City Council Ordinance 671ORDINANCE NO. 671 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, ADDRESSING THE FOLLOWING: • CHAPTER 4, SECTION 3 — FENCES AND WALLS • CHAPTER 4, SECTION 5(T) —DISTRICT REGULATIONS • CHAPTER 5, SECTION 3(C) — TABLE 5-4: ACCESSORY USES BY DISTRICT • CHPATER 5, SECTION 3(D) — ADDITIONAL SPECIFIC STANDARDS FOR CERTAIN ACCESSORY USES • CHAPTER 5, SECTION 4(D) — TABLE 5-6: TEMPORARY USES & STRUCTURES • CHAPTER S, SECTION 4(B) — DEFINITIONS IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: Section 1. Chapter 4, Section 3 — Fences and Walls, is hereby amended to read as follows: (D) Fences and Walls by District Type (1) Residential Districts In residential districts (see Table 3-1: Base Zoning Districts), fences and walls shall conform to the following: (b) Side or Rear Yards (i) Fences and walls shall not exceed a height of sevens (76) feet in side and rear yards.. (2) Business Districts (a) General In business districts (see Table 3-1: Base Zoning Districts), fences and walls shall not be permitted in front yards seek ar- , except as may be allowed by the security provisions of this section, and shall not exceed a height of feu moot i"' the ,.or,.,ainde,. of fiaiit ya do and ei& seven (7) feet in side or rear yards., iifiless the f�irthe c.�fear- yar- s jeeated within 15 feet of p4 he right of way, iff w1�;�so it steal et e ee d -a height of six feet'. If a fence is constructed on top of a retaining or other wall, the combined height of the fence and wall shall not exceed the maximum height that would apply to a fence or wall alone. ORDINANCE NO. 671 (3) Industrial Districts (a) Industrial and Business Campus District (i) Fences and walls shall not be permitted in front yards setb ek areas; (ii) Fences shall adhere to the following yard -based requirements: 4. In all f ep ei�^iG ll not -exec ix (6) reef in height and shall be a+ leas-tranoparei#-. 2. In all side yards, a fence shall not exceed seven s4* (76) feet in height. 3. In all rear yards, a fence shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height provided a building permit is obtained for any additional height over seven (7) feet. (iii) In no event shall a fence exceed seven s* (76) feet in height if the fence is located within 4-5 (20) feet of a public right-of-way. (b) I-1 and I-2 Districts (4) In all f ePA arils a fere° h Hot exeee a six i «) feet i height ,l � ii vu� yards, a ivitcz�icc rG7fGG Gri CTIT2IGSg,2iCZ[I2'l'[ st, ., l l b, e at least 502 ;; 4anspafei4. (H) I n11 side and roar yard s, n fossee c.l-.n11 noC-exceed fiftGVff (IS) feet 49. td a building ro,.,,.,;* obtain ever six (6) feet (iii) Fences and walls shall not be permitted in front yards JetbaEkafeas; (iv) Fences shall adhere to the following yard -based requirements: 4. 1 all f elft yafds a fens° nl-..,ll iiet exeeed six (6) feet in height an shall 5. In all side and rear yards, a fence shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height provided a building permit is obtained for any additional height over seven (7) feet. (v) In no event shall a fence exceed seven six- (76) feet in height if the fence is located within 4-5 (20) feet of a public right-of-way. (J) Appearance 1. Customary Materials Fences and walls shall be constructed of any combination of treated wood posts and vertically-oriented planks; metal ,f..,*or" ,ls of 14 bettef, tfeated -"fidd bettem with pofmitte fiia4er- ,1s, maintenance free vinyl, rot -resistant wood; wrought iron; decorative metal materials; brick; stone; or masonry materials.; or- pf:o ets designed to f:ese able those materials. Where wood, 2 ORDINANCE NO. 671 masonry, or other opaque materials are specified for particular types of screening or buffering fences or walls, all other fence materials are prohibited. (a) In residential districts, metal materials of 14 gauge or better; when treated with factory -applied weather resistant coating or galvanized; and framed at top and bottom with materials as listed in section Q)(1) above are permitted. (b) Metal or vinyl fence used for garden areas in residential areas may not exceed 24" in height. (c) In the I-2 District, metal fences may be permitted when the materials have been recycled and reprocessed to resemble new building materials and are designed for use as a fencing material, and when such materials are designed to resemble allowed materials as listed in section (J) (1) above. Section 2. Chapter 4, Section 5(J) — Signs, District Regulations is hereby amended to read as follows: ,n(2)(d) Multiple Occupancy Commercial and Industrial Buildings (i) €� d by w4ndow; chlargoa�epy, or- temp,,, a fy Signs ,, this efdii afiet , Tindividual tenants of a multiple occupancy building within a commercial or industrial zoning district shall not display separate wall, canopy, or marquee signs u„l enn the Lena Vs business has ai o el i n i eNter- ^" anco an except through administrative site plan submittal review of a comprehensive sign plan subject to the following requirements: 1.&wh Such signs shall be limited to the maximum wall sign size permitted in the applicable zoning district provisions in Section 4.5(J). 2. Such signs shall be located only on 4 -,e -an exterior wall of the t io ioc/acd, but are net ad to fee a abutting a public street and shall be located on not more than two exterior walls which face a public street. Section 5. Chapter 5, Section -3 (C) — Table 5-4: Accessory uses by District is hereby amended to read as follows: 3 ORDINANCE NO. 671 Section 6. Chapter 5, Section 3(D) —Additional Standards for Specific Accessory Uses is hereby amended to read as follows: (e) Petaehed weessefy ,a,, ell.. ,o ohall be-afeh4eoturally ,,,-.m pati le ,:,it th-e pfinapal d a. o" (u) ne,,,,,..apAs of aeeesseM, ,7,s,o i*g- unito arelimited to the f;Alewin-g= y (i) Farm rnv+ vers of the per -son eee"ying e pr-ineipal-S�Etufe. F �___«J lsl � ployee of the oeetipant of the p oipal hose effiP 0��eftt is `lil Llll 1 ll lit(� d1reet-e to t o prinoipa stfuetefe I,n&e f the assee ate land an d !se+h-e pr-i*oipal otfuT�ettir-e: (iii) ffTl yee ,c>hl1 provides medical and,lpersonac-arQ c,o,-,»lion to "v, fAeeessefy dwellingunits shall be positioned ivl one of thl following laen4,er,n (i) Wit t,, tho prinaipal stfue LCI' (egg.. a wef level apaftm'VZ7); (H) A ttaehe to th pfinc pal building-,- (W) uil(W) Detac4ied and b .pal otfue+ufo ao a f+eest'-ffiding building -of (f) n t4aet e ,e aeeessei=y we l;rn unito ahall a e to the f„ flowing ill 0) The aeeessofy dwelling unit must be attaehed to the prineipal stFuetttfe and h-avo an operative ii4efllenneetin Y door- with the pr-ineipal nir„lltufe iYV 1111.V1VV1111 V1V 1.11(1 '7 / (ii) A eeesn to the unit shat enly a ffefY, the side wear- yaf of the�e `ll� l IL v C[t/�1�CCj_j�•�L[r\_jI�C_'J (i) The ,ao*,,,-,he aeeenner„ d olhng unA—shall bo a.nlinimum of six «' fee* (ii) Th eliling unit e loeated in -the safe baso distr-iet as the inc/.pal otf u ORDINANCE NO. 671 (h) The u manufa d homas, travel -tfailer-s,-c-ampefs, tfaEteftrailers, e oimilar Nv4ic4oa ao an aeeessef,, dwelling unit shall be ,Meeh ite (l) An aeeonsefy dwelling ,,,.;t ohall hale „ flee,. o of at least-�0 oquare foot and shall not exeeed 25 pereent of the Hear area in t o prinoipal otfueturt- A4 '1L'I'!df`.sefy dwelling g unit (i addition ddit o to the fe ir-e eg c,4root parkii..' ,,;„ter 4he WVVVV�J Vl Y \.L YY V11111G Wlll l� `lll WI.Ll.L1l.1 V1Z pri-floipal uoe)-. (k) AeeesseFy dwelling o ohall not besoldapart;pal otfu Section 9. Chapter 5, Section 4(E) - Specific Standards for Temporary Uses, Table 5-6 — Temporary Uses & Structures is hereby amended to read as follows: Mobile Food Units See Title 3, Chapter 20, City Code Section 11. Chapter 8, Section 4 - Definitions is hereby amended to include the following terms as defined, or redefined: DA'LLLPIG, AGGE RY Ur:n:�elling unit- either- within the same bti lding ac the single fafflily dwelliiig unit or- in a detaehed building. Aeeessefy dwelling tiflits sh these zoning d sti eis ,A'her-e pefmit4ed. Section 12. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 13. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. 9 ORDINANCE NO. 671 Approved this 12th day of June, 2017. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff , Administrator AYES: Davidson, Fair, Gabler, Hilgart, and Stumpf NAYS: None 6