HRA Agenda 02-05-1997AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, February 5, 1997 - 7:00 p.m. City Hag MEMBERS: Chavperson AI Larson, Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, Tom St. Hilaire, Steve Andrews, and Darrin Labr. COUNCIL LIAISON: Roger Carlson. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill. and 011ie Koropchak. I . CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE HRA MINUTES OF DECEMBER 4, 1996. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Consideration to approve monthly HRA bills: Kennedy & Graven, Ehlers, Hoisington Koegter Group, and Braun Intertec. 4. OLD BUSINESS (REPORTS): a) Execution of the Private Redevelopment Contract between T.J. Martin, Inc. and the HRA and she/building review update. b) Execution of the Agreement amending the Private Redevelopment Contract among Cedrus Creek Craftsman. Inc., the City, and the HRA and recording of the Assessment Agreement. c) 220 From Street Acquisition. 5. NEW BUSINESS: a) Consideration to authorize endorsing a fee increase for Ehlers and Associates. b) Consideration to discuss for authorization to pay the Hoisington Koegler Group for work beyond the scope of the Downtown Revitalization Study. c) Consideration to review the draft copy of the 1997 HRA Prioritization Worksheet and to set a date for a follow-up HRA workshop. d) Consideration of a report on the Richfield Rediscovered Program. e) Consideration of a update on the establishment of Redevelopment District No. I - 22 and approving the preliminary concept for modification of District No. 1-17. 6. OTHER BUSINESS. 7. ADJOURNMENT. Interviews for Appointment to the HRA December 4, 1996 - 6:15 p.m. HRA MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Vice Chair Brad Barger, Tom St. Hilaire, Roger Carlson, and Steve Andrews. STAFF PRESENT: Ogie Koropchak. Chairperson Larson called the special HRA meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. Koropchak informed members that two resumes were received as a result of the two weekly- adverstisements advertising for the HRA position. The two candidates are Tom Perrauh and Darrm Lahr. HRA members received a copy of each candidate's resume of their formal agenda packet. Each candidate was interviewed separately. Both candidates were informed that the term of the vacated seat expires in December 2(X1(). The appointee will fill the seat vacated by Roger Carlson who was elected to the City Council. The process for appointment is as follows: The HRA members will discuss and vote to select an individual for recommendation. The recommended candidate to be considered and appointed by the City Council at the City Council meeting of January 13, 1997. Each candidate was asked identical questions by HRA members through the use of an established form: Questions for HRA candidate interview. Following the interviews and discussion, each HRA member noted strengths and weaknesses of each candidate. Recognizing both candidates were qualified, HRA members agreed Mr. Lahr's communication skills and ability to clarify issues would bean asset to the HRA. Brad Barger made a motion recommending the City Council appoint Darrin Lahr to the HRA. Expiration date of term, December NO). Tom St. Hilaire seconded the motion. Koropchak noted that HKA Attorney Bubul felt it was his legal obligation to inform HRA members of the potential conflict of interest with the appointment of Darrin Lahr to the HRA as Mr. Lahr serves as one of the Co- chairs of the MCP Committee - Economic Restructuring. Potential conflict of interest may occur upon a vote or discussion of an hem which results in financial gain to the MCP. If appointed, Attorney Bubul recommends withdrawal from discussion and abstention fFom voting on items of potential conflict of interest. With no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. The special meeting for interviewing closed at 6:55 p.m. MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, December 4, 1996 - 7:00 p.m. City Han MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, Tom St. Hilaire, Roger Carlson, and Steve Andrews. STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. GUEST: Bill Fair, Mayor -elect Mark Ruff, Publicorp, Inc. Dan Reed 1. CALL TIA R00 R, Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m Steve Andrews made a motion to approve the November 6, 1996 HRA minutes. Seconded by AI Larson and with no corrections or additions. the minutes were approved as written. CONI DER_ATION TO AMEND THE PRIVATE ED . OP ENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE HRA AND CEDRUS CREEK CRAETSMAN_ INC. Redeveloper John Komarek reported three twin home units have been sold and feedback is positive. Meeting the deadline for final plat approval is unlikely because of the need to contact Burlington Northern RR for easement rights for ponding or drainage. Koropchak reported Eased on that information, Attorney Bubul preferred the HRA amend the final plat approval and recording date in addition to the commencement date for construction of Phase 1. Komarek requested the commence to construct date be amended to July 1, 1997, and acknowledged no problem with meeting the completion date of four twin home units in Phase 1 by December 31, 1997. Per the request of the redeveloper and to prevent default of the contract, Roger Carlson made a motion to amend the Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA, City of Monticef o. and Cedrus Creek Craftsman. Inc. amending the corrmtencement date for construction of the twin home units for Phase I bom December 31, 1996, to July 1, 1997 and allowing the Prairie West 2nd Addition final plat to be approved and recorded by April 1. 1997. Tom St. Hilaire seconded the motion and with no fltrther discussion, the motion passed unanimously. HRA MINUTES DECEMBER 4. 1996 CONSIDEFLATinN TO R.RTARLISH A REDEVELOPMENT DIC I 'f ALONG WEST SIXTH STREET IN EXCHANGE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 220 FRONTSTREET. HRA members were informed of the one-year moratorium on the issuance of building permits in the designated redevelopment study area. The moratorium approved by City Council on November 25, 1996, has placed a hardship on the Dan Reed family who had applied for a building permit on the properly located at 220 From Stmt. Mr. Reed had intended to construct an earth berm home for his handicap niece. Since the property hes within the redevelopment area under study by Hoisington. Council requested the HRA take a positive position to purchase the From Street property and to assist Mr. Reed in finding an alternate location to concoct the proposed new home. The Front Street parcel was purchased for approximately 524,500 and was an ideal location west of Highway 25 and within walking distance of family. Since the Council meeting, Mr. Reed has found a willing seller of the parcel at 601 West 6 Street. The seller purchased the property a few years ago for $51,000. Assuming acquisition and demolition costs of 567.000 for the 6 Street property and an exchange value of 527,000 for the Front Street property, the immediate gap would be $40.000. If a TIF Redevelopment District was established the total TIF revenue over 25 years was estimated at approximately $16,000 reducing the gap to 524,000. HRA members had various opinions. The redevelopment and exchange would meet two goals of the NRA; the removal of blight and acquisition for future riverfront development. Meets the objective of the City and Mr. Reed. Not identified parcel for use of TIF surplus money. City can assist or end moratorium. Assist Reed in finding an alternate lot. HRA only purchase Front Street property at a favorable price. Key area for the MCP. Council established moratorium. their responsibility. Mr. Reed informed members that he had searched for some time unsuccessfully prior to purchase of the Front Street parcel. O'Neill felt the redevelopment and exchange was a long-term investment for the city with the projected increase in market values. To avoid setting a precedence for acquisition of property prior to establishment of a housing program, Mark Ruff suggested the HRA purchase outright the From Street parcel. Members agreed it was good social business to assist Mr. Reed in finding an alternate lot and asked Mr. Reed what he considered a fav price for the Front Street lot including his time and investment. Reed responded 530AM. Brad Barger made a motion authorizing the HRA to acquire the 220 Front Street property outright for a sum of $30.000 and in good faith assist Mr. Reed in finding an alternate site. The $30.000 purchase price expended from the TIF Surplus Fund. Steve Andrews seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. HRA MINUTES DECEMBER 4, 1996 CONSIDERATION OF A PRESENTATION ON HOUSING REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS BY MARK RUFF. O'Neill reported as of September 1996, the City of Monticello had approximately 115 new home start and according to the certificate of real estate the average home sale is $107,900. Additionally, O'Neill noted a housing program in St. Louis Park where homes under code must be brought up to code prior to selling. Mark Ruff, Ehlers and Associates, Inc., distributed two handouts to those in attendance: An outline of Housing Finance Programs and the Proforma Analysis of 1997 TIF Estimates. Following the outline, Marr expanded on the Richfield program for single family housing. They established guidelines which included no income levels, placed a minimum value for new home construction, and developed architectural standards, a developer's fist, and a seller must approach the city policy. Generally, the City purchases a home for around 550,000460,000 and after demolition sells the lot for $35,000 or more. The net present value (NPV) does not cashflow; however, over time is the benefit seen. It is not uncommon to combine two lou. St. Hilaire felt the value of the new homes should range between $120.000 to $150,000. Mark recommended the HRA visit other cities to ser completed projects and inquire of marketing strategies, etc. Mayor -elect Fair inquired to the need for an inventory of rental and older homes and the age of the population. St. Hilaire felt the community needed high market value housing (rental and owner -occupied) for seniors. Barger recalled the two major objectives identified at the workshop for updating the comprehensive plan as upscale housing and higher wage Paying jobs. Mayor -elect Fav saw a need for independent high -scale, high-density, co-op housing. HRA members recommended obtaining from the County a printout fist of single residential properties within the City with EMV of less than $60.000 and greater than $120.000. Secondly, the recommendation was to arrange a visit to Richfield to see results of the completed housing programs and to hear how it works. Visa after the first of the year. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON THE TIF PROFORMA. Mark estimated the annual net expected increment from all TIF District as $137,742 and the expected HACA Penalty as $39,497. Anticipated cash surplus for 1997 is about $100,000 minus the 530,000 for the Front Street property results in a cash balance of $70,000. Using the net expected increment of 5137,742 for 1997, the cumulative cash surplus is $364,500. Mark again noted the need to obligate surplus dollars because State Legislators may propose changes which could further restrict the use of TIF surplus dollars. HRA MINUTES DECEMBER 4, 1996 Chairperson Larson reminded members of the MCP annual meeting on January g at the Senior High Auditorium and noted Workshop fV would include financing options for implementation of the Downtowo/Riverfront Revitalization Plan. Koropchak noted that Vector Tool satisfied the job and wage requirement one-year ahead of schedule and exceeded the weighted average wage requirement. Additionally, she noted the building official has not issued an occupancy permit because the facility lacks the installation of a mechanical unit. Brad informed members the issue is being resolved as the State requres certification by an electrical engineer and not certification by a mechanical engineer. Al Larson: made a motion to approve the Certificate of Completion for Vector Tool & Mfg, Inc. Roger Carlson seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed 4-0-1. Yeas: Larson, Carlson, St. Hilaire, and Andrews. Nays: None. Abstention: Barger. The voting members considered the mechanical unit as an accessory to the minimum improvements (construction of the 15,000 sq ft manufacturing facility.) CONSIDERATION OF tPDATES- a - f) HRA tnembers accepted the written updates as submitted with the agenda. g) Relating to the proposed improvements to the Site Development Process, Barger suggested state and city codes be identified at staff level and that other cities be contacted for development of a competitive site development process. OTHER BUSINESS: a) The January I HRA meeting was canceled and to be rescheduled upon need. Barger out-of-town beginning January 13 for two weeks. b) Monthly bills from Kamedy & Graven and Ehlers were ok'd. c) Tom St. Hilaire submitted a letter of resignation terminating his position on the HRA. Chairperson Larson read the letter and acknowledged an appreciation of Tomb input and contribution to the communhy as a commissioner. St. Hilaire agreed to a resignation date effective April 1, 1997. Al Larson made a motion to accept the letter of resignation. Seconded by Brad Barger and with no Rusher discussion, the motion passed 4.0-1. Yeas: tarson, Barger. Carlson, and Andrews. Nays: None. Abstention: St. Hilaire. HRA members noted the importance of replacing St. Hilaire whb an individual who has skills in the area of of financing or is a numbers person. This to maintain a good balance of skills among the commissioners of the HRA. HRA MINUTES DECEMBER 4, 1996 Brad Barger made a motion appointing Al Larwn as the HRA representative to the board of directors of the Monticello Community Partner for a term of three years. Tom St. Hilaire seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed 4-0-1. Yeas. Barger, St. Hilaire, Carlson, and Andrews. Nays: None. Abstention: Larson. Brad Barger made a motion to approve payment of the Hoisington Koegler November 18, 1996 invoice in the amount of 513,914.83 for completion of Task 3: Explore What Is Possible. Motion subject to approval of the MCP for satisfaction of work completed. Steve Andrews seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed 4-0-1. Yeas: Barger, Andrews, St. Hilaire, and Carlson. Nays: None. Abstention: Larson r • • 1:.1„1�1�1 The HRA meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. 011ie Koropchak Executive Director KENNEDY a GRAVEN Cluroeed 200 Somh Shah Soee, Sutra 470 Mneapok HN 55402 �- (612) 377.9300 CLIENT SUMMARY January 9, 1997 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Through December 31, 1996 MN 19040041: Redevelopment - General i� ry0 MN 19040054: Prairie West Project (Komarek) \� MN190-M58: Economic Development TIF Lake Tool (TJ Martin) Services Rendered: Disbursements: Balance Due: t -«- . urda D«rb of lar ow"oomuro d"adlenaltd ( 1004, �joQ oed Yr ropCll y' $ 70.95 $ 70.95 $ 43.00 $ 181.90 $ 3.00 $ 184.90 KENNEDY 8[ GRAVEN 200 South Sbmh Saes, San 470 �rr M wa4wfti, MN SS402 1 (612) 337.9300 January 9, 1997 City of Monticello PO Box 1 147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN 190-00041: Redevelopment - General Invoice k 13658 Through December 31, 1996 For M Legal Services As Follows: 12/10196 SJB Review purchase agreement re Front Street; phone 0.30 38.70 call with O. Koropchak re sane 12/13/96 SJB Phone call with O. Koropcbak re Purchase 0.25 32.25 Agreement for Front Street program Total Services: S 70.95 Total Services And Disbursements: S 70.95 KENNEDY 8t GRAVEN awrtced 200 Semh S1nh Snek Sdn 470 M weapaiU, Mil SS402 (612) 777-9300 January 9, 1997 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN 190-00054: Prairie West Project (Komarek) Invoice a 12706 Through December 31, 1996 For All Legal Services As Follows: 12/04/96 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchak re Katunark project 0.30 38.70 status 12/05/96 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchak re Prairie West 0.25 32.25 Total Services: S 70.95 Total Services And Disbursements: S 70.95 KENNEDY & GRAVEN III I III% -'I I C III cillim lilic I -ow All I )s J,ui witmit, A, I 12 (I")f. I ., \ I 1, q,d I h 'hul "'llivilt, TuLal Scrviws And Disbursements: .'Alflih., il� I A Monticello HRA PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55382.9245 January 10, 1997 MC100-01 GENERAL 12/4196 MTR Prepare preserdation for HRA meethg 1.50 157.50 MTR HRA meeting 4.50 472.50 12/20/98 MTR Run for 130k DuUding for tax im"merd 0.75 78.75 Total Due Tlds Moms: Total Balance Due: EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INCJPUBLICORP INC. 2950 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN $5402 6.75 $708.75 $708.75 N Monticello HRA PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362-9245 January 10, 1997 MCIOD-03 REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 12/20!96 DJF Certilitat m o1 DtsW-CeflHicatbn Letters 2.00 210.00 12/31/96 DJF CertHicaW Books 3.00 315.00 Total Due This Month: Total Batanoe Due: EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INCJPUS000RP INC. 2950 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOUS, MN 55402 5.00 $525,00 $525.00 Monticello HRA PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362-9245 January 10, 1997 MC100.04 TIF BUDGET MODIFICATION (1188) 12/20/98 DJF Cenftatlon of District-CertMication Letters 2.00 210.00 12/31!98 DJF Cedffla ion Books 3.00 315.00 Total Due This Mordh: 5.00 $525.00 Total Balance Due: 5525.00 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INCJPUBLICORP INC. 2950 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 l Monticello HRA PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362-9245 January 10, 1997 MC700-05 CITY-WIDE PROFORMA 12/2/96 DJF Prepare T.I.F. CasMbws-TIF Proforma 3.50 361.50 12/3/96 DJF PrepareT.I.F. CasMbws-TIF Proforma 3.00 315.00 12/4/96 DJF Prepare T.I.F. CashfbNs•TIF Proforma 4.25 446.25 Total Due This Month: 10.75 $1,126.75 Total Balance Due: $1,126.75 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INCJPUBLICORP INC. 2950 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Monticello HRA PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362-9245 January 10, 1997 MC100-14 TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-21 12/20/98 MTR Certification for tax W"ement districts Hours 0.75 Amount 78.75 DJF CenMcatbn d Distrld-CertBicatlon Letters 2.00 210.00 12/30/98 DJF Certification Books 3.00 315.00 Total Due This Month: 5.75 $603.75 Previous Balance: 552.50 1/8/97- Payment - thank you (552.50) Total Balance Due: $803.75 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INCJPUBUCORP INC. 2960 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, WIN 55402 Monticello HRA PO Boz 1147 Monticello MN 55362-9245 December 13, 1996 MC100.14 TIF DISTRICT N0. 1- 1 Hours Amount 11/21/96 DJF Request Unification Documents 0.50 52.50 Total Due This Month: Previous Balance: 12/9/96- Payment - thank you Total Balance Due: L 0.50 $52.50 $2,126.25 (52.126.25) $52.50 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC./PUBLICORP INC. 2950 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 MINHoisington Koegler Group Inc. On 7300 Metro Blvd. #525 Minneapolis, MN 55439 Ms. 011ie Koropchak Monticello HRA P O Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 INVOICE January 9, 1997 ott�tlon: 011ie Koropchak, Executive Director For Professional Planningg Services Authorized for preparation of a Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan from November 16 through December 31, 1996 as follows: • Completion of'"Pask 4: Define How It Will Look and Function" according to Work Program (partial billing of some subconsultant fes). BILLING Principal 98.00 hrs Q S78/hr $7,644.00 Principal Travel 16.00 hrs Q $40/hr 640.00 Professional 24.00 hrs@ $48ft 1,152.00 Expenses: mileaagg�eJQQ 108.50 rcpw=pte�s nts 72.44 180.94 S E H Inc. (copies attached for Oct and Nov) 1,314.21 Maxfield Research (copy attached/partial fee) 1,545.00 Ehlers & Associates (copy attached) 1,620.00 TOTAL December 31 Billing $14,096.1 S J INVOICE 15MM^AI5CENTEROME. X0SE4CVV7ER, ST, PALS. AN55110 612480.2= 600725-2`x! -5 APCPOTECTUAE v4cwEpm .ENVIRC98ffNTAL • TPANSPCRTAT10N December 31, 1996 Invoice No. 38098 Project No. AHOISI9601.00 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP ATTN:MICHAEL SCHROEDER VICE PRESIDENT 7300 METRO BLVD. SUITE 525 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55439 For: MONTICELLO DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION PLAN Professional Services for the period ending November 30, 1996 Professional Personnel C SOCRT Earorr KNCPtK=NWC WMEAF".MN ST CLOW.MN Od* WA FAW wt MAOLSON WI IAAF COUNTYN EOUu OFPORTVATYaRonp Hours Amount PROJECT MANAGER 10.7 1,224.15 Total Labor 1,224.15 Reimbursable Expenses EMPLOYEE MILEAGE 32.86 Total Reimbursablee 32.66 ------------ 32.86 TOTAL NOW DLJE k PAYABLE..... $ 1,251 O1 Cumulative Billings Current Prior Pds To -date Labor 1,224.15 1,74 3.34 2,967.49 Expenses 32.86 125.27 158.13 Totals 1,257.01 1,86 8.61 3,125.62 C SOCRT Earorr KNCPtK=NWC WMEAF".MN ST CLOW.MN Od* WA FAW wt MAOLSON WI IAAF COUNTYN EOUu OFPORTVATYaRonp For: MONTICELLO DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION PLAN Professional Services for the period ending October 31, 1996 Professional Personnel Hours Amount PROJECT MANAGER 0.5 57.20 Total Labor 57.20 ------------ TOTAL NOW DUE 6 PAYABLE..... $.....e7 2. Cumulative Billings INVOICE 3535 VADN41S CVOERORNE 2W SEH CENTER. ST. PAUL MJS5110 612490.10W 8W 3M2055 ARCHITECTURE ENGmEERM ENNROMAENTAL TRANSPORTATION 1,743.34 November 25, 1996 125.27 Invoice No. 37423 Totals Project No. AHOISI9601.00 HOISINGTON ROEGLER GROUP ATTN:MICHAEL SCHROEDER VICE PRESIDENT 7300 METRO BLVD. SUITE 525 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55439 For: MONTICELLO DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION PLAN Professional Services for the period ending October 31, 1996 Professional Personnel Hours Amount PROJECT MANAGER 0.5 57.20 Total Labor 57.20 ------------ TOTAL NOW DUE 6 PAYABLE..... $.....e7 2. Cumulative Billings ELLIOTT M&AQ „EruRSAsoN Nc .w4600Ls. AN all aouD w caMv. PAua. W LuortnN. xv wcFCourry IN EQUAL OR°ORTWOV &POLOVER Current Prior Pds To -date Labor 57.20 1,686.14 1,743.34 Expenses 125.27 125.27 Totals 57.20 1,811.41 11868.61 ELLIOTT M&AQ „EruRSAsoN Nc .w4600Ls. AN all aouD w caMv. PAua. W LuortnN. xv wcFCourry IN EQUAL OR°ORTWOV &POLOVER May 31, 1996 Client Number: 398/06 Invoice Number: 6130 Mr. Fred Hoisington Hoisington Koegler Group, Ino. 7300 Meuo Bolevard Suite 525 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55439 MAXFIELD REM4 RCH GROUP For research services provided on Monticello Downtown Redevelopment. Contract Amount f0r5oo ,— AotS Less Amount Previously Billed 2,000.00 Amount this Billing 6,000.00 o° �I . 0 Amount Due S 6,000.00 Tema: Net 15 days. Finance Charge at the rate of 18 percent per annum will be charged on all balances outstanding at the end of the month. 612.338.0012 620K1CKERMKY 430 FIRST AVENUE NORTH 612.338.0659 FAX MINNFAPOLI%MINNESOTA S!Wl Ehlers MW AMCWWW. LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINABLE 14 1 — 0 t December 30, 19M IN ACCOUNT WITH CITY OF MONTICELLO (HKG) Michael Schroeder Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. 7300 Metro Bhd., 0525 N9nnespob, MN 55439 For e0 services peft., rotalb to the Downtown Development Guide for the Ctly of Mo., 110, Minnesota, from October 1, 1998 through December 30,1998. Meeww City Staff update (10m Project Team (I M) Michael Schroeder (12/18) RoNew results of plannBtg process Research and ana"Is of finance, and Implementation Goners] admintstrsBoNmisce0aneous Due for Services 5.00 hours ® $120/hr. S 800.00 2.00 hours ® 3120/hr. 240.00 2.00 hours ® $120/hr. 240.00 2.00 hours ® $120/hr. 240.00 2.00 hours ® 5120/hr. 240.00 0.50 hours ® 5120/hr. QW6 Do We declare that the ebm claim Is correct and that no ped thereof hate been paid. EHLERS AND AS TES, INC. t9y: •� OFFICES IN MINNEAPOLIe, MN AND BROOKFIELD, MI 2950 Norwest Cartier. W Bouin Seventh Street. Minneapolis, MN 55402.41W Telephone 012.339 -SHL . FAX 612.339 -MU r INTERTEC CUENT: 01 1 ie Koropchak City of Monticello HRA 250 E Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello. MN 58362-1147 HRA Redevelopment Site Phage I Enyironemental Site Assessment ( 220 Front Street Monticello. MN Page 0: 1 INV. DATE i 01/IB/97 INVOICE 0: 086833 PROJECT 0 : BDXX-96-373E CLIENT 0 M06994 CLIENT REF: FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH 01/10/97 TOTAL FEE AUTHORIZED PERCENT COMPLETE AS OF 01/10/97 AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE 19800.00 100.00% 19800.00 CDJ 086533 PkK w pay Trom 116 invoke and U9ckodo rominanco copy wtIh pa~. Tomu: Duo on rocolpt. 1 %% per month aver 30 days, 18% , W porconbpe rale. We oceepl ® . M HRA AGENDA `- FEBRUARY S, 1997 4. Old Business rtsl- a) Execution of the Private Redevelopment Contract between TJ Marfin Inc and the HRA and site/building review upd&IL Upon receiving a defined list of the site improvement costs for the lake Tool construction project from Eric Bondhus, Kennedy & Graven drafted the final copy of the Private Redevelopment Contract. Two of the T.J. Martin officers should stop by on Friday to execute the contract. The building plans are expected to be submitted to the city by by the end of January according to Fred Patch, Chief Building Official. Per the contract, construction is to begin April 1 for completion in September. b) Execution of the Agreement amending the Private Redevelopment Contract among Cedrus Creek Craftsmaa Inc._ the City_ and the HRA and recording the Assessment Aureement. The HRA, City, and Cedrus Creek Craftsman have all executed the Amendment Agreement. The Assessment Agreement has been executed by Cedrus Creek and the HRA, the County Assessor is yet to execute the agreement which thereafter is to be recorded with the filing of the final plat of the Prairie West Second Addition. The Assessment Agreement establishes the minimum market value of the twin and fourplex units constructed within the TIF District and project area. These values were used to project the tax increment for the District and the overall increase of the value to the city as a result of the redevelopment of the entire project area. c) 220 Front Street Acquisition - The closing on this property took place January 6, 1997, at Wright Title. The Phase I completed by Braun Intertec for the HRA was at a cost of S 1,500. A garage and out -building are located on the lot and no apparent environmental concerns exist. The HRA has the Abstract ofTitle. Dan Reed was provided with a list of home values and names in the area of West S and 6 Street in order to assist him with finding an alternate she for construction of a home for his handicap niece. Since, the S(I) block of West S and 6 Street are now proposed to be included in the boundary of proposed TIF District No. 1-22, 1 have a call into Dan to so advise. HRA AGENDA FEBRUARY 5, 1997 I -51 M 1 !To II. 1. y - :.111 A. Reference and &ckgr and Enclosed is a copy o f a letter dated December 18, 1996, from Ehlers and Associates, Inc., informing the HRA of Ehlers' fee increase from an hourly rate of 5105 to an hourly rate of $120. Also enclosed is a copy of the HRA minutes of April 5, 1995, and December 6, 1995. Ehlers has provided the HRA with top-of-the-line professional services including establishment and modification of TIF Districts and preparation of financial feasibility reports and proforma analysis as requested. Knowledge of legislative changes and the necessary documentation required is also a strength of services provided by Ehlers. With the increasing restrictions and monitoring of TIF by the State Auditor, it becomes increasingly important for the HRA to contract with a knowledgeable financial consultant. Since the hiring of Eblers, the HRA has diversified their assistance and knowledge in the areas of housing, soils, and redevelopment districts in addition to economic districts. Through the utilization of the broad range of expertise at Ehlers, the HRA is now exploring other financid avenues and other housing programs. i The HRA does not have a written contract with Ehlers. For your information: The cost for preparation of TIF District No. 1-21 (T.1. Martin, Inc.), a fairly simple district, was $2.782.50. B. Altemative Actions: I . A motion to authorize endorsing the fee increase of Ehlers and Associates from 5105 to $120 per hour. 2. A motion requesting further discussion with Ehlers in order to negotiate the fee increase. 3. A motion to authorize exploring other financial consultants. C. Recommendation - Ehlers ation:Ehlers is a very corrWent company. It is unusual for the NRA to contract without a written contract. Y ou may wish to consider this, The Contract between Public Resource Group and the HRA pig exists, as the HRA may utilize Public Resource Group for packaging or loan application/preparation assistance. HRA AGENDA FEBRUARY S, 1997 D. SugMing Data: Getter and minutes. Z c EMMandAUNNaft ( LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE December 18, 1996 Otlie Koropebak Mcaticelb HRA Box 1147 Monticello, MN 15362 Dear 011ie: We batt enjoyed the opportunity to work with you We haw appreciated that you have enough confidence in our saviors that we oft have not signed contracts with you for each project or financing or with specific beginning and ending dates of services. The lack of a strumae, however, makes changes in our services and costa mate diffWt to address. it has been serval years smce our fees were increased from $9O per hour to S 103. Beginning January 1, 1997, for billing in February, 1997, we will be increasing out hourly rate to S 120. In order to be fair to ourselves and our empkyen, this irraease is necessary for increased oasts of operation Please rote that this hourly rate is for prokmoWs tans only. As in the past, clerical time, local telephone calls, postage, copying, and local mileage 1 will not be billed separately. If you believe dant we do have an outs tmndmg oontrm lvW limits our hourly rate, or if you would like to discuss this flatter, please contact us at your curliest convetiam Your opinion and feedback is vital to our business. Sincerely, Mark Ruff / Sid Inman DFFIMII IN 0I941tlAP0119 MN AND BRIMFIELD. 1111 2930 Norwest Comm . 90 South Seventh Street. Minneapolis, MN 334024100 TMephom 612.339.8291. FAX 612-339-0834 HRA MINUTES APRIL 5, 1995 INTERVIEW OF PUBLICORP, INC. WITH MARK RUFF AND SIDNEY INMAN. Mark Ruff introduced Sid Inman. Mark has been with Publicorp for seven years and Sid for eleven years. Both, had previously worked in the public sector. Publicorp'e focus is Education, Housing, Economic and Redevelopment, TIF, contract followup, and credit analysis. With the recent merger of Ehlers and Associates, Inc. comes an additional focus and 40 years of experience in selling of bonds. Publicorp works as a two-man team so a backup person is always available and familiar with projects. Monthly billings are itemized on an hourly rate ($105 per hour), no addition for clerical, no mileage for Monticello, and generally do not have contracts. A small TIF project would be approximately $2,000, fees are negotiable or can be fixed. Turn around phone time is within two hours. The "but for" is handled through a response of the risk options: bank, more sources, or what sources. Publicorp does fiscal impacts for land use/public improvements/ capital improvements, etc. Kent Johnson informed HRA members that joint city/school die trict/community projects with AA rating decrease interest rates. If an HRA owns a community building and sells bonds or if pooled TIF dollars are used as equity into a community project, financing term* are lowered. Chairperson Larson thanked Mark, Sid, and Kent for their attendance. Commiooionero response: Tom, Ehlero' first-class outfit; Brad, very professional; Rick, use on trial basis; Ben, very impreosive/wide range of services; Jeff, wide range of services/good responses; and Al, excellent presentation. The HRA made no decision and requested Koropchak call communities of equal size for a reference check. Mr. St. Hilaire felt the HRA had received its monies worth from PRO up until a year or year and one-half ago. Mr. O'Neill informed HRA members that the Minnesota Sports Federation will begin a location study the end of April for a two -million dollar arona project. The project may be more viable as a joint project between the school, community, and the federation. Monticello Is one of the sites within the study. Page 2 HRA MINUTES APRIL 5, 1995 A clarification or definition of the role between Ehlers and Publicorp is needed, as the City utilizes Spring3ted as bond consultants. The City is satisfied with Springsted and Springsted has the historical data of the City of Monticello. CONSIDERATION TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE RESIGNATIONS OF HRA MEMBERS FROM THE MONTICELLO SENIOR HOUSING ALLIANCE. INC. Tom St. Hilaire made a motion acknowledging the letter of resignations to the Monticello Senior Housing Alliance, Inc. from HRA Commissioners Al Larson and Brad Barger. Ben Smith seconded the motion. Mr. Larson and Mr. Barger therefore are relieved of any potential conflict of interests. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE HRA. THE CITY. AND THE MONTICELLO SENIOR HOUSING ALLIANCE, INC. With the resignation of the two HRA commissioners from the Alliance, the four HRA commissioners discussed the Alliance project. Attorney Bubul informed the commissioners the project has slowed down due to the forecasting of accounts. Preliminary financial numbers indicate the project financing is light. Other options are Presbytorian Homes owns the project; increase TIF or the HRA owns the project so the City can issue General Obligation Bonds; no response from the Alliance as they lack members and staff; and the drafting of the contracto/agreemento is incomplete. The Private Redevelopment Contract is incomplete because the NRA motion of February 22 was unclear. Was the $328,830 which included $20,000 Contingency and $20,000 Administration intended for the senior project or for the City's potential lose of HACA in the event the project does not qualify as a "Qualified Housing District"? The difficulty is the $325,830 for the project keeps the rents down to qualify as a "Qualified Housing District. If the $40,000, the assumed 10% administration is taken off the top to cover the City's lose of an unqualified "Qualified Housing District", the project financing is on the edge. Rent limits is the issue, not income levelo. For a "Qualified Houoing District", it Is projected that a percentage of the one -bedroom unite must rent for $578 per month in 1995. As incomes incroaoo, so do rents. The HRA could amend the TIF budget increasing the total by $42,000 to $387,830 thereafter would the Private Redevelopment Contract be adjuatod. Or Presbyterian Homes could own the Pago 3 11. Consideration to review comments of a reference check on Publicorp, Inc. for further direction. Following the interview of Publicorp, Inc., Mark Ruff and Sid Inman, the HRA requested a reference check be completed. Listed are comments heard on the reference check: City of Circle Pines, Jim Keinath, City Administrator - Worked with Mark and Sid. Highly respected, timely and cost effective, most recently completed credit analysis for TIF Senior Project and Redevelopment Bonds. City of Duluth, Larry Janssen, City Treasurer - Past throe years. Assisted with refunding bonds, TIF projects, and anticipated notes. Experienced some minor detailed paper work problems which were quickly resolved. Hastings HRA, John Grossman, Executive Director - Gene, Mark, and Chris. On and off over 10 years. TIF Plans designed for Hastings, financial cash flow analysis. City of Windom, Jim King, Economic Finance Director - Mark and Sid. Two to three projocts in five years. TIB Economic and Redevelopment. On top of thingo. City of Fridley, Howard Koolick, Aoeietant Finance Director - Do a very fine job. Does not utilize Publicorp for TIF projects as difficult to break long-timo ties with current TIF consultant. Publicorp completed a time -efficiency study on City employees. It was difficult to obtain adequate Information from employees. 612-835-3160 MOtSINGTON KOEra ER 524 P02 FEB 05 '97 11:01 C. -I... 5.1.00n far Lad P," .std std Dnsp iiaraotton Koegla (hoop Inc. on 5 February 19% Ms. 011ie Kaope6ak CiMonticello 25� Nast Broadway P.O. Box 1147 ' Monticello. Mines is 55362 RE: Proposal for Family Center/Armory Dear Ms. Koropehak: One of the central themes of the evolving downtown and rivaftont revitalization plan would have to be the creation of significant activity generators in the downtown area The activities that draw people to downtown will be the ones that support existing businesses as well as attract new ones. In other communities these facilities have included private sector enterprises (such u a significant new retail enterprise, an entertainment/ retail anter a a bowl) and components of the public sector (such as a city hall, pon office, museum or community center). When we look at downtowns. it u the activity of people that most beings them to life:. When an oppoamiry for a facility Lral has the potential of dawtn$ people to downtown Monticello arises, T think it will be critical for the community to Baldy it carefully. There will not likely be an enterprise the could have as significant an dfect as those ideas "have been discussed for the CivicMstitutional Com of Monticdlo's downtown pica p:uucu. s,rly those ideas that ere so vital to the idea of Monticello as a community. With the Family Co.•er, people would be irovided with a place to come towggether in the heart of their community, end dvhoro the focus is on the social/family life of Monticello. It .:cold be a place of newly constant ac :vitt', and with the u.:es that have been discussed to due it could be a place where nearly every ' %.onticello citizen wt uld have a reason to come. It is hard to predict the full effects, but camp.uicons to similar nearby facilities would indicate that th4 kind of facility has the potential of mrs- 31ng over 100.000 visits per year. For creating spinoff activity for downtown businesses. this a .•uld be a powerful fume in the community's effona at revitalizing its downtown. 1 b6oa it mei its careful considen uon. Based on what we know of the effort required to further develop the Family Ceute. /Armory concept, we have developed a scope of work that should provide the City with the information it needs to determine a good direction. Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. would provide concept diagrams of a Family Center facility Illustrating the space needs deflaed by potential pal icipatis►g groups (the Array. SCFE. Special Education, Adult Basic Education end others). Alternatives could be developed where clear direction it not evident, but at a concept level a simple plan detnonatmMs the general allocation ofspace will likely be sufficient (similar to the first concept di at created). Our intent will not be to create anything resembling a final pita: i :cher. we will direct our efforts to a study that will determine if such o facility can wit the am -as of the various powers, and to assist the City in assessing its feasibility and its relation to the downtown plan. 73e preparation of the necessary diagmms. based on information to be provid, d by the ECFE group, can be for 1 fee that a ill not exceed S 1600.00. It is difficult •a predict the number of meetings will be needed ti.erefore 1 would prefer to allow for meeting attendance on an hourly basis. Expenses (mli age and drawing reproduction) would be reimbursed in cost. two MdM tlaak.aa Sols ser, Mkwvo is. tlgma.raa M" (612)1,$~ Fax (611)I39•310 612-3160 FDISIN'aTOd I(OEGI-EP I 524 P03 FEB 05 '97 11 02 b1c oule Poiop�� 3 Fewwo 1997 Paae 2 I have diem ed this ime with Elden wad AarociaM to gain as woder>standing of the role thcy alight play in assessing specific ftmding optialw for the Family Ceara As a tesamr- they will be vah>eble to your etian is i ., ,. ,, . ,..... , g the full I'of the (sty's potendid s sI'p Army and other gmuPS that might play a role in this p ojeec Their waild be (jmi a to exploring funding opnaas and wtteodmg one meedag to preaeat their fiadmgs: these tasks could be oomplicted for a fee not to exceed 51000.00. A aninoxy of the fee (costo -e tcaod amounts) would be: Paperer of aaooept diagram for Family Craoc (HKG) $1600.00 Asrassmeat of funding opttoas Ogden and Associates) 51000.00 hrledbMatkodsom (MG) 511WMC Ejtpeosa neimbuned at coat We recognize the need for this work to be expedited and aro tt ady to begin at your dltectlom We will ow proceed with tether exploration of a m� however. undl we have received all ;sforstatiolt nrom rho ECFL' group u u my that they will be invited to the next sleeting with die Army and may have their apace needs defined at that rima Please call we If you have any i uomons. siaoeely. r 2 HRA AGENDA FEBRUARY 5, 1997 T. rillllW.T. "M 111-4 P2111".I..; vi . .. r. �,=a .�. .r . r. :I Enclosed are two worksheets. One prepared by Administration and one prepared in the Office of Economic Development. Tbc worksheet will be used by the City Council for prioritization of projects which support the objectives of the Compreltensive Plan. The worksheet will also assist the Council in determmmg if the current staffing is sufficient to carry out the prioritized projects in addition to projects driven by development or normal mamtanence. The two Fists have some over lap. Please review for suggestions. It may be a good idea to set a date for a follow-up HRA workshop. L M 1997 PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET Planning/Building/Economic Development Depts. A = Development driven or mandated by State.-prtjects that require attention. B = Project recently identified as needed - in budget C e New project idea Please note that day -today workload is not included in this listing. cen. eudW DBDL Catemory AmL A/BJC Prialeat Dmueriotlon Admin Admin B Remodel and/or begin planning for relocation ofcity hall. Admin Finance Budget review process - ussemble budge data k give to Council. Admin Finance Direct City staff to survey other communities - fees. Admin Finance NA C Prepare capital+mpmvement plan (city wider Admin Finance NA C Research financial impact of transition from NSP to non -NSP tax base. Admin Finance NA A Resolve storm sewer trunk fee on.gram. Admin Finance NA C Revisit and/or revise fee structure associated with development --all fees. Admin Personnel NA C .Consider merging EDA/HRA. Admin Personnel C Continuing education plan- Council. aimmissiuni. 3 staff. Admin Poznnel NA C Define proper level of MCP support from City staff. Admin Personnel NA C Evaluate perfimeanee appraisal system. Admin Personnel 628.000 B 'Stall'support - park administration and maintenance. �-i Adman Pernunnel B Staffsupport- planning A building dept. Admin Personnel Stall so preirt--additional clerical statl'suppo-rt needed. AdminPub inth NA C Assemble data fur internes apphcatwn, Admin Pub int; C Install voice mail. Admin Pub relations NA C Develop customer service feedback survey sheet. Admin Pub relations NA C Develop priorities Gar sconce delivery. Admin Pub relations NA A Develop service level measures in acterdanco with State tit' MN requirements. Admin Records Add specific record categories to retention schudulo. Admin Records Begin records destruction at public works. Admin Records Combine basement administrative records into one system fall side -tab). Admin Records Continue inventory of hasement records. Admin Records Create and implement records management plan. Admin Records Create economic development tlling rystem. Admin Records Inventory records at public works. Admin Records Records destruction for IO'D7 (city hall(. Admin Records Reduce amt tit redid stinge needed—micrnflehe process. Admin Reerirdo Rmorganite NRA and EDA records. Admin Records Roseareh data privacy act.-distnbuts info. to clerical suopon sta"'. Admin Rocordo R"iew all records ihim OSM 489 bots%r.cupy tho ee nwrdod.-filo a)pirs. Building Admin RR.000 R Develop plan tier eumputenzation of building permits. Building Admin NA C Enhance commorcialfindusirmlbig pvrmitInto design otandards/pmcws. Building Admin A Gain compliance with ADA autdelinas. wkl997.wk4: 01/30/97 Page 1 Building Admin NA B Improve wrong code enforcement - perhaps hire intern. Budding Admin NA A Maintain building permit moratorium in the core area. I - Budding Admin NA C Standardize address system. Building Housing NA C Develop and implement rental housing code and licensing program. Budding Project NA A High School building cnnsirucnnn project. I Gimputer NA C Organize internet develnpment - process for updating data. Computer NA C Update b -year plan for computer application development. Ciunputer Admin $7.000 B Explore CIS options - develop a A -year plan - budget item in 1990 - not done Eom Dev NA C Assemble data for internet applications. Enm Dev C Dev. proactive mrktg network - elected officials, realtors, builders, indust land owrers.I Emn Dev C Update information brochures. HRA Resolve poet office access problems. I HRA Eton Dev NA B Develop TIF application guidelines. I HRA Ernn Dev A Lake Tool TIF project monitoring. I IIRA Housing C Dan Reed - home relocation. HRA Housing A Prairie West 11 TIF prdect monitoring. HRA I Housing NA B Scattered housing site program. HRA MCP C Armory development downtown or at high school. NRA MCP C Land acquisition activities to carry out downtown river front redevelopment. HRA MCP C Porch BN ROW in tore city area. Refine rules for using Ath St ROW. HRA MCP C Relocate Forrellgas. j HRA MCP C Relocate JM Oil and Riverside Oil. HRA MCP C Store front redusign/revidvinp Iran fund. Parks Admin NA C Assemble data for internet applications. Parks Dev $12,000 B Freeway Park - eancem.ion area. larks Dev $1.1,000 B Implement shade true pIantln, program. Parks Dev $2.000 B Meadow Oak Park basketball. Parks Dev/AICP $20,000 B Bridge Pork improvements. iI 1 Parks Maint NA C Adjust mowing practices - Introduce native grasses where appropriate. Parks Maint $10,000 B Playground equipment maintenance. I Parko Maint NA B Snownitkile ordinance amendments. larks Pathway NA B Apply thr ISTEA fbnds fir funding o6 pedvstrian overpass of County Rd 11R. Parkb Pathway $00,000 B Construction along CSAH 119 connecting School Blvd to CSAH 71%. Parks Pathway $00,000 B Construction along river - Mississippi Dr. to Ellimin Park. Parks Pathway $30,000 B Construction from Middle School to Meadow Oak. Parks Pathway Invesilgatu re -opening pathway for winter use. Parks Pathway TIF R Mie Niseippi Shores font bridge. 1 Parks Pathway $2,500 B Montissiopi ParkNSPIDNR Pathway - Park and Prairie duvulopment. Parks Plan B Locationot'City/LionsClub park devvlopmunt. Parks Plan C Plamotind equiament - addition ot'handicap accessible equipment. Parkb True NA B Treo ordinance update and implvmuntation. Planning Admin NA C Msembludata for mternotapphcatfuns. Planning Admin NA B Gat rerivory - increase planning loos and commitmont to rucoveting "W. Plnmmng Admin C Downtown/nverthmtmdsvoluumuntofl'nrto. Planning Admin NA C Imprwn tillow-upon individual cases. I Planning Admin NA C Parking along CR 7A acnois from Pinewood Sch oil. " Planning Admin NA C Participate in regional planning initiatives. 1111 wk1997.wk4: 01/30/97 Page 2 Planning Admin NA C Prepare Annual Planning Report. i Planning Admin NA C Ranch style social service center cooperative effort - Donna Mueller/Boharn n sludge sid Planning Annex NA B Amendments to City/Township Urbanization Agreement & map. I Planning Annex NA B Amendments tiiMOAA lzuidelines/boundanes j Planning Annex NA A Art Hill - 40 -acre residential development Planning Annex NA A John Leersson - 10 -acre residential project. I Planning Annex NA A Orrin Tbompw-n - I40 -acre residential project. Planning Annex NA A Resurrection Church - site review/annexation/rezoning process. j Planning Annex NA B Submit comp plan to MOAA for final ratillcation. Planning Ord NA B Adjust business campus -change name- reduce 30% requirement. I Planning Ord NA B Development of low density huusimt standards? > 12,000 square t'eetllot? Planning Ord NA B Outside Storage - Regs. limiting outside storage as a ti- of principal use. Planning Ord NA C Pole building regulations. Planning Ord NA B Screening fence standards - improve definition of minimum standards. Planning Ord NA C Subdivision design standards - examine fnr possible amendments. I Planning Ord NA A Telecommunication tower ordinance amendments. Planning Ord NA B Variance procedure. Planning Ord NA C Zoning decisions on strip retail south of freeway. I Planning Ord/MCP C Act on future MCP initiatives. I Planning Ord/MCP NA B Analyze multi -family - possible zoning ordinance amendments to map. I Planning Ord/hiCP NA B Commercial zoning districts - proper mix of uses identified? I Planning Ord/MCP NA C Ordinance amendment -architectural standards. I Planning Ord/MCP NA C Ordinance amendment - housing. I Planning Or'd/M.CP NA C Ordinance amendment - signage. Planning Ord/MCP NA B PZM diotriet/downtown designation - possible amendments along River St. I Planning Plat NA A Clow out Briar Oak" Estate It improrvement project } Planning Plat NA A Closeout Klein Farms Estates, Planning Plat NA A Cbew out Meadow Oak 4th improvement project. Planning Plat NA A Cl.re nut River Mill project. Planning Plat NA A Finalize Monticello Business Center plot. Planning Plat NA A Hospital plat update and record. Planning Plat NA C Replat Meadow Oak Los into Eastwad Knoll development. Planning Prided NA A Dave Peterson Monticello Ford expansion - Process CUP. I Planning Pndect Dundor Road/Highway 28 realignment. I Planning PrOect NA A Gowld Bros. eapansinn - Priuoss CUP. I Planning Protect NA A Grimmmo✓Peturum Funeral Hume - Process CUP. Planning Project NA A High Schomil building environmental assessment and CUP pnkesm. I Planning Project {100,000 C Hwv 2NChelmen Rd improvements and all asrxtated land transactions. I Planning Project NA A Kiellberg East sanitary sewer connection - complete the project. I Planning Pr'odeci NA C Kjullborg West man. sewer connection - development agroom int. I Planning Projon NA A Klein Forms III - Plat approval and public improvement procusm. I Planning Pn joci C Mall rodevolopmont. Planning Project C Open up acres, to Linn Street fnr port oDlcu. Planning Ronan NA A Ruff Auto Planned Unit Development - Complete the project. Planning Radon NA A St. Henry's - determine min. for 7th St. - CUP and public imp. pnicoss. Plannin _Streelm NA 0 _,Ilutermine design for (SAH 7.5 - stop%to take to manage traffic. PW Build and "l orate dog pound. wk/997.wk4: 01/30/97 Page 3 i 1 Pw PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW Downtown Develop comprehensive maint. prigram & priorities for streetscape landscaping. Downtown Inspection and repair ot'downtown lighting system. Ord Draft new rate structure and ordinance for sanitary sewer user charge. Ord Revise on-site sewage treatment ordinance lassist Building Official). Parking Plan, develop plank & specs Por parking ha overlays in downtown parking lots. Parks Clean up Battle Rapids Park. Parks Clean up Otter Creek Park. Parks Establish comprehensive park maintenance program. Parks Establish summer recreation pr otram and use system for city facilities. Parks Park improvement pr)ects as per Parks Commission. Pathway Bridge over storm sewer at Mississippi Shores pathway. Pathway Develop Summer pathway maintenance program in conform with MN/DOT stds. Planning Develop capital improvement program for R-10 years. Policv Dratt new snowplowing/snow removal policy. Purchasing Joint venture with Buffalo & Elk River for bituminous mid planer attachment. Purchasing Purchase and install lube rack at PW shop. Purchasing Specifications, bids, and purchase new air comprexiuir for street dept. Purchasing Specifications, bids. & purchase 4 x 4 vehicle for Omstruction Inspector. Purchasing Specifications, bids. & purchase new point striper. Purchasing Specifications, bids, & purchase small loader and trailer for parks dept. Recycling Rnvise recycling program with Superior Services. Refuse Develop contract with Elk River Landfill. Refuse Integrate 30-Rollon garbage cart into newsletter & garbage pickup system. RR Railroad crossing upgrade at West Co. Rd. 39 and Walnut. Site Complete fencing, lighting, and screening at PW facility. Site Regrade and restore Weo,t Co. Rd. 39 ditch at PW facility. Site Specifications & obtain quotes for oaf repair to Oftlee of Public Works. Streets Dmtt comprehensive hien maintenance and replacement pre 4fram. Streets Obtain NSP funding tier nmversiun of'iratllc lights to LED. Streets Plan, specs, bids or quotes on pavement replacement on some 77.3 mtersecttomi. Structs Seulcoat program • 199g. Water Dept Bhock repair to pump hiuwi s1. Water Dept Complete fencing lit' 800,000 gallon alive -ground water tank. Water Dept Complete water tower painting project. Water Dept Drain underground reservoir, clean, & inspect. Water Dept Look dutuctiin testing idvanous water mains. Water Dept Specifications, bids, and refurbish well 09. WWTP Clean up steel & litter from Lindberg & Krone properties at WWTP. WWTP Tree planting, building floor, and entry mads is biiwdids site. WWTP Wastewater treatment facility expansion. wk1997,wk4: 01/30/97 Page 4 D FIRST DRAFT 1997 PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HRA Develop a program and guidelines for a volunteer acquisition program for single residential homes HRA Develop a program and guidelines for a loan to encourage significant home remodeling HRA Develop a marketing program which markets City's housing and industrial programs HRAICOUNCIL Re -assess Local TIF Policies HRA/EDA Potential to merge commissions Compare commission powers with local goals HRA Establish TIF Redevelopment District for redevelopment of the downtown/riverflront study area HRA Relocation of 1M Oil, Riverside Oil, and Ferrellgas HRA Purchase of BN ROW in core city area (Refine rules for using 5th St ROW) HRA Other redevelopment activities such as Cohen's building, mall, and hotel HRA Potential assistance in relocation of of businesses in the Chelsea/liighway 25 Realignment area HRA Finalize - Lake TooL Prairie West. Fay -Mar HRA Prepare TIF Maps for GIS. EDA Create file system. EDA Establish commercial/retail �= revolving loan progrem for real property rehabilitation. Develop policy guidelines which encourage owners to meet the Standard Building and American Disability Act Codes and to increase the tax base HRA Establish a reserve fiord for development/acquisition of industrial land HRA/EDA Support staff - economic development Building F'malize the preparation of building permit and site review process for commercial/industrial development ADM Finalize the comrnerciaUmdustrial method for payment of the Storm Sewer Tank Fee EDA Develop a home page for she location on Internet and e-mail accessibility. EDA Develop a pro -active market plan for industrial recruitment. "Ready for Business" EDA/Plarmmg Rename Business Campus to Industrial Campus and consideration of a reduction of the 301/6 green space requirement. 0.4�. Q..�ry Cow TQC ntrT January 1{, 1997 By Economic Development Director i HRA AGENDA -- FEBRUARY 5, 1997 5d. Consideration of a report on the Richfield Rediscovered Prog m HRA Chairperson Larson, Commissioner Andrews, Mayor Fair, O'Neill, and myself joined Mark Ruff at the City of Richfield. Bruce Nordquist, Housing & Redevelopment Project Manager, gave an informative presentation on two housing programs in Richfield. Members in attendance with provide additional hgnn for discussion. The Richfield program began in 1990. Of the 92 new homes, the HRA was involved with 65 with an average of about 12-15 per year. Of the Transformation Homes about 800 homes have been remodeled. The objective of the Richfield Rediscovered Program is to provide sites for new homes by removing smaller, poor quality, houses on lots through out the city. Properties are purchased by the Richfield HRA through a voluntary acquisition program. Sites are cleared of the existing structures for development. Land and building criteria is $55,000 or less. A proactive marketing plan mails periodical mailing of available properties to interested builders or buyers. A second program is called Transformation Homes. This program is a loan for remodeling costs. The loan is 10% of a remodeling contract between $30,000 to MAX), 15% of a remodeling contract of more than $50,000, or not to exceed $15,01X). The loan is deferred, no interest, and 30 years or repaid when house is sold. Development, marketing, and monitoring the programs is essemial. These programs appear on the 1997 HRA prioritization worksheet for consideration. January 28, 1997 MON TICEt.1.O 250 Eau Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295.4404 Bruce Nordquist Housing & Redevelopment Manager City of Richfield 6700 Portland Avenue Richfield, MN 55423-2599 Dear Bruce: On behalf of Mlayor Fair and the other members of the team from the City of Monticello. I express our appreciation for your time and your willingness to share the Richfield Rediscovered Program with us. The team congratulates "Richfield" on its success. Additionally, your insight and experience was both educational and inspirational to us. Again, thanks for your time. We welcome the opportunity to host you for a visit of the City of Monticello. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO nn 011ie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: Mayor Fair HRA File ✓ Ofilet of Public Works, 90 CotjCourw Rd, Monticello, MN SM82 • Phone. (612) 295-3170 • For: (912) 295,3170, tit. 1 HRA AGENDA ` FEBRUARY 5, 1997 5e) Consideration of an update on the establishment of Redevelopment District No. 1-22 and Rppirg the prelind= conmo for modification of District No. 1-17. A. Reference and Background- The ackQ or und: The City Council has called for the public hearing relating to the establishment of TIF District No. 1-22 and modification of District No. 1-17. The public hearing date is scheduled for Monday, March 10, 1997. Additionally, Commissioner Sawatzke was notified of the plan to establish a redevelopment district as required by the Minn tQla Slatutoly. Proposed TIF District No. 1-22 Enclosed you will find a copy of the proposed geographic boundaries for District No. I - 22. The proposed boundary may be larger than the adopted boundary. It is both economically and easier to first identify, a larger area and scale back if necessary. The next step is to make the findings satisfying the blight criteria for a redevelopment district (see supporting data). Mark Ruff of EhIm and Associates and myself will cover the proposed boundary area to make the finding for the 70°/a coverage criteria. Thereafter, the Chief Building Official will review the structures to determine the finding for "structurally substandard." The geographic boundary may be altered. Once the area qualifies as a redevelopment district, the public hearing serves to address the public concerns or comments. Because this is proposed as a larger area, some comments may be voiced by the public. Remember, the taxing jurisdictions of the school, city. county, and hospital will continue to receive the current tax base and only the new tax base within the district will be captured by the HRA for use over the next 25 years. At the HRA meeting of March 5, the HRA will receive the TIF Wan and adopt the resolution. TIF District No. 1-17 On March 5, the HRA resolution for adoption will also include the modification of the TIF Plan for District No. 1-17. District No. 1-17 was certified in 1995 for Fay -Mar Metal Fabricators as an eleven -year economic district. The project construction included an approximate 15,000 sq R oflice/manufacturing facility and created 15 new jobs and retained 15 jobs. The HRA assisted with land acquisition costs in the amount of $500M1. As you recall about a year ago, Ron Musich requested additional TIF assistance for a planned expansion. The HRA was more than happy to assist provided a mechanic's lean was satisfied. HRA AGENDA FEBRUARY 5, 1997 Enclosed is a copy of the Satisfaction of Mechanic's Lien. The proposed project includes 20,000 sq ft of manufacturing space and ik creaus another 20 new jobs over two years. The average wage of the jobs is $8.50 per hour. Also enclosed is a copy of site improvement costs which are eligible TIF expenditures. Prior to expending HRA dollars, is the HRA interested to assist Fay -Mar with additional TIF! The expansion will generate sufficient tax increment; however, the amount of assistance is yet to be determined. The method of financing is recommended as pay-as- you-go. Upon the HRA granting the go-ahead Ehlers will complete the TIF projections for modification of the TIF Plan and Kennedy & Graven will be requested to amend the original Private Redevelopment Contract. B. Alternative Action - A motion approving the preliminary concept for modification of TIF District No. 1-17. 2. A motion deny approval of the prelnninary concept for modification of TIF District No. 1-17. 3. A motion to table action. C. Recommendation - If the HRA finds the expansion to meet the TIF policies, the recommendation is alternative no. I. D. Suppgrionu Data - TIF schedule of events, proposed district 1.22 boundaries, and criteria of a redevelopment district.. Satisfaction of Mechanic's Lien, site improvement toms, and TIF policies. oilers W Associates, Inc. LEADERS 14 PUBLIC FINANCE f MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL MODIFICATION OF CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-22 (a redevelopment district) Schedule of Events as of Ianuary 10. 1997 January 27. 1997 Letter and map received by local county commissioner giving notice of a potential redevelopment district (30 days prior to public heating notice published). (Sent by January 24. 1997) January 27, 1997 City Council calls for a public hearing to modify Redevelopment Project No. 1 and establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 1.22. February S. 1997 Plans forwarded to School District. County Board and Hospital District (at least 30 days prior to public hearing). (Sent by February 3, 1997) February 27. 1997 Date of publication of hearing notice and map (at least 10 days but not more than 30 days prior to hearing). (Notice to MomkeUo Timet by February 24. 1997) March 4, 1997 Planning Commission finds Plant to be In compliance with the comprehensive plan. Marsh S. 1997 HRA approves the Plans. March 10. 1997 City Council holds public hearing on the modification of Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-22 and passes resolutions approving the Plans. March 11, 1997 EhlerstPubficorp certifies Plans to county ad [rote. wwaamrwu�mrtw.vatvl.raxte�0/PICHB IN MINNEAPOLIS. MN AND BROOKFIELD, WI 2950 Nawesl Canter . 90 South Soventh Stroot . Mmneapollp, MN 55402.4100 Talaohone 612.339.8201 . FAX 612.339.0854 5-4 44 CAI I of Monticello 'Tay - V., axincrec� lyo 1 Z2�n� IL Imam fttff TAX INCREMENT FINANCING Redevelopment Districts r'ebudw•ar *A@Wrd W nwwtsoarI 0•bW in Wudun! oftd• or a COIIIObMtlan or d•ea•nan to ••••nlbl uWb• •red tent••, tldM a+e wndlttbn, 6• tx04t1bn 6ryuetip •d•pu•b •p•w, b7at W oardlbn or tnlator p rtlaoro, or tbrrgtr raebr., Mddr abd• or d1kWneb• are M •unclad lobl 9VAema to Ii" • bftmtW m+owtbn or dUMre•. A tluldlg Y nal dnxsa•q obsbndwd l l is tnoarroI nce Mtn eu bul" ood• MPIbOb to now WWAp or Coact be endtbd to U" ftW" sod• d w er• da of 15 p•r- ant of the Wd of aatbuctiV • new drusm or the am pwr• bot•p• W tM on the tls. A redevelopment district an calico tax increments for up to 25 years after the re- ceipt of the first tax increment. Alternately, it can collect increments up to 20 years if the authority chooses to delay its initial mocipt of tax increments (1) until a minimum market value is reached, or (2) far up to four years. At least 90 per- cent offt tax increments collected must be spent to eliminate the blight condi- tions that justified creation of the redevelopment district. The qualifying expenditures include acquiring situ containing substandard buildings, demolition of stmetura. clearing Lund, and installing sewer, water, roads, sidewalks, and park- ing facilities. The purpose of a redevelopment district is to remove blighted buildings or im- prove marginal land to induce redevelopment. Tax incmnlcnt financing can be used to assist with the private redevelopment of areas containing substandard structures, including acquiring property and reselling (or giving) it to private devel- opers and installing public improvements. Redevelopment districts are limited to 'blighted' areas. The criteria in state law for determining blighted conditions have changed several times since 1979. To qualify as a redevelopment district, all properties in the district must meet eine of the two blight criteria shown in Figure 1.4. Legislation has Figure 1A: Blight Criteria For Redevelopment Tax tightened the Increment Districts definition of Tb qualify as a redevelopment tax increment district, one of the following "blight" conditions, reasonably distribuled throughout the district, must appy: conditions. (t) parcels consisting of 70 percent of the area of the district are occu- pied by buildings, streets. utilities, or other Inniarovements and more than 50 percent of the buildings, not including outbuild- t Ings, are structurally substandard to a degree requiring substan- tial renovation or clearance; or 9 (2) the property oonsbts of vacant, unused, underused, Inappropriately used, or Infrequently used rell yards, reu storage facilities, or ex- cessive or vacated railroad rights-of-way. For districts consisting of two or more noncontiguous areas, each area must qualify as a redevelopment district under this definition to be Included In the J district, and the entire area of the district must satisfy the definition. + sowce: Wen. SM. rll9n74 rued. 10. r'ebudw•ar *A@Wrd W nwwtsoarI 0•bW in Wudun! oftd• or a COIIIObMtlan or d•ea•nan to ••••nlbl uWb• •red tent••, tldM a+e wndlttbn, 6• tx04t1bn 6ryuetip •d•pu•b •p•w, b7at W oardlbn or tnlator p rtlaoro, or tbrrgtr raebr., Mddr abd• or d1kWneb• are M •unclad lobl 9VAema to Ii" • bftmtW m+owtbn or dUMre•. A tluldlg Y nal dnxsa•q obsbndwd l l is tnoarroI nce Mtn eu bul" ood• MPIbOb to now WWAp or Coact be endtbd to U" ftW" sod• d w er• da of 15 p•r- ant of the Wd of aatbuctiV • new drusm or the am pwr• bot•p• W tM on the tls. A redevelopment district an calico tax increments for up to 25 years after the re- ceipt of the first tax increment. Alternately, it can collect increments up to 20 years if the authority chooses to delay its initial mocipt of tax increments (1) until a minimum market value is reached, or (2) far up to four years. At least 90 per- cent offt tax increments collected must be spent to eliminate the blight condi- tions that justified creation of the redevelopment district. The qualifying expenditures include acquiring situ containing substandard buildings, demolition of stmetura. clearing Lund, and installing sewer, water, roads, sidewalks, and park- ing facilities. • DEC 05 '% 14:27 D*NA GLIZY & STEFFENGM I 1'.0. Box 446 F— N. 23-M SATMAC71014 CT)wCVLAm*zw bumm"Is Udbo QwvYs0Aqs TD -6 0" Hiflat-WAI c..' rr 044w Honticollo, MN 5530 wtv: qq rall HIA 11; Ir W! Satisfaction of Mechanic's Lion '1711AT CERTAIN MEMAKIC'S LAN ov;wb-Y wu@6--W. -ge—va-I Ticrsii—lc—mcllt�-.11111i ^-rI;'iw ;I'-. s --l— I i dawd. ... 'khtliclulcr -I.- * . 1921, cxw=d by GmW---, and riled for record h= -9 •1921, AS Docuntent NuMbU—.---�T?W 01 in Dook 'Ir P* WJot county. mbilimm, is, V:ilh 4,- 111cleby secured, fully paid and salhfica. rilRetunt tol BRE1=Ult CONSRU ION CQjrpAl'.YI IIARU OUZY 1, STEFTU L= I f) 77 400 110IM17M FIRARCUL PUM BI' 200 COON RAM 13LVD Gary Schluoodcr 0111tvilp OF MIN1aiSOTA 7110 foregoing bumintat wm scimowledgeI below me M d 13th dayor_-Hocinjrcr. Dradley V. Larson Wig UUMItw 11.1 1%,113TCALP, LARSON& MU7111, P.A. 1'.0. Box 446 313 Welt BrOadwhy Honticollo, MN 5530 wtv: 612-293-3232 rall m 1) A DEC 05 '96 14927 BRM Q= & STOTENGM Raturn tot FIARM GUZX & STEM IAD hoo IloidMWO VIMCIAL PLAZA 200 CODA RAPIDS BLVD ;ni.i,ql;IFAo ox B 6632FOLIS MR 55433-58946 :. 5 607257. VI xg nov 19 PH 4i O1 LIA P.3 XC 05 '96 14:ZB BMi`1 GUZY & STEFFEW-ER jjkmw UdWm Cm y­hV Ill ((1-1481 N.M. dLt. P.0 m. Nfl.1 n CmV)u DISTUICT !Pf"AlU OF I%Iue=OTA Ten , I COUNIT OF WRiG Court Vila No. C9-95-2347 Va. )WitflhI9-h1UJICI1- 711c C tumaRnnit N Toho nm rmd A 3 Part—hip Dcfcu&atL— KNOW ALL DY THEM PRBSMM, 71119 the Undmlgaeti MIA v. l arson, -Atiornc.y.l`, dc.s hereby certify that a mmin Notice of Us Petmicissi, ill the above enwedactim whkii has be to pia in^ ill ilic above nimcit Court, and which emicill, Involved and brought in question ft real czrae, : ior!w io 0! i:,miy or, Wright -and Siam ofh1buiesota. described as follom to -wit: i.,.i 1, 111mik 1,11ordicciloComilloncyceCtair S=ndAddidon mui'%vas rdtd for record ill the office: of the Cam Rcwrft of old County of wi I t - t7lh day of Ceuih- 19-9 and recorded 1. Book on page U Dnetimem No- 1IR 1 195 Is 11Clcby(li,;0-!l;. «iid m4ion lum been dlsmtucdso fu mit perodw to the above described real proptily. And flit', Cmml.: of:;nid County is hereby aluftorlwA ani directed to discharge the u= upon die record Ilicicul, taro ic In such case made and provided, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 7be undersigned had h=tmo tel -LLo- htq4 fill— -11 (111' ur— November — 19M. STATE Or 1UNIGMA COUNTY OP welt lirr Oil this I 'if h day of N"JArj-publir widdilmud for sola County, prr.-f­v1ll,.­ _JjrnjlIQy_Y_Lotman AuQ= for Plaint] iT iu Ill known to be the person-ducribcd hL and who executed the foregoing histrumcni.­ mill ackm4edgell i1mi - i, OWN" ilic deed_ pahelin1faffIllninfirt prllrp UQWWOP 110 rAftYnCLIC GaGlIll tt 0: 1 P;I 1. DVAP= IlTi IVITCALT, LARS01) 1, Ilovi, Attornays at Lou P.O. Box 446 Houtic:01,19, IRI 55362 NCYM The WA limo mn&W Mae' mo Mr an When Its I--- Ill emizaad by an stmi nry. di l"r 1l: uto bl 'Q41 7I It, J MR 11/91 wry 4�Je n, rr.wrc VL rspa wu. VV A JOHN C. W EICHT ANDASSOCIATES LLP GENERAL 1-.ONRLAGTORS ` P.O. Box J66, Elk River. Minnewta 55330 BUILDINGS Telephone 16121 441-411Z • Fax: (6121441.5176 7. in.11�It M llr c'arf /Ue IOCr 11a.r ' nwncl Iwlco.n,..1; nn war[ —• wv i�.,q „�.r +aoeuavn �na..r..un Iw �.f 7��PiiaQ W ODirr /=D �P �4OD/ j� e n) 'i II Of groy0{r hereby to fur nlsh materiel and labor — complete in accordance with above specdlcatrons. for the sum at. �I oorroe is I 114, u W wee. all is—s i y vlwwlw w �I..IIM n e. w ICrwed u .ow ro M ,.wVlreye w s .sawl.we aLd"Ir l — n/Ar wrl . C b .0 V wr1tM a,r MvrO. P /R m eow elww a1lecRwtsu e1'aw♦ !we tor, a a -gWrirl rvti .40 www. slew /M .a eww..e p M r.wp e•r wr �00N Cwtlr Y eOW. W teWpw .w,. WN, ersMwa ' Mara 4rory ar ee.wM ew.w d w., W. 1w.wM t/.e wrw. nece,w ..rI.N nae flee vroor.r lover to •.� , .•qwr n Ah awW w 1We�.w.1 C np.aeeen r.wr.e+ wl0aarwr.IM a s 1x11 eecealee .ter. —. _.� oar► Arreptnure of Proposal _ tllebowp[H. Werb•w01, II w0 coreitron! IA %dirit " wk sue Meer et[rawl vw " suelaued &pneAYe tJ rb ew enre e, 1etftelee Pa"WN .aa to mea' *$ oulwvd 41XM I , owe a eceeoercu t{OW.we /-o; F V O S—o - L-4•ror-C i 07.0 j? ,9,-.vc,r ;-.o - s c,,AI;.rec 'i II Of groy0{r hereby to fur nlsh materiel and labor — complete in accordance with above specdlcatrons. for the sum at. �I oorroe is I 114, u W wee. all is—s i y vlwwlw w �I..IIM n e. w ICrwed u .ow ro M ,.wVlreye w s .sawl.we aLd"Ir l — n/Ar wrl . C b .0 V wr1tM a,r MvrO. P /R m eow elww a1lecRwtsu e1'aw♦ !we tor, a a -gWrirl rvti .40 www. slew /M .a eww..e p M r.wp e•r wr �00N Cwtlr Y eOW. W teWpw .w,. WN, ersMwa ' Mara 4rory ar ee.wM ew.w d w., W. 1w.wM t/.e wrw. nece,w ..rI.N nae flee vroor.r lover to •.� , .•qwr n Ah awW w 1We�.w.1 C np.aeeen r.wr.e+ wl0aarwr.IM a s 1x11 eecealee .ter. —. _.� oar► Arreptnure of Proposal _ tllebowp[H. Werb•w01, II w0 coreitron! IA %dirit " wk sue Meer et[rawl vw " suelaued &pneAYe tJ rb ew enre e, 1etftelee Pa"WN .aa to mea' *$ oulwvd 41XM I , owe a eceeoercu t{OW.we I FROM CONFRI) 1,24,'97 9=61 N0,2068564756 PAGE 5 1 6vcpAftSeoj pVoWAdo it STAW to Af", Zi "ArISIQa W tbt.. 660 bQ. fT A AN la AM %O "fL&-qW% dvtty - ItIC Nv"C'r L. .}tti . G I AmA wm-c FFAM0 I,- A,, -j Q,%rte eocA-,c tAu- 1 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY City of Monticello TAX INCREMENT FINANCING POLICY Program Purpose: The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority will utilize Tax increment Financing to support the community's long-term economic and housing goals. Policy Considerations: The HRA will analyze and evaluate Tax increment Financing proposals based upon the following policy considerations. Each project shall be measured against these considerations and the projects value shall be determined, based upon meeting these considerations. 1. The project shall be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 2. The project shall demonstrate long-term economic and/or housing benefits to the community. 3. The project shall create and/or retain employment for Monticello residents. 4. The project shall increase moderate priced housing options for area residents. S. The project shall facilitate the redevelopment or elimination of "substandard" or "blighted" areas as determined by the HRA. 6. The project shall facilitate the •clean-up" of environmentally unsound property. 7. The project shall provide additional public funding for public improvements including utilities and/or park development which would not otherwise be available. a. The project shall be deemed to promote additional desired "spin-off" development. 9. The project shall demonstrate "community involvement" including demonstrated degrees of the various factors: a) Local residency of the company's owners and employees,. or b) Local residency of the •.contractors involved in the project, or c) Membership in local business organizations, oz d) Other similar factors. 151 MONTICELLO COMMUNITY PARTNERS P.O. BOX 984 • MONTICELLO. mN 5sm DAh '9 lo"- 3901m, PAYn'll E if row o OINa mft- !�I:09 40 irr.4/7-V3900225 ?IIS 0 L 5 1