Planning Commission Agenda Packet 04-11-1994 SpecialJZ> AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, April 11, 1994 - 5:30 p.m. Members: Cindy Lemm, Richard Carlson, Jon Bogart, Richard Martie, Brian Stumpf Call to order. Public Hearing --Consideration of approval of the preliminary plat of the Eastwood Knoll subdivision. Adjourn. Special Planning Commission Agenda - 4111194 �• Public Hearing -Consideration of approval of the oreliminary plat of the Eastwood Knoll subdivision. (J.0.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you recall, at the previous meeting of the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission granted preliminary approval of the Eastwood Knoll subdivision on a vote with three in support, one abstaining, and one opposed. Rich Carlson abstained, and Cindy Lemm opposed the design of the plat due to the impact of the traffic flow on the existing developed area. This item is being returned to the Planning Commission, and a new public hearing will be conducted due to the mistake made in the original notice. The original notice included the outline of the original PUD design, which could have had the effect of misleading residents as to the impact of traffic on their neighborhood. As you know, the original PUD design did not include a through street to Briar Oakes, whereas the plat of the Eastwood Knoll does include a through street, which is a significant difference from the original PUD design. In addition, at the previous meeting the City Council listened to the residents' concerns regarding the traffic impact on the neighborhood and responded by authorizing preparation of an alternative design of the plat. Planning Commission is asked to review this alternative design and determine a preference. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve the preliminary plat of the Eastwood Knoll subdivision under the original design. Under this alternative, the City will be assured of achieving its goal of creating an exclusive, isolated neighborhood. As a result, additional traffic impacts will be experienced by the existing Meadow Oak neighborhood. Motion to approve the preliminary plat of the Eastwood Knoll subdivision under the revised design. The alternative plan features the extension of the roadway from Briar Oakes extending through the site, thereby providing direct access to Meadow Oak Avenue. Under this configuration, the additional traffic impact on Meadow Oak Lane will be minimized, and the roadway Special Planning Commission Agenda - 4/11/94 connecting the Briar Oakes area to Meadow Oak Lane through Eastwood Knoll can be constructed to a 36 -ft wide minimum, which is the city standard for this type of roadway. By keeping the additional traffic out of the Meadow Oak Estates area, property values in that area can be maintained. The down side of this proposal is that the lots created along either side of the collector road in Eastwood Knoll will not be as exclusive as under the original design and will, therefore, likely fetch a lower price. This design will not affect the exclusivity of the lots on the Eastwood Knoll cul-de-sac to the west. Under the alternative, the City's goal of creating an exclusive neighborhood for the entire area is diminished; however, preserving the exclusivity of the original Meadow Oak Estates is maintained. As a final note, the City will need to acquire a lot along Meadow Oak Avenue for the through street. According to Rick, there is at least $25,000 in delinquent taxes and assessments against this property. He is relatively certain that the City can acquire it through the tax foreclosure process or through a direct sale of the property by Dickman Knutson to the City. As a variation of this alternative, a connection of the through street to Briar Oakes could be eliminated, thus eliminating drive-through traffic and maintaining exclusivity. This would also result in creation of a separate entrance to Eastwood Knoll apart from the Meadow Oak entrance. From a marketing standpoint, there may be an advantage in creating a separate entrance, as it would provide the opportunity for placement of landscaping, signage, etc., which would assist in creating an attitude supporting higher -end housing. Creating a separate entrance to Outlots C and D would also provide a second access point for the Meadow Oak Estates/Eastwood Knoll area and result in one less cul-de-sac to maintain. On the other hand, the down side is that Cho loss of the cul-de-sac reduces the exclusivity of the lots near the entrance. Under this alternative, the City would be trading a cul-de-sac for a direct access to the upscale neighborhood. Motion to approve the original plat design but eliminate access to Briar Oakes, thereby maintaining separation as envisioned under the original PUD design. Special Planning Commission Agenda • 4111/94 Under this alternative, the future connection of Briar Oakes to Eastwood Knoll would be eliminated, thereby eliminating any possibility of cut -through traffic traveling in either direction. Briar Oakes traffic created by 64 lots would enter and leave at one location. Meadow Oak/Eastwood Knoll traffic consisting of traffic generated by 62 lots would also enter and leave the subdivision at one location. This alternative is not consistent with the standard practice of providing at least two outlets from each development; however, due to the relatively small size of each subdivision and due to the potential of the road becoming a shortcut for traffic from outside the development, it might make some sense to select this alternative. This alternative will impact the efficiency of snow removal and police patrol services by requiring longer travel distances between subdivisions. 4. Motion to deny approval of any of the preliminary plat designs C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: According to the traffic engineer and the City Planner, traffic issues brought forward by the neighborhood have merit. The additional traffic will have an impact on the livability of the existing neighborhood. Therefore, staff recommends approval of a plat design under alternatives #2 or #3. Rick is also examining additional methods for marketing the property. I have attached a copy of Rick's agenda item to the City Council regarding this issue for your information. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of related Council agenda item; Alternative plat design. c°*4°� Council Agenda • 4/11/94 Consideration of approval of the preliminary plat of the Eastwood Knoll residential subdivision. Appflcant. Citv of Monticello. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Since this item was discussed at length at the previous Council meeting but final action was tabled until this meeting, the agenda discussion from the previous meeting is included again for your review, as most of the site plan review items still remain the same and can be used as a refresher. I did not feel it was necessary to repeat the same items over again and will attempt to have my agenda deal with the new issues the Council wanted to address regarding this plat. It is my understanding that the City Council tabled action on the preliminary plat request for two basic reasons, one being a concern that the public hearing notice may have been improperly provided to the neighboring property owners, and two, a request by the Council to have the staff and engineer look at any alternatives available for providing an additional outlet from this plat to Meadow Oak Avenue. As far as the public hearing notice is concerned, a new notice has been published, and new notice has been mailed to all of the abutting property owners with the corrected plat supplement. With regard to the concerns expressed by neighboring property owners on traffic congestion with only one outlet from this plat, Bret Weiss again looked at whether it could be feasibly accomplished to have one of the cul- de-sacs access Meadow Oak Avenue. Again, in looking at the westerly cul- de-sac (Eastwood Court), continuation of this road to Meadow Oak Avenue would still be hampered by grade elevations, which would require more grading than what is desirable if our efforts were to save trees and the terrain. In light of this, Bret looked at the feasibility of extending the first cul-de-sac (Blackwood Circle) through to Meadow Oak Avenue. From a grade and construction standpoint, this extension would be much easier to accomplish; and with some alterations to the lot design, it is feasible to line up the intersection of this road with the Woodcrest Circle Drive entering into Briar Oakes and extending it through to Meadow Oak Avenue. The major hurdle at this point would be to acquire property between this plat and Meadow Oak Avenue, as there are platted lots abutting Meadow Oak Avenue. Assuming this alternative was selected, the City would have to acquire Lot 2, Block 3, Meadow Oak Estates, in order to accomplish this alternate connection point. Council Agenda - 4/11/94 In further investigating this alternative, I have placed a call to the lot owner, Mr. Dickman Knutson, original developer of the Meadow Oak Estates area. As of this time, Mr. Knutson has not returned my call. The attempt to contact Mr. Knutson was to find out if there would be some possibility of reaching an agreement with him to have the City acquire this lot if this alternative was selected by the Council. Assuming we may not be able to come to an agreement, Council should be aware that this property will in the near future be up for tax forfeiture for non-payment of special assessment and tax debt. I confirmed this with Darla Groshens, Wright County Auditor, who indicated that it is her goal to have this property be part of the tax forfeiture sale planned for later on in 1994. In light of this, the City does have a reasonable opportunity to acquire the property at that time, as the County would give us first right of purchase. Since most of the debt against this property is the City's special assessment debt, we could probably acquire it for approximately $2,000 in back taxes. In addition, the City could try to get this amount lowered even more by requesting that the School District and/or Wright County agree to abate their share of the taxes. As far as special assessment debt is concerned, the total debt against these lots will be exceeding $28,000 to $29,000 by the time it's tax forfeited, and I do not anticipate other property owners willing to purchase these lots for that cost. At this time, the City Council will be asked to decide which alternative for this plat will be in the best interest of the City and the neighborhood it surrounds, and whether it should continue as originally proposed under the two cul-de-sac arrangement or whether one of the alternatives for a through street connection to Meadow Oak Avenue should be considered. Likewise, the Council will have to decide whether they want to see this plat continued in the manner it has been proposed and are comfortable with the idea of creating larger residential sites for higher -valued homes. Approval of a concept or preliminary plat does not have to necessarily commit the City to being the developer of the entire project but would indicate that the Council is comfortable with the plan as proposed and wants to see it developed in this manner no matter who is the actual owner. Should the Council decide on one of the alternates available for having two outlets to the property, we may have to look at the possibility of doing the project in two phases if we are unable to acquire the property necessary to connect the through street to Meadow Oak Avenue. This may not necessarily be a detriment in doing the project in two phases, as we could still develop approximately 20 lots along Meadow Oak Lane and Eastwood Court in the first phase and wait to make the through street connection until the second phase when we aro able to obtain the lot and property necessary for the connection. Council Agenda - 4/11/94 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the preliminary plat as originally proposed with the two cul-de-sac concept. Under this alternative, the City Council is satisfied that the development concept as originally proposed would not cause a problem for traffic congestion through the Meadow Oak Estates development and is the best proposal for retaining the exclusivity of the neighborhood. 2. Motion to approve the preliminary plat utilizing one of the design alternatives that would provide for a through street connecting to Meadow Oak Avenue. Under this alternative, the Council is determining that the additional outlet to Meadow Oak Avenue should be required in considering this plat and that if the necessary right-of-way can't be obtained immediately, the plat could be considered in two phases until the right-of-way can be acquired. Since it may not be wise to actually create platted lots with a street that does not make the connection to Meadow Oak Avenue, it may be better to prepare the actual plat with an outlot and phase the development in the future. Also under this alternative, the Council may want to consider revising the restrictive covenants for this plat by creating two sets of restrictions with the lots abutting the through street, possibly having lesser requirements than the cul-de-sac area. Since some of the exclusivity of the neighborhood may be lessened with a through street, we may not want to create quite as high a standard in the covenants for some of these lots versus the lots abutting the end cul- de-sac. 3. Motion to deny or table approval of either of the Eastwood Knoll plat proposals. The Council could select this alternative if it is still not comfortable with the options that are available or does not feel that the preliminary plat should continue as originally proposed in a larger lot development. Council Agenda - 4/11/94 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIOtj: While the staff is certainly aware there have been concerns expressed about the City becoming involved as the actual developer, the Council will need to decide whether it wants to continue on with the concept of creating a neighborhood with larger, wooded parcels for higher -valued homes that have restrictive covenants or whether some other option should be considered for this land. Since the Council asked for additional options to be looked at and to determine whether alternatives were available for providing street access to Meadow Oak Avenue, I believe the alternatives provided do indicate that it is a possibility of the City is able to obtain that one lot abutting Meadow Oak Avenue. Since we can't be sure at this time whether we will have ownership of this parcel, if an alternate is decided upon by the Council, it is suggested that we look at creating an outlot for that first cul-de-sac area to give us the option of designing it later. If we're unable to obtain the necessary right-of-way, we could always go back to the cul-de-sac design; but if the parcel does become available, the outlot would be platted at that time. If the Council is still comfortable with proceeding with some type of a plat, additional options are available as to whether we should immediately cnnsider preparing plans and specifications for the public improvements or whether we should allow 30 days or so for an active marketing campaign to sell tho property in the platted developed or undeveloped state. This is addressed more in the next item concerning ordering plans and specifications if a preliminary plat concept is approved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the original Eastwood Knoll plat; Copies of two alternate design concepts; Copy of Special Planning Commission agenda of 4111/94; Copies of agenda item material from 3/28194 meeting. MEADOW 0 200 SCALE IN Urorn dye DrawN TO R G DeL=6W.. ei.. o- � 111 I.. f 26/94 ""~°"`� 4" FEET Comm. No. 3445.00 Fig 8 ww..w MEADOW OAK AVE. 1 I I pl- "r% Grown Hys Droning Title R G 0 pp � .- Dates � . bat1.A.. wn.w. • wrwsw 3/28/84 "."""aw•""'�."��,w"""r a�wr o �rwm • 0 290 40C SCALE IN FEET Corton. No. 344S.0( ae 8 I