HRA Agenda 02-07-1985AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Thursday, February 7, 1985 - 7:00 P.M. Members: Chairman Gary Mieber, Vic Vokaty, Bud Schrupp, Jack Reeve, and Ken Maus. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held January 3, 1985. 3. Consideration of HRA Giving Endorsement to a Subsidised Housing Project for Low to Moderate Income People. 6. Other Business. 5. Adjournment. Z MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Thursday, January 3, 1985 - 7:00 P.M. Members Present: Acting Chairman Gary wieber, Jack Reeve, Bud Schrupp, and Vic Vokaty. Also Present: Ken Maus. Acting Chairman, Gary wieber, opened the meeting and asked for approval of the 12/6/81 minutes. Jack Reeve moved to approve said minutes, was seconded by Vic Vokaty, and passed 4-0. Ken Maus did not vote, as he officially will not be appointed until 1/14/85 by the Council. wieber suggested that a Chairman be appointed to fill the vacancy left by Don Cochrane resignation. Jack Reeve moved to appoint Gary wieber as Chairmen of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority for 1985. It was seconded by Vic Vokaty, and passed 4-0. Again, Ken Maus did not cast a vote. Jack Reeve suggested appointing a Vice -Chairman for 1985. However, the Authority then tabled the appointment until the 7/7/85 meeting. Acting Chairman wiabor reviewed the events of the 17/6/86 meeting at which Mr. Joe Poehler requested the HAA -s endorsement for his Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) multiple family housing project. Gary stated that the Authority briefly discussed the concept of FmHA's not funding garages and the need for a variance. He further added that the Authority's consensus was that it was up to the Planning Commicsion to decide the issue. He then asked if Mr. Poehler was looking for the HRA's endorsement or recommendation for granting the variance. Allen Pelvit stated that in discussing this with the City Adslnistrator, Tom wished to have all governmental bodies be in favor of and allowing this project to proceed without the construction of garages. Allen further stated that staff will recommend approval of this variance request and possibly amending the ordinance to exclude FmHA projects, etc., from the garage requirement. In response to a question regarding Reinert Homes low -to -moderate income housing project on Lauring lane, Allen stated that the Council did grant both a parking and a garage variance. Vieber asked if the Reinert project was a FmHA project, and Allen stated that It was a Minnesota Housing Finance Agency for Section S Project for low and moderate Income families. IM 0 RRA Minutes - 1/7/65 Ren Maus stated that he felt the Council would not approve a blanket change in the ordinance and invite developers to apply for these types of funding just because it would be a cost savings. He added that the Council has found that if there was no garage, storage shed, or basement, etc., on the property, the development started approaching the same problems as a mobile home park where storage for odds and ends is a problem. An example would be the bikes, trikes, the trash cans, and other junk. Ren referred to the Council having this type of problem with the Meadow Oak project. It was the Authority's consensus that some places with garages or storage sheds look terrible, and without garages they would look even worse. Allen stated that staff will be recommending approval of the variance request for no garages and will also include conditions for assuring neatness. Bud Schrnpp felt that regardless of what type of government loan or funding program was used, the City should have soma control over how or what the development looks like. He felt that something could be worked out with the garages, but to eliminate them completely was wrong. Jack Reeve stated that the HRA was not responsible for making decisions or trying to sway the planning Commission or the Council's thoughts on this variance request. He felt the project in clearly needed and should be presented to the planning commission and judged on its merits. Chairman Misber referred to the Reinert Housing project, its physical layout, and the ability to hide or cover the parking or storage. Vic Vokaty expressed his opinion that garages should be required on this project. Men Maus asked if the requirement for garages was waived, and in the future the project was sold to other individuals through conventional means, would there be enough property to construct the garages. Allen stated that the number of parking spaces and garages are set in the ordinance and would have to be verified with Gary Anderson. If, at a later data, the developer wished to add the garages, there would be adequate space for them. Again. Allen stated that there are other conditions recommended by staff attached to the request. He stated that if the garages were constructed. they could not be funded by TWA and would have to be funded conventionally. This would elan additional monthly payments for the tenants. At thle point, Chairman Mister asked for soma direction from the Authority. Jack Reeve stated the Authority was originally -3- HRA Minutes - 1/1/85 asked for its endorsement of the FwHA fended multiple family housing project for low and moderate income people and its need. He felt that the Authority has satisfied that request. Allen stated that this request for an -HRA recommendation to approve a variance request cams from the staff and not from Mr. Poehler. Jack then stated that if City staff recommended the variance, that was great, but he felt comfortable with endorsing the project on its need within the City of Monticello. When asked by Ren Maus if the position of the Authority was no position, Jack Reeve stated that under Alternative 02, the Authority could take no action. Chairman Wieber stated that If no motion is given, in effect the Authority would be taking a neutral position. Again, Chairman Wieber asked for direction in the form of three directions: 1) Recommend approval; 2) Recommend denial; and 2) Take no action. There being no motion, Chairman Wieber indicated that Allen should pass the results onto City staff. There being no further business seeding action. Bud 8chrupp moved to adjourn. It was seconded by Vic Vokaty, and passed 1-0. I Allen L. pelvIt Executive seorstaty of HRA I O V HRA Agenda 2/7/85 3. Consideration of HRA Giving Endorsement to a Subsidized Housing Project for Low to Moderate Income People. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Approximately two months ago, Barthel Homes began a search for a potential site to locate an apartment complex. After some time had passed and visite with realtore, etc., Barthel Homes had selected Lot 5, Block 1, Lauring Hillside Terrace, for their project. Sometime after the site location was chosen by Barthel Homes, the project was abandoned by them and actively picked up by Metcalf and Larson. This process of originating a project, only to have them abandon it and have another pick it up, may be the result of the latter contracting to have Barthel's people do the leg work, etc., and then have Metcalf and Larson actually submit the application. The proposed project is to be funded through Farmer's Home Administration (FmHA), similar to other subsidized projects that have been submitted to you in the pant. This project proposes to construct a 33 -unit, 2/24 story building, and is the same as other proposals in that they need the endorsement of all government unite. Metcalf and Larson have indicated that they will deal directly with the Planning Commission and the City Council in regard to any variances or conditional use permits for garages, etc. They do not want the Authority to recommend approval/disapproval to any other body. At this point, they are only looking for project or concept approval, which is apparantly mandatory in FmHA applications. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Give Authority's ondorsomont of a multiple unit apartment complex for low to moderate income individuals. 2. Do not give your ondorooment to this type of project. C. RECO=NDATION., I personally do not loan ono way or the other with regard to a project such as this. I would, however, like to strose tho facts that have been acknowledged in the past. 1) The City of Monticello, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in particular, is aware of a 33 -unit apartment complex to be funded I NRA Agenda - 2/7/85 through FmBA; 2) The City is also aware of the lover assessed valuation that these types of projects receive; 3) The Authority has seen documentation from a past proposal that there is a definite need for this type of housing in the Monticello area and that if built, the complex would be fully rented. In the pant, you have endorsed proposals with similar backgrounds. Again. I am not recommending approval or disapproval of the project concept but merely letting the developer (Metcalf and Larson) give the facie and you can make your decision based upon those facts. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of endorsement letter; map indicating proposed project site. -2- HRA Agenda - 2/7/85 4. Other Business - Consideration of Establishing a Tax Increment District. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This has been on the drawing board for some time, but lack of information from the City Engineers and replat maps, etc., did not allow us to proceed. Even at this point, much of the information is vague, but we want to proceed anyway. As we proceed with this, information such as exact measurements, dollar amounts, etc., will become more concrete. As you know, Construction 5, Inc., owns several parcels of property just north and east of Lauring Hillside Terrace. The existing map shows Blocks 41, 42, 47, 48, 49, 50, and 51 as partial blocks, several of which are unbuildable if left in their present status. Construction 5, the City, and other parties have been trying to get the area replatted in such a way as to allow these parcels to be developed. At present, Construction 5 has been given a preliminary approval of their replat by both the Planning Commission and the City Council. They will be getting the appropriate information together and requesting final replat approval from the Council in the near future. As you can see from looking at the proposed roplat, almost the entire area can be utilized with this proposal. The City would benefit and receive some park land in return. Although this proposal was underway prior to complaints of some area residents, staff fools the timing is right to service properties near Territorial Road as well (Doran and Kalono). In the proposed roplat, Lot 1 would be onlarged in order to allow for an 18 -unit apartment complex. This parcel would be assessed on all four aides. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the proposed commercial parcel would be assessed by approximately 650 foot. The assessments will Include sower and water as wall as building the road through the existing gravel pit. The intent of this proposal in not to benefit developers by giving them free sorvicos and a batter chance to develop their property, but to reduce the coat as much so possible and season the remaining costo that tax increment financing doesn't generate. If we do the project and season without the use of tax increment financing, the project would be too cootly and moot likely abandoned. Mother reason that the project might be too costly to the City Is that the City cannot assoes any project more than the increase 7 in value. For example, if the existing proportion were aosoneed V or appraised at 81,000.00 and after the improvoments they were HRA Agenda - 2/7/85 valued at $6,000.00, then the City cannot assess those properties for more than $5,000.00, the difference in the value. The City is legally bound to stay within those limits. In this example, we would have to bond for approximately $300,000.00; and with 1250 In. ft. of improvements, the costs would be approximately $240.00/ln. ft. In the proposed replat. Lot 4 has 210 feet of frontage. At $240.00/in. ft., it would cost 550,400.00 for that piece of property. As you can see, it is very expensive, if not prohibitive. The mechanics in their simplest form are as follows: 1. Once all the plans are in place and the City has an agreement, the $300,000.00 of TIF Bonds are sold; 2. The increment generated by the 18 -unit multi -family apartment and the warehouse complex is used to pay off those Bonds; 3. Any shortfall (not enough increment) would be assessed to the appropriate individuals. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To approve the project concept and authorize staff to order TIF if warranted. The Authority is naked to hold a special meeting prior to its regular March 7, 1985, meeting for the purpose of reviewing the above TIF plan, adopting it, and requesting the Council to set a public hearing for the purpose of establishing a Tax Increment District. 2. Take no action, thus eliminating the need to prepare a TIF plan and also the chance to develop an otherwise useless sandpit area. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Bonafito that aro derived from this project will be folt by all concerned, but I went you to be alort to the fact that the City is not giving anything away. No public land is being bought or sold; tho City io not trying to giro any prcperty c:zcr a break, but rather the City is trying to lower the City -o oxponoo of improving this area. The City will be the recipient of a small parcel of land to be dedicated as a park. The ownoro of the properties will be given the opportunity to develop othorwico useless proportion, but will have tax liabilities that will help make this project p000iblo. Mora important than the fact that multiple family housing and commercial properties can be fully developed is improvement of City services (streets with curb/guttor. City water and newer) and extension of a City street to an otherwise useless area. HRA Agenda - 2/7/85 � Staff recommendation is to approve the projects concept and authorize staff to order the TIP plan if the project warrants it. We also recommend that you consider calling a special meeting prior to the regular March 7, 1985, meeting, the purpose of which would be to approve the TIP plan and request the Council to set a public hearing, approve the TIP plan, and establish a Tax Increment District. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Existing map; Proposed map. cay 0/ monliAto 3-� -• _ate MONTKXLLO, MN 66382 Phom (912) 295-2711 Metro (912( 333.5739 Allen L. Pelvit Executive Director of HRA ALP/kd no Sam Brca - , Ames e. Dm 63A mopmesso. 101 "M Metcalf 6 Larson Attn: Brad Larson mr,w�� P.O. Box 446 ClMonticello, Lows MN 55362 FFmmA FO Kwowd Mam Re: FmHA Multiple Housing Project JWk Dear Mr. Larson: Adrnkrftvabm; Thank you for your presentation before the Monticello Housing TonEkWn and Redevelopment Authority on February 7, 1985. Fnmea DaecW R1ek Yvosatalw After listening to your presentation regarding FmHA and J" B the need for such housing projects in Monticello, the Monticello Pymap A zar": HRA would like to issue the following statement. Ory Acne^ Based on the information provided to this Authority at Its regular meeting on February 7, 1985. we are aware of such housing projects and fully acknowledge the necessity for such a project In the City of Monticello. Again, thank you for your presentation to the BRA and your development efforts in Monticello. It you have any Questions regarding this, plosso contact me. Respectfully, Allen L. Pelvit Executive Director of HRA ALP/kd no Sam Brca - , Ames e. Dm 63A mopmesso. 101 "M axr�h�;� �� :�,� I r�4 �I� � x an�� .IN�It� ? rl1 tl �lrtlll, ,llttt , �i,� � , �f��,������� - - � �, errs' pn�� Fits atrts �il� ' : ani» :rn�r�r� ;i��li �� 9�rte ��"���"� rlrt frit! 5rrjt 5t1 iS � at6.t/I /Uttl .. rs :l/tlllllf :plAi� �lAt� ,�/r� � 1IIt! �jtlR �iljt ,�iljj ttl� .11tjd j�y'�' 'i��G/llltt! j //11/J!/.' :%/itllll; ���� �l` .. r YI. it a1 ��� sit �' AXI � ttI/s '�� �� � rll � �r�pjl►' it/n� � JJIr . � �I' �alr lel � ��r� ids atrt'.:�� � r� r0�`�jt cPlr r�,� rus ��'i a ari �r tc• '�°�' �itrr airn ItEss his � �" � �r� �►tI �,���1 altty ��,�� llit; altj I _ 6. �t�p ,t���Ir� 4 �" s� � �. r �„! Site of proposed project to be funded through FmHA. ,}3 .+p .�' r / •';� _ _ �/ tcalf 6 Larson. VT J •�j '� 4.1 fl IViON No 94 lip �t�, , � • / /, '/ / ,/ { / ���'.. / /'ice I I_. l` o J4 K 1 City 0/ Moak.& MONMOLLo. ace 55W2 Phone(612) 295.2711 Metro 15121933-5779 Metcalf G Larson Attn: Brad Larson Aare P.O. Box ddb Dente Monticallo, MN 55162 Fret Fair Re: FmHA Multiple Housing Project Ke wO Mmw ,leek Mmtwea Dear Mr. Larson: emkftamor: Thank you for your presentation before the Monticello Housing Tom Edam and Redevelopment Authority on February 7, 1985. FMnce Carom: RMkW-d Prase After listening to your presentation regarding PmBA and W101 ,)yn gs,ey the need for such housing projects in Monticello. the Monticello zo,": KRA would like to issue the following statement. Gary darem N Based on the information provided to this Authority at its regular meeting on February 7. 1985. we are ewers of such housing projects and fully acknowledge the necessity for such a project in the City of Monticello. Again, thank you for your presentation to the HRA and your development efforts in Monticello. If you have any Questions regarding this, please contact me. Respectfully. Allen L. Felvit 6xacutivo Director of HRA ALP/kd 2Rom ♦. em 643A Moetl, , WN 05381 250 EM e.eeare7 Row 4. eoe 6.711 Mo ftsk. M% 66362 o f Monfic63L[O MONTKWLW. 55W2 February 1, 1985 PhWW1614)495-2711 efeeo (612) 3336739 Farmers Some Administration Metro Square Building Oreo St. Paul, M 55101 Cmr : Res Monticello 32-Unit Family Sousing Project Ka 00 Man Lot 5, Bloc)[ 1 in* umma LAUAIMG HILLSIDE TERRACE City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota neerwtreeer; Gentlemen: Tom Ebem Rba Dreefor On behalf of the Monticello City Council atter the proposal Nmeo � of Maeere. Metcalf and Larson with regard to the above-referenced ,)ye, Sineo proposed multi-family housing project, we would inform Pwnntrp a Zorwv: you that we endorse the concept end location of the proposed Oery Mleereon project. Please be advised that this endorsement does not constitute approval of the required conditional use. Should you have any further questions, please dont hesitate to contact me. very truly yours, Thomas A. Eidem City Administrator TAE/kd cow Metcalf 6 Larson SRA --- File File 250 EM e.eeare7 Row 4. eoe 6.711 Mo ftsk. M% 66362 City 4 Monticello MONTICELLO, MN 55382 Phone (2) 295-2711 Metro 1,12)333-5739 James Ridgeway, Chairman Monticello Planning Commission Monticello City Hall Mays,; Monticello, MN 55362 Anro GrVnwno Dante Dear Chairman Ridgeway: Fm Fat Ke,ne" Mwe Mr. Joe Poshler came before the HRA with a proposal to .lock Marwed build a 26 -unit, 2 -story multiple family housing project funded through Parmers Home Administration. Poehler's purpose was to get the HRA'e endorsement for submission Administrator: Tom Ekem to FmHA. Fiance Dtectw: Rlat Weretelki, We are aware that FmHA will not fund projects with garages. Puenc wake: We are also aware of the City's ordinance requiring one '1st°' 5"100° garage for every two units and Mr. Poehler's variance request. PwrnUq i Zon ft: Ory AnOmeen After discussing FMHA loan programs to help low to moderate income families, this Authority recommends that Mr. Poehler-s variance request be given serious attention. In our discussions of subsidized loan programs, we found a variance request that was granted to the 36 -unit PUD of Reinert Homes, Inc., in 1980. As long as Monticello continues to grow, there will be a need for additional low to moderate income housing. With that there will come developers, and with those developers will come more variance requests. Therefore, the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority recommonda that your Commission approve Mr. Poohler'o variance request and allow his 24 -unit multiple family housing project to be constructed without garages. Thio Authority further recommands that the City Ordinance be amended to automatically exclude PmHA projects, etc., from the garage requirement. We appreciate your time and consideration in thin matter. Respectfully, (W— Allen L�.lvit 6xecutiva Secretary for HRA ALP/kd 250 EW 81`08001" Ran, a, Box a3A MontbNo. MN 553a2