HRA Agenda 05-13-1987AGENDA ti MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, May 13, 1987 - 9:OOAM Monticello Council Chamber Members: Acting Chairperson Bud Schrupp, Ken Maus, Ben Smith, Marlys Erickson, and Al Larson. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the April 20, 1987 HRA Minutes. 3. Public Hearing on the Disposition of Public Lands for NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. Tax Increment District V. 4. Consideration to Execute the Purchase of Public Lands from the Oakwood Industrial Park Partnership. 5. Consideration to Execute the Sale of Above Said Property to NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. 6. Consideration to Review the HRA Budget for the Possible Purchase of Public Lands from Larry Flake (Old Monticello Ford Building). 4 7. Other Business. 8. Adjournment. V MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 116- Monday, April 20, 1987 - 9:OOAM Monticello Council Chamber Members Present: Acting Chairperson Bud Schrupp, Ken Maus, Ben Smith, Marlys Erickson, and Al Larson. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Acting Chairperson Bud Schrupp called the HRA meeting to order at 9:02AM. 2. Approval of the April 3, 1987 HRA Minutes. Ken Maus motioned to approve the April 3, 1987 HRA minutes, seconded by Ben Smith. Minutes stand approved. 3. Public Hearin$ on the Disposition of Public Land for Construction Five Tax Increment District 05. Acting Chairperson Bud Schrupp called this the continuation of the public hearing on the disposition of land for Construction Five Tax Increment District 05. The public hearing was opened on April 3, however, without the publication of notice appearing in the newspaper the public hearing remained open. With no public comment or questions, Ken Maus motioned to close the public hearing fnr the disposition of land for the Construction Five Tax Increment District 05, seconded by Al Larson, passed 5-0. Acting Chairperson Bud Schrupp closed the said public hearing. Consideration of the HRA to Execute a Quit Claim Deed for Construction Five Tax Increment D1Btrict 05. The Quit Claim Deed having been executed on April 3, motion by Ken Maus, seconded by Al Larson, with the assumpiton that no public comment or questions would be hoard of the public hearing on the disposition of lands. This so completed. Koropchak had suggested an amendment of that motion for the purpose to clean house (HRA minutes), however, Ken Maus was opposed to amendment because of the question of legality. 5. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Tax Increment Pledge Agreement for Construction Five. Koropchak explained the pledge agreement is between the HRA and the City of Monticello, whereby, stating that the HRA will pass through to the City the tax increment generated by the redevelopment district known as Tax Increment District 05. Bon Smith motioned to execute the Tax Increment Pledge Agreement for Construction Five, seconded by Marlys Erickson, and passed 5-0. V HRA Minutes - 4/20/87 Other Business. Ken Haus expressed his frustration with the City for their repeated rational of why not to consider the demolition of a blighted downtown area. It was a concensus of the HRA members that blighted areas are one of their major concerns. The City has previously recommended no action be taken of the old Monticello Ford building because of high acquisition cost plus without a proposed development plan, the City would receive no taxes on the said property, as the City is tax exempt. This assuming the HRA or City owned the undeveloped land. The HRA felt this is no different than the School District or County not receiving taxes during the life of a Tax Increment District. The HRA asked Koropchak to check the HRA budget, check if the HRA could borrow money from the bank, check with Larry Flake on selling price, check demolition cost, check the financial status of the Hess property, and check on the appraised property valuation. The HRA used the analogy of similiarities to the old Oakwood School on South Highway 25, the property being undev- eloped was more attractive to a potential developer. 7. Adjournment. Ken Maus motioned to adjourn, seconded by Marlys Erickson, 1 and passed 5-0. The HRA meeting adjourned. QLi- wt \".0 0 q'.,9' Olive M. Koropchak HRA Executive Secretary HRA Agenda — 5/13/87 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DISPOSITION OF PUBLIC LANDS FOR NAWCO MINNESOTA, INC. TAR INCREMENT DISTRICT 07. :III31�`l13.LK;Id'.ii 111 BIN The purpose of the said public hearing is to accept public comment on the proposed acquisition and subsequent sale by the HRA to NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. for Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park, City of Monticello. The public hearing being held the 14th day after publication notice. The proposed plan calls for the construction of a 28,400 sq. ft. office/manufacturing building on Lot 12 with Lot 11 for future expansion. Tax Increment District 47 has been certified by Wright County for a base assessment value of $18,240.00 and a adjustment factor of 1.062. With the use of the certified original assessed value (OAV) $18,240.00, the adjustment factor of 1.062, a constant new assessed value (NAV) $362,950.00, and a constant mill rate of 89.633 over the life of the district (10 years) the average tax increment estimated is $30.234.00. This sufficient to retire a bond issuance of $155.000.00 at 81 percent interest rate for 8 years. NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. projections include 21 jobs in the first two years and a total of 45 jobs in five years. Estimated property valuation will increase by $344,710.00. Construction of the building to be completed in October of 1987. This being a public hearing, the HRA Chairperson having opened the public hearing, asking for public comment, and with the assumption of no public comment the public hearing may be closed. Because this being a public hearing no alternative actions or staff recommendation is necessary. B. SUPPORTING DATA. 1. Publication of Public Hearing Notice. 2. Certification letter from Wright County. 3. Adjusted Assessment Valuation. 4. Bond schedule by Springsted, Inc. Q v. il I NOTt09 OF NJBUC NfARINO DMMMTWN OF pU9UC LAN09 Nods is Mreav oven that a pubtle he" Mi9 be MW at 9 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday. May 13, 1997, In the Mondmillo City Council ChunWn. 260 beat Broachm. Mond"Ro. Minnesota 66362. for the propose of eornffwm on Me t#oposed ac0u1�rcwn Ana subsoMAM We M the Mondedo Housing and RaOrrvabpnent 'LvMrf v to NAWCO Mln• neaots. Inc.. • Mln wrote cwmation. of the ' fopoMtm property: Lon 1 and 12, Slots 2. Oak lr • .) dumial pars. City of MOntkkb. The proposed a" Is part of the NRA RwavNopm m Nan and is tnhp to W in - eluded In Til lr4twr nt Olspkt No. 7. Anyone wiWrlp to sulurdt sen mens sfroWd summit said convtrnn to the office of the City Ad• mutuaatn no lata then 9:00 e.m.. Wednaf• , dear. May 12. 1997. —Olive M. ROrepeMs. [attutJ 9evatery Monticello Housing and Redevelopment AuthoMV (Aprlf 30. May 7. 1967) O. J. ARLIEN Wright County Auditor Wright County Courthouse - Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Phone: (612) 682-3900 Metro: 339881 CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the original assessed value of the City of Monticello Tax Increment Finance Plan for Tax Increment Economic Dis- trict g7 pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.73, Subdivision 7 based on the valuation by the County Assessor as of January 2, 1986. This assessed value is $18,240. The adjustment factor is 1.062. STATE OF MINNESOTA) vs. County of Wright ) Witness my hand and seal as duly elected, qualified and acting County Auditor of Wright County, Buffalo, Minnesota on this 4th day of Nay, 1987. O.7Ar'l.ion Wright County Auditor OJA/lmo City of Monticello, Minnesota Prepared April 23, 1987 $155,000 G.O. Taxable Tax Increment By SPRINGSTED Incorporated Bonds, Series 1987 �3ated: 8- 1-1987 Mature: 2- 1 - Total Capital- Tax Year of Year of Principal ized Net 105% Increment Annual Cumulative Levy Mat. Principal Rates Interest & Interest Interest Levy of Total Revenue surplus Surplus (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 1987 1989 0 0.00% 19,763 19,763 19,763 0 0 0 0 0 1988 1990 15,000 8.50% 13,175 28,175 0 28,175 29,584 30,688 1,104 1,104 1989 1991 15,000 8.50% 11,900 26,900 0 26,900 28,245 30,574 2,329 3,433 1990 1992 15,000 8.50% 10,625 25,625 O 25,625 26,906 30,452 3,546 6,979 1991 1993 20,000 8.50% 9,350 29,350 0 29,350 30,818 30,323 0 6,484 1992 1994 20,000 8.50% 7,650 27,650 0 27,650 29,033 30,186 1,153 7,637 1993 1995 20,000 8.50% 5,950 25,950 0 25,950 27,248 30,041 2,793 10,430 1994 1996 25,000 8.50% 4,250 29,250 0 29,250 30,713 29,887 0 9,604 1995 1997 25,000 8.50% 2,125 27,125 0 27,125 28,481 29,723 1,242 10,846 TOTALS: 155,000 84,788 239,788 19,763 220,025 231,028 241,874 10,846 Bond Years: 997.50 Annual Interest: 84,788 Ave. Maturity: 6.44 Plus Discount: 2,000 Ave. Annual Rate: 8.500% Net Interest: 86,788 LJ. I.C. Rate: 8.701% Interest rates are estimates; changes may cause significant alterations of this schedule The actual Underwriter's discount bid may also vary 11 17 V NAWCO MINNESOTA INC. Proposed Tax Increment District 17 Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park, City of Monticello Lot 11 - A155-018-002110 Lot 12 - 0155-018-002120 81/82 82/83 83/84 84/85 85/86 86/87 Lot 11 4,410 4,410 4,400 7,040 7,040 8,840 Lot 12 9,488 9,488 9,480 7,520 7,520 9,400 TOTALS 13,898 13,898 13,880 14,560 14,560 18,240 A. 4/87 Estimated date B. 1/2/86 Base year date C. 18,240 Base year assessed value D. 1/2/81 5th year preceding year assessment date E. 13,898 5th year preceding year assessed value F. 4,342 5 year assessed value increase (C - E) G. .3124 5 year total increase ratio (F divided by E) H. .06248 5 year average income ratio (G divided by 5) I. 1.06248 Annual base year adjustment tactor (1.000 + H) Now Captured Mill Adjustment Adjusted Assessed Assessed Rate Tax Year Factor OAV Value Value Estimate Increment 87/88 18,240 x 1.062 $19,371 88/89 18,240 x 1.062 20,572 $362,950 $342,378 x 89.633 $ 30,668 89/90 18,240 x 1.062 21,847 362,950 341,103 x 89.633 30,574 90/91 18,240 x 1.062 23,202 362,950 339,748 x 89.633 30,452 91/92 18,240 x 1.062 24,641 362,950 338,309 x 89.633 30,323 92/93 18,240 x 1.062 26,169 362,950 336,781 x 89.633 30,186 93/94 18,240 x 1.062 27,791 362,050 335,159 x 89.633 30,041 94/95 18,240 x 1.062 29,514 362,950 333,436 x 89.633 29,887 95/96 18,240 x 1.062 31,344 362,950 331,606 x 89.633 29,723 $241,874 $241,874 divided by 8 - $30,234 average HRA Agenda - 5/13/87 4. CONSIDERATION TO EXECUTE THE PURCHASE OF PUBLIC LANDS FROM THE OAKWOOD INDUSTRIAL PARK PARTNERSHIP. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. With the assumption that the public hearing was held without public comment and closed; the RNA may proceed to execute a purchase agreement for Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park, City of Monticello from the Oakwood Industrial Park Partnership for the sum of $104,000.00 plus $1.00 earnest money. Total acreage is 10.48. The said purchase agreement is contingent upon the execution of a purchase agreement between the Monticello HRA and NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. and contingent upon the execution of a Development Agreement on or before May 31, 1987, between the Monticello HBA and NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. A copy of the purchase agreement and a copy of the first draft of the Development Agreement has been mailed to Mr. Michael Murphy, Attorney at Faegre 6 Benson, legal representative for NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. The Oakwood Industrial Park Partnership has initiated the preparation of the Abstract Title and a Warranty Deed for the said property. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. 1. To execute the purchase of public lands from the Oakwood Industrial Park Partnership with the written contingencies. 2. To deny execution of the purchase of public lands from the Oakwood Industrial Park Partnership with the written contingencies. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends the HRA to execute the purchase of public lands from the Oakwood Industrial Park Partnership for the sum of $104,000.00 plus 11.00 earnest money. This to Include tho contingencies written in the purchase agreement. Staff recommends this action based job creation, increase to property valuation, and the proposal a viable project. D. SUPPORTING DATA. 1. Copy of the purchase agreement. P 17 COPY OURCHASE AGREEMENT OO LDEM R•etlpl ,G -.not «. li]Rt1C llo .IAIm 1987— RECENEDOF tinticelI ibusirg & Paieyeloplmeat Authority ae One Dollar and DO/104 f 1.00 ,DOLLARS q same. money aha In prl par -4 t the Malm of pop•rtr at (CMU. Car,. to be dopoNWd upon aavpt0 . a Novo—Slab Whwdhl Oakwood Umtrial Park. Mmtloello 1pyW in De toady .1 Wright Ods d M nesda, and 1.9.11' d—bsd q foam.. to W: hats 11 and 12, Block 2, Ohlowood Irdustrial Park M.04y L p.dm bub.. 0."..Mon and trees, M «oma .rah, ram down. dW..hft4 va bhmS, aaswn..wtehps, window rhea... buds (wndu % v.nesan bW&) cabs rods. tr..erae rods. aap«r hoe+. tyaehp udae• ed eh�., pawrbeq eves, lona .ala bdu aro Mewq t9rY (Wm sol' tronas. tsrs.. srokas aro .mer sadarnh•a used n hvvmoabrh m«ewunl. wobh .emotes ad Iwawa 9q ledh mho meati (+ One VaPerty a ••earl• stwrp Date. blev410n .rntarwn., kwaetav, whn•n erh..rrec PhOeP dlapnr. tavate, moR gp.ove• aha camr .+ mhMautq eahtlpnen�l. Y wy, ossa aha l0cabd athero gwnvs aW Mm9 etre eh. bbwYq pa Wnd property: M of wd+U pmpWy aro utd..grod M. INA dor sad to to bur. of 0e run a: 011ie Ihudred Pour Thoumand and One and ODAM } 304,001.00 .t*. h me buy« .roes to pey n d» bm.ke mower' Eaml money wren PaW s 1.00 aro 9 �104 M.00_. cuh on or before June 15. 1987 thedoe of This purchase agreement is cmtirgpnt upon the execution of a padlase agroEccilt between the Moaticello Housing and Redcvelopmmt Authority laid W W HiEahesota, I=_ end conttthgmt upon the emawtion of a Developmaht Agrcaocnt on or before I4ay 31, 19870 between the tbnticello Ilowirhg and Redevelopment Authority and MW Minnesota,. ion. S. b P«banana• by rte buy. the salt apes• b ewnAe and drew . C°. —1 Wbnrq DMd (ahe10«.01^byapo . 0•ml•) Co,a,l9maketl. w Weed W&mo. SU*domy bM bl0wihp e.c.pu": (.) au•d"9 aid tastes urn, adwhmhres, Sire aha r.0ar.aaNwn N) Raworb mann. b ttse n whpwanM a Pomw.es tinsel dlnham. IorlWu• provaon. (cl rMtsrvaaatm d ell mlrenb a nimd ryes b IM 644 d Llwwgepla. Id) N WI' 1d ba cp0pe R 42 es sowttwhbh whamtel ktatae hrdh Wesel irpwertiaq. (.) yon a W-42n«nts oeo.a: lawoal cae'd. mol tatbl0al o blmMesl . , .......... 1 e•r•n .peesb pev ml l a de taw sots mess sue rid p.,able N the yea 19.8J_. 6MwywrmmytMl ChM e�un ben rhe ed p•rJble n ee Mala 19AR— ww1 t. ha. P.W. --XL_naMgmn40.d agWWon(deh:A one),N.9wMSAW not .a4Y.9•a mrn IM tepropaatbn of wa" WtWso w ca4ann0 Oe vrcN of rad qWe Wes olden Nw be asvued s9aml De POpatr rn.eanel b els dW a P ch"` —DDypr avy• b pay all ol V le ed .Draw asysment$ ad .peal es..a.nlerYs c«bold b De Wes be wd PMOW n ob raw a cwkp w6bulkoft—'I...................................................l 'Issw sa.«uw ma d.lbn9a, l arty, a• e..s.ty h.mn Dn b0adry b es COP. ptpaty sed epee. to l—.1mrW.W p00aly M kmc400d Mob and slbats Ilan to pteeirs pct to poWwen dots. SELLER WARRANTS ALL APPLIANCES. 11E.MN0. An CONDITIONNG, WPM AND PLUMOM LISED AND LOWED ON SAID PREMISES ARE W PROPER WO11KgO ORDER Al DALE OF CIoSING closing sofa Mier.pom b dans poa...On rol taut man yG +—ad Mid .1 C --boon dM sWesm. a Iwo Dow, bonh , . -9h. LkAms Wwwbe spooled M sae nos to dosed on a beta 0o"tram to Orb hwwecl. .h NO sv«. eq Malty a desbgod a mtstsaely bmopnd by We a any oDet cause brae to ao.Yhp deft, Ns sWe.—M rel become tel oma rod, r the Pbcwwrtl optbn. ed el m. dm p.d h—M. drib IlltadW bMn. TM WM wd seer also mdudly arae mpl pO lda A*noewnU d ones, motel. nw.ance end city w.te, and. in the pare d kKaro pip. ,, —ro aP..t v.M—ss' sled a made asa _dato..nf rlm ng Tne too", ween•Ia.wWY Imo rror .Ipwr a des w.--.• nmrh an obsboa at bre. a a ReOd ed Alb.. MIllwl to "0 b mkde ptpw wwck" Seams bnbtttDldar, std fAeb W rtd«u luaprvq ad lore nit beset rel beahmed la days eft rac•VY Dv.d tat seamen w'wtah d •ad bib ad IM 0quhp a w7 hYhsesom OW.b. sad aDleetve l0 bo made n wnlbhp a droned b be wand a wry oblxbne we W made Dr salt rel be slowed 170 days to mMa �h Mr mwsvtwm Mdrp mnscbon Of Wb fit Peymb Mead« lopmod sof be PmOonvd, ba tpn mrxbon of bas wd wWYn 10 days of wdt- ndcs b the dry«, me pw W s dhM pwlam M sgswlets accO.np b ea Wena t U4 Mie 4 not mWtvtAW and a tel made so Wenn IM drys ban ae dna d h stn ol"d*ns Osteo n .Dote Paded. Iib spswnve"be ni ed voO.0 open of Oe Dura wd MOM PWCOM rad be Yabb OF dsm.q. h—Wol to tw Oft, pwhrlpal AN may tm.lobr. pW by fit dry« rad W k dod 0 IM Ids to vW papal be bad m WkPAbM a be W mmeq W KW sad Ume. 04 ere WM awl 00" in dry a /e gmms o, ten. and In mr cme me vow may 1wn pw Cate.d we on omen etrnnsa0n Y to psymvq ends upon M, camas les W W W d by sal mW o d sad pas, as Disk Inpoc-ft, bMela may, MWM so haudal W CIO MWs. IM bobmp of eft sown MIM. TNa Pa+Oon loll not 0.pw etma poly a ah1 i1W d elacwp Vit spacwk pwtnvw•s a M core.. poshah Saeed tlhJ mol W Mmnala� q 241eud. ed povW W Acton b Mace adh spMo padmwc.lhel M tzlmmhcw wbmwh tl. nhonte oar suam rfphl d ..trim lhelhM wlv 04 «drlWd and speed mr 0. err ts m.0e .600 b De aW-al by De ower of qld Pemfom n -MV and DMI the.damnod p«Y h. 1n no manna Rabb or leap. on sco." d eYa sW-4, asap b Wt a *.Sawa W to saneai money pad u oft the me Wt. Twit 0"W Colons to entse areernmN bah— fit pokes. and n&A r pwty Iles toiled upon Amy mrW a wrom topes r4stons ape«m«Y a pdwlah Op 101 M kM Down, wwmw made by any 2900 a pm y hr•b Ouryw alubwledps no "wwft t« bon owe by ser a ntl .stab srl.penae IoW*V s••D•9• d wont Dwwyt the Wu dsl—, bus enr a Ind a M ab" Oasamrd PwNses e.cep q 2 aMtrbe Povld•d n en adOrnbrn wtrUnd Ivan Dlryw IUDmp ec.ne.Aadpes C.L ti elperq ew ptwcaa+a •Pa.nnl, dnyt lesos sally Wan Pwspul I mWhon of M ple dsw ed tpn the rsemr pp bkwd n M rbaed o00adtw4 Y any 11 ldaEtiOeeebtll The doUMy d ba papas and nxwwa "be mado n the omn d: MMUcal to city IIaU, 250 Yost Bmotbny, hanticallo, MN fBo' AM 1. els adwelpW,,Dor (Oft Ebov tad, dD Mob/ appmo IM 2Dow SWW I hNeby p1w b Maev De UW Pcpwtr 4 to rke and upon ae Wms nloA d L"�dlr�itrlal ftt P= trrdhip n0�tl" [ .w 9 W "th�;1�7D,"t loriq BY: (SEAL) BY: sEw partner rad. owro (SEAL) ""W soft Owe, THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT UNDERSTOOD. SEEK COMPETENT ADVICE, Rev &H R.Keie/aw..te.hw.n+rn.n w.hnw�w.h. rw wtwu� HRA Agenda - 5/13/87 5. CONSIDERATION TO EXECUTE THE SALE OF ABOVE SAID PROPERTY TO NAWCO MINNESOTA, INC. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. The above said property having been purchased by the HRA; thereby, may proceed to execute the sale of Lot 11 and 12, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park, City of Monticello to NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. for the sum of $15,000.00 inclusive of $1,000.00 earnest money. This purchase agreement is contingent upon the buyer (NAWCO Minnesota, Inc.) executing the Development Agreement on or before May 31, 1987, with the HRA. The Development Agreement shall read that the improvements proposed for this property shall be sufficient to generate a tax increment not less than $30,000.00 per annum. If for any reason a Development Agreement satis- factory to the City of Monticello cannot be completed by the end of Hay, 1987, this purchase agreement shall be null and void and the sellers shall have no further obligation to sell or the buyers to purchase. This purchase agreement selling price is contingent upon an 83 percent interest rate on the bonds. In the event the interest rate would increase to 9 percent the selling price would be $25,000.00 or in the event the interest rate would increase to 91 percent the j selling price would be $30,000.00. •j A copy of the purchase Agreement has been mniled to Mr. Michael Murphy, Attorney at Faegre b Benson. On Monday, May 11, 1987, the City Council adopted a resolution auth- orizing Jerry Shannon of Springsted, Inc. to execute the preparation of bond sales for Tax Increment District V. Award of the bond sales to expected to be Monday, June B. 1987. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. 1. To execute the sale of Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park, City of Monticello to NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. based upon the written con- tingencies. 2. Deny the execution of the sale of Lots 11 and 12. Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park, City of Monticello, to NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. with the written contingencies. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends the HRA to execute the sale of the above said public lands to NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. for the sum of $15,000.00 inclusive of $1,000.00 earnest money. This to include the contingencies written In the purchase agreement. D. SUPPORTING DATA. 1. Copy of tho purchase agreement. HRA Agenda - 5/13/87 6. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE HRA BUDGET FOR THE POSSIBLE V PURCHASE OF PUBLIC LANDS FROM LARRY FLAKE (OLD MONTICELLO FORD BUILDING). A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. At this time, this agenda item is an informational update and does not require any motion or action. At the last HRA meeting, the members authorized myself to obtain information on the Old Monticello Ford building. I have talked with Larry Flake in my office and his asking price is $100,000.00; Mike Amo, appraiser with St. Cloud Appraisal is scheduled to appraise the property on Tuesday, May 26, 1987 at 10:00 AM. This appraisal will include demolition cost. Mr. Flake having been notified of the planned appraisal and will meet us at 10:30AM at said property. Rick Wolfateller is in the process of preparing a break down of the individual district budgets. I haven't contacted the banks at this time. The HRA has approximately $60,000.00 dollars; however, Mr. Wolfsteller's recommendation is to retain about $30,000.00 to cover debts (loan payment on Lot 5, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park, City of Monticello. The key question is 'how the HRA or city will repay the loan?' No alternative action or staff recommendation is needed at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA. 1. HRA 1987 Annual Budget 2. Break down by district, to be presented at the meeting. 11 FUND N0. 140 REVENUE 1511 Ad Valorem 3582 Interest 3090 Application Fees 1513-160 Tax Increment TOTAL REVENUE CIC RRA 1987 S 5,550.00 2,000.00 500.00 88,400.00 $ 96,450.00 S 96,450.00 a CITY OF MONTICELLO FUND �+ PROGRAM SUMMARY NRA DIVISION ACCOUNT NUMBER I SUPERVISOR Special Revenue Fund No. 140 1987 BUDGET DEPARTMENT STAFF BUDGET 1981 g 5,500.00 50.00 2,500.00 • 0.00 49,100.00 39,300.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES g 47,500.00 g 298,625.00 g 41,350.00 g 96,450.00 ag, NARRATIVE -42- EXPENDITURES MAJOR CLASSIFICATION MIDGET 19 $S ACTUAL 1985 1986 BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES 3 5,000.00 5 4,540.00 g 5,000.00 SUPPLIES 50.00 0.00 50.00 SERVICES 8 CHARGES 2,050.00 12,733.00 1,600.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 232,132.00 0.00 DEBT SERVICE 40,400.00 49,221.00 0.00 TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 34,700.00 BUDGET 1981 g 5,500.00 50.00 2,500.00 • 0.00 49,100.00 39,300.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES g 47,500.00 g 298,625.00 g 41,350.00 g 96,450.00 ag, NARRATIVE -42- 1987 . ; FOND 50. 140 _ - .. .;_ ��. .:.. •.; ... - .. ":-� --•-- - - --'� REVENUE ..C: �-,,, si.;iv« pJ,>;,.,�.•q:' - J.: :�'_ --`-y 1511' Ad Valorem '.S'. 5,550.00 '3582 Interest ` ;2,000.00 3090 Application Fees ,' _ ;'. - 500.00 1513-140 Ta: Increment 88,400.00 S 96.450.00 . TOTAL REVENUE '" 3 96.450.00 EXPENDITURES Personal Services 7511 Salary, Regular S 4,900.00 7515 PEM/Penion 250.00 7519 Social Security 350.00 8''5,500.00 �- Cupplion 7521 Office Supplies 50.00 8 50.00 Other Services and Charges 7536 .Protossional Services 2,000.00 7549 Legal Publication 100.00 7537 Communication - Phone/Postage 50.00 7538 Travel-Coniorenco-School 250.00 7548 Dun, Nambarshlps, Subscriptions 50.00 7555 .N4laeellaneous , •50.00 $ 28600.00 ' Debt Service 7568 .PclnciW 31,700.00 7569 Interest 17,400.00 8 49,100.00 Tranolerm C Otbaro 7566-140 . Pa®anent Transfer 38,300.00 $ 39,300.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8 96.450.00 - °.✓A �cw,�:�.:-r�.l!'P.^1v"-�,.^Y'..C.�.�;..•'.`s;-. !,... �. _:fes+G•'til'L'L'il=}^AY��•eM�.SCi"��•.�'r'.!T v+� . �j i'Air- •ir`.;::'7T ^s. •;Sa•+a•:, . .'.-� : s ^r ��•'•j :' T.}%-1•'+4'.•"�'�� ..�. ;3,.�,:.` ..�, .r�,.� s^-."-ry '' '.ii "' . ,:'i!�_---o.ir��.w:wi�• :.•,;•.dy.a .•�►'JGR•iY���J?•iiti-.sl:.<vi7:�.s�%•J