitted to you earlier be-
cause the owner, Mr. Roy Lauring, requested this not be
done until just this past week. Two copies of the prole.
nary plat are being returned herewith, indicating
review. One copy is for transmittal to Meyer-Rohlin,
along with a copy of this letter. Other comments wj•
to the requirements of the Monticello Subdivision C,-,,-
r,, contained herein.
The following are comments on the plat itse•1:, nnt,i,
noted in red on the plat which consists of the fol I,
1. Date of preparation
2. Total acreage
3. Corrections in the doscription as noted.
4. The description of the property contained withii: ,
plat does not include the triangular area, marke,.
on the permit, which includes the parcels mark,..
on the print of a boundary survey for mr. Lour—
6/29/70. Omission of any part of the dLscript:,
the public hoa ring notice could cause the public
proceedings to be voided due to incomplete publi. .
5. Show the existing culverts at the southeast corn.:
plat. A drainage easement should be provided orw
through Lot R at the outlet of the 42" CMP if iiii,.
Street is vacated.
6. Proposed street grades are shown in red on the ❑trc,,
grading plan. Thio aoaumoo that 6th Street will be u:i.-
mately conatructod and extended to intersect the public
City of Monticello
July 13, 1976
Page 2
road east of Washington Street. It is necessary to match
the existing road elevation of 957.1 at this location.
Since portions of the proposed plat is zoned I-1, some
heavy truck traffic can be assumed and street grades there-
fore should be kept at a minimum. This may present a
problem because of the natural drainage corridor through
the southeastern portion of the plat. The drainage way
is as low as elevation 934 at 6th Street extended easterly
from Lauring's plat or 23 feet lower than the public road
east of Washington Street. In order to keep these street
grades at a minimum and still maintain the drainage course,
it will be necessary to lower the proposed street grades
as shown on the plan. The site grading plar should be
adjusted to reflect these new grades.
7. The land or cash payment in lieu of land required for park
dedication should be based on 44.77 acres.
Comments regarding the proposed plat based on requirements of
Monticello's subdivision ordinance pursuant to Chapter 4, Section
1. Section
11-4-1 (B) 7.
- Soil Survey
2. Section
11-4-1 (B) 9.
- Tree Coverage
3. Section
11-4-1 (D) 8.
- Vegetation Preservation
4. Section
11-4-1 (D) 1.
- Statement of Proposed Use of Lots,
that is
the number of
residential units, if any, proposed
for R-3
lots and the type
of industry proposed for I-1 lots.
5. Section
11-4-1 (D) 5.
i 6. - Consideration should be given
to these paragraphs in
the event further subdivision of
these lots is contemplated.
A copy of the legal description for 6th Street through Lauring's
plat is also enclosed which constitutes an 80 foot permanent
easement for utility purposes and in the future street purposes
which follows tho alignment indicated on the preliminary plat.
Mr. Ed Ames, Surveyor, of our office has been in contact with Mr.
Bob Rohlin regarding this alignment.
This concludes our comments regarding the preliminary plat for
Lauring Hillside Terrace.
Yours very truly,
ohnP. Badalich, P.E.
City Engineor
cc: Meyor-Rohlin, Inc.