Parks Commission Minutes 10-20-1993MINUTES
Wednesday, October 20, 1993 - 4:30 p.m.
Members Present.. hick Frie, Larry Nolan, Bruce Thielen, Fran Fair, Rogcr
Members Absent: None
1. Consideration of auaroval of the minutes of the meetine conducted
Wednesday. Scutember 8. 1993.
After discussion, a motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Larry
Nolan to approve the meeting minutes as submitted. Motion carried
2. Review 4th Street and Bridee Park Winter Operation Plan and consider
forwardine it to the Citv Council for aooroval.
ONeill reviewed the proposed Winter Operation Plan as outlined in the
meeting minutes from September 8, 1993. Mark Holmes and Mike Mitchell,
C representing the Youth Hockey Association, were present. Following were
suggested modifications to the Winter Operation Plan:
1, Overtime Pay. It was concluded that the plan should stress
the importance of clearing snow from the ice surfaces soon
after significant snowfall events. The plan should support
authorization to have employees work overtime to assure
timely removal of snow from skating areas.
2. Grand Ooeninv. It was the consensus that the grand opening
of Bridge Park should occur during Christmas vacation.
3. Hockev Association Participation. During discussion, it was
suggested that perhaps the Hockey Association would be
interested in operating concessions at both the 4th Street and
the West Bridge Parks, and perhaps the Association would also
be willing to provide supervision of the skating areas. The
Hockey Association would be reimbursed for providing
supervision of the skating areas in an amount equal to what
the City would have otherwise paid to a part-time employee.
Mark Holmes and Mike Mitchell indicated that they would
bring this idea to the Hockey Association for further review.
They noted that there may not be enough time to get organized
to fulfill such a commitment.
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Parks Commission Minutes - 10/20/93
O'Neill noted that he would include the possibility of the -_
Hockey Association operating concessions and providing
supervision at. both rinks to the plan for Council review. This
idea could be withdrawn if the Hockey Association finds that it
is not able to make the necessary commitments. _
4. It was suggested that a sign board posting the rules he erected _
at both 4th Street Park and Bridge Park outlining the do's and =
don'ts of proper ice rink behavior.
Review operation and maintenance of the NSP hallfields. —
Roger Pribyl of the Monticello Baseball Association presented Jeff O'Neill
with a check in the amount of $1,000, which represents A2 of the 10 _
payments for the lights erected at the NSP ballfields. He requested that
this check he presented to the City Council.
At this point in the meeting, a general discussion ensued regarding
operation and maintenance of the NSP ballfields. Representatives of the
Softball Association were in attendance. Following are issues that were _-
1. Drainage. There was a concern that the proposed open shelter
at the concession stand would create drainage problems on the
2. The group discussed the need for a dugout type area. Not an =
area that's simply fenced in, but an area separating teams and =
their coaches from parents.
3. The group also discussed the problems associated with foul =
balls entering bleacher areas. Roger Pribyl indicated that we
have a major safety problem. A lady was hit last year. We
would like a net over the bleacher area.
After discussion, it was the consensus that a subcommittee needs to be
formed for the purpose of identifying the improvements needed at the NSP
softball field. Dick Frie suggested that a small group sit down together and
identify what needs to he done.
After discussion, a motion was made by Bruce Thielen and seconded by
Fran Fair to appoint a baseball/softball/parks commission subcommittee for
the purpose of establishing an operations and maintenance plan for the
facility as well as a 5 -year capital improvement plan. In addition, the group
should identify scheduling issues and perhaps put together the annual
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schedule. Membership on the committee should include Roger Mack from
City staff, Bruce Thielon, and Dick Frio from the Parks Commission, and
representatives from the N1Pntire!lo Baseball get..c ation, Softball
Association. It was concluded that the subcommittee should convene prior
to the first of the year.
Consider establishing 4 u.m. as the regular meetine time for the Parks
O'Neill requested that the Parks Commission seriously consider making
4 p.m. the regular meeting time of the Parks Commission rather than
7 p.m. State law requires that the City provide notice to the newspaper
when regular meeting dates or times are changed. Due to the fact that
most of our meetings are held at 4 p.m., it may make sense to make this
our regular meeting time, thereby avoiding the paperwork associated with
notifying the newspaper and others that the meeting has been rescheduled
to 4 p.m.
Alter discussion, a motion was made by Bruce Thiclen and seconded by
Fran Fair to change the regular meeting time from 7 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.
5. Review tentative plans for residential development of the Robert
Krauthauer vronerty.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed the Parks Commission that
Robert Krautbaucr is considering residential development of his 72 -acre
land area. O'Neill noted that Krauthauer requests that the Parks
Commission review the need for parks in the vicinity and identify general
goals for park development at the Krauthauer site. This information will be
used as Krautbauer moves forward to prepare his subdivision design.
The general consensus of the Parks Commission regarding this topic is as
follows: According to the pathway plan, it is necessary to provide an
east west pathway through the development area. The trail can either be
an off road, 8 -fl bituminous pathway, or it can be incorporated into the
internal roadway system. If the trail is an 8 -ft, off-road bituminous
pathway that extends between properties, perhaps it is possible that the
area encompassed by the trail can he used as a credit against the total park
dedication requirement. If, however, the pathway is integrated into the
existing road system, then it will be necessary that the park area provided
with this plat meet the minimum requirement of 10% land area dedication.
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The precise location of the park area was not identified; however, the area
identified on the initial sketch plan appeared satisfactory. The size of the
park area will depend on the credit granted thrmogb provision of eff-road
It was concluded that the park area should be designed to provide for multi-
uses, including active sports such as baseball, softball, soccer, etc., and also
include an area sufTicient for sliding and outside skating. Plans could also
include development of a warming house.
As with every new park, the plan should show at least two sides of the park
adjacent to a public right-of-way. The park area should be graded to a
condition that makes it immediately developable. All areas accepted
through park dedication must be usable. No wetland, low land, or pond
areas will be accepted as part of the park dedication requirement.
The concept of developing a passive park area as a buffer between the
freeway exit ramp and the residential area was discussed. The Parks
Commission recommended that this concept be explored further, that
perhaps in exchange for additional park area, the City would grant a higher
C density residential development on the north side of the entrance from
County Road 75.
6. Review Citv Eneineer uodate on the ISTEA Pathwav Proiect.
Dick Frie reviewed the letter submitted by the City Engineer, which
provided a rough schedule of events leading to ground breaking. Mark
Bergeson from Big Lake Township was present to provide his views on the
trail plan. Bergeson was concerned about parking on River Street being in
conflict with users of the class 111 trail along River Street.
It was the consensus of the Parks Commission that, in general, parking
rarely occurs on River Street. There is probably not a need to ban parking;
however, if parking/trail use did become a problem, perhaps parking on
River Street could be limited.
There being no further discussion, meeting was adjourned.
Assistant Administrator
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