HRA Minutes 11-23-1982
November 23, 1982 - 7:00 P.M.
Monticello City Hall
Members Present:
Phil White, Jack Reeve, Bud Schrupp, Vic Vokaty,
Tom Eidem, and Rick Wolfsteller.
Members Absent:
Don Cochran.
1. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Phil White.
2. A motion by Reeve, seconded by Schrupp and carried to except the
minutes of November 15th, 1982.
3. Eidem presented the members of the authority with the proposed
Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan. He stated that it was pre-
pared largely by staff and that he would gladly answer questions
concerning any of the points. On an invitation from the Housing
and Redevelopment Authority, all members of the Planning Commission
of Monticello were present to review the CMRP. Chairman White in-
vited Planning Commission members and others in attendance to feel
free to raise questions and make comments. HRA Member Cochran
arrived at this time. Mr. Bondhus of the planning Commission raised
a question concerning the proposed land use for Block 30 and Block 19.
He indicated that Block 19 should perhaps in the future remain as in-
dustrial since it is one of the rare parcels that can be industrial
by nature and still have railroad trackage. He noted that Block 30
might better develop as commercial land in the future. Eidem noted
that on all of the maps in the proposed plan, the NSP substation
and a church building had been overlooked and all maps would be
corrected accordingly. Relative to Bondhus' comment, the HRA agreed
that industrial development along trackage might be more suitable
than the proposal. However, no definite action was taken to adjust
that point at this time. Several other revisions were made to
clarify the point that the HRA would not in any case supersede the
authority of the Planning Commission or the City Council. Other
language adjustments were made to clarify the intent of particular
paragraphs. Eidem was directed to prepare final copies of the
revised Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan. A motion by Cochran.
seconded by Reeve and carried unanimously to adopt the following
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