Parks Commission Minutes 06-02-1993MINUTES i REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PARKS COMMISSION June 2, 1998 - 4 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, Fran Fair, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson, Larry Nolan Members Absent: None 1. Consideration of allowing advertising signs to be displayed at the NSP ball$elds with proceeds going to Monticello Baseball Association for improvements to the facility. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reviewed the proposal submitted by Roger Pribyl of the Monticello Baseball Association, which proposes that the MBA organize the sale of space for private advertising signs and use the revenue to pay for scoreboards on three of the NSP ballfields. Each scoreboard wil cost approximately $1,000. It is estimated that two advertisers would be needed to fund each scorchoard. Each advertiser would he allowed to display their sign for a period of four to six years. After discussion, a motion was made by tarry Nolan and seconded by Fran Fair to provide the MBA with two alternative methods for funding three scoreboards. 1. Submit the request for scoreboards to the Parks Commission in conjunction with 1994 budget setting. Under this alternative, it is possible that the scoreboard funding and installation could be approved for installation in 1994. Installation cost would be funded via the City park budget and would not require additional funds from advertising. 2. It is recommended that the MBA be allowed to install two advertising signs per field so long as the signs are consistent in size with the scoreboard. Parks Commission reserves the right to approve the actual sign design prior to installation. The City shall own the scoreboard immediately upon installation, which would be done by the MBA. The scoreboard must be funded prior to installation, and the City shall maintain the scoreboard and oversee installation. Motion carried unanimously. Page t Parks Commission Minutes - 6/2/93 It was the consensus of the Parks Commission that the commission should meet with the MBA on an annual basis to review the operation of the NSP hallfields and determine priorities for general improvements. With the input from the MITA and other organizations, the Parks Commission should be responsible for establishing park improvement priorities and budget requirements. Review baseball/softball/soccer field scheduling problems and determine strategies for improving field utilization for 1994. Assistant Administrator O'Neill indicated that Roger Mack noted problems in properly utilizing fields in 1993 due to poorly coordinated scheduling. He also noted that he'd been informed that complaints have been raised about the lack of field availability for general use by the puhlic because the fields are being used extensively by organized leagues. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Parks Commission that a formal system for centralizing scheduling of the available fields should he established. This system would have Roger Mack organizing a meeting each year in March between all of the organizations utilizing fields and all organizations maintaining fields. At this meeting, the scheduling of the fields for the spring C and summer would he conducted. It was suggested that Roger Mack he responsible for operating a computerized scheduling system. The schedule prepared by Mack would include both city fields and school district fields. The commission agreed that even with better scheduling of the existing fields, there is likely a need for additional fields, especially if it is a goal of the commission to make fields available to the public for general use. It was the consensus of the group that the Monticello Baseball Association should he in attendance at the July meeting to discuss possible locations for additional fields, the cost of which is to be placed in the 1994 budget. Consideration of accepting a portion of American legion property be held and maintained by the City in perpetuity as park land. Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed the Parks Commission that the Legion had contacted the City with the concept of dedicating a portion of their land located west of the parking area for public use as a park. The Parks Commission reviewed the concept of developing a passive park in the area in terms of the park facilities now available in the area. After discussion, it was the consensus that the Parks Commission is somewhat interested in the concept; however, the commission is not entirely convinced that Lhe City uecds a paaaive park aL dom Ivwtiuu. Page 2 Parks Commission Minutes - 612/93 The Parks Commission recognizes that from time to time overnight camping is allowed by the Legion on their property. O'Neill was asked to inform the Legion that this practice would not be allowed if it was a public park. The commission asked O'Neill to contact the Legion with this requirement and determine if the Legion continues to be interested in providing the land to the City with the restriction that the park cannot he used for overnight camping. 4. Consideration of recommending special parks projects --Monticello Lions Club. Assistant Administrator O'Neill indicated that the Lions Club had contacted him indicating an interest in completing a park project. O'Neill reviewed the inventory of park facilities, and the Parks Commission followed by selecting some ideas for park development. The ideas below are not in a priority order. The Lions Club is requested to select that project which they feel is most desirable. 1. Construction of one or more basketball courts similar to the court now in place in the Par West Park. Following are parks that would be eligible for a basketball court. 1. 4th Street Park. 2. Meadow Oaks Park, Outlot A or the existing park. 2. Participation in the pathway project, through purchase and installation of furniture or lighting along the path of the trail system. 3. Purchase and installation of scoreboards or picnic shelter at the NSP hallfield facility. 4. Installation of a volleyball court at 4th Street Park or at the Meadow Oaks Park. 5. Comprehensive Park Plan update. Assistant Administrator O'Neill noted that time had not allowed any additional work on the comprehensive plan. 6. ISTEA pathway update. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that the City has been awarded grant funds necessary to complete the project as proposed by the Parks Commission. He noted that due to MN/DOT's detailed plan requirements, it is not possible Cto complete the work in 1993. It is proposed that the plans be prepared over the fall unJ winter fur bidding in early spring, with project construction beginning in the spring of 1994. Page 3 Parks Commission Minutes - 612/93 7. Discuss possibility of charging fees for reserved use of parks. This item was tabled until the next meeting. S. Status of Oak Ridge plat. O'Neill stated that the final grading plan reveals less area than was originally anticipated outside of the wetland area; therefore, there is very little possibility of developing any type of tot lot or park within the outlot itself. However, it still appears possible to develop a trail through the passive nature area as originally envisioned. He noted his concerns about the impact of grading on the existing vegetation and that the developer should he required to restore the property in a condition that would not require extensive mowing or weed control. O'Neill suggested that the development agreement include a provision that requires that the developers re-seed the disturbed areas with native grasses and that the vegetation be managed by the developer for a period of three years. It was the consensus of the Parks Commission that the property be accepted as park land only if given to the City in the proper condition. (; There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Je Assistant Administrator Page 4