HRA Agenda 08-05-1987AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY J� Wednesday, August 5. 1987 - 7:OOAM City Hall Members: Bud Schrupp, Ren Maus, Ben Smith, and Al Larson. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of July 1, 1987 HRA Minutes. 3. Consideration to Finalize the Purchase of the Old Monticello Ford Property. 4. Consideration to Amend Tax Increment District 02 Financial Plan. S. Consideration of the BRA to Endorse a Section 8 Housing Assistance. 6. Comparison of Local Property Estimated Market Values and Assessed Values. 7. Consideration for a HRA member. 8. Other Business. 9. Adjournment. MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, July 1, 1987 - 7:OOAM City Hall Members Present: Bud Schrupp, Ken Maus, Ben Smith, and Al Larson. 1. Call to Order. Acting Chairperson Sud Schrupp called the HRA meeting to order at 7:07AM. 2. A,pproval of the June 17, 1987 HRA Minutes. With a spelling correction from Wyman to Weiman within the minutes, Ben Smith motioned to approve the June 17, 1987 HRA minutes. Seconded by Al Larson, motion carried. 3. Consideration to Adopt the Tax Increment District 07 Pledge Aareement between the HRA and the City of Monticel1q. Ken Maus made a motion to adopt the Tax Increment District 07 Pledge Agreement which states that the HRA is pledging LOOT of the increment they collect to the City for the retirement of these bonds. Bond issuance for District 07 was $155,000. Ben Smith seconded the motion, motion carried 4-0. 4. Review of the HRA Offer of the Old Monticello Ford Property. The HRA suggested a counter offer of $70,000.00 and to send Mr. Flake a copy of the appraisal. Koropchak asked the HRA for their top purchasing price, this was to be a recommendation by the city staff . S. Consideration of lntormation and Comment on the Directors of Monticello Development. Tho HRA felt the DMD should better define their objectives and goals, change word choices from (report to) to (coordinate), and if the organization is for downtown aron a possible name change to Downtown Development or Core City Redevelopment. The HRA supported the two gentlemen for their willingness to •,oluntoor and felt their talents for ideas and persuasiveness was an asset. The HRA recommends that the DMD secretary serve as coordinator for all committees within. 6. Consideration of Noainees for HRA Memberkhip. The HRA members s uggosted the names of Bob Waiman, Dr. C. McCarty, Everette Ellison, and Peter Beckor as HRA nominees. This member's torm will expire December, 1987. Koropchak is to contact these individuals for acceptance. 7. Other Bus naae. The HRA membors discussed tho possibilities of the Poet Office moving out from the downtown area and if so, what affects would it have on the downtown podostrian traffic. Doos the City plan HRA Minutes — 7/1/87 i on door to door delivery in the near future, would there be a downtown satellite office, and would the cost to the city be less outside the downtown area? The members varied on their personal opinions. The HRA discussed the hiring of a Zoning/Planning Administrator and felt consideration should be given to the current position of City Assessor. Was that a wise decision to have a City Assessor versus a County Assessor? The HRA asked Koropchak to present a comparison of twelve industrial, commerical, and retail estimated market value and assessed value over five years. 8. Adtournment. Ben Smith motioned to adjourn the meeting and Ken Maus seconded that motion. `Y" 14M. 1\0 0Q� Olive M. Koropchak Executive Secretary Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority W 1.1 b HRA Agenda - 8/5/87 3. CONSIDERATION TO FINALIZE THE PURCHASE OF THE OLD MONTICELLO FORD PROPERTY. A_ RFFFReJrR ANn RArKrRnmmn, At the last meeting the HRA recommeded $70,000 for the Old Monticello Ford Property with tap dollar to be negotiated through the City. Tom Eidem's suggested top dollar was $75,000. Mr. Flake has signed a purchase agreement on a $75,000 Contract for Deed. The HRA has not executed the purchase agreement. Upon review by the City Attorney a contingency was added that the HRA (buyer) has the right to prepayment privileges, without penalty, on the Contract for Deed payment schedule. The buyer would need the Contract for used In order for a development to occur. Mr. Flake is wiliing to agree if he receives the total six months interest within the period the total payment of the Contract for Deed was made. The most the HRA would be out is $2,500.00 which is highly unlikely because we would need to find a developer and close the sale by June 30, 1988. Also, by the time we negotiate a deal with a prospective developer and complete the transactions the closing date could be worked out around the six month payment due. The issue remains one of principle and how badly the HRA would like to acquire the building for demolition. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. 1. Accept $75,000 Contract for Deed (purchase agreement) with prepayment privileges and agreement to penalty of current total six months interest due at closing. 2. Accept $75,000 Contract for Dead with prepayment privileges, without penalty. 3. Forgot the Old Monticello Ford property purchase. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Staff acknowledges that the HRA would have the $2,500.00 and backs the decision of the HRA. Staff agrees with the objective to purchase the said property to eliminate blight but sees the unlikehood of a developer in the immediate future. D. SUPPOKIANG DATA. Purchase agreement with contigencies and payment schedule. WH ITE—LL6. _ ,.,f. Cofy YE•,Cofy DB.PURCHASE AGREEMENT �oDENRO,W. R.—m RECEIVED OF Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authoritv a. ovula Five Hundred Dollars and no/100--------------------------------(y 500.00 'DOLLARS n ..lrrnl npgy W b Wrt O.ynwo b aM Dtrarn• a W.Wrry M (Check. Cash. to w aep—iw upon a :ew . a Hae—Sun wh h) 249 West Broadway. Monticello Cantly a Wright e^ •• d wwsole. W bgady 0—ow m anon.. m.x: Lot 1 except the Northerly 30r, Lot 2 except the Northerly 30r, Lot 3 except the Northerly 30- of the West 24-, and the West 7L,- of Lot 4, Block 51, Monticello Original Plat, Wright &Oar4r.Ve.rAAWW 0004 MMm. Wo-•«. •b gam w ,. nam doe.. a u.,.W. _norm.., fa.MM..nnVq...Won M.O.s, bkrW I.wpoaq M^.tw bkrEs) ca,.n MO. haM,.• rod.. *Apary rads. kpd.p 1rt "am d,wa, pa.mrrg runaft b1 naw. W" W h" gad (VM arty bnfM.,r+.. etas.. and odw fapQ_M wed m cornecaon ol.rWnln). ware Wfl—, W seal on " ane camas (d or. MW ty of .0.). -0 para. tsw M t ...aMrala, bu ttw dW1+MMw, gtlb.g. daps W. o . rook lop {tMW arta anbtl n mrra,crmq fa,nprrlarY, d an wed and bar« w seal a.ma.s Wle n0X" 2190 aM loft" p.rsontl prop.rry: an 01 atkh poporiy as u ftn nod nes aw day .ad to an bvjw br eM sen d: Seventv-five Thousand Dollars and no/100-------------------------------,. 75.000.00 ,OOCuAS .d,lcn m• bum agnn 10 p.y M nr wo" mems: Emvn,na,.,W"PWS500.00 alai 24.500.00 .cashew or before September 1. 1987 uw• ofdo.np, The remaining balance of Fifty Thousand Dollars and no/100 (550,000.00) on a Contract for Deed at 10% interest rete for 4.5 years. Payments made semi-annual, commencing June 30, 1988, and ending Juno 30, 1992. (See attached payment schedule.) Seller is responsible for relocation coat of present occupant or occupants of the said property. Seller is responsible for insurance, water, and sewer until said closing and retains the right to collect rent of said property until date of closing. Earnest money is refundable in full if Contract for Dead is not executed at closing date. This purchase agreement to be executed on or before July 8, 1987, by the caller (Monticello Ford, Inc., Lawrence Flake); thereafter, the said agreement shall be null and void and the seller shall have no further obligation to cell or the buyer to purchase. S01ac'1mp•rt.—by IM drys a. nae .W—ma.•M•.14 OW—a C.—.1 WMady Dfm (w«PnW n by epW . d amyl car.ayN mekawa• 194 b nE Wf uolfcr 0* to ft bft"•.c.W—: lel 9aldrq W yawp mss. oM ry aWf W F.eWtl r.pdamm IDI R•Mc rdeknp b us. a nlpro, I nW a pfMnn.naan M.NM taiwe Dra.ruolt (c) WAIT & .on a airy mrwab a m.rrn o w. b dt. 6uw a,1 rte (0) IR,.ry W aaatapf Wdo", hassle. al ml MW w. w 10 W Mlpro.•r.sr.. 1.1 ROM a i.r,.r,rn n boos• lana .00dMa. rp .ub(o�L1 b r.nera.sl R7HlXRXIlXXXl XDW)GOgftOIOlIO14RIGXX*X0W=XJpO%RR717i a"- mmcocond half apw '-V.sul. Wn d.. aro paymY n the «M to 87 SOW -,ft aw r«I.nw w.« d- W W yad. M •r V-191 to w b. k/. Wntl —x— llpn.harrl.M«O rL W IlcMpr, (drek awl HWow a. "W nor a.4 s ap.r. mtl• MY raaf.oMJaOn .1—" ah•ww- corcer.rp ov *m d r.n fawn ra.n wocn ah.s be anek W ao..tn er ww" edtsao am a* dew a wchw Buvor p,afa wmy Docond hP4A*,,.a wma as—v nn.nd .p.ual nOnM eebmd b dr wn dM eW payable n ar ye ol pta..'9 4ORNMU) Op XXXO XXXXKXMU RDWALVG XIX ICY 9f X1I1C'IC A X RRRRR IOX�P1pAM7C7CX1XR0C9I RXR XR9FX R9FYpC D«W ann.M pal d.IWtos, a Aft tl..dtl•ry nrlh.r oto bdantly arta a ale aOOMry GM aW« b r.rrpM ./ Wrmn.l pr.p.rty rw MkIded Mr.M Was d.&. hen Or p•m«s abr b M-- aero MMNXXIYXY RXXiXKXKMRXARWXYKDIR]NORM*XlnUMKNMM*UXMMEXKKXiM The aWw twthp agues m dn,e pan.0aon no* l.lW mar date of clonina Vaud« par as ca&t—ofu., Dot— d na.f DeM rnrrpnm .wm 1pVfaa arwnMe .peodl.0 ea saM aytaa «cba.0 on a OMon e0 day. iron oM e.w 11.rW m M ...M rM WOMIV M OM"W a tlAalaWaM demagog M 1.o a a .wfa My�a��+_ a. cbsap CAM. eapoM M ~ bsoanM NA W Mie. W at wWae. rlm Op, -10 rnOnl.. Dela t- . * .rtes b. r.aatlm m h '�`�'!(Ia� The Move *W saw dm munuay appro ow e reg adi,r.mMnn wnr.. Mev ane ay naw,. Ana. M ow a« a eco W. VoWt, cumnl dpraap..pabn. WW b. 11ad+0501 d0jQ_qLSjoalna Tlr.nor Otaa,..Inrt. to mnaaf MW anM npogl of On.pe.rrtw, h.HM M SbIVW at IAw, a 1 R•gyW « Mama cfrW*d w den b Mauae MW s••rchn m w g bMkruplcros. and mala ane Fadva Wegr wda ane «M. Th. bays shag «above 10 Can ane rasp owaa W asamfwaon of Sm w• aro aw ma.uq a any obl.cuaro P—te..ard 04ftl ro b bf wad. W W" a «Mad w be rause 0 SM ay.caara ars m —0 av .1. sues be abed 120 day b ma.• wcn ref nlanonbw Rrtarp can.cbM Of WA m. paynw.. hW.ralOe ro%oed aha. be po.ol0 Wd. w Wal a Kbon of we W al•r.r 10 Wy Me wow nme to as buy., ow pew. shn poem as aafwrwa• C"b",Wore a "4 ha. M "M nwkelabw W M rp mod• m.Mh.r 120 as" hen ala dw a Mtw aDI.00a1M VWMo as abaM oraN.O•d. Vq apa.M•d ansa b• ftA aM Msd. M 0~ a the OuyW. aro.wow WMCOM era b. AMM to aanap.a hee.tde m MO WO MMCOe b mars aw.WM pWe W ew erne Mea b• maned 0 OW W. to am prowty W ma10 mrk•wbw a a m nay .aMt sae 1WM, ate aW bine snag enaua n erry a at• apnem.aa, •,sn, aro w aw cu. •M a.se may W Www arM ana.a W w garb wrm.wmn Y nt. parnr.rrn moa Won a.a agorae alwa a .00llW W a of o•ew eta sae gaga, tl ow resp•ra a .*wow mp appeM. n bpealM aaaep.., arM b..V a aM ea24 O bona TnM Cro 10 n MM na oprwa •dlw wary a a• O b =. An 10 ew gasses O.Aarrwbs a an b 01 M passe •Nt cornea aiw m1 D. Wrrrtatad .a ebr•aae. W pro.MSC anon n M+ac. Mral cp•carc parbrntwta.ntl a nnMtertcaa +oust m .rouge ane ar.T rr�a a eaten ova aro• e M w4waW d W folded aw aM a" M rtt«• slttl•n to a. wpWal by ate o— of acrd p•n.ao a W" wo aw M urtaebpwa soca M M ro wa" kwe a t«ppnaew m scrap of aw ap•wtwa, "cep b labor a .awe b aw asmen marry pen area en cwww The COMM rVVs eM .ria• apaetwo ape~ aw pnM, WO nWW awry hM NW Won sM mWa wIrtan rep..~ ro eglaoawra a a Su natp. ro1.M alew P , Ovate M.0 oral by any apes a W TV rWw. WW wkwwwgn re ewwm.r.a.WM beet .rtes by wow W roe •wM .*www "ad" "eo.o• of wow weigh h tw t#a ba".wd a rod a M at— PURCHASE AGREEMENT (Buyer) Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (Seller) Monticello Ford, Inc., Lawrence Flake The Buyer has the right of prepayment privileges, without penalty, on the Contract for Deed payment schedule. The Buyer has the right of demolition of said property during the term of the Contract for Deed. The Seller agrees that said property shall be vacant of occupant or occupants at time of closing. Seller shall provide an updated and searched Abstract of Title of said property within a reasonable time prior to date of closing. b MINNESOTA STATUTE 462 HOUSING, REDEVELOPMENT, PLANNING, ZONING r. Statute 462.551 Bond Issue for Corporate Purposes. Neither the commissioners of an authority nor any person executing the bonds shall be liable personally on the bonds by reason of the issuance thereof. The bonds and other obligations of an authority (and such 'bonds and obligations shall so state on their face) shall not be a debt of the municipality, the state or any political subdivision thereof, and neither the municipality nor the state or any political subdivision thereof shall be liable thereon, nor in any event shall such bonds or obligations be payable out of any funds or properties other than those of said authority. L PAYMENT SCHEDULE Monticello Ford, Inc. (Larry Flake) Contract for Deed Amount: $50,000.00 Interest Rate: 1OZ Term: 4.5 years Payments: Semi-annual AMOUNT PRINCIPAL INTEREST PAYMENT DATE 150,000.00 15,556.00 $2,500.00 ;8,056.00 June 30, 1988 44,444.00 5,556.00 2,222.00 7,778.00 December 31, 1988 38,888.00 5,556.00 1,994.00 7,550.00 June 30, 1989 33,332.00 5.556.00 1,667.00 7,223.00 December 31, 1989 27,776.00 5,556.00 1,389.00 6,945.00 June 30, 1990 22,220.00 5,556.00 1,111.00 6,667.00 December 31, 1990 16,664.00 5,556.00 833.00 6,389.00 June 30, 1991 11,108.00 5,556.00 555.00 6,111.00 December 31, 1991 5,552.00 5,552.00 278.00 5,830.00 June 30, 1992 L HRA RESOLUTION 87- A RESOLUTION BY THE MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY APPROVING THE ENTRY OF A PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH 14ONTICELLO FORD, INC. WHEREAS, the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "Buyer") shall enter into a purchase agreement with Monticello Ford, Inc. (the "Seller"), Lawrence Flake, President; and WHEREAS, both the buyer and the seller shall agree to the terms of the purchase agreement and all contingencies therein; and WHEREAS, there was presented to this meeting of the governing body of the Authority for its consideration and approval, a copy of the purchase agreement with contingencies and a copy of the contract for deed payment schedule; and WHEREAS, the buyer agrees to pay $75,000 for property located at 249 Went Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the buyer agrees to earnest money of $500 and $24,500 cash, paid at closing date, said monies obtainable through the Housing and Redevelopment General Fund; and WHEREAS, both the buyer and the seller agree that the remaining balance of $50,000 shall be on a Contract for Dead at an interest rate of 10 percent for 4.5 years, said monies obtainable from tax increment generated by River Park View Elderly Project; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the governing body of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello: 1. That the proposed acquisition of said property lies within Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment District 12. 2. That the proposed acquisition will contribute to the elimination of blight or dotorioration within the area. 1. That the proposed acquisition and intended demolition of building located an said property ahall onhanco a devolopor; thereby, increase the tax base of the City and stimulate pedestrian traffic in tho downtown area. The Hnuoinq and Redovelopmont Authority of Monticello, Minnesota does hereby approve the entry of a purchase agreement with Monticallo Ford, Inc. Adopted by the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority this day of August, 1987. 4 y ATTEST: HAA Director HRA Chairperson HRA agenda - 8/5/87 4. CONSIDEFIATION TO AMEND TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT 02 FINANCIAL PIAN. -- - A. BACKGROUND AND REFERENCE. In late 1985, the Tax Increment Finance Plan for District 02 was modified to include the four parcels known as Hollenbeck, Stelton, Gustafson, and the now River Park View. The original redevelopment district included the parcels of Hass, Teslow, Metcalf 6 Larson, Capps, Monticello Ford, Jones, O'Connor, and City of Monticello. The district was modified to enhance future HRA projects and to capitalize on the increment of the Elderly Project to assist in other projects. Upon the execution of the HRA resolution in the prior agenda item the HRA becomes a willing buyer of the Monticello Ford property. In pursuant of the Minnesota Statute, Section 273.74, Subdivision 4, the Tax Increment Finance Plan must be modified by the authority if 1) increase in amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred; 2) increase in the portion of the captured assessed value to be retained by the authority; 3) increase in total estimated tax increment expenditures or designation of additional property to be acqured by the authority shall be approved upon the notice and after the dicussfon, public hearing and findings required by for approval of the original plan. ESTIMATED BUDGET FOR MODIFICATION 02, DISTRICT 02 Property acquisition $75.000.00 Demolition Cost 11,000.00 Administration Coat 2.000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST $88,000.00 Lase dnwnpayment 25,000.00 Less demolition 11,000.00 Less administration 2.000.00 HRA General Fund 38,000.00 Contract for Deed 50,000.00 The HRA plane to retire the bonded indebtedness (contract for deed) by the increment generated on the Elderly Project (estimated annual tax increment is $17,300.00). Contract for Deed terms are 101 interest rate for 4.5 years. Average annual debt service is $14,000.00. After full payment of the Contract for Deed, the increment will retire the B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. remaining total project cost. 1. Adopt the HRA Resolution for Modification 02 of the Tax Increment Finance Plan Dlstrict02 and request the City Council to set a public hearing, for the purpose of modification of the finance plan. 2. Deny adoption of the HRA resolution for Modification 02 of the Tai Increment Finance Plan District 02. C. STAFF RPCOMMEND Tom, Based upon the assumption that the HRA approved the prior agenda item, recommendation by the staff to to adopt the HRA Resolution for Modification 02 for TIP Plan District 02 and request the City Council to sat a public hoaring, for the purpose to modify the finance plan; thereby, insuring the purpose of Modification /1 of the District 02 finance HRA agenda - 8/5/87 plan, to eliminate blight, and enhance a developer. Copy of the Resolution of Modification of the Tax Increment Finance Plan for District 02 to be presented at the meeting. HRA Agenda - 8/5/87 5. CONSIDERATION OF THE HRA TO ENDORSTION 8 HOUSING ASSISTANCE. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. Previously, Mr. Ken Spaeth, an investor, had talked to Tom Eidem and made several telephone calls to inquiry of Monticello's interest to initiate a Section 8 Housing Assistance Program for Wright County. Under this program, the tenant's share of monthly rent will be up to 302 of monthly household income. HUD pays the balance of the rent, the difference between the tenant's share and the fair market rent of the unit as determined by HUD. The tenant's income is recertified annually. Shouldlncome change, the tenant's contribution will change proportionately. Maximum annul incomes for Section 8 eligibility within Wright County are as follows: $13,500 for one person, $15,450 for family of two, $17,350 for family of three, and $19,300 for family of four. To be eligible for Section 8 assistance, an applicant must be: within maximum income amounts; and elderly, handicapped, or disabled; or a family of two or more; or displaced by government action or a declared disaster. The program would be initated through a resolution adopted by the County Commissioners, followed by an application process, and approval by HUD. Mr. Tom Koen of HUD suggested that the HRA contract with an existing agency to administrate the program: Metropolitan HRA, St. Paul or Region 6 Community Action Agency, Willmar. Current Monticello: data shows of the 518 multi -unite, 189 unite are considered low-income or 36.42. Low income housing compared to total housing (1,444) is 132. 1 don't have data on the vacany rates of rental property in Monticello. Some questions to consider are: Does Monticello want to encourage low-income housing, although, this is intended for the county? What impact does this have on our community? My assumption is Ken Spaeth maybe interested In purchasing the Ridgemont Apartments (48 units). I believe those units will no longer maintain their low-income status by transfer of ownership since the Section 8 Housing Assistance Program for use in newly constructed rental housing no longer exists. We would be less 48 low-income unite; however, the new program encourages low-income housing wherever guidelines are agreed upon between qualified tenant and landlord. The voucher system is an incentive for Mr. Spaeth in acquiring the said property. No action is required of this item, only for discussional purposes. B. SUPPORTING DATA. Average family incomes and percent of families by income. TABLE 7 AVERAGE FAMILY INCOME - 1980 Sources Minnesota Analysis and Planning System, 1980 Census, Fourth Count, St. Paul -27- Median Mean Monticello Tmmehip $17,941 $22,457 City of Monticello 119,917 $25,121 Wright County 319,265 $24,184 State of Minnesota $23,230 $28,732 Region 318,161 $23,746 Sources Minnesota Analysis and Planning System, 1980 Census, Fourth Count, St. Paul -27- TABLE 8 PERCENT OF FAMILIES BY INCOME AMOUNT OF INCOME REGION TOWNSHIP CITY COUNTY STATE Under 2,499 .5 .l 1.6 2.4 .4 S 2,500 - 4,999 1.8 2.0 .8 1.2 .7 $ 5,000 - 7,499 5.3 1.2 7.2 4.3 1.4 $ 7,500 - 9,999 10.2 14.1 6.4 4.9 4.1 510,000 - 12,499 12.1 10.9 10.7 7.4 12.9 $12,500 - 14,999 6.9 4.8 7.5 9.6 6.5 $15,000 - 17,499 8.4 10.1 11.8 15.4 12.3 $17,500 - 19,999 4.8 6.8 4.1 5.6 5.2 820,000 - 22,499 8.1 6.9 7.4 6.9 6.2 522,500 - 24.,999 3.9 5.8 4.8 3.1 4.9 525,000 - 27,499 9.4 12.1 6.8 6.9 6.9 $27,500 - 29,999 5.1 1.9 4.1 4.5 5.5 $30,000 - 34,999 7.2 4.8 7.1 7.0 6.3 $35,000 - 39,999 8.3 11.1 9.7 8.4 10.5 $40,000 - 49,999 4.1 4.8 6.0 7.2 9.3 $50,000 - 74,999 2.8 1.7 2.2 1.9 2.8 875,000 and over .6 .9 1.8 1.3 2.1 MEDIAN RANGE $18,000 $18,000 $20,000 $19,000 $23,000 Sourco: Minnesota Analysis and Planning System, 1980 Census, Fourth Count, Saint Paul, Minnesota -28- HRA Agenda - 8/5/87 6. COMPARISON OF LOCAL PROPERTY ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES AND ASSESSED VALUE$. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. Enclosed is the comparison of twelve industrial and retail property market values and assessed values over five years. Also. enclosed is a five year comparison of the mill rate and the formulas used to determine the assessed values. 7. CONSIDERATION FOR A HRA MEMBER. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. A letter was addressed to Dr. C. McCarty, Bob Weiman, Peter Becker. Everette Ellison, Jim Ridgeway, and Con Johnson in consideration of the vacated HRA seat created by the resignation of Marlys Erickson. Nr. Ridgeway and Mr. Johnson's names were suggested by City Attorney Pringle as one alternative to the unsuccessful organization of the Directors of Monticello Development. A report of the letter replies will be presented at the HRA meeting. b. - I Year Estimated Market-Value Assessed Value Taxes Fulfillment Systems, Inc. - Lauring Hillside 155-029-002060 002070 002080 1987 $1,152,400.00 $486,532.00 $43,609.34 86 1,078,400.00 454,712.00 36,004.56 85 33,100.00 13,240.00 1,016.48 84 24,000.00 9,600.00 786.78 83 24,000.00 9,600.00 811.86 Bondus Corporation - Auditor's Subdivision 155-011-000031 - Original Plat 1987 $ 522,300.00 $215,589.00 $19,323.88 86 264,700.00 104,821.00 8,299.84 85 261,900.00 103,617.00 8,424.58 84 261,900.00 108,117.00 8,860.84 83 261,905.00 111,119.00 9,396.90 Yrightco - Original Plat 155-010--018060 Federal - Original Plat 155-010-031010 018080 $ 370,500.00 1987 $ 766,500.00 $320,595.00 $28,735.92 86 564,500.00 233,735.00 18,507.40 85 564,500.00 233,735.00 19,003.84 84 560,100.00 232,815.00 19,080.60 83 540,650.00 229,803.00 19,433.54 Larson Mfg. - Oakwood Industrial Park 155-018-001041 1987 f 184,100.00 $ 70,163.00 $ 6,288.92 86 139,700.00 51,071.00 4,043.86 85 139,100.00 51,071.00 4,152.34 84 139,700.00 55,571.00 4,554.38 83 139,670 58,558.00 4,952.02 Perkins (Dalrey Monticello Assoc.) - Original Plat 155-010-003010 1987 $ 331,300.00 $133,459.00 $11,962.34 86 289,700.00 115,571.00 9,151.04 85 289,700.00 115,571.00 9,396.50 84 289,700.00 120,071.00 9,840.54 83 289,687.00 123,065.00 10,407.12 Security Federal - Original Plat 155-010-031010 1987 $ 370,500.00 $159,315.00 $14,279.90 86 70,400.00 30,272.00 2,396.98 85 130,700.00 52,280.00 4,250.64 84 1,434,049.00 - - 83 1,434,049.00 - - e Year Estimated Market Value Assessed Value T -ea Coast to Coast - Original Plat 155-010-031031 1987 f 185,900.00 f 70,937.00 f 6,358.30 86 117,000.00 41,310.00 3,270.98 85 108.800.00 37,784.00 3,072.04 84 97,100.00 37,253.00 3,053.12 83 97,118.00 40,261.00 3,474.72 Johnson's - Original Plat 155-010-052031 1987 f 149,700.00 f 55,371.00 f 4,963.08 86 143,500.00 48,133.00 3,811.22 85 143,500.00 48,133.00 3,913.46 84 131,900.00 48,689.00 3,990.36 83 131,408.00 51,520.00 4,356.84 Stella's - Original Plat 155-010-035121 1987 f 65,900.00 i 19,337.00 f 1,733.24 86 37,800.00 10,584.00 838.06 85 37,800.00 10,584.00 860.54 84 32,200.00 10,948.00 897.26 83 32,170.00 12,868.00 1,088.20 Monticello Theater - Original Plat 155-010-053050 1987 f 202,800.00 f 75,429.00 f 6,760.94 86 180,100.00 63,673.00 5,041.70 85 180,100.00 63.673.00 5,176.94 84 180,100.00 68,1%3.00 5,587.20 83 179,610.00 71,033.00 6,006.98 Flicker's - Original Plat 155-010-035040 035041 1987 f 235,200.00 f 92,136.00 f 8,258.44 86 194,400.00 74,592.00 5,906.28 85 194,400.00 74,592.00 6,064.70 84 197,200.00 80,296.00 6,580.76 83 191,203.00 83,297.00 7,044.12 Foster's - Original Plat 155-010-036060 1987 f 144,500.00 f 51,533.00 f 4,619.06 86 95,000.00 28,892.00 2,287.70 85 95,000.00 28,892.00 2,349.06 84 81,200.00 28,220.00 2,312.80 83 81,120.00 31,192.00 2,637.78 MILL RATES 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 County 21.332 20.308 19.719 23.580 23.953 City 15.715 15.689 18.874 17.734 20.978 School District 48.148 38.824 39.714 37.335 36.211 Hospital District 4.438 4.360 2.998 3.307 3.424 TOTAL 89.633 79.181 81.305 81.956 84.566 I— t t USE THESE NEW CODES WHEN WORKING ON FIELD BOOKS IN 1987`,_ FARM RACF OACF (Up to 320 Acres) OBCF (321 Up to 640 Acres) RESIDENTIAL 0-65,000 R9W H -CR 32,600 - 65,000 H2CR Over 68,100 R3 -R Up to 32,500 H1CR 65,100 - 68,000 H3CR COMMONLY USED CLASSES BACF-------- 5Z of 32,500 R—N --- 34Z 14Z of next 32,500 F—N--------- 102 18Z of excess over 65,000 S—N-------------- 20% -A-g21Z RACY - ---- 145 of 65,000 182 of Balance -r ---C 282 of let 60,000 432 Balance OACF---------- 182 over 65,000 OBCF----------- 18% over 65,000 OCCF--------» 182 over 65,000 -A-F---------- 182 H -CR --»------ 18Z of 65,000 282 of Excess -2-C -------- -- -432 Y -»I --------- 28Z of let 60,000 432 of Balance -2-I »_» --»------- 432 ---U --------------- -432 (Machinery 33 1/3) H1CR ------ 182 H2CR------»-- 182 V-0 -»--------»--- 40% H3 -R ----------- 282 B -CR -»----»- 52 of 32,500 182 of next 32,500 6 29Z of excess D -CR ------»--- 52 of 32,500 Rental Farm Houses - Use the following: 18% of next 32,500 28Z of excess R -CF ---- (With Credit) RA -F ---- (Excluding House/l Acre) R --R -----»--» 282 R --F ---- (No Credit) R4 -R ----------- 342 , V --R 402' 9-23-86 NAWCO Minnesota, loc. Proposed Tax Increment District 07 Building: 25,000 sq. ft. manufacturing @ $25.00 per sq. ft. $625,000.00 3,400 sq. ft. office 40.00 per sq, ft. 136.000.00 Total for Concrete Building ;761,000.00 Land: 10.48 acres @ $9,923.66 per acre or 456,508.8 sq. ft. per .2278 per sq. ft. 104,000.00 Lot 11 and 12, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park Total building and Land $865,000.00 $60,000.00 $805,000.00 x.28 x.43 $16,800.00 $346,150.00 New Assessed Value (NAV) $362,950.00 Original Assessed Value (OAV) 18,240.00 Captured Assessed Value (CAV) $344,710.00 1987 Mill Rate .089633 Estimated Tax Increment $ 30,897.39 Estimated Protect Cost: Land $104,000.00 Current Assessments 6,600.00 Future Assessments 11,600.00 Plan/Agreement 5,000.00 City Conting. 8,200.00 Discount 2,000.00 Fin/Bond Counsel 12,100.00 Cap. Interest 20,500.00 Total $170,000.00 Bond Issuance 155,000.00 $ 15,000.00 Bond Issuance $155,000.00 at 8j% interest rate for 8 years D/S $26.474.00. Interest $13,175.00 c=17.28