City Council Agenda Packet 09-13-1999 Special . . . AGENDA SPECIAL CLOSED MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 13,1999 - 5 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen 1. Call to Order 2. Conduct performance review and evaluation of City Administrator 3. Adjourn NOTE: Attached to the agenda is a performance review document. This is one that had been submitted previously to the Council and we are including it now just in case you may have misplaced the earlier copy. Although this is a closed meeting, a summary of the of the action of the closed meeting must be included in the next open meeting so the Council may wish to designate someone to take notes and prepare the summary. . . . Minn. StaL 5 471.705, subeL Id(a). Minn. Stat.!i 471.705, subd. Id(e). Minn. StaL!i 471.705. subd. Id(d). For a complete discussion of this process, see "Employee Discipline and the Open Meeting Law," Mi~sota Cities. September 1997, page 41. Minn. StaL!i 471.705. subd. Id(e). Northwest Publications. Inc. v. City olSt. Paul. 435 N.W.2d 64 (Minn. App. 1989). Minn. StaL 5 471.705. subeL Ie. Minn. StaL 5 471.705. subd. le(e). CHAPTER 7 · Educational, health, medical, welfare, or mental health data that are not public data. Data that are not public data may be discussed at an open meeting without liability or penalty if the disclosure relates to a matter within the scope of the public body's authority and is reasonably necessary to conduct the business or agenda item before the public body. The public body, however, should make reasonable efforts to protect the data from disclosure. Data discussed at an open meeting retain their original classification, however, a record of the meeting shall be public. Misconduct allegations or charges Second, a public body must close one or more meetings for "preliminary consideration" of allegations or charges of misconduct against an individual subject to its authority. If the members conclude that discipline of any nature may be warranted, further meetings or hearings relating to the specific charges or allegations and held after that conclusion is reached must be open. A meeting must also be open at the request of the individual who is the subject of the meeting. Performance evaluations Third, a public body may close a meeting to evaluate the performance of an individual who is subject to its authority. The public body must identify the individual to be evaluated prior to closing the meeting. At its next open meeting, the public body shall summarize its conclusions regarding the evaluation. A meeting must be open at the request of the individual who is the subject of the meeting. AttorneYMcllent privilege Fourth, a meeting may be closed if permitted by the attorney-client privilege. For example, a council may close a meeting to discuss pending or threatened litigation. The city may not abuse this privilege to suppress public obsel'Vation of the decision-making process. It does not extend to the governing body's request for general legal advice or opinion. Before closing a meeting, the public body must state on the record the specific grounds that permit the meeting to be closed, and describe the subject to be discussed. The notice requirements that apply to open meetings also apply to closed meetings. Therefore, open meetings that the council closes after calling them, need no special notice. But special and emergency meetings that the council intends to close, must be properly noticed. 149 . APPRAISAL OF PERFORMANCE Position: . Date: . . . . llatina S11Dbols Three ratiDa symbols are used to mab the ---.-u u follows: E - Exceeds F~tiODS (perfonaance has been Uxnre reascmable expectadou.) M - Meets ExpedatiODS (Performmce has attaiDed a level of reascmable expec:ta1:i0JlS.) B - Below EzpedatioDS (Performaace has been below .rasouable ezp-+-"OJIS ) Please place a check mark for the rating you feel most appropriate in each category City Manager Performance Evaluation This column for office use only I II A. POLICY ::i;t4Jii;,.:~$-';';.~~,,' 1. 1i;;:;,1e::t"' ~ ,!~,.-, ' ~~~~,~i~,."~~~;; ~~2. ;';'" ~(}H' ...,..-, 3 $;~~~>- ~',=;:"~~' . Understands the difference between policy and administration Assists in policy formulation without exerting undue influence Provides sound advice on policy matters k.:; "',OJ:; 4. :~~~~~...,. . ..;~.,::; :~~~<.;:.-~. Carries out adopted policy effectively. faithfully and in a timely manner COMMENTS B. PLANNING .j'> 0 1. Plans. organizes and supervises , implementation of on-going City programs , .' and services " , ,0 2. Organizes program planning in a manner I.., - that anticipates future needs and problems ~, .. and establishes common goals for adoption .- ,.," by the City Council . .....:.'. . 0 3. Achieves goals set by or in conjunction with ~'- -, " the City Council COMMENTS C. AGENDAS :!.--Q - 1. . 'i'~r',:\,.c.l~::~::'>. - 2. ;' ~.L _ Prepares a sound agenda Balances work flow from meeting to meeting as much as possible Prepares agendas that focus on pollcy- making issues while keeping unnecessary administrative matters off Provides adequate baCk-up material ;~;~,~,,~,~- " , 3. .. r ;,,,:,_ . ' o 4. COMMENTS Please place a check mark fer the rating you feel most . appropriate in each category City Manager Performance Evaluation This column for offtce use only ~i~~~1;~;~~ 1. Provides reports in a comprehensive and understandable manner i~:~~'~~::;: 2. Provides appropriate information for making sound policy decisions O. REPORTING I II COMMENTS ;"~~:" ..0 E. FISCAL MANAGEMENT 1. Presents realistic budget 2. Seeks efficiency and economy in all programs 3. Presents budget in an understandable fashion 4. Keeps City Council informed on fiscal matters 5. Administers the budget within adopted limits 6. Instills in department heads and employees a sense of efficiency and economy :. "'.':;"" ... COMMENTS ~'~;' ,0 :..In 1. Demonstrates ability to recruit and retain .1. _ .,.... excellent personnel {~~:7,:.,:.Q ~ ...... 2. Develops teamwork and cooperation :' L~": . - among staff ...,,:....;...:. 0 3. Delegates appropriate responsibilities to ~ - "j:": . . "". -. : -- other members of management team ';:.....;;.~ 0 :."....;:~~ 4. Maintains good relations with employee I-'__":W'!" .. ',"'1"'- - . .......;., organizations ...-'.... :-I...:.."n". 0 o' 5. Effectively represents city interests in ;.;;.. ~fl, .;.~ .'""'" collective bargaining .' ...~ - . .1::- . ,~r';:':' ; .. . .0 -- 6. Delegates appropriate responsibilities to ; ,!...,...-. -- other members of management team F. PERSONNEL eMMENTS Please place a check mark . for the rating you feel most . appropriate in each category This column for office use only COMMENTS City Manager Performance Evaluation G. COUNCIL RELATIONS Assists Council members in resolving problems administratively to avoid unnecessary action at meetings Deals with Council as a whole on policy issues Demonstrates impartiality and maintains appropriate relationships with individual Council members Is.receptive to constructive criticism and advice 5. RespOnds promptly to Council's inquiries 6. Maintains a balance between frankness and diplomacy I .II . H. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS 0 1. Maintains good cooperative relations with: 0 .' ., a. Municipalities and School District 0 b. State and Federal agencies ..~. 0 c. State Legislators I".: 0 d. Agencies contracting with or supported by the City COMMENTS :'~;:~:..,;:. 0 . ." ;,;.i.II~~~.':~ :tr.;:~ .,.: ..... '.:"jI!': I. COMMUNITY RELATIONS 1. Viewed by the community as a person of high integrity, ability and devotion to the city Handles citizen's questions and/or .~I. complaints promptly and effectively ,. ., ~-".O 3. Properly sUpports the city Council ;..,:..:,,0 4. Maintains good relations with the media; l- .~... provides accurate and timely information " .. .~. .' 0 5. Properly avoids politics and partnership 9. 6. Creates a feeling of respect for City c .., govemment within the community COMMENTS Please place a check mark . for the rating you feel most appropriate in each category City Manager Performance Evaluation This column for office Use only ~~::~~. 0 w,'-,_, 1. Well-respected by fellow managers ~-f7-iB:~.?:~..~~~ 2. Represents City in professional organizations j-Ef:~~,,;;_~~~ 3. VIewed by the community as a person ot high integrity , ability and devotion to the city fi3jj,~~~S}~r~ 4. Knowledgeable of current developments affecting the management field :.\!\~'''_.:O .~,;:~,: . 5. Strives to continue professional growth J. PROFESSIONAL REPUTAnON I J'I COMMENTS ;';""'" 0 -" 1. Controls emotions effectively in difficult ':,.,1.:,(.;. situations .. :.1I."~.' <. .. - ,. 0 '2. Is creative in developing practical solutions ...... to problems faced in the course of work '..;'" ~ '.'.,':~." .. .: .- " ,. ._. I< ,.. 0 3. Is flexible in accepting and adjusting to . ~<i:.... .<. change 0 4. Has positive attitude 0 5. Demonstrates personal honesty and .. frankness in day-to-day relationships 0 6. Seeks to improve own Skills/knowledge 0 7. Completes work in an acceptable time -- period ,- 0 8. Performs work accurately K. PERSONAL TRAITS COMMENTS During the coming year, what can the City Manager take the greatest pride in? What do you feel are his strongest points and his finest accomplishments this year? \Nhat areas do you feel most need improvement? Why? Do you have any constructive. positive ideas how the . Manager can improve these areas? . . . City Manager Performance Evaluation Addendum Please feel free to make additional comments or identIfy concerns you may have in areas not covered by this evaluation: .,.