Planning Commission Agenda Packet 12-13-1982AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION December 13, 1982 - 5:30 P.M. Monticello City Rall Members: Jim Ridgeway, Joyce Dowling, John Bondhus, Ed Schaffer, Richard Carlson. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting Hold on November 23, 1982. 3. Public Hearing - Conditional Use to Establiah a Retail Activity in an R -B Zone - Clarence McCarty. 4. Public Hearing for the Development Stage of the Planned Unit Development - Meadow Oak Subdivision. Mooting Reminder - Next regularly schod ulod Planning Cemmieaion Meeting io on January 11, 1983 at 7,30 P.M. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION November 23, 1982 - 7:00 P. M. Members Present. Jim Ridgeway, John Bondhus, Joyce Dowling, Richard Carlson, Ed Schaffer. Members Absent: None. 1. Approval of the Minutes. A motion was made by Schaffer, seconded by Carlson and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on Nov- ember 16th, 1982 as presented. 2. Review of the HRA Committee's Central Redevelopment Plan. The members of the Planning Commission met in a joint session with the HRA Committee and reviewed the Central Redevelopment Plan pro- posed for the City of Monticello. A page by page review was done on the plan which was recently adopted by the HRA as a tool to pro- mote housing and ceemarcial development and redevelopment along with economic development within the City of Monticello. The plan which designates areae within the City that may have con- flicting land use, physical blight, substandard structures, econo- mic obsolanco, or under utilisation of the present land makes pro- visions fur the ordorly devolopment/redevelopment of thu areas ad- dressing the conditions noted above. It was the Planning Commission's concensus that the proposed re- development plan as presented does meet the current City compre- honoivo plan in regard to land use, etc. and therefore, a motion was made by Dowling, aoconded by Hondhuo and unanimously carried to approve the Central Redevelopment Plan as presented by the HRA Committee. On a motion by Schaffer, seconded by Sondhuo, the meeting was adjourned. ��- �/4aW Rick Wolfatelltr Assistant Administrator MW Planning Commission - 12/13/82 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT 3. Public Hearin - Conditional Use to Establish a Retail Activity in an R -B Zone - Clarence McCarty. Dr. Clarence McCarty, who resides at 319 west 3rd St. (Lot 2, Block 37) has requested a conditional use permit to be allowed to establish a commercial retail activity in an R -B zone. Dr. Mc- Carty has requested the permit to be allowed to open a pet shop in his home. According to our current zoning ordinances, a conditional use permit is required for a retail commercial activity in an R -B zone provided that 7 conditions are met. It would appear that the proposed pet shop will be located in his home, but Sec- tion 10-10-4 F (4), a copy of which is enclosed, indicates that the retail activity should not be located within a structure whose principal use is rosidential. Dr. Carty may have more information in regard to the exact location of the proposed pet retail shop and it may be that the proposed shop will be located outside of the residence. `- POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approving or denying con- ditional use request for a pet retail shop subject to any conditions attachod. REFERENCES: A map indicating the location of property and copy of ordinance section referring to the conditions that should be met. - 1 - Conditional Use Request for commercial retail activity Clarence McCarty —7 'AN "'i.1 (T) Retail' cocoorcial activities pro"del that: i 1. Merchandise is sold at retail, a s, 2. tfie retail activity is to A- io4 vithi.n a structure whose principal we is not coaasercial seer. S. Vhs retail activity shall no occupy more than fifteen (11) percent of the gross floor area of the building. a. 7110 retail activity is not located within o otructuro whose principal use is roeidentisl. S. No directly or inAircctly illuminated oign or aigno in excesu of ten (10) square feet identifying the name of the buoin000 shell be vieible from tie outoidn of the building. E. No signs or pesters of any type ■dvortioing producto for ' 1 sale shall be visible free the bttside of the building. 7. The provisions of section 10-224 lel) of t1his Ordinanco aro considevo and satiefartorily set.`_, _ -_, I Planning Commission - 12/13/82 4. Public Hearing for the Development Stage of the Planned Unit De- velopment - Meadow Oak Subdivision. As you recall, Mr. Jim Boyle along with his associates, Mr. Dick Knutson and Bob Bemboom, presented to the Planning Commission their concept plan for the proposed development of approximate- ly 177 acres of land into what is known as Meadow Oak Subdivision. The original concept plan contained approximately 95 executive home sites,166 single family attached home sites and 255 single family detached home sites for a total of approximately 536 total individual homes. As part of the concept plan, the de- velopers requested to be allowed to have some of their lot sizes as low as 7,000 square feet with the lot width being a minimum of 60 feet wide under the Planned Unit Development concept to enable the plat to retain as many trees, etc. to make the sub- division aesthetically pleasing. The Planning Commission approved the concept plan as presented with the rdcommendation that the consideration be given for planting a screening along County Road 116 and other abutting areas around the project where no screening currently exists. The developers who will be present at Monday's meeting have now prepared their general development plan which is similar to the preliminary plat stage. Along with the preliminary plat, you have received copies of the preliminary utility's plan, drainage and grading plan, landscaping plan, tree map indicating the scheduling of each phase. As part of the con- cept approval by the City Council, it was agreed that the do- volopor would be allowed to have a variance on the side yard uatback distances for accessory luildinga such as garages to a minimum of 5 fact providing the adjacent lot had a minimum of 10 foot act back. As a result, no building would be closer to each other than 15 feet on any particular lot. The developer was also instructed to have no more than 20% of the total lots in the manufactured housing section at the 60 foot minimum width and 7,000 minimum cquars footage. According to the general concept plan as cubmittod, Lho average square foot of each manufactured detached single family house would average 10,000 square foot per lot, which was alto required by the Council. As you will note, the preliminary plat indicates that there will be 76 executive home sites, 244 single family detached manufactured housing sites and 204 to 216 manufactured housing attachod sites. In addition, the doveloperu aro proposing to aehedulo the development of the plat in phases - 2 - v Planning Commission - 12/13/82 with the first phase consisting of 33 executive home sites and 32 manufactured detached home sites. The preliminary plat has been submitted to the consulting en- gineer OSM for their comments along with Howard Dahlgren and Associates, the City Planner. Both firms have reviewed the plats and have made their contments available to the developers in regards to meeting city ordinances, etc. Comments have been received from OSM regarding minor requirements that the develop- ers will have to include on their final plat, but at the time this is being prepared the comments from the City Planner have not yet been received but will be included with the supplement. If the general development plan is approved by the Planning Commission and then by the City Council, the developers plan to prepare a final plat for submission to the City Council in January, 1983. The developers are in the final stages of working out the ownership problem and are also requesting that the City authorize the preparation of plans and specs for utilities to service the property. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of recommending approval of the general development stage of the Planned Unit Development Plan. If comments are received from the planner which need to be corrected by the developers, the approval could be contingent upon the developers meeting all requirements set forth by the planner and engineer. REFERENCES: A complete act of preliminary plat plans and com- monts from engineering firm and planning conaultanto. NOTE: The preliminary plat plana should have been picked up by the Planning Con¢niooion members at the special meeting hold with the HRA Committee. If you did not receive a set of plane, please contact City Hall or atop in to pick up a act. - 3 - V MEMO TO: Jim Ridgeway, John Bondhus, Joyce Dowling, Richard Carlson, and Ed Schaffer. FRCM: Rick Wolfsteller DATE: December 13, 1982, Monday evening. TIME: 5:30 P.M. PLACE: Monticello City Hall Council Chambers. This is just a reminder to you regarding the above scheduled meeting on Monday evening, December 13, 1982 at 530 P.M., prior to the Council Meeting scheduled that evening at 7:30 P.M. The two items to be discussed at the meeting will be the Develop- ment Stago of the Jim Boyle property and the conditional use permit request for Clarence McCarty to cstabliah a commercial retail activity in a R -B zone. An agenda for those items will be sent out to you next week.