HRA Agenda 11-06-1996AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, November 6. 1996 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Al Larson, Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, Tom St. Hilaire, Roger Carlson, and Steve Andrews. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller. JefO'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 2. 1996. HRA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION MODIFYING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. I AND ESTABLISHING TIF DISTRICT NO 1-21 AND APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE MODIFIED CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND TIF PLAN RELATING THERETO, LOCATED WITHIN CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1. 4. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE HRA AND T.J. MARTIN, INC. 5. CONSIDERATION TO DETERMINE REDEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR 525 EAST BROADWAY. 6. CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT UPDATES: a) MCP/HRA Meeting with Developers. Thursday. November 14, 1996, 9:30 a.m., NSP Training Center, West River Street. b) MPC Workshop III, Tuesday, November 19, 1996.701 p.m. High School Board Room. c) Update on the TI shortfall for TIF District Nos. 1-1 and 1-4. d) Update on the Potential Redevelopment of the Mall. e) Approval of monthly bills. I) Other business. 7. ADJOURNMENT. MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, October 2,19%- 7:00 p.aL City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, Tom St. Hilaire, Roger Carlson, and Steve Andrews. STAFF PRESENT: 011ie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill GUESTS: Eric and Carl Bordhus, Lake Tool, Inc. Michael Schroeder, Hoisington Koegler, Inc. Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty Services and Barry Fluth, Mall owner Steve Bubul. HRA Attorney Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. • . a s . a ; • II` I1:i�lRe�i)IT7r1 i 17:liLt{ib�� L•:Zia;�� u ►l !I1 Steve Andrews made a motion to approve the August 7 and August 21. 1996 HRA minutes. Brad Barger seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE LETTER FROM MO RELL'S ATTORNEY GIVING DIRECTION TO HRA ATTORNEY BLIBIlL. Koropchak updated HRA members on the progress to collect the $12,516.93 71 shortfall for TIF District Nos. 1.1 and 14, noting the enclosed letter to Mr. Morrell from HRA Attorney Bubul as directed by the commission at the lest rneeting. Also enclosed was the letter of response received from Morrell's attorney affirming Mr. Morrell's offer of $2.948.79 which now includes Morrell paying the 5450.64. Previously, the H RA was to collect the 5450.64 from Plaisted. Upon the direction of the HRA Chairperson and Executive Director. Bubul addressed a second letter of the HRA's intent to review the response letter at the October HRA meeting. Attorney Bubul informed HRA members that he talked to Attorney Mulligan and it HRA MINUTES OCTOBER 2, 1996 appears there is a lack of understanding as to the difference between taxes and tax increment which is apparent in Mulligan's letter. Bubul offered the following arguments and options: A. If the $28.000 TI Guarantee was not considered as a single TIF District (both parcels), the HRA would not have released the original agreement. B. If the $179,400 EMV reduction was not considered as a single TIF District (both parcels), the HRA would not have reduced the 5879,400 EMV ($209,400 and $670,000 both parcels) to $700,000 (both parcels). C. Mutual understanding between all parties at the time of the agreement. D. HRA has a good argument: With the reduced $700,000 EMV for both parcels. Morrell's total benefit was a savings of $37.000. Include the $12,516.93 Tl deficiency, the HRA's total loss is approximately $50,000. A. Accept Morrell's counter-offer of $2,948.79. B. Attempt one last HRA compromise offer of $6,258.47 (one-half the deficiency) to Morrell. C. File claim for total deficiency of $12,526.93 (Must be a good business decision, economical). D. Consider Binding Arbitration: Can request judge, handled by City staff, does not incur legal costs. E. Consider Conciliation Court: Not cost effective, maximum collection of $7,500. HRA members had various thoughts: Morrell's rationale to include the TI deficiency as pan of his triple net lease carried no weight as the majority of the facility has been owner - occupied. Another member thought arbitration was an acceptable option. Another stood - ground reaffirming the HRA's previous agreement that the tax deficiency issue was one of business ethics or principles and felt the HRA should proceed to collect the total deficiency to a point not -to -exceed legal costs. Another felt the HRA shcukl accept the counter-offer of $2.948.79 with a note that the HRA has some bridges to burn and has a long memory. Another felt the HRA Chairperson and Executive Director should make one last offer of $6.258.47 to Morrell. All HRA members agreed this was an issue of principle and agreed morally and ethically Morrell owed the taxpayers/HRA. Brad Barger made a motion authorizing Chairperson Larson. Koropchak, and Wolfsteller to meet one last time with Morrell to reach an acceptable compromise thereby avoiding additional legal costs. Roger Carlson seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed 4-I. Steve Andrews opposed because the HRA previously agreed the tax increment deficiency issue was one of business ethics and principles and felt the HRA should proceed to collect the total deficiency to a point not -to -exceed legal costs. Meeting date to be set after October 18 as the HRA Chairperson is out-of-town. Koropchak to notify Morrell of the HRA's motion. HRA MINUTES OCTOBER 2. 1996 CONSIDERATION TO AtYTHO 17 - PITBIYORPTO BEGIN PREPARATION FOR THE FSTARLISHMENT OF TIF DISTRICT NO 1.21 FOR LAKE TOOL. Eric and Carl Bondhus of Lake Tool, Inc. requested tip -front TIF assistance for the purchase of Lot 1, Block 1, OIP Second Addition and for site improvements relating to the development. T.J. Martin, Inc. is a newly formed Minnesota Corporation with equal ownership between Dennis, Eric, and Carl Boffihus- IT will lease to Lake Tool. Inc., a tool shop which builds plastic injection molds. Currady, the company employs 5 people and within two years the company anticipates employment of 10 (5 neve jobs). Wages range between 540.000 to $60,000 per job annually - Eric and Carl Bondhus had preliminary drawings of the exterior building and informed HRA members the 9,000 sq ft manufacturing/office facility is planned to be of a metal exterior with wood -substance frame. The three owners reside within the City limits or have a Monticello address. It is their intent to sell the existing building located on East Oakwood Drive. The EMV of the new building is 8225,000. Commencement of construction is planned for November 1996; however, the first year to collect tax increment is anticipated for 1999. Tax increment collected by the HRA over 8 years is sufficient to payback the HRA at a 8.25% interest rate. District No. 1-21, an Economic District, has a life duration of eleven years. HRA members felt the proposed project met the local TIF policies and the project met the "but for" test as per the letter from Marquette Bank, the proposed lender. AI Larson made a motion authorizing Publicorp. Inc. to begin preparation of TIF District No. 1-21 for T.J. Martin. Inc., subject to receipt of a $5,000 cashier check and execution of the Preliminary Agreement. Up -from TIF assistance in tet amount of 537,9(X), the up -from assistance from the TIF Surplus Fund, and the HRA to make the 10% local contribution match avoiding the state aid penalty. The 10%contttbuion from the HRA levy, a non- restricted fund. Steve Andrews seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. CONSIDFRATION TO HEAR AN UPDATE ON THE REVITALIZATION PLAN INCLL (DING THREE CONCEPTUAL OPTIONS _ Michael Schroeder of Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. informed the HRA members of the three concepts presented at Workshop Il: Concept A. Known as River Town included both sides of the Mississippi River. This being contiguous lends a sense of control which is critical for quality development on both sides of the river. Rive and civic qualities. Extraterritorial powers provide cities with an avenue to control areas within one to two miles. Annexation is another potential avenue. HRA MINUTES OCTOBER 2.1996 Concept B. Known as Intersection included the area of Pine Street and Broadway. Broadway being the downtown gateway with larger area of redevelopment. Civic qualities at the intersection. Concept C. Known as New Bridge included the redevelopment of Walnut Street as pedestrian friendly with the Mall and river as anchors and a civic/institutional quality in the center (fire hall/library). Schroeder saw the railroad tracks as a local transportation system in the future. Concept C. was viewed as the most favorable response from individuals attending Workshop II. Schroeder felt Concept A. should not be neglected in order to protea the community's investment on the south sine of the river. St. Hoare felt the study area was too small and suggested the study be extended another six blocks to the west encompassing a square block including the south side of 1-94 with collector roads over 1-94. Schroeder emphasized the need to first create a feeling of compactness. high-density, and high-level of activity in the downtown area. Create some place people want to come. To focus on redevelopment: a combination of retail. professional, and civic businesses and housing. Schroeder informed HRA members that some downtown redevelopment projects may have died because of the lack of intensity. He continued stating the market research must include what the market demands are now and in the future. He also noted the importance of the role of an HRA or another agency to implement the plans to redevelop a stagnant downtown. Members discussed the potential for development of box users in the downtown area. Schroeder again emphasized the need to create compactness in the downtown area though development of small retail and housing. He gave a comparison of Apple Valley with box users and no identified downtown to the identified downtowns of Excelsior. Wayzata, and Edina. Schroeder reminded members this is a 20 -year process: 1. Incorporate ideas from Workshop 11. 2. Work with financial consultants and developer(s) to develop an economical feasible plan. 3. Develop a character for downtown (how it feels). 4. Develop shared parking. In October, the marketing people will establish what city blocks are worth and assess the housing space over downtown stores. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR A PROGRESS REPORT FOR THE POTENTIAL TO FST RLISH A RED OP NT DICT ICT Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty Services, representing Barry Fluth, Monticello Mall owner, told HRA members he had worked with Hoisington Koegler on the 25 -million redevelopment project in Chaska. He is also doing redevelopment in Chanhassen. He reported the Monticello Mall as it exists today is not servicing Monticello not is it economically viable. He continues to seek a lease arrangement with a potential anchor for HRA MngMS OCTOBER 2, 1996 the mall which would keep a grocer within the redevelopment study area. The grocer is the hub of this community. TtF assistance would be necessary to assist with demolition of the existing mall and relocation of two/tbree tenants. Additional tax increment could be used for qualifying TIF expenditures within the designated boundary of the Redevelopment District. Part of the tax increment must be used for other uses than the redevelopment of the mall. the other tax increment must be used "for the community". Johnson agreed the downtown needed some help; however, noted Monticello's downtown is not as far gone as that of many other communities. He also agreed "density' is key and you must create a "place to go". Density increases value over time. Johnson mentioned that some HRAs purchase land outside a designated redevelopment area to encourage or force certain development to occur within the designated area. Members noted that previously the City was unwilling to vacate Cedar Street to allow expansion of the grocery store at its present location and they agreed with the general concept to keep the grocer to the north side of 1-94. Brad Johnson suggested the next step was to create the geographic boundaries for a Redevelopment District which supports what the community wants. C tavperson Larson felt the HRA should endorse the local grocer to expand into an area which supports a total package for the community. He felt the time is right for redevelopment of the downtowntriverfrom and noted the HRA's accomplished goals: Job creation (economic districts), senior housing (housing district), and blighted area/above maAct value housing (redevelopment district). St. Hilaire left the meeting for another engagement. CQNSIDERATION OF SITE IMPROVEMENT OPTIONS FOR THE HRA LOT ON WEST BROADWAY Michael Schroeder reported he suggested the Design Committee of the Monticello Community Partners perhaps in partnership with the HRA create an attractive pedestrian area on the West Broadway parcel owned by the HRA. Utilizing the first 30-40 fi for green space, trees, and bench at a cost of S 1,1N10. This a temporary use and a good utiiliution of MCP lahor. HRA members viewed a more extensive design drafted by a Design Committee member. Brad Barger made a motion granting the Design Committee of the MCP the use of the HRA lot for green space development on a temporary basis at no cost to the HRA and subject to the verification of HRA liability insurance coverage. Roger Carlson seconded the motion and with no further discussion. the motion passed 3- 1. Yens: Barger, Carlson, and Andrews. Abstention: Larson. Absent: St. Hilaire. HRA MINUTES OCTOBER 2, 1996 OTHER BUSINESS: a) Hoisington bill: Schroeder reported he addressed the market opportunities in a memo to Bowen with a release to Lehr. The housing market became an optional item in the second draft of the contract. With the community direction supporting Concept C, the market study will now expand with a concentration of retail demands based on old downtown. Roger Carlson made a motion authorizing payment of SI0,702.15 to Hoisington Koegler for completion of Task 1 of the Downtowo/Riverfium Revitalization Plan. Steve Andrews seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed 3-1. Yeas: Carlson, Andrews, and Barger. Abstention: Larson. Absent: St. Hilaire. Kennedy & Graven and Ehlers bills: Members requested Koropchak check the contract to see if Bubul's billable time includes mileage and hours to and from the office or mileage to and from plus hours at meeting only. Bills were OK'd for payment. b) Other. Bill Tapper requested his TI payment of $25,000. The contract states upon certification that the 18,000 sq ft expansion is 90°/a complete and upon evidence of payment for excavation, curbing, and landscaping, the HRA will reimburse the redeveloper up to $25,000. Tapper's contractor has submitted a letter of evidence certifying 90% completion of the 18,000 sq ft addition. Tapper has indicated the site improvements are completed and will submit evidence of payment within the next few days. Rather than wait another month, HRA members were asked to consider authorization to reimburse Mr. Tapper. Bred Barger made a motion authorizing payment in an account up to 525.000 for TIF reimbursement of completed site improvements, subject to receipt of evidence of payment. Al Larson seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed 4-0. HRA members were informed of an interested private party to purchase the Olson house at 525 East Broadway. The party is interested in restoring the home as its residency. The party's real estate agent is contacting Mr. Olson in hopes of finding a willing seller. ADJOURNMENT The HRA meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. 011ie Koropchak, Executive Director HRA AGENDA NOVEMBER 6, 1996 At the October 2, 1996, HRA meeting, members authorized Publicorp to begin preparation of the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-21 (T.J. Martin, Inc.) subject to receipt of the $5,000 cashier check and execution of the Preliminary TIF Agreement. Enclosed is a copy of the TIF Plan as prepared by Publicorp and a copy of the modified Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan is available for review at the Office of the HRA. The taxing jurisdictions received a copy of the plan on October 10. 1996, satisfying the requirement for a 30 -day notice for written comments. The public hearing notice having appeared in the Monticello Times, October 31 and will again November 7, satisfies the requirement for public hearing notice. The public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, November 12, 70) p.m at the regular City Council meeting. On November 6, the Planning Commission will consider adoption of a resolution which finds the TIF Plan consistent with the Monticello Comprehensive Plan or consistent with the development of the City. TIF District No. 1-21, is an eleven -year Economic District. The district will create jobs, increase the tax base, and discourage a business from moving elsewhere. A letter from Marquette Bank -Monticello notes the project would not occur without public assistance. The 9,(HH) sq It facility and parcel has an Estimated Minimum Vale of $270,0(H) and the Estimated Captured Capacity Value is $10.190. The first year for collection of tax increment is 1999. The budget or NRA indebtedness is $110,1HH). Remember the budget amount is not the same as the level of assistance to the developer. Publicorp maximizes the tax increment for the benefit of the HRA which also minimizes the need to modify the budget imthe future. There will be no HACA Penalty to the City as the HRA will make the 100/6 local contribution from non-restrictive funds (HRA levy). At this time the developer has not selected a lender nor general contractor; therefore, it is my intent to cash the $509) cashier's check and reimburse the developer later. a HRA AGENDA NOVEMBER 6. 1996 B. Alternative Action, 1. A motion to adopt the enclosed resolution. 2. A motion to deny adoption of the enclosed resolution. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation - Since the HRA previously approved the preliminary concept for TIF assistance. the recommendation is Alternative No. 1. D. Su000rtinQ Dam Copy of the resolution for adoption and TIF Plan. 4 2 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION MODEFYING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. I AND ESTABLISHIING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-21 AND APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE MODIFIED CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN RELATING THERETO, LOCATED WITHIN CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioner of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority ("Authority") of the City of Monticello, Minnesota ("City") as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Monticello (the "City") has proposed to modify the Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan (the "Redevelopment Plan') for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I and establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-21 ("District No. 1-21"). all pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.179, inclusive, as amenW; and WHEREAS, the Authority and the Council have investigated the facts and have caused to be prepared a modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I and a Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1.21, (collectively, the "Plans"); and WHEREAS, proposed developments as described in the Plans in the opinion of the Authority, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investrttent within the reasonable foreseeable future and, therefore, the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary: and WHEREAS, the Authority and City have perfmned all actions required by law to be performed prior to the modification of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I and the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-21, including, but riot limited to, notification of Wright County and School District No. 882 having taxing jurisdiction over the property included in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-2 1. a scheduled review by the City Planning Commission of the Plans, and the scheduled holding by the Council of a public hearing upon published notice as required by law. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissimm of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Monticello, as follows: 1. The Plans aro hereby approved and adopted and shall be placed on rile in the office of the Executivv Director. 2. Subject to the approval of the Plans by the City Council, the staff, the Authority's advisors and legal counsel are authorized and directed to proceed with the implementation of the Plans and for this purpose to negotiate, draft, prepare and present to this Board for its consideration all further plans, resolutions, documents and contrails necessary for this purpose. 3. Upon approval of the Plans by the City Council, the Executive Director is authorized to forward a copy of the Plans to the Wright County Auditor and the Minnesota Department of Revenue pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 469.175, subdivision 2. Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Monticello this day of Chair ATTEST: HRA AGENDA NOVEMBER 6, 1996 4. Consideration A. 'Ilse Private Development Contract by and between T.J. Martin, Inc. and the HRA was prepared by Dan Greensweig, Kennedy & Graven. After review of the document by Koropchak, revisions will be made. The developer received a copy of the document on November S. 1996. The Private Development Contract normally is executed prior to City Council approval of the TIF District. Remember, the Contract is an agreement between the developer and the HRA defining the terms and conditions of the TIF assistance. Below are highlights of the contract. Section 3.3. moment of Authority Expenses. Amending: The "Administrative Costs" are part of the TIF project costs and not the responsibility of the developer. It is suggested the $5091 cashier check be returned to the developer upon issuance of the building permit. Section 3.4. Land Acquisition and Site Improvements, The Authority will reimburse the developer, in no case, for more than $29,098 in land Acquisition Costs and $8,802 in Site Improvement Costs. b) The developer to acquire the development property directly from its previous owner. Section 3.5 Financ'nu of Land Agguisition and Site Improvements_ a) Land and site improvement costs will be paid, without interest, by the Authority out of Surplus Tax Increment. c) At least 30 days before becoming entitled to receive payment, the developer must submit a payment request certificate signed by its authorized representative stating the developer has paid land acquisition costs in at least the amount of $29,(N9 and site improvement costs in at least the amount of $1+.8112, and that no event of defouh has occurred and is continuing under this agreement, and the developer has received a certificate of completion. Upon receiving proper documentation, the Authority shall pay the developer $37,91111 in surplus tax increment. Section 3.6. Authority Recovery of oma. As reimbursement to itself for the land acquisition and site improvement costs paid by the Authority, the Authority shall retain out of availahle tax increment $37,9191 together with interest thereon at the rate of 9.25°; per annum. HRA AGENDA NOVEMBER 6, 1996 a) Interest shall commence to accrue on the Closing Date. The fust payment date shall be compounded semiannually on each February I and August I and added to the principal amount. b) Payment shall be kept by the Authority commencing August 1, 1999 and ending February 1, 2(X)6 as per Exhibit C. c) 900% of each payment is taken from available tax increment and I(rof each payment is to be taken from General Fund. Section 3.7. Job and Wage Covenants. a) By no later than two years after the date on which the developer receives any payment under this agreement, the developer shall cause to be created at the minimum improvements a net increase of at least five new jobs in Minnesota, each with a salary of at least $40,((X) annually. The developer shall submit to the authority a written report by April I of each year during the terms of this agreement. b) If the developer fails to comply with any of the terms of section 3.7 (a), the developer shall repay to the Authority any payment made by the Authority to the developer pursuant to this agreement. Section 4.2. Construction Plans. a) Before commmncentem of construction of the minimum improvements, the developer shall submit to the Authority construction plans. ....... Approval may be based upon a review by the City's Building Official of the construction plans. Section 4.3 Commencement and Completion of Construction. Subject to unavoidable delays, the developer shall commence construction of the minimum improvements by December 15, 1996 and shall complete the construction of the minimum improvements by August 1, 1997. Section 4.4 Certificate of Com Ip Mioa a) Promptly after completion of the minimum improvements in accordance with those provisions of the agreement, the Authority will fumish the developer with a cenificate of completion. c) Minimum improvements shall be decmed to be complete upon issuance of a cenificate of occupancy by the city for, and the opening for business of, the minimum improvements. Section 6.3 Tax Increment De,Qsjgncie% . If on any payment date the amount of the available tar increment is insufficient for the Authority to recover the payment it is due on that payment date, the developer shall pay to the Authority, within 10 days of written dermnd by the Authority, an amount equal to the difference between the amount of the HRA AGENDA NOVEMBER 6, 1996 payment that the Authority was entitled to recover out of available tax increment pursuant to the payment table an the amount it actually recovered. Section 6.5 Ouali f3ing Local Contribution. The Authority hereby covenants with the City that the Authority shall allocate sufficient General Funds to the payment in accordance with Section 3.6 a) hereof, it being the intention of the City and the Authority that such payment will constitute the "qualifying local contribution" necessary to exempt the TIF District from local government aid/homestead and agricultural credit aid penalties. Section 6.6 Assessment Agreement. a) Upon or after developer's acquisition of the development property and before commencement of construction of the minimum improvements, the developer shall, with the Authority, execute an Assessment Agreement, specifying an assessor's minimum market value for the development property. The amount of the minimum market value shall be ($225,11011) $270,0110 as of January 2, 1998 notwithstanding the progress of construction of the minimum improvemems by such dates. Section 7.1 FjpappgQ Before commencement of construction of the minimum improvements, the developer shall submit to the Authority evidence of one or more commitments for financing which, together with committed equity for such construction, is sufficient for the construction of the minimum irr>provements. Section 11.1 Option to Terminate. This agreement may be terminated by either the Authority or the developer if closing on the conveyance of the development property from the City to the developer does not take place by December 15, 1946. B. Alternative Action: I . A motion to approve entering into the Private Redevelopment Contract by and between the HRA and T.J. Martin, Inc. and authorizing the Chairperson and Executive Director of the HRA to execute the contract on behalf of the HRA. Subject to minor modifications which may be necessary to accommodate the developer based upon approval of the modifications by the HRA Attorney. 2. A motion to deny entering into the Private Redevelopment Contract. 3. A motion to approve entering into the Private Redevelopment Contract subject to the following modifications. C. $ecommenda11Q0, Staff recommends Alternative No. I. The developer may not like the time of TIF up•Itont HRA AGENDA NOVEMBER 6. 1996 payment which is made upon issuance of the certificate of completion. In previous years, the up -from payment was made after 30% or 90°/o completion of the minimum improvements and site improvement costs being paid upon evidence of completion and payment. 1 believe Marquette Bank would be OK with this proposal. D. None. A copy of the Private Development Contract is available at the Office of the HRA. HRA AGENDA NOVEMBER 6, 1996 5. Consideration G As you will recall on January 22, 1996, the HRA modified the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I to include this parcel. It was the intent of the HRA to acquire the named parcels. Secondly, you may recall that the office of the HRA was working with a private party who was interested in purchasing the said property for rehabilitation. Fust, assistance programs were researched through the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency and secondly, the private party's real estate agent contacted the owner (Clifford Olson) for the potential to purchase. The current owner was not a willing seller. Because the parcel was identified as an HRA goal and because of numerous public comments, the City Administration was directed by the HRA Chair to begin the process to determine if the building meets codes as it relates to electrical, fire, etc. At the direction of the City Attorney Weingarden, a fust -letter will be to request permission to enter the property - It is the suggestion of Attorney Bubul that the HRA determine its long range objective or plan for the parcel located at 525 East Broadway PIDII 155-015-M3060. Three objectives are: A. Redevelop. B. Raze. C. Rehab or restore. Depending upon the H RA's objective, the objective may best be implemented by the City or the HRA. It is generally less expensive to have the City enforce the building code rather than the HRA to acquire through eminent domain (power to condenm). A. Determine if building is a safety and health hazard. B. City requires owner to bring up to code. C.. City requires owner to raze. (Provision 463.15 ......261) D.. City raze and charge cost as o lien against property. E. City or HRA acquire for redevelopment. F. HRA redevelopment (Redevelopment District, RFP for developer to acquire and rebuild home at determined value, work with MHFA or FaHA programs) At the HRA meeting scheduled for Wednesday. December 4, 1996, Mark Ruff of Publicorp will give an overview of housing redevelopment programs utilized in other communities. 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Jay Morrell JME 1401 Fallon Avenue Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Jay: November 4, 1996 4tached is an invoice in the amount of four -thousand dollars and no cents ($4.ODO.00). This was the amount of ,our counter-offer relating to the $12,517.93 tax increment shortfall for TIF District Nos. I - I and 1-4 and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) offer of $6,259.96. HRA Chairperson AI Larson accepted the $4,(XX) counter-offer at the October 29, 1996, meeting held among yourself, Chairperson Larson, Rick Wolfsteller, and myself. Upon contacting the remaining four HRA members, three members ratified the acceptance of the $4,0(X) counter-offer and one member opposed ratification to accept. Upon receipt of the $4,1X10, the HRA will consider the tax increment shortfall issue for TIF District Nos. 1-1 and 14 a closed matter. Jay, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Chairperson Larson (295-2552) or myself (295-2711). Thank you for taking the time to negotiate a compromise which is the better option and best solution for the community. Sincerely, HOUSING AND RI -DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR TI IE CITY OF MONTICELLO 011ie Koropchak Executive Director Attachment cc: Chairperson Larson Rick Wolf teller File OftV alPaeue Warks, hoe Oaf Courw Rd., Moxtfnito, MN8W62 0 PAmw: (619)995,7170 • Farr (619) 0"170, exL 1 250 East Broadway P. 0. Box 1147 ti Monticello. MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 t'O1lTC�O Fax: (612) 2954404 ( MAIL TO: M b P TRANSPORT ATTN JAY MORRELL PO BOE 477 MONTICELLO 104 55362 ACCOUNT NUMBER 213.31054 EAGRE — TAP 135-018.003071 I� 11(oa19b wuhAaEN 12/4/96 PAYMENT DUE M12,195 704818 (1% interest per month will be charged 1 after due date.) Make checks payable to City of Monticello. (PLEASE RETURNjiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! COPY WITH PAYMENT )! DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TIP shortage on TIP tYYYIYY43 D1etrlcte OI 6 04 4,000.00 TOTALI uznxEYE 4,000.00 ---------------- -------------.j a ss�u7 CITY OF MONTICELLO GENERAL FUND NO. 41346 250 EAST BROADWAY MONTICELLO. MN 55382 WARpurnHu,RH-HKaATCELL0 °0 nox re° YOMTCELLO.W 63]!7 DOE CHECK NO AMOUNT 2 10/16/96 41346 $25,000.00 poky TO THE WILLIAM R AND BARBARA R TAPPER ORDEROF u80 5 1496uA i:09 19 1 15 2 2s: 760 001 7u' TIF REV4BURS0MNTS FOR EXCAVATION, LANDSCAPING AND CURB CONSTRUCTION CITV OF MONTICELLO �F� Roger A. Carlson 208 Kevin Longley Drive PO Box 1008 Monticello, MN 55362 Mr Al Larson Chairman, Monticello HRA Monticello City Hall Monticello, MN 55362 November 6, 1996 Dear Al, With my recent election to the Monticello Clty Council, I am resigning my position as a member of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) effective as of December 15, 1996. I will assume my position on the City Council on January 13,1997. My short tenure on the HRA has provided me with a great amount of knowledge as to what goes on in the world of TIF financing and redevelopment projects, but I feel like a first grader in a high school course. I can truly say that I did learn something new each time we got together for a meeting. I greatly appreciate the vast amount of time and effort that each member of the HRA put into their "Job" on the HRA Be assured that I will value the opinions of the HRA with the true consideration that they do deserve. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of the HRA for the past year and for the experience that I have gained. Sincerely, ///-"� Roger A. Carlson BdepS and AssosWs lm IE ADEBS IN PUBLIC FINANCE 1 I* October 25.19% Olive Koropchak Econ. Dev. Dir. City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 As we enter the last quarter of 1996, it is time to look ahead to 1997. The coming year will no doubt bring another round of TEF reporting and new legislative attention on the use of tax increment financing. Thr report from the Legislative Auditor's Officc and the increased activity by the State Auditor's Office insure that TIF will be a topic of discussion in the 1997 legislative session. TIF will also be a factor in the consideration of property tax reform, in all reform proposals. Can we tell you what will happen to TIF in 1997? Unfortunately, the answer is "No". Many factors will determine what. if any, changes are made in the laws governing TEF. Regardless of the potential for legislative change, we encourage a proactive approach to the management of TIF resources. In looking to 1997, the following questions will help frame important issues: • weal 6 the current nnanelal health of existing districts? • How could platys for the use of TIF be affected by changes in the Tax Increment Act and/or the property tax system? • Do bonds or other obligations exist to secure fund balances and future revenues? • What steps are needed to better prepare for annual reporting? • Are TIF plan amendments needed to meet local objectives? We encourage you to examine your TIF program at the earliest opportunity. By acting now, you will retain the most flexibility in charting a course of action. Please give us a call to answer any questions and to discuss potential next steps. Also, mA your calendar for the annual Publicorp TIF Seminar --scheduled for Februtuy 6-7. 1997, at the We Brown Center in Brooklyn Center, MN. More information on the seminar will be available soon. Sincerely, ;EHL�/ERSAUDAS OCIATES, INC. Mark Ruff Financial Advisor OFFICES IN MINNEAPOLIS, NN AND BROOKFIELD. wl 2050 Norwast Contin . 00 South Sovonth S000t. Mlnrimpous, MN 55402.4100 TatephonoG12.339.9291.FAX 012.509- US4 Interviews for HRA Position Wednesday, December 4, 1996 City Hall 6:15 p m. - Tom Perrault 6:30 p m. Damn Labf 6:45 p m. Discussion and potential selection for recommendation to the City Comma for affival appointments in January. Two candidates submitted resumes as a result of advertising twice in the Monticello Times. Enclosed are the resumes and the HRA questions previously used. -� , S1- — ,+. S l d o - Ci./` g A- S A . G. ,�,sL°^— S-d Thomas B. Perrault 631 West Broadway P.O. Hoo: 1032 Monticello, MN 55362 November 20, 1996 Housing and Redevelopment Authority c/o Ms. 011ie Fvropctak City of Monticello 250 Fast Broadway P.O. Dox 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear HRA members and Ms. Koropchak: I wish to be considered for the opening on the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority that was listed in the November 17, 1996 issue of the Monticello Shopper. , After two years on the Monticello City Oouncil, I wish to contiru to be involved in shaping Monticello's future. My experience on the Monticello City Oxrncil included being a Ox=il Representative to the D=r=dc Development Authority and the industrial Develop- ment Committee. FY=losed is my most recent resrmm. hank you for your considera- tion. If you have any Questions, please call me at I95-2446(home) or 784-8897(work). Sincerely, Thomas n. Perrault M9,clomso Resume of THOMAS B. PERRAULT 831 W. Broadway / P. O. Bax 1032 / Monticello, MN 55382 Home (812) 295-2448 / Work (812) 784.8897 CAREER To be employed in an entry level customer service/sales position with the opportunity to OBJECTIVE advance into management. EDUCATION Fail 1988 Graduate -level statistical analysis courses, Continuing Education and Extension, Winter 1987 University of M'mnssota-Mpls. Sept. 1981 Agmxmm, Soil Science and Agricultural Economies major, University of Minnesota -SL Paul. to Juty 1985 Graduated with Bachelor o1 Science degree, July 1985. Involved in many student organizations. Sept. 1978 St. Cloud State Universily, St. Cloud, MN. to Feb. 1981 Completed most general education requirements. BACKGROUND Raised on a dairy farm in Monticello, Minnesota. In October 1985, 1 became an in-home caregiver far rrry great-aunt. In July 1992, she moved into a nursing tome and I have Power of Attorney. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY August 1995 Same Communication Center gales Reprosantative/Team Land for Cellstar, a division to present of National Auto Centers, Inc., CarroMoNDailas, Texas. Conduct sales and activation of cellular phones, pagers, two-way radios, and accessories. Promoted to Team Lead for Fridley and White Bear Lake locations effective May 1. Team Lead responsibilities include training new employees, scheduling, and weekly paperwork. Jan. 1995 Counallmombor (2 year term) for City of Monticello, Monticello, MN. to present Duties include Council representative to the Economic Development! Authority, Industrial Development Committee and Sewer Sludge Disposal Subcommittee. Doe. 1985 Warehouse Manager at Mania's Farm Service, Monticello, MN. to Aug. 1995 Deliver orders, assist and bill customers, maintain warehouse, order product shipments, and assist store manager. Dec. 1994 Driver (Temporary) for WVS Marketing, Des Moines, Iowa. to Jan. 1995 Delivered tlomotown Supersaver Cards in Buffalo, MN. Helped Increase soles when 1 and Sep. 1995 recommended expanding market to Montrose. DeWorod cards in Monticello. Sops. 1995. Oct. 1994 to June 1995 Disc Jockey at Lucky s Lounge (Joyner Lanes), Monticeflo; MN. Dec. 1988 Coordinate music for patrons' satisfaction and announce upcoming events. to Sept, 1991 (Substituted Sept. 1991 to Sept. 1994.) COMMUNITY Monticello Jaycees — President 1992.1993 and 1994.1995, Board Member since 1990 INVOLVEMENT Church of St. Henry — Choir, Ensembles, etc. Monticotlo City Council Candidate — 1990 and 1994; Active in Political Organizations REFERENCES Available upon request. November 27, 1996 011ie Koropchak City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Dear 011ie: I am writing to express interest in the Housing and Redevelopment Authority(HRA) position listed in the Monticello Times. I feel this opportunity would be an excellent utilization of my talents. The interpersonal skills 1 possess make me a strong team member. This has been proven over my ten years with Northern States Power successfully operafing in a self-directed work team environment. I have extensive experience working with the public and enjoy challenging projects. My exposure to tax Increment financing and other funding vehicles used by the HRA is not extensive but I understand the fundamentals and look forward to leaming the details. I feel this is a critical time for Monticello and the decisions made now will have long lasting effects. This is my opportunity to help shape the choices made and to add value to the discussion. My involvement in the Monticello Community Partners has only deepened my interest in this community and strengthened my desire to see Monticello thrive. I am a quick study, a hard worker, and enjoy being challenged. I know that I can meet that challenge in serving the HRA. 1 can be reached at work at (320) 255$642 or home at (612) 295-2491. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, .r�o(' ,[ `� Darnn F. Lahr end: resume Darrin Fitzgerald Lahr 125 East Fourth Street Monticello, MN 55362 (612)295-2491 Objective: To become actively involved in the revitalization of Monticello through a role with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Education: St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota Bachelor of Science, Industrial Studies March, 1988 Emphasis: Energy and Transportation State Certified Commercial Energy Auditor, 1988 Negotiating Skills, NSP, 1989 Business Concepts, University of St. Thomas, 1990 Effective Communication, Express Communications, 1993 Sales Certification, NSP, 1993 Experience: Community Service Manager, Northern States Power January 1, 1995 to present Responsibilities Include: • Overall responsibility for relationship with NSP served Communities • Negotiate franchises and utility contracts • Manage community investment • Negotiate territory acquisitions and sales • Cultivate economic development in NSP service territory • County liaison, nuclear emergency response team Senior Marketing Representative, Northern States Power July, 1988 to December 31, 1994 Responsibilities Include: • Build long term partnerships with NSP commerciaUndustrial customers • Promote expansion and growth of exiting business in NSP service territory • Achieve specific Conservation and Demand Side Management sales goals • Formal presentation of NSP's programs and services to varied audiences • Develop and implement reliability plans for critical customers Involvement Board member, Economic Development Partnership of Wright County Board member, Sherburne County Economic Development Alliance Chamber of Commerce: Becker, Big Lake, Cokato, Dassel Co -Chair Monticello Community Partners Rotary International (new member) QUESTIONS FOR HRA CANDIDATE INTERVIEW t' --J-- 4 JMWO-6, 1996 NAME OF HRA CANDIDATE 1. WHAT IS YOUR PHILOSOPHY WITH REGARDS TO GOVERNMENTAL ASSISTANCE OF PRIVATE BUSINESS EXPANSION AND RELOCATION EFFORTS? WHAT IS THE PROPER LEVEL? 2. WHAT IS YOUR PHILOSCOPY WITH REGARDS TO GOVERNMENTAL ASSISTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS? WHAT IS THE PROPER LEVEL? 3. EXPLAIN WHAT PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE YOU MIGHT HAVE WITH AN HRA OR WITH THE USE OF TAX INCREKEW FINANCING (TIF)? WHAT DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THE HRA AND CITY OF MONTICELLO? , 4. WHAT ARE SOME SPECIFIC IDEAS ON HOW MONTICELLO SHOULD DEVELOP AS IT RELATES TO AN HRA OR TIF: a) Housing b) Redevelopment c) Industrial S. VIOUSLY YOU RECEIVED A COPY OF THE LOCAL TIF�POLICIRgA=_ RS3"WOMM PROJECT PLAN OE J=T"a�a.r� $� FOR IMPROVIN 6. HOW READILY AVAILABLE ARE YOU FOR SERVING ON THE HRA? 7. OTHER QUESTIONS? QUESTIONS THE CANDIDATE MAY HAVE OF THE HRA COMMISSION, COUNCIL OR STAFF. QUE TIONS FOR HRA CANDIDATE INTERVIEW y jowl --5, 1996 NAME OF HRA CANDIDATE fin,.. - �14, 1. WHAT IS YOUR PHILOSOPHY WITH REGARDS TO GOVERNMENTAL ASSISTANCE OF PRIVATE BUSINESS EXPANSION AND RELOCATION EFFORTS? WHAT SS THE PROPER LEVEL? Yka�u Ste- 00'*—X 2. WHAT IS YOOR PHILOSCOPY WITH REGARDS TO GOVERNMENTAL ASSISTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS? WHAT IS THE PROPER LEVEL? 3. BXPa I:N, WHAT PR-E.V� I-OUSInEXti Pc.ERI'E�NC.E aYOZU MIGH�T-i-AVE WI�H"RA OR WITH THE USE OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF)? WHAT DO YOU iaww FEEL YOU CAN CO1q`TR IBUTE TO THE HRA AND CITY OF MONTICELLO? r�- b 4. WHAT ARE SOME SPECIFIC IDEAS ON HOW MONTICELLO SHOULD DEVELOP AS IT RELATES TO AN HRA OR TIF: ..//� a) Housing b) Redevelopment '1 c) Industrial hAA.g Q'o o� ,,/ V, S. VIOUSLY YOU RECEIVED A COPY OF THE LOCAL TIF POLICIES RMOAN=PROJECT PLAN OBJE FOR IMPROVI 6. HOW READILY AVAILABLE ARE YOU FOR SERVING ON THE HRA? 7. OTHER QUESTIONS? QUESTIONS THE CANDIDATE MAY HAVE OF THE HRA COMMISSION, COUNCIL OR STAFF. 0 QUESTIONS FOR HRA CANDIDATE INTERVIEW 4 JUPE-66, 1996 NAME OF HRA CANDIDATE fiO, 1. WHAT IS YOUR PHILOSOPHY WITH REGARDS TO GOVERNMENTAL ASSISTANCE OF PRIVATE BUSINESS EXPANSION AND RELOCATION EFFORTS? WHAT IS THE PROPER LEVEL? Vr• 2. WHAT IS YOUR PHILOSCOPY WITH REGARDS TO G0VERNN1ENTAL ASSISTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS? WHAT IS THE PROPER LEVEL? SQA � 3. EXPLAIN WHAT PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE YOU MIGHT HAVE WITH AN HRA OR WITH THE USE OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF)? WHAT DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THE HRA AND CITY OF MONTICELLO? rg 4. WHAT ARE SOME SPECIFIC IDEAS ON HOW MONTICELLO SHOULD DEVELOP AS IT RELATES TO AN HRA 0 TIF: a) Housing W 9.^e:a. e.A a - "** -, r' g °' b) Redevelopment c) Industrial VIOUSLY YOU RECEIVED A COPY OF THE LOCAL TIF POLICIES . REDMMMURAM PROJECT PLAN OBJB FOR IMPROV NG 6. HOW READILY AVAILABLE ARE YOU FOR SERVING ON THE HRA? 7. OTHER QUESTIONS? QUESTIONS THE CANDIDATE MAY HAVE OF THE HRA COMMISSION, COUNCIL OR STAFF. 0 250 Fast Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295.4404 Mr. Thomas B. Perrault P.O. Box 1032 631 West Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Tom: The commissioners of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) appreciate 10 your interest to serve on the commission and thank you for submitting an application. Following the interview process, each commissioner contributed input toward the selection of an individual. 'Me selection process was not easy. Unfortunately, l must inform you that the I IRA selected an individual other than yourself for recommendation to the City Council for appointment to the HRA. Again, the I IRA thanks you for your interest to serve as a commission number. Much continued success, Tom. You arc an asset to the community. Sincerely, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR TTIIIE CITY OFF MO�N.,TICELLO 011ie Koropchak Executive Director cc: File OJfiw of Public Works, 90 Odf Coura Rd., Moarimito, NN 68401 0 Phou: 191112W 170 • Fax: 10 111 19411 70, ext. 1 Interviews for HRA Position Wednesday, December 4, 1996 City Hall 6:15 p m. - Tom Perrault 6:30 p m. Damn Lahl 6:45 p.m. Discussion and potential selection for recommendation to the City Council for annual appointments in January. Two candidates submitted resumes as a result of advertising twice in the Monticello Times. Enclosed are the resumes and the HRA questions previously used. Thomas n. Perrault 631 Wrest Broadway P.O, Pox 1032 Monticello, MN 55362 November 20, 19% Housing and redevelopment Authority c/o Ms. 011ie Romopchak City of Monticello 250 Fast Broadway P.O. Dox 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear HRA members and Ms. Koropcihak: I wish to be considered for the opening an the Monticello Housing and redevelopment Authority that was listed in the November 17, 1996 issue of the Monticello Shopper. After two years an the Monticello City 03wwLl, I wish to continue to be involved in shaping Monticello's future. My experience an the Monticello City pashcil included being a Ow c:il Representative to the Economic Development Authority myl the Industrial Develop- ment committee. F2=lowA is my most recent resume. 'shank you for your oonsidma- tion. If you have any questions, plmse call roe at 295-2446(hoae) or 784-8897(haork). Sincerely, g ji�� Thom" n. Perrault 0 closure ft Resume of THOMAS B. PERRAULT 631 W. Broadway / P. O. Box 1032 / Monticello. MN 55362 Hare (612) 295.2446 / Work (612) 764-6897 CAREER To be employed In an entry level customer servicelsalea position with the opportunity to OBJECTIVE advance into management. EDUCATION Feil 1988 Graduate -levet statistical analysis courses, Continuing Education and Extension, Winter 1987 University of Mnrmota-Mpls. Sept. 1981 Agror", Sad Science and Agricu4ural Economice major, University of Mkmesaa-St. Paul. to July 1985 Graduated with Bachelor o1 Science degree. Juy 1985. Involved in marry student organizations. Sept. 1976 St. Cloud State Unlveraity, St. Cloud, MN. to Feb. 1981 Completed most general education requirements, BACKGROUND Raised on a dairy farm in Monticello, Minnesota. In October 1985, 1 became an in-home caregiver for my great-aunt. In July 1992, she moved into a nursing home and I have Bower of Attorney. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY August 1995 Sam's Conununleation Carder Sates Represordative/Team Lead for Cellstar, a division to present of National Auto Centers, Inc., CemoiltonlDailas, Taxes. Conduct sales and activation of cellular phones, pagers. two-way redlos, and accessories. Promoted to Team Lead for Fridley and White Bear Lake locations effective May 1. Team Lead responsibilities include training new employees. scheduling, and weekly paperwork. Jan. 1995 Coumellmambor (2 year term) for City of Morticallo, Monticello, MN. to present Duties inckde Council representative to the Economic Development Authority, Industrial Development Committee and Sews, Sludge Disposal Sutxxunnittee. Doc.1985 Warehouse Manager at Martie's Form Service, Monticello, MN. to Aug. 1996 Deliver orders, assist and Mil customers. maintain warehouse, order product shipments, and assist store manager. Dee. 1994 Driver (Temporary) for 1/y1/S Marketing, Des Moines, Iowa. to Jan. 1995 Delivered Hometown Supersaver Cards in Buffalo, MN. Helped increase sales when 1 and Sept. 1995 rocornmerdod expanding market to Montrose. Delivered cards in Monticello, Sept. 19%. Oct. 1994 to June 1995 Disc Jockey at Luckys Lounge (Joyner Lones), Monticello, MN. Dec. 1988 Coordinate music for patrons' satisfaction and arnwce upoorring events. to Sept. 1991 (Substituted Sept. 1991 to Sept. 1994.) COMMUNITY Monticello Jaycees — President 1992.1993 and 19941995, Board Member since 1990 INVOLVEMENT Church of St. Henry — Choir. Enseablo% etc. Monticello City Council Candidate —1990 and 1994; Active in Political Organizatiorm REFERENCES Avaltablo upon request. November 27, 1996 011ie Koropchak City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Dear 011ie I am writing to express interest in the Housing and Redevelopment Authority(HRA) position listed in the Monticello Times. I feel this opportunity would be an excellent utilization of my talents. The interpersonal skills I possess make me a strong team member. This has been proven over my ten years with Northers States Power successfully operating in a self-directed work team environment. I have extensive experience working with the public and enjoy challenging projects. My exposure to tax Increment financing and other funding vehicles used by the HRA is not extensive but I understand the fundamentals and look forward to teaming the details. I feel this Is a critical time for Monticello and the decisions made now will have long lasting effects. This Is my opportunity to help shape the choices made and to add value to the discussion. My Involvement in the Monticello Community Partners has only deepened my interest In this community and strengthened my desire to see Monticello thrive. I am a Quick study, a hard worker, and enjoy being challenged. I know that I can most that challenge In serving the HRA. I can be reached at work at (320) 25546842 or home at (612) 295-2491. Thank you for your consideration Sincerely, ') B `� Damn F. end: rosume Darrin Fitzgerald Lahr 125 East Fourth Street Monticello, MN 55362 (612)295-2491 Objective: To become actively involved in the revitalization of Monticello through a role with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Education: St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota Bachelor of Science, Industrial Studies March, 1988 Emphasis: Energy and Transportation State Certified Commercial Energy Auditor, 1988 Negotiating Skills, NSP, 1989 Business Concepts, University of St. Thomas, 1990 Effective Communication, Express Communications, 1993 Sales Certification, NSP, 1993 Experience: Community Service Manager, Northern States Power January 1, 1995 to present Responsibilities Include: • Overall responsibility for relationship with NSP served Communities • Negotiate franchises and utility contracts • Manage community investment • Negotiate territory acquisitions and sales • Cultivate economic development in NSP service territory • County liaison, nuclear emergency response team Senior Marketing Representative, Northern States Power July, 1988 to December 31, 1994 Responsibilities Include: • Build long term partnerships with NSP commercial/industrial customers • Promote expansion and growth of exiting business in NSP service territory • Achieve specific Conservation and Demand Side Management sales goals • Formal presentation of NSP's programs and services to varied audiences • Develop and implement reliability plans for critical customers Involvement Board member, Economic Development Partnership of Wright County Board member, Sherburne County Economic Development Alliance Chamber of Commorce: Becker, Big Lake, Cokato, Dassel Co -Chair Monticello Community Partners Rotary International (new member) QUESTIONS FOR HRA CANDIDATE INTERVIEW C-� y Juns-6, 1996 NAME OF HRA CANDIDATE 1. WHAT IS YOUR PHILOSOPHY WITH REGARDS TO GOVERNMENTAL ASSISTANCE OF PRIVATE BUSINESS EXPANSION AND RELOCATION EFFORTS? WHAT IS THE PROPER LEVEL? 2. WHAT IS YOUR PHILOSCOPY WITH REGARDS TO GOVERNMENTAL ASSISTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS? WHAT IS THE PROPER LEVEL? 3. EXPLAIN WHAT PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE YOU MIGHT HAVE WITH AN HRA OR WITH THE USE OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF)? WHAT DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THE HRA AND CITY OF MONTICELLO? E 4. WHAT ARE SOME SPECIFIC IDEAS ON HON MONTICELLO SHOULD DEVELOP AS IT RELATES TO AN HRA OR TIF: a) Housing b) Redevelopment c) Industrial 5. VIOUSLY YOU RECEIVED A COPY OF THE LOCAL TIF POLICIES R PRCJECT PLAN OB6�4 ii FOR IMPROVI 6. HOW READILY AVAILABLE ARE YOU FOR SERVING ON THE HRA? 7. OTHER QUESTIONS? QUESTIONS THE CANDIDATE MAY HAVE OF THE HRA COMMISSION, COUNCIL OR STAFF .