HRA Agenda 09-14-1995AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, Suptember 14, 1995 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson A] Larson, Vice ChaJrpurson Brad Barger, Everette Ellison, Tum St. Hilaire, and Royer Carlson. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: 011ie Koroprhak CITY STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller Jeff O'Neill GUEST: Jim Harwood, Vector Tool 6 Mfg., Tnc. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 6, 1945, HRA MINUTES. 3. CONTINUED: PUBLIC HEARTNG FOR THE ACQUISITION ANn DISPOSITION OF RAW LANDS DF,SCRTBF.n AR LOT 5: BLOCK .1, OIP AND CONRIDERATTON TO AnOPT THF. RESOLIITT0N RELATING THERETO. 4. OTHER BUSINESS. 5. AD.TOURNMF.NT. I MINUTES MONTIrEI.I,O HOUSING+ AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, Septemher 6, 1995 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Vice chairperson Brad Barger, anti Roger Carson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Everette Ellison Anil Tum St. Hilaire. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: 011ie XoroprhaL,. 1. CALL_TO ORDER. - Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order At. 7:05 p.m. CONSIDERATTON TO APPROVE THE _AUCtiST.2,._1A951 HRA_MINUTES_ RnUer Carlson male a motion to approve the August 2. 1995: NRA minutes. A] Larson seconded the motion and with nn aclditJnns or covructlons, the minutes were approved as written. PUBLIC_HEARTNG FOR THE ArQIIRTTIo_N AND DTSPOSITION OF RAW LANDS DERCRTRED AS I.OT_5� RI.00X .3, _ OIP AND .CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION RF.I.ATTNG THERETO. Chairperson Larson npcned tha pub]Jc hearJnO for tho aoquisJtinn and disposition of raw lands deserlhrd as Lot 5. Block 3; OTP. WJth Larson and Carlson to Ant upon this agc•ncla Item for compliance of the Der:laratJon of Potential ronflir_t of Tuterost submitted by Barger. nu quorm PRJstc•d. rhalrperson Larson continued the said public hewring and adopt Jon of the rc•]atmd rranlutJon to Thursday, Sc•ptt!mhtpr la, 1995, 7:00 p.m. At the city Hall. Larson and Carlson r•c•vlewPd comments submitted by Attorney Dana straudmn, the drvelopc!rsl attornay, relating n, t.lre Prrrrhase and D, vwlofjment contract betwperi thr, HRA and Voctor Tool 6 Mf.g., Inc. as prepared by HRA Attorney Ruhul. The rwr, memhers dJd not agrur, to the addJtJon of A provIslon 1.)ar.Jnp a nap of $1,000.00 for legal fees. r:osts, and exjWt—'!s Jncurred by the HRA. HRA membors renommvnded Strandmo'H rummnnts be submitted to Attorney Buhul fot• legal rg�lu•esentAt l(III with a Iwvl of cortscJuusna..ts for both time• And simplicity. Larson and Carlson rolt,erated, "The purchAso prJr.L' of $33;000 for the raw ]and was subioet to a]I legal and dor.nmunt preparation, closing, ret-11rdIng f..es the rc•sponsJbJlJty of 11ir, huy„r." Ree mutJon of August 2, 1996. Pau,• 1 Tho two commiesioners rlid agree to axtend tho dato for execution of the Purchase and Development Contract to 11:59 p.m.: October 4, 1995. CONRTDF.RATTON Tn REVIEW FOR FIIRTHRR DIRECTION THE DEVELOPMENT A_riREEMENT BETWEEN_ THE HRA A_ND LA_R$ON_%METrA-U—RELATING TO -A.-20 FOOT EASEMENT. Since the post office: access to Locust. Street wag blanked, Administrator Wolfsteller has heard from tho US Postal Sorvico In St. Louis. He informed postal servSce of Development Agreemornt betw;:en the HRA and Larsor,+'Metcalf relating te, the 20 foot easement. Koropchatr informed mimhers that Brad Larson was faxed a copy of the Development Agrooment of 1983. with an innor•rect fax number, the tax was just rerelved today. Brad Larson has not responded at this point. After a brief discussion, A] Larson male a motion to take a "wait and see approach." Roger Carlson secnndod the motion and with r,o further discussion, the motion passed unanlmorrsly. 5. CONSIDERATION _TO REVIEW FOR FURTHER DIRECTIONTHE COMPARISON BEN ETWETHE TAX INCREMENT GItARANTEE ANp THE TAX IN(:REMFNT EC REIVED RLA ETING TO CERTAIN TIF DISTRICTS. HRA momhors reviewed the information provided in tho agenda supplement and asked why the shortfalls. Although some irdjvi4n-1 <riatrintt� Ti �nrr•,rt •1•Cir l.y tfnll prix to decertification through an inr.rease in the eAtlmated market valuo, tho main reNson for the shortfall is tho rosult of the redurtlon of the nrefarred classification rates for commercial and SnduNtria] prnpurty. With the HRA'-; hclief "a contract is a contract", Al LavNnn made a motion authorl^,1ng the isauanr.a of an annual tax tnnroment guarant.oe ahnrtfall notine (t,ot duo and Payable) with a, rxi,lanatIcin that th,:- HRA will r:nmi,are for rompl IancN the tr,taI amount of t. x increment runelvcd up..n decertIfInatJon of the dl Strict acid the tax increment guarantee. This for TTF Dlstriet Nos. 1-R NSP, 1-9 Tappers, 1-10 Remmelo. and 1-17 Arnplex. Also, Che motion authorl�.od A s,•rond lutter ha issuud to .Tay Morrell relatlny to thN $13,003.50 tax incrumunt guarantee shortfwll riue and payable for dr:nr•rtlfed TTF Dlatrict NnN. 1-1 and 1-4. Rr,g,:r Carlann [seconded the mntion. A,lrlition"lly, the HRA tabled any TI guaranteu enforcement duoistans natil Nuch time as accessary. With no furth„r rlisnnssinn, the mntinn paaaerl unanimnotrly. Karopchak rapnrt,.d the City Administrator war.; nntlfl4•d lhy the State Drpartmont of ReVVnUe that the City of Mnntin,•llo'e Tax Increment Aid Redur.t,lon (HACA Penalty) for 1998 le f31,4RI for Page 2 HRA MINTiTES SEPTEMBER 5: 1995 the Arnpinx, SMM: Cu: -,tor. Canopy, and Stinrlard iron TTF Districts. This amount groater rt,an anticipated. HRA members requcated Koropchak compare the reported State amount, and the TIF Penalty projections by PRG. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW FOR FURTHER DIRECTIO_N THE TAR_ IIJCRF.MF.NT FINANCF REIMBURSEMENTS OF CERTAIN TIP DISTRTCTS. In 1995, four TIF Distrints are to rereivc TT reimburuemr,nt in accordance with the District Redevelopment Contrar.t. They art., District Nos. 1-7 NAWCO, 1-11 Martlee, 1-13 Statrdard Iron, and 1-15 Custom Canopy. NAWCO has not completed the doscrihod site improvements nor submitted evldenre of haymr:nt, therefore, no reimbursement paymont has heen isi+uod. Martie's annual payment of approximately $2,500 beginning in 1992 is past due for a total amount of approximately $7,500. Standard Iron received the first semi-annual payment in July and Custom Canopy is scheduled to receive its first annual payment in Decemher. River Mille and Mlsslssipf:l Shores semi-annual reimbursement paymonts are due to begin in August of 1998 and 1997, rPsper.tivPly. Evldr.rrrr: of a July 31, 1995 journal entry transferring $93,096.:4O from thr TIF Surplus Fund to the City OPneral Fund u..o !. .', hj [hr r.ity Admin:atrator. The amount tranafarred was the prinniira] and SnterPat amount Ower] to the City for Lnts 5 8 6, Block 3, OTP, as of May 1, 1995. Rrad Barger marle a motion authorizing payment of the apprnximatr: (7,500 to Russell and Sharnn Martfe as pr•r the Pxecuted Redevelnlrment Contract. A] Larson sononded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passer] unanimously. CONSIDF.RATTON TODTSrTIRS _FOR FtiRTHE_R_DTRECTION SUBSTANnAR_D RE81nFI1TTAL PROPERTTER FOR POSSIBLE REDEVELOPMENT. HRA mem1w.rs rovlrwnd tha 1445 entlmatcd market valor_ for thu nlaotr prnporty in the 500 hlnnit of East Broadway and thr Ratzmarelr props-rty along Wont. County Road 75. Thr: HRA dianussud these propPrtieLa as primary areat, for (IonPirleration of I•r341evulopment. As the nlaon proparty is unoccupied 1t, herr.mBs morc> difficult for the City to enforce as unsafe for hahitat. Vornprhak informod memhers of Jahn Kamoretr'o initial inpnlry with Mr. KAtzmarek relating to his jentential intPruat Of r.1oc:+tinU to a aitu wIthlrr a towuahlp with similar Page 3 HRA MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, l4g5 surroundings. John ostimated the rn::t to acquire and roloratc Katzmarek at approxJmately $150,000. Aa a pnrtJora of the Katzmarek property lies in a Inw area along Otter Creek, the property Is unsuitable for construrtion and would make an Ideal park. Tn addition, the HRA memhers felt with the cleaned -up GJlle property and Mr. Kamerek replotting the West Prairie Suhdivision for future development of twin domes, a redevelopment proient wJthJn the area wopld Increase the value of the prnperties and enhance the neigborhood and community. HRA members agreed and rer.nmmended Puh]Jcorp Inc. be nontanted to rnmplete an assessment and feasibility study for potential redevelopment of the two above saJd areae (Olson and Katzmarek!Cille!Weat Prairie/others.) CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW rOMMENTS FROM ATTORNEY SITSUL RELATING TO THE REQIIFST FOR INFORMATION TO ADD AN_ADDTTTONAT. rRITERIA TO THE LOCAL TIF POT.ICTF.S . NRA members revJewed the comments from Attorney Rubel and rir--gncstr•d Mr. Suhul write the exact words for the nineth nrJterJa to thr lona] TIF PolJoles. Knropchak r+ummarJzmd Buhul rommr:nta: The general concept of community involvement would not nonstJtute an absolute requJrement if the degree of `— asaaeNamr:nt includes resiclency of the enmpany'a ownrrp and omliloyers, resJdenry of the rontrar.tnra Jnvr1]verl In the prnjr-ct, mymhr•rahip to local huatnesa organizations, anal a1mJ]ar factnra. AddJtJon:..11y, Koropchak report.�rl on Mr. Buhul'a apologlca for tho Julia- 15 and July 70 hill Ings. An arljustmrnt will he made and forthoc,mMing. OTRR.R RU$TNESS_. al cillo ---HRA members rs.vir•wed other Junc, .luly, and Amluat W]linga from Kennedy B Ornven and Puth]Jr: Reanul•re Croup, and authorized iw�ymcnt. b 1 CPrtJ floats+ of Comp] et lora - Koropnhak Jnfr,rmi.d memhe r6 that Mtnnuanta Business Finance, Tnc, is looking to close the SRA ln,an with Marquette Rank for the- Fay-MAr projnnt and requcated a ropy of the nxeruted rortificate of Cnmpletion. The PrJvatr Redevelopment runtrant hel ween the NRA and Ron Wait% outlines the completion of tilt: minJmum imprnvementca whtnh is the nomIllotIOil caf th" hu11d1ng by D.'nf•mhcr 19g11 or upon taenanr_c of thr orcupanry permit. The aJtc- Jmprnvemonto (landanaldng ani1 parking) r.nmplr.tod onr_ year from Jsaunnre, of the bullding permit car April, 1996. Thr city RuJ]ding nffJnJol has isauvai thr, Onnigwnry Prrmtt with an eatahlislu:d FIO,nno esnrnw Arrnunt for the non-completorl landror"pD.0 and Page. 4 1— HRA MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 1996 parkin,. Based on the issuance of the oncllpancy permit, A] Larson made a motion authorizing exenution of the Certificate of Completion for the Ron Muslch projent known as Fay -Mar Metal Fabricators, Inc. Brad Barger seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion pasan,d unanimously. 10. ADJOIIRNMPUT. The RRA meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. 011ie_ Koropchak, Executive Director PagP A RRA AGENDA SEPTEMBER 14, 1995 3. Cont ipued - Puh]ic Hear Ing for the a,:quisitIon and AlGpositinn of raw lands ,iesr.ribvl an Lpt 5, Block 3: OTP, and nr3naiderat_ton _to adnp� the re:aolution_relat.ing thereto. As a reminder to HRA members, rommissioner Barger will not take part in any action or diRcussion rotating to this prnjr-r:t as stated in the accepted Declaration of Pote-ntial ronflirt of Intern Eat . A. Reference and Backgrnund: ..:., - MLIC IrMTI O HRA Chairperson Larson opened the public. hearing rolating to the acyriisition and disposition tit Lot 5, Block. 3, OTP, nn September 6, 2995. With only two HRA commis:-fonirs .in attendance to ronnider and act upon adoption of the related reRolution, tho publin hearing and adoption of thn resolution rolating thereto was continued to Suptemher 14, 1995, 7:00 p.m., a special meeting of the HRA. On August 2, 1995, HRA memhers and Mr. James C. Harwood of vector Too] A Manufacturing made adjustments and aUroFd to the first draft, of the Purrha9n and Development Contract hutweRn the HRA and Vector Too] k Manufacturing. The Intrchase print of the 6.4 acres of heavy industrial lands (i-2) as determined by tho HRA was $33,000, Vector Too] rusponsihle for all legal and closing roots. The e,atimated market value aurend at $96,000 with a ]and -write down of $63,000. The proposecl land writ.o-down is haraod rn Vertnr Tool ,'3mploy1nU 30 full-t.ime personnel within two years at an avorage weighted wage/lia—m•fit of $12.n0 per hour and ronat.rnrtIng a 15,000 oq ft uffico/manufanturing facility. The HRA approved a m„tinn arrepting tho ayrr_nd upon terms and conditions of the Purchauu :and Development Contract and rallnd far a public he:aring date of September R, 1995, for the an,ptiRition and dlapoRltion of raw lan,ls. nn Sapt,vmher 6, the HRA extendod the date for ax4�nuttnn of (he Purrhasn and neve+lnpmeut Crmtrar.t to 11 :59 p.m. , O,:tul,er 4, 1995. The pub IJc hoar inu noting appeared In tho Monticello Timn,a nn August 24 and 31, 1995, moetIng the hearing natIry rngnir,:montR au sot by the MinneRota Statutory. Site blanc; are h4.1nu revi„wod by thr, City Enutnnvr, huildlnU pl.urs will hR submittod soon in the City Ruilding Offinial, Pau* 1 HRA AGENnA SFTTEMRER 14, 1995 111minary term; .-and conditdons of the lending institu::ion were submitted to the partners, the partners have 4ubmlttcd loan application for $50,000 to the Central Minnesota Initiative Fund. and the Monticello EDA will consider approval of a $50:000 GMEF real estate, loan on SeptP.mher 13, 1995. Yet to In? resolved is the propnsed buyout of ono of threes partner: of Vector Tool. upon hearing comments from the general public, Lite HRA Chairperson shall close thr public hearing and call for a motion to adopt the rcRolution authorizing the acquisition and disposition of the raw lands. ADOPTION OF TRE RESOLO'TION Prior to the adopting the resolution, I recommend tho HRA review the Monticello TIP Pollciee for r_omp.11anrr. This to he consistent with other HRA projects; although: this JN nut a TIF projor.t, the HRA is still writing down the land rust. R. Alternative Actions: I. A motion to adopt Resolution No. 95-7 authorimittu the ac,Inlsitiun and disposition of raw lands d._scrthed as Got 5, Block 3, 0IP to Jamos C. Harwood and Rrtidlry n. Rarger, dha Vector Tool A Mfg., Inr.. 2. A motion to deny adoption of R,•snlution Nn. 95-7. 3. A mot Inn to t.abl o, any action. C. Ronommrnrlatinn: Staff suppnrto tbp HRA e,ffortn in attracting :, ,Inr,lfty m.tnufar.turinu business; however, cautions the HRA to he '.ball of its rationales for the eat.ahlinhed purchase_ price. n. Supporting nates: R,i,toluttnn for adoption, puhl lc hearing nntine, Munrir..,llo TIP Policlns, and comh..trlraon of nffnrn. Y Patin 2 I HRA RESnUITTON Nn. 1.9-7 A RESOLTITTON BY THE HO118TNC AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY T11 AND FOR THE rTTY OF MnNTIrET..l•n, MINNESOTA. ATITHORIZINC THE ACQt1TSTTTON AND DTSPOSTTTnN OF RAW LANDS nESCRISED AS LnT 6, BLOrK 3, OTP WHEREAS, both tho Housing And RPdev:>lopment. Authority L. And for the city of MontLnello (thy "Authority") and .Tam,,:s C. Harwood and Bradley D. SArger, a general partnership.- tthn "Rodevclopors"1 Agree to the terms of the Purchase and Dr•velttpment rnntrar.r hetwt•en the HousLng and Redevelopment Authoriry Jr; arid for the rity rf Monticello and .Tamer C. Harwood and Bradley D. Bargr;r, And all the ronvenants therein.- anti WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and fur the rity of MOntirPllo declares the said raw lands for arquJa.Atinn and disposition lies within the Modified Central Mont. icello Redevelopment Plan of Redevelopment Prnjnrt No. 1; arid WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Montirsllo owns the said raw lanriri and the partlrs agrcr to an estimated market value of $116,000 for the 3Aid raw landss; and WHEREAS, the- Housing and Redevelopment Authority to anrd for the City of Monticello declares proper nottct: appeared in the Monticello Times rolating to the puhlir. hrarinD holy) Srptembrr 6, 1996, for the acqulsitton and disposition of the sAid raw Iandu; and WHEREAS, the Huustng and Redevelopment Authority in and for the rity of Monticello continued the puhlir. hearing of Soptrembt-r F to Sept.emher 14, 1998, for the anquisitinn anti disposition of the said raw lanla; arid WHPREAS. the Housing and Redevelopment Authority In and for rho City of Monticolln and James C. Harwood .:nd SrAdlr.y D. SArgrr agree to r;onutrut, t upon tho e.ild raw lapis a IS -nnn A41 ft off1-.- ant] mAnufacturirrg facility for Var.tor Tool and Mfg_ Tor.. creating 30 full-time jnl»+ within two years at an average wNighrcd wagclhrn•fit of $12.On por hour; and WHP,RP,AS, the Housing Anil Reth:velopment Authnrlry to and for the City of Monticello and tho RatlevelnitHr arjrvP to a purr.hASN hrine of Thirty-three Thousand nollars and No Conte ($33.000) fur tho: arrptit+mon and dtupnslrion of the raw lands descrllwd As: Lot A. Blnrk 3, Oakwood TnrluatriAl Park, City of Montinello, County of Wrlght, Statr of M1ntu?:.otA HRA RESOLUTION NO. 95-7 Pogo 2 1N NOW: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEQ by the yi:vrrninuj hndy of thee Ht,,:sirg and Redovelopment Authcsrity in and for the City of Mont in"]Io findf+ r.he redevelopment to he in the public: interest hrnauue: 1. It 1s cnnaist2nt with the City of Mon tIroelln Comprehensive Plan; and 2. It will diecourege commerce, industry: or m:anufacturinU from moving their operations to another state; and 3. It will result in increased amp] oyment in the municipality; and 4. It will result in preservation and enhancement of the tax base of tho munir.ipality. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota, dons hereby authorize the disposition of described raw lands to James O. Harwood and Bradley D. Barger subject to compliance, of the Purchasr and Devalopment Conrrar.t dated 1 98. D Adnptwd by the Monticelln Housing and Radevolnpmont Authority rhis a day of September, 1998. ATTEST: HRA ExoctutivP DirHctor f l HRA Chai rlioreon FOR BIDS housing resolulfon The ggleral functional descrlpilon Of the type;," use of eAch O .ill be IaCerved by the Monticello Big Lake fmIlry, me developer wfbch Currently owns Rte facility, and ds location we as arrows ' 3 ,,,bar. SChwientek, Monhcello.B,q Lake Daoalopmerd Deaerlptlorl-Hillside Tani tie family townhousaa •5352. until 12' 15 o m Central DaVi hTime, Outstanding Martgpa Bel ffec"I, 40,004 ved atter this date nrfd time will be reqtuned Osenwr/Oaneral Partnehar'^'llede Properllaa, Cyril Relned, gene partner II is peered and Notice �s Inef the date and hour listed above for the ofto the Board Directors for DenisLecatton-207 Laur rig Lana, Monticello The maalmum aggregate lace amount of bonds to be Issued with regard to each a m , a hearing will be held in of angry f b0af0 within 70 days ' of the above davelopmsntf win be me wopaeonata mete leen outstMhdI art. gage balance repre.ents of me total mortgage Buffalo, MlnneScla. far, me for - Will of the Decadent. dated F• nail Monticello Blgg Lake COmmunllY'/ 'ark. Outstandfrq balance notal pl morn gaged epprong $35 152.275) as a lege of 1M new OprhOs to Oe rosuee ge0ecce E Oslurb, wnase a .nO-B�g Lake Community Hospdal, on a. .er August 10. 1995 Parties writhing toe the were comment on me proposed frharhpng may appear in person at the MI 55320 as Personal Represent. VISEadministration Any or rso 1.1 band reserves the right to elect any nea^^g or may suit may s carmen comments to the undersigned prior to me hearing qplor t0 Or at the hearing 11 ,qulanbes in the blatlmq -Kathenna G Hadley, Commissioner henresentalna unit he nnr.n�.., ia0 of Ur eclors � 27 ' the power 10 collect all assets Notke of Public Hearing W: real And Personal propem Notices also given that Ise HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY oleins against the Estate a - t e NO. 273 CITY OF MONTICELLO--COUNTY OF WRIGHT Representative the Cour .O, MINNESOTA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN N s (C), OF THE MONTICELLO CIT/ ORDIS STATE STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN teal tna Hwfrrq ane ReOevefopmem Aupwnty (line ^�Yo, Canty YNIgnI, Stall Mhmesote. Notice Or the clams will be bar - 5 OC OPERATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE of .ntl add �w W�'n� ay, Sept 8, 1995, al approsanet 7 00 Dated Aug 17, 1995 ED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: p,m , at the GM Han. Morelcetlo, Minnesota. relanrW IO the Proposed acquisition and disposition of Attorney for personal Repress, he, provided mal no mic,hcating liquor may ray lands located within the Moddled Central Mwbce'lo Redeveldpment Plan far Redevelopme t Project No 1 Paul w Stell i rectly at indirectly. e.cepl between me �d OneO'clock (1 00) a m Monday, and than The raw lards proposed for Acquisition and disposition are described as fos' llow HALL a BYERS. P A IO10 w St German. Style 50. ood to persons who are sealed a1 tables LCDOLIMaFdlggg0 Lot 5. Block 7, Oakwood InWlsblal Park, City of Monticello. St Cloud. MN 58701 1612) 2524414 Ili day of Auqust. 1995 County of Il iL Stale of Mlnnesola ia, IBI2) 252 4482 -Brad Fye. Mayor -40U Koropchak, HRA E.ecubve rector Affprney Ucense No 104814 star (Akp. 24 8 71. 1985) (Aug 24 A 71. 1995) ' ` '� �•' MENDMENT NO. 274 .O, MINNESOTA, DOES HEREBY ORDA01 ION 1, PERTAINING TO PENALTIES FOR '\ "'« --l...w•+++ OLATIONS. BE AMENDED TO READ AS OF who is found to haven ode M - _ _ . C- -'— malt, wdh any wovislon of Rws ordinance rand • ...._' ri site .Sued hereunder shag be fined trot fan ,• , �� �•.- ho more than Five Thousand DOOMS (115.00111)— be --:_a __ �c a wolatlon snarl occur or Continue shag hewn, -. _ ., i ,� ' — ---- ---- • In addition to the penalties provided ,ey'■ foes, Coun Costs, court falconers' to the found to 1. —rte - - - You're always c! pprOPnalo action against person oder, regulations. and permits issued•-- - _ I .+• :� �I-• . .. _. A LETTER aOMhothe Cowl penalties wooded for n ronuons m of tris. ordinance a who has a ms• � �� If you're leaving Minnes ucuon. damage, w other lmparmenl 10 the We'll list kale in Ic City Int n nv e,Peme .II become 4nbln the e Cl D You D in or discharge The Duector -v add to the back home. A Lefler Fro 0...a to, any tearing, repay. monlonn el tamed by the violation or decnmgn Arty -'; ;� ' �, "� .� :{,•"�i, y��' dealing lust With what y� Const duln n violation of Inv. mmnanco lh day OI Au us1, 1991 y g •� 1 ''>•Q' '�` +: ^`,"�•' ,y,s ,�- , �. - 7 �• well-informed Great till; -Brad r mo. We Mayor .,.� = --� • .�'( \'•�' 1. A L1Mer From Mleumota. y PUBLIC NEARING \�+, •'" -Pr 1 nouna a will be held by the City of Monticello,Y— nl 1 p m , In the Monticello City Hall to [on } i� I- -'• —�L� �i STATE FAIR )r a conditional use permit allowing a —e•6r i h• '� moi` NNN npmnnt in a R.Puo tans LOcnuon _) To Inc �_-!-L The Wa" 12SIh Anniver ,f PrehmnAry vial apwovnl at inn via :.�., _ --' -- Free Rea nbon Oullot A. Klein Firms •�.'( ' Inc Mernberst, I a octan lush and driveway condlboOal • FrGe recti nets tura fAQUnemenl In In. area of • Over 100,000'e Location Lot S. Block 7. Oakwood ' av For fur "opted on above subjects and An posarre - IndepondOnl //rnrcu '11Z heard At tri. mooringnmm� Telephone will he suhlntl to the approval Or •• "any, sop, t1 1095 mlpm, el n• v TENTATIVE AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR %� MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL I rA" 'A AA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY City of Monticello TAX INCREMENT FINANCING POLICY Program Purpose: The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority will utilize Tax Increment Financing to support the community's long-term economic and housing goals. Policy Cons ideratlana: The HRA will analyze and evaluate Tax Increment Financing proposals based upon the following policy considerations. Each project shall be measured against these considerations and the project's value shall be determined, based upon meeting these considerations. 1. The project shall be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 2. The project shall demonstrate long-term economic and/or housing benefits to the community. 3. The project shall create and/or retain employment for Monticello residonts. 1. The project shall increase moderate priced housing options for area residents. 8. The project shall facilitate the redevelopment or elimination of "substandard" or "blighted" areas as determined by the HRA. 6. The project shall facilitate the "clean-up" of environmentally unsound property. 7. The project shall provide additional public funding for public improvements including utilities and/or park development which would not otherwise be available. a. The project shall be deemed to promote additional desired "spin-off" development. 4 1 Lot 5, Block 3, OIP HRA Mptlotj HRA Motion. April 5: 1995 August 2, 1995 EMV $96,000 EMV $96,000 Purchase Price $60,000 Purchase Price $33.000 Write-down $36,000 Wr1te-dawn $63,000 (+$27,000) 15,000 sq ft metal office! 15,000 eq ft motal manufacturing facility office/manufant.urtnU facility Tonant Ownership Existing Munticello One partner existing businoss Montincillo businesb Annual payroll, $632,320 Annual payroll, $74a,a00 38 X 2080 0 79,040 hours 30 X 2080 - 62,400 hours X $8.00 over 2 years X $12.00 over 2 years (+$116,450 annually) Orowing, hard working company Orowing, hard working company 41