Planning Commission Agenda Packet 02-16-1993 SpecialJ.o,
Tuesday, February 16, 1899 - 7 p m
Members: Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson, Brian
Call to order.
2. Public Hearing --Consideration of approval of the preliminary plat of the Oak
Ridge subdivision. Applicant, Tony Emmerich. DM f
3. Adjournment. •AAO '5
J �
Planning Commission Agenda - 2/16/93
2. Public Hearina—Consideration of annroval of the oreliminary plat of
the Oak Rldae subdivision. Aoulicant. Tonv Emmerich. (J.0.)
At the previous meeting of the Planning Commission meeting, the first draft
of the Oak Ridge preliminary plat was reviewed. Planning Commission elected
to table making a recommendation pending input from the Parks Commission
and pending completion of various adjustments to the plat. Subsequent to the
previous meeting, the Park Commission reviewed the plat thoroughly at their
meeting on February 3, 1993. Parks Commission recommendations can be
found in the attached draft of the Park Commission meeting minutes.
Also, since the previous Planning Commission meeting, the engineer was given
a copy of the Parks Commission meeting minutes and city staff also met with
him to discuss other issues relating to the plat. The developer's engineer then
revised the plat and grading plan and submitted a copy of the revised plat to
city staff late on Thursday, February 11.
The following is my review of the latest revision of the preliminary plat and
associated issues. Other staff members including the Public Works
Superintendent, Building Inspector, and City Engineer have not had an
opportunity to review the plat at this time. Therefore, additional issues may
arise prior to Planning Commission meeting.
Setback and Yard Requirements
1 reviewed the revised plat for adherence to city minimum standards relating
to lot width at setback and lot size. It appears that the plat has been updated
to meet the minimum requirements.
lnd 1. Block 2
The plan has been modified to show a road extension eastward along the
powerline corridor toward the Floyd Paterson property. This road extension
provides road access to tho Floyd Peterson property to the cast of the Oak
Ridge plat. Without this road, the Peterson's property would be landlocked.
The plan revision has resulted in creation of a lot that does not have full street
access, therefore it does not meet the minimum requirements of the ordinance.
Planning Commission Agenda - 2/NW
As you can see, Lot 1, Block 2 will not be developable until Ridge Drive is
extended into the Floyd Peterson property. The engineer representing the
developer has indicated that a deed restriction can be prepared which would
not allow this property to be sold for development until the road serving it is
,f Easement Lines
The drainage and utility easements as outlined on the preliminary plat need
to be corrected to show 12 ft easements in the front and rear of the individual
Wedand/Storm Pond Svstem
The updated plan shows significantly more detail regarding the extent and
design of the wetland mitigation plan and now shows areas that will be
utilized for storm water detention and sedimentation. The wetland area
impacted by the plat is .78 acres. The wetland area created as mitigation for
the wetland -impacted area is 1.09 acres, and the storm water detention area
created amounts to 1.25 acres useable. Upland area remaining atter
completion of storm water detention and wetland mitigation amounts to
approximately 1 acre.
It appears, for the most part, the wetland areas located on the site have been
avoided. However, there is a wetland pocket at the entrance to Oakview Court
which could have possibly been avoided. According to the spirit of the Wetland
Conservation Act, the first approach in developing near wetland areas is to
completely avoid the wetland. Mitigation should be the second choice if at all
possible. It could be argued that this pocket wetland could be easily avoided,
therefore the preliminary plat needs to be adjusted accordingly. This issue was
discussed at the previous meeting. It was generally determined at that time
that impacting the wetland was not a significant issue. However, after further
review and a visit to the site, staff' is more inclined to believe that avoiding
this wetland is possible and should be seriously considered. It appears that 2
Iota will be lost if the wetland is not allowed to be filled.
The City Engineer has requested that the high water mark in the development
area be shown along with flood elevations and all run-off calculations. This
information will enable city staff to determine the proper elevation of building
foundations. Plat approval should be contingent on the determination that all
foundations will be above flood levels.
Planning Commission Agenda - 2/16/93
According to the original planned unit development concept for the Meadow
Oaks area, all areas within the Oak Ridge plat are to be connected to the trail
system to the north. In order for this to be accomplished, the lots at Meadow
Oak Circle need to have access to a path leading to the north. At some point,
this path must cross a wetland area. The boundary of the wetland impact area
created by this path needs to be identified on the plan and the mitigation area
needs to be adjusted accordingly.
The City Engineer has not had a chance to review the plan and, therefore, all
approvals relating to the storm drainage and wetland mitigation plan at this
point will need to be subject to city engineer approval.
Finally, the developer will need to submit the grading and drainage plan to the
Army Corps of Engineers for their review. Site grading will not be allowed to
commence until an approved permit is in place.
v JMact on Forest
The grading plan as proposed calls for removal of approximately 60 percent of
the trees in the forested areas. The grading plan calls for mass grading of the
property from the rear of the building pads on one side of the roadway to the
rear of the building pads on the opposite side of the roadway. This is a most
efficient method for development of the roadways and buildable lots. However,
it results in the highest impact on vegetation. Parks Commission was
concerned that no effort is being made to save any of the trees that could
possibly be saved in front and side yard areas. The developer's engineer
argues that attempting to save trees in the front and side yard areas is
inefficient and would not likely be successful given the impact of construction
activities. The City Engineer indicated, however, that it is possible to prepare
building pads on individual lots and save trees in front and side yard areas.
I hope to have the City Engineer at the meeting to discuss the implications of
the grading plan and the feasibility of maintaining forestation in front and side
yard areas.
f _NbIl Mnin/Sanitary Sower
It appears that installation of utilities is feasible; however, precise design will
require additional study. Preliminary plat approval can be subject to review
and approval of sewer and water plans by the City Engineer.
Planning Commission Agenda - 2116/93
Street Svstems
As requested by the Planning Commission, Meadow Oak Drive and Oakview
Lane have been realigned to make Meadow Oak Drive the major throughway
for the development. The original plan would have resulted in considerable
through traffic traveling down Oakview Lane. This would have a problem
because Oakview Lane road surface is 32 ft wide whereas the Meadow Oak
Drive road surface is 36 ft wide.
yt It is suggested that Meadow Oak Drive be renamed to Ridge Drive between
County Road 118 and Meadow Oak Court.
-Y According to the preliminary plat, Meadow Oak Circle, Oakview Court, and
Meadow Oak Court will be developed with a 50 ft right of way and 32 ft face-
to-face curb. This design meets the minimum for the city ordinance. However,
it should be noted that in the recent past the city has been developing cul-de-
sacs and marginal service streets with a 60 ft right of way and 36 ft road
surface. The developer's engineer supports this design because it meets the
minimums required by the city ordinance. The City Planner supports the
concept of making the subject's street 32 ft wide. He indicated that he does
not know of a city that requires a 36 ft road surface and 60 It right of way for
marginal streets or cul-de-sacs. It would, therefore, appear reasonable to allow
the roadways mentioned to be developed as proposed.
f The original planned unit development concept called for an island delineator
at the entrance to the area. As you know, on the north side of Meadow Oak
Drive, there is an island delineator that helps frame the entrance to the
development area. City staff suggests that a similar island delineator be
installed at the entrance to Meadow Oak Drive.
The intersection of Meadow Oak Drive and Meadow Oak Court could be
improved by creating a 90 degree alignment. This could be accomplished by
shifting Meadow Oak Drive slightly to the north where it meets the
As noted at the provions meeting, the original planned unit development
concept called for creation of 3 parks in the Meadow Oaks development
area. The 2 major parks were located on the north side of the
development area and were connected to the balance of the development
Planning Commission Agenda - 7116/93
area via local roads and walkways. A small park was noted in the
original plans for the planned unit development. As time went on and
the development faltered, the requirement for the third park was
abandoned. It was determined that the total park area provided with
the 2 lots to the north (17 acres) was sufficient to cover the park
dedication requirement for the entire 171 acre site.
ffI •
The new plan as submitted provides an opportunity for reestablishment
of the small park area conceived with the original plat. The plat shows
a trail leading from Meadow Oak Drive between Lot 12, Block 3 and Lot
1, Block 6 to an upland area that is slightly larger than 1/2 acre. The
Parks Commission reviewed the original plan for the site and was
supportive of the concept of maintaining the entire area encompassed by
Outlet A (12.16 acres) for public use. Their review of the plat was
completed prior to preparation of the new plan which shows greater
encroachment of wetland and pond mitigation in the public area than
was originally anticipated. Planning Commission needs to review this
plan carefully and determine whether or not it really makes sense to
make this area available for public use. Fortunately, the Parks
Commission will be meeting at a special meeting prior to the Planning
Commission meeting. I will be giving them another chance to review
the plan and determine whether or not the Parks Commission continues
to support the concept of maintaining Outlet A as park dedication area.
It could be argued that the "park" area remaining after development of
the pond mitigation and storm ponding areas will be relatively small,
cut up, and difficult to use. Furthermore, development of building lots
along the entire perimeter of the public area will block the view of the
park from the roadway which could result in a security problem.
According to the City Planner, ideally the entire public area should be
visible from the roadway so that police patrols can easily check the area.
The Planner noted that he has seen parks like this one with poor
visibility from the street become hangouts for teenagers and a headache
for the neighborhood. The present design for the plat would appear to
create this risk. As an alternative to accepting Outlet A as a park area,
it is possible to identify a walkway easement area extending from
Meadow Oak Circle through the open area all the way to Meadow Oak
Drive. Except for the trail, the area would become private property.
Planning Commission Agenda - 2/16/93
1. Motion to recommend approval of the preliminary plat with conditions
as noted by the Planning Commission. Under this alternative, the
preliminary plat would be submitted to the City Council at the next
meeting, February 22, 1993.
2. Motion to deny approval of the preliminary plat. This alternative
should be selected if the developer or engineer is not comfortable with
making changes as required by the Planning Commission.
3. Motion to table recommendation pending adjustments to the preliminary
plat. As noted earlier, the City Engineer has not had a chance to make
his final review of the plan and, perhaps, the Planning Commission will
request that changes be made to the plan that need to be reviewed
again. If so, this alternative should be selected.
Staff reoommends that the preliminary plat be approved subject to
modifications to the plan as deemed necessary by the Planning Commission.
Copy of rough draft of Parks Commission meeting minutes; copy of grading
plan and preliminary plat of Oak Ridge development.