HRA Agenda 12-04-1996AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, December 4, 1996 - 7:00 p.m. City Han MEMBERS: Chairperson AI Larson, Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, Tom St. Hilaire, Roger Carlson. and Steve Andrews. STAFF: Rich Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill. and 011ie Koropchak. GUEST: Bill Fair, Mayor -elect Mark Ruff, Publicorp, Inc. Dan Reed 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 6, 1996 HRA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION OF A PRESENTATION ON HOUSING REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS BY MARK RUFF. 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON THE TIF PROFORMA. 5. CONSIDERATION TO ESTABLISH A REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ALONG WEST SIXTH STREET IN EXCHANGE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 220 FRONT STREET. 6. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION FOR VECTOR TOOL & MFG, INC. 7. CONSIDERATION TO AMEND THE PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE HRA AND CEDRUS CREEK CRAFTSMAN. INC. it. CONSIDERATION OF UPDATES: a) Presbyterian Homes b) Jay Morrell C) HRA Lot on West Broadway d) T.J. Martin, Inc. e) Brad Johnson, lotus Realty Services f) 525 East Broadway g) Proposed improvements to the Site Development Process 9. OTHER BUSINESS: a) Consideration to reschedule the HRA meeting of January 1, 1996. b) Approve monthly bills. c) Other Business. 10. ADJOURNMENT. AGENDA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, January 10, 19% - 7:00 p.m., City Hall MEMBERS: Cbairperson Al Larson, Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, Everette Ellison, Tom St. Hilaire, and Roger Carlson. STAFF: Rids Wolfsteller 011ie Koropchak, HRA Executive Director 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 6, 1995, HRA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION MODIFYING CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1; MODIFYING TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT NOS. 1-1 THROUGH 1-18; AND APPROVING THE CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND TIF PLANS RELATING THERETO. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW FOR FOLLOW-UP THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RELATING TO THE PREPARATION OF A STUDY AND PLAN FOR THE SPECIFIC AREA PROPOSED FOR RIVERFRONT/DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT. 5. CONSIDERATION TO ESTABLISH HRA GOALS FOR 1996. 6. OTHER BUSINESS: a) Approval of monthly bills. b) Consideration of a request by John Komerak. C) Other. 7. ADJOURNMENT. MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, November 6, 1996 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chauperson Al Larson, Tom St. Hilaire, Roger Carlson, and Steve Andrews. MEMBER ABSENT: Vice President Brad Barger. STAFF PRESENT: 011ie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. ALL TO ORDER Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m Al Larson made a nation to approve the October 2, 1996 HRA minutes. Roger Carlson seconded the motion and with no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as written. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT THF RESOLUTION MODIFYING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO 1 AND ESTABLISHING TIF DISTRICT NO 1-21 AND APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE MODIFIED CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ND TIF PLAN RELATING THF FTO I-QrATED WITHIN CFNTRAI MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1. Having received evidence that the project would not occur solely through private investmem and finding the project would create jobs, increase the tax base, and prevent a business fiom locating elsewhere, AI Larson made a motion to adopt the resolution modifying the Redevelopment Plants for Cemml Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 and establishing TIF District No. 1-21 and approving and adopting the modifted Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan an TIF Plan relating thereto, located within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I. Steve Andrews seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. TIF District No. 1-21, an Economic District, is established for T.J. Martin, Inc. Five jobs are being created at a HRA NHNLrrES NOVEMBER 6, 1996 minimum wage of $40,000 per job annually, the EMV is $270,000 and the Estimated CCV is $10,190 a>mually for the 9,000 sq ft metal oflicelmanufacturing facility. The fust year to collect tax increments 1999 and the TIF budget is 5110,000. The 5110,000 budget allows the HRA the ability to collect the tax increment upon expansion of the project without the need to modify the budget or plan. The HRA agreed to make the 10% local contribution from the HRA levy (non-restrictive dollars) thereby preventing the HACA Penalty to the City- CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE HRA AND T.I. MARTIN INC. Koropchak reiterated the terms and conditions of the Private Developmem Contract as outlined in the agenda supplement. The developer to receive up -front TIF assistance in the amount of $29,098 for land acquisition and 58,802 for site improvements. The HRA shall pay the $37,900 from surphrs tax increment upon completion of the minimum irrq rovements. 90% from available tax increment and 109/6 from the General Fund. The HRA shall be reimbursed at an 8.25% per atmum. Tom St. Hilaire trade a motion to approve entering into the Private Redevelopment Contract by and between the HRA and T.J. Martin, Inc. and authorized the Chairperson and Executive Director of the HRA to execute the contract on behalf of the HRA subject to minor modifications as approved by the HRA Attorney. Al Larson seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. CONSIDERATION TO DETERMINE. REDEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR 525 EAST BROADWAY. HRA members agreed to pursue efforts for restoration or redevelopment of the properly located at 525 East llroadway. With Mark Ruff scheduled to make a presentation on housing redevelupment programs at the December NRA meeting, the commissioners gave no specific direction other than to encourage the City to contact the owner (Clifford Olson) for permission to enter the property for an assessment of the structure for compliance of bui&g codes. CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT UPDATES - a) HRA members were invited to the MCP meeting with developers scheduled for Thursday. November 14, 1996, 9:30 a.m. Koropchak to post a public meeting notice. b) HRA members wen invite to the MCP Workshop 111 on Tuesday. November 19, 70) p.m., High School Board Room C) HRA members acknowledged receipt ofthe letter and commended the HRA Chairperson and Executive Director on negotiating a settlement relating to the Tl HRA MINUTES NOVEMBER 6, 1996 shortfall for TIF District Nos. 1-1 aril -4. Koropchak updated HRA members as to the potential redevelopment of the mall. Brad Johnson of Lotus Realty had been in discussion with the local grocer to establish a lease agreement as the anchor in the proposed redevelopment of the mall It has been strongly noted by the local grocer that the redevelopment of the mall should be based on the need for a large anchor, not a specific business. As stated by Mr. Johnson, the decision to establish a Redevelopment District should be based on the community finding that a project fits the community or is what the community wants. Mark Ruff, Publicorp, agreed and also noted the redeveloper must make findings that the existing mall meets the substandard test for establishment of a Redevelopment District. The local grocer has elected not to expand at this time. Expansion is two to three years premature, not an economically sound decision based on their expansion of one to two years ago. Additionally, was the concern to lease out the existing space. The local grocer recognizes this could open the door for competition. In conversation with Brad Johnson, he is proceeding to discuss options with two other anchors. Koropcbak reminded HRA members that the TIF District established in 1990 by the City for Lincoln Properties was an Economic District. An Economic District must create jobs, increase the tax base, and discourage a business from locating elsewhere. Lincoln Properties leases to K -Mart which today employs 130 people and the TIF assistance was used for public improvements. Because the T1F laws have changed, today, an Economic District is used primarily for manufacturing, warehouse/storage, and office space relating to manufacturing. No bins were presented for approval. Commissioner Roger Carlson submitted o letter of resignation to the HRA effective December 15, 1996. Carlson resigns from the HRA as he was elected to serve on the City Council. Al Larson made a motion to accept the letter of resignation from Mr. Carlson and authorized advertising for a replacement. Tom St. Hilaire seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. The following was a list of names for potential membership: Bruce Medlock, Mike Drayna, Dr. John Erlandson, Ellen Fischbach. Kathy Swienhan, Dan Olson. Scott Douglas, Dave Peterson, Steve Johnson, Brad Becker, Ron Peterson, Wayne Hoglund, and Eric Bondhurs. HRA members received a copy of Mark Ruffs letter of October 25, 1996. HRA MINUTES NOVEMMER 6, 1996 The HRA meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. 0Dk� �01� 011ie KoropdwL Executive Director Y 1110 Ehlers and Asudates im LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE MONTICELLO HRA HOUSING FINANCE PROGRAMS 12/3/96 Mark Ruff - Ehlers/Publicorp I. Single Family Housing Programs are Rare II. Multi -Family Developments Require Variety of Resources, Depending upon Market III. Federal Involvement in Housing Finance is Limited A.'Insured mortgage to reduce interest costs are most common tool. B. Certain programs for handicapped housing are available. IV. State Programs are Income Limited V. New Construction of Single Family Housing Programs A. First -Time Homebuyer Program I . Limited to values of 595,000 or less 2. Income of owners limited to 80% of median income ($48,000) 3. Effect is to lower interest rate for borrower by 1% to 1.5% B. Tax Increment Housing District 1. Income of owners initially limited to $54,000 to 560,000 2. Increment can only be spent on qualifying homes VI. Rehabilitation of Single Family Housing A. Tax Increment Redevelopment District or Housing District I. Redevelopment district is not income limited 2. Program can be coordinated with local banks to up -front funds 3. Payback can be increment and second mortgage 4. Payback is slow B. First -Time Homebuyer Program I. Income limits and purchase limits apply. 2. City can apply directly to state with other communities. VII. New Construction of Rental Housing - Low/Moderate Income A. Low Income Tar Credits from MN Housing Finance Agency 1. Usually only family housing 2. Incomes limited to 60% of median income (532,760 for 4 persons, $26.200 for 2 persons, and $23,000 for 1 person) 3. Rents are restricted ($573 for I BR. $655 for 213R) but not subsidized. 4. Usually requires housing tax increment district OFFICES IN MINNEAPOLIS. MN AND BROOKFIELD. WI 2950 Norwesl Conter. 90 South Sovonth Stroot. Mlnne"di& MN 58402.4100 Telephone 812.2.79.8291 . FAX 812.339-0554 VIII. New Construction - Moderate to Market Rate , J A. Difficult for private market but is done if market demands B. HRA can build and own senior or family housing - Essential Function 1. Senior housing without income limits a. G.O. Bond can be issued b. Revenue bond with city credit can also be used C. Facility such as general market, assisted living, or congregate is possible with direct lease to non-profit or managed privately d. City is at risk 2. Family rental housing is possible a. G.O. Bond limits incomes to 80% (548,000) b. Could be accomplished with housing/commercial condo IX. Rehabilitation of Rental Housing A. Revolving Loan Program similar to storefront housing B. Rental Housing Code/Unit Licensing 1. Ordinance must be adopted with code and inspection period 2. Codes currently follow state building guidelines 3. Individual licenses issued requiring compliance with code 4. Fees are assessed depending upon number of units 5. Property managers association is recommended C. Buildings with Existing Federal Assistance may receive federal dollars I . Private owners are responsible D. HRA Acquisition or Partnerships 1. Relocation is an issue 2. Substantial up -front investment required X. Next Steps A. Market Study B. Choose One Area to Focus C. RFP for Private Developers for New Construction D. Work on Rehab Programs 01:51 PM 12104M Prepared by Ehlem PubUM. Inc. - Estimates Subjed to Change n.Vw0oebW ISTORY2. W K4 CITY OF MONTICELLO PRO FORMA ANALYSIS 1997 TIF ESTIMATES 1997 1997 1998 Expected Expected 1997 Net 1997 1998 TIF DISTRICT Na Inerement Inmenwi bm nrent Expected Increment Expected Expected HACA PenaW HACA Expected PenaW TIF District No. 1.2 Metcalf/Larson Received 48,427 (y1pDCW (km 42,907 &8L) ObligathM 42,907 29,590 13,317 0 0 TIF District No. 1-5 Const. 5 73,835 89,734 89,734 51,705 18,029 0 0 TIF District No. 1.8 Raindance 87,787 83,432 83,432 39,885 23,547 0 0 TIF District No. 1.8 NAWCO 72,088 0 0 20,000 (20,000) 0 0 TIF District No. 1-8 NSP 7,418 8,391 5,008 4,900 1,491 0 0 TIF District No. 1-9 Tepper 34,188 31,485 25,239 25,340 8,145 0 0 TIF District No. 1-10 Remmele 47,987 81,788 49,514 31,875 30,093 0 0 TIF District No. 1-11 Martie 8,074 5,592 4,498 2,500 3,092 0 0 TIF District No. 1.12 Aroplax 27,195 28,079 22,422 20,200 5,879 7,485 7,845 TIF District No. 1-13 Standard Iron 75,282 89,507 89,507 57,552 11,955 27,224 27,224 TIF District No. 1-14 Suburban 18,875 15,395 15,081 13,250 2,145 2,507 2,507 TIF District No. 1.15 Custom Canopy 13,071 14,888 14,888 15,000 (114) 2,300 3,404 TIF District No. 1.16 Polycast 0 21,324 21,324 0 21,324 0 3,352 TIF District No. 1.17 Faymar 0 20,338 20,338 0 20,338 0 7,985 TIF District No. 1-18 River Mill 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TIF District No. 1.19 Miss. Shores 0 5,015 5,015 4,514 802 exempt exempt TIF District No. 1-20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TIF District No. 1.21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 487.985 453,W2L 428,8R1 318.111 137,742 39.497 521298 Values if School ' i no HACA Penalty Is not Bond Issue passes: 482.926 of offsetting payments. 01:51 PM 12104M Prepared by Ehlem PubUM. Inc. - Estimates Subjed to Change n.Vw0oebW ISTORY2. W K4 CITY OF MONTICELLO PRO FO 9 SUY t# � TrF TIF COT 019TRICTS CASH SURPLUS(DEFICIT)«W Inl tle,«) •«Yr >a.n1 r•In uf,1u nr�n r)Yf 1,1))YO 1alt ru �rrY/ ruI)rr 1�nON >)q)m1 1,1r,w tar?fr REVEUUES(FYEne•e) %(DELI IPtf 1[Oe 1Mt Itim IPW Iffy 7'JDI EA2 1901 D01 Dm lAtO DO! DOC Dm YOmulnllu•aa IUL49 n P. P P. Y P. P. 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Mr. Reed plans to construct an earth berm home for his twenty-three year old niece who is disabled as a result of a car accident. He prefers a site location which is close to family and downtown thereby encouraging independent lining. As yowl recall, a few years ago the HRA attempted to purchase this lot from Kruse. The home was destroyed by fire and the HRA made an offer of approximately $22,0(X). The offer was declined. The HRA's interest was to begin the purchase of parcels within this area for possible construction of up -scale town homes. Today, the lot or area remains a key area for redevelopment and is a component of the RiverfrondDowntown Plan funded by the HRA and understudy by Hoisington Koelger. In order to buy -time for completion of the Plan, the City Council on November 25 approved a moratorium on issuance of building permit within a designated redevelopment study area. The moratorium is for one year. Secondly, in order to prevent undue hardship to the Reed family, the HRA is requested to work with Mr. Reed to find an alternate site. Mr. Reed has identified the parcel located at 601 West 6 Street and contacted the current owner who is a willing seller. In 1992, the HRA identified this same area along West 6 Street as a possible area for f ature redevelopment. With the knowledge the HRA gained from the presentation given earlier this evening by Mark Ruff, the HRA may wish to consider authorizing a Redevelopment Program for Housing and establish a TIF nrict or up -front reimburse Mr. Reed in exchange for the 221 Front Street parcel, or nothing to assist the Recd family. Currently, the two parcels are not identified in the Plan for the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I. Mr. Reed has been patience with the City and is under a time flame for construction because of the approved financing through Farmers Home Administration. Mr. Reed estimates construction costs at $11 O,IXX►. The EMV of a similar home constructed by Mr. Reed is $83, 1 IM1 and the annual taxes are $967. HRA AGENDA ` DECEMBER 4, 1996 Approximate costs associated with two parcels identified: W 6 Street Relocation None - assumption - willing seller Acquisition $59,900 Demolition/survey $ 7,000 From Street Acquisition/Survey $27,0(10 (Mr. Reed's costs) Esdmated Exchange Gap: $40,000 Estimated TIF Revenue Gain: Annual Gam $441. 25 years, $11,025 Legal descriptions: Payable 1996. W 6 St - Lot 5, Block 9, City of Monticello EMV $46,000 155010-009050 Annual Taxes are $526 From St - North 14 of Lots 9 & 10, Block 54, City of Monticello EMV $19,200 155-0104)54090 B. Alternative Action - FIRST ACTION - Authorize to assist Mr. Reed: a) HRA authorizes to reimburse Mr. Reed up -front for purchase of the 6 Street parcel and demolitiontsurvey for an amount not -to -exceed $67,(HHI. Mr. Reed agrees to deed Front Street property to HRA at a value of $27,000. HRA estimated exchange gap or difference is $40,(H)O. b) Negotiate the estimated exchange gap or difference. C) NRA elects not to be involved. SECOND ACTION - Assumption of action lo). a) Authorize preparation of a 25 -year Redevelopment District for lot only: Assumption building meets blight test, HRA revenue estimated at $11,025. b) Authorize preparation of a 25 -year Housing District for lot only: Assumption individual resides alone, HRA revenue estimated at $11,025. c) Authorize preparation of a 25 -year Redevelopment District for a larger designated area along West 6 Street and implement an active Housing a Program. 2 HRA AGENDA DECEMBER 4,19% d) Elect to not establish a TIF District for the lot only because the expected revenues is not a valued return to the HRA. Elect to purchase this parcel independently with TIF Surplus dollars assuming adequate surplus dollars are available. C. Recommendation, To prevent an undue hardship to the Reed family, staff recommends Frost Action a) or b). Staff has no recommendation for the Second Action. The HRA should consider its estimated revenue of SI 1,000 compared to the cost of establishing a TIF District (approximately E6,000+). Also, remember if the HRA selects Second Action e), the Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I must still be modified to include the two pawls. Map identifying the two parcels and moratorium on issuance of building permits. D EagVV'Ap Ili SEA ��9� NpSt�G PMIS N��41l25196 1LD council pdoPyad by r'�+...(,'•`rrj' ,t, � •tet •'���� .. ,�f� i, : t"! j (. '.:4 '^ �� •+.r"p i+.j a{,' %. l 1 � f 'f j 4.....` `� r ; � f (! r .,,.r,.,;,,�: �'y 1'' e i , r � r•i'ri 1�.'.:.' T 1 e '`�,tfft .i.i:.. �r� F y� �'•"�+.�!'y�+ ! Y, �Y .' r --� �4" •, t ^n'r '�' ��' ~t `f L I.FY..i `rt';`. �i.tf iWr l»•.i"tj.'7. r''4•.•.... �t`.,�. .+'. ..,• `.'L1 f^ `�»--:1 •t t /j ,„ �_�T"°' �.:' 't ` �t"'.� t, +'r, � �,1.t1r:„.�.r. .{t i'; -i•. `�,R f ..� ""� �,,�•-_,� »/ t•' � ,k � •, . r , ..nr t;; (t ��•; •ar. . h�, - �•..:: \' w. � f i !"' ., , ; �+...,r,,,'.l �" r ..-.:.,,,,,,� � .' l i. 4 1 ,O (� ��'1;;%7'7 "•-....,, w ._.. `i�„"•• �ilj. „y...J�_"'�': ,� 1�r1!:?, � tf t♦lif%.� `�f 1 "'".s `� rn•:•8 r _ "`"'-:.r_�' (';`\� 1`"� �;�_:7,�� "P;��}�j{ry.�i.w(�+V. ir • �I f w•' `•.•..s E17, `�J'il �w""�.✓" /77 T' t. •,lav'.-vr... t'°i`r•�' �• ",,.y. , ` ,gyp. \, t ! f� � i .t• ' � `� { .1 j � , `H 1 GH WAY H0. 84 ! 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (611) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Dan Reed DIB Construction Service Inc. PO Box 1323 Monticello, MN 56362 Dear Mr. Reed: November 26, 1896 This is to inform you that the City Council adopted a moratorium on issuance of building permits for parcels located in a designated redevelopment district. The moratorium is intended to delay development while the City completes planning and zoning activities in the redevelopment area. Please note that the property located at 220 Front Street is located within the redevelopment district; therefore, no permit will be issued for one year or until the moratorium is lifted, whichever is sooner. The moratorium can be lifted by the City Council on a parcel -0y -parcel basis or in its entirety. During the discussion of the moratorium, the City Council was informed of your circumstance and the opportunity to prepare an alternative site for the home intended for 220 Front Street. There was a positive reaction to the concept of buying an older home, demolishing it, then swapping properties. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority is generally the group that conducts redevelopment related activities for the City. Your particular situation will be reviewed by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority on Wednesday, December 4, at 7 p.m., at which time the HRA will be reviewing steps necessary to prepare a site. Thank you for your patience in this matter. 011ie and I look forward to working with you in converting a difficult situation into a positive arrangement for your family and the City. Sincerely, _ ITY QF MON,TI10ELLO %.tt Administretor JO1kd cc: 011ie Koropchak, Economic Development Director Filo Office of Pub& Worb, 9W OolfCosrm Fd., Nostialfo, MN 65569 • PAaw: 16191985,1170 • Far: (6121295-3) 70. r.21. 1 HRA AGENDA DECEMBER 4, 1996 According to the Purchase and Development Contract between the HRA and Vector Tool, the construction of the minimum improvements (15,000 sq ft manufacturing facility on the redevelopment property) must be completed by December 31, 1996. The construction of the minimum improvements shall be deemed to be substantially completed when the redeveloper has received a certificate of ooagsancy from the responsible inspecting authority. At this time, the Building Official has not issued an occupancy permit because the facility lacks the installation of a mechanical unit. Additionally, the redeveloper agreed to employ at least 30 full-time equivalent employees. By no later than November 21, 1997, the weighted average wage of the 30 employees who work on the premises shall be at least $12.00 per hour, including the dollar value per hour of all employee benefits. Please note the supporting data certifying the number of jobs and wages as submitted by the redeveloper's accountartt. The redeveloper has satisfied the job and wage requirement one-year ahead of schedule and exceeds the weighted average wage requirement. Next, Ile HRA needs to determine if the minimum improvements are not substantially complete without the installation of the mechanical unit for consistency with the Building Official's iimpection or to determine if the minimum improvements are substantially complete and approve the Certificate of Completion. If determined the construction is not substantially completed, the HRA will provide the redeveloper with a written statement as to respects the redeveloper failed to complete the minimum impmvemennts. B. Alternative Actions: A motion to approve the Certificate of Completion. A motion to deny approve of the Certificate of Comipktion. A motion to table any action. C. Resommenclation: The Executive Director recommends Alternative No. I, as the mechanical unit may be considered an accessory to the minimum improvements (the construction of a 15,000 sq fl manufacturing facility.) HRA AGENDA DECEMBER 4, 1996 Certification of job and wages and Certificate of Completion. ACM a .. Scoff O. Trobec Certified Public Accountant November 27, 1996 108 F?Owdcle torAm 1700W%1wWwav36 Ms. 011ie Roropchak Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Rose , MN 55113 250 Broadway East Phone (6-12)6:6-2414 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 FAX. (612)636-2525 Dear 011ie: As authorized by Mr. Bradley Barger, I am providing you with my calculation of Vector Tool 6 Manufacturing, Inc.'s July 1996 average wages/benefits paid per hour: Average Full -Time Wages/Ben. Employees Per Hour Total employment 35 $14.83 Total employment (excluding officers) 33 $14.79 Please call me with any questions or if you require any additional information. Sincerely, Scott O. Trobec, C.P.A. cc: Mr. Bradley Barger GL9 SCHEDULE C CERTIFICATE OF tOMPLETION WHEREAS, :he Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota, a public body, corporate and politic (the "Grantor"), by a Deed recorded in the Office of the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in and for the County of Wright and State of Minnesota, as Deed Document Number(a) and , respectively, has conveyed to Vector Tool h Manufacturing, Inc. , a Minnesota general partnership (the "Grantee") , the following described land in County of Wright and State of Minnesota, to -wit: Lot 5, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park, according to the recorded plat thereof in Wright County, Minnesota. and WHEREAS, said Deed contained certain covenants and restrictions set forth in Sections 1 and 2 of said Deed; and WHEREAS, said Grantee has performed said covenants and conditions insofar as it is able in a manner deemed sufficient by the Grantor to permit the execution and recording of this certification; NOW, THEREFORE, this Is to certify that all building construction and other physical improvements specified to be done and made by the Grantee have been completed and the above covenants and conditions in said Deed and the agreements and covenants in Articles IV and VI of the Agreement (as described in said Deed) have been performed by the Grantee therein, and the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in and for the County of Wright and State of Minnesota is hereby authorized to accept for recording and to record, the filing of this instrument, to be a conclusive determination of the satisfactory termination of the covenants and conditions of Articles IV and VI of the Agreement referred to in said Deed, but the covenants created by Section 2(c) and Section 3 of said Deed shall remain in full force and effect. Dated: , 199_. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA By Its Chair By Its Executive Director 151=439 Karoo -w C-1 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) as. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) On this_ day of , 199_, before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared , to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that (s)he is the Chair of the Authority named in the foregoing instrument; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the seal of said Authority; that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Authority by authority of its governing body; and said acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Authority. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) sa. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) On this _ day of , 199_, before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared , to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that (9) he is the Executive Director of the Authority named in the foregoing instrument; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the seal of said Authority; that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Authority by authority of its governing body; and said acknowledged said lnstrumont to bo the free act and deed of said Authority. Notary Public oaons5rt4 oiw-ao C-1 HRA AGENDA DECEMBER 4, 1996 7. Consideration to amend the Private Redevelopment Contract between the HR.A and Cedrus Creek Craftsman-Inc. A. Reference and Background: Enclosed as supporting data you will note the reminder letter to Mr. Komerak (the "redeveloper") on behalf of the HRA. Mr. Komerak has requested the HRA consider to amend the Contract amending the commencement date for construction of Phase 1 by December 31, 1996, to April 15, 1997. It is my understanding the final plat approval for Prairie West 2nd Addition is scheduled for City Council consideration on December 9, 1996. It is important for the HRA to encourage the redeveloper to meet the construction completion dates agreed upon by the redeveloper and the HRA within the Contract thereby protecting the HRA's investment and return of investment. Phase I consists of the TIF District and defines construction completion of four twin home units no later than December 31, 1997; four fourplex units no later than December 31, 1998; and two fourplex units no later than December 31, 1999. The HRA reimbursed the redeveloper with up-front assistance for the acquisition of the Hanawah, Banyai, and Katzmarek parcels in the amount of S 177,500 at the closing and paid the City 540,000 for the Gille parcel providing the redeveloper with a quick claim. 'Rte HRA agreed to reimburse the redeveloper an additional 597,500 over-time per the Contrail for a total assistance of 5315,000. B. Ahernalivc Actions: I . A motion to amend the Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and Cedrus Creek Craftsman. Inc. amending the commencement date for construction of Phase I by December 31, 1996 to April 15, 1997. 2. A motion to deny amending the commencement date for Phase I of the Private Redevelopment Contract. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: Recommendation is Alternative No. 1. 97tis prevents the redeveloper from default of the Contract by the HRA considering the construction season of Minnesota. However, the HRA AGENDA DECEMBER 4,1996 final plat approval should proceed for recording by December 31, 1996 with the City receiving the deed to the westerly Katzmarek parcel for green space or as park dedication per the Conuma. D. Reminder letter to Komarek and the approved preliminary plat for the 2nd Addition of Prairie West. 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295.4404 Mr. John Komarek Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. 12420 Armitage Avenue Northwest Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and Cedrus Creek Craftsman. Inc. Dear Mr. Komarek: On behalf of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), this letter is written as a reminder of the terms and conditions of the Private Redevelopment Contract. ARTICLE IV, Section 4.3. Commencement and Completion of Construction states: Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Redeveloper shall commence construction of Phase I by December 31, 1996. Phase 1 means the construction of townhouse units within the TIF District. In order to commence construction in Phase 1, the final plat of Prairie West 2nd Addition needs to be approved and recorded. As the 31th of December is fast approaching and to comply with the Private Redevelopment Contract, l recommend yo i contact the Planning Department at City Hall to discuss the process and time frame necessary for the final plat approval and preparation of the Developer's Agreement for the 2nd Addition. Should you have any questions regarding the Private Redevelopment Contract, please do not hesitate to call me at 295-2711. For your information, the next regular HRA meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 4, 1996, 7:00 P.M. Office of PWic Works, 909 Golf rDurw Rd., Monticello, MN SM92 • Phone: 1612/ 295-3) 70 • Fac I612/ 295.3 170, ret. 1 Mr. Komarek November 18, 1996 Page 2 Thank you for your attention of this matter. Sincerely, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN ANDFOR THE CITY OF (M�O_NT�ICELLO \'1 d% o �^r`� 011ie Koropchak Executive Director ;C: Steve Bubul, HRA Attorney Al Larson. HRA Chairperson Jeff O Ner11. Planning Department Tom Lindquist, First National Bank of Monticello 0 _-'iiza�' -- ------- Preliminary Plat CIS CEDRUS CREEK CRAFTSMAN PRAIRIE WEST 2ND ADDITION 5' Alto p'> l' r b, • ..�.,. ..._ � .e_ �ma'n= ••; , HiQ,.' _ '. ' +l'.',r ••�'i� • rte. ... �c14 44 4� •�a7a1 ,1.� � HRA AGENDA DECEMBER 4, 1996 Consideration of U tes: a) Presbyterian Homes - Enclosed is a copy of a letter to Mr. Lindh as it relates to completion of the project and evidence of payment for the Public Redevelopment Costs. The sum of the Public Redevelopment Costs for reimbursement by the HRA to Presbyterian Homes per the Contract is $325,830. Presbyterian Homes is in the process of providing the requested evidence of payment. b) Jay Morrell - Mr. Morrell telephoned the office of the HRA on November 18, 1996, stating be had not received the letter of November 4, 1996 and attached invoice, which outlined Morrell's counter-offer of $4,000 on October 28, 1996, and acceptance by I.arson. Wolfsteller, and Koropchak and later ratified the HRA. A copy of the letter and the invoice was faxed the same day. The HRA has not received the $4.000 and a I% interest rate is charged as of December 4, 1996. c) HRA lot on West Broadway - Mr. Steve Johnson telephoned requesting acceptance to restore the HRA lot in the spring of 1997 to its original condition. Original condition meaning prior to restoration of Mr. Johnson's exterior building along the easterly boundary of the HRA lot as per the Agreement. Koropchak accepted and requested a letter of intent from Mr. Johnson. No letter of intent has been received. Koropchak will drift a letter summarizing the conversation for record. d) T.J. Martin, Inc. - The Private Redevelopment Contract has not been executed. The Contract is under review by the redeveloper's attorney. The $5,000 cashier check was deposited. No building or site plans have been submitted to the City for review. Lass indication is their intent is to commence construction in January 1997. C) Brad Johnson. Lotus Realty Services - A couple attempts have been made to reach Mr. Johnson for new developments relating to securing an anchor for the Monticello Man. f) 525 East Broadway - The City Administrator drafted the enclosed letter to Clifford Olson requesting permission for the Building Official to access the property. On December 3, 1996, Mr. Wolfsteller received the following telephone message from Mrs. Olson with no telephone number. Future plans to use as retirement property. Have spoken to two residing companies, have removed a couple of trees and may remove a couple more, spoke to sheriffs office and no record of past problem with trespassing, and building is well secured and posted against trespassing. Does the HRA endorse Mr. Wolfsteller's request for City Council action to proceed? g) Proposed improvements to the Site Development Process - Enclosed is a draft copy for your information. 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295.4404 Daniel A. Lindh Presbyterian Homes 3220 Lake Johanna Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55112-7997 Re: Private Contract between the Monticello HRA and Presbyterian Homes. Dear Dan: The Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City of Monticello are proud of the completed project known as Mississippi Shores. It truly is an asset to our community and we were pleased to be one of the partners in financing the project through the assistance of TIF. Thank you for your letter of November 11. 1996, and the supporting information validating compaction of the Public Redevelopment Costs with the exception of the Bike/Pedestrian Pathway Bridge, a Public Improvement. Upon completion of the pathway bridge by the City during construction season 1997, the City will invoice Presbyterian Homes "the Redeveloper" for reimbursement as per Section 3.2 of the Contract. The letter from Dean Sand certifies completion of the project and the actual costs incurred during construction of Mississippi Shores: however, the supporting information does not certify that the Public Redevelopment Costs have been paid by the Redeveloper. Upon receipt of evidence cenifying payment of the Public Redevelopment Costs by the Redeveloper, the I IRA will notify the Redeveloper in writing that such evidence is satisfactory as per Section 3.3 (Q of the Contract. Enclosed is a copy of the recorded Certificate of Completion for your records. You will note the date of the document and recording. My apology for not mailing the copy earlier, it was my understanding based on our previous telephone conversation that a closure meeting was to be held. Ojjtn of Public Words, 909 Goff Caurss Rat, Monticello, MN 64,192 • Phone: (612) 283.3170 f F= (612) 29.1.3170. fit. 1 1 IS, 1996 lfyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 295-2711. Again, thank you for a fie fidsW project and as always it's a pleasure doing business with Presbyterian Homes. Smcerety, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO O�U \h d\ o�J.Yvy� 011ie Koropchak Executive Director cc: Steve Bubul Al Larson Rick Wolfstetler 6 MOMnCEu.o Office of the City Administrator 250 East Broadway November 8, 1996 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Mr. Clifford L. Olson 2732 Irving Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 66408 Re: Parcel #165-016-003060 Dear Mr. Olson: According to our records, you are the owner of a residential structure located on Lots 6, 7, 8, and part of 9, Block 3, Lower Monticello. From the physical appearance of the structure, it appears that the property has not been inhabited for quite some time and is in need of repairs and maintenance. The purpose of this letter is to determine what your future plans are regarding the rehabilitation and use of this property and to request your permission to allow our City Building Official access to the property for the purpose of conducting an inspection. As I noted, the general exterior condition of the structure has raised concerns by City of Monticello officials that the building may be considered a hazardous structure because of its inadequate maintenance, physical appearance, and possible unsanitary conditions could exist, including concerns of a potential fire hazard to abutting properties. With the structure being abandoned as far as occupancy is concerned, we would need the ability to inspect the property to determine whether the parcel is not a hazard to public safety or health. If you have current plans for updating or remodeling of this structure, I would appreciate hearing about your plans. If not, I am requesting your permission to allow our Building Mr. Clifford L. Olson November 8, 1996 Page 2 Official access to the property for the purpose of conducting an inspection to confirm that the building does not constitute a public health or safety hazard to the neighborhood. I shall await your response concerning your plans or permission for access. Yours truly, CITY OF MONTICELLO (;?4ezo� Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator RW/kd cc: Gary Anderson, Building Inspector File Mr. Clifford L. Olson November 8, 1996 Page 2 Official access to the property for the purpose of conducting an inspe: tion to confirm that the building does not constitute a public health or safety hazard to the neighborhood I shall await your response concerning your plans or permission for access. Yours truly, CITY OF MONNTI,CELLO 6;?-, - 6 , Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator RWAd cc: Gary Anderson, Building Inspector File C�) Site Development Process Improvements General Goals -Be an advocate - support builder - apply regulations in reasonable fashion. - Provide concise aid organized information. Establish common expectations. - Anticipate problems - take timely action to head off problems for the builder. - Provide a single point of information for the builder - Building Official. +X� Forms and Procedures 1. Pre -Planning Worksheet (order development) - Initial site plan development tnening. Soup to mus review. A. Project introduction by builder. B. Staff reviews the site plan development process. Site planning and deMopmem checklist - Critical path Building perinit application submhtal requirements. Design standards. Identify planning approvals needed. Finance packaging and time lines 2. Site Planning and Development Checklist - Project Monitoring (In Process) Identifies critical path and time iiames for obtaining building permit. Provides structure allowing systematic. stash -forward process. Documents submittal dates and holds staff accountable for timely review. Identifies requirements for obtaining Mal occupancy to applicant. 3. She Plan Infommtion Requvenents/Design Standards A. Grading and Drainage (In process) B. Laodwsplog (Done) C. Balldimg (In process) D. Planning mad Zoning • Submittal dates sad mating eaiemdar. (Done) 2-C STAFF COMMENTS FINALYZED - RESPONSE NO LATER THAN FOLLOWING MONDAY - IF NOT COMPLETE GO IO STEP 2-A aTAII TIM. CHA"IIAtRa IDA THIRD ft Y CICU. J LETTER OR STATEMENT By City Enynom By CBO By CBO Acrd Ad— OF COMPLETION OF PLANS Approved plan ad 4fo 3 App&'ere eApbs to. a& Prmll - radornfjorn CePo.11 Modred D Os4th0 oceun p W to A103np pemd. 38 Foo. Pwd 1 1 A. CrtY I5M1ES IMlRIP1r1 P€RW s CONSTRUCTION PHASE - SCHE0UL E INRPFaCTtONS VIA OEV��LOPMENT SERVICES TECHNICIAN -;iihn0 Lenotacepo Bwldoq Plaraang and FINAL OCCUPANCY PHASE Amoral A --I Amon) Zono Am —I 6 REQUEST FOR FINAL OCCUPANCY ♦ joy M.nialr nearmu.d inurrary'i. R..... Y..vpl „ ,. .. . �rrueulp 7-A CITY STAFF INSPECTS SITE. PREPARES PUNCH Days LIST- REVIEWED AT SITE PLAN MEETING (Punch Wt to applicant no Lada than Id mwv Monday) 41, 7.0 APPLICANT CALLS FOR INSPECTION 24 M in *KNam. If req go to nima It not compo, W to 7-A 7-8 LETTER OF CREDIT OR OTHER SECURITY FOR UNFINISHED ITEMS MAY BE SUFFICIENT E SIGN PERMIT REQUEST. Plan on 7 Ory tun -round ` 0, OCCUPANCY PERMIT MIN 0 Soo .oprde scMAA m la I— .rata hnancmp end or p mV and rorwV e[Pwela q JJJ SITE DEVELOPMENTIPLANNING CHECKLIST COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AND APARTMENTS Project SITE PLAN INFORMATION PACKAGE A B C D Step. PLAN REVIEW PHASE GRADING 6 LANDSCAPE BUILDING ZONING DRAIN PLANS PLANS PIANS APPROVAL ' tropate Proms'. SITE PLANNING MEETING WITH CITY STAFF SII Neccaary STRONGLY RECOMMENDED -THURSDAY .2 PM IOEhkr App L� o.r� TP l _51a u Trm n m AoPn.enn+l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .; Mt." I I -A. SUBMITTAL DEADLINE - id REVIEW - Tlaor6y moon ♦ Nor" 1-B 1d REVIEW -Sdo PIM Rwm MwWv- Thursday 2 PM rya IR.n w rw�r r rs trn n.ron'i • .mnseras nGeurrq I -C STAFF COMMENTS FINALYZED- Follom"Thurtmy STAFF RESPONSE DEADLINE - MONDAY MAIL • 2-A SUBMITTAL DEADLINE - 2nd Review - Thursday noon Thr- W""'w"j •. •.. • • D.Y. 2-0 2ND SUBMITTAL REVIEWED AT THURS MEETING 2-C STAFF COMMENTS FINALYZED - RESPONSE NO LATER THAN FOLLOWING MONDAY - IF NOT COMPLETE GO IO STEP 2-A aTAII TIM. CHA"IIAtRa IDA THIRD ft Y CICU. J LETTER OR STATEMENT By City Enynom By CBO By CBO Acrd Ad— OF COMPLETION OF PLANS Approved plan ad 4fo 3 App&'ere eApbs to. a& Prmll - radornfjorn CePo.11 Modred D Os4th0 oceun p W to A103np pemd. 38 Foo. Pwd 1 1 A. CrtY I5M1ES IMlRIP1r1 P€RW s CONSTRUCTION PHASE - SCHE0UL E INRPFaCTtONS VIA OEV��LOPMENT SERVICES TECHNICIAN -;iihn0 Lenotacepo Bwldoq Plaraang and FINAL OCCUPANCY PHASE Amoral A --I Amon) Zono Am —I 6 REQUEST FOR FINAL OCCUPANCY ♦ joy M.nialr nearmu.d inurrary'i. R..... Y..vpl „ ,. .. . �rrueulp 7-A CITY STAFF INSPECTS SITE. PREPARES PUNCH Days LIST- REVIEWED AT SITE PLAN MEETING (Punch Wt to applicant no Lada than Id mwv Monday) 41, 7.0 APPLICANT CALLS FOR INSPECTION 24 M in *KNam. If req go to nima It not compo, W to 7-A 7-8 LETTER OF CREDIT OR OTHER SECURITY FOR UNFINISHED ITEMS MAY BE SUFFICIENT E SIGN PERMIT REQUEST. Plan on 7 Ory tun -round ` 0, OCCUPANCY PERMIT MIN 0 Soo .oprde scMAA m la I— .rata hnancmp end or p mV and rorwV e[Pwela q JJJ CITY OF MONTICELLO LANDSCAPE STANDARDS AND OSUBMUTIAL REQUIREMENTS I. STANDARDS 1. Trees: 1 overstory tree per every 60' of site perimeter - site perimeter defined as 30' beyond "built" area. Location of tree plantings at the discretion of the property owner. 50% of tree requirement shay be substituted with shrubs and understory trees - staff discretion. Of total trees required, no fewer than 25% should be deciduous or coniferous. Deciduous minimum overstory size is 2.5" diameter or measured 6" from ground. Coniferous minimum overstory size is Gin height. Credits against planting requirement may be given for existing trees. 2. Screening 11equirem n : All outside storage and parking Iota adjacent to residential areas must be screened. Landscape screen or screening fence or combination must be 00% opaque. Screening fences outside of building setbacks may be no shorter than 6' and no higher than 8'. Height of material screened must not exceed height offence. Fences higher than 8' are allowed but must meet building setbacks. 3. 1&=: Sodding required for disturbed areae except for future expansion areas. No seeding needed in undisturbed areas. Native grasses allowed with approval from Planning Commission. 4. &QM: No steeper than 3.5 to 1. If used for a screen, minimum is 3 to 1. 5. Par + g lalnn o; One 9'120' curled island delineator for every 6,000 sq R of parking lot. 6, : Lotter of credit or deposit must be provided prior to issuance of an occupancy permit if landscaping is not complete at time of requested occupancy. ll. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. R nndnrd Cub iUA uimmc nt.: Grading and drainage plans may be used as a b= for landscaping plan. Show the following landscape data in addition to base. A. Planting schedule • show variety of trnealshrubs proposed. B. Show approximate location of treealshrubs identified on the schedule. C. Existing treestshrubs. U. Fence locations, height, opacity, design. E. Identify planter We, landscape islands - state materials used. F. Describe how disturbed sail areas will be restored. G. Show berm elevations. Ii. Show sodded and seeded arcs. 1. Location of pylon signs. 2, fl ffer Ynnt: Special regulations are in place which are intended to reduce negative impacts resulting from adjacent incompatible uses. See Section 3.3G of the zoning code for detail. If applicable, buffer yard data should include building setbacks and fence or berm detai uMoaCav aro 102M KENNEDY S GRAVEN Chvmvd 200 South Slah Suw% Suke 470 Mkmupok MN 55402 (612)337.9300 CLIENT SUMMARY November 7, 1996 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Through October 31, 1996 ,� MN 190-00031: Tapper Redevelopment G-� 104.50 MN 190-00041: Redevelopment - General �' ate} 129.00 MN190-00057: M & P Transport/Jay Morrell Matter \'l ON - 164.75 MN190-00058: Economic Development TIF Lake Tool (TJ Martin) V �'ti� 2,214.43 Services Rendered: 2,599.25 Disbursements: 13.43 !� Balance Due: 2,612.68 t detim www paid, as hr /qv tttb 800WIL ddtn Of ftRWd ,/ 'v�1 6rdttwnop�r �d �1 KENNEDY a GRAVEN Chimed 200 Smd, Stash Saes, Supe 470 MWamolb, MN SS402 (612) 337-9300 November 7, 1996 ,g n Q \'v` City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 MN 190-00031: Tapper Redevelopment Invoice k 12703 Through October 31, 1996 For All Legal Services As Fallows: 10/01/% DIG Review amendment to development contract re 0.40 40.00 timing of payment 10/02/96 SIB Review Tappers Site Improvements statement; 0.50 64.50 review contract; phone call with O. Koropchek re same Total Services: S 104.50 Total Services And Disbursements: S 104.50 KENNEDY a GRAVEN C1txared 20D Soul Stah Sum Sutx 470 MmepoN MN 55402 (612)337.9300 November 7, 1996 Q City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Qw Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN 190-00041: Redevelopment - General Invoice # 12704 Through October 31, 1996 For All Legal Services As Follows: 10/01/96 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchak re preparation for 0.50 64.50 HRA meeting 10/15/96 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchak re mall 0.30 38.70 redevelopment; other TIF matters; Custom Canopy loan issues 10/21/96 SIB Phone call with O. Koropchak re house acquisition 0.20 25.80 options Total Services: S 129.00 Total Services And Disbursements: $ 129.00 I KENNEDY a GRAVEN ahamw 200 South Sheth Saab Suite 470 Mhmupok MN 55402 (612)337.9300 November 7, 1996 d' City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN190-00057: M & P TmnspoNlny Morrell Matter Invoice # 12707 Through October 31, 1996 For All Legal Services As Follows: 10/02/96 S1B Attend HRA meeting 1.25 161.25 Total Services: $ 161.25 For All Disbursements As Follows: 1 10/09/96 Fax 3.50 1. Towl Disbursements: • S 3.50 Total Services And Disbursements: $ 164.75 KENNEDY ex GRAVEN aged 200 south Stash Sues, Suite 470 Khm*0 4 MN 55402 (612)737.0300 � -,� k ,Ot 'ry \ n November 7, 1996 \0 ,v City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN 190.00058: Economic Development TIF Lake Tool (TJ Martin) Invoice # 12708 Through October 31, 1996 For All Legal Services As Follows: 10/02/96 SJB Attend HRA meeting re new economic 0.50 64.50 development project 10/08/96 DJG Draft development contract 2.40 240.00 10/09/96 DJG Draft development contract 4.70 470.00 10/10/96 DJG Draft development contract 2.90 290.00 10/14/% DJG Draft development contract 4.90 490.00 10/17/96 DJG Draft development contract 0.60 60.00 10/20/96 DJG Draft TJ Martin contract 2.40 240.00 10/21/96 DJG Draft development contract and review TIF plan 1.40 140.00 10/22/96 DJG Draft development contract 1.30 130.00 10/24/96 DJG Draft development contract 0.80 80.00 Total Services: S 2,204.50 For All Disbursements As Follows: 10/25/% Photocopies 8.00 10/25/% Postage 1.93 Total Disbursements: S 9.93 Total Services And Disbursements: $ 2,214.43 s EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INCJPUBLICORP INC. 4950 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Monticello HRA PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362-9245 November 18, 1996 ML' +00.14 TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-21- 10fil .11 MTR Tax IncremeN PMJ8Ctbn for Mmgn Pr0jed Hous 1.00 mount 105.00 1OW: I MTR DisaMOM with ettomey end new nm for V*d 0.50 52.50 10MV6 MTR Review memo and tax hvnnwd work 0.50 52.50 10/ W MTR Dismsiom with 011ie regarding di9idct 0.25 28.25 DIF Draflhg - TIF Plans and Document/ - Fiscal ImpOcatbn LetterS 1.21 1.75 183.75 10/10/-G DJF Drafting - TIF Plans end Doamrerda - Fiscal Impkatim Lettere 1.21 0.75 78.75 101111.0 MTR Run note for new tax h crement project 0.50 52.50 DJF Drafting - TIF Plans and Domwnerde - Fhnt draft TIF Plan 1-21 4.50 472.50 DJF Drafting - TIF Pians and Docwnerda - Call Hearing end Public 0.75 78.75 Hearing Notice 1011//90 DJF Drafting - TIF Plans and Domnrrents - TIF Plan 3.00 315.00 1012:V% MTR Tax Increment plan numbers 0.75 78.75 DJF Dra" - TIF Plans and Doaunenta - Cd Hearing and Public Hearing Notice 2.75 288.75 1028196 DJF Drafting - TIF Pians and Doaunents - Planning Comndssbn 3.25 341.25 Resolution, HRA ReuAdion, C4 Cour>dl ResoMbn and Redevelopment Plan Total Due This Month: 20.25 $2,128.25 Total Balance Due: $2,128.25 s EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INCJPUBLICORP INC. 4950 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Monticelb HRA PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362-9245 November 18, 1996 MC100-01 GENERAL "f6 IMM MTR Meeft on dowriftwnredeveloWnerit 3.25 341.25 Total Due This W-dh: 3.25 1341.E Previous Balance: $708.75 10111198- Payment - Mark y" a 10/30196 Payment - thank you 10/31/96 Refund ($830.00) ($708.75) %".00 Total payments ($708.75) ll Total Balance Due: 1341.2 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INCJPUBUCORP INC. 2950 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MtNNEAPOUS, MN 55402 TERMS OF HRA COMMISSIONERS December d, 19% Tom St. Hilave Dwember 1996 Steve Andrews December 1997 Al Larson December 1998 Brad Barger December 1999 Roger Carlson December 2000 A I &#foyF¢-BME-fi,tl, _qnc. F6anefal Pf mft RodUM and Sambas. December 3, 1996 TO: Monticello City Council S HRA Chair, Al Larson FROM: T. St. Hilaire, HRA Member 2885 Long Lake Road, Suite 100 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 Phone (612) 631.3378 Fax (612) 83141439 My term on the HRA expires 12/31/96. Thank you for the opportunity to serve on this committee. It has been worthwhile and very interesting. I will be unable to serve for another term. Another Community commitment will demand a great deal of my time for the next two years. As a member of the HRA, it has been a pleasure to work with many members of the Monticello community. Included in this list is 011ie, whom I personally thank and applaud for her expertise at every level. Her input, direction and organizational �skills have been exceptional. In my opinion, she deserves this city's praise and a . raisel Sincerely, /,�/"-ems T. W. St. Hilaire cc:mayor/major elect council/council elect �r HRA AGENDA DECEMBER 4, 1996 9c) Other Business, Enclosed is a copy of the January 1996 HRA minutes appointing AI Larson as the HRA representative to the MCP Board of Directors for a period not -to -exceed one year. The motion inchrded requesting Mr. Larson to rc6rani from HRA discussions and abstain from voting on any aeon of potential conflict of interest. It is my underaartdarg the MCP Annual Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 8, 1997, and the tams of three directors expire this year. One of those terms is that of the HRA representative. The HRA representative appointed beginning 1997 will serve for a term of three years. With an unlmown date of the January HRA meeting, it n my recommendation the HRA members consider appointing an HRA representative to the MCP Board of Directors. C 4111111111111VA 111 F 1I t,l 1 1 U yll I t. HRA members mentioned numerous names as possible candidates for consideration as an IIRA representative to the MCP. Individuals: Jeff Erickson, Sandy Foster, Blonigan family, Dan Fric, Jean or John Michaelis, Rose Mary Dahl, Tom Pogotdnik, Carol Edwards, Kevin Doty, Hoglund family, and HRA commissioners. According to Attorney Bubul, a conflict of interest occurs when an HRA member is the appointee. A conflict prevails when an item requires discussion and calls for action (a vote) to enter into a contract which is between the IIRA and the MCP such as the $10,t)(9) loan or perhaps Tax Increment Financing. HRA members considered a possible alternative: An HRA commissioner be appointed and agree to abstain from voting on such items. After much discussion, IIRA members felt the value of At Larson as a member of the Board of Directors for out -weighted the very remote chance of any potential conflict of interest. Members agreed Mr. Larson has been a key individual in the initial efforts and the driving force behind the grassroots approach for downtowNriverfront development. Therefore, it made logical sense to appoint At Larson to the Board of Directors. Brad Barger made a motion to appoint Mr. Larson as the NRA representative to the MCP Board of Directors for a period not - to -exceed one year, at which time, the HRA will review the appointment. 'Ihe motion included requesting Mr. Larson to refrain from discussions and abstain from Q- voting on any items of potential conflict of interest. Everette Ellison seconded the motion and with no further discussion the motion passed on a 4-1 vote. Yeas: Barger, Ellison, St. Hilaire, and Carlson. Absention: Larson. 4. OTHER BUS NESS_ Ellison reported he would be out-of-town February I I through March 16. ADJOURNML'.NT, The HRA meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. 011ie Koropchak, Executive Director Page 2 MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY $10,000 INTEREST-FREE LOAN, UNSECURED, ONE-YEAR PAYBACK Approved December 6. 1995 LOAN BALANCE, December 7. 1995 E10.0(K).(H) AMENDED PROPOSED EXPENDITURES: Visioning Workshop S 700.00 + accommodations One day, January 20, 1996) Workplan Workshop S 700.00 + accommodations One day, February 24. 1996) Manager interviews, S 700.00 + accommodations fundraising, and budgeting (March or April) Manager Training $ 5MAK) + accommodations (April or May) Visit of Choice S 7(M).(K) + accommodations (April 17, 1996) Focus Visit, three days S2jX)0.(10+ accommodations (August or September) Year end visit and S 700.00 + accommodations directional planning (December or January) TOTAL REVISED EXPENDI IURES F_XPENDITIl E& S6,(MM).(M)+ accommodations Visioning Workshop, January 20, 1996 "eresa Washburn S 7(9).R) Monticello -KI -C S 226.2(1 Maus Foods S 102.90 Bill Endres. February 14 $ 10.00 Reimbursement P.O. Box & Key i Steve Bubul, February 13 $ 548.25 Non profit status Workplan Workshop, February 24,1996 Theresa Washburn S 7(X).00 Maus Foods S 23.85 011ie Koropchak $ 7.01 Reimburxment of orange drink and Washburn lunch C.J. Brown, Inc., March 20 $ 112.50 Fundraising list Steve Bubul, March 8 S 980.70 Articles of Incorporation Monticello Times, April 15 S 139.20 "Button Contest" Committee Chair Meetings S 7Ut1.00 Theresa Washburn, April 17 Steve Bubul, April 12 $ 880.25 Bylaws Design for Print Studio $ 410.53 June 6 SUBTOTAL $5.541.39 LOAN BALANCE.. June 11. 1996 $4.438.61 Wright County Truth in Taxation Rates for Payahie 1997 71414 °r J, 1997 Tac Rates Wright County -di"' nwr IT, 1996 V A - CO TN Rau A- CO raMet Vatlla Rab 46W 5,et1.lR. T.R MIM" 1.•70.. +....M Ya•nl M1pmJ Total M61 Tar Rau V. -Rau Rau Tar V. -Rau 2111 %!lion I..p11at6ra11a6 I Ste SIor\Imin I+p +706 x1341 11.111 58425 ".702 0 045131 1 Sew 70611 Is am 57.358 170514 D;6 713 N/ !11362 58w I, 271 005013 4m 713 621 13040 58.62! 164 n. 004581 IT I, x13 ul now 66506 0170 17002 0040 2 SAl 2 62054 54.410 tN 333 Mot 31NS USIA 58.401 MI x13,649 11111 57.795 17.47 0"311 21.1'-, 1•p DDI x13,41 "All 51.196 0.7T 58211 00494' JI7 7064/ 15171 ge51 +07.1IS 4M1n 25 Be 15171 5842! ;.2 .5 001591 202 antral. I..p INabt6llr fw 70,621 16621 54.1" 100.14 STT 70621 12.370 62.236 a 104.3&2 004005,1 xa \ 41.012 1x770 23,3x6twnppta 704.115 0040051 620a.w.4aarwp SDS 28.641 12.370 52.127 62AN ao3aw nl 2149 21629 45 auto I DTT 2164 21 US 63 117,6x4 604005 203 Vieth-I+p 6;9 LN1 ]t 49 65.64 110007 006244 DTT 71641 464 11]25 00544 004005 6DO 26 Sa 71,641 54464 107.137 MI 2549 464 17.795 11.035 0"3" 101 CO) OIAI1 -1111 2041'karw4!134 Iwp 1AatwMa ;SD is Wt 1101 54.157 111,7]1 0052N 743 2.64/ 773 29641 19,IN It IN 60,097 50097 ".264 0,729 58.917 a04031;1 004031 i1 Ma 26407 34401 57.31 1+S 606 005111 276 79,41 191" !4w 11. 267 OOS^171 '031 ^Tf 4_�a.Ja:: ..rtarN4C 97M1 71,649 19411 58500 0,759 +05397 005017 6;a 26.x23 71111 55.958 111/S7 005017 MI 2a,"S 19411 &2.127 100.274 0034M;� 116 • 21547 77411 Hills 0121 117,411 005017 2051'"T 1 wp I 101 Cin of S.I/ab -.1 to 466 29641 13.741 58421 100.235 0015811 IIT7 21.41 71243 91725 a "3 111 0"005 2TT l 41017 71247 13.32!Cburru Me 175,580 0,4005 .1,61'Orlana I M1tvaM0 NTM1 213649 11019 NSM 103.171 00117 141' 117 At"..rwJrr Matarrw0 DT6 21341 16011 56500 0.779 101.100 005017. 742 N.Sq 6445 41.14 111011 6440]4 MI 00641 15011 57.115 14,410 0643" 7J/ ' 4.1350 ]1645 11423 0.1x1 117 637 0060]i MI 29 us 16,016 67.795 0121 105.161 0647" I 103 C.lt .I1'.\•l. 1�'. 1 i.a\li• I •p 4" 79 Set 27 715 1.475 "1229 0 04591 111 28 US 13015 44117 101.1370 DIT 21.621 12ou 46213 104.11 00.0053,{ IN f,p.154..... Dl9 21619 13011 1/134 101.211 OMSM JJII 731 76 N1 30 "S U,AN 119"S 005751 M] 21,649 13011 58{9/ 101.71] OON11� J 10/1'117 al Dru.. 'IN 3.se"Alleas $79JII 117 49,6l 103.601 O 047u Jr.M1 7641 11715 58475 IN 417 004"1 DT6 76541 17,176 4606 1.403 006017 1011'..1.1 II.r N NU • 3541 13319 44906 0171 16277 005017, ITT 71,41 1S IN 63.371 1101" 004005 1! 71645 11354 67,417 100, ,S1 005147 210 61ap4 I..lr Iwp 177 26,X9 15230 11176 10/.201 004M1� 10 ('111 AIII.wa.d l.a\r AAI 26 NS 15710 17.11 101611 0"IN, "o 4117 40587 "SN 175767 001 70 NS 11730 12.171 MO4 00]600, I I01'd7 .I NapM la\e 711 a1ar.l..11r lop NI 7141 71202 67791 171 S4 0"701 DT7 21641 11774 11376 103. 74 0640011 MII 76641 11714 58634 1,11 1431'it, W%1"I'dia, " awtr IMI 5949 11774 11.796 4.1+6 0047% N2 - 76 NS 1901 {7.171 1271 +07091 00164 IIS NI Wdk1 Ill] 1 w p 117 1'621 .1 DI.alr.re 62.6 a uo 11 131 to 623 +cc 701 0 .4u1 A 12.170 41 1131 C2.3" 131 1704 a a1.. . art 2 w 10137 N a" 103.410 DDI 1649 18137 62.796 IN.ut cum IU Ca.Ju..r1. I is 70645 627m 7, 644. 7704 17044 a 0626 262 11..u1r0,�lwp rower fu - 704/ »7m 23.171 1211 1113 Jv 062906 DTT •• 12 Nf 1101 4,321 x114 12+.711 O *1044 ` 251 ^ 71 41 11.261 102 2 701 116127 0 017.2 DDS 76641 110] &2.177 1,114 6014 000000'� 114 •• 76 NS 1123 62417 1714 4.IS 00574 117141.1 It- LIAO 11 11111 11163 59+11 123700 001176 115 R..5f.rd Iwp 17T 7654 +141 11.321 103711 004001' 1141 d. J 11 slab.,! 519 76 NS 11 43 IS SN tow 100262 � T31 76 641 21 750 N W 14 163 0 0674 aD+ 76 It 1+41 11911 11111 1058/1' STT 72641 2971 6]725 1}114 004C0f 444 16645 "71 1462 111621 005712 Sln wd. rr 1 p 176 72649 21176 I,w rO4/Rr 1774 IM ON 1 o0bOI2 1111 its d1uw1611•. r. '27:1 004/444004 111 •• 75 641 21 171 17 TN 7 774 110 223 O MNI "t 72 641 11 111 ass" 104 715 0 044+7 147 1141 21176 17.171 1174 104671 003400 IT1 IS 641 IS 171 4504 0171 101065 005811 anul6..de 1•prralvr.all 1I 1111 -.1•11\..7011 cb 22 us loo Iw92170 004070 61 26170 403+ Mao 17140 571 71"1 /016 58w 0119 211" 00"11 110 71711 4071 N.H 177731 H•t la4 Cal, -Il,. Tau! la. A4u • C.-Il14624 1VaInbM (A.-.0 •nrraa04na I. 411 V•I • T. at Val Etc • raMN Vr Rat • ■arta! 11- Ta. - rpapnr DMAitt • 01.1.1y RWuc- aI.. capacity Ta•aa • r4M At V46ra TN• Val" D" Ma•anbr 11,11" . I.• Wright County Truth in Taxation Rates for Payahie 1997 OJNTY C)",. DARLA M. GROSHENS O '1s�A Wright County Auditor / Treasurer J ` Wright County Government Center z 10 N. W. 2nd Street Q M Buffalo, Minnesota 55313.1193 6 Q Phone: (612) 682.7578 ' dy Pax: (612) 6824178 ,eels November 21, 19% City of Monticello Rick Wolfsteller, Administrator 250 East Broadway Post Office Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362 Rick Wolfsteller Enclosed Is the Final Levy Certification showing the amount of taxes and tax rates used for the Truth in Taxation notices mall ed out by Wright County. Make any changes on this form and return to us by December 31, 1996. Once we have the final market and tax capacity values we will be recalculating all the tax rates. Enclosed is an Information Sheet comparing Market Values, Tax Capacity, Tax Rates, Wright County Adjusted levy and HACA. These amounts Is what 1995/96 taxes were based � on and what the Truth in Taxation notices used. Comparison of these figures is also done the same way the Truth In Taxation does. The second part compares the Budget information. The final part shows tax collection experience for your Taxing Authority. The final Is the 161 of tax rates on the back of this letter and how they apply to your area. If you have any questions concerning the completion of the Final Levy Certification or questions on the enclosed sheets, please call Rodney R Bunting at (612) 682 - 7583. This form must be returned by December 31st, 1996. Sincerely, 2nting Rodney Accounting Specialist Fbewi Opportunity / Affin tative Action Employer I N F O R M A T I O N P,\TA6LE 1996/97 City of Monticello Ivy V A L U Es S Actual Proposed Percent Change of 1995/96 1996/97 Change Wright County Afarket Value 452,158,400 471,399,700 19,241,300 4.255 % Wright County Tax Capacity 16,361,000 16,638,178 277,178 1.694 % Wright County Tax Increment 568,078 570,328 2,250 0.396 % Total Net Tar Capacity 15,792,922 16,067,850 274,928 1.741 % Tax Capacity Rate 18.509 19.048 0.539 2.912 % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wright County Adjusted Levy - 2,922,800 3,059,880 137,080 4.690 % H A CA 261,099 260,409 -690 -0.264 % B U D T S I Actual Proposed Change Pe nt Of 1995/96 1996197 Change Budget (a) 3,183,899 3,320.289 136,390 4.284 m LGA (b) 0 °? % 11.4 CA (c) 261,099 260,409 -690 .0.264 % Other (d) 0 "7 Disparity (d) 0 0 0 0.000 % i Fisc Disp (d) 0 77 % (A4justed levy) 2,922,800 3,059,880 137,080 4.690 To Cerlifled levy S H T r L 6 M 6 N T Payable 1994195 Percent Payable 1995/96 Total Settlement 2,841,816.56 100.000 % 2.923.121.55 31av Settlement 1,432,037.05 50.392 % 1.477,162.25 Final Settlement 1,391,905.48 48.979 AiVastments 927.51 0.033 % Taxes Unpaid 18,801.54 0.662 % 1,445,959.30 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (611) 2954404 Mr. Steve Johnson 1233 Sandy Lane Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Wall Maintenance Agreement by and between Barry D. Fluth and Barbara A. Ruth, husband and wife, and Steven C. Johnson and Candace P. Johnson. husband and wife. dated the 3rd of July, 1996. Dear Steve: This is a follow-up letter of the JohnsonfKoropchak telephone conversation on November 19. 1996. To summarize the telephone conversation, the parties agreed that due to seasonal ground cover on the property owned by the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority and located at 1 I I West Broadway or described as Lots 7 &. 8, Block 52, Monticello according to recorded plat thereof, the prompt cleaning and restoration of the property to the condition it was in before the commencement of the fhll 1996 maintenance or activity waq deferred. The cleaning and restoration was deferred to spring of 1997. If the summary is a misunderstanding, please call the at 295-2711. Also, Steve, it might be advantageous to can the office of the HRA in the spring prior to commencing restoration just to check if the plans for the parcel changed with the completion of the Riverfiont/Downtown Revitalization Plan. OJltw of Public worb, 809 Golf C.;..w Rd, MoetL-d4 MN SM62 - PAmu: f6l2) 295.3170 - F=(612)29"170, -at. 1 Mr. Johnson �- December 5, 1996 Page 2 '[bank you for your attention of this matter. Sincerely, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MOWCELLO CD U,.�.Sla�n- 011ie Koropchak Executive Duector cc: Al Larson, HRA CNijwson MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY $10,000 INTEREST-FREE LOAN, UNSECURED, ONE-YEAR PAYBACK Approved December 6, 1995 LOAN BALANCE, December 7, 1995 $10,000.00 AMENDED PROPOSED EXPENDITURES: Visioning Workshop 5 700.00 + accommodations One day, January 20, 1996) Workplan Workshop 5 700.00 + accommodations One day, February 24, 1996) Manager interviews. $ 700.00 + accommodations fundraising, and budgeting (March or April) Manager Training $ 500.00 + accommodations (April or May) Visit of Choice $ 7011.00 + accommodations (1996) Focus Visit, three days $2.000.00 + accommodations (August or September) Year end visit and S 700.00 + accommodations directional planning (December or January) Nov, Dec, or Jan) $ 700.00 + accommodations TOTAL REVISED EXPENDITURES 56,000.00+ accommodations EXPENDITURES: Visioning Workshop, January 20, 1996 Theresa Washburn S 700.00 Monticello -KFC 5 226.20 Maus Foods $ 102.90 Bill Endres, February 14 $ 10.00 Reimbursement P.O. Boa & Key Steve Bubul. February 13 S 548.25 Non profit status Workplan Workshop, February 24. 1996 Theresa Washburn S 700.00 Maus Foods S 23.85 011ie Koropchak S 7.01 Reimbursement of orange drink and Washburn lunch C.J. Brown, Inc., March 20 S 112.50 Fundraising list Steve Bubul, March 8 S 980.70 Articles of Incorporation SUBTOTAL $3,411.41 LOAN BALANCE, April 8, 1996 $6.588.59 CITY OF MONTICELLO GENERAL FUND ISO EAST BROADWAY .. 'r•'. MONTICELLO. MN 55702 04/AT1996 c4"" ,`NE_ NDRED TWELVE AND 50/100 DOLLARS • !h IiSI NO 40190 W IIOUIiR !uR . IICMf C[u 0 v O EOE YA WOylfl :. 5 u C J BROWN BUSINESS SERVICES MY TO PTKE.O. BOX 832 /t 7'/: ORMA 315 WALNUT STREET. }-}�-- I OF MONTICELLO NN 559BA�+ �� •µ• • " h : •+.•^-1+ � ` _ r II II .. �. w050338ti' 1:0919115d2s: 7617 00L 7a' 13.46301.3199 LETTEkS FOR DUMWTN kGUk:V 11:. TOTAL 112.,)•• CITY OF MONTICELIO W t �- - INVOICE C. J. Brown, Inc. Business Publications 315 Walnut Street • Box 832 Monticello, MN 55362 (612) 295.5411 FAX: (612) 295-6770 DescriPcbn kz% Lou...,. Order Date: March 20, 1996 renw: Due an reeelpt Customer Monticello Business list Monticello, MN 55362 balance over 30 days will be vAlm to s service chap of t}% Per taamd Price 436 Entries in Excel from Monticello phone directory 109.00 Information supplied on diskett 3.50 gAffa jw6�7sSjtAfteQf4sfiPGgJl • Computerized Typesetting • Telephone Answering Service Sub Toud: • Printing • PAX Service 112.50 • Flyers • Photo Copies Sales Tax: • Brochures • Business Cards, Letterhead, • Saks Manuals Envelopes R Announcements Total: • Teebaltal Manuals • Word Processing 112.50 r -T- ✓ Resumes wwwwrawmaw ✓ Business Cards Rol , ✓ Letterheads servkld ✓ Envelopes ✓ 0111ce Forms ✓ FAX Service and More ... Specializing In Newsletters �� KENNEDY 8i GRAVEN 5 Chrmed ;.� 200 South S&th Saes, Sidor 470 Mwwxdh, )4N 55102 337.9300 i� (612) V `vry March 8, 1996 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN 190-00052: Monticello Community Partners Invoice b 8109 Through February 29, 1996 For All Legal Services As Follows: 02/01/96 JMS Intraoffice conference with S Bubul; review file for 0.90 120.60 preparation of articles of incorporation 02/02/% JMS Prepare articles of incorporation; phone call with 0.90 120.60 secretary of state 02/05/% SJB Review articles of incorporation 0.50 64.50 02/06/% JMS Intraoffice conference with S Bubul re articles 0.20 26.80 02/08/% SIB Phone call with 0. Koropchak re new corporation 0.20 25.80 02/12/% JMS Review issue for 501(c) application; memo to file 1.30 174.20 !( 02/13/96 JMS Intraoffice conference with S Bubul; review rulings 1.40 187.60 re 501(c) organizations; memo to S Bubul re organization 02113/% SJB Intraoffice conference with J. Strommen re articles 0.50 64.50 of incorporation, 501(c)(3) issue 0:114/% SJB Attend MCP meeting 1.50 193.50 Total Services: S 978.10 For All Disbursements As Follows: 02/12/% Photocopies 0.60 02/13/% Fax 2.00 Total Disbursements: S 2.60 Total Services And Disbursements: S 980.70 Attorney Summary Stephen Bubul 4.25 @ 129.00/hr 548.25 Total Services And Disbursemenn: S 548.25 tmw dmn aay�rd &Verb �d KENNEDY a GRAVEN artered 200 South Ruh SuM Sub 470 ?,� KN 55402 `L (612) 337.9300 February 13, 1996 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, NIN 55362-9245 MN190.00052: Monticello Community Pamirs Invoice # 8011 Through January 31, 1996 For All Legal Services As Follows: 01/22/96 SJB Research 501(cx3) issues; open file; phone call 1.50 193.50 with O. Koropchah; phone call with M. J. Brenden re nonprofit corporation issues 01/24/96 SJB Phone call with O pdmk m conflict and 1.00 129.00 lssum hh same Draft 01125/% SJB Draft memo re nonprofit o%ani2ations; research 1.50 193.50 same 01/31/96 SJB Phone call with 0. Koropchak m corporate 0.25 32.25 organ -tion Total Services: S 548.25 Attorney Summary Stephen Bubul 4.25 @ 129.00/hr 548.25 Total Services And Disbursemenn: S 548.25 tmw dmn aay�rd &Verb �d CITY OF '-NNTICELLO GENL d RM I..." 250 EAST BROADWAY MONTICELLOL MN 56362 MAROUgM 8ANK - MOlUrCELLO P am of MONITMLO. W nm CHECKNa AMOUNT 2/23/96 40021 $700.00 FMf TO THS Thereea Washburn ORD0,, OF x04996 5M 1:09 49 1 i S 2 21: 760 00 & 70, ACCOW. T PO INVOIC.f. SCRIF1110N AMOUNT FEES - DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION FEBRUARY 24, 1996 WORK PLAN WORKSHOP CITY OP MONTICELLO C� MAUS ttOFtTlCELF ad$ ✓ � .7` Yttt `s .23.83 F TOTAL CHARGE 1Tt:r1$. 23.85;; a 7t234M 2/24196'• 11 SAT Opel 2127-O00j' CC +3 2025 • r�uaf p��$ AUS Fadiis. ', f t1EU.0 - HN -+ «tiAVE hvE Aa tatcEAYi. t< f un�Q—, 88 NOT (ASE 1.89T •' " ' Month:WUo, MN 65382 ..61*SLSTA 12 TOTAL t'...2:Ot WSW 2t24/96SAT{OOtpt 327�Ctp1p 1774 • o C3trrQ ' w .a rn'�u Ll rJwuvr r,+rw rrwq' U. Iter Nu. Yd 21VL b 2eur rrr u^ IWr:crvpd Pos'O From, (Name f :0 00,1. t�r So o foes rr Al /(R'7NUr}'-�f x 1 Information In your Farm 109.1, Application for Pose Office Box or Cnikr Service. Imnt be updated if it has changed. For regulations pertaining to P.O. boxes, sce rules fur use of Pou "Box and Caller Service on 1— 1093. Box Nur list Ono xemror,nual payment paDd �Fw Fp AnnuN pevman, pornA l(�I/L' Reserved Numnor Fao Endng (fkw) (Postmaster By �/�/� /� / Thank you \P0�f BF 9'B816713 Aug. RECEIPT kOR OFFICE BOXICALLER SER VIf� FEES A ub O FW&CIrr FRW1nMp OF1 CE' 1994.162-115 MIILJJAM J. on SUSAN M. EFIDREB o UC. E•37& 482 6BLVD.•. 05.37" y .' WA ON710ELLELL0. MN 657 reel elo I 1:09 10 166471: 8000 Oil"' s VERIFIED ACCOUNT Check No. Payee y4 An—nit $ (timing Stump) MrDOrlow ' am t oro . Mrralrr OMrI mid f 2708 N01 NEOOIIABLE Y DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Fund Acct. No. Amount '213, 44,30(1399 Explanation: �. � , �JL►'l( �✓ � X11 Special Instructlon: - V7, 000 liac� Loa.. -- /o , (fa MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY $10,00(l INTEREST-FREE LOAN, UNSECURED, ONE-YEAR PAYBACK Approved December 6, 1995 LOAN BALANCE, December 7, 1995 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES: Visioning Workshop One day, January 20,1996) Workplan Workshop One day, Febnmry 24,1996) S 700.00 + accommodations S 700.00 + accommodations $10,000.00 Visit of Choice S 500.00 + accommodations One day. April. May, or June) Resource Team Visit $5.000.00 + accommodations Three days, August or September) Year-end/Directional Planning (One day. Nov, Dec, or Jan) S 700.00 + accommodations TOTAL PROPOSED EXPENDITURES $7,6(M).(N)+ accommodations FsrpENDIT URE -S. - Visioning Workshop, January 20, 1996 Theresa Washburn $ 700.00 Monticello -KFC S 226.20 Maus Foods 5_142.90 SUBTOTAL $1,1129.111 LOAN BALANCE, January 31, 1996 $ 9,970.90 :)EBIT :CCOLJNT 1 Date kn iq� AMOUNT A Ignature Approved 6J DEBIT Date -119 ACCOUNT AMOUNT :A S;r Approved N114 PO BOX 602 MONTICELLO ON 66382 (812) 216-8x76 TO: UL U' V -V va p ho K 1690 STATMER-4 DATE ( I)"" jq �rkr M n u+�r �uwnn snn wu��rtui a�n wn �vc WtutDarcRnvvnirrn•i �l4v 5.2pc bl kt_ BALANCE F°RVAR° .g 4,;Zj 21 Zr, 1 v& & -f" t 1 21 ?Z 6Z 1 �v rAYMF NIS MADE: AF TER OAT E q It MIN W ALL AI'PEAII ON NEXT b1A1FM1 NI REMnIM BWBD9 INKY PAN 1',1 GUTSI OPRGB LAU AMMM w MS COLLAM 6 BALANCE OF YOUI ACCOLW AT 111E DAIF, SIOWN cartKmhmo M FROM Kpc- - - - --- - - PO BOX 602 ----MOIIELLO If 12)"219 6-8876 p- d---- _ (-20 19 %j� TO tf ADDRESS CITY - - -- - - ---- uv coot — - TERMS 2pc ea.C� l4tj S" 9a M t M I, I 4 CITY OF MONTICELLO NAME DATE PURPOSE �� : S: a �� �n a JAS �nn „� FUND/DEPT LOCATION EXPENSES Mileage (S•29 per mile), Gas $ Parking Fee $ (•••.•••••.3310) Meals i Lodging i SUBTOTAL $ OtherC���_ (•••��o •0� S �o� •d description TOTAL S n o o SIGNED \� q` %1�\ - I S o s - NOTE: Attach copies Of documentation, including invoices, receipts, seminar notice, etc. TRAVEL.FRM: 2/8/93 ,Y 24 '% 04:07PM D4 -ERS N H55UL.an — City of "Ticelle, NIme6Dtl RHwdi v of 6560,000 G.O. Ilf R.Wo Wits 1990A wd sw,000 G.O. TIF Bade, terfss 1987 Ne(vdiry IRCw DEBT UNVICt O7IPAAIEOM DATE TOTAL WI NET NEN D/6 OLD NET 0/8 6AVIN06 FIVAIL TOTAL - Z/O1/1997124,572.50 124,572.50 124,0D.00 247. Se 247.50 8/01/1997 7,445.00 I,KS.00 11,157.50 3,712.50 - Z/01/1998 132,445.00 132,445.00 131,157.50 (1 287.50) 2,425.00 _ .::8/01%-7996: =' `•==•X786:76'.:=.�,-i".�.,-788�F3:•: ;:�G:_:T.,d93:E0.'•.::: ^.� 2: 2/01/1099 129,788.75 129,788.75 132,092.50 2,303.75 4.607.50 0/0,/1999 1,976.25 1,976.25 2,605.00 82A. 7S - 2/O1/2000 a 76.ZS 66,976.25 87,805.00 828.75 1,657.50 TOTAL 487,992.SO 487,992.50 L96,930.00 6,931.50 - PRtMT VALUE ANUTSI6 SUMMARY (NET TO MET) MET P983117 VALUE BENEFIT 68,017.05 MIT PV BENEFIT / REFUNDED PONCI►AL... MET W UMEFIT / 6450,000 UNWIND PRINCIPAL.. 1.7821 ENIMf66-4 AMOCI"o". 1- FILE • NONTICIL-96 rof 90/67 if PIOI IC IfN . Caft."mu 6/24/1996 11:39 AN KENNEDY sE GRAVEN 200 Sautli S1vrh Sceei, Supe 470 M mpok MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 CLIENT SUMMARY October 7, 1996 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Through September 30, 1996 MN190-00041: Redevelopment - General k An S 90.30 MN 190.00054: Prairie West Project (Komarek) T s¢ fb- 1 _ Z p $ 27.30 MN 190-00057: M& P Transport/Jay Morrell Matter $ 845.21 Services Rendered: $ 927.25 Disbursements: $ 35.56 Balance Due: $ 962.81 It*%d= 0IM1+Mer1w 1r*OnV& "Of I bwwOwwwwOew on Mll w4wa;s t#rnra KENNEDY a GRAVEN Chrmed 200 South Shah Swea, Stft 470 M umapo , MV 55402 (612)337.9300 October 7, 1996 V City of Monticello PO Sox 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN 190.00057: M & P Transport/Jay Morrell Matter Invoice N 12173 Through September 30, 1996 For All Legal Services As Follows: 09/04/96 DJG Intraoffice conference with Steve Bubul re demand 0.40 40.00 letter 09/04/% SJB Intraoffice conference with D. Greensweig re 0.40 51.60 demand letter 09/05/% DJG Draft demand letter for Jay Morrell 2.10 210.00 09/06/96 SJB Review and revise Morell letter; phone call with 0. 2.75 354.75 Koropchak re same 09/17/96 SJB Review Morell anomey letter; phone call with O. 0.30 38.70 Koropchak re same 09/23/96 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchak 0.20 25.80 09/24/96 SJB Letter to M. Milligan 0.40 51.60 09/30/% SJB Phone call with M. Milligan and O. Koropchak re 0.50 64.50 Morrell matter Total Services: S 836.95 For All Disbursements As Follows: 09/06/96 Fax 1.50 09/06/96 Postage 0.96 09/24/96 Photocopies 5.80 Total Disbursements: $ 8.26 Total Services And Disbursements: S 845.21 KENNEDY a GRAVEN CMrmd 200 Swa, Sbah Seeet, kw 470 Mime*^ My 55402 (612) 337.9300 October 7, 1996 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 V MN 190.00041: Redevelopment - General Invoice q 12170 Through September 30, 1996 For All Legal Services As Follows: 09/03/96 SJB Review budget 0.25 32.25 09/06/96 SJB Phone call with O.Koropchak re budget issues 0.20 25.80 09/11/96 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchak re appraisal request; 0.25 32.25 research same Total Services: S 90.30 Total Services And Disbursements: S 90.30 KENNEDY at GRAVEN 200 South Shah Sven, Wtv 470 Wm e*oW, M SS402 (612) 337.9300 October 7, 1996 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MNI90-00054: Prairie West Project (Komarek) Invoice # 12171 Through September 30, 19% For All Disbursements As Follows: 08/30/96 Photocopies 08/30/96 Fax Total Disbursements: Total Services And Disbursements: 6.80 20.50 S 27.30 $ 27.30 C MICROFILM TITLE PAGE CITY OF MONTICELLO Housing & Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Agenda Books 1997 urn.chra�� r.e�trrb�o,rr. wr wr