Planning Commission Agenda Packet 04-13-1982AGENDA
April 13, 1982 - 7:30 P.M.
Chair,man: Jim Ridgeway
Members: John Bondhus, Joyce Dowling, Ed Schaffer,
Bill Burke.
1. Approval of the minutes of the meeting on March 9th, 1982.
2. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance - Rosewood
3. PubliC Hearing - Consideration of a Variance - Monticello
Country Club.
4. Public Hearing - Consideration of Ordinance Amendments.
5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance - City of
G. Unfinished Business.
7. Now Business.
8. Meeting Reminder -
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning
Commission will W May 9th, 1982.
Tuesday, March 9, 1982 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Joyce Dowling, Ed Schaffer, Bill Burke, Jim Ridgeway.
Members Absent: John Bondhus.
1. Approval of the Minutes for the regular meeting held on February 16.
A motion was made by Bill Burke, seconded by Ed Schaffer to approve
those minutes. All voted in favor.
2. Public Hearing - Variance Application - Willie Harris..
Willie Harris, owner of the north one half (4) of Lots 4 6 5 and the
north one half (I1) of the vest one half (l1) of Lot 3 - Block 38, was
present and made a variance request to be allowed to do limited
radio/T.V. repair in his home on that property, which is toned R-2.
At present, Mr. Harris proposes only is do this repair work on a
part time basis with emphasis being on him to work himself into a
retirement occupation, since he is an electronic'@ hobbyist who
enjoys doing this type of work part time and would like to have it
to do as a full time retirement project. Mr. Harris would also
like to do tutoring to electronic studentsat that location in his
There was no public comment either pro or con regarding this matter
at the Planning Commission meeting.
Mr. Ilarrio stated that he is presently doing a limited amount of
this radio/T.V. repair work in his home and that he does not have
the customers bring the work to his home rather, he goes to their
homes to do the work and if necessary will bring a T.V., etc• back
to hie home and do the work there, thereby, not creating any traffic
problem or parking problems.
Since the Planning Commission felt that there is already one variance
granted for that property for a beauty shop which is operated by
Mr. Morrie'a wife, and that in order for Mr. Harris to do this type
of business he should be located within a commercial district rather
than in a residential area, a motion was made by Burke, seconded
by Dowling to deny this variance request. All voted in favor of
denying the request. Mr. Harris was informed that he or any other
member of the community would have the right to appeal this decision
to the City Council and that any appeal must be filed by 5:00 P.M.
on March 15th, 1982 in order to be considered a valid appeal.
Meeting Adjourned.04
Uren Klein, Zoning Administrator
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Variance request to allow two
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"For SaLo" signs on vacant lot
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-'� Section 10-3-2-(F)(2) -No fence, structure, planting, trees or
shrubs shall be permitted within the visibility area of any corner
formed by property lines intersecting with a street or by property
lines intersecting with a railway right-of-way. The visibility
area referred to above shall be in the form of a triangle with two
sides formed by the property lines mentioned and the third side
formed by a straight line connecting the two (2) twenty-five (25)
foot points on Toth sides of the corner.
EXCEPTIONS 1., Clain link fences with openings of one
and five-eighths (1 5/8) inches to two (2)
inches and not to exceed a maximum of forty-
eight (48) inches in height may be allowed
anywhere within the visibility area.
2. Except as provided in Section 10-3-2-(F) (2),
fences, plantings, trees or shrubs not over
three feet in height may be permitted if not
prohibited by other areas of the ordinances.
3. Except as provided in Section 10-32-(F) (2) ,
fences may be erected on any part of a lot
when they are to be located behind the front
line of the principal building.
4. Fences over 6 feet in height shall be treated
as structures and will require appropriate
permits as required.
Section 10-3-2 (N) - 5. Propane tanks, fuel T oil tanks, and other
similar fuel storage tanks which do not ex-
ceed gallons in capacity.
6. wood piles in which wood is toned for fuel
provided that no more than cords
shall be stored on any property. NOTE: A
cord shall bo 4' X 4' X 8'. Persona who do
not have a wood burning device in use on their
property may not store over _ cords on
their property.
Public Works Department
Conditional Use & Variance -
To build pole type storage
Planning Commission Agenda - 4/13/82
1. Approval of the minutes of the meetinq held on March 9th, 1982.
2. Public Hearin - Consideration of a Variance - Rosewood Corpora-
As you may be aware of, the Rosewood Corporation recently sold
the mall portion of their property along I-94 to another company.
In the sale of the property, the vacant land to the west of the
existing mall was retained for further development or resale.
At this time, the Rosewood Corporation has opted to sell that
vacant land west of the mall building and has asked for a vari-
ance to be able to put two (2) signs which exceed the size re-
quirement for "For Sale" signs onto that property. Monticello
ordinances allow signs of only twenty (20) square feet to be
placed in a situation such as this in that zoning district.
However, the Rosewood Corporation feels that because that
property lies adjacent to the highway and that traffic moves
past more rapidly than it does on other lots for sale within
the community, that they should have larger for sale signs
to advertise that property. They are proposing two (2) signs
of six (G) foot by twolve (12), or larger, to be erected.
Enclosed, you will find a copy of a picture which they have
submitted to the City to show the locations of those proposed
signs. This property is zoned B-3.
APPLICANT. Rosewood Corporation.
CONSIDERATION. Consider approving or donying this sign size
variance request.
RrYERENCF.S. Enclosed map showing the location of the mall
property and also a copy of a photo showing tho mall property
and tho proposed location of the signs.
- 1 -
Planning Commission Agenda - 4/13/82
3. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance - Monticello Country
The Monticello Country Club has requested a variance for the de-
velopment of an addition storage building of approximately 1600
square feet on their property. This building would be located
on the eastern end of the existing parking lot.
The reason for the request for this variance is necessary is that
the property upon which the Country Club lies is zoned R-1 and
therefore, nothing but single family dwellings and their acces-
sories can be developed on that property.
This would be a pole type building which is proposed. One con-
sideration in such an instance might be that the design or the
color of the pole type building be something which would be
architecturally pleasing to the existing development and also
enhance any further residential development in that area.
APPLICANT: Monticello Country Club.
CONSIDERATION: Consider granting or denying this variance request.
REFERENCES: Enclosed plot plan showing the existing buildings and
the proposed new Wilding and alno a map depicting the location
of the Country Club within the community.
4. Public llearinq - Consideration of Ordinance Amendments.
At the February 16th, 1982 Planning Comioeion meeting, two or-
dinance amendments were brought under consideration for changes.
It was decided at that meeting that a public hearing should be
hold at which time consideration ohould W given to amending
the ordinances. Oidinanco Section 10-3-2-(F)- (2) in an existing
ordinance which Lando to be rather lengthy and wordy, and leaven
roan for confunion. Therefore, it woo decided that maylx now
words could W given to that ordinance to keep the name meaning
but make it more easily understood. As a result, the following
ordinance amendment iri proposed:
No fence, ouucture, planting, truce or shrubo shall be
permitted within the vioibility area of any corner formed
by property linen interoocLing with a otroot or by pro-
porty lines Intersecting with a railway right-of-way.
(Tho visibility area referred to above shall be in the
form of a triangle with two oldoo formed by the property
linen mentioned and the third aide formed by a otraight
lino connecting the two (2) twenty-five (25) foot points
on both sides of the corner.
Planning Commission Agenda - 4/13/82
EXCEPTIONS: 1. Chain link fences with openings of one
and five-eighths (1 5/6) inches to two
(2) inches and not exceeding a maximum
of forty-eight (48) inches in height may
be allowed anywhere within the visibility
2. Except as provided in Section 10-3-2-(F) (2),
fences, plantings, trees or shrubs not over
three feet in height may be permitted if not
prohibited by other areas of the ordinances.
3. Except as provided in Section 10-32-(F) (2),
fences may be erected on any part of a lot
when they are to be located behind the front
line of the principal building on that lot.
4. Fences over 6 feet in height shall be treated
as structures and will require appropriate
permits as required.
The next ordinance for consideration is Section 10-3-2 (N) where in
item 05 and #6 should be considered as follows:
5. Propane tanks, fuel oil tanks, and other
similar fuel storage tanks which do not
exceed 1,000 gallons in capacity and shall
not bo located within five (5) feet of any
property line.
6. Wood piles in which wood is stored for fuel
provided that not more than 10 cords shall
be stored on any property. NOTE: A cord
shall be 4' X 4' x 8'. All wood piles shall
be five (5) foot or more from roar and side
yard property lines and shall be stored be-
hind the appropriate act back lino in front
CONSIDERATION, Consider recommending approval or denial of those
ordinance amendments.
R17ERENCES: Enclosed agenda item from February 16th, 1982
Planning Commission meeting.
- 3
Planning Commission Agenda - 4/13/82
S. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance - City of Monticello.
The Public Works Department is proposing a new building at the
present maintenance building site which would expand their in-
terior storage capabilities. As the Public Works Department
accumulates more equipment, they are beginning to run out of in—
door storage for that equipment , and thereby it is now necessary
that some equipment be stored outside. The proposal for this
new building would be to provide adequate indoor storage for equip-
ment in the future and also equipment which the City now has but
must be stored outside.
Since this proposed additional building at the maintenance building
property is located in an R-1 zone, a variance is necessary for the
development of this now building.
It is a staff recommendation that the planning Commission consider
recommending this variance for a now storage building since it
does provide an opportunity to store inside some of the materials
and machinery which now set outside, thus improving the esthetic
appearance of that neighborhood. However, it is also a staff
roc ommondation that an adequate buffer be built along the west
aide of that portion of the property upon which the proposed
now building is being built. Also, consideration should be given
to requiring that no other outdoor storage be allowed on the west,
north and south oides of that now proposed building since it is
the intent of this new building to provide further adequate in—
door storage.
CONSIDERATION, Consider approving or denying this variance
REFERENCES: An enclosed map showing the prop000d development
of the new building on tho property in which it will be built,
and also a nap depicting the area of the maintenance building'o
G. Unfinished euoincoo.
7. Now Runinona.
B. Reminder of the next Planning Coramionion mooting on May 11, 1982.