Planning Commission Agenda Packet 09-21-1976PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING September 21, 1976 - Tuesday - 7:30 P. M. Chairman: Howard Gillham Members: Doerr, Ridgeway, Bauer, Topel, J. Miller, ex -officio. 1. Approval of minutes - July 20, 1976. 2. Discussion on property purchase - John Sandberg. 3. Consideration of Subdivision request and lot size variances - Les Finn. Q. Consideration of Subdivision request and lot; size variances - Ben Arnold. S. Consideration of side yard setback variances - Dr. Fish. 6. Consideration of adding a small printing business as a permitted use .in a B-3 zoning district. 7. Request for building permit - Richard Osowski. MAILING TO: John Sandberg Lester• Finn Ben Arnold Dr. Nish Mike Fish Richard Osowski J AGENDA SUPPLEMENT .` ocnda Item 2. Discussion on Possible Property Purchase - John Sandberg. John Sandberg will be at Tuesday night's meeting to get the reaction and views of the Planning Commission in regard to possible purchase by the city of (2) parcels of river land on east County Road 39• The following is a brief description of the pro- perty and possible uses: Leo Kirscht estate $7,900 (listing price) Doug Anderson property $7,900 (firm price) Listing includes one mobile home on each lot with septic system and well. Kirscht property also includes single garage. Proposed park for east residents of Monticello. Located on County Road 39 - approximately 250 feet on Mississippi River. 1. Excellent park area with boat landing area. 2. Improved values on neighboring properties. 3. Excellent. addition to our park system. enda Item 3. Consideration of Subdivision Request and Lot Size Variances - Lester Finn. Les Finn is proposing to subdivide Lot, 10, Block 4.5, into two parcels for the purpose of building another house. (See enclosed map). Mr. Finn's home is presently situated on this lot, which is located in an R-2 zoning district. The lot size is flit' x 165' or 10,590 sq. ft. and Mr. Finn is proposing to divide the lot in i making each new lot, 82" x 66' or 5,445 sq. ft The Zoning Ordinance requires: Dist.ric.t Lot, Area Lot, Width R-2 I0,004) sq ft.. $t)' By subdividing this lot, into 2 parcels, each Int, will have approximately only i of the required sq. footage. In addition, a variance would also have to IHv granted for setback requirements since the new lot would only be u6' deep. The minimum setback re- quiremenis for a dwelling located in an R-2 zone are: front, yard - 30' and rear yard - 30', resulting in a variance required of IN' on a 24' wide home. To addition, Subdivision Ordinance 11-1-7-(A) states that a subdivision request to create (2) lots should not cause the other remaining portion of the lot to be in violation with the Zoning Ord- inances. Also section 10-3-3-(B) of the Zoning Ordinance states that no lot shall be reduced in area as to make such lot less than the minimum required by ordinance. if this subdivision request were to be recommended, the lot containing the original home would also be in violation of the minimum required square footage of 10,000 sq. ft. POSSIBLE ACTION: Recommendation tv approve or deny: I. Variance on lot size requirements in an R-2 from 10,000 sq. ft. to 5,445 sq. ft. 2. Variance on setback requirements (if #1 should be approved). REFERENCES: Enclosed map depicting lot. NOTE: A certificate of survey should be required if the subdivision is approved. Agenda Item 4. Consideration of Subdivision Request and Lot Size. Variance - Ben Arnold. Mr. lien Arnold is requesting Lu subdivide Lot 2, Block 1, Manhattan Lots into (2) parcels. Like the request, of Mr. Finn, the new lot, will be used For a residential home. (See enclosed map). The size of the lot, proposed to be split, is 07' x 336' of 32,592 sq. ft.. and is located in an R -1 district. The minimum Int, size required in an R-1 is 12,114111 sq. fl.. with at, least, tin' Frontage and therefore it would seem that, dividing the lot into two equal parcels would be permissable. However, since this lot is located on the Mississippi River, the MN. Dept.. of Natural Resources regulations require that. tilt. minimum size of lot, abutting the river not served by public sewer shall be at. (east. 20,0()0 sq. ft.. Mr. Arnold's present home is not. served by public sewer, Cherefore should contain at. least 241,100 sq, ft. after any subdivision. A potential problem may exist in subdividing this parcel in that Mr. Arnold and his neighbor, Daryl IAirnham use it portion of this lot, for a common driveway. (See sketch). -2- Some type of permanent easement would have to be noted against the newly created lot or Mr. Arnold would no longer have any access to his own home. If this easement for the driveway is more than 17 - wide, the lot to be divided will be actually less than the SO' minimum required by the ordinance, therefore requiring a variance. The following ordinance sections and how they apply to this request are for your review: Subdivision Ord. I1 -5-2-(D) - Every lot shall have frontage as required (SO ft.) on an approved city street. ff the lot was split, Mr. Arnold's present home and lot would not have frontage on a city street. Subdivision Ord II -5-3-(I) - A private common access shall have a minimum width of 301. Zoning Ord, 10-4-3-(C) - Newly platted lots l:.P without public sewer shall be at, least 2! ar.ree,'.� POSSIBLE ACTION: Recommendation to approve or deny subdivision request. REFERENCES: Map and sketch depicting lot, to be divided. ,.genda Item 5. Consideration of Side Yard Set. -lack Variances - Dr. Fish. Dr. Fish's home is situated on Lots 5 6 6, Block 59, and he is proposing an addition to his existing garage which would be within 5:"' of the property line. The ordinance calls for a 10' sideyard set -lack. 1 -mit the affected property owner, Mrs. Viola Schneider. has no opposition to the variance required. POSSIBLE ACTION: Recommendation to approve or deny setback varianve request of I! feet.. REFERENCES: Enclosed map depicting garage expansion and statement. by Viola Schneider. Agenda Item 6. Consideration of Addlnr a Small Printing IAisiness as a Permitted llse in .r 11-3 %oninit District.. Mr. Mike Fish would like to open a small printing luusinviis in part of the prrHent Pro -Mart, b4d Wing south of 1-94 (I3-3 zoning). Engraving, printing and publishing is presently allowed as a permitted use in an 1-1 (Light Industrial) district only. -3- In consulting with our planner, Howard Dahlgren, he indicated that the intention of allowing a printing business only in an 1-1 district was to prevent a large industrial type printing business from locating in a commercial retail area. He re- commended that a printing or publishing business that would not employ more than 6 persons (such as Mr. Fish is proposing) would be acceptable as a permitted use in a 6-3 district and should cause no problems. Mr. Fish has indicated that only one full time and possibly one part time person would be employed. Ile will be present at the meeting to answer any questions you may have. POSSIBLE. ACTION: Recommendation to approve or deny request to add "Engraving, Printing and Publishing (limited to 6 or less employees)" as a permitted use in a B-3 zoning district. Agenda Item 7. Request for Building Permit - Richard Osowski. Mr. Osowsk.i is requesting a building permit for (2) recently erected liquid fertilizer tanks located just west of the Suburban Gas Co property. The tanks were recently moved to this location from south of Mont.ice,lIn. According to Section 302, Subsection (A) (1), all permits for other than residential dwellings shall be suhmitted to the Planning Commission and City Counci 1 for approval. J. Mi I ler, bui Iding inspecLnr, wi I I present, additional information regarding passible conditions that. may have to la- met, such as the construction of a dike around the Lanks. POSSIBLE ACTION: Recommendation to approve or deny Wilding permit request.. '4- CONSIDERATION OF SIDE YARD SETBACK VARIANCES Dave Heskins Dave Heskins is proposing to build an electrical service shop on a portion of Lot 1, Block 2, Oak- wood Industrial Park. This property is located directly south of the new Independent Lumber Co. building and would have 100' on County Road 117. The current zoning ordinances call for a sideyard setback of 30' in an I-1 district and Mr. Heskins is requesting a 20, variance to allow the building to be located 10' from the property line. (See sketch) . The purpose for the variance request is to allow for more parking spaces south of the proposed building. It would appear that 8 parking spaces would be required according to the zoning ordinance. Mr. Richard %abler, owner of independent lumber yard has indicated that he would have no objections to the building being located within 101 of his property t ��AT+ON � a�d�• Otte +as poto `t`` SAA r •r, � ;1.1:1`, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST BY DAN BLONIGEN FOR A 4 UNIT FAMILY DWELLING IN AN R-2 7.ONING DISTRICT. Dan Blonigen is proposing a (4) unit family dwelling on Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 23, (corner of 4th Street and Elm). Since this is in an R-2 anning district, a condi- tional use permit is necessary under our zoning ordinances For your information, the following is a list of some applicable provisions of our ordinances per- taining to building and parking requirements, etc.: ORDINANCE REFERENCE SUBJECT 10-3-3-(C) Setback requirements: R-2 Front d rear - 301; side - 10' - except for corner lots which are 20' on street tilde 10-3-4-(B) Lot area: 2,000 sq. ft. per uni t 10-4-(D) Useable open space: 500 sq. ft. per unit 10-3-4-0) Floor area: 720 sq. ft. per unit, for 2 bedroom units 10-3-,5-(D)-5-0 Parking area: Shall have curb barrios 10 -3 -5 -0) -S -P Parking area: Shall be screened by means of fence or planting strip. 111 -3 -5 -(F) -S Setback area: No off-street, parking in front yards or side yards in the case of a corner lot. It appears that the only provision of the ordinances that may not be met. is the off-street parking, which is currently proposed in the front, yard. Mr. Blonigen wi11 I>tt presenting a plan of the pro- posed bri Idinas at, toniaht.'s meet.ina.