Parks Commission Minutes 04-07-1993MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING • MONTICELLO PARKS COMMISSION Wednesday, April 7, 1993 • 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, Fran Fair, Bruce Thielen, Larry Nolan, Roger Carlson, Brad FVIe Members Absent: None 1. Consideration ofmakine recommendation to the Citv Council reeardine ISTEA Grant Application. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reviewed a map showing potential long-term plans for pathway development, which was based on input provided by the Parks Commission during comprehensive plan discussions. He also described how the proposed ISTEA pathway grant application is integrated with the long-term plan. The Parks Commission reviewed the draft copy of the grant application. They reviewed each section of the application in terms of the priority criteria identified in the grant application form. It was the consensus of the Parks Commission to include a landscaping component to the project in an effort to improve the City's chances of ohtaining points in this priority area. It was also noted that it makes sense to add landscaping because there is a junk yard and two steel warehouses alongside the pathway that could be buffered with landscape plantings. O'Neill informed the group that according to the grant program, the City must commit to funding at least 20% of the cost of the project; however, additional points could be gained by agreeing to finance a greater share. The Parks Commission discussed this issue at length and determined that it would be their recommendation to the Council that the City fund 2514. of the project cost. After discussion, a motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Larry Nolan to adopt the lung- and short-term plans for pathway development in Monticello and recommend that the City Council submit the grant application to the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Furthermore, the grant application should be modified to include a landscaping component, and it is further recommended that the City should finance 2516, of the cost to install the pathway. Motion, carried unanimously. C JefLOA411 Assistant Administrator