HRA Agenda 01-15-1992i AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, January 15, 1992 - 7:OOPM City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, Lowell Schrupp, Everette Ellison, and Tom St. Hilaire. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. GUEST: Paul Weingarden, City Attorney Kevin Schmitz, Prestige Builders Ken Maus, Mayor 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 6, 1991 HRA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR ATTORNEY WEINGARDEN REVIEW THE PROPERTY TAX FORFEITURE PROCEDURE. {. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR KEVIN SCHMITZ PRESENT THE COTTEGE HOME HOUSING CONCEPT. 5. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 1992 HRA OFFICERS: CHAIRPERSON AND VICE CHAIRPERSON. 8. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE HRA CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AND TIF DISTRICT AREAS. 7. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW BDS, INC. BILLING. 8. CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT UPDATES. 9. OTHER BUSINESS. 10. ADJOURNMENT. MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, December 4, 1991 - 7:OOPM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, Lowell Schrupp, Everette Ellison, and Tom St. Hilaire. STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller and 011ie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Jeff O'Neill GUEST PRESENT: Mayor Ken Maus Pat Pelstring and Lenny Kirscht, EDS, INC. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:o0PM. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 5, 1991 HRA MINUTES. Ben Smith made a motion to approve the November 8, 1991 HRA minutes, seconded by Tom St. Hilaire, and with no corrections or additions the minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HERR OF THE RESEARCHED INFORMATION ON THE GILLE PROPERTY TAX FORFEITURE. The HRA reviewed the information provided with the agenda on property tax statue of the Oille property. The Gille property of 1.77 acres (previous gas station site) has been forfeited to the State of Minnesota. Delinquent taxes date back to prior 1952 and total 814,330.83. The Gille property of 1.03 acres reverted back to Alice Carlson and all taxes are current and paid -in full. Koropchak reviewed the tax forfeiture process as described by Darla Groshens, Wright County Auditor/Treasurer, with NRA members. The LIRA questioned if that meant Oille was completely out -of - the picture or if later he would be offered a recourse to the property; if the property is currently owned by the State, is the State liable for the cleanup; and who actually receives the money from the sale of the property. It was Mr. Pelotring'o opinion that the lend value and assessments are pro -rated by the government bodies and county retains any excess dollars (lees expenditures) as this is deemed as a public purpose or an indirect purpose. Mayor Maus recommended property tax forfeiture as a good topic for a Leaque of Minnesota seminar. HRA MINUTES 12-4-91 With the given information on the Petrofund and the LUST Trust, it appears that if the PCA guidelines are followed monies are available for clean-up reimbursement. However, tank removal and sampling costs do not qualify as reimburseemnt costs and these costs are estimated to be between $30,000 to $50,000. It was Mayor Maus' opinion that the NRA should earmark this area as a redevelopment project goal and recognize that redevelopment means just that "redevelopment" (clean-up, demolition, and/or acquisition) and sometimes redevelopment costs become a little greater than one would like, as in the example of the downtown redevelopment project. This area of property is currently zoned R-2 (Single and Two Family Residential)• All individuals agreed that this area appears to be the most substandard (blighted) property within the city limits. It was agreed upon to keep abreast of the area property's status (Dille, Katzmarek, Carlson) and to contact the State of the need to clean-up the area. The HRA made a recommendation to obtain information on the property tax forfeiture process and process length from the City Attorney, if the State is the current and legal owner of the Dille property, and if Dille is entitled to a recourse of the property and if so, what Is the time period on the recourse. In the meantime, the properties lie within the Central Monticello Redevelopment project area where excess increment can be expended. In the future, the NRA may wish to consider a twenty-five year district for the Katzmarek, Gills, Carlson, West Prairie Partnership, and Monticello Kids Are People, Too properties. The district would need to be certified prior to any issuance of a building permit and would allow the HRA to collect the district's tax increment. Communications with Carlson and Katzmarek may lead to a willing sale and/or relocation. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE ANNUAL BILLING OF ODS, INC, Pat Pelstring acknowledged the marketing and duplicate fees of $480 charged the HRA and granted a credit -due to the HRA account. Mr. Pelstring further explained that ODS normally bills on a time system but accepted the HRA's desire to be billed monthly. The NRA expressed their want to understand the billing system and wanted it understood they were not questioning the work provided by BDS, Inc. The HRA understood if a project did not go, no payment would be made. Mr. Pelstring explained that Monticello is the only community who is not charged for marketing. The establishemnt of a TIP district is a flat fee of $3,850 and has no hourly HRA MINUTES 12-4-91 fees attached as does packaging and other funding application services. When a HRA resolution is adopted the NRA gives authorization for establishment a TIP Plan and District therebye calling for the 30 day jurisdiction notice, City Council Public Hearing and approval, and certification by the county. The Shingobee District has held it's public hearings but will not be certified by the county until a tenant is found; however, the HRA has a $5,000 commitment check from Shingobee for such expenditures and Mr. Pelstring agreed to a TIF holdback fee of $1,925. Inorder to avoid a future situation as with the Axoplax TIF project, it was for this reason, the HRA last month agreed with the concept of the Letter of Intent as prepared by Holmes & Graven. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS FOR POSSIBLE AUTHORIZATION OF POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS MADE BY BDS. INC. BASED ON THE TIP FINANCIAL ANALYSIS. Mr. Pelstring informed the HRA of the adjusted TIF Financial Analysis with the accountability of bond debt for TIB District No. 1-2. For the life duration of the first ten HRA TIP Districts, the estimated excess increment is a little over one million dollars. This accounts for a 10% administrative expenditure and a 5% excess bond reserve fund. Mr. Pelstring sees the analysis as a good management tool for the HRA and recommends the analysis to be completed every couple of years. The first policy discussed by the HRA was the authorization of a 10% administrative expenditure policy. Mr. Pelstring explained that the HRA has the legal right to authorize an expenditure policy of 101 over and above TIF project costs. As illustrated on the finanical analysis for year 1991, the administrative expenditure of 928,000-$27,000 has been deducted from the excess increment column. According to Mr. Pelstring, moot of the time this operating expense account (administrative expense) is used for legal fees, housing or marketing studies, development costs, or other operating expenses not covered in a TIP budget. HRA approval would still be required prior to actual expenditure. Administrator Wolfeteller informed members that Koropehak HRA salary and operating expenditures is accounted for under the City's HRA general operating expenses. Wolfeteller asked, if the HRA could pay off bond debts prior to the and of a district's life duration and still collect the full increment. Pelstring answered, yes, Monticello has a master district plan known as the Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan which allows for flexibility. Because of the plan, the HRA has one HRA MINUTES 12-6-91 debt obligation or the HRA has the option to return a district back to the jurisdictions. Any outstanding city loans can be paid off. The HRA still felt that if the 10% administrative expenditure policy was authorized this would allow the City greater opportunity to spend the monies, although, they understood the need for final HRA approval even with policy authorization. Additionally, the HRA recognizes they still have the opportunity to approve any operating expenditures, not covered by the TIP budget, without this policy. Tom St. Hilaire made a motion to deny authorization of a 10% administrative expenditure policy, and to approve the authorization of an additional 5% debt service reserve policy and of a negotiated payback policy for the loans on Lots 5 & 6, Oakwood Industrial Park. Lowell Schrupp seconded the motion. Ben Smith felt further discussion was needed prior to approval of the additional 5% debt service reserve policy and negotiated payback policy. Tom St. Hilaire requested amendment of the previous stated motion and restated the motion to deny authorization of a 10% administrative expenditure policy. The amendment and motion was seconded by Ben Smith and without further discussion passed unanimously. The 11RA proceeded to discuss the second policy of an additional 5% debt service reserve. Mr. Pelstring informed members that the HRA/City is required by law to guarantee bond debt payment. Through the Pledge Agreement between the HRA and the City, the City agrees to sell the bonds and agrees the bond revenues will be available for payment of HRA coats Incurred, and the HRA agrees to transfer increment for deposit in an amount equal to 105% of the annual bond payment due. Generally, the Development Agreement covers defaults, tax increment guarantees, and minimun estimated market values. This proposed policy would authorize the addition of an accumulating 5% debt service reserve for future potential defaults and/or slow payment of taxes. The NRA felt it wise to establish this rainy day account. Everette Ellison mode a motion to approve authorization of an additional 5% debt service reserve policy. Seconded by Tom St. Hilaire and without further discussion the motion passed unanimously. The third policy discussed by the HRA was the negotiated payback policy for the loans on Lots 5 & 6, Oakwood Industiral Park. It was the members agreement that a negotiated payback for the remaining balance of the HRA loans from the City for Lots 5 & 6 be authorized. Negotiated terms for the remaining $136,000 balance were recommended at an 8% interest rate over ten years for an approximate annual debt service payment of $20,000 commencing in 1992. Lowell Schrupp made a motion to HRA MINUTES 12-d-91 approve authorization of the above recommended loan payback terms and policy. The annual $20,000 payback to the City to be expended from the HRA excess increment fund. The motion was seconded by Everette Ellison and without further discussion the motion passed unanimously. The HRA members recommended the TIF Financial Analysis be completed annually by BDS, Inc., as it serves as a useful tool for the members. CONSIDERATION OF AN AROPLAX UPDATE. Koropchak informed the HRA members that the $100,000 Central Minnesota Initative Fund (CMIF) request for the Aroplax project was reduced to a $30,000 potential and more equity was requested by the CMIF Board. The requested $200,000 State Economic Recovery Grant required a funding application to the CMIF prior to consideration of the state's monies. The total $936,000 package still needs approval of an additional $25,000 from the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund. A Monticello location commitment from Aroplax is depended on the state's willingness to participate and the financial package offered by Brooklyn Park. Mr. Pelstring felt the City of Monticello has offered a good financial package to Aroplax. CONSIDERATION TO INVITE PRESTIGE BUILDERS TO AN HRA MEETING. At the Expo, Al Larson spoke to the Prestige Builders representative regarding the HRA's concept for elderly housing. This St. Cloud company has a similiar concept in the development stage for another community and is willing to share their information with the Monticello HRA. With the next HRA meeting scheduled for Now Year's Eve, the HHA members agreed to meet on the 15th of January at 7:OOPM and to invite a representative from Prestige Builders to attend. HRA members requested Prestige Builders' concept information be mailed out prior to their meeting. OTHER BUSINESS. Koropchak briefly informed the HRA of Ultra Pack, Inc. and their expansion plane. This start-up company, a subsidiary of Ultra Pack, Inc., would recycle plastic coca -cola bottles and the by-product (PETE) will be used at the main facility to produce food containers and lids. The company has an equity of four million dollars for this expansion and for expansion of a 60,000 sq ft addition to their main facility. The subsidiary company's plans are for a 20,000 eq ft metal building ;very basic) with a concrete floor and insulated ceiling and walls. Job creation of 15-20 at $6.00 to $6.50 HRA MINUTES 12-d-91 wages. Koropchak marketed the Shingobee/TSF proposals, however, the company does not plan to invest that kind of money in their facility. Eetiaated project cost for land, building, and machinery is 91,000,000. The HRA recommended giving Lot 5 to the company with the condition to dress up the outside of the building with decorative brick and other so necessary conditions. Koropchak reminded the HRA that this project's estimated taxes and jobs created are not as great as the Maid of Scandia project. With no go ahead on the Scandia project, the HRA agrees Lot S continues to be a liability and encourages development of the property for some immediate benefits. This type of recycling process may lead to other developments. 9. ADJOURNMENT. Everette Ellison made a motion to adjourn the HRA meeting, seconded by Tom St. Hilaire, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM. 011ie Koropchak, HRA Executive Director C January 27, 1992 Ms. 011ie KmWchak City of Monticello 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Business Development Services, Inc. STATEMENT Consulting Services --December 16, 1991 Mmo January 16, 1992 Aroplax Hours 1/9/92 LPK—Follow-up with Jerry Schoen; Carol Presley -Olson and 011ie 1.25 1/10/92 LPK—Jerry Schoen and 011ie Koropchak 1.25 1/15/92 LPK—Jerry Schom re: Monticello; Dave Hardie, CMW LU Total Hours 3.75 Net Chargeable Hours ® S75/Hour 1281.25 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 1281.25 Mam QmwLV OVER OVER 90 1281.25 TERMS: NET DUE UPON RECEIPT, 1.33% PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS 8990 Sonnpmk OnvesSuna 73011Mhvandis, MN 5543311Phone:81278M151aFax' 788.9034 10 1 T I C E E E 0 ORA - 7 A I IICREBEAT A 9 A L T 5 1 S s 0 N N A I I 19 p 0 1 T As D3 YU @ f3 FITW M CM MIT CM TIM M T1713 CM TrF14 W TIFIS BOKD TIFIS BW TIM CM LW BW TfFPAJO 5% EIGM Cm Lao RID TU CAP CIO=. 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M IMB 11,11 15.941 0 7,91 0 25,133 0 0 0 35,430 0 0 0 3,058 0 0 =3 IFEIM 13.123 I13,03 "MY 0 7,594 0 4,855 0 p 0 4,185 0 0 0 452 62,989 0 IFS.M I2.1;7 lrl.cig T5,944 0 7,594 0 5'e55 0 0 0 34,195 0 0 0 3,102 0 0 1),113 PLO!? TIMI 0 7.534 0 31755 0 0 0 2,940 0 0 0 335 62,427 0 L:3 tR,R2 13.11N IT3.09 T5,;44 0 y,'Sj 0 !8,-,55 0 0 0 37,940 0 0 0 3,335 0 0 13, Im 173.039 75,344 0 7,194 0 2.655 0 0 0 1,470 0 0 0 206 61,333 0 M1.252 DIM ITI.C113 T5,944 0 7,594 0 31,615 0 0 0 36,470 0 0 0 3,456 0 0 IES,152 13'123 mgll 15,944 0 I'm 0 11327 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R 61.724 0 2;,;7 HUM 13'm 03.03 15.944 0 7.594 0 31.3!' . D 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,566 0 0 =7 IISIEn III -IN I13,0.9 T3,944 0 7,94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1031805 0 =3 IS.EEZ DIM lti.M 15.944 0 7.91 0 (1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m 165.11! I3.123 171.09 75.944 0 7.591 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136,699 0 M I14,r-7 I,t.!! 115,741 17,014 0 6,691 0 r 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 1:3 113,137 M.11 IBM! VA414 0 LCA 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108,026 0 1:13 1:31ST 1,55! IISIT11. E5,C14 0 E,VI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-10 61,111 M C.M 8.715 c 2.611 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7111o66 0 1:11 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ril 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl! 0 0 c 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ril 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P01,-5 115,633 1S19,166 110,413 198,517 1450,328 596,427 101.702 44.149 122,470 1111,542 11,030,9110 6202,E80 As HRA AGENDA 1-15-92 CONSIDERATION TO HEAR ATTORNEY WEINGARDEN REVIEW THE PROPERTY TAX FORFEITURE PROCEDURE. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. As recorded in the minutes, the HRA recommended obtaining Information on the property tax forfeiture process and process length from the City Attorney, if the State Is the current and legal owner of the Gille property, and if Gills is entitled to a recourse of the property and if so, what is the time period on the recourse. Enclosed are excerpts from Minnesota Statutory 282 inwhich you may wish or may not wish to review prior to our meeting. Mr. Weingarden will be present to give comment and answer your questions. The County called Friday, January 10 for location and historical information of the Gills property and plan to view the property to determine status of the underground tanks. The County Is required to notify the Pollution Control Agency (PCA). 232.01 TA%-FORFF.rTED 1w.ND SAILS CHAPTER 282 TA.�t-FORFEITED LAND SALES CLASSMCA TION OF LAND 212.01 iu-(onnuL Ian&. :12.011 Vona/n[Wlunl Ye&, aanl6e,t,on. Y1e. a Y 11:.01: mw o.nn mar wrtx,,o— a. con dorm u2u 1l .oncea m.awYay rpnly wRtYY, 212,011 Completion of ole avd ey,nof 111011 Pr ,b dYx. 112.017 honlenedwnc6nen 111.011 Convenors o1 interttn a tau• brl'tttN 4n& to IYu and fedml /o.emmepn 11:.011 Tu-(onnunf tan& tltaAdn� n1^ unoteslW I111IVu1 i..w and .V,—, ,,s t no[pt d 12.011 Mana{emant ao4 xle d ltd ublect to mnrdoin YWam w pennleum —' I1:.0101 Amdavii Wnatl6W". rtduin:mmu fm tupeAud end NON un1 con L. of N3Eac Wf.N AREA. 112.0: tut of Ya& n — !1 6 111.0) Lmlutwal in we duan& II2.011 t'ttmn'+<rtMt fm Wq Y lytcvltuaal me. 292.0. fimbv —. iL-fminlad hit&. Iter, patt'l [arnteeu 112.07 FroceeCl to h Anwaa ppo III06 E'—M—a! morn laoda 213.07 Ada., b nneel tun 22LOS Altpon--, of poYed+ 311.00 Formed w u fund II:. 10 Inmbursmimi of portlur pm . morn <m I'. 1 2 1a minmh reined 3111. 1 J land commimonn. dulin. 00mpemao0n, Pots 111raw, rnai.1 71 Cn porn sail d— duan con r deleyted 11:.1 3 7 LmbnONSEN V C:AR TION EA 11:.14 tLuiae.tM ma W a fmlenaa lend. :1: I1 Sales of fmfeuod Ian& 21:131 Commineoxa ut6ornM bra ll: le n Nn& Puma1 not 221' I l d Cana&tbn 0mtatcu. 2t:111 Cenlrxu, toe of stored = form. o„am„wn 212II C-11 audatr to lave tan& 21110 Coum.Ire.sumrYCu— w.m nu 2t: b Mineral nlpu nerved. :13:1 c'ew..ltice .1::: V'anaQvcWturl! ho& be rcrr.ed. 212'•1 Fon<iud lands 50, 21:::1 Tun caticelN :1:::3 Mineral nlbu reserved F.— : :1::] Sale of «rain Yv& forfnud fm Yan It, IO:e uW 1027. :12:11 0.rourt6.x a1Ka fonnturt Im 21::11 spn.l armmnu ninstaud "I repai- 21::71 Temu a rcpulcur 121':11 Holme w wrmron due. :11:11 Rtpurtxar 1u61eel b etiltlril 111101 :1::01 Pa.menu �Me male. 21: 101 Rneip+lm prmnu :1:111 Enepion+ Lmiuuon+ II2,1:1 : Fennud Ian& lip .1:1:1 Caplol am+ 21:1:1 unen nl6t pr tepilrcear .m+ :1: n lal p ant ma. :DNI of Rnnunertientd w•ronnud —h .u. :1111 Fm pride to repartllalrr 21:11 Vit& emdmnl IJn and 21: N b IYY T= , a•elnprieat funs. 211:4 Grednuwi a inuallnleni wY eomrlcu 6. wl. CLSSSIFICATIONOFI ND 6660 ,1 282.01 TAX -FORFEITED LANDS. Subdivision 1. Chuslflndm. It is the general policy of this state to encourage the best use of tax -forfeited lands, recognizing that some lands in public ownership should be rewned and managed for public benefit while other lands should be returned to private ownership. Parcels of land becoming the property of the state in trust under law declaring the forfeiture of lands to the state for taxes shall be classified by the county board of the county in which the parcels lie as conservation or nonconservation. In makinithe classification the board shall consider thepresent use of adjacent lands, the productivity of the soil, the character of forest or other growth, accessibility of lands to established mads, schools, and other public servicn, their peculiar suitability or deasrabdity for particular uses and the suitability of the forest resources on the land for multiple use, sustained yield management. The clustficatuon, furthermore, must encourage and foster a mode of land utilization that rill facilitate the economical and adequate provision of transportation, roads, water supply, drainage, sanitation, educa• tion. and recreation: facilitate reduction of govemmental expenduu= conserve and :s ,(f 'i 1ys; TAX -FORFEITED LAND SALES 221.01 j 1 , develop the natural resources: and foster ana develop agriculture and other industries ;.• in the districts and places best suited to them. In making the classification the county board may use information made available i J - by any office or department of the federal, state, or local governments. or by any other person or agency possessing pertinent information at the time the classification is made. The lands may, be reclassified from time to time as the county board may consider nec- essary or desirable, except for conservation lands held by the state free from any trust is favor of any taxing district. If the lands are located within the boundaries of an organized town, with taxable valuation in excess of 520.000, or incorporated municipality, the classification or ry- reclassification and sale must first be approved by the town board of the town or the governing body of the municipality in which the lands are located. The town board of the town or the governing body of the municipality is considered to have approved the f classification or reclassification and sale if the county board is not notified of the disap- proval of the classification or reclassification and sale within 90 days of the date the - ,y request for approval was transmitted to the town board of the town or governing body of the municipality. If the town board or governing body desires to acquire any parcel lying in the town or municipality by procedures authorized in this subdivision, it must file a written application with the county board to withhold the parcel from public We. The application must be filed within 90 days of the request for clMification or reclassi- 6cation and sale. The county board shall then withhold the parcel from public sale for 7 one year. ' Subd. la. Conveyance, generally. Tax -forfeited lands may be sold by the county board to an organized or incorporated governmental subdivision of the state for any t public purpose for which the subdivision is authorized to acquire property or may be released from the trust in favor of the taxing districts on application of a state agency 3� for an authorized use at not less than their value as determined by the county board. 7. The commissioner of revenue may convey by deed in the name of the state a tract of u tax -forfeited land held in trust in favor of the taxing districts to a governmental subdivi- sion for an authorized public use, if an application is submitted to the commissioner ? 1 which includes a statement of facts as to the use to be made of the tract and the need therefor and the recommendation of the county board. Subd. Ib. Conveyance: targeted neighborhood lands. (a) Notwithstanding subdivi. sion la, in the case of tax-forfeued lands located in a targeted neighborhood- as defined ' in section 469.201, subdivision 10, outside the metropolitan area, as defined to section I 473.121, subdivision 2, the commissioner of revenue may convey by deed in the name of the state any tract of tax -forfeited land held in trust to favor of the taxing districts, to a political subdivision that submits an application to the commissioner of revenue and the recommendation of the county board. (ol Notwithstanding subdivision la, in the case of tax -forfeited lands located in a targeted neighborhood, as defined in section 469 201, subdivision 10, in a county in the metropolitan area. as defined in wciton 473.121, subdivision 2, the commissioner e the of revenue shall convey by deed 1n the name of the state any tract of tax-forfetted land ,ould held in trust in favor of the taxing districts, to a political subdivision that submits an .d to application to the commissioner of revenue and the county hoard. r law In The application under paragraph (a) or (h) must include a statement of facts unty i as to the use to be made of the tract, the need therefor, and a resolution, adopted by n.In the governing body of the political subdivision. finding that the conveyance of a tract the of tat-forfeued land to the political subdivision is necessary to provide for the redevel- ands opment of land as productive taxable property. 1y or Subd. Ic. Deed of eomeyance. The deed of conveyance must be on a form d for ' approved by the attorney general and must be conditioned on continued use for the must purpose stated to the application. If, however, the governing holy of the governmental I and subd1s'ision by resolution determines that some other public use should be made of the Luca- lands, and the change of use is approved M the county board and an application for : and change of use is made in. and approved by, the commissioner, the changed use may he 283.01 TAX-F(HIfEtTED LAND SALES 604 made without conveying the lands back to the state and securing a new conveyance for the new public use. Subd. Id. Failure to usr- conveyance to state. When a governmental subdivision to which tax -forfeited land has been conveyed fora specified public use as provided in this section fails to put the land to that use, or to some other authorized public use as pro- vided to this section, or abandons that use, the governing body of the subdivision shall authorize the proper officers to convey the land, or the pan of the land not required for an authorized public use, to the state of Minnesota. The officers shall execute a deed of conveyance immediately. The conveyance is subject to the approval of the commis- sioner and its form most be approved by the attorney general. A sale, lease, transfer, or other conveyance of tax -forfeited lands by a housing and redevelopment authonty. a port authority, an economic development authority, or a city as authorized by chapter 469 is not an abandonment of use and the lands shall not be recorveyed to the state nor shall they revert to the state. A certificate made by a housing and redevelopment authority, a pon authority, an economic development authority, or a city referring to a conveyance by it and stating that the conveyance has been made as authorized by chapter 469 may be filed with the county recorder or registrar of tides, and the rights of reverter in favor of the state provided by subdivision le will then terminate. No vote of the people is required for the conveyance. Subd. le. Reversion. If the tax -forfeited land is not conveyed to the state in accor- dance with subdivision Id, the commissioner of revenue shall by written instrument. in form approved by the attorney general, declare the land to have reverted to the state. and shall serve a notice of reversion, with a copy of the declaration, by « nified mail upon the clerk or recorder of the governmental subdivision concerned. No declaration of reversion shall be made earlier than five years from the date of conveyance for failure to put land to the use specified or from the date of abandonment of that use if the lands have been put to that use. The commissioner shall file the original declaration in the commissioner's office. with verified proof of service. The governmental subdivision may appeal to the district court of the county in which the land lies by filing with the coun administrator a notice of appeal, specifying the grounds of appeal and the descrip- tion of the land involved, mailing a copy of the notice of appeal by certified mail to the commissioner of revenue. and filing a copy for record with the county recorder or regis- trar of titles, all within 30 days after the mailing of the notice of reversion. The appeal shall be tried by the court in like manner as a civil action. If no appeal is taken as pro- vided in this subdivision, the declaration of reversion is final. The commissioner of rev court shall file for record with the county recorder or registrar of tides, of the county within which the land lies, a certified copy of the declaration of reverstun and proof of service. Subd. I f. Exchange. A city of the first class with a population of 430.000, or over. or its board of park commissioners, which has acquired tax -forfeited land for a speci- fied public use under this section, may convey the land in exchange for other land of substantially equal worth located in the city. The land conveyed to the city, or its board of park commissioners, in exchange is subject to the public use and reversionary provi- sions of this section. The tan -forfeited land so conveyed is thereafter free from the pub- lic use and reversionary pros•imom of this section. The exchange shall in no way atrect the mineral rights of the state of Minnesota. if any, in the lands exchanged. Subd. 2. Conservation loads under supervision of county board. Lands classified as conservation lands, unless reclassified as nonconservation lands, sold to a governmen- tal subdivision of the state, deugnated as lands primarily suitable for forest production and sold as hereinafter provided, or released from the trust in favor of the taxing dis- tricts, as herein provided, will be held under the supervision of the county board of the county within which such parcels lie. The county board may. by resolution duly adopted, declare lands classified as con- servaiion lands as primarily suitable for timber production and as lands Which should be placed in private ownership for such purposes. If such action be approved by the commissioner of natural resources, the lands so designated, or any pan thereof, may TAX.FORffrrED LAND SALES'J201 be sold by the county board in the same manner as provided for the sale of lands classi- fied as nonconsenation lands. Such county action and the approval of the commis- sioner shall be limited to lands lying within areas zoned for restricted uses under the provisions of Laws 1939, chapter 340, or any amendments thereof. The county board may, by resolution duly adopted. resolve that certain lands clas- sified as conservation lands shall be devoted to conservation uses and may submit such resolution to the commissioner of natural resources. If, upon investigation, the com- missioner of natural resources determines that the lands covered by such resolution, or any part thereof. can be managed and developed for conservation purposes, the com- missioner shall make a certificate describing the lands and reciting the acceptance thereof on behalf of the state for such purposes. The commissioner shall transmit the certificate to the county auditor, who shall note the same upon the auditor's records and record the same with the county recorder. The title to all lands so accepted shall be held by the state free from any trust in favor of any and all taxing dlstncts and such lands shall he devoted thereafter to the purposes of forestry, water conservation, flood con- trol, parks, game refuges, controlled game management areas, public shooting grounds, or other public recreational or conservation uses, and managed, controlled, and regu. lated for such purposes under thejurisdiction of the commissioner of natural resources and the divisions of the department. In case the commissioner of natural resources shall determine that any tram of land so held by the state and situated within or adjacent to the boundaries of any governmental subdivision of the state is suitable for use by such subdivision for any authorized public purpose, the commissioner may convey such tract by deed to the name of the state to such subdivision upon the filing with the commissioner of a resolution adopted by a majority vote of all the members of the gov. erning body thereof, stating the purpose for which the land is desired. The deed of con- veyance shall be upon a form approved by the attorney general conditioned upon rontinued use for the purpose stated in the resolution. All proceeds derived from the le of timber, lease of hap stumpage, or other revenue from such lands under thejuns- .1ctlon of the natural resources commissioner shall be paid into the general fund of the state. The county auditor, with the approval of the county board, may lease conserva. tion lands remaining under thejurisdiction of the county board and sell timber and hay stumpage thereon in the manner hereinafter provided, and all proceeds derived there. from shall be distributed in the same manner as provided to section 282.04. Suhd. 3. Sale of nonconsenation lands. All parcels of land classified as nonconser- vation, except those which may he reserved, shall be sold as provided, if it is deur. mined, by the county board of the county 1n which the parcels be, that it is advisable to do so, having to mind their accessibility, their proximity to existing public improve. ments, and the effect of their sale and occupancy on the public burdens. Any parcels of land proposed to he sold shall be first appraised by the county board of the county in which the parcels Ire. The parcels may be reappraised whenever the county board deems 1t necessary to tarty out the intent of sections 282.01 to 28_.13. In an appraisal the value of the land and any standing timber on it shall be separately determined. No parcel of land containing any standing timber may be sold until the appraised value of the umber on it and the sale of the land have been approved by the commissioner of natural resources. 'rhe commts:ioner shall base review of a proposed sale on the policy and considerations specified in subdivision 1. The decision of the commissioner shall be 1n writing and shall state the reasons for 1t The county may appeal the decision of the cnmmtssioner to accordance with chapter 14. In any county in which a state forest or any pan of it is located, the county auditor shall suhmtt to the commissioner at least 30 days before the first publication of the list of lands to he offered for sale a list of all lands included on the list which are situated outside of am incorporated municipality. If, at any time before the opening of the sale, the commissioner notifies the county auditor in writing that there is standing timber on any parcel of such land, the parcel shall not be sold unless the requirements of this section respecting the separate appraisal of the timber and the approval of the appraisal by the commissioner have been complied 11h. The commissioner may waive the luuement of the 30 -day notice as to any parcel of land which has been examined and .e umber salue approved as required by this section. 311211 TAX-FORFEFfED IAND SALES bb -a If any public improvement is made by a municipality after any parcel of land has been forfeited to the state for the nonpayment of taxes, and the improvement is assessed in wholeor In pan against the property benefited by it, the clerk of the munia• polity shall certify to the county auditor, immediately upon the determination of the assessments for the improvement, the total amount that would have been assessed against the parcel of land if it had been subject to assessment or if the public improve. mcnt is made, petitioned for, ordered in or assessed, whether the improvement is com. pleted in whole or in pan, at any time between the appraisal and the sale of the parcel of land. the cost of the improvement shall be included as a separate item and added ' to the appraised value of the parcel of land at the time it is sold. No sale of a parcel • of Lund shall discharge or free the parcel of land from lien for the special benefit con. ferred upon it by reason of the public improvement until the cost of it, including penal- ties, if any, is paid. The county board shall determine the amount, if any by which the value of the parcel was enhanced by the improvement and include the amount as a cepa. ,t rate item in fixingthe appraised value for the purpose of sale. In classifying, appraising, and selling the lands, the county board may designate the tractsas assessed and by for into h acquired, or may resolution provide the subdivision of the truss smaller 9 units or Cor the grouping of several tracts into one tract when the subdivision or group. ing is deemed advantageous for the purpose of sale. Each such smaller tract or larger t r tract must be classified and appraised as such before being offered for vale. If any such lands have once been classified, the board of county commissioners, in its discretion. j;. may, byresolution, authorize the sale ofthesmaller tractor larger tract withoutreclassi. fication. i; Solid. 4. Conduct of We. The sale shall be conducted by the county auditor at the county seat of the county in which the parcels lie, provided that, in St. Lours and + Koochiching counties, the sale may be conducted in any county facduy within the i county, and the parcels shall be sold for cash only and at not less than the appraised ;l value, unless the county board of the county shall have adopted a resolution providing {(� for their sale on terms, in which event the resolution shall control with respect thereto. 11 When the sale is made on terms other than for cash only a payment of at least ten per- cent of the purchase price must be made at the time of purchase• thereupon the balance shall be paid in no more than ten equal annual installments. No standing timber or tnm- t , bee produce shall be removed from these lands until an amount equal to the appraised value of all standing timber or timber products on the lands at the time of purchase has j been paid by the purchaser, provided, that in case any parcel of land bearing standing timber or timber products is sold at public auction for more than the appraised value, the amount bid in excess of the appraised value shall he allocated between the land and the timber in proportion to the respective appraised values thereof, and no standing timber or timber products shall be removed from the land until the amount of the excess bid allocated to timber or timber products has been pard in addition to the appraised value thereof. The purchaser is entitled to immediate possession. subject to the provisions of any existing valid lean made in behalf of the state. For sales cK:cumng on or alter July 1. 198:, the unpaid balance of the purchase price is subject to interest at the rate determined pursuant to section 5+9.09, The unpaid balance of the purchase price for sales occurring atter December 31. 1990. Is j a subject to interest at the rate determined in section :79.03• subdivision la. The interest rate is subject to change each year on the unpaid balance in the manner provided for rate changes in section 549.09 or 279.03. subdivision la, whichever, is applicable. :j Interest on the unpaid contract balance on sales occurring before July I, I QS:. is pay - .� able at the rate applicable to the sale at the time that the sale occurred. Subd. S. Sage an terms, certificate. When sale%hereafteraremadeontermsthepur- chaser shall receive o certificate from the county auditor in such form• consistent with the provisions of sections :8:.01 to :82.13 and setting forth the terms of sale. as may be prescribed by the attorney general. Failure of the purchaser or any person claiming under the purchaser, to pay am' of the defcrred installments with Interest, or the current taxes, or to com ply with any conditions that mo} have been stipulated in the noun of 1 sale or in the auditor's cenificate herein provided for, shall constitute default. and the I TA.\.FORFEMED LAND SALES MAI l.ry state may. by order of the county board, during the continuance of such default, declare such cenificate canceled and take possession of such lands and may thereafter resell or � lease the same In the same manner and under the same rules as other lands forfeited e to the state for taxes are sold or leased. When the county board shall have adopted a -'41 resolution ordering the cancellation of such cenificate or certificates and the cancella- tion shall have been completed In accord wt;h section 282.40, then a reentry shall be deemed to have been made on the pan of the state without any other act or deed, and without any right of redemption by the purchaser or any one claiming under the put- chaser: and the original purchaser in default or any person claiming under the onginal + purchaser, who shall remain in possession or enter thereon shall be deemed a willful x• trespasser and shall be punished as such. When the cancellation of such cenificate has been completed the county auditor shall cancel all taxes and tax liens, delinquent and current, and special assessments, S delinquent or otherwise, imposed upon the lands described in the cenificate after Its ? issuance. x Subd. 6. Duties of commissioner of revenue: issuance of consepance. When any sale o' has been made by the county auditor under wnions'_82.01 to 282.13, the auditor shall 4� immediately certify to the commissioner of revenue such information relating to such 1•y', sale, on such forms as the commissioner of revenue may prescribe as will enable the ti commissioner of revenue to prepare an appropriate deed if the sale is for cash, or keep ; necessary records if the sale is on terms; and not later than October 31 of each year the county auditor shall submit to the commissioner of revenue a statement of all instances wherein any payment of princ;pal, interest. or current taxes on lands held under cenifi- cate. due or to be paid during the preceding calendar years, are still outstanding at the time such cenificate is made. When such statement shows that a purchaser or the pur- chaser's assignee Is in default, the commissioner of revenue may instruct the county "ard of the county in which the land is located to cancel said cenificate of sale in the ;; 1 otter provided by subdivision 5, provided that upon recommendation of the county ,,.lard, and where the circumstances are such that the commissioner of revenue after investigation is satisfied that the purchaser has made every effort reasonable to make payment of both the annual installment and said taxes. and that there has been no will- ful neglect on the pan of the purchaser in meeting these obligations, then the commis- sioner of revenue may extend the time for the payment for such period as the commissioner may deem warranted, not to exceed one year. On payment in full of the x purchase price. appropriate conveyance in fee, in such form as may be prescribed by ' the attorney general, shall be Issued by the commissioner of revenue, which conveyance must he recorded by the county and shall have the force and effect of a patent from the• state subject to casements and restrictions of record at the date of the tax judgment sale, including, but without limitation, permits for telephone, telegraph, and electric power , lines either by underground cable or conduit or otherwise, sewer and water lines, high• ways, railroads, and pipe lines for gas. liquids, ur solids in suspension. Subd. 7. $ales, when commenced, how land offered for sale. The sale herein pro- vided for shall commence at such time as the county board of the county wherein such parcels Ile, shall direct. The county auditor shall offer the parcels of land in order In which they appear In the notice of sale, and shall sell them to the highest bidder, but not for a less sum than the appraised value, until all of the parcels of land shall have been offered, and thereafter shall sell any remaining parcel% to anyone offering to pay the appraised value thereof. Said sale shall continue until all such parcels are sold or until the county board shall order a reappraisal or shall withdraw any or all such parcels from sale. Such list of lands may be added to and the added lands may be sold at any time h, publishing the descriptionsand appraised values of such parcels of land as shall have become forfeited and classified as nonconsanation since the commencement of any pnor We or such parcels as shall have been reappraised, or such parcels as shall have been reclassified as noneonsen ntinn nr such other parcels as are subject to sale but were omitted from the Busting list for any reason in the same manner as hereinafter P-vided for the publication of the onginal list, provided that any parcels added to such hall fins be offered for sale to the highest bidder before they are sold at appraised 732.01 TA.x-FORFEITED LkND SALUS eo,- value. All parcels of land not offered for immediate sale, as well as parcels of such lands as are offered and not immediately sold shall continue to be held in trust by the state for the taxing districts interested ,n each of said parcels. under the supervision of the county board. and such parcels may be used for public purposes until sold. as the count,, i board may direct. ' r Subd. 7a. Alternate sale procedure. land located in a home rule charter or statu. tory city, or in a town which cannot be improved because of noncompliance with local ordinances regarding minimum arca. shape. frontage or access may be sold by the county auditor pursuant to this subdivision if the auditor determines that a nonpublic sale will encourage the approval of sale of the land by the cry or town and promote its return to the tax rolls. If the physical characteristics of the land indicate that its highest and best use will be achieved by combining it with an adjoining parcel and the cit,. or town has not adopted a local ordinance governing minimum area. shape. frontage. or access. the land may also he sold pursuant to this subdivision. The sale of land pursuant to this subdivision shall be subject to any conditions imposed by the county board put. suant to section 282.03. The governing body of the city or town may recommend to the county board conditions to be imposed on the sale. The county auditor may restrict the sale to owners of lands adjoining the land to be sold. The county auditor shall con. duct the sale by sealed bid or may select another means of sale. The land shall be sold to the highest bidder but in no event shall the land be sold for less than its appraised value. All owners of land adjoining the land to be sold shall be given a written notice at least 30 days pnor to the sale. This subdivision shall be liberally construed to encourage the sale and utilization of tax-forfeited land, to eliminate nuisances and dangerous conditions and to Increase compliance with land use ordinances. Subd. 8. Minerals in tax-forfeited land designated as mining unit nr sabjrct to min. Ing permit or lease; procedures. In case the commissioner of natural resources shall notify the county auditor of any county in writing that the minerals in any tax-forfeited land insuch county have been designated as a mining unit as provided by law. or that such in are subject to a mining permit or lease issued therefor as provided by law, the surface of such tax-forfeited land shall be subject to disposal and use for mining purposes pursuant to such designation, permit. or lease. and shall be withheld from sale or lease by the county auditor until the commissioner shall notify the county auditor that such land has been removed from the list of mining units or that any mining permit or lease theretofore issued thereon is no longer in force; provided, that the surface of such tax-forfeited land may be leased by the county auditor as provided by law, with the written approval of the commissioner. subject to disposal and use for mining pur- poses as herein provided and to any special conditions relating thereto that the Commis. sioner may prescribe. also subject to cancellation for mining purposes on three month, written notice from the commissioner to the county auditor. Subd. 9. Tox-forfeited lands. We of. Where a sale of tax-forfeited land undei Mason's Supplement 1940, section 2139.1 S. was made prior to December 31. 194_. without hitt having the appraised value of the timber thereon approved by the commr- stoner of natural resources as therein provided. such sale may be ratified by the commis- stoner of revenue in the manner herein provided. if prior to the maAmg of application therefor the entire purchase price of said tax-forfeited land has been paid. Subd. 10. Ratification of ale by county boards. The purchaser at such sale or the county auditor of the county in which said land is located shall file an application for the ratification of the sale with the board of county commissioners of said county, suh- mitting therewith a statement of the facts of the case and satisfactory proof that the pur- chase price of such land at the sale has been paid 1n full. Such application shall be considered bs the counq board and shall thereafter be submitted by it to the comma• sioner of revenue with the recommendation of the county board and of the counq audi- tor uditfor in all cases wherein the auditor is not the applicant. The commissioner of resenue shall consider said application and , on determining that the conditions abuse referred to exist , shall male an order ratifying the sale of said tat-fortened land and transmit MtJ TAVFORFUTED tAND SAI 22:.011 I copy thereof to the county auditor of the county in which said tax -forfeited land is located. If any such sale be ratified by the commissioner of revenue, it shall not thereaf- ter be subject to attack for failure to have the timber appraisal approved before the sale. if no conveyance by the state has theretofore been made, the county auditor, upon receipt of said order, shall request the issuance of an appropriate conveyance as pro- vided for in said section 2139-15. If a conveyance has been made by the state of said land pursuant to said section 2139.15, said conveyance shall not thereafter be subject to attack on account of the failure to have the timber appraisal approved before the sale. Subd. 11. Pending actions not •Hected. The provisions of subdivisions 9 to 1 I shall aot apply so as to prejudice the rights of any person to any action or proceeding hereto- fore commenced to the sale in any court of this state. History(2139.15) 1933 c 386 s l; Es19J6 c 105 s 1: 1939 c 318 11: 1941 c 394 s 1; 1941 c S 11 s 1: 1943 c 37 s 1: 1943 c 104 s 1,1; 1943 r 617 s 1.3, 1945 c 99 s 1: 1945 c 150 s 1.1; 1945 c 574 s l: 1947 c 140 s 1: 1949 c 151 s 1: 1949 c 359 s 1: 1953 c 144 s 1: 1953 c 316 s 1; 1953 c 493 s 1: 1953 c 549 s /; 1957 c 667 s 1-3; 1959 c 348 s 1; 1969 c 399 s 1; 1969 c 1119 art 10 s 1973 c 581 s 3; 1974 c 178 s 1; 1976 c 1811 Z. 1978 c 674 s 60: 1980 c 437 s 13.14, 1982 c 424 s 63.130: 198: c 511 s 24.25:1982 c 323 art 39 s 5.6; 1983 c 111 s 19: 1983 c 247 s 111; 1983 c 341 an 15 s 30. 1984 c 44J s 1:1985 c 300 s 13; 1Sp1985 c 14 are 10 s 14; 1986 c 444; 1Sp1986 c 3 art I s 82: 1987 c 191 s 111; 1989 c 318 art 6 s 1: 1990 c 480 art 8 s 14; 1990 r 604 art 3 s 37 282.011 NONAGRICULTURAL LANDS, CLASSIFICATION; SALE, CONDI- nONS. Subdivision I. Any lands which have become the absolute property of the sate through forfeiture for nonpayment of taxes and which have been classified by the county board as conservation lands under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1945, section 282.01, or have been classified as nonagricultural lands under the provisions ' 'Minnesota Statutes 1945, section 282.14, or any such lands which shall hereafter be ,o classified, may be designated by the county board of the count in which such lands ' be, by resolution duly adopted, as appropriate and primarily suitable for either specific conservation purposes or for auxiliary forest lands. Any resolution so adopted. together ,ith a list of the lands involved shall be forwarded to the commissioner of natural resources who shall promptly approve or disapprove the whole or any pan thereof. The commissioner shall thereupon make a certificate showing the lands approved, transmit the same to the county auditor who shall record the same. Lands so designated and so approved shall thereupon be appraised and the whole, or any pan thereof, may be offered for sale and sold in the same manner as provided for the sale of lands classified as nonconservation lands under Minnesota Statutes 1445, section '92.01. or as agncul- tural lands under Minnesota Statutes 1945, union 282.14, as the case may be, accord- ing to the status of such lands upon forfeiture. The eight to a deed of conveyance to such Property accorded the purchaser at any such sale shall he conditioned upon the lands being placed to an auxiliary forest or used for designated conservation purposes as des- ignated by the resolution of the county board. Solid. 2. The condition as to the placing of land into an auxiliary forest or for use for designated conservation purposes shall be a condition precedent. Any deed of con- veyance of lands so placed shall be upon a form approved by the attorney general but such conveyance shall not be a fee determinable nor contain any conditions therein other than a reservation of the minerals and mineral rights to the state for its own use, or in trust for the appropriate taxing district as the case may be, according to the status t of the land upon forfeiture. The land so placed, however, shall be subject to the require- ments for withdrawal of lands from an auxiliary forest contained to section 88.49, sub- division 9. The procedure contained in that section shall also he applicable, to far as Possible. to lands designated for conservation purposes other than an auxiliary forest. Solid. 3. The commissioner of revenue shall, of requested bl the purchaser or the county attorney of the county where all or a portion of the land is situated, deliver the '"d to the county attorney for use under section 88.49, subdivision 5, but such deliv. 232.011 TAX -FORFEITED LAND SALES 6674 cry shall not be considered delivery to the purchaser. The county attorney shall be instructed when taking the transferral of the deed that said deed shall not be delivered to the purchaser unless the land involved is accepted as and placed into an auxiliary forest. Subd. a. All deeds executed and delivered by the state pursuant to this section before the effective date of Laws 1955, chapter 389, containing conditions subsequent or conveying determinable fees, shall at the request of the purchaser. be returned to the commissioner who is herewith empowered to issue a new deed pursuant to subdivision 2. History: 1947 c 496 s 1: 1955 c 389 s I: 1969 c 1129 art 10 s 1:1973 c 581 s 3r 1986 C 444 282.012 PRIOR OWNER MAY PURCHASE; CONDITIONS. At any time not less than one week prior to the date of such sale, the person who was the owner of any included parcel at the time when it forfeited to the state for non- payment of taxes or the person's heirs, successors or assigns or any person to whom the right to pay taxes on such lands was given by statute, mortgage or other agreement, may purchase such parcel at the appraised value thereof, the purchaser's title and right to be conditioned upon the primary use as designated by the resolution of the county board. The right of such purchaser to purchase shall be evidenced by the purchaser's duly verified written application showing qualifications as hereinabove prescribed and filed with the county auditor. History: 1947 c 496 12: 1986 c 114 282.013 PLACED IN AUNMARY FOREST BY PURCHASER. Any purchaser under the provisions of section 282.012 or this section of lands sold 1 upon condition that they be placed in an auxiliary forest shall furnish the county board. within six months from the date of purchase, satisfactory proof of having complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1943, section 88.48, pertaining to auxiliary for- ests, and that the application thereunder, including such lands, has been finally approved, provided that such six-month period may be extended by resolution of the county board for good cause shown for an additional six-month period. If such proof is not so furnished, the sale shall be deemed canceled and the purchase price or portion thereof paid shall be refunded. History: 1947 c 496 s 3: 1986 c 111 282.014 COMPLETION OF SALE AND CONVEYANCE, Upon compliance by the purchaser with the provWons of this chapter and with the terms and conditions of the sale, and upon full payment for the land, plus a $25 fee in addition to the sale price, the sale shall be complete and a conveyance of the land shall be issued to the purchaser as provided by the appropriate statutes according to the status of the land upon forfeiture. The conveyance must be forwarded to the county recorder who shall record the conveyance before the auditor issues it to the purchaser. History: 1917 c 496 s 4: 198: c J:3 art 19 s 3: 1983 c 300 s 14: 1987 c 268 an 7 s 49: 1990 c 594 an I s 64 282.015 PROCEEDS OF SALE. The proceeds of each such sale shall be disposed of &% provided in the case of sake of other lands becoming the property of the cute in the same manner as the lands told hereunder. History: 1947 c 496 1 J 1. aen r,ur-ronsvrlsn taw sous aur. i• 282.016 PROHIBITED PURCHASERS. No county auditor, county treasurer, court administrator of the district court, or z` county assessor or supervisor of assessments, or deputy or clerk or employee of such : i' officer. and no commissioner for sur -forfeited lands or assistant to such commissioner 1 may become a purchaser of the properties offered for sale under the provisions of this chapter, either personally, or as agent or attorney for any other person, except that such " officer, deputy, court administrator, employee or commissioner for tax -forfeited lands or assistant to such commissioner may purchase lands owned by that official at the time the state became the absolute owner thereof s i; History: 1959 c 180 11: 1986 c III: 1Sp1986 c 3 art 1 r 81 r 4 282017 CONVEYANCE OF INTERESTS IN TAX-FORFER'ED LANDS TO STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS. Notwithstanding any existing law to the contrary, the county auditor of any county. is hereby authorized on behalf of the state, for such price and on such terms r ' and conditions, including provision for reversion in the event of nonuser, as the county r board may prescribe, to convey to the United States or to the state of Minnesota upon ` tax -forfeited lands under the administration of the county, permanent or temporary euemen s for specified periods or otherwise for highways, roads and trails, flowage for j development of fish and game resources, stream protection, Good control, and neves- t �, stay appurtenances thereto. , History: Ex1967 c 11 t 1 ` y s 282,018 TAX -FORFEITED LAND, MEANDERED LAKES, NONFORESTED s MARGINAL LAND, AND WETLANDS; SALE- EXCEPTION. $a Subdivision 1. Property on or adpcem to public waters. All land which is the prop. erty of the state as a result of forfeiture to the state for nonpayment of taxes, regardless ; of whether the land is held in trust for taxing districts, and which borders on or is adja. ant to meandered Woes and other public waters and watercourses, and the live timber _ growing or being thereon, is hereby withdrawn from sale except as hereinafter pro - i vided. The authority having jurisdiction over the timber on any such lands may sell the timber as otherwise provided by law for cutting and removal under such conditions as the authority may prescribe in accordance with approved, sustained yield forestry prac- tices. The authority having jurisdiction over the timber shall reserve such timber and impose such conditions as the authority deems necessary for the protection of water- sheds. wildlife habitat, shorelines, and scenic features, within the area in Cook Lake, and St. Louis counties described in the Act of Congress approved July 10, 1970 (16 Stat. ' 1020), the timber on tax -forfeited lands shall be subject to like restrictions as arc now imposed by that an on federal lands. Of all tax -forfeited land bordering on or adjacent to meandered lakes and other Public waters and aatercourses and to withdrawn from sale, a strip two rods in width, the ordinary high•auer marls being the waterside boundary thereof. and the land side boon thereof bei aline drown ordinary high-water mart and two Bary ng parallel to the ordina r rods disfam landward therefrom, hereby is reserved for public travel thereon, and what• ever the conformation of the shore line or conditions require, the authority having j Jurisdiction over such lands shall reserve a wider strip for such purposes. Any tract or parcel of land which has 50 fm or less of waterfront may be sold by I ' the authority having jurisdiction over the land, in the manner otherwise provided by 5 taw for the sale of such lands, if the authority determines that it is in the public interest to do so. If the authority having jurisdiction over the land is not the commissioner of t' natural resources, the land may not be offered for sate without the prior approval of the commissioner of natural resources. Subd. 2. Margloal land and wethnds, Nonforested marginal land and wetlands on land that is property of the suit as a result of forfeiture to the state for nonpayment Of taxes is withdrawn from sale as provided in section 103F.515 unless restricted by a conservation easement as provided in section 103F.536. 3IAII TAX-FOYFETTM LAND SUM 6071 History: 1973 c 369 s 1: 1984 c 490 s 1: 1989 c 33319 IVOIi lLd a[um. d �mcnaa A law 1919. cEapm 117. dram 9. upmf m stats WC .e9 wimp I..p cola an9, scam I r. Iv91.1e taw 19n, udpa Jf l.lecnen i r. d wuem n t..s l9vo. aapv ser. du�L l,.eyq u. 282A19 MANAGE 10147 AND SALE OF LAND SUBJECT TO HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE OR PEMGIEUM RELEASE. Subdivision I. Scope_ When then is a release or threatened release of a hazardous substance, or pollutant or contaminant, as defined in section 1158.02, or of petroleum as defined in section I I5C.02, in or on tax -forfeited land under the authority of a county or the commissioner of natural resource& the county or commissioner shall comply with the provisions of this section. Subd. 2. Management ngohements. When managiol the land, the county or com• missioner of natural resoums shall: (1) cooperate with the pollution control agency or the commissioner of agriculture, their employees, agents, and contractors, so that the response actions considered neces. sary under chapter ll5Bor I I SC may be carried out on the property, including granting access to the property and refraining from actions that would interfere with imeuiga. tion of or response to the release or threatened release; (2) refrain from actions that would significantly contribute to the release or threat. ened release: and (3) notify the pollution control agency or the commissioner of agriculture in advance of actions necessary to manage the land which may affect the investigation of or response to the release or threatened release, and follow the direction of the agency when taking such anions. The requirements of this subdivision also apply to a person managing the land under a lease or other similar arrangement with the county or commissioner of natural Subd. 3. Transfer of owonahlp. (a) Before transfer of ownership of the lard the county auditor, with the approval of the county board. shall: (1) prepare and file the affidavit requited under section 282.0193; (2) set appropriate conditions on the transfer of the land to Assure that the trans- feree and the transferee's tutcomors will grant access for and cooperate with the com- pletion of a response action taken or approved by the pollution control agency or the commissioner of agriculture, including investigation of the release or threatened release, and implementation, operation, maintenance, and monitoring of response actions; and (3) tat conditions on the use of the land by the transferee and the umsferee's ata cessors as required by the pollution control agency to protect the public health and wd- fhre and the environment, a=m proper operation, maintenance, and monitoring of completed response action, and comply with applicable federal and sate laws, rules. and regulations. (b) The county board may set conditions on the transfer in addition to those under paragraph (a), including requiring the transferee to implement, maintain, operate, or monitor response anions approved by the pollution control agency or the commis- sioner of agriculture. Subd, 1. Aft n sts sale procedure. Land described in subdivision I may be told by the county auditor under an alterative We procedure under this subdivision if the county board determine that an alternate We procedure will encourage the implemen- tation of response anions needed to address A release in or on the land and will promote the mum of the land to Use tax rolls. The sale may be public or nonpublic, by sealed bid, negotiation, or other meam The county auditor shill give at Ilan 30 days' written notice of the sale to the pollution control agency and owners of land aQjoining the land to be sold. Sale may be rettric ed to the owners of adjoining land. The land ray ant be sold for las thin its Appraised value unless the purchaser agrees to implement 6111 TA%4VAFErrM LAND SAID ZCM response actions approved by the pollution control agency and shows that the appraised _ value does not adequately reflect the estimated response action costs. The notice of sale shall include the amount of an environmental lien or estimated expenses for deanup or response actions. Subd. 5. State dsanup expenses recoverable through eadromnental Ben a added to value at time of sale. (a) Prior to or at the time of the forfeiture of any Iands, the po8u. tion control agency or the commissioner of agriculture may file an environmental lien under section 514.672 to recover the expenses incurred under section 1158.17 or 1150.03 to respond to a release or threatened release an the land. The agency or the commissioner of agriculture shall provide a copy of the lien to the county assessor. A ale of the land after forfeiture does not discharge or free it from an environmental lien. If continuation of in environmental lien will prohibit the return of the tax -forfeited land to the tax robs, the county board may request release or reduction of the lieu from the pollution control agency or the commissioner of agriculture as provided under ser. tion 514.672, subdivision 5. (b) When a parcel of tax -forfeited land has been benefited by response anions for which expenses were incurred by the pollution control agency or the commissioner of agriculture under section 1158.17 or I I5C.03, and no environmental lien was Bled before or at the time of forfeiture, the pollution control any or the commissioner of agriculture shall certify to the county the expenses that have been incurred. Prior to sale of the parcel, the county board shall compare the amount of the certified expenses with Y the amount to which the value of the parcel has been enhanced by the response actions and may adjust the appraisal of the land accordingly, adding the expenses as a separate '• item to the appraisal of the land. Hlstaryt 1990 c 586 s 6 2MI" AFFIDAVIT AND NOTIFICATION REQUIRENI EN'IS FOR SUPER - FUND AND STORAGE TANK SFI7S, i Subdivision 1. Saperfimd sitn. The affidavit requirement of section I 1511.16, sub• division 2, applies to tax -forfeited land only if the land has been placed on the perms. mens list of priorities under section 1158.17, subdivision 13. The county auditor shall file the affidavit, but no liability may be imposed under section 1158.16, subdivision 4, paragraph (b), for failing to record the affidavit. Subd. 2. Storage tank sites. The county auditor shall file a notif mlion or allwavit required under section 116.48 with respect to an underground or aboveground storage tank on tax -forfeited land, or the trtmsfer of ownership of tax -forfeited land where an underground or aboveground storage tank is located or where there is a relase from a tank for which no corrective action has been taken. History: 1990 c 586 s 7 NONCONSERVATION AREA 282,02 LIST OF LANDS OFFERED FOR SALE. Immediately after classification and appraisal of the land, and after approval by the commissioner of natural resources when required pursuant to section 282.01, tub - division 3, the county board shall provide and file with the county auditor a list of pe- als of land to be offered for sale. This list shall contain a description of the parcels of land and the appraised value thereof. The auditor shall publish a notice of the intended Public sale of ouch parcels of land and a copy of the resolution of the county board fixing the terms of the sale. if other than for cash only, by publication once a week for two weeks in the official newspaper of the county, the last publication to be not less than ten days previous to the commencement of the sale. The notice shall include the parcel's description and appraised value. The notice i; Mall also indicate the amount of any special assasmem a which may be the subject of A reassessment or new assessment or which may result in the imposition of a fee or HRA AGENDA 1-15-92 CONSIDERATION TO HEAR KEVIN SCHNITZ PRESENT THE COTTEGE HOME HOUSING CONCEPT. A_ REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. As recorded in the minutes, the HRA requested an invitation be extended to Prestige Builders to present their cottege home housing concept. This concept is being explored for another community and may fit the HRA desired floor plan for upscale elderly housing. Enclosed are some prellainary floor plans for your review prior to the HRA meeting. Mr. Kevin Schmidt is meeting with Al Larson on Friday, January 10 and will also be present at our meeting on Wednesday. I Prestige Builders of St. Cloud I 0 OZ, r I I I M I— L -4- 0 -IL LJ f e — _' ;rO L 1 III 1) - F •330.4'I> Meadowlawn Village Site Plan 801 Faulty Awns NwOmw P.01 an 1260 Senauww/on 66,77 Mmkdo.MhVWA 55362 612.259.06 612.205•6ZO WA �-- tI . />M ar b amil% Prestige BtdldersNN ofSL Cloud L X. 10� I r 2 0 "..Irjm-j L 1001* Prestige Builders NN of SL Cloud MEAD O W L A WN V I L L A 8-9 LANDSCAPE FEATURES L3TANDARD CQNSTRUCTION FEATURES Acccwdinq to Est-ablised Landscape Plan: 2 x 6 Exterior Wal Is - R Factor of 21 Stir uhs Total Ceiling R Factor rrr+Fs of 44 God Full 12 -Course 'Basement Landscfkpe Rock 200 AMP Service ,Cdui,ny Nigh Efficiency'90:4 + Gas Forced Air Furnace Lauer Eprinldinq System 40 Gallon Energy Outdoor Security Lighting, Efficient Gas Hot Water Heater Tyvek Paper , SPECIFIC ITEMS NOT INCLUDED Decurating (Other then those items in Purchaser Agreement) Water Suftner Central Air Tolevialon Antenna Cable 'r.v. Telephone Hook-up *Tt. io .I11At In not Intended to cover every Item that ie not lwcltided. Tho pu--pone of thin Iiot is purely to help .ii r,ircc! 1•1u: mo, -jt lil.oly items to be misood or misunderstood q�-, t•, urhri Duyer and Sul Lnr. CALL FEATURCS ACCORDING TO PLAN) /r.4 M E A D O W L A W N V I L L A S E SARIELL, MN STANDARD INTERIOR FEATURES Custom Built pal; Cabinets with Formica 'lops (Allowance) 4 Season Porch Double Stainless 'Steel I,itchen Sink Interior Liqhtinq Package (A11owance) 41111 ri pool Tub Flooring (Allowance) Fiberg'iess Uathbays and and Showers Standard Bathroom Accessories grvF,r Fent uathronm E.xhcatjot Fans Raieed G Panel Oak Doors Oak Princeton Casing and Base 1_ncrtly E+f i ci ent Low E. Windows 'ArnlNrscm ur Marvin) blalk-in elortfets I t�cl Coi 1 i ngr3 t.r171'. v. .1 a,lcu pHr Unit S: Phone Jacice per Unit F(rep 1aco I-raw.h Doors rJumbr,4 and Wired fc)r Softnor STANDARD EXTERIOR FEATURES Steel Siding Aluminum Soffit and Fascia Brick (According to Plan) Peachtree Entrance Doors Large Two Stall Garage Insulated Raised Steel Panel Garage Door Garage Door Opener with (1) Control Insulated b Panel Steel Service Door Asphalt Driveway Weather Proof Exterior Outlets (2) Egterior Frost Free Faucet (1) Private Covered Entry City Sewer and Water Window Grids Admk Milk � Business Development Services, Inc. January 7, 1992 ML 011ie Koropchak City of Monticello 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear 011ie: Enclosed please find our billing dated December 31, 1991 for consulting services from September 1, 1991 through December 15, 1991. From now on we wH1 be sending monthly billings. Please note that the audit of $450.00 has been applied. If you ha,,z any questions, plc= contact me. Sincerely, BUSWESS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, INC. ��-Ck La Ic Patrick W. Pelaring President encl. PWP/rkk Business Development Services, Inc. December 31, 1991 Ms. 011ie Koropchak City of Monticello 250 Fast Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Consulting Services--Septmber 1, 1991 through December 15, 1991 9/6/91 DI.O--J. Schoen, status of first mortgage .25 11/5/91 PWP—Aroplax; Meeting with J. Schoen; Follow-up with 011ie Koropchak 2.25 SHN—Aroplax Mating 2.25 11/8191 PWP—Aroplax; Revise proposal and forward to 011ie and J. Schoen 1.50 11/11/9l DLO--Amplax; Letter to J. Schoen .50 11/14/91 DLG—Aroplax; J. Schoen .25 11/18/91 LPK—Review Aroplax file for ERG 1.75 11/19/91 LPK—ERG Step 1 Application; CMIF Loan Fund Application 4.75 1120/91 LPK—Finalize/ evise CMIF Application; Deliver to Aroplax for signatures and explain/answer Questions 2.50 1121/91 LPK—Aroplax project; ERG 2.50 1125/91 LPK—Aroplax financing; CMIF ERG 2.00 1126/91 LPK--CM[F Application .50 y Ms. 011ie Koropchak Page 2 12/3/91 LPK-Aroplax Step 1 and CMIF follow-up 2.50 12/5/91 LPK-Aroplax Step 1 FRG -in Total Hours 23.75 TIF Financial Analva gftclmll Hours 12/4/91 PWP-HRA Meeting • Aroplax; TIF Analysis 1.50 LPK-HRA Meeting Total Hours 4.00 MSl$GI U Mot 1114 10/10/91 LLD -Hicks proposal 1.50 10/11/91 LLD -Hicks proposal Am Total Hours 2.50 RECAP Pat's Hours: Amplas: 3.75 Hours ® $90/Hour $ 337.50 TIF Analysis: 1.50 Hours ® S90/Hour 135.00 Other Hours: Aroplax: 20.75 Hours ® $75/hour $1,556.25 TIF Awlysis: 2.50 Hours ® $75/hour 187.50 Marlading: 2.50 Hours ® S-04hour 4) - TOW $2,216.25 Las: Credit —454.40 TOTAL AMOUNT DUB: $1,766.26 Ms. 011ie Roropchak �- Page 3 BIBBEM X30 OVER OVER 90 $1,766.2 TERMS: NET DUE UPON RECEIPT, 1.33% PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS ILI CL MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY LOAN AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE LOTS 5 & 6, BLOCK 3, OAKWOOD INDUSTRIAL PARR LOAN BALANCE: $119,000 INTEREST RATE: 8% TERM: a YEARS PAYMENT: ANNUAL DATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST PYMT TOTAL BALANCE 12-31-92 $11,188.38 $9,520.00 $20,708.38 $107,811.62 12-31-93 $12,083.45 $8,621.93 $20,708.38 $ 95,728.17 12-31-94 $13,050.12 $7,656.26 020,708.38 $ 82,676.05 12-31-95 $14,094.13 $6,611.25 $20,708.38 $ 68,583.92 12-31-96 015,221.66 $5,386.72 $20,708.38 6 53,362.26 12-31-97 $16,439.60 $6,286.98 $20,708.38 $ 36,922.86 12-31-98 017,754.55 02,953.83 $20,708.30 $ 19,168.31 12-31-99 $19,168.31 $1,533.47 $20,701.78 - 0 - 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295.4404 Paul Wefngarden Attorney at I.aw Olson, Usset, Agan, and Wefngarden Suite 590 6600 Hranre Avenue South Minneaplls, MN 55435 Dear Mr. Wefngarden: January 30, 1992 s Enclosed you w.1.1.1 fled the IIItA Agenda for January 15, 1992. It Is my understanding that City Administrator Rick Wolfetei.ler has requested and cunfirmetl your presence at this meeting. I have encloved some background information on the itille Property uhl.:h in of particular interest to the 11RA as it Iles wlthln a possible redevelopment project area. The parcel han h. cu forfeited to the State of Minnesota by the WrIghl County Auditor for del.lnyuent property tants. Additlonnlly, t:ompleted by the 11RA lndlrateu the potential of at least three undergrotuid tacks and currently Lite .outity is iu the process of underground tank verificat:.tott. Also, I'm enclusing a .list of possible yuestiuns that I anticipate tho 11RA may ask and I have invited Mayor Keit Maus to the meet.lug which would allow him the opportunity to ask questions of his concern. Mr. Weingarden January 10, 1992 Page 2 If you hewn nuy ynentions, please don't hesitate to cal.i me at METRO 3:33-57313 OR ( 612) 296•-2711. The 1111A plana for your arrival at 7:00 FM as this Is the first item on the agenda. Meeting place Is the City Nall. Respectfully, CITY OF `HOONTItALLO Q 011ie Koropchak NRA Executive Ulrector Enclosures cc: Pile Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator s ANTICIPATED QUESTIONS 1. What is the lroperty Tax Forfeiture Procedure? 2. What in the leullth of 1 Lme for completion of n Property Tax Forfeiture Procedure? 3. In Mr. Gil.le entAtled to a recoerne of his tax forfeited property and At so, what Is the time period for the recourse? 4. Is the State of Minnesota the clir.rent and .legal owner of the Dille Property during the forfeiture procedure? e. Who actually roceives the money from the sale of the tax forfeited property? G. Is the State or county liable to implement underground tank removal and Boll sampling now or prior to hale of the tax forfeited property slid if all. are they liable for the associated costa? 7. If the tax forfeAtod property As datermined contaminated, 1s the State or County linhle to lmplemont the clonn-up and are they liable for those associated costs? December 16, 1992 T0: HRA Members Chairperson Al Larson Vice Chairperson Ben Smith Lowell Schrupp Everette Ellison Tom St. Hilaire Mayor Ken Maus Hospital Administrator Barb Schwlentek FROM: 011ie Koropchak Administrator Bart Schwient ek has made for Cat McCullough to attend the Wednesday, January 6, 1993 IfRA meeting. Pat was the Individual referred to the HRA by Carol Mills. Please mark your calendar, the evening's agenda will be distributed later. You, the HRA member, are to be commanded for your dedication and interest in Mont•icello's future and welfare. Your performance Sc excellent, keep up the good work, and many thanks. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Chr iotmas and the boot in the New Year.