Planning Commission Agenda Packet 02-01-1994AGENDA
Tuesday, February 1, 1994 - 7 p.m.
Members: Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson, Brian
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held January 4, 1994.
3. Public Hearing --Consideration of a variance to Section 3-9 E: 2 (b) ii of the
Monticello Zoning Ordinance which would allow display of two additional
premise identification signs. Applicant, Holiday Stationstores.
4. Public Hearing --Consideration of a variance request which would allow two
curb cuts where street frontage is less than 250 lineal feet. Applicant,
Liberty Savings.
5. Public Hearing --Consideration of a 12 -ft variance to Section 3-9: C7 of the
zoning ordinance, which would allow a sign to be set back 3 ft from the
right-of-way. Applicant, Liberty Savings.
6. Public Hearing --Consideration of a variance to Section 3-9: D2 of the zoning
ordinance, which would allow a non -conforming sign to be changed to
another nonconforming sign. Applicant, Liberty Savings.
7. Adjournment.
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Tuesday, January 4, 1994 - 7 p.m
Members Present: Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Brian Stumpf,
Richard Carlson
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Lemm at 7 p.m.
2. A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Brian Stumpf to
approve the minutes of the regular meeting held November 3, 1993. Voting
in favor: Cindy Lemm, Jon Bogart, Brian Stumpf. Abstaining: Richard
Martie. Absent: Richard Carlson.
3. Public Hearine--Consideration of a ureliminary Dist request of phase IV -
Cardinal Hills residential subdivision. ADolicant. Value Plus Homes.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained Value Plus Homes' request
for a preliminary plat of phase IV of the Cardinal Hills residential
subdivision. The following is a review of the preliminary plat along with
discussion topics that require special attention by the Planning Commission.
Parcel Standards/Easement Requirements. O'Neill indicated that City staff
had reviewed the plat for compliance with lot design, roadway width, and
easement standards and found that the plat meets the minimum
requirements. Additional easement widths will be needed for Lots 15 and
16. Block 2, and Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, to accommodate storm sewer pipes
at these locations. The final location for the storm water easement has not
been defined by the City Engineer but might need to be adjusted prior to
the final plat.
Sanitnfv Sgwes and Water Systems. A description of the utility system
providing the development with sanitary sewer and water has not been
included with phase fV, as it has already been determined that it is feasible
to serve the plat as proposed.
Storm Water System. The project shows development of a storm water
ponding area along the southern boundary of the property. This facility will
serve to maintain storm water for the 4th phase. The existing pond
developed in the 3rd phase will be connected to the south pond developed
with the 4th phase.
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Planning Commission Minutes - 1/4/94
Park Develonment. When the 2nd phase of Cardinal Hills was developed,
the Parks Commission recommended the City accept the park in the
northwest corner of the development (2.7 acres) and a proposed tot lot (.b
acres) in the southeast section of the development. The land area of the two
park areas amounts to approximately V3 of the standard park dedication
area required with this plat. The developers are requesting that they pay
cash in lieu of land for the unsatisfied portion of the park dedication
requirement. When the final plat of phase III of Cardinal Hills was
approved by the City Council, the Council accepted cash in lieu of park land
as satisfying the park requirement for phase III; however, Council made no
commitments regarding the park requirement associated with the
development of phase IV through completion of the project. The developers
will be requesting the City to make a final determination as to what the
park dedication requirement will be for the balance of the development.
The park dedication question was brought back before the Parks
Commission for their input at a recent meeting. The Parks Commission
continued with their original recommendation to hold the view of the school
property along with the two parks provided sufficient space for the area. It
was also their view that a strong effort in the future should be made to
acquire land south of the south pond for park purposes. This land would be
acquired with the development of the adjoining land to the south. The
Parks Commission felt this would be a good area for a central park in this
location. The Parks Commission recommended to acquire the south pond as
an outlot to be connected to the future park area. The public works
department was opposed to the City obtaining this south pond area as an
outlot. If it was an outlot, the City would be required to maintain that
outlot and would be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the
property. If it were not an outlot and the property lines extended into this
south pond area, the property owner would be responsible for maintaining
this outlot area.
If the Planning Commission thinks the public access to the area is a strong
possibility, then it should be taken as an outlot. If there is no need for the
public to walk or skate in this area, then it should be taken as an easement.
Sidewalk/Pathway. It is proposed that the pathway easement be provided
between Lots 10 and 11, Block 2, to allow limited pedestrian access to the
south pond area. This pathway would be extended through the south pond
area across a sand filter, which will act as a bridge. The bridge will then be
connected to a future park area if it is developed to the south.
Road Svotem. The 4th phase calls for further development of Starling Lane,
Mallard Lane, and a portion of Pelican Avenue.
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Planning Commission Minutes - 1/4/94
Grading and Drainaee Plan. The grading and drainage plan for the site has
already been prepared by the City Engineer. This plan was done in
conjunction with an application for an Army Corps of Engineers permit
obtained by the applicant in conjunction with the 2nd phase of the
Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing.
There being no additional information from the public, Chairperson Cindy
Lemm then closed the public hearing and opened it up for comments from
the Planning Commission members.
Much discussion amongst the Planning Commission members was the area
of the south pond, whether to accept that as an outlot or to extend the
property lines into the area for easement area.
There being no further discussion from Planning Commission members, a
motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Carlson to
approve the preliminary plat for the Cardinal Hills 4th Addition with the
following conditions.
It was the view of the Planning Commission that the creation of the
ponding area creates an attractive nuisance that the City should be
responsible for policing. The City should accept responsibility for managing
the area because one cannot count on the property owners to manage the
area in a coordinated manner.
To accept cash in lieu of land for park dedication at a price per
acre as determined by the City Council.
The south pond area be dedicated as an outlot that has benefit
for the future development south and will allow the City
control of the land.
The bike path be graded, Mallard South to plat boundary; and
the bike path be graded and hard surfaced from Mallard Lane
to School Boulevard.
The motion carried unanimously.
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Planning Commission Minutes - 1/4/94
Additional Information Items
Discussion of an initial reauest submitted kv the developers. Value Plus
Homes, to have the City consider additional souare footaee reauirements for
1 1/4 story. 1 1/2 story. and 13/4 story homes.
Planning Commission members felt it was a good idea to look at
establishing additional square footage requirements for these styles of
Therefore, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Brian
Stumpf to approve establishing a public hearing for proposed ordinance
amendment establishing square footage requirements for 1 V4 story, 1 1/2
story, and 13/4 story homes. Motion carried unanimously.
2. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, updated the Planning Commission
members on the proposed update of the comprehensive plan.
Election of Officers.
A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to
reappoint Cindy Lemm as Chairperson of the Monticello Planning
Commission. Voting in favor: Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Richard
Carlson, Brian Stumpf. Abstaining: Cindy Lemm.
A motion was made by Cindy Lemm and seconded by Richard Martie to
appoint Jon Bogart as Vice Chairperson. Voting in favor: Cindy Lemm,
Richard Martie, Richard Carlson, Brian Stumpf Abstaining: Jon Bogart.
A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Brian Stumpf to adjourn
the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Anderson
Zoning Administrator
Pogo 4 LCP)
Planning Commission Agenda - 2/1/94
Public Hearing—Consideration of a variance to Section 9-9 E: 2 (b) ii
of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance which would allow displav of
two additional aremise identification signs. Anolleant. Holldav
Stationstores. (J.O.)
I,•�Hx�IT.L51►LiT�II;�:117TfI �ei;�iiij,lH
Holiday Stationstores requests that the City allow display of three premise
identification signs in addition to a pylon sign. Only one premise sign is
allowed by ordinance when a pylon sign is present. As you will note on the
proposed sign plan, one sign will face Highway 25, one will face 7th Street,
and one will face Walnut Street.
The sign plan presented did not show the location of any product
identification signs. According to the ordinance, Holiday may have two
product identification signs in addition to the premise and pylon sign. Their
ability to put additional product identification signs is limited because the
total square footage of sign area allowed under the ordinance is taken up by
the three premise identification signs.
The total square footage of all signs does not exceed the maximum allowed.
Essentially, Holiday is asking for a variance which would allow them to
take the total sign area allowed by ordinance and utilize it through display
of premise identification signs only.
It should be noted that somehow Taco Bell was allowed to have three
premise signs in addition to the pylon sign. I will be checking with Gary to
see how this occurred. It is embarassing that Taco Bell was allowed to
install a non -conforming sign system. However, the mistake does not serve
to create a bona fide precedent.
1. Motion to deny variance based on the finding that there are no
unique circumstances or hardship that justify granting of the
variance; therefore, granting of the variance would he contrary to the
intent of the ordinance.
Under this alternative, the Planning Commission takes the view that
a pylon sign combined with one premise sign is sufficient to identify
the name of the business as noted by ordinance, and there are simply
no grounds for granting the variance duo to hardship or any other
Planning Commission Agenda - 2/1/94
Motion to deny granting the variance based on the same finding as
noted under alternative til, but call for a public hearing to review a
potential sign ordinance amendment which would allow additional
premise signs to be displayed when a business has frontage on three
Under this alternative, the Planning Commission would make a
finding that a hardship or unique circumstance does not exist to
justify granting of the variance requested; however, there appears to
be merit in looking at liberalizing our sign ordinance to allow more
premise signs (2 or 3) to be displayed where a business has frontage
on more than two streets.
Under this alternative, City staff would prepare an amendment to the
zoning ordinance accordingly for review at the next meeting of the
Planning Commission.
Motion to grant the variance to allow (1) or (2) additional premise
signs based on the finding that a variance in this case is acceptable
because the total sign area proposed under the sign plan does not
exceed maximum limits and, therefore, complies with the intent of
the ordinance. Motion to include the requirement that no additional
product signs are to he allowed because all of the allowable sign area
is taken up in premise signs.
Under this alternative, Planning Commission could make a finding
that the sign system as proposed basically meets the intent of the
zoning ordinance because the total sign area is in compliance. Under
this alternative, Holiday Stationstores would not be able to display
any product identification signs because if it did, the total sign area
would be in excess of the sign area allowed by ordinance.
It would seem unlikely that Holiday would agree to such a limitation.
Even if Holiday did agree to not display any product signs, it is likely
that such an agreement over time would be forgotten and ultimately
result in product signs being displayed in addition to the
identification signs, thereby resulting in a sign system with a total
square footage in excess of maximums allowed under the ordinance.
Staff recommends alternative p2. It is our view that there is no justification
for it variance based on a hardship. We disagree with the concept of
allowing three signs based on the reasoning that the total sign area is in
Planning Commission Agenda - 211/94
compliance with the ordinance because ultimately additional product signs
could be placed on site, thereby creating a sign system that exceeds the
total square footage of sign area allowed.
It is our view that this situation is relatively unique and not addressed well
by the zoning ordinance; therefore, perhaps it makes sense to look at
making some minor modifications to the zoning ordinance to allow for the
additional premise sign to be displayed for businesses that have fronting on
three rights-of-way.
In addition to liberalizing the number of signs allowed, perhaps it makes
sense to increase the sign area allowed as well.
Excerpts from the zoning ordinance; Copy of the Holiday Stationstores site
identification signs and two business
identification signs. The total maximum
size of wall signs shall be determined
by taking twenty percent (20%) of the
gross silhouette area of the front of
the building, up to three hundred (300)
square feet, whichever is less. If a
principal building is on a corner lot,
the largest side of the building may be
used to determine the gross silhouette
For purposes of determining the gross
area of the silhouette of the principal
building, the silhouette shall be
defined as that area within an outline
drawing of the principal building as
viewed from the front lot line or from
the related public street(s).
ii. Option B. Under Option B, either wall
signs or pylon signs may be utilized or
a combination of both. In no case,
however, shall more than one pylon sign
I do- be allowed. Only two oroduet
Q �t identification signs and fL=;+=em+pQ
identification sign is allowed, and
these wall signs must be only on one
der separate wall. The total maximum
Py allowable sign area for any wall shall
Q,;•�� •be determined by taking ten percent
3 (10%) of the gross silhouette area of
the front building up to one hundred
(100) square feet, whichever is less.
The method for determining the gross
silhouette area for wall signs is as
indicated in Option A.
3. Conditional Uses in Commercial and Industrial
Districts: The purpose of this section is to
provide aesthetic control to signage and to prevent
a proliferation of individual signs on buildings
with three (3) or more business uses. The City
shall encourage the use of single sign boards,
placards, or building directory signs.
(a) In the case of a building where there are
three (3) or more business uses, but which, by
generally understood and accepted definitions,
is not considered a shopping center or
shopping mall, a conditional use shall be
granted to the entire building in accordance
with an overall site plan under the provisions
of Option A or Option B (described in 2 (b) i
and ii above) provided that:
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Planning Commission Agenda - 2/1/94
Ppblic Hearing—Consideration of p variance request which would
allow two curb cuts where street frontage is less than 280 lineal
feet. ADDlicant. Libertv Savings. W.O. )
Liberty Savings has developed a plan for remodeling the funeral chapel
recently purchased by Arve Grimsmo, formerly known as the Lindquist
Funeral Chapel. The site plan that Liberty Savings has prepared includes
two curb cuts providing access to Broadway. Under the present ordinance,
in order for Liberty Savings to have two curb cuts, they need 280 ft of street
frontage. A variance is needed because only 176 R of frontage is available.
Following is a review of the Liberty Savings site plan followed by a
discussion of the variance request and various alternatives.
The site plan includes both the funeral home and adjoining single family
structure. Under the redevelopment plan, the single family structure will
be removed to make way for parking. The funeral home will be remodeled
featuring a drive-through window. Drive-through traffic will enter from
Palm Street and exit onto Broadway. The site plan has been reviewed for
adherence to various zoning ordinance requirements such as setback
requirements, parking lot screening from residential areas, etc. The site
plan appears to meet all requirements except those being reviewed by the
Planning Commission at this time.
As noted, the site plan calls for two access points to Broadway. The
proposed access points will he 46 ft apart, which is slightly in excess of the
minimum requirements by ordinance. The east access is aligned with the
cast side of the Palm Street median break on Broadway. It is proposed by
Liberty Savings that cars leaving the drivo-through lane be allowed to exit
both to the right and left onto Broadway.
The westerly access point is proposed to be a two-way access allowing traffic
to enter and exit at this location. As with the east access, it is proposed by
Liberty that cars using this access point be allowed to have full traffic
movements, thereby enabling cars leaving at this location to turn left onto
Broadway in front of westhound traffic.
Apart from the variance request, the proposal to allow traffic exiting onto
Broadway to cross the westbound traffic and enter the castbound lane
presents some serious questions regarding traffic safety. The City Engineer
and a traffic engineer from OSM oppose this approach. Finally, the Wright
County Highway Engineer has jurisdiction in this situation. He has already
indicated that he does not approve of the proposed design.
Planning Commission Agenda - 2/1/94
Variance Reauest
The need for the variance stems simply from the fact that there is not
adequate street frontage for two driveway access points. According to the
zoning ordinance, one needs 260 ft of frontage for two driveways. In this
situation, the proximity problem is amplified by the potential of full traffic
movements for vehicles using the two driveway access points along with
East Palm Street. Following are just some problems that could be created
by providing full traffic movement at both driveway access locations. A
complete review of the traffic movement conflicts will be discussed at the
East Access (Drive-through exit)
The level of traffic on Broadway, especially during the evening hours,
does not allow for safe crossing of Broadway. The problem is
increased by the fact that the drive-through curb cut is not centered
with the median break, thereby creating a very awkward turning
movement for any vehicle attempting to enter the eastbound lane of
Broadway. Furthermore, this traffic movement will also conflict with
any vehicles attempting to enter the westbound lane of Broadway
from Palm Street, and the movement could also conflict with vehicles
attempting to enter the westbound lane from the driveway access to
the west of the drive-through.
West Accesl
The same problems apply to the westerly access, which is aligned to
slightly west of the median break.
The problems with traffic movements as proposed under the site plan are
obvious. The County Engineer has indicated that he would not approve of
the plan as proposed. Allowing the plan to proceed under this configuration
would likely create a traffic safety problem which would not be to the
benefit of either the property owner or the city.
Motion to deny the variance request based on the finding that a
hardship does not exist and limit turning movements to a single
access point with right inhight out turns only.
Planning Commission Agenda - 2/1/94
Under this alternative, Planning Commission could make a finding
that the site plan could be modified to show a single access point onto
Broadway and, therefore, a hardship does not exist.
Under this alternative, the plan would need to be redesigned to show
drive-through traffic merging with parking lot traffic at a single
location on site prior to entering Broadway. This alternative presents
problems for the developer because it results in internal traffic
movement conflicts between pedestrians entering the building from
the parking lot and drive-through traffic attempting to leave the site.
This problem, however, is created by the drive-through use and
should not be considered as an eligible justification or hardship.
As a variation of this alternative, Liberty Savings could also explore
the possibility of creating a two-way access road onto Palm Street,
thereby indirectly providing an exit to the east onto Broadway via
Palm Street. This variation would require purchase or control of land
to the north of the Liberty Savings site (approximately 10 ft).
Purchase of land is necessary because there is not enough separation
between the north building wall and the property line to develop a
two-way driveway.
Motion to deny variance and recommend allowing full traffic
movement at a single centered access.
Under this alternative, Planning Commision could make a finding
that a hardship does not exist justifying a second access. This
alternative has the negative effect of resulting in internal traffic flow
difficulties for Liberty Savings but has the positive effect of allowing
full cast/west movement from the driveway access. This alternative
will need to he reviewed and approved by the County Engineer. We
have not obtained his input on this alternative at this time.
Motion to approve the variance request contingent on limiting traffic
movements for both access points to right inhight out.
Variance approval could be based on the finding that limiting the
traffic movements to right in and right out reduces conflicts created
by driveways located in close proximity to each other. Allowing two
driveways inside of 178 ft under this circumstance or limitation could
serve to limit the precedent set and allow the City to grant two
driveway accesses without violating the intent of the ordinance.
Alternative p3 would also require County approval. It is very
possible that the County would not even allow two driveway accesses
even if the driveways aro both right in/right out only.
Planning Commission Agenda - 2/1/94
4. Motion to approve the variance request with full traffic movements as
This alternative would be difficult to justify, as there is no unique
hardship or situation that prohibits Liberty Savings from meeting the
requirements of the ordinance. In addition, this alternative is likely
to be dead on arrival because the County would not likely allow full
tragic movement onto Broadway as proposed.
City staff recommends that the Planning Commission select alternative t11,
which is to limit access to a single driveway with right in/right out access.
We also recommend exploration of developing a two-way drive on the north
side of the building. This is the best alternative for limiting congestion
within the public right-of-way.
As a fallback, staff is not opposed to alternatives tit and Q; however, both
of these alternatives, prior to acceptance, should be subject to a traffic
analysis by a traffic engineer and must be approved by the County
City staff has met with the developer on numerous occasions to attempt to
come up with a compromise as to what is actually the best overall plan for
the site. Our conversations have led to numerous alternatives but never to
an agreed-upon traffic circulation pattern. It appears that Liberty Savings
at this point would prefer to enter discussions with the Planning
Commission and Council from a relatively extreme position and negotiate
from there.
Copy of Liberty Savings site plan,
Planning Commission Agenda • 2/1/94
5. Public Hearing—Consideration of a 12 -ft variance to Section 3-8: C7
of the zoning ordinance. which would ,pillow a sign to be sgl back
3 ft from the right-dway. Annlicant. Liberty Savings. AND
6. Public Hearing—Co"illeration of a variance to Section 3-9: D2 of the
zoning ordinance. which would allow a non -conforming sign to be
changed to another non -conforming sign. ADnlicant. Liberty
Savings (J.(5.)
The Liberty Savings site plan includes development of a pylon sign proposed
to be located 3 ft from the Broadway right-of-way. According to the zoning
ordinance, pylon signs must be located no closer than 15 ft from the right-
of-way. The location of the pylon sign is at the same position of the sign
used in conjunction with the funeral home use. According to Liberty
Savings, the proposed location for the sign fits the design of the site and
provides for better visibility of the sign.
There do not appear to be any factors that would create a hardship in this
situation. It appears that the variance is not justified in terms of the
standard criteria used in evaluating the merits of a variance.
Motion to deny both variance requests.
This motion could be based on the finding that a hardship does not
exist; therefore, granting the variance would violate the intent of the
Obviously, allowing the variance without justification sets a strong
precedent that the City could be obligated to follow in the future.
According to the ordinance, signs are supposed to be set hack 15 ft
from the right-of-way, and non -conforming signs are not allowed to be
upgraded or changed to become now non -conforming signs. The new
owner has no grandfather rights to the previous Lindquist Funeral
Chapel sign structure; therefore, without proper justification for a
variance, the request should be denied,
2. Motion to approve the variance request as proposed.
This alternative is difficult to justify as noted above.
Planning Commission Agenda - 211/94
Motion to deny the variance request based on the finding that a
hardship does not exist, etc; however, call for a public hearing to
consider amending the zoning ordinance to allow signs to be set back
at a position closer to the public right-of-way.
There could be some merit in reviewing our current sign ordinance to
determine if a 15 -ft setback is excessive. At this point in time, I have
not compared this requirement with requirements noted by other
cities; however, I plan on contacting the City Planner to determine if
this 15 -ft setback requirement is excessive, etc.
Staff recommends alternative #1 unless the City Planner provides
information that would seem to indicate that our 15 -ft sign setback
requirement is excessive. If so, then staff recommends alternative #3. I
hope to provide more information regarding sign setback requirements at
the meeting on Tuesday.
See copy of site plan under previous agenda item.