Parks Commission Minutes 08-11-1993MINUTES
Wednesday, August 11, 1993 - 4 p.m.
Members Present: Dick Fric, Fran Fair, Bruca Thic!cr,, Rohcr Carlsan, Larry N ,;an
Members Absent: None
Consideration of anoroval of minutes of July 21. 1993 meeting.
After discussion, a motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Larry Nolan to
approve the meeting minutes as submitted.
2. Conduct lour of city narks and consider establishine fee structure for private use of
Ellison Park.
At this point in the meeting the group loured City park facilities. The first stop was
Bridge Park. Parks Commission toured the new warming house and was impressed
with the work done by City Staff and contractors. It was the consensus of the Parks
Commission to try to conduct some type of grand opening ceremony or special event
to dedicate the opening of the warming house and dedicate the skating area.
CThe group discussed concerns regarding parking. It was noted that the redesign of
the rink will result in additional parking on site. It was the consensus to use
experience as the guide as far as determining whether or not additional parking
might he needed.
The group toured the old warming house and noted its state of disrepair. It was the
feeling of the group that the old building is an eyesore and that it should he removed.
At this time the warming house takes up valuable open space at the park and there
is no need for the facility; therefore, it should he demolished.
The group then went to the arboretum and was impressed with the work that had
been done. Fran Fair requested that the strip of grass be removed along side the
stairway to expedite planting of Day Lilies at this location. Roger Mack indicated
that he would coordinate this work as requested.
The group then went to Ellison Park to discuss establishing potential charges for use
of Ellison Park. It was the consensus of the group that the City should establish a
charge for reserved use of the facility. The charge should at a minimum recover
maintenance expenses and electricity. The group reviewed the existing policy for
charging for use of the West Bridge warming house and concurred that the fees and
Cdeposits as proposed make sense.
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Parks Commission Minutes - 8/11/93
After discussion, a motion was made by Bruce Thielen and seconded by Larry Nolan
to recommend that a fee of $20 and a deposit of $50 he provided to the City for
reserved use of the Ellison Park Shelter, the Ellison Park Gazebo, and the Bridge
Park Picnic Shelter. The fee above applips to Mnniirello residents only. Individuals
from outside of the community would he required (A) pay it fee of $40 and a deposit
of $50. Motion included the requirement that the fee structure he reviewed on an
annual basis. Motion carried unanimously.
The group then visited the Cardinal Hills Park. Dick Frie commended Roger Mack
on the work completed on the park to date which included: installation of park
benches, grills, and a sand volleyball court. The group reviewed the location of the
proposed basketball courts to be constructed in 1994. It was clarified that the
basketball courts are to be located at West Bridge Park, Fourth Street Park, and
Meadow Oak Outlot A.
The group also discussed the potential development of a basketball court at the
Cardinal Hills site. O'Neill indicated his concern that the Cardinal Hills area is
relatively large and users of the park will need to drive to the park. He noted that
a plan does not exist for off-site parking. A consensus on how to address this issue
was not arrived at.
CThe group then moved to city hall to complete discussion of the balance of the
Review status of Comarehensive Plan.
Item tabled.
Discuss the potential of acceotine a portion of the Lection arooert.v for use as a city
Jay Miller, representing the Monticello American legion, was present to describe in
detail concepts behind potential development of a Veteran's Memorial Park to be
located across from the existing Legion facility. Miller indicated that the Legion has
approximately 49,000 sq. ft. of land available on which to develop the park, this
includes the existing parking area. Miller emphasized that currently there is no park
or memorial dedicated to veterans from Monticello. Under the proposal, the Legion
would be responsible for developing the memorial and other facilities associated with
the park. The land would be deeded to the City for perpetual maintenance. The
Legion would require that if the park is abandoned, it would revert back to the
Legion. No camping would be allowed on the site. Parking presently used by the
Legion would continue to be allowed for use by the Legion. The Legion would also
/ provide snow removal in the winter and would provide sonic cash
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necessary to fund other mowing and maintenance activity in the summer. Dick Frie
mentioned that he could see the City supporting acquiring the park because the City's
costs are covered. This park helps round out our park system by providing a
memorial park which the City dnes not currently hove, harry Nolan noted that the
proposed park will tie into the Bike Trail System. Bruce Thiclen noted that a site
plan for the park needs to be prepared. Jay Miller indicated that he will have
someone put the site plan together.
After discussion, it was the consensus of the group to support the concept and that
the matter should he pursued further. The next step would be to have the Legion
prepare a site plan and for the City to write a note to the Legion indicating that the
Parks Commission is interested in the proposal.
Establish clan for winter operation of Fourth Street Park.
It was the consensus of the Parks Commission that this item should not be discussed
without the input from the Hockey Association. Therefore, Assistant Administrator
O'Neill was directed to ask representatives from the Hockey Association to attend the
next regular meeting of the Parks Commission. At that time it would he the goal of
the Commission to have a plan prepared for winter recreation which includes both
the operation of the West Bridge Park and the operation of the Fourth Street Park.
CThis plan should he reviewed by the Parks Commission in September and submitted
to Council at their next regular meeting for review and approval.
6. Other Matters.
Bruce Thielen indicated that he will be applying for funds through the LCMR, which
would assist in development of an education center at Nye Park. Thielen requests
the Parks Commission provide support for his efforts.
After discussion, a motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Larry Nolan to
send a letter to the Wright County Board of Commissioners supporting development
of an education center at Nye Park. Motion carried unanimously.
It was the consensus of Parks Commission to reschedule the regular meeting of the
Parks Commission from September 15, 1993, to September 8, 1993, at 4 p.m. Motion
carried unanimously.
8. There being no further discussion, a motion was made by Bruce Thielen and seconded
by Larry Nolan to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Jeff '
Assistant Administrator
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