HRA Agenda 01-03-1990AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, January 3, 1990 - 7:OOPM City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, Lovell Schrupp, Everette Ellison, and Tom St. Hilaire. CITY STAFF: Rick Wolfateller, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. GUEST: Bob Heck and Deb Graham, BDS, INC. Bill Tapper and Lance Hartkopf, Tapper Inc. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER 6, 1989 HRA MINUTES. 3. PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF LAND FOR TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-9. 4. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE MODIFICATION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN RELATING TO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1, THE MODIFICATION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS RELATING TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NOS. 1-1 THROUGH 1-8 AND THE APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN RELATING TO TAR INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-9. �.b S. CONSIDERATION TO AUTHORIZE BDS, INC. TO DRAFT A TIP PLAN FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF ECONOMIC DISTRICT NO. 1-10 FOR TAPPER, INC. Y3 ...... - ' 6. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR TIF PROPOSAL PRESENTED TO BRIDGE WATER TELEPHONE COMPANY. 7. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 1990 HRA OFFICERS AND TO ESTABLISH 1990 HRA GOALS. 8. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON REMMELE ENGINEERING AND THE LINCOLN COMPANIES. 9. OTHER BUSINESS. 10. ADJOURNMENT. MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, December 6, 1989 - 7:00 YM \' City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Everette Ellison, Ben Smith, and Tom St. Hilaire. MEMBERS ABSENT: Lovell Schrupp. STAFF PRESENT: 011ie Roropchak GUEST: Pat Pelstring, BDS, Inc. Russ Martie, TIF Applicant 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Al Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:15 PM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 1. 1989 HRA MINUTES. Ben Smith made a motion to approve the November 1, 1989 BRA minutes, seconded by Everette Ellison, the minutes stand approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE USE OF TIF AND BUILDING PIANS FOR THE RUSS MARTIE PROJECT. Mr. Martie presented the HRA with preliminary plana for his proposed commercial display/cold storage structure in Oakwood Industrial Park. Plans include a 7,128 sq it metal structure of which 2.268 sq ft are for commerical display/offico and 4,860 aq ft are for cold storage with the commerical sales display to the north and storage/loading dock to the vest and cast. Mr. Martic has a contact for deed on the property and has completed grading with elevations two feet above Dundee Road. The retail products consists of pat supply. Cargill supplies, grass seeds, power equipment, seed corn, salt, wood shavings, grains, etc. His present location along Highway 25 is 4,400 sq ft with a lease expiration of May 1, 1990. When asked by HRA members if the project would proceed without TIF assistance, Mr. Martie indicated the project would go on without TIP assistance, "Yes, it has to." The number of new jobs is two. Additionally, Mr. Martis indicated that during harvest months the facility may be used for grain cleaning. Estimated projections showed a max up -front TIF assistance of $11,000 over 8 years for write-down of land. The HRA was concerned about their policy of assistance for non- competitive commerical businesses which previously has RRA Minutes - 12/6/89 Page 2 y 3. CONTINUED. been used for assistance of public improvements assoicated with a project. Secondly, the HRA was concerned about the aesthetic view of the industrial park which has been noted by recent potential new industries. The RRA asked Hr. Mettle about the potential of constructing an additional 48 feet to the storage area or an increase of 2,592 eq ft to building project, as Mr. Martie had in earlier discussion indicated as a potential option. Mr. Martie responded that the payback would be good and would further increase jobs by two part-time yearly employees. With the additional 2,592 sq ft storage area to increase the ratio of warehouse for agricultural products compared to commerical display area, increase of EHV, and with the further increase of two part-time yearly employees, Mr. Pat Pelstring suggested the HRA consider the pay-as-you-go TIF option for Mr. Martie, as Ruse indicated financing wasn't a problem, at an assistance level of $2,500 annually over 7 years or total of $17,500. Tho HRA further recommended proper screening for the storage and outside storage areae to reserve the industrial park aesthetic value. Under this analysis, Mr. Pelstring viewed this as a small good project which works well for both the HRA and Mr. Martie and assists a local small business to expand through the use of a cash flow TIP option. Everette Ellison made a motion authorizing Mr. Pat Pelstring to draft a TIF Plan for distribution to the school district, hospital, and county commission by December 22, 1989, author- izing an HRA public hearing date for the disposition of land on January 3, 1990. The TIF plan to assist the developer with the pay-as-you-go option of $2,500 annually for seven years or a total of $17,500 for land write down based on a total 9,720 aq ft metal building of which 2,268 aq ft comm display/offic, and 1,452 sq ft warehouse for agricultural products. Additionally, proper screening must be placed in the storage and outside storage areae to reserve the industrial park aesthetic value. The motion was seconded by Tom St. Hilaire and passed 4-0. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE DAVID FICEK'S REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Mr. Polstring informed the HRA of the meeting rosults between Mr. Ficek, Koropchok and himself which had outlined the HRA recommendation for no rental/inventor unite in Phase I and the concern of property owner contact by Mr. Ficok. Mr. Ficak'e initial request for TIF assistance was projected at $350,000-$400,000. However, preliminary numbers ran by BDS, Inc. Indicated at assistance in the area of $250,000. -7 After the meeting between Pelstring. Ficok, and Koropchak; Jerry Shannon ran preliminary numbers based on all unite in Phase I and II on class rate for rasidental home- stead property, although the Phrase II was anticipated HRA Minutes - 12/6/89 Page 3 4. CONTINUED. as rental/investor unite by the developer. The level of assistance with the completion of Phase I and II as of January 2, 1992 was up -front $250,000. Projected increment beginning 1993 is $32,482 annually. Any excess increment from rental classification rate could be used as a pay-as-you-go option to the developer. Mr. Pelstring recommended Planning Commission revieval for the multi -family rental unite in Phase II and recommneded the HRA not execute the Letter of Intent until Mr. Ficek has met Yith the property owner for potential willingness to negotiate a land sale and establish developer's costs. The HRA recalled their original concept and objective of this project to eliminate blight and create quality townhouse (ownership) housing for the elderly (55 or above but not limited to) in Phase I site location. Mr. Pelstring felt Mr. Ficek would still remain interested in the project with TIF assistance of $250.000 for Phase I and II own- er occupied unite, however , he would be disappointed. Tom St. Hiliare made a motion recommending Phase I and II be owner _ occupied and the level of TIF assistance to be the $250,000 up -front option, this to be more consistent with the HRA's original project VG concept. Everette Ellison seconded the motion and without further discussion the motion passed 4-0. 5. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE AND REVIEW FOR THE USE OF TIF FOR THE REMMELE ENGINEERING PROJECT. Roropchak updated the HRA on the proposed Remmelo project: initial 20.000 sq ft with 50 employee (semi -skilled and skilled) with footings for a total 60,000 sq ft building anticipated within 3 to 5 years and an additional 100 jobs. If a Hunticullo site location is picked they would use TIF pay-as-you-go option. Competitive site locations are Elk River and Big Lake. A December decision Is expected. Tapper. Inc. is planning for a December decision on their proposed 20,000 eq ft 5suilding with 5.000 motxanine and 50 jobs. They proposed level of assistance would he the TIP up -front option. The HRA is on record as preliminary TIF assistance concept approval for the two above named projects. Cardinal 1G will present to their Board of Directors in January 1990 for approval to extpend or relocate their West Lake Street Plant thereafter will Fir. Renato Lixardo precede with site 1/ locations. V BRA Minutes - 12/6/89 Page 4 6. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE AND DISCUSSION OF THE POSSIBLE 1a PURCHASE OF THE GILLE PROPERTY. This item appeared on the HRA agenda because Mr. Gills contacted Roropchak inquiring of the HRA's interest to purchase his property located on West County Road 75 (Zoned R-2). One parcel is approximately 2.6 acres with an asking price of $90,000 and the second parcel of approximately 1.2 acres with an asking price of $80,000. Mr. Gille would grant the HRA permission to enter his property for soil testing. Previously, the HRA had advised Mr. Hayes, Jeff O'Neill, and Gary Anderson to continue enforcing the City Ordinance (illegal use of a non -conforming use). Mr. Pelstring informed the HRA that his estimate of HRA excess increment is $400,000. The HRA views the Gills property as a liability and not as an asset because of the underground storage tanks and possible soil contamination. Because of no interested developer and time being in favor of the BRA, Al Larson made a notion to table the item and requested City staff and Mr. Hayes continue enforcing the City Ordinance. The motion continued that upon the HRA receiving a certification letter from Mr. Gille stating that the property was no longer a liability (underground storage tank and soil testing completed) the HRA would then consider assistance with marketing the property. The motion was seconded by Everette Ellison and with no further discussion passed 4-0. Prior to the motion, Mr. Peletring had suggested the HRA consider providing TIF assistance for one-half the soil testing costs or $2,500 and assist with marketing the property or offer assistance to a now developer. 7. CONSIDERATION OF HRA MEMBERS FOR HRA APPOINTMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1990. Ben Smith made a motion recommending to the City Mayor for Council approval the following HRA members and their expiration term dates. Dan Smith December 1990 Tom St. Hilaire December 1991 Everette Ellison December 1992 Al Larson December 1993 Lovell Schrupp December 1994 Everette Ellison seconded the motion and without further discussion passed 4-0. NRA Minutes — 12/6/89 Page 5 B. OTHER BUSINESS. None. 9. ADJOURNMENT. The BRA meeting adjourned at 9:15 PN. 011ie Roropchak, NRA Executive Secretary Councilmember introduced the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent, and moved its adoption: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELL40 WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE MODIFICATION, BY THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN RELATING TO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1, THE MODIFICATION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS RELATING TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NOS. 1-1 THROUGH 1-8 AND THE APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN RELATING TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-9, ALL LOCATED WITHIN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1. ..L BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners (the *Commissioners*) of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "Authority") in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as followsi Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. It has been proposed that the Authority modify, by increased project costs, Redevelopment Project No. 1, pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.067, inclusive, as amended. It has been further proposed that the Authority modify, by increased project costa, the Tax Increment Financing Plans relating to Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-8 and establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-9 and approve and adopt the Tax Increment Financing Plans relating thereto, all located within Redevelopment Project No. 1, pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.179, inclusive, as amended. U14 J 1.02. The Authority has investigated the facts and has caused to be prepared a proposed Modified Redevelopment Plan (the "Modified Redevelopment Plan•) for Redevelopment Project No. 1, defining more precisely the increased project costs to be made to Redevelopment Project No. 1, the proposed Modified Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Pinancing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-8 and Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Tax Increment Financing Plan") for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-9 (collectively referred to as the "Plans"). 1.03. The Authority and the City have performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the modification of Redevelopment Project No. 1, the modification of Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-8 and the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-9 and the adoption of the Plans relating thereto. 1.01. The Authority hereby determines that it is necessary and in the best interest of the City at this time to modify Redevelopment Project No. 1, to modify Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-8 and to establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-9 and approve the Plans relating thereto, and to request that the City Council (the "Council") hold a public hearing relating to the above -stated matters. Section 2. Aeproval of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for �{ Redevelopment Proiec t No. 1. 2.01. Subject to the finding, determination, and approval of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 by the City Council of the City, the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 is hereby approved by the Commissioners of the Authority. The increased project costs shall be described in the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 approved in Section 1 hereof. Section 3. Approval of the Tax Increment Pinancinq Plans for Tax Increment Financ ino Districts No. 1-1 through 1-9. 3.01. Subject to the finding, determination, and approval of the Modified Tax Increment Financing Plane for Tax Increment Financing Districts Noe. 1-1 through 1-8 and Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-9 by the Council of the City, the Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-9 are hereby approved by the Commissioners of the Authority. Section 4. Approval of the Respective Plans. 4.01. The Plans presented to the Authority on this date, are hereby approved and adopted by the Authority and shall be for- warded to the Council with the request that the Council hold a public hearing relating to the adoption of the Plans for Redevelopment Project No. 1 and Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-9. Section 5. Disposition of Public Lands. 5.01. The Authority held a public hearing, as of this date, regarding the disposition of public lands. The Authority hereby verifies that said public hearing was held and duly authorises the City Attorney and City staff to proceed with the implementation of the necessary documentation relating to said disposition of public lands. Section 6. Filing of Plans. 6.01. The Authority shall cause the Plans, all as approved and adopted, to be filed with the Office of the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development. Dated January 3, 1990 140� Chairman Attests Executive Director (SEAL) 7 -3- y �f Cir 3/1989 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY v City of Monticello TAX INCREMENT FINANCING POLICY Program Purposes The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority will utilize Tax Increment Financing to support the community's long-term economic and housing goals. Policy Considerations: The HRA will analyze and evaluate Tax Increment Financing proposals based upon the following policy considerations. Each project shall be measured against these considerations and the project's value shall be determined, based upon meeting these considerations. (1) The project shakll be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. (2) The project shall demonstrate long-term economic and/or housing benefits to the community. (3) The project shall create and/or retain employment for Monticello residents. (C) The project shall increase moderate priced housing options for area residents. (9) The project shall facilitate the redevelopment or elimination of "substandard" or "blighted" areas as determined by the ARA. (6) The project shall facilitate the "clean-up" of environmentally unsound property. (7) The project shall provide additional public funding for public improvements including utilities and/or park development which would not otherwise be available. (8) The project shall be deemed to promote additional desired 'spin-off" development. POLICY GUIDELINES (l) Tax Increment Financing will be considered for use in economic development, redevelopment and specialized housing projects. The standard level of assistance for � projects shall be as follows: S TAX INCREMENT FINANCE PROPOSAL CITY OF MONTICELLO on behalf of BRIDGE WATER TELEPHONE COMPANY ASSUMPTIONS: 12,000 sq ft metal storage facility. Concrete floor and 16 foot sidewalls Block 1, Lot 6, Oakwood Industrial Park Second Addition, 1.4898 acres or 64,895.68 square feet. Zoned I-2. PID# 155-060-001060 EMV Payable 1990 $7,100 SIF District certified in 1990, increment collected 1992. 12,000 sq ft @ $8.00 - $96,000 64,895 sq ft @ .35 - 22,713 EMV $118,713 A. New Capacity Value $4,263.00 B. Original Capacity Value 372.00 C. Captured Capacity Value 3,891.00 W D. 1989 Capacity Rate .82091 E. Annual Tax Increment $3,194.16 F. Tax 8111 $3,499.53 G. Adjusted Annual TI $3,078.50 CONCLUSION: The HRA could assist Bridge Water Telephone Company with the pay-as-you-go option in a sum of up to $22,000 for relocation of their service facility from West County Road 39 to Block 1, Lot 6, Oakwood Industrial Park Second Addition therabyo conforming with the City Ordinance. Land cost of $20,000 and developer's site improvement costs of $2,000.00 Bridge Water retains ownership of the property on West County Road 39 contingent upon marketing and selling the property to a PZ -M legal conforming use. 312 33q R 31af 1 Ito. t 6� 1 Ay M. ON 0 0 i 0 0