HRA Agenda 10-04-1995AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, October 4, 1995 - 7:00 p.m. City tial MEMBERS: Chairperson Al Larson, Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, Everette Ellison. Tom St. Hilaire, and Roger Carlson. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: 011ie Koropchak. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller. GUEST: Rich Carlson, Dove Realty. I . CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 14.1995,HRA MINUTES. 3. OLD BUSINESS: a) Confirmation of TIF Reimbursement to Russell and Sharon Martie. b) Consideration to review for followup the second notice mailed Jay Morrell relating to the TI Guarantee deficiency. C) Consideration to review for followup the September 6.1995, letter from Brad Larson. 4. NEW BUSINESS: a) Consideration to discuss for potential purchase the property described as Lots 1, 2, 3.4 & 5, Block 64 and N 40 R of vac River St ly S of Blk 64. b) Consideration to review the feasibility study and recommendation as prepared by Marls Ruff of Publicorp. Inc. relating to the West Prairie/Katzmarek and Olson areas. c) Consideration to review the descrepancy between the estimated TIF Penalty and the State's TI Aid Reduction. d) Consideration to amend the City of Monticello TIF Policies for addition of the proposed nineth criteria. s. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW [IRA BILIS FOR APPROVAL: e) Acknowledgement of Letter of Adjustment. b) Authorize payment of Vector Tool Bills for reimbursement. c) Authorize payment of other bills. b. OTHER BUSINESS. 7. ADJOURNMENT. o*- SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL IVA Wednesday, September 27,1995 - 7 p.m - Council Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Council Members Absent: Clint Herbst Others Present: Al Larson, HRA Chair, Ken Maus, IDC Vice Chair, Kevin Doty, IDC Chair; Ron Hoglund, EDA Chair, Steve Bubul, HRA Attorney Staff Present Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator, 011ie Koropchak, Economic Development Director, Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator A special meeting of the City Council was held for the purpose of discussing the possibility of consolidating the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) and the Economic Development Authority (EDA), and for the purpose of defining the role of the Industrial Development Committee (IDC) as it relates to the City's governing bodies. IDC Chair Kevin Doty explained that the IDC is a marketing group for Monticello and has received comments regarding the redundancy of presenting information to so many committees during the process of relocating an industry to Monticello. It was proposed by the IDC that by combining the HRA and EDA, prospective businesses and industries would be better served by eliminating a repetitive step in the process. Economic Development Director 011ie Koropehak reviewed the history of the establishment of the HRA in 1971 and the EDA in 1989. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reviewed structure options, noting that combining the HRA and EDA would result in a more efficient link between the City Council and economic development programs, coordination of finance packaging, and policy-making. . HRA Attorney Stove BubW then presented information regarding the general powers of the HRA and EDA as established by >,,t;, eAa n S n , sA. He noted that the EDA may exercise the powers of an HRA and the powers of a city in addition to the powers of the EDA as establiaLed by the Statutes. The HRA may levy a tax on all taxable property in the city subject to consent of the City Council. Similarly, at the request of the EDA, the City may levy for the benefit of the EDA. Page 1 Special Council Minutes - 9/27/95 Bubul also reviewed the composition of each board, noting that an HRA consists of five commissioners appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council, and any number of Council members may be appointed as commissioners. In some communities, the HRA is made up entirely of Council members. State Statutes also require that HRA commissioners be residents of the city. The EDA. however, has three options for board composition. A three-member EDA must include one Council member, a five -member or seven -member EDA must include two Council members. In some communities, the entire City Council serves also as the EDA Unlike the HRA, the Statutes do not contain a residency requirement for EDA commissioners. IDC Vice Chair Ken Maus noted his concern that if the IiRA is eliminated, the focus on housing will fade. He suggested that two subcommittees of the EDA be formed, one to concentrate on business and industry and the other for housing. Since the IDC's strength is marketing business and industry, perhaps the IDC could be appointed as a subcommittee of the EDA. Discussion focused on the current operation of the IDC. It was noted by Steve Bubul that if the IDC became an appointed subcommittee of the EDA, they would be subject to open meeting laws, and any fiend -raising proceeds would essentially become part of the EDA hinds and, as public funds, would likely have more restrictions. He noted it may be beneficial to have three IDC members appointed as a subcommittee to the EDA and continue to maintain the IDC as a separate organization. EDA Chair Ron Hoglund explained that when the IDC was created in the early 1980'x, it was an entity of the Chamber of Commerce. Over the years they have drifted apart, but Hoglund suggested that if the IDC returned to being a part of the Chamber, the IDC/Chamber could raise and donate fiords to the EDA for specific economic development purposes and/or retain the funds for independent marketing efforts or other economic development purposes. This would eliminate the public fitads restrictions but would continue to benefit the community. HRA Chair Al Larson suggested that the EDA be allowed to have non-resident members if the EDA and HRA are combined so that specific well -Qualified individuals can be appointed even if they do not live in the city. It was also suggested that rather than a residency requirement, perhaps it would be sufficient to require that members have a vested interest in the community such as owning property within the dty limits. The number of non-residents on the EDA could be limited to a specific number as well. Page 2 Spacial Council Minutes - 9/27/95 Mayor Fyfe expressed his support, and it was the consensus of Council to continue investigating the consolidation of the EDA and HRA. It was suggested that the EDA, HILA, and IDC discuss this item, and staff was directed to outline the basic program for reorganization and submit it to the affected committees for oommenta print to placement on a &tore Council sgenda, possrfl9 in January 1998. According to the Statutes, a public hearing would be necessary to allow public comments prior to consolidating the HRA and EDA into an EDA. There being no f3rrther discussion. the meeting was adjourned. Gama Doty 0®oe Manager L N Page 3 That in any year in which the tax increment generated by the development does not meet or exceed the amount required by the NRA to meet its debt retirement demands, the developers shnll pay directly to the HRA the difference between the actual tax increment collected, and the required debt retirement payment, said payment to be made no later than the 15th day of December in the year in which the taxes are due and payable. 5. That they shall purchase from the HRA the following described real property, to -wit: The Northeasterly Fifty feet of Lots Eight, Nine, and Ten, in Block Fifty of the Village of Monticello, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County. on or before the 16th day of November, 1983, and they shall remit payment in the sum o$ $10,000.00 to the HRA un Liie date of purchase. 6. That no "project land" acquired by the developers from Lite IIRA may be resold prior to improvements being made without the prior written consent of the HRA. 7. That there shall be no discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, creed or national origin in the sale, lease, transfer or occupancy of the property covered by this agreement. 8. That the property shall be devoted only to the uses that fall within the scope of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan for a period of twenty (20) years from the date of this agreement. 9. That, except where physically impossible, all public and private utilities serving the parcels within this agreement shall be under- ground. 10. Developers agree to filo of record a twenty (20) foot wide easement. for purposes of ingress and egress in favor of the City of aionticello to be approved by the City Attorney. THE 11RA AGREES: 1. That the HRA will convey to the Developer title to the following described real property, to -wit: The Northeasterly Fifty foot of lots Eight, Nine, and Ten, in Block Fifty of the Village of Monticello, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in Cho Office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Ccnutty. on or before the 16th day of November, 1983, for the sum of $10,000.00. 2. That, prior to the conveyance of title to the developers, Cho IIRA will demolish existing structures and generally prepare the site for now construction. '` -2- City of Monticello 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, Minnesota 55362-9245 ATTENTION: 011ie Dear 011ie: Thank you for your fax of today attaching the 1983 Development Agreement between Jim and I and the City. we had not been able to find an executed copy. with regard to paragraph 10 wherein we agreed to file a twenty foot (20') wide easement in favor of the City of Monticello to be approved by the City Attorney, as I recall, that was never done. I am willing to file a formal easement in favor of the City which I assume would be assigned to the post office landlord but I think it appropriate a Maintenance Agreement be entered into or, since it is going to be a public easement, that the maintenance be borne by the City. If the City is not interested in entering into a Maintenance Agreement or maintaining the easement, maybe it is appropriate at this point in time to look at opening up the "Hass" lot access. Thanks! HVL/gls cc: David Hyttsten Respectfully yours, METCALF�LARSON 6 MUTH //. By: Bradley V. Larson, Esq. SS•0;k. (ill La1Fe� \ d:' f.jf Y.On & effud ATTORNEYS Al LAW 313 WW Brnadw Y Pa am WE MaaMq Mlnrmu 9 O BRADLEY V. LARSON TELEPHONE �o September 6. 1995 (612)FAAX 0. METCALF. noar�u (W5 -TM (61Z 2WM32 City of Monticello 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, Minnesota 55362-9245 ATTENTION: 011ie Dear 011ie: Thank you for your fax of today attaching the 1983 Development Agreement between Jim and I and the City. we had not been able to find an executed copy. with regard to paragraph 10 wherein we agreed to file a twenty foot (20') wide easement in favor of the City of Monticello to be approved by the City Attorney, as I recall, that was never done. I am willing to file a formal easement in favor of the City which I assume would be assigned to the post office landlord but I think it appropriate a Maintenance Agreement be entered into or, since it is going to be a public easement, that the maintenance be borne by the City. If the City is not interested in entering into a Maintenance Agreement or maintaining the easement, maybe it is appropriate at this point in time to look at opening up the "Hass" lot access. Thanks! HVL/gls cc: David Hyttsten Respectfully yours, METCALF�LARSON 6 MUTH //. By: Bradley V. Larson, Esq. SS•0;k. (ill La1Fe� \ TSR FXZLD C=W" ! STATEMENT 420 •ortb=vt 218th 1►t'G tober 26. cdar,Kian*mots 55011 ROCT17C-CARIHON Me. Olive Roropchak VOICEi (612) 295-2711 City of Monticello PAX (612) 295-4404 250 Eaat Broadway P.O. Bo= 1147 Monticollo, Pm 55]62-9245 250.00 OAIf C► AQES AND CNEOMS, OALAI-ca GALMISM vonwu+o 10/17/1,5 CARLSON APPRAISAL 250.010 230.00 R. A. FIELD 6 ASSOCIATES . F" Tftb Monticello 69K N e PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362-9245 October 6, 1995 MC100.03 REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 9118/95 MTR Meeting at Coy and tour of redevelopment sites 9/27/95 MTR Work on analysis for redevelopment districts Total Due Tfds Month: Total Balance Due: Hours Amount 1.75 183.75 3.00 315.00 4.75 $498.75 $498.75 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INC.IPUBLICORP INC. 2950 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN $5402 Space is limited, To receive the lowest registration tate, forms must be returnea by November 10, 1995. Please compiere Wtv one form for each person rogwennpsorra mov be Dnotocoprea. NAME TITLE AGENCY ADDRESS CITY, STATE. ZIP TELEPHONE Please cycle amoorore tee. Betao November 10 $ 95.00 Af101 NDvornbor 10 $10500 rho r0(Pflfaeon toe vKl . Cdtlwetrtd prepffw. iyn�n dtrafa arra rna.mY Ap oar •.Derr aw mo 'omoreaur d rho roµfrom Proaya rtrocf ono RegDitarlon fee OnCK=W Please DW agency Rogotatlon auo6f Gas (612)•423-0145 Rotwn to MINNESOTA NAHRO 2406 145th stroof Wan Rosomount. MN S5W 9 6 rra'��:�ei�rrs�axra.•tE�.rwti tM ulnnewra Cnomet a Narroro� •oocwtwn a nouunp ana Rec.vaow.tenr Cl!"', c -11 -c -11-p Cor- -1 R.vnailalan ana Oev.owrvni Cmf osfemcloa •v fo.••.vror 'a wortmw.w9 �mavw �n cmm,r<ry aw«ev.vnr aosevtp rrn«r' 1961 M.r•pgf ar. Ia•�f ••HIw 'Xefwpron CAunY w9• Cerw+M yr 1— 11— If-- CHa• EDA • hw ovWron c-1.4• soo D`enen -- c:) G.: r rte S.-V—D Dura oro - CTba .9006 CD• swe Gwrr, Ca•.r.M rermwf lweoG� fE-MrvtrOre prr.odrnnr •pen, M.vraooe rwA n�Ja D Sr rraiwmo.r Men .v.osm.nl Cao C1rtyl.wra rr.r.®off vw• e+d Mabf Ar/InneA MomA Morn E+ Ctrs NRA lM MN NW SINO Neem Yr1A{arr9A C /rOterD. O.0 parr E0- 11 Af. NC / r Dor eK veA lM t— Otago cawsQA sn.esrr.n ww.o.n. YOJ Yr.�e• irepOe CD• rmnceawd.n, MNN... 0 A 01oC1 Or feant6 nm poen roeeryea of fro Sheralon mpeoq 4ao 00oa a Cococonmbme 99,9+0 occuaancv Ino taarn DGCs Wa Do TWO u IP Nove"M IQ 1996 to rospvo a room cop tw hard at (612) 331.1900 a for ere' (000) 717•3271anp W for t" MYYgpb NANRO CanfoO ofoto CanCeear,IM roCpvOa on a tworo Novernow la 199b Wo a lefunaeo rn M comocatom rocarvoa arrol Novomaoi 10. 19% Wu tw cnmpoa a $50 Car\'OeatiCn rap M.rrnee)to NAHaO vKWSCrrOr(py at area 11 ana ovont gt•opanroos Dopes on �ogw-al-n mtctrrottC;n InAa0r0 OKrr 0 you ae hat pnarM no F� as Cav far raft y Oa - _ o— mN mD'Z - - - 3� 9aZ 0(nInn ZN = �o zz 1995 rt, COMMUNITY o�a DEVELOPMENT g ° CONFERENCE 2 A CONFERENCE FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, Jai AND HOUSING g PROFESSIONALS, ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS T g '.•.a •Ea: •Fa• vEn.: •9'Iti:JE-c Jf.Er .,,.Y a,.'. �e•,r m �a•r .a -L.1. ..r •IF a,. ..y. .cart h �, . ea.7n1E n5 a•� NOVEMBER 30. 1995 6:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M. SHERATON MINNEAPOLIS METRODOME I M'NDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD M'.NNEAPOUS A :fir n1 r± I� IIII� �a g r a iBill � �Eil� r� ira MINNESOTA NAHRO'S ANNUAL C O M M U N I T Y D E V E L OPMENT C O NF ERE N CE November 30, 1995 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Sheraton Mlnneopolls•Metrodome 1330 industrial Boulevard. Minneapolis 0 Community Development Staff HRA Staff EDA Staff State AgomV Staff Community Development Corporations Elected and Appointed Officials Commisslonors Municipal Finance Officials Q 6 Momma Basions introduction to tax increment M"an�0u01bn oll I.-.InaMrll hloncng n nnrow Cowing n. awn of no. d .onA .rot you ..h Ono -*1 do Orb ..0VhT) M OI .[em tIOMOCtn th n0. 10CI«m.ly ED -1 To Ins po..n •Ins mor at noAr orb ED -1 to ro fIl�Nlr 11 O. wTI er pO..rtul oeWbplllMl bol lad I.mn nMOb for ,h novo. oI mor IOOrinp IOI O pen.ral Ianeela coon. an I9 Altemoon Sessions Neap cines wce.ua: thapples and vbrutlrq The anon a npnudppnI1l rn,« a.wt crtrl .rcn p ,dIW4 uro.l 10,►00 mar ale nvpvW n valrnq crop_ or wcc~w corrol.nerwre IaoOr.bpn10n1 Tax licief wed FlnorWhW If N WA tri Henson .0 comlao n. lulu,. or 11r dna he Rnecpt— of recant nwW 011.10 COmmumlY ..010pmant I.pntalnn. M.'alna 1995 0ac0 I. 1.9.00 n ar poeuole pubpnc. br 1995 4a41es, Refonsk and Bttparobn Map — ICM .0 I.t.0 nom elawnade.1 eualp ourl.rr the canon .i eramin. h0. total IurnOlClbm con aeraop rY51.mo11C aOprOOCn 10 oro molwp Durin.rl I.lontlen, fop a.arbn dhe maria UDarel me Inca puvleo Cprrro"11 A/My Legsistieve rho Ganda son e r K*ve noon Cominupipy t DeVNDplll� Cor.A+nIM1 de ddP nhr Aml.p Ine cal_ To DO - r yMe .rb .a wY UO 1M .1. wn n bib ur COn1101 the N o or. tT n ahcnp load m ral _,~11 br NDiaM ana ponau I W� aeuoablaa tn.Ior or err dor dna idem povdrlr.w+onbca wens dna conlol«co oamcoonn.o renal ro me olaw,lalbra SEIZVING MINNESOTA'S HOUSING 3: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS FOR OVER 36YEARS The Wnesoto Chapter Of the Notional Afloccnon of HOu3 ng Cna Redevelop• mens Otficia3 tso non-profit rnemCerjup �SOaWlon of hou5V1g and Community development professionals. There are over 135 pubk ogenctes in the Chapter representing local. county. nVtitountV Ono state -Mede iureoiCtlons. There are over 350 IndMdual members. and over 50 non-profit ono for-profit orgammliorn in the Chapter. tv Gsoto NAMRO'S Purpose is 10 erWe me Provmon of aocont. 0ffaooble hous- ing ono KCoo commuNtles for al Min- nesotons through the association Of agencies and 1na\nduas Pro%Aoing out)• i tlCv offiwea nous:ng and cornmunty, de- velopment rosource3. m� Ii � Io Imo IIL�i't1i�1 50D4:30 alowu ow 110111"IlOso Croce n ana Canln.nta 11,001, Aad WouW4 6:30•I000M0001MaInsK d WA 1NfOposson n.00uc on b tar ncrnwlt loop Livable Carrs/11N11M5 Saner. to &aaaaar rump m me ACs lrraol. camm�nn ►cr The MICA r.aW_ mono annpplrlprot Wnlomb Chipto n.gow..N. Cvnle Ona .?Wdo ncloar ,r QA fta . m_ -T, poen dna to 10:00.1015 Mu0 oaopl no nlprrll.nl u rnpt.0, eomv and IO IM 17�OlIfYl11ag11 .—.or- — a". odm la ce alb ale Mel Co.,. IM panel .a lepmMe .Iom.ctne an aommunlly Dlv.npnlMt aecup m. I.auralrrnn nncalloro OloOre dhd oppan✓b.e .1 .111ar. 30 WIICMloO►0ut5t MAEiO nOuay 1:30.300 AEn01100MtEUKHO UMsaalA03101 Srnm C.Ina :.uccdwa :Ilat.p_ab.bnrvq messaw b UWNGN tar au—, r__M halm and roc_ MRA Revenues ►rorty ad.,—oho Eraon.on the .trioti .0 lfmb on u u001LOn01, own 3',OD•4 00 10001131,11 OATU MNO pu10.0 O101ecrl mal 000.A01COA11rs CI«q oo.Ine Ca91 no. Ia Ine opener .a ew MOA I w peneal01scm. n n la. . nCOrM Irppnp lar Clew h01Kn, aOnawl Enorlcnp oro mese general kilsbp Tax licief wed FlnorWhW If N WA tri Henson .0 comlao n. lulu,. or 11r dna he Rnecpt— of recant nwW 011.10 COmmumlY ..010pmant I.pntalnn. M.'alna 1995 0ac0 I. 1.9.00 n ar poeuole pubpnc. br 1995 4a41es, Refonsk and Bttparobn Map — ICM .0 I.t.0 nom elawnade.1 eualp ourl.rr the canon .i eramin. h0. total IurnOlClbm con aeraop rY51.mo11C aOprOOCn 10 oro molwp Durin.rl I.lontlen, fop a.arbn dhe maria UDarel me Inca puvleo Cprrro"11 A/My Legsistieve rho Ganda son e r K*ve noon Cominupipy t DeVNDplll� Cor.A+nIM1 de ddP nhr Aml.p Ine cal_ To DO - r yMe .rb .a wY UO 1M .1. wn n bib ur COn1101 the N o or. tT n ahcnp load m ral _,~11 br NDiaM ana ponau I W� aeuoablaa tn.Ior or err dor dna idem povdrlr.w+onbca wens dna conlol«co oamcoonn.o renal ro me olaw,lalbra SEIZVING MINNESOTA'S HOUSING 3: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS FOR OVER 36YEARS The Wnesoto Chapter Of the Notional Afloccnon of HOu3 ng Cna Redevelop• mens Otficia3 tso non-profit rnemCerjup �SOaWlon of hou5V1g and Community development professionals. There are over 135 pubk ogenctes in the Chapter representing local. county. nVtitountV Ono state -Mede iureoiCtlons. There are over 350 IndMdual members. and over 50 non-profit ono for-profit orgammliorn in the Chapter. tv Gsoto NAMRO'S Purpose is 10 erWe me Provmon of aocont. 0ffaooble hous- ing ono KCoo commuNtles for al Min- nesotons through the association Of agencies and 1na\nduas Pro%Aoing out)• i tlCv offiwea nous:ng and cornmunty, de- velopment rosource3. m� Ii � Io Imo IIL�i't1i�1 . I a.. K wjt • V.\ Y rwa.ar nM CT 1 Tw■ Cft^C11Y GFIWS T.. ■ RCr Tw. 8 r.,m• at- , ^L 11 • _. 7! •.:700 Lt.6 22s.•1] I 4 l0t 21•.980 t2.7 ]0•.•Rr.n T.r^'' EA8 dC It 1 600 12 t5.'• 13.24 KO[OO/f[K 1./12.00 ..•32 T•.O If•. 163. 200 00.2 1.436.836 76.9 1.066.02/.84 "A 76.9 r•� C[fIKrC7K x.00 IS .7 2.674•^00 1,/ tO7.917 !.6 t34, Nt.a- 1.1 ...�, �.... ... • INl>•M rRIK UT Ili T7 / .2 31'..000 181.841 + 12.728.•/ .• 2/.7//.•8 .• �'• 3f rg0.2\ 'j.Nl ••.• \47,07!.6/0 M. +I 1 1 1 , fK11■pIML 1110•Q77 to .• 471.•10 .• 47.801 3.6 05,274.70 3.5 06.274.70 3.1 wl C3. •• UK acon 1•IILLS ■ lw■w•1.I IaMlIf7' ■ TAX p8►ApIT7 ■ 111088 Twll It M. r rw4 ■ / ►6701.`. M•.f• 6.611a49 ft/ 0.0 2.110.900 Iy- •3.43.36 ./ 413.374.40 .6 MMMMMW■■I w•■l"ItY 6.1/ ♦.074 616.5 116.767.1,88 70.8 1.730.121 I. It 1 01. 4•v ..4 It 11 :.00/..23.82 10.9 CO1.00IK \\.� W \\.1 36.700.70/ 7.♦ \,361.670 8.4 1.142.788.04 /.1 1. 040. W4.86 0.4 .. • TMMRI7RTK -_- _198-'ftp ..__._.= t • .4010■0.- lh6-•;� U711.177 • .• 367. IC4.500 66.4 t3.2070. eN 76.4 13.8.0."2.26 76./ 41./98.M.36 7.1.1 '• RAILROM 3 .► 410.200 10•"1 .1 11.344.0 a\ a. W.98 .1 r oft TOTI1l rm •8fwr■ t.nsm 9.01• ••.e 430 /71.4AO 70.2 N.96O.844 90.0 18.5/• 138..E 41.0 1�.481.4M.N •�.• 11.1 w■11.1r gr17/RTl 7 .3 34\4..08 .7 664.07 • In 361.18 .• 17•.300.98 .4 1 01 4 31 ..•oo .01.0 44 32 •.-w too. • 10 07..1.8 10 0 III •3• 841..4 110 1 t0...7 •T,6 11 c Rrn, fntnle aan�tltnl�el « wenlend sit a.,. 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L Gav'I Nan X (M"A,(NMa r i g I,M"M 4 Sec e 41101- " nr1 Lard Coamerc gal 4 Ree Se -/0- w -C- eas/RetNon-Comm SRR 72 Non -Loan SRR Oyer CSRRCLIC 32 CSRR [LIC Oyer CSRR CtiC " Uther total Rent Est nta total Per gor9rt nr oparey rate) ReOI l Pers M Property less aovef L- 2001,,, I tgL ler IrN rrmmt ,.,at Net tDr Cep- ty Percentage of totat C+ty ar Mont t(el{O I.. Capacity Tar Capacity 1,236,101 it % of total 864 7.53452% 848,203 537,028 49,706 25,104 tc t of total 0 0.15312% 1,96S 524 0 0 756 0 589 0 5,011 0 18,253 0 12,145,100 tc % of total 74.07637% 18.11 tc % a} total 0.12087% 2,059,416 it % of total 12.56130% 733,41' is % of tote) 4.47339% 0 89,295 12,055,813 0 19,817 381,117 303,424 657,023 175,762 51,123 69,667 $94,638 26,064 148,473 ]01,402 0 22,48) 18,250 117, 416 21,782 1,040 tc % of total 0 0.00634% 0 0 0 1,040 0 Market VDIue9 t6,27o,948 448,234000 174,948 3,810000 16,394,946 452,045,800 0 0 16,394 046 30.3692% 15.22112 a.et ',,rata aryl denSlol "taMstMM1 61/vrr• •-Ap Mon••p "std 12 Mm-ap Mottl 115 N on•Ap "aid Over A/rlc4itu1a1 et/Parr ",GLIA 32 111 "std M, GLIA 72 Ap Xatd x, GIL IA 115 14, Mold X,CLIA Over pal/vera artm In 32 Aq nstd •-S20 72 Haiti 11.0- 11.0 er 72 Ag M•td Rea,320 115 AlXstd RaaOver 115 49 "old 0-320 Over Ap xstd RerN hear Over Al *--:old t I*-, rd, ,-rcial L frelun trtet PLibl" Utility lord L 91do l Lard L 61 dp X is -h i nor y astir odd Property 0 o+troact anilroad C-,c+ni L Ind-TH.1 Comm Prei tr 1170 Cann nref ar 200 crag Prater Ovar Caro Non -Prefer 1rd Prater 100 ird vraf er 700 Ind Prafer Ova, Ino RM+-Pra}Or mon-Norrnstand Rasid-00 MOn-Nato 1,2 or 3 Mon -Mata Apt 4 or srl+e Gov't ii. L GOy' t A-, N iMNA,tNMA Iiit is L Sec 8 ,MH MOCiir M- Port Land [amllarcial L Rea Seas/sec Nun -Ca... :RR 72 Man -Coon Sao Over CSRR CLIC 32 CSR: CILC Over CSaa CLIC M Other TotDt seat Estate roC•1 persono1 Pr opt rty rota) Reel L Personal Pr9ptrty Less Poser Tint 2001,v less Iea Inc,ement 1 OCDl Met Tar Cappc+ty P-CM1a9e of Total Wright Elm.efty lar CamcIty lar Capacity 19,450,011 tc t of tot Mi7,948 34,13208% 11,663,104 2,494 5,999,241 3,944 ,,779,168 4, 420, B9 0 Market Values tc % of rota, t,14I 8.63549% 1,861,360 56,934,551 2,964,865,950 630,907 20,366 269,954 2,Y18:693 1017, 53,985,492 66, 100.0000% 0 145,968 0 335,451 124,602 0736,160 0 14 ,D05,0!S I< % of total 7,617 26.'5627% 262,703 14,634,713 67,162 tc % o} tot at 0.29338% 8,549,967 it % of total 15.00404% 4.555.574 Ic % of total t.o9431% 0 161,182 2,418,327 1,408,725 2,187,003 8A1,030 244,962 275,747 1,075,862 862 90, 281 2,431,618 t, 275,3T2 0 95,036 246,734 321,086 166,228 2 911 ,115, K+. !at sl 85.13457% 7,356,344 Sig 904 2,494 3,944 44,125 0 Market Values 55,474,541 2,936,831,350 1,510,010 33,034,600 56,934,551 2,964,865,950 20,366 2,Y18:693 53,985,492 100.0000% 300.0000; J MINUTES MON710ELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING Thursday. September 14, 1995 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson AI Larson, Everette Ellison, and Roger Carlson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chairperson Brad Barger and Tom St. Hilaire. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: 011ie Koropchak. CITY STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roger Carlson made a motion to approve the September 6,1995. HRA minutes. Al Larson seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. •: • k1l pKiKO&I 10141•• • WE Nal • r••• rr• 1. :at• In the absence of Commissioner Brad Barger, compliance of the Declaration of Potential Conflict of Interest was not an issue. Chairperwn Larson continued the public hearing of September 6. 1995. Koropchak informed HRA members that HRA Attorney Bubul reviewed comment; made by Dana Strandmo, the developer's attorney. Appropriate modifications in the best interest of the HRA and as so directed by the HRA were made to the Purchase and Development Contract. The developers have agreed to the modifications and a copy of the contract for execution is forthcoming. Therefore as of September 14, 1995. the Purchase and Development Contract between the HRA and VTM has been agreed upon by all panties. Chairperson Larson closed the public hearing. Having heard no public comment or objection, Roger Carlson made a motion to adopt HRA Resolution No. 95-7 Page I HRA MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 1995 authorizing the acquisition and disposition of raw lands described as Lot 5, Block 3, OIP. Everette Ellison seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. This being a normal practice for Private Redevelopment Contracts, Everette Ellison made a motion authorizing execution of the Subordination Agreement between the HRA and the lending institution therebye subordinating the rights of the HRA to the lender. This in relationship to the VTM project. Roger Carlson seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. �4 JV—.OVIN*-1 HRA commissioners received a copy of the letter dated September 6, 1995, from Brad Larson relating to the 20 foot wide easement. Commissioners requested the letter be placed on the October 4. 1995, HRA agenda for review and discussion. In order to improve communication between the HRA and City Council, the commissioners requested the Executive Director submit approved HRA minutes to Councilmembers. Everette Ellison made a motion to adjourn the HRA special meeting. Al Larson seconded the motion and with no further business, the HRA meeting adjourned at 7:15 P.M. 011ie Koropchak, Executive Director Page 2 i CITY OF MONTICELLO GENERAL FUND 250 EAST BROADWAY MONTICELLO. LIN M352 -,9 ?g! ;EVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND OC/100 DOLLAP.S _ro nu �ro No. Waoinm rartuuo Po W 50i TIY YpaTCELLO 111 65]6t ZO 913105SLQ. 00 PAY TO RUSSELL .KARTIE SHARSON MARTIZ TME ORDER OF 00492531P 4091,91&5225: ?60 001, ?02 :NDOR 000969 RUSSELL&MARTIE SHARSON NARTIE 09/12/1995 CHECK 391di L3.46511.6511 TIF 011 REIMB/MARTIES F 7,500.00 In CITY OF MONTICELLO TOTAL 7,500.00, HRA AGENDA OCTOBER 4, 1995 . i .� , yr•.i� . i iii � ��. ..�u,� � � . �� � nyllii` ue�i Attached is a copy of the letter dated September 12, 1995, to Jay Morrell relating to the 71 Guarantee deficiency of $12,517.93 for decertified TIF District Nos. 1-1 and 14. This is the second letter written by Mr. Wolfsteller and as of today, the City or HRA has heard no response. Attorney Bubul is reviewing the original Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and Ron & Dee Johnson and the condensed agreement between the HRA and Plaistad. Contract provisions relating default and property transfer are of importance. Within the condensed agreement no provision defines that the redeveloper is responsible for HRA legal fees if the redeveloper defaults. Secondly, how does this apply to the transfer of the property between the Johnsons to Plaistad to Morrell? Answer to this and other questions will assist the HRA's decision of whether to declare a default. Mr. Bubul will submit comments. C-1' C Page I I MONTIMLO Otfice .,j the Cit., Adm m taws 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55361.9145 Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Mr. Jay Morrell M k P Transport 1401 Fallon Avenue, PO Bon 477 Monticello, MN 56382 September 12, 1995 Re: HRA assessment agreements for Lot 7, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park Dear Jay: This letter is Intended as a follow-up to my May 5 letter which had summarized the tax collections Brom TIP Districts 01 and 04 and noted the balance remaining of $12,517.93. In case you are unable to locate your copy, I am enclosing a copy of my May 6 letter and the summary of TIF revenue along with a copy of the assessment agreement that pertains to the property you now own. Since the HRA had not received any response regarding this request for payment, this item was placed on their agenda for additional consideration Wednesday, September 6. After reviewing the assessment agreement that allowed the valuation to be reduced on your property, they reaffirmed their original position that the agreement was beneficial to your property in allowing the taxes to be reduced; and as such, the agreement should be adhered to regarding your requirement to reimburse any deficiencies below the annual $28,000 amount. As a result of their action, enclosed you will find a statement for the $12,517.93 deficiency that the HRA would like you to remit per the assessment agreemenL If you have any questions regarding the HRAs action, please give me a call, or you may contact OIUe Koropchak, HRA Director. Sincerely. a � City Administrator RW/kd Enclosures cc: Al Laron, HRA Chairmen DU TIF District N File HRA AGENDA OCTOBER 4, 1995 1 i 1 in morwrinmrinvuof 1m zvmm ,,; wis mms •1 y = \I 11 �1l�ll � 1 • � '1l� � In order to encourage the two property owners to resolve the issue of maintaining the driveway access to Locust or to encourage Cinco Corporation to contact the City of Monticello for consideration to purchase the old Hass propoerty, the HRA recommended Metcalf & Larson address a letter to Cines Corporation giving a 30 - day notice to close the driveway. On September 6, 1995, the HRA faxed Brad Larson a copy of the Development Agreement between the HRA and Metcalf and Larson wherein the developers agreed to file of record a twenty foot wide easement for the purposes of ingress and egress in favor of the City of Monticello to be approved by the City Attorney. In order to allow time for Brad Larson to respond to the HRA fax, the commissioners passed a motion of a "wait and see approach". The attached letter (Letter ill) from Brad Larson is a response to the fax. To improve communications and upon HRA Chairperson approval, the Executive Director submitted the copy of the Development Agreement to Cinco Corporation. See attached Letter 02. This is a fellowup agenda item for informational purposes and the HRA may wish to continue the "wait and see approach" since little time has lapsed from the date of the two attached wucrs. C Page I BRADLEY V. LARSON STEVEN 1 MUTH ,MMES D. METCALF. os cmpmL mmu" City of Monticello 250 East Broadway P. 0. Box 1147 Monticello, Minnesota ATTENTION: 011ie Dear 011ie: At"4, lnaun & Aud ATFORNEYS AT LAW 313 wa amod+.Y P.a am 448 Uaeoro. MV.8@ a SM44" September 6. 1995 55362-9245 TELEPHONE (812) 2953232 FAX f�21 2953132 Thank you for your fax of today attaching the 1983 Development Agreement between Jim and I and the City. We had not been able to find an executed copy. With regard to paragraph 10 wherein we agreed to file a twenty foot (20') wide easement in favor of the City of Monticello to be approved by the City Attorney, as I recall, that was never done. I am willing to file a formal easement in favor of the City which I assume would be assigned to the post office landlord but I think it appropriate a Maintenance Agreement be entered into or, since it is going to be a public easement, that the maintenance be borne by the City. If the City is not interested in entering into a Maintenance Agreement or maintaining the easement, maybe it is appropriate at this point in time to look at opening up the "Hass" lot access. Thankst BVL/gls cc: David Hyttsten Respectfully yours, METCALF, LARSON & MUTH By: Al Bradley V. Larson, Esq. L, et e �- \ 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (611) 295.4404 Cinco Corporation P.O. Box 185 St. Cloud, MN 56302-1185 Gentlemen: September 27, 1995 Enclosed is a copy of the Development Agreement between the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) and Bradley V. Larson and James G. Metcalf. As noted the developers agreed to file of record a twenty (20) foot wide easement for purposes of ingress and egress in favor or the City of Monticello to be approved by the City Attorney. There is no mention of the HRA agreeing to enter into a Maintenance Agreement relating to 20 foot wide easement. As property owners, you may wish to consider participation in the cost for maintaining the easement or driveway to appease your tenant, the United States Post Office. Also enclosed are copies of letters from Bradley V. Larson dated April 25, 1995, and September 6, 1995. Sincerely, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITYOFMONTICELLO 011ie Koropchak Executive Director " b C. \J cc: United States Post Office, Postmaster Bradley V. Larson, Attorney at Law HRA rile HRA AGENDA OCTOBER 4, 1995 L.. x..71 - \ 1 1 '� Mr. Rich Carlson, Real Estate Agent, will brief the HRA of his conversations with the willing sellers (owner occupied). This property located along Front Street and with Mississippi River frontage was an area previously earmarked for future redevelopment by the HRA. Listed is information from the Tax Book Payable 1995. PID# 155-010-064010 EMV $126,700 LMT $1113,700 Special Assessments 1995 $365.811 1 Remaining Balance of Assessments $1,111.98 - 4 years, 77-3 Street Impr. HRA procedure to purchase: I. Appraisal recommended. 2. Purchase Agreement prepared by HRA Attorney. 3. Relocation Costs. Willing sellers are entitled to relocation costs, must agree to waive. 4. Consideration of demolition costs. 5. Revenue for purchase and demolition: Availablc TIF Surplus Funds. 6. Adopt resolution prior to demolition: Establish three year window which allows the demolished structure to qualify within the test for establishment of a redevelopment district. Attached is a map outlining the lots under discussion. C Page I I�k A HRA AGENDA OCTOBER 4, 1995 a.7 , 4t: • 1 tti/ i \ 7l ��.1�, l4 n 71 yi Irl! , l , :� _, :..�'.. ,r.VI A. Reference and Background: See attached information prelAred by Mart Ruff of Publicorp, Inc. As noted through the TI cash flow, one is reminded of the difficulty to do redevelopment projects particularly with construction of single homes. Mark Ruff recommends the HRA consider that Olson property for refcvelopment with the possibility of construction of a twinhome or simple mbdivitio i. This would increase the captured TI. One, must remember that redevelopmad projects typcially also increase the value of the surrounding properties. The Katzmarct area also has potential for redevelopment. Again, the project area would generate a gmater TI if rental property with a greater density were permitted. Again, the first step would be to obtain an appraisal of the property for purchase. tl C Page I SEP 27 '95 06:15PM EHLERS & FSSOCIRTES P. 2/e rEbkn Wd laAetRa IB PUBLIC FINANCE September 27,1995 TO: 011ie Koropchak. City of Monticello FR: Mark Ruff RE: Redevelopment Analysis Attached are a number of documents related to our evaluation of two areas within the City of Monticello for potential redevelopment tax increment sins. The testa in the tax inceatent statute for qualification of a redevelopment district are as follows: Parcels consisting of 70% of the area of the district must be occupied To be considered occupied, at least 15% of the parcel must be covered by improvement; such as buildings, pwiring lots. roads, easements. etc. More than 50% of the buildings in the district must be considered structurally substandard. Although the law is specific about the conditions of a building which is technically considered structurally substandard or "blighted", many of the buildings which meet the substandard test would not be considered blighted. Therefore, determining blight is a policy decision for the HRA and City Council. The first area under consideration for a redevelopment district is the property (mown as the Olson parcel on the 500 block of East Broadway. The structure on the parcel is a single faauily dwelling which was constructed over 100 years ago and is clearly structurally substandard. The building and Improvements minimally meet the 15% coverage test. Attached is a tax increment projection titled "Redevelopment District for Single Family Demolition" which outlines the amount of tax increment which could be captured if a S 110 a were built on the site. On a present value basis at 8.5%, the maximum return over 25 years could be $9000. If a 5150.000 house were constnuteM maximum return could be16 000. A few dues around the stoma �e have implemented a program in which merry homes ser see Olson property are acquired, demolished, and the lot sold for a new single family structure. The prog<am works well if the site, rue scattered around the .;Pty to LWIuve is variety of nCigllbvr6xA- arid, bet:ausc of economies of scale. if more than one house is purchased and dtmtolished in a year. Alsoattached Is a sample cash flow Itom the City of Richfield on the costs of purchasing sad revenues from selling these types of properties. The second area under considcration4or a redevelopment district is the area adjacent to the golf course and railroad tracks on the= aide of the City. Included on the site am twelve pareels.of property. seven of which sue parcels from the former townhome site which are curtest!%%y, being \ OFFICE8 r1 111410IMEAPOLIS, MN UID SAOOKFMLD, Vn 2950 NorwH1 C4rMtar. . 90 SOLO SMr4h SOMI . MlftnUPO L Mut 65400.4100 ♦.+.-. A11.1\OASO.. Rev •1 •...a.Ml. SEP V 'Y 06:15PM DtERS & ASSOCIATES P." teplattcd. The parcels at listed in the attachmeat tided "Qualifying a Redevelopment District" Foto of the five building: on the proposed site we clearly substandard due to age and condition of the property. the exception of which is the swxture used as a day cars on the Hanawan parcel. However, it is difficult to meet the 70% coverage test. The State of Minnesota peroels am cur=tly vacant, but recently did contain some :mucases and underground tanks. The only way to qualify the site for a redevelopment district is if the HRA legal counsel will allow us to count the State of Nfinnesota parcels as "improvar due to the activity which ocoured to clean up the site. The qualifications for the redevelopment district are listed as Option 2 and do not include the townhome parcels included in the district. Tax incrcmew calculations based upon new construction of 14 twin hoaues built valued at S100,000 a piece plus the land value on apptoximately� saes (sot including the KatwAric site) over the next five years indicate that s valuer of S 111 000 over 1 S ' of increment and S 14S,Qp0 of increment dollars over 23 years would be av for lai> uiaegaisition. demolition, Pak Improvements, etc. in the rMelopment district The seven esdsdog townhome parcels total 2.4 acrd, but the only improvement is the cul-de-sac and toad on the properties. As shown as Option 1. if we wanted to include this area in the redevelopment district, we would need to wait until one new structtaa was built on the site. We would thea be able to meet the 70% tat Inch then parcels in the new redevelopment dlsteiict would aseadal1y double the amount of tax increment available to the project to �0 000 for 13 years and S290, � 2S years. Please contact the with any questions or comments or if we need to discuss this further with the `y HRA legal counsel. SEP 27 '95 06:16PM E}LERS 8 ASSOCIATES OW7195 M.M800HRA RedevMoprieM OMrit for yrrab Femlr Oemro40on T.I.F. CASH FLOW ASSUMPTIONS Total Inflation Rate: 0.0000% Interest Rata: 9.500% Tax Extension Rate: 1.128730 Pay 95 FLual Disparities Rate'. 0.00% BASE VALUE INFORMATION vakre Homestead Pay 96 Pay 96 Tax 1,156 vawe Cauchy Parcel 8155-015403OW 45,400 454 Total ortg" Markel vow _ _ _ 4-1400_._ 4p Class Rate: Hanastead > 172.000 7.0000% Pay 96 Homestead <$72,000 1.0000% Pay 96 Original Tax Cawdy: 454 Pay 96 PROJECT VALUE INFORMATION Type of Tex IrwrmmY DI&L-4: Redwaloprnert Type Of Derelowent: Homostad MC 100-01 I+ep..d by irapsp akrnrp kr. P.4/8 payable 1998 Pape 1 (-�I , h) OIEI Mnwl Total Type of Total Tax Tax Market Use Tax" Increment CaOanty vakre Homestead 1,971 1,156 1,480 110,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1.671 1,156 11450 110.000 MC 100-01 I+ep..d by irapsp akrnrp kr. P.4/8 payable 1998 Pape 1 (-�I , h) OIEI SEP 27 '95 06:16PM EI-LERS 8 RSSOCIRTES M7/95 MorWc.no MRA Redewlcp Mru 01stna Id Sp. F." Da Wbl Othor Reremle S.m4Annw1 Net Tax _Invamtont 0 0 0 0 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 621 521 521 $21 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 $21 521 521 521 621 521 521 621 521 521 29MY 9.056 NPV Tax Invamsm 8.50% 0 O 0 0 423 829 1.219 1,592 1.950 2.294 2.624 2,940 3.243 3.534 3,814 4,081 4.338 4.585 4,821 5.046 5,265 5.474 5.674 5.866 6,050 6.2,26 6.396 6.556 6.714 6,864 7,007 7.145 7.276 7.403 7,524 7,641 7.753 1,860 1,963 6,061 8.156 0.247 6,334 6,417 6.497 6,574 6,648 6.716 6.786 6,651 6.914 8.973 9,031 9.088 P.5/8 PQ. 2 Payment Date MN Yr, 08.01 1406 02-01 1997 08.01 1997 02-01 1996 08-01 1998 02-01 1999 08-01 1999 02-01 2DD0 08-01 2000 02-01 2001 08-01 2001 02-01 2002 0"1 2002 02-01 2003 oe-01 2003 02-01 2004 08-01 2004 02-01 2003 06-01 2005 02-01 2006 08-01 2006 02-01 2007 08-01 2007 02-01 2008 08-01 2008 02-01 2009 0"1 2009 02-01 2010 0"1 2010 02-01 2011 08-01 2011 02-01 2012 08-01 2012 02.01 2013 08-01 2013 02-01 2014 08-01 2014 02-01 2015 08-01 2015 02.01 2016 08-01 2016 02-01 2017 06.01 2017 02-01 2010 0801 2018 02-01 2019 08-01 2019 02.01 2020 08-01 2020 02-01 2021 0601 2021 02-01 2022 08-01 2022 02-01 2023 MOt00-01 Nova ee by ENW%1Pu6t01rP M 0661 TAX INCREMENT CASH FLOW Ong. Project CapWred SemiAnmul AdMOMM" PERIOD Tax Tax Tax Gross Tax Fee Yrs. _ Capsedy Capspay Cseac4y Inc ement 10.00% 0.0 454 454 0 0 0 0.0 454 454 0 0 0 0.0 454 454 0 0 0 0.0 454 454 0 0 0 0.5 454 1,480 1,026 579 58 1.0 454 1.480 1,026 579 58 1.5 454 1,480 1.026 579 58 2.0 454 1,460 1,026 579 58 2.5 454 1,480 1.026 579 58 3.0 454 1,450 1,026 579 58 3.5 454 1,480 1,026 579 58 4.0 454 1,490 1,026 679 S8 4.5 454 1.480 1,026 579 58 5.0 454 1,480 1,026 579 58 5.5 454 1.480 1,026 579 se 6.0 454 1.480 1.026 579 58 6.5 454 1,480 1.026 579 58 7.0 454 1,480 1,026 579 58 7.3 454 1,480 1,026 579 se 8.0 451 1,480 1,026 579 58 8.5 454 1,490 1,026 579 68 9.0 454 1,460 1.026 579 SB 9.5 451 1,480 1,026 579 58 10.0 454 1,480 1,026 579 58 10.5 454 1.480 1.025 079 58 11.0 454 1.480 1,026 579 58 115 454 1,460 1.026 579 511 12.0 454 1,480 1,026 579 58 12.5 454 1,480 1,026 579 58 13.0 454 1,480 1,026 $79 58 13.5 454 1,490 1,026 579 58 14.0 454 1.460 1,026 579 58 14.5 454 1.480 1,026 579 38 15.0 454 1.480 1,026 579 58 15.5 454 1,480 1,026 579 $8 16.0 454 1,480 1,026 579 66 16.5 454 1,480 1,026 579 se 17.0 454 +.460 1,026 879 58 17.5 484 1,480 1,025 579 66 18.0 484 1,480 1,026 579 M 18.5 454 1.480 1.026 579 58 19.0 454 +.480 1,026 579 58 19.5 454 1.480 1.026 579 58 20.0 454 1,480 1,028 579 55 20.5 454 1.480 1,026 579 s5 21.0 454 1,460 1,026 579 58 21.5 454 1.493 1,028 579 59 22.0 454 1,450 1.026 579 58 22.5 454 1.480 1.028 579 se 23.0 454 1,450 1,026 579 58 23.5 454 1.480 1,026 579 as 24.0 454 1,480 1.026 879 58 24.5 454 1,480 1.026 579 58 25.0 454 1.480 1.026 57j? S6 T9161y 11,952 2,891 Present Vokles 10,095 1.010 Othor Reremle S.m4Annw1 Net Tax _Invamtont 0 0 0 0 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 621 521 521 $21 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 521 $21 521 521 521 621 521 521 621 521 521 29MY 9.056 NPV Tax Invamsm 8.50% 0 O 0 0 423 829 1.219 1,592 1.950 2.294 2.624 2,940 3.243 3.534 3,814 4,081 4.338 4.585 4,821 5.046 5,265 5.474 5.674 5.866 6,050 6.2,26 6.396 6.556 6.714 6,864 7,007 7.145 7.276 7.403 7,524 7,641 7.753 1,860 1,963 6,061 8.156 0.247 6,334 6,417 6.497 6,574 6,648 6.716 6.786 6,651 6.914 8.973 9,031 9.088 P.5/8 PQ. 2 Payment Date MN Yr, 08.01 1406 02-01 1997 08.01 1997 02-01 1996 08-01 1998 02-01 1999 08-01 1999 02-01 2DD0 08-01 2000 02-01 2001 08-01 2001 02-01 2002 0"1 2002 02-01 2003 oe-01 2003 02-01 2004 08-01 2004 02-01 2003 06-01 2005 02-01 2006 08-01 2006 02-01 2007 08-01 2007 02-01 2008 08-01 2008 02-01 2009 0"1 2009 02-01 2010 0"1 2010 02-01 2011 08-01 2011 02-01 2012 08-01 2012 02.01 2013 08-01 2013 02-01 2014 08-01 2014 02-01 2015 08-01 2015 02.01 2016 08-01 2016 02-01 2017 06.01 2017 02-01 2010 0801 2018 02-01 2019 08-01 2019 02.01 2020 08-01 2020 02-01 2021 0601 2021 02-01 2022 08-01 2022 02-01 2023 MOt00-01 Nova ee by ENW%1Pu6t01rP M 0661 SEP 27 '95 06:16PM EK -ERS 8 ASSOCIATES P.6i8 1 f/o7/77 R7tY10eW Redamv.rea - PIIae II Tax In -ort Summary Pape 1 ASSUMPTION$ Inbatlpn Nate D.DODO% Tax Cattaebpn Rate 100% • Tax Maaalon Rue 1.209"0 Pay 1902 Tax Exciaian Rate 1.27"60 Pay 1993 v Tu Eatera bn Rate 1300000 Pay 1994 6tOnru City Sala Rath for ReW aI0at Prop.M 93.30% Pay I WI DnL 260 sewn Ratio 070% Py 1997 Dial. 260 Bank Tax Rau 71.02% My 199] LGA44ACA L41a Per S W TI 25.77% Pay 1993 f.Iarteauaa Prw.rry Tax Cum Rau. v372A00 1.OD% •3731000 L00% ORIGINAL AND PRO4EC DV UES E.Umalw Eatlrnalw Tax Yew Bwu Ortpirw OM*W CW -W &..ctw Seta AueaW% CaDaWy At TU Yew Tax Y.ar MVxn Tax Tu Tax Maras Prim Market Vaa.e Cmnola0*n P"abW C4re6.a Vol. Capacty COOdty Inpatiom 1t11 (2) pI In IN IBJ. 71 (B) rot I101 TSWBryakAve. 1$7.000 i1L746 1135 62/06 92107 66.00D 660 1.475 1.66] 7520 Bryram Ave. 122,000 IIWe 1,557 97/95 62A7 41.900 419 1.,. 1.450 7526 Bryard Ave, 146,000 176216 Loa 93/93 9319. 47.100 471 1.577 2.015 664100ver Aw. 161,000 130.217 2.264 93M 92/93 42.000 an 1.664 2.775 SW -IAA• SO,D00 74.640 71`3 919s 93197 35.000 750 427 S39 7124Waa1101wn Ave. 171,000 122227 1,72. 931% 97/04 SIM() 5W 1,19. 1,537 7021 N1 ~ 100,000 97.700 1.146 93M 93/94 25.000 25D 696 1.165 6310Isw' 60.000 7..640 777 93193 93/9 4 50 ",0 "a 725 422 6634.4In• 90.000 93:M 959 93M 97/94 46,100 481 478 622 69t2O3iv.r 1a7,000 /37.151 2.027 23M 931" 46.100 ut 1.542 LDOs 6926 Mar 100.0Q0000 07200 1.146 92/9s 9319. 35100 44, 661 363 SUBfOfAL pAY Y7 7Y4,a0d 74:1,602 9.776 97/93 510.209 I,ta1 6.8/4 6.606, SUBTOTAL PAY 9. 516.000 u7A2A ,4,741 p3m. 19.,310 ',NJ ..000 6,3691 UP -h -40T 6`r L 1.310.000 1.2212]0 46.525 495.100 4, 1 11.574 14.471 i ' TNae properU= mduae eltn.r ron-pmlt owmLAxn awtancs a CDBG Many a e mmW mw tnaed. SUMMAgv Total Avttra9e Average Avera9. Av.r.pe "bot Tu Qv Tun Tu InO.rn. MV of I" Mn. pall Mat 01.IN1 „ 1.502 :.817 1.752 111.113 RI100.17 Papaw W ptamr0. In. RR2 P.7/8 SEP 27 '95 06'16PM EIiERS 8 ASSOCIATES 11107/97 R,d,6p6 RaO,ac Id - Ph-* 11 Tu Lr0am-t Summary SUMMARY OF PHASE 11 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES Lk-\. h> Al70011 P,a98re6 6y Pu01cwp, Irk R92 Srm-Annual S -Ar. l Orw lom InoOma Total + TL Sao 001M Tow Purome LGAMAU Tom lass Np PERIOD ENDING ImoeM.A 0romn4 to o Inppm. Exo- P4ma6y Eve Upit as 001111. /11 (u(31 (4) (5'1 IEI m (01 (9) 1992 08-01 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OI 1997 02-010.0 0 173,839 3,500 177.339 418,477 D 416.4" (241.13E1 (.1311 241 1993 08.01 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (241,13e, 1994 02-01 0.0 O 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 (241.134 1994 0&01 0.5 940 0 0 9101 0 0 0 940 (240.196' ,995 02-01 1.0 "0 0 � 910 0 0 0 940 (239.2315 1995 48-01 155 7,UB 0 0 7.436 0 0 0 7.476 (231.621 1996 02-01 2.0 7,4315 O 0 7,x76 0 0 0 7.43.8 (224.383; 1996 08-01 21 7,438 0 0 7,4351 0 0 0 7,438 (216.946 1997 02.4 3.0 1,438 0 0 Lue 0 0 0 7.434 (209.06 1997 060+ 7.5 7, 116 0 0 7438 � 0 0 0 7.436 (202070; 19" 02-01 A,0 7,438 0 0 7,438, 0 0 07,43a (194,633, 1996 011-01 4.5 7,435 0 0 7,438 0 0 0 7.438 (187,195 1999 02-01 5.0 71315 0 0 743:1, 0 0 0 7.438 (179,757, 1999 08401 5.5 7,438 0 0 743a 0 70 70 7368 (,72390 2000 02-01 Co 74715 0 0 7439 0 70 70 7368 (165.022, 1 2000 08.016.5 743.8 0 0 7,4381 0 192 192 7.245 (157777; 2001 02-01 70 7439 0 0 7.W 0 192 192 7245 (150,532, 2001 040+ 7.5 7.436 0 0 7.435' 0 315 3155 7,123 (143,409 2002 02-01 8.0 7.436 0 0 7.431 0 3 5 3,55 7.123 (136.296 2002 08-0t 8.1 7,4315 0 0 74381 0 437 437 7000 (129,286: 2003 02-01 9.0 7.438 0 17A8 0 437 137 7,000 (122265' 2003 08-01 9.5 7,436 0 0 7,435 0 560 660 6,978 (115,407' 2004 02-01 100 7,430 0 0 7.4781 0 560 560 6.876 (108.529; 2004 C)"I 10.5 7.430 0 0 7,431 D 682 682 6.756 (101.774 2005 02-01 11.0 7,438 0 D 7,:1 0 682 682 8,756 (95,018' 2005 0801 11.5 7,438 0 0 7,.43 0 682 662 6.766 (88,283; 2006 02-01 43.0 7.439 0 0 7,4)41 0 662 e82756 (91.5071 2006 0601 125 7.438 0 0 74315 o 1104 "A 6.633 (74.07411 2007 02-01 13.0 7,438 0 0 7,439 0 604 804 6,633 (61.2411 2007 0841 13.5 7,438 0 0 7,431' 0 027 927 6,511 (51.730M 70015 02-01 140 7.439 0 0 7410 0 927 927 6,51, (55.2,9) 709 080, ,411 7,436 0 0 7.433 0 ,.549 1.049 Cue (48431) .009 02.0 +55.0 7.438 0 0 7. .415 D ,.049 1.049 6.386 p2,4.2 2009 08-01 15.9 7.439 0 0 1,438 0 1,172 1.172 6.266 (38,17 2010 02-01 16.0 1.43: 0 0 7430 0 1.172 1,172 6.255 x9.9+1 2010 08-01 ,e.5 7,a3e 0 0 7.1 0 1,291 ,,294 15,+44 (27.7675 :011 02-01 17.0 7.436 0 0 7438 0 1,204 1.291 8.144 (171211 zon o6-0+ 17 5 74311 0 0 7,43a 0 1,416 1,416 6,o21 (11 6021 1012 02.01 16.0 7438 0 0 7,433 0 1,.16 1.415 0,021 (6,581y 2012 0", ,Bs 7.38 0 0 7U/ a ,,639 ,b79 5,1599 3+7 2013 0Z-01 19.0 7436 0 0 7,.311 0 1.539 1.539 6,898 6.7115 2013 08-01 19.5 7.436 0 0 7.430 0 +.604, 1,615, 6,776 ,,.992 2014 02.01 20.0 7436 0 0 7438 0 ,,156, 1,661 5.779 17769 2014 0601 20.6 7,438 0 0 7,136 0 1,,M 1.764 6.65. 23.423 7015 02-01 21.0 7436 0 0 7,431 0 1,764 1.1" 1,654 29.477 2015 o601 21.5 7,439 0 0 7. 38 0 1,90a 1,901 1,53, 34,601 2016 02-01 xx.0 7438 0 0 7,438 0 1. "Da 1,906 5,531 .0.140 2016 0601 Z2 1 7.436 0 0 7.438 0 1,959 1.959 6,.79 45,619 2017 02-01 23.0 1436 0 0 7,438 0 1.959 1.959 SAM 51,096 2017 06-01 23,3 7,438 0 0 7,439 0 1,959 1,958 1.479 88.977 2010 02-01 240 7.515 0 0 7431 0 1,939 1.959 15.479 62054 Zola 0601 24.6 7438 0 0 7431 0 ,.959 1.959 6,479 67531' 20,6 02-01 245.0 7,435 0 0 7.431 0 1,951 1.459 8.479 7301. 2019 040126.5 3,185 0 0 3,185 0 639 839 2.348 75.360 2070 02.01 2610 3.186 0 03.18 0 074 439 Lre ".704 01.435 366,455 ,Man 3.O0o 1542.554 418,477 M, 10 1M811, 77, Lk-\. h> Al70011 P,a98re6 6y Pu01cwp, Irk R92 SEP 27 '95 06:17PM EH -ERS S PSSOCIRTES 0927/95 Montice0o FF/e OushfOng a Redevviopmern District OPTION 1 IParcef Name Parcel Number Nanawatl 155-500434105 BanyN 155-500933401 State of MN 155-500-031402 State of MN 155500-031400 Kattmanc 155-5004)33403 Townhorns 1 155-072-001017 Ta -home 2 155072-001077 Townewme 3 155072-001017 Townlame 4 155-072-001077 Towrtflo m 5 155072-001077 TownMme 6 155-072.00107 Townnome 7 155-072-001077 IToW SqyareFoouW IParcela slEt(rigof Of D4trfd aro Occupied Parcel Improvements Percom of Sae of Panda Square Feet Square Feet Coverage Occupied 12_000 3.818 -1-1.92% -12,000 "Al 7.028 15.66% 4,857 10.860 5.000 45.91% 10.990 66,211 10.000 15.10% 66,211 90,605 16,000 17.66% 90.605 14.935 2.200 14.73% 14,935 14,935 18,37% 10.890 14,935 66,211 20.1700 30.21% 14.935 Katzmalc 155500033403 90.805 14.935 17.88% 90.605 2 2 14,935 P4,513 14.935 5 41 Parcels tonsis8rg of 160.00% 329,117 239.506 72.77% P.6/8 Papa 1 Nurnbw W Num Der of 8u0dlnas Bided Bldm. 2 2I 2 2I 5 u 80.00% of Woe b0gMed OPTION 2 Parcel Impmvemants Percent of Size at Pa-ws f4t Tbw of Number d Parcel Nemo Parcel Nurlbar Square Fee Scars Feet a Oammed Bundrnos BupMed 80 Halawatt 155500434M 12,000 3.818 3f.62% 12,000 1 Batyal 155.600433401 44,867 7.028 15.66% 41.687 2 2 Stale of MN 155.500033402 10.890 2.000 18,37% 10.890 State of MN 155300-033400 66,211 20.1700 30.21% 66.211 Katzmalc 155500033403 90.805 16.000 17.88% 90.605 2 2 OW Square Footage P4,513 224.573 5 41 Parcels tonsis8rg of 160.00% 80.00F of bldpe bllgntsd Of District are Occupied MTIDD-01 Prepae0 bV ENer%NhA*coN Ino. RFI I HRA AGENDA OCTOBER 4.1995 41 1 .�1 tl y \. . .I . -7.111 Attached is a clear explanation as prepared by PRG upon the request of the HRA as to why the descrepancy between the original estimated TIF Penalty and the State's Aid Reduction. 1 was unaware that the original penalty estimates might change during the life of a district because of changes in the school sales ratio and equalized levy tax rate. Again be reyni-W the HRA is not penalized; however. the City is penalized and no doubt will have an interest in this information. L C Page I SEP-2B-'95 TFU 11:26 ID: TEL NO: PUBLIC RESOURCE t '. GROUP, INC. . t Business Develo/mirnr tS>• Finance Specialists MEMORANDUM To: ' Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority 01he Kompehak, HRA Director PR014; Leonard P. Kirscht, Public Resource Group DATE: September 28. 1995 LAA Penalties Economic Development TIF Districts 0719 Pet Pursuant to. your request of September 27, 1995, I have prepared an analysis of the LGA pepaltles related.to the tax increment districts of Aroplax, Suburban Machine, Standard Iron, and Cuspnm Canopy. This analysis compares the LGA estimates trade with the available information at the time the districts were established and the current information (payable 1994) that has been provided by the Minnesota Department of Education. When we prepare our TIF analysis, PRG estimates the 'new' market value that will be Qaierated by a project. These estimates are derived from discussions with the County Auesaor baud an square foot valuations of steel/concrete construction. At this time we determined the 'School Sala Ratio' and "Equalized Levy Tax Rate", both of which are used to calculate LGA penalties. LGA.penalties am calculated by the following three step process. I. Captured TIF lax capacity is multiplied by the phase-in percentage to determine the qualifying tax capacity. 'rhe qualifying tax capacity It the basis for LGA petialties, 2. The qualifying tax capacity (QTC) is divided by the school sales ratio to determine the adjusted qualifying tax capacity, (AQTC) which is an adjustment for future anticipated value Increases. A QTC divided by a number Itis than I will crew a higher AQTC:. 9. The AQTC Is multiplied by the equalized tax rate (also referred to as penalty tax rate) -which determines the estimated LGA. tt 4205 Lancaster Lane North 4 Suite 110D • Mlnnapolic Minnewu SSRI 4 (612) SS47979 • (612) 5549221 Fax r SEP -28-'95 TF1J 11:27 ID: TEL NO: W719 P03 v Fas,.00rldn-,cy. we have used the 1= captured TIF tax capacity from our otigylszl estlritatu but utilised the original sales ratio and tax rates as well as the current (1994) sstef.tatios and taut Ae.yoti.will see, the LGA penalties are significantly different. In W cases, the ulm rado. hu redudeQ and ►`.a tax rate has increased since each district was certified. When.we pz'u.ied the otlgiaial IAA estimates, we had no alternative but to use the information which was'at t Ot •• IF WE -THE CURRENT ACTUAL TAX CAPACITY IN THESE CALCUi.ATiONS, TH% LCIA ANALTIES WOULD BE VERY SIMILAR TO THOSE PRES&MM30 M RICK • WOLFSrTBtLffit. Otu',tyggestion to'OWe would be tore elate the LGA penaidu each year in Juzie to.beaer aut0d0.aW upcoMing LGA losses. We believe that this mechanism will better urea fte1mg4 m rwe&.of'the City: Unfortunately, this process is not an exact.sdance because of changes in vaUradoos, Lagos, and, tan rates: If you. have any questions or require additional information, please call me u (612)o 550.7979. We iappredate our relationship with the City of Monticello and look forward to w. wig you in thq'1WWle. 1 TAXES PAYABLE TAX INCREAENI FIVJKN 4G ESTIMATE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAMENT AIDS PENALTY CRY: MONTICE3LO SCHOOL DIST: am TYPE OF DIST:ECON OEVN1R0PLAX CAPTURED r -� • QUALIFYING SCHOOL TIF TAX PHASE4N TAX SALES CAPACITY PERCENTAGE CAPACFTY RATIO SALES RATIO: EST TAX RATE TAX CAP RATE: ADAIMO 0UA JFYO/0 TAXCAPACRY INT 0RI0 INFO. 0=0 21.60% _ 67.7m TAX PENALTY INCREMENT TAXRATE PENALTY 1690 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 1991 100.00% O.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 1992 100.0016 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 1993 21,170.00 100.000% 21.170.00 1.001 21,146.85 24.60% 5,20262 -- 19% 21,136.00 100.00% 21,136.00 1.001 21,114.69 24.60% 519426 1995 21,101.00 100.00% 21,101.00 1.001 21,079.92 24.80% 5,106.68 1996 21,065.00 100.00% 21,065.00 1.001 21,043.96 24.60% 6,176.61 1997 21.aS-00 100.00% 21,029.00 1.001 21,007.99 24.60% 5,167.97 1996 2D.69L00 100.00% 20.992.00 1.001 20,971.00 2480% 5.156.67 1999 20.964.00 100.00% 20.954.00 1.001 20,933.07 24.60% 5.149.53 2000 20.915.00 100.00% 20,015.00 1.001 20,694.11 24.60% 5.139.65 2001 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.601 0.00 24.60% 0.00 2002 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.GD% 0.00 20019 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 2460% 0.00 2004 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 DOD 24.60% 0.00 20M 0.00 100.00% 0.00 tool OGD 24.60% Om 2006 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 GAD 24.60% 0.00 2007 a" 100.00% 0.00 1.001 OGD 24.60% 0.00 2006 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 2009 000 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% Om 2010 GAO 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 21.60% 0.00 2011 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 2012 0.00 100.00% 0.00 tool 0.00 24.60% 0.00 /^\ o �v �.zaoo vo ovo. smvvo o.vc v '/ O l H U nl Qi D IZS l W ni M TAX INCREMENT FKANCNG EM"TE OF LOCALOOVERIGIEW NDS PENALTY VW1004 0". CRY: MONTiCELLO SALES RATIO 0.972 SCHOOL DIST: Q862 EST TAX RATE: 3928% TYPE OF DISTiCON DEVNIROPINX TAX CAP RATE: 112.873% CAPTURED QUALIFYING SCHOOL AD&P$TED c TAX TAXES TF TAX PHASE -P1 TAX SALES QUALIFNM PENALTY DICREMENT PAYABLE CAPACITY PERCENTAGE CAPACITY RATIO TAA( CAPACITY TAX RATE PENALTY 199010 ;cZ- , 0.00 U72 OAO 39.28% 0.00 1991 100.00% 0.00 0972 0.00 39.28% MOD 1992 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 39.28% 0.00 1993 21,170.00 100.00% 21,170.00 0.972 21,77984 39.29% 8,566.12 - 1994 21,136D0 100.00% 21,136.00 0.872 21,74486 39.26% 8,54139 1995 21,101.00 100.00% 21,101.00 0.072 21,70885 39.28% 8.52124 1996 21.065.00 100.00% 21.066.00 0.072 21,87181 3928% 8,512.69 1997 21,o29D0 100.00% 21,029.00 0.972 21,634.77 3926% 8.498.14 1998 20992.00 100.00% 20.99200 0972 21,598.71 3925% 8,483.19 1999 20,964.00 100.00% 20.954.00 a972 21,667.81 3928% 6,48783 2000 20,915.00 100.00% 20.915.00 a972 21,517.49 3925% 8,452.07 2001 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0.072 0.00 3926% 0.00 2002 0.00 1oo,om 0.00 0.972 OOD 39.25% 0.00 2003 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 3926% 0.00 2004 0.00 100.00% 0.00 &972 000 39.26% 0.00 2005 0.00 100.00% 0.00 &972 080 39.26% ODO 2006 000 100.00% 0.00 &972 0.00 39.26% 0.00 2007 000 100.00% 0.00 0.972 000 39.28% 0.00 2005 080 100.00% 0.o0 0.972 0.00 39.28% 0.00 2009 080 100.00% 0.00 0,972 0.00 39.28% 0.00 2010 0.00 100.00% 0.00 M072 0.00 3928% 0.00 2011 080 100.00% 0.00 0.972 oAo 3928% 0.00 2012 080 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 3928% 0.00 H U nl Qi D IZS l W ni M TAX INCREMEW FNIWCING ESTMATE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT NDS PENALTY MOM NFO. CRY: MONTICELLO SALES RATIO: 0973 SCHOOL DIST: am EST TAX RATE: 30.76%,% TYPE OF DLSTBCON DEVISUB MH CHM TAX CAP RATE: 99.900% O LJ u. m w I f CAPTURED so 0UALffY1NG � SCHOOL -�� ADJUSTED m � TAX aQ TAXES TF TAX PHASE-IN TAX SALES CUAUFYI NG PENALTY INCREMENT o�PAYA8I.E ® CAPACITY PERCENTAGE CAPACTYav RATIO TAX CAPAC TAX RATE PE?MTY 1890 100.00% oe 0.00 0.973 0.00 n� 30.76% o y 0.00 1991 100.00% 0.00 0.973 0.0^ 30.76% 000 1992 100.00% 0.00 0.973 O.W 30.76% 000 1993 0.00 100,00% 0,00 0.973 0.00 30.76% 0.00 1904 12,580.00 100.00% 12.600.00 0.973 12.929.09 30.76% 3.976.99 1995 12,580.00 100.00% 12,58000 0.973 12,929.09 30.76% 3,97099 1996 12,590.00 100.00% 12,580.00 0.973 12 29.09 30.76% 3.976.99 1997 12,580.00 100.00% 12,580.00 0.973 12,929.09 30.76% 3.976.99 1908 12,580.00 100.00% 12,58000 0.973 12J29.09 30.76% 3.976.99 10" 12AN.00 100.00% 12,580.00 0.973 12,929.09 30.76% 3.976.99 2000 12,590.00 100.00% 12,58000 0.973 12,929.09 30.76% 3,976.99 2001 12,680.00 100.00% 12,580.00 0.973 12,929.09 30.76% 3,976.99 2002 0.00 M00% 0.00 0.973 0.00 30.76% 000 2003 0.00 100.00% 0,00 0.973 0.00 30.76% 0.00 2004 000 100.00% 0,00 0.973 0.00 30.76% 0,00 2005 0.00 100.00% 000 0.973 0.00 30.76% 0.00 2006 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0.973 0.00 30.76% 0.00 2007 0.00 100.00% 000 0.973 0.00 30.T6% 0.00 2006 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0.973 0.00 30.76% 0.00 2009 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0.973 0.00 30.76% 000 2010 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0.973 0.00 30.76% 0.00 2011 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0.973 0.00 30.76% 0.00 2012 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0.973 OAO 30.76% 0,00 O LJ u. m w I f TAX NCRENENT FIIIANCOIG EST ATE OF LOCAL C YWERW @R AIDS P EIWTY CRY: NOHTICELLO SALES RATIO: SCHOOL O1ST: M EST TAX RATE: TYPE Of DISTECON DEYJSUB. MACHINE TAX CAP RATE: TAXES CAPTURED TF TAX PHASE-IN QUA1JFMG TAX SCHOOL SALES ADJUSTED QUALIFYING PAYABLE CAPACUTY a a� PERCENTAGE CAPACfTY RATIO TAX CAPACITY 1990 100.00% 0.00 a_ 0.972 QaQoa 0.00 1991 5,083.T7 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 1992 ODo 100.00% 0.00 0.972 moo 1993 000 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 1994 12,680.00 100.00% 12590.00 0.972 12.94239 1995 121590.00 100.00% 12580.00 0.972 12,942.39 1996 12,580 00 100.00% 12580.00 0.972 1204239 1997 12,580.00 10000% 12,580.00 0.972 12,942.39 1998 12,580.00 100.00% 12.580.00 0.972 12,94239 1999 12 590.00 100.00% 12,590.00 0.972 12.94239 2000 12580.00 100.00% 12 smoo 0.972 12 42.39 2001 12,58000 100.00% 12,580.00 0.912 12JM139 2002 000 10000% 0.00 0.972 0.00 2003 0.00 100.00% Moo 0.972 0.00 2004 0.00 100,00% o.o0 0.972 o.00 2005 000 100.00% O.00 0.972 ao0 2000 000 100.00% 0.00 0.972 (Loo 2007 0.00 100.00% Moo 0.972 Moo 2008 coo /00.00% 0.00 0.972 aoo 2009 000 MOD% 0.00 0.972 aoo 2010 0,00 100.00% Moo 0.972 0.00 2011 0.00 10000% aoo 0.972 0.00 2012 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 W11994 INFO. ril Q, 0.972 O1 39.28% 112.873% TAX 61 PET4ALTY WREME iT o TAX RATE PENALTY 3928% 0.00 3928% OD0 3918% OJp 3928% 0.00 3928% 5,083.77 3928% 5.083.77 39.28% 5,083.77 39.28% 5.083.77 39.28% 5.083.77 39.28% 5,083.T7 39.28% 5,083.77 39.28% 5.083.n 3918% ODo 39.28% ODO 39.28% ODo 39.28% om 3928% 0D0 3928% 0.00 3918% 0.00 3928% o.w 3928% o.00 3928% 0.00 3920% 0.00 b r TAX INCREMENT F94ANCRW ESTUATE OF LOCAL WYERNMENT Amb PENALTY WfOR1O INFO. CITY: IIOHTICELLO SAI IP RATIO: 1.001 SCHOOL 01ST: I= EST TAX RATE: 24.80% TYPE OF OISTZCCp1 DEVICUSTOY CANOPY TAX CAP RATE: 100.000!6 omam3cQm CAPTUR® om�s� s� QUALIFYING SCHOOL o AO,RISTED ®®� TAX TAXES TF TAX P"ASE4N TAX SALES QUALIFYING PENALTY INCREMENT PAYABLE CAPACITY PERCENTAGE CAPACITY RATIO TAX CAPACITY TAA( RATE � PENALTY 1890 cII 100.0096 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.801L 0.00 1991 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 1992 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 1993 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.80% 0.00 1994 0.00 100,00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.80% 0.00 1995 9,670.00 100.00% 9.870.00 1.001 9,860.14 24.80% 2.42559 1996 9,870.00 100.00% 9.870.00 1.001 9.8611.14 24.80% 2A25.59 1997 9,870.00 100.00% 9.870.00 1.001 9.860.14 24.80% 2,42559 1998 9,670.00 100.00% 9.870.00 1.001 9,860.14 24.60% 2,42559 1999 9,870.00 100.00% 9.870.00 1.001 0,860.14 24.60% 2.42559 2000 9,870.00 100.00% 9.870.00 1.001 9,860.14 24.60% 2,42559 2007 9,870.00 100.00% 9,870.00 1.001 0,880.14 24.60% 2,42559 2002 9.870.00 100.00% 9.870.00 1.001 9,860.14 24.8016 2142559 2003 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.80% 0.00 2004 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1,001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 2005 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 2006 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1,001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 2007 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 2008 OW 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.80% Q00 2009 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.801% 0.00 2010 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 2011 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 2012 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.80% 0.00 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING ESTIMATE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AIDS PENALTY CRY: IWOON IC9J-O SCHOOL DIST: P18B2 TYPE OF DIST:ECON DEYICUSTWI CANOPY vW19" DEO. SALES RATA 0972 EST TAX RATE n29% j TAX CAP RATE: 112.873% ���� •• CAPTURED e e CKJAL FYNG SCHOOL ADJUSTED TAX TAXES TF TAX PHASE -91 TAX SALES QUALIFYING PENALTY DICREMENT PAYABLE CAPACITY PERCENTAGE CAPACITY RATIO TAXCAPACITY TAX RATE PENALTY 1990 ..0 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 391W 0.00 1991 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 3928% ODD 1992 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 3928% 0.00 1993 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 3928% 0.00 19M 0.00 WOW% 0.00 0.972 0.00 3928% 0.00 1995 9,870.00 100.00% 9,870.00 0.972 10,154.32 3928% 3,988.62 1996 9,870.00 10000% 9.870.00 0.872 10,154.32 3928% 3,98SE7. 1997 9,870.00 100.00% 9,870.00 0.972 10,154.32 3928% 3,988.82 1999 9,870.00 100,00% 9,870.00 0.972 10,154.32 3928% 3,988.82 1999 9,870.00 100.00% 9,870.00 0.972 10.154.32 3928% 3,988.82 2000 9.870.00 100.00% 9,870.00 0.972 10.154.32 3928% 3,988.92 2001 9,870.00 100.00% 9,870.00 0.972 t0,1b4.32 3928% 3,988.92 2002 9,870.00 100.00% 9,870.00 0.972 10,154.32 3928% 3,988.67 2003 0.00 10000% 0.00 0.972 0.00 3928% ODD 2004 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 39.28% 0.00 2006 0.00 100,00% 0.00 0872 0.00 39.29% 0.00 2006 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0972 0.00 39.28% 0.00 2007 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 3928% 0.00 2009 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0972 0.00 3028% 0.00 2009 0.00 100,00% 0.00 0972 OAO 39.28% 0.00 2010 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0972 0.00 39.28% coo 2011 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0972 0.00 3928% 000 2012 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0972 0.00 3928% 0.00 'n 0 LL i TAXES PAYABLE CAPTURED TF TAX CAPACITY TAX INCREMENT Ft4ANCIHG ESTINII►TE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AIDS PENALTY CRY: YCUMELLO SCHOOL DIST: SIM TYPE OF DIST£OON DEMIST RO N OUALFYNG SCHOOL PHASE -N TAX SALES PERCENTAGE CAPACITY RATIO 6�66D• SALES RATIO. EST TAX RATE: TAX GIP RATE: ADJUSTED OUA JFMG TAX CAPACITY Q ^ WIORRI NPO. 1,001 24.60% 107.200% TAX PENALTY NCR E E WT TAX RATE PENALTY IIa 1990 I00.00% 6.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 1991 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 1992 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% OAO 1993 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 ION 0.00 20.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 1995 55,715.36 40.00% 22.M.'14 1.001 22.263.68 24.60% 5,476.91 1996 55,643.97 60.00% 33,36638 1.001 33,353.03 24.60% 6.204.65 1997 55,569.73 80.00% 44,456.16 1.001 44,411.37 24.80% 10,92520 1998 55,49252 100.00% 55,49252 1.001 SW7.08 24.60% 13,63752 1999 55,41222 100,00% 55,41222 1.001 55,356.86 24.60% 13,617.70 2000 55,328.71 100.00% 55,12611 1.001 55,273.44 24.60% 13,59727 2001 56,241.66 100.00% 55 4188 1D01 65,166.67 24.80% 13,575.92 2002 66,151.54 100.00% 55,15154 1.001 55,006.44 24.60% 13,553.73 2003 55,057.60 100.00% 55.057.60 1.001 55.002.80 24.60% 13,530.64 2004 0.00 100.00% 000 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 2005 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 2008 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1D0i 0.00 24.40% 0.00 2007 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 2008 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.30 2009 0.00 10000% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 2010 0.00 100.00% 0.00 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 2011 0.00 100.00% oA0 1.001 0.00 24.60% 0.00 2012 0.00 100.00% _ oAo o 1.001 0.00 24.60% o _ 0.00 - O � i TAX NCREJ119iT RNAl1CNG m ESTBMTE OF LOCAL GOWWA NT Alp$ PENALTY Wl1994 INFO. m CRY: MONTICELLO SCHOOL DIST: 0882 TYPE OF OIST£C071 DEVIST. IRON SALES RATIO: 0.9721 EST TAX RATE: 3928% _ TAX CAP RATE 112973% J CAPTURED a ome®_ OUAUFYNG • _ SCHOOL ADJUSTED �® TAX TAXES TF TAX PHASE4N TAX SALES QUALIFYING PENALTY NCRE EENT PAYABLE CAPACITY PENCENTAGE CAPACITY RATIO TAX CAPACTTY TAX RATE PENALTY 1990 100.009E o 0.00 0.972 0 0.00 39.28% �cII 0.00 1991 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 3928% 0.00 1992 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 3929% 0.00 1993 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 3928% 0.00 1994 0.00 20.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 3928% 0.00 1995 56,715.38 10.00% 22,288.11 0.972 22,928.13 3928% 9,006.17 1996 56,643.97 80.00% 33,388.38 0.972 31,348.13 3928% 13,491.95 1997 55,569.73 SOHO% 44,465.78 0.972 45,730.40 3928% 17,96626 1998 56,492.52 100.00% 55,492.52 0.972 57,091.07 39.28% 2212537 1D99 56,41222 100.00% 56,41222 0.972 57,008.46 3928% 22.392.92 2000 58,328.71 100.00% 55,329.71 0.972 50.1IMS4 39.28% 22,399.17 2001 55241.86 100.00% 5524198 0.972 50,833.19 3928% 71,324.08 2002 55,151.54 10000% 65.15154 0.972 66.74927 3928% 27.281.68 200.7 55,057.60 100.00% 55.057.60 0.972 56.643.82 3920% 22249.61 2000 oAo 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0103 3928% 0.00 2005 0.00 100,00% 0.00 0.972 11.00 3928% 0.00 2008 0.00 100.OD% 0.00 0.972 000 3928% 0.00 2007 0.00 10000% 0.00 0.972 000 39.28% 0.00 2008 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0110 3929% 0.00 2009 000 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.0l) 3928% 0.00 2010 0.D0 100.00% 0.00 0.972 3.00 3928% 0.00 2011 0.00 100.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 3920% O.00 2012 0.00 /00.00% 0.00 0.972 0.00 3920% D00 J MONTICELLO ,District Name C AROPLAXTIF#1-12 /S,o00 ,# S M M N.We. CUSTOM CANOPY TIF #I-15 STANDARD IRON TIF #1-13 a- (99(► Tax Increment Aid Reduction j 1995 Type of Certification Retained Co. District Request Date Captured Value 0/, 4-04L0 ',• r F` 86 E 6/28/91 ro � I � $24,642 00 86 E 9/4/92 �,'ssrf $15,079 86 E 4/30/93 ;;iJl�� $11,820 /6.1.( 86 E 10/5/93 cv 4,olj - $20,754 9Y jl.V1 / a HRA AGENDA �. OCTOBER 4.1995 Attached is a copy of the Monticello TIF Policies with the addition of the ninth criteria. This has been reviewed and accepted by Attorney Bohol. We were unclear as to your request for residency (city or local), please specify. If the HRA agrees with the proposed criteria (city or local), a motion should be introduced amending the current Monticello TIF Policies to include the proposed criteria. Page I v HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY City of Monticello TAX INCREMENT FINANCING POLICY Program Purpose: The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority will utilize Tax Increment Financing to support the community's long-term economic and housing goals. Policy Considerations: The HRA will analyze and evaluate Tax Increment Financing proposals based upon the following policy considerations. Each project shall be measured against these considerations and the project's value shall be determined, based upon meeting these considerations. 1. The project shall be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 2. The project shall demonstrate long-term economic and/or housing benefits to the community. 3. The project shall create and/or retain employment for Monticello residents. 4. The project shall increase moderate priced housing options for area residents. 5. The project shall facilitate the redevelopment or elimination of "substandard" or "blighted" areae as determined by the HRA. 6. The project shall facilitate the "clean-up" of environmentally unsound property. 7. The project shall provide additional public funding for public improvements including utilities and/or park development which would not otherwise be available. B. The project shall be deemed to promote additional desired �—►� "spin-off" development. UThe project shall demonstrate "community involvement" including demonstrated degrees of the various factors: �—al sit_, esidency of the company's owners and employees, or CO b)residencyof the contractors involved in the L17project, or c1 Membership in local business organizations, or d) Other similar factors. Auamey a l.. Gma Did (612)7n-9221 September 15, 1995 011ie Koropchak Economic Development Director City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, Minnessota 55362-9245 RE: Billings Dear 011ie: KENNEDY & GRAVEN ca,wteasn rte.. au. m."M Y.a.sr. (113) JM311 You received two invoices (copies enclosed) that include research related to local hiring preferences. The total attributed to that work is $1.389.80. As we have discussed, those invoices include time that 1 had not intended to bill and the total is clearly excessive. A more reasonable fee for this work is $300. 1 understand that you have already paid these invoices, so 1 propose that we credit your account for Redevelopment -General (Our file No. MN190-41) in the amount of $1,089.80, to be applied against future billings under that file. The invoice you will receive soon for August services does not contain any work on this file, but I suspect there will be tune in September attributable to this file, for which the credit will apply. If this arrangement is acceptable, please let me know. 1 apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, and appreciate your understanding. Very truly yours. 5W, Stephen J. Bubul SJB:gak CS.a> b KENNEDYatGRAVEN \� 200 South Stah Saes, kft 470 y M m pok MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 July 20, 1995 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN 190-00041: Redevelopment - General Invoice # 3570 Through June 30, 1995 For All Legal Services As Follows: `66/02/95 JPF Research constitutional issues re City TI F 4.30 266.60 ordinance X6/04/95 OF Research constitutional law issues re ordinance 3.50 217.00 concerning TIF 5/95 JPF Research constitutional law issues re TIF ordinance 4.00 248.00 11/95 SJB Research TIF criteria question 0.50 62.00 Total Services: $ 793.60 Attorney Summary Judite P. Fluger 11.901 62.00/hr 731.60 Stephen Bubul 0.50 a 124.00/Iv 62.00 For All Disbursements As Follows: 05/31/95 Photocopies 1.00 Total Disbursements: $ 1.00 Total Services And Disbursements: $ 794.60 June 15, 1995 City of Monticello �tl►` HOLMES at GRAVEN Cn:oaed 200 South Slash Saes, Supe 470 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Mho, MN SS402 (612) 337.9300 June 15, 1995 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN 190-00041: Redevelopment - General Invoice N 2672 Through May 31, 1995 For All Legal Services As Follows: 05/08/95 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchak re TIF 0.50 62.00 05/12/95 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchak re TIF legislation 0.30 37.20 status 05/17/95 %JH Phone call with 0. Koropchak and L. Kirscht re 0.30 37.20 TIF modifications 05/24/95 SJB Review TIF bill and draft summary 0.40 49.60 05/25/95 SJB Draft Summary of TIF Bill 1.00 124.00 05/26/95 SIB Finish TIF Summary 1.00 124.00 10"0/95 SIB %Icet with law clerk re TIF policy question 0.30 37.20 5/30/95 JPF Research re constitutional limitations of ordinances 1.50 93.00 � with local hiring preferences LS /31/95 JPF Research constitutional issues re ordinance TIF 7.50 465.00 provision Total Services: S 1,029.20 Attorney Summary ludite P. Fluger 9.00n 62.00(hr 558.00 Stephen Bubul 3.80 a 124.00/hr 471.20 Total Services And Disbursements: S 1,029.20 QG -k I ,rte THE MONTICELLO INES AND SHOPPER _ 118 East RWW ShK Bm 548. Mwft . UN 5&382 • (612) Wi-M 31 CITY OF MONTICELLO MFA 0400MAND P.O. BOX 1147 AMON{PAID MONTICELLO MN 55562 Petr WW PLEASE WkKE CHECKS PAVBLE TO ABDYE L PtONTICELLO TIMER INC. 0000000 0002566= PAGE 1 PLEASE DETACH MID RERM UPPER PORIKIN WITH PamSff BALANCE FORWARD... 4,681.56 8/30 PAYMENT J 4,681.5& 138766 8/10 10" AGENDA 7:,.80 r 138784 8/06 8" BUILDING PERMIT —64.00 X 139148 8/17 19.50 IN TIMES AD —71. IS MONTI PATHWAY SYSTEM RULES l.svl6a 8/24 3" ORD AMENDMENT 275 —2.14 T 139168 8%24 6" ORD AMENDMENT 274 44.28 �( 139191 8/20 19.5" PATHWAY SYSTEM RULE —2Q4. 75 Y 17-9495 8/31 1.00 EA COM. GUIDE --p67.(10 �( 1/2 PG HEARTLAND EXPRESS — — 139548 8/31 1.00 EA COM. GUIDE ' / 460. 0 FULL PG 13954e 8/31 COLORED INK ( 7� 225.00 139639 B/31 1.00 EA COM. GUIDE 1` 1460. 00 FULL PG MAP 139679 8/31 COLORED INk. 139791 8/31 2" GROUP HEALTH, LIFE.DEN 14.76 159791 8/31 6" PUBLIC HEARING SWIFT C 76.(12 139791 8 / 31 13.5" HRA PROJ a 1 a 1'TI . 05 134791 8/31 1.5" WWTP FACILITIES +..0I 1 13981= 8/27 19.5" PATHWAY RULES -i 3.58 h jFall Home Improvemont and Real Eetato nectton coming to SpIltemner. Call 2Q5-71'•1 today. 0=l9 UIiIIDON 01VM=; Cpo�.����Iyyyrm nL _ _.__.___. You „ Y 0111010 Waft" I Palvolawax a iii rw�m MOLOWtFD won `�� TOTAL ME � y�952711 4,681.86 2,5'saw 4,Malec" 1' .00 ." 00 tutaow wum wteow �t4,ow >^J�/i / gyp . 57,6.6Z 111HYOIrtpMr Ba f�'w�w••• ••"•?.'SZ:.."i�Tw••ww...�• I as"inM' 1168. aw•.�w.1�wr. • — nt, 2. 536. t KENNEDY a GRAVEN ISChanued , b� 200 swM Ruh Sant, Supe 470 i Mhwxoas. MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 September 20, 1995 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN 190.00050: Vector Tool Land Sale Invoice H 5541 Through August 31, 1995 For All Legal Services As Follows: 07/27/95 DJG Draft Vector Tool agreement 3.00 300.00 07/28/95 DJG Draft Vector Tool agreement 2.50 250.00 08/02/95 SJB Phone call with O Koropchek re contract 0.20 24.80 08/03195 SJB Phnne call with O Koropchek re contract 0.75 31.00 08/22/95 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchek re Vector agreemcn, 0.25 31.00 Total Services: $ 636.80 Attorney Summary Daniel 1 Greensweig 5.50J 100.00/hr 550.00 Stephen Bubul 0.70 a 124.001hr 86.80 For All Disbursements As Follows: 07/26/95 Parking expense 8.00 07/31/95 Messenger Service 48.60 08/10/95 Photocopies 80.00 Total Disbursements: $ 136.60 Total Services And Disbursements: S 773.40 •1�� � p�nx!/ d 1w ,d, dyin at OWWd ppdOOnW 6rld rano M1� " 0 IN KENNEDY at GRAVEN amend 200 South SUO Sum Sulu 470 Mmuapo6, MN 5S402 (612)337.9300 September 20, 1995 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN190-00021: NAWCO Redevelopment Project Invoice # 5539 Through August 31, 1995 For All Legal Services As Follows: 0822/95 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchek re H -Window contract Total Services: anpwlwdlw f 1 M,dw�m dM/d r tilt le d1 0� I Bltalanw a Attorney Summary Stephen Bubul 0.25@ 124.00/hr Total Services And Disbursements: 0.25 31.00 S 31.00 31.00 S 31.00